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The Wingham Advance, 1908-07-16, Page 5
A r I TIRE WING AN ADVANCE, r.CE URSD.A,Y, JULY 16, 1908, l V Itii." a naF. V .,,,,v. Ontario Government Takes Active Measures In This Direction. The Ontario Provincial Government has instituted a co-operative, scheme for assisting farmers in the improve- ment of their woodlots and the re- foresting of waste portions of their farms. Such waste portions include land not fertile enough for growing field crops and land which through its situation (for example, a steep hill- side) or some other hindrance cannot be cropped --at all events, at a profit. Or, to quote their circular, "the De- partment prefers to make plantations On such waste portions of the farm aa' steep hillsides, light sandy, rocky or gravelly spots, swaulp land, portions• of farms cut off by streams or other- wise unsuitable for regular tillage." A forest nursery has been establish- ed in connection with the Ontario Agricultural College, and of this Mr. E. J. Zavitz, a graduate of one of the best schools of forestry on the contin- ent, has been put in charge. It is now three years since the nurs- ery was started, and a large number of white pine, black locust, tulip and other varieties of trees are ready for distribution. The Department will furnish trees sufficient to plant two acres in any one season; this is the largest number Allowed per season to any one indiv- idual. This same number may, how - over, be sent to the sante man for sev- eral years in succession. The only charge that has to be paid by the roan who gets the trees is the payment of transportation by express of the 0 WOOIDLANiD iTXEMPTION. Short Synopsis of Mr. Downey's Rill of Last Session. 'Under the terms of a bill introduced At the 1906 session of the Ontario Provincial Legislature by lair. J. P, ISARD'S BIG JUU SALE Downey, M. P. Y., and subsequently passed, complete exemption of wood. lots is now possible in any part of the Province of. Ontario, under c0r- i twin conditions, This exemption tie- 1 DINNER` ,pends, in the first instance, oil the j passage by any township council of a bylaw to confor the exemption, + , which may be wade either total or;Y Sets � � �+ � r partial, Not more than 25 acres own- r: w7 i ee ed by any one man may be exempted.•" What is "Woodland"? I w e The word "woodland" is defined in i -- To Ou Fatran$ the act, Such land must have on it W - the following number of trees of the following diameters: This Beautiful Imported ;semi -Porcelain Dinner - 100 trees over eight inches in dia- meter, or ware given away, piece by piece, in any, 200 trees over five inches in dia- meter, or quantity, to our cash customers, 300 trees over two inches in dia- meter, or 400 trees of all sizes. No land, however, will be consider- ed woodland if stock is allowed to W.E I'> i' after Big Business for the month W graze on • of J ULY, and in order to make this Varieties of Trees Allowed. one of Ahe Largest and Best Sales The varieties of such trees are as in the history of this store, we Offer Special follows: Inducements to those who buy for Cash or Coniferous (or evergreen) trees : - White pine, Norway pine, hemlock, for Butter and Eggs. In every Department, tamarack, white spruce, Norway uprate,, cedar. prces will be amazingly' low, and in addition t0 Hardwood• (or broadleaved) trees: ''lit Prices, you'll receive a Coupon with every Oak, ash, elm, hickory, basswood, tu- purchase of Twenty-five Cents two Cion ons with - young trees to his nearest express or lip (or tivhitewood), black cherry, wal- p a Como ons station. He, of course, is also nut, chestnut, hard and soft maples, a Fifty -cent purchase, and so on. Hold Coupons re aired to his soil, plant and sycamore, beech, black locust and q, prepare until the 1st of August then bring them in and care for the trees and see that they catalpa, et Dishes for them. This is a ver ens wa are protected against live stock. The How Exemption Is to Be Secured, g y y y Department does not, however, under- Store, clo�t+s at After the passage of such a bylaw Of gettinga nice Tea of Dinner Set Of imported EXCLUSIV9 7 p. ill. except p take to furnisb seedlings of nut trees, Yu ���� (V Saturdays and as that referred to above,°the owner Porcelain Ware. SIIOIC 1 u Rso- such- as walnut hickory, chestnut and DEALERS8 even'gs hetero of any woodland who wishes to oak ; the most satisfactory way of holid cure exemption h pro clerk Feb, a- Coupons given on 'purchases of Mena and Boys' C starting these, is to plant the nut, "�""' ' ` � tion to the township cleric b Feb, 1. loth - acorn or other seed itself. If, on examination by the assessor, , Where there is danger of a vigorous • the woodlot is fotind to come ` ,within . - Cloth- ing, Hats and Capa, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoos, growth of weeds among the trees so [� Guaranteed Patents At the conditions of the bylaw, the ex- Carpets, Ruga, WrapLinopers, U Blinds, Curtains, GlovDrese Goods, planted, especially in plantations [�+, em tion may be granted. Such ex- Silks, Waists, Wrappers, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Para- s p sole, Corsets, Prints, Gingham,, MusIins, Belts, Collars, Rib- mn.de on seed nr,ricultau al soil, cul- La • tmption ceases, however, if grazing is bons, Laces and all merchandise excepting in the Grocery - tivation for the first year or two atter Reasonable Prices allowed or if the land is cut over Department, planting is advised. and the trees removed. REMEMBER all our Customers will share alike and A number of persons have already' tpkerl advontaaelof the offer made bPatent $2.z5 t0 $3,54 Per Pair inexpensive Homemade Ice Plough. have the same chance of getting these beautiful Dishes. j the Department, and with good results, � Purchases from one dollar up will start you on the dishes. _ is far part can now it ascertained, A good supply of ice can be put in _ Four Coupons secures one Fruit Saucer. 'file. sites for plantations range, as Oxfords e Y without any cash outlay worth speak- _ to their cha.rac•ter, from rock hill- Ever Pair Guaranteed Ing of. I store mine in the north end y ■ of a shed which I partitioned off and � - sides to sand plains near the lakes. double walled. Ice kept pretty well . Start Right To Buy last year simply packed closely and BARNYARD FERTILIZER. covered with sawdust. I borrowed a �� /� Fresh Manure Gives nick Results , saw. The plough was homemade and On Thursday JUIy Zed• What do we mean by guaranteed ? Wh}' we is plenty good enough for farm use. On Light Soils, The teeth are from old chisels or files stand behind every Shoe which � e guarantee, either In regard to the application of fresh or rotted manure a writer in the by repairing free of charge, or by giving a fair and COME EARLY AND OFTEN AND. An Appeal To Common Sense■ reasonable rebate. Samples of our guarantee Breeder's Gazette, Chicago, says it is YOU WILL BE WELL SATISFIED = the prevailing belief both in theory d Shoes ,. 4.1 and practice that the best results are for ladies In north window. For one suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Palpitation, secured by apblying fresh manure. _ Flatulence, Headache. Biliousness, Soar Stomach, etc., there can be only one When direct fertilizing action is de- : . natural course to pursue, namely: FIRST --Strengthening the Stomach, malting ,ired fresh luainue gives quick re- MUup to 5% pieces fancy flowered and spot Muslin.. values -it take out of food the valuable properties which go to build lip the body. turns on light soils—that is, if the sea- up to 15c, Sale Price ................ ......... . ............ , lOc S1;COND—The correct working of liver and bowels to carry away the useless "on is not too dry. It also:.gives good WAISTS.—Ladies' White Lawn Shirtwaists, nicely made, sizes properties and waste matter. This is the designed purpose of n to 38 July Sale ......... . .... . .... . ....... . .... . . ... . ... 980 _ g p p results oil heavy soils when one de- WILL I & COO P , y =ices to liryhten the condition of his •'• �� , , .' DRAWERS. -5 doz. Ladies' Cambria •Drawers, fine make of NATIONAL DYSaP1[A1PSIA TAT3LLTS ;oil. On soils of loose texture and . Cambric, value up to 50o, our Out Price.. . ........ ......... 350 This treatment is complete. The larger tablets act on the stomach and ;mall -retentive power it is best to use At Robt. Johnston', old stand. 'Phone 129. fresh manure for the inost part be- los Prow, TA0 digestive organs, the small tablets on the liver and bowels. Both kinds of BLE LINEN. -400 Bleached Linen, wide, on Sale . , ..... ... 28cause it is not so easily soluble, and FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY bent and sharpened ti the blacksmith = LADIES' VESTS.—Special line on sale, only loo tablets in each box, also complete directions, P y P Y• • • • • :,mall losses will be possible on leach- and clamped with bolts between two HOSE, -5 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose all wool Sale ... , 25e PRICE PER BOX, 50 CENTS, 0 FOR $2.50, ing, such as may be occasioned by � thirty inch 2 by 3 inch beams. The ' ' _ For Sale by F. H. VALLEY, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. heavy tains. Fresh manure has a tell- gauge piece is another thirty inch PARASOLS. --A line of White Parasols, $1,25 value for, .. .. • . $1.00 ticncy t•o produce rapid growth of beam 4 by 3 inches and shod with a fOliage and stem at the expense of MEN'S TIES. -25c Hook -on -Ties on sale, your choice , • .... ... 190 fruit and grain. It is therefore es- ? piece of three-eighths by two and a, - half inch iron of the same length. LONG GLOVES. -Special value in black or white long Gloves , nocially suitable for forage, grasses This iron runs in the previous groove in Lace or Lisle .................... . ......... . .40c, 50c and 75c .1,13A.1,13A leafy crops. It is best to apply - 1 ® gem nianure, in the fall previous to' the ii } and regulates the width of the cut lend No r6om here to quote more prices. The store :•pring in which the crops are to be 4 size of the calces. The guaae piece _ pttt in. In this way much of it will ! is connected with the other part by : is full of Bargains. Come And see for yourself undergo a certain amount of decom-; iron braces twenty inches long and " 1lo,ition before the crops begin to ® �, an iron crosspiece about twenty-five feed on manure, 1 inches long, says a writer in American ? rottemaaunis less bulky, is more • Cultivator. T4ie handles of the plough ea'ily clis d tAc ributecl than fresh manure, are from an old land plough. n.ncl its fertilizing0 constituents are i = , readily available for the use of, Kerosene Emulsion For Hog Lice. plants. Apply rotted manure to a field • Hard soap, one-half common bar; r sard Co in the spring or a short time before I> kerosene, two gallons; water, one gal- = y i . needed by the crop in order to avoid' ® i) the leaohiug out of the fertilizing con- • len. Boil the water and soap till the ®� g'" latter is dissolved, then remove from 'i , „ - -. ,.,,.... stituents. Apply rotted manures on •, � the fire and add the kerosene by vig- � - ry soils of loose texture in small amounts • orously churning till an emulsion is Have you a good supply of Har- - and at frequent intervals. s>• formed. Then dilute to twenty gal- _ I believe and experience has proved m Ions with' warm water. As soon as it —The first balf of July gone. Do vest Tools 2 The time is at hand that manure applied to a field by s is cool enough to apply without scald- Teeswater. brondcasting will give the best re- we realize how rapidly time flies. b ing, the hog the application may be P y ! sults. It is spread evenly and com- =' made. Some advise leaving the mix- The continuation class grant this —Mr. Moore, for 17 ears 0, P. R. when you'll need them. -4 pletely on the field. Where soils are , ture stand till it cools and then heat- year to Teeswater school will be $100 years of loose texture it is well to plow. the �a5 Length Weight Quality Strength and in it again, but there is considerable agent in Teeswatex resigned recently. manus under as soon as spread. Has U Ij ! • g more than before. ! ! ! p danger in this way, as the kerosene is Sometime ago, the Company, to save Practice has repeatedly confirmed p quite inflammable, The same results Mr. and Mrs. Will Howson of expenses, removed the operator, as that manure on soils of loose texture + HAY RAKES HAY FORKS s are generally obtained is applying `Vin ham sent Sunda with her the dict at a number of other sta- mn.v be plowed colder from five to six lln�fiormity of S9ze the mixture as soon as it is made, and g p y y PITCH FORKS TURNIP HOES inches, while that in the more com- • y all clanger from a second heating is another, Mrs. Geo. Colvin, tions, This left the agent to da all pact soils the depth of plowing should • avoided, If the hogs are tame the al)- the work and teach the apprentice SCYTHES AND SNAITHS � not be greater than four or five inches. i • Rev. is S. Baker, who comes here g C rm k ,.G plication of the emulsion may be made from Ailsa Craig, into the bargain. with° a broom. The scrubbing .should g, occupied the 1lletho- HAY FORK ROPE—from in. t0 1 in. r An Adiustable Gate. c 7 a be thorough, so that every louse is dist Church pulpit for the' first time —The Mitchell Advocate has this to Tllo_e who open many gates during 650 1' t. Pure Manilla... .. �!J 2I..' lb. ,` reached. If a spray pump can be had on Standay. gay about "Cards of Thanks." The the winter know what a nuisance it is + ! it is preferable. If a large number of clay is not far distant when "cards of HAY FORK PULLEYS to (lig out such places after every ■ ryry t • hogs are to be treated they should be Dr. Ernest Gillies sailed from Mon - snowstorm. A very good remedy for 600 Ft. Manilla .............. 1GC 1b. 6 dipped.—Chicago Inter Ocean. treat on the 3rd, for London, Eng., g P TRIP ROPE AND SLING ROPE spelt cases is seen in our drawing • When a death enters a home, ne£gh from a sketch sent, b a Wisconsin i where he will take a special course in y . , .. • ■ ! Fe,dfiiend ofAc mine itvas ng o Hei,eDeserte hors never fail to do all in their power BINDER TWINE 500 Ft. Twine ............ 9C 1b. ts soane branches of his profession. to place a silver lining back of the • yesterday when I was feeding. I gave kir, W. Stephens, clerk in charge of dark cloud, and they do not expect or ''CALL'' And get our prices --- they are the very lowest. Plymouth Tine The Best on the Market. Leave your'order• d SNOW oaTli. We will deliver it. farmer. The gate proper is made like any other one, but tiie hinge at the top of the post is made to slide up and si down on a rod. The lower hinge liar the choice of two positions. When Pare Paris Green a Specialty there t a foot snow on the ground the gate is raised, placing this hinge oil the upper TT)osition, .wbidli allows' the gate to swing free of the ground .... . and the snow.—Iowa Homestead. Do not give the colts ice cold water OF drink. When a bolt shivers a day's "k oar growth is taken out of him.• -•Farm Journal. YO U IN G�S New Theory About Rheumatism This disease is constitutional, caused by virus in the blood that oirculates to • all parts of the body. To cure ycu Buse a constitutional treatment. No - i . - Hardware thing so completely dispels the poison from the system as b'erromne. It purifies and renews the blood, elews; t of every taint. The systein is vitalized apd streflgthened arid, thus „ ONTARIO enabled to fight off threatened. attacks. Not only does b errozono relieve eat note ---It duces rheunbatiem, goat and lambago permanently. Ito. stilts gUkrafitee , 50a boxeab at nil �.am 0 $SamdcKtlers, f one cow all extra portion which did the morning outgoing mail, says that desire any thanks through the public • look big. Said he: How much do you give that cow?” 'I told him, and the number who take advantage of press. • to convince him of the amount put an the service is rapidly increasing. ! b equfiI amount on the scales. , The Before his leaving Teeswater for • k T • 1 ever it was seven Mounds; she had it g Malde A Change. 'MCCo4• wine,l both night and rosining. Ile seemed Walkerton, where he is now located, - 1 dazed to think I should waste good Rev. M. J. Wilson was presented with • feed in that manner. He agreed, how- an address by the Teeswater Baseball A New hack For An Old One. Haw ever, to wait until after milking. TI "N' Uiab. It is Done In 1Yitsgham. * cow in question had been milked since March 19. Her milk that night weiglij In the absence of Rev, Mr.'Rhodes Binds Q�S f'. S ► ed 22 1-2 pounds; the next morning, The back aches at times with a dull %� 21 pounds. He left, evidently satin- who is away on vacation, Air, I;, feelin¢r making, you worry and rest - fled that 17 cents a day was not a bad Jaques, a divinity student, took the less, sharp pains shoot across the re- �I �j * © ,1 investment for grain feed in that in- services in the Anglican Church last gion of the kidneys, it is agony to ii�tlC��eS and Ce?LSt'S * dividual, A cow in that condition will Q, end, bend, stoop or lift. The rubbing of respond to every attention. If the feed liniments or application of plasters 1 gets a little, dry for a few days, for There was a pretty wedding at the does no good in these cases, they do ,b some reason, and a change is Sacred Heart Church on June 20th, not roach the cause. To get rid of ,; made, she will sprink into gear again these symptoms and exchange the bad the least trouble t! like the click and certainity of a ma- when Miss datherine Cecile McDon- back for a new and stronger one fol - 'M chine.—H. E. Cook in Tribune Farm- ald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. low the example of this Wingham • '11' er. D2o]?anaidl, 4th line, Culross, was ntar- citizen. 4 } rieci to 14I+. Edward Leualian of H. S. Murray, of Victorui, at., Wing- . 4 They Work Two Ways. Detroit{ Mich. Edward rather Corcoran harm, Ont„ says t And is the very best that human ,t xt is generally stated that enAl Ash- illy back had been sore and tender os contain little plant food and have performed the ceremony, Miss Sarah for yearn sail stooping or lifting any - Skill can naahe, no value as a fertilizer. They are, Crowe, a cousin of the bride, was thing, would cause ine much suffering however, sometimes worked into bridesmaid, and Mr. Frank McDou- and tt would take the many seconds to sandy soils to melte, tlbese more com- straighten myself tip again. 111y rest ald teas groomsman. tract or with heavy clay soils to make would be broken several limas each them more opens The Toronto GllObo of July lst cols- night with the frequent and irregular secretion of the kidneys and the urine - tabled the following notice of the was of it High color, and filled with Why Catarrh Is Dangerous, marriage of a gentleman well known brick dust sediment. Taking told Usually it conies with a cold. Being in Culross. "Yesterday afternoon the would usually cause this and. I would • slight it is neglected—but the seed is marriage of Alias 1+"Annie Robina often awake as tired m going to bed. th- sown for a dangorous harvest. perhaps Brand, daughter of lair, and a'41'rs. 'lvim Holli �nvicn Ynareietto numerous remedies 13ocitli s consumption. To cure at once, inhale, apparent Va Caitirrrhoxone.. It destroys the gerursIsriabid, to Mr. James Juhnstnn Whits kidneyPills were ttdvtyrt]setl avid Js barrister, Toronto, son of euring a box at Air. McXibbon s P'har- ,�. of aat,ac•rb, clears atvaq rriucous, Simpson, #cletnvr es tba, passega of the nose and th0 Into Ur. and Mrs. Arthur~ Simpson maey I commenced treatment. cry thrcaAt. Ttto hacking cough and of Culross. Air. Simpson wAs for bark soon strengtlienctt and the pant sneering cold soon disappear, and lyes not returtied. The stay©Botts }health Is yours again. Nothing seve&.1 yeara teacher in School No. 3, were, brought to normal and that urine known For colds, eatalmh and throat Culross. Since that time hebas taken cleared. I believe Booth's Xidney CentralJULHardware • l hitt is sn carative Aa (lata+- t course n Toronto t7niversit And Pills the best and most reliable of all trouble bble t i t I r, rliolorie.eC t pit rrtil�di. aAbea 1 teelertg for the Yeast few rears lies been study» tli�ni,l"e$ Soldtk+a� grinaler� recP1ricP 6) a °Jf thatnaw i'- y $ rent:t, 'ilio It. 11. Pooth Co., ltd,, ;iia and �Il. Get CAtarrharotte nava, ing lAtt�. Ila recently raduated A�1 barrister at tlagooile .Itall, I+"ort Urie, fent., soli Canadian agents. i