HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-30, Page 8a THE WINCTIAN ADVANCEt 'TITURSDAY� JULY 30, 1908, M_ strougo Things Will lla.ppeo. %aiem. The local papers are sO1110tillIes Berry picking Is the order of tile our r1p1w of RvAssels bowlers won.._ taken to task tot, strange assertions, (lay. 04 victory froin Listowel at that town but they can't touch the tollowing Tile farmers In this part %ro. nearly On Tuasday, Clearing Sale of all noted in the London Free, press. 11, through haying. Tile junior football tealli defeated f3atnrctay's issue,. it states. that the 11ir, and D'trs, I>ld; er spent last Walton At ,% match played on Victoria House of Commons died oil Thursday Miss Blanche Ilenderoon of Toronto, Ark here by 3 to 0, THE LITTLE EATON71 late F, A. McCord, law clerk of the Sunday with friends in Gorrie, The Ament Heading Factory is Summer Goods. This is 4 is the guest o Jig last in his (162nd year," f Mrs. James T. Wylie, stoeVIIII their work on the heavy , I their yard. From 4) to 85 41-0 wonderful age indeed, and entitles Prospects are favorable for the employed in Various departments. As the sale goes on some. of the cleaving lines become exhausted, him to rank among the antediluviall's wheat crop so far, and most of it is Considerable wovk has been put on but owing to our superior purchasing facilities, we are always Able to As far its age is concerned. A smaller out, the fine half -mile, track here, and it is keep the vacancies tilled up. This week we have again some great item. in the Free Press tells of it wo, Miss Aleatha Smith has been spend- better than ever, There are local - Ing herholidays with friends in Bel- speeding events nearly every day And bargains and of course tile early customer gets the best choice, Read man left in deep trouble -with "two I grave, surpriBlugly good time made Often. carefully t1l babies, one four months old, and the A46 and MrP Hartley are at present The very heavy rain last week quotations given below.— 45o other not yet two, Had these won- visiting friends in flarriston an the will 4 Pieces Costume Bilk, assorted colors, reg. 00 per yard, for........45o 4 swept out the flood gates At o pieces Fancy Silk I Waistings, reg. $1.25 per yard, for, .... derfol things happened in Wingham, Fordwich. dain and took ),way the toot bridge. 2 pieces All -wool Voile, reg. $1.00 per yard, for .................... 600 they would have been deemed of more Airs, Fortune aril Hiss Myrtle are at Blessrs, PLryne will build more cement 2 Pieces Mercerized Valle, reg. 05e per yard, for .................. 250 importance than a brief line or two, present Visiting tile formers' sister, abutments in making the repairs at 10 pieces Valley Lustre, . assorted colors, reg, 65c and 76o per yd for::40o Mrs. Win. Mines. the data), 120 find 150 Qinglral'113, to clear at ............. ..... Tuesday, August 4, will be our civic All MUSLINS at. great. reductions. Mr. Win. Palmer commenced the holiday when a big excursion will be Stung Again, But Not By Our Ladles' White Cambric Drawers, reg. 65c, for ................... I ... 45c Whitechurch, work of the threshing machine this Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, reg. $1,25, for........ , . . run to Kincardine by special train, Mr, Goo, Lamont spent Sunday at week; the first for the Beason. A, programme of baseball, football, Ladies' White Cambric Night Robes, reg. $1.25, for .... ........... 850 Kineardine. Messrs, Smith and P. McDougal had termig, bowling and foot races is being Ladies' White Lawn Wmists, reg, $1,25, for , ......... .... I., � ....... 75o a very successful 'wood -bee lately, the arranged. EXTRA SPEOIAL,—Choico Lombard Plume in heavy syrup, reg. Miss Greta Fox is visiting at her wood being out by James Merkley's aunt's in Galt, machineMrs. H. P. Paulin, county president 156 per Can, now 3 for 15,150. , of the W, C. T. IT., gave an interest, Miss Lewis of Chatham is visiting Mr. A. C. Cameroni of Toronto has in the address on Thursday evening In The above are only a few of the many money -savers which with the Misses Troy. been the guest of Mr. Alex. Ross for 6 basement of the Methodist we have to offer from this great assorted stock. Mrs. Little of Toronto is the guest the past week, returning home on church. Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A., 0 A N. I1{ e r ��r of Mrs. Duncan at the manse. Saturday. presided. A local option campaign TERMS —Cash or Trade. No goodf3 charged at reduced Air. 'Wilbert Sharpe of Hamilton is Owing to the Quarterly service was urged. holidaying at home. He looks well, which will be held in Belmore next Brasselites are sorry to learn of the prices. Butter, 20c. ' Eggs, 18e, Bir, and Mrs. Wm. Fields of Wing- Sunda morning, the service at Salem sad drowning accident at Port Stan - ham spent Sunday At Dr.Jamleson's. in the afternoon will be withdrawn. ley whereby Win, McCullough, of Al vs. Alex. McDougal and family of London, lost his life. He was a form - Mr. Chas. Milner, who was so Ill at Chicago, also Mrs. Murray and little er Brusselite, in fact was born here, GEO. E. KING the time of writing last week, is much son of Dundas, are at present visiting and the bereaved will be sincerely improved. , the latters mother, Mrs. McDougal of sympathized with in their sudden Bor- The CCall -Bazaacr of Fashions • I ill ii I., Miss Lilly Paterson of 'Wingbam the Oth. row. spent Sunday with her brother, K. We are sorry to hear of the death One of the pioneers of the cornmuni- Paterson. of Mrs. Geo. King of Winghard, sister ty, who died this weeic, was Mrs. Hit- Now' on exhibition in our store, represents some of our many. 'patterns now for Afro. F inlay, sr,, and Miss Finlay of -of Mr. Herb. Henning of this place jah Bateman, -who bad attained to her N. I Kincardine are spending their boli- The friends have the sincere symrX 85th year. Her husband predeceased sale here, This pattern has the largest sale of any pattern in the United States days with Rev, Mr. Finlay. thy of all in their hour of trial. her by four cars. Paralysis of the and it is the best or we would not ask. you to use it, We have been offered the r r throat was tKe cause of hirs. Bate - A number from Whitechurch at- Mr. Will. Mitebelt and Miss Mabel man's death. An adult family sur- agency for six other makers' patterns but not being convinced that they were to open tended the barn -raising at John returned from their trip to Manitoba, vive, George and Miss Bateman being be compared in style, simplicity, or correctness, to the McCall, we therefor recon - e1 Craig's, St, Augustine, on Tuesday. two weeks ago. They were accom- the only members here, anied by the farmer's mother, who mend you -to try one. We guarantee no misfits. Price, ioc and r 5c. Now on Robt. Carrick has returned from P. The funeral of Mrs. T. Danford took HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK OF THE Quebec ; he reports a grand time, but will visit in these parts for sometime• place on Sunday, Rev. Mr. liangl"Ord sale in our Fashion Department. has since been confined to the house, There was a very large attendance conducting the service. She had been owing to illness. at the No. , Sabbath School oil Sun- in failing health for the past nine B I G BOOK ASTO RE4 9,Miss Jennie Holmes of Londesboro day last. We think Messrs. Smith, months. The surviving members of is waiting on her brother, who, was John and James Wylie deserve great her family are : Harry and Thomas, of 75 Cents Cannot Be Spent credit for the noble work they are do- Langdon, North Dakota; Edward, of At a special rate on the dollar, we have opened the store again very ill with pneumonia last week. . Brussels Walter, of Great Falls, of Win ham and vicinity some W� are glad to hear he is greatly Ing. Bi and intend to give the people Mr. Montana, and James of Clinton. Mrs. To better advantage any other way that will bring you more real pleasure, than GREAT BIG BARGAINS I improved. Mrs. Holmes was also con- We are pleased tQ report thatDanford was a fine woman who had by subscribing for For the next Thirty Days we will sell anything in the store,ata fined to her room fox, a few days, but McCreary, sen., is improving after his the highest respect of Lite community. has recovered. accident; he was kicked in the face by DISCOUNT OF THIRTY PER CENT. a horse. So great was the gash in his Government judge, in the ,person The annual report of the Methodist A face, that the doctor had to put eight of Mr. Campbell, of Victoria county, MCCAEh"S MAGAZINE NOW IS YOUR CHANCE I Church on this circuit has been distri- stitches in it. was here during the past week in con- There are some lines of goods that we do not wish to carry in bitted, and the finances show anithstand- -Mrs. R. McLaughlin left on a two nection with the field crop competi- (T11E QUEEN OF FASE60N) stock, so you can have them at your own price. increase over last year, notwtion inaugurated by East Huron Ag- ing the monetary stringency. This months' visit to Winnipeg, on Tues- ricultural Society, There were 18 en- the large catalogue, given free Watch our windows for Special Sales. was no doubt owing to method, as the day of last week. She was accqmpan- tries of oat crops. The official state- For one year, *Any pattern on our sheets, or in coupon system was introduced a year ied by Mrs. Ritchie and her daughter ment as to whom the five prizes go to with your subscription. Subscribe at store. If you need allytbing in ago. We note that Bethel contribut- from Wroxeter, also Miss McLaugh- will be made shortly. The heavy WALL PAPER,- LINOLEUM, RUGS, FANCY GOODS, ETC. ed in all $314.71; Tiffin's, $251.08, and lin of Toronto, rain beat down a goodly portion of Whitechurch, $446.00. The total for grain in a number of instances, so It will pay, you to visit our store and secure some of the circuit wits $1205.50; of this, $120.- that it did not Appear as well as be - the goods,' for prices will be low. 40 was for missions ; Ladies' Aids rais- fore. ed $180, and Trustee Boards, $190. Your Nerves Are Weak. THE PATTERNS OF LIMOGES CHINA The pastor, Rev. W. A, Finlay, looks You sleep badly, appetite is vari- That this store has had theagency of; will be continued in stock, so faithfully after the interests Of the able, You eat but gain no strength. M i I I i n leh� ry Boys' Holiday Knickers. collectors need not worry. Come in and get charge, and in his work, Mrs. Finlay Morning tiredness makes you •wish Jamestown. what you, want at any time. is a valued helper. We hope that the night would come. When night I- present year may be even more sue- comes refreshing sleep is hard to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pollock of Prices cut in two. 100 pairs at 25c per SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND SPORTING GOODS cessful than the past, obtain, You're run-down, your Blood Listowel visited at Mr. A. Pollock's I Always & stock at right prices. is thin and watery, your nerves have last Friday. Why not get another ? pair. Now is Four chance. Room � 'w6ra t "s grown weak, the thought of effort, Mr. 0,0. Eckinier is improving the wearies you, You need Ferrozone ; it looks of his house by giving it a new They're worth twice as inuch. • Blyth. makes blood—red, strong blood. • An ELLIOTT & WALLEY Wm. Dick of Hamiota, Manitoba, is Appetite? You'll eat everything' and oat of paint. miss this bargain. PROPRIETORS OF BIG BOOK STORE. visiting friends in town, digest it too. Strength? That's what Mr. and. Mrs. Torn McKelvey Of Don't In Gregory Block Near Bank of Commerce be held in plenty of food gives. F errozone gives Owen Sound are visiting his parents, Sacramental services will hope, vigor, vim. endurance. Use Fer- Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKelvey. Shirtwaists. the Methodist church on Sunday. rozone and get strong. Results are Mrs. Peter Gibson and son Ernest Bliss Carrie Slater is visiting friends quick—cure is lasting. All dealers of Hamilton are visiting Mr. Will.si. in the vicinity of Niagara for a couple sell it in 50c boxes. Moses and other relatives in this For 9 8 cts. All sizes. TEACHER WANTED. of weeks. k - - W,,.-7 vicinity, _P 5traw Hats 4 f1f I Mr. Moser is having a verandah Nephews find nieces, about twenty Regular price up to $2.00. . erected to his new house; Lux. Hill Wroxeter. in number, coming from Ethel, Cran- Big cut in swell shapes, ii JAJ P� For Union S. S. No. 13, Howick and All new goods. has the contract. Mrs. Russell is visiting Lakelet brook and 'Brusse s visited Fern Cot- Turnberry. State salary and qualifi- q cations. Duties to begin August 17th. Wingham baseball team passed friends. tage, the home of Mr. Goo. Rckmier, all new. on Thursday afternoon of last week. Apply to through town on Monday on the way Miss Luln. Hemphill is holidaying in They spent a very pleasant time and q MiGEO.DOUBLEDEE, to Goderich. Manager McLean says Hensall enjoyed themselves with playing Regular $1.00 to $1.60, for 69c. Belmore P.O. Sec.-Treas. Wingham team is all right. , S. Pop- Dr. D. W. Mackenzie was in Brus- games, music and social chat. Mr. Regular $2.50 Hats for $1.69. Last Tuesday evening, Mr. officers of sels on Monday. Brewer of Brussels came out and Wash Skirts. plestone installed the new T photographed the'group, TEACHER WANTED I.0.0. F., No. 806, as follows:—P. G. Mrs. J. S. McTavish returned on A., A, Robinson; N. G. F., F. Ander- Tuesday from Sault Ste Marie. [U son; N.G,,Wm. Begley : R,8,,P* For $1.99. All sizes. For S. S. No. 7, Morris, male or Gardiner; F. S., J. Weymouth, Trea- "Mr. Fred. Russell of Detroit is St. Helens. Men's 2=Pce. Suits. female, duties to commence August surer, J. Outt; R. S. N. G., D. Floody - spending two weeks with his father, ens. Regular price up to $0.50. 17th. Applications, stating salary and L. S. N. G.; J. Taman; R. S. V. G,: Rev. A L. Russell. Misses Mary and Margaret Clark qualifications will be received by the S. WestlaW; L. S. V. G., G. White: Mr. Peter Smith of Hamilton is have returned from a trip up the Clean stock. Sinart styles and pat - undersigned up to August 1st. Conductor, R. McKay; Warden, H. spending a short holiday with his lakes. y ROBT. WARWICK, Haines; O. G., S. Popglestone-, I. G., mother, Mrs. O. Smith. , Miss Edith Fitzell, Lucknow, called Barrels of Wingham P. O. A. Robinson-, R. S. ., J. Watson; Mr. John Darrach returned to To- terns, light and dark tweeds, L. S. S., D. Somers; Chaplain, J. L. on a few of her old friends one day ronto on Thursday, after spending last week. Good Things Kerr. two weeks at the manse. Mrs. Abe Durnin, who was tinder just what you want for the Nano UquoO License Act. Mr. S. N. Robinson of the Hi3speler -the doctor's care last week, is improv- Whitewear. hot weather. Prices SO in - Are what you see when you visit Grey. branch of the Dominion Bank is visit- Ing nicely. our Grocery Store. Choice brands Jas. Sharpe and Miss Julia spent Ing his parents here at present. Mrs. Robt. Allen of Wingham spent Elegant new stock; all teresting that you BUY. We of everything is what we supply •Sunday at L. Frain's. Rev. L. Perrin, B. A., left on Thurs- a few days last week visiting friends you with, and at prices often Bliss Laura Bryans visited with day for a short h6liday in Peter- around St. Helens. prices cut away down. See pride ourselves on our out charged for inferior goods. friends at Wroxeter last week. boyo, Port Hope and other places. Messrs. Robt. and Chas. Miller have 1. YOU'D LAUGH License District of West HurOn A picnic for RoWs Sabbath school Bliss Ella Sanderson of Wallaceburg returned home from the West, fora window display. and styles. to know how much good cheer is will be held on Friday of this week. is spending the summer with her visit to the old home. qharged up to us.' That's because parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sander- We are pleased to hear that John Notice i� herobi given that application Mr. Jenkins conducted the meeting son. Clark and Miss Annie have reached we Bell what is gnaranteed and al- has been made for permission to transfer in the Brethren hall on Sunday last. so always Fresh and Pare. the tavern license for the protalsoa known The Uneeda Concert Company are the old land all right., where they as the King Edward Hotel in the Town of The missionary campaigners for this ivin nightly entertainments in a intend visiting friends for it while. Wingham, from M. W, Algie, to 'Airs. Mary district will visit Roe's League on fent fiere all this week. They do a Cotton Hose. Balbriggan Dins[ay, of Wingham, and witt, the said ap- 10 0 Shirts, plication will be considered at a meeting of Tuesday, Aug. 4th. good variety of ma ie, comedy, acro - Cream of Wheat JuBt try the r 11 some of Board of License Commissioners, to be batic, and it y sell a good deal this—it Is pure and white. held at Auburn, on FRIDAY, AUGUST Mrs. Wm, Hogg and daughter, Miss of patent medicines. 14Th, 1908, at I p, ni. All persons interested Jerinle, left oil Tuesday for Detroit, -i - BLUEVALE We have the best 15c Underwear in all sizes, will govern themse.ves accordingly. Essex and Point Pellee, where they This is excellent quality ALFRED ASQUITH, will visit with relatives for some time. Win and does up nicely, License Inspector. Belmore. SAW MILL. Ladies' • Fast Black Cotton regular 50c & 75c --for 25c. Wingham, August 28tb, 1908. It was with ninth regret we learned Clean and well of the sudden death of Will, Laughlin Hose in town a Special. Saturday only. Don't miss RBliss Cassie Bart -n of Toronto is --olled Wheat of Toronto. He had been in his usual spending her vacation at her home. Though our mill was destroyed this bargain. that money can bu sifted. The best good health until an abscess formed Bliss Hilda Redden of Toeswater is by fire, we have still a large stock Worth 25c. anywhere. Y_ on his brain, which caused the most visiting her friend, Miss Agnes Ruth- of Lumbdr and Shingles on band, intense sufferin 11 Will, spent his erford. and can fill orders as usual. in Tapioca, Sago, LEAVE YOUR NEXT vacation in this =last summer Mr. and Mrs, George McKee of The Best Rice, and other and made many who sympa- Orillia are visiting at the latter's bro- farinaolous Foods, ORDER AT thine with the bereaved. ther, Mr. Fleming Ballagh. COAL AND.CEMENT Mrs. Radford has returned home also on hand for sale, with ir rips SgMpSon'S Strength after spending a few weeksI Toronto Fa* T friends and relatives in Kent. DUFF STEWART Malcolm - S A number of our young peddle Inr J. Henny Chpistie Will Not Resist the Polling Down la- tend to spend aday at Kincardine on If not send —VOR fluence of a'Kidney Atbing back. . Friday 31st, on the S.O,S. excursion. Are popular talk. Are • you going ? Howard Campbell, son of Mr. Alex. The strongest manor woman with a Campbell of Wingham has been on. 11AW11 Isola our friends. back constantly Aching find daily exis- gaged as clerk in Aft, Thompson's Filesh Groceries, Tea tence $6 struggle, Its the same way store. THE POPULAR WAY with urinary troubles, Booth's Kidney Mr. Fred Rogers, who has been eni- Pills cure, these ailments, Wingham played as clerk in Mr. Thompson's Picnic Cakes, and Couee. people prove thin statement. Wing. 'tore, left last week for London whore 11, Knox, of Centre street., he will spend his vacation. Tradc of all kinds taken on Bargains. The good housewife noea ham, Ont., says Manitoba, Saskatchewan and "I would frequently Buffer with a 1 Alberta., is via Chien -go and St. not worry about her ourranta, (lull, bearing clown pain across the ID.t,l Rarlrl,,AA k0cond class And extending nolyrood. raising, peels, spices and flavors. Try a 1b. of White small or �, nae -K. around my sides. This was particu- fares now' in We vill do all that and make noticeable when I would And Oc- Quarterly meeting will be held at House Olo-ftee—the best In", a better cake than she can, be- Zion to stoopor sit in one position Salem next Sunday. a, languidness 4 on the mirket for a time. Trer was ■ 3 I cause made frow an old Well and tired feeling and although I knew Mr, and Mrs. George Hodgins spent effect. BROS tried recipe, but baked by this to arise from Inactivity oil the Sunday at Xinlough, All Peincipal Twist HANNA wodetti methods, They, are our Alsofreall. rirnitg and part of the kidneys, and I had tried Bethany appointment held their An - several remedies, yet I could not find natal garden party last week. Resorts own manntAoture And we par -several the desired resulto until I procured antes them pure, Booth's Kidney Pills at Mr. MoKfba Mrs, John Ackert has gono'vvost to Including Afiiskoktt, TWAgaffil Lake Of Tits you eat Laekie's Broad? bon's and pommenced their use. The visit her daughter, Mrs. R. Harper, DA 8, maganettosvan River, kawtirtho" n Dtty, etc., are re6ohM If not, jamb try a loaf. You'll dull pallu And weakness soon departed, MaA6r, Willie HaineA of �Vlnjllllul ("6WAu"ti"k. summer Tourist rates Highest Prions Paid bjr nd Wingham, Ont. however, and has not since returned, spent 6, couple of weeks with ft ends in ol.feat. be delighted. for Produce. I feel better and stronger generally here. And although t have not been "ells- Ml,, and Mrs. John galnoo of Rivers- k6r tiek6tj and full ii4orbiatton, oidl oh towed to hxVill my name used I feel dale spent Sunday with his parents W. nRXaVTo*n Agent, bi, Writ* that Booth's ill my Pills Are i,611ablo h 6, As I MALCOLM and worthy of recommendation. Sold Or J, D. McDonald I C., LACE IE by dealers. Price to o6tits. The R, T. Miss Lizzleyoubg of i3owmativillo, • at. Booth P 0 t., sole fit soenditig hot holidays with r6la- DiAtrid ftot"s0if A44 001 Lot'It's, tb -Urle' 01) tI as here, Cswotftn As . , _­-­ - - L-,- _­.- Vft ,6p