The Wingham Advance, 1908-07-23, Page 4After Stock Taking. A House Cleaning Sale Big Bargains Offered To Clear Out The Following Lines. Don't Wait Until They're All Gone. Buy Now. Rain Boats M Half Price.. Men's Rain Coats, reg. price $10 --now 95.00....reg, $8.00 -now $4.00 " " $7 -now 3.51)....reg, 0.00 ---now 3.00 ,6 "` $15 -now 7.50....reg. 12.00 -now 0.00 " '! $10 -now 5,00.... reg. 9.00 -now 4.50. " " $7 -now 3.50....reg. 6.00 -now 3.00 Women's 1( 11 Youths' Tweed Suits°pr x.75 Size 33 -price to clear, $1.30 Size 34 -price to clear, $3.25 Size 34- " " 3.50 Size 35- 14 " 3.25 Men's Summer Vests, regular $1.50 for $1,00 regular 75c for 50c Bargains In Shoes. Women'ssTan Blucher Oxfords, reg. price " White " " " 4664 16 1, $2.00 -price to clear, 1.35- „ " " 1.00 - Child's Tan Slippers Reg. price 1.25 - Child's White Blucher Oxfords" 1.00 - Men's Dongola Blucher Oxfords " 2.00 - About 20 pairs Women's Dougola Slippers, reg. $1.25 to $1.75, for 75c tt ,1 .t 1t 1t $1.69 1.08 .78 .90 .78 1.10 Men's Hard and Soft Hats at Half Price. Caps at Half Price. $2.25 Hat for $1.12 .... $1.75 Hat for SSc .... $1,50 Hat for 75c 1.25 Hat for .03 .... 1.00 Hat for 50c .... .75 Hat for 38c .75 Caps for .38 .... .50 Caps for 25c .... .25 Caps for 13c Men's Summer Shirts, sizes 15, 154, 16, reg. price 75c -to cletir...32c Men's Flannelette Shirts, dark and light colors, all sizes 25c A Bargain In Toilet Paper. One large case Toilet Paper, regular price 10c roll -our price, 4 for 25c r mosieraxisErattonzwi i Take Advantage of Our CLEARING SALE Daring Stock Taking. Come and see these Goods. You'll be glad -you came. SHIRT WAISTS. -3 doz. only White Lawn and Mull Shirt Waists,• beautifully trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucks. A genuine snap. Reg. $1.75 -now $1.25. Reg. $1.50, for 99c. Reg. $1.25, for 75c. Reg. 75c, for 500. Black Sateen tucked Waists, regular $1.25 -now $1.00. UNDERSKIRTS. --Wide, lacy and very pretty. Rog. $2.00, for $1.75. Reg. $1.50, for $1.25. Reg. $1.25, for $1. AT COST. -Drawers, Corset, Covers and Night Dresses. DRESS MUSLINS.-Positively must go at any cost. Reg. 30c, for 20e. Reg. 20c, for 15c. Reg. 15c, for 10c. A BARGAIN IN CORSETS; --Celebrated D. & A. Corsets, straight and curved front, lace trimmed, good jean and easy fitting. Reg. $1.00, for 75c. Reg. 75e, for 50c. BLACK • SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS.• --Mast be cleared out. Extra wide pleated. Skirts, sunburst style. Reg. $1.50, for $1.20, Reg. $1.25, for $1.00. Reg. $1.00, for 60e. SHOES TO CLEAR. -120 pairs of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, to clear at 50c per pair. A SNAP IN TOWELLING. -23 inches wide, all pure linen. Special at 121•c -now 10 cte, AT REDUCED PRICES. -Laces, Embroideries, Collars and Belts, at greatly reduced prices. We sacrifice these goods to make room for fall COME1 arrivals. You may reap the benefit. C O E A N D S E E US 4 THE WINO HAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JULY LY 23, 1908. Great Reduction Sale FROM JULY 10th TO 31st. ♦+(o..+.400m440.*o04040o l4.••• Everything in our Furnishing Department at greatly reduced prices, Now is your chance to get values. We want money, and in order to get it, we are going to sacrifice our profits. Here are some of the prices :- ••••0110111011•11•1•10111. - . Hats Regular $3.00 and $2.50, hard or soft felt $1.75 Reg. $2, hard or soft felt.,$1.25 Reg, $1,50, " " ,$1.00 Straws $2.00 Sailor $1.75 " $1.25 c' .50 .25 cc it or Boater cc ec ec cc $1.40 $1.25 .75 (boys') .30 " .15 Linen and Canvas fiats Regular 75c 500 c c 50c 35c " 35c 25o Caps Regular $1.00 extra quality Tweed or Cravenette, at...65c Reg. 75c Auto and Golf 55c Reg. 50c " c c c 350 Reg. 25c, all styles 190 Shirts W. G. R., the best made. Reg. $1.75 and $1,50 Regat- ta. or Negligee Coat or otherwise $1.19 Reg. $1.25 and $1.00 .85 Reg. 75c and 85c .49 Wash Ties All 500 Ties now 35c All 25c Ties now 19e Wash Ties, Ascots, reg. 500350 Reg. 150 Strings. Underwear The Ellis Spring Needle, fin- est made, in Lisle, Fine Wool and Balbriggan. ,,.100 Regular $1.25 garment at.,.890 cc .75 " .,.54c Collars Rubber Collars, any style, regular 25c Linen Collars, regular 20o Regular 15c any style, 19c 14c 100 Hose Regular 500 black and fancy Cashmere and Silk mixed..38c Reg. 26c Cashmere, Lisle or Fancy Cotton 190 Reg. 20c " c 150 Reg. 150 " t 100 Children's, Misses' and Youths' Hercules Stockings in all sizes from 5 to 10, extra gcod wearers, clearing these out at and below bottom prices. Fancy Vests Extra quality and make. Regular $3.00 at $1.98 cc $2.50 at $1.75 $1.75 and $1.50$7.19 $1.25 .84 u c; cc .50 " ...38c it .25 " .,.19c Pants Tweed, Worsted, Flannel and White Duck. Reg. $3.50, cream flannel with green stripes $2.25 Reg. $2.25 Pants $1.75 Reg. $1.65 and $1.50 $1.25 OVERALLS Reg. $1.25, black or blue.....98c Reg. $1.00, with or without bib 750 Reg. 75c, with or without bib 60c Sweaters, Work Shirts, Belts, Gloves, Jewelry, Umbrellas, Armlets, Garters, Night Shirts, Handkerchiefs, etc. Every- thing at a great reduction for cash. Tailoring a Specialty. We're going out of Children's Wear. Conte, we'll almost give them away. Robt. Tailor and Men's 1 Furnisher to • 2 i 1 •••••••••••••••444.4,444144.44.4”-$10•10.414-44.001444000.... 4.4.44as*•414s•o*,oa®s 00.114®ssa Goal Coal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which has no equal. Also the beat grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No. 64 Mill c' No. 44 We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. J. A. 1oLEAN SUBSCRIBE FOR NORTH HURON'S' LEADING PAPER -- The WinhamAdvance $1.00 PER ANNUM Or 40c until January lst, 1909. Money placed in your care, temporarily or otherwise, by relative, friend or organiz- ation, should at once be deposited In a Savings Bank- for your own pro - Vo Invite such trust deposits. • `GINGHAM BRANCH 0. P. S ]tITH AGENT Morris. gip mud ant Ab b mmmcc Theo. Halt, - Proprietor. Et to tat --Favorable weather assures an, un- precedented wheat yield in the west. It was known that the acreage under wheat had been largely increased --the added areas is just 168,000 acres in the three pralrie provinces. The season is now so far advanced, that we may say that the most glowing anticipations aro certain to be realized. The only remaining contingencies relate to hail. and frosts. As the season is ear lier than usual, frost at least is not likely to injure the crop. What this all means to the business outlook of Canada the dullest observer can see. With a crop of 110,000,000 to 120,000,- 000 bushels of wheat, 90,000,000 to 100,- 000,000 will be av4Lilable for export. Deduct the cost of /might to Liver- pool, and put the price in the western elevators as low as you please, an en- ormous sum of money must very soon be at the command of western farm- ers, which will quickly find its way in- to the various channels of trade. COUNCIL MINUTES. Council met on July llth ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The Court of Revision on the Gras - by drain by-law resumed business. Mr. Sinclair of Brussels was heard on behalf of the G. T. R. Co. in the matter of their appeal, after which Engineer Roger gave his reasons for making the assessment on' the com- pany's lands. Campbell -Shaw -That the assess- ment made by the engineer on G.T.R. lands be confirmed, and that the Court of Revision on said drainage by-laws be now closed -carried. Taylor-McOutcheon-That By-law No. 4, known as the Mason drain by- law, be finally passed -carried. A request from the village of Wal- ton was presented, stating that a com- plete system Of concrete sidewalks was being constructed in the village, and asking for the payment of their accrued statute labor tax amounting to $102, also for a grant of $100 toward the work -carried. - McCutcheon-Campbell-That $100 be granted Walton, also that the amount of their accrued statute labor tax be paid toward the work -carried. Reports on the Johnston and Mc- Donald drains were read according to notice and the Clerk instructed to prepare by-laws for the sante. Tenders were received for the con- struction of the Mason and Grasby drains, and on motion of Taylor and Campbell, the tender of Wm. Con- nelly for the Grasby drain, and that of Jno. Curtin for the Mason drain, being $1,467 and $661 respectively, were accepted, being the lowest. Council then adjourned to meet again on 10th August next. W. Clark, Clerk. fr- � . Teach Yourself Now For Your Owu..$'our Children And Your Friends Sake. .«« -The probable expenditure for this Dominion for this year is alarming, and should startle the country, or at least, arouse the electors to realize the tremendous pace that has been set for this country of about six millions. of population. The following is a fairly accurate statement of the amounts ;- Main estimates $119,237,091 Supplementary estimates10,665,657 Supplementaries for year before '5,329,033 Seed grain 2.8550,000 Bounties (estimated) 2,500,000 Bridge subsidies 800,000 Railway subsidies (say)12,500,000 Quebec bridge 14,500,000 Bond guarantees, yearly (liability.) 277,095 Diseased parts of the air passages can best be reached by dry air. The bronchial tubes and lungs can only be reached by dry air. Hyomoi is a dry air treatment from which you get the Balsatnic effect of living in the fine and 1Lucalyptic Forests, where catarr- hat and bronchial troubles do not exist. ilyome] destroys the germs that cause disease of the breathing organs ; you simply by the use of a rubber in- haler, *nix llyetnei air with your in- ward breath. as It reaches the diseased parts where catarrhal, bronchial cretin or pneumonia germs are multiplying by millions their life is snuffed out, a.s they are the disease, their extermina- tion means quick irprovetnent. Walton 111cltibhon hent the agency for I-Iyornei and will furnish the cony fete outfit for 61.00 tinder guarantee to satisfy. $168,659,476 If this money is all expended, and with a falling revenue it probably will be, we shall spend $473,762 or nearly half a million dollars, every day of the'"year. Besides this, the debt will be increased by the building of the Grand Trunk' Pacific. Can the country stand such a gait as that? Even some Liberals are aghast at the tremendous expenditure by a Govern- ment that pledged itself to reduce the expenditure several millions. , .....,...„....,_ 'Pews Items. w ---Tile attendance at the Moorefield cantpirteeting has broken all previous records. -Ooderich is to have a ''College of Music under the direction of Mr. J. E, Jordan and three other teachers. Agnes, relict of the late Andrew Quaid of Colborne township, died last week, aged 9R. She and her husband were pioneers of the township, having settled there in 1801. -Architect Binning, LiatCiwel, who prepared the plans for the new library building at Listowel, bas been commissioned to prepare plans for a $10,000 building at Harriston and a $4,000 one at Mitchell, -W. K. Loth, Milverton, who had between $40 and $50 taken from bis till a couple of weeks ago, has had most of the money returned to him with a promise that the balance would be made up at an early date, -Exeter canning factory is compell- ed to work overtime in order to keep up with the supply of peas coming in. The two viners are kept busy and the packers worked all night Tuesday of last week. The average pack per clay is 30,000 cans, -The surveys for the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway are now com- pleted from Goderich to Kincardine. It is expected that the work of con- struction will commence either in the latter part of the present month or in the beginning of August. -Goderich postoffice is being fitted with new letter boxes, and hereafter box -holders will use a combination instead of a key to open their boxes. Each box will,• of course, have a dif- ferent combination, and it is expected that the new system will be an improvement over the old one. -The Crown Lands Department of Ontario has opened the townships of Bowman, Hislop and Benoit for set- tlement under the new bill of last ses- sion, which gives the settler every- thing. The newly surveyed town- ships are described as agricultural. The homesteads will be 100 acres, at 50c per acre. One-quarter of the amount must be paid in cash, and the settler must reside three years on the property, clear ten per cent. of it, and. erect a house. -One of the questions asked today is "Will there be a Dominion election this fall ?" The indications are that there will be. The present is the tenth parliament of the Dominion, and only two parliaments have lasted the full five years -the first and the seventh. It is almost an unwritten law that parliament shall be dissolved a year ahead of the term allowed by the constitution. But dull times came, and it was thought that it was not wise to rush an election. But the scene has changed. The magnificent crop prospect in the west has come just at the right moment. A month or two later, all the wheels of com- merce and industry may be humming. The only reason for the postponement of the elections has vanished. Be- sides, we have the usual election signs in promises of public buildings, rail- ways, wharves, canals, extensions of boundaries for Quebec, Manitoba and Ontario. Millions upon millions are promised, and that too with the ex- penditure already at the $138,000,000 mark. Can these promises be fulfill- ed ? Ought they to be considering the tremendous expenditure bordering on the 140 millions, whereas twelve yeard ago it was about .a hundred millions less, and this same Government prom- ised to reduce it by several millions annually. Brussels. Last Sabbath, Rev. D. Perrie, of Winglram, occupied the pulpit of Mel- ville church. The pastor was at Wingham. Mrs. A. Currie had a home grown tomato that measured 11i, inches. Good growing for this season of the year in the open garden. Brussels Civic holiday, Aug. 4th. An excursion will be run by special train to Kincardine that day -the annual Sunday School outing.. Doc. Moore has been bothered dur- ing the past week with a somewhat used up arm from blood. poisoning. The trouble is disappearing under the treatment applied, Several 'gardens have been raided by young men on the lookout for fruit and vegetables. One lady has decided to put a. lnar'k on the next gang of trespassers visiting her place. A move ie on hand to organize a local Ministerial Association with Brussels as the centre. With this idea a meeting of all interested is call- ed for Sept. 13th at 2,30 o'clock, in Melville Church. Miss Dora Smith, who had charge of the Entrance class, sent tip 10 pit, pile, all of whom passed, 14 taking honors, and Edith Deadman winning the Scholarship with 5$5 marks out of a possible 650, the highest in the in. alleetbrate. The contract of painting and fresco- ing the walls and ceiling Of Brussels Methodist Chtirch and painting the ex- t to .been le pier, woodwork, etc, hes to ,w w , , W. 0. Smith of town, at $30.1,00 and is to be completed in four weeks. The seats, wainscoting, eta., are to ba var.. Melted, W INGI-JAM General Hospital, lUuder Government Inspection.) Ops n� tottla lsiregularl Il licensed y1)�hysiciaa s. hates for patients (which Inclutlo board and nursing] ..-$3,60 to. $1k.W per week, according to looatiou of room. li'or further intern -la. tion -Address C. P. R. MAGNIFICENT NEW STEAMER "S. S. ASSINIBOiA" IS UPPER LAKES CHAMPION. The latest addition to the Canadian Pacific's Upper Lake fleet is . the "Assiniboia," now in active commis- sion, and on her first voyage she has proved herself to be not only the largest and most modern passenger vessel on the Upper Lakes, but also the swiftest. She will sail from Owen Sound at 5.50 p.m. every Saturday for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William, the connecting express train leaving Toronto at 1.50 p.m. The "Assiniboia" has luxurious accom- modation for 250 cabin passengers, with five cabins de luxe (private baths) spacious dining saloon, observation, drawing and smoking rooms and many new features conducive to pas- sengers comfort. Intending passen- gers should make early application to local 0. P, R. agent for accom- modation. DOINION BAKI HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. MISS J. E, WELOII Superintendent, Box 223, Wtagham, ORt. ARTHUR J, IRWIN D.D,s., L,D.s. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block - Capital (paid up) - . $3,976,000 Reserve (aid IVO- - $5,297,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. • Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vasetone, Solicitor, PROPERTIES FOR SALE W. J. PRICE B,S.A., Ilonor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Det tel Surgeons of Ontario. Oxrxes )v BRAYER BLOCK - WINonen Frame Cottage Minnie St. Frame Cottage Patrick St. Frame Cottage North St. Fraise Cottage Frances St. Frame 4 Story Victoria St. Frame 4 Story Edward St. Frame 4 Story...-. . ... Scott St. Frame 2 Story Minnie St. Brick t Story Victoria St. Brick 1 Story John St. Erick 2 Story (new)...Victoria St. Brick 1 Story.........Josephine St. Frame 16 Story.. Frances St. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. Properties in Pleasant Valley, tower Town, Town Plot, -Greenville, OlriS- holmtowln and in the central parts of the town. CALL AND SEE US, WE CAN SUIT YOU. DON'T ALL SPEAK A'.e ONOE11 Choice Farms at right prices and nidi easy terms. INSVIIANWE-A11 kinds. FARM LOANS -row rates, Ritchie & Cosens REAL, ESTATE AND ISi1RARCE WXNORAli Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st Those who know hest the merits of this school are its staunchest supporters. ELLIOTT /glad/ jA TORONTO, ONS'. This college stands First in Popularity, Thoroughness and Genuine Merit. Go where you will, you'll find our graduai es pushing to the front. Their superior train- ing enables them to Get and tlold flrbt, class positions. College open all summer. Enter any time. write for catalogue. W. 1'. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Cor, Yonge & Alexander Sts. Fall Term Opens Sept. 1 CENTRAL STRATFORD,. ONT. Tho sooner you complete a course in this school the sooner you may expect hold a position of trust. Our courses are thorough and practical. Our students always succeed. We assist graduates to positions. We have three departments - Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphic, We employ experienced instructors. . Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PN(NCIPm-8 CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the 1st Thursday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p.m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance aro solicited. Ask to see our rates from any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men. Rxv. T. S. BOYLIt T. E. ROBINsoN Leader Roc. Secretary W. J. WYLss - Flu. Secretary • Agents For Ladies' Home Journal Patterns The People's Popular Store Kerr & Bird Agents For The Ladies' Noma Journal The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper. Are you a sub- scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1 per year. 4l•NN4N•44l•NeNN•N• 1 You Make A Mistake If you buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices dud taking into account the quality of the instrument. All the best makes always in stock - Heintzman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Also Orgens, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell Stand -Opp. Skating Rink s H Protection and Safe IllYestment ARE COMBINED IN The Endowment Policies --ell,- The Dominion Life A sound,, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1900- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent - Wingham. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYIIIOHTS te.. Anyone sending is skater and deserintlon suns 4utokty asoertatn our opinion free weenier an tarentIon s probably o ton ble C`ommuntat. Lion,,trtotl' oontldenttel HANa81'lsla on Patents sentfree. most agency fSor coeur na patents. tyeecccttnoaks. without through Moan in the o. waive $Citntifie , mertratt. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ale. elation t any satene)i4, ycenrns . Terme for )node 4b w yoar,poatage prepaid, doll by S i e4Ier . $.itieolitltrtty,� ,�,�� �( roti(1d6 ' $t : Isit slid" . Highest Prices Paid, iFbr Produce. T. A. Mills WINGHAM