HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-16, Page 70,WV"Vv_1-__F7*_717 ___?7""r"PW"VV11;T 17WI-77111 _; 1_1�, -4��- - - 1-9— I 'W"w— W7711MJ;�,- 1 1 � -.,�t Y, Im" __ - -------,- ___._ _ � ___
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. 'The OrAllgeme I - '' - , � . ,;� , :1 �7 * - ': 4 : I , 0.1 ,._ - . . . -1 � _ I
It deserve credit," he I llu, luedleal jurisprudenee and 134.11i. , Green Fruit Worm an
vlared. "Theya decently tow,ar� op tary science, in plitce of I)r. 1). T, Bill. � a oyater Mloll DA
DALAI LHAMA " .. , cted, ai' END OF UMERICKS ' 1% 14OU40,
�Ve . '.
I never saw Anything. botter Yet, it; UNION -JACK R Pat A DOLLARA WO,mp.
, elalri. Woodstoolt,; I)r, W. 1, Dradley, FiDITIM11 VII -Op Contiltio-na'The UnItea ftJ " OF OIL I
have 110thilig to Complain of about tile , I Ottawa, (11808013 of childroll all(I Olin. I . , L A " UE
01`31190,111ell themselves, and I think the), Stateq will 113ve otily gil average 0 '
* lain.0, !oal. In p1400 of Dr, JT, Newoll, WlIt� British C , ,rally distributed ovorro!"01 . ' ?4id`bySCr49T`t'$ FQr '
. A WANDERER JuINT nothing to collIll OLD GLORY, ford; J)I,. IV. 8, 0,)dy, M111111ton, 110m, , . �ourt (f 'Appeal, Declare$ but very gone
— street cars, It )%,As f against tile lo growim districts, ,rve prospeotB IN FLAMES0, Th4t Will he 1. I
�- , just 48 tile last of o0ovathle examiliar, Ill placo of l5r, Them, Illegal.. 1(1(11T8toVk sul able for mar"ting during
the procession lett the corner of Youge " . . � , Rgosevelt's S ry,
13ritith Troops' En W. A, movall, Toronto, and Dr. Cate about . . 0
, .try Into I
� Unlisa, and Qrosv,enor streets, that tile power Race, for the PQ I tile NdIltor Inentils, would lildi I
Do'!ecr4ted � We . _ jeS Rg(Woo" = V, Qlaflf, Aylittel-, asaistant .1 'I'll ,rop of Somewhat loss.- 1140ft Than 4 $quare , "'.1"
,ge L � Mile Ii
lit of f.11 Vathio oxamindr, in place of Limericks Are Lotter lin a" � � , I, Vera I
.. the City, " Tile prosilects lot, appleg, Ill Great jjrj-
� Well, whY (lid it go, offt" Asked tile Peary .4 Dr. R. , ics, And -
.,Ila Shack � I _ Out X , ,Jul. — I 'Pric.4
�_ I , � 1pton, W. Sclinarr, Dorlin, tain and for the fruit, a Cruz 14 * �014ze. Now , orl; V Ia. 'rile
reportOrl "DIa tile company not shut . , 110 F illance committee, crop generally Ar ,
oft a r reporting A44 of the LAW, " Particularly good, an . Charles Scribner's Sells will ptty J,re5t. -
A4d the I&amA Ila$ Re it e iberately7l;t through Dr. R. H4. Ning. Toronto, ' . 4 there tire , no seri-
.fused to "We ordereq It off)" retut,lied Mr, Each L- ager t I - — ous adverse conditlom reported from it dellt Roosevelt for hij accoun
, �o N 'Owed a bItluncO On deposit' to tile � Cause$ tht Greatest .. t. of ilia
_ Hoist the NationAl the Continent. I .. . Terror
Flowing, "At 404lego atte0t; eVety car . � credit, of the College of Pltygiciana and The Advertising World says: By . '.
Resid . A. MoNcIll, liturthug trIP through the Afrimn jungle
r, _ e There, got through on tittle; at Queellt practi. Flag oil Them, Surgdons of Ontario of $28,359,41 in the I their decision on Tune 10, in the ca-io Chief Fruit Division', . Amopt the Natives, I Is 016- highest ever given to all, guthor
I __ cally the Smile, But w1ken ono of' our I ,_ .;_ A " Sterling Dank, $10,000 in the Imperial - of Blyth v. Rulton & Co., Limito(L I for a work of pit"Ilar longth,
- of 00als wbilt to thb Volikei 61 13iLtiturst , Bank, and $10,000 in the Bank, of I /, � :�
d QIllovall. St?Odts )to f a al, el#, -4i despatch to the Not Only will the President receive A �`
'lie is Now Wandering Over China at ound it 0 t with Canada is NO a IDisintgrested, Look, w1ontre tile Court of appeal has put an end to I Illin Sum of between $00,OW, , and.
. ta tolk-Ur smaslied and the crowd in The sessional allowance of member OFFICIAL TESTS ADMITTED. Tribhuinclotg7loijal Mexico City. Says: A jake
A' With it Large Reti I I �s the "limerick" boom. After it great . .1 . go
. I Ones, fuil force blooking'the tracks. It was ' or -on, However, wits fixed tit $40, and tile session -was deal of O�x ressed doubt by tlio law Tho Tjohitela-Frieslan Association ot Of 'oil, covering till area, of Ili re than.1 $70A he privileges, but Ito
Q X will also get a high royalty on the
some of the Orange Young Britons who . comPute(I as six days. el , �
. __ Tito comnlit. officers of -lie crown do,wit to Stipend- Canada bas adoilWed to tile record of Square Wfle and of unknown depth It, book into which, tile magazine artioles �
Pekin) Saturday, Ma,y 30. --Ill tile had commence(I a row, and their friends Now York, July 13,11then Cum too recominell(led that Mr, Chas, Rose lary magistrates, Lords Tustices Vau. merit tile following tests,
,dll and "'al" rQCOlV8, As ,Public proseoutor ams, Moulton and Ba , the State of Vora Cruz, is on fire, It will be Incorporated, It was learned on
I;, _ u` lot Of IlOodlulus kept it up, Out' del' Ilobort Z Peary boal( 'Ar ti $ oo , - , the sum gilan Willi � o1c.
kP009 of 1004 Sir V, raucia ar(L . 'IN 1116 C -0 of 1.2 per aunuin, Inica, Mercedes. DeXot (1828) at loy. - has been burning for five days, . and. has it good, authority that tltfa royalty is not
)C011ughusbitild, of the Britisli army, le official asked Police Inspootor :Dickson ,t . r Roosevelt at Sydney, Cape Bre. Tito assets total $?0,52 ley have decided that Higoriek cornpi3. 7m. 17d. of age, 432,0 lbs. milk, 16.05 I lower titan 25 per cent. on gross Sales,
(I to put the crowd back, but lie refused a ""no 0.41, and lla� - titions carried on under Ordinary eon> 48- create(! thO Wildt'st terror ainong tile a
a Driti6h column over tile Itimultaiii to interfere. fNo,o lie said) ,Pm not go- ' tell, tills week and starts oil ilia exped'" bilitiO5 $12,600, leaving a balance in ditionti ara lotterl ; and butter fat, equivalent to 18.70 Ills. but, natil-es of that 13ectioll. nd is 11"ObablY as high as 30 per cent..
Passcs Of tile llllilah�yjls and fought Ili, Ing to have a riot here. I won't; lot the . f4vor of tile college of $67,025,41, The I �v 101OW, tire Meg" lotteries, ter. I I 'fit(% blaze is Tile contract for Scribner's was so�
. 0 al. The doolsion cured by Itobort Bridges, of that firm,
\vV iato tile holy city *01 Lhassit 11, cars go through,' Ili a moment Mon In Search of the Nortll Polo, all Ia- report carried. is announced at a tiino when these Nancy Wayne, of Riverside, 4th (6318) soon for inore than 2oo ,aIles (It $Oa, ae.
. � , Ile dittea witit the President last Tues-
. or two torntitional race to tile uttermost Onds I : :r . Competition$, conducted in Triany at 2y. 11111. 23d. of go, 374,0 lbs. I1111R, - cording to navigators. Who Jl4ve arrived day and put tie offer of his house7 be -
there was a little break in tile crowd, - I
thill OY0 of all true Buddhists tills was and 0 of the earth will be oil., Peary hope Cases with great profit to both nows� 111.1-01 lbs. btittol, fatIn
ur 31r. McCulloch tried to got the 8 . equivalent to 14.01 at Vora, Cruz and Tampico. Tito scene fore him, The price paid is nearly $1
(leseeration, and. ever siaco then the cut, through, but the mob would not let to carry the Stars an Str pea to tile LODGE ARRESTED, papers . lbs, 1putter�
A 'I and advertisers, have shown a of tile fire is about; 75 in -Ales east of a word for flic magazine privileges, alon ,
Dalai Lhama, tile religious head of tile him. Tito policemen were afraid. They North Pole, while a British Antarctic marked decline in Popularity. it Toltilla Echo DoHol Stli (6 0
, . I 102"91y' T I The publishers expect that ,It jellat
bu,ldhist falth and ruler of Thlbet, has were a lot -of cowards. ,!list put that ' expedition, commanded by 11, 'low bOh0Ov0S the ingenious adver- 1110' 20d. of age. 350,5 lbs. iuillc, 11.27 amlllcO, It !Q rcInOtO from any Aver 200,000 . col
� Lieut, Er 'butter fat, equivalent to 13,13 Ali oil field was boln , pies of' the article in book
down. We ]lad 20 cars there when the , tising practitioner to think of soine Ills. . lbs, g developed at that
� Cat 11. Shackleton, is trying to place tile .% I form will be disposed of. As these are
Ina, power was shut off. other -plan for interesting .lid amus- butter. pIQC0 by tile Pennsylvania Oil Co., wiliell to be sold at about $2, a volume, tile
twit it wanderer uvOr northern Chi Accused of Stealing ,&a Outfit -at
lie would mot stay In Ilia city after tllq j, _- 1. Union Jack of the. British Illuipire at Port Perry. illw the public, which shall be within , Toitilla DeXol Sarcastic (0189) t 3S is composed of Pittsburg mcn7 The coin- Piesideot will secure an additional $1 a
feet oZ hifidels had trodden its sacred . tile scope of tile jaw. lin. 541, of age, $22.1 lbs, milk, I!." r�
00 degrees South, * 03, Jbs, Vany ]lad bored it num.bor of wells, and word, This is the record rate, Ripling
"V� (2011seqUOntlY, accompanied by. a THE- KING AND Lieut.-. Sliackleton and party left Loll- Tile care which lia§,brought about butter fat, equivalent to 12,87 lbs. but, all Of them )Vero, floating oil lit I'll -go caused considerablp comment when: he
� ' this 'decision aroso through it I ter. quantities. Tile
Atuaniorous retinue, Ile startea on his ivaii. .Vorouto, out., July 13.? -Frederick J itil- . product; Was placed tit domanded 25 cents a word for his stories.
I tAvrings through China and Ajougaila, all ' do July 0, 1907, oil board tile Niturod erick competition Promoted bv Messrs, A�g earthern storage tauke preparit,tory to
t'xpellsive and unwel(,,ome guest at tile KEIR HARDIE. 3 isitc4lit barkentille. Slitickleton is an ,Tjodlre, WIlio wa,s foitijd bound and brilisea' . licd.0(f R*v - *do ')I'd (7242) itt ly,
lom 7 )f 0 .7� 1 �: � I
officer of the 131-itish navy, and before frole' I 13. Hulton & Co., Limited, proprietors �Nc�, 74.3 lbs. milk, 8.3$ 16�, shipment, . I "
I . 11 a benti ig lie ]lad reevived near Poilb of a journal ,called Ideas, in which butter,'fat, equivalent to 0,78 lbs, but- A Cureless workinan accidentally set
various cities where lie elected to stop. leaving London, 1(1119 Edward b&towed Perry, it" 111111,3L.If bowt takoll into Qua. tW8 competition was. kdvortisod, A ter. fire to
Now tile Lhama is comill- to pel * SAVED HER LIFE
where, as a : 0 In THE LABOR LEADER DECIDES TO upon him tile Victorian Order. He was first prize ,one of tile wells and the flallics rZ.
tuatter of faci, lie wilNo tody by Provincial Dt-tOotive Miller. Ile Of 4300 was offered for MI. the above cattle are od by IV, were counnunicated to tile underground I
� ASK FOF! EXPLANATION. it member of the British Antarctic ex- tile -WillIlOr of a limerick competition,
A0 MOM welcome than 110 wits Ili other . I J. Richardson, Caledonia. own fell,
t�4tics, Pf 1902-03 under Capt. Scott, is Charged with horso stealing, it is tul- -tile The , ing reservoir of. oil, A terrific explosion oc- Chatham Child's Mother Had Got
winner to be the Sender of a last are owned by Byron Kelly, Xelvin, Ont.. carred, whicli uplifted tile cartli!s our. � I
pod lege(I thal; after Ills roeover� Perfection's Schulling (6051). fit �y
.1 a-alti,ov'I'th his -commander �ana another . . . . front tile line Selected by ilia editor. There were .
Political expedient, however will Will Resign and Run Again—Goneral- momber of tile part� accomplished a 121,1111.10S re(Tived tit the hands o( lit$ I,,,.,. also Second, tilird and fourth prizes, Ilin. 27d. of age, 3110 lbs. nillk, 9.94 lbs: face throughout tile entire field, The ex. I Posted,
Port Port - butter fat, equivalent to 11.6o ilia. tilt-
tuAkO it II(Tessary for the Cj)illelso all. ly Understood That Socialist Sledge journo _ sallauts lie persuaded it liver �, 111.1 11 at till([ in their advertisou lent tile pro plosloz, was heard 75 miles distant. Tile,
thoritles to receive ]ilia with a Show of Y with dogs to 4 polat 82 _t,
great courtesy, but they will do their Leader's Disloyalty on India degrees 17 minutes South latitude, Peary -y to let 111111 liuve It ii'urse nucl Prietors announced: "Bosides OlI c0l'11?4111�1 lost $200,000 worth of nul- I ..
utmost to 1301-suade him to return t; ' reached a point ST d rig, Tito ou'ofit I those - ter. chinery, and tile oil which has been burn- Chatham, Olit.,despatell. Because Mrs.
Troubles Lod to King's Action. ogrees 6 minutes ic !a ftceused of seiiiii., Wo shall solid sovereigns to one bull- �
0 , north oil April 2 , 61 . d readers by way of consolatidn.,, 11,11 11 illions of barrels,, (Aiarles Haskell, living near Chatham,
Lhassa, and If they call once , 1 100 at Alarkhaut for $30. Dotectivo Ajjllo',� dre - Daisy Princess (4021) at 4y, ell will total In Tile
get him to Sbackleton took with him a specially believes bint to be tile, Spin C d. of ,age, 405,7 tbs, milk, 14.97 Whole field will be de9troyed, -had read aboutanti,actesup I
—It is A ,curious POIltIcRI built motor Sledge, which lie hoped t; Was convicted of hiring a horse at Ijujil- editor's deciNion must be lit all cas3s butter.
'start fur 1101110 tile)' Will send along a London, July 12. ' o mail who 110 Of tile conditions w -as that "the Ills, butter fat, equivalent to 17.50 lbs. I - �, , . " linst poison
Inibiorous force of troops to see that Ile allom,,ly that all Invitation to the Iclag"' use. in his polar.dash, and a number of lltoii and Selling it lit Woodstock. . accept -d ,is final.,, Competitors, were Jude's 140clithilde PORCI; (7�k shu was able to save rerlittle child front
reaches there, without Istopping unduly garden party should raise a gravo collett- Siberian ponies, in addition to a pack of �j : j required to solid 6d, along with , 15) at ly. $10-000 FIRE death by Poisoning yesterday. Tie little ,
� -on Cite, way. . 'i I
tuti,onal auestion lit iliese Islands. The ca'Dis I up l0ni. 21d. of age, 202.3 tbs. itillk, 8.14 lbs, . girl Swilill0ved a, half te")oOnful of
I ring sonic blue dye, jull"iately falling into
I '11VOIS Ur. has already tpld that the labor party Ia tile dogs I the words, "I agree to abide by the butter fat, equivaletit to 0 .10 lbs. butter.
The Lhamr� has taken his tl (logs. Peary will use oil y Zsklmo�4 and cO On cut trom, the paper boa I .
'Ously, and has ]lad with him a retillue House of Commons padssed. a. resolution or . BAPTIST U rNff 0 N a d A Z t, AT HENDRIES. Convulsions. Tile mother at onto adjuin-
Before leaving London Lieut. Shack- . Oclsi011 , - - and accept it as .
variously estimated al; frout five ijun� protest against the exclusion of Xolr Hardto JOLOn was presented by Queen Alexan- filial," � Istered copious quantities of 11111,Stard. I
dred to one thousand men. This pomp from the liang's visiting list, but new we Tito first nrize was awarded to it V ,rile physici
dra with a British flag to carry with STILL AT ODDS. all$ say the Jilustai-4 saved I
is porliaps.fitting fur the head of all are told that Air. Hardie has .'Wkod the Lord Rev. Dr. Macdonald Addresses Air, Masterynan, and was Subsequent- TO STABLES DAMAGED TO tile child's life. . —
Obamborlain why -he wa's iiot,lnvlted, and It V clainied by a Mr, Blyth, who 11 . I -1, - A
the Buddhists but to entertain such a him on his southern dash. About the . ad TORON A LARGE EXTENT'. ,
0 y ex. tbo answer is not satisfactory, the labor can Revolution 94vo Commander Peary . NO RECONCILIATION BETWEEN SPO
host in the luxurious manner the same time the Daughters of the Ameri- Convention In Cleveland. sent in a line identical with that KE THROUGH THE AIR.
POOL has been both expensive and trou. leadar will resign .and offer himself as a with which received the prize, lvl,., . . — .
0 Ing
candidate for re-election on tile straight Is- f silk, and consisting of the Stars and Cleveland, O., July 13.—A, rc-uuioll of 'Myth brought on action claim' Now Supplies of Feed, Etc., Wireless Telephone Successful oLi
,,,blesomo for the Chinese officials upon it beautiful liberty and peace flag, made BERESFORD AND $COTT.
. �vholn the Lhama has descended and de. sue of "the King V�. the people's r Destroy. I
S-'300, and at tile first hearing of tile ' od, But All the Horses - Were New York.
tive. " it is further announced that In this Calladlan delegates and a programme case judgment -was given for the di- Taken out Safely,
tuanded.hospitality lit the name of hia op'eseat'- Stfilles surrounded by a broad field of
kilgh office. white, to carry with him to the north. Beresford's Enemies Say He is Out of -
event the whole labor party will go to Mr. made tip of Canadian opeakers were the folidants, and it -was against that judg- Date—Must Not be Allowed to Now York, July 13—One of the long- I
� r4wer since the Lhama started on his Hardic,s aistrict—Morthir Tydv1IW support - ::7 features of tile last session of the "Ont that Mr. Blyth appealed.- Impair the Efficiency of the Navy - Tor -onto, July lg,_AbOut 8 O,c ' Cat strides towards placing experimental
,� travels tho*Chineso throne has tried to him.' such a contest, it it talces Pines, would THE LION Off JIUMAH. ,seventeenth annual convolltion of tdic e Tito appellant's enso was that tile His Resignation Wanted. 14 lOck wireless telephony ora & commercial .
,_$ break tip his caravan and send him back command unlutte- political interest. ditor, by selecting the line he did, . — st 'light f'rO broke Out lit tile Stables
, to Lhassa, but without success. The It Is a -pity 'that tile verdict cannot be tak- ___ Young People's 'Union here yes- had decided in his favor.� In answer . I Of .the Ifendric basis Was mude yesterday, when short
Cilluose G;vornment 681res to reorgan . On from tile country at large, for -the re-. "'I'll'st J. A. Macdonald, editor of tile to a question front the beliell, con I CM48ge Company, at 11102sages were transmitted from Now-
n- London, July 12.—A thousand and tile foot of Peter st'tcct, and (lid dam- ark and received at the Singer building
ize the administration of Thibet, but it SUlt Would be the climplete extinotion of this Dreamer Sharpe's Mission With �111,rit'y'to CAlobe Toron-t-o, Ont., was tile sel said it was a lotterY if 'the editor in
.1 I . "I
can do Nothing without the Lhama's peculiar figure In i3ritish politics. -There is principal speiaer. To:morrow tile dOle. chose one of two idant one reports have found publication this ago to the extent Of abOut $10,0W. The this city, a distance of twelve miles.
. ical lines, arid � I
Stables had been locked for A. Frederick Collins, tile inventor of , .
�co-operatjon. 'rile throne, is therefore no doubt that Mr. Hardie Was intentionally Rifles and Pistola as Aids. -,Yates will take a ride oil J.,ake Eric. contended that in order to avoid tile week regarding the inuninpilit resigna- the night, the -new wireless system, declared him.
itow resorting to blandishinvilts to bring excluded frgia this annual function by the — . , he place for holding noxt year's con, lOtt IT acts the rospondiltits had made tions of Lord. Charlep Beresiord and
�v 0 tile last team to go club being a royal self delighted Avith the experiment, which
. him to Pekin, Ovelf thoug'a lie is not, Klug'a express order, 1171jere Is some ground vention will -be decided oil later by the tile conditions doubtful, pretending
- .
;really wanted here, Ili the ultimate hope also for the Labor party's contention that .Elkhorn, 3%faxi., July 12.—INTIth rifles executive continittee. that the decision -h Sir Percy S5cott, and other probable mail wagon, a low millutes before eight, will b- continued
- . .1lould go by inerit; an I -improbable scope. � . to�day and widened in I
that it can persuade him to go back this was a semi-offiWaland not merely a so- over their shoulders 'and pistols in their -1 -_ I but Lord Justice Willian)s observed developments of the And it is a mystery how the blaze Start .
home. alai snub to their leader. They see, in it, thvc- beltsi the little army of Adamites, march- that that implied discrimination atl,-1 quarrel between the Chiefs of the British c d. It was first noticed by IN For tile tests. of yesterday only one re.
No Dalai Lhaina luts ever before left fore, kvlolmtlon of the jealously guarded re- .. . I lie saw no obligat! I nay.y. .. liss Mag. ceiver and .one transmitter were used.
oon, singing MIRRY THAW ' Olt uPon the editor gie Fraser, autighter of Mr. Robel:t Tile transmitter was at Nvewark and the
the region of Lhassa, and. witil one ex. striction which forbids tile sovereign byword ed through her� this aftern . R 0 to discriminat-, and l6ter oil lie ex- This weeles devriopments Ili the way Fraser, stable foreman for the company,
caption no Grand Lliallia, of whom there or act from Indicating any prefereoce In as thek walked. By the time they passed . presso(I the opininn that if an editor Of .Parliamentary questions and edl- whose residence almost adjoins the receiver at the Singer building, At in -
a are three, has ever visited Pekin. -This partisan or pulltical questions. it is quite through the town quite a crowd had ]lad tile right to choose which of two torial discussion throw no new light oil south end of the Stables. Miss Fraser tervals of a quarter hour short messages -
exception was lit 1779, ana tile visitor true that, popular as King Ddward undoubt- gathered, and the Dreamers took advall- Proceedings as to His Mental Con- persons 'who ]lad sent " Ili Adentical the matter. Beresford, it may be noted, was walking about in the yard, and ob- were sent over tile wire, but under the
died Of smallpc�\ immedititel'y af ter his edly Is, any fraction oil his part of that fund- tftge of the opportunity to do a little dition Postponed. lines should receive tile prize, it was however, does not stand so well with served a blaze through one of the win- circumstances answers could not be
arrival. amental constitutional rule woula instantly I missionary work. The band lined up it lottery, the public generally as lie did before dows of the hay -loft. She ran to the givej). .
The Dalai Lliallia is the 1.1th ruler of be deeply resented by lits subjects. and sang a hymn. Then their' leader . — , -1 I I . the public liecanio acquainted with, the Dominion Express Company) Attempts will be mit'de shortly to de -
the Buddhist Church. handed his rifle to the boy who stood White Plains, IN. Y, jilly 13 Proceed facts, and the charges made against s Office, volop tile system by the use of kite -
His personality Reir Hardie's extreme radical views arc — ' nearby, and telephoned the fire depart- lie
is shrouded Ili mystery, and not even notorious, and his friends pretend to be in 'beside hint -while lie addressed the crowd. ings Ili 11arry' K. Thaw's appl'ication 'for FRUIT CROP REPORT him in The Times of having nearly re- numb. . wn at Congers N. Y., where Inven.
I )Ila name is known. lie is said to be some doubt as to what Particular feature Re said that all shoftld be allowed . peated .the terrible 17jetorla-Camper-' The fire was confined to the '� tor Collins lives.' Tile kites will sup -
obstinate, and the throne does not ex- thereof offends the throne so bitterly. Some freedom of religion, but lie did not ON- ,,,, jury trial to determine his moiftal con- down blunder during the recent man- Storey of the buildin,g where top port a 'wire, just ,,is the Singer building
pect an easy time in,get6ing him to do of them assume that It %yas Ills opposition pect that they would fully realize that dition were to -day adjourned until the oeuvres.iii tile case there was tower supports one, and an effort will
'what it wants. He has been seen by a Dominion 19cpartment c f Agriculture gyll and Good I -lope has had its intend- a considerable quantity Of hay, grain be made to send messages in both dirce- �
to U10 King's Visit ,to tile Czar. This Is he (,Sharp) was a true prophet, He ad- ,Sept,aiiibor term of the Supreme Court of and straw Stored, a now supply having tioll,
few foreigners. disposed of by the fact that the member who witted that the carrying of firearms. de- �Arcstchcster County. This arrangciwtl�nt nd Cold Fd effect.. A naval correspondent wlIO been put in only a lew days ago. This S. -
�� - I' o ened the opposition debate In the House tracted from his glory, buti he *could not Was entered into before Judge Mills by I is in a position to know the exact facts Was pi-aebicallv all destroyed, and the The Newark -New York messages were
� p - give tI . lent ill) until God ]lad told him, to Thaw's counsel and JAStrfeE .&Vtorney Storage Commis3ioner. of this incident furnishes an loss is estimaied at over $3,000, There Sent between three phosphor-brolize
a the subJect was invited and went to Wind- account of
TIOCRONTOb FAIRADD EE 0 -so,)r. The Eame Is true of other Radicals and do so. Christ had come to eartit. as A Jerome, of N'mv York. In tile meantime I I kt differing materially froni any 'Previ- were about 200 horses in tile stable wires Strung horizontally from the Col-
Socialsts whose views , dove. INTow, through hint lie came as the Thaw will remain in the cifistody of Shot,. , ously printed. lins laborator� at 54 Clinton street, .
0 are presundably' in- Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Douk- f Weather coliditions—The weather During the when the fire broke out, on the ground Newark, and it thin aluminum wire run.
tousely repugnant to f,be King. The reason if Chalfler, Of DuC31ess county, and will recent, manoolivres the floor ,and the first floor. These were ning -vertically front the top of the flag-
D AND m hobors were the lost tribe of Judah, and � first crulKer squadron ,of the Channel
ust be sought elsewhere, and It is fairly . itay in the jail at Pouglitreepsie. conditions thrutighout the Dominion gotten out without much difficulty, as
. POWER TURNED OF. obvious to all those familiar wIth Mr. Harde*s lie -was going to redeem them from their -1 -, I � for the past nionth have been gener- fleet was arranged Ili two lines, led staff on the'§inger building to.an office
I wickedne". He realized the greatness / a good many of the drivers lived in the on the tivelity-fifth floor. There the -1
. public record for the past year. no of the task before him, but lie was sincere ally favorable) for fruit. Tile first roapectively by Sill''Perey Scott's neighborhood, I receiving instrument was easily "ground. �
was In India during the recent crisis. a crisis KILLED ON TRACKS .iblp Good Hope and the Argyll. �11%113 Tile loss to the building is estimated
,�_ Entire Service of Torontv Paralyzed which threatened and still threatens thevery and intended to carry it out. 0 three weeks _10re exceptionally dry distance between tile lines ed" through the copper sheathing of the
. .
for a Time—Some Trouble With - . � : 1� was 1,600 at between $5,000 and- $7,000, covered by buildljjg� I -
I exleten,ce of -the British Brapfre. lie publicly Ili, the fruit districts of Ontario, -but yards, exactly the distance which sep- insurance. The lower floors were. very At the New York end inany electrical
a Number of Orange Young Bri- encouraged the rebellious vopulation in lau- U-1, occasional showers after the 20th have narted the Victoria and Campordown slightly damaged, being of conerpte,
N' SHOOTING. Echo Place Man Ki led Near . . when the latter ritinined Tryon's
; tons—People Couldn't Go for An guage nothing less than seditious and traJL- , .1 Shocks were received that were believed
. I Prevented serious injury qccept that ft' -Ig- thougli some of the harness may suffer to have come from wireless telegraphy - I
. . Outing. Grous. Those.,%rere perilous times in India, . . Cainsville. the samples of Strawberries in some Ship in the Mediterranean. froih the water. - - - instrunients, In spite of these inter- -
. and ,the ignorant -native -Population had a Admiral Beresford gave the signal, -, - - - ferences the mes,sages from Newark
grotesque idea of Mr. Hardle'a- political pOSI-* No Grouse or Partridge to he Kill. cases are not so large as w3lial. Light "Lines turn inward!' -The Argyll
Toronto, July 13—A big parade, a tion and influence. ,�- / . (Special Despatch to tile Times.) ., yrosts oh the 15th did only a very obeyed, but the Good I -lope turned out- w�re easily distinguished. The trans -
few disputes between street 'ar men While It'is quite true that the Xing must led For a Wh4le Year. Brantford, Tuly 13.—NVm. Crowso Of slight damage, Nova Scotia and ward. Beresford signalled to ask why GUELPH MAN KIALLED mitter and receiver -are practically the
Qn(1 Orange Young Britons L I — .
1. and their hold himeolf aloof from all questions of do- Echo Place, was killed on Prince Edwa-rd Island have had excep- Ilia order had not b4n obeyed. Sit- ' same as those used on the commercial
riympathizers, and tile street MAX service Inestio politics, there is no obligation, moral tile G.T.R. Ill o na ablg, or. 'In British Percy Scott replied that in Ills opinim? PERCY LYONS MEET$ DEATH instruments, but instead of the low cur -
Shut off for all hour and it 11 Toronto, Ont., July 13�—There will 6c, tracks near Cainsville, at 10.10 a. m. olul lly favor 0, s weatl' rent, required in ordinary use, all initial
all as wre- or legal, upon him to ignore seditlog or trea- ,b h It he 'weather was exact obedience to the signal might WHILE IN WINNIPEG.
I sult—these w s of Satur no grouse or partridge shooting in Oil- He WaS, 53 years old and subject to 001 I * t t. t voltage of 500 is "stepped tip" .to 5,000
- son. If the King should announce, which of and ,��e Ill the early part of have been dangerous. Beresford prompt -
(toy's celebration by tile Orailgo body course he will not do, that be had refused tario this year. The growing scarcity opillptic fits- Ile leaves a wife an,1 ,Tune, conditions were not seriOuslY ly signaled Zk to Scott that he was Ili order to project the sound waves
of Toronto of the U S eca 0 1 . four children. He was badly dismem- � Was Out Driving When the Accident through space, ".
I "great and glorious to invite Mr, Hardie -to Wi d or b ' of of the birds has led the Government to bered. affected. During the latter Part Of right to act as he did. Happened—Thrown From a Rig— -1 - I I
Two f0l." The turnout wits one of the his disloyal conduct in India, the uwshole the month the temperature has been 11he man who -is authority for this
best on record for this city, and albo- country would applaud him. paSs all order-la,counell. prohibiting the _� - t . higher with occasional showers. report of the incident argued that it Body Will be Brought Home for ' NO PEACE IN PERSIA. �
gather the affair ptissed. off with very The Soetallst members of Parliament goem taking or killing of the birds for one A DYNAMITE PLOT, . Apples—Prospects are not go good Indicated aii excellent spirit of co-op- I riterment.
little uriploasantnes8 between' 1110, rail- declded to make all -thoiliolltloal capital pc,� your from September 15th, 1908. The this month as last. The "set?' of Oration between the two Admirals, and, The Shah is Still Smashing His Op,
Way company and tile paraders. sib.le out of the King's failure to invite James open season for these game birds ordiii- Galicians Planned to Slow Up Onion fruit was not as good as was OxPect� declared that their personal reintions Winnipeg, July 12�11ercy Lyons, a ponents. �
The block in tile car service Could Keir Hardie to attend. Addressing a ulectin arily opens on that. date, and continues Lake Donk ,.,�'r.,�'j int, barrister and sea of Aid. J. W. I
. j&_ 9d, and the dry weather has probably could not but be -improved by 16. 'I:Iiis yet' 8 7
c cured tit it worse time. of Rast-ond labGrors -to-day, 11ardle said: "7 until December 15th. ' increased the June "drop." A fair optimistic view, however. is shared by 1�yons, of the World P61illshing Coin. Berlin, JuTy 13.—The Teheran i cor.
Ill view Of UIO holiday and the fine sum. shall allow.no Intorforsnee with my political ---f . Port; Arthur, July 12—Glalician work- estimate of the present conditions f, respondent of The Lokal Anzeiger
a ha of people were conduct in or out of Parliament by the King - men on tile Onion Lake dam al, all would be all average or stightly abo�re w, ,,d ,,,, were 13ercsford and pany, Guelph, was ,%latest instantly says in a despatch that a body of Cos -
bound for the boats or Cite trains to or the court." FOUND IN WATER. rent River have r_ tile average crop of early and fall ,Scott to shake hands, there is little cX- killed by being tlit-owtk from Ilia rig Sacks this morningr totally deiIiolished
. ted on tile apples,'witil winter apples somewhat pectation that Beresford and Sir John while out driving with it young lady ilia most promirient cafe in Teheran,
scrIOUS charge of plannhig it, nifte e districts on wellilig6on. C, ent. were acting under
' Of town. Dut j,ast at 12 o'clock Woricers' and Generar Laborers, Unlou,spolte outrage aftor having inobbod and driv- producing the larger quantity of fruit . Berelford has received not a few till- Porcy Lyons, who wits 32 y�ars of Imperial orders. It was from this
Spend the afternoon or tile week-ond. William Thorne, 1A. P., secretary of the Gas -jeen rres dyna Fisher would Smoke the pipe of peace. , ,,,
Out below a medium crop. Tit declaring that they
Afa�a%cr Fleming ,Spoke a few words Ia a similar vein. 110 repudiated-tbe right Hody of a Man With 9 Stone Tied en thOr official intimations that )Ili resigna-
ovel ,S telOPhone. A few V fOrOulaff into hiding where he in Ontario, such as the colvities of age, was well known In Winnipeg, safe that the bomb was thrown and
switches 'Wore jerked open, it simple of ,the King, or, anybody elve, to curb his Vcniaiiled�two days, not daring to allow flastipLps, Durbain and Northumber- tion from the navy .would be accept'c" Ouelph. and Buffalo. Ili the fornier the shots fired during the bombard-
nd behold -tongue inside or outside of 13arllamout, add- to Back of His Neck. with relief. His critics have not minced
� —the whole transportation service of a ing, ,,, pope tile time will himsOlt Tfherc life six of them in the land, have rather a light crop of wilim , . city, where lie has resided severtil ment, of the Parliament building,,
great city Jay paralyzed. Men . must speedily ar- cexj� and soveral of these when talcen ter apples. . langlull:e. years, lie wits the representative of the which killed aeveral Cossacks.
down rive wbon there will be no room ter kings W11C)i one of Ilia detenaers recalled
town fulned and fussed in the boat wait- and queens. We shall C1i#'gOVcrn ourselves Toronto, Out., July 13. — Floating by the police were well armed. %hey Speaking generally for the whole ap- tile Signal, , "Well done, Condor," ,at very extensive business interests of St. Petersburg� Suly 10.L—A special
Ing for wives o-, friends to keel) an RP' better than new," t about In the water near tile now Oman. had been oil the rampage for some plo belt, Spies, Baldwins and Kings Cite boinbardinent of Alexamdria in'IS82, Ili,; father and !lad charge of these in. despatch recer�7ed here from Tabriz
pointment. In their poelcots ,wore the * dmo,.and had destroyed part of the will be liklit or very light, russets a terests all over the west. Ile wits edil. says that fight I has occurred be-
t, � t diall NIpithern dobics, Mait Aykroyd Outfit and thrown .the tools into the medium crop. Ben Davis nearly a full one of his critics responded thus: nated Ili It,he Public and High Schools tween CossacksiaUd Persiait Irregular,
tickets for a holiday outing or tile hail .SAVED FROM DEATH. PS in tho, vicillitv of the
- ' - ,
game, and lid means of meeting tile rest . 1 found tile body of a man about 11 river. crop, Groonings a medium crop, the W Ut is by no means the first time .)f Guelph, Ili$ native city, 'itud when troo villa, a
of the party. Those who could took Frank O'Brien Pulled Out of thd W0. O'clock I'll's morning, a large stone tied I Later they 'bad plotted to dynanifte leameuse above the average almost 0 have heard about that signal, it "t, Young )unit lie Spent several years as few 1'flil'38 outside o1 Tabriz, of M. --
I-Ir.. cabs down town. Scores walked, and tit 14, seculol to the back of the nock Points the works,, and the fiendish scheme was everywhere and at least an average is always proditeed When Lord Charles his father's representative Ili Buff,lo. ' Pohiton6ff, the Russian Consul -Gen- . .
rowd tit King and Yong4 to u, c� e. In a pocket wits fo frustrated Only in tile nick of time by e� -sized fruit is starting a fresh crusade against .
I o'clock the c aind Canal. a , d. and ;I rop of fairly Clean good . 9.* -4, - -_ oral, Fiv� Persians were killed and.
a lrer than has been seen St. Catharines, July ie� Frank strip of paper bearing the words, "On tho removal of a cap and fuse front tile, in iho Ottawa and. St. Lawrence Val- his superior officers. It has been lis'ed it number were wounded. Cossacks
for many moons at that point. account of ill health. G, 11.11 In another line they had laid. leys. � so often that it has become a trifle WALKER WHISKEY SEIZED. are patrolling tile highway bot'*�een "
O'Brien was yesterday saved from a � �l -, I I In Nova Scotift the prospects for the humorous, '110 truth is, Beresford is the villa and Tabriz. AltAltough the
The police, according to tile railway I poeleet there was it buslunss card of 11. , n% a whole are particularly out of date. Ile is the olil-fashloned Twenty Bottle of "Canadian Club" irregulars were repulsed, they con-
. officials, were unable to copo with the . watery grave by two employees of tie .T. Small, 385 Yon.ge street, Carlin e re- " CHURCH 'BUILDER. �111101po(ilc felt'i7beltri lig it hearing year for the type of adruiral. A good deal hu tinue to threaten th( villa in large
trouble, and as a result VT Welland Canal. The young man wits pairer, f 9 Takisn at Trenton, N.J
anager I'lem. or whom it.is thought the min Iravenstelli. There tire Ito unfavorable hap�jencd since the bombardment of * . numbers. The surrounding country
Ing ordered the power shut off front the cluployed. oil the yacht Navaho, owned nlay IqLvc worked. 1308011, July 13,—RCV- 11tigh. Sulydl, ' ' Trenton, X. J., July 12.—United
whole �lty Service. This Stop was not by Mr. Sherman, proprietor of large ,1:: Styled by the Into Pope Leo XIIr., aS tile eonditions Ili Witish. Columbia, the pros- Alexandria, and Bercsford cannot be lifts been abandoned to pillage, and
I paper inills tit Wattrtown, N. Y, As EXPLOSION ON A LAUNCH. hurch builder of America, for his acliv- Pears and Plunis—The prospects for nav'y Simply because many years ago 'do it return taken refuge behind the walls of the
taken in any spirit of retaliation, but tile e pects showing, a modinin crop. :illowed to inipair the efficiency of the States Alarshal Thomas J;- Millott, of the people of the nearby villoges have
was taken in order to prevent the cars yacht was entering lock eight 1- ity Ili the boston archdiocese lit build- this district has just iiia Consulate.
from becoming, llbunclieij�l -it the points O'Brien attempted to jump I ,lit. itov 1141arS and plums are only medium. Bart- )to wp-A the popular hero of a Somewhat of twenty bottles of Canadian Club -_ � 4
shore to attend to the snubbingto the Four Men Were Killed on Saturday 'ing new churches, died last nig . . letts and Kieffors have the best allowing. - wilter6le battle. We ought to I ce a . .
in question, a condition under which duties. . Pather , Sinyth built Some twenty t i . ,
when service is again resunle(I a ounce Ito missed his calculation, struck Ilia Off Marion, Mass. Churches' schools and convents. Peacheg—tiarly varieties will be fair-' )ittle adulation in hand for the future whisRoy, whioli he seized- tit the ware- BUYING CITY RAILWAYS.
' - -
trated "load" on the electric allphatus tend against tile stonn coping of the, Marion, Mass,, July 12.—Fiour proiu� j . _-�_, . I ly abundant, somewhat above the over- 'Nolson.'� house of S. Froehlich & Sons, ill New -
at the supply points is catisea whiell I,, oak, and fell into thirty feet of water. inent situnlier residents of this town ago, later varieties, a medlum crop. lit Reportq aro carrent that King Bed- ark, tinder a libel of the United States Forty -Million SyrclicAu After Mon -
BIG STORM41 � , tile early varieties, Alexander, Early ward, who is a staunch supporter of Sir filed here, Charging that Froehlich ]lad treal Companies.
liable to ruin the machines. The o (,I- le did not, appear on the surface again. and Falmouta met dea!th through an n -s and Triurnph (Ire reported bear- John Fisher, stiggested ttiat tile trouble- in Ilia house ,one hundred cases of Can- .
was cut off at 12.02 and turned -on again ,Tallies I)orinelly, look tender, was on explosion on board o, forty-five-fodc illio�nlx, Ariz., July 13-.—,,k terrifi Riv-( , 'Montroftl, July IS.—Tlie Canada Pub -
about 1.30 p. in. .1 the scene, and called to Edward egy) Wind, rain, and ]tail starill " ing full crops. Of tile latter varlotios, goine Admiral li� got Ad of without udian Club whiskey which contained I
B launch off here last; night. Two ;;Ilr- � last hight lie ,Service Ccx�oration, all American
County Grand Alaster 11r, Joseph overseer, who was on lock nine; and St. Jolm will be only a medium crop, the cereinony, but that IA a step which Pro lientrill spirits mixed with will Company with a capital of $40,000,0W,
Begy vivora were ,picked tip to -day after swept; the toi�a of Tompe, tight rnilw� I - ' skoy
. awford light, Smock(s and Elbe inior Asquith (toes not at present sod the and improperly labefled "Whis-1, represented here by ex -Secretary of the
Thomipso� expressed the greatest satis., burried to his assiptaftee. They secured having been in the water for twelve frolli bere. No loss of life is ropdrtc�, : EarlY Cr r- oy", in
faction with the way in which the par. grappling ]looks, N�hich were gently let hours. The dend tire Roland Worth- but there resulted Considerable destrue- US Show for something over a mediani idvisability of Itaking. . violation of the pare food and drug Treasury Shaw� have opened negotia-.
ado )lad passed off. "We were anxious hit,) the water. The rescuers were re ingtoll, l3ustoll; jf)jm T. ,.Vl,xlll$ IVO. �tlon of property, LargC hall Stones, eov- Crop. 111io Elbertas are bearing heavily 4 : 11 � act, of last Congress, While tile Mar* tions for the purchase of the Montreal
not to have any trouble with the .Street wardo.d after five minutes by pulling burn; - JOS, 8. Deal, Miltoil, George Ored flit -ground 'While tile i1hOrinol-flotor where they were. Sprayed for Curl leaf, PANAMA'S 'NEW PhESIDIRNT- slial only found twenty bottles, in- Power Company and the Montreal
RailwaY Company, and I thial; we kept the"your,y mail to shore, . 14avot,yl of jile regiatellea 100 Aegrees, - thoso not 'sprayod havo Ili many cases a, � Stead of one bun Street RAllw1y Company.
out of it well. the Orangemen of tills 011rien was unconscious, but the ,. Marblehead, captain very light crop, I Elected Without bisturbande and bV deneo is enough to L"b the law for Tit all iuter�icw President 11olt, of the
.� city Appreciate that there arc many stoklily applied resuscitation Diet men launch. 1. I—— ..d# � I : I — . Tomatocs—The prospects for tomatoos OverWhelming 'Majority, tho first tiftle in tills district. Power C.ompnny said: "There are cor-
h6cls, . . FIRE AT THE SOO.,- are excellent, Should there, be plenty - ill- f bxtt$ they tire not definite
people who must use the street ears in and in the course of fifteen titillates - N The Froehlich house Ila$ already taill O fers,
RECIROCITY IN MEDICINE. Sault ,14tr, Atarle, Ont., July IS.—Firc - ()I moisture during July, there seems Panamn, t1ttly 12. —The Presidential
. order to catch trains or koop appoint. - tonacionsuesa returned. � . . fortned. Hiram Walker &oSolis in Cwi- an(I have not re.,jelle(I tho stage where I
Monts. I believe there was it little pitch. ,I - F. I __ - _. following till explosion on Sunday aftor- . ,,,)thing lit the way of a full crop this deetions through6ut tile Is.01 adn of the selzurt,,. and it is lil�cl�y tliat '�%-ojlld caj�e to ,say anything."
ift on Xing street west (if IL D OPF A YACHT. Dr. Cod . Inns of
athurst, but Y, of Hamilton, Appointed on noon tit the, Michigan Soo destroyed YeAr, Pallaill&,passed off to -day without diS- the latter house, Avill do — ! - 1- I
'fend this atbwl<
I feel sure it originated 01.1tside, the par. Board of Examinars. , 111111tierosell's departniout store. After Clierr2os---Sweet; Cherries will be some, turbiluee. Scitor Don ,Test,. Domingo. d'o of tbo Government on tile purity of its 0HAPGED WITH FORGERY,
aderg. A few Sympathizers and hood. -Young Odorge Cooke browned on St Toronto, Tilly 13.—A strong plea, then it spread to the Surrounding build- "?l"hat Scarce; sour Cherries more pl6nti- Obaldia, fornterly .-AllnWer to thO whiskey.
lams Made some trouble for the gtroOt - John River. I was: put forth (it Saturday's session ing4, several of which were gutted. The fill. , thited ' States and - acting Pros,44Drit e � 0 - I I ,
car men. Dut if the atroot Cal! (10111- f the Ontario Medical Counoil oil Inss is probably ill tho neighborhood of Grapes---Grapos look well and promise . during, tho absence of Dr. Allutdor, � I P. 1011. Martin,, of Tillsofiburg, Undot
- behalf of )he principle of interpro . slipportots '113 S
pany exit off theso,rviee just Oil that tie 18)t. .Tolin, X, 13., July 12.- Georgd 0 It full orop. was elected President. The RING STICK AND STONES." Arrest at London.
. - ,%00,000. I —_
Zount, why, till I can Say is that they Cooke, Aged twolity 2rears, of thill cityl, vinciat reciprocity in Inedical regis- � I �: � I Small Pruits—With a moderate aid- of Rkardo Arias, who recentlytowith- 1A)l1don, Out., aespateh, V. Af. Martin,
was drowned tit Lower Gagetown, on tb6 SL1ff1`AgOttd Leadot Invitet Gathering .
were not doing the fair thing by th�, W. spankie, of Wolfe ount of ram small fruits will likely give drew his mri,didaoy, decided not vote, �, a Tillsonburg eolninetclal traV61ler, was
St. John Itiver, to -day Itybeing knocked Is dent, and a nintion a large crop, Tito conditions a,rb So rav- and as & ronsOquen,ce thero was 110 I Oroqtod at tile T"nniqnh Mum 6 -ft a
citizens of Toronto. This year we fat- . land. jx.pyosi Woman Killed by L'ghtning. to Attack Commons,
N( lowed & procedure the reverse to thitt front the 11yacht Myrtlo fly the Swinging b; hini, seconded by Pr, S. 0. Hillier, Quebec, ,TuIV* M—Dr. ,7olie0our, ter A6 I 11 -
of - orable over all tile fruit producing sec. oppon6nt to Better Obaldia, Ill ( I London, July 12.,Ntrs. I)rtintition(ly I charge Of forging the s!ghaturo of
of Tast year. We simply sent the e0ln. of tbe bomn. Ire wag u,bablo to Swim, Downianville, wag adopted, refer. - onor of tlii�s di4rict, Nvas notified to -day tions that the aggregitte of tht crop will nominati-on. . ft leader of ili,�inilit,ilit�gliffrfxgpttp,l. (,)jjftftce DrOs., millers, 1)01111, to a tlot6
any a lettor,oxillaiiiing Our rolItC. We. tind a brave ftitollipt wat Illado to "'Atun ring t1le Inatter to tb04 Speebil Conl_ tliat, two young women nained Dupont, likely be very large, . The 1arA veto 08t, however, ileter. told nit oilt-door lueothill Of 5,000 for $000 tit Tillsoliluirg thil afternoon.
ation with them, s ol;pr< , Rit an hour
tail ,to consult, Old j film by Ilia friend, Iterbert Mwards. mitice ell p',dtlentioll, whinh fins 0- 24 and 27 ro,spoetiv Insects—lbsectr are not more prov-&- InhIM tile OverWbelaiing mAjorit; of 'porsons, Ino4tly eill-ioul onl( s fli:it Iie was arrested within lu
(�OO lent titan at this tilljo lar4t it, o)r anything After lik .arrival
. year, and, y
am surn the -result wa,4 anich I)PUer." ko elmig (lemlieralikly to his would -bo roftd)t to eonsider tile question of reel. 1,1,111pd, I)y ng Senor Obaldlal,q supporttrs. From all ;J)e AvA.,4 out for soditio in London. Ito wag
� roRMier, and I-Awnr(IR 11441 to Iowa dyn procity with Great Dritain. v 110011 � at 11y, :1101"'Vr.; fungous disea-log tire not Aptelally ift Ovi. pti,rts of L11,6 republic entnes nows t1int olqo, If it would brin,ty, votes for ��mnmn, fteennipanie(l. by it IAdV
Manager PlemIng's View, storlit 'Yost "J"'I'll"', r ( ur, St, verol, � , presiliftably Ills
to save hiniself. Cooker never rome, tttr 43 a ill county of 01�(11110:ntlll�rtbtgorpney. A eoroner's the 4titietions wrre vari-io(I oft in till (I noldingt "If you Men Will conle to Ilk-,' ivife. Ile had two �iorpa of bsig
� The f ollowing elianges wer In, do flouce, Up t tilie prp.qont litud Inost In- r- � gfige,
J leming, of the Toronto Rail. going, to the bottom, The body had not I the Doard of H'Xilminers for tila, On* inquAt will take place on Tilboday LITITY hft$ bg one by tile Cigar cag6 (Ierly manner and Cliat Senor Obaldia ro- ltouqO of Collinloni with plenty -of qdOks whiolt Ila purelmaed tit Tillsoul)llrg Ikftot
Manager r ,it (
Way,Company, uas in very pod humor. br.en recovered to -night, suing year: Df. It. W� oellbatr, nor- motilifig. bearer, tile Dud Moth, Canker Worm, eofi�&j till ,thd votte-oast. and stortes, I will tv ther0i ItAvIng diseounteil the note,
i,,,�**J .
. � . I
,. I , 1. �f ,(, �
LAU�101L_ —JA& ___ ..- ? . ,�___._. , , , X1_1 11 "I --diarimili.iak , - Ia --& ,� ..A,i ,.4�1"��Alk��,%�_ I -1 r1._21i___ - . ..- ... -'- - — �A.L'
. _ 1.
"' I