HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-16, Page 3_-( .* - 77-r,rV"7"V"F1"*_ , — ;. il�, _,r�", I "� . rV - .1 . , I .. "r7:-7TW1RWW7_ 777"77191 'I. � - � 1, 1,, .., . � I .1 ­K'A�V_17, �, — 11 . . , , . t I .� �-V_,;_A- I . . I � . 6404... _ ,. �. - .. ,,, 11 A.4-W0_1r#0*.0J:, ­ �., _,, !�� ­�1111 _� IL .. 1�1.1i,_ , , , � � , 11 01 10110 '0,04,01 00 � �,'_, ,) , , , . . - �- � , , - �, I � - , , , - , :� , � _1'00� - .11 - I .'r- 1. - "I , -1 11 _ 101 � , .1 � � 0 4' 1 jg'111� ". - "�� ."��, f, ­ 1� . 1. I -.4 I I I 11 I . I � , ! I I I ­ _- I . ­ � .1-1 � - � , , I - . , . . , , ____ . i . . � 1�1 I . 01F� _� "' L. - I � . r -1 =tt , I I � . - . . I'," _'� , __ _ I . I I 1 14 �. ,. , .. .'� ". '/.. I.:A""W".. - - ­ � - ,.., ,-_" - I _T7__f1111�_1'.4. , �_l . ��'! O_!nowll ',� ,V. -r, , 00d slid tho Faithful have bmudod 8% I 4t t - I - . M � .. - : 7. 1. ­ 11 11 I .. - I 11 '. � Their nutulter varles, The Province of . � WHO SHAPED CANADA'SMSTINY? e ""0"'r#""`"""r`"" " 1�iF� ]no$%' And be can Jeeelve no Otis except '. CANADIANCOMMONS 0 Intlat always have 104ty-filve 4� ! A U, � � � I � . � , .11 I , I . era, and tile other provInves have � 7: 01) - . I 11 . 110urooii on ,Tou,.,TQu traltor 4W llarl as InAny ineinberq Ili proportion to their , , � Do you think that Xoroepaits. believe a �'MOST OF THE LEGISLATIVE population as tile Oxy-flye boar to, the , � � ' � `0e 11111ts"' = The Part Played by the French-4nadiaus—sgThe MERCAN"' LE TRUST Lr . : Have you ever III, WORK DONE AT N:IQHT, ptipul4tion of Quebec, I (,, . W.Wwi4 , your life said anything thf,tt to trtiol ,,- " Canada bAV A. population of 6,391,310 1 1 � 017 CANAVAo LIMIT �D . What you have written, you little our In 1001. nearly 2,000,000 loss than 014t Ooomti Probable. � JE, . Tercentenary at. Quebec* I � I I . of A dog, on the Subject of the 04id At (N. Y. Sun.) of tile State of New York. In feet there - Tlivy were looking tit Mat celebrated . I I I � 1- � � ' "I ULTS . Fle; 14 Absolutely false. Have you qoetl,,� -five miles itattle, the Venus of Milo, I -OFFICE$ AND $AFF4 DEPOSIT,,,J I Business in tile V411adl,Ari parliamoilt � are more pvople 'within twenty (Han. Cleo, W. Rose') copt A4 a shelter from offended justice I , .you hog, with wbAt respect wild admir- - of Now York City than In all Canada, . "Ilat whero art, tho bandi.1,11 aslced I propose, as A. P ,11 � a ,Ile Euollolt Tiewripapera speak of 14 transacted Nolemnix as a rule, al, Yet the Parliament at 0tt,,l,wtt is not I I . she owiled'a, few of tue West ludi;; i,: Bank of Hamilton Building, -o -/" I Hamilton, Opt ,%tie Im. 11noniritp!,, nitall coIttribution to, lands aud Prince ltupert'N Land !it North I him? though occasloriall tile der4ocratic apir. enough-, each province has its Plarl "llivy li'viv ]aid off, inaaam", vX04111- �y I , la- , the interest Which His I 11. ,I". "If you Ivero capable of being fair n.%l it, which to voluch tile same over the bor- Inent and All the Pomp ,d the , 410 IAUQIUIU�lt, ,'III conscloill(1114?a , Xxoollonoy's sug,- America, And seettictl to be. satisfied. ao '. I .and ceremony . gestion for the prosorvAtion of the Plains But Ivith tile poRsc"jo,11 of Quebec the AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS impartial Or Of tolling tile t"'ItIt I would ' der as It !S. here, will livo, its way, thereto appertaining t Anything wblo� Ir A dis'n-strous break !it marble Aock." . recotint to, you the great tilings. that the has to do with low axtition And loo#J e partner- -al le v f oput r. Adinini3trator, Trpstee, Guar4lan, Aselonce, Liqujdaxtor, Caid has Accomplished oil this very day, 0 It a Pit evinced A desire to conduct th Ideal of A Ooloni allph asteiied it ., Ship on friendly A . self upon Dritio-b. statesmen, and froin . RX o - I I , _ Canada, goes curly to bed. That is commerce and the erection f miudel �,l I'li4dditional Facts. , ad equal terms, and Recolver. Trgnsfer Agents, Rogistrar of Sh4 too Mitch A general' Assertion of fact which has no oortiorations comes wit in ti, power,. that date forword, whenever' new terri. I ., irea. But It would. be paying you , I It � o� 5� of Tile Trolall bad 31latilea tile woodell - I reas's of A. PIgI -cessary, to the Provincial Legislatures, I allied, ).r ininor possoss- . � - � I . more exception$ than Are no, 4orwk lwiidt� tile gat(�" Pf their city., ulwre friction occurred, as to rpetbods Of tory could be olit, � %onor ),oil little ca - ; 4 - business (and that was not infrequent Ions enlarged, site pubned ]let! conquests A Trust 'Compkn3r Doing a ftrIctl3r Trust oIn4 Ag­en�,y Buoiness I 'The noble melialial of our Sultan ]tea prove thii rule.' I I . ­ "It bau A rubber suspiol Otis look ahou� as just; triumphed oier our enemies, the .. But the Qanadialt Rouse ' !it its. early hietoq) to vary such ivell'44 her commerce, until now She .. REAL. FATHER OF HIS CITY'. , itj,, t11011, sald, "but it isn't a steva rall. OcclIpleS olle-quarter of tile lutbitalile CORRESPONDENCE INVITED .1 Inf Idols, and Pitt th-vit to rout. May Qf Oonnuoii4 traniacta most of its rQg1l- . . . ; I . or, anyNvay.�) methods where Possible, without proju- God destroy youl You will be vary care- 14r business Ili -night sessions. Ousy French Miyor Who Has Beon. well'. had it been for t1lem, however, , dice to the ultimate succeso of j . 40 part- Ions enlarged, silie, Pushed her conquests . HON. VIM, GIBSON, 11resident S. C. MACDONALD, Alanager ful'itot to print Me news You lwill I. ro- A Ixership, of Canada who "can tell what would have � . , It tilt night session in (,'ougrevs Is an In Office Thirty,ono Years R Is We see by tile light of tile subat-quent , �. 9*064 celve, event. The, filibuutro NyWoh. Nenator 14 e e politicians And Ot facts, If they had stampedea then. Alid: '14Q articles Pt partnership Were form- been t.,Ile effect 111)911 ber aspirations ,;Zt . ­ —_ "V : "You say, 0 ass of asses, .that the- . � ,hey$ , � � ,, an . - .1 I ­ . 1. I I . I - 1. . I 1� . ­ � ,. . 1=:_1 there. . � - ally signed on the .Plains of Abraham. d her territorial expansion. I . 11 � ­ . . .. Rlitill, should urilto Ili Ilia person four Yollotte, of XViswushi, led against the tlIinklng last Memorial Day when Icings- - . I I I I . I . - � , outside tile Third. It was vita) for Oreat Britain L - . - . . I ... -bill A�t tile Bessio ton, X, Y" in honoring the plemory OI ' ' city of Quebec on the l8th .� I fundamental tiling-9—jilptnow., states- emergency curroncy , 11 - recootly clo,4od required an all night Be$. . INIOT R' � 11!r 6eptelaber, 1740, And went Into itamooll, that in tile counoils of Europe ]let, pres 000000000000000 lie entered the kitchen a,pleased stai XPJ.0 i,j) ()V HIAT'. tige should lie maintained. Prussia was � I to - mariship, courage, And descent from the Q 0 v. George Clinton, pointed With "to effect, � played around his shrewd lips, Sion to break it up. It wits Unusual on- . pride Eimployer—So you Want a, job, eh? treaty of asserting Iwilself under Frederick- the Goreichites. 1AIdeli of these things do , to the fact that ho b � . It is A far cry from the =1 "Where's Carter?" lie said, looking I You fipd in the Ab4ul Azlz? Is.'it in. the 'Ongh, to olem,and extended accounts it% ad held the office Well, what d!a You 4.0 at your ht -A I .1 capitulation "VII10h, was I-Aade oil tile _ the newspapers. In Canada aa All night of County Clerk of Ulster Cou Plains of Abraham in 175,0 to tile present Great, Austria bad undoubted influence -round, name 6f justice that lif" has made A gift 's Aty, for place? I . �. Theory vs . legislative session is a. frequent occur- fifty-two year , not rolin BOY -I didn't do as one of the greatest Powers of Coll- 0 . I'lle's gone," ,was the reply., of two cities In the, laind of the Mobam- quishing the ,, nothing, I wits tilL, year of grace, 1908, bu , it Is remarkable tral , Russia -was emerging from . "Why didn't you kup hint until I got - medans? And as though this were -not rence. post even who serving AS. Governor or office boy, � 1. . Lt the =ty of centuries and. Spain Can you Imagine Uncle Joe 0annon In as Vice.prosidn how the Aipulationq of that treaty halve was still a force to be reckoned IVIM § home?" 1118 tone evinced surprisei for enough, I.% lie -not seekimr to impose over a black' silk gown and cooked lia ent of the United ,States. *z,1'1 I g; I I I - � h4luenced the courso .of Q Practo Jane could Always be depended upon to � I t ad, Anudian his- ice I us the, Authoritv of infidels? But there are modern instances at long The. Professor Explains, .1 . Itamezity's demand that the Outside the tontinent of Europe site 8 making a trade, and lie often vanoing to thti�Speakcrls- olltaft, At the be. . .. . , had little to.fe4r becausa of her power . As the star ;f Abdul Aziz is again lie Office holding in ,elective communities, F'Wlly is' it," Asked the doctor, "that . . Admitted that, without her help, his 9 of each day's ses�loa of t and one of them e4 . t?" garriso - be permitted to business -ventures would have pr.yed -cly that this poll. '= O4 Represent r � � me to light in the Astronomers, whose 'work. raust be Peon - I r ey& h n should &000C)000000000000000 on the ascend. it is lib I alartili. out of the city which he so hon- at sea, but to maintain her rank among 000 0 ter will. lose, Ilia. job unless he restrains W I atives, with his, dig. last election Ill the Commune of Serigny, . liarly trying oil their I I )owers of vision, ]ter sister nations, she could not Afford June Meek had filled her ap failures, . nity ful-ther emphasized by a gold laced in France. � orably surrendered Ives significant of the to be baffled either In di . plomacy or Ili � ron, with :t his ideas and their literary expression. f unqtloinary prec I almost utilforml,y have strong eyes?" resolute manner !n, Which the, French race wood and WAS about to leave the shed ' 'We Was so mad that I didn't try, -_ I 0. , eding hint and b 'allins Henri Lehoux'has been Mayor of 8er- '7%ly friend," Answered � the professor, I L has ever ,since Insisted upon fair re- *%v a r, What were the many millions, when she Stopped A moment, Wom . June Answered. calmly, its Elbe turned W, - HER a Sword and a mace? Such formaliaY igny for thirty-one . . . which Pitt spent in the conquest of Catill fashion, to hear what her husband aiind her biscuits t NSTON CHURCHILL'S MOT ,, as t)iere is sits irksome upon Yet years and he has "it is because they have strong eyes that. cognition in the administration of tho � I o brown evenly. hint. just been re-olected, Moreover, his else, they, are Astronomers" . country. A race who, in the hour of Ada, compared to the )r stige And the the parson were talking about. Tile "Madl What about?" the Speaker -of the Canadian House in ' t. distinction which it conf,r,ed -upon. Brit-. I . Fares -Well at Handi of Caustic Critic tiOn AVAS almost unard Otis, for out of . their direst adversity,, wits able to snatch is,, a Words that came to her ears caused her Jane repeated the conversation, add. opens the sessioli At 3 P. in, each Par"d- 100 votes ilt his small commune he re. . , ' � from the Iron grasp of the conqueror the It ikitesmen,.and the droad With which checks to flame -with anger and resent. Ing sweetly, "I done it to please you, Who Compliments H.er Taste, , . inentary,'day with All that f ortimlity And ceived 97. . No Misrepresentation. * 1 invested ]ter army and navy! ment. "All women, I recko m dear; hereafter you shall be proud of Mrs. George Cornwallis West is the . more., ­ lt is said of hill$ that he has made no, Boarder (10 saminer resa.rt) -Didn't "honors of ivar" could not fail to be an And astly, the acquisition of French or less deceitful," bell han w a having a wife who speaks the truth, subject of a pen portfait this Week In The Speaker reads prayers, The chap- enemies in hi Ur booMet awy, there were no, mosqui. , I Important factor in the future history of llft�l gavoil . Own a long Service as head of his VO I And then, whether we ap- ce, to Great Britain a frontal Ing.. ,,NOW, -as good a the* -whole truth, and nothing but the the series being published by an Mile- lains-of Congress have been kn to toea bere2 � any country. tra 6 to er there's,lity Wife I taommune, but his recora contradicts the � � Sit western possessions In Woman. as there is 11 these Parts ---can't truth." trated paper under the title "Searchlight Include political oratory in their invoca- adage that a man who never makes mis- Proprietor -It did Sir, And it told the prove or disapprove of the r;ligiou they North America, What Would the. great O'Janel' the contrite man said Sheep- - In Society." The -writer, w1to rofesses tions. 1,1liers is this similarity bqtween I., professed, a raw who claimed is a can- th and nothin but takes or ene not truth, We ba�i that boo Northwest be Worth to Canada to-da,y tit, truth." .9 mice never makes anything; Ox klet print - if a foreign -nuntry intervened between , Without stopping to hear more Jania "you can't think any meaner of me than severe on so e of of the members come in after ecutes all the acts 'd in February,. and I 'am prepared to ditiou of I'laying down their arms" that Ishly, as he took his seat at the table, to be a candid, friend And who tas been the American House and the Canadian- for Mayor LehQux �x . � I . I to speak, himself. . wo 4sn't a blamed [Fslap). 7ercise it and the ,atlantic Ocea,.n? Accessible fled to the kitchen, dropped her Wood I do myself." He'blushed painfully as sketched, such as Mrs. Asquith and Mrs. . . they should be allowed the free e . in the women previously most of state, so Ile that there IV of their relittious eolivietiolis is - - I prayer, . lie makes out All civil papers. He dis- mosquito within 60.0 inoles of here at � . lot I directly only by Hudson Bay, it Iyould into the box With a bang and returned I�c spoke, and braced himself for -his George Koppel, cannot finde,PLi,,,,tI,Ing to In. the House of Representatives the tributes official aid and attends to all that ti)nQ- race likely to encourage anarchyl-or flout be Isolated from the World except for to her butter malting, where she guys I If O,s reply, criticize in Mrs. West exe he a a anged In it semicircle, 80 benevolent work of the commune. Fur - the authority of constitutional govern" a few months each year. The great wa- vent to her outraged feelings by splash- ,'Have a biscuit, Ese*.,c?" she asked that she once was.p, tory-dem.ocrat And tlixt all the members fAce the Speaker, thermore, lie is'econoinleal and for Ded � . . . . many aration ,Amended. ment. A race, too, that has Preserved terivays reaching half -across the couti, Ing the dasher up And down with un. pleasantly. --Boston Post, now is a liberal free trader. and incidentally tile press. gallery. The years lie has dispensed with the services its individuality, its social habits, Andits nenb would be -under foreign coutrol, - I t . Araballit-Lil is going to marry Dick, 'language ainid All the changes of the and the prairies of the -West -would be wonted vigor, As her 'skilful hands ' The writer says Mrs. West's.maternal opposing Canadian parties face cacti sa - 's slie? Isn't thit * centuries; has a, Steadying power, witich. - . patted and moulded the golden mass FS. heart evidently directed ,her political other across a gangway,'lfts is t t'A sage and a fortunate man" is the balk about!" t just too ridiculous to In . as isolated as Central Africa. To ac- Into neat looking prints, Jane gave her .1 I convictions, and thut she followed her Ili the British Commons. But the Oanall c . . . ornment of his fellow eQuntrymen,-N. this democratic age of change and 1111- quire Canada Ives to con.ject. the cast intentions a thorough search and found Admiral Dot Now the Head of a son, Winston Churchill, whereas it is -the diatte have improved on the British ens- y. Sun. Fatt'll-a-I Bliould say 'not! It3s too , of ine.1culable value in and the we4, and to lay the foundation them honest, the onty. semblance of de- more generally accepted belief that it tom. as far as comfort goes, for cacti . idiculous to kpep still abouti I promoting the stability of government for that/Canadian empire which so hap- ceit being those little fibs that seemed Unique Hostelry. Was Mrs. West's maternal counsels member has a little desk and a comfort- 1,1 . . . � , and suppressing the vapid agitator and pily responds to the impulses of natIon- - able chair of his own. House flies spread ,contagious diseases I I . art necessary to the harmony of every" Being the smallest -volunteer fireman which guided Winston when he joined such as typhoid fo�03r, scarlet -fever, . His Excuse. I . the turbulent demagogue. To quote .r3ir hood and is Already so rich in promise day life as oil to maCehinery. Howey in the world is not the only distinction the liberals.' �_ Mitch of the real work of the Cana- . � I As r , or, 'j- smallpoxand consumption. Wilson's Fly 8unday School Tertclier-`lrommy� I mw Charles Dilke in his recent book on, the and so comnianding'In Its possibilities. � Bit objected to her methods, she to.which Admiral Dot, ,,vita also -is 0114 'Me article concludes bit this pompli. than House in whipping legislation Into '. I W Pads kill the flies and the disease germs. "'I' runhi ' 119 the lawn inower this mOrn. British Empire, "The Fronch-Canadiallis And now. having endeavored to inter- would hereafter stick to the plain, un. ,of the. smallest men in the World, can ment on Mrs. West's taste In dress end sit pe is done in committees which meet too . ng. DO Volt thin!; it was right for you , . are now, under - the adinirablii it'- pret the significance of the events to varnished truth, and she Jaughed, in 'IRY claim- He is proprietor of the fit house decoration: . iiio'the morning, AVasliiiigton and not . . - - I I , O (10 tlla�il c ate born wis- which I have called Your attention, let spite of her anger, at the thoughts of oldest hotel at White Plains, 'in -New "As regards the former you once gave London is copied to that extent. The - TOlilmy Tucker-Yeslill. It kept the dom. we have conferred upon them, per- me. ask you if it is not a fitting thing Some -of the possible results. As she York State, in existence. It is run by An epigrammatic summing iiij on the full sessions are taken -up mostly with 'A FILIPINO FUNERAL. - 1-rass front growin' on - 8 � unday. L � , haps the moat loyal of all the peoples un- that we should re�ojco In the memories saw the two men se,unterIng toward dwarfs, and Admiral, Dot, wbo Is 32 subject: 'To dress well is to dress sulta- necessary routine and With speeches. The. Split bamboo fence on the other - 0 0 1 der the British Crown, and they axe so they awaken an the national, come- the houso, she was conscious of a feal. -years old and 2% feet high,, is married to blyr ,to dress suitably is to dress well., If you are a Canadian M. P, you -May side of the naxrow Street opens in the Doe3 So etimes. . . . I As for your new home, Sallsbur7 Hall, Wear your hat at- not. as you please, m I Ili spite of the fact that they have re- quences to which they -gave birth. The Ing of bitterness toward the minister the prettiest dwarf Ili the world. tOrm of a 9`Qtelvay A watite -man, CS4 Youthful Castainer (At book storp)- mained intensely French, proud of their folluding of Quebec brin a us back three also. .Us might, at least, have. spoken His wife Is 31 inches high-& trifle , while Bittin - .,hspera momento-,"' and his cochero �j St. Albans, dorift I hear stories of'rooms J race and Its history And deeply attached centuries -back to the 5ays of the car- r taller than ]ter husband, and sho-activelY hung With old brop - ber. ,i at your 6sk in the chara , 71at, does "Bridge Whist F or Beginners" d wo d in her defence, and her Welcome Ado and a white mar But w tell you enter or leave you brings tile little native pony to a bait� . to their tongue and its literature . . . . liest explorations of North America- -laqked the cordiality to which he was' assists him in the business, 'The dining hie bath fit a rose pink bath -room? I must not fail to bow to tile Speaier. The white man walks rather impatiently-, ost? . . The double allegiance of the French- to the days when European civilization sicaus � tomed. I room head Waiter is short of his mis� often wondered what Is the secret of Furthermore, etiquette demands that if 41'ang the Path of the grassy, mimosa Sombre Salesma-n-lt will *probably Canadians of the present day on the one first laid its hand upon the new world. But'Jane's disposition was not one to tress' height by one inch, th&tL tattoo mark on Your wrist wbich you move front your place, even across tieed YaXd Until he comes to a short entire wad. I . I ,(;at you your hand to the British Crown and to the What a plunge Into the past. Earlier harbor churlishness, and soon the three This diminutive couple have two chil- barely is concealed by a broad gold a narrow Mile to your neighbor's desk-, Stairway leading to a trediised balcony, liberty which they enjoy under it, and than the commonwealth. Earlier than were chatting pleasantly over tile bap. dren, both of whorn are of average size bracelet. Was that indelible mark a it must be done with head UnCOVOTed. . I and go rdisappelmrs from adght, . VHY HE ANIAS. NERN'T TO BOARDIN(I . on the other hand not to a foreign power the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. Who penings since the older's last visib. and every day becoming taller than their more freak of fancy, or is ft.the secret Tile hall of the Canadian House Of The cochero, casting arOuiad for ARA SCHOOL. which they regard as foreign, but to Would not rejoice In the ancient lineage When the clock struck 5; Esek gave parents. The daughter is being educated sig of some quaint and curious his. Commons is large and airy. There are for his cabello, find,s ,,one. W;ber,u their own race and literature, is one of of this sacred Spot, sacred to tile first the usual invitation to stay to supper. at a select boarding school a -ad the son tory?" . ca Pon Johnny -I lirLte to bother you, lin, but I � I pacious- galleries, and above these he lighfa-a cigarette, curls up in the hot- eally Pa like to know-- . the lapses of human nature, and it may tbrobbings of a new nation -sacred to "I shall be pleased, of course," an- attends school nearer home. _- I many stained glass windows of cathedraki toni of the carrDIMMba. W . be of hereditary antipathies. Oanada N the memory of the old regfine-of Froii- style. , ips the xeins Pot-Avell, what? swered the ps,rsonj overjoyed at tile Formerly Admiral Dot-, *lie is knowri A Hundred Years From Now. through hie arm, removes the Whi f I I -101, I'll y -If ow 'is it that baby fish 1, .to -day stronger In her national cohesion tenac and Laval --And Sacred alike to prospect of Again enjoying Mrs. Meek's' ' In private life as Leopold 11alm, -*vaa a . The desire of legislators to deliver its socket and, clutchin A tig,,rtill ' lon'tgei drowned before they've leirned and more inevitably committed to purs-de those of later days, to Dorchester and hot puffy biscuits, "but I don't want to member of the Lilliputian Opera Com- There's a picture in the window speeches. not so much to affect the issue promptly falls asleep, if . letting the cigar. 0 9 her own distinctive destiny, whatever it Durham and the Fathers of Confedefa- ine3nvenionce your. wlfo�ll party, where he sang -tenor and took the Of a little shop I know, before the House as for home consump- ette burn itself Out. He is a not too . , winl. I . L I . . way be, than she would have been -were blon. Fill us Its history As you ma,y, "Na'fear of tliat))P Esek laughed, "for Part of comediall. His first appearance With boys and girls dressed as they were tion is fulfilled in Canada by the Han- trustful, person, the cochero. _ . .11 I it no;, for the Partnership so happily -with all the modern innovations in arch- my wife is Always prepared. There beforel the Public was on the Barnum A Ittindred Years Ago. . sard Reports. They answer about the Presently the White man appews at . No Lack of Diversion. . . itecture and transportation so familiar While And ,Since I saw it, I have thought same purposes as the Congressional Re- _ Mrs. Jenner Lee Ondego-Didn't you formed one hundred and fifty years ago in other cities, yet Quebec still s ain't 9, better housekeeper this side of circuit, but it is in opera and . a. Window and calls sbaxply to tbe drow- I on the Plains ol Abraham. tands the Connecticut, If I do say it. Ain't playing and singing irk "Jack, the Giant And keep on thinking how cord. The Hansaxd reports are [In oing hot The YOUM61aber takes from be. find it liard to entertain so large a com. that so, -Jane?" and he beamed upon his The children maybe, Will be dressed Ada tea British, Institution. The Han. neath tK� Seat Of the carromalt T And here let me submit two other can- with the tracery of the olden days on Killer," "Babes in the 'Woods," "Gul- I 'O & form� pany on such sho t noticef siderations bearing upon the relations of every feature, and the legends j of the wife with pride. liver," etc., that Admiral Dot looks back A hundred Years from now. sarTs since Luke Ransard became print- Idable looking box of instruments and Mrs. Oaddei-Oli, no- they all seemed - the French occupation of Canada to the old regime on every page, of its 'history. He're Was an opportunity to give Ix upon with the greatest pleasure, er to the British House of Commons in �lottles. This he carries thro 10 find plenty of 611tert.innitent in the n our u For all his diminutive size, the admi- 11 ' 1800 have made a specialty of publish. Yard AN Into the house. When he - )olculia,rities of our new butler,Chicago history of North Amerida. First, if the Quaint, old city, -the dearest link I demonstration of "the whole tr tit and Will gir s wear caps or farthingitlea, ugh the French had not taken possession of Can- connection With the past a's well as the nothing but tile truth," .And though ral enjoys nothing better than to don his .Or hoops in grand array? I Ing the reports of Parliament. re- pribline. - . . . . turns to the roadway, he leads the horse .1 I ada. when they did and �olonized the val- historical contra of all that modern ,jano's, hospitable* heart rebelled ,within fireman's suit and go with the larger M71U they wear bows like butterflias, In England, curiously, the Hansard re-' Ulrlou,gh the baraboo gate and so on to � ,.:— ley of the St. Lawrence, Canada would, civilization has done for British Amer, her, she made answer, Iwo, you know "boyat' to a fire. He is a brave and offi- Will boys wear jackets short, or tie ports are ifot taken In shorthand, but are the-obade Of the mimosas. This What He Said. . no doubt, like other parts of.North.Am- it!&- ' . . . it ain't, Esek; you know that company cloub little fireman, too. Their hair in queues? Just how compiled front the careful and volumin. aa effort on the part of the p mile out . "Waiter," said a traveller in a, rail.' erica, have been occupied by the British. And we celebrate the battle of the often comes when I am Wholly unproll Admiral DoVs guests for the most They'll really look, I'd like to know- ous newspaper reports. Then, before being 110 ew.rn � ony, there . Then -would it not naturally follow that Plains of Abraham not because � obile A hundred year4 fiont now.. age Incline in frorIt ofth, oad, restaurant, "did you say I had of the pared for them. I feel like laughing part comprise trolley parties, autom publishing, the speeches. are submitted cass, and the curb beimg-a full foot fion, �lovcuty minutes to wait or that it was 'when the other British colonies revoite4 .sovereignty which it transferred, but be. right out when they say, 'We like to parties and bicycle tourists, Who find it - to those who made them. the street. wenty minutes to 8�711 in 1776 that Canada as the fourteenth cause of the sovereignty which it found. come here, for we never put you out no end of jolly while journeying about What do you think. tho'boys and girls - It is a very pleasant custom -for the An' W, d Woman, bare 'of arm. and leg "Nayther. 01 said ye had twinty min. d them? By I colony would have also joine ed and develo,rd. What was the tri- any, you are so forehanded,"' the country to come upon this hotel run Will eat In those far days? 8 eakers. But tb,,y may Insert things clad onlydn a pina 011al" and a Scarlet itca to slte, an! thoVs all ye did. have. A, similar process of reasoning, had not umphant marc of Wolfe to the tri- '�how) quit your joking, Jane." said by midgets, who front the midget pro. Will they be fed on breakfast foods My intended to say or wished they had skirt stands, in the frame fO I:er train's just gone.oAm--Everybodyls I umphant march of liberty, and tolem. Reek, alarmed at the seriousness' of his priotor and hii"pretty midget Wife down In many sorts of ,ways? 0 rmed by the Canada become a British possession in , said, and may eliminate or tone down 'window. She combs her long black T N,T . in . 1769 is it not more than 'probable -when tion and statesmanship which followed wife's tone "or the minister will think to the ,midget clerk In the office all Will all the good and tasty things passages they regret. hat 'a"flz 0 . - 1. and sticks the comb coquettiehly 9A the Not For Him. Napoleon Bonaparte sold. his French pos- . In its wake? In the ordeal of battle you meau'ft, and don't want him to speak English and German. .. 130 worse far them than rice.? "The doings nf the Canadian House are ".it of a. sessions in America to the United States ma',ny of the noblest qualities of the hu- stay,,, �: - V I t Will ice cream soda make thein sick,, all taken down In Shorthand by the she r beed, LI911ItI11g - cigarette, . "I think it only proper to remark, Mr. In 1803 that Canada as part of these inn race are called Into exercise, bub Jane trembled; but remained firm.' JOURNALISM IN MOROCCO, And everything that's nice t . Hansard )reporters. The reporters have otleaPPe"" in the gloom Of the Alp- . Seed," said the haughty girl, who � French possessions would also have been it is only by the Arts of peace that a "He'll think right, then," she answered I I seats in the gan rway below the Speak- artirtent. I hought Slap, detected "signs" "that I bargained away. Are these two oircum- I who house slide .zould not in- t"iWan living." .nation cat reach its highest altitude, shortly. - . Remarks by an Editor About an Es. Will childreres books have pictures then? er's dais, As iN_nglund, members 'khe shell -windows of the . arry the best stances contingent parts of that "divill. and the progress of humanity its great- "Why, Jane," exclaimed her husband, . teemed Contemporary. Or just all reading be? � make speeches have a chance to correct Into place, Sbutting out a view of three. ,11)011�t bti alarmed.." replied Mr, Con est development. Who, in the light of now thoroughly-rora-rined, "wbat is the ainted and 0 - Ity which shapes our ends 11 or merely an Perhaps -they'll be hand -p them in proof, and it is a common sight tOurths of the room. In the Shortened ,opt, "lie isn't going to propose. MY 2 history, -regrets the battle of the Plaint' reason? Ain't you feeling well 71' - - Some interesting facts dinve jusb been Most bealitiful, to see. to behold them while a session is on Opening fim elderlY man appears for a att,-rcst in you is lorely.platomlc.'�- hypothesis incapable of proof? At all of Abraham, and who, t1lat loves free "Yes, perfectly well; the only reason printed about the nowspapers of .Iqor- But when I think of those I have, carefully coliting for their constituents moment. He glances wainfereatedly at I 'hiladelphio, I Press. . events the lo , c of the situation leads to speech in every tongue, a, free conscience being that there is next to nothing In occo in tile 'Revue (lu,.alonde Mussul- I the remark, the threatening sky And walks I - uslon. I truly donOt see ]low .4 they made the previous day. . but one colteK, under ever creed, and liberty under the house fall supper, and what man.' These journals originally owed . Puffing stolidly on a cigarette. &Way, . Let us next consider th canc Y with They can be Q,ny prettier The Canadian 11. P. must speak his of the Plains of Abrallant to America. 'every social condition, 'would have it - the churning and the splittin their existence to N uropean initial- A hundred Years from now. piece* to get it printed. In Washington, An hour goes by. Occasiloilaily there ,'I Advice. � otherwise? eral baskets of wood, and pick of aev�-, tive,, The foreign representatives At Fez when time presses tie "Never inarry a ifian to ro�fornl him, Although it is generally assured that tile * * * * 0 Ing. over and Tangier tnoug'll-t-It ii"esoary to --St. Nichol" ar the end ,of a Passes in review WO'rc the window, a 'passing of the Stamp Act %Nw three barrels of apples, besidbs my regu- �: , I � � session, menibtrs get "leave to print" in man ora wouram or a child, smoking me. ay deal,," counselled Aunt HepzIb%Ii. "If , � the cause But hirk. I There is.boomi )f_.can- lar Work, I feel too tired to even reach We better class of the 'people I obanitially. vju do reform Iiiiii he'll hate y . of the revolt of the thirteen colonies, a non. The celebration ill" ."', ,ake through newspapers. They therefore en. Cost of Street Car Strikes. � the Congressional Record, and in that The Shell window at the furt.b. on for it, , ,ready be- Mseults, and am ashamed to put before nd if yon don't you' closer reading of history shows that the . I way yards and Yards of good political .r and ,11 always be pitying - from kilyria The* Chicago street care strike is one matter is preserved, to be sent later, . rigkt of self-government conceded to gull- xOu look eastvvat4,ij)1d on the our visitor the few pieces of stale bread 911904 "'3110 newspaper men .' finally Slides, lfnrly L:w't The 11-btie boy /ours'eff I, r having inarrica a nian who them In their charters trom the Crown shimmering waters of the -R. Lawrence and hasited potatoes left from dinner' And two papers printed in Arabic were of a series of Buell attempts to arbi- postage free, through the mail$. of the Am-crioan, family saye wondering_ L -asn't good enough for yuo." was the secret Spring of that spirit of you behold a long procession of moving However, Elder Durgin, if you, care to started !it 'lan.gier, 'El Saadul in 1904, trarily settle the controversies between The Canadian Commons wouldn't ly, "Mik, look, papa,l They have lighted. - � forms shrouded in smoke And pulsating stay, you are welcome to such as we and 'El A-bahl in 1906. street railway companies and their etan need to, sit all night very often if it three (WAAes across independence which found expression at I the way and It Fretful Lad. . 10hil-adelphim Ili 1774. The Stamp act as though stirred by some terrible pas. have." But the arcon) 'With profuse Both, being under European influ. PIOYees, . were not fo,4 ilia flood of oratory that isn't dark Yet." I "This ion of inine is always III) to Sion. Look! . What flag is that which Apologies, was fready making his ences, have supported the Sultan Abdul The Chicagn Tribune publishes some Is to be "embalmed in Hansard," as the In the Yard of the house next door a was but an excuse to assert their inde. St tistics of cost ,which ought to diall saying goes. As it. is, the grey light of suit of r"4 CtAora, a. red body and "O'lleth"19"' I � flutters from the foretop of the groat Adieus. Aziz during toe pending unpleasantness a - pendence In the fullest sense, althoug . :130YS will be boys." the 11 . monster now leading the ,procession? r Now Jane Was a tender-hearted little in Morocco. 'Their articles against the cOurage the most obati.n4to striker. dawn will filter frequently through the green Buft, with a scarlet cap, lies dry- . had in, fact all �ne liberty up to - .� 'I wouldift object to that, Dut lie v see itl Huzza' Who would not cheer bodyi and began making amends to her Attempted usurpation of his brother, The St. Louis strika lasted three stained glass windows and find a mem- Ing on the grass, while a Tagalog groom that time which it was poi&sible to obtain that meteor flag of a thousand Years. - husband by making some buttermilk Muley Rafig, stirred to towering rage months and ona4half, The company lost ber pouting forth Words to an audience lazily curries the broad back of an Aus- lvallits to take a fetnale part, ill a college . under Any circumstances. But so long One hundred and fifty years ago it Was - Macuits, Of which she was esp8ciall many of the leading men of kez, W1010 $868,00%. the strikers $744,GM, and the of pages sleeping. soundly on the Speak- tralian thoroughbred. Next day the peo- fty."-Xittisas City Journal. as France was in control of Canada to Y. O� ness interests of the city a . sum es- or's Tv . tie. . the north, and west they felt that to at- seen where it now floats, but with dif, fdnd. As she deftly tossed the mixture had turned Abdul Aziz'oiat f Ids capi. busi Pie came to the house Across the way- ferent feelings. And are the sailors -who upon the well -floured board, it Strwilger tail' timated at $21,004,000. � I If you are in Ottawa, the Canadian dark skinned men'In White, Women in Perfectly Adaptable, tempt a Be aration would be to place see on.deck the Same breed of men - entered. "Youlf'man told me fb come in They decided that the grout party The Cleveland strike of 1899 cost the "'I at night, and see a. cluster of scarlet F-kirbe and pinit carnims, children - �10ould you, n. pampered darling,. be Ives lalween two fires. On. the u arid warm. up while he drove the parson employers $5010,000, the men $W0,W0 o'Np,'tria' lights twinkling front the flag- in a single garment. They awam - happy in it cottagey" therase Y,T, fought at Trafalgar and the Baltic that WAS supporting the claims to the - Atlantic side British troops could be and the coast of Spain, and ,ire they home," the man Said, Inaking his way- throne of Muley Ilafig must have a and the merchants $150,000. . stitli on I the tower of the Houses of Par- through the bamboo ga.tewuy and sit on "Why, certainly, 11trold. Where is thi% easily landed, to which resistance would looking for some enemy to eneounterY - toward the stove. "I've been looking' . I In New Orleans the company's. loss liament you will kn.`,V 'that the Com- the balcony and ill front Of the sheIl - cottageY At Newport or Saratoga?". - be futile. To the north An Peace, there is no enemy to -day, and over the critter he wants to sell me newspaper organ of its own. Type and - . I d wf st they printing paper were ha,rd to gob at Fez, was lV0,000 and the strikers' $05,000, mons Is In session. . Windows, waiting -and smoking. Washington Herald. -would be Subject to t4o attack by the It is well. These itionsters of�-the Beg, and she is a beauty, no mistalco,"' h J but it quantity of material Was at last The San Francisco men loat $42,000 Wheft the debate ends and the time 11herti Is a stir in tfic narrow street. Frowlt, aided no doubt by Canadians, on which you are gazing tire not Seek- went on. rubbing his hands with satic And the company $80,000, for a division has come, be it early Four black horses, their gloom heighten- - Formal Indeed. 9' rocured and EI Ta�oun began to appear But by the conquest of Cotuada the poSI-. Ing for proy, they boar no message'of faction tiveil the red-hot covers. 'I'vVli&t P I '.Phase figures show the coet'of defeat, evening or at dawn, there Is great earn, od by the sombilentsts of their cra�c furl - "Was 'it a formal dilineii"' tion -was materially changed. They ar- death, on the contrary their gung-Ting does,be watit to sell such EL a inost astonishing nowspaper, Which since the strikes Were lost, except in motion ab Once. Bells,lritg simultaneous- nislunga, advance slowly, dragging an "I sit -.ere wero s-, good milker inade up for its meagre size withheat. bu ling. ould say so. TI gmed that now in the event of it revol, "Out as jpy-bells ring at Christmastide. for, anyhow?" ed and virulent language. The way that ,Sail Francisco, where a Partial victory ly throughout. the enormous hoarse, carved on all Sides by triany knives, forks and spoons 4ii ,,', ution, France, instead of aiding Great But stop. Is that the flaur-de-lis of "Because Alle's all run otit and don't ' WAS Wall. The members troop in from every A, native rolifts,ter, Queer symbolic figures dy had his Pye, gluod on die, to revenge gracefully - is in obou adorn the carriage AM extend to see whioll to pick up navll. Brit4ht, would be disposed France that I see moving so pay for her keep," atiswerod �ancr, jab editor has lambasted the odious reptile After such experiences, plain men with side. There ia it foW minutes of di - = the losa of Canada and could be depend., to take Its place Abreast of the -royal bing the dough with bar biscuit cutter, Who edits one of the rival sheets all, nt� Animosities and no Obstinate prejn- order. Members play pranks on each Ai ar -Washington Star. .. ed upon openly or Secretly at least, for flag Of .V,n�land? Well done. That flag * IV" was blowing his nose titles him to a place it. front rank of dicag cannot but Wonder why both sides 'other, and ptioular airs are sung. Then Oil this driver's seat are two WI Fill. —_ , assistance. "' ad in the middle of a vituperattive journalism. Below tire some don't resort to some other means of set- the party whips enter, indicating that ipin S, t .. 4rtP fluttered in these waters three hundred oull Bbo 9 And a the heads of the front "I" - � ' General James years ago, -when this proud city of vigor Y' P Ox 11 E. I fling Such 'differences. -4t. Louis Post- the oppoping forces have been collected, horses, with a hand on the reins, are For the past fourteen years a, brood of 18 it Possible that LO resourt hi4 �noi and stared at the'wo- tracts from a recent .srticla I gird's Nest in Letter Box. Wolfe rather than to General George Quo -bee was born. Welcome, dear old men, %,8,oles ,hat,11 Jand added, 11sho Talloun. Part of it has been bluo-pen. Despatch. I I and all Is decorum. two others, each, olad It se is Buell a kicker that Beck can't milk allied as tob appropriate for publica. — - _ , . , , verest black, tointits has been reaiea each Spring Ili Washington, the American Repubaic. ficur-da-lis, welcome, the flag of Francel her At all without me ot-standing and tion In any language: I . . The Commons Isn't the whole Gov- relieved by a trimming,of gold brai& ,,,, letter bov at Vttooxeter Workhouse. owes its origin, and Is it poAsible that But what is that new flag that loonis Logical. ernment, but nearly so. There is an A mall black a fin;wIlli-1�1te ,;inee the parent biras first took posmall The t "Pez,-May God preserve her from .11 The class W tte gran1marll Uppor House, or IS -nate, which is about me,Aftt1,, I,, ' the victory Which Ivan for Great Bri upoill the horizon, spangled with Stars petting 'her," angry larmc� Waited as Z, ! 0"' Ag of feet'. '. q , tain to hear no more but started for the evil Anti ovildoer,61 The Policy of her if ,t4e Ing -any one As useful as the Uouse of Lords. The _ r'% iion of the box they )lave hatched 200 her vast Canadian possessions, occupy. and fluttering In all the vigor of its I 0 sd the tele er, "can 91ONVIY down tll�sbair. aild l.to1he ggs.-London Standard. ing half it, continent, ,end that, the true young life ? Vilknown to Wolfe, un- (loot, buittering sollacthing About, "wast. eneinies is taking the shape of powder give me & word ending with 'Otis s mean, Senators ard appointed for life by the street by the four men from the under. . -_ shrine for the American is, not Xndo- known to XvIontealin, What is It (16111 !tit tt bull afterroon," as lie disappeared. and bull under the incitement of the Ing full of as in 'dangerous,' full'of dall- Governor-General The fight is all in ttL,k.lor,A. TIle c altet is dep,68i p do Hall where the Dgelar6tion of here 7 Ali) We know It Ivell; it is th�� As he rode itome the thoughts of tilt editor of it miserable news gor, and 'hazardous." full of hazardl" the Cominotim, The Prime 'Minister, *lie 4 ,tea Ili the . Truthful. li�ep "co is IN leads In person the, party in power in the hearse, the door is shut and the four enatinco was signed, tot Mount flag of this United States. My shoula rich bargairt he wits aboitt to make does not know tilt man t.1% r� Who in the class .for it UIV11V (lid volt tell your Wife You bad Y124' Thato was silence men, puffing steadily at their digaretteti, Vernon, where the remains of Generar, it not be here*? To the day we colo- dtOve ilia tinbarrossment of the pre. Ing dog, it reprobate, a lost oreature, a inoment. Then a boy sitting !I, the front Hated of Commonsi is by all Odds the assume their pl,Am, two on the driver's I I l(I allighba�1111)1 I - - Washington are entombedy but tile brate It owes Its origin. _ vious bour from Esek's mind, and when traitor to -Ilia people and big r'311910112 row put out big hand. most Imp6ttilifit Member of the Govern- , — , ­ 111. 111�1 -- , _ - I � the GoIrmor-General, appointed Beat, the others At blie heads of bbe for. 'Tweause I had had %Ix.1i]-Honatoin � heights beldnA Cape Diamorid, beneath Young selon of the northern rone, fit ' I ­­­ ­ ­ . ­.­­ ­ ­­ . I . "Vell, John," solid thoteadher, 111what inent, I . � by the, Crown, not excepted, The British warol botheg, Post. which the St. Lawrefteo flows in ailehot whose vt�lns are )Intermingled Saxon and � is your word?" is �arr' The The single equipAV tams off, tit the . and majostle grandeur? Thi . "Please, air," came tho- roply, I ,one I Systent i tea out thoroughly, a Seems ta, Norman blood, those Salutations are for i Elm I . I 1pl J Ive. y6ars, hou,se across tke way 'the elderly man . True Batoball Spirit, � Ito the judgment of the historians. y0b. V rerice under Whose lovely eves You I M. Ws tire elected every fi _ I 1. � _ - I 11. - - .1 .1 � I I � full of pie." -Tit -Bits. . and tha old Avoinan with the bWk hair OThe baseball spirit N a wonderful itrid, it go, how signifie.w, #,j the whole first Saw tile liglit; England, wh; folded I . t I ± ­ - , __ - � I . , . I uf f eloulas of 81110k.6 through tlio living MI)NARIve thing," Faia a Xeiv Vaven I - I 11 11 -1 - world As well as to America. %me 'the you In her stroi,ig ttras And lavished . Kitka and Cuff -4. , - P , �', * . . .. . ratint. Several young Mon appear at the event of September 18th, 1750. upon you her aboleest gifts; Aniprienn � . lyirb(�r. 11.N4TOW 111�,tuirpsttitions, of it et'n. Then what about the significAnce of � Who claim?; With you a oommon birth! , .. "You got it good many Make from d1s. � Stairway, bearin a native bfA Of twist- tinnally crop up. Tail Joups, tile great Satisfied patroins, don't youl" ed cone, which ley Set in tbe Yard un. Vale Q,jt(,1lcr. flopl)(,41, into that te4pluSh . 0 1 Is I the #6ntogt a" the Plains- of Abrithath it) PlAceo MiOice tO-d6Y in the vigor Of ' I Y",11 replica tile fe,cetions latiodri- I I I don, the infinoan. trees. In the Yard 'Of t.ber - ,11,1ir t_�Ilt%rp t'll ot1l 1. A. ' Great Britain. First, it revonled to hot- Y(tur early manhooll niid the gilded sky . 1. 4 . � man, "but we got more oulls.11-1(atimp hous6 next door the Tagalog groolzi gives 4P e (I ,V� of yout rising expeotatiom. Arid their.- k 11 1811,Ave, 0,11-11 .said T. , In it most conclusive manner tile advApt. Prayer to the ('Wad of nations is that tile I 11 11 � . I city Times. III ?, � � .. ; tht Australian thoroughbred an extra "�TO,i Mid 110.111rollt 011t. Yffle 11)qt." .- age of naval suprommy. When Admiral heroism that has rillade the names of I I 11 I I I I I yuh. The horse ban lwoh tbd 61101' *)veht _\V,,asilingtorl ,"t.1y. Saunders, wibh 277 Billpt of the line and Montealm and Wolfe so dear to the I � I Oputilty t6 a Wife. " I at the'lotal race ttiwk, ool000 "I'diers, Ilet %JLII for Ametla for wh= The wholmme aud dainty Shredded Wheat I f1hay say her husband trouts her 11 0 -1 'd � 0. the conquest Was i6vidalt ,� v a " go" ! "" ch"rac" '�' 'u Tit tot Tot, to " Y ions vkftil il'i t the buttor, 1 1 � "Wliat is that fearful racket fit the ,of (WrIa(la it gonerat water, for luncheon, or any meal, with I Worse than ever." I Beginning of the End. . ,to the whole world that witbout the cofil- partnertihip 6f two racos, flext rnade on � 6L ; I "WhAt litts lie done nowly) � . . "'I told t6tteher, pop�thatyou saidLeho fitimi of 06 W U4 flation ittea #Apiro I U now I "Why, the otlict .day, 11tatolid of ftiving taught you when. you was a little boy." Parlor t" the Plaint of AlivallAm and sintm can. ; cheese, fruit or marmalmle; will givo yo I . , to univorsal movereignity. , I I I 11 "Fatlitil Is patting n lid,olloelt -011 tile C�l � firmed by treaties i%nd noti of PArlia- ' I tittength and vitality. I 11 ber the money to pay her bills, he ii6ld 'What did riba myr - .Second. The taking of QuebOd Prac- mentf may tontribute to the stability,of l 1 � . them hinisolf,'l-Life. 0 X "That stupidity must ran In the tim. piallo.,�-A)Irlitirlgllstm Age-Ilerald. . tically laid the foundation of her Col: � itions and tilt%. prospetity of 4 Always kov,Ay -t6 Otrve. Alwayg belldow, � .. ­ 1 ,4 64, , - -, . I � I ily.11-430timore Amorlefit. ___ � your Inetitl . I JUU %; U, , I.., . onial E ,mpirL*. F,xcopt a tleildltr lootin your people "while. cirelffig Ulna mms � Firt4t Deafmut*--"%f you 6b' t a t I I � .1 of 1 "446 .— . " Naming Him, In tntild, th# Brifith powelslong elge., roura in an eternal spheire." Sold by all grocers. oss I 11% kimallig you, wIly, didil"t you 0911 �co . . 11 U. 0 I "X would glaolty diq a thousaad', ,,:p,,,, Ivilat I., th�� per,.Ion otialed who where were tompox,&tIverf Insishifiek-tit. — :1 � 1. fot holpP' Seeond Dealinutt-l"I I IM , .. I re , doaths for you," exclaimed the lot-, - IOU in tolittict nith the, Allirit, ,V * 4, 0� . . " ­�,­­� ­"­J�'­­,�"_ I 4� h . 10, I , - , ,1 - I'�, :'­O� !Ioj" , I , 0 , , I listritlin and 24tew 264stud, ,bhough , A, ra am I s known by the compAny 'he . __-, Z., couldn't. He NvAq holding My hkadS." I 04 6.1 . lorn andortit,ker. "Ohl ,don't %0� brings . I I � I " . 4 vorkl?" iliwvor6d, b" no apptoiablo volue ex. kodpi �awky froin. �W__ 1_;=___= am __ 11 _ _�Ij I III �� - J' _,�_�J -Ilarperls Weekly, I shop,"' vapHod 'the flippant midau. "A lArtonaft" 11011.11-116110ton 'Post, . . I . . * I "I � 1� -_ 11!�Mr, . I "W' 11 I 'W , � .. A ��In If1w - 1-7MMIM I , . � �71�', 441W . - WIFIr" , -- , ` _.'7 7. - , � , - �� 44 M,�� ,�,,- " I "I', , � � I .,WX7XrT—"151"1,'1W�77WW , k, - I 1, �_ � , I IM " L ,Isl� '"I" � � 07N mww� 0111 , MF77W-WP""r1F­"1,;T ,� r CIO . I � I 11 -W � ... — — - I- ­­­ - - __ ______ __ - __ .1 ____ - - � __­_­._.__.._­