The Wingham Advance, 1908-07-30, Page 7-,"-- . 7.,,r ,� — I . 16 1,'� TIP .... 111, I � - ,_ - , www�- - r7wp Ar.rww",­F,�W�,-- -V- -%, - - - ­ . - I , — r, - - — . - - IC ": �,' � - T_." 1 T"t# 7PRF -,TFTTT - , .:,M_ -V1 "�r�-w'.M7991LI"PW , 'W'.1. I � I I ., I : Al, 1. . .1 I . . Wr 11�1 . , I I 1. 7P"`v"q-'7q T `w- 1�_ -f"-- " ' ,.. I I V % I I ; . I � I �� , I I .1 I I � I . . I - 1 . . I ­ �. I I � _. .. 11_� I . . -..-1-.-.,_ ­ I . ... 1, - ­ ­ ­ ­ . I .. . ..­. .1 ­.. ­­ ­ 1-1 1. _­ : , : ,- I �i n' - , ", " ­ , , , , , ''' - '_ , -,__� . - - ..... . . ­ .. -11- - . I ­ I . -1.1 I., .- 1. -, '' :, . * � I - _ - n_,! ... - .L. � �- . _ - I.. � I I . ,. . -1 �'..., ... -1_1 I.,.::..:, ­ - . : ............. :,-,-­--- - ­ .. - - - - -. - - - , - I . - . . ­ .. " � 11 ­ I tmo!=l - �-._ - - - , - . , - - .- -.1 , . � � . . t tolore(I Chinese lanterns were bung out "It 14 a very serious ease," Mr. 1114 k MYSTEDV DECEIVE GIRLS* W LIFE AND � 4, -1 SHOT BY A of,ach window of the courtyard. SLAVER'v IN declared,, "atid. It will bo pushed, 11'1'o, THE WILLIAMS MURDER 1% It IF T 0 . I rompil), at 0 O'clock eVery A 16 A charges Involve all tile Priao0ors , . � .., I W10401V %$"all Opened aK crowded wIth equally." I I—— ­ � � ­ ­ - .. I ­ - - TWO PALTIM0139 QIRI.$. APPEAL I delegates; Then, from oil(% window to (41porge Leaventriti; was on hall(] as FOR PROTECTION TO POLICE. MONTICALM. , * MAN IN BED* anothorspeoches of extreinq violence THE STATES4 counsel for Air. Teal. Ile llaid ,tile ab Two Brothers to. Whom Attention Was Directed I . I . were made, and a, resolution, wag car- - . sence. of Ur, Teal tit tills crisis in tho ' - 15' ____ ried condellilling flik" Government for affairs of his wife were explained by tile Told Pitiful $tory-O.ay Thoy Warp NiKen ants Present Wre4th For IQ il Easily Prove Their Innoccom ' .4. . 1, chus arsing several - Urgod to We of Shama by Oqm� - Chicago Architect Slays Mooed ite action towards. tile unions. Tb� P4401103 M00d U 01k Farm, And "et that 1 Is at (f Irolie, I � I principle of a general strike of All I P companies, and lot let big theatri. ---------- , , , Panions Now Vnclor Arrest. lach"Othor's Ancestor, I Wrecker of Home., trades ivas voted unanimously. ' Sold Like Mulos. cal affairs drop, as the season for open - At 10.45 the meeting was over and — Ing was giowing near, "There is com. Alarydell, Mo., July 21, --At the very - falith. for a oolution of the mystory upon. . I I pletc, barn , iony between Mr. and Mrs. . Frank and Jolla Wessel, the latter Do. I'lliladeli4lia, July i10-Clallaing to I . moment when the officers who are !it Thajaksgi ' g Servico ilt Hof Trim. , Killed Hlm While He WAA Sttlilg� tile delegates quietly filed alit under the ck and In . elif Out Teal") lie said, "and Mr. Ireal ,,*Vill stand , - Ing Williants' sou -In-law. Attention was liavo, ticon lared to tills city from Balti. . .. livin y I - , . loses of the Astonished police or- Si -firm Mon Shipp vestigating tho'Williams mystery be val , by big wife Ill this Affair?, especially dlr"tcd to tilclic wall wltcll more under Promise of ularriage" aud Ity sind mass oil the Ph* i ling With Ills Wife. flocra., ,To Les$eea I �. ,�: f lieved they had reached a solution, all it Was stated two -days ago that Frank 11104t � 8 I � - - I . tben to have Dean tit -god by f1ell. wm� � o - � . I 11 clues ,vanished to-ulght, and tile caso Wessel could -not be foullil. PA111olls to Claw" upon lives . ,I Atlanta, On" July 2T. -Startling M. OVER A GIRL. has jimy assumed an aspect that is ab. Late to-ilight'- however, Detective two r4ther pretty Of sb4mel Printe Rqview.4 ffio W&rship* _.� I Young girls, each _ 4 The Man Said to Havo capsoa WOMAN DEADi, seriolons wvro, mado tit ),estorday's gas- - solutely baffling. There bus even been 14'raitic It. -Dick, of Baltimore, who came about 17 years old, ,carly yostarday � . I , 11 .,a to invealtigate the cUle, foUlld 111,jrnlug 41, Pealed. for Pr I otoetion W the - ThAukt From Borden. I Trouble in Family, tdoll of tile exceII&O comwittee)s Inves. in" Vrank Wessel at Ills ]ionic and put hini poll, �, 4.� 4'' � Young Main Shot and, Killed Another 3 doveloPulent that "Into at 11 a"' 03 0 at' ac, Tenderloin, 'Xhey said,they � . But Man She Was With Has Di.s- Ligation, Into L-110 conduct of the 6tato .1 I I- WON weirdly arg rannin - gly planned through a severe examination. II!he re. wore Agnes lixieill, of 1020 casey street, Chicago, July gle-Fate last evening Prison boatrd anti tile convict lease sys. Youn,g Fellow, than had before been 'thought of, lot- it suit was that * list before midnight .110 and Aun't X1111fiboltz,. of 1738 North Quebec, July 20.---Qf tile many beauti. I p t that t1te tea,JU 4()w 9 fill ceremonies that have taken place ill . I , . — was learned to -nigh 11- teiepholled to tatels Attorney Keating Calhoun Street, in tile 4A401lumuntal city. t-hanced to Place Lueas 8utton, Within � toul. ,. oil by Fariner William Williants was that Wessel ]lad �Iven a pa%Lly clear Their pitiful story it Id to the po- Qtt('b00 during tills spect4cular and exito. - -1 Birmingham, Alit, July Q.7,T1bdrt D yea"lits, And - ppeak, tile range of the supposedly helpless In ,st. Paul, July 27.-Ilretty Mrs, Id& L. 11. stioug, a Iller( %aut, of Macon, found Monday Morning in a thicket ueow Account of Ills me bad lice, and Alagl*t-rato U131,1011 later sent tional period none llas been valid whose home lie ]lad broken up, and , formerly a couilet, testified that mail Robertson, it well-known young pbar- where tile body was discovered on Tucs- practically removed himself from tile . more touch. Lowls, aged 28, ullo of 0alit. W. A. them to tile xagd,alen Home until thell Ing, than One executed in, tile gathering Lite invalid-lying,lit, bed in it plaster ivere lined up at the prison farm and rancist, wna allot and instantly killed by day. . reach of suspicion. JohnWessel wa,4 Parents cotild J� , L. comillunicated with Lewis, of the steamer Wells, which Willialus left hiss team in tile stable of also closely qTiestioned, and without dif. 'Xba young , r1ously accuwd twilight on Stlturday ovelling. Af ter cast which practically precluded possibil- sold like undes. 81ck and infirin men, Albert V. Thompson. The trouble is said Men he " runs betwoort Duluth and Cleveland, drolla Wessel, near Crompton, Saturday ficulty he proved it complete alibl, beiag by tile girls tire Robert Riley and Henry tit(' 01wo 91 tile State performance of ity of movement-fire4 two shots, and lie stated, who were ,shipped in one tiny to have arisen over a young woman to evening, And it ,was supposed to have tibia to. allow where lie had been during, 13radley, both Also the pageants the Mon who are t4kinig is dead as the result of what tile PO- f 11 convict lease camp were shipped whout both mail wore paying attention. remained there, bift it it Lillie when the 11MV- L , of Baltiniore, and, � killed him. lice are Inclined. to call 4 suicide Pact- rant They had a quarrel last night, and ow appears that. the whole period of as they had Absolutely nothing to say the I,Atrt of WQIfe's and Montealln's Williara Braultzky, an architect, who out the next day irk exchange to another Wessel missed the team. Monday and der might have occurred. � in their own In, Albort L. Rodgers, of Atlanta, .soil to fight went in aearcli of it, finding it ill the Both tile Wessels seem inclineit to - moyantaxising, In 4 Og � , the, company of a f4trAnge young les;jce. Thompson challenged Robort aefbitco' they )"ra sent to armies inarchad acr a the Plains Of I formerly had offices in tile Unity build- efault of Dail, for it man, Mrs. Lewis -registered at the told of tile cruel -whipping of Joe 11'!rlsby, with pistols. Robertson refused, but thicket near B41 -04y, tell it Ile% away. believe 'that Williams committed sul. 'further begrjag. on a 'ay . Abiitliam, side by side, to the accompall. I ing, fired the shots, awl aveogged the Euclid hotel yesterday after;110011� [is agreed to fight it out with their fists. I 8 turd ,. in tile 1 -cat escaping from a camp, Froux this it Appear* that Willirvilis wag aide, but they base this belief only on in . so ) 1 1 thoroughly !Mont Of stirring music, and halted, At a whiteeboy, It . eantime tile ell v 11 )a wrongs over which lie ]lad been brooding "Mr. and Mrs. Keller," Quests heard where, tho witness Said, he was hold 11- The titan went to Capitol Park and inurdered at a point several miles front the old inan's eccontric actions for sev. Investigated. 'Xilay is 25 years old and W,Plfo's mOIRTMOOL., Here they opened � for years.- Ill the doorway of his room the two talking earnestly for several legally. A charge was mad1b against fought desperately for About five win, l3arelftyA and that big bo(ly was tay.11 oral days preceding Ills death. l3radley 22, and both have addresses ill I hours. Shortly al -Or dinner Kellar Judge Georgo F. Gober, of Cobb, utes 'Robertson Apparently having the in his' Own wagon. ,to the place where In no other quarter is the suicide bl r nks .Anti formed a hollow square I . by the , , I r0skeeta a $,actions of Baltimore, but a I and a -witnesk of tile shookitig was Ills ru tedly into the hotel lobby "Wittle3s, who testified that during it re- best of It. it is thought that Thompson, a tree. But who the theary accepted, the Cor6ner's investiga- wade no. gttowpt to c:�cplain away tile around tills simple, but noble shaft, ,shed exci it was hanged to n . S. Keller" tile judge v1sited, Fritsby in ixen Ile met perpe it B Join, I young wife, Eloise, who is credited with and 4allouliced that "Mr cess of court chafing under the hiliniliation, went to tratois of the crime. were is more Lion having allown. to general satislae chargef, made gain t ti while a representative from each, army , '� � deposited a wreath at the base of tlie llhe tra- had taken Mori I as dying. j ,,,I I receive his )ionic and got A pistol. W1 of a, mystery than ever before, Lilco& Lion that the old mail could riot have Sevoral daya'ago, the girls were seen causing much of tile trouble. Dhin,e and w P d his confession and pro- _ gaily took place in the Bratiltzky &part- Keller disappeared in tile excitement notinced 6entone;1 on hini. Robertson later lie shot him. there is no doubt in tile winds of people himself Inflicted the injuries fOundooll Ill the Tenderloin by ,Special Officers Monument, !.Lilleso wreaths were, re_ and the police have not been able to , 1�1 -, -1 I A Mont at 4,i)07 Grand Boulevard. . . here that be lost his life for no othor Ilia body, anti then have,hanged himself. Barry And Ehrot, Of tile sixth, district, sPectively, Lila, gift-, of Mr, George � locate him. SAW MURDER IN MUMMY. reason titan ,that, lie persisted in his do, No doubt exists that lie was dead for who concluded that they )yore runaways Wolfe, colittleral (ioseelidunt, of General � Sutton oil A Previous occasion ]lad Mrs, J,ewis was hurried to the city I ca,used. Mrs, Brallitzky to leave her hus- hospital and died without regaining WANT NO FOOD'* termination to make 13-year-Dld Lizzie some tinle before he was hanged. �nd kept them under Observation, They Wolfe, And of Count de 1%joutcalm, col- . . . Milan Police Found They Were Seeking VV&I�Js his wife. Likewise, the robbery theory has been "ISO kept an eye on the two men, but la,terul. deseendaut of General Mont. baud, but she had returned, and 'clicro- 0011601DUSAM. Tile ai;lthoritios are In- — -offlelali investig-at- found no . now in the . ,� . - after Sutton had taken advaulage of the clixied to believe that the two agreed I Slayer of Pharolib's Days. For two days uo)y the local officers in- dropped, and now the rfere until early calmo both of whom are � , yestigating tile cue have Pinned. their Ing tho case are completely at sett., yesterday morning, when they carat city. . - helpless condition of tile husband to call to end their troubles in death. but IMPOUNDED DOUKHOBOR& GIVING . 1� tit the Branitzky apartments repeatedly. that the young man lost Ilia nerve Milan, Juir 27. -The Milan police have I � . . . � .. I � I . _. across the .girls ill Chinatown, 411d saw '2110 Wrenth given by Mr. Wolfe was . It wAs during one ---and the lavc-of after his - companion had taken the I s i t for a murder- thousand's of eager applicants wer,i tl(]- that one of them, was crying bitterly, inscribed in FXancli ' ro tile honar of They IV -Oro taken to the Elevent -Moutealm," and that at count do Mont- � I those visits that the tragedy of - yester, fatal dose of morphine. or in whiali, they found that the trial of ' BADLY DAMAGED. initted. All passes bora instruatlaxis fnr h street , .-'� � day evening took plaw. Previous to marriage Mrs. Lewis Undertook to Starve Themselves and mystery would probably lead them back . � their reeipiwits to wear tw2ning 6-ces police station, and, with great difficulty Cahn. "To the honor of Wolfe," The - . t. Nutton entered the parlor of the apart- was a prominent society girl at Still- Doctor Went Out and Had a Lively to. the days of tile Egyptian rlmraobs, tile matr)n succeeded in getting them Lf" ceremony was -brief and .simple, but no *. ,And high.hats. This peculiar ordar 'was toll th 4 t i ment- early in, the evening, and Bran- water, Minn. She and her husband Time in Trying to Administer Nour. Milan smiles. . SE FIRED scrupulously compiled with, air story. one in the thousands *vvho passed by in. 11 have lived at Duluth for two years. . The police found a box in which was The Knell girl said that about taxi, the rush back to-1he city, whether in .:' Odon in an � ishment. KINGSTON'S HALL. 'Elie speclAcular side of tile exc"It'" d motor car or carriag or a loot but. ; itzky, from Ills enforced Va. Lewis is at a lower lake port . a dead body, the ]load having been cut ays CL90 Riley and Bradley, whom they a n .�djacont bedroom, could hoax him talk- is strongly condemned in Berlin. Ul. at this sigliifjeaiit� Due 0im- . � Oaptiia,rge of his boat and has been 'cations in Piussia are still carriv%l lier And Anim, Krunsholtz to come Ivith ple ceremony. . in e off and placed between the legs. Here, � had known for some time, persuaded felt 4 thrill ing with his wife. 'Ilia door between the clearly, was a case of murder. The ma. Dome of Fine Muxricip�d Buildings De- c`-" rooms was closed, but still the sick man wired there. He recently purchased Yorkton, July, 27i --The Doukhoborry in . out witit tile axe, but Clio public vt4rd- them to 1-11i,iladelphia for the purpose ol His Royal Highness Attended a praiso . !, coulki hear the voices. It was not the a home ill this, city. thb stockade at Orcadin have been thinery of the investigaLlon. department strayed, in 'a Spectacular Blaze -Big a,,, is fliniLed to twelve persons. and thanksgiving service in . A letter from her husband was' .Nvas iminediately put in motion, arid . Bell, Weighing a Ton, Crashed Down . 4 ­ . getting married, promising that til�y d tile (htho- � first time lie had been in that position, bound on the dead woman's body. It giving the R� N. W. M. P. in charge within a very ,short time a whole family would return the same night. OnC4� ral of tile Holy Trinity tills morni'lig, ; Often he had been forced Idius to listen From the Belfry. WA14TS THE NEGRO VOTE. here the mon'claimed it was impossible which was conduote(I by the Right Rev. .1 read: "Have a good time, dear, until Of them all the trouble they possibly was arrestedand charged witli. beingeon- 0 I � to what roxinded like love-mak-ing. I get back from Cleveland, We mwt can. Since a dozen of them. were earned in the crime. It was impossible .. to got a, marriage li4ense until they had A, H. Dunn, D. D., Lord Bishop of Que- I Suddeniy laist uigtic t .here seemed to save our money now and we will oceed further, ho,w- to .lived five days in the city. Having no bec, assisted by Dean Willi be a quarrel between the occupants of taken from their friends and ini oil- A Kingston despatch: This afternoon Bryan Urges Colored Democrats --- --- - ams. Earl � I 'is ever, until the identity of the deceased money with which to go home, the - girls Grey accompanied the Prince and sat I soon have our little home in St. Paul t1ell I Organize. . I i the other room. INIrs. Brallitzky'o voice paid for." ad over a week ago those left Ind bad been certified; and here the police Kingston was in danger of losing its . rainained here with the men, in whom with him during the service. Lord Rob- , rose, and he could hear ]ter rewonstrat- I _- I I have steadfastly refused to cWt any. found themselves in a difficulty, for fine city buildings by a fire which broke LincoIn,'1NTeb,, July 27. -The determin- they had full confidence, takilm rooms arts and A number of proutineut military I i� � I , Ing -with Sutton. thing, and were oil the verge of col- death bad �vidently taken place some out in the massive wooden dome at 3.30 ation of the Democrats u . n the Teiiderloln, the location ��f which and naval officers were present. . .1 Branitzky, unable bo stand the strain lapse from, starvation yesterday. Dr, negro vote of the country was further the police refuse to divulge for the pres. . Meanwhile pontifical mass, with ',Von. �f I.. any longer, opened his mouth to shout. FIVE KILLED. Irving was requested by tile police to Lime previously to the discovery of the o'clock. A plumber was tit work solder- emphasized to -day when W. J, Bryall alit, signore Begin, Catholio Bishop of Que- .. Then, as lie related later, closed it, with . go out and pump food into them. ISO remains, -and identification was no easy ing als being placed in the .1 matter, though the body sconned to have told a delegation of ngerocs from Lin- Three days ago tile funds of file twr, bee, officiating, was in progress on tile ,,can as he attempted to do this the tower clock. Sparks front the solder coin that it was Lite desire that, tit' portion of the Plains of Abixtham usad o ow, . an effort, and awaited developments. IRED ON THE STRIKING been preserved in it remarkable' man- oy men,fan out, and they tried, the Knoll ,� A moment Afterward load words w Doukhobors rose in revolt, and a little pot were blown by the wind int some sbould get in touch with their brethreh ,,irl 4,id, to'make their companions go tor the presentation of eants, thong. - ere� BOMBAY MILL HANDS. riot ensued. nor. sawdust and rotted wood, . I everywhere, And particularly in.Ohio, ' pag , i followed by it scuffling in,the hallway. . an mine- . � in flames, and Agree upon it line of ca,mpaign in both young -,Yemen rebelled, and they stand and positions around a beautifully : i Finally it few of thein were cornered, Eventually the police decided that Lile diately the flooring was . oil the streots to earn money. At this ands of people occupying the grand . "I am going to my husband," cried deceased must have been a certain mer- which spread to the place occupied by behalf Of the Democratic ticket. Tile claimed that they were looking for pro- constructed altar, in 'which tile provall- Mrs. Brairitzky, and the scuffling could Mail Train Held Up by the Rioters --Mob and the doctor began his Operation on chant of Milan, who ]lad been missing t1n; big clock. . . be heard nearing the bedroom. them. They fought and scratched And for soule time past, and Avilio, they da- , Man -$yllo called were: Adam Loving, tection whon the police picked thern Alp ing colors were dull red and gold. Im- . I "You're not going to do Anything of Driven Off by the Military -Euro- bit like fiends, rt,dd, after several hours' clared, bad been murdered for The alarm was -,it once tele for many years A leader of'Repubilean !it Chinatown. Magistrate O'Brien was mediately in front of it Catholie sailors .1 � the kind," said Sutton, hey Appear 'i's the fire stations, and the whole, brigade . ,� work, only three bad been fed. The woney. The theory held very ivell unttil nevroes in. this city; It. X. Battle, W. from the French, United- States and ., d9dtor received it severe bite in the hand res D give the police every Opportunity to in- I continued down on the Streets. pouded. The city buildings hose in 0 impressed *with the story ,and decided to Still the movements one .of the lawyers acting far the �o- . &rant and Frank Williams, who have British warships were in attendance, and I : the hall toward the bedroom. froin one woman. ilia authorities are fence succeeded in traelng the missing tile tower had no effect on the blaze. organized A Bryan and Kern negro club. vestigate it, especially as the young men the Papal Zonaves and other somi-ralli- . : � It was difficult for some time to get at Xot for settle Lima hits Mr. Bryan 1� . certainly having their troubles with refused to explain their part in the run- Lary organizations, as well as. a number ! Then Briniftzky slowly and laboriously . Merchant at Buenos Ayres. Thereupon the seat of,the fire, its it was under the , -Ila callers away. �i got his right hand under his pillow unit Bombay, July 27i--Tha 2OA00 mili- these fanatics, who are up to all kinds the accused ivere set liberty, and the flooring. In twenty minutes !a burst ,yeitt such it busy day. I from the pageant regiments, were Pic. . ; inallaged to draw a revolver from be- hands who went out oil strike yester- of dodges to cause trouble, and, if pol, numbered over a hundred, and -with . ease dropped against them, A telegram from Baltimore says that turesquely grouped around the altar. Sir : t ' , through the dials of the dome. The big ' ilia 0 t; ten lie POliticul 5ituatiOl Lite parents of Agnes Knell -were greatly �Vllfrid Laurier, Hall. Rodolphe Lemieux I neath it, He had kept it there for 6011le day started to riot this morning.. and sible, regain their freedom. The police, however, vmre by no bell of 1,800 pounds dropped iiito the " y of 1 1 t that .1 time. Then lie slioped it under tile cov- Prince Albert, Sask., July 24. -Six means satisfied and within a few days - 5 cauva--ised. lie informed them distressed when they learned last even- Prowler Sir L. Uouin and the Duke 01 . � . tre of the dome, whore it remains in- )yn � a detachment of British infantry was - made a furtliel- arrost. This time it call in- of her predictiLment. The mother Norfolk were at the service. . � orlol; and waited. .Doukhobor women seat here from York- in his opinion tile Democrats of the . . called out to put down the disorder. ton have refused to cat, andAVarden. was; declared that the deceased was a tact, ) t- .,country never before presented such a 1) " do. , Oil Saturday morning the Prince re- 9 . - Karr, of the prison, is havin ' apany's tug they must continue xo,kil down and between her sobs 1; �Just then the scuffling forms passed It was found necessary to fire, and as .17ho Calvin Wrccldng Coal xl�'s solid front, but that -ed that her dau ter must have b � 1 g tharn fed workman who had been killed in a. quar. . applin _ , clar" can viewed the warships in the harbor. Em - I in front of his dooi! And paused. Sutton, , ,,,,,it one native was killed, while all $cup wych a, tube, They attempted ase was just a -bout to come Frontenac, with fire -fighting to keep on the firing line until the Very led off by bad asso ates. M- r. and Mrs. barking at the King's wharf. on a Brit- ..i appareiftly believing the invalid -was un- . six wave wounded. Several members ' . rel, and the a. was sent across.the harbor to Ills native day of election. . prosecute tile ish piiinqtce, he wu conveyed to the . � to discard their clothes, but ,wore stop- up for trial when a gentleman presented Knoll declare they will able to take tiny part in the altercation, of the European native police force sus- ped. � himself at the police offices and declar- city by Mr, Calvin as soon as he saw I - I nien responsible for or downfall. cruiser Arrogaut, which displayed tile I ignored hini. Mis. Branitzky, however the blaze in the towei, anti the crew did .1 I tained injuries. The rioters were quell- �: - V ad tDat the body 'was a 11 LIGHTNING STRUCK CAMP. Auna Kruniholtz ias not been living Royal Standard and St. Coorge's flag. : managed to break away from him and ed for the moment and dispersed. Thil; 1= ,whic I great work ill aiding the firemen, car- 0 . The cruiser steamed slowly up and down . . I . step back, crying out to her husband. NEWSPAPERS OF WORLD. had formed part of his colt f An! rying a strong stream right up to the . - with her father, Henry Krainholtz, for . � 1hen Branitzky, without a word, rals- ,.tfteriioon there was renewed rioting. I Liques, and which, had gone astray in dome. Caretaker BallaftLynels quarters Six Soldiers Were'Killed on Gettysburg about two years. She did1not appear to - the line of -,varshipg of France, the Unit- i ed the weapon from boucath the cove The inob spread over from the will (116, Upited States Has Almost as Many as the course of removal front one townto relish the restraint pur, upon her and ad -States and Great Britain, whose guns . ..,� chest and' firs* trict and held, lip the )?oona mail train A i . iother. He had some difficulty in prov. under the dome were burned, and the, Field. left her home In Calhoun street and boonted alit a royal salute, which was I I lie aimed At Suttoills red rUlley Whole Europe Combined. contents were without insurance, Gettysburg, Ila., July 27. -As the re - twice, both bullets taking effect. The I finaily had to be driven off by vol Ing his claim, but eventually tile police 4 The -whole interior of the buildings is took up her i-cei(lence with an mult. on Jollowed by' vigorous cheers from the .1 r sult of a terrific electrical storm, which - le tried to empty the other chain- eys from the military. Parls, July 27.-A. French statistician were obliged to return the mummy to its . aidgewood avenue.. Mrs. Krumholtz, 'who sailors, He went to and from the wharf � Is t, gutted, and the damage in that way is passed over Pennsylvania National on- . ,a -i's stepmother, said, "Anna in an automobile with Earl Grey, four -1 - er IPF Europeans are Jeered and stoned calculates that there is one newspaper rightful owner and to admit their error , gii :_ '. bar, of the gun, but it would not work. whenever they appet�r on the streets, aking any arrests in connection large. Fifty. valuable oil paintings of ex- campment here to -day, it i's reported was with us for a while, but about two Xorthwest Mounted Police only, for -Ming Then he replaced the revolver under the published for every 82,000 inhabitants in m Mayors of Kiniiston and the large paint- that at least six troopers were killed ),cars ago she began staying out later his guard. Everywhere along the �,oute . : %nd when the police find troops make with the affair. I pillow. . rescues they are frequentlY obliged to of the known world. in Europe, Gar- I - r- . Ing of the late Sir John Macdonald and two score injured, some of them tl' ll_e'i� father desired and after some Ills Royal Highness was eliecred bi the i I Sutton rushed down the hall, down lise their revolvers. There have been Many ]leads the list with 5,500 news- NAVY NEARLY SEIZED FOR DEBT and Chief justice Hagerman -were re- seriously, by being struck by ligh I ten . . tile steps of the apartments, �nd into I moved as soon as the fire looked dan Lurag. words one day site left and that was the peoRle. So also were the Mounted Po- 1, heavy casualties as a remilt of the papers, of which goo are published daily, - The known (lead are, Pte. Morrison, Pte. last we saw of her. lice, who, riding at a gallop from curb . the street. lie staggered out in -to For- tiring. All -Lite Available military, in, England conics next with 3,000' news- French Minister Saves Fleet by Pay. gerous. Tito city clock, which -has done -Barbe and 0. M. Garner. One day last week Mrs. Knell came to curb, k-opr, tile way for the autono- ; + tieth street find fail unconscious on tile cluding the volunteer rifles And tile service for thirty years, is in ruins. It Tile latter's body was completely sev- , " I boulevard crossing, but a few feet iii papers, of which 809 are, dailies, and I ing Pension Arrearage. was one of the best on the continent, round here and said that my daughter bile clettre(l. . . . - light horse have been called out. - SON cred In twain. was enticing hers away from her home. The businesslike and quiet wanner in front of an automobile carrying several J -lie ovolling it dr,- then comes France with 2,819 nowspa find Also servW its a guide to Yes , -stri I stated tile case to Mrs. Knell and told which these mail do their work is great - tit the course of t pers, of which Only one-fourth aro,dmily, Paris, July 27�'.Vhe whole French The entire camp is Panic cken. The ; men and women. flaut and fanatical mob bombarded the navy has escaped seivure by a Char- antering the harbor at night, tile Do- .'It, -1 .� The vehicle was stopped and J. �V- or published twice, or thrice a week. . a debt of $25. The miui( darkness is impenetrable, find men ara her that I lmd nothing to (10 'With. it at ly admired. They do not shout demands . I Phillips, the chauffeur, %prang to the office of a police inagdArate with IL,,Iy comes fourth ,with. 1,400 pilpers, bourg lawyer 1oi )n Government granting the city a wildly running about through rivers of ,11 and had no control over my hus- or make any pretentious fuss, but, rid- : heavy paving stones, The volunteer and is followed by Austria -11 Matin tells the amusing story. bonlis of about $400 a year for its light- - ter seeking the injured, Every tent band,13 child. There ,was no Teas011 far Ing steadily along, wave hands right or �, ungA.ry, wa . . 'd and discoi,ering the condition of ;ifles were called in to the rellcue and Letollipr, it, dockyard workman, lost it in& usefulness. ' of Battery B was blown down, but no hot. to act In this mainter a,t any time left !it a gesture easily understood, as ,I r 9 gtho.uxinj red mail, lifted him into the Spain Russia, Greece and Switzerland The city buildings could not be re- .. _. .- u ' fired oil the natives. Five nien are " ) hand during the employment in Novew- one in the battery'Avas hurt. The regi- ,�ud she could have lived comfortably meanint, "stand back," and occasionally front seat and made all possible speed tile last having 00 newspapers. . Alto- ad to-4ay for $250,000, being of fine I known to )lave been killed and forty- - ber, 190 and In -Ali arbitration wits PTOR mental guard1tent of the 10th Regiment "r the saddle to give utte,rance I for the Baptist Hospital. On reachin , ther Europe 'hits About 20,000 ,laws 6, at tile 'Cut stone. The loss is covered by in forty men here in ]ter fatherps home.)) lean ove 9 three wounded have been taken to has. t5e aNvarded a pensilqn of $100. 13 " was struck by lightniV and Mr$. Riley, mother of Robert 'Riley) to a quiet "back, please." _: * tile hospital lie discovered the indh was papers. surallce. It will amount to $10,000 at , * The Sir Fredcricl�. Borden has s6it the fol- I I pitals. no,w8p,pers pliblish. Ministry cavilled at the decision, and of Company C were badly injured. said that lie hits been &,%Vay for a, Couple � dead. ­'_ . There are 12,500 in March, 1907, Letellier, through his Lite very least. _-, � field hospital is fall and men are lying 0! weeks. That he did not say-'%VhRre Ile lowing letter to the Prince of liVales' . : f tile I lyr. Lebouelter, sued the Admit- * - was going, but that he did say-soutc- y: � I I -3 a lie .ngain lifted the body into - - - ad in the United States,- about 1,000 of - RUSSIAN PRINCE SHOT. them. are published daily, and 120 are lawyer, about tile camp waiting for aid. private secretar . alty 11ad won lli,3 Tase, TERRORS OF THE WEST. ­ 'I - no "Dear Sir Arthur Bigge: On behalf . car and took it this time to the Stan , . f thing nbout Philadelphia- "I know of 4 station, where he re- — managed, odited and published by no- 'or ported what he knew of tile case. r, amily Quarrel Result's in Bullet groes. in Asia there are 3,000 periodical still he did not got the money. 11. F VENOMOUS FLIES. reason why lie should be arrested,'! 611C of myself, Brigatil) -General Otter, the � I publications, of which bile greater part Thomson, Mililstcr Of A�f.arliic, or his Sharpe's Fanatics Seem to Go Where ' PLAGUE 0 0 . 1, I Branitvky admitted freely .that lie bad Through His Heart. iaid, ,,Ile never did anything ,wrong staff slid the Canadian militia general - killed Sutton ,and only expressed sorrow � pear in British India and Japan; tile subordinates, made ,protests and delays They Please. Cattle and Sheep Bitten to Death and that I know of ." Iy, I beg to acknowledge our deep grati- . St. Petersburg. July 27,--Prixica Usou- " r country publisbas 1,500 nowsPa- bill $2r) of the pension was in 'Arrears. * . Z: - I I L`nde for the kind and gracious words . I that lie had not fired.more bullets into poff, a lad of 22, whose laitte wspapers, Then the advocate marched into the Ad- Winnipeg, July 27. -Sharpe, with Flesh Poisoned. the man's body. father is -the Pars. Africa lins only 200 no his party of fanatical Adamites, is A POLICEMAN ARRESTED, of appreciation in which the Prince of "The man broke up my honic once be- ricI10"' 111411 in Russig, was shot And kill. of which 30 ,.ire p�tblished in Egy]L)t and miralty office tit Cherbourg and an- now within about forty miles of the Lisbon, July 27�The Diario Xoticias ­ . XN,ales has been pleased to refor to the I . fore And he Nvas trying to do it again," a rest appear in tile various Euro- . nounce(l. that, in default 8 of payment, lie oukhobor 'COMrannity, and is stand. st-Iltos that the advent of great swau'lils Says Barbara Reig Shot Herself With review held by his Royal Highness. They ad in a duel yesterday morning byCount th' would be compelled to eize ilia furni- D of large black venomous flies of a Ple- His Revolver. will, I feel sure, stimulate Its 911 to Put . pown colonies. I ite unknown And believed i,o hive . -still greater efforts towards offi- 0 . as the war. tng off tile police. No concerted at - said the cripple. "To -night lie came to 'Mantelphel. The duel mose ov r a ro . :: - t . . ture of the building as well � empt to round them up - line been cies qui -Policeman David forth I MY apartment and began annoying my inantic, foi-mily quarrel. .- -pedo boats of come from: Africa has been folloxcil 1,y, jej,r Y clency, and will far more than repay I ' WiIV at was AN ARMy OF' MEN NEEDED. . at and vessels made, any approach behif, met with egr(prk, July 27. - Inilludi -I ships, I lie , was to -day arrested in do" 0 . I wife. She called, 'Oh, . ' Th Thursday night- Prince Usoupoff spoilt . swn,r importance in the dooks at t M disastrous results at Barearena ital 34h. tile troops i uttely a ncerned for more than I could stand. I pulled my in a restaurant with a friend, but moment, � determined show of arm.%. Though nection with tile, murder at Barbara ' A frantle telegram w" dis- a or districts near Lisbon, shot at Irving any inconvenience or sacrifice involved revolver from under my pillow aig ihot !"I'lly nothing of the ordeal lie had to Vice -President Whyte's Estimate for near the bortler of Saskateherwall t1laY Reim the young woman . t this busy sea- . the follow twice. 'File gun refused to face . I-eatched to M. Thomson, who forthwith cannot now be deported except by the Large numbers of cattle and. sneep amsburg. Accor,ding td a ill leaving their 110MOS it on tile following day. Yesterday the West. lat $2,000, the capital bitten by the flies have died. and at L*1ajZ.') Willi, ,a year. Believe ilia, yours truly, work after that, or I would have allot request of the municipality to -which mt by Deputy commissioner soil Of th . morning lie was seen in the blue frock necessary to supply the workinau!s pan- they are allotted. The officials do not Barearena twenty farm labor.-ra %vljo 'tXtQ,1nc onfessed tliat he was F. W. Borden." him six times. Stratcona, Alberta, July a 27. 'Mr. $Ian. partook of the flesh of Vie sholoo Wbi'll Woods, Shellard a -0 - coat of a student, driving In his motor William Whyte Vice-Prosident, Tf the I Oak the revolver I "The first shot be sort of crumpled car through the leafy laned of the is- J ___ seem to know what to do, but thereis died in this way Immediately shm-ed with tile girl when she t whou seen Lire, and that is Sliarf)a will ymptows of malignant Poisoning. itp, And -when I shot him again lie threiv lands, where St� Petersburg society goes Canadian Paciiia 11allroad, 0 and thing s tnd shot herself in the hand. in a stlin- BITTEN BY PET DOG. , my wife from him. and ran olut of tile to take the air in summer evenings. by your correspondent regarding the GREAT STRIKE IN BOMBAY. got a cool reception from tile Dail!<- � Two of tlit laborers died slior*tlf I%(- Tile girl's body 'was found dpor. He didn't say a word." ', Witli'llim. were two officers. The car oral) prospeets, said: . habors. terward and live others ,,ire in a dying war house in Irving FUTIC yesterday, 1-t can gather Kill Hands Show Sympathy for Nation - I -_ I s identified b; her mother rind � was followed by three others, with oc.. ,,From All Information I . - ' , condition. and wit 'photographs of New York Ex -Lieutenant of Police , s in military uniform. from those capable Of expressing An allst Leader. WILL INVADE WINNIPEG. I brofher' who had seen MET IN WINDOWS. auP,,',',','Lr ,topped at the polo ground on intelligent opinion, it would seem . its if Bombay, July 27. -In order to do- the deakgirl in the Vapors. -Died of Hydrophobia. k_� — , . the beautifully wooded Kristovsky Is- tWepty-five thousand harvesters would monstrato their sympathy for Tilaky tile C, Arthur Pearson to Establish a News- ENGLISH MUST SPEAK DUTCH. ---------- % - - land. The company descended and. dis- be required to garner the crop. Tito- Nationalist leader, who was yesterday aper There. Radial Strife Likely to Succeed Trans- . ,, RIGHT NOT LOST. HOW TRADES UNIONS DEFIED ,gas will range front two to sentenced to transportation for sixyears P New York, July 27.-Ilydrophobia, the appeared. ,A quarter of an hour After- . probable wa a Hits Divorce Jtlti,s� result of a dog bite, regarded at the time PARIS POLICE. * wards, four pistol shots were heard. three dtfflars when by ilia day, with on the charge of sedition, 20,000 Mill I Winnipeg, July 27.-C. Arthur Pear- vaal Education I�aw. � British C011imbf as insignificant, caused the deatit to -day � Later, officers appeared bearing the board, and N-vill probably Average $2.50. bands went on strike to -day, and all the son, who publishes & string of nows- Capetqwn, luly 27. -The Ian uage diction. n hospital of Jaynes E. of the I"Ance. The combatants On this basis tile mail will lose their I-lindit shops are _elosed. The natives are papers in Englaxld,'will start a daily clauses in the new educational bilf give Vancouver, July 97.-Tbe Judicial cont- in tile Presbyteria lieutenant of police. wages for time a wittee of tile privy council allowed the Phillips, formerly body twenty paces apart and fired once to Lite fullest Scope for A TOVIVAI Of r C'al is was playing with Ills Pet Forbidd�qn to Hold Xudignation Meeting stood not worked, although greatly wrought lip, anti rioting is ex- newspaper in Winnipeg, according in Hall of Labor Evehange) They without result. The second time the' there will be lie reduction for board oil pected, TilaR was the editor of a nelys- private advices received here. Although sti-ife, Many English PeOPIOY -Will be appeal of British C011111111t,490inst the While Ph""r the animal bit him - - Prince fell dead, allot through the heart. that aecount. . paper which published virulent a1tacks particulars are meagre, it is understood compelled to send their children to decision of Justice (.,lexxxon of the sup- dog last Octobef I . Meet in Their Own Office, I, Ex- "In arriv: , figures, all ap- On Dri'tish rule, I that Mr. Pearson Ole madillin slightly oil the check. iseaso re - At the palace of the Prineols. father Ing at those intends to have a schools where Dutch is the 6 rolue court in tile divorce case of Watts SyllIptows of the dread d change Building- Addressed One the servants, devoted to their young plicatwus ' above reasoiiable figures ShIvram Mahadeo Paranjpe, editor string Of dailles throughout Canada of teaching, and there is little doubt vs Watts, The meaning Of the decision voloped yesterday. By night the vieffin Anotlier Froin Windows. master, burst into tears at the sight of L ]lave been eliminated. Ilarvest ppota- rind publisher of the Marathl Journal which will be. contTollea frotii Winnipeg. tilat the provisions regarding the equali. lig'thlit the right of grafithig divorce, Lions should begra by August, 15 ' Turie 11 for Mr. Pearson is now abLthe tercenten- ty of the Dutch and 1�inglish langdages .5it became violent, itna was removed to the his body, Tito family is distracted with - Crops Kal, of Poona, arrdsted on , exercised since the Proclamation Of hospital. .&n. examination failed to 81101V grief. Constant requienis are now being between Calgary And Edmonton are sedition was sentenced to fifteen months' I ismissal of many F-1119, James Douglas, ftecor but spftslyi fOIIOWe(1 'Spasm 0 ary celebration at Quebec, but leaves in will involve. tho d to English I 0 ly three ehatgo & few days to COMP10tc, lish teachers. . ding tAlc time of tiny 8ear, Paris, July 27. --By a clever subter- citanted In the death chamber. looking v0'ry 11-0.11, and, near rigorous imprisonment oil n first arrangements. .d law, is valid and not lost At until tile victim dicid to-daY. , fu- delegates from all the trade . alid four wouths on a soto-ad, the seft- istanee is being OffCTe . confederation, and still exists, lillips -was dismissed from the police Doi, ,I - i . weeks ahead 'of last year. I am also I, this city. It has beelt known here A de,ttperate ree Informed that tbo crop of fall wheat in tences to be consecutive. for sonto illile 110 hits had ilia eye �ofi to tile weAsurp, which has aroused the t - 'J. 1*11 unions in Paris succeeded recently in GIRL HEROINe SAVES TWO. , . deepo,st resentment. enGHT AT KENORA, . force sorde tirtic, ago, and has Since Colt' .4outhern. Alberta in in good condition The editor of the Urdu Journal Swatai Winnipeg as being all ideal field for a � holding A, meeting despite the prohibi- Pulls Father bind Uncle Out at Watbr anti, gives promise of a large yield." hits been sentenced to terms of impfison' good daily. So fitr no statement to this . ------- 0-1 riucted A detective, agency. I I . - - I I - I tion of the Prefect 0d tile 1pWsence of - - - . inent amounting to three and it half ,effect has been made, beyond a letter SEARCHLIOHT FOR SPOONER& pred Parker Wanted at Port liutOn fOr' THREE CHILDREN CREMATED. I years nua 4 fine of ,e6a for sedition. 5oo polleotnon assembled to prevent it. and Recovers Body, GOULD DIVORCE. I I I - '7 1 received here, the Information in which . Assaulting Woman. — The syndicate of trade unions had all- Portland, Ori�., July 2I. -COM H094 is said to be thoroughly authentic- Cincinnati Ddtormlried by Uniqud Do '1A7fi1xlipog, July 27.-Vted Parket, who Left Alont in Locked -up House, "Tried -Ivate ineeti r6. Teal Charged With Plotting P09RHAOD CONFESSES. I ... I .-: I- v;ce to Stop Park Flitting, - . taouncta for 0 o'clock a pi ng ford; 14 years of age, proved herself it M - I brutally assanited. a crippled 'WO)AW, to Ught Oil StOW4 . in the large fiall of the Labor Exchange herolne yesterday at Washougal, Wash., Against Feank Gould, Admits That He Killed Hid Aunt for CROWD SAW GIRL BEHEADED. C.incinnati, July 21-FJirbing and natyled 1`012ftbctil Rogers in Port Hotoili Fostoria, Ohio, July 28. -The three iability of a front a I - ip. The Mich., Scylla months ago and who has to deliberate on the advi. pro- by rescuing ]ter father and 1111c) New York-, July 27. -Mrs. 13cu Teal, apoolling in tho p(mics must at( children of Mr. and Mrs. Je,ssic Doko claiming a general etrike. The Pre- watery grave. The girl, with her fifflier, wife of tile well-knowii theatrical Man. Money. Mon in 'Evehing Dress at Eixecution of Parlt Board has so decreed and Couni, been followed back And forth across were burned to death ill thOit 11OU10 fact of the Seine, under w1lose jurisdie- Capt. Peru Iloslord, IV. B. Pattallson, hot- I Ilackensack, N. J,July 27.- August Young Murderest; ill Preiburg. eilman Mike Mullcn hnfl come to itf tile continent by the police ever since, here yesterday. The father and mOth' . . Ager, with Mrs. �Yulia Flowing, it friend, tion, the Labor Exchalnge is, promptly uncle and Mildred Long, her ha f-slatoir, Eberhard ling confessed that lie 1111'r- rescue will, a liIan to stop it, In 1.3don was, arrested G Kenorn YOAter(IRY by er had gone down town shopping and . itod 11arry S.. Mousloy, a private detec- . , prohibited the meeting. At 0 O'clock wits in swimming. ivo, were arr dered his aunt, Uts. OtItilic Riberliard, Berlin July 2I. -There is great indig- 'Park there is it, high wn-tor t0w(W and - 0,blef #. v. Sal -VIA, of 9,4rma, kind is left tile' little ones at home, looked I tile r)00 policeman were niarshalINI out- Tito Long girl became' exhaustott and ' ti rtigned in the Tombs court i his afternoon lie lea nation ii;rd over tim shOW that wits is the city will erect a qlow oil route back to stand tvial for Ill tho house. It is 13UPPOsed thOy I tills afternoon oil char as alleging tl4t the police to it pined in Thttla Fall%. made on Tuesday evening of the eu0l- on top of th ilight, to detoct � sid-o the exchange, the entrance W tit(,, Capt, 1103ford went to lior assisrall", they had plotted to Zralstt fillso, ovi- Ing girl, powerful searel the Ill.% orime, k,;arvis shares the bia relvArd Rttanipted to light a gasoline AtOve large, All,of whi6h was rigidly guardod Tito girl's struggles exIlausted hitil Anti lore lie bad bnrleil under k tree $2,500 tion of flie UnfOrtlIllAtO YO1 fW0110N under tlio trees. said Mr. offered for him. - - iah dento again.4t, Frank Gould. in tile divorce wl � 00-__. The holmb was burned. Tile childfoll, E in money which lie took front Ills auntIg Oreta Baler the a! een-year-old daugh. *4 - it v W 0 pogsible rioting, lie cried for hall) and Po,ttorh-)-i went suit broright, by his wife. The ease gilt 1) Afullen: two girls and a boy wore aged 6, 4 I It must ))a explallied that cach trade to amist him. Capt. Ilosford hiniself restR an ,the staipnlents ynado I)y IvIis, A (I wherd it ter of 60 iritior at Vreiburg� who ,was "The seatchlight we will install is HUGHES WILL RUN AOAI:N, 'i,nd 2 years. , body. The money %v 8 fault 11M aded for the Murder of a youllg - , . I N erhard is now in behe. att it will penetrate the i��� get was sinking, when, with rare herois %v(�,11181an, (I Illillifter, who dcelares the )lad been lililden. go povo-eful tI1 union has Its office at the eXell-W 1) the ITackensarlt jail. mail to wholn site was betrothed' 'rite densest fog, and the leaves 011. It U66 Will Stand for Rc-610ctibft as Oovtrnor oned by M69qu'ktO- ing bore lihil safely to shore. girl belito of Xd,W York. and all these offices oxtend through five liede Mit's HoRford swaill to hial it 1� tbree, tried to bribe her to Rwear fn cer. r04 CAIMIF. and tel)olted tit(,, ran be diatin 111shed hundreds Of I chathpamd"s Six 26, -As tli6 result L fitortys of thirty windows each looki talu happenings that would Involve Mr. 1,0berhard was arrested tills inornhig ag tile chaplain recited the Tile light will bo in , 'K .A Oft to a large court'vard, On tile Ad- lly tills tinic Patterson had becoine . r,ould with Bosglo T)o, Vne, (tit (tet,tcas, by the, police of PA,ttITS011, IN, ,T,,-AV11O or the dying. Yards WAY. ,qarange Inn, X. Y.. -InIv 2?.­4O`V0rft- I a, " "'Os ui 'it atm in his efforts t i h thred foulla him lying . ellatge of it competent niall, who Will Griffill is swollen to twice ,� vice of It. PAtatid, Ne, able seerotary PX111111ANI lvfagi�qtrate, Corrigan bold tho an the lXwn Ill front 1,11"(1,111 'If part of or Hughes to -night 15811c(l it StWlnerkb mr,3. Walt�,-'r to I,.,,, the, 10 n an " n b"! 1110k of 1),r11$O1lprq in $jl),006 ball each, for rtfur- of it hour4e Ill %he Totowa meefion of tho inlys 5811"o finished repeatbig "FAV111r, in' continuAlly 1141311 it to OVOTY to the effect that lie is willilftg t4 W(Live ,na is inf6eted with of the electricians' union, wbo elfghleOr- AUU9911 9 girl d I st I t i 0,elopk p. M. city, At fir -4 Ila dentea liaving had - io Thy hands I ecolilluend my spirit " tile indicate to t1lo ita normal size, (I Wns� sucivessfid thne his dotl&ty Mile niisffl I)Iullg(,([ Ills ther bearing oil 11"riday at ,� 11ir- � a Was tho I)a?k 4nd 01011 th(, pormnal rea-f4olls which Ilavo i bloo(I polsolling. ­ . , i , 11 Ir li —A , . , " , , ` , , , , i 4'. 4� , , 1iI - 'A.. . gh ei h I Paoli trailp soized ]ter unole by Ills hair and towed tiring Amistant Mattlet anything to (10 with Ills ttinit�q 11 , Oxecil ,a It'll and her he& lvatoly that lie 0. the elettrim strike itioner's 10, park polieemell bV whistle signuI13 � -.0-&*­+� last year, the dplegntpA of 1yefore the be t IM , - tram lier body. � just whdro to firld 1110 oftenders", rd IliM to say pri. , '8811" unlotl numberitig 4(K) in fill, Mot in it4 111111 to the bailk, w1leto lie Tovivoil. . Attorney Trart, annoinAeod after N long r1or, claitning. that he himself bad Ik sevared ligeerilly it -sit of I _____-1*+,lp__ I not romider Another form Al. (lov � The N. Y. Sfifttc 0ntOnA109i9t 1 Y om by the tobbomi, There waa (t Most It t ago.inst the dallgorg Of Own offlem. All ill(- el"fric liglits had To cop it all she wetit botok And sic- eonforeneo with the 11acCauilan gitl fliat T01111,01'Od UnCOTISCIt n u Ills arid if retornIlAtLbtd Wilt AWPt Mid t1fAlld a Nvarnhig cured th6 body -of thd Loxig girl. 'rite a long Affidavit bad been prepared, in who 111til set upon the murdered womdn people who %vvro dostroug of with(194119 1,110"(14- iS 11� W116 e1i bOttic P house -flies, #8 disod.aa eafrier8, been turned Off bY the P01106 to- Pro- . tile eil,teation. Two hundred ,tit 'Of ,wtatb, IWs a corker. for re-election. vent the meeting, but AlUtuorous multi- latter N"s dead, which t1le threaprisonots Ivaro intmeil, and her daug'hter� . . I � . I I . I - . �, : � I I 11 V 4 , . I A�� V �.'­ ­A:�� - I 11 -�-..--,.-.--.----..�.,--...�.--- ­ - -- ­ - � * 0