HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-30, Page 500111 THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE, TII DBSDAY, JULY sa, 1908. n Clearing Price on Shirts We sell the two best makes of Shirts that Canadian manufacturers can produce, namely -the "Regal" and the • "Star." Both lines are made with plenty of cloth in the body and good long sleeves. The materials used are the most reliable. $1.00 and $1.25 Shirts for 750 We have gone through our regular stock and have taken out all the broken lines, The lot consists of Soft Bosom Shifts with separate or attached cuffs, Neglige Shirts with reversible collars, &c, Every Shirt is a Bargain, Regular $1.00 and $1.25 -for 75 cents, McGee Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers StJT?r.;%, Svzzkak eltafvaq lak, sat 01 4313,roatave) ihvkm i‘Alop,s-k Watch For Advt. Next Week OMMAIWMANWWWWWW4WWWAIMMAMANVIV Startling Sale Of Whitewear ,M and P LADIES' SKIRTS, NIGHT PRESSES, SHIRT WAISTS, CORSET COVERS, eferything included in Ladies' Whitewear, is being rushed out now regardless of cost, CLOTHING and SHOES are treated in the same reck- less manner. We are re -arranging our stook, and any lines that stand in our way must go. The Great Sale of Ern- Going on for the last two weeks, broideries and Insertions when prudent buyers got these beautiful goods at Half Price, is continued for one week longer. Move quick if you want them, y Rest Selected Raisins, 4 lbs. for250 Bost Package Dates, 1 Ib. for o0 Choice Pickles, 72 oz. Bottle, for 25o Gr000ries{Choice Prunes, 3 Ib. package for 20o Good Salmon, 2 tins for 25c Tomatoes, Peas, Corn -3 cans for • 25o PLl?ASIS WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR 'BARGAINS D. M. CORDON rommiwwww MINEIMEIREMBES !!J WILLIS& CO■ A Few Words of Explanatioii1 Store closes at 7 p. m. except Saturdays and oven'gs before holidays. Notwithstanding that we are not having a Special Clearing Sale of Summer Shoes, &c., it is nevertheless a fact that we are selling all kinds of Shoes as Cheap as the cheapest. OUR MOTTO :-Good Value at all times ; Exceptional Bargains sometimes. Civic Holiday, Thursday (To=day) Our score will be closed on this and all holidays WILLIS & CO. At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. *****************40-4141“********** McCormick Twine Has Length, Weight, Quality, Strength and Uniformity of Size. 650 Ft. Pure Man lla...... Z3► z c Ib. 600 Ft. Manilla ., ,12c lb. 500 Ft. Twine 9c lb. 1' McCormick Twine. Binds the most bundles and causes the least trouble And is the very best that human skill can make. 4 J. V. HILL Central Hardware 5 r . NMI" 1111 I O 1 L 0 Have you, a good supply of Har- vest Tools ? The time is at hand when you'll need them. HAY RAKES HAY FORKS PITCH FORKS TURNIP HOES SCYTHES AND SNAITHS HAY FORK ROPE --from in. to 14 in. HAY FORK PULLEYS TRIP ROPE AND SLING ROPE BINDER TWINE "CALL„ And get our prices -- they are the very Plymouth Twine The Best on the Market. Leave your order. We will deliver it:' Pure Paris 0reen a Specialty IYOUNG'S Big hardware WINGHAM - ONTARIO - ONTARIO N ® ®i GIMUSEMOD For Those Who Cannot See. In making his annual appeal to the • readers of Ontario newspapers for in- formation •which will enable him to locate the children and youths of both sexes who are eligible for admission as pupils of the School for the Blind at Brantford, Principal Gardiner asks the Advance to call public attention to the need for some institution where the adult blind may be instructed and ewployed. General experience' has demonstrated the inadvisability of combining a workshop for adults with a school for children under one man- agement, yet the blind adults, who far outnumber the children of school , age, should be no longer neglected. In New York State, it has been ascer- tained by careful inquiry that out of 0,008 blind. persons only 581, or 9.72 per cent. of the total number, are under 21 years of age ; 3,193, or 53.14 per cent., ere over 00 years of age; • while 1,375, or 22.88 per cent. are be- tween the ages of twenty-one and fifty -in the prime of life and capable I of being rendered in whole or in part self-supporting. It is probable that 1 the percentages in Ontario are similar to those in New York. Many lose their sight by accident after passing school age, and many who have been blind from birth or childhood need help and direction in order to work profitably. In California; Connecti- cut, the District of Columbia., Illinoist` Indiana, .Alassachtreetts, Michigan, I New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Penn-' sylvania and Wisconsin workshops or "homes" stave been provided, and int Washington, Colorado and other States the matter has been taken up , by Women's Clubs and other associa-, tions of philanthropic ladies, whose influence upon public opinion rtnd the Legislatures will certainly effect the , desired result, The first necessity is to get an ac- enrate knowledge of the facts, and to this end Air. Gardiner will gladly re, -1 ceive information relating to blind re- sidents of Ontario of all ages (names 1 and post -office addresses.) Those tin. der twenty-one years of age not defici- ent in intellect, and free from discs, .e wand physical infirmity, who are blind, or whose sight is so defective that they are unable to read ordinary type , acrd attend a school for the seeing' without serious injury to the sight, shouid attend the school at Brantford, which is maintained by the Provincial governtnent for their benefit. A let- ter or post card, addressed to the Principal, will receive immediate at- tention. "1'+ Big Clean- Sweep Ten ays' Sale COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st, AND ENDING WEDNESDAY, AUG, 12th. z.. Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock I To 'S.e Slaughtered. A Whirlwind Of Bargains For Tell Days Only. • • .4 / i:5:-,. ,'g:4,?'-rfi:'.. - ._S'g4Y Great Money Savin chances In Fifteen Departments. Every Dollar you spend here during this SALE is an investment at a high rate of interest. It will pay you to borrow money from the 'Bank in order to take advantage of these Low Prices. Shop in the morning if possible. Grocery Department. Corn Stat ch Se Royal Yeast Oakes Be Tapioca. (fresh) . 7c 25e, Brooms 20c 2 Cans Red Salmon 25c Pot Baxley per lb 3e 10c 13ottle•Ertract Se Fresh Raisins, 4 lbs 25c 2.5o Japan Tea 20c 35c Ceylon Tea 25c Canada Laundry Starch,. Oe Large bottle Pickles IOc 4 Pkgs. Gold Dust 2oc 12 Bars O. K. Soap 25c 100 package Prize Rolled Oats Se Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 3 cans for 25e White Wear. White Atu\iin Top Skirts, $1,50, for $1.23 White Underskirts, $1.25, for 1.00 White Underskirts, $1.50, for 1.25 5 Doi. Drawers, fine Cambric, 45c, for .35 Corset Covers, 50c, for .40 Children's White Dresses, $1.25, for $1.00 Wash Belts, to clear .10 tri + . Sig Savings On Clothing. Men's strong, well -trade Overalls, blue or black Denim, 10 days' sale price 50c Men's strong Tweed Suits, $7 00 to $7.50, for.. $ 5.90 Men's fancy Tweed Suits, $10, for 7.93 Men's fine Worsted Suits, $12.50, for 10.00 Men's French Worsted ,Snits, $15, for 12.00 Men's strong Tweed Pants, $1.50, for 1.25 Men's striped Tweed Pants, $2,00, for 1.0) Men's fancy Tweed Pants, $2 50, for .... 2.00 Boys' two-piece Suits, $2 00, for ..... 1.50 Boys' two-piece Snits, $2.50, for 2.00 Boys' two-piece Suits, $3.00, for 2.5) Boys' three-piece Suits, $1.00, for . 3,40 Boys' three•pieee Suits, $5.00, for 4.00 Boys' three-piece Snits, '$0.00, for 4,75 Boys' three-pieee Snits, $7.00, for 5.25 Boys' strong Pants, 75c, for .59 Boys` Tweed Pants, 05c, for . .50 Boys' wlating Pants, 500, for .49 Gents' Furnishings. 5 Doz. Black Cashmere Sox, 25e, for 19c A Iot of Ties to clear at 100 Men's Shirts and Drawers, Sale Price 250 Men's 50e Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 40e Alen's 75e Top Shirts for 00e Men's 50c Top Shirts, special, for 400 A Number Of Specials. Lace Curtains. Ladies' I(icl Gloves, guaranteed, regular $1.25 quality, 10 Day Sale Price ' .09 Heavy Black Sateen Underskirts, worth $1.25, Sale$1.00 White Parasols, $1.25, for $1.00 Boys' Handkerchiefs, to clear .03 Pins per package .02 White Waists, $1.011 value for .75 Ladies' Wrappers, $1.25 value for 1.00 150 Side Combs, Sale Price .10 hmbroidery Collars, Sale .Price 50 500 Silk Belts, new " 390 35c All -wool Cashmere Bose 253 Wide Flannelettes, to clear 50 5 Pieces Print, to clear 4c B1f13ROIDERY AND LADES. ---Thousands of yards to be cleared out at a big saving. Only One Painless Corn Cure. Hundreds have tried, but no one has succeeded in making as good a remedy as Putnant's Painless Cern I4xbractor. It'd by far the best -be- ware of eabtttitutett for Putnam's, Boots And Shoes. Look on centre table ht Shoo department for snaps in Footwear, A lot of Boots cleat ing at-. t3 e, 700, 80c, 00c. Worth twice the sale price. Every pair In stock will be sold at it big saving to the buyer --trove quick. Extra salespeople to wait on you. Gloves and Hosiery: Regular dollar Curtains, 10 Day Sale 25 pair worth $1.25, Sale Price 15 pair fine Curtains, $2.00 value for 12 pair, regular $2.50, Sale Price 8 pair Net Curtains, $3.50, Sale Price Dress Goods. .75 .98 $1,5,0 1,90 2,73 A large stock of new goods to choose from. 20 per cent, discount off all Iines of Dress Goods, Silks and Vel- vets. Buy your Fall dress now and save money. Long (Moves in white, black and cream, German makes, in Lisle, Silk, Taffeta, and. Lace. SAM DI: cot?N•r or 20 run crc.rr. off all lines of fosiery cud Gloves, Crum's Best Etlglish Prints, worth 150 per yard to -day ---Clean Sweep Sale, only. , ... 10o CORSETS. -A lot to clear, worth $1.00 and $1.25 -on Bargain Tables, choice for .. 690 Bargains In Ribbons. 121c Plain Ribbon, all Colors, Sale Price sec 20c Plain soft Taffeta Ribbon, Sale Pace 130 13c Colored Ribbon, Sale Price 1210 20c Fancy Ribbons, Sale Pelee lire" 2+.0 Piain Ribbon, all colors, Sales Pike .2.se 25c Fancy Ribbons, Sale Peke . 0c Remember the date --SATURDAY, AUGUST let. Everything will be reduced. No goods °barged at Stale Prices. Cash or produce in exohange for goods. No coupons given or sales punched on tickets during this Big Sale, SALESPEOPLE WANTED. IS Table Linens, Fite. 54 Inch ltleached Table Linen, 4100 value for 28c 50c Half -bleached Linen, Sale Price 4ilo Mc Bleached Linen, fine and wide, fent 43e 75e Extra, wide Linen, Sale Price 60e $1.00 rine quality Linen, Sale Price 80e $L"s Extra wide and flue Litten, Salo Price ........51,00 One dollar value Napkins for 75e Large size Napkins, $1,50, Sale Price , . 125 Iiattra large Linen Napkins, $2.30, for 1.05