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The Wingham Advance, 1908-08-06, Page 4
THE WT G lAM ADVANCE, T1TURSDAY, ATTGT'ST 6, 1908, wrai�tt is belog'traineiil by Japanese veterans, Clinton, � ' the W- nohang arsenal, where ,arras and ammunition Ar•e illade, is under `'flie Rouse o£ Refuge boasts of B12 Now aJapanese snperviston, in fact there is growing corn that stands Ili ;FeetTTi Fall �rbt no well of extending the list; It high; and asters and gladlolas. in. The PeoDle's Popular ��� n - U•1t11iC11x,1�.c.0 sufiiees to say, that everywhere, quiet• bloo►n, This shows.good enitiratiort ; IN i'VhAT iN RRAN, a head of oats .containin 11G tains oods. iyt unobtrusively:, but effectively, .the fi' grains Theo, Miall - Proprietor, Japanese influence is being felt, was also picked on the tarn), ESTATE ? NO, WI NGITAM, ONMV-Z10, 'Salk about the "open doors" Japan') _ : g r _a1 Agents Home +Tou.rnal Pattertls ��♦�N d �i`�F*fir operations are certainly clever, While well for the waterworks system was Prices. have held firmer and, more A tweanty-tape haat test of the new � A •ents�adies home Journal y�}�( r western nations are watehtn each made last week the pump working properties have changed hands in Xw/V l�d� l g continuously for this length of t• rue, Wingham during the hast year, than in We've jest endued out our New goods for Spring • other's every move Japan. is quietly rr and the supply of water apparently any other town of its size. 0 .and Summer, 'i'q say they are the nicest rane,8 ever slipping in behead and carrying oft .barn inexhaustible, A Special meet- " y is .r••r•..� No other town in the vicinit shown here, is putting it pretty i?trang. I311t really, t>l© the stlxl,e, g p building so ninny new houses, I,very Sttitings are beautiful, both in design and material, The -"��t the national Liberal convert- And, while Japan is thus increasing tag of Council was hold on Fridlty to year shows solid, substantial growth, tion of 1893, at which was formulated decade about the sinking of a second and Winghaun continues to be the err filr-d prevailing colors are elephant grays. and browns, in Stripes les he>r national influence in. Chula, .cou l - the Charter of oar Liberties, it was well, and it was decided to do so, the smartest town of its size in Western mercial expansion Is. not neglected. , Ontario. tend plaids. Of coarse, blacks acid blues are always cor- solemnly declared that; "We cannot place selected therefor being a littli. �_ 1-10 � � ��, Japanese exports to China are increas- rect, and we have a large range of these goods. licit view with alarm the large in- ing by leaps and bounds, al cl this is further west than ilio .first 11,011, With a fulling tax rate and promise Grease of the public debt trod of the lute, J. Fair received worse last week of an abundant crop, both at horse and- HITS.—A choice stock of hats for the Spring And controllable annual expenditure of the only natural, as every Japanese in in the bleat, coupled with good prices, p g China acts as an advertising agent, if £rem his brother Frank, who is locate we confidently look forward to j r� �j �1 Dominion +ind the consequent undue ed at, Carriduff, Sask,, that lie had the i Hot Weather BWRGANS IN SWEET Summer in aII the newest styles. not all importer, of Japanese mann- ` �l� ���* taxation of the people under the Gov- factures, and in the retail trade their misfortune to lose his entire crop by A 1 L ernment that Have been continuously hail, The hail was so heavy that Mrs, i• •� • +�v FURNISHINGS.—•A good ne)v steak in all lines of progress is oven greater, A large per- y Business. for our factories, our mer- DeiIC�.CteS in power since 1878, and we demand centage of the retail trade in Shan Fair, sr., who is making leer home s�{��i(,1�TB Shirts Underwear Ties, Collars Gloves, Fane Vests $La, B' chants, our meohanias, and also for the . : 1 : i y i the strictest economy in the adminis- hai, formerly held by merchants of all there at present, had to seek shelter Real Estate and Insurance men. Conde in 1 Come in ! tration of the government of the beneath a table. Mr, Fair had two nationalities, is in Japanese hands, In the meantime we have a few country, The Government at which quarter sections in crop, and the loss properties on our lists that we can sell and such merchants as refuse to sell QUICK LUNCH PICNIC FRESH -BISCUITS AR - 4 W,, this solemn declaration was directed to him is serious, as he had /he ruin- at rather less than their true volae as r AR - out soon find active competition , expended $42,872,000 in 1895, as com- fortune to have the very same experi- the owners are leaving town. PARTIES, ETC. y RIVING WEEKLY. operating against them, Robt. Maxwel 1pared with nearly a hu in 1904, An care a year ago. Better call on us to -day, or some - increase of nearly a hundred millions Indications are not wanting, that body will et ahead of you. some day, when everything is ready, Mr. I1, T, Rance has been appointed y G represents the supreme effort of Lib- China will not only be permeated by Division Court Clerk here, as succes- i eral economy. It is time for another sor to Mr. W, W. Fart -an. Air. Rance Potted moat . . ............. . ..100 All 10o .Biscuits now 3 lbs. for 1 eanvention or another Government." Japanese ideas, but it may form the Ritchie�C0S��5 Ham, Ton r Tailor & Men's �U���s��rs rentor part and )reel of the ►sanative of town, cunei with the ex- Tongue, etc;) 200. Bast assortment in town, i * „ g P P Boiled Ham• . , . , ...300 Automobile Biscuits, loo lb. or caption of a short time spent in BlyEli, Japanese empire. ]urge Bologna ..... . ..... . . . l0c 3 lbs. for....... . , , ..260 has lived here all his life. He is thor- REAL ESTATE AND Sliced Smoked Beef. " Fruit Biscuits, 100 or 3 lbs, for 25c —A printing rake-off was revealed onghly familiar with the duties of the Best Canned Salmon..13c, 15c, 20c Lemon Equare Biscuits, 10o Ib. •arlil/�"N'atgll�'%� . ° in the Public Accounts Committee at INSURANCE - WINGHAM office, well qualified for their die- Z3ippored Herring, per Lin....10o or 3 lbs, for.... , ..... , 25c Ottawa, The Auditor -Generals state- Canned Fresh herring ... ..1.00 Royal Biscuits, loc lb. or 3 lbs, charge, and his appointment will be Canned Finnen Haddie , . ..10e for ... , .. .... , , .25c meet for 1907 shows $0,9(fO,fPd paid for .n�=�$ +��e1ri$ approved of by everybody. Mr. Far- Canned Sardines .....5c, 100, 160 People's A•Hsorted Biscuits, 10c Intercolonial printing to the St. John R v� h 'll Fall Term 0 ens Se t lot-- �f�s•� o•�•`ts+�� C0CX1 We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, Which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all' kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No, 55 ll® 6, No." I Am CLEAR Sun Printing Co. The proprietor of ,mow 1J ran, w om i ness has compelled to retire, held the ofFce for 45 and 1 n . Those know best the Sun is B. It'. Pearson, M.P.P., also -gave --'Mr. Geo. Stanbury has sold one of years entire satisfaction to all who had who the merits of this school are its staunchest supporters. proprietor of the Halifax Chronicle, and participator in the Halifax land his farms, being lot 25, con. 2, Stan- anything •to do in connection with ELLIOTT' deal, The ,Still's bookkeeper and ley, to Mr. W. Bawden, Exeter, for this office. Literary and Scientific Courses, al - managing director testified that the the sum of $3,100; it is 100 acres, but An exceedingly sad and unexpected 6 has no buildings on it. company had no job office, but handed g event occurred in town on Tuesday TQRO�ITOR ON',Ir. over the work to a' local job printer, —The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. morning, in the death of Miss Amy R. Gnnn, third daughter of Dr. W. This college stands First in Popularity, Thoroughness paying him 75 per cent. of the price Chas. McGregor of Hallett will s in- g y and. Airs. Gunn. She had been suffer- and genuine Merit. Go where you will, you'll find our graduates received, retaining the other quarter. pathize deeply with them in the sad This gave the company $1,740,23 rake- bereavement that has come upon their ing at different tintes from appendi- pushing to the front. Their superior train- ing enables them to set and Hold first - College off in the nine months, or at the rate home in the lost of their eldest son, rills and one recently recovered y y °lass positions. open all summer. Fater any time.`Vette for oataloglie. of $2,175 a year, and never had to lift aged 7 years and 0 months. from an attack thereof, when it was W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL a finger in the way of type or press- thought best for her to undergo an Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. work; it was simply and purely' --Mr. Richard Guinn of the Dur- a operation, which was performed on .......,.....,..� "steals. by way of rake-off. The is ham road, near Walkerton, reports Monday, Not the slightest ill -effect AT REDUCED PRICES.—Laces, Embroideries, Collars and only one of many, and helps to that one of his cows recently gave was anticipated, as she stood the "• account for the enormous increase in birth to a calf with two heads. It had operation well; in fact she seemed so Alma Has superior expendit ire. only two ears, but otherwise each of well that after the operation her 1 advantages i n „ * the heads was distinct and fully father went to Seaforth to assist in Ladies Music, I+ i n e developed. The thing didn't live. G rr another operation, and. was amazed Art, Bloeution — , a eoy or, c ref w ip o e . —Mr, Lal :Paisley has sold the farm Conservative at Ottawa, when when he received a phone message and Physical Cul - College party \ recently bought by him on 'the Huron that she was dead. t u r e Domestic asked as to the prospects of a p p Road, Goderich township, to Mr. Levi - • Science, Business College Courses, Dominion election this fall, said :— Trick, of the same township, for the Literary and Scientific Courses, al - "There is little use in calling Parlia- of $5,500; it has been improved 5,000 Cured Of Hay Fever. so Public School Classes for young went under the same conditions as -sum 'd bi Al P ' 1 b ht Instead of sending patients to the girls. Cheerful, wholesome, home - const era y sinee r. axs ey oug existed during the past session, with itaid. mountain, doctors are now prescribing like. .For Catalogue, address DONT GO TO BUSINESS the Opposition in the hum , and is well worth the or it has p p Catarrhozone. It relieves quick)y a is "The Resistrar,"ALMA COLLEGE, permanently cures Hay Fever. All �, been. in for some time back, The —The Ba tist people of Auburn will 1 St. Thomas, Ont. COLLEGE UNTIL YOUTE READ THIS p p p druggists sell Gcttarrhorone, Plenty FREE Laurier Government cannot ho a to b 'ld t} h h til t CATA uaineaa orest Cit.r Collo Shorthand 40d..ge t _ ontariq ri•Ili; i ..., ',.` i i ansa 0 0 4s©) sosgoo BQBB� oacol10 0 0 lip B 898 8 pp BEAD OFFICE: Hamilton, Canada p • ux leer new c utc on a -acan to cure nay Fever for $1. -- - .-- ��••� - " �••+ "4,..o N�"r, s accomplish anything under these con- lot on Front St., opposite the Temper- der, Chili Peppers, Trimeric, Cel-', large bars and 5c cakes. BOOK cry Seed, Anise Allspice, Cinnamon, Rose Soap, pink & white, 2 for 5c ditions and must go to the people, in once Hall. - Mr. J. F. Brown, archi- J. Seed, ,Gloves, Allspice, Cinnamon, Taylor's Shaving Soap only... bo ARTHUR J IR�IN order to bring about a change. It is tett, Toronto, is getting out plans for TCesWatel'. ., etc,, etc. - Banner Shaving Soap only.... 50 a also a well known fact that Sir Wil- the building, which will be a neat, Apple buyers are already on the D.D.S., L,D.S. 1 J It to immensely important that frill Laurier is much apposed to hold- modern: edifice, and a credit to the road. The crop of Spies is said to be Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- 1 you should get all the information Ing elections in cold weather and Oct. village. light. nsylvania College and Licent ate of about a college before you enroll is really the mgnth for many reasons. - Dental Surgery of Ontario. as a student. Your success dol The Government has only one hope, —A death took place on Sunday, at Fall wheat threshing was begun —office in Macdonald Block— panda upon your choice. „ Port Albert of an old resident of Ash- early in the week, The sample of Our Freo and that is solid Quebec, continued Catalogue tells all about field Tp., in the person of Jno. Young. grain is said to be A-1.%� tJ . PRICE our Methede of Teaching —why we turn the Tory whip, "`IVa will have big outgradua:a who are always indemandl Air. 'i'oung was a native of the town- gThe secretary off the Teeswater 13,S.A, L,D,S. D.D.S.I I "' ' ,.III -I • YI,+•" I I• I I .a..I" -� yJ1a�'J 1111-„J"YIX"• IW`y�'lY• Itl1 It expl.I.. tho commarel.l and Sherd majorities in Ontario, Manitoba and ” s sh'► and was sixty ears and eleven handooursoalndetnll. Showati.evalue P. y y Agricultural Societyis ShowingCOM- ofthe l3usinessEducator'.Association's British Columbia, and we will haver rp •�• •� (��y�s months o age. He is survived by his mendable zeal in preparing and Take Advantage �e Ql Our get - Diploma! And this large, handaomalYY our share of victory in the new pro. -Honor Graduate of University of Toronto illustrated book will.bosent toyou FREE {�idow, formerly) Miss Simpson, aril ting out the Fall Show Prize List. and Licentiate of Royal College of by return of mail if you will lust sand vinces. We will get nine out of thir- ,t family o g Dei.tal Surgeons of Ontario. un your name and address! teen seats in New Brunswick, and T y f two sons and two dap h- The dates of this years show are Students admitted anytime! ters all. at Port Albert. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 6 OFFICE iv BEAVER 111,001C— WINOnAM y Special Oponing September and January think that Nova Scotia will be about and 7, _ The Forest City evenly divided. So far As Quebec is —A most unfortunate accident hap - Business and Shorthand College Extensive alterations and im rOVe j LONDON, ONTARIO concerned I think we can win out in a paned to Mr; Wilson Moore of the 7th p I.w. westervalt, 1. w. Westervelt, In C,a. few constituencies there so on the line of West Garafraxa near Deacon, inents are under way at Air. A. Lit - CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Yrincipzl vtte.Yrinelpa - ' tie's flour mill. After 33 ears' ser- - �'-- whale, the Conservative party has a on Tuesday of Iasi week. While en- y {, p � a './}r'.(�p��j great chance of victory, and I think gaged in cutting hay, he stopped his vice the flume arad water wheels had Wingham Circle No 434 Duan �bVl.lA Taking, we will win, If not, my faith in the team to drive a calf out of the way gotten out of repair and somewhat people of Canada is much at fault." when the horses became frightened, behind the times, and these are being Mr. Moore was caught in the knife of replaced by others that are new and Meets the 1st Thursday in each month, turanrl�ytatlyyM,N+yrr.yv�I'Uo.,ygMayr,,a►/�1n• g in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p.m. Candi- the mower and had his foot cut nearly up-to-date. The wooden flume has dates for Cheap, reliable insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates from any JAPAN IN CHINA, off• been torn away Anda concrete one is of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at Came and See these S e G 0 0 d S You'll , in course of building, the same rate as men. e —An leen bAI1 measuring pearl 4 Airs. John Mahoney, a resident of REv. T. S. Boyi u T. R ROBiNsoN g y 1 inches in circumference and weighing Loader Rec.Secre'tary be glad you came. Very, few. perhaps have any idea nearl 3 ounces, was found embedded the south east corner of Calross, died b of the rapidity with which. Japan is y r very suddenly Tuesday morning. She W. J. WYLE9 Fin. Secretary = 3 P' y p in a rock -elm tree, to the depth of � - .extending her influence in China. inches from the inner bark over 15 had suffered for some time from " " SHIRT WAISTS. -3 doz. only White Lawn and Mull Shirt The victor of Japan over Russia growths on the neck, and though Waists beautiful) trimmed with lace embroider and O` y p feet~from the ground." The tree stood - � 3' � y increased the respect of Chinese for on the farm of Mr. Stoddard West these had given considerable trouble tucks, A genuine snap, Reg. $1.76—now $1,25. Reg. Japan, and made it easy for the latter of late, serious consequences were not $1.60 for 99c. Re $1,26 for 75c. Reg. 75c, for 50c. p y Nissouri, on a piece of ground, which g• to increase its influence in China. g immediately expected. On Tuesday DOMINION BANKI' Black Sateen tucked Waists re ular $1..25—now $1.00.in hi h water forms au island" in the g One way by which Japan is increas- north branch of the Thames. It was morning, however, she suddenly be - BOARD OF DIRECTORS : in this influence is educationall found b some men cilia but tins- came worse and death resulted from UNDERSKIRTS.—Wide, lacy and very pretty. Reg. $2.00, Ing y' y getting strangulation. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. _ for $1.75. Reg. $1.50, for $1.25. Reg, $1.25, for $1. Hon. Wm. Gibson Chinese students are encouraged to go her for a barn. T. 3 President - to Japan, and Japanese teachers are AT COST.—Drawers Corset Covers and Night Dresses. sent to China. The Chinese students —A Dornoch farmer who had quite g J. Turnbull in Japan a large flock of hens Could not account Emergericy Danger. Capital (paid lip) $3,976,040 i Vice -President and Oen, Mgr. p are treated well and. among DRESS MUSLINS.--Positively must go at any cost. Reg. other things are taught that Japan is for the fact that he got very few eggs, Reserve (and undivid• , $3 297,OW 30e for 20e. Re 20e for 15e. Z'i,r g is P oa rollta) a 15c for 10e. John Proctor the only true friend of China, and her and war' thinking of disposing of thein When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Settles p j g' g ? a all and getting a, fresh lot when he on the Breathing Organs a Life Total Assets, over $4$, ,� George Rutherford * only help in time of future trouble, g g A BARGAIN IN CORSETS.—Celebrated D. & A. Corsets, 1 and thus they become pro -Japanese. made a discovery. -In his heti house is Threatened. WINGHAM 'BRANC33. straight and curved front, lace trimmed, good jean and j Hoa. J. S. Hcedrie, C.V.O. one day he found a snake and eventu- anese school -teachers in China are J easy fitting. Reg. $1.00, for 75c. Reg. 75cs for 50c. j working to the same end. Japan fs ally killed two dozen of the reptiles of There are times when a Hy6mei Farrizers' Notes discounted. Cyrus A. Slrje looking far ahead in her fixed plan of the black and garter varieties which }utnd will flit i's ath a lifh a e, no safer and having rita t t BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS. —Must be cleared out. were nested among some bark mater- p Drafts sold on all points in Can- - Extra wide pleated Skirts enriLmrst style. Re 1.6 , Q. C. Dalton expansion and world power, and she E' tion can be su gested than calling. at p > S g $ a0 knows that to train the minds of the ial in the hen house. After killing W. MoRibbon�s drug store and get- oda, the United States and Europe. - for $1.20, Reg. $1.25, for $1.00. Reg. $1.00, for 60c. tin a sit 1 for use 'n f 11ow' 1 ut:11c al WINGHAM BRANCH ' younger Chinese to -day will secure supporters in the next generation of the snakes he found that his hens + yielded a good supply of eggs. g ev y i o -ung Cases. When a child shows the first sign of SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. SHOES TO CLEAR. -120 airs of Ladies? and Children's p 1 v t P. ►�MT��T AGENT public men. Re orfs come, more articular) — p particularly crop p a breath of Hyomei through the inhaler will check the trouble per- Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards, and added to prinoipal quarterly. y' Shoes, to Clear at 50c, per pair. 'But the strongest effort of all Japan front the east and southern parts of manentl A SNAP IN TOWELLING. -23 inches wide, all pure linen. ' = is making is in the direction of relent= the county, sags the Woodstock Sell, Whellythroll h catching cold you D. T. H$PBI�RtI, ffianager Special at 12�c---now 10 cts. zation, and here no effort or, money tinel-Review, of the injurious eftfeets Seem to be choking lip, difficulty to • n ! • m .o is being spared, The methods em- which the recent rains have had a on p breathe, pain or soreness over the htngs and. other symptoms of a. Vanetcab, solicitor AT REDUCED PRICES.—Laces, Embroideries, Collars and pIoyed have been exactly the same the wheat which was cut, While a pneixnro- nia, the instant relief from Hyomei Belts, at greatly reduced prices. as were first used so successfully in good many farmers report that their air is marvelous. FU 0 t D Korea and Manchuria, except that wheat was not at all injured as the re- It penetrates quickly to the inner greater care and secrecy have been observed and a far better class of ©rrii= suit of growing, yet from different ))ares the information that recesses of the bronchial tubes and lungs where no liquor or moist medi• Protection and Safi We sacrifice these goods to make room for fall quarters Ging can reach, arrivals. You may reap the benefit, grants abet. They have been instruct- wheat has been seriously injured, When an asthmatic condition pre- _..�_._..._.._,.. 'WINd�NAri'i ed to enter all parts of the empire, remain on the bftt- terms with the Sonne even report that the growth has been so great as to cause the wheat to sents unusual wheezing and appressed breathing, Hyomei will bring rest, Inyestment y'� �y C O "j't? A N D S �""'l' S ,%hMAdJJg_ 60 ' R�SNCIr natives and Establish such interests its mat in the stooks, complete $1.00. p eoutfit.,. �+ �� ���++'' "llsoffkAXP Kit - a )night later rove valuable to Elle g p - _ A1t>t oounik�nn 1x _ Japanese government, No abuse of ('Under Government Fnatlectfon,) the natives is allowed funder any Cir- Pkaaitnt,Y 6111100d.Iteantituity furnished. currrstanres, as their most important have A (food Complexion. tenon to all regularly lleonsed hysiolans. object is to •connteraet the hereditary Virat of all you need plenty of Blood h;ales for Patients (whi(oir include Hoard and hatred that the Chinesa a —the red kind, nuraing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per wack, according people have Have it pure, or to location of room, Vor further iuf4rnma• for the Sapanese, So while citizens of otherwise blotches and pimples will tion= -Address render your natural chartns unavail- MISS 3. E, WELCH western nations aro not Allowed to Ing. Nothing can t•gaal I+eriozone, superltitendenk lino anywhere In China, except In the either as a forin of rich blood or as it Floe 2123. Wingham, Ont. treaty ports, the Japanese In the gulso skin purifier. By driving out (tumors, of priests, schooi•teaghers or other Ferrozone clranaes Insidejustas water 'Filo AD VANCI; is Nortli convenient classification, are dads outside. dinBecause of the nourish - The ter on. , going meat sail building properties it coaly Huron's leading news._Overyywhbre. They appear as toaeh- talus. Perrozane brings than systbnn to s er. Are Oil 2t Sttly- ars, p1)yaiclaus tend engineers,1i,s ped. a high palm of vigor from wlitoln l p � shineeso vine, Ambition, good spirits. 3OrIIit;f f hot, vVliy Mass of wot- oriole -, anything to si!our6 hehlt7l«trikparVerrdjo I. o harpy All Aril a 1 per year. t ori. Sold y All Only � iy �' I it, tooting. ''Iso ahlrtebo At'kinq to -day dottlerA In 6r0o iio't+Dl. ,4 The Endowment policies , . .,.... Highest Prices Paid V or Produce, , `--�-CiF•---� j The 00minion Life M i I I S 1 A sound, well to runttged T Opti tdistt Life Assurance Company. s p y J Average rate of Interest earned In 1006- 6.73 006•-6.73 ITR CENT. WIN GUAM WALTER T. IIALL LtrW Agora - winghani, - a 4 .k Y