HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-30, Page 6�110 11ok @ ,�,00 omm."s , t, 1! h _!!==4 - -
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0 LQrd My God.
0 Lord, illy God, exaltvd high,
Who eatue to earth for An to diel
Who late from, Qo4P,,i own busout Qtkllot-�
TO, bear kbo ero*i, ill,,, crtm,i of sliAllie,
'illy bleeding wounds gave lifo it, 1110,
0 j,,ord, Illy I tx1oa, 1 1�orshlp Thoo,
An4 litilyl Holyl lltllyl ery,
0 140rd illy 00d, Q%aill,"d hi�','I"
Thou precious theille ,of wondroll'
"Illou brightness of the Vather's Idoly,
11hou (!J,rIst wboso Imud all thill.gs ill)-
Thou Lamb whose love Thine Own ell-
,Thon burden -bearer of the Weary,
Thou CoInfolt in enell, moinent dreary
' '
Thou, Anchor strong "aildst ra,gln, It'll.
Thou heart of God, tile P11.1yrill"S 1; il -
0 Lord illy God 0 spring of dayll
The vision bursts upon tile. way, .
As ravished oisn-ims Nvait thtIll- stv,
0 Lord illy Uodl 0 Lord. Illy (21odl
� _111wo, Ause Vurk.
. Prgilell. i
Onr Father Ili Heavoil, WE- tht"ll, Tll--c
for the sacred day of rest that Ill'$ b(""Ll
set apart for 'Illy children, And for all
the hallowed influences which ,through it
come into Our lives. For its relainder
that We Lire not the children of the dkist,
doomed to parpetual toil, but Tbille ONTO
1 . Inniortals, hearing tile St,3111P Of the 1)1 -
,,ills upon us,.we bless Thee . May we
enter fully into the spirIc of tile Stlb-
bath� May our vision, dimuted by tho
dust of earth,, be cleared so that we may
see the deep things of God. May olur
ar tile voice Of "Od,
And may Thy loving bunediction .90 V"t
upon ,Is that, as oil the morrow we take
11)), tile burdens of life fk.uilill, each duty
shall be lifted off tile sectilar into thO
sacred, and our whole life be lived ill thO
environment of Thy presence. Amen.
_� .
Heart Pictures,
It is said there iz no-* thoug,lit that is
. good in the miad. hilt soon 1004's good in
the face. Reart qu%lities are artists that
Work, indeed, behind the screen, yet at
last they strike through tile ca.livas and
become manifest lit the facial illumina-
tion. Contrariwise, Ili men long, inured
to vice and crime, sinful thousitts Witbill
have so disposed. of the facial tisSue
without that tile counwilance has in it
soni&.hing of the imp, mild some I thing of
the crawling serpent.-Newoll ,DvviSqht
What Thl�k Ye of Christ?
(By -the Rev. Marcus Dods, D. D.) �
"Whom say ye that I am?" Matt. Xvi.,
. 15.
No question is more worth pi.itting O"
more Worth answering than this. 'A71hat
we think of Christ determines what we,
think of God, of ourselves, of our fel-
low -men, and of the fixture of this '
world. it was put,. not as similar ques-
tions are sometimes put, by men uncer-
tain of themselves, and whose ears Itch '
to hear- ALLY words of praise NOLich'the
public my utter. Christ was sure of
tilmself, Ile reablved not testimony from
men, -but. He knew tllq,t the future of
litankill-I and the success of tile great
work entrusted to Him. by the Father
telligent accerittince
ct- of God, And :
upon'thair spontaneous adoption Of Hill,
As their sole King and Leader. The
thoughts wilkh, Jesus lind of Himself it
is impossible to discover and vain to can -
lecture. Although His consciousness of
being (Jo&e, messenger and representft-
tive on earth never failed and never fal.-
tered, there was doubtless enou-mli of
stranaetless in His e#erience to ellavle
Hilu To sympathise with nll who found
ditlictrity in comprehending -11is real
iiature. Ile was Unique, the only one of
1:14s kilid, and ,whatever Intelligent and
earnest men had known beforehand of
good and eminent statesmen, and leaders,
Might only betray them into err67'"re-
garding this absolutely new and, inooill-
parable figure. So our Lord gave inen
time. The patience He showed with His
immediate followers is most Instructive
and 'most encouraging.
We necessarily think of Christ as the
most Important Person who illas ever
appeared in the history of this world.
our attention is. turil&l. to Thin I'llevi.
tably, as Ave grow up in this country.
We see for oilrsolves. that He is the real
stay of many lives, that it is Ills in-
finence which impels many to do and to
endure, the greatest flaings, that some-
how there is a solact, in His friendship.
n-hd a strength in His presence -w1licli
uothina else At all ln4ng� to the soul of'
Plan. *ien. ive begin to think and to
nbsorve it becomes obvious that the
modern world bills followed a true illw
stinct in dating from the birth of Christ.
That is the er . % of tile modern -world
Christ undoubtedly lifted the world out
of darkness into U -11t, And once for all
made contentment -�jth im-perfect; nior-
ality impossible, .NotOnly do individuals
-here abd there mould their lives upon
His, and through Him derive strength to
do so. but Ile has created a new ethical
tradition whielt bettutifies, the lives and
persons of . Many who tllcmsclve.q llaTO
never come into direct contact With Itilli.
He actually is tile Saviour of inell. Ile
Actuatly haq saved thousands And mil -
)long of our felloWmell.
How then (lid Ile win this unique, this
immensurable influenee? What is it that
ba't inevitably drawn the Attention and
Compelled the Adoration of men of ilia
most various types? It is that Ile pro,
fesseh to be; and tbat they are eonvinc-
ed Ile is, the authentic mc8senger of0lod
entrusted with tile -proclamation Of fOr-
givtnesq and the meruir, of restoration.
11re earried in Himself MA town flittlienti-
cation. Tho life Ile liveA tollIght M011 tllV
fatherly love of God, ills character rv.
*#aledi (14od's Holiness Ili human terms
For Ills h(Alness was Anmothilift b*t its
self, something new both in itA ki,4 ftild
lit it% completenes.i. Tit Him men saw
and ppiritual men have ever .since Aeon
that . holinesi lileang PerfOet, (10VON411088
to (71Od an(I .perfect saerificing love for
A,efl, It Nvok$ no longer a law that hai
to be fulfilled—that feArfat fileal Of h(Ai
rLe&q; it Woo no lorgor n law aid,drossili
men froib without 'that 1"(41 to bo, fill
filled; it was a Ilatuire at unigon wit]
0 filld expV6,5sion for it
seA. (,'ad WAS no longer to he Aory - M A
a, refflotp, un*wpathette Law-givol, by
lift , .,I present Fothc,r, IlifilsOlf 11101-0 410
Vot#L1 to the butimn ollu," than 'any bit
Imm betilliz could be, VhrW brolight, I;
niom.ft (RHI tbev could 0,01-dially worKIll
atia this ire diA malilly by livinx In or
111111'ry `= VA78 among Average (Itin
nerm aild X the eon-stant.111nithit IT',
orfe-A ovid ,beeds.
,�'!F,�F ,-!-., - 1, - � I
�� � .
. . . , 1, ��. �""_,-�00400**Awwowa, _... , . _ :.. �- \ )W. . '7__ ... . . ... - ., .40.m ,__ �,�_ ,. - . . , ,: . . I � � . 1� W#4*A"""V*
. .. A .. � I— . �: . _� : �� ,� : . I 1. , I , I . , I'll , 0_� . ( � , , _ I.., �, I �,� V'- � I - . �� 100014441400404-00i,�11.!p I . I . � � , ,,,,I, " , ; ,7, � 11 � I .:. -.1 11 ,
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r____ , �_. _t�M_ _`. ___ - , . -
-IM" � _ --.—. — — ' but her head Bank lower, and hor face . I ISSVE NO. 8 1, IV08
I 11 -A-0— A.�&�.Wh&- _.."_ _p1L.S OUREQ AT HOME By PRIM UP AT $AYMTH.
IF, , I 1_..11111.1.1!_1WW�1 . .11 I - ...., 11 .
� I � . I . 0 ,greiv botAR it With illiamQ. ,a he I Once again thola.tro tickot spopul4tors . ...."""" �' ' � T' �. I ' ' -1-1 � ... I I �'�11 "#A,q1*'1rW*M"1'."
I I I.- 1. 1. � � I .� 1�___�i._ ....... , ,.., _� , - 'I""* 1INVIlo is Itt" Ile Asked, In A vote ' 411 ,a in llgyrel= Get acquainted Nvith '' L L
* '
... r a; o, , r v ng, hard bargain . lQ9Rl _F 0 ACK __
_ , ", . .1.P1--_ ' '
�, tried to 4,9011 steady. , festival tickets. At Bayreuth Itself hulipt. N A ,16HIN T 6f.
Audrey Wail to lift lier eyes to Mall .NEW A8306PTION METHOD ' -hat all the ' '' L".
. . bill* are posted giagg.unclug t
hilt it .1,VAR (is If a 1104vy Weight IkUng , - rformolneet, from'July 224 "ativoo of Nigeria
I . twenty po .4 to Black Watch , IN . are reroRrk4bly
I oil her lids. Atigust Mh aro sold out, ,
" 111-1 run engaged tQ,--tQ Jordan , A al4iiful angloro, And their manuer (it
If you $utter -from blooding, ItChilig, VroOkOZal t1oket dealers, wo,tch for the bis black PlUg ca .
tviling fish rocommon
, . do itself Alike
I 4. L�Vlte,), Come in, a Whisper At last, this announcement ,to start on their
THE %1JTA1JZ I . . I I .1 � Lorrimore startod,. And 4 terrible , blind Or protruding 1111cm, send mo your c lng c allup"y and success, -
,%�'�A This, fishermen a a small line
nine over lit" face, His $pan- ,!Qalir It it, , im American gras
I ellullive " Address., And I Will tell you how to cure � i 0 t thp,� oak for Custom, and Is I weighted at the Otherl a
.. . L I L'�L 1.1 I -j .. . . I.. .. . - , I I ho, At little there was of It', 0 C r dt, tremendous favorite
. I L . _. �.- � � 1. . � i . ,V. 19h I., 04, wh your4elf At home by the rLow Absorption , 0 ,a a $6 seat for fx IWAral- ' . Stono, and At regular 41stances along tile
. woui(I have giowea if 040 had InOntloll� �
, ,
I I L . L . P"11111110, — - , , I . - L ad any other name, %n4 hN treatment; And will aligo send some of, fsl?" VQrfOrblAX1qQ Will 401110tilfteo Bell for everywhere, because of line he attaches A number of hooks
I . I I . � I I I I 1. , I L 11 1, . , heart would k $50 or more, - made 91 animals' bones, Ili the form of A
' -V* lof t till, -ad; but Ile seems to bavO )"Inced; hilt thQ no,ma of Jorda,it this. home treatment free for trial, Witt itsri�hne$s and plea$ing
,,Yes No. wouder you are BurrAsed. _ I ha egplox , TUO VeSt4piel MIRTIAPMOUt trip,,$ to - � 1 narrow V, wbille to the anglo of each V
. � .
I .. have disappea , red As completely as It Lynne set his blood on fire, That refeTences from Your own locality If 00 the traffic, but although stricter . is fastened a, short line mAdo of olliews
Audral-Miss, Hope to an old friend of man to 'be her husband I JQr- rilquested. Immedirite relief. And par- � favor, L
h bad opened' and, swallowed doll, the husband of Into beautiful luariont Cure a4aured, Send no Mon o3rol over the sale of tickets In exer- I I loil I =so, - Alid b4it04 with a kind of sitAili the fish,
yours, Lord 14orrimore j so she is C, him.10, . Oys pined this year than before, it has aVail- ' 'L �".LLLL ' ' Jq'1'i,q,1 .14.,l 1. 11.61,60111, , , . , I . pwallQwiag the halt and 1100, swollo.wo
ralue, arer I Idi-ey, IA,,A Audre7l The Woman "whOM 00 but tell. others, of 00:3 offer, Wrtto, to, - !-==—
o, t ,van, Audrey I" And she sitill, "It is very strange," sAid Ai 0 PL S, ad little. The tickets Are bought up by __, .- ' -.-, L ' L _ . . , .,
. I . ninny good man ,And true loved perhaps dary to Mro, X. Summers, 13 X I ' . . ' " _ . also tho, book whiell, is so acted upon by
04 At her. low voice, but almost coldly. , private porsoms Acting for dealers, and . A Wonwill's Revenge, . the tension of the line aa to expand Uo,
liul; Audrey seemed to be upablo to as rather astoulsbod W almost as well as he loved. harl -VI1O N111ndsor, Oat. I -, � - no It comes About tILP4 the German pa, t range au(I fasten them firmly In
. . Lorrimore, W One of o4r young society women has L two
spook torn moment,or two, And she gave her Apathy. Tba least a man Who 11A4I tiloilght nearly driavo him Iliad. He - Pers just now are full of advertisements a very goodlooking liusbazid, of whom . the groat.
tL for I;uew-felt-tl;mt the mr
her hand in 4CUCC Pro, WhOse , been scouring the habitable globe .*a wan a, villaill, The Invaluable, Cuol;oo. offering. sewts a . rUggles .4114 whirls About
� a 14rrliu I Lila Eleve�fti OtIlOVA felt It. .t Bayreuth, while offi-4i she is most proud, Having noticed that The vlotim at]
heart, ro,410 Lot the night of )tar embarrass nearly three Y lad liall Just as Neville t , I theL
. this pillooth, aghtl W ", The fact that thete 1-4 A national dau, otallly they ore A- -iounced to be unob- 1 this gentieniqu I - line, thus Attracting Its family And
Mont, It -%vpe� tile first time she had A right to oxiloot Is ,that the lady Xm4ld And , e Sir Jordan - I pn d. At. .
Over shown any cm-otlon at tho Bight, of I to wed his Andreyl 1. go could not ger In, the disappe4rance Of the birds to tainAble. tontion to a lady in her own Bet, she neighbors to swallow the, same pilaroi
display some lntore&� In the result Of Ids . " ., , "'. , . 'L - . I I .i : kept a careful watch, and was f Standard.
I . , some face *grow black, 1. I ... I L , , ortupato , L I
Ado, him hopeful, L oming t . OL I Logdon., .1 . I
1. I
him, And it X4 Weal -Nome mission, but Audrey did .not ak) Ills hand L 0 a be more And more Widely , - enough to discover among h, , litisband!s : � , 1,
U49 eyes glowered down upon her ." she riter Ili Suburban L fo
He sat down betwoou the two oil the,. appear to feel anything of the kind, . recognized. A w . I papeni a quantity of letters written by - ' M M" A00b.
. . , - - , an
large couch, and Sylvia plied him witb,, Lorrlmoro, If lie lind, not been so. pas- shrank lit all the splendor of her OVOTI tells of the work of the cuckoo ao. - - the said lady, SILO then roflected as to 1 1 ' L -_
questions. slountely in love with her. might have Ing dress, and ilia tall forro. socaned to Inseet-destro7er, "To watch either the what course she shoul I
f L 1. , d pursue, .she ' -,
. "Why did yon not 'writo Anti tell us,. felt hurtat the absence of even thanks, dilate and tower over bar like that 9 blAck-billeti or thin yellow,billod ouckoo Henry I'Miatt, Esq., of Sbarbrookie, W, , thougnt long, and at last hit upon a (CURED I
"And why U,yo you been away so long?" � but -whatever Audrey said or 414 or some I"Lligilaut and outraged god, flourish Ills long bill dexterously Among S., Inspector all nt ,Of strauge plkTi, From among the before- - L .. ' _" ' ' '"' - L''
, C,1, a S, . .1
� L Jordan. Lynnal" h 'Lid'. "J(>.rd9.A the f Ult tress L or Wailes affords muell. d Superintende L . .
you Were Coming?" she askody olildingly- thought oeerned just rl lit And perfect .- .r BrIdge. Conot
'he Won g L . rilot.lon for Novo Scott%, - montlone d oorrespondence the lady, me-
bw, now that 110 is, #( Sit0argre from Fibs, llops , At.
rd-ing Aphrodite" in the Gentle- VittLl 'ro
. -
, in his eyes, and t on: Lynnel It 1� not possible." pleasure, as we k 4pl'g sa7s. co to, . . - 11, T,
4sl didu#t writo because I did not kn lie waited as if he expected her to toll 'to st - All the losoQts , - Fai 4' Dance, Nervous ib as at
until yesterday that I was coming to, i 111 dare. say you wondered vrby I didn't . , his beat L ore away 'A bottle of MWARD!S 14TNI=4 XT - Woman, so acted lour letters, pasted all r
I rl 'her in Ills own little stom' cured Me of a very severe sprain of Illy tile on the back� of her fan, and th ,y Sloknpsa should wr to the
England," lie es.1d, scarcely knowins', write, to you?" him that he bad rilaunderstoOd he he can find, pit ni on . , I una G vo., 170 King atroot,Toronto
. I
h d, all his thoughts scattered; Audrey's lips- quivered, but no sound then lie drew a long breath'aud looked ach or .those of his fledglings, Twelve leg, q4used by L .. for a trial bottlo at their rib Cure OR
. a tall while building, a accompanied her husband to a dinner, Enclose i0o; fox poitagoand
I An he loved was I ca - round for his hat, caught it up, and, all or m g, tat 01100- bridge at Doherty Crack, Cumberia. . ni at her rl- . Ifte4tue. I
by the fact that thq Wolu . . me, , �d. ad where she knew site would a . pAtikinx.
. iously, crushing it in his nin,nds, At lunch for 111M, an , 0
sitting within reach of his hand. "Heaven knows I wanted to write to , unconso . Boom only a 11g] , . - , I 'Pli, � val. It was not long, before the, fan at, . I I . "I . , . I � - L
said: tite is appeased I at .
He stole a glance at her, and Ills faith-) you often, enough lit I thought that- when $tt lost his appe L ,p . tracted the tentioxx of the guesto,,who �
th love and a4mir-1 that Toll would toluk I was bid -ding for "I take that book I I oan't wish you he will IdIl the destruativo insect I . D
, . . s 41�_ ,. I I asked to be allowed to look at it. Tho . in Ing Late and Long.
ation. She was more beautiful than your sympathy, and -and so I kept oil- happiness, it would be useleast Jordan arontly f or the, fun of it, killing, to I , . fan then -passed from hand In Sir LAlgernoit West's early days oo-
. I I to hand, and �
to hear her You see, I hoped to, brinj your Lynnol Yet; tire going to marry hinil" . differently throwing them I when It roolohed the rival dety often dined l4to and long, and the
ever he thought. He longed Ont. I � � . . Ing and In, . . I . . I
4 .. . I .
L nd dashed from the mqW. Away without turning oil his perch." I .
. .
might once more in real, friend back to you. But I haven t, And .8 WAS ,just I . . crimson and tinder the pretext of a late Lord Olanwilliam once told him, of
Apell that he I YlVia coming In, mind he ran . -_ Remarkable Hatur I Fortress. one Pec"iQu when lie dined at a. friend'01
itv listen to. the voice -which he had -and, Audrey, I have no right to go on; against her and sent her Wght form .1, 1 � fficer of Thor .4 sudden Indisposition - withdrew hastily,
h4rd so otten in his dreams. I no I right to tell you of what lies sonear Dr, j4ckson, former gealth 0 I'l villa near Putney And the meal did not
L . I spinning 4ainst the wall, then he seized L 0 Is in the northern part of Matta- ..
Ha had not seen her for nearly throe my heart." I k lie Most remarkable natural for- I
- .7 York City, says In his report to gascar i . Your druggist, grocer, or general sjo�e� begin Until 8 o'clock, L
, - She aid not forbid him to Continue, and her by the arm and, Instead at spologlo . ornor Hughes, that Ouse tress in the, world. It I pied by a h Wilson'$ When they at last rose from the table,
years, and yet, as she Oat there arrayed , I 61OV � It flips are koepor will .rpply you wit
ant on, his -voice tre�iubl- . inf, VIC L t terrible voice. ll* .wild tribe whO Civil the ssocou "Fly Pads Gh you, cannot afford to and went to their rooms, Lord Otanwil,
in her splondor,, and her lovely fact) .of Course he w 1. ,Go dt ill, a low bu, , . t146-cauae of I in elves the Pea. &Q L AVO,* . be I
downeas I Ing with eagerness, L Y, Sylviai I, I - " itually In that city from typhoid fever ple Of the Rocks, The fortress is a w Ithout In. 14. finsatisfactory sub- liam flung open Me window and saiv the -
t, the long lashes sweeping hex "Goingl Where 71�xogag,opeegd Sylvial diseases, W11801106 elpit.ous rock, 1,000 feet 111gl. .
cheeks, it seemed to him that it was but', 'Vh6n I started, Audrey, 3fou-no, thinking he had taken leave -of his And other. Intestinal k and eF'j'rh,;, .atutes. haymakero coming into the field. '44
idn't any a word; but I thought,, I . I Fly ]?Vtds kill all the flies And the dis- square Miles In area, Its aides are so L t - 1, woUder," he thought, "wh e
esterdtig that lie stood beside bar In. you di... , .
I ful, that senses, and not knowing wliot.her to
E7xine urrows, 'And started on the - hoped, that If L wars stilecess - e"a germs too. s tee that it cannot be climbed without Fatal Questioning. begin work," %nd. on consulting Ilia
. laugh or be frightened at his dark V fur, - - J- artillcial means Within It Is hollow I
quest.lor XeVIIIOL Lynne. I -that You might perhaps feel I had toll$ laco. 'L _� - - .� . - Xud a -Have you been Arrested be- waUIx he found it was 8,30. The hay�
$11-1 quite (toxic my poor best to -prove my love Broaking It Q!6ntly. and the only aritrance is by a sUbter- reP 9 makers were returnilig to work from
hope. Lady Marlow is "Where?" he said, hoarsely. "To the , fo
well?" he said. for you. Not that it wanted any proving, "I understand., sir� that you are thto ralican passage. I � . I their breakfast�Tit-Btts.
Audrey found her voice at last. for I think, Audrey, t1iot you have &I- devill Good -by. For God's sawt, alive possessor of 4 swollen fortiuAte." L .1 - 1. . Prisoner -So, Sir. A : t .
. .
I .
"Yes thank YOLL'O' she Said, Land With- ways known that I have loved you, and her, if You Lear,", w3d, wri4lug Sylv'a's ,(Well," gtuffly answered the beautiful For sixteen years the name "BaladEVI � 'Judge -Have you been in this court Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. .
11 ' hand, he dashed down the stain. . Vp I beforto? L ,I - I . L
" lug her eyes; bu . has stood for ilia maximum of quality, Prisoner -No, air. �
out rais t the voice thrill. that you might -I mean—" a Sylvia stood staring after him for a gla father, "what to that to you 0 1 #
L ad through him as of old, and he turned He broke down, stammering like moment, then she went into the room I merely thou purity and flavor In blended Oeylou Judge -Are you certain? Out of the Mouths.of Babes.
his eyes, with a dazed, far -away look In schoolboy, and leaning forward, took her ou due notice of my intention tQ hel Teas, so that the only thing you need Prisoner -1 ax .L
. L and found Audrey lying upguLthe OOUOIL 0 ' ,a, sir. - Little Margie's father had a bald
them, to Slyvla, h,and and held it, though,,IL struggled with her face builed L in tho ousIdo a th; swelling out of It, rtle a,us to look out for Is the "SaladaP labol on Judge -Your face looks decidedly spot. While kissing him at bedtime
feebly In his grasp. . dc a, Rai a, going to be marrievII-M.90 Re- every package of tea you buy, , I familiar; Where have I seen It ba. One o"ientag she said; "% - d
Audrey took advantage of his Averted .. 1w e1or ine? I Oh, what line happenedi" she ex6laim- POP own,
gage to steal a glan IfAudrey, is there any p ad. "What have you said or done to pord-ilerald, - '. L- ' foreP - . papa, I want' to hiss you
tanned by travel fit ,%It weathers, but don't want to trade On thas search bust, . t t III . on, the head .
, ImOoliteness. . Prisoner -I'm the, bartender In the where the lining shows,"
L him? I never sa,P.him like that 1) L
a day older, and, if aby. ness; it was nothing, afwr all, except � 0 Viluard's Liniment Cures Oar at In Cows' A 'nQrmous dog came In one day L arper's Little 6-Yoar-old LUlu. was looking
.he looked not , fore I 2) I - 9 P saloon across the way, s1r.-Il I
thing, he Was handsomer than ever. A being parted from you su long.", At 1 _41 — Weekly� . . _
. -
Pigh stole from between her lips, and this Plece, -Of masculine simplalty. the "I've only bro-bro-ken his hsar�)' Tit for Tat, And he And I commenced to play; I I - I I I . at the numerous star4 one night. Af- .
t. Walled Audrey, And We had fun, and nice fun, too, * . � tdr a time she iiixalaimed,.
her hood drooped. She knew that. he tears begall. to gather in AuareyfVeYps- F, . tong As he 'haved as a dog should do, Take n
"I don't want to take advants, Onlyl" sold Sylvia. "How have you It Is satisfying. to the soul occasion- o, substitutes for Wilson's F1 "Oh Manllna, how grand and beau.
loved her still. A. women knows whether d � . f or In the same coin. Dut -wbe . X tlfu� ,
%a of it in res wit I ReivIn Is I And, just thinll� we.
any WAY- I'd go ,all thro h it a one that?" ally to r he got so awful rough Pads. No other fly killer oompa, -
,gain to Can't . Wit, A, MV n them. - can Ill
9 ' YOU guess? L It We$ for Igo In'the o lowing Incid ored that I'd had enough, I sod the wrong side of ItIl"
4 she sees him please; you, 0 , 'Told iiie that "Oh; . A .ent, told by Mr. L I hall
, man's heart Is still hers after a Ion
Ivan if you I tbat--that Lord Lorrimore I b am In his "History of the Twenty- But 'stead of stoppin as liv should, -1 -_ 1: "*Cf do you mean by smokIpg
after hie return. A look Is. enough. there was no hope for me. I wva you, I lad OL,A Ilutn L C A Relief. .
. wandering all over R;giment," such all As icitybody's think a -would, ray pipe, young manl)" queried the
What had she loot -thrown away?. dear Audrey, more devotealy-ton thoit- � , it t�o earth." fifth Massachusetts , -Hello, stern fatt
nd -times better than ever, if that Were was for a . Man Called ixgliange took place) f`110 Yankep's He knocked me down and tried to see old man," exclaimed BUIL At e .- '-Ler of q precocious 5-yepA%.old.
IYou seein. In capital � spirits,'Sylvia," on I Said Sylvia, wlth6lif an. L dguessing" getting the better of the If he could sit on*all of me, the Litera�r a said if I teased t1is, 04t
he said with a smile, . "and no wonder. I Neville Lynne," V .y Club reception. 'I tea you XaT
I le. You see, I have spent the la.st .. aga n a e'd xii&�e me smoke for it,lk
r intention of being witty. southerner's "reckoning," -Proin "Our Baby Book," by Family Y. its' a delightful surprise to see you - .
10,1111, In fro,it or She was a little confused and bamil. Private Anderson was C a ry. fellow, "and, I ,
have read of your triumphs, and under- three years thinking of you. A tall Yankee here." . exclaimeid the litti
stAnd that all London Is At your feet. I heat, in City or vildernaso, your L(UMT . 0- -1 - V (t teased her again," a I
, -
I I dered. � recruit. On one occasion. )Le -was takeit So good of you to say so." replied .
quite .expected to find you. the personifi- nee has seemed to be with zue. dfSo it was," said .Audrey, "but, It was trisoner in a thick fog, It. was his habit Ninard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Brown.L 1 : 1,
cation of vanity, and I hope you, won't TIOM"Itimes I have dreamed -and wben I , I ry L� Ten conts' worth of Wilson Fly ]?ads
L who seat him," , 9 our small hatchet in his belt, and, . I : k "Yes. You see, I was afraid I wouldn't
d4appoint me." . did I not drool,in of you ?-that yotl Were "Ohl" ex4latmed Sylvia, flush . IMPORTANCE OF THE SUN, will kill More house flies than, three
Sol your . Ing,, a4 Ono Of the first things his captors maid find anybody but bright and cultured
"I won't," said Sylvia, laughing. ',I actually near i&; that I Could, f she rocalled'all the hard thin to Ill wag: / phia Press. ' ' hundred sheets of sticky paper.
have hand . in mine, And hear your voloe__ad_ 08 2 0 � . IfWeli Yank� I reckon we'll take that Our Knowledge of It the Key in As. : - I . 7 - 11'
am almost too vainto live. Yes, I also tually hear your voice. Then, when I said of the Unknown lady Aoin or t,`lp I
been yory fGrtuna,te, mud they all pr . wo,ke up and found Lorrimore lovett,- little think!' h&tohe , 1 tronomical Study. Xinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. . Literaturil, to Order.
ine f or to niuch. But this is my great- it was only a dream Audrey. "Oil, door., thein it a Y f $7 Suppose you will, Johnny," said In an article oA "Tiler Nature of An L - m, I $1 want you," said this laililis4or ut
) alled 4Tba r.ilf,
eat piece of fortune," and she leaned in -well, then, I filt bad and wa,Ated .to -I'm sorry I ss,ld what I di th Anderson giving up his weapon, Astronomerlt Work," in the North . The Funeral Caron Too LAc. write a novel to, be a ,4. , 91
front of him and took An&- 'a. hand. come powti h 11 . dy, Audrey." � I As,Anhrson was being marched off American Review, William W. Campbell, "But," Inquired the all-thor, Owhire_ ,
Lorrintore looked question ly from A tear �'Ztid*Tdow'n Audrey's dhtpsks,�* YOU Aded not, be, I deserved it all, in I Order to join the Captors' comP&Y'y Director of Lick Observatory, says.. I Billy Martin, aged 4, came to his mo- fore?"
one to the other. and fell upon her ti tly clasperd hand, and more 11 joad Audrey, with a, sob, "It he noticed that they had completely lost' "If we would learn the nature of the . ther and in great eactasy exclaimed' "I have just bought at, auction a job
l dearest, friend but she did not spi P, though she know was Cru;f slid hen . rtless, but I did it all. leir Way in the fog, store, whether they are solid, liquid or "Oh, mQthor I L Louise and Qarborry lot of paper lilles which can be usqd to
a -woman ever hadl" Sylvia, went on. that she dught to stop him. But there in a moment Almost without meaning it, 1 "Look here, Johnnies," he rem,Arked, gaseous, whether they are new or coin. found such a, nice dead oat, and, they arg window displays 411 over a broal,
- Is no mindo under heaven�not the thrill ' round this to have a funeral, and can I go?lp
"We Are like two sisters, only. more so, of the nightingale, the clear i And before 7 ooiild stop him or t&Wb it L "I -was over, this gi I are and aratively old, Whether their tempera. 119 asion was given and when Billy land.',-X.a:nsa& City j6ur,n .
iota of the 9polir in I :
� I . I - oak- he had gone. Mon are 5O__qu10k very.marning; I know where we �uros are high Pr comparatively low, we :
arexitt.ve, Audrey?" b _ I " � am. I
Audrey smiled and pressed 'her hand. thrush, the curlew's song on some Moon and�and sudden, especially this olX4,10 where you men are. I'll show you. should begin by making a study of our returned he was questioned as to the Wilson0a Fly Pads "I them all. �
"I suppose you are surprised and lit river -so sweet to a woman's ear as ,"Yes," said Sylvia, in a low Come on ill and he led off. i outcome of the funeral.
startled to see such a warill frisadship the voice of the man she loves pleadin " . 6 1 and in loss own star -our sun: It is, the only stqr "They did not have it at all." , . - I 1%
for that love; and Audrey could nolf And it Is well for us women goluvo J The Confederates foIlOwe( , �
t,h t a ' bim6h, I near enough to present a disk" Vaid. therear 99 . �
between the great Miss Hope and a, poor . a they are." And she thought -of tho than two minutes Anderson had ed - it in game detail. Audwhy not?" Pointed Para8raphs.
opera d 1,,k.,,l bid it cease. . . � L them into the hands of the FeIltarols. fore to lot us study "Mother, was the answer "the eat was (Chicago News.)
L savea t. Z%t to% Sundayjohool pic-
"Sometimes," he went on, "I have tar- way in which Lord Lorrimoro'had too dead!' -.Success Magazine. � If it w ,
up,at face with a mischievous - her from Lav, They saw the joke, but did not enjoy I All other stars remain as pointh of tight
tured myself fancying that you had for- arlok. "But why are zou "Now Johnny," said Andersont "I even when the powerful tol0000pes mag- __ ______ I Was axi d uga wo dn'i have
modk gravity. gotten, or that some other better man SO unhappy, dear? Is It because he has guess 1111 take the hatchet." . rdfy them throo-thousandf old. There * . 1 fun.
Lorrimore smile. 1 U4
0,,sal(l. ,,, had won your love, and that I should not founX Neville Lynne?" . . Are observatories established for the sole C 0 R N S CURED mThere ais always lot f plot
"I am rather surprised," In . AUdroy shook her head without rals. ' ' - purpose of investigating the sun, and You 0 IN 24IrH & .p 0
' n �Iayt N8
kn,dw how proud you are. But J � am . come back and find you were his wife. . IN It Irom the iushl . � L Bite of Snake Fatal to* Bill. r trying to dodge the tgji i w90 rhinks I
� omers axe Constantly am. ,In patniessly remove an Co
. Ali heart leard when I heard Sylvia, on, . . nanny astron hard, so t or laeging, ll� applying Putnam's he am tell a funny s f
--l' I to bite? loyed in studying the structure of Corn Extractor. It never urns, leaves no boar ,
vi glad, How did you No, it, -Is not that. I don?t care wliq "So Wild Bill died of a'snak 'When' X'�%nten g t
. h, it's too long a story to tell," ea 1 you by t a name I have whis a ad . t - all I oontatnanof armless because compossa . three or fou
has become of him uOWI don!t meta' 'ftar did he It bit?" to ,visible portions, the laws followed by ,alds; Is It
said Sylvia. "Suffide it that we 110tOct. to myself in.the silent idght, and I Caw a F, I &I ng gums and balms, 2%yearscia gothor the silence b000rps so tl,6�
P. that—,, snate didn't bite Bill, TILP the heat and light radiated from all ,. loins lay of "a ] oan riot be biatcl.
that you Were still Audrey Hope. I 1401, thp Cure guaranteed: Sold by uggists that it
surface, and Itions . 85c.bottles. Refuse, substitutes. If the average mn� dould be bor4
ad an electric bind of sympathy bet -ween to stop him, but she could nc "I tIlLink I know what, you me a. But onskof Tflh'l�xepzx�edy an' then � .
A tremor seized Audrey and she tried &I bit Tough T ki a are Tompking, 'paxt'
us, and.that we came together oy mut- A speak. still I don't see why you should cry.'. arank two quarto c - indicatoe'd1sy the spectrum of each part. PUTNAM'S PAINLE!SS again 'and. had hf A ay abbut It, �hi
usl attro-obion., and that -hero we Are. "It was Sylvia who7 told me that � I Lord Lorri4lore has come back�', Xh4J)t Bill."-Judgels Library. It is not to much to say that our physt- CORN EXTRACTOR would select a different set of rola�
And .now, if you win promise not to be ought to come back to the woman I "it would have been better If he had ; cal knowledge of the stars Would to -day - - _ ti, S. .
too elated, we will remark how glad we loved and tell her that I loved her, and never come back," she said. "I -I am be almost a blank if we had been un- . . I . . Vine ifien. out of tea who come up
are to see you, and express a,hope that that I oug,ht to ask her to -to try and engaged to ,Sir Jordan Lynnc,---P P9 M able to approa,oh them through the study A Dream. and shake ydti by the hand o#4&
you have a,lismdoxied the role of Wander- love me in return. Did I do rijht, Sylvia started. - N . of our sun. Several' of the most Inter- I dreamed I wont lntq the Zoo, . want to borrow money or hand �oiL
Ing Jew forever." . . . 1110h, FAa%TS
Audrey? Is there any hope for me, or poor Lord'Lorrimorell, she mur. W eating portions of our sun Are in -risible, And wtolo a P.Q11ar boar; a piece of liavice. I
Audrey's and Larimore's faces flush- ought I to have stayed away and cease I d- mured, the tears gathering in'her eyea. I except at times of iolar if c. Our '-But I oolildn't do a tbing with him, . I . I - V
gain, - I 11 g ,"am_ Ir 111, him ..TTihm. � Lord Randolph at the
ad, but Audrey's face grow pale a to trouble youl" "Lynne? Is he " of the sun Wien h, L
"You axe looking absurdly well," hyl- "NdVIlIe's half brother," sold Audrey, - 'Powledga So I oneaked him sat-bly to my bome, Sir Pkiward Hamilton, who retired
. Hel hands untwined, and he seized the . plate until these portions are thovoug Y And t4ea, before I lalow, .
via ran onj "but you must tall iis your opportunity to take the one nearest to FHow strange I But, Audrey, dear,0 understood; mild this to the reason why He grabbed me tight arouud the nook, from the Treasury On gaturday, speak -
adventures. Never mind Was Hope I she him. It was burning hot. and she bent over her and smoothed her FOR SICK : palipso expeditions a I Ing of the Chancellors of the 10vehequer ;
need not listen unless the likes." "Tell me, Aud . trey," he said in a low hair, "you must not be so wrotolia . are despatch 4, at And down tile &treat wo flow. itridpw whom he has served, sold tlmt -
vo groat expense of time and money, to oc- I screamed for belp and loudly arled, hurchill "was of to.4
Lorrimore stole a glance at the down- ice. "Whatever the verdict Is, I will You calift help loving .one man Instead stations w1thin'tho narrow shadow Loird Randolph C
eAst Inde, But no one seemed to 4uro . .
try to bear it. If -if What I want can- of the other, It is not Your fault ----1' jelts irk wh&tevpr Corners of the earth Tile veople d4da't even rstofP very nervous While at his treasury. work
' 'There's not much to tell, he saids not be, I Will go away and trouble you Audzey.shuddered at the Word "love." these events occur." To helD me or to stars. . -felt himself, I think, a little out of
hesitatilly, as he ,wondered what Syl- no mi�lre. Audrey, will You be ray (4yes, It In,," she said. "It Is all my W, ul'-, h N Mk N . only I - I . I grabbed at things as on we fled - his depth. I.remember Ills statuding Ili
via woul say if she know how closely wife?" fault, I have been druel and heartless, Ln hopee of gettiug atop6ed- front of the Bank of England's dooran(I
A!!�,;,y was connected with his "rtd,,en- She turned her face from him that he as all said, And now 1 am punished." L Bigger Ships In Suez Canal. But everything; I touched at all saying to mo, 'I'm too nervous to go in?
tureS. ' "I have just come ba,.,I,- �-roiti might .not see the.awful longing In it Aa servant came in to announce that I 0 Notice has recently been given by the Fell over on my head. It took me quite a quarter of an hour
SWlt4erI4nd---J1 . the longing to throw her arms aroun3 the brougham was at the door. I . I . Suet Oanal Commissioners that vessels M last, when I was almost dead, to gab him In. He was going to see the
The servant knocked at the door and his neck, hide herself in his strong arms, "I must go," .said Sylvia. "YOU voWt I drawing 28 feet of water are now per, He stopped ah4 witit a altako directors, and I think he was a1rald of
antered. And give him love for love. Perhaps, come, will youl'o . . mitted to pass through the cartal, Hit"nor- He threw me down upon the ground. saying something which would reveal his
COM84 Marcy's love, madam, and it is with a lover's intuition, he read bar leyes. I will," replied Audrey drying . I to the limited draught has been 27 Azd ,then I was awake. fgilorance.'�-London Chronicle. I I
time to dr6sa?, hoart,, f or he t out his arms toward 'her eyes. "I can cry, at the bal of the - I I feet;, the minimum do th in the polls! Ai first I didn't daro tothink � .1 - V I
witeu ' 'Mat I was still alive,
. a �
I it Me, noLadQ4 ,And smiled, her, but low cry that Was half box ust as well as anywhera plan, C* Is now betwe ?3I f0at,'as COU1, And thon into my (Pillow , The Part He Took. I
%-On see Mercy is still my guardian sot), half moan, she shrank from him Donl� oak to me as we go. Oh, I Wall. I 'W%. -pared with 28 feet 8 inch", when the I mado it hapVy dive. Sh&--WM you take part in our thoat-
:goNra, nol" broke- from heir trembling N, . Canal hits And now I never seem. to awe,
64" shaosaid. "She watches over me and ", aer It eta was ever any one so wrotaln- 4&nai was first opened. The ricalat
at ev ry hour of the day. I it a ad as I am to-nigliv, - I k been successively deepened from li§4 When I go to the Zoo, * ITo-Ropally, I should like to. What
am sorry she is not here to see ToIrrimore's -arms fell to his aide, -and e said Sylvia, inima. , I bqAp-" 11 to the present time. In 1898 It Was 28 To woo the Polar bears tat all- shall 1 take?
U; but *he is not Well, and I hii face paled. . I ) 1,
Ibly,, as she though of the morne Does 60 seem stra.1190, to YOU? Shat--Tickets.-Philadelphis Inquirer.
KaVe made her rest.. I must fun away 11 lit when LIA , I feet and In 1002 20 feet 0 incheal work . Maud weatherl3r. . I .
it Is 'not"' lid said, almost inaudibly. she saw Jack fall and that other when . I I P is now miprogress to obtain & ilftimunt. - -
and pat my 616ak on. You will come to "That is your answer, Audrey?" they brought bar his coat and told, her I , do th throughout of 34 feet 0 inches, . I ,.- I
the 011ere to�xilght, Lord' Lorrimore to I L I ""'
He looked down at his suit of . ,4 N ,
His head drooped, and he put Ilia hand that he was dead, I It � lbxt� it Is not expected that this depth 40.
gray up to stroke hi's moustache to hide the Aa they drove oil Ili silence she re, . t 0�0 will be realized before the tend of 1012.
tWOoa. . tremor of hit lips . . membered the assionate, Words Lord L . I -le- I . The progress may be summed up as
"Oh, you eat go to the Pit asy6u are A Ppoken asl he rushea I
P I-! Qat bear It. I-1 Am Lorrimore It d a LL <�) follows: Prior to 1884 tho ma,ximuni .
hot diesiod'," said Sylvfito and she laugh. so """"" at 1 have troubled you, Audroy. away just now. Re had Asked her to drought for ships permitted In the caiml .MERCANTILE TRUST Co. I ,
I rry t have known Ifsave Lk E. PINK - I
A might why you shrank " Audrey If she Could, but What was 24 feet 0 inches,, in 1001, 96 feet I
Audrey rose With her. from me when I came In just now—" was she'to gave her from. Surely tot No other mecUoixte has.bem so 7 inches; in 1006, 27 feet; It is now 28 OV CANADA, LlMffED
"I -I will 'Come with you and help you "No, no" she said. from Sit Jordan Lynne, whom Audrey SUr,C0SSJU1 IrL rellevin , thO sufferine� fecto And probably next year the limit L .1
drops, Sylvis," she maid. Ho shool his head sadly. Must be,going to marry of her own free
Lord of women, .or receivef S0,M06nL0geX1- will be increased to 80 feet. I
Lorrinlore's face fell, and he put "Yes, you &d, I saw it, bu�--,Vell, I will And choice, A vague uneasiness fell � - � OFFICES AND 9"s onposm VAVLT8
otit his hand impulailtely. went on hoping. It is hard for a man upon her mind, and Ae would have liked uine testirdbuials as has Ly -, S. - -
"One moment, Miss Hope," he said, to give up hope that, he has been nurs- to question Audrey, but she could not PinkhamlsVegetiiblo CompouTO. Sea Serpent Days. , 0. . .
with a reprossod, agitation. L Ing f or yearsi the hope that has b ,fifl,at L In every con=uniby you viR find . � Book of Hamilton Building, - Hamilton, Ont.
can bring herealf to I additiolial pain _ The polar boar days seem, quite cheery I I
00b, pray, stop and keep him amused keeping him alive when everything spent- on the unhappy girl. womm who h6ma been restotO to When viewed from a fireside so bright, I . I
for & low minutes or he .Will be of f to ad against him.` . I � health b,y Lyala R. Pb*haw!A Ve - The day of the ground -hog are dreary AUTHORLZEDL To ACr AS
CITAPT211, XXV. . �, Alm 9 11
the Other end of the world, perhaps., be, He was silorit for a moment, gnawing Old Mrs. Parsons wept toars Of )0y et4ble Compotittd. 63t OVOrY' If big shadow is not seen lArIght, to,, CktarcUmm. Assisneis, lAquidattat'r.
fdr4 I can get down,lf said SYlvia, as, she 111-a moustache, then he glanced at her when isho waa At last made to Under- ono you meet h9A either boollL bene- The robin'smoleatous pla,y-day L Ezeauttor. Adininfitrator. Truste
rail front the room, and saw the fears rolling down her face 'L tall& that the tall young lbAn with fited b it, or has Men& who have, Is eur6y' deserving of praise, . I ftecteAver. Transfer Aue , nts. Rtalstle" of Sh"eis.
-tile face which he had loved to pietur-0- 11 ' Yinkhab! TAbo
Audrey sdnk black in. hot saftt� and 'Ke ratory 0,6
tho bronzed face was her "Master We- in t But the World Isla`b quite In Its h4yday
Lattimore rfte and took a turn across 'as bright and hali Y -and I X$M wq .
its heart Ville," and weledined him with a mix- _lX"S.,anyVV6Man=y4a,y y Till It gets -wround to Aea-serpeiat days. A Trust corApany Doint a Stridtly Trust and AiencY gualness
the rdomj then lit returned and sat inboto him, He talleT himself 4 btute to See i'lie Jnett COD141IUing OVer Lonern . . -
down beside her again, *otry this radiant, beautiful crea,ture turo of affection and respect that made one hutditd thowarld lottors At's then thzt the waves are fi,shimmor C0RXX8P0f4DffX4CE,1NVrrE0
"Audrey 11 he said, Ana big voice trom. ,wbo Was born to *tar a smite and, go Poor Xaville's .1teavy heart throb. -Hon . I
I "Why lorli Master Neville," she ox. I roin Women Aeeking hoalth' p4 At flight 'Apath the moon!s silver , *
bleap "though I came back to too oil, through this world as sotr4o.wIcts as some elamled after the first outburst, "it do ore aro the letters in vhieh they glow $ . L RON. IVU, GIBSON, President S. C. VACDONALD, Maivigoir
and only you-, this meeting Is so gull Tile then that the stars gay glinimcr) N, ---. ' L L " �' ' �.... I L- - . � I I .
I den trople4l bird. Boom as it It Was, only the other day Po* stabo OVer their ovri. 131gua. , iSpero low, L 14L, - - I . �L If
And itneXpeottid that "Don't cry, Audrey," he paid, gently. L It's then that t--- . t I - .. . � . . liaslij
I CiLn scarcely bet when You And Miss Audrey used to Atoal =a that tho worel cured by, L�dia In this Ronson of mystical glory �,� � L . ..-11-1. - .. ' 11.11 .. . _ I I I
. � -- . -1 . . ; __.;�
Rave tht%t it to you sitting so near me. I ,,It does 'not matter, I shall get over up to the lodgo window And shout out -etable Compamd. . - . ,:__ _ 11 L I ... .. I I I -
. own afraid thfr,t I startled You, that- itl Better ftellows'thall, I Out have had just for the fun of seeing Me JUMP ILI . am's le you tall Into Crodulous ways) I � I . L.. - '' . . . . I.,
. s Itind of thing, and I am not Lyd% X 06MIS Vog6table 110116VIng 'Most Any Old story .. � . '.
Audrey, you Are not sorry to see met" to bear thi my cho-101 �L A4.1*�, I
he broke off, for her face had gtown pal. going to make you miscrabits by hang. . Cbmpo= awred WAUY'"1`611 They tall You in sea serpent days, Ave
- handko "You UiLed to ju%�, firab rate, Mm A I'll bi ,IV ml operationg. ALWI-1 0 lit I
I or and more constrained, As if she dis, Ing about You With R rehief to pataob6 .. _ ...
aL 11 Bald Novile, with a, sml* � -Washington $tat. . � . L
I 11A being alone with him, as lie MY eyes, I Will accept My'dismIAS&I at ".&it I very an tole lry,�� X Pfiikha&s 'Veptablo U111t; As well dicer up .
d you used to be long the tough WAY;. 7 EVERYWH' ERE' 'IN C A N A' D
thought. last. 1-1 think lit t4ke Myself Off' the first five minutes, then-warl, just Ckimpound ig MOAO from TOMS And V At
la , OU'll fool �he Lola *Orl& 11
,,X -i am very gi,qa to get you, Lord now. Toll Sylvi -I've got to hear how to punlah ug you Always made us come herbs, Vithout dftgs� Wid is V11016- ASK r -OR
TAMmaro,,, she olaial but tWra w" 110 you And she lineame such friends, by in ,find eat Aoffid of lose Wonderful altos doine o,hd hanilesa. If oil holier hoorayl . . L . L ' , L
. gla4liess lit her voice, lie noticed, and his the way-Wl her I'll ,come and hpa,r her �', 0
heart fell, sing some other flight, and -Ana good, of your$." 4 The 'tewfl 1why tyft V. rink� -11. '. S., In Atlanta 0onatituti6a. E DY C
� The old lady nodd6d, and laughtdi wf th 'ham's VdgotAblo Oolupoltlnd, IS go of the Japn. D — S MAT HE� S
. It &in Afraid you will Tint ba vory by, Audrey,. I hope you'll be happy pleased rcoolloctioli. . suemsW la beeauso it eontOADA bi. O6mPl6X 6rialh, . I I ". ."". ...... L--._-.:,-."."��-"'-�'--"'-: . ' I - 'L -,_ �L , I '' i - - "' ' I- ' "
� .., I
t gla(t whon I toll you that t have Came, whoever you Marry." "What a Turk You was, Mastdr Veville. . ,
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4; 11AWs for Y611,11 lie 111, 6wiftlY at N A rOgUlitt tombolt YOU made of her, Lot') I&MOIn, fait. ' fddy'SL Matchet hims Italled -from Hull oill-to 1861-ittid I I
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p � 'to boar (4 hin.,. Thpy SAY ther *,Orld Is put the quostion that yet nitmt bo pUL most beautiful yoling latly ibilt over W69. ffttg or douh i ty of Llrdla ____ -.--- - lt?; 'by No Wiwi. .
I very 8=11.11 Vn Al-ftiled'. "'Allyway, It If "'There Is xotne one, isn't there, Au. She little thliM that you aro here, just; 9, Plnkh='A V69btqble Cbmp6tnd b.on hbho.W_i6IC-dwL,6tF0utk lil0riedi,ag" Sold *114 11d6a 4*6ryWh6ft lid 041%idm
416h 14 fatal to 'a IM410 00101m at V14- A.�,."",.
. Urge moligh in hida Neville t,y I 'droy7l' lie said lit a lovr voice. fte the old. UrA"111 to rostm thet GiRz Ltl*oQr to; OA4 uRtal th;�* il 010441 t "!������ , ", � ' L _ .
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