HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-06, Page 8a •t ,.
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LII ., 1111 Y.I „L�.I IIII. II, JIJ IJI �,. :1.:1.L11...I I:. 11 _II Brussels, _... .... .. -
Cot Wawanosh.rill .
xP oat Iii go was
xeplacetl last Mra, Jobb Mcalllswr, of .iorollw, Council Diet pursuant to adj011M.
1� Sale Of all week. It is quite a convenience and is a Welcome visitor in 1lxie Iobality, ment at. Bolgrave, Jt�i�l� 28th, 1008;
p! used by many, Mrs, II. Hayden of Forgue .spent the members all present. M11ntes of last
www Tuesday last was Civic holiday, and part week with her son, Nelson, of the regular meeting, also of a .special
of the meeting, .cling, 1 cad and adopted, Com.
on to Iii caret nelay was the esbin- 2nd can, frons Peter King, lot 14:4, con, 10, t'e.
Miss Eva Smith and Master Willie opived stating that unless the council
Summ-erGoods, r Rev. I,. G. Powell was injured last are among those taking In the quelph'•would attend to putting in a ouly rt
ween by being thrown out of his bug- Old Boys re -union, on sideline opposite ni} lot ;43, con. 10
gY, but is recovering nicely.
Mr. Ewerson Vipond of Donegal oc- i, mediately, legal proceedings would
As the sale goes on some of the clearing lin%.. become exhausted, St. John's church A. Y, P. A. mein• cupied the pulpit in Roe's church last Alctaken for enforcement of same-
bers held a picnic at Ethel Friday af- Sunday evening, in a very acceptable
but owing to our superior purchasing facilities, we are always able to Of
of last week and not in a good manner. It was resolved that in addition too
keep the vacancies, filled up. This week we have again some great time. , the sum of $2,830,85 required to be
bargains and of course the earl customer eta the beet oluofee, Read
Mrs. Edward Cooper, Mrs, Bert raised this year for Co, rate $2,521,00
bargains the quotations given below:-•- g The annual sermon to the Canadian Cooper of, Fordwich and Mss. Dr, lie levied for township improvement,
y Order of Foresters was >'reacbgd in St, Armstrong of Harriston were visitors officers salaries, etc, ; also a further
4 Pieces Costume Silk, assorted colors, re;, OGg per yard, for, ,, 450 John's church last Sabath evening at the home of Ed. Bryana last week. ruin or $3,5'00,00 for special school
by the Rev. H. M. Lang -ford, who . rate ; in all $8,3;1,85 be leveed and
0 Pieces Fancy Silk Waistings, reg. $1,25 per yard, for .... , ....8Jq gave a most appropriate discourse, Mrs. Emerson Vipond of Donegal ;s raised off the township this year by
2 Pieces All -wool Voile, reg. $1.00 per yard, for . . ... . .... . ... • , , , , , 50o spending n holiday at her fathers taxation, A rata of five purl year
2 Pieoes Mercerized 'Voile, reg, 05o per yard, for .. , . . ........... . . • .25o Geo, Robb took the first grist of home. We are pleased to see her al- f was s d three -
10 to
10 Pieces Fancy Lustre, assorted colors, reg. 05o and 75o per yd„ dor. ,400 nervi wheat to Pryne's mill on Wed- most fully recovered from her recant tenth mills on the 0
12}c and 15o Ginghams, to clear at . . . . . . ..... . ...... , • , , . , , . , ,100 nesday. It tested 03 pounds to the, illness, raise this amount, and By-law No. 12,
bushel and ran about 33 bushels to the 1008, confirming the same was duly
All MUSLIN5 at great reductions We are sorry to hear that Earl, son read and passed.
Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, reg. 650, for ... . . ..... . .... , .45o acre, of Wm. Lowe, has been very ill with Gillespie -Burchill -That Jno. IT,
Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, reg, $1,25, for. , , . , 850 There were 31 applications in the a slight attack of brain fever, Last McClinton be reappointed Collector at
Ladies' White Cambric Night Robes, reg, $1,25, for ..... , , , , . • 850 hands of Secretary Skene for teacher reports there was a little improve- his former salary of $05 -carried,
Ladies White Lawn Waists, reg. $1,25, for . . . .. . . ............. , , , .75c to succeed Miss. Helen D. Ford, in con- input. The Treasurer's half -yearly state -
EXTRA SPECIAL.-Ohoice Lombard Plums in heav heavy' syrup, re vection with Brussels Continuation inept to June 30th was received show.
15c per can, now 3 for 25c. g• department, This locality will' send a good con. ing a balance on hand at date of
tingent to Kincardine on Aug'. 4th. ,$108.42•
Inspector Kidd, who has charge of These excursions are becoming quite
The above are only a few of the many money -savers which , By-law No. 13, 1908, confirming the
- tiro Pare I`oocl department, paid an an item of interest, and everybody ,Appointment of Collector, and B law
k. - official visit to Brussels on Wednes 'should arrange to spend a day at the y
clay last. He has been a resident of lake. No. 14, 1008, authorized and einpower-
we- have to offer from this great assorted sloe • • ing the Collector to charge and collect
Seaforth for many, years. The Sunda School picnic, held in 3 per cent.. on all taxes remaining un-
TERMS :-Cash or Trade. No goods charged at reduced y p• � g
prices. Tub Butter, 22c. Eggs, 20C. Wednesday of this week Ben. aid- Mr. Shaw's bush last Friday, was a paid after the 15th day of Dec.. next,
wards, of town, was united in marri- decided success. After hunch was both read and'passed.
age to Miss Lillie Dale, of Winthrop, served in genuine picnic style, all The following accounts were pre -
the ceremony being performed tit went to a near -by field, where all sented and ordered to be paid :
Clinton. They will make their home kinds tsports were indulged in, The J. L, Kerr, printing drain By-laws,
at Brussels. Sabbath School superintendent, Mr. $10.50• on panting contract, $20; A.
Robt. Carr, deserves much credit, as Porte3,field, express, etc., 70 cts. ;
Mrs, (Rev.) Abey, of Colombia, Indi- he certainly did his part faithfully to- Municipal World, : supplies, $1.55;
ana, and children, are visiting with wards making it a success, r J. A. McLean, lumber, $9.77; L. G.
Mrs, George Rogers and other old
g g Marwood, approach to river; con. 0,
- friends. Rev. Mur. Abey was formerly < dl . $5.00; McKinnon Bros., cutting hill,
the much loved rector of St. John's' hcon. 1`L $10.05; Jas. Martin, ins ect-
trtstr�s„ church, Brussels. • ing gravelling, $10,30; McKinnon
The ground has been cleared and Miss Nellie Haines of Wingham is Bros., gravelling and culverts, west
* = stakes set for the brick addition to visiting friends in town. boundary, $122,81; McKinnon Bros.,
1 the Ewan & Co's Carriage Works. It drawing tile and putting in culvert,
will be 05x73 feet, three stories high Mr, and Mrs, (Rev.) Hartley return- $4; S. Peddle, removing' stones, 30c;
and will fill the space back to the ed on Friday from their two weeks J, Cook, tile con, 4, $2,50; Jno. Jamie-
" "' •-' " - blacksmith shop. vacation. son, drawing tile and putting in 3 cu] -
HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK OF THE A youth named Casel K ught from Mr. and Mrs. Bri don of Toronto, verts, $0; G. Johnson, corn. on Stat.
Y O d + lite labor 1907, $4; (leo. Fitzpatrick,
- = near Walton, was a schen ed Mon- are visitors at the oma of Mr. stud
B I G BOOK S T ^ Pp pie, work
con. 10, $11 ; 5 J. life -
da evening being of unsound mind. Mrs. John Wilford. Y g g pie, work road grader, $110.25 ; J. lYtc-
EIe wad placed in the lock-up for safe Our baseball team played at Kincar- Dowell, fees 8 fence -viewers, $0.00.
keeping that night with the intention dine on Tuesday and are billed for For gravel and damages, the follow -
At a special rate on the dollar, we have opened the store again a of removing him to Goderich jail on Goderich on Thursday. ing accounts passed --W. J. Craig,
and intend to give the people of Wibgbam and vicinity some Tuesday. Not enjoying his tempos- $3.30; R. Shiell, $7.98; S. blorton,
GREAT BIG BARGAINS 1 ar confinement he made more or less Mr. John Leith of Clinton has taken
Y ;1;0,93 ; D. Cook, $2,24; Jas. Crnicls-
For the next ThirtyDas we will sell anything in the store at a ado for art of the night and earl a position in McPherson Bros, • hard-
y Y g � p g Y shank, $2.59; W. Linklater, $3.50 ; J.
- Tuesday morning worked his way out ware and tinware store. Bentley, $0.30 ; F. Deveraux, $•2.45; R.
of the enclosure by removing a hot Our citizens were shocked to hear Haines, $2; W. J. Fitzpatrick, -$14.07;
NOW IS YOUR OHANCE 1 air pipe 10 feet from the floor and that our townsman, Mr, Adam Watt- J Walsh, $5.18; R. Scott, $7.42; P.
crawled through into the Council laufter, had passed into eternity. De- Icing, $2.80; W. Dobie, $0.30 • W.
There are some lines of goods that we do not wish to carry in room. Here he secured a tray that be ceased had only been sick for a few Rogers, $4.45; W. Purdon, $1.05; A.
stock, so you can have them at your own price. found there and coming down street days, all that medical skill could do to Currie, $3.50; T. Finnen, $1:40; R. Mc -
Watch our windows for Special Sales. discovered some watermelons in the stay the hand of death was of no avail Gowan, $3.15; A. Patterson, .42 cts ;
grocery window of J. H. Kerney. and on Friday evening his spirit'took L. Orvis, $2.10; Jas. McCalhnn, $21.2.1.
If you need anything in - Only the plate glass was in the way, its fligght. He leaves a widow, one son Council will meet again on Monday,
WALL PAPER -LINOLEUM RUGS FANCY GOODS ETG as the store had not yet been opened, and Rve daughters. Deceased was a August 24th. The Court of Revision
> > > : so the lad put the tray .through the member of Methodist church and an on Jonnson and Hallahau drains will
It will pay you to visit our store and secure some of side light and captured a melon. He upright citizen. Funeral service was be held in afternoon bf same day.
the goods, for prices will be low. was taken charge of by Constable 'conducted Monday afternoon in Moth- A. Porterfield, clerk.
Scott and taken to Goderich by the odist church by the pastor. Rev. Mr.
THE PATTERNS OF LIMOGES CHINA morning train. He will likely be sent Cooper. Deceased was 50 years of 'p
That this store has had the agency of, will be continued in stock,so to the asylum for treatment. age. Question For Every Reader. `
collectors need not worry. Conte in and get _..: m
what you want at any time. If you could find a simple vegetable
Have You A Horse ? remedy for keeping all organs healthy
SCHOOL BOOKS STATIONERY AND SPORTING GOODS - .11t17iatiOWll1 • and strong -Wouldn't you use it?
Always in stock at right prices, The farmers are busy cutting oats; If you want to keep'liim in shape, Most pills are harsh, cause pain and
the harvest is early this year. never let him stiffer pain. Rub on .sick stomach. Dr, Hamilton's Pills
j j O�� `� J� j � J Nerviline, it is noted for cerin are different, they., regulate and
j -� j,,,r 1 v v j-,� I
Mrs. Geo. 1•;gkmipr and Miss Ferns strains, swellings and stiffness an� cleanse the system so gently, act so
are spending a few days at Ethel, this sore muscles. For internal use in silently you scarcely realize you've
n PROPRIETORS `OF BIG BOOK STORE, week. , curing cramps and colic, Nerviline is a taken medicine.. You are cleansed -
Gregory Block Near Bank of CommeredMr. Garr;.Wroxet
perfect marvel. In every good train- appetite improves -color clears -sleep
er, preached in the in stable'you'll find Nerviline because is restored. Every man, woman and
s ani, .Sunday night; he is a good it keep horses in trim and reduces s
speaker and evidently has a heart for child is belped by Dr. Hamiltons Pills.
the work. the veterinary bill. Farmers, stook- Try a 25c box,
men and all horse owners should- buy
Mrs, Montgomery of New York, Nerviline and prove Now invaluable
ABORERS S who has been visiting at Thos. Good for man or beast. 25c
Smith's s for a few weeks, left for home per bottle at all dealers. PHONE 59
last Friday.
A large number from this vicinity --
WANTiED took in the excursion to Kincardine Don'tolf
on Tuesday; they report having a Turnberry Council.
IN fine .time at the lake. THAT THE
r -
Manitoba Alberta �.,. -. `•" .-r-; �,-- ' �' � Miss Maggie Snell, who has been Council met on July 27th •members °
c " Saskatchewan cleric for Mr. D. McDonald, inerchant all present. e r
Work harvesting for 25,000 here, for some months, has gave up Reeve and Mr. A. Kelly were ap-Best �J
CANADIAN men. Good wages• her position. She will be missed, for pointed to look over the 'Zetland
"''t• iii -S PACIFIC Maggie filled the bill all -right. Gov't, drain on Saturday next and try -A N D-
::� RAILWAYEXCURSIONS to get it cleaned out by those interest-
To WINNIPEG ed in its maintenance and save ex- Vinegars
s pense of bringing in Engineer.
Going $ j 0.00 Second Morris. The Treasurer reported $838 on
i. •.r, 11 �lJ
y " • . ,, hand • the report was approved. Trip Class Township Council will meet on Aug. By-law No. 8 was passed, authoriz- aider, White Wine, Malt (English)
Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where farm in a tax rate of 13 mills on the dol -
laborers laborers are needed, within certain limits, loth. g
lar for the current years expenditure, ARE THE ONLY KIND
Returnonfor 18 Q® aysworh School
Atter at least Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg both also By-law No. 9, to provide -funds WE KEEP IN STOCK.
additial $ • 3odk took honors in the recent Hi
�,.• g for the Municipal School grant.
lir - promotion exams. Mr. Paul Powell was appointed Col -
EXCURSIONS LEAVE Fail wheat harvest is past and the lector of Taxes for the current year,
crop generally is good Oats will at the salary as last year. TRY US ON
soon be ready for the sickle. Bylaw No, 11 was passed to provide
AUG* 14 ' SEPT S funds for the count requisition. David Bagley, east gravel road, has The following accounts were pass TEAS AND COFFEES
from all stations in territory between Toronto- li acres of corn that will at this date GROCERIES
Sarnia line and Toronto -North Bay line. average 20 feet in height. It is a $1 :-Municipal World: Col. roll, etc.,
sand crop. $1,80; for the King drain, C. A. Jones, New CHEESE Old
S r IMPORTANT Y p• $44 ; John Burgess, $7.50; S. King,
Ask C.P.R. Ticket Agent for time of special Robt. Currie, 4th line, cut 40 acres $3.85; Jas, Kirton, $3.75; R. Gilkin- COOKED MEAT
• I( • train on August 14th, if no agent convenient, of fall wheat growing on his farm and son, $2.25; T. Hall, $5; %, Hall, on a ETC.
(� ( , r write to:- rintin contract 25
t \�'1 1I ,_ , i,• that of Albert Crooks across the con- Pl $ `, advertising
t �' ) i it C. B. hOSTER, Dist. Pass. Att„ G.P,R,, Toronto cession, in 2} clays. Crop is good and $1-00 ; Hennings; repairs to Ball's
�a�mrrt •,, r ,1 � 1 i�t +(,{� ;1 is safely housed in the barn ready for bridge, $12. Send Brin or Phone
the threshing machine. The following accounts for gravel, , g
Morris Voters' Lists .are out for 1908 damages, culverts, etc., were also Your Order.
and were first postedup on Wednes- passed
r� P p M. Willie, $0.70; Andrew Pollock,
day f f this week. There are 001 $2.10; Peter Fowler, 2,08; Chris. Mof- HORPYchpistie
B L U E V A L E � 18Uo1{KEEPERI3 � names in Part I ; 8.1 in Part II ;and 43 fall, $1.90 ; Joseph, Biggins, $4.54;
STENOGRAPHERS in, Part III, a total. of 788. Persons James McDougall, $11,20 ; John W. a
SAW MILL. 6 O 0 qualified as Jurors 427. Kinv, $17.02; E. Orvis, $7.12; David -
Jewitt, $4.85; Ben Ringler, $4.85;
by fire, We have still a large
Stock Trained
Experience TELEGRAPHERS John McNaughton, .iI g , $1.06; S. Van -
Though our mill was destroyed stone, $-1.08 , Jos. Breckenridge, _$4,30 ,•
Trained ce our management last pear• J: Hard $2.52; . Mrs'
rs $6,84.,,
counts. graduates moat � . Y,Robinson,, ow
of Lumber and Shingles on hand, e .eracesMaail Special course
postalafor- e Farm laborers Excursions. John Smith, $100, James T. Wylie,
* D$10,00; win. Elliott, $20.20; Alex, .88,
and can fill Orders as usual. particulara. Donald, $2,62,, John Ansley, . Me-
COAL AND CEMENT David Eadie, $4,66; Henry Markley,
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st ' 25 000 Men Wanted For Western $28,30; Hugh McKinnon, $2;,5.30; TRY
also on hand for sale. Arch. Taylor, $2,50; Andrew Ballagb,'
- Wia slum Business College Harvesting. $1.25; A, Currie, $1.00; Jas. Netter- A POD OF
DUFF & STEWART g S field, wane Wm. Mitchell, $2.00; Duff AitC OEM'N
&Stewart, $8.40,
OEO, 9POTTON, 1?AIN01PAL Council adjourned to meet in the
To meet as far as possible theClerk's
unusual demand for farm laborers in Ah, at, a.m. lo, on Monday, -
YY Manitoba , Saskatchewan, Alberta the Aug. 24th, at 10 a.m. TSA AND
�rl►�:,�'���1r..u. Cailadian Pacific Railway will Arun John Burgess, clerk.
%...,_,...,. TEACHER `WANTED. special second class excursioxis from
all Ontario stations. Cost of w one. MIR.-RMN am
Seaside Excursions TumboerrynSSttt salary' andiqual',fi- fromtWilnnipegtoicket to iaoi Wiis nnipeg
e1 labor �'OFF��
p As Others Think.
cations, Duties to begin August 17th, ers contfact to work thdy will be car- Best in lisle market. Qttali-
From Wingham Apply to ried without charge, After at least
....:`.....,.... Ono. Dou,=DEEv, one month's work in the harvest field, EVeryone In Wingham Has a Right to ty guaranteed.
Return Tickets will be leaned as
Bel "-re P.O. Sec,-Treas, a ticket back to Ontario starting point
will be issued at $18, TicketA are only . iiia Own Opinion.
follows good on Farm laborers' special trams, FRESH (iI�UCERYES
To Pharlottetown, PEE 04.15 Ontario liquor I.icenso Act and will be issued to women, but no
Halifax, x g ....,....... 2i115 , half -rate for children. leaving dates While everyone has a right to his ALVVAI'S IN STOCK
XttJohns,, N .................. 27.15 of exoursions are as follows : i own opinion, .yet it is wise to always
Mbitland, me.... „ 2715 Aug. l4th and Sept. 8th, froth all consider what others think And profit-�-�•---�-
Portland, M6.... ,.., 10 w •,
Old orchard, Me ... 1n;so stations in the territory. between by it. - I-
I[ennebnnkport, Me....., 20,15 Toronto-Not'th Bay' line and Toronto- Nothing makes life so miserable, or Step in, and inspect Otiir�
Mark Bay, clue ,,.,.... .. 23.15 '3ariiia lino, interferes so 'vides with the useful- line o£ Crocker befolre put -
North ' Dity.. N. i....... .. 33,05 . Y �'
1'roporttonate rat2A fr6nt all etatibns in License District 0 West Iul'bn 10th w and SeWt, Obli, from all nese of the average arson, as indigeI chasing. W e are bound to
flnta o. Tleketq also sold to Cac6nna, stations on 'loronta- druid line ttnd tion, and it is well for its to give fair lease the ulllxe,
CAP n I,'Atato, I:tcttb Me ls, sr„ Ironce, y-. south thereo¢f ((in Canada.) consideration to what ethers think
Rimouski. Riven Du Loupp�. �fl(trave, N."S., lY neo iq hereby given that a l August 22;nd♦ and Sept, 11, from all About this remarkable aMlotion.
lihedl,s6,N.:u.,l3nmrnerside,P,>6I.,Syduay�, pp teatton
Parraborb, Pletau, N.S., CAmpb6llton, N,B„ hoe been rnado for permission to tranater stations east of Torento-North Bay Walton MoKibbba is positive that
Drtlli6ueie, N.D. the tavern uebirsb for the lirornisbq known line to and including Kingston, in All-on•a stomach tablets they Have Produce Taken, Clash Paid
066d going Aug. 10, ii, 12,13, returging as 'thy, 1Zinq Edward Hotel in the Town of ,'
fmm destination o7 or botom Aug. 31st, W4naliam, ftom M. W. Algid, to M". Maty For the three excursions in August an absolute cure for Indigestion and for Butter and Eggs,
For further ii:formation r6eardin choice Mae ey, of Wing) Mitt and that the said ap- special trains will be run froth all the waaliy disagreeable symptoms that
6f rbntbs, st6p-aver privileges, egioepin itoatlou tivitl Yrb bonsldeted at a Meeting of points on the V. P. R. If you are in fallow this disease, srxeh as distress at.
tsar resorvattons, etre., apply W the Giran tha Board of License C,ommimlonbrs, to. b6
Trunk Tloket Agents, or ttridroes held at Auburn, on MIDAY, A.UGtIST any doubt . as to data of axcursiari ter seating, coated tongue, batt tasto in
will gaver�ia tbammlv'eg aaootdingly. R. agent, Whothat apply a furnish
C, P. s the r usnai, dlszlness, fiatalefice and A I MALC 0 LM'
J. D. McDonald AtVAED' ASQUITH, of special trains,will a sts furnish times n They Sens, u s
1ATIit, 1609, at i ;i. m. All p6rsons intereeted from our s
bidirlot FOA"aW A4*6,11 a:torts, er, or write to Cl, ,'i3, riles cell Ytir Mola with satisfaction
%iganne Inspeeior. 1?'betef, I)ldtiriot I'assengtrr Agent, tttliVrrttlltotmedd or illansy brick. Thq be.
'winslIkki, AutoAt 48th,1A00, 0. P. II., Toronto, Have In it and so miry you# r rw