HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-16, Page 271 .- - W . I -
IN I § 1 1 III 4 F, - � � . ,, ,
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1__R_11�� .%, w0l as Jils chosen people, 411ould Most - I.. I I . Ing trade, AinlOr4ers cover a good r4up ""Im Hhler be referred to tile Disciplillo Coal- J..
,,.,,� 11, vertAiuly. perish. 11iore A r o .. 1 Q1 AllM44 Illittoo, The moo of Dr. U. Al. Cook -HE TOOK HIS Tho Winghim A
- I'll I a - Persons with Uod, the out) that oupy's I . Toroiltoi-The, volume of wholesale, LEAVES NO It, war, likewlso referred Ill * separate . 10001
(� . . receives the divine favor, tho one that .. .. 0 business. here has shown furthor Increase un motion. The report of the Discipline
11 .. disobeys will real) tile reward of Ills own � (.lurlug the past week. Warm. weather * Committee will,be presented. at the spe- r i
I a - . .. I I —1 Ulu ", , has llelppd tile retall movement, of 4m� irw -Ing lit Novoinber. " " SH T1190, FIAL�s 01POPrIOW 1
sills. WWI, this most Impressive warn, . 1. R A V cial mect .
LL W . . the prophet closed Ills last. pablie, - ---.-' satiable lines, and there, Is a, resultin . Oil niotlon of Dr. Moorhouse, wootid. -
. , _g
Ing , . ,.. 11 . . I . J
address to. the assembled nation, I .1 I I � . . I � I Improvement it% tile sorting trade. Fall $A lienderso", 11 by-Ittly wits ' " . 1. 1. � . I I
business. continues to be muoh. helped � art roviding lei-
JTJLY xg, i908.—LESSON III. I'TtAUrICATA APPLICATIONS. Have. Gone Home to Papa and c'a'ofcdf)r� the conducting Wife,, Writes -Huhby, 11 I Know Agut '
1. TORONTO MARKETS. 4101ig by crop conditions, which Arb rQ- of a fall examination fit Toronto on '
. I
,9amuel Warns iaul and the Pjoorlo�— f,) In these last words of Samuel, the r0- I I MAMma." Lite third Tuesday In September, 1008, You and That 014 Dogoncrate." - Dro Agnew I
. rtiter, we have the -great chartivtorls- Live StocK., parted to be about. perfect in till direg-
X $AM. 12: 1-3S, . tions. some lines are already going for- Dr. J. 9. II&A, Toronto, introduced a
ties of Ilia good life. Receipts of live stock at t'lle Cl tX ward, and tile outlook for a big seasQUIS motion, seconded by Dr. 11, Ilascom. 41prfoogno A0491p0hour I
I I. He was a gentleman, "The Icing Af Org U r . P She Brings Aoiox FQz 4 $ "Ioloos# . . .
Commentary. -4. Sailituel'a Integrity arlwo were 72 carloads, cowposed of trade I% most promising. Some buyers Assistant .Treasurer of Pitish �,b idge, favoring Me addition to the epara"
(vs. 1.5.) jq, whom. ye have chosen" (v, 13). The 110 cattle, . 1,009 hogs, 1,015 wicep and allow conservatism, and say they will _. � . so so W44"No VA -k ;
, auluel, though lie waS still . curriculum, after the words "four "ad"o-"0101NIN
. to thority gentlernan is scon clearly in 'the way in lainbs, with 244 calves. awail; a return visit of travellers, On � Westinghouse Co. . months in therapeutics," the words tion. 060A ON* �"WVMA PA Goo*
retain his influence 'And Au which lie rebukes. He will use no harsh- I cattle oil this account a splendid late trade Is "Inclutling olectroAlierapeutics, bydro- - I. I I ... .. �
as prophet now decides that tile time ords than are llocessa,l.y. Samuel There were few' first-class . , I . . . ,. ....". 11 1 4
has como for the public surrender of Cr w sale., 14r looked forward, to. In woollens and other Charging theraPCUtIC0, and. ,massage." Dr'. Ityan, .
Igo, or ruler. "There said, "The king whom yo have 0105011' , Wife Sues for Divorce .
Ilia office as in( , Uxporters�Therc were a few loads on staple, prices have oil up3vard tendency, P Aingston, seconded
must have been a mighty struggle in When he )night trutlifully howe, said, ti . niarket, but Ito sales reported, ex- The ,)list Incuth lit � Is seen, an excellent , by Dr. Temple, �5ays HoPeserted Her and Wants 1, P. .KENNEDY9 MAI; NAPALM -
his bosom when he uttered this val. "The Icing whom, ye unrighteously de- to Cruelty, moved In amendment to refer the mat- .
oept for a feiv bulls, which were report. business Ill houlacholti, furnishings, There tor to the special committoo an Conn. P to Marry Again, onow es vee jkiuo& usdisca *""W$04
edictory to the people whose interests "Iftlided." Blunt speaking is seldom us- ott at $4.20 per cwt. has been more activity . in building dpr- I examinations, being unwilling, he I
had been the burden of his heart ressary. If plain words df reproof. be Ilutchors—Wo heard of two extra Ing the past week tile value of permits 111ttsburg, July 13,—Afra. Caroll at qoW X4DAIAW W )OW;0nm
all a. The Uttered they should be spoken tanderly. no said, to have those subjects put oil
nd1prayers for so many year Ilenr Afartyn*laid dow � n the rule that choice heifers selling at $5-50 P01 ewt-; having shown a g;1ed increase 9ijr those Sliratton-Caso Pinned A note oil the wall tile curriculum without further investi- Buffalo, July Ne—Tho roferewa re- npieei@4 0 A*141% 49*"
V pot, to Din . 09 Wo
nation lied now reached a new era these simo bolfers would have hold fit of last year. of liar flat in Wilkin-sburg so her )ins. gation, 111lie amendment carried, port In the casu of 14111ille Bobiling . 046 Md culdr,e-
in its development, and its future lie woyuld reprove sin only who" lie felt $0 one week ago. Another load of tile Willitilleg.—Fall business is now May- � I 11 �- 1, � . a I
,weal or woo do ended oil the people's same love toward. the person and'hatred .
is gouldne whou choicest butchers on the inarket wkis ilig briskly, anti wholesalers report a b4ild, Marvin L. Caso, could find it against Dietrich Boluting has been Med 010" bqvi� I* i k%, so. I I to e v, ON - , /
N. obedience to Wlie coinmandments of o -f the slit. 41a love re a lued- good sorting denituAd for general lines� when lie came home from work, its f9l- lit tbo county clerk's/of flee. The action , I I . I
the heart is abused, lie r Ned not to poa-ted at $5.35 per cwt., fair t I KILLE FIVE"I'"IDES. � I
God. This impressive truth the VOR- esol. � . __D UV -
ble out )its speal. unless ito felt cornpunotion Ithil- ium loads were reported at $1.50 '*a $5 coal weather bas beat% more or less geu- lows. . was Drought for separation, alleging iioti. C. REDMON10
ot seeks, through, I . . DR. ROD T. ,
era, pro indelibly self. per cwt,; common, $3.50 to $4 per cwt.s cral, but no crop flamago is reported. home to Papa, and . -
entire a(ITriolss, to fatiten cows, $2.50 to $4 per cwt, wheat —P,rop "I have gone support &lid that the defendant desort- CC %. Ck 1L (406) - --,
upon their minds."—Terry. He be. IT. Ile Acknowledged God. "The Lord Narlf estimates Say the m4mma.11 Drugged the Whole Pitrty W'Ith the ed her on June 10th At their home, No. 4L IL Oi Ip. 04") . I .
r,ing, them to impeach Feeders and Stockers,-Stookers, 500 shall (I total UP to about a bundred and ..
Ma by challong hath act a king over you" (v. 13) In Papa is T. H, Strattort, a wealthy 105 St. James Place. The couple married
' . n this chap, to 700 lbs. each ,at $2.75 to $3,25, feed. fifteen million bushels. - Fumes of 4 Plant. . PHYSICIAN AND 61J.111411101111 i
i's' official purity and is answered by 1118 address to the people 1
the unanin'tous confirmation Of Ills to 700 lbs, each, at $2.75 to 0.25, fecul. I
ter Samuel ,uses the words, 9419ho Lord,," . Vancouver and Victoriae.—Gencral busi- liquor dealer of Jamestown, .14 ow York. , in 1885, Uwlng together until Sunday
It is not Un, twenty�ciglit times (vs. 1.17, 20 $3.75 liar curt, .� ness holds ,t good steady tons all 410119 As soon as site arr . ed in Jamestown' morning, June 10th. 1000, when 13ohning am"" vith 3k. citisholm) Is
ititegrity.—Cam. Bib -20 11 1W good - ly Ila, July 13.—A tologram, received is alleged by his wife -to have 11akclol .. . I
likely that a shado1v had fallen over should ackilowledge tile Lord in all our Milkers and Springera.—Few the Coast. Tito weather has been favor with liar toii-ycar-oI4 son, Airs, CasoRbe- Arall
because of the per- mm- springeT5 on sale. Prices were quoted at able to retail trade, and the sorting de- gan proceedings for a divorce, alleging last night from Lieut. Ahron says: his.bunday shirt" and left tile house,'
Samuel's career past deliVrances, our present cirr . R. VANSTONE
verse course that Ilia sons had taken, stailees and, mand keeps UP wall. cruel and barbarous treatment, making, " a . I
I out- futuro-plans. Lot us NVIdle returning with the -remain to tile home of his daughter, Airs,
and this naturally suggests Why the say of tile past ',The Lord delivered" Veal Calves. -The qualit3r . of the Ouabee,-Trado couditions in this end life intolerable, so she was forced to crett; and Wakely, our party found their Uertrudo Waters Ili 10ng street. There 11"Als"M 'AM SOWOMIt I
ritly 1� lie ate.yed until about the first of Oc-
agled seer at.this time so urge (�Udg. 11,21) ;. 'of the present "Gra- oalyLfs was not as good as last week's or the province continue unchanged, but leave her home.
ca 1.4 upon them for a compl cious is tho'L61-d and righteollsh (psa, offerings, and prices were unctionged, the outlook is generally favorably re- C,itsa- is assistant treasurer of the last camp in the Balatntl Ifoadtains. At to-ber of tile same year. NOW to wan at )&west rates. Office-
. ate vindi� . 0
eation. of his private as "well as 11113 ila-5) ,"m very present help in trouble" at $3, to $5 per curt. for garded, owing to the good crop reports. NVestingliouse, Electric & Manufactur- first the guides wore apparently afraid A ,,,,,.or was put In .pvIdante, wliich INEWYM BUM.
, volume of business Wit, written by Airs. Belining to her
official life. ' History scarcely any- (p,ii. 40:1), of tile future, "If the Lord Sheop and lainb%,-The market Hamiltom-The -. Ing Company, having been with that to lead us iiear the cainp. Luckily Nye WINIGHAM.
where P setits a more striking ex, slicell was easy, while lambs, were firm. here continnei to show improvement coropany for six years. lie is 38 years diusband, from -Syracuse. It roaa fit
On will, ive al -11" (Jas. 4:15). ,port awer4. $3.50 to $3.75; yearlings, Fall lines )Are beginning t -well, . Mrs, Case finally, secured kaides acquainted with pa s_.. 4
ample the sublime."' IT e011s. ,,If ye will E x 0 move of age, while Ills wife is 34, rt as follows: �
11, Israel!n Ingratitude (vs. 6-12). In not obey .... then sifall the hand of the $4.75 to $3, rams,"$3 to $3,25; yearl- and tile seasonable )veatlier is helping ' Ayhao, tho leader of the murderers. Ay -
these verses Ile dared 11,98, $4.7 tile retail movement. Local industries w4w said to be one of JaMestowles :'Air. Balling:
Samuel "recalls Xeho- Lord bb agailist YOU" (v. 15). 5 to $5; rants, $3 to $3.25 per belles, Case was an attorney living in has, it was explained, while gambling 'I call fintlato peaceso I ivill let it DICKINSON & HOLMES i
braids them report better orders, Crop reports con- wit YO
vali's past mercies and up to rebuke sin. Ill's may not resist evil, cwt. and Atlanta, Georgia. I)urhig vacation It tile guides, while lie was a mom- know that I know ,everything t-liat I$ BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC.
with Unbelief and ingratitude for de- Ho -s. -Tho market for hogs wits firm tinue to promise exceedingly 'well, it It Mi - ber of the ,party, one nigift dragged *the
but we must war" against it- A woman spoilt in Jamestow e met so Strat 00 taking place between you two old (Is,
Ttianding a king." He sows them how had some washing done by 'a Chinaman with"Rices firmer, Air. Harris reported country business is fair to good, ton, and they wore married Auguab 28, whole party with Ithe funics froi� � plant generates, that you wish to get mar- amoo-,mom Bl<mk. winirh=. .
tropious, it was to establish a king- and paid him less than site had promised selects, led and watered, tit $6.75 per Londou h little change ed r
dom like � the beathen nations around during the 1895, AfA, a brief courtship. Meeting and then with his followers kill five led to tile old womaii althoudi she JL U MoklnaaaL DudIrr 110meft ,
hin�. He sent liar this brief protest: cwt., lights at $6.50, E, Parldy bought in general conditions here with reverses shortly after their mar- guides. It was stated. that tile reason knows that Ton are a married man
them. Tellovall had never falls(( ,,You have -i, Bible and are a Christiani, 150, f.o.b, cars at country points, at west,-, I I riage, Case wits forced to accept it slit- given for committing the crime was thift find have treated your wife so inetutly - - � . I
. them when th�y obeyred his word and 0tta,wa.-1he dry goods trade is mov- Case said Ilia wife was Ayhao felt �ik� killing soutcone -when lie
. cried unto Him; why, then, should -woulan; is that the way to do?" A young $6.75 per cwt. aried position. and lia,ve left her witliout cause, You
they desire a human king? After re. seeing it, .young mail inditfig'ing in -e Ing briskly in till lines. atcustomed to living extravagantly and found the botanical and othorr equipiiieiit are now as had as she is and h L A. MONRZT011`41 .
girl, Farmers' Market. . iverett's money. Al Montesco Sitics
Jor'Ing to the manner fit which God sinful pleasures, iv&rnod him of their I Its could not support her as she had and E make tile old ,one your wife.
evil tendencies.. She did it with fear Owing to the Orange paradt3, to -day PROVINCIAL PRODUCE. been accustomed to, -,vilich caused their was abandoned oil our approach, and we "I will come -to Buf" and then you BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR
I lia"d delivered them from Egyptian wa�)� a sort of holiday, There was no
. bondage, Samuel calls attention to the and trembling, but 4le said to a friend estrangement.. Ila said lie had no idea were obliged to discontinue the search will find out something Limb -,vill not
"three chief oppressors of Israel dur. afterward, "I would not take five hun- grain lit, and prices are nominal, Decline in Beef is General Through- Ilia wife -svould leave him until lie fouud for Ayhao. lie is reported to be in the please you. You hive accused -iiid' MON" TO LOAM I
the period of the judges; 1. Th dred dollars for the talk with Lucy." Dairy produce in fair supply, wmi out Ontar;% tier note -pinned on the wall of their mountains with iiiany followers. We often enough but I can justify myself Block, Wtusbara. I
I" 0 ,4 sales of butter at 20 to 25c. per Ib. Eggs � . home, and that the cliurge lie had treat- were short of rations, 'the trails wore . I have always loved you but now it 1 � onk.-m-A.
Cagnaa,nites who were, led by Sisera, See that your wickedness is great" (v. (Toronto Globe.) .. I
the an �al of the army of King Sabill 17). Tile people had been dissatisfied quOLed at 22 to 25c per dozen. ed, tier cruelly was not correct. bad, the rivers rising and becoming dan. all past with that love. Let ins 'give -
(, g I I !tit Ood as their sovereign and wanted Ray dull and firm, seven loads of The drop Ili tile price of beck has been I : t I gerous. Our 'guides deserted us Ili the you lWarning and leave off from that �
Tudg. 4 .5). 2. The Philistines (Judg. w Wellindton Mutual
3: 31; 10. 7). 3. The Moabites under a king. They were tired of God's way, old selling at $13 to $14 a toil, and new pretty, general throughout tile Province, mountains. . The constabulapy did good woman who has misled you,
143glon (Xudg. 3: 12-30). He then men- $0. they had their own way that they at $10. Straw is nominal tit $11 it ton. and quotations at different points are SHOT HIMSELF14 work. . Your wife,
tions four deliverers of t4e nation: might learn that Go&s way is best. God Dressed hogs are unchanged. Choice : - 1, Emilie Behning." Fire Ins. Co. I
1, ,Terubbaal, or Gideon (Sudg. chap�. sometimm lets us have our own way, lightweights sold at $9.75 and heavy tit front half a cent to & cent a pound — "My course will strike both you ittid � ..
6-8). 2. 13edan-probably Barak js so that we can find out for ourselves W-50. . lower than last week. On the other F. A. . POEHLE FOUND DEAD AT HE SUICIDEV. her if you do not leave her." (EstablIshea 1840.) i
meant"(Judg. 4: 6). 3. Jephthah, the that ivhat lie gives us or takes from us Wheat, white, bush .... .. $ 80 $ 0 00 hitad, pork is quoted consistently higher, NIAGARA FALLS. , I The evidgiiec showed, that tlic, mail nftd Offtoe_�UELPII. ONT. I
Gileadite (Judg. 11), 4, Samuel." is out of his great love to us. He gave Do., red, bush .. .... � 0 80 0 00 't. I ])a -a for lion -
- SamueVs, Words Confirmed (vs. his people a Icing because they walited which is due to a cor -till extent to Ilin- ' Erie Bank Teller Worries Over' d' been arrested twice, oil( lttgkq ts�wn on tat classes of Insurable pro*
III Do., goose, ,bush . .. .... 0 70 0 00 k rying partr on tbo cash or .vrftulum not* o7stan
1318 one, but they found out thdt God was oats, bush., .. .. .. .... 0 ited ofterings, but �hiefly 'to tile strong Body of the Missing Toronto Boo - support and another time for wir
I ) 48 0 00 a revolver without a -permit. Tito ,&%= OMDIR, CrIAS X)AVIDSON,
13. �Y'a have chosen -The people ar� the only ging worth having. "Fear not" i5arley, bush ... .... .. .. 0 50 0 00 British market for hog products. Tbe keeper Discov6red Between the Running Down Girl. recordis of arrest were admitted as evi- ft.ed.t� Socrets:7�
said to have chosen the king because Zv. 20). Fear belongs to sin and un- Peas, bush .. .. .... .... 0 75 0 00 price of )logs in 'Toronto is the highest Rocks in the Watef-N.ear the Third l denvoe. JOHN RMN%IIVX ! I
. they inststed on having a kinq, belief. "Perfect love castoth out fear" I -lay, old, ton... ..-. ... . 12 *00 14 00 in Ontario. A good demand prevalls.for Sister Island. Erie, Pa., July 13.t --John IT. Clemens, _.r.4-4— - A9411L WIn9b_1 OVA.
("d - confirmed God a (I Jolm 4. IS). . I o oo dairy produce, which keeps the r"es IMMIGRANTS. I
an (2) because they Hay, new, ton .. .... .. lo oo p
choice. 1ord hath set -It was God TV-, lie was magnanimous, "Cod forbid Straw, per ton .. .. .. .. I 00 0 00 ,firin. New hay is being marketed quite teller of the Alarine National Bitnk, ROB CANAVAN
who chose Saul. In choosing a hu- that I should sin against the Lord in D eased I,*- _ ., _. _ 9 5tj Niagara Falls, Ont., July 12,A11 con, eluded his nurse*at the Hamot Hospital — ,�, _,---
r 's, 1) 76 freely,as old is scarce fit some sections. I ��� � " "I i ,I � .
man king they lied not passed from ceasing to pray for youll (v.'23). ,Tito Butter dairy ...... .... 0 20 0 25 The new, however, is not wanted so jecturo8 as to whether Mr. Frodorlok tliis morning, pidde- his way to the bank Scheme of Err�ployes of Minnesota , ,_
under the control of God. 1,4. If ye people said unto Samuel, "Pray for thy Do., ' as it is still rather green. Transfer Company. ",-,.� PM I
orqalliery _ .. .... 0 25 0 9-8 " a' A. Pochle, of Toronto, the bookkeeper buildiIig, secured the revolver which lie I L , i N I
, I - .
servants" (v. 19). He did not solid Eggs, dozen. . . . . . . . . . 0 22 025 lrul� are in good supply, but the has kept in his desk, -walked into the vault St. Paul, Alitin., July 13.7 -It. I W5, I I
will fear, etc. -See R. V., which is Raspbelies for Messrs. Barber & Ellis, who a said I I
much to be preferred. Samuel tells them to the king whom they had qhosen. demand for titern is very active, and the - wa to Call- - - .4 1
them what would be expected if they Chickens, year old, lb. ... 0 12 0 13 and blew his brahis out. that iininiarants on theh y S A_
when they had rejected Iffin as their FIM, per Ili. .-. . . I ., I . . . 0 10 0 1 1 price keeps up. Some reports are to tile been missing front Toronto since last Two months ago Clemens, whils out ada have" been syitematieally robbed
. 0 erks of - U ED
p I 0 weak, had cominittted suicide or pR(IMp . L, - _,U ED
retained the favor of God. They must 'udge, but lie promised more than they A ples, Pat- barrel .. .. .. 2 50 )lot in his automobile, ran down 10 -year-old by bogus veterinarians and at I I V S E r, U
.1 4 50 effect that the list weather is urtailill�
(1) fear, (2) serve. (3) obey, (4) not *askedl. As Matthew Henry says: 911. Onions, per bag.. .. .. . . 1 25 40 were set at redt by the finding this 1;atic Barkner, who was playing lit Atinneapolis. The matter has gone so far - -
rebel, and, (5). couLlnue, or persevere. They asked it its a favor, he promised The following official despatches to the "oruing of his .body, which was dis write for our Iniercsting boilks"inve"
at front of her home on the East Lake that Ron. W. D, Scott, Ottawa Com- or'sHOP" ant ,,vow you are mvindit.d.1-1
P atoes, ndw bustici .. o 5o 0 75 " send us a rough sketch or madef of i nur in -
Ye and also the Icing -There was no it as a duty and startles at the thought Beef, headquarters... .. .. 0 50 11 00 Globe are fairly representative of ,6,di. covered stuck between Lite rocks in tile road. Her hall, caught in the machinery inissioner-General of Immigration ask -
necessary evil in their having a of neglecting it. It is a sin not to pray 'dons as they exist through old Ontario- water near the third Sister Island, and the scalp was torn from her ]lead. ed Ilia United States Governinen't lot- vention 6rintprovement and werilftellyou
Ing and subjects Do., forequarters,, .. .. 5 50 7 00 tree our opini,,n ns to whether It I% p obably
king, and if bpth k for those under our charge, and good Peterboro-On the markeb dressed hous South of Goat Island, at Nia,goura Falls, She was taken to the hospital, where official investigation. The plan Of. gt,
reverence God, the Do., choice, carcass.. .. 8 00 9 00 a .utgble. Rejected applicatiorsbaveoften
nation shall be as luou are .afraid of the guilt of omission. vrio were $8; live, $6.50; baled hay, $18; X. Y., by two walterd, one being Wit- . en Juccessfully prosecuted by Itli. We
. prosperous and happy Its e Do., mediturt, carcass .. 6 50 114iii Bedford, who is employed at the she has shice remained. petty grafters was to approach tin till- conduct fully equi
I ver. A They asked him to pray for them loose, $12 to $13; straivj�,$O to $0.50; Clemens worried himself into a tier- migrant who had some stock with stidWashington; t Rqualfrie-Rustoprmpt.
failure to recognize and observe the � Mutton, per cwt. . . . . ....9'00 10 00 . .ged offices In AlontreRl
on this occasion, but he promised to con- butter, 24 to 25c; eggs, 1$ to 19c. lniperlal� Hotel, who were taking a a breakdown over the tic' :iy st curr Patents
, oominandment, of God wili sooner or " Veal, prime, per ewt. .... 7 50 0 00 vous cident, and him. It is said the veterinarian -would ly dispatch work mid quiek
. tinuo 'his prayers for them and not to Lamb, spring, per ib. ., _0 15 0hatham--j1he biggest market this walk- The manner of Ills dealli %vas after a time was taken to Cambridge claim to be inspector and charge tile its braind to the invention. WIrbeat refere=3
I later ruin any nation, no matter what ' 3. They asked . , 0 17. evident, a bullet had"gone in the right faralsbed.
cease as long as he lived. year. Cucumbers and tomatoes first ap- Springs. The change failed to benefit immigrant $3 per car for inspection. In p4tents procured through Marian & bts-
its form of government. -Terry. him only to pray for them, but he pro- Toronto Sugar Market. temple and had passed clear through -don reselve special notice witbout clisrsec in
I . 15. If vs will . not obey, etc. -With mised not only -to pray for them, but � peared to-dak. Dry, hot weal6her is re- his head. The position of the fatal him, And about a month ago he �waa- settle manner men have obtained for- over zoo newspapers distributed throughout
' ducing the ruspberr crop. Aleat took it. brought back to the city and taken to sign inspection certificates from the positinto
I whoin or against whom is the hand of Though they were not St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol- gelleiri., one -cent s unip, except hogs, wound supports the supposition that it the hospital. Until Wednesday last Ile office of the State veterin rit i ; lid 141" $!..Patent business ut W&ilujao.
to teach them. a a lo-%v,s: Granulated, $5 in barrels, and NO. � r, a 11, I %n Xtigineers,
. the Lord? The answer to this question willing to be under his government a hich remain at $6.50. Butter scarce, was a case oi suicide and not of mur- was guarded by two nurses. Ile seemed these they gave to Immigrants. Al- NET
depends on whether one has given him- I golden, $4.60 ii, barrels. These prices 1v der. .
a judge, lie would not therefore deny them selling al'23 to 25o as a rule. Other to improve and one was dismissed. This cohol battle for each aninial were ad- M"10N & MAMON
. I self to be the Lord's -with Ilia wirole Ills instructions as a prophet, and lie are for delivery; car lots, 5o less. � prices: Hay, new, $0 to .$7; straw, $3; Apparently the suicide had stood sit h, ,mainin a vised by the fake inspector and these patent Experts and Solicitors.
]heart and has submitted fully to the 1. t ' . I n"Irse "'a New York Life W12, Ilontreal
would"teach them the good and the rig - chickens, 25 .to 50e; lambs, $3 file largest rock of the third Sister Is- 11" 'v 'a the " g 0 wore Sven a�b the rate of $2 per head. 0000114 Atlande Id ,Was 1,0011 R.C�
. _ . .�ggs,, 16d, y bsen rom his bedsid It k�
� " divine will. See Jer. 18, 7-10. Now there- way!) OTHER MARKETS. - fb.$4, veals, 6o; beef, butcher dressed, $3 land, wAlch is about four feet from tile .4 I a t f c k Proceeds thus taken from iiiiiiii. I I _. _ . I
I r
� re -In order that they mi � tempestuous waters about a quarter of a ,, d ss'd , mild his way to the b �n
fo, Ight be con- V. He was -wise. "Consider how great ' ri r' a grants would be divided between trans. I
t -M
vinced of God's power and claims'Samuel to $6, export.beef on hoof, $5 to $5.21-, tad ,' 'i'ld, followed.
!� I things lie bath done for you" (Y. 24). New York Sugar Market. wheat, 75c; oats, 40c; baxley, $1 Pat' mile above the Horseshoe Falls. Ile had -.* : J: for clerks and veterinarians who di I ti r-
11 proposed to perform a great miracle be- Samuel appeals to their, gratitude for . taken off his coat and carefully folded ' " OPER [0
�� fore their eyes. 17. Wheat harvest- Sugar -Raw, quiet; fair refining, cWt,3 corn, shelled, 75cebeans, $1.25 to work. It is said Samuel C. Stiekney, A OR HAS FLED
their great deliverances which God had 3.80o; centrifugal, 96 test, 4.$9c; me- $1.50; wool, washed, 14 to 150; Unwash- it till, placing his hat oil top of it . From ISFIGURES SON. general manaaer of Ithe'Alinnesota Trans.
I ' Tbat season in Palestine occurs Ili June wrought for them. Ile bjds them rolusla- lasses sugar, 3.64e; refined, tead ad, 8 to 9c. - . the nearness of the water it is reason- D fer COInpa1l7, has issued circulars and
I and July, lasting six or seven weeks. Ili ber how they were brought out of S Y.
� I $%line parts harvest begins the last of Bellevillt—Live stock prices ,went up able to suppose ihat the suicide antici- had thern posted in prominent places,
. Aray. Thunder and rain -In Egypt, bovr they were led through an Winnipeg WNeat Market. 50c a hundred in the past week, buyc.ys pated ]its body would be carried over Pounds Six-year-ola Son With Red- warning all immigrants not to pay Man Who Caused Seven 'Deatbs
ordinary enemy's country safe to the promised -the falls. o a
: I seasons there was no rain from April to land, he* Jericho aild the other cities Following are' the closing qi�otations paying $6.5.0. The keen rivalry among The httention of the two waiters was . . .money to any but authorized agents of Over Border.
: . October. There could not, therefore, were taken, how agmin and again he oil AVInnipeg grain futures: . buyers is the cause. Dressed I hogs re- hot Iron. the company. The police have been list!. � .
; have been a stronger or more appropri- I Wheat -July $1.0476 bid, October 88% main firm Lit $8.50. New ]lay 18 coming attractedo by seeing the coat and hat fit .
;� . raised up judges to dellever them from bi '. a ti such an unusual position, and upon clos- fied and it is said arrests are about to . -1 --.!.Clio wreck of
� ate proof of Samuel's divine mission than the bands of their enemie&. Considera- d, December 8714c bid. . fit freely at $10 to $12, and old hay is be made . . Medicine I at, July 13.
. '
I . ,the Phenomenon of rain and thunder hap- tion of the mercies of God leads to grati- Oats -July 3891c bid, October 356'bid. scarce at $14 to $15. Onks, 50c. No er examination blood stains which be- Now York, July 13�Asserting that - - - . t1w. eastbound train from the Crow's
. . petting, without any sign of its approadli, tude and love. A. 0. M. British Cattle M,arkets. straw offering . Hay and grain are suf- spattered %be rock were seen, and on tier o -year-old son, Charles Goodsall, LION -JOINS THE BALLET. Nest Pass yesterday through a licad-ont
upon the mere pi - - - fering from the want; of rain in this dis- looking closely into the water below the .. *
.. 11 -ediction of the prophet. -ash eggs, *Messiah, his mother, 11ra. Three Girls Take Off Shoes and Beat collision with a light engine, 'by Ni-bleh
. MAY Perceive -All Bible miracles have a London. -London " 10 rock they discovered the body of the Was the
. OTIS SKINNER STABBED. cables for cattle are trict, Butter, 25 to 27c. Fi man tightly wedged between +he rocks Grace Goodsall, branded him for life on seven persons lost their lives, seerils
steady at 11% to New p6tatoes, 60c.' Cherries,
I - anoral purpose. Samuel was led to do. . — � Nv � 14c per pound, dressed to 200. waters, wiliall the forehead and throat with ,it redh Beast Into Submission. to have been due entirely to the fail-
1� this in order to impress upon them the A Lady Inadvertently Stuck 0 ght; eef is quoted at plentiful at Wo quarts for 25c, Siraw- about; ,, a feet below the A
10 a to ' were 't v -ling above and below it. art to -da Paris, July 13.-A lion broke loose at ,e of inomory of Operator Ritchie. Ile
, -truthfulness of his utterances and axouse pin Int?3 His Back. a Hat . A 10%c per pound. beri,-y crop now over here. , swii iron. The obildwas resdued early in
rket to -day In �he packets of the dead man?s cloth. from the religion -crazed woman and the electrical exhibition at Marseilles . has fled ovev tile box -der, but it is
I them to a consciousness of their great Livarpool.---John Rogers & Co., Liver- ' L6ndon, Ont. -A large ma: ) Bellevue Hospital, yesterday, and made Ills way on tile known that after 0
tile to -day: States steera,.13 to and good demand for produce. - 01 hay !ng were found papers clea.fly establish. bdch were taken t( givinhy En-111cer
: . London, July 13,Otis Skinner, the Pool, ca James Nicholson his orders to run
I IS. Feared the 'Lord -The people re- actor, was Obabbed in the back in the 131/2c; Canadians, 1214 to l3y2e; raneh- � iold at $10,W per ton, new at $8 r ton. ing )its identity as Mr. Poohle, of Toron- whare the mother told the'llolice and stage of the theatre, where a ballet was
I al authorities that she had brand- being rehearsed. The panic among the -d 't
I gaTdod this as a miraculous display of parquet of the Empire Theatre on Tues. etg, 1194 to 12%c; cows, Ill/ to. Only one cent was found fit money hosPit. west Ritchie failed to recor the fh(
,2 to 12c, No straw offered. Large sales of butter
. divine power. "The elements ai;,p exclu- day night. He was not fatally injured, blills, 10% to.1we.. Trade is fair. ' at 21 to 22c for crocks and 22c per pound 'Ind a silver tobacco box and pocket ad. the boy, whom. she believed to be the girls of the ballet when the lion and. that the train. from Lite CroWs X"t
alvely under the control of the Creat howevbr. The actor and his wife oll- rolls. Eggs areAn good demand. They knife. Tile revolver was not found. long -looked -for Alessiall, so that lta would denly appeared in their midst was in. was two hours late and had not ar-
. � or, CANADIAN PRODUCE ABROAD, -sold tit l7o per dozen for store lots. :: -- = be known, maxIced anti distinct from oth- tense. Three of the girls, however, were rived. I --
and He alone can -any what'shall be " tered the theatre just before the curtartl,-* Special London cables -to the M*atrcal era for life. The police charge that the Possessed of more courage than the rest, The result was that ANiebolson rtu�: ed
rotation to the stands; yet for scia rose. .Shortly afterwdrd an English AVV- Trade Bulletin, under rate of July 9, are as Dressed hogs, few offered; sales at $8.30, 0
-�heyaph,vsl nian, wearing a big picture ]tat, took(a follow'- for ,Monday will likely The the greatly ast-outithed veast into sub- engines met oil
ends -generally moral ends is WILL INVESTIGATE woman also tried to kill tier inother, and snatellint, of thetir shoes, they beat forward to death, believing the )!its
t, hanged; Canadian Uve "a ' . with -whoin site lived, and herself. was clear. The two
� Viour-The niarkot Is une' be higUeg, 1photiladb week, when $0.50 per —
occasionailly been placed for a smon at sefft immediAely behind Mr. Skinner afid spring patents 29s Od to 30s; zeconds, 27s to .4 little boy, though teiribly burned, will ,mission. a, gurve where, they were conceal('11
instance is a al bca,d-. 280. wt, "to I
proceeded to remove her 'coloss . I paid, Small I pigs, $4.50 to . $7 MEDICAL COUNCIL TO DISCIP- recover. 'rhe two women were lased When the lion tanter arrived the lion from each other until it was too late
parallel to that which occur -red lit Egypt gear, Wlteat--Tho markiot stoadY, with a Is, .rly Per pair. V . - )
(Exod. 0, 23).11 -Lange. I The next moment 'Mr.. Skinner limped good demand at last week's advanee. 9t. 'Thomas -Market quotations to I LINE DRS. SHIER AND COOK. lit the psychopathic ward for oZrva- welcomed hita, with evident joy, and to bring them to a standstill.
; * Oats-Afarket further at a futther advance - I Lion, allowed himself to be led brick to his �; - -_
� ! IV. larael comforted .(vs. 19-26). 10. about four feet high and, let oui, a war of 3d, with good demand. dt,,y,VL!ve hogs, $0.60; loose hay, *8; . � - - I cage in the most 'docile fashion. He
I -womaii had tkirust Buttar-Tite mark,et is firiner, with good , $5 load; eggs, IS to 20e; butteri
Pray ...... that we die not -They felt whooV. The English . - ra� Prosecutions Committee Recommends icemed as glad to got away
.i . that SainuePs thoughts and feelings and it long hatpin through Lite velvet covered dantand at laet week's advance. Canadian 202 tO125o; baled hay, GOe-per owt. That Cases be Sent to Discipline FRANCO-CANAOIAN-TREATY. , from the GAMBLING ROOMS.
MIS to 114S. 1 ballet girls as they were to be Ad of
. those of Jehovah were the satne. Jo�lo. cliair Ili front of her into the Ametican I Obeeso-11ho market Is dull, but stocks ftra Owen Sound -Butter, 20 to 21c; eggs, Committee, Which is Done -Full It Cat, Hardly Pate 'Prench Senate him, ____
vah's true representative was Smong actor's back. The gallant Skinner hait. light and holderage not �ltshlng sales. Now 17 to 18c; )lay, $9.50; baled hay, $14- -1 : L
q them. -Terry. They were penitent a 11 Reports of Debates Wit( be Pub- This Session. THOROLDIS NEW SMELTER. Ostend Alarmed Over Prospective
� nd enod to minlinize his pain and as,3ur her Canadian. 5% to hogs, live, $6.25; dressed, light, $8.25; . ..
. e 13acon-Tho inarket Is firm at 4 further ad- lished as Hitherto.
� confessed their past, sins i's NVAII as their it wits a pleasure. lie sat the slioNi out. vance of Is, Canadian baooh, 696 -to 63s. dressed, heavy, $8. Tito market wits I P * July 11 -The Costonis Com, LOSS
sin Ila asking fat- a Icing. 20. Vchr not-- but got away hurriedly tit the conclusion a ipty-Tho inaricot has a i3toady tone, can- light) farmers busy haying. Crop will be aPs, Work So FAr Has Been Very Satisfact-
: . dian clover, mixed, at 61s to 52s. I mission. heard M. Ruau, Minister of __
Now that the I"ple have co ile Play,' ---.* � - WALL STA =1 NZW-S. average, I Toronto despatch; The Ontario Medical Agriculture, on the Franco -Canadian ory-May Increase Operations. Ostend, July 13. --Hotel Proprietors
their wickedness he can encourags- and Spot cQpper In London is Ss 9d lower and Stratford -Hogs, $6 to $6.10; dressed, cal Council yesterday afternoon Instruct, convention to -day, The Minister an- Thorolddespatch. The big suielterliche
: comfort them. They -were not to be de- MADMAN ON AN ENGINE. tutures 1.0s lower. $7.60 to $8; cows, $4.2b to $4XO, dressed, is now busily engaged turning out the and store keepers here are greatly V.N-
ed it's Discipline Committee to proceed nouneed that all agrieultural visAy- � cited over a report that the Proprietor
� . $pendent, for although they N. Y. funds gained W2,000 tbrougli pub- $6.60 to $6.70; steers and heifers, $7 to finished product from the Coniagas mine
, bad sinned, . Treasury operatioris the ipbA *wbok. $7.25; dressed, $8.50 to $8.75; lambs, $5 aeonce to investigate the cases of Dr. p�int the convention might be adopted of the famous gambling rooms, wbioli
,nerey and forgiveness were oitered. 21, Navvy Goes Suddenly Insarts and 33. and 0. regulat dividend Is a Victory for without ddmaging national . produe- tit Cobalt. So far the smelter hits beel' bring thousands of visitors to Ostend.
L� Turn Y, not aside --Samuel warns them Flairlinan, who insisted ,part of surplus dressed, $16,, calves, 41-2 to 5c; D. Webster Shier and Dr. H. AL Cook, tion. He promised to provide the Com. treating only two cars of concentrate a has decided to transfer his establialiniciA
against turning aside to idols, Starts Ore Locomotive. sbould be used for dividends. =, Igo; ]lay $6 to $7; no straw, I rt to tile mission with certain statistical docu. week, this being equal, however, to fifty to L,qcllevenin�&
�' President Willey, of Atchison, declares ratoo P and that conitilittee will repo 'e.11 , a fashionable bathing
I bad often dotio before, and aS they lid Parls, July IS. -A desperate fight be- trutst go up or wages down. Wheat, 78c, standard, oats, 44a; peas, Go' pecial a . 11rients, dealing with the agricultural or sixty cars of rough ore as it coilits resort in the Nelcherland-3, be,cause of tile
� afterward. Vain things -An idol is a tween a radaitian and a railway engine President Castro, of Venezuela, has recalled to 70c, barley, 45 to 50c; egga, 16 to 170 - a esSion fixed for tlio 176h of No
. vember. . produce of Canada. Under the eir- out of the mine. All the waste Material
I his Washington represon,tAtive. butter, 18 to 20e; potatoes, 80 tp 00c. ' I ounistandes it is unlikely that the con- is smelted out before before it comes
I nfluence, or driver occurred at St. Flour, notte NTar. Democrats dettiand regulation of toloptiones The Council also decided fit theinorn- law. Recondy the police have mided
were nothing, havitig, Ito I vigorous apulication of tile anti-garubling
. 11011'tt- 22, Will not forsake -The Is. lionite, this morning. and .telegraph rmog in thv viaUorin, --o-O.O.- — V inte to continue the verition can be discussed by the Sen- here, and all that the smelter at Thor- several of these establishments in 0�,-
; ritelites were God's chosen people ana Ile A ilavvy at work on a new line slid- DARED�NOT FACE LANDLORD, %) publication of the ate before the end of the session. old does is to separate the diffei-eiit pro.
. Cheese Markets. disclissions Ili' full in Lite annual "An- A .- I I duets, cobalt, nicicall ate, The company tend, arrested the occupants of the room
. would not hastily cast them aside. As clenly went ma,d and, going into a shed I St. 11yadhitho -1rour hunared ba"<c's New York Boarding Housekeeper nounceineat.11 . and seized stakes valued tit thousands of
I loved them and would use every possitila where a locomotive was standinq� p1okages butter, 22 3-4o$ 1�200 boxes COUNTERFEITERS AT WORK. have discovered a ulethod,of operation dollars.
Ifiektis to recover them from their -,visit. opened the throttle and started tile . Committed -Suicide. . A Prosecutions CannintLea was in this respect that seems to be entirely a i 0 ,
cheese, 11 7-10c. 1 pointed coftsisthig of the ,member "'i — '
�edness. For His Feat name's sake- engin& a , V11ndsor Men Reveal Operations of successful. Three cars of concentrate
"Por the sake of 11 . is renown among the Londou-11ourteen factories offered I,- Now York July 11 -Rath r than face the Counell rositlent in Toronto. The cated, by this now process LOOKING FOR THE FOOL.
The driver, who waq standing nerit," her landlo�J when she has G4ng to.U. S. Sedrat Service. have been tr, . —
� beatlien." Moses and JoShum mAde this by, lied just tinle to clivab o' 090 white and 1,313 colored cheese at d " mohl"v business of the latter committee is to . I aetion of 'everybody,
n and soNe ' ' tl to pay the rent of a boarding-hous; . 'to the entire satisf Toronto Man Lost His Canoo and
same plett. See Exod. 82,12; Num, 14, the madman. By the time )to had .,ty1,s,1o%,r0,l * 11, I -4o -bid; up sales. ' -,s,ilicih she had lost the savings of a I act In all advisory capacity to the%prose- Windsor, July 12. -Through Tevela- and it will be Used hertAfter instead of
13, 14; 'Josh. 7, 0. . 'It __I � rteen diurilted- tubs but- I in I Nearly Lost His Life.
I overcome tbo navvy and rendered hini 'life -time, .Afrs. Renrlotto, Scadder killed enter, tions made to them by 14're(l. Aldrileau the old process, r 1, .
� 23. should An .... in eeabing to pray, ter sold at 22 3-4c; 3,040 boxes obeese � The Discipline Committee consists of and Fred Paquette, two,youlig Windsor
. -Though rejected by this Ungrateful Insensible, by % blow oil tile hmd the I at 10 3.40. I horsolf to -day by Inlialing illuminating Dr. Itoberison, of Stratford Dr. Laile, rilen, Tlnited States secret service officers MONUMrENY FOR WATERLOO, , A Toronto despatch.- A foolhardy aet
engine was 'travolling full tpeed� gas. Her husbalid declared that the wo- was (.0millitted )),V ft young man shortly
: people, the prophet considers tbat it Wateitown-Cheese iniles, 16,000, at AlaflorytoN�n, Dr. Gibson. �`ault ,ste. have laid bare the modug operaodi. of before 6 O'clock last evelling whiell migIl't
would be a An to Otago praying The-ariver bro g�"t it to a stanAstill Iff 1-2c and 10 3-4o for'largej 10 3-4c for maills life might lul,V6 been sayed had Marie, and -by. Hendersoii, strathroy. one of the cleverest gangs of counterfel- British to Erect Memorial Over the
I for add drove it baleTto the $lied, after . � _ not Several Physicians to whow lie ap- have resulted in Ilia death , but fortu.
them. What excellency Of olnil,acte.r A"d having secured the uladinali with repo. small, . ealed for assl;taitce refused to respond A ,sP 1faIrsession, of the Counpil was ters ever kno�vn in the United States or Famous 13attlefiold. iiately did line. The yomig Man was
. sy 6
heart Is revealed in diis deelariltiont I I . . " - - I Cowansville-At the weekly meeting - V rov . in a by-laNy enacted 0 0 e IS. -An English com- canocing in tile bav, and tit the ap.
. _ Ips Dith to his call. Ail ambulance surgeon, wits P Ili in - Canada. While lifot yet prepared to giv Brussels, July
. Avill teach you-t1samlial does not with. I I ' 'AT ' - of the ,Eastern Townshl ,ymen's - W1114 summoned after Scadddr had told it tion of Dr. Britton, It will be lied be- otit definite hiforniation, a score of ar. ittee, Is. to bo formed ill Brilssils wr PrOach of a largo QInd forry lie Ilad.
� A B OL 8D'PAAD0'N:_'_ in
i drA,w from 'Public life, lie rather prom. Elvichango, held here, 20 cream- policeman of Ills wIfd1g condition, found ginning on tile third Tuesday in Novern- rests will probably Ito Inado within a tile purpose of raising funds for 'no. died UP alongside And grasped ofic-of
. I fees the 0-0ittinuallee of his interesagiott Arrivee at Penitentiary Eighteen cries offered 1,702,boXes buttA,r, 13 f`111- - ,Nlm. scraadet dead, ber (tile 176h), . fo%v days. Morneau and Paquette are crectioll of 11 pritish national momi- 1:110, lenders, still standing in his canoe.
ittid prophetio thbors in tories offered 461 boxes cheom Sales, . . .. � 4, . , Tito Prosecution Committee in the af. liow ilider arrest, charged witli pass,ing luent on the battlefield of Water)(y). Ile travellefl, for sionie ilistance this way,
whole people?' it is wel re`Pee,1,c1O,,th,,, Butter. ;' A0 boxes at 23 1-4c, 187 at 23- A RICH 00 - LD STRIKE. ternoon presented Its report ht the easO bad silver dollars. The
I I t6 no ,6 Years Too Late, to place seeleted for its erection is $Ind then, b(ToMing sato(l with lil.,I
: iv SomiN series ho al.mo eontitivioa as (1,nIllinbits, onjo, ,11ily 11- Rightten 1-4c, 61.4 at 93 1-4c, 250 at 23 1-4c, 23 of the two pliysielans whosa names were — I - t tIle farm of Rougouniont, at which RMUROMPlit, lie lot go and souglit to
; Judge, for in chap. 7-15 we road that hom years lifter (40orge Swanson complet, tit 23 I -Be. Sales cheem-401 boxes at Upper Chill1wittIc County Now en1byt referrett to it, viv-, Dr. I). Wcb9tQ1' 816HOP CURTIS DEAD. Wellington Inid MA hoadquartors, an.1 free himself. histead file eitiloo, Ivas
"judged Israel all the days of Ills life," v,d his one-year Aolif6nco in the poid- 11 1-12e. it Rush. Shlor andt Dr. V. Af. Cook. Tile report it Is proposed that it Bliould be formal. drawn fit Under the paddle box of tile
And we kIlOW that roptatodly be found J,enfiavy for Violatinit tho United Bradstr6et's Trade 'AaVlow, stated that "after due d0iberation we Baltimore, Md., July 0.-Ilight .. Rev. ty -dedicated in June. 1015, on the sort. ferry. -
it necessary to irittrfore with Saul's gay. States ptnsion laws, li�vfng been sont Vaneouver, Ally M.-Repotts . hKV6 have arrived at the conclu 'on that It Alfred A. Curtis, formerly Roman Ca- tevary of the battle.' The ennocist fottutiatoly &,%,�v Ilia dan-
I Ornmont, � 11 from Youngstown, 11, full 'and com- Iforitreal.-Rusifteiss conditions continu4 reached here of � eich - ' Id strilto on w.duld be who for -tile consitleil to in. t1laille 1316110P of Wilmington, Del., and Tit an appeat published yeaterday in got in time anil J11111ped,*but the e%noc
. Pretty timeh ets thoy were it week ago. Is pline tbillillitt" to pro. fol� tt number of .yearik Vicar-G*eIleral he 11elglan pregs it ic
24. 6,ar .... servt .... oftsidot -Uovef. plot6l patdon arrived at the Institntidn the Upper reaches, of &O 0hilliwack struct the Disd t a sta�jcd tllai ,,it was struek by tli(t pad(Ile wheel all(I
ortee, love and obey God. Meditate upon t6.dav, signed by Benjamin HaTr A tk, Sorting orders for summer linos of gooilg ,p.iVer. The original discoverer, I . I oced to tile investigation ofboth cases.11 of IkItimoro, died at St, Agnes' Sani. onlairis for tho British people to take sm(talled,in 0 Matellwood. The youlig
r continue to increase in volume, and the r t
Ilia goodness lit delivering you from. the then Pregid.ant -of, the 'United St, &attle mail, ig reported to havo tAkon tn reply to it question by Dr. V. X. tarium here this morhh%. lip the projeet and toi- Iting 10dward to Man, being in a bilthIlIg suit, As IA So
l I atos, a(lvalice bitsineas for fall proluises well. out $1g,W0 in it Is,# ,d yg. Sever 1
hand of your enemies. In truth -no nnd Williant V. Horton, big Actinge a a frequontly tbe onse, with caijoeists oil
� The two milliou dollar fire at Thtoe 0. Starr, it wat Stated by Dr. Britton Bishop Curtis was born Ill Maryland give Ills approva� to tho solltme."
. 1. ... .. to*
[ =P�L It
honest and fAnocre. with till your bemt Secretary of Stato. 1111� ago th(a prospector ,Crime down that When four Medioal Practitioneri - in IS31, find bc`4�a'lne & Clergy0laft Of thO the Lay, bien strnek out for shoro, and
"Itav# #,very affeetion engaged In tits Tile Original letter containing th6 Itivers itlid the bileaking of the Cornwall tily"Viver, lifinjing a hitildful of ftug-
. �
1. lig ii �Tfeet 11 oft inplabit AgaillAt It Iltodioul 'Proloatfult 14"Piaeopal ClIl'1'j(!II. After, Uhattiftin, Ont., �101'y 11---t.After Omit- after a stiff swim lande.d,
� work of obedience. Act- toward God aq Pardon was received 116te y6sterday 041190 f1rc bath htXvI 80 10 v P gets, A 'tush followed. Tho plade of Present 'L co . come before tit,, noArly a deeado of sorvice at Mount Ing tor Niathttill, from E11191AMI, about 4 The foolhardy trick Mused quite a lot
ah affer,tionate child r4hould toward 9 from St. LOUIS. It ia dated at Wash. gpiieral trade hore. The )Attei* 4celat"A tho atriko hits long It rel in atpr!69 ma'A It must nlwftyv
� loving, paretit." ington, September 3, 1800. it W&g will probably affect export 14iipinelitA of of rich pIneof groun,1011 LLrly Pion- Council, wili0h 'nitrocts the, Dispipthie Calvary, this cljy, Ile re,g1pled, ailti, Zest ago, David Potts, 40 y0ATJ old, b4o- of,excitpment, and proseellfinit, is alillost
� poing to ri.ngland, wa,.4 roveivoil intt) came physically 1heapable as woll aq lie- Axtre to follow, Tt is high tim.., Ow
, 93, Miill I* o6witime(I-WbIle God 101. 4timpod a,t Collinibua fleptornb6t 4. raill from Ivosre, an much -of It tomes -mrs found it inaec6balble, ttg. 11OAtild 00,111,111ittee to MAI With All'.V eA80.
0 11 It by tile IrLto, Ing attitoked Ity an oettlar Alsoftso that police patrol laulleh was At work on tile
� 11 ils Dr. W -Ag, gteofidod by hr. Johnq-vi� the Roman Catholic Mum
. od thoyn, yol, It they disobeyed and d1d tt is ptobabld thht the leftor hu booti mvii, through that ranifl. 'file weather Indians tookod upon tile Atound
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