HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-30, Page 31 .4.
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k Many, -Fino it. 4 PlIficult Matter I maker and By= as 4 Cook 1W, rotor Doc! �. I$, A 0,tholla Chin- ' � *""*""**"'*""'"*'" I . - I , . P � , .
0, 000- M - . 49PA04" .. I I , , 0000~0010%a ... ..... � I— _ 1- 1:,Oe A HOR69% W410HT, T DUS � 61UP04OR MAX MERU CHURCHVOTES, .. & � *, , I ,�
1rop"Ov - , THE T 0 11 * U A E I
. - , , ko I , As a Droeq A _. ,
� . Its. Xxcols WOM4,4. oiili mi"ionaxy, haA beeu conducting sier- �� 11 I I � .
. Dotormfriq.� WOMB N SUFFER. vices in Chicago. . AMONG THE JEWS , J� , 1i I 11�
- many peoplip, valk wiligag, thoso w4Q I � The moot cutli4olAsUe b4avor It% the � � - "s . � � I . _.
I ..
- THE FAT 'MwAN frequoutly make wo of hor4o#, UAY6 lit- . suporiority, of wwklell dQ48 not protella N b3pecial oraug0latic work wtil be done '
, .94011010 �411 of Otto summor wilong the vimis, , Ng= NOTIO ABOUT THIM FROM Next Thing to on Alrr,Wp, �
t10 idea what 471 o"UR.ary horso AVOI Its. � 14A Abe is Perfect and ull4ppi . ; .
I I 94-1 Can, he Rolie'.v4 b ,tepin thi gamouA vliwo4es ana Spaulardi In Now York, . � �,., ,
1 #40 4ad W0,414 litavo milob 4011QUItl tQ . v . 7 K 0�. : At All, points. While the =Pt, . AkL 4WRINA W980 . "I wru ulwAys inter"itod ta oirAWp4 444 _ 1,
- - guoss - flVil�i�l Inaphl"e-S, N I bought a. tueatro."
I- -0 011-1 I *vN*0*""'%0* ppoals. IA 4 -, .. I
*#V*0*,00W*0r0Nr0 ..� _-�.! )0#*A0k_%00.~_._ .. ... . I I � OWW 00011- w1lother A giveo onlw4l, stgnf�lug balgro Olood Supply Rich With Dr, drommAlwo and t1le Moot Iii,laous olleiit The Court of A , ,� aglalld has I? I I Y10 u do, that?
- , MOA, we $hall have, 4.4'a � 'do ,.,� 1A 11
wiQ,igho five, hundrod or fit- are ta 1 t ,utAy .04ad that church Yards way be t"0 I ____ - I .1tre 1,1,9 w Jigs Ana ftWs.,1_ft1A4. .
(11Y 'Two Hundred and Sixty -Five,^ Itomo. I guess It must be tile heAtk their 0,768, 11 . 1, 4,4 0111A Inquirer.
f6r New York, 171ribune, Xag4jrie.) 61rica I bogan getting stout (she weighs k4(sli, hundred PQVJIO&e Yet thoy would Williikras' Pink Pills, 14, to a4m)k that in sonit things moa tor the bonellt of the poor, 1111110 � � � .. .
- 40"Pill , I i p�ili�l'iill��i�lli�����iiiii�����illI . .1 . *
4 wau An A womall lleodg a blood buildi , have d 110 (�s of Jewish origin, wliq - I
WhQn you meet a bow logged Man one hundred and thirty) I know holir I have 'IQ $40 414101114 With , d � onq better then wo have, o4YA. a The Natio - 'I'waltill nair .
, itial Board of (Ultureli. Zxton Golf PoUnition. 1-1
- 14 women, writer in )314ok aIld White. ,, ston of the Clirigtiaa Church Is trying to have rewntly Alcil. at Berlin, be(tvan'thed ..
in tile atreot, 40 yoU stop him and have. felt It, and you are xQ_t9.i,t you probably be ablo to guess, sope0olly If mod4oluo regularly 4juwb becituso alto ,go NJI11ley--Say, do yott know anythl'.15 shout
I at cUffer a-,VfUlly. YOU had bQttOr they )' . 'Imse two oubjwts Arq 'Apscially 14131- . rai4o ,-gpoo,W. by tile end of gqxt year. large Bums for the poor and I
ask how it tools to walk Fore good vituge94, wh)" ton, or a w0=4111 Frolu maturity to middle : T I I the Pick U'Af r .
thtvt way? InU , r , rcm-rey--tNot much. wliyt
Ill the MOWAU'A 4011140, alld Yet i4l their -%veglan LlithOrell, Free 'acy of tho 100 Xamalerzlenrat
a her Io4ts, twenty poiuids of Ws weight, � � , , ",
041 being introduced to a rasa with ..'stay home while this hot 'wQ t life', the hoaltll And, hwiViless of , The NO; Church JIM 'lei - 30 you, kuww? ...
hl&r aopecto she is content to be 104 by ' sinlon ic%Te#'bg11 v '.
., million fop.rks for I)%11n1)(!y__$VhqV0 P "Luuker,
a, face like an inverted oomie supple- and, let me 0100090 tbO Office that you W40 Governments of Eiiropo have long: every wouiAn depends upon her 4o seeking, to raise All on(lowLent of . VeRvery-i outipwo ws oxio of thow emalco I.",
with him on ,are Ill.,' - . beox% purchii,sin$ . and I weighing ho.rse4 men. Zils souls xtrange at Arot sight. - $100,000 for Augallubg 8euda4rys At the relief of -women Puttering from avue. that dwpl.v )-lye on the IInh-o-Ph1l94t-lP4l4 e
ment, do you condole . blood, !tot riellumol and Ita reguler, as it repro.ach. $0unonliolis, V I
being so homely? Do You. Too0m. But he dQes notiling of the kind. 110 tot- the mllit,,try service, end ti-misferring Ind9od ts, be, cologiml ailments, The wilt of j@i"As m�lq.
. �eu qoed
� I
ItY. If her blood Is poor atid mAtery Bat a,J it Ili -o I - �.
,out eartiage , ter till, thei ...
ortion of everything there theut A or draught employ. . ,. tire a number of Plelchreder glvvi two hundred tbousan4
mond to the sallow man sitting nQxt ihas A doubl& p she in week,, I%liauid, pa1v -And uev- reaollo that ' make J!� quite p. natural 'Rho new buildings of the N.Yeeleyall marks to t'ho City of Berlin for the, &a- Strides of Surgery.. ...
U in At -is for dlnuer'� 'lots more ice w ter, goes luent to tile various branches of the es,v- ; .
yo a oar a tonic $or big liver? i o pnt�i` vous. It ,Wk blood oupply Is irregular (Lust End AUsslop, in London, cover ohe ; t
luncheon do you, hint to .46 putty ;over to tho �Plilklusons t y bridge; alry and artillery, The auimahI era or- she oufftrs frout, Ileadaches, beeka4po, 4 4tatQ'Q1 affalr& It is still true, 0 Bur- � ON Alice of poo: 4tu4enta of either 44g. , ,.Yen vay ona of I.Lo nur.got, at the bwi)IMI I
, I MaIPA. land t1m,e-fourtho aervi, and Are tII4 rq- The famous millionaire Guntutirg, has I'M 3! ur heorm, . .
eyed, red nosed stran or 0 004 eats a lot of agild,wiellob end leer creAm. divarily assigned accordi g to Nygight, stdcoohea am4 the other unspeaka,blo I , ,
10 , On said in his "Anatomy 9
. he levayt,"aur f, 1-0 French -y o4horitic§ Ilud 01104y", that 110)ol,ery is b"orae till art ;4111t of 23 Years, work. l"I't. Line, 111400a."
. And We dovtor lias your appendbV Sur. .1
that he ought to sell QXR., at midnight, Aud comes home to Bloop in iri . milltal distress WWII, only �vomort �;tow, sent a, donation of sixty thousand 37011- :: 0
Of course YOU 4OrAI YOU ldroavalem. bliss the night througli, that tin ordinary light cArriago or XId, 00140 wow 0 t a noble solenec'; coolii axe gentloinall," , , Tho. Qhviloll Lttds' Brigade of the Wit- ".111 1110,10118 wonderful strlJ00.'1_J1ou%toA.
wagoup . .04 have, grown to " bles for the purpose of erecting A, Jvwish. V0.3
would not be so Impolite. You might Think of the Qffect of A d like that Ing hozoo, auch as lit tho United States tills Puttering at regular interval . 0, A woulazea knowleadgQ of cooking is al. :IsWIslea lifts 1,1110 compatiles, NVIII10' the hospital at ltadziyill, I .. I
, a oilence, most entirely a lrnowlvdgo of how to :Oolou!Qs furl-tish IOT more,, there being � �
burt their feelinp. ,on A t1%hii dysp4pticl 110 wourasucclunh would bg called I's good little bugg). and to bear- It lit liopoles4 I � too. 840 Over The newly organized Savo.migh. Fed- ' Up-0-Datc. �
But whon a fat man, it's I 0 1 but fat moll horse )I weigho fro= , 30 to 40 propare things lcha� will taste n .3,004000 wombors. ,
_you meet before the week was gon P D lillo. But women would escape much of . . or4tion of Zionists- will be Laid in k;A�An� "Mrs. Vounder shows so much 44dresis lit I
-ecognizes him ' 49, thinks of avo4 diell a,% tin entity, aud Arobdeuon Mollie, of the* Episcopal It.. hcr w -
],everyone I. , . I ,tm4ut, With, gr4mines-Pay froul 800 to 900 poun nit
different, � ,on,ly thrive under such tToA this misery if tho�, took a -box or - I
(is legitimate pr6y. 14 . a butt for co p - Such horses aq Pills .to Ole S�Iao bQen working for 47 years 10 way?" �
,a is ulatave alwAya comes a sense of bu , these are masignsil tw.,0 ot Dr. NVII11ams, Plult I iu cousid,ors it in relation to the Church, lies , [gration Dureau attached to ::Iuy "UN
Jokes, a subject, for condolon a 11 OP es that precede mil(I follow it, Silo in ('111lift, And OPQ446 more hopefully -Me Eml __ . k�jw bad adoitteit (lie virectory style, and
, , co, an Imor. What would n oy Wier po Is to the light cavalry corps. help. them, over each critiml ,period. cOurs the Jewish colowmtioit Association boo 1034w her bumband canvasses. for cas.-
tillob i'ven, the MAII 80 ,only makea tbQM Smile. From their. I ' . # - Those Pills actually make uavr I lie* experience Of `t4St031 but ,no 1110`411,0t AQW then ever of the prospects. T.0h,1113delPlila Loclaor. .
cot for ad;vioe. L Iho next grade above., which in -civil blood, publiAlicil a report of to activity. '41le
A that he does not know whether lobese pinnacle they 10ou with joyttil life, passes its a "coupe horse," or Car. % woulftli just when *nattlro for suggested flavor$, The firob Payment b(to been made on -I �
, , " . I . institution has endeavored in ciory C8680 I
it is bis back or his stomach thAt !'contempu on the rest of the "rAwZY -ang,es � th and 'ne-limtf-acre tract of land
riage horse of tiledium, weight, I ;T411tyloilliplo greatest demand Upon liek Tho J'Physiologie du GoUt" Is lu two a three Q to facilitate, tile people from un*crtx I
,se. Every let loan Is fat because . - . pu- Good Plan Gone. Awry, ;
hurts him, takes it for granted t1lat lunivei In �reight up to A8D kilogrammes, About blood s0ply. They heve done this for senses an nursed book to .her, The re4-. In Baltimore which to to be the site for 104$ Agents and to ,glv " them 1111*41444 - 01,011c,it-11,110 flev. Mr. suilloylo scheme to �11
lie In the fat man's Ideal, and in- Ill,, tratit, to be. He IMOW9 11OW to Put I,wo lit f4ty. JI;uy, courses in tke lCligilsh Posa around tito olgars and )at the inah smoho
, poujj& This horse 9006A0 1181P thousmids 'of women throughout Can- soil is thaL alle considers fbod as the, the Upiscopal Cathedral in th advice. ,
gists on ving him advice on lip* to . off weight If he wants to. Didn't Taft mount the cavalry 0 . f tile ]in*, . , ada, why not for you? wherewithal to remove 'hunger and �'be ou=ier vacation work I � . he Pool, durlpg rervices Las proved Ji, failure. tt
,- anguago were &W apen,ed by t .
reduce. gveryone iih4gines that the 11 you've got to. do , Next Zo I'llul.-What was the troublol ..
11080 fifty vounds? A men the 1"Mouiable "coach, Mrs, �osepll Kinusy, GilberVe Cove, leaves out of her calculations the fact rim City Mosion, in Boxton, costs ety. - . C-oueb-HIS Wife bought �he ols4ra--Oleve,
lat man must be unhappy because he lie to exercise a lot, and be careful What ,,Vor ten yea 0 1 1
- - hor"' of persons of lux'ary, which X. &, saylt.. _to *1 'out- tile.4t food*js only half the ques'tioa And 3t,letol 000, bellig devoted, wholly t The oldest Inhabitant In the PrinclPaII, '""" "la" Dealer,, .
you eat. You mustn't cat bread, or po ,weighe fro 000 to 580 kilograinnites, or ferea from ilervouslaess x-nd. those 4ritilt is t)i,o other. - I e 'of iyoutea end children who . . . . .
weighs more than the average per m the ear ,
soil, I ta ,, or paronips, Or Pic, or . w , f Waldeck, $peyer, known an the I The Law er'g Own Fault. ;1
It Is to be admitted that there are toes, or beans from 1,000 to nearly 1,300 poulids, These trotiblea that mul<e the lives of 60 Th, ivorld o es to wine a good deal .need froph, air, 71WOSpeyer, is deu4 At the age of 102 . y 1.
me ilaut, or 4tgar, or butter, or he purpo4es of drill many women. one of the almnateoAstant of good humor, a great deal of fine liter- 4, recent report shows 3,02 It 4'Well," sAld the lawyer for the defonse to .. I
These thin . , 2fieg' utiem- years, . 15 client, "I VOL$ certainly surprised at I
tan '14 for thd evalry belonging to the reserve InUsly. At times I would be OOn'� %tilre', and a deal of artificial optl� bgra and teachers in Biolo classes 'In . your I I
some disadvantages in being fat, They t g you are fond of. 4
mittin t so wop of Hungary, -convictlop." ,
0 III Dr. Radaul, the Bis
eighteen.And a half PAcks. A fal man I I , wliieh . "I Wasn't; It was all your fault.- . 11
don't make U001ttioR long buouqh for el Owe coulfln't get fat It they tried. No " fined to my bed for weeks, I spent , good -o land, this being the ithowing that the whilo touring thl�. Country Ing.do several "All iny f3ilitY I Put Up a m4atilfleeDt �
llitar'y forces, - " it no good 'no the real E," I �
attar what they eat, they say at the thing
J Above these there, 4rq still two grades *1,ce,p1,o,5s r4hts, � and. seewned to lose , ls� At least, boUter than Slay Sort adu to make outside the millions 11 his hearers , 4
that 6008 a lot of pretty 'waist00s`tP Is a weight. Yes, sir, a fat illan is fat I al c , of Pon , 4� of ad&eoses, in wl4ch he to, d � firlit fc.r YOU!—
In a shop window never can find one , of heavy horses. The first are those go. I tried s8voral doctors, simism. . obil4ren In Ze Sull4ay oollooler, "Ye.0, aw ydon, kep, yellfuj� at the Jury iliat .
because ,he -wants to bol ' . . � that any Gentile hating or 41slikIng a a
big enough to fit him. When you get . 'so e used for ordinary draught purposes and but Alley - failed to give me any TO- But women are no judges of Wine, for Two missioners of the Primitive -Meth- Jew is Wther a Christlau nor , he You 6iiiand IuFalce for me till tbay went
over two hundred it Is a little trouble ' Just think of the adv4nteg are commonly found drawing-tho omut- lief, Tire last doctor I cousulteW told ' � . does , en' give .ft to.ine,"-Ilou&%on I'lost. � �
to stoop down to lace your oboes ba Did -you aver in all your life know all buses of rails, I w I ]Acre such vqW,oles are me frankly that he could not under- the simple reason tjukt they U50 not iJdlat Church appeared in. Loudon in 1822 understand the pritaciplee of curiotiAn- ��
. I
- . ,
unhappy fat man,9 0 Did you ever hear still In use. . Tliese weigh from 1,,100 to tAke ray I case unless I would undergo beon educated to It, , It In an art cLnd - to work u field -where now there are 44 ity, Teddy Know, . il -
. the. morning. It is ambaraosing when of a fat man h%ylnt dyspepsia or get- does ndb ,come by na,ture, What -woman clWuJ4 and missious, with -more than . In the int4restiW yolican" on John "Paw." &ild little Toddle, reading a vAuda.
your wife thoughtlessly addre BOB you AQxrly 1,600 pounds. tin er.amina.tiou, It was then I de- noug, or a tA I
to has ting tuberculosis T 1&. you Over know ever wrote a, drinking . vern ISO churches and 10,000 moinliers. vt1le pester, "what, aro tilapstloks?" I
as 'darling' In public ve some The heaviest horseo are the Cly4es- cided to give; Dr, Willlanw Pink Pills . Delano the unique position, hold by the
of a fat map going crazy? The fl4ti6q I ditty? . "Wei my son,' 'cald Paw to gain' time, I
Small hop of a newsboy make a trum- that corpulence is undesirable is only dales, And Parcherous, which are oxen a triAl, After taking six boxes, Business deprf:soior� ban serloiloly af- RothaUd family IA ,14-9118b. Poutteal � wbat do you think a oJapstick let" . 4
yot of his hands and shriek joyfully: irk size and strength, and -which welgli was much improved in health, but I The sex has no great netural leaning fected the tent work which as to bo c4reles half a Century 00 Comes notice- '*Tere.,her's ruler," said Toddle, ungou- . �
. I , .
I __ an envious libel of those morbid skoie. a to it, and has never been taught to ac- done this summer in Now Yorwk, $40,000 , Olothoebilds were saimisly rubbing tile palal of hh't hand,"- ,:.
I Hey, tellers, come tin' 000 'Dot- tons rtot yet thin viough to get circus from 000 to $00, and sometintes oven up continued to t4ke the Pills for felt quiro it, 11ab Is why the beat ably forl - . � New York Times. . I :
Ing' I , to 000 k1loo-Aramos, the,t is, from 1,300 tcupla -of months moro, when I cook 18 A being required to maintain it, And only then the only exotic ;tdmitted to the ex- _ , I
If fat mon, bad not gen 'Aisposi- jobs. It Is tho -fai xqen that got All ) to nearly 2,000 pouha& like 9, now woman, and was enj6ying . man, Ile is like the leader of an orches.- a small Portaon of the amount being in elusive casto of . British arintocruoy. De" The Practic.il First, . . 1�
tions, the impertineuce. the good things in life. In a restaurant ul None of thosik Perolierons of the 110xv. , such health it;s I lied not experienced trR, W40 known CVCrY Instrument be- hand, I lane seam to have, beft on very intt- - I 1
, [
of people each you will notice that it is a fat man that neWch him, its qapabilities, where it In one e9untv of Wale III i, "Aiaggic, I want you to incinerate the re- I
day might lead to murder, Take mly Ila', t re .you - lent w0ght are used in the Wll�iry for ten years before. , I have had no .4 the NQ)acon- , at tame with the nothschilds and ;�10, .
. fat he beat table. In the tbe&t rvice, bfit some of the lighter 040S.Are lvtura of this trouble since, but I should blend, where it should detach it- formist ohur�ka! provide chapels, school- the ;I:r,dUo. I', right, inalam; T11 come and do'It as I � I
man any hot day. His wRe be- an in " . . I . � ,, A
4will observe that all the fat M It, and Its proportion to the whole; rooms and preaching stations with seat- %,oa a% I fln1sl_ burning tits wtalstosBultll ,
gins it: some way have =arxaged to got aisle eull-019yed for amught and artillery pur. have used tile Pills once stnoe that Be The Jews of 91� Paul hAve acqatupush- moro Amerlona,
, worit Too bar l . , f - . accommodation 17,769 lit excerus of ed a long cherblied plan in esta,b4shing
*Now, dearest, don't d Pe'ses- I ,11 time for the after offeets of Is g wheras. the women cook solos, not icanits And a home for a#ed niou mud womau.
- .
to -day. TA Is going fn be very hot a gets Into A . . - - I . and the result was all I liqedrim oozoertos, .. I . I I,% aetuel number of coulAun Points of View. . 11
fight with a ear conductor, the fat in&'! To�Ouro fv,y Polson -trig, These Are plain facts from my own. Food as a necess . -
antl you know you cannot stand R, passes it off &% a joke. Somehow7 too, . ity of daily life is adherents, At a recent dedieption of the 40wigh - . . -
as you used to before -you got so a Tha Seatimoutallst-A. love. letter has been . . ;'
stout! I a t enough of the It ia impossible to prevent the trouble experionce, Jad I have always- felt that the province of thenvouba;a; food as a There are about 4,000 churelies in the Home for Cozeraptives near Balthnor,D, [ 4OUn,d in Asayria that s 4 NO years' old. . .
. % world's circulating coinage so they 'Can from. running Its pourso after the pus- I mil"Ot too strongly rocommon4 Dr. fine, art is 'only mastered b the litan, wAssignary territory over wbioh Rev. 0, ma., +be existence at wwah W" madb Doesrol� that appeal to you,f Why, the vcry . �
He has heard the ,same remark i Williamis'Pluk Pills to the many women whit. centuries of cultivation tehind him. . duat the baLd that penuod it and the heart
you never see a fat Wien have broken, but it Is easy to d* A. Wooddy ects as superintendent,. 1116 vossible b . fum 4 1. A If. h h
n__ comfoltiubly, I 0) . y the allt of $35,000 from Mt. -altered to be"on-a
thousand times; buthe 011ortles clleev� Nvlio suffer as I did. It is prepared for him. by his peers, the . IMP a - a-
. e beggar or banbandIer; and Who ever so if you act As ,soon as the itchin .b6- .being an agent of the Baptista in Mon- Jracob 91isteirt, du announcement wall tout, winds. .
. .
full 'Don't you worry about m . You can get these Pills from any olief who is gn artist does not value a �AuA,
w0ging too hard,' and djaceadq t heard of a fat man starving? ghw -I hAve kept' ten' cents' Wort of 14%ho, Washington, 0alifornia, made to the effect that Mr. Samuel AW The Cynic --I suppow it's full of the usual I
. . 0 . . oxtteob� of grindella W the house for dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 womail's approbaldQn at all. Th'"Cry . Oregon and NevadA. soutbal, one of the best klnewu Mer- aftubeatina slush?-Clevelaud Vialit. De;iler- I
breakfast. Before he oan',inve his or. When 0, fat man goes into anyous?s f lent. cents it box. or six boxes for $2.50, from waIters know bar status. I . Z_ -
- parlor, doesn't he always get the most years and have fovild It. most of ic The Mormon ChurollAs Ititernally torn cha'Ats in hte elt;r, has ofered to 91"
der, --and ordering brealffast is al - hould rub- The Dr. Willikans' Medicine Co., Brock- Ono of the most humiliating things ' at the present time, trying I .
air I - When his list blows It to � �roft liquia that should be . to deoldd tile uiquay for the ortction� of k bul ding - . 6 Oandelabored Pun.
. �
ways a pleasure to a man of girthi--' comfort0zle ch some one bed -oil the itelitng Vlae n. ville, Ont, . atly woma,A can, do is to order a lunch- 11
the waiter is upon him, off on a windy day, doesn't E7E es ever�, live ml - - - whether Joseph Smith, jun., or Young that 9;iM be devoted exchislYely t6 the 11T)iPee electric light bills are drlving me
- cefter it for him? X40 olie ex, 11 the Itelting o9asea. For peo- — — eon with the head walteT's eye UPO;l Joseph, as he is commonly designated, care of advanced costs of tuberculosis. uositively era ," said the man who worries. I
'All don't suppose you want no oat '7 are very sensitive to poisoning ' Doctkno Frcorn John-6urns. her, The eye Is too resp�dtful, to be or BrI Jem Young is the legal successor 9 . "Ttlb not sy bed as 44t," auswered the
a1% -Ys ru- ' . rrhu ederiko Wolff, tin old Jvwoms# merry wag. in -are case of L
meal die mawrufi�. Xt's powerful heat- p,,ts him to get lip And give his car SeSt goasend. At Burnley on Wednesday Mr- Burns scornful. g) I "it's probably :00
Ing to fat people dia hot weather.' to.& woman, because he would block tile . it says so plainly and the ' to the presidency of the church. of Mt�intiim, derlftau�, celebrated her viiandel tort unt, I I-Wasblngton Star.
-fie does want oatmeall- No hot aisle if he did. Even his wife 40QWt OX- Dut I heard of a much siniVIer rome- dellyered ail admirable And tim. I -%v,oman reads it and quails. Is for the . st. Joseph'* lioreign. L 111solonary Boo!- ono hundred an seventh birthday last .
tink a mur- 6p 0Z -
.vater and a boiled egg for him I He pact him to stoop to Pick UP things dy last year whail I was vini . I sell on education and employmell wine waiter, he has the air of a dreamer qty, of London, founded by the late Uar- month. the entre Jewish comiiiunity . Refuted.
. eats 'his oatmeal with., lots .of sugaX whet! she drops theM. Everybody tells gerywAn, who had to clear an immense egards. employment, the chief diffi- trying to forget the painful episodes of - dinal. Vaughan, has been definitely re- participated in the Ceremonies. Varmer Hank (mugingly)-They Bay Deft -
with some frult, a Couple they like =ity of poison Ivy from a pie" of lclryl W.L. that Riig�aud lies A 'larger . life. cognized by the Holy See at Rome and Pnn x1vaciapenny'a wife was a paragon before I
on it, e6long him their best stories, becau4e n-anabor of casual workers than -there The only ofience of soothing him is to to doing splendid work The "Geoundeis Imben," of Vienna, has
of eggs, some ohops, two or three well to 6ar him laugh. Despite the plaintive Wooft Ho had forty Italiallo- at Work In India, Uganda, come to the conCiiWou that the M�sajs lie marricd ber, aud-
buttered muffins, and two cups of wail of the comedian that "'Nobody love" & Ilk UP, None ;f them knew what were In either Germany or I-Tance. Un- leave It in his hands. He will then, Ju ,Tqmn and the Philippines. Urn. Hoak (brlsklY)-\1l0tl1lJ)g Of the kind,
0-T Was I
a fat'inan Olt ancl only one man was af- al . etasualized.11 dietary laws form 16 complete text -book sit#- was a Smith. I knew the whole family -
al" ,;!)led labor ought to be I'd. the breadth of his tolerance, give one Dr. Robert Laws, the first miostou%ry Pual..
coffee, Re washes it down with cop- a fat malit'll did you ever see the ty per cent. of ,those 'who applied of preventive medicine. ..
ious drafts of ice water in balm con- that did not have a good-looking wit e 7 IN and he was immediately s oweet wine, exadrly as one s eads a *I eamoderator of the United 11,ree .
tompt-for those thin people who as- Possibly it is because she has P. fat, good- wash ids ha.W4 and faco with hot water, work to ristress committees Nvere child's bread ail& butter Agraug, 1111po nt Appropriate Proverb. .
for . . .tr. 0 1 rch of Scod-And, went to Africa when A Home for Jewish Orphans, the first
natured liusball(I that she lc�ops her He h o. fuAlter trouble. Furblier ex- I ese exalted regions tire as 'he was 24 years of age, And there train. of Its kind In the State of Rhode Island, Brigis-I have made a will leaving my I
sert that It is Unhealthy to drink na n unskilled, casual or -general laborers. Too Wome
', in th
-water unt-11 two or three hours aftar looks. -Persistent insurance Agents never perieups huai convinced my friend tilet . often they -were Uneducated, resource- house painters Ill the National Gallery. ed himself for the work In which he has was dedicated at Providence recently. brain to the hospital, and got an ae-kaow-
eating. Gifted ever with a splendid pester fat men, All the fat man has to few people axe aubj�ct to poison- less, aimless and hopeless. The fault he As for dross, the reason for tba su- been emintutly successful. . I . In tile leAge from the authorities, .
� Russian pumla who served Griggs -wore they pleased?
appetits, he lingers go long over break- do is to point to his aldermanio paunch ZyIn this way, and thab the hot water had to find with tho.,working 44osea Premacy of the male (so far) is easily One of the leatures of the seventy- Into Russo-Japanbse War continue thel-V hat every little helps.
. nriggz-They wrote t
. fast that he has to hurry to make Is the simplest, &lid beat. was the meanneas of their wanbs� the found. Alen have always been the Met'- fifth anniversary of the (,%ntr&l Ohrist- letters to the press an to the advUAbil- -Illustrated 13its.
, and Bay) "Too 6t. Your COMP347 'OUTO , _ . Poverty of their aim% tastes amd Idevils. I
his train. As he clamors aboard, the :o me," mud that settles it. . ''I tivo artists; they' inherit the talent of lan Church at Indianapolis, was an ad- ity of retaining Jews in the army.
grinning brakeman observes.- wouldn't tal, for a inluuta , Selsible ' Way. 1, Rducation was needed t ofire them. He the ages. WOluele's i"tilict has -"lot ditsJi by Br. P. H. Jameson, Not Fair.
AA4 don't you belie *he was
'Brings the sweet out on you fat that their borpulance deprives fat men Dr. E. T. Devilie, the no+, --d charity himself was not a kill-�oy, but he warn- been cultivated -to the same, extent. They nine years old when the church 1a Welillandstrasse, BerUu, there 4111 I said the Judge, .
fellows to have to ran for it on a lid ex rt, of Now T*rlt . � said the other ed his audience, against professionalized love pretty things, but they do not study founded and was lives a pister gf the Duchess of Monaco, .111,ock here, Abraham," t that In- I .
of their oher� of the world's fun a f football. People said: "John Burns has ) has always beloleged to 3�lrau 1yellen Mrsh. The lady is a ,,it,r bEen proved i-Ight here In cOur I
morning this this.' . sportl - Did vou not r"d about Taft (IT o the well-known "bread line" thoulAelves. , the congregation, stand of Oslo.., xoineffiln,& to help sUiJl)0r: �
Isnit Gro. that, the meal attracted to, It Were not got 4200.000 for the Unemployed;" and daughter of Prau Emden, of Hamburg) you wife and .children, you opead Mir
With scornful silence bre& of long dancing at t9e Xurokf ball? . again -with that sum they expected hill! to The Preach woman know§ more about The sale of, the Swedish Lutheran In whose house she met the 11131press 'a tinto hunanz 'powum!" �
such impertinent V,t tIM-3 and ban tile Englis Church in London, from which the re- Eliza,hoth, when the .
familiarity with ver Cleveland noted as a hunter and degerving, inen-th her' appeararica t h about . letter The uld-negro, bung his head.
flings he enters the oar and plants fishermen 7 And there's President Roose- he had offered theso.men work it Way make a new heaven and it now chirth. came to visit "Now, Abe, you love yotir -Wife, don't you?"
k a ul e f My did they not do it themselves with liars, but not so lunch as the Frenchmen inning of nuirnailuel Swedenborg were her motherss brotherl Heinrich BAIne. "Ali outtinly does!" .
bimself'oomfortably in the unoodupied felt, over the two hundred war -, a d wo d com, or it, but they naVor 9 ibout the appearance of All WO' recezitly removed, brought . about $25,000 "
. -
I . �
half of a seat designed for 'two aver- I their three millions a week wasted. on know . I Puru Hellen Mrsch is Always ready to "And your children?
age persons.' His seat mate edges still playing tennis, aAd boxing, and rid- came. bi, and .rise to, the men, - to add to the $00,00 which tile Swed. speak eif her rest uIlde. . "Yes, suhl" mtb bottbr---;�-" ..
end everything else. There are lots. ,,I = afraia," said Dr. Devine, "that drink and In, Ingr In the external treatment f the Pic- ish Parliament has provided for building . ,,And ).,on love them -1
over with a frown, which quickly In -oad line is composed of weak. level - _ rr responsibilities? We are 'o A Jewish Qelttriug TEome has been 1,13etter ev'ry day, Jeftel" A.,be -broke lit.
of�l at men that are excellent bowlers and the bi sion, glad that Mr. Burns has the conrage to turo called a woman the loati has this & new- ch-qroh. stablished it Denver, Col. It is Intend- ---bettor ethan 'Ifth
chariKes to a smile as he beholds a billiard players, Every pinochle Client- men Ao when -it comes to a doe! old advantre of detachment from his sub- The canonry and chancellorship of 0 . '%Ook hyah, ledge,- exclaimed Abe,
corpulent viotim'of this hot weathet their higher speak like this. The doctrine of the .t _ r orphan ,,, 11dat's WWII' & cOOR at 8'
. , a man of weight. Thin people do listen to their bager and not je , 'v ore" a Woraen has a hundred Bangor Cathedral, in.Englaild, has 'gone ed that the home shall be to Lieuing eyes
wit. . ecotiontifits, -which we understand Mr. . 'ful dtss-d�antftgo,,,,_nOm the Mberalan
'Kirid of a day that catches fell" plon ill half the fun out of eating, either, itelveo. . . . to be repeating that the material prejudlow. A.s it rule, a. woman falls in to Rev. Owen Lloyd Williams, who was children and those ehil&e,A whose par- now
Ows "The bread ]!uo men, I fau B no t ,.%jagazine, for July.
notg-t t" ents Are too poor to properly suppor ,
of your weight,' he grins complacent- " of living, for that matter, that fat 'cut on, "Rile Jilts F1 M%1l Of W OIA o he people responds to tile LOVO Wfth a frock, or & he purely on always the captain ofthe lifeboat in the .
ly Are you doing anything for it?, men do. W . I standard of comfort whieli they set be- 'its own merits, mud no,t because it will soaside Wish where he had been station- them. According to the Point of View. .
I Fat men, too make good citizens, Did hWd yesterday. This man celebraW suit her so admirably. Just 93 the met' ed and has scorea of rescues to his . .
- -
With stoicigm the tat man assures I _ leven gla . WS03 of fore themselves, is. as btuo as ever it was. - food and wine a . SUNDAY GOLF iN BOOTLAND. -
-you ever. hear of -a fat burglar or wife Center by drinking, c . cook known that xe Parts cr;d1t. - . One evening when Teddie 'was sitting
his Inquisitive neighbor that - he is . r 0 -Loridon f5peetator.
beater? only one man in every forty egg noug. flien, staring vacantll bef ro ,. -1 - f . . . of the whole and must be studied to- The former residence of t1ro Catholic lip I'tter than usual lie Yawned, and his
. fat because he likes to be that way one weigns over two hitudred pounds; him, he wao heiTd, to mutter to ira*elf: . � . . other, so the man milliner known that, b at Marseilles, Francs, to now us- Prohibited, Now in Highlande--Used niamma, said, . L
and, unmindful of the pitrino glanc3' 'story., "She'll I have a tw&th or not? My Sallade of Ancient Jokes. at Gniall and her clothes are one en- a 'Ph - to be Played Surreptitiously. "Alt, Teddy,.you. are sleepy; you bad
In which doubt and deris on mingle, yet look back over the world's Ill says no; I rbough ,vtovevivies Jokes axle 126W 11. g., Lo w , d 2a police station, while his chapel
settles down at peace with all the In whatever age You will, and y'ou Will bead ny stomach s& 167tth"o; Tat stovepl.VM &till Oau%o wrailt to-d4y; tity,.ind just as the ,woman cook Its$ is used for an assembly room for the It -L the Highlands, as vight be expect- lix,tter go to bed now," .
world to read his paper. find that fat men have been do' Tajo same spa serpent swrialz t-110 Gem coucentrated all her oney f6od, 'officials, this bOng one of the odd turns ed, Sunday golf IJL.S alwa�ys boon frown- 11117hy, I'm not a bit sicepy, rep
Jug their but my hoed is the more s"31 I,y ble hougb jok",about It do not Pay; -Ves Olt -brought about through the expulsion of ed upion-Auld Lichts, Woo ) lied
00ming up from the ferry h4 falls share o� the woria's work) and winning two, and in m dispute tile more semi I Prees, Big Toddle ,,I'm only airing my molltll�
porty aways, gives in. Waiter, �ulother Re Solf-laudo Me, . u Jett is passee. � the wonian .dressmaker considers clothes .
with -Tones. RI ]:it in tbe miast perhaps more than their share - of the )$ . B DoU-m4de, men &till rim w, tamb; from their wearer. the church from France, ]trees oad ot�ter vari.ifles of Scottialt re- 111.1111111a.,�__Tho Circle. .
- . — 4* - ,,- *116 bd.iogid Joke Is boat and graY- . tan th; tabernacle ligionists It" q
01 am, interesting 91soussion on the world's laurels. Caesar was fat. Napo eeg nogg . - I Apah, really well-dressed won -is she . _� one, in denouncing
I -presidential outlook, , Sones, stops Ie0n was f it. Johnson, Swif t, Adison, The joke Is dOad; ,the fact's 010 same. who strikes up like a full -.length Gains- which was recently built lit the chapel the "deoecration'of the FU,wbath." I Would Wait and See- jr
short. . Steele -%Il were fat: Of the twenty -odd bogin a Texas Cyclone. TIJ4% goat that once 0II&MOd You and mmi - borough at sight-& complete picture, of the Blessed Sacrament of the Catho. But in spite of this there were two or Caller.�_NV.habls your name little girly
"Maybe I'm walking too feat for you, * =ntts we Ave lied in t1la nited The tornado whic, . h destroyed the rosi- Dy eating **dtws just IM -0 ha'y I . whose dominant conbre Is the face, When lic Cathedral at Westminster, England, three golf. courses in the north on whiall .1 -Dorothy. . ) �
old olikp. I forgot all about your being wo of them have been in the den.ce of I W -ill JK�o-,finedi n*zr Woo Thws. 'I'M . Joined -the 11100MOr girl, and she we, have a feminine Go,inaborough wo Is hung on'fourtcen w4dding rings be- a quiet gamo might be played on is r Little G111
"over two hundred" class, and you can day uftermoort. oarrieA a dog about three I& dull Oblivion: to at-ty; Caller -Bat what's your lent name?
ao fat, You ought to try, golf. It's groat I �e ju&.Iu_iJ6W jegt ilied its dayl . look for- it feminine Worth. It needs queathod to the chiwoh by as -mn ' day. The solfer who Wa4e iu. of 21 hat -it will
. I took off ten pounds tbat#way last find lots of people Who say that Move- and a half infics, and the only apparent Tb AU161.4-heel joke long 81- Want 10,111a; cultivation, like any other pid�ure. sons, the name of the doltor being In. prMlegd he to act cirtuffispectly tak.- LUL[o Oirl--T T1011't k"'W w
� .
= W) land end Roosevelt are two of the best 1�)ury suatained by tho caiiiAo Was it 7W rock-ao�boaA quip's lodt Its $'WAY- Men have the dress instinct -very scribed on each. Ing Care th L. h;s parLpho"lix ;.rl lot be. I'l,l not married yet�_London
I "A' vatel he is of tile opinion that Presidents we ever had. ol ht scratch on, the brwat. - The 3oke is dcad; the taot*s the 9AM00- strongly; it to only in abeyance just now The Wrwegiau Lutheran, denotmina- a'yLd so c6napicuouslk as to offend . Clob,,.
3d look much better it twenty Iffi, f,u,f,,&,d hero of the ,tom U No more in print may any Goo . by force of circumstance, The i3kilart tions are trying to arraugo with each (11 I .
JOU04 won It is funny, too, how corpulence seems 1211 susceptibilities, Indeed, he bad to
or thirty pounds heavier; but liq to too to go with politleal stioepas. Police Jus-- an 19rigliall coach doty and be -longs t6 (3huroh-sociai-ovater Jesting toy, . . I . and the Louis Seize periods alone would- other to pay a certain atipulated talte his game almofb surreptitiously, Justifiable Desire.*
polite to Ray so. Patiend� he asserti In tice li3tes, out in Aurora, Illinois, heads Robert Kennedy, of Zia Zy. Mr.' Ken- Nor -read how' many mart tiboro be ' Ir t, `6 the , "You have
ihe eight hundred and seventy-stcond the I st with five hundred he thurchly dues with buttons ,]>my;' , prove 'this. I . . Amount, whenever a clergymen is taken Sud it is Want Of 0 curasPce 'On On 'Jollmly" gaid his mother,
I end sixtY-five nedy, of Rloo� was lit town & few dayA . rub 4jdn%_1tnow_,tWs,s-i*JJAed Jay . . At present, owing to Lthe frock doat from*oue branch of the church by tin- part of certain players which"has put f
- 'ads. Wut(TtOwn, S,;'3Lh Dzk-Ottl, 011CO a o, atid -ok the dog home -with him. tn t,ri,tt, no longer tows his aim; � i th b - other, the .1'reo Church In this an end to, Swulay golf in tha ]Zghlsrido� outgrown yonr shoe.s."
time 41s ownraer that golf doom not In Pon � to L and tall hat, women are having e an I country I _ ,.Wllat j,d ljkt� to hear ,,you say Main,
terest him, had a judge, Julian Bonnett, that tipped when tAle family fled from the house to sgl� children soldont have their sV,Y- Xot long ago there was 4 Irlsing of the
'he scales at more than four hundred. � -Me joices is dead*, ,tho fact's the same. ofit of this drem instinct, which Is at being parUcularly Insistent upon the .t of the , Itift"'L rcPlie(I Johnny, "is that I bave
_ L
With Jones' parting words, "Be care. . take refuge in flie 6ellar the ea,nine Was I lie 6centrate itself wholly oil .agreei;�eut because it To-presentAd a tin- erofters wbose grazinp formi psi ur of Eppero.', - (;hjoag�)
ful of yourself to,day,11 still sounain them. The fallsay that men never know ancial loss of cousidera.ble moment. ]Qr ,�vith the result that the OUt7roArn yo -
2 1 Kent, Ohio, 9, idw years ago, boasted of a forgotten a;nd left in one of the r001116, L,nNvoy. . qrLi course, .
,% Sh L . . . t : IL club had to late the n1ternailves of for- Nc'ws-
hiq eava, he enters the building wher is Mayor, 0. M. Dxvis, that weighed three Cotiold4ring the fact that the house Prince 0oush You J:1100dlly bJvO1 . how a womun is dressed . I
. office Is. hundred and eighty. Raleigh, Worth was torn into fragments ana the wt4ek- .44 'jait the JWter's Cents, bidding .0unda ,rolf or having their
. . T., A'Is you azui.t AAM -r my: bubble. 'It Is true enough the,t the$ . A Speclal Occasion. , tour
"I don't *cc how you stand it," is the Carolina had a k4or, William Russ, age was etr6wil. over the ground lor A as curtAfl:1 to, such at, ,%tent a, to Why? L .
F6 The Joke to dond' thO fact's tb9ob"I me-
eting, with an un- that rd istered on the shady side of three distance of a mile or mois, the esea , '_:Prom the OW POA. L may ,lot know what she has on; but Mother--Comcl now, Willis; if yolell make it useless. Since the fleet bepn .
� � I I the , always know how alto Is Aressed- L L - Donald wal greatly interested in tile
Ill .-' only be good I'll 911" you e penny. to,.visit the Cromarty YIrth man of the t,,tioll w1iiell Iiis oldek bro-
lomat socent on the "YOU." '14T. hundrsf Van Sent made a succeNsf of the d with ll�s life is regard'ad lt-b 6� wel or Ill, too muchi too bri&tly. The Will] law of graVii
14th, up on eight, was overcome by campaign for Governor out In 'Minnesota a Rittlo 16i't of mIrMuIO11g--WwXa� Deaths Fr m Anaesthetlds. o-�Xolm; I won't be &od for officers have been in the 'habit �
tecontly -put to tile- $core- women notices *hat clothes the other Play* ther wni.trying to explain to him.
- the heat yesterday,, ana )to ain't near when he was over the two hundred hachio co.tr,*p(m � 1&uce -Houston Chrou� 'A 04sti011 Per tlie Hom.6 I)eiPaxtmO)xt weargi the man, knowa who,thor the pie-', lesen. five couts. f Ing over the X" Golf (2ub's course, "Well, I don't see," lie argued) "why
t6t!, mark, Long before William t. Mason 1019. 47 of State- Idother-Why., you were. good yester- but tho popularity - of the pastime
As as left the United States Senate be had � I _t � , . OA to how many deaths occurred during turb was successful and harnioniom or day tqr y among the officers doomed their Sunday gravitat4on doesn't Pull tile angels dowll
Is knowis Smith by sight, and h � Clu8a elm � � from heaven."�-Tbe Circle.
long been of the opinion that be does reatilled the two hundred and forty. A Privileges of Monarchs. the y4ar IM in the metropolitan arsh 110%. . _f know, but yesterday w..s I The Club his issued a notide that .
III could In- I I the other parts. of Rhiglelid- and it in till* cultivated eye for the whole, bargain day,-Plifiedelphle, Press. - K MY. Be Is to ba Closed on
-not look nearly *0 fat as Smith; but TJT4,tea States Fat 1,1011!s Olt Scarlet liveries In England, are the glik it I I . onceforth the cour
- �
$till 114 is not. discoinfilvd. As he seats elude Supreme Court justices, clergymen Xing's exclusive privilege. W&16s respectively from the effects Ot the cultivated pt ' tlato for the whole, ___ Sun"y. ,Which merans that now there Often Advhable.
11trAbell ot his desk the office boy An- Of fame, politicians from every,opity, edl- In Abygafnis, loyalties alone may t 'a Administration of au%egthetfo oliolt- WhIeli makes the man tile supreme ar, The Pull -an AUto. ,%rill 'be no golfing on Sunday .north of Mic tencher was speaking to tile juve-
viophes, explaining: :- tors, writors, business m6n, millionaires, wear an earring In the lot t ear, , 0� tho reply that the figures for W JWt In dress and in food, and will do so The latest novelty on the London the Highlaa litte-FAII Mail Gazette, 11ile, cla.q.4 on the subject of luorals.
- .
I turnta that lan around so it would brok�rs, by scores. . 1h Po�sla none but the Shall is Jeer 19W w6renoty'at amallable,but a4- until woo2en wake up Anitob of the 0100 ptreets Is the Pullman motorbus. it Is - ------- 0 � �; I ,,�) silo 6ai(l, Ilivilat in our
� of mealoal and cauestion they'llave lout 4urIng Bev- meant to appeal to those 'who while "Now, Harry
blow oft you more than on the others. But, -tile thin man proteets,.think how pri,vileget! to drive VhIte horges with . cordit to the cortifleateg . . The Child Betrayer. 11.ty toward our licighbors4`1
I gum you need it most.1, nutch more work these men, could accorn. ooulot�dyed tall tip$. pracj&tticro there were in the year 1000 eftl. eduturise. � : - . . they are Unwilling to Pay tot the 06rib-. A little *girl In Rhode Island, the 11TA) keop an pye Olt 'em," was the ra�
. I
plish If thiiy weronot hampered by their Only the German Empbror is petmit aixty-fou'r doat'ho in London and 110 in iAls Funet-al, tocratio geclusioli of a taxicab, s,ro anx. & olergyman, Bat at the ply. -Chicago X01%114.
As he mutters his unwilling thanks� I daughter of I
?stops long 6orpulencol ted to smoke a, certain very fto Ravi the tolmainaer of 'PrIglatil and Wales . lous to avoid -,the democratic prondscui- as visiting her " � .
t1li Young BOB% in PsAllit ,of the penny bus. The now motor table w2th & bishop who w .
04augh to Pay) "I rather Imagine oil JustFltopaminutal Couldthemagni- ana cigar with a green -and 961d banA. aeusea by r.naeathetics administered lei MeCellend's store eat, pottea b.* the ail supplies modified swusiou at father.
MU4 suffer from the heat a groat leal; fidont engineering work that has added 1n Russia no one but the Cztr Way � Qp4tgtlone. It was ot4teathat there ap- e�ntlrc village of Etunia, X. a end = Wbzn tfiey had finished she obserood AlfhotL I I
dolitt youl" Politely assuring him that tor�s to Golernor's Island inXtw York drive d full gallop on the publio d, to be some t4ason -to doubt who- named In honor of the to*nsh* , on 4% general fito of sixpence a head. gins that lie did not fold Ids ufl,Pkiu� Did- "It is ridiculous to Suppose,,, said 31110,
such Is not the case, )to goes to the Old harbor have been carried out � I Ae. ,, tollr6tho cortificateg on which these ro- Account Of the heroic distih6tion t,at. pa"eligers era acecomodated In lux- tressed, she said- 11 Videry, the l,Ao.qt Salonia ,danoer, to ail
13ou , office to hear and, after the man- poditiously than it has been I )ntloreCclo- ro�lho XiIljr of Siam bhooses, onto a t,dtgs �volo based -were in 411 cases Coln- tabied. a number of Yearo a go In *vI urlotloty upholstered armchairs, and "We always fold our -napkins hem." interviewer, "that the ideal dance '0211 .
ter of wise etuploye", to smile at the nal William L. .Marshall, V, S. A., chief Year, the beat Aton6t taken from the plate, ,%ad that there must necessarily the life of one m4n and by the same 'S'el though all the seat, aft Wide, the win- "Yes, my dear," slid the bishop,
Old Bo -ml pet remark- of the river and harbor work in New 6plendid SiAmoso sapphire mines. ]?or Qoviotimas be difficulty In determining if 1#4 Ing to. the hanging of two others, dows aro wado to open. As might be "but be fteeonlpl !Fhed lit a hat."' We -should
- I . a -cause you uso them Again- In ll,,v(, thought that some of tile 11108t
"A little fet is only natural at York, is & three hundred pounitc-r. those ho pays tiothing. . a(Ath'under an an4thtlictle WAS ctustd was run ova by a train the other d%yj expectea, says t'he, New York Snno these that is be r re
N In Madagascar, where kit(I-AYM , denp
4 Could William Allen White have told 9 I ty e,lbaosthetle. It was ptolto,be says an AAhaVillp steh. When it aristocrats of.the bus world Will be con- thki Cft98 Of a VUltOlo YOU d0ll'b do thftL" m,de n c oatiOhs were :1111140st large
0 1 but If I was as young as you ig P. nationlil apart. it is unlawful tot t i t urth6r Itiquiry M - s recogftizea that -it wag 19 filled to *oat and routes. The candue- � 10h, yes, ,we Ao,)) ��ct the little gikl,-- enough.-Patich.
obould I)e worried about getting go fat." - any better than he -aid what was tile t are ore, to Ynake i � lumd, that -
The Jellows 1-4 the office, the old apple matter with Xansas, If lie had weighed any one to fly a kito as high as thogoi atter.-tritish Medical joui%l- $A, en tredil crow tandbily tots, it Is rumored, will wear gloves. Life.
� tho 'm I - I
*ftan chance callers, everyonej'all day a hurtAT&I pounds less than two hundred of the royal family aseend. 1. L . L_? � f ' took the WY to -6 8010 place ftttl - � �, . __ I ', , .11 ___�_" She bidn't Understand.
I . The b"t Ohina tea Is grown on the arltickm 'is EASY. . a vrdft made tot a ir * , - — � 1. L ,,yes, I tLill going abtoad."
long take it shot ut him, wad when he and fifty? Mere is the thin mA:fi that _ Po r I I- - ..
vlaniation on 0 t9 oft in the ounshwA 'Jir�n 6tualk dia to �� ..
gturta cut to luncheon the stenographer Could have mader the marvellous round Seven Tea IdounteInS, A It it on I is � The I t% I , "And how aro yoU. goitlg to arrange
r %
,I � I I
obsetvast the worI4 trips that Milo= 11, Tat t has -the Toliquiti botdors. rider penalty ,And toi k td tbe well It, th* AhAd-4 6d 'Whi h *elre of . Jew y(lJur ltinoraryF"* - I
�' . - ,,k),.I, pollipadour, I think illAt Will
W fa' toi
%lid have secon'tPlIshed 80- Much fil . be" 41 !s fit thb "meter �
"Your collar is a sight-, but I suppose maAe, t of death to 0hinAMAn gave Ono Of It it may tO f"A "' a 1611"ttlo"n en Imposing nature. L I
tell eitn't htlp that, being so fat." voyal bitth may drink thk teal, . I.. L And Wilt out the PIM'es tO "de' I �� . :_ I I be 7110st Imitable for travelillg."-
� no short it timet Could President Roose- 'L I ''..'' 11.1 I . 1. I olerl . - -, al,
I -k ilAnle,, it. hi, n id �hinvIk. Al.ris . .�.,*,�. i - __ .. I . 1. � .. . r 1. it � Is ega to. Alt Ill your I k — LOI,i,3ville Cotirler Tourm
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