The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-13, Page 2-
- � .. -1 .. . .. ........ .- _... !710 F" : _,_�� - ., , "" Filor I lN P 'j. r r � , 14 � I - - .-.-- , - , 10�. , , ow 7j 111-t W __ - __ __.- T%T !F INK IN " I- �T�_711_T,11,1-- ---1, '—��� .;F,11111 —
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-&- -A- iyus not the king lie should have been, to -day,, there were offerooll, Vakeylow,, 37 r gmudebildrou to the Britiab D
, Museum to, ove tile only, apecialells. IF V V A.
++*+**+********" .. lwwlwlw lie lied treated 1)4vld most unkitt4lY, but colorO, do. 78 cal-orc, Farioners' Unio'n, IESLI r "ISONED IIA
' lie Avgw the king and (is such POld 140 white, Napier, 110. colored, Ilelinont,. E'S'WIFE take " vs DO MOW AdVA00
It is a. curious fact, illocovered many, k
11 .. t hiiii. Tito true Christian And W., 1.1,70, IV. SOW at 11 10-16e; lJorth ra that [lien will not puall a thill
.. — would respec ,
, Is always courteous And revertuthil to Israrrich) 051colored, Yarmouth Ve-utre, J,tl!t(`cbed across it window, even it' Loose Nothrods In Virginia Hospital
. theagoid slid to those in authority. 165 colored, sold, tit 11 15-10c, to Ikkilall. PAYS $4000 '11'e"t . T"Im. "Awli;, Propirle"Ir
MJNDA "%r %ull" # tile Illeshes gre tin Inch or more across. - * ; . I
09 wo ^ 51 ^ "T 0 0 L V111. Beloved. "All Israel and Judah type, NOW% .Street, 78 colored, Volly-' . "Illoy ought to fly In tilavin fronli car- �Druok,Oncte a Week,
, loved Dailds) (y. 10). Men, like David mot,ct 120 white, Total, 1,089 boxes Zt. bolle fumes, which old-time housewives ... I—— � � I—— .... I I,., - �- , -1
tire sure to ho,vok tile love of tile People- fered, 435 sold as above. Formor Toronto ENJI11111111001111 Tf0Ik$Vr, . made by pp-itus of earbolle oil a hot
I LIESSON . "k nation mit but looll; up to and admire Canton, N. y.—TWpIve hundred L111),j I sillovel. , . Richmond, Va., Aug. 10.—After an. Ili- A/
such melt its Washington, Lincoln 11114 of butter sold at 23o. 3"welity-eighl; bull. er Charged With 'Theft* Against. attack hi-tho Open tile but. o 8 at tile RICIA- Or. A 9 j ne-, &V T
. Uarfleld. . (Iod will see t1lat they receive ared boxes of cheese, t 11 3.4c, 1 � . tollilgle gives $01110 protection. - yestigiltion of condid it I ,
a I . ' a 1"liess woud, City home growing out of tile "1010% Suryloosit, Ao"100441W
a. a a . crown who, have borne the cross for Cowallfivilles QnOii-Tbo Cheese Board 48 a rule, dislike smells which to mail
It* 10i 0 +-1`u.2kA"1k**+*+++44*,V V � Slortate 'Was RefundeO—lllwl poisoning of 4 foundling baby tile grand
"W"T"T"T, him. met Saturday afternoon, Fourteen, Igo. .. , I Rye pleasant, Alignonettei for example, X&44"Mu. 11011110411111,
LXSSQIW V1L--A'VG,. 0, ;qos, - Certain that this wag tile $,two a - 8aul's h1sWry a4fords all example of torlea offered 340 boxes of. olicese. Sales-, Mortgage. teuds to repol, them, and bruised walnut jury to -day indicted Mrs. Etbel Uay- 4000--PrAld" 14 00
pointment referred to in vs. 5, but lt� tile downward tendency of Bill. It I$ Willer & Riley, 43 at Me,, Ho . I leaves will also keep, them off, lord, alk inillato of tile hollie, on tI ollarge W,#M, 00 sm-00094 10 01111 Wat ,
is .dg*otl Bros.,
Saul Tries to Xill, PavlO.—l; Sam. ill: quite likely that it was. I'Saul probably like virulent poison that, commettiolug 118 at 12c; J, J. Dickey, 144 at 12ce, Jr, J. . I -:.' -.-. . of inurder, I . -1 � . .. . � I I 11
0-10. tuado David chief of Ono of the principal at Ono small spot, rapidly cats its way, Pickey, 10, at 11 3-4c; unsold I , 25. Toronto despatch. A more sensational All officers of tito home were severely
towivi of Judah, each containing, rough- Ill, and Ill until it consumes the whole L*u4ou.i.--At the -Cheese Market ta. turn wits &!von to tbe trouble over J. TEST.OF HYPNOTISM consumd by tile jury. Supt. Davis Was 'I, Po KENNEQY# MA11 014spAi
Commentaxy.—I. Saul Rogry at David body, Ills Ili -at act is 000 Of 110gAtly" day eight factories boarded 530 whito Kno Leslie's accoulite in the R xhibition declared "net eqttalleet
. o the emergency
(vs." 0-9). 6. Was roturned�j.rhere has ly, it thousand men. 8aul did this partly disobedience, Ills second one of Positive and 558 colored; 270 white an 6 - X - demands of Ills off )It and negiluenco o[saw e; *&, arvA WWAN04
t') get David out of his sight, slid parfj� ,it I 3, got. , * wowd Asim—
evidently been a digression in the 1111'rva- ly (vs. 17, 25) !it the hope that 1144 disobedience, ilia. third one of robollioll� ored sold at 11 15-16C. offk-o when yesterday morning, pi-acti- and lack of a 3K ,1,4.�,�j��,,11_4 4
. lie begins ]its animosit ,.,. Ohio Humovat Society Seeks lo Free yatem tire charged against
tive (vs. 1-0) ,,to relate the account of dangerous rival might ,be killed in bat- y against David Montreal Markets. vally upon instructionv from Police 9i , � tile hospital authorities, 10111011111111 30MALW
Davids, permanent rcwptlon itltQ Saul's With it jealous thought; then follows 6 I istntite DeDioom, the former treasurer Girl From Grikye The.-I'looso and ClIreless methods of j -.a. W�
, ttiv, Tito people who loved David would � Moutre;ll�Gralli—Tllci local grain sit- 9 )oIson, within the reach of in- - _bei". . I � I .
Bel -vice, the commencement of 16110 frien& coas - jealous, babit; next an impulsive effort t under arrest ,und,charged with placing I sis". ad*ulus, 11
ship between Jilin and, Joila,than, and Ilia ider this (tit honor paid to the na 1.o) kill, afterward a deliberate plot to nation is unchanged, trititle being quiet, waI8 lill mates" is declared to be "beyond tile I
ticual liero; otherwise they would have tho theft of $10,000, troln t Toledo, O" Aug. 10ii--The Hums, 'ury and, deserves .
ultimate promotion and allow-%," The 1011. Tito longer lie pursues his purpose Tho market for oats is stlially under a lie 1.;xhlbi- 410 80' comprehension of the J 000 b@=&4 t* 4 06 Wit I 118 9 P1 ss' J
been angered �y Saul's action," lVeilt tiou Asso,ioiation. 061, Leslie w,as in � I... .—
narrative noly goes baelc to thoweloonto 42 the more devilish it becomes. "Jealous fair demand. Manitoba No, 2 whito at clety of Sandusky is seeking l est censure," * - .1 I � . I .. ..
out and came in—l"Gool being with him rl . court to answer & charge of frand
Which David received whe Ili tile ragg of a man. theiefore lie w! 1 49c, ISTo.. 3 tit 47o anti rejected At 40c per Miss Florence Jessie Gibson, 19 years Tile attendance of young physicians, 0 0
, a tile army ro- in all that lie does, lie is not only kept brought against him -by Mr, CliarlQs DR R BT, C. REDMONID
turned in triumph from the sliftessfIll fmal retaliating on Saul, not only kept not spare in the day of. vengeance', bilshel in car lots, ex -store, Flour—The 11, Doe, but, before this charge was old, of Washington, D. C., who is buried llbeghmer4 in th - profession," is de, . .
equipIction of tile Philistine war. This rov, 0.34). l market for flour is ateady, with a fair ,ell 4L It. 4 IL Pow), - - I
from all devices of getting (1'1 I the earth clared to "jeopardize tile lives of 014 I
verse should be read ill colincotion,with rid of one ,,A sin is always attended by infinite demand for sinal lots. Choice spring taken up at all the magistrate referred five feet below tlto, surface of .. ju IL 0. r. 4MWL) .
I � I
%vbo was so unjust and unkind to blin, wheat, patents, $6.10; seconds, ,$5.50, to the fact. that Col. Leslie had been . I inmates," and "tile Practice Of 01111110YIng I
chap. 17, 54.-, though some time I'MY peril, It cannot become so 011eYfftod. as I I I . tit Cedar Point as a hypnotic expert- of bad PUY81101AN AMID SUP099" !
]lave elapsed, during which the army was but he is remarkably obedient, remark- to becomeh armless. Sing bunt in packs, winter wheat, patents, $5; straigh t, roll- pit untrained nurses known to be I
,t under Arrest whV the shortage I
Occupied in. following I lip ?w first site- ably faithful, and by God's grace re- Admit the first and A secouil comes , $4.30 to $t.50; do., in bags, $1.00 to Was first discovered, and later re. Went. morals" is condemned, . 0mus Vith Dr, chishous.)
c W t to this exhibition Tito "want of proper care in the pria, - I � . . A
inarkably successful in tile work given $1�1.,K extras, $1,05 to $1.70. Yeed—The leased when Ills wife had gi-i
COSS. Women canto out—Titis was Ili prowling behind it, and then a third .and � ell * If tiny statute can be found under which paration of food" Seems to be due to the - '
-loiltal CliSt,01114. It Was qixj�tq do. at 3s a beautiful period of it. fourth, snarling and pushing, until the Market for mill feed is firm under a mortgage as isecurity that any Short, "
harniony with,Or David's life—the most blailtoless and econic; fairly good demand. Manitoba bran, $22 . . . the society can proceed," declared Uis, lack of cooks and attendants. the I R. VANSYONE '
whole soul, filled by. then,, has lo, . age Unit might be discovered would Everett, a humane ,officer. ' There is only one laundress for I
tho principle business of certain wonivu beautiful of any. Tito object of unmerit- a veritable wild beast's don." to $23; shorts, $25, Ontario bran, $20 to be made lip. The girl waa placed in a coffin. an hnt, and tile superin- 4
to celebrate victories) sing At fulle)(71114, ell hatred, the victim of atrocious plot%, Joseph Parker says-, "We-4r,e, apt to $20.50; taiddlings, $24 to $25; shorts, Mr, Hartley Dewart, X. C., who up- lowered into the earth on August 1, and tendent testified that in order to retain *AWM, 9M 'A,21D SOLWMIL
. etc. of all citica—They calile together object of it despot's mail
front -all the noi liboring cities.. Winging -tile helpless 1 . thinic that Saul did all tile mischief and $24.50 to $25 per ton, including bags, peared for Col. Leslie, objected to the is to be resurrected, according to the that one lie had to agree that she should & j, k" gi Wwsus rates, ottle"
and danclum—Nis is a chara,efteristic and ungovicrued fury, yet cherishing no David suffered for it. This is an incom, pure grain thouille, $30 to $32, and milled introduction of the Olty Hall matters plans, on August 10. be allowed to get drunk once a week. %W 1M.M . , .
trait of Oripentul manners. On tile re- tiace, of bitter feeling, dreaming of no piete view of the case, Saul wits the grades, $25 to $28 per ton. Chees(,�Mar- into the. case before the court. Col, Bundha, the Hindoo mystic, who put Supt, Davis declines to mako any . WIMUAM. I
turn of friends longabsent, and particu- V* -elief, but going out victim of ilia cruelest torment, All Ills ket firm, with westerns at 12% to 12%e, Denison said that (me bad nothing her in a state of catalepsy and buried ill
10lent project of i statement beyond saying that he w
larly on the return of a victorious &,nIV, and in with perfect loyalty, and strain. peace was destroyed. There was bitter- and easterns at 12 to 121/.,o, Butter— to do With the other, aiid tbe fact her insists that the Humane 5oVioty has not resign. Mayor McCarthy said lie - . J
baude of woihon and children issue iroin ing every nerve to prove himself a Inlo' ness, ill Ilia wine; tile charin of sleep Nfarket is unchanged, finest creamery that lie 'had referred to Qne when the no 'cause for action. He declares that hall, not yet. determined on Steps looking ,
the towns and villages to form a tyi- orlous, faithful and useful servant of periahea; the bloom of summer had told- being nuoted at 2394 to 24c in round lots ouier was ,before hint did not mean at the and of ton days' the girl will to tile official's removal. DICKINSON & HOLMES I
ampItal procession, to celebrate the vi�� the inaster -who loathed him.' (.-it; there was a -cruel serpent pawing and 241/g -c in a jobbing way, Eggs—Mar- that lie did not know wha-t ilic was emerge from her sicep i� perfeet%montal : - I I I I .
tory with. dancing, music and sougs, in 14,—David bebaved.. wisely — David at Ills heart. 'The way of transgres- ket steady. Sales of selectcol Stock were aboitt. . itild physical condition. 8ARRISTERS. $0.L CITORS, ET4
boiler of 'the generate who hav n eoinducted himself -with great discretion. sore is hard' (Prov. 13:15). Better be made at* 23e, No. 1, 20o and No. 2 16c "I 'merely want the Crown Attorney ' . ave is located tit all DARING ESCAPE*
ikliss Gibson's gi i0aw-mem VIC014 w1lishum
Ile highest distinction by feats (if aal- 'Ills whole course was marked ,by wis- R, martyr than the persecutor, the op- per dozen. to understand that I do not approve amusement parlc, and all who wish may . .
p 't "I I 1 4 1
lantry, The Hebrew women, thererdre, dom, -by whi4 is meant both piety and ressed than the oppressor, Read I Provincial Produce Markets, of the whole thing' said the lual, - see her by peorlitg down a tube. Ali IL 16 DWds"& Dudler U01insew ;
-merely paying the customary con- prudence. And in this lie is all object Saul's inner Iffe, auger, envy', madness, London, Oiit.�Vcry large market; anty strate. - -_
were �verer of lesson to its in proof of the point much murd � or, evil scheming, obagrin, bell." sold at $10; straw, $6.50. Butter, lartre "As far as the mortgage is 1. tonael-ii, electric light dangles on the end of it PRISONER DIVED THROUGH
. gratulations to David as the del! -_ : T . ire right above the face of the sleeper. OPEN WINDOW IN COURTo,
their country. --J., F. & B. Tabrets—Or to be insisted upon, that the Lord's Ili- supply; sales ,brisk atl,23c and 24c i0or oil it is. absolutely Olegal," continued W I: I; J, A. MORTON i
d-druln, an instrument terventiolls in our behalf do -not sits, ,�,, ... I'���'I'll""I'll'"'I'll����.���������� crocks, 25e for pound rolls. Eggs trifle Col. Denison. .
. ,
thillorels. A -lien and described U45 pond our obligations to be both prayor - I -1 '' ,11111111'1,�� . slow at 18c and 19c wholesale, 20C 41a- Mr. Dowart in tho meantime was 11114k. ith Stealing BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR'
still used by the Arabs, PARIS APACHES* Lindsay Man Charged W
a )loop over ,Wbieh a piece of parelituent ful an ord was 11,10 hint tall; live hogs price for Alonduy, $0.75 Ing energetic protests to bring back the From Party of CaMPOPS Escaped I
is dra,virn. Sometimes pieces of brass are —In ovqr.y darkness which cast its 0 for seldets; small, pigs sold Well at $4 court to the case on the caleadar. — I MONtY TO LOAN I
g, It Is shadow around him the ligbt,of the op2n When Being Tried—Toronto Man I
fixed !it it to make a Jingling -nted; and aflor every 6'awaN 1 � � 6 and $0 pail-. No dressed hogs offered. "'k -hat the votlice could be used in HOW THEY DEAL WITH 'DELIN. Robbed. 4111new—morton Block, w1ugham.
beaten with the fingors.---Cam. Bib. This heavens pEneti .- � . . Bolloville—The live liog market has the manner indicated to extract n QUENT MEMBERS. 4
must have been similar to the modern storm raged against him thers I'O.1- been quite high tile past week,the price mortgage is. almost unbelievable. It .
tambourine. . lowed the gentle breathings of diviao I advancing to *0.00; dressed hogs remain it is true it Was a itioat-improper pro- ' Lindsay, Aug, 9.—<;co, Walker, 'while , Wellindton Mudual
7. Sang one -to another (R, V')—They eclisolation. To this day wherever i lie , TORONTO MARKETS. tit $8,50, now Inty very plentiful at ceeding," pursued Col. Denison. One Suspected of Treachery Was -
Some of the women melody of his psalms sounds and echoes, . Jop I under arrest,here for theft from, a AIT
sang alternately. � Farmers' Market. $12 to $13, :no old hay in sight, now "I shall look into the matter at onep " Tried by Gang and- Condemned to
. in the heart, the aliqdows of sorrow and v Coric een, of Toronto, and while having
began tile song with, "Saul hath slain his - SW;,pQt,,.Ltoes, 11 per buishdi; lbubberA said Crown Attorne, Y. "Tito po. be Shot, but Before His Exec%A- McIC Mire Ins. C00 -
any ,,in- sadness are scittered, and courage will Grain is nominal in absence of offer all made it daring escape, itud as
thousands") and another coral - 0 ; a down lice have no right to try eases,,wbich is . Gould be Carried. Out Police his tri , a .
wered, "And David his tell thoumnols!" pence and joy return and take possch lion ings, Butter and eggs Ili fair receipt 28CL to 300. ggs, 17c to 20c o ts f the tion yet has not been catuglit. The trial MlitablJobed 111,10.) I
"I'This was a neat poetio paTa,liclism. The o! the soul,--E-rummacher. 19. All.. . and generally unchanged in prices, Hay , to 50c. Hide dealers are paying for cow. what, 4)he case would amount to I Appeared. .
enthusiastic throng intimate that David'a loved David -That is, the le,r-e majority, quiet and firm, with Bitter, of 15 loads hides 7c, steers, 7 1-2c, country -hide facts are as statell!" - lasted all day before county .Magistrate , Kma omm--GUELML ONT.
O dealers paying same. "'Me police had no business to have Ile tile Alagis- 3tisks taken on all clasom ot insurable prom
-e impw4tanca than all all who came to know him. Because, ato. at $15 to $to a ton for old, and at $11 Moore, and it -was wit
triumph was of moi -That is ,they loved him because lie to $12 a ton for now. One load of Straw Chathairl---To-day's prices $how tin ad. him in custody under the circum. Paris, Aug. 10. -One, of the principal trate was Humming up tile evidence pqrW on the cub or pr<ualurn note syst,sill
of Saul's victories." Torry. In this they was discreet and wise Ili all of his move- sold at $12 a ton. I tt, eggs; meats prae- stances," said, Col. Denison. "I iras official arguin.entg for tile retention ot provaratory to giving scirtonce that tile KAMM (IMIDIN, 01iAS DAVIDSON.
cominitt,ed it gra,ve Indiscretion; they Dressed hogs are steady. Choice tically stationary; lumbs, dressed; 9c; simply startled wben I read this the death penalty in'France is based esolio" wits made, 'Elio Magistrate Pr4Wa"A. Secret"
praised a subject at the expense of their ments among them. . stafement this morning as to the ic. on tile grounds that the murdering $tat- that lie would remand NValker �
. 1, lightweights sold at $0.50 to,$0.76, and live, W; vcal, dressed, Oe; beef, dressed ed jokx Bxrmjlm
king. PRACTICAL APPLIOX11ONS. 5 1-2c to Oc; live, 3c to 3 1-4c; export: tion of the police." "Apaches'* or hooligans, themselves thus I
. 8. Very wroth --Saul centered his heavy at $0.25. $ 0 65 $0 S7 .$4.r)o -to $5; other prices, hogs, $6.40 to Col. Leslie Arrested. ', deal with delinquent inei era of their f&, it, week, and just as 41le W01"(18 Agent. Wlarbani, Oni#. I
.- 10 were uttered the prisoner jumped up I
thoughts on himself. This wais tile prill- David persecuted by. Saul typifies Wheat, old, bush . gangs. and made it bcelin� Jor tin open win- . ,�, . __
He was al- whom it is written, "All that Do., new, bush ..::,:*. 0 W" o 85 $6.50, hay, $8; butter, 25o; allioiceits, Ali information was laid -by Crown ,
cipal cause of his trobble. thoaON 0 53 25c to 5100; wheat, 780 9", Attorney Corley at the close of the Ono of these outla"wa bet to dow Ili front of Ill"'. lie dived
will Iil�., godly in Christ Jesus shall ?of- oats, bush . . . . .. .. .. 0 52 standard; oa Monging
ways ready to seek the ruin of any mail it blind known as "Les asques do I
- secution" (2 Tim. 3, 12.) David Barley, bush , � .. .... 0 5a 0 55 new, 35c, old, 38c; barley, $1 owt.; corn, through, alighting on tile grou-ud live
by whom, lie imagined lie might be injur for per court, and Corl. Leslie was formally .-it-- Saint-Olion"I wits suspected of treach- it half feet below, and IlladU r-od I I
oil. But the kingdout-The Prophet had w"- . . Peas,. bush.. _ ., .. ., 0 75 0 00 shelled, 70c; beano, $1,25 to $1,50; wool, rested, and charged with stealing. $10,000 cry and was lialled befored a constitut-
distinctly told him Ili the day of his sin, 1. Faithful. "David went out whither- Hay,'old, ton .. .. .... 15 00 16 00 washed, 14-, to 15c; unwashed, go to of the funds of bite Exhibition Associa- oil tribunal consisting of text loading 11w escaln.. I
. that the Lord had rent the kingdom soever Saul -sent hinV' (v. 5.) The true Do., new, ton .. .. .... 11 50 12 50 DO; hides paid to lintchers and farm- tion. No evidence was takeno tile iilves- members of the ganpg. Although tile ellief of police inunedi- -1
disciple will. be faithful to those over Straw, pi3r ton .. .. .... 12 00 0 00 era So to Oc, paid to buyers,. 7c. tigation being adjourned for one week. Ili the dead of night a regular trial ittely organized it, pos.. no tram, ofthe T LY 5 CURED
from hint, and had given it to a neighbor ,
that was better than he (chap. 15, 28). him. not as unto men, but as unto God Dressed hogs .. .. .... 0 25 9 75 St, Thomas -Market quottutious to- ced by Col. ivas hold at it deserted spot? on the "'an call be found. Wilmer has served ROMP
nally, short terms Ili prison and in the Write for our Infete.tiul; b�)C,U% " InVent-
0 marks of (Riph. 0; 6-9). Butte;, dairy .. .. .- 0 = 0 25 day: Live hogs, $0.25; dressed hogs, $7.- Denison, tile amountibeing furnished by fortifications. The prisoner protested 1 ,, tlo�v you stcr 0-A-Indled.11
Ili David Saul could read th. iavored. "Accepted" - Do., creamery .. ... Owl' his innocence, but wits condemned to ,,peny lie along with younger compan- or's HAP" unit -
such -Wilberforce. 11. r , (v. 5.) Da . 0 26 0 28 75 to $8.25, loose hay, $8 -to $9; baled three pqrties. Col, !Aslie gave 'his . Send us a tough sketch or Model (if W)"r In
. a man. ld was beloved both by Israel and by Eggs, dozen .. .. .. .... 0 22 0 24 bay $7.741 to $8.25; loose hay, $8 -to $0, bond I or , $10,000, Mrs. Leslie One' r ions, was accused by IleXecil. and other ention or Itapmvement and we vr Ill'tell you
9, Eyed David -Watched all Ills move� V f 0 1$5)- death, mainly oil tile evidence of Ilia I
� bawd hay, $11 to $19; stmw, 7; eggs, 000, and Mr. A. H. Hobberlin, another .Vorouto niqn of stealing caniping $ill)- 11roo our opinfi in as to whether it I% p; obabI3,
;y, Which the servants of Saul. His wisdom in his Chickens, Bpring, dressed, mistress, who swore that he was !it the sitabit. Rele,ctedapplice,tJ-jn.'$hmve0fteu
. men'tis with suallicion and jealow ,,Ile walk. brought him prosperity (v. 14, ' III .... . . .. ...... I . 0 18, 0 20 l8a to 20c; butter, 25a to 27c. Country for $5,000. 1 of the police. Preparations of this plies, a revolver, some loose change and C:tn succconfully prosecuted by tit. We
soon ripened into deadly hatted. margin.) His name was "precious" (v. Fowl, pet- lb ... � ....... 0 11 0 12 butchers' receive 7 1-2a to 27c. Couli- Ton thousand dollars, the pay it $60 gold watch, all of which were giv- condud fully equi d offices In Montreal
� I
� eyed Dtivid as one lie was jealous of and amount execution ware forthwith begun. Bound rpected party previous to salWashiligton; t ,I qualifies us to prompti,
sought advRatages against; his oomite- 30, margin).. Ducks, s0ring, lb,. .. _ 0 11 0 13 try butchers receive 7 1-2o for cows tind, stated in the warrant, is subject to )land and foot, he wits tied to a wall, re- on up by the sub -ly ups, gr: & Vurr Patents
-25 _ -era? hides, and country hide dealer party were down .tch work and qulckl� -
.1 nonce was not toward hint as it had been. 111. "Tile women .... said, Saul hath Onions, per bai .. .. .. 1 1 40 etc -9 correction as soon as the authorities volvers were loaded, and the.execution- the trial. Tile Toronto as brdad as the Invention. n ghest referencen
,slain )its thousands and David his ten g 25 0 40 7a for same. are advised of 'the result of o the word at Goose Lake, near Sturgeon Point, furnished. hrourb Marlon ft M4
�. Prood. men cannot culture to hear any thousands .. and Saul was very wroth" Potatoes, new,. bush.. .. I 00 1 15 Peterboro'j.-On this market dressed tile era were just about to receiv last Saud�y, and tit(- goods, were iiiissed fttents procured V Ithout charge Ili
praised but themselves. Itistisi-enthat audit which is being made. The total of command, when a couple of cyclist - 2ted rwive special notice w!,
. (-.,. 8.) By killing Goliath, David h Beef, hindquarters .. .. 0 50 11'00 ]logo bring 8; live, 6i00; baled hay, $10; C? b them whon they awoke front � quiet ever too newspapers diestribt led throughout
I ad , amount of ithe deficit, iso far as it was policemen, attracted by the condemned y
the Spirit of God has departed from men I 1 on the share of the lake. I 1) I I
if they be peevish in their resoutinent oi. really won the battle. They only told Do., forequarters .. .. 5 50 6 50 loose, $11 to $14, butter, 27c; eggs, 19c; ascertained -yesterday, was $23,300, but man's cries for help, Etlipeared ,on tile li P - "*"A5',,u-"*P.t, tit business Qf Manufac-
W, ..
.of ,il the truth, but it made Saul jealous. Bad Do., choice, carcass .. .. 8 00 -0 00 country butchers and country ,tilde deal- it- i's thought that the final amount of scene. Ju dde ]its sensa tar an Y'nalucers.
affronts, enviouz and suspi,nollis . men cannot bear to hear good men Do., medium, careass.. 6 50 7 50 ers get 7 1-2a per lb. for cows and the deficit will not be more than $210,D00. Judges and executioners incontinently tional esea,pe, lie turned to his counsel, MAR1019 & MARION
about them, and ill-natured in their con- praised. But those who envy others only Mutton, per cwt . . . . . . 7 00 9 00 steers' bides. . Mr. 1. E. Weldon, and told him that lie
duct; for the wisdom from abave makes took to their heels, but not * before patent Kxpert,.i end Solicitors.
us quft otherwise.11-Henry. JeallousY hurt themselves. "Wrath is cruel and Veal, prime, per cwt. . . . 7 50 9 00 Owen Sound -Butter, 20c, to 22c; eggs, $25,900 Paid to the City. firing off their revolvers,, some aiming intended to "take a high dive." Before,f I � , I Now Vork LIfeB ld*g, 11,3rttreNJ
anger is outrageous, but who is able to Lamb, spring, per III .... 0 11 1) 12 184. to l9c; b 1NIr. Weldon could finish warniu� him - Atlarril BIdV,.W&sh.0Zt,1,n DA -
and envy directed the gaze of Ithat eye. 4 aled hay, little called for, Immediately after the Police Court at -tile police, others at, their intended against such a course Walker had bolt- i . _ill_____ !
stand for envy?" (Prov. 27, 4.) 'Envy Toronto Sugar Market. selling �t $10; loose hay, $7 to $7.50, proceedings a conference was held Ili victim, -who was slightly wounded. The
TWO things will. inevitably follow A 111'.111 . i �ogs�
Holy Ghost unit wo"Idni, 'a as rottenness to the bone" (Prov. 14; St. Lawrence su- live, $6.90; dressed, ]lave greatly the Mayor's office, at which those rescued "Apache" will now itppettr be- ed. -
, filled with the ("What rust Is to ironand mildew gars are quoted as -fol- Ots. n .. __ - -
in the light. It 30-) lows: Granulated, 4.90o in barrels, and 11aPrOv1 present were Mrs. Leslie and dier soli- fore a more logal�y constituted court. T
Z .� I He will be filled wit g I; ed dairy prospe _ a HE BLACK IiAND.
p?wor, and true, simple-boarted Israel to corn, ,and moth to cloth, thirtt en3,, V No. 1 golden, 4.50o in barrels. Those Stratford -Hogs $0.25 -to $6.40, dress- altor, Dr. Orr, the auditors, Ooi-poi-a- - 40. .,
� Nvill joyfully recognize it. ---Smith. If Slaill to the heart where it hides.' prices are for delivery, car lots, 5e less. Olt 8 I-4cAor 8 3-4e; cows 3 1-4c to 3 3-40, tion Cl5unsel Fullerton -and Mr. W. K. i BOILER EXPLODE . D. PAILIAS A BOMB., -
bad been it good mail, he would have throw a Javelin at David (vs. 8,, 11), and Live Stock. . dressed 7 1-4c to 7 3-4c; steers and helf- George, president of .-the Exhibition Blames It For Causing the Great
saui died amiserable, suicide (I Chron. Ora 4c to 4 3-4c, dressed 7 1-2c, to 8 1-2c; Associ4tion. At the conclusion,' Ills Engineer Keith Killed and Two MOn ATTEMPT T6 BLOW UP Sir.
been horrified tit ,the ,appearance of this 10; 4,) Envy sold Joseph to the Ish- Receipts of live stock in the city mar -
evil passion in Ili, heaxt; he would have maellites, 'for twenty, pieces of silver ket as reported by the railways for lambs $5 each, dressed l3c;�calvec 4 1-2c Worship announced that Mrs. Lea -lie Injured. . THOMAS RESIDENCE. Fernie Cod lagation.
I said, "Get thee behind me Satan." In- =,7; , 28), and Joseph's brethren Wednesday and Thursday were 96 cat- to 4 3-4c, dressed 1 1-2c to 8c; cows and had paid over to the city $25,000 to
stead of stamping it out, gaul nourished a 9 steers, hides to country butchers, 7 I -2c Halifax, olostIatch. As the result of an
Years of remorse (,Gen. 60; 1.5. loads, composed ot 1248 cattle, 1942 t.) 8c, to dealers 8 1-2c to Do; wheat, old refund any shortages in her husband's cy.plosion In a BELWIllill at Nc)3on (B. C.) -News: A i4artling ex-
it; instead of extinguishing the spark lie accounts, and that the mortgage Wni'laor Bucketful of Gunpowder Was Hung "I
18.) Envy killed the righteous Abel (I 11098, 1416 sheep and lambs, 332 calves, 80c, now 77c; oats, 455c to 50c; peas, 70c; which slid had Forks, . twenty miles from - Windsor, tA I WLIli
heaped fuel on the f lame.-Blailde. John 3; 12), and Gain, a fugitive and a and 4 horses. . first given [is seculity -ning, Edward 1CO$th engineer, on the Do6r of House of License Plotn"ll"oll of tile Fertile ca "stroph
If. Saul attempts 'to kill David (vs. 10, � lad. me- barley, 45 to W, bran, $20; short,,. $24; -had been !returned. Besides the �&sh this moi Inspector' McClellan - Explosion brought to town yester(Itty, when the
11). "Here commences, the record of vagabond, cried, "My punishment is There was a lot of common i butter, 18a to 22c; eggs, 17c to 18e;' 11117i payment the citi still holds Mrs. Les- �vft$ h-illed and two other' )employees first of tile refugees arrived ---aa explan-
those persecutions by which, during the greater than I can bear" (Gen. 4; 12, dium, half fat cattle, with a yery few `Well�_scvcrchy, perliapq' fatally, n_ Did Little Damage. .
13.) Envy crucified Christ, and the Jews that could be classed as good, on sale $6 to $7; no straw. lie's note for $10,000. jured. The sawmill:W owned by the . ation so serious that it ivould not be
rest of Santa' lifetimse, the conqueror of perished miserably in the siege at Jeru- during the two"ditys. . BradstreeVs Trade Review Both Mayor Oliver and Mr. George, I repeated were it not back by the weight
� Goliath was continually barasse4. It salem, Envy slints out from the king- E",porters-No choice heavy exporters Montreal -Business continues quiet its the President of the association, de Parraboral Lumber Company, and had St. Thomas, Aug. D. -A dastardly
. -
forms a suggestive period. of Israelitish eigh- nied that there was any arrangement been running a short time 'When, with- of serious opinion. Ifaiiager Halt-, Of
dom. of God (Gal. 5; 21.) The remedy were on sale; two or three loadi .w for some time past and merchants are out the slightest warning, the he�vy attempt was made upon tile property the Hlk Lumber Co., who wits on the
history, and presents in striking contrast for the sin of e4y is the blood of Jesus. Ing 1225 to 1200 lbs. each sold at $5 to none too pleased at the prospect of a by which Col Leslie was not to be boiler burst with terrific force. .Keith, and lives of -Williant IdeClelland and �
the development of Saul's great wicked- The power to keep from envy is the love -t bulls sold at $3.75, to $4.40 prosecuted if his shortages were, made grotund when his mill and lumber yatr(Is
. . $5.25; expoi . continuance for some weeks to come. Who was standing neat ,tile boiler, ,was ilia familv. residing at 53 Scott strocet, suddenly caught -fire oil Saturday af ter-
liess on the one hand, and David's many of Gold. per awt. Retrenchment has been the order with up. Ma.yor Oliver said that their one hurled with terrible speed against the oil Sitturday about midnight. A gal" noon, believes that, the simultaneous RP-
h. Thesq porsecti- IN". Hated. "Saul .. said, I will smite Buteliers--George Rowntree bought several firms who, all thrl,ugh the do- effort had been to secure the city or the wall of the mill, and was instantly vanized iron pail, containing gunpow-
tions, however, wore a most useful (liscip- David" (v. 11.) The world will hate the 130 cattle for bite Harris Abattoir Exhibition from loss. The city had not . pearance of the flames tiL two Point'
. VO., vesBion of last fall a;nd whiter, made no killed. Two workmen, named 01. D. der and oblier explosives, was Ilung thre,itening tile city was not tile r:!sult
-Al7lied. Coin. ated 0 n their arrangements. Expendi- and would Swimmer and Leary, who were standing on the front door, and carefully wound of accident, but was the practical i. .Zeeu-
line forthe psalmist king." Christian who is true. Jesus was In, reported paying fr6m. $4.25 to $4.75 for ,�ange , commenced ,the prosecution ,
10. Evil spirit -A demon like those because in the synagogue at Nazareth lie fair to good butchers, and $1.50 to $4.25 tures have been cut down in view of -tile have nothing to do with iti but had no near, were ,prostrated by the shock, and
mentioned so frequently in the New'Tos- spoke true, faitlitful words (Luke 4, 28. for cows, those at the latter price being feeling that there will be no buiprove.: intention of interfering in any way with around with oiled rags, wire and tion of a fiendish design.
. day itifter lie were terribly crushed and bruised. binder twine, several bricks being . 1.1, sees ill tIlL yernie firc. but anotlwr
tament. "The very next 29.) "The world cannot hate you," goo(L'enough to export. ment for some time. Favorable crop re- tit(, proceedings which had been Waugur- After the first confusion following tile
-lie evil Jesus said to his brethren who di�i not Feeders and Stookers-11 ports from the West continue and it is ated. explosion word -was telephoned to Tito
c6neeived malice against David t alild. W. placed on the tot) of the pail. A ellitlitcy in the Black Hand drania-el,
spirit seized him. Those that induglO believe in him," "but me it hateth, be- Ifforby report several hity' On tile uoped� that prospects for fall business trouble the short candle was usod for a fuse. ella ter so black thitt it is difficult to
I testify of it that the Works market, but they were,not anxious to may improve steadily. What effect the raoxhiliffion Association has Vocidt3d to accompanied by Coroner Iteid, started I p
themselves in envy and unichitritilibleness cause era As one result of the Windsor, and Prs,Blaek and Morris, explosion ,was terrific, tearing tile magi�lc that Intman ininds could even
-..give place to the devil and prepare for therof are evil" (John 7, 7.) Christ's p, accept only cas-li or marked cheques a accident, boniblike instrument ' to pieces anti conceive it. much less carry it through
th aY high -Prices- Mes'Irs- MurbY bought strike oil the ittly have Oil local ,t once for the scene of U shattering the bricks to crumbs. to completion,
0 re-entry of tile unclean spirit, with h 80 cattle averaging 700 to 050 lbs. each conditions is " P R ' Shipments I 1! - - I
promise to us is, "Blessed are ye, -%v ell tical. "' a 4nent for the six-for-a-dolIar tick- TI, injured men will be brought to Fortunately the explosion took effect
seven others more wickool,"-Henty. Yroin men shall hate you" (Luke 6, 22). at $3.12% to $3.60. pl`oilel�a t I.. preparation .at - Windsor for treatinctit, and Dr. Reid ,
showed some ino-vemein . etli ycw� 27 cheques were retuni
- God --Sent by permission of God as Sat- V. Kept. "Saul east the javelin .... Milkers &Rd Springers-Therd Was . marked " ds." in tile opposite direction to that intend- FIRST TEST FULFILLED.
all dsor Forks ly tile front ,portion of the
� tin in Job 2, 7. Ca,tne upon Saui—ITle rO, David avoided" (v. 11.) He could not excellent deniand for good to choice for September. ed from the banks no fun will open an inquest at Win ed, and oi -
laps�,1.1,10 a state of dem Toronto reports to Bradstreet's say: Several members of the Boarolof Control this afternoon on the body of Xelth. residence Was scorched. Goo. Smiley, Construction of Baldwin Airship Sat-
sion onilto Posses- fight the Icing, but lie could flee from milkers and springers, due to calve in a Ifoliday conditions are. still prevalent and the City Colincil -have also expressed - ",I - - . - .
, a i Ilia presence. God kept the Javelin from month or six weeks. Prices ranged from unit there is littlet if any, perceptible in- themselves in favor of a complete invei-
lap, 16, 14. Prophesied -Ra. . I living in tile next house, heard the isfies United States Officers.
ther, "romeol,"-R. V., niargla. "The word injuring him. They are Bate -whom. God $35 to $60; light cows were slow sale at dic4tion of ally change in conditions for tigatton by Judge Winchester of all tbo LPS. explosion, and put out the fire 'witit'
'prophesy" describes an ecstatic condi. keeps (Psa. 01; . .. it few buickets of water. About halt Iv,ashingtoll, Ang. D. -Capt. Baldwin
tion due to supernatural influenee, pod 5, 14-16). $25 to $20. another week at least, Reports of On- finances of the Exhibition, ' Loses His Way in the Might and Falls an hour prior to tlte explosion two men has succeeded Ill fliffilling tile. first re -
VT. :P caratf. "And, ' Saul was Veal Calves-Deliveri ver 300 tario - and Western harvesting operations Doe Charge Dismissed. Down Precipice. Ili a rig drove up to Air, Armstrong's, a. quircluent of bi,j conicraet. with the Unit -
or evil; Mw reault in tile one case being afraid of David, because the for the two days sold at $3 too $0 Per are beginning to conic in 'and a revival " - I . I block away, and iyiquire(I for the Ale- ed ,States Government for supplying it
prophetic inspiration or.religious onthus- Lord wils I'm not prepared to commit for
ittem, in the other I raving madness."- with him" (V, 12). ewt. I is,.proiniscd for the near future. Perish. . ty. I on this evidence," -said Col. Deni- Geneva, Aug. 10.-A Swiss priest nawed Clellan residence. Three. years ago Air. dirigible balloon for the signal corpi of
If we -would have the fear of those about Sheep and lettribs-Both sheep And able fruits showed a sharp, decline this la Cima accompanied a sick friend across Ifeclellan was lie rise Inspector for West the ariny. The board of of ficers who Ill-
- yesterday Morning fit bite close tile Lukinanier Pass, 0,290 feet, into
Cam. Bib. Saul was at first inspired by its and influence them We must live in lambs sold at firiner quotations, Ev.pqzt; week on account of an over -supply. � $011 Elgin. 0 spected the big airshipyo-sterda-31 tit Fort
. the Holy Spirit, but now that SPli'lt has tile presence of God. A faithful Lord is owes sold at $3.75 to $4.15 per cwt.� Country produce 19 still firm and is like- oit the )tearing of the case Against Grisons. . I I - I *
left him and a, foul demon occupies Ilia always recognized by the good as being rams $3 to $3.25, lambs sold at $5,25 to ly to stay high. The demand for'cattle Col- J- 1(nox. Leslie, Nv'ffo was charged He returned alone, and becoming be- IN.-leyer, accepted it as fi�r as tho'construe-
place, and accordingly, instead of hallow Dead at the 'Phone. tion of tile Illachille I,
- ,With thosewha like David behave them, $6.2.5 per cwt. I on the complaint of Mr. Charles H. ilighted, lost his way. In Ilia wanderings .4 concerned. The
ed ecstasy, his religious exercises real,,,,- Wits brisk and the market steady New York, Aug. 9.�A telephone re- other requirenlelits relliala -co be fulfilled
ble the frantic ravings of it madman. 1je' solves wisely. Here are seven rules to Hogs-Alr. Harris quoted hog prices Winnipeg reports to Bradstreo,�s 'Bay: Doe, 60 Berkeley street, with obtai'ii- lie fell down P. precipice and was terribls-, ceiver which was left off the ]look in in re-ard to filleed alul oinduralice,
utters impassioned ci copy in your Bible to help you to live as as unchanged, Selects $0.75; lights �6.50-. .toed with tile i"lig $2,060 by false pretences.' Crown injured. .. , cbe wa
perhaps i Wholesale dealers are ple, e to ,,�4rtment liouse at 112 East Thirty- rh a no official speed test. but
-ift, and tit the presence of God: 1. Say nothing fed and watered tit the markpt. volume of trade for July. Frequent har. Attorney Corley admitted that the case Throughout the night lie lay w1tere Is tl
1reathes you i . it- -y - -titer the inspection of the balloon, Cillit,
falls prostrate on the floor and b , ,
forth his inner ravings like ,ine holding would not like God to hear, 2. Do vest 'reports add more cheer to tke sit, WAS .11flaoubtedly weak. fell, and was found in, tile mot .ng I fil'th street for several hours gave cen Baldwin .made at preliminary Pliduranto
nothing you would -not like God to see. nation attily. Crop prospects indicate it. ;,I'll dismiss 'the case," continued some paftsants. They carried hint into tral a lot of trouble, and Thollias 111111 -
communion w4h (in unseen World. -Ter. � 3. Write nothing you would not like OTHER MARKETS. ' I ed. tin, an Inspector, was sent around to trial]. A total d6tance -of ftb4lIt six illilt-i
yield of 20 bushels to the store at least Ilia 1yorship, "but tile accused will the village of Camperio, where lie ill
ry. As at other times -See chap. 10, 23, God to read. 4, Go to no place where Winnipeg Wheat Market. oosen Ill). be bound over in $200 to appear be. Three Swiss school boys Who left find out about it, Ile found the bother- was made, tit tin average 6peed of 12
- you would not like God to find you. 5. Following are the olosing, olljotations Vancouver and Victoria sayt Tito fore the grand jury if the Crown desires Montreaux oil Friday to aacend Ilie some phone in a vacant flat oil tile top ffoirt was niftile tit
Thero is a wonderful liower in musle to an� trade generally I'vill I miles tin ])our. Xo 0 I
800tho a troubled sold. A Javelin -The Read no book of which you would not o futureart week has been i1ftevIontful. in tile whole- to carry tile case further.)) Grand St. Bernard are missing. floor. Beside it was the bodly of a Man fast thne. Tito airship was under perfect
javelin or spear waa tile Inulgein nf reg,11 11 . .- I :' f - with a bullet hate in tht head. control.
like, God to say, "Show it to me.11 6. Wheat -August $1.06 bid, October salt markets. Whilli there has not been I 1� m; -_ li� -, . 1_1
authority. In ancient tiniss laugo IlAcd Never spend your time so that you Ly,. FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED, The suicide was Predorick Kirsch -
P. spear fikstef6d of a. diadom,_ Clarke. would not like God to say, 'i'Wivat art 057fic bid, December 94%c bid,, any increased activity, prices are report- I old, the janitor of the VETERAN DIES IN JAIL.
They alwayff had it at hand, and ill on. , Oats-Auguat 44%c biot,, October 30%e ed firiller and it Somewhat better feeling WAR ON HOUSF - nor, 30 years
eient monuments tile. thou. doing?" 7. Of every doubtful thing bid. prevails. The market shows little or no Suspicious Death of Hugh Graham, building. I - - - Port Arthur Jury Recommends a
y axe always rcpre� always ask, "What would Jesus do?" I)ri e Vade I -, - Refuge in Northern Ontario.
seirwol with it. VIL Wise. "David believed himself Seeds. e, changes since last week. T SCIENTISTS DEVOTE TIME TO of Otintowrio . Tatoo and Divorces.
11. Citat the javelin-Saill, now titer. wisely in all his ways" tv. 14). Ile was. Following are the outside qual6atimis 'lias boen featureless, Dualness has been THE DEADLY PEST. A Brockville despatch: Investigation is Warsaw, Ind., Aiug. 0. -"There Port Arthur. Ont., Aug, 0.-AVilliam,
alighly in(urfated, determined to make circumspect Ili Ilia willk and caref on alaikeA . fair. ' I -Ja Bay, X� Y., Would be fewer affinitics and divorces Parker, 'tit cightY-YeAr-Old vOtOrAll of
1,,,Xtylt fancy, $1.80 to ,$8 pet Unshe Quollee-Min is badly wante(L Ae� being made at Alexandi
tin end of the sht,plierd boy. Some thiult do nothing to inflame Saul's jealousy. 1; from various sections are to the � Crimean war',' iliett in tit(-, di4triet
that at this Unto Saul did not actually 1. lie was patient. Ile did not insist NO- 1, $7.50,' No. 2, $7 to $7.20; Xo� 3, - London, Aug. 10. --The perils to public I'll* tile cause Of tile death Of Udgh If all married women ill tile -United tile
I jail here yesterday. Ile -was liolneir,as
cast tile spear as 'he did later (chap. J.9'. that Saul's daughter should be given to $6.50 to $6,75. � . 0-= that; pasturage IS pretty ,well bL%aIt,h,cftusOtt by tile housefly were the Graham, a fariner, resident of Cam- States were tittooed on the chin," said , 41;id, being unable to
10), but that'lie me hint as Ills right, though alio, had been , ies burnt up atlid forest fires ill some see- town, twelve miles west of here, who �Rov, Arthur RaNvei, native of Maorl. and frionollt-N
.rely bratiolished ilia London, Aug, S.-Calcubtlt linseed, chief sutbjcet �of debato at tile annual #( ag it vivgrant, The
weapon and that David estaped before promised to the one who should stay A tions fire making mlittelFs unpleasant. met -Ills end U11det solnewIllat peculiar tomd, New Zealand, in addressing all work, W44 e0ulnlitt I
it wag Actually cast. ThA origimil w)lj lig.-Sept., 45s 8d jw.r 412 lbg. Wholesale business is ,much About the Congress of tile Itoy'd Institute 0.1 Pub- circumstances early Monday morning. Audience of 3,000 at Winona Lake as. jury which enquired into the death re-
0oliath - (1 Sarn. 17,25). lie walted. 2. Baled Hav and ,Straw. saula Ila the previous -Week. City trade lic Health fit Milton yesterday- At first it 'Wag suppoid lip was droWA. sembly. 110 added., "NOW that I am ))call. 1,110iod with a verdiet that it WAS h0lh
rendered "clist" may be tranal-tted here lie was modeat, Very humbly lie replied . , held, but
,kiter lhix to,Saulls proffer of Ills daughter N. 17). V Satisfactory. In tile lumber ilf- Dr. G ed for Washington, I think that I shall
"'lifted,11 or "brandislied.11 Itay--Titbothy -is quoted " $D..s0 to is fairl, ordoh Hewlett declared that ed. and aft inquest was not ur,e b1s internal causes. and recommended flutt
Saul 3lever lost tile Idea that D,ivid Ile did not reproach the Icing when Ile $10 In oftr lots, oil track here, with No. (Instry it quietness is noticeable. . tlieve was evidence thAt houseflies per- it'has sineo been learned that there lisi, pyesitient notosevelt to � in- tho Government provide it home in it
wila the 06ol-ordalned king. This pvt-p,.)s& demanded Another display of valor. &-o 2 at $8 to $9. , -a tin important liarb in t1e dt8- wits a cut above tho"Par find the con- fillellee to have such a bill put throuRli part of northern Ontario where. such in-
, 11ftilliltoll-Retail trAthe colitifta" forilic
Straw-11rices muge fronA $6L.50 to g rly fictive despite the holidiy season. Seluiniliti011 Of infectious ciltorlo idig- dition of the body When, taken from thlo 41viduals would he taken ,ear(, 'of with -
he resolved to defeat, and, accordingly, Ire was generous, He brought a double .1 fill congres.4,10
Made several attempts on his life. meAsure of the dowry exacted trom hill), per ton in ear lots here. " A heavy. thunderstorm did considerable cases, Including typhoid. %Vhen tile wttter '(ioar6 owld;neo tbrtt there wAS no � . 11 1 , � out having to end their lives behind p6i-
,liat ilu(t West, but there Local aciviernuiput Board report on the life ,Wlicti. it was immersed I,, tile river. on walls.
VB, 12,10. IZ Wits afraid of David - - damitgo, in the E Wow kum o6i . . '_ ,,I —
thus proving Ilia love for her and his Wool, tire no reports of crop injury from this question wits lietiod they might ap- It is also known that a short time be-
flaut beemme ,eengib% that hO was figh .. generosity toward the m4oll who $ought pos. San Ptancisco, Aug. 10. -Miss Anna
ing itgainAt God,- this 04used terror it, it his life, the genuineness of Ills victory 1*1`1008 being IiAld to fallnel-8 fit Conn' district. preach the Govermuelit with a view to fore hig dcath Grabhul hall in M8 ME KILLE D.
try politta are as follows; W`ool, washeil I,onddn busitiest shows it fair 00fitin. legislatioft to Stalup out the fly lutt- seqsloyL $60' and no place (,Ali be found Xlemma, wa-i killed last night ill an
I continued to di4turb him more and M)re. over the Philjstinox and the grOatness of fleece, 13 to 14c; washed rqootloins, 100; ; lied Inoveino-tit in wholftale lines. Crop 8411ce. . where lie �48 seen to spend it. automobile accident near tile 14 -mile Vekornfooirdot. Olerniany, Ang. 10.-
Voftuse the r4rd, eAd.-Whon God 14 Ilia character (vS. 25-27). "A worldly — house, t(ioth of this city, and her alin 'Nine persons were killed and many in -
I I . I. - - C-17- *'
�_ , -4
1 ,
� 4
. .
With us We tire orfain to sucm4eol, bt.t mail will meom it margin for himself, but unwashed 11we, 7 to 8e. Toronto houffes reports thow Improvement ana tile out- Sit, James Crichtion-11towne solid a 11 It(? in a collision Ile.
I Ate pa.yltig amAll dealers In the country look for fall trade Improve$. that the housefly was a prolific source Tired Thomots-After givift, ]no sitm- Harry w&R alightly Injured. C'Ioumneo Jured. Oil, ) orlif
when the Lord forsakes at peraon lie is a mpiritual man can alwayg afford to do r asked me t, "OU0, tit# 1�1` Of tile 'Car, who Ivaci tween a pa-Asenger"trabi and a train of
for WAshed flec'm 1vool, 16,14c; roje,Oti, Ottawa, trade showA it gratifying vol. of disettse. As many as 100;000 bacilli thin) tJ oat, Ant ole fatme INT, My - own I
equally certain to bo, 4efiIAted. Tit, more than is exacted of him." 4. Ho i2c, aria ubwwo,id. vmeo, s i-2 to loco, driving, was unhurt. .1 bridge waq be. Quipty t- Irs oil the brollell line rutillul"
was re,Appetful, When Stitilla eervattl I I unio of mid-puntiner business, etithougli . had becil foUlld ol; it fly'$ legs, 110 turn (to grift(latoine fer Itin!. titty, ZOWIM ,
chriatitat iti mighty only 11thro Chdose Markets. the 11t)IIlIky, f"Iiq aud harvesting haq hoped that for tht Sake -of publie healtit _Wotidid youse do? Tired Thomas-- . iiig tiopairod In tile r0lid antl Air. Wolfe boitw�vll Flell-illurn 111111 lilet. "the de't"d
(2 06r. 2. 10). 13, Removed hint-4le Ar6q. Apoka lightly of the ofitt lbade to him I X ,r in the, darknom drove file InAchifte upon alld injurotl were residonts of the town.'I
afraid to retii.fn DnAd lo,age,r as all un- lie replit'd, "Seetatth it a light thing to 140111don, Ont. -At tbo regular ,wenldy , made t1tings, quiet. Rit.ports from coiln-' they woiti(I tinteceed in e. to 1111hating Nawth 111. I witz. to rattled I didli't It before he inotieed that it, IVAN torn up. along ilia line.
attdiate attondaftf, Mptilift-rt Is dot be the king',s ton -in-law?" (v. 2:3), Iftill - Mftting of Itho 0hoso board, hela hctq try districts &To favorable. the fly, aild. that they 1voilla haV0 tO knoW *1114 way t' tUfft.-ChICA90 NOWS.
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