HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-23, Page 80 8 THE WINGIT•A-M ,A.DVANCE, 'TH,TYESDAY•, JULY 23,, 1908. Losses By Ught"hig. Morrie. HQwiick, losses ^ Miss. Chicks of Toronto is tate guest Tile old. settlers of Howiak are fast The yearly losses by lightning are of the Misses FdwArde In towel, ppassing away, Mr. ohipman Jttc,lues C1[� � enormous, and the fact that the 10011 Misses iilla and Edith Perkins were l'as one to juin the majority, at . \✓g Sale of comes so soddenly and ttnexlieeteclly, the ripe ago of 70, His death tank and when the blow cones, destruction 'ucltnow visitors over l3unday. place on the Uth inst. 1.10 settle(! In is inevitable, makea prevention more Afire. Carson of Toronto to the guest Howlek over half a century, ago, tak- desirable. A fernier may be glad his of Mrs, Dr, Armstrong of town, ing till land in 1851, A widow, five harvest is leaped and safely stored in Miss Agnes Walker of Ethel is the sons and two daughters are left to S4�J Goods, the barn, but ere the da closest a mourn his decease, Its was a and a bolt from a thunder cloud may bring guest of Miss Pt aphis Sanderson, ber of UQ.wtek Baptist Church and a the. results of his years labor into Air, and Mrs. 7', Andrew tyle Sea- Conservative, The first settlers will As the sale goes on some of the clearing lines become exhausted, ashes. forth .and Exeter visitors tills week. soon be gone, but owing to our superior purchasing facilities, we are always able to It is. it fact4hat lasses by lightning Miss Lucy Wilkin of Harriston is Oil Sunday, Janyy 12t1i, there passed keel, the vacancies tilled up. This week we have again some great mat© increasing, and there s a reason visiting her sister, Airs, Rdtvin James away, Wm. Hainflton, of Con. 0, He, for this, The forests of our land were at resent, was welt -known and by his geiliai bargains and of course the early oustomer gets the best choice. Read nature's safety -valves, or lightning P sociable mariner had made. hosts of carefully the (!notations given below.— conductors. Tito hand of man has Air, and Mrs. H, W: Carter of 011, frlcnds, Hp was one of Howiews 4 Pieces Costume Silk, assorted Calors, re G5o per and fox.... • , ..450. removed these natural protectors, and ford called on G•iorrie friends on Wed- heaviest melt, .weighing nearly 300 g• P yard, the only remedy now is to bring nosday last, lbs., and when in good health had 6 Pieces Fanoy Silk Waistings, reg. 11$1.25 per yard, for..............890 science and common sense to our pro, f. From 2 Pieces All -wool Voile, re $1.00 Per yard,, for ........... • .. ..500 P Air, R. Rogers of I+o n We paid a having the 0 solo at 100. lhs, butil- ta� r p • • • • tegtion, and nae artificial conductors business tri to Gorrfe on Wednesday haviu r been so long' in the lima bust- 2 Pieces Mercerized Voile, reg. Guo per yard, for .......... , ..25c in the form of reliable lightning rode. P y nes rte .was knower its the "Lime 10 Pieces. Fancy Lustre, assorted colors, reg. 0150 and 75o per yd., for.. 40o Lisuronce companies are beginning to of last week, , 12•}0 and 15o Ginghaws, to ulnar at , ....... ......... • • .10c P g g I ng," Ifs was a member ea the • • • • • • • • • recognize the fact that properly rod- Air, ii, Y. Holmes of the Bank of Masonic Order ail(! was 06 Rears of All MUSI,XNS at great rednotions, dad buildings are better risks than Hamilton spent Sunday with his par- age, and hs;d been for many years a Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, rag, 65o, for .... , .. , • ........45o those not so protected, and some coil- onto in Luc now, resident of the township. lits casket Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, reg. $1.25, for ....... . .. . .........850 panies give such a better rate. In the Ladies' White Cambric Night Robes, reg. $1,25, for .... .... . .....850 State of Ohio mutual companies carry Dr, S. E. Foster of Wlarton was the was probably the largest and itiost Ladies' White Lawn Waists, reg. $1.25, for . .. . ............... ....750 273 millions of insurance, and report guest of his sister, Airs, T. Dobbs fora expensive .over seen in this vicinity. - that two-thirds of their losses A,ra Eery days last week, The dimensions were 0 feet, 3 inches EXTRA SPE.OIAL.—Choice Lombard Plums in heavy syrup, reg. Igng, 2 feet, 4 inches wide inside, 2 _ 15o per can, now 3 for 25o, from lightning', while Michigan com- Mrs. T, R, Gilpin and son of Qrillia flet, 0 inches wide outside, 2 feet, 5 Paries report last year $3,01x1,000 loss are guests of the formers parents, Ait, Inches deep. It was made of oak with The above are only a few of the many mpney-savers which From liglitning. Iowa mutual com- ane! Mrs, Edward James, 3 iron bands covered in black and we have to offer from, this great assorted stock. panics report ?"a per cent, of thea Miss Alberta Bvans of town left with rolled lid, trimmed with masonic losses from tilt► same cause. The Monday 11101 -ping for the Queen's Mil- ornaments and Having eight massive + de. No goods charged at reduc companies pay the losses, but not out lipery wholesale house in Toronto, handles finished in ebony and copper. TERMS , Cash Oi Tra g g ed of their own pockets; it comes from The case and corpse weighed about 800 lives. Butter o Ii;� s 1Se. the farmers. Messrs.. Padfield of the 10th con:, lbs, and the, co of the casket was prices. . , .g } To, be effective, the rods on a build- have gone to Quebec city to attend about $'350. ing ninst be of the right material (cop- the great Tel centenary celebration. per) ; the connections with the bulld- Council met July 15th in Qorrie ; q�� g g Miss Alae McTavish of the parson- members all resent. Minutes of last GEO. E. in must m s the ri pe material, and P ' p ago was the guest of her friend, Miss. meeting were read and on motion. of the work Hiner be property dine. .sin g Improperly rodded building is a temp- Satn Simpson far a few days last Underwood and Winter were adopted. _ week. . tation to the electric fluid and deludes John Ilenniberg presented a bill to ,. 1, the farmer, who imagines he is safe, Mr. And Miss McNaughton and Mr. the Council for $00.44 far taking two when he is really in more danger than Higgins of Wroxeter spent Sunday at patients to ills London Asylum, It before. the home of.Mr, 'Win. Ashton, just was moved by Messrs. Winker and, BIUeVale. Tlie Indiana State Association a east of town. Hainstock, that the Lill be paid—car year ago discussed a plan for assessing rigid, fil , 1 ii I y I James Wi lttman of Hel>;rave is properly rodded bitildin s at a less nits, Beckett and family of the Soo Mr, Alex, Edgar waited an the t; P P g and Miss Love of Wingham were the (cunei! with reference to his claim for visiting his cousins, Masters Nethery, rate. In the 'forty odd companies oasts Of Air. and Mrs. Thos, Dobbs represented in this meeting none an Sunday last. damages to his. horse. Moved by 'i d , 4 y_ ;,• p �� . Mrs. Richard Johnston has returned reported a loss on a rodded building. Messrs. Hainstock and Winter that from a visit with friends in Goderl, . A committee from the :Nebraska State Dr. Hicks of Buffalo, N. Y., and the council, take no action in this case ¢ The Misses Sanderson of Toronto Association reported that properly Mrs. Neil Werner of Mitchell are —carried. V �' w are renewing acquaintances in the rodded buildings never were struck, spending a few weeks with their A number of accounts chiefly for g ravel and work were passed. These � village. g cl Iii that State t wo•thirds of the fire mother on the 0th con. ,..� g P ( g are omitted for want of space.) lass on farm buildings is from light- . ✓i We regret to hear that Miss Stella We are very sorry to report the ser- The Connerl will meat again, in Gor- Nethery, who recently came home Hing, ions illness of Mra. Edwin Jamea, r., Ina paper before the Ohio Associa tie on the third rate.' in August from Shelburne to spend her vacation, also Miss Lottie Ardell. We hope to to strike the tax rate. tion, Mr. Culver, Secretary of the has not been enjoying good health soon hear of their recovery. and on 'Wednesday underwent an Union Alutual (80 per cent. of whoseIII operation, in the Wingbani Hospital, losses have been lilightning) said: R [!; - �yy ,tik for appendicitis. Her relatives have " Two dollars and a half was the only ' mons this company over aid for GrC ,K Pity This Poor Girt. lead an unusual amount of sickness damage to a building that was rodded y t•vi� rff lately, and sincere sympathy is ex- since its organization in 1873, but it Miss Stella McQuarrie is home from Growing fast—yes, into ws un since tended to them, was conceded that the rod was not (Uoderich for vacation. but without strength. Tired of course Barrels Of properly put up." Mr. Culver told of AIr. Sikes of Toronto conducted she is—pale and thin too. Doesn't eat East Wawanosh. Tho Lightning Rod Mutual Fire Pro- meetingin the brethren Hall on Sun- enough and digests far ton little, tective Association of Seville, Ohio, a This condition is a common, but how Good Things A number from around here are in- day evening, seldom noticed even by fond parents, which began with half a million at tending to take in the Sunday School risk in July last; now has• $1,200,000 Misses Belle and Mary McDonald (live her Ferrozone—then watch her excursion to Kincardine on the 30th. and has not paid,4ne cent for light- left on Saturday for Goderich where aPpetite improve, see her cheeks grow 'Are what you see when you visit they intend camping out for two ruddy, watch her spirits rise. This our Grocery Store. Ohoice brands. Aliss Vivian E. Clayton, B.A„ of ning Iossehr months. gg�tn is simply the result of eating and Listowel is at resent spending her The prejudice against lightning rods di esti, enough, and therebynour- of everything d what we supply P P g g g you wi'Gh, and at prices often vacation with her cousins, the Aliases which grew otic of the practice of the Mr. Frain spout Sundae with lits fishing broad, brain and nerves. '1'o a Maines of Fordyce. travelling agents who thirty odd daughter. Mrs, J. Ito g of Milverton. woman Ferrozone restores strength charged for inferior goods. y ears ago covered the county with g Misses Lottie L. and Winifred y g y Mrs. Frain, who has been spending a she liar lost, to a girl it brings ineffective rods, and written contracts week there returned home with him. strength perhaps she never knew, YOU'D LAUGH Haines have returned after spending which were often altogether too You'll to know how much good oheer is the celebration of the Battle of the effective, is being removed. Now the John Pearen spent Sanday with his i ou ll try Ferrozone, 50c at all charged up to us. That'd because Boyne and a very enjoyable visit with agent is a resident of the same neigh- sister, Mrs. Emerson Vipond of Done- dealers. we sell what is guaranteed and al- friends in Listowel, borhood as' his customer or, at farth- gal, We are pleased to state Mrs. Vi- so i so Always Fresh and Pure. "� est, an adjoining county and must pond is fast recovering from her ser - He Died Of Kidney Disease. Play fair or quit the business. tons illness: We hope it continues. Morris. Mr. Thos. Strachan will take the Cream of Wheat Just tryHow often •we hear of these sad ' Miss Bessie Watson, 4th line, i( topic in Roe's Epworth League on vision friends in Hallett this week. some of cases. The back pains and headaches Last week a pure bred pow belong- Tuesday of this week. As the topic g this—it is pure and white. were noticed—but not treated. Dizzy ing to Mr. George Simpson of Ridge- is Temperance, we no doubt will have Miss Elsie Platt, of Brussels, is spells, frequent calls and languid con- town gave birth to three calves, something good from Mr. Strachen, visiting her friends,. Aliases Selena and ,. dition appeared, but nothing was done as he is an enthusiast along that line. Myrtle Wheeler. This is excellent quality till the disease was far advanced. ` =='fir -" a g tapina and does up nicely. Cure invariablyresults from Dr. Musical selections will also be given Miss Gertrude Storr of Toronto is by the plisses Jackson of Toronto. visiting her friend, Miss Gertrude Hamilton's Pills. They restore par- West Huron E%8111[IIAtig11S. Rolled Wheat Clean and well feet health, destroys every symptom -- Duncan, 4th line. sifted, The best of diseased kidneys, build up consti- Below, we give the names of those Mr. Albert Armstrong of Miltor, that money can buy, tutions that defy further outbreaks, in this vicinity successful at the En- Does Your Side -Ache? visited his uncles, Wm. and Ed, Best Because purely vegetable and free trance examination in West Huron. when the first symptoms appear, Bryans, 4th line. The Best in from injurious materials, is remedy Tapioca, Sago, equals Dr. Hamilton's Pills for Kid- RfrsT wAIvavosH, rub with Nerviline—rub it in deeply. policeman George Oaldbick, of Co Rice, and other ney and Liver complaint. Sold in 250 No. 1 -Evelyn Kearney ............ 392• It penetrates to the muscles and balt, and family, and Dr. S. Caldbick farinacious Foods. boxes by all dealers. 4—Afargaret Webb ............ 463 chords that are sore—takes away of Michigan, are enjoying a vacation stiffness, removes all . strain. and at the parental home, ex-Councillo+ Durran Phillips....:. ... • . •467 inflammation. If the condition is Caldbic, 2nd line. - ' Nina R. Woods........ • • • � •3� chronic, put a Nerviline Porous Plas- TEACHER WANTED. 7—James Finleon.............. 407 Friday, July 3rd, a barn 78x80 fee J Hwy Christie Matilda Foran ........ . .....390 ter on the affected spot. This draws was raised on the farm of Win. El 12—Emma Woods..............301 out any virus or neuralgic irritation, Ston 2nd line. Unfortunate! thee+ J. For Union S. S..No. 13, Howick and restores the tissue to• their wonted Y Myrtle Webster ............395 men were injured. Wm, Isbister, jr. Tarnberry. State salary and qualifi- 14—Robert J. Laidlaw.... • .....391 healthiness, permanently cures any fell 10 feet dislocating one elbow enc cations. Duties to begin August 17th. Alo sins Morrison........:.418 weakness or tendency to pain. Ner Apply to Y viline Plasters absorb all-tbe delete 1- damaging his side, Joe Sellers hat PP Y 1st=Ella D. '.Thompson • . • .......390 one foot crushed and. Jno. Mustari G RO. DOUBLEDEE, John Jeffersotr.............430' ons secretions through the relaxed had his toe hurt. Belmore P.O. Sec.-Treas, 17—Charles Nivins......... . ....394 Pores and when used along with Ner- viline itself, every muscular pain or A straw shed -41x00 feet was raise ■ ■ EAST WAIvartoSH. ache must- go. on Charles B. Forest's farm Thursdal Picnic Cakes. TEACHER WANTED No. 11—Adam McBurney. ,....466 afternoon of last week. Upwards o Herson Irwin ... . • .431 -� 100 men were there. It was placed of For S: ''S. No. 7, Luella Shiell ............393 stone stabling.The wason work wa Aioren turtle August 16—Fern Patterson ............503 Wl>IiteCl]UI'Gh. done by Walter Forest and Ansoi The good housewife need female, duties to commence August Shaw and George Beane had th not worry about her currants, 19111. Applications, stating salary and rviiLto sc>;rooL ctrcADIIATtoN, hiss Edna Cuyler is home from her g � qualifications will be received by the This examination takes the place of holiday trip to St. Thomas. contract for the carpentering, fram raisins, peels, spices and flavors. undersigned up to August 1st. the public school leaving examination g' We will do all that and make r P d Mr. Robt. Carrick is away with the ROBT, WARWICK, which was discontinue some years volunteers to the Tercentenary at- a better cake than she can, be- Wingham P. O, ago, The papers for the public school Quebec, cause made from an old well graduation examination are the same Blyth. its for the entrance to the model The farmers are getting well tried recipe, but baked by TEACHER' WANTED schools examination. The subjects through with their hay and many Miss Maggie' Floody has been ar modern methods. They are our are elementary science, algebra and have their fall wheat out. pointed choir leader of the Methodis own manufacture and we guar- For S. S. No, 5, Turnberry, for the geometry, English composition and Mr. Chas. Milner of the village is church. - intoe thein euro, remainder of ear. A pplications re- writing, geography; arithmetic and sick with pneumonia; at last report, • Mr. P. Bender and bride arrive, Do you eat Laakie'e Bread? ceived u to Syaturday,p7n1 the 26th. mensuration, spelling, English, liters- we were pleased to learn that he was home Monday evening, and will oc If not net lir a loaf. You'll pp y q tire, English grammar, history, art improving, copy Mr. Bainton's new house o y State salary and qualifications. . And bookkee in The last two sub - Jas. S. McDougall, Sec' P g' Drummond at. be delighted. S y jects were optional for 1908, but mast On Alondap a blind man with a • Wingham P,.O. bo taken in the future, hand -organ visited the village and Rev: Mr. Small is away for a fev This being the first year of this ex- treated the natives to some music and weeks vacation, Rev. Dr, McLean o amination the pass mark is 50 per cent . singing, His selections were all Goderich will take Mr. Smalls woe; �j � �j of the total and 25 per cent on each sacred, in his absence. �,/ j„j .L:r/ A �/ LJ paper. I+'ar those taking art and F * �--� Mr. Alex. McCreight and family c J. C. L,ACKI bookkeeping the pass is 525 marks, Holstein have moved to town an SAW MILL. but those making 425 marks on the Hang woollens out on'the line drip - a; Have taken ti their residence in Mr other subjects are passed this year. Png wet, without wringing them at Baftiton's house. Thirty-eight candidates wrote, thin- 1. If dried in this way they will not Though Our mill was destroyed ty:six were successful, among ' them shrink, Rev, B. F. Spence of Toronto, Secrc b fire W0 Have still a large s -y the following: - tary of the Dominion Alliance, a y g dressed three Wass meetings on Sur LEAVE YO of Lumber and Shingles on hand, PORDwroH—•(No. 6, HOWICK) clay in rile interests of Local option. l lR NEXT 11. M, Hutchart , , , .. , .......5•.26 PRIZ8 FOR NAME OP NEN STEAMER. and can fill orders as usual. Airs. David Cowan, Misses Jean rl:c E. J. Harding... . , .. t25 ORDER AT Lillian �Valis.. ;015 The Northern Navigation Grand Cowan and Annie Stewart left Tue., COAL, AND CEMENT` day morning by C. P. R. for a tw Without Art grid Bookkeeping, the Trunk tette announce the launching months tri in Manitoba and tb also on hand for sale. Puss was 425, and. one passed, Stephen. of a now ship this year, and have North West, M ICOIM'S DUFF & STE ART I .Bitchier, of No. 6, H tiffArect aefor a, name, S r will �j I�! j owlek; marks prize ,120, run between Sarnia, Pott Arthur, Rev. Mr. Hartley is away on a tw i ; Fort William and Duluth. It is weeks' holiday trip. Mr. John Hari _.. intended that this steamer will be the ley of Clinton preached.. on Sunda + WHII'ECflURCti fj4fSTBAi.t,. largest and finest steamer in the Lake last. Next Sunday Mr. Clarenc FOIA--�- 'Superior trade, and her interior Johnston, a student, Will have charg ■ C ' ' r r ' " " — decoratio8s will be most elaborate and of the services, With rogard to all item Which was coinplete. . ' published. in the Fast WiLwanosh the news is 1' toafollowing are the con4ltfon3 to Fresh Grocepies Tea of the Goderich Signal, I wish to cor• be observed. in this contest'(• 1$ 55 rect some of the insinuationse me to consist of nne word of not �j otse Than Onlong. and Coffee. "r has made. Tile Wliitechtirclt bays more than tett letters," Ii Conee. are neither ashamed not, disheartened, ,It must end the Trine's character= To Quebec and Return nor have they any reason to be. The istir, termination of "Ie." Bad Breath From Indigestion CanHt game won by Whitechurch At St, "It is desired that the hame selected be Ovetcome ''Witty Perfumes. FROM VtrlN(iHAMt Atigttstine was in every respect a, fast. have some bearing on Cho history or ti game than that won by St. Angus- geography of the territory she will Try a lb. of White Account; of Ter.Centeliary Cole- tine at 'Whtteahirah, and the would serve, dine-tentha of the offensive breat ltratioti. Tickets gad cin only he Pleased to play oft- the tie. ,Contestants must givo thoir nailie is a result of stomach trouble. It can r n perfumes o a i `e not be ov er came b er i n sending in their 1 g going address clearly rl i sit Y o all belong to and a ld e Whitechurch boys 1 The '4V 1l, y g ---• hd best y g ��OtY138 Coffeet b ,duly 113th t0 25th. ltetttrn•. Whiteclittrelt, but St. Attgus`tina is sttggestlgns." other palliative int�ti�s�tees. ail. the market, limit .A_ugu6t 3rd, 1908, composed . of boys from St, Helens, "The decision will be made by an If you have a bo ieatlt; if their i Donnybrook, Fordyce and St, Angus• unpartial eorninittee appointed for the heartburn, flatulence and gulpings i �^ Eine. A number of people say It was purpose, from whom the names of the undigeated food ; if thb stomach burr. Alio fres!! '1111ts tine! the referee who wrote itt but it Is a eouteslants will be withheld." lir smarts t if theirs is sleepless>ues; Ve stable , mile Popular Route to mystery how he could condense iso The contort will be closed on July nervousness, beacla.cltes, or any othi $ much hot air, for daring the .game he .81st and the declsion annotinced by symptoms of indigestion, use Dfi-ori- Mugkokst and Lake of $ity'g required several minutes to make tiny � August 10th and a prize to ills site• stomach tabletti and _ get well, ianund louder than a whisper. There eessfal competitor will be given of two A 60 cont bole of Mi,on-a AtomAd Highest Prices Maid TRAIN SrDAVIOE AND RI very few who thought ho was - round trip tickets including metals and tablets lasts for a couple of weeks an fat" }'reduce, RQVIPMENT THIM REST i corn used of airy rix losives of that berth from Collin ' wood or Sarni(► to will wand oft a dogon mild attacks c kited, aVhaevr5r lee Wags, reminded ice Duluth, available any time during this indigestion., while its continue(! tie of a hunter, who �woA in the bush and treason or for a trip .heat year on tho will give ,an absolute and o'oniplet ror titikots &nd full lufottii4tiou, 0411 dit Cure. luta{�initis he sato eorno better iu a tree - rlotTr steawer iCsalf, W. HEN'! fit, �o+tvss Agent, Or irrlte Ile tired several fneffeatual shots, a.nd Ali oornmunloati s sliottld be ad. Walton, A7axibbon has seen s A , Jr MALCOLM �. ���111 . � rl�afts iavestigwng 'bio t'ouna it wis a. drmssed to CI J bTl holTsot1 aT r��a mnriy cured endo by All -oft -do 901111 0 M a d Litt hi■ own oyebro* he bed beets Afkbx�dt, Not�tlialm Ne, f t bleta that he will live 0 gttaraute ori t g • 1r� ' Ith bd� to refwnd thik rriotro' EATON S X0000♦001000�00000N000000 0000�0000.00'N0000@♦400004 Oj�000OP Oi 0®M00110000 The McCall Bazaar of F Now on exhibition in our store, represents some of our many patterns .now for sale hero. This pattern has the largest sale of any, pattern in the United States and it is the best or we would not ask you to use it. We have been offered the agency for six other makers' patterns but not being convinced that they were to be compared in style, simplicity, or correctness, to the McCall, we therefor recom- mend you to try one. We guarantee no misfits. Price, Ioc and i 5c. Now on sale in our Fashion Department. a 75 Cents Cannot Be Spent To better advantage any other way that will bring you more real plaasure than by subscribing for , MCCALTEAS MAGA`,, )` (THE QUEEN OF FASHION)`._, ASHION"n u For one year. Any pattern on our sheets, or in the lame catalogue, given free with your subscription. Subscribe at store. 04N4400,NHON4N+►♦N����•�0NNN0♦N����Ott'�A��®4M b00� Nr0�i1�N�►�•*� Millinery. Boys' Holiday Knickers. Prices cut in two. 100 pairs at 25c per Why not get another ?.'pair. Trow is your chance. They're worth twice as much. Don't miss this bargain. Shirtwaists. For 98 cts. All sizes- - straw Hat, Regular price up to $2.00. All new goods. Big cut in swell shapes, all new. Regular $1.00 to $1.50, for 69c. 1171. ,1.. C Regular $2.50 Bats for $1.69. For $199. All sizes.: , Regular 'price up to $3.50. -Men's 2=PCe.vstllts. Clean stock. Smart styles and, pat- terns, light and dark tweeds, . =just what you want for the Whxteweai". hot weather. Prices so in - Elegant new stock; all terestivg that you BUY. We prices out away down. See pride ourselves on our out window display. and styles. Cotton dose. i Balbriggan 10 0 shirts, We have the best 15c U- derwear in ail -sizes, Ladies' Fast Black Cotton. regular 50c & 75c ---for 25c. Hose in town —a Special. Saturday only. Don't miss Worth. 250 anywhere. this bargain. Are popular talk. Are you going 2 Ii not, send your friends. Trade of all kinds taken on Bargains. F Wit6loltPA* ..WArt+ati.1'ereittr, ng at, 441%1, Ind euvelepert Mair urine W eery ly'Ata Pf,ANs . Contest, If it 1�tt.1 W. , Nr