HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-16, Page 1I 1� ,.( * .W, 10 - 7 - - -.,w ­­ ,�,_ 1-1 . I . . I � , -1111� %111�. -;7J!PFF - 7W ;� ­ ,,7 - "K - 'W"Pir'W"Is".. - I "T I � � ,!,Jww"', . I ­ -40 . ".. I.., �t ­� I I , .�.,'7�. '' T- 7 , 7­-9MF--MV"M' 'W'O , . � , . — * I I ., ., ; 0 , � W, Ir1*7 , ' .' 7 . , .r' 71 '. , W 14411 - , .- % j1116 �� Aft , , . � I I , I , I I . . � . "I . ce0 I I I � . I . I I . . _....... ­ ­­ I I ­­ - I I ..r *1 I � I SUBSORIPTIOx 1 $1,01 PER yo "I IN 411V*11�) I WH YEAR, NO. 46. I WINGHAM, ONT-9 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1908. 1 . $1.50 To SUB84mmuns IN V t . . . 1. . SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. A Day Of Celebrations. lintrance Uxamination. Word Of Drowning, Darkey flat Wins Again. Entrance Results, Officers For Quebec, Belgrave, I �, . I— Word has been received in Wing- On. Friday last, at Port Huron, These will be, found in another col- The offIcere of the 33rd Regiment Airs. Sproat Spent a day in Goderich barn, that Air. J. Welsh, formerly fire- Darkey Hal, owned by J. I,. Swarts of umn, and once more Wingham. School chosen to represent the regiment at last week, -A writer in industrial Canada July 12th falling this year on'Sun. We give -below the names of the man in the Union factory, was drown- Winfliatti, won first place in the Free- Is a leader. Of tbirty-severi of Mr, ,Quebec Tercentenar , Ly ate --Capt, W. fox -all, (purse $2000,) besides smashing Musgrove's pupils who tried thirty- NeVicar, Brussels; !cut. H. 0, Dun. Mrs, Win. Watson visited friends in srkysti tilt is announced that by July day, the celebrations in sonic cases successful candidates who wrot•e on ed in the West recently, but we have � 1stIt , Paolf16"will, re- were held on Saturday, but in this dis- the recent Entrance Examination, not been able to secure any particulars the half mile track record, going the four were successful, a number taking lop, Goclerich; Lleat. A. J, He,%men, Blyth last week. I e Grand Tr ani. -let, Monday was the day chosen. As a whole the examination was of of the sad event, fall mile in the exceptional time• of honors, This is a creditable record, Exeter. Miss Fanny McCrae is spending a ""ire at least nine thousitud men on ti about the usual difficulty, Some -2.07J. This bents her record of one . � . few days at her parental home. construction work. Ttle O. P, R. will year ago, when the mare negotiatvd, Make Use Of Them. Lady Inspector, have probably as many more at work RiPLP,-y A CEN RR', complaints were heard as to the dlfw Good Situations, Albert Armstrong of Milton visited floulty of the Arithmetic and Geogra- the mile lit 2.09 flat. The first column on page 2 of the Wingbarn bad a visit this week 11. nprovements . pity I pa I papers, but as the examiners are Last week the Wingbarn Business � - is uncles, Wm. and Edward Bryans, on their extensions il,0 it The village of Ripley put on its best from the Government Provincial this week. , will add their attire the Sun and all the other roads a � for the day, and its citizens College placed Miss Hutton with the Advance contains notes on r,hare. With all these men drawing spared no effort t6 entertain the visi- allowed a wide discretion in examin- Ford, Alotor Co,; Miss J. Shiell, To- One Ahead. - day School lessons, that have proved Health Inspector, Mrs. W. S. Brown. big pay all summer, an . d the crops to in the papers, no candidate suffered r,,to Vlavi Co. -, Miss Burgess, Cobalt With the Government's strictness, - very interestin and helpful to Stin- She is looking after factories, stores, Win, Watson is attending the Ala. , vs. The streets were gay with de - promising better than they have at corations, arches, etc., and the Union Co., - on account of these papers. and Miss Wilson with in connection with the License law, day School teachers and pupils, Make etc., where female help is employed, sonic Assembly of the Grand Lodge at I season for years, the prospects OranomenAnd friends received glad The total number or marks is 050. A. R. Blckerstaff•&- Co. It appears, and the.Local Option movement, the use of them ; they have helped others reporting on outbuildings, conditigns Niagara this tveek. for lively times this fail are certainly we)come*, There was a large attend- To pass a candidate must obtain SW that the W. B. 0, has excellent facill- number of licenses in Ontario for the and may assist. you. Look every of lanes, etc,, inquiring as to Boards Mrs. Tisdale of Belgrave is at the very bright. Merchants throughout ance, but bountiful provision had been marks and to obtain honors 480 marks ties for placing its graduates. sale of intoxicating liquors has week for these notes. Last week, two of Health and sanitary matters gener. home of her parents, Air. and Afro. - must be taken. The marks of those decreased very considerably daring columns were devoted to this feature ; ally. The Whitney Government has the country, who want to share lit tbe, made in the way of meals, and so fai that failed were mailed some days Masonic Officers, III Robinson of St.Angustine this week. lines that are so near at hand, as we have heard, there. was no lack. the past three years. In that time, this week, the notes occupy,35 inches. the interests of the people at heart, R0011 t the Government has cut off 2.38 and does well to see that these mat- Rev. and Mrs. Rivers have returned should, get their orders in withdnt The special train from Wingham ar. "go- The following are the officers o2 ters are properly looked after, for in from a two weeks' vacation among delay," rived about 10.30, with Wingham WINGHAM licenses; and Local Option 237 more. Inspector At Ripley. . * * * True Blues, the Young Britons and Wingham Masonic Lodge, recently' in, From this showing, the Government On Monday last, Constable Phippen many cases they are shamefully ne-, friends at Wyoming, St. Thomas and -There is an agitation in some L. O. L. 791, 110NIOns stalled: -Dr. H. J.41 W. Tamlyn, I. P. is one ahead. acting on instructions from Govern' glected, -London. I . Mary Oanteloll Irlma Kennedy M.; A. M. Crawford, W. M.; D. Dins- I . I parts of the States for "Olean Money," After dinner, the 'procession was Vina Davidson Cora Kerr ley, S. D,-, J. IV. McKibbon, J. D - went Inspector Ayearst met the In. On Saturday, July 18th, we start a Win. Geddes had the misfortune to and one writer proposes t lorT,,,d and marched to the grove. Annie E. Geddes Ina MacRitchle Dr. J. E. Tarnlyn, Ohaplain; J. X' For The Celebrations. s, and searched the hat the Gov- . Hotels at Ripley, out his knee, while handling an adze, I 'te Clearing sale of Spring and Summer _ working at the frame of Robt. Arm - nit sterilized Excellent Morton, See.; J. reas.; IV. On Monday last celebrations in Rip- ,Is there, as the village is. under Shoes. Every pair must o. , '. ", ernment see that none I 'I ent rpeeches were delivered by Dudley Holmes Nellie Nicholls Ritchie,' strong's barn, hills are sent out. This is it subject; on Rev, C. R. Perry of Toronto, Rev. M, Hoinuth A. Campbell, S. W.; J. 1541. McGuire, J. ley, Listowel, and Goderich divided Local Option, Liquor w -as found in W. 1. Greer. aid in T, S. Boyle of Chatham, Col. Clark- PASS . . W . ; E. Hammond - plentiful supply, but it was claimed . Mrs. Kernaghan and daughter of which something might be E�. Hammond, the excursionists. At Wingham sta Canada also. It does seem strange and J . J. Hunter of Kineardine, R. C. Mam . tion, 180 adult and 11 children's tick- that it was "Indian Beer." A sample - Baden, accompanied bk Miss Moses of Canad, ie Adams Golu Holmes . ets were sold for, Ripley; for Listowel, ' was sent to Toronto for analysis, and -o'e-'e—_�% Browntown, visited at the home of - that this great source of filth and con- Taylor of LuLknow, and resident min- Ross Anderson Alba, Hogg Bowling Competition. . , tarnination should have been neglect- istprs. Mr. Geo. Mooney gave the Crissic Armour Scott Irvin© 73 tickets were purchased, and the if it is found to contain more than the , Win. Corbett last week. ' ed for so :long. A case is reported of address of welcome. Some interesting sport is promised train was so crowded, that legal proportion of alcohol, the In- • F - a young lady;, a cAshler in al. large city OarI Bennett Eiarle Johns the Wingham Bowlers during the = fifty passengers at flenfryn spector will prosecute, local Items The haying will be pretty well 11tea,t market, and when the warm Wingliam, Kincardine and Luck- Annie Bell Allan Knechtel next two weeks. The officers pro- could not be taken on. For Goderich, ' L - through this ;�veek ; it has been a very - weather came on in rummer and her now bands, and the fife and drum fella Black G. McCormack pose giving prizes for rink competi- 100 tickets were sold at Wingham, Sunday School Excursion. . good crop, possibly will average one bands furnished of music. -Ethel Beckwith- 'Chesley McLean tion. There will be four prizes of and 131 at Belgrave. Thursday, July 30th, is the date fix- Weax Greer's Shoes and Rubbe a. and a half tons to the acre. . orwere well opened by the heat, Melissa Biehl Bella Murchison . she absorbed enough poison from the Win tiara swept the prize list clean. I equal value for the rink: winning the I . ed for the union excursion to Kincar- Haying, berries, beans, new pots- We are sorry to state that Percy . Effie Bower Rich. Mann association contest, and four prizes for dirty bills she 'handled every day to The Cidzens' band received the Prize Alice R. Cook Violette Millar Matrimonial Event. dine, in the interests of 'Win toes, green peas, are here, with the - Scandrett is quite indisposed, not fit cause a bad eruption on her otherwise for the best band. Wingham Lodge, 0 the winners of the consolation series. ,- gh&Tn Violet Co k Clara Mitchell This means that every rink will have: As we go to press, a happy event is Sunday Schools. A special train will usual results, to attend to the duties of haying and . silk NorirVtn Nichol ,,Ivin y s Another harvest, which makes it much worse, health kin. A postoffice clerk in a made a fine appearance with their sl Harry Coutts Is two chances. Anyone wishing to - transpiring at the residence of Mr. leave Wingham at S. a.m., Z' r Mr. Sas. Bowman is home from the certain city reports that some of the hats and white vests, and the general , and Mrs. Ed. Baer, when their daugh- at Kincardine at 9.45. A, Belgrave L. 0. L. attended the cele. t Richard Deacon Flossie Orr become a member of the Bowling West, and reports the prospects fora paper money taken In ab the money- remark was—What a fine lodge.' Harry Day Oliver Pender club will kindly hand in their names ter, Miss Ditty Beatrice Victoria, be- special will leave Mitchell at 7.15 call- good crop, excellent, bration at Goderich last Monday, window is fairly alive and reek- This Ind Drummond Paul Pugh stations. Return- 'where they enjoyed the cool breezes order win Ige received the prize for the Hazel I comes the bride of Mr. Tomlinson of Ing at intermediate r ()dg., t not later than tills week, so that the ing with malodorous filth. The term largest he best dressed lodge, Jas A, Ferguson Archie Simmons draw can be made early next week. Woodstock. Rev. H. B. Allen per- Ing ,the train will leave Kincardine at Lott & Sturdy have a lot of fine of Lake Huron; there were 131 left -filthy Were" is too true, in many re- and a third for the lodge coming the Of�t�rli� Fowler Elmer Taylor I formed the ceremony, and the pres- 7 � clock. The usual convenient heavy mares for sale. Those needing Belgrave on the morning train. � spects for the health of those who longest distance. Besides these prizes Gordon Gannett Will , le Watson ents were handsome. Miss Baer will - arrangements will be made, as in for- one Should see this bunch, . I handle it, and reform in this direction Wingham Young Britons received the Alex. Henry Norman Wheeler A Pleasant Outing. be missed in the Baptist Church, mer years, ,and the fares are the same Mrs. Porterfield, Miss Mary Porter. is needed. . Prize for the best Young Briton Earle Hall, Isabella Wightman Mr, W. H. Green engaged several where she was an active worker. No -adults, 70c; children, 356 from Mr, Moore, for seventeen years 0. field and Miss Lizzie Cunningham of * * * - Lodge. This lodge certainly looked Willie Haines Mag'e Williamson cabs one day last week, and took his particulars are furnished us, but the Wingham and return. Give the P. R. agent at Teeswater, has taken Marnoch, Miss Coad of Blyth and Miss well headed by their own fife 'I'd Prank Howson* Sunday School class for an outing at above will convey the news of the children a day at the lakeside. up his residence in Wingliam. Frazer of Morris, left Belgrave last -The "great evil" of the present drum, band. This band was only re- Point Farm, on the shores of Lake event. . . 'd for the Win week for Manitoba, Saskatchewan and day is frequently refereed to, and yet 6ently organized by Mr. Weams, who BRUSSELS. Huron. They started about 4 a.m., . Matrimonial Engagement. WANTED. -A mat 9- Alberta, to spend a couple of months there is a difference of opinion as to has spared neither effortnor expense Who Can This Be? ham Hospital. -Apply to Miss Welch, among friends and relatives, We -what is "the great evil." Profanity, to bring it to a state of efficiency. . Ile I-TON-Olts. and after drIvihg twenty miles or From the British Weekly, we learn Supt. trust they will have a good time and e more appetite for their Hardware & Metal, the trade jour- that the engagement is announced of intemperance, gambling, Sabbath de- certainly deserves great credit, and if Vera Ainlay 'Charlie Leckie , ol ex- a safe return. secration, etc., etc., are all spoken of practice is persevered in, Wingharn ffar'ld Armstrong Willie Long breakfast, which wits provided for nal. of the hardware trade, says:- AJ A'. Leonidas Hubbard and -Mr. Har- Civic holiday and Sunday Sebo I in this connection.. Perhaps the writ- Fife and Drum band will be a promin- Jas. Armstrong Ernest Plum them at the home of a friend of Mr. Kenneth Ray, who has been old Thornton Hills, only surviving son cursion, on Thursday, Silly 30th; see Sunday being the 12th of July, ibont Wyman Sparling Green's. They then continued their with the jobbing firm of D. H. of the Right Hon. John Edward Ellis, posters and handbills for particulars, fifty Orangemen in a body attended er of this paragraph might err, should cut feature in future celebrations. Edith Deadman 'ourney to the lake, where they spent Divine service at Trinity church, Bel - he select tiny one of these and mark Keep at it boys. Stuart Fox Muir Thompson J an Bowden & Co., London, for some M . P.; for the Rusholiffe Division of Three hundred years ago Sunday, grave, and listened attentively to a it, for they are all great evils, and . Estella Gerry Bob Warwick a very pleasant day, returni years, and a Toronto gentleman Nottinghamshire. Mrs. Hubbards , * I., early hour the following morning. named Richardson, have purchas- home is in Toronto, and her interest- July d-th, Samuel de Champlain land- fine discourse for the occasion, deliv- there are others. There is one evil of Wingham Lodge unfurled its new Beatrice Harris Kathleen Wilton ed where the city of Quebec now the present day that is seldom referr- banner to the breeze for the first time. The class is a boy's class, but o make ed r. hardware and coal business Ing book, "A Woman's Way Through ered by Rev, W. H. Hartley of Blyth. - ed to by either press or pulpit, and It is a handsome piece of work, red on PASS. it pleasant, a number of yoi ng lady at Wingham, arid will take poss. Unknown Labrador," is one of the stands. The singing by the choir was excep- t , On one Alice Barr Winnie Long tionally good, also a solo from Mr. yet it lies* at the basis of several one side, blue on the reverse. I friends were invited to accompany ession on August 4. successes of 'the season. Mr. Ellis is H. T. Thompson of this vicinity has others. We refer to the decadence of side is the picture of King William, Robert Bell Maggie Love . them. The Wingbatri hardware merchants of Quaker descent, and is allied on his purchased the general store business McGill of Blyth. parental restraint. In these days and on the other, of King Edward. 51abel Bennett Clara Lowry all say "It is not L" So some say, mother's side to the Rowntree family of Mr. Mallough, Delmore, and is now Harold Campbell Etta McDonald More for the money than you can of Scarboro' and York. Note -Mrs. in possession. - there is apparently FL lamentable loos- A heavy rain storm came on about Lillian Colclough Jennie McKibbin coal will not barn. We have reason enin f the reins of parental author!, find elsewhere, in Boots and Shoes -at Hubbard is a sister of Airs. W. H. ' 5.80, but it soon cleared; otherwise Jennie Colclough Mary McNichol W. J. Greer's. . however to think coal "Burns." Cruikshank of Wingham, and lee- Little George Tutt, who has been in ty. of parents, either never did. the day was very enjoyable. Annie Cooper Beatrice McQuarrie ham hospital for several weeks exercise any pl-oper restraint over tured here a few months ago.' % their children, or else by degrees let Wingham lodge speaks very highly Nelson Davidson Harry Mooney I Where They Do Celebrate. Win typhold, has recovered and is go their control when the latter are of their treatment, and the prepara- Sarn, Davidson Grace Schnock Talk about celebrations, but we -VicToni,t SiioRs Fon LADIED9.- around once more, very young. This is often 4egri in the tions made for the day by the citizens Harris Eckinier Frank Shaw Canadians cannot get near the Ameri- 'Generally acknowledged to be the Irick of respect shown by children to of Ripley. . Vera F. Eckmier Artie Shaw cans in that line, that is if loss of life best Oanadian shoe for ladies. -Willis Miss Edith Hall, a pupil of Prof. K o d ak I Rhea Ran h Harold Smalldon Personals and injuries inflicted are taken as a & Co. are sole agents,in Wingham. Oampbell, Clinton, passed her Oonser- those older than themselves. Young- AT LiSTO117.13L. Ire I ED fe anter of Music examination in Piano � Irene ng r 'p,gh Smith . I guide. This year, the celebration of Read their ad. re guaranteed patents -class honors :V. , , . boys and even girls are seen on the .�Ima. E�� and mpany, when Listowel bad the bigge ss Fraser Speiran Yaly 4th, in the United States resulted on page 5. .Theory, bating first %IFF streets in all sorts of co e under the. its history, estimated at, from eight to Ruth Qray Cassie J. Stewart Airs, Will. Field is visiting relatives in the loss of seventy lives, and 2,0-94 . . in piano. , they should be at home injured. t parents' eyes. The result is rudefiess, ten thousand. Over fifty lodges were Charlie Hansuld Leslie Switzer in Niagara Falls. injured. Of deaths, 37 were caused The Lucknow Burglayies. - I Dinner Setts free at Isard's. Read KEEP A KODAK RECORD OF Bi uncouth bearing, rough behaviour in line, including lodges from North Harvey Hoover Russell Wilbee Mrs. Thos. Kew is visiting her par- by fireworks, 3 by cannon, 10 by small The Luckl�ow Sentinel reports that how to get them, in their advt. on YOUR SUMMER PLEASURE.. 3§ In the female sex, it Perth, South Perth, West citing- Emma Hunter firearms, 6 by pistols, 0 by runaways, morning, July 5th, page 5. a -Z and bad habits. I S�, ents at Whitechurch. early on Sunday . ie is seen in the startlingly rapid gait by ton, Centre Bruce, Huron all uelph. Scholarship for Brussels, P. .,And two by firecrackers. The injnAd it was discovered that three stores in Thursday evening, this week, is the i! which young girls reach the position Every train that, came into o t e depot Edith Deadman. Mrs. T. X. Watt of Allot Mich., is on suffered from about the same causes, that village had been burglarized. At of young ladies of maturer age, Very bore hundreds and the crowds who Scholarship for Rural Schools, Vere -a visit to relatives here. But it was a great celebration all the date of Miss Houghton's concert, com- young girls, scarcely entering their drove in from surroundingtowns Ferne Eckmier. Miss Pet Elliott of Brantford is 'me. . . the large general store of McIntosh & prl8ing the cantata, "The Jolly Picnic _. Kodak � Cameron entrance was effected by part " Plan of seating at F. H. teens, may be seen in the -evenings, commenced to arrive before daylight, , Y. . BLYTH'. visiting relatives in town. breaking a glass In the rear basement Walley's. I walking with their "fellows," with a There was not an. accident through- I Installation Of Officers. door. Inside the store the goods were It is easier to go Z boldness that would not be tolerated out the whole day to mar t . he proceed- HONORS. -Elliott Fleming is home from Brant- District Deputy McCracken of Brus considerably disarranged and the safe, Three advts. for teachers have ap- right than wrong. .tit " a few years ago by judicious parents. ings, and harmony and good humor Ruby Manning ford on a two weeks' visit. sets installed the officers of Maitland which was not locked, was gone geared in oar columns recently, S. S. _: Is it any wonder then that early mar- prevailed. The addresses were deliv- PASS. Ales. Lamont of London is visiting Lodge No, 119, I. 0. O. F., on Thars- through and the drawers containing No. 8, Turnberry, No. 5 Turnberry E alarmingly fie- ,ed in, the park and were of a. stirring Willie Burling a - ei � . -N. G., Jos. Guest; broken open. A lob f and this week, go. 7 Morris asks for Norman J. Match Mrs. A. L. Hamilton. day, a� follows : papers were bi . KODAKS - $5-00 to $3 riages are becoming alai V 5 quent, and young girls assume the and character. The speak- Lela Begley Frank AIc0a Fry; Cor.. -Sec., J. Groves; notes were taken, also about $3 ion applications. . .00 I inspiring the members of the or- ughey ., N. . - ers requestel Rev. D. Petrie and family are boli- - responsibilities of wifehood and mo to stand Bessie Cockerline Archie McGowan daying at Pine Grove. Fin. -See., T. J. R Iliott; Treas., H. B. cash, At W, W. Hill's grocery store BROWNIE CAMERAS -- i: - therhood before they reach mature der for liberty and freedom Walter Gowan W. Roy Naegele . . Elliott; R. S. N. G., J. Lamont; L. S. entv(tnee was effected by forcing open Keep your eye on the sky thd 18th - _ age or development. A later dire re- and equal rights to all. The speakers Mabel Colclough Milton Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Helm of Cyan- N. G., S. A. Maguire; R, S. V. G., J. a rear door. The tills were broken of July, or near by that date, as you � - - - - - $1.00 to $9.00 suit is -that comparatively young were County Master Joseph Walker, Marjorie Doyle Rema E. Pfeffer brook spent Sunday in town. D[cGlilivray; L. S. V. G., H. Hins- open and small change to the are liable to see some balloons. Five A 'Our dark room is at our I ,women become broken down in health who opened the day's programme; PUN% Kirkeonnel. Howard Robertson cliffe; Warden, R. Cruiksbank; Con., amount of two or three dollars- was will start from St. Paul on that date customers' disposal. , 5�! prematurely, entailing burdens and the Mayor, who delivered the address Miss Edith Coney of Guelph is re- W. NcKibbori; R. S. S., W. Britton ; secured. At Little's shoe store a rear in the next balloon race. . I - sorrows on the matrimonial state, of welcome, Col. Scott of Walkerton, Lizzie Lawrence Terence Tierney newing acquaintances in town. 2E Mary M. AlcGowanPearl Taman L. S. S., G. Hanna, I. G., J. W. Dodd; door was forced open and about seven quite the reverse of the roseate plc - D. G. M. of the supreme lodge of Bri- Olive McGill Mr, and Mrs, Win. Button. Ischia, W_ ' IV Dorothy Tiernay Miss Lizzie Wellwood is home from O. G., J. Lennox; Chaplain, W. J. dollars in cash, secured also it valuable � 3i tare outlined on the future when they tish North America and a number of N.Y., (former citizens of Wingham) �- Wm. J. Maines Sadie J. Watson New York for the summer vacation. Haines. After 'the lodge closed, watch, a pearl handled knife and took the boat at Owen Sound on � entered the fields of marital felicity. others. Noble Grand, Jos. Guest, treated the :','D,Per,1pairs of ,shoes, Murdoch Tuesday last for Port Arthur. They I J. Walton McKibbon Rightly or wrongly, the editor of this IN GODERIC111. WROXETER. Mrs. Walley has returned home brethren to refreshments at Moore's. ' McLeod, who spent some time in Edmonton for a time, then to _ column regards this as one of the HONORS after visiting her parents in Brant- Goderich'gaol last winter for similar go to �_ "great evils" of the day. But some. The streets of Goderich were ablaze ford. BRING along your shoes; we do re- .cts'in Wingham, was suspected. On British Columbia. DRUGGIST who read this will say -"It is none of with color for the Orange celebration. Cora Gilkinson Eldon Wallace Miss May McGee of Chatham is pairing and WE DO IT RIGHT, Lowest Tuesday evening, he at -rived in town LoST.-About July 5th, a Scotch your business." But is it not the The -roads leading to town were early PASS visiting at her home on the first line prices. W, J. Greer• and gave himself tip to Magistrate Collie pup, with white collar around truth ? - thronged with vehicles and the three Thos. Abraham Gordon Morrison of Morris. . Grahain. Mr. Grundy, who saw the neck, Retvard for information as to ep special trains were heavily loaded: Maggie Anderson James Pert -in _, Miss Edith Rush of Buckingham, � man leaving Little's store eavly on his whereabouts. -Leslie C. Young. ... : ................ Two massive arches of cedar epanned John Dixon Della Rutherford Q e., is spending the holidays at her Wingham High School. Sunday morning, identified hien as . Orangemen's Service. the roadway on the route of this Selby Dobbs Hazel Saunderson u the guilty party, and Murdoch did The members of the Woman's Mis- I afternoon's procession, and banners Jitner, Doubledee Inglis Saunderson home here. not resist at -rest. In company with slonary Society of Wingham Metho- On Sunday evening last, the mem- with words of welcome were to be Scott Hamilton--- Maggio Sanderson Miss Mae Williamson left last week . Foltz[ I Pnomomo,x. Constable Cameron he went to the dist Church and as many members of . .. _......... __.. .- . _ . ,. . _... bers of L. O. L.. 794, and the Orange seen everywhere. Nineteen lodges Verna Harris Rella Smith to spend her vacation with relatives Alarks not given unless candidate country and collected the stolen the congregation as desire. to jo5' Young Britons, attended service in lined up for the parade. Addrgsses Harjorte Lovell Gwendolene Snell in Toronto. I fails. Candidates not arranged in or- goods, which were returned. The pet- them, will picnic on Lower Wingham . St. Pauls church. A number of visit- wee given from a platform in the . I in g brethren were present, and all square, Brother John Wilford, past Col'n McNaughton Walter Stafford W. J. Perrin of Wroxeter was in der of merit. . soner has been sent to Walkerton for flats on Thursday afternoon, weather John Miller Wesley Strong - Florence Alt bison (honors) tr!6,1.-" permitting. I marched in neat form to the church, county master of North Huron, was town on Saturday, and gave the Ad c CLEARIN6 : where Rev. Bro. Boyle, of Chatham chairman, Addressea of welcome FORDWICH Vance '& pleasant call. Mae 13alla,gh (honors) . The C. P. R. has officially declared preached to them, basing his remarks were delivered by Mayor Mack- PASS Misses Bessie and Nora Kennedy Clara Beerner I Last Hall Of July. its opposition to the liquor traffic. It ' on Jude, 3rd verse -"Earnestly y con. [in and Chairman Gallow of the re- Nora Cook Maggie Spence are visiting friends at Bothwell, Chat- Edna Biebl I From cooler about 13th, look for withdrew its application for a license - , tend for the faith once delivered to ception committee, Rev. 0, R. Due- Veva 11' ,dwards R unice Southern ham and Thamesville. Minnie Bosnian warmer during , period central on l6tb, for the company's hotel inAloose Jaw. - the saints." Mr. Boyle's address was rant, of Melbourne; Rev. William William Bridges 17th. A regu ar storm period 'Is cell- The company will not have bars in : SALE ; brief, but practical, referring chiefly Hillyard Fleet Hartwell Strong Arr. and Mrs. A. M. Fisher and two Edith Buchanan bral, coincident with the center of the its hotels at stations hereafter, pre- . Lowe, of London, grand chaplain of Harold Johnston Oscar Wade children of Toronto spent Sunday Bert Ourrie Mercury period, the regular storm (erring to keep the temptation as far to the duties of members of the Order Ontario West -, Rev. IV. H. Cooper, of " ---------`-- - In• conforming to the Christian duties chaplain of Lambton Edward Kaufman Edna Wallace with relatives itr town. L,tura, Carrie (honors) period extending from the 10th to the as possible from its employees. contained in the obligation, such as County, and Rev. W. F. Gratharn, of Vern McLeod Jessie Wilson . ,week for Edna Dickson . 2tt�, and the Mercury period from the " reading the Scriptures, endeavoring Chatham, formerly of Goderich, gave I ' Miss Mabel Shields left this Russel Fixter I 15th to the 28th. About the 20th the The Clinton News -Record says:- Spring and Summer: to make them the rule of life, keeping addresses. An exhibition of drum- . I Toronto, where she has secured a poli- 11 Frank Gillespie barometer will begin to fall in western "The School Board raised the salary . the Sabbath day sacred, avoiding the ' en by Willie Altitch, he I tion with G. N. W. Tot. Co. 1�1 Ada Haines harts of the country, with rapidly ris- of Principal Hartley to One 1.11011sand Shoes Must Go . ' rain w on ill. .Miss Violet M. Sherk returned Inst general -s and - taking of the name of God in vain, fIve5yt,mi'-sold v of F. Muto of Roland Hendersop ing temperature, followed by dollars at the same time expressed I s and according to others the right to to., followed by aprograni le by the Cburcb Rews week from Palmerston to spend her Lizzie Johns cloudiness. During the 21st to 2tth by resolution its entire appreciation - "`^^^^^— -.0-.e%^^ . hold their own opinions and worship Goderich- brass band. Forthe est I vacation at her home in town. Bertha Jones threatening storm clouds and much oi his services. Mr. Hartley has done as they choose, After the service, the flfe and drum band Clinton won first -, ... 111-___­_�_ Mrs. Thos. T. Field and brother, Hector Mutton As a rule the Mercury period. brings is held in much esteem both as a On Saturday, July l8th : . John Mitchell (honors) severe bluster will be very natural. good work and after it, year's trial he brethren returned to the Lodge room, place and Riverston band second. A Rev, G. Al. and Mrs, Dunn of Ridge Leonard Rush, have been visiting for Florence Price (honors) much continued cloudiness, with teacher and a, citizen." - where a vote of tbanks was moved by I hird competitor was tile Summerhill town, (formej ly of WhItecliuveb) re- the past two weeks in Toronto. We will commence •'a grand : A. 11. Musgrove, M.L.A., seconded by band. Londosboro Lodge was award- turned recently frorn a trip to the Allan Pugh drizzling rain, but some of the heavi- -onto Gordon Rintoul frequently oe- Every Pair of Ladies'. Gents', Miss- Clearing Sale ot. Spring and D. M. Gordon, to Rev. T. S. Boyle fOc ed the prize for the lodge with the lar- West, and were tendered a reception Miss Grace Montgomery of Tot est storms and rainfalls fr es I and Children's Spring and Summer his excellent sermon, to the church- gest membetship in the procession, by the ladies of the congregation. and.Miss Kathleen Lowe of London Mary Ritchie cur at the blending of regular storm Summer Shoes. wardens for the use of the church, to with seventy inernbers. This is the are guests of Airs. F. VanStone. Milton Roadhouse periods directly with the Mercury per. Shoes must go. Clearing Sale starts - the choir for their music, and to visit- tenth year in succession that this Last Sunday morning, Rev. W. J. Luella Shaw i,d8. Such results are possible at this Saturday, July 18th. -W. J. Greer. GOOD TIME NOW TO BUY. , ing brethren fot, theie presence, honor has gone to Londtisboro. Howson gave a practical, kindly- Rev. T. S. and Mrs. Boyle of Chat- Elsie Shiell. _. I period, but we fear that rains will not The Advance is informed that some LOTS OF SUMMER WEATJI- There were 128 in the procession. worded address, to his congregation ham have been spending a few days in Emma Stewart be generally diffused and eopious. gentlemen were in town last week ER AHEAD . . '. . . . - I I . on the necessity of co-operation, tak- town, the guests of Air. and Mrs, J. D. Gertie Stewart (honors) Narrow localities May have deluging from Berlin, looking over the Chair Bamboo Shades (Curtains) for vo.ran- . Ing as his text the words-' 113rethreb, Burns. Mary Stewart (honors) downpours, blit the graiii,belts, and Good Shoes tit little Prices. dabs, in 5, 0. 8 and 10 ft. widths, with Baseball And Garden Party. pray for us." In the evening, the sub- Mr, Cummer of Tilsonburg is in Howard Stewart ' other wide areas of the country, while factor , with a View to a purchase, if r r, Some change ane needed for Remember Date. Shop Early, - cord and pulleys, all ready to hang tip. ject, of the address was "Peace." 01 arNe of A, L. Hamilton's drtfg!§tor6. Norman Thompson they may have ugly storm (41ouds, poss") e4 Cheaper than you can bay the goods - On Friday afternoon last, Teeswater The boys and girls are invited to at- - Mr, Hamilton and family are away on Ethel Ti ling thunder and high windq. will most the benefit of the working men of I to make shades. See them at S. Gra- and Wingham basebttll teams played tend public worship at the Baptist a, vacation. George Tervit likely suffer a shortage in rainfall. A town. At present the fattory is idle, . See us for Trunks and Valists. a gaine on the park bore. The bat- ,Onai. and there does not appear to be much cey's Furniture store. church next Sunday morning, when Roy Turvey (honors) change to cooler, knore pleasant c paospect8 of its resuming operations. teries wore: Teeswater-.1ohnston and Airs, Win, Pedlow of Hamlota, Andrew Wallace (honors,) tions may reasonably be expected , Good; Wlngharn-Dunlopthe actor will give one of his popalar Man., and family are spending the Milton White ftorn about the 21th to the 27th. The St. Paul's Sunday School and con - With The Bowlers. alla Dal" black -board talks, as part of the regu- - stammer with Afro. P.'s Dieter, Miss Helen Wilson Moon is at extrenie north declination gregation hold an old-time picnic on Five rinks of Teeswater Bowlers rett. The score was 84 i a lar service. Evening service at 7 ni. We I Greer ,ght, P M. A. Scott. .Winghani. The attendance wag small 111.1 helpful Gordon Young. on the 20tb, in apogeo on the 20th, the bank of the Maitland in Lowe,, . cattle to Wingbam on Friday, and a and evangelisim . . . very pleasant afternoon was spent on and did not suffice to pity the expenses Everybody come. A figs ]I'V& Paterson of Toronto and F()lt',1t 11 PROXOTION. . and in conjunction with Rowth and Town onTuosdayafternoon. Various I - the Green. Wingham rinks were vac. of the game, In the evening there Hartley Paterson of New York are Sun, or at New Aloon, on the 28th- It -amusements were provided, and a ' torious in the afternoon �a.mes by 33 was & successful Garden Party under At the close of his Sermon on San- I - - - p . e to cooler ulay I . . . I Visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jean Brook is possible that chabg number of foot races were interesting I Photo, end in the evening by one shot. the auspices of the team, and the at- day evening', Rev. T, S. Boyle t3 oft' to Arch. Paterson. F red Corley not appear generally from the 25th to events, prizes being awarded to the -- . The following are the scores and the tendaneek -,va.4 qaIte satisfactory. -The very highly of the neiv Rector, Rev. Ireiie Clegg (honors) 27th, following the previous period, In winners. All present thoroughly en- si� skips- Citizens' Band furnished an excellent 0. 2. leakins, He said St, mauls was Mrs. Down of Toronto is visiting her Ruby Clegg (honors) which event the temperature will con- joyed the afternoon's sports and the S in g him from 4 long distance, daughter, Airs, J. T. David,3od. She rJ I I 1 . AVTRnA;0ox GAmi.,,. programme of music. The booths briq , Dore tinue to int,reast, culminating in one excellent, lunch. - ,It - were well patronized, and altogether hub it was doubtful if his equal could Is accompanied by her grand -daughter =y Elliott of the toost intense 4 -hot waves" of Wingham. Teeswater 11, pleasant time woos spent. Miss Viola, he found nearer, and St. Paul's was to Miss Hazel Harwood. TAzzle Pergiison the sinumer, counting three days be- $l0,5()0_VinP 200 -acre Farm. $2000 600 AX110 i A. Porter...... , . Z ll.%bklrk ......12 1s&td had the lucky ticket and Apeared be congrittulatod on having scoured Mr. Phalen, son., Ilia daughter, Afro, Tennyson (31ann-villo fare and after Tuesday the 28th. crib. IlMalftee at 4,1/,. A 1. . I D. Holmes ..... _21 Farquharson..10 the Work baskets and George Elliott, Ills services. Hd felt sure that Mr. . .21 Chapman 0 a! idy and her daughter, all of St, Hazel Jackson Thtnidex, storms die strength and bargain for quick sale. - Ritchie & - D. T. Hepburn.. of the 131tievale road, secured the rat- Jeakins would do his very beat for the a'sl Greta Kennedy blaster will be due on aud near the Cosens. .9 . . G. Mimners ..-14 prink, ...... Catharines, were guests of Air. Pha- ; Trained by our illanagomontlast7tar. 10 tan chair. The boys �o to Godorleb welfare of the parish. t week. Lizzid Knox 28th. The inffimtlohs are that a I I I nce clouwit,% 'Ofaduhtofl 11161A . -ill ......... 21 � I N111111plo ' -_ —_ : C, ten, Jun., Shuter street, 1413 A. W.Crawford 13 13i on F vidity' of this wee t, and the neict Tions Maxwell ',heated torin" will break down, let- . on"ZIAl. Speci%1 Course for Teach- erp. . , . 0 ay 9IRTIIS. %, .-Ill Coarses, Bond postal for - "A page aft of the life history of Mrs, B. Flynn Inft oil Wednesday George MofTatt ting in a, reapito of sonic days of more t 08 aa: borne game Will be with Blyth, on the Dtitch Annie,' n, foriolls woman of � Itorpla-In' Wingliam, July 0 11%rilcularg, 121th inst. N. Y, State, will U used by tile Rev, v the old land. The Advance wishes Mabe MacDonald curint weathert as we pays from to it , . I Oth, . I I Th W gh Adv n � .:7 J n III t I W d U I It w I I ­ _= I I -Z - I L:�o �01 16, .I Ll I' il C n a ' 1 E 1)urc�_�� f � Evin';IxG G.&I'm I steel Wite Hammocks for 0.50. W, G. Howsotif to Illustrate him sob. box- a pleasant voyage and safe arrival Simpson Orr Inly into August, So saith Prof. Air, and Mrs. Jr. Morris, a son. at her destination, Manchester, lung- Hdgar 1,111tterson flicks, Adair. -In Tarviberyl, Xnly �th, to � Fall Term Opens Sept. Ist - - — 2 0. Xnecbtel ...... 18 Chapman..... 0 The cheapest and strongest, M S. Jqot of next Satitlay morning, in the land. HIrnie ShAw Mr. and Mrs, Win, 1. Adair, n - . Wt Holmes ... #, 112 HAhkirk ...... 13 Ormey's, Alethoditt church; ata bjecti-I'Goil'a Ti Sb,pkho (honors) . aint.qW,i,-;,rL,,i).-ti'orivotkon pow, daughter. - 00 111, Deana ... t..., 7 Brill ........... 11 I search for 1-119 lost child," In the Mr, Geo, Mason returned On SAtUr- ev machines in knitting will Or on day a Winghatu Buginess CoH - Guaranteed pAt#nt oxfords for ovoning & brief sormonette, on day from visiting his mother In Lon- � - Ti y " " ') �tq Taylor . 't.Vlor " D. Holmes ....... 13 Brink ...... _11 Fr�OCT -k and good T;tylor-In R vtot WAwAnosh, July 5tb, �d J,eportg her Still in i% ver I t Vikn� 1011k. Clean, steady, work - .13 F&tquhFtrsott--12 ladies as to* aq $2 Z per pair, Read ,,Thin alt by "bleh wo live," Service doll, ar $1 4t. one �v O.W. SPOTTMI, PittscivAu & Ad. an page 5, Willis & Vo. Phone over In atilhoup or less, Come and weak condition. Mrs. Mason r8mitin. Alae Williamoon (honors) wages. ApT% to 'The Watson Mfg. to Mr. 6nd, Mrs, Thoo, Tiqior, a SWMNWM�06006W --- 2 . , daughter. M 6 a 120, I ofiJoy 16 t*1 Ight bZediotion. _led In London for A- f6W days longer. I 11,10 Imlay, I CM, Limito , arlo, oat, �a 4J. I I . . - . ' ' " L - " ,..; ,�_' ILIL , _,41 LL._&'o � . ­ -,-,&, I , , - ­ .i.---- , __ ` &�, , - - ,.��� . � ­­ I - .. � ,@16* .� . � I ­ � I—. . ­ik� .wt— " .��11�_.M�­1.1 ... —, _______, 10 - - . It _3N