HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-13, Page 3V
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I d � _'_ , , , I � - � � - ..'4;_ . ., ..V�- �W I . - — — -
I .... �� ... .. .. �� . �� litelted, Ili three tablespoons bolling wat,
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."JIM, I.11� .I. �. , I 401I � I I I "0000*000"W4~00I I � ... V009"" ... "%"Qwmi*wft�=4!�_J��4 U&I ddd .. . - 1: I... .... ., . 04%_%01V*14a1` 1%?1IW1W_1%r1W4%-I 0 UN IN HEALT - � �
I _:P1 * � .. ... .. J er. Remove to a hor platter and gar- MIKE H � I . P
I nish With lemon L111111 P -31-810y. SUVO , AA%"_ 11 11 . . L I L . I
ND , I � 01 PlAill or Witt, tomato balleo. I 1 . .
- NFW F" M THE OLD LA . . RECIPES — Dr. williaws! Pink Pills, Rostored , � .I �..: I f
111"T T S _ nO . I � I MERCANTILE TRUST COo' .. S)SIlled Apples. 4 -7r 1-1 --- I, , , � ,--I,
� I, . 14�'W"%Wo%ellwo%eq%,-%-%,.ft"wo $ Select torL`apples. Quarter, core, and Strength After M04jggl lffeqta 0'' ... , 1, ,. ...)
- many interesting tiappenings Reported. FrOM - � L . OF CANAVA, UrvlrrW ' I , Q an( o a modera cl thin. Put moclosty,
_. - # Raspberry Ice. pa re', went H44 F4004. . "Ali, iny. love," sigbeil, the ardent lover,
I - , into a baki 4611 in Iternato yers ..
. - ^"D Doil $our cupfuls Of water and ona w1th a,quIA Ilgar. over a I� "if you only knew how Iwoutiful you
e - QF"CZ4 , SAIVE DEPOSIT VAVLT,0 , ted F 0
. . .
and one-half cupfuls of sugar twenty plain a wQ)g t on to , and bak fo' "I ean, truthfully say Dr. Willia,m) arol"
_'Ra -�-i-4--.0- olftwft -A--p - __� _____W0M~4%%*^0W^%_ �- --a, 1VF H'IM11fopi 001 minutes. Corol, add two cupfuls ras thre 94 VI n k Villik did for me What GAO of the ,,You mustn't spettic of it," proteste-1
I ... I � , 8411i of Hamilton Building, A* M -F - I berry juice and two tablespoonfay; e oura Ili a moilerAte even. When ditst girl, "I don't trant to know."
(LortdaA Daily 3WI.) ' up, advised the jur.y to. acquit the prl- cool, turn earefully Into a glass diA and beat dootoro In IlalifAx fa,ilicd to 4a PIP MO
.. . .1. .1 .11 lemon juice. Strain and freeze, us- ingue on top, or With a custard $%uce, -r,Wtored my health.$' %hi . 8 strony "�Vltv notTll
Ponar. . I ing throil parts, finely crushed ice to ' . I. "Ise4iltse"1431lealtid, 11A wO1114 make me
KILLED IN ERROR. I . � stXtomont is made by Xr, Ift. -
I AUT"QIRIZKD TO ACT AS . one part rack salt. To obtain the WeAver, 172 Argyle *treet;, Hallftt,lx, Mr. too conceited.' I
A teklible mistitIc Weave —
, ,a occurred, on Man- Walnut Wafers.
'ban Fire 40,000 WORDS AN HOUR. Executor, Admiplatrator, Trustee. Gulkrdion. Asslonee. LIquidat9r, raspberry juice wash the berries and r adds.: "A fely,youl-Is ago I t4ok
day at v, fire display by t1w Dar one cup brown sugar, 01141* QuiplOylitent � in A I&I-ge factory 48. fire. CAUSO of the Malady,
, . I's
Drigad4 aad seeme,ii of H. X. S. Hermes. Under the golden dome of the Daily Receiver. Transfer Agents. ner4trar of Sheries. . strain through double cheaso cloth. Two c
The display concluded ' A I I fourth 11�01VQII teaspoon salt, three level W411 1 k4ow the, work would -bI . lut
. with tho do- X,411 VAvillo'n At the W1144 (1tY, 31ir- - . I 11 , I'do 11roor man," said the kind lady. "Hoir
stru4tioil. 'by fire of som demonstrating CurrIed Tomatoes, . tablespoons flour, one-half level teas. '
o. temporary PoI st Hunprian, is and Irlands told me I would never stagk did yon go bIln d p
buildings, at the top of which Wore throe daily the matryuls of an instruntent 1)), A Trust Company DoIng it Strictly Tru#i ond Agency Bustriesp Cat large green tomatoes into thick .pr,on balcirig powder, one cup Nngll4h it, but 44 1 was a strong man, .1
. .110 , I . � . slices. Cook one slicQd onion I Walnut Incialts, broken ill pieces, w0ighfiiii "Well, inum," answered Tired Tread.
children, aged XII eight and aevien MI of 'which lie can trAnomit t CORRESPONDENCE, INVITED a Ong, 180 Pounds, I Ittugliled st the idea Of 110� well, "do foist time dot I nI it was
, the two sona of lfiromaIster Laill. amazing number of 40,000 written N"Tile I third of v, cupful of butter for three Beat the eggs Until light, add the sug. being abI to do the work. Anyhow, I when I wur, out l00%lil' for work.0-Ctil.
Yeats AT) then the salt, flour and baking pilow-
both aad a son of A fireman named Scott, per bour over tUo telephone. HON. WN. 018SON, Frovidont S. C. MACDONALD, �fanager � minutes; add q!io scaut teaspoonful 4II;arted &lid found the job a lutrd one cago 1jecord-Ilerald.
It we& arroaged that the signitl for 14. There are throe, parts to 161r. Pollak's, I . I of curry powderI lay in the tomatoes, der ,sifted together, Mix well find add indeed. There were A lilimber of fire. -
maellipe--the perforator 4w, trantonit- , 1. I I . � and fry both sides i1ttil tender, When the Mut nteiits� Droll from a spoon onto Juan employed and, Ilion w.ore ,taking �
g hes rea .4hould ile.6.iVen . %=:I--.- . . I., I . I � . I � " O/ A done drain and season to taste -IiIiith buttered paw And balco in a quick o1ron, . -Hard- on Him.
ter and Vio receiver '�he first can be, , _. . I �. . . I � � .1 I 1. I and qu4ting, the job every few days,
by means of a, naval rocket, But sinno ' - - . 11 _-, 1� I � Joneelly--irliat Dian who slept two
4 it worked by any typewriters the other ' ' - -------- popper and, sa,M I kept at the work for two years And
men from the lionnes Water giviii , . weeks was arrested yesterday.
display with A. lJold bun, itud the firing two are striotly automatic, Working he ha4 hastened batIt to liar, He asked FREAKS OF LIGHTNING. I . THESE WOMEN. during that thus I lost 50 poundo .
of this ga4 wo ittlomkon for QI r,ick,ft, through the agency of olectriolty and her to rejoin him. fille refused. - Poach ,Batter Pudding. weight, and was A broken down man, . SmIth�;on--Wb4 was the charge
, A,tt tbo torch was ap, I t9graphy. Owing to the dolieacy Of "Immediately after leaving0t.trdiff, in Annual Crop of Reports Promises to Fill a pudding dish with peeled aild They Do Such Things In Dutch I cou:14 not take my ineals and, often agitinst Lim? -
with the result t Vo , I U#ed Afu;�, 1901, he entered the service of a Break the Record. Jonesby-Impersonating a polieemant
plied to tho house fittly five ntlatit" be- the elgotrio,eurren* two wires, %9 � halved poaches, pour over them one Guiana, Japan And Spitin. took MY dinner back home with me
fore the tive fixed, , In Wept , tailes, a.ro .required, and not it firm of solicitors at Colchester, taking I -ow is In I I Withoift -touching It, When I would -Piriladelphia Inquirer,
the na,me of Millard that of another .rha United States a gathering " t of wateri cover closely and bake In Dutch Guiana tile wornen carry be Worklo on the night shift, I could
, obli, single wire as used In ordinary WORM- . . I ti
The rosidt was that liefor-is the phy. %lie instruments can thu's be con- clerk in the office ol the Cardiff firm. Its annual crop of reports of the freaks an I the poaches are tender, then about their waists in large flat bags, 'At the Sea
,a) . . drain off the juice and let it cool. Ill the (lay time, and this .
dren could be 6rou;'.it down tho eseit Colchester situ , oruRmented or plain, all the family say. not *IF t , , Shore,
trranged, the WI bitild I Ing, willoll neeted to any ordinary telephone lines. He obtained the ation tly of lightning. most of the lightning ,Add to the juice one pint of milk, added my touble, Finally I be- "Oh, George, can't you just swell the
as I Seatedat the perforator, the inventor giving as reference a solicitor named freaks are fraught' with trogic conse, ings, In the shape of heavy `bracelets and ca,ma, 0,
had been sittumted pit'i ptirafflit, was In four well -beaten eI one cupful 09 anklets, necklaces and even crowns of , totaIl, wivek, and had ,to quit salt waievIll
flamee. . stamped out with the .keys a simple Lawrence, whose Whereabouts it Was quelicas to man Wbeast, says the Now flour 4iixed and sifted with On I a tea- gold and silver. the work. I could hardly drag myself "Afore tlia'n' that, Afaxia.; I can taste
upon a long ribbon of paper. ed Impossible to dimovor. A fort- York Press. Up in Le ROY, X. Y., two opoonfal of baking powder. Beat well about, and )-at had become so nervous it in tile lee arearal"4011jeago Tribune.
I mea"go 1)r t -A when a i The Japanese woman does not black -en . uld
TWO of the chlidrart, .at the colt of A.s. he to l c nijhv rater Ile disappeared, toget"er horses. ng iu a bal our the batter over tho peaches tin her tooth under any mistaken .that I could no,& sit $till, and we .
those llolow,jumpid. down from the .. Its r4on. To the oye w th the keys of .the office cash box and bolt struck between them, Aug the gake until a rich brown. Serve with idea thitt Wftlll� &VOUt tbe 114DUSO 'Until I We
burning bul.1dill and outitlaod suiclibin- series of holles Irk t ar�, mea;lingl.088 447. . burst it makes her less beautiful. She does _ffiready ALL EMPTY.
Miss thut tho�,Ldaad shortly after, . nud of1the observer they -,* ea*r4rums of both the Animals, but leav- sweetened cream, it, says tbe Now York Evening Suft, to to drop. The doctor came tg sop me
wona mde b; "In June 1001 again using forged too- ing them otherwIse uninjured .Herolne (wildly) -"The am ty hills,
' but oltob, oat of parfori . make herself as unaftactive as ossible, every , day, and ohoolged 1ho medipldb the Ai p
he third fall k Into th� burulng I iprosented, timonlitle, IiiO eAe V en,pt
the k red the employ of 0, ' dp 11 Y valley, the-
- . the pimple touch of 4 re Down in Weat Virginia it man was rid. Cannod Peathes. ceire time And thite again, but It did me no lain
house. a letter. firm �f solicitors in the Strand, I,ortdon, Ing a horse and hurrying to.plialter from and is supposed to have no to good. Finally, lie �yautcd me to (glooraily)-And the empty
Taking the ribbon from the perforI Ile *Aa eirt,itisted with -the petty cash, . Malta a syrup of one quart of water Please the other sex; her husband aloha M " 11OUSG I
%. SINGER'S BOWNFALL. 04 August 81 lie left with the key at an Oncoming storm, When the lightning to . two measuring cups of. is to kno , w liar value. the hospital, -and at this stage P, riend
tor, the inventor placed it on a small struck the horse, killing it instantly, bar, 011.1116 to stay with me overnight. While .
"�.'U',', The headdress and edral jewelry of a It as rea'di I � Between Friends.
I The 'text not harming the rider in the least. The the syrup German woman are usually heirlooms w
Marion Salt&, once a singer of repute, oyiiador in the transmitter.r? The touch thO safe And 0000 in cash, It boil five or ten minutes. r, ill 0 iig the evening paper lie Just
was charged on rerao,nd ab West London of a switch set the cylinder revolving, We knqw. about him is in 1006, when he motormart oil a trolley car in Almia- cans with poaches and pour came oaross. the teAtimonitil of a cure Smartly-Yeg, I like your furnishitiggs,
III a to ds was employed as a solicitor's pltfrk at io boiling hot. Take a silver knife and, vary greatly according to the Anon -
Pollee Ooilrb on Saturday, bofore Air. and the ribbon wit it. I A 6�0011 , tort, Ala,, actually was -undressed- by a and rub around the sides, so as to cial status of the family, The gold wroiliht by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, He old man, but there's -one pi4ce of furni.
. � � seed Pettrith, and living there with Afargarst iin- toro _ a . aid, "'Alby don't you try them ture that costs reflections upon you,
IAtne, With stealing A. silvgr savor ba- before the ribbon had completely pa bolt from the sky. The lighti 0 1 1
through the transmitter, a second, Clarke, the Niontan he married in 1808. r be sure all the air bubbles ome ou*. fastenings of the necklaces rally be ani ; riddling
longing to Dr. G. L. Turnbull, of 47 Lad, ]�e I . else is helping you, an, -do owboy (indignaittly)-What (Pye
v, , is- deserted her In Augast, 1907, and In his clothes off completely, ripped tho Seal your cans tightly. It is bet- -thing from a small clasp to one the size d they in tty X .
broke square, W. The ml, or Was missed broader strip of sensitised paper was October 28, 1007, was married at Hud- face off his watch, melted the chain and ter to always use now rubber bando. of a brooch Covered With expensive fill_-, you good.', He went out and got me a mean? What is it?
after she called at the hoube and when suing from the recolver, and ,4pou it left &,burned spot on his Imee. box at once. When this W" done I got Stuartly-Ob, keep cool; 11 merely re-
erefield. After the ceremony at Hud- Pla-ce either a wooden rack or old gree work. . .
�arrastod it wa4 stated sho 2m1ttad the was written, in plain, legible charmters, the wolnut, 11 At Hornell, X. Y, one of the r�sil- clothes in the bottom Q the a, half dozen boxes, and befor fe
n. Zallold lie went with a boiler When large anoutti to satisfy the a they were rred to the mirror. -Toledo Blade.
theft. the oetual message which the pliant 11 gnts was sleeping on A featlier bed whou so they do not totioli. Now turn boil- pride of the owner, the clasp to always till gone I began to feel like a now mitil. � —
Detective Churohward said that in th*a gers of tlio inventor had tappod out on had itarried to Edinburgh, deserted herp I coutinued usin Still n Lottery. I
� was tra4ced to Hull, travelled with Irer 4 bolt of lightning struck his hou.so.The Ing hot water in, being bareful not worn in front. One or all of these pieces . couple
,woman's possession Were found prom the tZpawriter a moment bpfore, froxa Hull to Liver -pool, and again do- sleeper was thrOwn clear out of beet on to turn �t dir,ectly on the cans, but of jeNveIr must form a part of every of monthap whart I,wask again as well and "I suppose," sa, id the stronger -within
- r. After putting smart gir Is dot � strong as ever I had been in in
notices allowing that she appested at the - Ha the transmitter been in Paris and r, -while among the fit all
principal Loudon concerts between IF -83 the receiver in London, the result would seiI her In Liverpool on January Oth to the floor, but was otbarwise un;a at the side of the boile rin- life, the gateg, "the'lidis on all ga,mes of
' Y I"'
and 1892. There were 'ten previous equ have been the a "resistance" IPA, jur:d,ju 17011ima-utic, Conn.,. one of the in a few quarta of water cover it ,and consists of 9_7 chatice in this town."
, ing people liar Aower mainly and I lia,ve not 'seen 9, sick d since.
same, for th - ,, r,l_, I i� 99
connecting the t*o Was On JanuaxV 22 he was married at 00 I ire engine houses was struck and lot it stand for a few Minutes till the cows and sheep, It is meet amusing to I feel confident there is no tim d Don't you believe it, stranger," re-
victions for foloixy, includi one for of the wire - Warwick in t1io name of Thomas Dav- the' electr put aut of cans are thoroughly hot. Then turn hear it said of a young woman who is the world equal to Dr. W111i s, 'i'l, joined the native. "The marriage license
It Iii- is$, describing himself as a chof. The order. No am Was In the -house at the in boiling wato t Pills for building up P. broken slown and
"burglary. The detective sal, that equal to -that of a wire 400 miles long. _y until the cans are about to marry: "She has an execIlen . office is still Wide open." --Chicago News,
temperance was thapause of her down- How Is the ma.rvel a,ecogiplished? The
, wpartment - wel cOv`-r dot, 50 cows and 28 sheep, a good head
fall. . explanation, stri ed of technical details, lady be married kept an time, so the damage was not noted in 1 coveredr Put on boiler . nervous system, and for such trouble I
trate is simple. Mr. Valluk has discovered a hodse, He persuaded her to give it up the neighborhood. But an alarm was and take an old blanket'or piece Of band and Ornaments, and such a beauti. would str9ligly recommend them.' . Don't Need Suffrage.
The prisoner handed to the Innis carpet and cover the whole up Dr. Williams' Pink ,Pills cure such
a qtatom;eut in which she wrotat means of harnessing light to electricity, and 0 away -With him, taking all 'her set ringing in the residence of the fire Care- ful coral necklace and earrings."
Jewell fullf A Spanish maiden who is the least bit cases
ery, and deserted her, eav ng or chief, some distance away, and he has- ,. and let it s�arid ulatil. cold, Whern as Mr. Weaver's beettuse they Henderson -Is yo,ur wife in favor of
e method by which he con control the aman suffrage'?
"Whon a woman has been, seven days movement of a tiny spot of ligM Itun- n living. t is a pr,r- toned to; the engine house, to discover taTc rig them mit be careful to take aUractive is Always attended by a young make the rich, red blood loh%� feeds the w I-Icupeck-I 0
,ed - ' an t 8 a' brol gbhens
L nights in the Arcata witliout. a, I t*1!2oI d' .ressing case. a that the lightning had struck the alarm. the cans by the top as sometimes th3y Mon. doWt think so. What's
amd , _ He is called her "novio" and it is starved natves and tones and a
�A_a with Illw4ing aad laaaratal feet, drods of miles away AS Surely as though _ is will work loose. ' his privilege to accompany every part of tile body. That 'is -%vby -r going to the polls wheii
,� I" the Use of he
staArdug, she is tortibly ta-iod and fiercely he had the mirror reflecting it in his 'k X'r.h 23, 1008, he was married Out in Peters -burg, Ind,, tbree young .1. ; her on her o, FL site can send lue?-Brooklyn Enle.
tompted too commit almost any An. own hand. . at Gloucester to it widow, One of the man were sitting on it farmhouse porI . : -,Yolks, though of course her mother or they cure amitemia., Th unt tisia, iti-liges-
t of light waftants hold out against him charges when a, bolt struck them and the near- Scalloped Eggplant With Poppers. : madd to also. in attendance to play pro- tion, neuralgia, St. Vitus' deatee, paraly-
I have been quite alone in the world Every child kliaws how 9, MVAO to him *ith the th,aft 61 ilioney belonging by barn at the same time. The feet of Pare and out the eg. plant into . priety. His courtship seldom ends in eta Mid other troubles due to bad blood Horoic Treatment.
!or many yeax.s. Vor seventeen YO&I I reflected fiont a Wvrbr emore to lipt. On April 2, 1008, lie was married the men were bladly burned. and when tubes, cover with salteg water and his becorai'ng engaged to the young wo- and shattered nerves. Sold by all medl- An advertisement of it nursing bottle
w" a sopftno on the operakio, stage. My "write" on a blank wa all t at Bristol to the woman with whom he one of them recovered cc' loustion be 1 . man but while it lasts she must be obe- cine dealers or by mail at 50 conts a box printed in P. Canadian newspaper eonclud-
voica, follodi Bad healbb. and extreme can be sent here vI there, first on this DIU lot stand one hour, then i?arbol dle�t a,nd loyal to him. If he should or six boxes for $2.50 from t1io Dr. Wil- ed with the following, "When the baby
object and then on that, by a simple w" living when urrested. We have not declared he had felt something strike venty minutes. Drain, pu into a ,
povor�7 followed. Such work as I am yet received Information about Ilk ear- him on the shoulder and run down his t1u,ttered baking dish alternately with transfer his affections to another fair 11aarls' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. is done drinking it must be unscrewed
capable of I camlI command. I am now movement of the band. In this Is the oor in America, though we hope to do ba,ak to his feet. On being examined a stale broad crumbs; sprinkle each damsel the alighted one has no redress, = - 1, and. laid in a cool place tinder a tap. If
turned fifty-soven. The workhouse Is germ of -the Pollak-Virag machine. u so" r broad mark Of livid red was found on layer with finely chopped sweet green its an old custom gives him the right to A NEW ANESTHETIC. the baby does not thrive on fresh milk,
my last resource. Oh, pray be merciful "MY machine," said MT. Pollak In a :k further remand for a week was his back from his shoulder to do so, and the friendship must never be it should be boiled."�-Afariclioster Union,
Prison will interview, with a striking smile, "is like his.heel. poppers; salt and Eepper to taste and 9brits of Novocaln's Set Forth by a
to me and send me there. granted. The same'bolt struck t seed dot with bits of utter. Cover with regarded in the light of 'a broken on -
ant ruin and kill me." . 0, humanbody. The receiver is the hand . - - - � . W' "rile' gagem t. Took It for Granted.
k, horses in the barn and not ont)� render- a thich layer of crurabs, moistened M Paris Physician.
Ihe magistrate decided to remand the ' holding the mirror. The tmnsmitter with cream, dot again with butter, A marriage is settled by the heads of' cc .
with its wires is the arm equipped with THE ROAD TO WEAL-TH. ed them undonscious for two hours, but ' The surgeons of the middle ages am� in The 1 m! itted me to .
accused vOith a view to ociminifting her I the two families chiefly concerned, mid arry nl,�dent thing wo,
for trial. . nerves =&='aseles. Tlie perforator is also melted all the harness buckles and cover and bake thirty minutes, then putated legs and arms with h
- rsi Thousand That Counts ripped' the shoes off their hoofs. uncover and brown. until this comes to pass the young Span- , ,, red-hot "When is the wedding'day to be?"-,
the bI which communicates its orders It Is the Ft . - - I lard may be the novio of as many girls knives, and then poured boilin oil over
to the arm itud hand. Obedient to the -Save That and You're on the Waf. as he chooses, gne after another. This the bleeding stump. When t is re. Nashville American. I
0,000,000 WILL. directions stamped on the ribbon of the "The thing that counts," said a man CROPS GROW WITHOUT RAf_N7 Oriental Salad. custom certainly has more advantages membered that the patient was in Win.
The value of the whole of the -estate perforator the mirror moves, Writing the of independently large meazs accumu- - � Peel and boil four good-sized po, for the man than for the woman, yet 'Plate . contr6l of his senses at the time Converted.
which passes in consequence of the death message in totters of light upon the sea- lated, by liar& work, saving and wise in. - HOW the Syrian Peasant Makes Use tatoes, drain, out into cubes, and few Spanish. girls care to be wi&ut 9, 61 the operation, the agony he was "ITe's it. regular Georgia cracker, iWt
of the late'Duke of Devonshire, which sitised paper." vestments, "in the first thousand dot- of the Moist Subsoil. cover with hot bouillon or any good novio, no matter how fickle he may be. forced to endure can be. readily (lom. re� lie T11
apparati - L unt to- clear stock, adding to it onerteaspooli. .0 � to handed. But the science ts "Yes but he tool, a trip to Boston re-
occurred At Cannes, on March 24- last, Itecontly the is ,Yes tested by 're ; when. got that anio In Syria. and Palestine, from the be. steadily advanced Binee that date; and cently, ) and now he insists that he's a
emmph, the Flench Govethment between Paxis you've to get sorall- Sips of Rain.
will says t5te London Daily Tel ' gother you are beginning Rul of onion juice. Let stand for ten
pr,�Lbly be 42,500,W0, and may be a Marseilles and other land wires up *here, 9,url. -with th�t -start you will ginning of April until October there is minutes, then drain. Take ona'small during this teerioa, of progress the our- 'biscuit."�--Philadelp1lia Press.
nearly 23,0M,000. tu a longth equal to the distanoo be- -want to keep on. Th4� red ink interest practically no raln, Jet in July the leek, wash and split it and out Ili (r4lrom the Second Reading Book, printed geons have seems more and more hu. -
It is not likely, however, that tho fig. twoen Paris aild Aome with absolutely entries that You. see put� down in your fields teem with a vigorous growth of the thinnest of slices; drain one-half in Dublin, Ireland, apparently about mane. Ether and chloroform are givin Of Course.
Ursa eintered in the Probate Registry 'perfect resI i savings bank book twice .1, ye4.r will we'terinalons, tomatoes, cuctimbers, eta., of a can of peas, lot stand in ice . . 1840.) . place to more subtle anesthetics, .1 "They say there will be no blondes in
calendars will be so lapap as even the, strike you very pleasantly indeed. As all flouriahing without artificial water. water for fifteen minutes, drain Again, The hollow winds begin to blow, least where they would be more or less 600 ye�rs'!) . I
smaller of these amounts, because the DOCTOR'S ELEVEN ini-oreo� an your thousand dollars you'll ing, although at that time no*rai.n has and dry. Mix the peas and potatoes The douds,%o'k black, the glass is low; dangerous to the general health of the "Why not 711
value of eettled estate is not usually in- CANADIAN firs In 0, fallon for many welts. and marinate with a French dressing he soot falls down, the sparilels sleep, patient under treatment. "Because tile blonde type is reverting
4 ALLEGED MARRIAGES. got thirty-five or forty doll ning In III the Syrian -peasant, from the made of four tablespoonfuls Of Oil, And spiders from their cobweb Ili a report by Professor Reolus in a ,a the brunette.9'
clitaod iii the calendars with thitt of the � years your money has begun ear " nted by 11. CouteI at the "Wyell, don't you suppose some of them
tonazit for life. . IrWe have evidence altogether of eleven . moment Itis seed has been Bowl), pritya one tablespoonful of vinegar, 0110- Last night the sun went pale to bed, r rose
money tor you. half of a teaspoonful of salt and one- The moon in holos hid her head. 3,',ry m`e,ting of the FrIanob. Academy I-Imettes wIll get tired and revert
valu119 personal estate may probably be marriages." Mr. James Sykes, appearing "You've got an income now, and you"ll thwb no rain may fall. During the per -
ed under a quarter of a million. A on instructions from the director of pub- want to add t6 it. You will leave that iod of growth of a crop the surface of quarter of a teaspoonful Of POP.Per The boding sh6pherd heaves a sigh, of Medicine the advant4ges of a new ,ack?"-Louisville Courier -Journal.
vaU moderate viluation for the death lie prosdautions, told the magistrates fit jutoro,st in the bank. to ba added to the soil to a de'pth of six or eight inches mixed well togethei. Set away in SI Vor see a rainbow spans the sky - anaisthotle, hriown� at nov6calne, were
your litin6pal., and now ,,Your interest is perfectly dry and loose. Below this cold place until ready to serve, then Th" wails are damp, the ditches a mell, =08itively affirmed. The itnesthatio � NOT INTENTIONAL.
dutles is ,accepted in respect of pictures Huddersfield on Wednesday that thio�is surface layer will be found Moist soil turn into a salad bowl garnish with Closed is the pink eyed pimpernel. wn as stovaine, has of late been on- Rev. Diddle, D. D.�-I was grieved to
and other works of art. the stage now reached In the inquiries will begin to draw interest, and to be y . cocaine, as much less to-do.
What the valuation of the real es- as to the career of James Walker, do- sure you will keep right on sAding to in which the roots extend and gI vig- cress and sprinkle -over It the cut leek, 114rkl How the chairs and tables crack; perseding see your husband Walk out of church
- scribing himself as a physician, who *it$ your principal too, and every six moiltb'4 OTOI In this moist subsoil pla.nts - Old Betty's on thO rack; Two thousand. operations have been per- vesterday.
tate may be will depend to a consider Pickle =18kIrle, . �Jrs. Pipp-You must excuse John. He
the terms rpon which again before the court on charges of - poritintio to grow until late autunult. d Eggs and Beets. Loud quack the peacocks cryl formed with it by Dr. Reclus, and his
Able extent, upon yon'll see those red figures growing big The distant hills are looking nigh. students with6ut % single accident. But
Devonshire House, Piccadilly, and Chia, bigamy and larceny. Mr. Sykes alleg�d ,,or, pretty figures to con- Wben the crop is removed in the cut. Ball six beets until telider,being care- ' Ilways walks Ili his sleep,
that the eleven marriages took place In ter an& bIgE koop riglit along umn the rains commenco and the Jand I 11ow r"tless are the snorting swinel novocame has been found to work even
wick House are left. Both of these pro- emplate; and you'll ful. to have them keep their color. Re.
perties would* realize very much larger the following towns- The 'busy flies disturb the kine, I bottI as it is much less poisonous than
ottving, But the thing thr,t really co,antb Is plowed after eaeli heavy rain its soon Move the skins and Alice, Boil Cue doz- � either cocal One on the Cap. -
sums as building sites tl3&n as resid6jes. Derby, Cardiff, is the first thousanadollars. Get that - as the soil begins to dry. en eggs, remove shei, add to the beet Low o'er the grass the swallow Wingst ne.or stovaine.,
, -Tyne,' Huddersfield, Two primary objects are kept in view The cricket, too, how sharp he sings. It may even be employed, according to Afa&tl.ate- 'tj%at is the charge
The late Duke of Devonshire was the Xewcastle-on and you're all right. And You?I1 always - and cover Witt, vinegar, and add a littl: Dr. Racine, without any danger; in aninst thN prisoner?
sole executor of the will of his father, Sunderland, Warwick, be glad you eaved it. in plowing�to furnish a favorable our salt. Will be ready,to eat in one day. . Pass on the hearth, with velvet pawsp
Devonshire, Carlisle, Gloucester, "For there really is nothifig like finan. face for taking up all the water and to Bits witing o'er liar whiskered jawo. which view �e confirms a previous re- Policemiii-Your honor, lie called me
William, seventh Duke of Ltdi . caster, Bristol, cial Independence, or like having A prevent Its upward evaIporation from the Throng the clear stream the fishes rise de to the Academy by Dr. Ray- - lobster,
who di9d on Decem�er 91, 1991 d Slicing Pineapples. a �noautlous flies. V,,O,r,' mAhIl.' injection of anesthetics round .1ilagistrate-And so you proved it by
elgity-three ears, leaving ereana ty VIVolverhampton. . least dome money laid by. Then if you subsoil. The great point is to keel) tile And rumbly catch th i the spinal column is eand6mited by Dr. )iliching him, P.10-Philadelpliia, Press,
of the; net value of 1150,456.p3pon this . Afi1stoundhig story was told by Mr, want money you,ve got it. Yon don't Upper six inches of soil perfectly loose Many, cooks now prefer in preparing The glow worms numerous mild bright
Sykes. "We have obtained,since the ad- hdvh to. go to friends to borrow and and friable, so that the moisture from pineapples for table use to ollee them Illumed the dowy doll last night. Reclus, who insists upon the benefits of
the probate stanip.was P.4,605, and the .6 � iont las't wqeI he said, "a great take the risk of being refused, the risk below is not drawn upward and lost in lengthwise instead of in round -slices, and At dusk the squalid toad wa local anesthetics, which. permite the sup. Is That jurtO .
I per cent. Goshen tav, or e#&t4i %t ,I urnv, thus avoid serving any -part of the core, ping and crawling o'er the greens pression of chloroform In cams. of hernlo� Sillicus.-What do you consider is the
91,565, The gross yalils of the sev I& a4I lore informition. We have ascer- of being compelled to go'without what Qvil,poraition, but does not asdend higher "a �mles. In tl�ofie mal.
DuWs personiti eetate was zei,700,,870, At Joined tbat , the prisoner is a native of ou. need. if you've got money in the than the compact subsoil that Is not Tbe fruit Ahould be peeled and then �al- Thepwhirling wind the dust obeys, adie,s general anesthotics might be dan- propet tijnr for .1 nian to marry?
ly. His real name, as given when he tank you con go there and get it. Thero broken up by the plow, For thlarbason lowed to stand upright on a platter with And In the rapid eddy plays; Cynicus- Oh, I suppose Nv!ion lie hasn't
I I Il
that time the Probate Registry calon. " Dftl at, garous to the pai,iellt. anything else to worry hinii--Philadel-
marAled, is Samuel Cuarles Joseph ,night come it time when you would Clio plowing is shallow, averaging from a fork thrust Into the top to hold it The frog has changed his ye ow ve .
date did not disclose t1to valuation of was is bi6ught up need money for your fondly or for four to six Inches In depth. fffinly while slicing. Use, a very sharp And Ili a russet coat is dressed; -1 :so . ..
real estate at all. Woodward. He wi as a ThoughaTurte the air is cold and chill, Tho Same, But Different. phia, Record.
- aclocitor"I clerk, ajid was in the employ yo,arself vary much; it's a grand thing When tile time for sowing the Ned or, knifi and slice down on one' side of .
of a, firm of solicitors at Derty, so that 6 haxe it -where you cariget it, lives the land is plowed to a depth of the fruit lengthwise. When the cage Is The mellow blackbir&s voice Is shrill. "Charming day for an outill. " Von- A Bright Lad.
OPERATION ON ALLIGATOR. he Is not a medical mRn- "Theroos nothing mean about being about six Inches mud the seed is. sown reachoa turn the fruit around. and slice My dog, so altered In hia taste, tured the Young woman with te blue "
a v Y Oults mutton bones, on grass to feast; and golden hair, as she oat down In That's a powerful smart boy of
Bostock's Jungle ;t Earl's Court was , "On Nov. 21, 1876, he vias married at raving and accumulating money; on the from an arrangement attached to the clown another part. Unless one I - er Aiid see yon rocks, how odd their flight. eyes . . your,n, Ikell, 'said m, prominent citizen
the aoene on Thursday of pother unus- Derby to a wortian whose surname "was contrary, it is every mart's duty to ir�ake plow', falls on the damp subsoil and Is careful, If tbe.fruit is out lo the round it chair on the shady side of the lake
usi surgical operation. Dr. Scott, the Lawrence, the name used by the prisoner himself financialli independent. I don't covered by the soil closing o�or behind slices and then out up'ihto aniallor bits, It Imitato the gliding kits, stea.mer's passenger dealt. of Pokeville, Ark.
I 1, ey eadlong downwa Very," answered the young kWonuut "Yon b6chal" proudly replied the par-
toonagerle's veterinary surgeon, who at Lartenster in 1898, iind again in 1001 mean ai ell that- a rn%n w4nts to set the plowshare. From this time the upper A, little of the unpalatalble eore is sure A dh rd seem to fall . w 11 gy. "He can swear I;ke
stratum. of 1004o soil provents tile escape As If they felt the piercing ball.
last month fitted one- of the- If at Cardiff. His wife is still alive, out to acounjulato great wealth; there's to lind its wity -into the dish which is I ith the slightly sunburnt nose, "except rt pirate, and the little fellow's only five
one -with 9'In of moisturo upwara beyond the wet sub- being prepared, . d Twill surely rain; I Ass wit -morrolY. that the water isn!t quite rough enough
0, glass eye, was called up to set a com- 1880 lie left the dinploy of tile no great fall, in that; 'but what he s . Our jaunt mutt be put off to ��ears old and hain't never been in sight
pound fracture of as lower law of a Derby firm of soliciton, and began busl- does went to doN to get together enough ooll on which the seeds re t and Into . -I _.N to sifit ino." of the ocean in Ilia life, neitherill-Puck.
fifty -year-old al4ittor. nen on hie own behalf as an accountant to live on modestly," Which their roots, a,ftor the P. recess 6t Spiced Nut Oaks. "Like to have the bout rollo do you?"
On Tuesday Siva, the half�breed Inidfau and agent, but in 1-887 he i1sconded with I . - [ I gormllimAlon sprep.d Ohicago rribune. I Her Beat Wishes. ,,Yes, aoI yow
stea to him as . 61'� One-half. cup butter, one cup sugar, ,,I doWt mind it myself, but it isn't Making Sure.
of money entru Restaurant Affiliations, . (,well, I -must go now, auntle. Do pleasant to sea everybody around 'you Customer (tapping stealt with fork)-
woma,n who exhibits the crocodiles, slip- a Ruin The As yolks three eggs, one-half cup milk, oeo of yourself. I am so uneAsY
jrA fell into their tank. Thu'ratilty's pa.- 11,90fit- A warrant was issued. The The waiter in tile light lunch cafe paragus Bed, prid three-fourlhs cups flour. one-half take care Are you sure tliis is it steak, -walter? It'
money, howeveri was refunded, appat- Cultivate the asparagus bed and keep love, teaspoon cinnamon, one-olghth level about that cold of yours." sick.,,
tiont, who was a newcomer in the 110 warrant looked- expectantly at tile first of fivo the grass from crowding It out. It I "Nobody ought to go on the -lake who doesn't sound a. bit like one.-Harpor's
tank, Ininiedlittely attacked her with dutly by his friends, and t ,711sn who had just entered, � tQaspooho baJdng poivder, whites three "It's nothing, Clarlbel. I'll be over islo)t either a good "ilor or willing to I)$. Weekly.
open jaws, only to be got upon. in turn was withdrawn. cc should receive a liberal mpplication of , wAl1jUt it In a day or two.") ran �t the cost of being sea-
-year-old pot "In 1899 he was 'wanted' At Walitage, a Bring me a coffee cake and a cup of well rotted manure. Some authorities eggs three,fourths cup Englisl glIf it should grow any worse you'll COMO OhOf 0
by Sivals sevolity alligat�r, Berkshire, on v, warrant for embezzle- a ffee," ordered the first man. mosig broken in plociils. sick owe or twice." A Poor Provider.
who rushed to defend her. In the battle 'T11 take some milk biscuit and a glass contend that salt Is a good fortilizet to Ctemti that butter, ,%ad the sugar grad- lot ine know, wonit you?" The conversation throe.tened, to tam The Kentucky colonel pointed. with
w1lich ensued the younger alligator's inent. About this time, December, 1802, 1 be applied at thin season but that is o,n -beaten, and "Monsonse, childl If I write to YOU �
w9 have evidence that lie was married'at of milk," said the Bkond. . ) ually, the egg yolks *611 neazy. if Into a controversy, itild the girl with extrome disgust at a man across the
. 9'se,10 0 art question, and its Use Is not advised I
lower jaw was cOmpletoly fractured. - "Tea buns and a cup of tea, PIG , he h the dry Ingredlentb it will only make you more u the blue eyos changed the subject. ' street. 'Tlleli lie so,id:
Noweastio-on-Tyne. That was the mar IT there is Any other fertilizer, known to JOI?t get any letters from me you pson -with
The oporation consisted in applying a mrked the third. siftod together. M)( well and Odd the You 1 , 47 see you've brought your camera "There goes that fellow aim
riage which up to lost week the lye good, avallable'-Houso and Garden. - will. understand that I'm wall again, HOW a flour, and I'll bet
padded splint along the tinder ottrface tion believed to have been the first and 'A piece of Cocoanut pia and a cup .. t, . )vhtt6s of the egda beitten stiff, and tho dOI hear loI she -said. a. fity-pound sack of
I wiII4 that dot In chso Yon I , I onfessea the a in tile house."
of Lie lower jaw after the wouna had ceremony. As your -worships have of cocoa," said the fourth. Needed Renewal. nut meats. Boat thoroughly oallico it() %MO 1,M gal right." 'To tell the tfath," a th- Ile il,tstl t it itrop of liquor
been carefully sterilised- The splint, "I "Don't se;3' it, don't Bay ibl" 110 plead' In small, Wall -buttered 46, I nerm. It's my lunch- -Tile Bolierdian. .
which vill be kept on for a, month , is o1grIVIldy herad, a warrant is -out against 'Wright�-IThoo ard' pretty tough � . "Yea, that will bt better. And, o. er, "this Islet a era -
him at Xawca3tic, This warrant, Mr. ad. I knoNv what you wanL You witnt . I put it in it amera also to dis-
bdd in place by adhogiva plaster W looking patent laa,the &I I i3hall. Ile so aoxiolis not to hear eon gently everybody on o. boat Afterward.
r f,lp 4 olate cftkl�* and a cup of r slices you have fulso it.
. the jaw and Pass tg Sykes stated on a former occasion, a sites of oboe 'On.,, . Vogatabld Salad.' from you." 1 rou know, and I want4d Father -Didn't. I see the gas down
ptug bound round . charges the prisoner with having dru ged olibdolate.11 � blood beets until toilder 0 - ne � a lunch box, )
over the to -ape. whom he lastrried at wow. 1I I do not," protested the fifth Garnor-I'They were all right orIgin. Boil some . 00 c__.,#6Uj just li, little different. I lowl
the woman t of ice cream and ally, 'but tho patent hais expir,id on throw them' into cold w4tor, and rub oil X0 Ties for Him. to b era liot afraid to Ditughter-YeA, but it went up in uft-
castle, and robbed her of "O. 1111 'I want 0, plate them., tbo skins. Cut sonic string boans int6 "I've got you down for a couple Oj see, though that you W
IRISH POISON 'MIAL. a gl so of lea water." . - - half-inch lengths And boil in salted water I tot a Juriche.on, in a box, for an ' ticipation of a decisioll, Of the SUP"MO
rain the prisoner was �� - - - tickets, NVO'rd getting up R raffle that," I Court.
Nb _. .1
After an absence of Vventy,sovtri mi -n- III Sussox" On Nov. 241 1807' haL I - Nell -111 don't Aupposo Mr Good Reason. ut-til torider. Ohop the beets ad MIX it poor man of our nelgll—" "This iwt my limolleon. It's my cam-
iqt.gs, a jury at Castle0ar Assizes oil sconde(I with 9520. A reward of wo n,fty vices." Bolfo-"ViaiXe S?Vlidbas Kniqlcor-The Aellool of exporionea equal proportions With the boiled beano, "None for me, thank You.. I woulAnot, ra� I put it In a pasteboard box so It '
,ed for Ilia ftl 'on. From 'on, Moto -%vfth 6� shippin.- by 4pholle. i
was offet ipreliekial lias . Millig a very small tolteed oni - lah,6w *hat 'to do 0, or man If I uld look -*ell, just a little different.
Wediftesdoy returned a ver&et of Wot Sussex the police have braved him to be belongs to a glee club, an amatout holds no relaidolls. ter, with mayonnaise and serve oil 6, won him.0--Philftaelphia, rross. � we on. a boat carries a Send ine, ill) two bags of oats mild a
. I ase. of MrA, Margaret � -Because it has no 04duAt"ah, plotter of lettuce leaves, Lover th to , xearjy everybody ) cc
OvIlty In tha 0 Surtdorland, whore, on Jan. 15, 1808, he theatrical society and writes poo . try. � " I � to . ckef . I . I �_. - d bale of
Oloary May-lelcl, of 0aroniorris, County was ing,tria I .. I � . . 11 . of the salad with *e mayonnall"00 R2 . I : V tamara, ca,66 you know.' �%;I"riglit, sir� Who i4; it fort
H , I . I . - I .. I . ..... - ... - d � Soft words will ortso the pain of a mtor whU tile raeotilig adjourned Voice
X*yo, who was or,bort 4 evil, of Leamington, Ontario, 1- I I garnish ,With small start cut froih 910 wound iving will care it, and for- ,,Tile horse, of
charged wfth poisoning . F� in the name of 14.1.... Course, yell idiotl"-�-
. -xisatiou. gettinj forl scar. sine die. I -
hot husband on April 27, Irk so on jail, 17, 1898, tile parties left Sun. .. .. boiled beets with a vegetable outtor. wil take away the .I- . Lolidwi Globe,
41 01�rcumafaiicas, detland for Edinburgh. At Edinburgh, I .. , . '� . . . I .1, .1.. - I I . I I . I -
The, Attorney-Goneral (Mr. Cherry, X. on Jan. 28,'tho prisonei deoertod the I I - . , Ninety bogrees In the Shade. . 11ardlY Big VI
O.' M. P.), who prosecuted, explailied wo an Ile had married, Wid could hot �, - Tomato soup Without Stock, � I We must avoid 6,11 ditilgel. � Clalr(,.b__T see Mm. Ilensaithurst IM
t�st the maused was married to CI W I � Stew together for ten minittos and httand our dlot.
MY, be traud. We find ,low, however, that . � I I Great 00're 1OLSt raisied a Aferry Widow liat, ,it last.
Wb6 was twerity-alile Years of age, in on Feb. 23, 1898, lie married at Carlisle' call of tomatoea, one pint of Water ona '. Itts suicidel to moke food experiments, 1?1.itl)llqll-,l dowt Ste bow On earth
rebTilary last. She, however, 'he Sold, j% womilt, hained Afar rot Clarke. , 0 1 teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful Mi. . I I on the hot days one should stick tO ;Iie did it, t1ley've only got till acre of
rh #or, live cloves, ono,balf teaspoonful .
4don tired 'Of him, Alla following the ,,On March 23, 180r, lie Went throng � I I . Old food friends. In 16Y. immind.- -Yonkers 1114to.tesmall,
manIs sudildii, ill -nem in April she left for the ceremony qf ma,rrfaga� with. aftob) I sugitf, five one tabWlp,00rtlal choppea IV# eqqaI)Y dAngiI to 90 -
Alnerlea, but was not allowed Ite'r I I I p�rslay, Rub thi,ou 11 sieve, return to this , I
to lan'l, women at .T.,linc.tster. ()it January 12 , ! I uoveltio Iv driuLt. Woult1l ift IMIltift
- � fire an(! thicken with one tablespoonful I
4lid Was arrested at Queens, , town ov her 1899, lle�wvLg lig.,tir,luarriled at vvolvor- w Coar b lea cold) is th* ;
detth C �� of butter and one tablespoonful flour a ap"" 'a e "Ali -A. �N*hrdheol is making trouIlle tot
return. 'Before Ills 'Iettr stated ll&mpton, In '1960, .giving th'a name of -. I - safest of aflgU,'% 'bertar'401 glasses lAtI *
that' eh had taken 001110 modler, . be 0iianiiation 11
a from wilAoll, lie obtabled Omployment its it rubbed togetlitt and 8tirred, In, Nok meals, ttlao upon rising and 'When rttlf�l t ,, ,
his wife whioh he suspected 'WAS Poison- solieltoee clerk at Sti-atfora, Hs"K. In five TdInutes, atirritig till the time anil - I .. .V-3 to how"',
If yoU Want to tb.oronghly enjoy y6ttr Vtteatlon dOn't : Ing. 1,I)et-1.1res sho"ll Avear fin bositess, Col.
Ntober, 1000, lie disaIppoltred, taking : 16LI it Iii ready to sdtv6. A tile egorejgd 6110111d not be abaaaoti-
I i
ie�br. 0. Maguire, J. P., gave 6viaeft,eo of I , for to talto along A, supply of TRISCUIT"T�l X)aintY I WI
I V . ad In hot woft,ther, Ond *61101114 avoid 4, , lnrett<,.,,-I"liil,,ItlelplittI 1111lietin.
ago, -
-visiting the d"orkma and treating hint "While in (X%r(liff lie eour0d, and Tnar- i i I shrerlded Wheat wafev. �ft 1i Baked tied Snapper. 0 1611tiovit Irk thob $tin and attring-Alia hot I)avfi
I I ioeetka to be phospbotus ,tied tile dauglitor of his ls,ndlady In .. . riflous, Azd appetizing, Try it With blitter, cheon ' Odaft and Adt Via fish down thdbitelk � , I . of tile Afty AA much its Possible, matoat � Long Distitheo coftyerO.
for What he glue �
poisoning. Th a dying dtdarlttloh Cleary, FebruAry of thIn prtgent vpar lie revi.41t. - Xut I . 0 V 41 xeop cool. NN�*ellington WaggIts-4)py say dAt
depood to big wife giving bIra a, dose of ed the lady' wlioill lie Ina!rried at Citydift, I I or fruits. 1056 � Amil removo t 6 bon". LtLy it in a but. q � . 'Ar 011 01,01.,", I—_
. tored dripping pan, okin slile dowili- �, " 01 I
* _d to ba and told Al ,r.\il:1(,l,MD1rV Af,lv (if 111ci , . . . 4c" nUdd Vat 14 ts T118 Anc%nt tatilld for raliking rAb. , nI tAlk-g- tit's t10 use 'A"hon
. - 11tat .. ALWAY8 READY TO 9EAVr-_-!-.*6ld by Alt Gtoeils,s _: mpritikle with salt aiia popper and ba I 0 IM ITIOnry llobonut wh
inediellm which lie said, he bAlove . k4a I he .L1 I to bit p16 bogr,A: "Pfist batch YOUX f4b, , Is 0 the othor end of the ,pbonet-
ttddod, "will b6 the emilto of rAy fleath.11 WAtadrifigs since 3001, Itit had, lie I I . 11 .. ''. -, - L..", . i - Ilt0d $ 0 , It
ADM for ed, lost hiii itivniory Kud bt�vrt in bosvi: , .. I ,.iI �� I � 1. . � I I_ _f ,.' � - for 90 Irlinutei. Baste 16verY 10 111% A 1Qn Old 0 bit., s"eranton TrIlittlie.
only thret witnesserl wet$ 0; I with thrde level tablesp000s b? butUr
the doesice, ItAd the judge 14 oilmyAlng t4l, At soon ot be reeoverod his momOry WAIM004*1111000101101111,11 1, 01, 41 gwia UP"110- I I N; I