HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-23, Page 7LURED TO HER DEATH. Sweetheart and Mother Induced to Cross Ocean, - Lover Shoots and Kills Mother For Her Money And Tries to Kill Girl -Murderer Escapes. New York, July 20.-Conera1 alarm hs beim sent out by the pOlice of this city and also of New !Jersey fee Gus Eberhard, a grocer's elerk, about 25 years old, who is alleged to be the perpetrator of a peculiarly atrocious inurder committed in the outskirts of Roselle Park, NeT.,, on Saturday night. Details of the Nemo did not rcab the authorities until to -day, thus en- abling the male sought to get a long Matt iu his escape. No trace of him had been found up to a late hour to- night. Eberbarcl came to this country ley- erna years ago front Austria. For a year or more he has been trying to in. cluee his cousin, Ottilie Eberhard, about 20 years old, and her mother to follow him to this country: He had been the girl's sweetheart en the old country and wrote that he was anx- ious to have her and, her mother lo- cate here and that he and Ottilie should marry. Ultimately persuaded to this end, the nother and daughter arrived in this country last Thursday. On Saturday Gus took the woman to the bank where Mrs. Eberhart got her Austrian money exchanged for United States coin, This amounted to some $2,500, being the proceeds of the sale of her dressmaking business in Austria, In the afternoon he said' he would take them for an outing, and they went over to Jersey by the 130th Street ferry. After riding some dis- tance on a trolley, at Gussuggestion, they alightedand proceeded afoot along a road which, Gus told them, would lead to a station whence they would take a train back home, o Sees Mother Fail. While they were walking in single file along a sparsely settled road. M- illie heard two revolver shots. Turn- ing she saw her mother fall. Gus told the girl to run as fast as she could. Thinking he was warning her to flee from possible harm to heiself, she ran, looking back just once when she saw Gus leaning over the body of her mother. She thought he was render- ing her aid.' As she ran, the girl" received three slight woonds from bullets, none of which did serious injury. She ran for a mile to the nearest house. She spoke only German, while the oc- cupants of the . house are Italians: They did not understand her story, but took her to a German family near- by. These people, seeing that she was wounded, put her to bed, and made her comfottable for the night. This morning, when they learned her story, they notified the authorities. In the meantime Mrs. Eberhard's body had beer found near the Susque- hanna Railroad tracks. The $2,500 was missing and the body had evi- dently been placed on 'the railroad tracks and cut in twain. The mur- derer had thus sought to hide the evi- dence of nis crime: Investigation of the circumstances convinced the authorities that Gus had murdered the girl's mother for the purpose of robbery and attempt- ed to kill the girl. Search for the young man 'was at once instituted, but no trace of him oduld be found. A RUNAWAY CAR. WILD RIDE OF FORT PASSEN- GERS AT WOODSTOCK. • Something Went Wrong With Trolley Brake While the Car Was on a Hill -Fred C. Martin Rather Se- verely Injured by Jumping. Woodstock) July 19. -An eleetric car oat of the control of the motorman Fairly flew down the Dundas street hill last evening and turned a sharp corner in safety with its forty passengers. Fred C. Martin, a, well known barrister of this eity, apparently jumped from the car. His left •arm was broken by etrik. ins the ground, and he sustained very severe bruises. Various other pabsengers were bruised, but it is not thought that any one was injured dangerously. On the street railway line from Wood- stock to Ingersoll on Dundee .street within Woodstock limits there is a long, and steep hill, and just east of the bot- tom is a right angle turn to Mill street. The 7 o'clock ear last evening was about half way down this hill when something went wrong with the brake. The motorman was unable to control the ear, and impelled by ita weight and the acquired velocity it raft away down tae hill at a terrifie rate. The passen- gers were alarmed, but most of them grabbed the seats and held on for dear life. The car struck the ehttep turn to Mill street and took it without leaving the rails. Mr. Martin, however, and Miss Cora alegenzie, of Ileachville, janmed, Mr. Martin sustained severe injuries, but Miss alegenzie escaped with some pain- ful bruises and she was able to proceed home. Various others were bruised in eiumping or in, being thrown against the aides of the ter ad it rounded the curve. After leaving the gee& the ear was brought to a atop and the brake repair- ed. Mr. Marti nwas removed to hie home and is pronounced to -day to be doing nicely. The left arm eves badly broken. It is peculiar that the fiaMe arta has been broken or or five times pre- viously, DEMAND FROM MONTREAL. , --- Wants Dominion Government to Pro. tect Port From Disease, Montreal, July 10, --air Wilfrid Laurier will be asked to give his con - !sent that the Federal Government WO over the entire financial support lir keeping the port of elontreal free from foreign iefeetioue disettees. leo nitwit wee deeiJed at a conferenee 'teal in. the City Ilan on Saturday. The point was inade that the, babonie lague and &settees whielt alight at Rome thee lie introdueed here from foreign ports were matters for laden.). areven- lion. KILLED HER BABES. BUFFALO MOTHER FED mato PARIS PREEN. Med° Sure of Her Work by Strangling the Little Ones -Then Sent Neigh- bor BQy foe More Poison, Which She Took Herself, Buffalo, July Ie. -Mrs, Isabella Sala len fed her three smell elahlren Paris green toolay and then strangled. each with it handkerchief to make her work sure. Then sle sent to the groory store for more Paris green, wheel she took herstif. The three children were dead \Alen the murder was diecovered, anti hits. Salim was dyiug. Physicians dhl what they could for her, but it le theught elle cannot survive. In a steam -tout which Mae Sateen made to the police and the medical examiner, the woman blamed her sis- tor-in-law, who she saia had caused her much domestic unhappineee. At noon, when Sahlen was Jaime for hie midday meet, his wife complamed to him. of more words witlt her sister-in- law, who lives'itext door, Salami says his wife added as he went out the door: "If this keeps up this tampon there will be something happen here before night." He took his wife's remarks lightly, 'however, and went to work, Just after 4 o'clock aim Salami ran out ineo ILO peed and screamed to her next door neighbor, Mee. Brown, that she had poisoned lug three chil- dren and herself. Mrs, Brown rushed into the Sahlen yard. as Mrs. Sahlen turn. ed butt; into the house, •and met Mrs, Brown with it bread knife as the frigat. en•ed woman burst through the door. The frantic mother made -a thrust Brown, who retreated nod celled for help. Phyaitiana and the police found the three ohildren dead and Mrs. Salami under the first effeets of the poison.e_aanne___ WEST WANTS MEN. Labor Scarcity Likely to be a Serious Problem, •- , Winnipeg, July 19. -Grain- in alb parts of the west is showing the bene- fits of the receet rains, and every- where the situation is very encourag- ing. Developments are few and steady growth is the principal feature. Wheat heads are filling out in fine style, giving promise of heavy yields... Unusual concern is felt regarding the supply of harvest hands this year. The interval between the harvest in Ontarie and that in Manitoba is likely to be shelter than ever before, and overlap- ping may interfere -With excursions to the west. ' Mr. William Whete, of the Canadian Pacific Raeleva.y, believes 25,000 men are required. in the three Provinces, ad it campaign will be started early to secure that number. The -labor situation is likely to cause some anxiety before the season is over: • bUNDAS NEWS. Rev. James Grant Back From \he Cobalt Region. Dundee, July 20. -The rains of the past week have somewhat, but not very seriously, interfered with haying. The heavy falls of yesterday and Saturday have thoroughly soaked the ground and should more come there will be com- plaints of too much, Crops in. this vicin- ity are promisiug. A blind student occupied the pulpit in the presbyterian Church last evening, and preached an eloquent and acceptable sermon. Robert Connors, it • well-known resid- ent of the west end, died yesterday morning, after a long illneese which ter - initiated in dropsy. Ile was 47 years of , core and leaves it widow but no children. Ariel took place this afternoon. Rev. James Grant returned a few &eye ago from Cobalt where he had been for some days On pleasure, combined ivith business in connection with the Baptist Church. Be says language almost fails' to describe the place, the people, their manner of living, and the future in store for the place. A lecture froin him on the subject would be of much interest. Robert Mathison, Grand Secretary of 'the L 0. F., is visiting Janies Somerville. COMING TO TORONTO ........•••••••4••••••••• • Lord Roberts Accepts Invitation of the Veterans. Toronto, July 20.--"Quebee, July 111, -Major Colline, President* Ariny end Navy 'Veterans, Toronto, -I have much pleasure in iteceiting the guard of honer offered by you on ,my visit to Toronto. "Roberts." The above telegram from Earl Rob- erts was received by Major Collins in response to a message sent to him from dile city. ' . COST OF EUROPEAN .WAR, -- A German Authority Gives Some Startliteg Statisties. New York, July 19. -The Sun has rc. ceived tb.e following cable deapatch from Berlin: The bellieose section of -the public, including the fire-eaters of the army, have beett rather taken aback by it bulletin issued by the Gen- eral Staff on the authority of General Blume its to the probable cost of a, mod- ern European war. Germany, it is affirmed, would be able to put 4,750,000 troop a in the field. A. war fought ageing another European power would test (lemony $1,500,000,- 000 per annum as long as it lasted. The indirect loss through financial depres- sion and the paralysis of industry would be greater. If three or fotir more Euro-, peen powers were involved, as would be likely in view of existing alliances, the draM on the reeourees of Europe would be appalling. Incidentally Geneva Blume OXIVOSSOA the opinion that the loss el life would be heavier than in the recent Russo - &creme war, when twenty per cent of the Japtutese orioles irt the field Were killed or womuled. Reckoning ht the MOO proportion, it European leaver Woula lose approeimately 000000' hill. ell and wounded awing the same toilette of time, and Gem Mame believes the proportion would be mica higher. Ile &alerts it mete be it verotable orgy of Mood. THE BLACK HAND. Wealthy Fruit Grower in Louth Township Threatened. (Spode); Despatch to the r.elmes.) SL Catharines,: July ,Sylvane„ cattily efreneltuian 4114 fruit grawer in Louth Township, near Poet, Dalhousie, la the latest to receive recognitlon from the Black Hand, On -Saturday be re- eeivea a letter erom that society ae. mending that he . place $500 near the Maple Leaf rubber factory in 'the via lege by a eertaht hour if he wished to 'awe 1t18 residenee and farm bialdiege from •deetruetion by elemettute. The matter lm e been reported to tbe police. h • -a - • a MAN DROWNED. Toronto Man Loses His Life Bath- ing at Detroit. Detroit, Miele, July 20, -Wm. Lowry, 30 years of age, it Canatlian, an4 said to be from Toronto, wits drowned on Sun- day, While bathing be the elver front, by strikiag head first on a sunkenpile wh.41 Ito dove beim the dock. Ho %MS rendered uncoeseloas, and be- fore a. boat could lee secured to go to ble assistance he was drowned. The body is held- at the ementy morgae until Lowreas friends. arrive, SEVERE STORM. North Oxfold Crops Damaged by Rain and Beaten Flat. Ingersoll, July 10. -Crops wete prac- tically ruined and buildings demeged by a severe storm of wind, hail aim ram, which visited a portion of North Oxford townslap yesterday morning. In violence the storm was similar to those experienced in the west, heads of grain being cut off, the crops levelled, and scores of window panes deMolished, The downpour of rain was terrific, whole fields being deluged, -with dis- astrous ' effeet to the root crops and corn. One farmer estimated the damage et several %mined &oilers. The storm travelled intaking a narrow strip typical of a cy- clone. In the town several large trees were snapped 'off by the wind. _isouthweeterly course, c...., 7,000 IN REVOLT. Threat to Kill All Turkish Generals In Macedonia. Coastantinople, July 20. -It is rumor- ed that 7,000 Turkish soldiers in the Monastir district are in open revolt, and that 32,000 troops have ben ordered to the scene of the outbreak. It is also reported net it number of ()Maces of the third army caps have threatened. that unless the officers now awaiting court-martial oa the charge of assisting the "young Tarkey" agita- tion are immediately. liberated. all the, generals be Macedolue will be killed and the army will then, march to Con- etautinopte end 'demand the re-estab- lishmeae. a the constitation. --a FOUR AT A TIME. Ketoses City, Mo., July 20. -Mrs, Susan Turner, wife of Louis 0. Turner, of Ar- gentine, Kansas, yesterday gave birth to quadruplets, three boyeend a girl. The girl died a Elbert time after birth, Met the boys am alive curd apparently healthy. ....aogeeeeeeeeeett A reen in it paselot TWOS a 110110 that run fl away' With hit% Geridath SHOT WHILE THEY SaEPT. Three ofethe Mokican Bandits Killed by Rurales, Moak° City, Jelly, 18. ---Details of the killing of the famous bandit, Ceneibio Rodriguez, "El jora.bado," and his two companions, Antonio and Poli - carp Rein have east reached here. The bandits, charged with killing H. S. Jones, an American, and with 'many other crimes,were shot while they slept,. Three rarales sent out to cap- tor° the trio made a mock attack on hacieuele., near which the robtare were eneemped. The latter took the supposed, recruits 'in, who travelled with the bandits for five dam await- ing the chance to coaele the real robbers off guard and execute the orders ef tho Governor of the State of Durango to take the men dead or alive. Fin- ally the bandits, who aaad been sue- picious of the recruits, relaxed their vigilance ancl went to sleep together.' The runders promptly shot them to death. MISSING FROM GUELPH., -- Search is Being Made for Three Weeds of Ceildren's Aid Society. Toronto, July 20. -Inspector Harrie, of ehe Humane and Children's Aid Society of Guelph, is endeavoring to trace Peter Wilson and Manuel Hun- ter, two youths who left the Shelter on Thursday, Arne 18th, Both. lads are about fifteen years of age. On Dominion Day another chap etellitig himself Noe Devidson, about the sante ago, disappeared. All the lads are dreseed In old clothes. Any informa- tion regarding the youths should be addressed to Inspector Harris, Guelph, or to Mr, J. X. Kelso at the Paella - runt Buildings, Toronto. •• * • STRUCK 13Y LIGHTNING. House of Mr. John M. Cameron, St. Catharines, Deeteoyed. St, Cetharines, july 17.- Tim eity was visited by a severe eleetrie storm which eontinued three boars till early this marimba, rein. falling hi' totrents. Lightniag struck the home of John M. iektinermi, Superintendent a the Vietoria Tamen Ceietetery. In it short time the house wasin ruins. The waterworks system haa been extended to the ante - tory, butethe fire hydrants have uot yet been inetelled. The loee on the house tuid tonteate wilt execed $2,000, the tura (milt being partially. eoverea by instil,. ante: 4 *41- - CAN'T ADVERTISE NTOX I CANTS. Maine Supreme Ceuet UpholdLaw Limiting Publicity In That State.. POttland, Me., Xuly it). -Tit the ease of the State v. the a. P. Batel Priblieh hue Company, of &trim, Chief tioe Pinery, of the Maine Supreme Court, has handed down a rescript whieh affirms the constitutionality of the Maine statute prohibiting the ulvertising of intoxioating liquors in Maine publieations. This ease hes boon inicourie for Aix or seven ilAtk re'aT tettletided rntrelt atten tion. It was prosecuted on complaint of °faders Of the Maine Civie Leagete. MURDERERS ELECTROCUTED One Murdered Two Brothers Near Middletown, N. Y. ••••••,...,•••• The Other Killed Michael de Omlbro in New York. A Eright Flame and Odor of Burn. ing Hair in One Case. Ossiag, ale Y., July e,00-deeneles IL Ro- gers Luta Angelo Laudiero were eleetro- ctithd he Sing Sing prisoxi early today Two contacts were given in each ease, before death reaniteel. Rogers was the first taken to the chair, lila execution at 5,54 o, no, Was WithOat special inci- dent.. In the eese of Laudiero, itbright flame from the electrodes at his head was voticed after the that contact, aua an 'odor of burning tulle pervaded the room immediately after. Roger's apirithal coinfoeter was Clip - lain Jones. Laudiero wee aecompanied by Eathees Mahoney and Benedieto. Laudiero' s exeoution occurred et 0,30 a, The crimes far which Rogers pole. the penalty wee the killing of Wills ands Vrederiele Olney, Mailers, at their Lem house mite Middletown, N. Y,, an Oct. 6, 1005, and solea after the murder of Alice Ingeriek, daughter of Mrs. Georgia 10. gericka the 'housekeeper whom be also assaulted and left apparently dead. His object was robbery. Rogers escaped, but it year later was arrested in Los Angeles, Litudiero was electrocuted' for the murder of Michael De Onthro-, New York, Dec, 14, 1900, following an old feud. STABS FOUR. Heat -Crazed Laborer Runs Amuck, Dealing Death Right and Left. Wilkesherre, Pa., July 20.-Guiseppe Mareinne, an Italian, was driven instate by the teat yesterday after a herd „day's work in the sun,- arid ran amuck itt Nanticoke shortly before midnight last night and stabbed four persono, Iwo of whom are dying, while the others are seriously injured. Michael Batik° aala his wile,*f Nan- ticoke, were eaea stabbed in the abdo- men and. are not expected to recover. Mrs, Julia'Wolfe of this city was stab- bed in the side and seriously wounded, and William gilder, of Nanticoke, was stabbed in the ebeet, and badly wounded. Marcia= fled to the woods and is still at large.. 'Ile truth of 'authority depends on the authority of truth. • e• SHIPPING VENTURE. Berlin, July 20. -Prince Christian graft Zu Hohenlohe-Dearingen, who has a largo interest in the Deutsche Levente Steamship Company of Hamburg, is pre- paring, aceording to the Kleine Journal, line. founa a. system. of great shipping lines in opposition to the Hamburg-Americao i eo FELL FROM A TRAIN„ Seegt. Urquhart, of St. John, Killed, and Sergt. Mueray Hurt, Moneten, N. B., July 19,-W1ti1e the military special with the 02ral Regiment of St. John, bound to gnebee, was Tun - fling forty miles an hour near Harcourt this moruing, Sergts. Urquhart and To. - ward Murray, both of St. John, fell from the treat, Urquhare aeing so ter- ribly injured that he died this evening in Moncton hospital. Murray eceeived severe injuries, but will recover. 'Mur- ray, after 'recovering consciousness, said he was trying to .get Urquhart from another car into his OlVa, and as they reached theplatform the ear lurched, throwing them both off. Ur- quhart fell head first into it heap of wbieh eaved him from re similar fate. rocks, Due aturmy vent& feet first, o• FATAL SWIMMING RACE. RELAY RACE. t.r.veogny, • Speeding Along With Message Chicago Mayor. TRAINS TRUCK AUTO 41..1.01,1,•10 0 SIX, KILLED AT Levn, CROSSING IN INDIANA. Chicago, July 20,-Ae 2 ()Week this Morning the finer lop of the great Y. 14. (I A. relay raee situ tea at Fremont, O., when a runner carrying the message in a silver tube flame Mayor alteelellen, of New York, to Mayor litteee, or Chicago, darted away hi the darkness. It was the 887th relay of the raee aOr0134 the coneetry, The inanma are now more than ten holm abead of the sebedule, and are due to reach Chieago City Hall on Tmaday noon, unless some untowara intedent and wetaber Jumpers the progress. DOUBLE MURDER, Jealous Man Shot Sweetheart and Companion. ' Forth -tea, Ora,. July 20, -David Con- nelle chef at tho Arlington Club, this any,. hest night shot to .death Mies Dolly Sharp and a man whose mune hits not yet been learnotin Gonnelil was parsued to hie own room, some ten or fifteen squares &stake, by it howling mob of several hundred men and bop. Once in Itis room Comte& turned the key ia the face of his pursners, sad before ahoy could force their way itt blew bis Maine out. The cause of the tragedy has aot been aseertained, but it is understood Connelli had been paying attentioa t0. the woman,and he beeline maddened with jealousy upon eliseevering hr bit the compeny of another, mau, KING EDWARD 4 Took Tea With M. and .Mrs. Waldorf Astor. London, Jelly ate -ging Edward spent the week -end with Lora and Lady Des- borough itt Tahlow Court, the house party including Prince Francis of Teck and Ceramic) and the Dowager Duchess of Maneheeter. Yesterday afternoon the King pro, eeeded in a motor ear to Cliveden, and took tee with Mr. end Mrs. Waldorf As- tor, whose party included theCrown Prince and Crown Princess of Sweden, and Prince Arthur 'of Connaught, * • * SMALLPDX. Fourteen Cases Reported at Shrews bury, Out, Chatham, Ont., July 20.-Eacitement is caused by the eeport that it serious outbreak of smallpox had developed at Erie, the popular summer meet at the junction of the Rondeau and Lake Erie, directly south of Chatham. Dr. J. Stade of 131enlienn, repartee that it man aelo stayed there developed the disease after leaving. The place, the doctor says, was thormighly disinfected last Wednesday. Fourteen eases of smallpox are reported at Shrewsbury, on the shoees of Ron- deau, opposite the resort. Many of these are of a serious nature, while some of those effected are sufficiently convalescent to be released in a day an SO. Half -Dozen, Seizediicaig.m With Craps at Chicago. Chicago, July 18. -One contestant ;WS drowned and half it dozen others were ceized with cramps and rescued with difficulty during the first annual "Mar- athon swim" of the new Illinois Athletic Club in the Chicago Rivet today. The water proved fav too cold for the SWial- niers and only seventeen of it field of esltr80.ymanaged to finish the two-mile o A. (1, Freese, 55 years old, was seized with cramps and drowned neax the alma ison street bridge, in view of thousands of spectators. He was the aldose con- teseant in the event, and for years had beet noted as it distance swinniter at the loeal beaches. Ite settle after he had covered two-thirds of the distance. Fully '100,000 persons watched the race, lining the banks and erowding the bridges front the BMA at the life-sav- ing.station itt the =oath of the river to the 1201 street viaduct, on the south branch of the stemma where the coarse eaded. The greatest crowd was near tbe Madiaort street bridge, and although several mea plunged to ilea Ereeee he sank before arty of the rescuers could reach him, The body was recovered later. The TACO was \VOA by 5, 0. Jenson, of the 'New Illinois Athletie Club in 44.41 2-5. 4 e b APOLOGIZED TO CORONER. New York Suicide Sorry to Cause Him Teouble, Xew York, July 18. -After making eomplete arrangements for his own tweeted and writing it polite note of apology to the comer for the trouble he was about to cause hint, Joseph 0, Mielutelowiski event lath a clump of ;meats itt Ceneral Park today and blew out Ms brain% Ile told the coroner in Itis not that be watt athetble longer to endure the suffering which and iteeinii- panied long and paitful illness, In- vestigation disclosed that Atichaelowski bad visited an undertaker yesteedity and 'careful arrangements for his tu ile selected a casket, hail a flower urn eel; Wile, epecified the lumber of 'carriages he desired to have et the flin- eral and directed that hie body be ere - mated. Then upon a slip of paper eon. tabling tho estimate of coat made by the undettaker Miebeehrenski, wrote Ma mune and requested Hutt the undertaker present the paper to Mrs. Mieltaclowski after his death. Tho widow approved the contract to -day and itbe iirrangements will bo carried out to tile letter, .4. LUMBER FAMINE. Winnipeg, Mane Jaly 20.-Th.e lumber dealers of the three prairie Provinces of Western Canada are facing the weest lumber famine in their history. - 4. MERRY DEL VAL ILL , He is Ordered to Take the Mineral Water Cure. New York, July 19.-A cable des. patch to The Sun -fram Rome says : - Cardinal Merry dal Val, the Papal Secretary of .State, is not in ' • usual good health: The doctors 'have ad- vised hint to take the Vicarello min- eral water cure for a fortnight. The Cardinal has hired it powerful automobile in which he will return to the Vatican nightly if he decides to take the euro. WOMAN SUFFRAGE. London Paper Takes a Poll of its Readers on the Question. London, Jelly 19. -Tito Express has polled its readers on the question of woman suffrage, with the following re - suite: Sixty thousand and forty-seven men and 49,942 -women voted against it, and 13,316 end 37,962 weinensup- ported it; 25,885 men, and 20,594 wo- men voted for a, limited franehise for women. GAVE CHILDREN cAnsouo ACID -- Virginia Woman, Temporarily Insane, Almost Kills Herself and Children, Norfolk, Va., July 18. -Mrs. W. A, Brown, wife of the rector of St, John's Episcopal Church of this city, and her three-year-old sort and eight - months -old daughter may die as the result of an administration of carholie aoid by hare. Brown in it fit of tampon ary insanity to -day. Mts. Brown had been ill with nervous trouble, KILLED AT THE FALLS. George Gray, of Chtppawa; Received a Fatal Sheek, Nittgara 11 n1s July 19. -George Gray, of Chippitevio met wild it sudden death this morning about 5.30 While working at the Electrical Development Com- pany's power works, repairing a switeh, will& bad blown out the night-befoie. In some manner he must have touched a live wire, or pieee of nmehinery, and it current of 12,000 volts passea through his body, killing him instanthoeottely. Ile was immediately picked up and the comprtny's pbysician called, but life was completely extinct. The band through whieh the death shock passed was ter- ribly blistered. Mr. Gray was it miadle- aged man, and married. He leaves a. wife, sou and daughter. 4 ' Two THOUSAND DROWNED. Orwrtornnne.m. Motor Stopped at Oroesing by Freight Train and Drove Over When Train, Passed-, Ohatiffeur .Feiling to See leimitee Passenger • Iran. Warsaw, Ind, July 18. -Charles Sher - MEM ging, of Fort Wayne, Ind., his Wife mid two daughterei Carl Timmins, the ebauffeur, ana MSS F4y144 Dr44811aW WOVO killed this evening, when the auto- mobile in which they were riding wee struck by it train on the• Penusylvanie Railroad, west of Columbia, (Ay, dem party was in Air, King's eutomobile, mid were going fecal Tort Wayne to Lake WaWRSCO. TIte accident itappened onelalf zube west of Columbia tiny, Tim eutome. bile was stopped at it crossing by a, freight train sena drove on the tracks behind, the athoose, the driver failing to see the east -bound Manbattan Limited passenger train, which Was passing at high speed. The six bodies were scat. tared along the track foth100 feet, end all were Wally ameglea. The skulls were fractured, Arms and legs were broken, chests erushed and the clothing was stripped from the dead. The locomotive of the passenger train was derailed,but was replaced on • the traeles without the tad cif the wrecking traio.. The dangle •ters of Mr, ging were: Katherine, aged 1a, end Josephine, aged. 12. Miss Brad - sinew was 19 years old, and was a neigh- bor of the King ftemily, whose guest ale • was to. • be .aver Sanday at the ging cottage at Lake Wawasee. efr, ging was agent for the Pruden - tine Life Compauy, aud formerly it member of the Indiana Legislature from Wabash county. lie wits oue of the best -mown Republicans lo the State. • - A SAD PICNIC. Driver of Tally -Ho Fatally Injured at Guelph. Guelph, July 19.-A fatal accident .oc- altered yesterday to it jolly party of Guelph printers and their friends, through which Erecl Andeeson lost his life. Anderson was employed in- Hoop- oes livery stable, and was the driver of a four -horse tallyho, which was taking the Guelph party to Puslinea Lake, e."ere they were to join it print- ers' picnic :70,311 Galt, The accident, which was of a trifling nature, and yet resulted fatally, happened on Water- loo avenue, just after the atart was made, Tile Wheel caught in the street car switch, causing the vehicle to slew, and Anderson was throwu from his seat and•under the heavy wheelie The front wheels passed Over his legs, but the hind whet naught tee middle et his body, erushine him in sine' a manner as to melee eleatlia couple of hourslater in the hospital. The unfortunate fellow was brought back in the telly -Ito and tbe trip was called off. Atderson was a married ream and was well known and reepected in the city, DID RAGE KILL? Medical Evidence Regarding a Fatal Encounter at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 18.-A. dispute arose last nig& between W. • A. Morden, real estate dealer here, and id Fried- man,. a Jewish baggageman. A per- sonal encounter developed and a mo- ment later Friedman was seen to drop to the ground inseneible Ile was con- veyed to the hospital, where he ,died a shore time after. Morden was ar- rested, although he denied having Mt the deceased. et has since been shown that Friedman died of apoplexy, broeght Oa probably by violent rage. *• • MOTORS FOR THE FARM. Most Interesting Exhibit of Winni- peg's Industrial Fair. . Winnipeg, July 19. -The Industrial Fide ended last evening and ranked among the most successful held in Winnipeg, despite several days of un- favorable weather. Probably the most interesting and novel exhibit, judged from the standpoint of utility in fann- ing operetione, was the agricultural later tests. This feature attracted widespread attention, experts coming from as far away as Auelealia and the Argentine to study the machines in operation. The Washington Govern - melt was ale() repreaented by an official of the Agricultural Department. English manufaettivos who are really Jae pioneers of the industry were not stteeesefra in the eorepetitioie as they were not aware of the conditions of the soil and climate, but tbeir ageras have gone beet: prepared to profit. ex- perience. Some of the itatebines did excellent work. •.• RECORDS OF OPERATIONS; Latest inhovation in the London Hasnital. London, July 10. -The latest inno- vation in the London Edipittel is it com- plete cinematograph plant in the operat- ing room for thepurpose of having re- cords takeni of nteresting °politicos, and also of persoes soffering front nen vous disetteea, showing their aetions, eta Et is hoped this arrngement will prcive to be very aseful. Films will be sup- pliea for exaltation in Medical collegee and. hoepitals. IRELAND WANTS EMBARGO, Teerible Lose of Life by Flood hi Asia Constantinople, duly 3.0. -The recent inundations in the vicinity -of Toleat, Asia Minor, evere apparently more eel -- IOW than was at first • reported. De. tails aro still lacking, but stetording to it private letter reeeived here from Sammie, on the Week Sea, a total of 2,000 lost their lives, including three hundred priamere who WCO .eatIght by the flood in jail end arowned. Six handled tinny reeruite who Ittal rootembled in the eourtyara of the Government house at. Tokat tre /Said to have been engulfed by the flood, OnlyOrte litindred af theni got away With their lies. Y.,1•44*. Free panadian Cattle Would Mean Island's Bankruptcy. London, July 19. -The Irish pal ty will oppose unanimously all etiorts to re- move the Caitadiati embargo. They Any ie would involve Ireland in bank. ruptcy, The Weekly Dieratelt puts the gaestion beforit the people as cheap mat or Ilene. * ELECTRICIAN KILLED. J. Fowles Pound Dead at Soo Blast Furnete, Whore He Was Working. Sault Ste,. Marie, July 10.-J. Fowles, etrimarried matt of the Soo, was in- stantly killed at the blast furnaces of the Lake Sitperior Corporation yester• day, while it is euppoetd, repliteing it fuse whieb bad been bunted out. Ite wee, an electrician. No one saw the nedident, He went to work at 5 ie. no, toul twenty reinutee later Ives found dead with his band belly burned. A strong eurrent lied passed through the body. o Ohor.ister. Vat .wlitu of elating grass one tires, Theta fleshes O'er him a thought of Inmate fine With flatlet; And though to Loth 4zof traleh nvorfto It's haril tatoll Whieh bercletek Worica. alealiallepolle Nolte REVOLUTION IN TABRIZ. Royal Infantry Rejiment Return to Their Romps. Royalists Murdevekt Wherever ThAt Are Distovered, The Shah Seems to be Gott ig 11 Worst of it, ---- London, duly 20,--A later despatest ea the Times from Tabriz,. dated •Ittly 111t14 mLy "The town is now eutirely in tit hatitls of the revolutionists, with the e. caption of one quarter. ale withdravvel of lateltin .Khan's horsemen from the ()e- motion of the town is regarded as the failure of the Shalee endeavor to emelt royal supremacy. c. "The Royal itifentry regimmit, sent from Telteren to this place to restore order. left their rifles ana unitorme here to -day and •Cieparted en mese to their homes, Rubin. Khan's chief ,executioner 11,easfitcrlooeut,, esto death yesterday in the 1pa- wl:tie leaders of the people on Satin da,e assembled in conclave in the•Masque end determined to attack the Mai -teem and. Royalist taunter and drive out the clerical influenee by foreee but the Rus- sian Consul intervened and promised to telegreplt to thee Shalt an,i obtain aro testy and orders, to disperse the Unite - hide aseetubly. No enswor being receiv- ed, the feetinebran higle The consul was acensed of duplicity and proclamations were poeted calling upon the people to aet on their own initiative. "Later in the day it was reported that the Shah had replied to the ROS- SINI Sultan, and it nuty be that order cart be eetablished out of the ,present climes. "Hooting and street fighting still con - thaw, and individual Royalists aro mur- derea wherever they ere discovered." The Times corresporelent Tit Teheran seys that the Shah is still strengthening bit camp at Baghshait, in the suburbs. It is reported here that the Nationalists have been victorious in Tabriz and that Rachin Khan has fled from that eity. Tlee *Shah 18 harrying reinforcements, with orders to destroy the materialists at all costs. 4 6: NEW PRINCIPAL. George E. Pentland Appointed to Thorold High School. Employed 60 Hands ---The Thorold Waterworks. (Special Despatch to the Times.) St. Catharines, July 19. -The Thereat High School Board met on Saturday evening to consider applications for the vacant positioos of principal and assist- ant on the teaching staff. Twenty-five, applications were received for the prin- cipalship, and the choice fell upon Geo. E. Pentland,- M. .A.., of Windsor. The board will meet again to select an as - The sulphite department et the Rior- dan paper mills at Merritton, which was closed down some weeks ago, will re- sume operations thenorrow morning, giving employment to sixty hands. There is trouble in Thorold over the waterworks situation. A by-law was passed by the people to raise, be, way of debentures. 080,000 to contend a system of waterworks. Owing to the financial stringency, the debentures could not, be sold,at par. The money raised is about all gone, and the water mains have not been laid throughout the entire town. The cotmcil favor sub- mitting another bylaw to the people, but it would probably be defeated, VESSEL DAMAGED. Removal of Gas Buoys at Sarnia Caused Trouble, Poet Huron, Mich., July 20. -The re - pore given eet by the Canadian Marine DeparLinent that the shoal whieh has lava ulakiag by the Standen" Oil Co. doek at, Sarnia has been removed is without katailatiOth On Su -relay the gas' buoy was removed on instructions from the department at Ottawa, and two home later the steamer Maricopa, tow- ing' the Bryn Mawr, bound down, pitch- ed upon the shoal. The Maricope, sue- ceeded in releasing herself, but when the ettreent caught, the stern of the Bryn Mawr she was carried down the goer broadside, and collided with the sunken steamer efebtosh, and suffered considerable damage, The Bryn Meow is also badle clitmaged, and sbe was tow- ed tit Lorain for repays. ANOTHER DROWNING. (Special Despatch to 'the Times.) Ottawa oitt., July 20. -Geo, Nunny, aged eigliteeti, taking cramps was drowned while bathing in the Joefc River, .making bhe fourth Sunday swimming tragedy here this season. The body has been recovered, There will be no in- quest. 4. 4i SUDDEN DEATH. London, Ont,, duly 19. -Mrs. Tieatriee Ann, wife of Samuel W. Steveesoe, con. 4, London township, had just returned Win a drive with her husband When she dropped an the lawn, uttered a sereeen and died before medical attention could be obtaitted.Dr, Weekes attributed deeth to rupture of it blooa vow' near the lout The couple lied been married a little over a year. aeone High Mama "I have it bookkeeper in my office who be evidently destined to be one of oar future captains of alienate, all right," a broker remarked the other day, "lIe is a good ch' erk but of late he has been later severaltimen and I had to call him down. " 'You have been late three tittles already this week.' I said. 'What b3 the trottble-oversleeping yourselfP1 'No, sir; and 1 am very sorry,' he answered, will try not to kg it happen again. It has been due to the fact that 1 have been walking to the office instead of riding.' " 'Think the exereise does you /omit,' I asked hint. 'Na, sir; rather it matter of (Icon. eitlY,' he explained. 'Even small Inns count to me, you see, and 1 have already saved enough to have my shoos re.soled.'" Harper's Week. SHRIEKED AT THE GALLOWS. Murdering Fr, Leo Honied* at Alter in Denver. Believed' in No . God, 444. Was Ready to Die, H "Long Live Italy; Long Live the, Canyon CIF: tee:It,a,n,itiSe1l711 etee:Caillog down inaledietione on the Roman Cathee lie priesthood and shouting in Hellen "Lon live Italy! Lome live tee Protest- ants!" Giuseppe Alia, who muntarea Father Leo Heluriclis at the altar of St. Elizabeth Church, Dorn; was carried to the death trap and paid the extreme penalty of his Mine by hanging,. Pethapsit mere thrilling sone was never beheld by .any of the sixteen •per; emis prese»t than the execution of this italiaa murderer, whose .cries end screams wore only bushed by the auto-. matic springing of the mechanism which forever allowed the to»gue that -erica for vengeance against those whom Alia, regartlea as tbe aestroyers of bit home and happiness. At 4 (Mock yesterday Warder) Oleg - horn, of the State Penitentlarye through Itis interpreter, Antonio Sasso, it prison guard, read th'e death warrant to Alia. .(imarary to expectetimi the prisoner exhibited, no emotion, and when the reading was finished said: "All eight I am ready to die uow." At 0 &Week supper was 'served to the prisonen Before eetiug be divided it into five portions, eaying that 0110 was for his wife, .one for himself and mie ate With apparent eomposure and if.00riszch of Ids three children. He then At 7 o'clock Guard Sasso came to him with the information that within one hour the execution would take . place. Alia again assented, a.nd, said he was ready any time. He further said bit felt FnottelL°11:rVevo.whittever for having ailled He was certain that Father Leo was the man he bad been seeking foe many months, and ,said that'he had recognized. the priest by .0, scar on the side of the ,• face. Alia said he had worked for Fath- er Leo in Portugal, and was sure that he had killed the right man. Alia said be did not believe there was it God, for,if so, he would not have been permitted to, he in his present pre - CRC -anima. He said he found no feult with the law, but that the priest aid wrong he breaking up his family. • At. 8. o'clnek, everything being in readiness, the warden's assistents ap- proached. Alitt's cell and led the cen. demned man to the execution -house, where the black cep and noose were ad- justed by the deputy warden.. During this procedure, Alb, became frantic and shouting, "Long live Italy a Long live the Protestants!" Alia was placed on the trap, Chaplain Blake, of the prison, uttered it short prayer, the dripping water of theauto- enable mechanism. released the :great weight, and at exactly 8.30 the body was jerked into the air.. Alials neck was not broken, owing to r the slipping of the rope, and he diedof • strangulation. After 19 minutes. body was cut down, and, he was po, nounced dead. FORGOT HER LINES. ACTRESS LOST MEMORY WHILE ON CONIEDIE FRANCAISE STAGE , . Was Playing Marion, in the Fourth Act of Victor Hugo's "Marion Delorme"-Played Fifth Act in Silence. Paris, July 20.-Dering the fourth act' of Victor Hugo's "Marion Delonne" last night at the Comedic! Franettise Belvair, one bf the most charm- ing of the younger adeiesses in the company, who played the title role, was suddenly afflidted with apbasin, and front then on wee unable to remember a single word of her pelt. In spite of this she' insiated oni playing the fifth act, which lu the play 'consists in a conversation with Dibier, acted by Al- bert Lambert. Mlle. Belvair was en- tirely' unable to read the speeches of Marion, and stood silent on the stage while Lambert read her Tines. No- where but on the stage of the Comedic) Francais° coulcl such a scene have taken phtee. Many of the audience, completely overcome by the condition of the adtrees, left the theatre, and the final eurtain fell aecompanied by a general sigh of relief, Never had the young •actresss played the first three acts so well as she did last night. In the fourth ad, where Marion throws herself AL the feet of the King to demand Dibio's pardon, the ac- tress suddenly lost her memory, Mou- net Sully, Paul Mound and Georges Bern tried in every way to assist the actrees so that she eould leave the stagewith- eat the audienee realizing her coedition. At the end of the not Mee. Belvair found hereelf unable to return to the stage, and the other actors wen foreea to usit. all their ingenuity to finiali the ecene, 'To -day' the aetress is very ill at her home. BURNED TO DEATH. The Flames Prevent Mother Prom Roguing Her MA 'Medina, July 20. -The barn 011 the piece of Lewrence Nowak, who resides about a utile -east of this village, caught fire at noon to -day, andeirt spite of. tbe efforts of the neighbor, burned to the ;enema. After the fire WaS wall tinder way, it was dieroverea that Edmund, the four-year-old eon of Nowak. Was itt the barn, ana be was burned to 'death, MrA, Nowak Attempted to extieguish the blaze, but the Halms drove bee back, end then elm began to look for the lad, raid not finding him implored the farm hands to enter the Melding and 00Ct1ci 11110, but the fierce .flantee made arena' ItTredyberilatil. bee, Welly charade atate*- • - - Neturalita Daupllitor-l'aua, in time .of trial what an you enppoee beings the most tomfort te itnum?" lenpa,-„tia necinittni, 1 ihnia, Wake' -Judge.