HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 7,
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I the water, but he Nvas I)rovct*e4 'by I I n a s o a no( era over a wide .,treat The rout of MARR19D IN HANDIPUFF4 .
companion, Svbopueek jolimbed 1 brigand bagd. ir the National Vank was thrown down 1) ' , ,
. I
- . 'rite filllvst Pr( autious w � ,
. . t " "S - fe"L "lx Ia tile 111011 t 111 , by 11 T1 1 IRL'S LOOP IN """' �� DEMOCRATIC I
rigging, but Aittellor renifthied lit ,�� 11 , I � � . Pro taken by I
Although the'vold water was iboye Ms � � � 91 t1lo' VIoIVDVe Of tile C0110,034011 when tile , , Extraordinary $,cone at, Wod4jjxg in
tile bandits to 1) it tile pass,eugers coin- Im i QXJ�1(81011 oeourrod, ,Tli(- sivoild fire was J
, waist. The (luebulatl pa68ed over them Vf%UVTH pletely Ili their I ower. The rallwa Franco,
Y Oro if, loved to have bopil chocked at wid- ", V,
0, while they were in this plight, And pro- & fivials were all e tiler in the 1) O_ the 0 � 'light, bUt the f1411109 got A third start it � r4rlfs." July 0
, IN ONTARIO THE r,V JIMA _ 11 AUTO VATAL l' ' CONVENTION, .-The extr4or4blary
luised to selid Assistance. Mueller wav- brigands, oi- too frightened ,171 resist. . � 8(1(4110 Ol"A ,Vp4ding Whero tj14 brid
ed them on their course, as tim ballogn, l . this 11101-111119, 'Ind before they worosub. e. ,�
Four of the Racing $'alloons From was already beginning to right itself. , SeVentylllone ' . Ile , The. telegraph wires. had been cut, and filled fort), more buildings had been AID. groom, was married in handcuffs wAs T . .A I
, Afh$ Reported Up the bridges cominturicating Nvith tile Performee; Car Swerves from In., stroieil� , .
For toll miles, tile bit,sket wgii drag, D� Dearest town were blown tip,, I 'rite city was almo Dele4ates W111 Meet in Denver witnessed 4%, St. Martla, Ile de Re, rg. :
I City Of Chicago, " * ver the surface of the Water fit A to Last Night. P There were fifteen soldiers in the I - cline as Thouaii4s Watcha le. Tile flamet; s" Ju a R+Ate off To.m.orrow, - eently. , I.,
� . -� 11(4 0 rate, Soniethiloi it. (lipped Alarm- train, but they all gave lip tlieIr arms i�)� if i urged along with
ra, N h it Appeared to be All Irresistible Tileophile Frav :
pi,;! into tile waves find at others , , aged thirty-four, had ;
lIg a surface. ]text ordered to do so by the brigands, 8 P A.,4 terrifle explosions, whic,11 Oc. recently been AUght In 4 daring bur. I .
They, Reach Earth After Thrilling rose. 4 few inches abo,v,�e tit R cord Number of Deaths,, 8 w The Managai H
e ut except 0110, who was shot dead oil the � I oldL 6 .1 urred at intery r �
- , . I , � the Action glary
So tightly was t,,'scljoeneek compolled to ,y the Piusburg "", a, added to tile fn -all lute est Centres Arqui%d ., And sentenced to tell years' liard
Ex spot -, of Lite I , . I I � ,
� periences. grasp,the ropes that his )lands were clit Fewer Injured. ,Nl�. Ilos% with 'Mr. Newmall, the sea- Police., 'r populace. It was not labor. 1-115 fi4neee, Alexandrine Nadel. �
. __� deeply by the ras of tile cords, Then - -t le Intensity of the fire had 41minisInxetial. i of the No Y. Delegation, - man, aged ,nineteen, was heartbroken �
Pill mejes wimloner tit Callao, and six - that 4nYtIling like quiet was restored, -_ fit tile ReWS, And declared that nothing I
wit1lont warning tho'ballooll-Bwept into friends, were All taken prisoners, and I The Cliamb(ir of lk-putlea and tile � w(JU14 lndticq her tp gj,vo up -her sweet. �
Ono of Them lu Bay of �Qujute— 3 stratum of warin air and leaped to t o, Details of Some of the Tragedies led to the robbers? mountain retreat. lJoiltitY of" Mile. Novi" Disclo.ed lai-ge establishment of the congregation M4Y Take Four Days t 0 heart. .
RAce Won 4� fielding, height of 7,000 feet. The aoroultil a I - I i4 the. �Quxtry, , - I'heir abBoueo,'bolvever, caused the Perit- by Card Around Her Neck. of St, Louls Nyere menaced for a time Mr, Br an,, -0 - Nominat She Accordingly, petitioned the ajithor. I .,
. I ,�, tardraw-, iloarly burst from, the effects vlan Government to sclur troops from, , ,
(:f the slidd(ni change, the boy screaming by the flaines, but they were saved I y ities to allow the marriage to tft�o
I'leton, ,Till 1--Aftei a. thrilling I with pain And shivoring with cold. Mucl- New York, I July (I.-Se,renty-one ( Lima Ili search or them, and they were IvIthout ditllmge. . place at once, Her request wa,% grant. ,
I lead at longth released.
experience of y eight hundred miles In Irr, despite, Ilia own lillsory, took tile and 2,024 injured are tile flaures in the , - Pittsburg, Pal) July Q.-AfTs. Stella ?'I 1- . I . Denver, Col., Jilly 6._T,,4X ed, and yesterday the prisoner was colt. I
a balloon, Mr. James I.j. Case, Of Chi. hid ill Ills arms and wartned blux as - . :- 4 - I Pa*er, 10 years old, known'to the d4hilte actioll eolleel , pectation , of ducte(l. by four deteet,v L es to the mairle,
inuelt .is possible. Fortunately the bag Chicago TAuxle's., Fourth of July en -8- . . .11ing sollie Of 4,110 where the bride and her friends were
�, Cago, and Mr., 0. 11, 11t,r4go, a reporter � pliblic as Mile. Novi, was fatally injur. REVOLUTION pending questions marked the open'!))* of aivalting lilm,
: (lid not reinflin long at the high altitude, 1441ty list 111) to 11 p. ju., last night. Aix KILLED MAN ed oil Saturday afternoon at Luna. park I . . 'Ile 1117 1111101% the delegates o mony lie bade her farel,, I
. . on the luter-Ocoan, dropped into tij,L, beghining to descoud almost imuledi- Analysis of the figures shows, tile. fol. INPA AG to tile . I
Bay of Qllinte aijout iloon to -day, five ately. . lowing details-, 11118 looping4ho-loop lit an Automobile, 4 j -,R UAYO Democratic Nationa It ive)l for ten years, and was taken baek�
1, 'onventlon, w 0`4e to 1118 cell, while his bride returned
w I (' ,
llow ]on,* they remained above the 8 ie is slifferin- At St. ViValleia hospital first smi , to I
I miles from. Pleton, find wero saved After I .. Of the deaths 611are, weile,by firew6rks I N� BUFF A' LOh ,,,, " on will be hold here .at noon hpi, parentsi bonle. -
I A, oxids was illipossible,l,for Aluelter to .
I a narrow escape from drowning. Air, 1. dtltcr� and resulting fires, 37; by cantion, 31 by - with concussion of the brain anxI her to-morroly, The programme to -day irl. 4 . J;'l , .
1111110. Without iiistrunieuts lie I
I V. Fraser ;ilia Mill 11. (i,ortion, or PicLoij, was unable to calculate time, direction firearills 10; by gunpowder, 6; by to), death is expected ,before -morning. . Streets of (lie Capital R' Red el"ded caucuses Of mally Of tile State '
pistols, 2; by rulla.ways, 5; by heart Murders His Chum 'in a -Saloon Obarles Xerk And William. Schnitz, I 1111 dolegatiOns. Principal interest attached
rescued Lite balloonists, or distance. Soon, however, they ivere I- 40 �
I , failure due to explosion of cannon crack- With -Blood. - DID HE LEAD I
able to distinguish tile lights of a town . inallairor and property for tile Moment to the callous of tile
� It wits. the balloon "Illinoi4,11 the ors,194- 'Mose injured were: By fircerack- and Escapes. o , mail respectively 11 �
! beneath theiii,aild they know that solid i
� ' era, 1,109; UY emlinolli, 212, by firearlus, __ . for the youna woniall, Are being held New York
� State delegation, appointed 11
. eighth to start Ili a race of nitio start- ground was below. The valve was open, ., �
. era that left Chicago Saturd-tty night Ili ed gradually and tile balloon settled 100; by gunpowder, 551; by torpedoes, I . t bile ociltral, police station pending tlic., Ministers of State Flee and Take for noon, for tile attitude of that delo. TRIPLE LIFE? I
the international balloon race for tile slowly, At 8.50 Q?clock t1loy land �QO; by toy pistols, 211;_ by born -b canes, M. -n Were Complinions in Day's a �
i ed result of lier injuries. gatioll, and tile delivery of its 78 votes, I
I world's record, under theauspices of the gcntly in At field three miles from Ben- 60; IjX rullaways, 35. 1 Refuge in At entiue Legafit011. " under tile unit rille, wil,l have !
, teronautique Club. I ton Harbor, Michigan, The fire loss was $525,930, Drinking Bout. . Mile. Nov! was advertised to turn -9 effect, to $a nothing of a moral * I i
, � - three somersaults ill An automobile be- balance of Suspicion About MenWho Murder- I
, -is nuide at 0.30 1). in., and Only 111110 Of tile balloons sta This brea-Ics 1411 records. for deaths fore the Diftebine strikes tile earth. Some. As been potent and soine... � , ,
The start w. rted in polvell, which T, ...
lit -crossing Lake Miehigaii the b%iloon the "nee, the "I Will" being withdrawn, Once 1889� The number of deaths this Victorious Party Appoints Dr. times absolutely decisi,,(- in national Con- ed Toronto Wom
I Murderer Covers Other Men in - "ling went Wrong with one of -tile rear Anq .�
� rose 40iglit thousand feet, and seven hur�- All toolc a northeast by south course, year report�d up to midniglit last nitelit . wheels, The inadhine swerved whilecoal. Emiliano Maveiro Prcsident. volitional Such expressiolla as'llaye com", :
� dred pounds of -ballast was used. NVItexi sailing over I 4ako Allehigan, and wQ. is thirteen more Man ,at the same tPiltie. Saioon With Revolver, . lag down the almost perpendicular � from the delegates from New York,litivo Nelson, Thompson and Raymond ;
. travelling over land the balloon was five quickly lost to view lit the evening mists 4ast year, In 1005 fifty-lifile were dead stretch of trftek before the ga-p is . encouraged the belief that that &ate I
. I
thousand feet Ili the Air. At daybreak rising from the lake. I fit the same hour. Tile number of injur- . reached, Realizing that something was Buenos Ayres, July O. -Advices ro - would cast her solid vote for the nomina. May he One Man. I I. �
I . tion of,Br7an, but there is !it tile delegi,t- . I
ibey came to Lake Eric, find when they Tile starting times of the various bal- cd, J1OWQvor, is 1,183 less than ill 1007, Buffalo, July 6, -In a sudden lit. wrong, 11110. Novi clutched desperately ocived here to -day stato that the revoltv tion a gronp of veteran fighters unftI,
crossed the ]lead of Lake Ontario took loons' and their Pilots follow; 5,44 and is tile Smallest number since 1901, of 'anger Paul Relic, 22 years old, of tit the iroll bar !-it froni; of tile car. I . I . . :
land near Cobbitrg. Ili 6ossi1xio )lore the P. ill., Fielding, Capt. Honeywell and (3, whell 1,803 persons were it U tionists have been victorious Ili Para- terably opposed to the nomination of Was I.
. ' lirL. This is When the machine struck the ga;p I- � Murder Done to . Co er Up .
I ba.1loon. rose to its greatest height, being .T. Molding, 0.07 p. in., Iting Edward, regarded fig all indication that tile agi. No. 441 The Avenue, West Seneca, lvh1r]ed over aiid over. Insteird of mak- guay and it new Government has bee Bryan, -%vlxo fully realize tile strategic !in. I �
I � i
. I seven and a half miles high. The men Leopold Gregory and X. P, Wild; 0.34 tation for a Salle Fourill. is having its last night shot and killed Djuro Kor, hig three coin-pileto revolutions it made established, These advices have been POTtance of to -day' -s calicus, even though Another Crime ? ' . . j.
became hir-onsible, Their bodies swelled- p. in. Ville do Dieppe, George Schoe- effect. . 11 its attitude on the main question might � �
t � ire. I dic.. 28 years old, of No. 609 Ridge Viree and a fialf, And then brought ulp confirmed by a despatch received by the , be indicated only indirectly t el - �
� and blood Cattle from every p( Tijo.y nock and A. E. Ailtelleir; 0,43 p. in., s BEFORE THE CELEBRATION. Road. The murdev occurred in . its side with tremendous force, Tdie in lie 8 - ec
11 I a op , .
said It was a terrible exporionce, The United States, Col A. P. Shirley; 0.51 'One Dead in Pittsburg, n .N11nister of Foreign Affairs from,-tha tlon Of rePresen'tativcs upon the conv4ni. Chicago, July 6.---f,VIie merger of three , J
I water seemed to liave ft great attraction p. in., Cincinnati, �eslie Iladdock find . . sal000 at No. 441 The Avenue, which young wollian was thrown against the , ' U011 coultuitteeR and upon tile cilatiflinal ., 11.
111111 they 0XPOriencod difficulty in keep- (loorge Howard; 0. Pittsburg, Pa., July 3�_,rjlo coIL-bl-a- is conducted by Mille Dejanoy1ch., )it bar. 6-triking it with ]ter forehead. Argeritine Legation Lit Asuncion, offi- committee, identities into one -that of Nelson, the . .
' I
I . Ing the balloon up. JVhen pick 59 p, in,, America, .P. tion ]lore to-niorrow, of 11 "'A crowd of several thousand, most of oially notifying the Minister that the re- sweetliefLi't chauffeur) Edward Thomp- , .
I ed lip S- Hudson and Licut. J. J, Meade, idepondence Brandishing his 8mokbig revolver tit The national committee at a meeting 1.
1. both hion were wearing life preservers. United States Marine Oorps, Z.22 P. in., day will be carried out on a much more em women and children,, witnessed tit(,. voliltionary party had stieceeded in over- called for 10 a. lit. Iva$ expected to all. son, tile schoollteacher husband end ,T. .
A. second balloon was seen ,;$, Columbia, 0. H. Leichleiter And All clabora,to seftie t4lax, heretofore. It will Relic cowed the other patrons in the accident. Wonion screamed, many 'of ri i aguayan Government point a sub-cominit , I �
I Dig I ']join fainted,, and there was a wild rush tee to consider eflob. IT. Raymond, the man wit ook the I
over this vicinity about 11.30 �;l-dmy, Peterson; 7.24 p. in., '111 nois, X. L. Case be the first F saloon and inade his escape through L I t . ',I
i Ourth of July since the colt- to get out of the park. It was "tile thli a ,2 � i
I solidation of Greater Pittsburg, and it is a 13 standing early to -day being tilat tilLMA, :
� It was sailm.-'at it great height and and C. Ill Per"!go;' 7.30 1), in., Chicago, id6'door. Tile police of West Ben- ,e and tiiat several of the Paraguayan Mill- Of tile contests befoi-e t1;e1ji, tile under. woman to the rooming house t 1 �42 . .
� ('I, planned to make tl' before a score of policeinen restored or- isters of state ]lad taken refuge in tile Hichigan avenue -may solve the murder . I
I . colithilled its way eastward. A. Coey ,,Ind C. L. Brinibaligh. ie day a ceedbratibn eca scoured the territory all night in der. . . . slib-committe6s woul(I meet immetlintoly . . o.
� le.gittion. and simultaneollily and report to.ni i of )(Ira. Francis Thompson, according to .,
; One of the I NZ41oons passed over To- Changes Ili the crows of the aerial of both, events. Tile great iron and ,steel a search for the fugitive. The Buf- lit Vie meantime Afark find Scirultv, ' ght
I ? . I The revolutionists have appointed Dr, to a meeting of tile full committee, ;Cll,, flie police. . ..
ronto between 7 atill 8 O'clock Slinday orafts i�cro comparatively few, George mills closed down to-niglit. Ili this city, falO police were Asked to� assist and ]lad unbueLded the straps wilitch held I I �
. � morning. Mill Wm. J. Thompson, Prin. Slehooneck toolc tho"plac; of pftill Llj_ and vicillity'Dremature explosions bave a, description ot the murderer was th'a Imman in the car. Slic was QPP&r_ B ruiliano Gonzales N4veiro President, He gell-41 expectation now is of a four- oh nsc John Iflieeler and Wal- ..
cipal of the Deer Park Public School, cier in' 010 F"Olich entry find Leopold. 0Il'1-,ftdY restjl�ed in one d6ath, injury to ,;But to all stations. held the office of Vice -President, in the ditys convention, with final adjourinnoub 1 I
it- olitIy. lifeless and the morgue Nvas not!- i ter C. Gilitiore, the brother of the . ,
. � si,4glited the aerial craft, and notified Oregory, a tem -Year-old boy, sailed in mbout a dozon persons, and property loss Medical Examiner Danger investi- � ( ovPrilinent which has just been ousted, "Onto time Friday, but a positive fort',-
, the papers. The Illinois vas apparently tIl f Lieut. through fire of $100,0oo. ated the killing. Ile said that lid' fied that oho had been killed. A physi. ' t �
� - e C4iftdiaii balloon ill Place o 9 . Unofficial despatches that the new cast is impossible. strangler a victim, believe the husband,
I About, a quarter to halt a mile in the ,fil Preston, I Three Boys. Burned. could see no inotive find believes that elfin `wbo aNainined her, linwever, found ' Cabinet includes Mu-nuel Uon(Tra, the ChicAgo Delegates, Edward ThOmPson� has been living a I
. -]lore were still signs of life and an am. Pa,raguftyan Minister to Brazil, Dr. Rill Omalia, Neb., ,Tilly a. -The Cl - triple lite, and witli his arrest tile mys. 11 �
"I when sighted. She Appeared to be under The first selen balloons kept well to. the shooting was caused by too much t �
I Now .York, July 3.-NVAJI;�er White, 10 drink. '_ I
%vards the earth, taking full advantage ye,irsold, 1,larly a 1, tit billailco was �suninioned hurriedly, � it -bio Ayala, Dr. Alvino Jara, Dr. Adolfo licago T. �
I perfect control, and was then moving at - 14 , 8 same atre and de tery which has so far surrounded the .
I . it moderate speed in ft nortliensterIT ,It. Of the Wilid which was blowing .from Relic and Kordic are workmen at Immediately after the accident Mark Rigrilme an(I Dr, Manuel Franco. Th"e .1egatcs to tile Deliver convention Pass. . . i
ant, , a yesterday afternoon. ease will be explained, and that it ,
11. , The fill I y Pro- represent ft combination of the Cwo itiost -.1,11 will
I Eugene, Heine, 15 years 'old, weret'b"all'lly the LacRawanna. Steel PI d SvIniltz. were arrested. 'nip ed throngri Onlail
rQetJ(jJj.L From tile earth the covering of the West 8011thw(Ist at the rate of burned. at. Port Richmond, �S, e injunction p�lank drawn by fornfer z
� tile Illinois appeared to be A gra�lsh about fifteen miles fill hour. Belore I . Ill by the forineir was ma-rilled six weeks ago. " fec;%ed to knOW nothing about th.eyoung 'Y lie shown that both "Nelgonj) and ciRay- . I 1:
Y. 0-Plosioll of a twenty-five pound bag of d it, D. C I , . .
I powtlrful parties in Paragna , .the Libor- INI%yoil Donne, of that City, was given illond" and Thonipson, tile husband
1. white. Miss May Parker, of Dandas, Relic arld Kordic visited 13uffal6 to. wntilan. Frain i�n 4identification Car I A Al o orado, and, it is believed ttiat . 1,
's Powder into which a spark from. a cigar. gether during the afternoon. They which hung Around ]ter Dock the hor,pi- . thei, Poi t out. It was said t1jac-1111'. Bryan who)" it's woman was said to ha-�e de- � I
l � spending ]ter vacation with her parents, I ap, n nient will assure early has requested Jndqe 1) I 11
. The Columbia's Voyage unne's member. . 4
. I L / . hero� �, (AtO fell, WaUer Whiti may not roeo. returned to West Seneca about 8.30 tal alithorities discovered her correct peace to the country, 80"W six lilolitlis after lier'marria, i
f Cjinton, Ont., ,)ill 5.-Tbe American � Mrs. Wesley Hull lifts returned home ver, - o'clock. Relic lives up stairs over thfi nallic. The card Also, stated that bor ship on the Resollitio Collimitte,e, so lit The assistant chief's theory thaN. � �
� . I The mQmbers of the former Govern- is bcli,�yed Mrs. ' . ' �
. I ballooll Columbia, oompoting for the ,after spending a week with relatives at May Lose Eye. I saloon in which 'lie committed the )Ionic was at 491 Quincy street, Dorches- ineiit who include Manuel Benitz, Min- this pl4n)c represents "�krr. Thompson was murdered for ,,]ter dia. :�
-1 international balloon clitovillpionshif), Bealngyille, inurder. The two' irien entered the ter, Mass. The police sualieet Merk is the - t " Bryajj�s views, 111011d.8 Was discarded by the police' dur-
1. - under the auspices of the Federation S ex of Interior; Cecilio Baez, Foreign - I- 4- ing tile day when further investigation . -, 1
' . South Bend, Ind, July 3. -Grover place together and apparently they , Nvonian's husband, although lie wili not I f "
. I . of American Apro Clubs, dropped I'llie Misses Edith and Effie McDonald Davis, agged'12 years, is, South Bond's were on the best of.t,�,rms. As they 'admit it. . . A fairs; General Rios, War; Ad,olfe Se- proved that- the NVOInan. did not have the r
Pont Dominion Day with relatives at first FOUrth of July victim, havitig been lined -up to the lor, ni'llance; and Cralos Isasi, Minister . �
. . . I
, the Bayfield road, about one mile frOOM11 Caledonia. - I bar Relic turned to Mile. Novi line been appearing [it Luna A large number of jewels that at first ]lad � I .
� this town, at 8.15 this niorn 'it , - seriously injured by all exploding can- his companion and said: Pqzlc twice daily for two weeks. - of Justice, it is under -stood, have taken - . been believed. Thro, I I .
I Nearly ns. I
ing. "On. He .received the full discharge in ::NO.Nv You get out of here." fly since she came,' ]lore fill aeci- given by Oilillore, tile Police have come. ... I
crossed. Lake Huron,, reaching the Calla- refuge Ili the foreign legatio 1191 information
- . the face. It is proboble that lie will lose I don't know as I have to got out," e Fighting has been proceeding,in the . . �
�. dian side ,it Bayfield. Capt. Peterson BALLO . dve,17,11,1, happened. Each (lay tl , at Young Man and Wowau Victims of to believe tile ,,,,Oman was murdered, not
tn'd, and except for a. few le YOul* reets of Asuncion for some days past .
r. %vas in conini 1,17'alkerville, Ont., July G. --Ono of the t1le sight of 0110 eye. . replied Kordic. woman became. more alld ,nore 11CITOUS for ]ter property, but Ili order to prevent �
, cuts in I'lie hand,;, slistained when the Chicago balloons landed in a field nine St. Louis Injured Number Nine. Without another word Relid drew a and to -day she and many of the public buildings have Drowning In Humber Bay. ]ter front disclosing inforination regard. , I ..:
�1, revolver and fired at Kordic, The but, hesitated a long time been seriously damaged . 'Previous es -
f basket In ]finding struck ft wire fence,. miles northwest of herie at 10 a. m on St. Louis, Mo., July 3. -Raymond Hit,. before she entered the car. She fo .1 Ing it certain crime of which she is said . � .
. rn'QTIY tiniates of the killed aad wounded, .� ,q
f tile captain and his nasigtaliL, ,let passed through the upper ii and was connected with a circus. .
� . C - I 1, Sund".Y. Its two Occupants were noi lit- bert and Henry MaKinney are to have had knowledge. 1:
Leichleiter, of the Chicago Record-ITer- the buried, itself in the bra t 6. - A It g acci- Harry lUortoll, who pretended to be the
�, Jured. Tboy packed it up and ijtartod latest additions to tile youilth of ju,ly jell dead. - in. * 1. ordic Ill I :1 however, have been exaggerated, and it Toronto, July
is now believed that the nurnber will dent, redultinir in, the loss 0111111in
t, ald, are quite well. ,rile hiallest a]- * two lives, husband of Alice Hamilton, the house- . -
foil Chienao by traill -this Illornina Accident list at the city dispensary. Both Several men' were Ili the saloon , in Iflunber Bay last night. A keeper in tile ('house of mystery," was I
� 0 .11 not exceed 500. ' It is expected.that tele, occurred c� �
. � - . titude reached was 5,600 feet. Hundreds I - � — . are. victims of premature explosions, when th6 shooting occurred. Before . . . FIVE KILLED graphic communication with Asuncioll Young Inan, named J,,Farley, residing at found in the bridowell in tit
,of townspeople were Alut to see the bal suffering severe -burns oil ha�xjda, Daniel they realized that murder had been � tvill be restored to -morrow. . 43 Lowther Avenue, e morning.
I loon to -day. ` . And a young wo- Ila had been soritenced on Tuesday It
lt will lie expressed b k Devine, aged 10 Years, And his brother, (lone Relic was outside . n1hred by'Collision With . 4 : U . days, -�]
"I � to Chicago Oil .Yond,,iy. �c , SOCIALIST LABOR. Michabl, aged 6, play'U witli a toy pistol to cover. I . 'Dark, whose name is not at present Municipal ilicge ,Fake to sixty Y I -
I I I � ' ""' *"'L ...... g And Six I ired a canoe front Mr. Robert imprisonment fox' the passing of a bogus . � - I ..
� I The Chicago in Peril. I they thought was empty, Michael was An alarni was sent to the police TWO MEN DYING. i'�,j",0,,'y,no'fJ 'Sunnysidej at about seven o'- elloque on Samuel Cohen, He as well as -
hot In the ebin, The wolint is not ser- station, but. when Vie Police arrive -i An Electric Car. . .. clock, and were returning at about 9.30 Alice I-Jamilton, who is still I 'l . I-
� � I Lon4on, July 5.-�$.L special to the Lon. Nominate Candidates for Presided lsous. The lieLt of persmis now numbers there ,was no 0 of the murderer when I
,� , don Frea Press from Atwood, Ont., says: trite I bed ab'the
. the boat capsized. Alth6ugh a large flarrisoli street '-niiex, asserted the I
I . Ilia ballonn Chicago, with Chas. A. Copy and Vice President. nine, . Ill It is believed that he ca -me to But- A. y
, ilbatigh as passengers, land- Los Angeles, -Tilly C.-Fonr children One Shot and the Other Felled to number of other boats were iih the "*_ knew nothing of the crime.
*, and G. L. Bill I vi .�
�, -_ . Janesville Man's $Ankle Brokeu. - falo but he could not be found last the ' cinity at the time, there was so, much (11ilmore has expressed his determina.. I
. I ed oil the farm of Janies Moffatt in Lo. Janesville, ,Wis., JulY 3 --Startled by night, �� and the father of two of them fire dead Ground. other pleasure pal,- tioii to run i f )fig �
� . gan township at 0.30 this morning. The Now York, Tilly 6. -Candidates for tile 'eXPlosion nf a cannon cracker Jairles If the men had ever quarrelled be- and six persons are Injured as the re- . ties that the cries of the distressed co -d- sister and in tour of investigation via. L
�* I- balloon left Chicago at 8.30 Saturday President and Vico-President of the 'Miller, aged 23'years, fe,11 off a side, . fore they entered the saloon .the police sult of a collision between a farm wagon ple were not heard, except by F rank ited ilia house on lkllchimn avenue, in- . .
� , night, but As the winds were light it Nyas could not. learn of it, e f- and- ,-Lit electric Par on the Santa Anti Buffalo, July fl.- Laseererto Sadetti Evall of 9 Earnbiidge street, terviewed the room�rs of' tile place and .
decided not- to try foil 14,110 distance 'United Staieg were nominated and a Walk to -night and broke his left Ankle, ton together and were regarded as and Charles Burkey are dying at the ' ' �
He rowed to the spot and found tile 1P' told Mrs. Mary Verbrugg4 lie was con- A
, prize, but to try for ilie time reeord for platform was adopted.,by ilia National I , Boy's Thumbs and Eye Gone, . friends. It was believed that Relic line, near this city, last night. Tlte E,mergency Hosoital as the result Of EL turned canoe, irk which Avero Farl ' ts vinced the husband, Thompson, 'was "J. t3l .1, � -
Convention of tile Socialisli Labor , ','i�-Ivfax ' coat and hat, a camera and a pa.ir of .
keeping lip in the Rill. Lake Michigan South Haven, IVII,011., July have been, jealous of Ilia victini. tamilies of Joseph 011er and Peter Rush- ey
I m "'a fierce figIA at North Ogden and Luding- 11. Raymond,11'as well as the chauffeur 11
Was crossed in three hours, and at all P , Greeninan, 8 yea rs old, losi;'botli tbix-mbe batythe Police say that Xordlo did not Der were lit the. wagon. Joseph 011er, toll Streets .Shortly .after midnight last gloves. Letters were found in the coat "Nelson " who was seen with Mrs. ..
I arty here yesterday. The ticket - _night w1l,le even know the bride ,of his slayer. who was driving, smy the car coming, ? 4
li- I .krly ]tour this morning Lake Huron was nailled is as follows:- and Pel.11a,I)s an eye to n't. �: � L ight. According to tile Police;- Mrs. which revealed FarleyIs identity. These Thompson a number of times in Oak -
11 . approached. Thp balloon passed directly. I�cllllitillg t�o pick 111) 9, cannon firecrack. N .. and tried to cross in front of it, but the 1111urkey, who w�s walking with lior hus- were handed over to the police, who no Park. His contention was borne out by , I .!I
. over the City of Saginaw, being t�lic.rl tit For Preiidetj�--Martin It. Preston, er wllicAi lie supposed would nol; go off, COMMONS WON'T LISTEN, Par hit tile wagon squarely. -
of Nevada, I / . - . Some Of tile band, was insulEed by the Italian.. tified 'Mr. Farley's broblier, Geome Far. tile descriptions -furifislied the police of .
all altitntle of about six bundred feet. Cracker Causes Runaway. occupants fell linde'r the wagDn, while Burkey demanded an apology and drew ley of tile �illl the three men, I
The density of tho Atmosphere once For Vice -President -Donald Munro, Keir Hardie Must Not Speak of King's others were thrown clear of the wreck- 3 Assmilielit DePal ent, � ",
I m caused irginia. tl e Italian liad felled him to the' ground es a 13 JVr To add to the mystery, Lieut. Cud- .1
,. the balloon got out on the Ink of V Irot Springa, Ark., July 3. -Mrs. Harry a I istol, but whether lie fired before Whop resid t I acpherson avenue.
Tile nomination of Preston for Pres. Greonlief sustained a broken arin when Garden Party. age. None escaped unhurb. I boy's more, of the centril detective bureau, i
. a sudden change. The ft bag of gas ident was .unanimous and was re. tl,,,ivn fl - .A -1 - I ' ' The drowned mother and sister , ceeived a communication from a saloon-
� begmn to shrink. and th� shrinkage calls- loin ifier budgy in a runaway London, July 5. -So far as Arthur ' is not known. The Italian was shot in With wbom. lie lived at 43 Lowther live_ r
ed the balloon to drop with Alarming ceived by delegates and audience with caused by a cannon cracker. Ponsonby is concerned, the onlission the left side of tile Abdomen, Burkey.is llue,-weri informed by the police of the Icceper, whose name he refused to di. I
I . . 111,pidity. From A height of nearly 0,000 Wil(I applause. I I -: ; I o,f his naine from the list of invita- JAP CABINET suffering froin. a fractured skull And in- accident at a late ho�ir. vulge, that a Ulan answering tile descrip- . .�
. .
. ternal Ili Dries. tion and giving the name Frank- 11. Rap .11
- feet, as TegiStere The platform is identical with the tiolls to the royal garden party at ,. — .J J : *1 I I Young Farley -was 27 years of age, I .
d by the speciial. instru- one adopted by the narty SUSPEND -PASTOR. Windsor haq, been explained away as and ivas employed as ft traveler mond recently attempted to dispose of . ,�%
ments carried, it fell to 2,000 feet within . four years . Parker's Dye Works. Ile was rill for several diamonds. Cildmore sent out a . l
- been . I
. less than three minutes. ago alld declares for the substitution I nn oversight, but no such SOP .has 'Hands in 'Its Resignation—Aua; FRITZ MADGE FOUND 1�x_ blilletill to all police stations calling for ,
of the co-operative 'somm,onwealth thrown,- to the tender suseep- pert canoeist and swimmer, and was
I The occupants of the car hastily got It for the Present .state of planless I)ro. N- J. Pastor and woman Mention. tibilities of tile labor leade the arrest, of this mall'oll a charge of 4
reparation � rs excluded , other to he Formed. over six feet in height. 11
� . Ilk on their life preservers lit p duction, industrial. war and social at the same time from tl,4, King's hos- . murder.
. � I I : I .1
for Aix. emergency, but fortunately the disorder," . ed in Case. pitality, . Youth Who Disappeared From But through Clllmor0s conversation � I
� --�, drop coused as suddenly as it had be- A demonstration which lasted 12 __ Heir Har�ie and Victor Grayson' Toldo,July (I. -At noon to -day the re- QUtBEC FARFS. with Mrs. Verlirttivae, the landlady who I I �
� - gun, and tile progress fteross the lake minutes greeted the presentation ,f , Elizabeth, X, J,� Jii4y c , have been balked in their efforts to signation of the cabinet were tendered. Beamsville i's Safe. found the dead �0111iy, and Mrs. Anna, � 1.
� , continued. the nallie Of J."Ofillua, Wanhope as ft --rile Rev. bring the matter up in Parliament, � Wallace, it roomer in the house, the po. ,I
There is reason tA5 believe that the .1,4'iji- I — 1%.
I . The Canadian shore was in plain view candidate for Governor at the coii� Ilenry Elliott Mott, D.D., until a few but arc still chafing under the pro- .'l lice received the clue which they believe . I �t
wheit day broke this morning and soon velltion. of the New York State Soc. days ago Dasto I .or has alreadv instructed Marquis 0shawa, Ont., July G. -Chief of Poll C. 0. R. Single Fares for Round �
the voyagers lit the nir were passing j- r of the Westminster 'llibitiun at the exPloitation, of axi in. per will solve the mystery. This conversa- .
alist party held 110TO Yesterday. No Presbyterian Church, cident so rich ill Opportunities for Xo,tsura to forni ,.t new cabinet, but tlio (ice A. F, Hind, of this town, re- Trip Ali Over System. tion was verified later by Inspector
I over Ontario, A landing was finally ballot was . taken, hih tiominatio, be, .of which Is mostly the mornbenhip ,adical denunciations of the dangerous ,nn6micenientwill not I)e itindo officially ceived word from Richard Bennett, 1Jy "rheeler. 1�_
� determine(] upon near here and after in,& declared unanimous, . made up Of revival of monarchical privilege. before July 7th, all(! may be d6layed un- a farmer, living tt mile west of "Afy sister was 3natried to this man - �
much difficulty was effected. The drag The Platform endorses the address wealthy families, has been indefinitely � ': - th.; Montreal Quo., July 5. -The Canadian Thompson," said Gilmore, "and they ,Iiv- I I I
tialist suspended from the jilinistrk by a un- A FATHER'S AGONY., - will likely ing for . completed od together fox, six months and appar. 11 �
anebor Lore tip fences And ripped a big to organized labor by tile Soo til the arrival of Prinee Ito from Seouli town, stating Ile lift(I a stranger wo
I � 'July l2th. 'ilia next cabinet him who answered the &� Pacific Railway Company has t I I
I hole lit the side of a barn before it was party at Chicago in bjay last.
finally located. The balloon was then __t. � - its arrangenlenti for handling the huge tt-egiall. 4
animous Vote of the presbytery of be largely comlmsed of adherelits of scription of Fritz Madge, who dis on ly were happy. Thompson was a Nor.
E'lizaboth. V or seve His Little -Daughter Drowned Beneath Then Ate suddenly ]aft him, )
I . emptied of its gas and later ,gpt ready ' tal. months runx�- I Marquis �Taniagita,, and will be colt- appeared from Rev. W. J. AndrmvA' volume of pfis.ienger traffle which u`ill declaring lie was a ,dope fielld,,
I for shipment back to Chicago. BLUE SKIES IN LONDON. ore involving Dr. Mott and -a woman I Him. structed on no'n-partisan lines. fruit farm at Beanisville, on JuaQ l, find hint.
! I �k�. . . o of his congregation lilive been current. Port Dalhousie, July 5.l,A regrettable A well-known' authority said to the 94th � last. Mr. Andrews, arrived Ina'.. flow Quelicelvard during tile coming tri- ed ,it some mysterious affair with whieh ,
Canadian Balloon's Adventure. The Metropolis Alarmed by 6urlo,ur At the meeting of the , U110 lie wits connected. At tile time I paid .
, Tune 1)rdgbY- . drowning mcurred near eiatod Press: evening; he at once recognized thp. contenary celebration, which coinatences
I 10neardine, ,Tilly 5--Tbe balloon Unit. Phenomena, tOrY, at which the pastoral relati Mitill's dry (toe], , I little attention to ]ter Assertion. -At an.
Oil$ Ill tile old Welland Canal "All rumors that a change in the eabill .man. He is eighteen Years of nge, Monday, 28th inst. Single fares for the
� od States, I'llot Col. A. 11. Shirley, As- of Dr. Mott with Westminstet Church , Port Dal- , Other tittle site told lite her husband dur. 11
� - sistant R, B. Wild, passed over here car- London, July 5 -On several nights were dissolved, a committee of ni housio, last evening. Captain Louis Al- not means increasing militarism are ab- And is the son of an Eiiglisb cleegy- round trip will prevail over the entire !fig their )ast few days together had of. .
ne hin, who sails a liner solutely unfounded. The n6v cabinet xnan who sent him out to Mr. eii, systein between St. John, N. 11'and Vie-
ly this morning. Three cards were pick- last week strang, atmospheric effects was ,appointed to investigate tho-'al. on the upper 7 ton come Into the house In which. they .
legations. lakes, ]lad taken Collette, Ilia nine. car- will certainly follow the lines of Police. drews two years ago, for the bon,fit toria, B. C., and similar rates have also i
ed up at l3ervic, bearing messages to were noted in tile city. Dr. , billn oub"-bathing 114 Y Was fill retirement." I of his health. I)een arranged for by tile company with were livin:q with his ]land,; covered wi% I
� I Chicago, shovVing tinie and attitude, one LOCkYer, Of tile South Xonsington, coUpon the recommendation of - tile W I 1 *$0 1 I - I — - its Aniericall connections [it Chicago, SL, blood and hinted at having committed
Xhy, ninlitteea resollitioh was tinani. Ill a Lilghter"
. Oft to awfill when she slipped �
Indicating that the Canadian balloon sies Labofttory, believes the i e.e .1 , 'I I ' soine desperate offence and saying she I
to"' Ig )ter NEARLY STARVED. Pikul And other Americaii cities Ili the
?I lifT
King Edward war, floating in ,,. ty at t ng. Zia water
water be- & itly passed that "Dr. Mott be suo o
y V, r � ,9�f his I�ttok, disappear!
,Play of the aurora borealis, niou , TfIth, . , 'he spot -1twestern ,14tates. might stiffer lit some mysterious man.
'I till , 0d the of-
tween Chicago find St. Joe, and asking - f is OV tlltk JI; ]ilia also inade arrangements with its mor," -
� Following sunseta . of ponded from the exercise of Ilia 'of or .4ather t6 locato her body 400 BUILDINGS . middle, western and Dort
b excePtIOTMI floe as a minister Of tile gospel until Ttitlifax, ,Tul� 5.-011t of work find too ,v,,, 17,11gland and w Yor c on et o ,
that A, boat he sent, cality find twilight effects remark- such time as lie 6hall give to tile We,� -AdbaVailing. Aid- was quillmoned ,, No I c lie I 411, "What (10 you believe about y@ur sia.
Port Huron, Mich., Ally 5. -The ball able even lit Hilglandllthe northern an( in forty minutes tile body was; re. . proud to seek alins, Thomas Alolkle, of hy which reduced rates will be in Inrcp. ter going to the roolning ljoljsr3,wltIj this
I , '
. o 110011 Edward landed At 3.30 o'clock 81CY at Midnight became ligh presbytery evidence Of 016 sincerity covered. � Burneaift Pol-t-au-Prike-Prisoners 'Pictoiveounty, who holds a intuiter 111ftr- Tite Canadian Pacific will in addition to "'all ond?" asked Mrs. Wallace.
� this 1nnio'llning, three miles north of this ,,, , t blue, of his repentellen.". . . � iner's certificate, wwq found oil Saturday Ell = Thompson, fearing to be ex -
s if tit(, dawn were breaking,, and the I Removed. its regular sorviee run special traini
, Before coming to R Dr. Thompson, Port I)a1hougle, A n d I
r city, After a thrillhigg experience over , -with. p1jiK livaboth Dr. Mott Dr. 8sliefthan, of g . rn cndition Ili. an abalidone7i daily between 3%tontroal and Queboo by posed Ill s6nie manner,4y lily sister, fOl.
, jur .go , ,.
clonds were toucheil ,t, CA
Lake Huron, was Pastor of a church ill Buffalo, , thilrillos, w6to"on __ browpry near, Point Pleasant Park. Since lyllich pamongol"q front t1lo. wpst (,,in ]owed lici, around the country,, even to
Chicago, July 5. -Tho Vielding latitled l"A'ked 4 fAt4bion that police hoadquar- � - - .r . the spot wholl the. child waa found' an(l Port Au Prince, July O. -A serious [lie flth of -little, lie said, all that lie ]lad 111,11co (lireet connections at Montreal for Oak Park, where lie was known ao Xel.
: vie terg wit,.; rung tip by several People, who � worke(I oil tile body for ft 0011pio of , -son, and finAlly found hel- in Chicago,
ar West f8liefford, Quebee, and thp I R �ved A big fire was ragingtr Ili tile I ATAIN OAM9. hours, , but failed to reauscitate life. fife broke -out here about, 2 o'clocl, to Pat was two alie" of broad, Which , the ancient oapitill. , A. , ,- , Fearing for her life, she probably went
Xing 1',dward, CanadaN entry, Ilanded )c l( . � were given to him by a worknian in the - - I
� ilear Port Huron, Michigan. The Chlea- north of 1,011416n. �, � k I I It it That Of Issuing a Caplas for --f - _- . yesterday fit the viehAty ol the pal. Park. Ire was a Very stout mail, Wei" I- THIEF THREW $40,000 AWAY. to tit(% room with him. ,when lie itigisfed
� -_ , � . KNOCKED DOWN BY 'CAB, ace and. senate buil(ling. I
go, of 110,000 cubic feet capacity, caillo, ' '00 Debt in Montreal. The flftin---" into' about two hUndred pound,.;, and tPho upon IV,
� to earth near Atwood, Perth County, KILLED ON RAILWAY. - spreac.1 ouickly, there being a high (I ctora Who oxanlilled hill) last night %fty Toronto Marl. Did Not Know Value of "Whom do you accuse of the murder?,)'
I 'Ont., thi's afternoon, according to a teku. . ifontreal, .Tilly O.-Pficifinqe ,pjeotte, , Left Lying on Trpck and Run Over wind,, and i400n reached alarming pro- ti(,)n,t he jivea off hii own fat. . lie Was asked. I
I phone ntessage received in ciliengei to. Unidentified the broker who mllsed 1110 arrest of the Papers,
Body df 'a, Farm Laborer I�j' by .Street Car. poitionf; Pout hixildred buildings Ito wandered About tile park efteli day, "I won't iteouse Anybody llow", 110 re. I
� , ed W. Bosellon oil a eaplas Oil two were nrnc r
I - day, The occupants, C1. A. Coty ana Pound at Chatham. occasions, was himself 04plased at tile OttAwa, Silly 15. -Aa A tegillt Of in. , cluding tile Court g plenty of water to drink, 1:e. . Poronto, ,Iulv (I.-Aftor successfully plied, "but I .,till eonfidpilt the Illygtery
Captain G. T". Bumbaugh, were well. The , . House taidd'thlon " till 11ilig a, hitil(lbag full of bonds, notes
Cliathain, .Inly 5-1VIth his Itaillp(le request 'of one. of Ilia creditors. utles received through boing run (Avat . , Prison. All of the to the brewery at night. Hr, is stel , will be solved within it few days.0
I _" Mrs. � oilers were taken to other ,quar- wrl d Away to a. abadow, And Mimi able at ally e snid Illsp(
United 8tates landed a mile past of watell tiekillp * , - to be Is. I Y 0, street car at nlidnight oil V'ridity, PM IV a a t90 wid other securities, negoti, , )) 'etor I
; lInketton Station, Bruce Coulity, ont., I merrily amly, one hour Oliv0r, WhO MIMI tile caplai 'Mollar(I ("fiaitinont, nine tors beloto tho building took fire. found wa.8 eomphotoly� done ill), Ito bank without identification, -in all
at 8.30 o'clock to -day. I'lic 06lumbut fast, blood 06zing froln. his lingo, month sited, 1)asm hor Action on the grounds . teen years of a valuo of $40,000-3n ignor4ilt 14110111i Wheeler, "that Nelson and Rayinoii(l tire
end while C anil eays, the body of all miknowii man, that ,43'it,obto is secreting proporty with ago, (110d (MAY Y0.4telldfIV InOrning in SPftTks were carric(I to tile tixseiial had been unalilo to walk for Olive - Thompson, Anil ivhon lie is caugilt tile
q1to crossed Into Canada) tho inteiltion of defrauding 11.; crodi. till ORY lFlosPital. Qlftlt�iont was ly. Which also was destroyed, with store,q days, and could not IttLve survivetl lhief oil Terattlay street oil Thursday o4se will be solved. 'rile descriptions of
r, Loichliator Awl Captain Martin Peterl evidently it farm laborer, was di4cover- I of powdor all(I nininunition. TligllC contented hinwIf with abstract-
� ,� I_�. ed Alongside the 13, 1U. traoks, abollt� tom tcad is about to leave the city, she Ing oil -tha car trac)(Ft wIlell tile car Tile much 16itger. Ile waix reinovetl to t1in the thrm tally, and it seems to me the
son managed to leave tile car near I no, along, and it is asserted by a bUrnilig of the arsenal was accompX1,11- Victoria General I-InqpHal. and it ing All ollipt.v purso worth $2 and -
. I s threw tile $40,000 worth of sAeurities I S 115 10, 11 0 Y " .1
ttjrl� Out., tbA%,y ,wero bruised find onj by 350 feet south of Maple Loat Contester; vhtimA '-))at Sit'OttO Owes her *712.41, """ i I , Mrs
barbed. wire fences, and tliov both i�- lu,"t's shottly aftor 110oft to -day, by tito ; and she has already obtained judgment Woman who lives llearby till V filnily exP10810119- lielieved will recover. ]to )lad opol Thompson went to this rooming house
. at he had iell b, away. Next ulorning the ling and eon- mo , ph, I, , c r t, , ,
quired surgical Attention. Tiio AmpAca , crew of the nortliboDlid freilet,t, lti-.4 - ng,rtinst hiln for the debt. b0oft JnRt Imooke(I douji by a Passing The firemen were rtided b� a large missing for six weeks. IVA. ling frientUl t"lltR w re foini(I by a little Jewish with her husband -antler contpulsion."
8kull waf4 fraetured. There, were 18 - , 1, - t .— Pal) alid left lying on tile track bv "ection, of the Populace itl` fightil'19' who would gladly have provitIcAl fox' boy naw-od X. Schiff in it lane at the � I 0 f, 0 _.
- .
landed tit Varsonvillo, Well. the Airiver. Atil inquest will be, Ile1j . the fIftlyles and it force ,front the Ilial 1jad they know,, his 0,011dition. ,
Jefi, (,%left. eont,; lit his pocke.t-A "d ft slivor op1j. . CAPTURED '13Y BRIGANDS, . . A - ji— ' ' Vronoh cruiser Chasseleux-Loubat. .600 .1. .1 Tolat Of his lionle, 01) Edward AtTeot, I 99VOLUTION IN PARAGUAY.. -
Who?) flip Ville. do Dipplip . --
_� go It �Vfts inflate(l to only 75 pvt Cent. ffteed %latph, with the crystal erneke(l. thin6gh. Fillomon Oumped Overboa0d.. Burned 40 More BuIldhigs, . SUEC 5. and lie brought thein ,o No. 3 Police - — o
. � owing to, i Patch On Oft, TWO Parcels, one containing three new A Clergyman's Stirring Advtinturoa In, . Station to DeteetivO McKit"10Y, WhO Hund,ods_ of People Killed In 8tr6ot
of its eapacR3 V�an�ouvcr, Jilly S.-Vad(lelied by tho Port Ali Prince, July 6. -The t1iAfta_ � (lid not himself fully realize the value Plights in Atunclon.
gas bag, the stronglit of Which wait prob, tics, the, other it now pair ,of overalls, Mountains of Peru, filtob90 heat Of tho fire roorn in sw�ltor- trolls fire,, Whiell started In the vicinity Pliflad0phis, July S.-Fredoriek UO3. of the documents.
lomateial. Tho balloon hatl travelled MTV found liparl, 4-- �- . t4ondon, Suly O. -The Rev. Artlitif ing trOpleftl weather itoar Hong 1cong, of tile Palace And Iserate buildings horo DoehoA Aylleg. ,luly 0,Thn Intomf ad.
.y - was taken to the City Hall fa0 to- The jiftine of the owner -n- well� �
, less than five, miles avrosA the lake, NWIes AT04s, who recently gave lip his � it 'Chint"qP firenittil oil the Ateamor N'in- yeater(Ifty, an(l was believed to haw ni'�ht T)y apteptives Aq a al"Pect it.. ootill known' Toronto man --was found ,oil vices rocolvetl frout private sonreps at I
whovit suddenly %hot down liko, it stone. Died While Hoeing R66to, position as procentor Of NOMIch (TAtIlk' pto,14q, of Clibla juniped overboATd. %n(I been oontrollptl after 400 buildings WOTO 11cotioll Wit -11 Cho, Inurder Of Dr. NVIn. it, the inqIde of the bag, find lie was;
. . i
'o .
Tile bplket, was 0111(mi; 911IMPI-go(I (10- (4110ph, ont" ,1111y 5.--A prompornum , dral to take 111) the work of ohaplaiii at wlix drowned, . burned, broke oixt again dirring the Forni(ma, ill flie nortboastorn part of ,
� . NVII4011, who, 410d Am '111ile 20th, firtor 1,I)II1111111lieftiod with. Ira waid lit) hAtl
.4tpilte the frantle efforts of Afliollpt, end , rarnwr lialned st"difib, about 50 -yoarm Lima, bas -iout horno & thrilling tiveoupt - ___ 11"'4's and raused forther 0,001181" the vieh sily there has been sa"goill. A41
ljoy f4elinoneek. San(), provMOTIA, of Iree, rosl4ling I . drinking A bottle of poiclonel ale, wwoll booll driving ill it 0ab- ill Ov * , ,
tile P near t)sprhigo, whil;,' rop. of Iii -t enliture by brigands in a lonely While figliting, 11 lim In ilia house damage. rel't on 010 previml. "Il'on �111"`,. fig ift the Atrfli%tX of Amin- I
Inmt umputet, ntielmr, drag rope and , IDW '�ootq, along with Aevornl 01,71orn, 17101intainoll"t (li,ktriet of 11PT11. with it Imby Ili- hor arnis Tho, renewal of f1w conflagration wrts had be;%u sonftlo Itint froin a. local ov- of Towinlay Si . 4 11-11 lang ,
r - Mrs. 0. L, prost offict". Ilight, fuld while, so ell i gagod tho bag ,-i".V11, fill/i,-J'Alcapital (if I Y, where I. ,
"LAIlLyl I)IMod onn8p, don in the ArRohill - -*dio*-_____ wd.R stolen from him. 110 wo.q might. rovolifflon N s-.M(l to, Ilave rokolt out I
� . ov&n the, eotvt,4 of the TfflotA were 1,04,401 '41111,11lnly foil to tlu- ground rind vt- lie witA trnvelling from Ovnya to LIMA ProAtoll NVA.4 probably- fA . I by An (IX14w
avorlwarAl. r-aek grabliol ,t life proserv. llirptl. 7roilri., ffillurp I'[ Fluppow'd to hAve 1 when the Irain In whi0l Ile WaA a PAA- lJoAT (1upat, 890;., and tliok jitant wn.,4 N01011 AbOok 010 V11610 (.Own, dAmaged .T. S. Wilmoti, of 'Chatham. wis finva ily
, relieved to -get the papera 66, r" it huntheili of ppmolis
. ,eutly, and 11D, t Ito
I or, and Sobot-nook tried to lec,tp into 1,prn the eftlime of (10-401. Amigor wAq t4topp#4 rLh Unlem, 15,10 bilrnetl to (Jeaffi, mAny buildings, And #mttp.red b)APIng ,06 for pomtIng indecent card,l. again. have been killed or wounded. 1,
I �, 11
,, 11 � . . . T .
� .
11 . . " t Ill .1� I I I I �, . I .. 0. , .
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