HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-08-06, Page 2E 4 . . Ensilimi'v1-- ,W--­­ 0-1F? , 41Z;7711147-! , 4 - ­ - - 101-1r.-Orw . 71 -1 1. I ..- 4 -Wrq T Is —.1 1, . '' , F__;1_;'.:_ A _IP.71:. W` *, . . I — . 1. o I ­ : -.,--?— I 7y- - — ­"V7rW""VV,—,1FFW 1. rMFr"_1WZ . .", ?W,i -r., *, " . %.- 7 I i :. . " " ".1 , pm" , I . '' fqw.T , , , I w-,-. . 4v JX , . . .. I e vr.r . , 7MTPI , , % I . . ,. 1. . V -t W 4 1 11.1 . , ;W ., '- . , , . , I .. . - 1. - 1. I . , ,, . I . . I . T-.. 041. . , 714 1 , 'I . .. I 1 - I I .1 * 4 11. . . . I I 1. ., 1. ,Rr,.- . I I - I I pWA@1r%# %, . I PROW "I"k A 1 1 1.,Mpo ,. 'k . . _ , i ., ,,,, __ g ". I f 11 " , ­ I I I . I, . I . I . . 1. 1. . . I I . .1 "p -pp. -- , , , . , , _ , .. . . . 11 - L '' . . . , , I'll. I I I I . ­ 11 . .1 ....".. ., 11111, , I 0. j . I _ "4101PPOAm 1,1_11, 1.111 1 0.a , I %. . f , I I .. , — _ . . . . . I ... I 11 I . -4 , - . - - - —1-1-0-4N 6 _A i - 4414;4i I i _ ;k I - - ­ . I I . . I — -- - , --_ --;I 0-t==- t , -1 . . . . I I . I . A . ,, 1. flual result? Of NXIlat Are ('4011#11 and . 1, . I fair volullie otobtudileas is pa4saig In a lvd and soared the pilh-eowned- wofi,44. I "I'll, jobbing way. Choice Uprilla witoot lAt- -M TOO "I'll"UNG p1t 1. . , I I)ayid typic,417 What portion of th" '11 I tile hussband cried, alovid. TV. V" : Tim Winghom AdV81161 . L to, $Q391 second$, O,OQJ will0r)VIleat I is, "W . 11 I WQrI4 14 Chrlptlaulpd? WireAlle 'religious . I I DV 11 "01i, 10i too terrible. 81iii-pouldn't . I . I . 0 patents $41 straight rollers, $1.30 to eye done that", he moaned. , , I , Vellfte Of the world. 1 $14.00, do., In bugs, $1.00 to $2.10, ex- DOOR OF STORr4f A ballift led the husband from tile moth$ wes 'Not 4 Issue MIT- T Irloo.or t _r .. 1111AW30AL APPLICATIONS- i mo Ra No , I , PIP "'Op, "A1.16, 1plrgp ,. Ni V .. - I ­ I trust $1.65 to $1.75). Iteed—.1tirm foollng` — courtrooin, as ,Judge Alexander 40- ' , _ , `I`bq Chrivdau Ia a "501dior" .2 T' , r - I %, , imimils lit tile luarket for all linot ot .. . 44 C .... ..... ""..`4 . -,, . *_ "I I T ,at in hand Niggle ri go Li ease fol Hot Son. L4_ ,. ,.. - w I , _ _0 .11, --- , q manded quiet. U , 1popif"Wr 'e" _ . . 1-18). It' 14 a, 1,414 --of fultiv, ,f,o,r, 1. . ­ tuill feed willer a, steady domand. gull PHILADELPHIAN 6TA131390 rushed from the courthouse to the . . I 11 I., I I 'I I . , . . ,Vqp_p#­ P 0 1 ' ' I L d IL"' ' , I i x1glit'vou'sAwss 11114 holblosa (I Tim. 0.12; sillailt suppilet;. A141111tobik lWall, W to HEART 15Y 4EACOUS AIVAle. offices of tile Denver Cab Compomy. 'L 'I,XSSON Vl,.—AUGUST 9, %9 0, 2 Thp, 4.7). tied is our commander, $23, shorku, V.5; Ontario, bran, $20 to , "They shan't take liar to jail' in Buffalo, Alfg. 0L-,_"JIQ1l0, '10 this tile L 4 L lie teaelivth.our Undo to war (2. $'Am. 0,50I middlings, $24 to $201 shorte, , patro xclaifned "Give illarXia ' I Oro, Agnew 11 1 12 1 Wagon," 119 a , L I .go liconso bureau?" asked a I . , , Avld 4u4 (;Ql1ath,r-X,$'4Im. 17t. A -14t 6, -4; ,)o, psa. 1414),, asid "who toachath Farmers, Xa4clit, $ 1 Slayer Still at Large-Huma-0mod a and team you'v0 . . 04tutentar,v,-1. Goliath defies Is- like him?" Pob 36:22). '11tore W06 110 grain recelved Oil the 01-00 to $25 -per toil, hicludil) a I OQ cars and got," he demanded at the RVOVY * voice over tilo telephone yesterda.y At- - pql .Vo, iiiiii"rilloopi, A*oq461WVV' ' . g , g, ., $1 $30 to 1$02 i milled itman Att9oked Ofif - I 'X'ggle fr de tornoon' Wilon all #1111rillatiVe answer . " Vight jod`$ L "Satil start to day, and prices tire purely riom- pull, g"lin "ne"ll, , n. Provisions Thus it was that XrS.L X ^ I wl tit t weap0118- ilter to Probably Fatally Stabbed Mato. , arrlaga,Ucenso Clark 00 w. .4 . ko IN 00 3-9104006,* Po— _4 ,— rael (vs. 1-10.1 The giant, Goliath, who ' 11 (v. 38). Ilay lit moderate supply, with 1111rades, t moss, $22.601 ha olu , 00a finued David with his arinor inal. ,,arwir_ s5,),1or,.ii8,(i . It- fr the courthouse to the Willity $0 was given. I - I . I cattle out us tile CURIllpion, of the I'llili's. Out Dityla bad it better defence t prie" unehauged, 20 load* tkild at 0 barrels do,, $11.50; clear (tit bitelce, W3; . at West Fourteenth and X%Iam4t1l Riley., Was. jujormad' that, the person 0 hall , 04 tow 4""Pois 8 *tnok tines, "belonged to the prilitItIVO ftcc Saurs coat of mall (Bph. 0,11-18). "The to $16 a, toll for old, and tit $10 to $IP- dry salf long clear backs, lie. barrels Philadelphia, Aug. a. -Ono, murder, streets, with only a deputy sheriff af , i I J with bloody Rod acit.%tional details, and liar side to mark her a's disfarout at tile Pholla was Vito ,mother oi - .. , __. . ' , ­ ' .. ­_ ". " " ­­­ I of the Anakita, of will& tile Israelites wcapiius of our warfare are not earnal" for now. Straw is nominal tit $11 'Co plate beef, $17.50; hallf-bRitrels do., $9; .Toso h Lobifilflop and that fille $us. . (2 -Cor. lOi4). Not fo L. compound lard, 8% to 014c; pure la -rd, another ,assault that will ProblAbly .1-0- from other woman. 'Rho womilnos hUS- ted that he wAs on Ilia wa . to the had found a small remnant at tile time roe but fillth IS $12 a toll. , the jail, Af,. Poo t), 1111 KENNEDY, UP, MAPOSA I . tory U John 6:4), )mpaniod her tc office to take out a license, , _ I our vie Premed Ile,", are steady, Choice 12% to 13c, ketti. rei d. red, 13 , , band ace( , My $Oil 0 n 0 . , to suit bl, tile death ,of tile victim, were (k " of the conquest, four hundred years bO' id a ' ter site had been Paced ill " is not of age an n Tit hila to os,obw 01 00 - loomal 1 4) 11. Discard worldly weap011s. "Dily lightivelglits sold at $9.50 to $9,75, anil 13J/...Lc; liams, 121/.. to 14c; broAkfaot ba- dad to the criminal history o dol- husband converse witli liar a ca" "(If ,d I do 't.wa - PrIdA pic0aw J to , , $0.20. To - i I , - upon (Num. 13, 12, 33, Josh. 14, 41) ":Rid, unto S Rul, I cannot go with then, Navy 0 Coll 14 to l5c; 'Windsor bacon, 15 to f P111111 earnest, get married," said the woman 'Chose, driven out; by tile Israelites) at. for I have not proved them" (Y. 30). 'lleat, white, bushel ... $ 0 83 $0 85 loo; fresh killed ab4toir dr6oc4 liogs, pbla, .yesterday. James 11adula, of No, for half an hour. Then Ila drove U Y_ bein assured that A license would 4=0 2611MLW ZK 3MM01W war aftor the flesh,, ( Cor. IV Do,, red) bushel ... ... 0 83 0 85 $9.7a to $10, live, $0,8 5 -to $7, 1?,grgs- - anyone under age prsdR.j goollit"M po& to Dipseiiiiiiii of VW i , ,W,do not L 310 West Mt. Pleasant avenue, Ai , town to go into conference with law. n 0 tachod ,themselves to tile P11111stilles, . lot %. , issued to I ,11 one of IQ. warfare is a spiritual war- Do., goose, bushel - - - - 0 81 0 824 No. 1, 20c; selectso 22a per dozen. Butter ,sent of tllQ parents, ; )Para to have beL .1 yers, I and Goliath A-1) , ), Our 4iry, was stablied to the heart by Joso without the con - XM 00 cwulrlw _ 1, ,ts, all of wheat were fare, not, it,"plinst, unbelievers, but I BonaLotas, Ili$ rival in it, love affa ir, an rang off. I I it family of g kill bushol ... ... ... 0 52 0 00 24%c lit Jobblilig lots. Oheose--Westeru, scorching Words. From the 10ourt. the wom. id Ilia men (2 Sam. 21; Our weapons are 01, % and tile police of the Fourtoeuth dis. About ton minutes later a young own bewo 104W WIT 1100,36 1W slain by David at . biql; unbelief. Dailey, buslicl. ... ... . 0 50 0 05 12 to Ulic. eastern, 11%. to ll%c, . I . I .11 -.1-4 4 15-22.) QoIbtth,s,-b1 1gbt has been val!&" 11411glity through God" (2 Oor. 10-4).. triet rl',ranized a man hunt, for the as- The terrible armignment of audgO man accompanied by a blusliing . . mi Ile", bilehel, - '­ '.. 0 75 0 00 . I L A - _ 0 lie WQvian I i otisly estimated at troll-, nine to eleven ill$ pro llso is, ,,.N,o weapon that is f orm, sassin, who fled after Ilia murderous Alexander, which caused t young woman walked into tlie City Hay, old. ton .. ... ... 1600 1,1 ID cringe, follows; I a % , is estimated to have ell .8 work. -milalioned, i4t), the river -front tOf,rilt Hall and asked to be directed to the OR ROBT, C. REDMOND feet. His arillour again t tllcc shall Prosper" (18a' Do., new, PRINCE AND PAINT, , 00 years ago a little light , . . , IVelghed about 157 pounds; while tile ruiti, Howard Qarbit, boatswain oil the marriage license office, They were . 0. Cl. OL Oft&) , . I t nine- b4-17). Straw, por ton, ... '. - - 10 00 13) 00 ' came into the world -a child. was born r . A -I )lead of his spliere Nvelghed abou lleatholdsm is an armoredi, massive coal bar -o V14liza Jane, attacked the crew how the office of Clerk' Riley. IL 0. W. 0.=&) t(en pounds. la,thoso times great 3120 Goliath, Ignorallef-11 ellpolatitioll and Dreswd bogs ... ... ... of tile Eoat with it murderous looking to you --the greatest prizo that eatil s 11 to Voting, and although they pilliV611011A.1110 AND SU1111011110" I . Butter, dalry ... w. .. 0 22 Rama any woman. They looked " jell licathen 0 2' The Spanish Queen-niother Got a I dirk, tile blude'af which he thrust hZ ued to giow Put Oil a, b' and stiengt1i and armor wore of imulea- caste Rro tile armor in wh Do,,, creattler,v ... ... 0 25 0 2$ 1 L 61d front, they appeareil $0rable AdVantatre in bAttle. This the breast of First Alate AVIllitint Kart- "The little girl contin, She I Pr. obloow) . uoryous about their undertaking. #00" wish I . L lie arm. religions are OnCUSCd. "According to tile Eggs, dozen ... ... ... 0 92- 0 '41 5 Surprise. brighter and more beautiful. - . . I I 'O I armed and ldurueFglant defied t latest and most trustworthy statistics iiekons, springr, dressed, of No. 43L' Canal street, A14knayunk. ,,I am ,losoph Lobmiller," said the fes of Israel morning and evening for the great religions of the world are rop- 0J ured mail ivas taken to St. Tim- walked beside you and leaned upon outh as lie entered "Cupid's -Bower," 11 may resented its follows, Clirlstions, 5501000;- lb . ... ... ... .. 4 .. 0 20 0 221 p "o, your arm for protection and was tile 7'and I want a marr ense.""How R. VANSIONE a. 'Lit illi , forty days. Ills Rppearance sent ail' Fowl, per. Ill . ... ... ... 0 10 0 12 Sall Sebalitiall, AUg.,Sj--'.VI1c little fit,,. klospital iu.a critical conditiou. 1 . I - J oy and ifride of your life UP to tile old- are you?" was askleldi.c Re replied . i into the hearts of &tul find his People- 000- Confucianists, etc,, 200,000,000, MO- Duct", spring, lb . ... ... 0 12 0 14 Principe do Asturias nearly spolled R, His would-be mur6ror wits captured af- tender age of 14 years. I is . 'Am MOLTOMA None of Saul,$ soldiers dared to fight hWiA.;iodaus, 217,000,000; Hindus, 209, Onions, per bag , - - - - - . - I '25 1 40 Surprise which King Alfonso nad ter a desperate struggle witli tile pal- "Than' what? No one but yourself that lie was 20 years old. I with him, for no one could overcome 000poo; Pagans, 175,000,000; Buddhists, Cabbage, per ,floven, - - - - 0 35 0 40 . lice. I I knows the day and the hour when "You cannot got a license without 111111111W (W illift 84-10west feast. Off'*- 'A it, . Ty IN-eapons of war. It18)000;000,, 1 20 Queen Victoria prepared for tile t,ho consent of your parents," ex. h i I'Of liat Potfl!wes, new, bushel ... I 00 Queen" 'In his dying statement lit the Ger, I the light went out-il, pure, bright, plained the clerk. . Lobmiller answer- .M&TAft DtAm, I I G tit (vs. tile b.brl tiauo it is reckoned t 9 50 11 () .mother's birthday, 'wiiielt was colebrat- mZtown Rospital, -Padula. gaspi . ngly re. I . I a Ir. David offers to fight 0011% ulle; Beef, hindquarters , - - . . 0 . intelligent and promising younF girl- ed that his father was working and WINGLUM. . iO.37). just at this point DaNid fLP* about 272,000,000 tire Rountit Citth Do., forequarters - - - - - 0 59, I; r, 0, ed this week, As the Queen -mother lated that Bonatetas had attt-bbed him the choicest handiwork of Gods orea- could tinot, got away, and that his ' * 4 peared on the sc;no, and, much to tile 16(S000000 Protestant, and 118,000;M . D 00 would not sit for liar portrait, lql.lg because of jealousy over Rosio Stifff a tie mother, while at home, could ftot "­ . ' I Do., choice, caroase ­ 8 00 4PI . , n; rich, net -with silver and gold, ' . ostonishment of Sald, offered to chat"- 14,'R tor Catlioli6-" 7 r,0 Alfoutio each time lie visited his moth- Hungarian girl with whom the (lead nor the glittering attractions of the . pion the cause of Israel and go out and Says . a writer, "A friend of mine -was Do,, medium, carcaise - 0 50 9 00 or was-accoulpanied by an artist. whe mail had been living at No. 316 West world, but rich because she Poss.es.9- come with him. "But she said I -DICKINSON & HOLMES - ' . red Mutton, per owt ..... ... 7 00 could get married," 'explairied' the, I meet the Philistine. At first Said hesi, sianding oil the top of 0110 Of tile $Re 9.00 was placd in such A, Position that Ile Mt Pleasant avenue, wbere be also con. ad more than any world of riches can . , 9 by Veal, prime, per cwt. , , - 7 50 . youth,- ta.t,(.4, but David soon convinced tile king mountains in China, visited annually Lanib,apAugg, por IN . - - , 0 14 o own to tile august sit- du4ed a grocery store, The store was giv.e-the pure white mantle of chas- - "Your mother just called me up and BARRISTERSf SOLICITORS, OT47A . . I that he possessed the elcluguts ucces- thousands of pilgrimst and lie noticed ter. . a popular resort for Italians of ,the set- titY. told me , not to, give you a license," 00w­1l1W-- Vwk Winlibum- . eluctantly :11mbed up those Live Stock, one day ything. She was in- i i sary for success" and Saul T one man ,.who had c , The scheme worked wall, until tlement, and among the most frequent "This was ever aid the license clerk, "so You will IL 16 JUMnew Dudl6i Uelmm I . consented to his troing. David's state- thousands of steps upon bis knees. Ile Receipts as reported by the railwa* tile baby Prince, who was stepping with visitors was 13onatetas, who ivas said accent, unsusp6eting and handsome 8 get thom, to come here be- : 7) s'I'lows that he had (1) 4 oking for?' " ment (vs. 344 . aid to him, ,Whitt are you 10 for Weditesdav and Thursday were 1 1 his grandinother, discovered the artist's to have been attracted by the charms -at that critical monaent when the hava to can get the license," - li (3) RgilIty$ (4) ',Oil, lie said, q am looking for heaven.' , ox left at Mirdmar fore . ongth, 'a , niposoa,of i,o44 cattle, 2,130 b ., w,bi(It had bcon protecting arm of her mother was most Sal,50111 114 cou6ge, (2) stv, ,No -ho, said 61 car Imod , o of Miss Stiff, The r jatlons bet.sveon disappointed youn Lobmil- - sit -A. MORT01"Ll confidence Ili Me own ability, (5) 111111111- -HZvo you found it?' p and lambs, 251 calves Palace, opened it himself tile needed; when the natural mother -wiFdom, and feel, tuid I feel, but I ,; nlot find 'the hogs, 2,016 shoe . and covered , two mail were ilot of tile most cnl would sacrifice her own existence- ler left the City Hall wit the girl - ity, (6) perseverance, (7) 1 file and 1 horse. with paint. dial nature, and it is thought that when of his choice. (8i faitil in God. . - door? joryus is the dow; but those N I 21 ortem---mThere were none unless it to Queen-itiother was inuell. puzzled Bonittata, called at the store last niatit would burn at tile stak,el it need be, to C - X BARRISTER AND SOUCITOR , III, DRAd slays Goliath (vs. 38-58.) most need that door are groping oll"1115 IV -I! J l. it, condition. 11, preserve the virtue of 0, daugliter- I .. I I lie word for "armor" find it. you and I (is it few odd cattle picked out of hLods; to know Itow lie got In 31144 meant trouble. Aftei a brief and would follow her to the. grave, pure MONEY TO LOAN . $8, His arnior-T for it and caull*t of butchers' , and thue sold froin $5 to She ,ifow kilowti, as tile portrait wits -Pro- animated conversation Padula and Ilona- SWEAT SHOP EVILS. I I ; in R. V, is "appard-y" "Probably a sp- u,ity have .tit vilego and tile joy of nd virtuous, rather than see her dig- I -y dress adapted to be worn a pri, - Is ] thpre - $5.25 for steeys.' Bull% sold at S,1.3.75 to sented to liar on her birthday, on Tues- tat., )aft thp building together shortly a , . . % I . dal, wilital helping then' find that door -after 7 0'cloc&. flalf all, hour latz ;, graced, and shamed, debaucl ed and ' 4OW-Wortols Block. Winglism. J . with. armor.'l-­Calu. Bib oat of mail anything in life that call be compared 4.25. 1 d bitteliers' day, - - - Paditilit staggered in f ruined -at this important r moment in , or ---- I i -11a ancient Hebrews were particular- "They that tuitil many to Bultche s­jllie best picke 00 Mat of tile sto,!e your child's life. you rave sed nature, Revelations, at Conferencoof Lab J cattl ble ver Ili& clothes. , . Wellindtoii Mutual% I . ___ I o the personal safety Ot ER '_ ; 'I'm stab -bed," lie cried: "Bonal;olag Mother Sells Daughter. and Ministerial De - i witi, that?" a sold at $4.75 to $5; good, $1.40 to od stret lllillg 0 * ly attentive i 61 righteouBilesb (shall slihlic) as tile stars nedittill, % to $4.30; eoutillon, IAWY ` ARRESTED. , . legates. I their warriors. The coat of mail was n (Dan. 12. . 3). $4.00; i . -$2.50 to $3.1.5; call- I i) - limply'to "You trampl d xidder your polluted . Usuitily made of leather or some pliant T - 1, $3.50 to $3 75; towa, . has stabbed me, and he sank aterial, sometimes covered with metal- tiers, $1 to $2 per cwt. 500 . . the sidewalk. - feet every law of God and man; you -r' Fire Ins. Co. I . - - ill of taking tile riteders aaa Stooker"Welcers, Charged With Misappropnating His brother - Antonio and his sw3.,,t. abandoned your own offspring, A Toronto despateh:'Hai owing wore I . lie scAles, and capable 0 PROVINCIAL PRIZES to 700 lbs., sold at 2.50 to $3; feeders heart hurried to the side o4 the injured "Were that all, the case -would be 'tile details brought out in a. discussion 09stablUbed 1840.) ; I fonll of the,parti of the body it pro- I TIT% 800 to 1,000 lbs., cach, sold .it $3,25 to . Sum of $15,000, man and within a few inititites a pa&beol no worse than others already record-' of the "sweating systein in the city of XwA Gfflos- UULPH, ONT, . . i tected.1l.-Bib -Die. 30. Assayed to go . 00 of Toronto" at the Labor Twm 11)3y making tile TO BE OFFEREJU $4 per civt. I wagon arrived and a -fast run was nimle ad. But 'a demon - took tile pla ple last night rks taken on ell clarsties Of I.iturable pro 1 1 -Endeavored to go. ingers-The inarko for ther and the protecting by representatives of the Iffillisterial As- 3110 on the cash or pi,vallum not@ %Yata" 1061i __ .... . attempt David*showed his courtesy and I Milkers andSpi A Loudon, Out, despatch: William IL to. the Germantown Hospital. Fifteen a natural mo "s;:1, ­ - on,,r,f tit $40 to $60, ansformed into the poison sociation, the laboi council and the Unit- r ! def6rence to ]lie; superiors-" Cannot go wood inilkers was str Bartram, a well known local attorucyy millutes, after reaching there, with Ms arm -was til oil Garment Workers of America. MAMN OMD14 all" DAVIDSODT. i - :th tilege-Mic shrewd, practleal sense To Competitorsin Standing Field and one was reported iit $65. Coulmoll was arrested oil Tuesday afternoon on aweetheart wailing at his bedside, 1'a- fangs of a viper, and the sanctuary. P1110111441111t. storistary. W . acil. ' - and holy Instances were cited by several speak - of David admonished hire of the folly of . to inedium. cows sold at $30 to ,07 e, a warrant sworn out by Airs. Marion dula expired. To Lieutenant Buchanan, of everything that was pure JOHN Rxrm,=6 I Crop Compe'lltions. Veal Calves -Prices ra,tiged from ' ,43 to his young girl was as- ors, where clothing shops were having Bowles, of London Township, charging of the Fourteenth district, the murdeee.-I and noble in t] 0 1 attempting such a combat with weapons .0.75 per P -lit., with some few choks., in/said that Xoilatetas had stabbed saulted and sacriticed.to the ravages clothing made in filthy coops, where mail AVWL 44% winshain, out !. ! with which he haA no skill,Terry. "He . q*ality calves at .$O. % him with misappropriating ' $15,000, in' Stiff' of the devil. , and women were crowded into close, - . is it wiso 21i.,in who knomfrwhat lie can- Sir, -The increased number. of .so- which site alleges was placed in trust . hinilbecauaii of jealousy over Rosio . $(Fair and beautifulj she wtLe sold, sold swelterhig quarters -with but one lava- I ­ . ". - Sheep und Lambs -Export ewes, $3.7.5 It is Before he colal(k go into details dczt'.li to tory for both sexes, wc . I not do as well as what he can." Put with the accused nine years ago. a t"' liking part in the to $4,10, lambs, $5 to $6 pel- cwt. WV6- claimed by the pliiintiff that Air. Bar- overtook bim.. nd body, for it dollar in the filth of il -1 them off -"This was likewise from the cieties -,vhiph are t mpetition,c ley Dunn, who b6ughb 600 ljimli s, quoted . street by her o-NVn li, "tloss and debaucil- were c4trageously low. - This was 11'by I. , . . Lord, -who would have it made manifest Standing Field Crop cO train has been paying the interest regu- Immediately upon the news of the - , the United Garment , Workers' Union - 1 I ,tile [Liferage price at $5.05 per cxvt. larly at the agreed rate of four per murder, the porlice of the Foulibeenth dis- ad mother. . that Ilia servant fought and conquered t,his year and the excellent results that Hogfi-' o change in pricea. 'Mr.11ar- cent., but that several days a upon trict began scouring the ,woods about "There are no wordo to express tile. were putting up such it hard fight to 11 I , I . , 0 . 90) ' ililLtiou. of , this court itud the indig- foXce the, clothing manufacturers to have . .. I by faith; and that the victory 'Was from already accrued have .been so ris quotes selects at $6.90 and lights.at her-asi,cing for the money in order to Germantown nd It, Airy for tile fugi- hum -k . SECURED . him, who works by the most despised 'lave us 0 ere nation of an. outraged public. I have all thei - r woi d of, as . - inst* farming sections of a gar 'cut c I means and instruments." --Scott. marked that tile H , 6uy sorAo London property, the attorney tive. The Italia o I( I on. Nelson Mou.- $0.65, fed and watered at the market. h settlement 1%, * of brutality and debauchery, a o -A n ROMPTU 'I . rriculture, liss t on. heard casei 0 .of . . much arous d, a. . i they ]lave little regrard 40. His staff -His shapherd's crook. telth, . to.66 made under sweat shop condi- 'Write: for our intereathig bDnk?, " InvPut I . . 4;11 Toronto Sugar Market. I was unable to produce it, for reasons ainong fa, ers and mothers,. I have ot4 & Hallill anti 11 How you are %win le .fp 11 . i 1 4.1.- 0 'D . _1L_ It. .. A —.41 11 Five smooth stones -Had they been rough or angular, they would not ]lave souted to extend the Compet,1511ill I furtllpr by arrAngin g to have, the five St. Lawrence sup, 1-s tire quoted as fol- - I qs aud Granulated, $5.00 in barre n9t yet aseertained, and as 9, result Nv%rraut was issued for the arrest. Bail or o na 1, 4, ir o a . te its it ' trouble , Threa men -maker tho Ila while 0 - hoard cases agaill0b mothers for aban - d ina their own offspring; I have heard ti6ns. The contraut system was deplor- ed bccaiise it reduced the rate of opera- al " it rough sketch or model of - tit Ili- U ) oil crimprovetnent and we will tell Ou I .-14 . passed easily through the a ir, Shep- food. . of tile ditfore lit prize winners in each Agricultural Societies compettlig, eutt!r lows'- I The No. I golden, $4.60 Ili barrels. se was fixed at $30,000, for which three . sur etii6s. were secured, and Mr. Mrtrara Mounted Officer Black was trying to dis. perse a riotoifs moh in the settlealeuts, or - against men and wo.men. for cor. 0 eases tors' wages to the life line and forced In many factories in rAri r- o a our, ortilon as to wbether 11 . . Rejected i applicatiorta bAve often . by im. We herd's ba—Used to carry his daily filina-A"'favorite ,weapon of Do astern . i , nto a Provincial contest at tilt, 'wintur EA: c I i Prices are for dolivery; car lots, 5c IvS8 . wai'roleased from custody. The prelim- Bonatetas a6tucked him with a revolver, -arrested, rupting the morals, of ,children, u have never seen or heard. of a case that, a owiditious. tho'citY childreii u ndor 14 years of age successfully prosecuted , . fully equiged offices In Montreal -.to ivroullit- t liquallfiesilf; . she;hards. It -was also very effective in war, regularly employed, not illill and Ottawa. t fairs at Gu( -be required to fvrwar-I exhibitor will inary hearing was arranged for Friday morning, but it is probi a that it will 'Vi He was overpowered and alld is now under indictment oil the dia "' h i seems to me so disgusting, degrading and 0 this were employed. ii-Vages wbre so - lo IN that. parents' found it necessary to per- Washington, patch work and quicklF W 4111re Patents , ad as the Invention. H gbrxt refvreticas ". . wax, and only by the Israelite troops, but also by the Per- tw;o, bushels. of the grain wit' whielt lie Cakes a prizi in tb Ptaudi Ill; It leld .. New York Sugar Market. a ,week. I I : . of wault upon an officer. The dead man was 22 years old hi,y4 r , ,while hi s s wicked as one. , "This little girl told me this story 1. mi t theikchildron to- work to keep star- - aNVy. Great difficulty was being she4. cured through Marion & Ma- notice Without charge in the Syrians, the Egyptians and siaus.--Bib. Die. "The sling is composed Crop coinpetition thi - YZA, - [-lle Sugar, raw, firm; fair reflulat 'I 73 .;, -100; WOULD NOT MOVE ORGAN., is 30 years old, a.nd resides in the sanin, alone, only -when asked, ropoiatedly to tell the truth. Ili sobs aud-bitter tears, vation ua& ti clicounteA,d in tryitig to Pers 10 . throu - too newspWapo 9 distributed gilout of 'two strings and a leathern strap. Tile the amounts offered in prii,oti i%t m%cil 01 the above viamed wintor fam-will bo centPifugal, 90 test, 4.250; moliisses sli- gar, 3.45. to 3.50c; refined,"steady. Foreigner Played in Front of Sick block oil West Mount Pleasant, avenue. a He w s employed as the, driver of a ))e(r tit her face co . . Avi vtred, did she tell it, ' Government to enlarge tile f"tory aa , - . eat houses, where to include tenem. - . 0 Aon. , u1W a- ent business of Man an xngiueer& strap is in the pliddle, and is pla,co , where the stone lies. The string on the Ist, $35; 2nd. $30; 3: I. $20; 4th, $.10; r All WGst Of I" '%'Jtc British Cattle Markets. Woman's HoLuse. I wagon. word by word -how site was taken in . '-10. short dresses upon th streets at al] so.as the greatest evil existed. ILMON & MAMON right eTyi of the strilp is firmly fastened I to the thumb. The string on the left is 5th, $5. societies will compete at Guelph and those east D, a ell Toronto at Otta-wa. GX- London,London cables for cattle art, steady, at 11 1-2 to 13 3-4e per poluld, I Toronto respatch: -The street org&n, Ili When Howard Carbit, the drink. ,.raz. ad boatswain of the Bliza. Jane, which hours in the niglit'by her mother and intst; be sure and always got how she L 5 In many places garments were beina made in ffilthy quarters, where mail, iVO- lftt*nt Experts and Solicitors Now York Life 8'16'F, Montreal 4 "me I . D.C. . held betw6en the thumb and,middle joint two of hibitor will send his grain by expreas dressed weight; refrigeraCter beef is quol;-i which is very much in evi(luiee the streets during the summer, is not reLeiv- is,moored at the wharf of the Vhilatlel- phia, Box Pa,per Company, at Flat RoZk, her money in first, how she resisted -at ni 6 children sleep, cook and eat, when tile weather was Atlantic Bldg,Wasulngun ~W~""_:Z:: -- '. . of the forefinger. It is then whirled I or'three timear-Tound the head, a.nd whan 0. 0. D. addressed to the superintend - ent of the fair at Guelph or Ottawa ed tit 10 14 to 10 1.2c per pound. . Wheat a,t Winnipeg. . ed7'-svith general approval ill certain lo- calitie's. In fact, some of the organ grind. started on his career of wemrillitlado)), lie created a reign of terror %board. tile first and how she suff;red. "She told the same thing in part only and qttimes ifortiulateB,were com. frigi(r,these poor in J they were . .'. AD BULL, "I ­ I discharged, the finger and thumb let go . their hold of the string oil the left and-" and the transportation charges will be by the Depattment of Agri- . Winnipeg, Man--Wheat--July opened ers positively refuse to move when or- boat. Carbit, who is 27 years aid. aild bef lore R jury of fair men, but not until it %%,,its made as privaiO as possible before qlled to use the clothing w L;rking upon to cover themselves. Then the R leased Prisoner is Chaslid .14 . , I The sling was a forinidable -weapoll in A paid culture. $1.01 3-4, closed $1.05; Aug. opened $1.0-1, closed $1.041-4; Oct. opened 91c, closed dared awn.y by citizens who,have no tie- Are to listen to the music as 4b peal -3 resides at Reading, at first. rafilst, d to I help in unloading tile boitt, aud Captain a jury. No one who hear4r it and saw A certain low grade of foreigners It ad been for reductions in prices - a Quarter -Mile. . the hand of a skilful person. stone ity could be hurled with P. veloc that The grain winning the prizes at htese winter fairs -will beco me the pro- 02 1-4c; Dec. opened 89 7-8c, closed 91 1-4c. fortli from 'the "hurdy-guriij," pleading ,Tacob Schneider threatened him %% 1611 her eall possibly doubt the truth of her No doubt the half nor the tenth asponsible ri ig, on account o f the inis- of cloak mRkIr I Lcwist n, Pa., Aug. 4. -To be. held I . would make it as fatal as a Tifle-ball. . in David's perty of the dept. and will.be used All Closing cash pr1coA: No. I hard, $1.00; No. 1 northern, 1.05; No. 9 northern, their Ignorance of English as one reason. Shortly before 10 a. in. yesterday, punishment for mutilly, With murder in his eye and grasping guilt. has never been told. erilble conditions under-Vvhich they lived, ,were being made to Orgilllizc prisoner lit the top of a tree for more than. an hour, then chased acres.-$ it Ptb` . ­. It Avas a very comnion weapon . . time. Seven hundred left-handed Ban- for experimental pirposes. grain exhibited other . than that taking $1.02; No 3 northern, $1; No. 4, 05 1-4d; Frank Pinto, it iddle-aged Italian, tilt a long -bladed dirk, Carbit rushed oil `Letters have been written to the offi. . a.nd'rhe court telling of your ci-ime Efforts these and imPVOV e their mode of living- i, a, in ture for more than t quarter of iIQ, . -breadth I jaminiftes could sling at a hair's 0 41. Philistine came ou-Gollath, "in Ili, at 10 prizes will be sold by auction st day a. m. on the morning of the lai NO. 5, 86 i -2c; No. 6, 77 I -9c; No. I feed, 60 1-2c; No, 2 feed, 60c;. No, 2 white onts, who -was acconipailied, by one of his coull- 1171110111 whose duty it is to assist' ill tha oftptain and Henwick Shhuffler. tile . cook, driving them to the shelter of the cers and immorality in company with your lit- tle w in towns and thank ing God - - 0-_ 0 "SOUL M SON BORN T ATES." I wits tile thrillim, experience that Roy lei- 20 years" old, of this place, was mil , 0 f F shining armor, Avith It , dreadful clanking , Is ! R, redweight of met- - ' of the fair and, the ', roceeds ceinitted raent to the owners. -, by the depart. 42c; No. 3 Alto oats, 4 Ia, rojecWd, 40e; barley, No. 3, 47 1-2c; No. 4, 45c; f I Lx, hitulmg the organ and pass the hat around; took up Ilia position in front of cabin, Like a wild man Carbit, pur. sued the two menl, who ran on dock ,irl other that justice had finally overtaken one of Mrs. Earle, Wife of Original "Affin- callede upun to PM -38 through, . Miller, witha number of companions, I I 'al " '42. Looked about---- 'Hb scanned the An affidavit must be furnished by No, I Noilohmestern, $1.20; No. 1 Mani- Robert Dackiefs house, ,tit 200 -Daildeti, again find lortped overboard to escape tile womt characters ever seen in their . town. ity Man" Mother of Boy. Becoming soparat- went berry picking. 0 -rossing . . . witole scene, and could hardly persuade himself that this boy was Israel's chain- each exhibitor at the time of making entry certifying that all tile grain ex- toba, $1.19. . Wool. avenue. Just as the music commenced Mrs. Mackie wits undergoing a serious opera- his fury, swittiming to 'the opposite qlde of tile canal. Kartrier stood his ground, "You have had a fair trial before a I Mouro, N. Y., Aug. 3.-A son was ed from the otilers, and while c 0 it pasitire about three miles 'west of I I pion!" ,, Disdained him -Goliath seemed hibited by him and was grown on the which was judged by the official Prices being paid at country oiiits . tion, and her husband went 1 out ault 'pleaded Ivith Pinto to go further up the - and with a hmvy marlin spike fought off the crazed man for ton minutes, fa,ir jul'y., were ably defended by a good lawyer a nd were promptly found guilty. born to.day to- Mrs. Forldinand Pinney Earle, wife of tile aoinalist artist and town, he wits attackki. by a mail bull, - a d took to lie branches of the tree. 11 t .- insulted tha,t such a, young, lifiarmed lad as David should approach him. "The in. plot .nt to sent by the Federal Departme the are as follows: Wool, washed fleece, 13c to , 14c; wa§had rejections, 10c; un street, but without avail. Falling to Carbit finally made a vicious lunge at t:` You have comniftted an unpardonablej a iliTpardonable and almost unspeakable the original "affinity 11111D,11, who makes home Quaker Hill - Both Mrs. 'Vito bull stood guard, bellowing, pawilig tile ,tit agid frothing *at tile mou 11, finite resources of alliance with God at -e judge the grain while standing 211. the field. O -wing to , fact that there _ le I f ece, 7c to 8c. was led comply with" the request, 21fackie at- tempted to force tile Italian to move, Kartner and euce 0 isa 1 ced d in d ruling him, Twice he plunged the knife into his - . . ' crime. his at Earle and the baby are reported doing eat then placidly trotted RIf across the pas- not visible to the heedless and hostile : ; Nvorld. IJuchristian people do ndb un. were n t a sufficient number of eto- in kinds Apple Crop Report. . Growers' Asso- wilien the lat"cer removed the crank used I breast, and then, believing lie had. killml 'the "Yqu ]lave taken the flowers out of - your own child's pathway and scattered . nicely. . 'r 141. P. Earle, sell., moth . Lure. The it miller left his poroll, but had hardly touched tile earth and spritit- : . derstand the character and serviceable. I cleties entered other of gr--iin we are confining this competition ak Twelve of the Apple ciation )lave reported to the Ontario in turning the organ and dealt Blackie a stunning blo%v across the forelwad. Kartner, he ran into cabin and locked himself in. thorns iiisto-ad. You have blighted tile ,%Irs, artist, and Alfred 11-uttuer) brother of ed' for. the fence in I Lho opl)(xsite d M- . ness of God's help. They derided David, they derided our Saviour on the cross; the winter fairs to oats. Further patticulars will be mailed Agricultural Departmeht that the pro$- for this yearts crop are not uite Policeman Preece (248), who happened locked, Pinto. No. 7 Ight ` Jio fl 1, between tit(, two Schneider In young life and crushed forever tile joy - itifix . of the child.you nursed Ili hot aitty. Mr. Earle's wife have bec staying !!Lt the artist's hom tion, when tile bull joined ill tile "ce- But Miller succeeded ill reaching tile they deride us almost every day of our itvzl Ilectively aud individually. You Ken later. pects f)eoted, the fruit notilav- along, up at police station on 9, charge of aggrava.bed as- me )nuij succeeded ptain filiding a policeman, who sent in a riot "Wo liave-one thin& to he thankful for did not anticipation of the event. issued a fc..Ilce 11, few feet in the lead, althjuizzli . . i'llob gone very far in Christian ex. . . I trust that ),on will appreciate the desire of the Minister of Agriculture ing "set" its well as hoped for. This, I s ail off year for winter varieties, which sault and wounding. 1_1 . cal station. . Lieutenant Lush and a squad of men on behalf of the girl--Jtbnt she bring oil her own downfall. She will, we Since the artist , redbittly warning that lie was keeping several exhausi-04, . * 1 . . 4 - I ... I . parlance if you have not been pained by the derision of worldly men, who in the . to improve the standard of the grain crops in. the, Provinco of Ontario and were gi od last year. The advene change , SWALLOWED FLY POISON. responded, and captured Carbit after a trust, endeavor to liberate herself from the bondage of liall idto which you halve great Danes and a hive of hostile bees his to keep away casual vis- TRIED THE rMPOSSiBLE. "', .- main are friendly, but who are disposed to think you foolish and -weak because give us your bearty co-operation in this important filovement. Faithfully is nofticeable most.in the eastern part of tile Province. A Toronto Man's Vain Attempt to End desperate fight in the cabin. The pris- oner was locked up for a licaring this plunged liar. on grounds itors, there have been few visits of con on lie Plitt Of neighbors. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy's Comment Lines. .- . . YJDUr Strength is in, the Lord,A--Hiffl. buVo Com. 43. Ain I it dog -He hurls a yours, - .T. Locheed Wilson, Cheese Markets. Alexandria­zro-night there were 856 His Life. , - I despatch, Because illnesa morning. 1% I =-I Scores Woman for Insolence. - I "But what hias she to face? Whath" gratulation ­ I IFIC OPENED. . on Pacific . Montre, Aug. 4 ---Speaking to -day al 118111%) I thrust at David, suggesting that lie knew no more than to control his shepherd . Superintendent, ,_r cheese sold at 12 I -Go. Winchoster-At the meeting of the Tofonto of and the extreme hoat James Brown, a. AWFUL CRIME. , she to rocall? What has she to regret? ll d ever be obliterated? Train From Winnipeg as Result of tlie witlidrawal of some .,'Lea, lines from tlie 11acifin trade Sir Thomas "11rubably ; dog. "Pride gooth before destruction, Cheese Board held here to-ilfght 749 vol, at 137 Spadina avenue, attempted to "Indbead of pure and inisallied smiles First Shaughnessy said; som of ( gad a haughty spirit beforea fall', (Prov. . LEAPED TO DEATH* ored and white were registered, all sold CcJmxnit suicide last might -by eating fly Isoaked ill Brown, who is MOTHER SELLS YOUNG DAUGH. on her lips, s,he must meet tier friends -e- of Trudeau Wreck. the transebutinent.al railwa 4 that es- tablished steaniship colillecti011s Oil tile 10, 18). By his gods -These gods were i i and Astarte, The on the board at 12 118c. . Belleville-Thefe were offered thisl7al. poison pads. employed by the T. l3aton Compally as TE'R TO LIFE OF SIN. with the bitterness of remorso-and I gret, with the crimson blush &.1allam 0 Winnipeg, Aug $.-A new, epoch in .d transportation hi'the West "'as niarke Pacific oceall in reenit years with the - .v ; - . combat thus became a. question not niere, Toronto Patiefit Jumped from Grace Lernoon some 383 white and 235 colored,- R. wagon washer, has not been well for -but ' stamped upon her ch eck lorover. (ilia morning, when tile first train pull- - annotincenient that they coula afford to ()f h&tvy commoditkni . . ly between David and Goliath, but be. tween God and idols, If Goliath was Hospital Window. 1,500 sold at 12 1-10e, 405 at 12c and 80 . at 11 15-16C. svveral days, cotitinued at %vork. Last evening -lie werib to his .Omployruent, Judge Denounces Woman As I'Demon if "The trail you have been following . leads ll into the lowest haunts, of vice, ed out. fol,'tbe ,west over the G. T. P. It consisted of three cars-kngland, Ire- carry an sorts front eaNwrit e entres to tile Pacific . : I successful then idolatry would gain a ­ . Kingston -The regular meeting of' tile but, an hour later ).to came home, con, - I '11. in Sentencing Her to Year ir! Cries Aloud at _ lid -lid end it leaves along and in t land and Valwoltinental---and had on - - tst, lind thence by Acalliship to Atli cot I I tralia, Citill'i all(& ill Competition I stronger hold upon the people. .. F rontonao Cheese Board wits lielil this plaining of being i Mrs. Thomas Prison-Husbaod nothing, but hunutirsorrow, discas a and I board General Manager Morse and all ,111,114111, with the all -water routLs, have discover- I Missionary instruction. -The giant . Goliath is typical of the lioathell. Toronto despatch- While in it delirious condition Annie Cockcroft, 4)4 years old, afternoon. Some 383 ,white and 278 col a 0 & ored were be rd d nd sold at 12 1 -Ce A short whilei latcr Drury, w,ho keeps the , boarding house Judg6's Words. - . i crime. "I don -It, know whether you are beyojid tile western officials of prominence, and ci teen guests. They will Inspect tile - tile Poliev was not a profitable , Ott that ,rii'n giant . ism. Goliath was. 1. A ponderous foe, . The heathen worid is 4o extensive that leeped to ]ter death 'rom a third-s orcy to 12 3-10e Vankleek Hill--iThere were 1,541 boxes where Brown and, his wife roolned,heard givans, and. entering the 'room, folflid -, - Buffalo Courier., Mrs, IvIalid. Corey rodemption br not for yourself. It is tot . I be hop d that you are not. But -you have . ght through to the end of the 11191111 ri. steel at Battle River, -076 Miles West, I land are withZil-awing. cat, adiftil 0)1V . Pacific lifts been engaged in tile trade ,, , it seems impossible to reach it - with gos window at 01race Hospitra yesterday. . of cheese boarded and soldian file Van- y tile floor with it piece lilown lying o Niggle and her husband, who had 0 show.9d no favorable indications ll,re go i-130- . tompleting preparations fo r opening the is rs, has not -fit pted to for twenty yea -4 not n -teill (10 tl le illil)o, and will go right I polatthruth. 2. An insulting, haughty foe. She was -killed Instantly. The young kleck Hill Cheese Board here to -day at of -,v%d saturatEd with fly poison clutch. 'AlcCormack, raced halfway across 'the continent far. On the contrary, yoit hid tile line for traffic. Upon their return it .4, , .dble, olong in the same old way." I , . ell He religions are contemptuous to. woman's parents reside oil mth Se e 1) I -Se. . I . ed in his hand. Dr. who - to be at his wife's side, bowed tlibiv -nee to add to the enorluitY of your he . expected tile first tinic-tabIns for pas- 1 ward the Christian religion, a. Xn easily ' street, New Toronto. The cievelAdcal * Brockville -At the weekly -meeting of the Choese Bonid here to-,dily 2,019 col- lives a few doors down the street, was summoned aria pumped the poison froll, heads Ili their hands and sobbed Ye 8- crime by doolaring upon Ir,he witness stand, Ili a loxig strifig of falsehoods that ' senger and freight service will be tin - _; - DEATH GETS POUR DEAR ONES. conquered f oc. David is 4 type of the Chris. 111as suffering from typhoid fever. The night nurse had been keeping it orea and 1,275 white were offered, total, "187- ' on C I the would be suicidd)s A Ia 13, I torday when .Tudge William 0- Alex- the, court, deliver- your child was to bittute and !lot' you, . nottaced. . I ­ - HELP. -_ His Wife and Three Children Taken I tiall who comes with the smooth watelifill eye over ber. The young IA;a- . 3 all sold at Ito. 'I- ) 34a white and so Brown, -,Vito Was in a sciiii-conselotis condition, resested the doctor's efforts ander, in juvenile ad a denunciation of the woman as and then forced upon the court a slia.111 - -0 false pretence of love and affection WANTS VICTIM'S . in Six Weeks. stones of the gospel truth to I combat the sin and ignorit,oce of the mail said she wanted to go back to i,cr work. . . e6lored offered; all sold at, 12 I -Se, tq save Ili life,,.and$ being a big. s tie sentenced her to one year In the ' Ine child you have so basely -and do- IoAh S#ntencbd for Oigamy, Asks Wife No, RoN*ergford, Pa., Aug, 4.--Itarvey Slif- . world. 1. David was small and appeared insignificant, The Christian Fearing that she raight make R.Ase)ft for liberty, tile her Wall Street. News. strofig, mail, thc.jioctor had a strenu- .., on% time. county jail. 1krand guilty of forcing her 15 -year- libera.tely wrouged. "Courts tire usually slow to inflict ,it 9 to Petltlori for Release. er, ol this place, is mourning tile very recent loss of his entire family fo four, . religion ap. . pears small and Aveak as compared with nurses tied NVI'l,ly bandages. The nurses visited the Tl) --,n Copper in London is log higher. New York banks lost; $1,505,000 . I ­­­ .. - - CANADA'S MISSION. old daughter, Mrs. Leona Co ray Niga gle Butroughs, into the life of a We- maximum penalty for it crime, ',)ut your punishment should and. nuti9c bo tile nlax- Brockville itespateli, It is reported . here that ,T. It. Anderson, )at@ P, S. Ift- , the first, tilt infauti dying oil -little 17, arld on July :3 MR wib iFied, Oil Jul3r 4 the other Apligions of the world. 2, David possessed real power. I -Ila help on several occasions and found It r ioat, 0 Ing quietly. About ail hour later, hoti. through sub -treasury operations since . — . Man of the -streets, Mrs. Niggle fought liar freedom imum penalty Dresolibed by law, sbector of Brockville, but now a' lt'119' - lichiteadary, Wrote recently to 20 his three-vePy-old dallglit0r, 11clell, . I was lit God.,110ne, with God, is a major. ity." 3. David's weapons were effective. over, the voting woman succeciled in working fi r,jelf out of the bandag,% Friday last, - . Lake Supey n lit phila- .io.r Corporatio I To Cement Britain's Friendship. With United States. desperately to rota,ln Lawyers used evory technicality in to have the "You are outitloa to no demoney what- Over from the court, and until yoll sho%v sto . 'n Mrs, Anderson tile -second asking her a 0 It to Ilave, his sell. 61-culatc title passed away, a iv,l oil July 28 his little - son, Arthur Lcow, died, I "The weapons of our Warfare are not Nlfi then luilled from tile wInd"ry - ind delphim is 6 3.4 to 7 for odd lots. The Irou Age reports a better but . London, Aug. 1 -The Daily Telo. known to thelyl efforts . woman liberated or to 111itigittO sOn- unmistakahle, signs of a reformittlowt find a regeneration. you will got none. , to P touce shortened, The letter was sent to About six III(IIA114 41go ,Mr. ,10ifer him. self was itruek Ily a tr am and. sustain. earnal, but miglity through Gml to tho . Pullin? down of stronge,liolds" (2 Cor. 10. landed on the boftlevard on Coll"IN street. Her hoad struck the ground w.ill fevevish iron trade, which designationis IrraP 11 Says the Quebec battlefiiildq will 6c hallowed ground, consecrated for, tones. But it was of no avail, TI lo sentence of one year is the extrOlne The judgmentof the court is th-lb 'Volt ', 'tile the lady's father. No Action is likely tO . be taken. , oil a brokon hip, and lists Ative then been the aid of I 11 4). lie light of the gospel is drstfne - ; violent forcei and death was ilistan!tin. somewliat tneouraging. Ilarriman-Gould pact inelading provi- 'its of Canadiall ,,it- over to the gem ,, perialty J the offence of eontribut- Or b 'Ive 1116fttlls 11 o" sentouded ,to two county jailisubjeot to tile further lorder . Atidersou. Wag sentenced recently at unable to walk without -- "'Itelles. A double fulteral Nvill be hold I to pleree to tho darkest eorvor of he&- ; thendom. "10 Zon, that britigest good 00us, I . V. - sions for ,the $8;006,00 W. & L1, I',. notes 'lliaturing tionaliby within the -empire, which will one oily play it grc at, part ill fAxo in juvenile delinquency. I'lite, husband declared that lie would Of the 0011ft". , 11onfri"W on It charge of bigavily, to wIliell he guilty, to serve seven years at his home oil ThumdRy, - , tidibgs, get tbee up into the bigli moun. riZIN I Saturday. Attorney -General Bonaparte decide$ to world's affairs. 'tile highest, mission Eight the easo further. He Said that Z' - r I HIT OIAL OVER HEAD. pleaded tit the Xingstoll Poll. _: it LORDS CLIM13 DOWN. . faini&:-tho iftiountidu of vision, Nihore, the. darkness of tile ,world 11)ay 1Z seon.ft . - Getnian Vmperot'S Vourth Son Takes . take ,Standard Oil fine case to Supreme Court it nee,%sary, of Canada, is to stand between 11ri- talit and the trnited Stittes, bbldiag ln appeal is to be mado to thO 811- ptemo court. He is it mechanical ell, _—.0-4.0. -- ]LORDS WILL SugmtT. I Old-Agd Pension Bill Passed In 6rig. Queatloits.w-Who came to fiqht against . Xgraielf Wbilt AVAA th6 position Of th(% His DO&Toe. * I purchase ugpst 'T. P. Morgan & Co. of Tirle & Poill'insylvamil, col- efth by the hand. The Tilues pays 0 06 tribute giiieor find has bdon in Californi&s only ranching Denver in time to hear Insane Klhgstwi Conviet, on Way to b6portatl6h, Was Taken 8sek. . The Pensions jBill With 13avo Pabsed inal Form. - I two armiesl What glAnt dolim Israel? Strasburg, AA(g. 3. -Tho TTniversltY, of Strasburg announced to -day fbat lateral trutt bonds. to tile Success 01 tholor'lleige'lleellary. It be to her- his wife flayed as perhaps no other has ever been flayed by a Xingsto,ft, Out. ,Acapiltch. An insane 7 Amendments. Loudon. Aug. 4- 14to old -Age pendons bill tit(- 11olvie of Ixwda this af- I .. Saul at first unwill Ing to Al. Why '"! to go figninat him? What ill , 'a I low I)avid Prince August, the fourth son of 11ift. tuoluess at Me litteal. , , 61 mys Canada has only to true telf and to heir great'traditions to.create voman udge in a Denver court. ,ijIlawak.- cullvieL, named Smith, brought, to 1 -rings- ton X-valt entiary, from Dorcheattr, X. B., I London, Axig. 8.-Tiie 1101ASO of Lorall P.Assed ternoon in the form adol Alid by the Y i DavidIff At viry atemelit to saill Abouff N Pero r William, had pilwqed hi,ci evain. arontrea.l. --Orain-The local and out- , I to , community Second to none 01 tI ,. pt tile gravity of the Niggle was . t016 wft-4 being taken by lilspector Arch. - to'llfty pasaod tile iold-tige pensious, bill Tloilse of Conlillong. Tho bill wits sent d1d David put off the Apparel find: c()g:t illation for the degree of dootor Ili the r & S C it ft e A side delualld fo 0 t 0 tI it S f Irly ftrth. 4lar 0 against 11,14 wife, iumt-founded. He had been told by ibAld to Montreal to be deportM, had with a lututbor of aulondluents which baek to tile, collutionq Yesterday, 1111(l thf% ." I Of Mail SaIll wished bird to weart Nvhat . woapons did be take? Doilo-tille the Oug. science of government With tile ell- . dorserneut -very ,good,, on ilia papers, - good and priien rule firm. Ranitdba, No. 2 wilite, 48e; No. 3, 47c, rejected, 40C . _1-. .1 Mr. &W Arm, Willialu 'Mlxckinlzit , M tviro that his wife was in tfoublLA, bUt to be returned to the pehitentlavy At n0i)u, 0wing to his disorderly. coulluet at - !a by the House of Ono- will be rePet( molvi. Ifitere is little doubt but that Commons rejoetrd the witi'lidwents kid. . Opted 1).v Lord Crolner 1110 otlior uln,ll I I . What eall you May of itit polver? lTow alld thitt the title of doetot hait boon per builtel Ili car lots, ox store, Mour- flour Toronto, quMnlice th(I elign.g(sule,lit of their Xxtherine. to ;Ali,, Wil- tile liature of the c1largos against her not d1o'closed, ion thti, trithi, at tbo outer sta it it, tile Lards will ac(liliefte ill thestt (Ill. -o. Tiv. Iloll-w (if bers of illo uplier Irmis totils 11 I . ditl Gollitt-b dorhle David? What was DR. vid's reply? N."ribe ths nianiftor In entiferred on him. This is the first tinto fliat a Itallelizollem EIA ialien The e(luditioll of tile local aftilit- ,Ad Vion remahis unchanged. The dentia, (Imighttv, L trs. JI&I-a neatamoto, eon of aft. and .N ,vere ) proFfess0d Ill As Tuilgo Alexander I h. Sftitl 110 hit X little girl ever tile head, lluttitig her saveralV,. Jectioft Vildn the ftlftsuN is to turned, to them, also liamed the Irish univPrsit1-_­) bill, a* both itleasures are now law, - I *bJell efolill h Wits ilain, %tit Was ,the a degVed of doctor, ­ for pptlfirwheiib grades is steAdy, and it WAItOt XtWTdM0r`­ I ( lie roading of tho,words whi6h doofd I .1 . - 1_ . _dWL - I I / I