HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 6- "lpi V .
1. I � � -,4- A.Mr-", :t"Pl, -I iil; IT`% -,4 ,, ,� , . " __ I _'�, ,__JVV...111k . .. I �, . .; - -,� -.r
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� - — �� 0 — '14 a � IN what IU4 be tile u4jet YOU avA I are How to Know A MAd P9$. . I I
. �r LA16,' 11, . .� ,roft*Aw I I r I - F � r AD"' FRAN"'ST . - I HUSBAND AND SON CURM ISSUE NO. 2,8,1 1908
" " __-",r .f. . More, and there wouldn't be *ny sense 110or K ROEBE 'k -e
� - �_ ,,z) X -0 I "I,( , I ,�_ 1, I . � � .1 - � .1. �. I � 1. .1 111.1�.�'. ,., �'... 11y4rophobla. 14 lit I -alltv so ral and I I I ,�
...1, �
-11 . I -1 .'11.111- . .1 .1 1. �. .1 1. ,
- - �- r �'. � Ir. In our giving each tile, 1110. I tell You : '. go terrilying that Its- Syllnptoini and 'r . - � . r I Ir. � I
. NA VAV - 2 �t �_4 � � r . . .' - - � I . I. heard overy wordt" :!:�. :% � tre Her Oubilmo Admirotlon.
110o o0l wtid Sir JordBu, huskily. :;.; . �::!:: St"Wilt, "M little Ulld-,Mood- As ix
V, AA 4 � ..;'.!��'.., ". !, ... , watter of fact, tile oolumonly acooptc,4 , A Mgther's Proise, of Zw-Buk "Ohl dvar,will.youlok at It a
, . . .
r 1. ::!i�':::,�;i��i!��i�:� , .
W 4� . , � I "The old gentleman rogninded ),oil of ,:!i ,; . 'pression of roadue4ia ill it dog ,, ,,r,,,, : . gain ill
' ;: I ... 0.1
r I '' - I the way lit which you'd kept the quar- :;' �i�:�Ii��;i�.... .. 111�3 vRI mad dog does not � "- sIghed kra. Howard, Newcom In an eco.
11 � .:;�::,:j::.j;::!:�:�: ! .
I .1 'a find r.: loading. The I 11 of blis's, ,*Isn't It magnifigeutt
r I rel a -boiling, and begged, ),oil t, !, ,.:...:.:.:,:.;.;.:.:���:��������: I Oakwood, Victoria.
' . �;]:j:j::!::-;:::::-j::::X .. shun Water, as It N mid. On tile con. I kTyn this Way now. A 410 glance tiringo
I I N(�Vjllo and tell 1111a liow sorry lwii Ia- :-.-:�:.::::�j::.!.;;,, -�
Tile Imagery.of XoturOt , -H -R . ...�::::. mad doga. oftk�u rush to tile water 'Dear sirsi-I have grant ploa#ure In out the traditional bOAUtY. I have, never
T - E USUUE ther was tbat 0ey'd ever quitrreledl--j' :, -
I ::��i. .:i. Irnlya
03Y a Valiker.) , . ,ull rink vagerly, If fliq kvrt� able t, stating that zilm-1311k cured JAY ItUoVand Soom anything go, VQrfoetlyr exqUlaito.
' _
Ill have tried- eviny ineang' of flulling ' ': !;:`,�, 3WRIIO (it burberlo rash with twice rubblu - It Dor, do come over here .And look tit it
rtS of th, glorbe l$QlatQ.1 , . .1 I— I I � I— �, , .. q,* ...::j:.r�. w. The mad dog doe4 no froil.,
ill Various, pa _... � .. ......I. �. .r I I . my brother," said'Jordan. ::::::; 11'-�:�i;:i;i!�I�i�i�' also cured iny little bov, of a dre:911114Y from this view, out would never believe
I . ... I '"i'..... at the mouth. It does not ruil ainuck
I — . "All right," assented 1,avarlok, It I dolet. , . .....,ii:i�:i ii:ii:1*1i!i-�
rocka have assuwcd, by the forces of , -..:-:::::::�!j:j:j :::j:;.�:j;j,::` 1 6d arin. after vaccluaflon. I know of that sqch a lovell
*"Q"40,""ftftA0*0"ft"r -`.:.:;*i::�Ii:� ��:i�, suapping dt everything lit its path. , thing existed in the
I-qlb-4 " -.qft ' I I '' I I , I '*"`i14N11"0V7__-!"`R""_ say. you haven't. Lab nia qet oil. There `::::�:::j:jx:.. :.,.:.,:
. .:;,:.-. , .....:.r.".
In I-, ill - - I .�:, . .vezal other cures it bas a,ffeate4 and I world, Tile perspective, is aimply rand.
- ::" Mutt, then, are the lnd!c�W�m,,i of tile tip
'pk -fee tber thing that laid heavier on .�-,::.: .
0 . ' but I learned 4 as Was 4110 reatinent -. .;... :: I mad dog? To those familiar with, a given cannot speak too highly of it, I am How inspiring and noble, Here -
esil " fQrlll$j* son1c, .1 -t Uatt Val Bit lookeiI around wildly, as on(, lool;q , to c1ii 4 whea I w it 1011, ::::: . - sure fl, a n
e Q'Ileen. E'liz.1beth rock, around for some reasons of escape from And the ivy Ia pretty thicl;-, and here I Sir Gravitie's Tnlud than big t �::;.$* - dog the surest symptont, autt the one if Venill'! once try it thq will always use other view from the right. Doesn't, it
way ... :'L�`.;'
oil the Ckimish coast, a marvellous colos- sonic great Peril, and finds none. ain. And What )%-are you doing', Sir Jor- of Mr, Neville, and that Was the ...'.... .. Which Should excite Closest attention 19 it. Yours truly, It. SAVILLE. Show off even to better advAntago? I
he'd hounded ,a -a do ..X.:
monarch, a , , cortabi party t ath." ,:.:: ,
. .... . - am PilnPly entranced with d ir tio .01
[sat statue of that great. She knew Jordan too well to hop6 dau. Cleaning the furniture, Ohl" !. .1 A distinct and 11131tocoall table change I'l za"'l-Pilk is healing, soothing and antl r a in 4 11
crown oil her head, a. ruff aroulid her that Ito would release hex-, and, indeed, Jordan lind beort thh-ating rapidly While Jordw.f3tarted. : :j�:i; .. I . - 'a, Newcoulbe looking at?
neole, and shoulders, and her Well klioly'll tile Alan Ila(! been, talking and Ito moved 1111ilf j]ising the old man's own words,fp , - to dog's disposition -a stattl dog be. septic- It quickly heals Wounds and skin What is 311,
. , .111111:::;
.1 .. -Oubl, V ro or lee, SO y I
, how could she, without cratil, injustice to said Lavarick. "Hounded 'ein to ruin and ... ...*-1:`11 conling exeitable and a fr6ky one dull. ti ,,s. Cortain a f p I III b Same, masterpiece In,' 4 picture gal.
features strangely copied, vbisellaA as by bl- ,t,,L. him to lot her go. towalA the b�-Il as be replied; . death Vas what lie said, And this party � .. . . . ......... F That couditioii (toes not liecemarily ina4a 'all druggistq and stores, 50c, a box, 3 for lory 7
a - spray "I give you two. JillautQ3 to go back mise(I to inarry r- _---.-r-1- . `5
. sculptor, irbich tile whid-swepL "Too late, too latel" she murmured was tile lady who'd pro rabies, but it is suspicious, and if in ,,a. -* I -'� - No, indeed. it is nit old kitclion, obalir
from the Atlantic rollers, ever, at Jiqgh 1. with Ila ' by t le � diti ii, the dog has trouble in s' I -1 . . ; I N - she Purchased at a so,cond-band . store,
IV . ,he wc , able Recov ry.
oobvi-Ag, owtutivis words, but, .,y you .!ame. If you remain at him and then rail Away with another A Remar4 wallow.* I
tide, $urging at the base of,the statlie, I the and, of that time, I will colt the ser- in -(l sin Ancient , Place. "'genulue ant4qu
differeilb a.moaningi, , ir the old Mrs. Frank Stroebe, It. V, D. 1, Apple- 9 44 though it seemed to have at bolle The "Soo" Is which she thinks. Is a
have failed to Impair; some, figarei of . I CHAPTER XXT, vents and haud YOU over to the police," mail, It WRO likc P, novel to be, in FrOX4 thO JUDO Bohemian, O",
Animals, no the llpigfaeo" rock near tile Lavarlok laughed. gentleman, ,wasult it, Sir Jordan. A ro- ton, W16., writes, "I began Using Pern, its throat--bowarel That (log should The summer Ylsitor who sells up tile - -
, . a strange naturally carvea rue); Sir Jord4u-Lynno -,Yes a. hap $4 pl,r vme of remorse and penitenoo, na, a few weeks ago, When my 11 . tied Up, beeaus" if It be Ureat Lakes in a inagnifieeiit passenger 1. - r
Lizard, RY mall, Bravo, Sir Jordaill Not a bit ol bluff _ bonit be instantly
like a, 919a � iltic switte's head, with a Ile had won one of the most a. . t,h eb. He believed something awful in tile andt stren � as rabies it take4 but 4 day or two for steanier Nvhich joilis the procesgioll of
. " arming at, But don't you waste your tirao . , gth Were all gone, wid I W _ PUS CORED AT HOME BY
long snout anil,a Projection,,, uIlder-jaw, beauties of England. Ila was an routo waiting the two minutek, ring up tile way of cruet to .this Unfortunate couple nothing brit a nervous wreck, could not ferocious bistille's to develop. The un- I vessels that crowds through the 1001CO of ' r ,, ..
as the to Lynne, and all the Way lie was plan. -rulileil 'am, and ,drove 'am out of the sleep, ant or rest Properly, ,%rid felt no mistakable evidence, h9wever, of a dog tile, "Soo;, can hardly realize that this
or sonle, ilaturo'� nrellitecture, � slaveys at once, they'll be intorosted in .
cathedral rocks Of tile Derbyshire ea. iling out the future. He NVQU14 ref ur- Country with their little girl—" desire to Vivo. Parpina made me, look at with rabies is the sticky, NVIlltish sally'A' NEW ABSORPTION METHOD
Wsl� the old house, redecorate the little chat you and I are going to Jordan sank into a chair, Lavarielc life in a different light, as I began to which covers the teeth and shows on khe roodarn-looking town is so closely aoso- L-1 "
vernal or the castellated fortress llear it have," deftly following him drawn. lips. * The eyes glare and are red, clated with the tratlitioug of frontier
Roche, or the inagnificelit. coluninar )Ili]) throughout; one of the .beat firms Jordan's hand dropped froln, the bell, , With the light train regain in)' lost strength. - life, Tho sihores of the river andtlielow.
49 ' , the. lantern, I ,
of Staffa, .every colunin syninietrically . _uld lialve carte blanche in respect to which indicated weakness oil his part. "I certainly think Perunn Is without 010 dog has paroxysmB of running fury, or end of Lake, Superior are largely peo�
� r �
with mathematical precision. the furniture. It is always Unwise to threaten unlesa "But some people are satisfied with a rival its a tonic and strength builder." r, ly, with fLi- pled With Indittlia he If you suf for fron
troughout tile Nvorld, are IIULII�r- Audrey Was fond of horses, the sta- . being sorry, far wilat they've done and .- . . . . - - . during Which it barks hoarse I . and half -broods W I � , A bleeding, itching,
9111, tornate pertods of temporary exhaustion, 0 ii,
. I I
A13:111 I you can perform, r . I .. �_ .1 _. I r L - 4'rom Caspur Whitney' I a 'View -Point," h Vg to their tribal customs, They blind or protruding Piles, send 'no year
her instances of natural rocla -ebuilt, and -that wing! "Say what you have to say quickly to ring tbeir A
oil$ at bles should be i . stop there. Sir Groville didn't; he'd tried canoe loaded with willow
which have assunted faivilliar shapt-s, as Which had been shut lip 'for so long, in, Tnake-wbat do you call 10 -atone- , Her Newspaper Acquaintance,. In the Outing .1fagazine for JUIY,r ware and other souvenirs for sale, find address, a 4 1 will tell you how to cure
'and go," he spill, biting Ills lip. "Of it. .: - ir . Yourself at home by the now absorption
which was, the room in which his father, call ,;3 ment, and lie Was telling you about Among tho'guests at a fashionable during the sumnier are a picturesque
tllq palisaded limiks of the little river rae you have come to extort money �
. .
Volant in France Which, Until exalillued, hadaired, should be pulled down. "Right, the first time") ratorted Lev- I knelt outside the Window there and New York reception, wits a recently ap. foaturo of street life at the "Soo." The treatment; said will also Bond Some. of
It is difficult to believe are ii,.t of arti. He put this last. but in truth, it was' arick. "And of course you don't mcan listened," . pointed young editor of one of the dail- GRAY HAIR A DISEASE visitor who sees A group of thoaa nam this home treatment fro for trial, with
. I
ficial manufacture; or the cIw,,Qe grot. the first thing he thought of and re-! to give it; quite right, don't you be but- Joraarl leaned his head oil 1115 hand last who thought extremely Well of him, . .
I r r erh4pa t
- � . , at it partially concealed Ilia face; paration tives, and Aeu runs across, p ,little wo references from
to of Bertrich-Badell, every column like solved Pon doing, Yea, that rQomi lied , deat so, ill self. lie received an, Intrqduction to OOLORA,XOR is the only pro your Own locality if
u ,' and he laughed with impul that. really restorea GRAY or FADE D or three dog team hitched to bug, r queeted. liumediato relief cold
, , 8 .a , per -
should disappear, lia,wipea out, forgot- Mockery. it was working with agitation 'he could the thirteen -year-old daugliter of hi gles and 'wagons a manent cure a08urod
a pile of rounded cheeses, with many . - not suppress. , I . HAIR to its. original color. ,&Indlug- , waiting outside the r ., Send no, money,
others, both grotesque and ieniarkable, ten, Jordan's face was all ugly sight at hostess. - gists, $1. Confidential advice g . Ad- stores. while their owners"are shopping, but tell otlierg of,this offer, Write to.
But amongst the stran,,;est, and ver. On his arrival A Lynne, his novel that moment; lie actually moved a step "The old man was telling you about "And how do you like n is impressed -%vith the curious mixture day to Mrs. X, Summers, Box p, ,8,
. � a er
cheerfulness surprised . his, will and what he'd done � There were man?" he asiced the little I ewspi P a
tainly the most interesting of RIlthese I Frame, the 001- or jwo'toward Lavariek, but La.varick . naid ii dress the Colorator Corporation, 179 of tba past and present which is to be Windso Oat.
aim a re� two Willa, one JOng street west. Toronto, I ri
natural conformations of rocks, is the A butler. After he -had eaten dinner in which ba'a left all to most condescending tone of voice. . I Qund in this Michigan town,From, The .
, . , did not appear alarmed; be took r YOU 11 IT doWt know," site replied artlesslyl I - . z - I: - . I - A
hill outside the walls of JesuBalein, he busied, himself writing letters, and volver from his eket, and in it COXO_ _ . . Outing Magazine for June, ., Hard on Now !England.
known, all down the agres as the Skull I I less W Po r I
thus two or three hourf.j were. passed th table . "The. oniy will," said J.'ardan, as If the "the only one I Icilow Is the one who Ventilating the P-edroom. . -1 .. I
Hill, It takes its riame from a. remark- alono In his library, W10 it, exclamation bad escaped him Involuntar, brings our paper every morni4g.IPI,4p. Dr, Woods Hutchinson, in the Alfar_ r 1 A New England clergyman -was taking
r .
olmilarity to a . decaying human skull 'Ihen there, came . to him a strange de- ily. plucott'o, . _ � A Toilet LUXUrY breakfast one Sunday morning in a ho -
"No good trying .that on with me, Sir ' . Mira Skin Soap is a delight to, every
presented by a Portion of the porpen. sire to visit the shadow -haunted chain- ,I [,. quietly. "Y�u're a rAvarack smlli�d. � !. . I I � .1 I � , loarn Maga;zIno, gives the following ad-
dicular cliff facing the old wells. The bar in Which his father died, ordan," he o0i] "Oil, no; there ware two.'T.V first . r I 11 . . � vice about the bed And bedroom: The womanwlic, values a $oft, beautiful Skin. tel In a little vestern town. A rough old
,Younger and a stronger man than. I am, I All Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin feldow acros' �
eye -sockets awe two black eye-slia-ped "It 'will be as well, perhaps, to -to and so I brou]ght this little plaything to one was at the lawyers so the old gen- a bedroom should be -well ventilated. a the table called over to
natural caverns, the mouth is another look round before the wingr Ia pulled make us a little more equal; not that tleman said, The other -held made Lim- windows should be open from the top at irritations- carefir skin troubles -and him: "Gain, to the races, stranger?" The
eavern b . I down," he muttered, trying to pe self, and, being the latest it -was the - least one, and bet , ter two or three feet, keeps the skin clear and smooth. clergyman replied: "I don't expect to."
'Perith and the nose -broken- . . rsuade I shall want to Use It. because you are r
al.j is cienrlY perceptible. And standing himself that he was acting of his own a, sensible man, I know, Sir Jordan, and will -o' . . so that a gentle current of air can be Blegantly perfumed- refreshing- - ,,Go r in, to tj,, baill game lot r
, I
opposite the hill, especially at eaa-1 free will. When Ilia valet lied left him . Jordan shifted his feet restlessly. felt blowing across the I co. "Night un,itirpassed for toilet and bath. : "No," � .
. Y. will listen, to argument." it r r r R - 41 .
morning, or towards sunset, the a In h6'own room, and with, the rest of Jordan stood lookilig down for a, me- "And what Was in tills last rid real . air," as Florence Nightingale. pithily re� 25c a cake -at druggists or sent receipt of Well, Where axe you gain,?)l
ballar- . . . . Wee. The Chentista, Co. of Cana &, 14iinited) '
skull is most ,rt,il,i,(, the servants had gope to bed, Jordan ment, then he raised his eyes and seen- will.?" Lavarick continued, loaning for- . marked, "is 41 the air there is to T., I
r� an ,,,, nd matches, -. P It is just as pure and, . MilbAL 'Where do you come from?"
mistakable. (The terms-calva .Y_I�atln: took an unlighted candle a ned the mAn's face Watchfully ward and dxO Plug his voice, to A whis- ' - The Name of breatho at night," . a . "I'm going to chureh,ll . J
r , .
and and stealthily made his way to the clos- per. as wholesome to breathe as day air. I .
Golgotba-Hebrew, both signify . . "YOU think Ton passage some know- :'New Ragland."
skull). 0 ad chambers. - whi to levy Jordan smiled an evil smile, ck Watch The temperature of the room should . I I 'Ohl that explains itl That . 'a where
',,!he all will, enab,le you Bla . � I I IN I they keep the Sabba,th and eve
r I k IINLo such will ever existed, excepting r be about 55 degrees to 60 degrees Fahi
And it is believed that the bro-,y of As he. turned the carefully oiled key b mail on me, and do so with -insol- I ry
S action of all escaped convict," '0004.1 , 'k .1� other
that green hill is the actual site of the In the thick door he oursed Id k a Ity. You are mistaken, my via ft (!One On a Tag on a Plug of roaheit, if possible. The clothing should DE MAAK REGISTERED. blamed thing they can, lay their ban"
-a the Willett prevented him from resisting the 1 -Pan he sal(L I be as light as is consistent with.warmth, on." This was an overempbasixed tribute
crelfixion of Christ; that thei man Only fools conlinit such a blunder. - L var k nodded coolly. Black dewing Tobacco
.Son of God made the great atonement ImPulse, but fie know that the strange YOU know nothing that can give you any4 a 10 the mattrem'olastio but firni, the pillow SKIN SOAP 22 to New EnFland's overemphasized thrift.
i � �
for mankind's sins, and, as the Substi. longing which was urging him would power ever me. While on the otherband, "Didn't it? We'll see presently, I'll tell Stands for Quality. . as high as the breadth of the shoulder ' � -Applet-on a.
tute of all Who will accept Him as their not be denied, and he did not even strug- I know yG4 to. be an escaped convict YOU what was. Ia it, as I heard the old - , ' . I
- I . . ' r r man tell you. First, 1�ield left. You a third I , 2 so as to keep the neq)c and head bar!' Study Them: Don't KIIII � - '
Saviour paid the penalty due by them. gle. � and have only to secure you and hand ' I ,%dntal, oz, slightly above, when. lying OIL -alicating the, birds,
And then His sacred body would havp He closed the door noiselessly behind 'you over to the police to get rid of 7ou," of the property " . � . the side. 1. If, instead of I �
been carried dowil tile slope of that hill :hint, lighting the candle, raised it and "Then why don't you do it?" retorted Jordan rose, but sank back with a I- � scotching the snake, smashing the bootie
. cetle
;it -to the garden at foot, whera was tile looked around. Layarick, coolly, and apparently not at smile Of contempt. Choice of Trees by Ligi.*nlng. � I and pinching the tiny tile out of the
tomb. Surely therefore this - Everything was as he had seen it and � all offended. "Bluff, Sir Jordan, bluff. "Then there was another third forMr. Now that the season of thunder Digby, N. S, butterfly, we Nvere to 'mAch any one of
n Vy . Neville, and lAstly there was the last Minard's Liniment Co., Limited: these creatures on a summer day, the
e,= s= g -leen bill, With tile adjoin- ,oft it on his last visit, and with a shud- But I don't blame you; Itle rather hard storms IA hare this long debated sub.
Ing garden - third for the daughter of the couple Sir I Gentlements-Last August my horse day would pass like an hour, so packed
and tomb (wbiefi ]atter are der, as his eyes fell upon the huge IU- for a gentleman to find himself driven from Pits, 31 *11OPSf, sk
"'Tervous ub as or
maintained and kept in order by a nuin. naral bedp he Vut the candle on the table Into a- earlier, and be naturally don't Greville had hounded to. ruin and dtath, ject assumes fresh interest. It has boon was badly, cut ill eleven pla6es by a ba.rb- With exciting experience it would seem. �, I R1106, X I
r .� .
her of English subscribers), is tbe Inost , and commenced his search, with the air like it. But you treat me well, ,$!I- and not only that, but all tile Pictures, recilAcussed. by Dr. A. W, Borthwiok In ad wire fence, Three of tile cuts (small t1i -augh wha fallin fiickni,ss should write the
-t mystBrious Do arts ofthe � ,X Hit
and the jewels, another fortune, as I hap- . i '� G CO., 179 King strqeb Toronto,
hallowe ->POV :111 all tile universes of and the manner which characterized Jardan, end I will act fair, by "Nolas from the Royal Botanic Garden .orles), bealed soon, but the others be� Woodland, Into Nvlla.t haunted under-, -- for a trial bottle of their Ir b dure, and
creation. him on the last occasion, but he seemed You. I donft mean you -any liarm,,aud pan to know, Sir Jordari----P � the of Edinburgh," Who concludes that no came foul and rotten, and though I tried world of tunnel6d banks said hidden ' Treatise. Enclose 10o for postage and
. I
. I __ to take more pains, and.display more won!t do any if you'll act straight.' Jordan rose and leanard Rgeluill light tree is inminno., and unat lightning will mqny kinds of medicine they had no ditches and secret passages. the snake packing. .
When patience, for, not content With dragging "You can do me no harm," said Jar- mantel shelf, Lavarick causing the beneficial result, At last a (looter ad- would Show us the Way, Wld '%V,e should .
Wi A'Win Home, , to fall on him as before, and afieered . strike one species quite its readily as an,
6 the bureau, fie� as if suddenly struck dan, haughtily. "If I consent to tolerate � . at -her, In opposition to the popular be- IS LIXINLIE.Nir.V, have strango hearts if, -ita we thus * Her Best Wishes.
I heariva, a' the words, but I ,Whiles can Ou down at Lava.viek. "Well, I must go now, wuntie, Do
catch the tune by an idea. tore up the edge of the your presence and listbri to you It is be- "And on this feeble story, this tissue. lief that " it Is quite safe under a b,eeah, and in four weeks' -time everY sore Was watched it through its mysterious day, take cari of yourself. I am so uneasy
As it fa's yike vaf t a' music Irae a Land . thick carpet, and examined the boards -cause I am cunous to hear what you of, ileg you hope to levy blackmail on while the danger itnaer a resinous tree - heated ,find the hair has grown out over We did not find our dislike of tho'clevor bout that cold of yours,"
bave to any, and your reason for run. y be said I pectively, 15 to each one in fine condition. The Lini- little creature diing nwuy, and even a "It's nothing, Claribel. rI1 be over
o , me, do You?" coil temptuouAly. or an oak Is, res 50 times
]Etc was covered with dust, his hands ning the risk you have done." as great" Dr. Borthwick says that the ment is certainly wonderful hi its work- changing into a deep ten4enness toward.
. # cool gra- ' . ;,_ r JOHN R. HOLDEN. the small, self-reliant life, so lonely a
And the g whi5per- wera grimed, but so engrossed was lie "Just� so,' said Lavarick, dryly, "You Lavariek regarded him with - quite as frequently as In �� it'in a day or two,"
and my heart repeats the same-- , vity. . beech ils struck Witness, Perry Baker.. speck of existence in so vast a world. 'If it should grow any worse you'll
that he did not notice it; so absorbed, said just now I'd come to ley blackmail "Hold on a littl r tree. " Apparently the taRer I
As it ly . a longer, Sir Jordan," any Othe r let me know, won't you?"
says, "We're a' me happy, now indeed, that he did not know that the on you." "You may ride the high tTees in any neighborhood are the ones - -Success.
we're tV won hamel" he said, quietly. . i . 4 � -_ "Nonsense, childl If. I write to you
candle li,ad burned down to the socket Jordan sneered. horse when I've dona�-If YOU amill" he most liable liable to be struck. Nature's Mat, .
`-Tow walre a' won hame, unt;l he heard It sputter. "That Is your only excuse, my, -man - - 4- � I TeiL is more susceptible to foreign in-. Will only make you more uneasy,
L jt if
Now we're a' ,,von bame, � 0 added, aignificatitly. "I saw.your face as r Effie on her first visit to the coun, fluences than -even butter. This Is wh you don't get any letters from me you
. . 1143 got up from his knees and hurried for risking capture," ,as telling you about this, The New York American of Dec. x8th, tri, aa,v'v 4 number of chickens from the Y will Understand that I'm well again. fiow
. As it says,, "We're & sac happy, r tile old mail '" It should never be exposed to the air or
Now we're a 'won liame!" across the room, and stood for a mo. "Well, porhups I have. I'm hard UP, last will, and it was enough to give a 1007, says the common house f ly is One frcint'poroh of a farm house. The child will that do? In case you don't hear
' .
. r inentasking himself whether he should - Sir Jordan, and I want money. fTut nervous mail. the shivers. ),,ran looked- of the greatest enemies of man. It is wateliCti the fowls for some-ttiAe no they sold Ili bulk form. The sealed, lead fro mine I'm. all right."
' d relinquish the sqarch, or go and get an- - t.bat's not my only reason. I've come to well, warse than you look naW, Sir Jor- a solemn scieutiffically' ascertained fact industriously scratched around. Finally packets of "Saladii" Tea. preserve the "fee, that will be better. And, 0.
Tlier�'s a licht ayon6 the shadow, an other cil-ndle. . do you a service," dani-ds if, you could have, killed the . tea ill all its native goodness. Insist
I I that he is one of the W^rst disseminators she turned -and ran to her mother. auntio, I shall be so anxious not to hear
there's calm ayout the storm; The candle. flickered down, and. as its Jordan's sneer was -intensified. old mail as he lay there. It wirsn't plea- of disease known, far surpassing tile ('Ohl mother," she cried, excitedly, upon "Salada." �
And He Jana- one to prPralae what He light waned he saw that the moonlight "Of course, you don't believe it, It sent to ,iind �oursolf put off 1�lth a third mosquito in this respect, Wilsouls 'Fly itcome ant on the porch and see the I : I from you." . —
. disna weel perform; r I was shinin through a chink of the dor0t seem possible that such as I am,' of what You d, expected to gal all to Pads will kill ,many times more flies chickens wiping their feet on the grass." From a Southern Sage. Minard's Liniment -Cures Garget in Cows.
And He has a House a' Welcome for His .9 - � ,
� shutter. a e a yourself And yould plotted and Bohemed than any other article. . -11arper's Weekly.
bahns a' every name- r - - �_ . Charity can't never kiver all de sinners - - -
- a I - I . -
He extinguished the candle, and, feel Jordan Lynne but it's true, all tile . 0 hard io cat your brother out of it, and I
And we're done 'wV dool and gorr;AV Ing big -way to the window, carefully and same,10 .$ - lie to collie ' for as much I . . wihat's. hollering' far cloze. Shy.
'whet- ,ve ,V -win home, now here was in Making the Best of It. blinard's Liniment Cures, Colds, etc. , it's bad ter fall by do wayside, but
, cautiously unbarred the shutter and "Go on,,, 'Said Jordan, coldly. "Don't as yourself, and a girl -a, girl, you did- I �, 0 . I courted Death upon the field of bat-
. '
vNI'liou 'we a! Win home, opened it just wide enough to allow the exhaust my patience." . ult know a Ing about- to have her �. Hubby (while dressing)-Tho.t can. One Point in His Favor. iva vuss than bad ter lay der. an' hot- tie. . .
When We a? win hame, moc0ght to stream in and fall noon nyth ,was a, founded trial balance was running in ler, - 1. "Whatl right before everybody?" glga ,
A -ad we're dune -%-*,I dool and sorrow I .. "Ohl you'll be ready. presently to list- ' sbare-and tile largest, too I It my head all filglit. A witty priest was once visiting, a Elf you don't keep rollin' wid do w*TI' gled Death, and shrank away. '
When we a' win harno I tha floor which he had been exam aing on long ,enough," said Lavarlek, confi- cutting up Of the property that made wifey--Jolm, you must tell the mana- t4self-made" millionaire, who took him youlli soon wake up ier de'fact dat tie I Was mortified, bat not too proud'to.
It was impossible that he could be over- dently. 'Now, then, Sir Jordan, you re- you mad-ftild YOU looked it, I can ,�-Il - I to see big seldom used library,
. looked, and this plan was safer and eas- I pas ger and maybe lie will give you extra fl worl' kin roll on without yoli�-Atlanta take the hint.
The bairn has faund its mither, and its lor than going to and from his bedroom member the last time I was here -in this you. I give you my- Avord that . for working overtime�-Bostou to There " said the millionaira, pointing Constitution. Accordingly, I purchased an absolute-
Toom ?" , getting ready to jump in, fbr I thtalglit Pay a ta�le covered With books, "there : - -Y, .
I pair wee heart is 'blest; . Transcript. . ly safe hammerlers shotgun, and rapa,ir-
for another candle. Jordan kept his countenance, but Lav- that you meani; misellief as You Ico.,ud . tire my best friends,"' Minard's Liniment! Cures Diphtheri& ad with it to the Woods, alonor-Detroit
And the wcary one is creepin' in . , to He ownt back to the carpet and knelt rick saw him,vilice. , I down at tile 014 Man , y . 11 -1 -
down and felt along th esurfa,ea, of the a ;hot swiftly round tile � Minar4ls Liniment Cures Distemper. "Ali," replied the wit, as he glanced - - t Journal,
Ali(] the bud a' Immorality, implanted Ili boards with his thick white -now dirt "I remember," he said. "'You attempt- Jordan's eye i � - � I at the leaves, "rin glad you don't cat Avoid Dandruff. I , I
our frame, -hands. Suddenly he hos.rd Y ad to break into the honso to commit a room and be OluddIred. What the Telephone Girl Heard. thern.11-Pick,Me TJV. - All Druggists, Grocers and general
slight burglary,,I have nc. doubt." The mau!s words had called up a grim -- � T,
Shall blossom into glory when we a' win notio behind, him and his hearial" a - Dandruff is infectious. I -any men, stores sell Wilson's Fly Pads.
home I , .P ".Nothing Of tho'kind"' interrupted picture. of the events of that night, He "Hello I " I No dead flies lying about when Wil- get the germ frorn the brushes and - - :-I- .
heavily; but he r membered the t "I was running away a big father lying oil the, (Sello Ill son�" Fly Pads ar used as directed. combs used in barber shops, and wo
'V�7hen we a' win home, 'a Lavariak, coolly. could Lthilost 'Be 9 -a .
he had suffered on his last visit b t a t the eager, broken Wortds. lqs that you, Henry?" . - . JAVELIN GUN.
When we W wift home, bet against the window and he Ould from the Police, they pressed me rath�r be ating OU I- meh from those used in hair -dressing
that if I '11RO' YOU kept Yourself in hand, "Yes-" A Mer�vo's Diiath. establishments. There is great danger
,,Shall blossom into glory, bard, and It occurred to me I ut you
When we W win hainel not look around, but remained wit is could get into the house and )lid*, tile did, Sir Jordan; you, Were always a. 0001 "Will it be posiible, do you think, for Sir Qoliit Stoott-Monerieff sours to the of this Lind.. In some places there Instrument to Bring Painless Death
-William Wve Smith. head -bent over hW tank. * ,d Idiots 1voula never think linuIl," said Lmvarick. "And Ou said, . you to Come home 9, little earlier than lTimes' 4 brief but moving 9,0count of is no doubt that the brushes and to Animals.
� airaple�heado ( Y I
St. GAtharines, out. But the noise was repeated; became � for me here, and I could get said YQUY E verytbing ,hall be Usual this afternoon? "I wish to 0 the murder of his only son, a civil ad, combs are thoroughly .cleansed and Hemry Bergh treasurer of the So.
move distinot, and setting his teeth hard Of 100ldng you wish, father. I am . "Say,� III Mrs, Highmore calling an �revention of Cruelty
__ I he turned his head and looked over his 6W37 when. the night was darker. I as i ministrator in the S*udan. It appaitra soaked in antiseptic solutions each ciety for the
, � knew that I could get I nto this room by quite satisfied. I will carry outAlle will, . you?" � that a certain Inaid-owner, Sheikh Abd- time they are used, but these places to Animals, announced that he had
Prayer. shoulder. the last one, as filitlifully as I can. (Tea. How did you know?". I el-Kader Mohammad Im&m, had pro. are rare. Even at home the perfected an instrument to render
Than. with -a suppressed cry he sprang the steps and ran up them, Intending to: fatherV says you, in A, soft - cryou're using your company dialect , very
Our God and Father, beer our prayer to his foot, and stoocl-recoillng, -White come in by the windowhere." . Where is it, claimed himself a, Prophet, collected 4 dandruff germ may be paseed frOfn death instantaneous and ractically
for ourselves and for our native land. with terror, for a hand was sliding slow- "All this doestilt Interest ine," said voice. Tile old man rodgeA his hand and an4, artiialiation on me." band of followers, and refused to ) member of the family to the other painles& to animals slaug?tered for
pan us, 0 God, and save ly and cunn4n around the edge ofthe Jordan, L keeping a pointed to tha� linreo-U—that One there.", ,.. � . I . "I . treat on, 'Interchangeable use of combs
Have mercy u Impatiently, bul t nodded to the piece of fur- I � . I I . with the Wamur, oi- native adminia.tra- I y the food, Mr. Bergh's device, sa, a
as from our enemies, Behold our weak- 'shutter. watchful eye on the face of the speaker, Aud La,variel l ''. . toraf the district. He sent a Message, and brushes without first cleansing A test of
Jordan's blood ran cold in his veins. ,aid Lav- niture. 'In that second drawer,' said Sir . them thoroughly— as made Tn'
ness and our ignorance, and give, us light "Ohl but it will presently," r however, to say that if Mr. &ot_Ajort. - -#arp.er's Bazar. the New York World IV
I'Vin not west- Greville, 'Take my keys, they3ra under . - :.::: * - -:.::!::, I ambulance house �f the S. P. C.
and strength. that we may escape tile, lie would have rushed from the room, arick, as dryly as before, the pillow,) YOU took the keys and op- ,.:::!:;:. .�%:::: - crieff and the. Mamur would come and the
snares of the wicked one and repulse tile pable of Ing time, Sir Jordan, "'Well, I crept lip I ,-;-i;� interviow him unarmed and One packet of Wilson Fly Pads has A., No. Ill East Twenty-second street.
nee. , :-;� * i!; untattended
onset of our toes. Deliver us froin those but terror rendered him I watch to the window and heard voices. They ened the dra,wer and got the will.'l- N; ::::i; I he would AAA,e big grievances. At. actually killed a bushel of flies. It is a pneumatic, instrument I.oking
motion; he could ably stand wad Jordan put up his hand to his for6head - .!ij! ,M.:
, . �_
slits which stalk abroad and menace the th6llAnd &a it slip along the shutter like we're yourS and your father's, Sir Gre- .:�,j:' Z:9::. thaugh Alid-ol-Kader's Own brothers, - - I like a ffreman's hose and nozzle. Bat
life of our country. Help us to banish. the hand of a ghost, and Wait. Neville villels, Mic sbutt�rs weren't closed, and stealthily and wiped off the big drops flf!ji . ,M.Pt I Who had been invited to attend, declin- He Seldom. instead of water, it hurled a javelin
I .j%:j;:: OH:
these evils from oiir midst and to m0ce of swent -which, had -gathered there, . m !1;.'H
would have sprang at it and seized. its - I managed to look in through I% chink in y .jl. �.:k, : !-, - with such force as to penetrade an
. �.. N . . inch oak plank. It will fire the jave.
i* ":,;
'ltfe paths wherein our children may O.Wnar. but the greaLt statesman 1vas vs.ry the curtains. The old gentleinaa -was dy- "I sa,w it in your hand,' continued 0 iiil:!i�; ad to do so, and endeavored t -O dissuade The head Tolstress of a certain pro.
.1...* i. - !!,4fl!i Mr. Scott lionerieff, Ito and the Nliamur
IT .. i, ..-�:.:-:
walk. Let temperance end purity and Lavarick, it a low voice. "I know it I * 11%� - vincial achool-was one day examining lin fifty times a minute.
, .&I. i!j,N;�Q!y
different from his 1�vagabond'l brother, Ing and you were standing beside him. 11114ffii. leaving
truth prevail among us, that our nation list was the Will because you said, 'Is this' gr. �iRii-.. �N§ttf decided to ti-tist the man, and, a few of her select pupils in grammar. An experiment will be mELde on a
oning, . .. ..!*Nj��ij-'j. . ,-, 1
, &W his nerves already tried'severely by Us was talking, and You were it, fatherV and the old gentlemannodd- ;.- ft their escort a mile away, Proceeded to - I
.�_ -.:RI.11DV:. "Stand up, Juan, and make me a steer at a local abattoir. The cy inder
.1. I
i, I!:;. 1:.
at -F!i9.zf!! ifl!iin.* I
may be exalted and made strong, and ' the ghostly stillness of the room and its and I could see by your face that wit .11 -ir ;; ... the Sheik's efteftilipmerit. According to sentence containing the wora 'set- containing the javelin is -mounted on
at o other nations at Ilia ed. 'Keep faith with me, Jordan,' he ., -11'11---.�Iffflim
assoolations, are completely wrecked by he was saying wasn't particularly plea- ;�`!!.Irfiq: 4.ftat-0 :.; .
- . gi. V� �ifgfq� � a Ovi&n&,e of men subsequently take" dom.' " she said, pointing to a small a swivel, like a �a,pid-firing gun. The
you to bear. You looked ugl said 'I glimOn't rest quiet in my grave -_ - " 7!� ! u... iNil:i:
world we may be it help and blessing. thi, fearful apparition. Sant for . i: !-111111,1111i..."I'l .. .1;
� Y. , it . riSoners, the Sheik, on being asked to operator stands six feet from the ani.
....4 �:!:
-in Jesus' name, Amen. if those I've injured are not righted! I R Ij:l . 0 .!i!:1 urchin.
This'we ask I i i I i.i� .: P
The band pushed back the sbuttoro and Sir Jordan," and he smiled. . . state his grivances, replied that he had Juan. paused as if in thought., then, nial to be killed, the muzzle of the
;!! I
L 11 , . � . none, but that what he
. Ined at ant And you smiled and came up to the bed" 0 was doing was ith a flash of triumph on his face, gun projects within three feet of the
a man sprang into the room, &ew the ,Tordan bit his lip, but remai. —Lavariek's voice grew Iowdr� and he I".. w
As a Mother Comfortoth. shutter close and at the same moment and watchf-a pointed to the bed—"and you smiled - for Allah. lie and his followers then fell replied: "Last week father had five aniinal's head, and the point of the
We know our best friends only when turned th light of a bit1l's-eye lantern III managed to get the -whidoW Open ft right down at him, and right before his I � ou the Xa-mur and Mr. SOOtt-lUoncrieff horses, but yesterday he seldomi'l— , , Olin penetrates the train instAnt�
0 I .
we Walk With them through their Valley I full upon 11ordau's white, distorted I act,. little way, and, putting my eat to it, you held the wilt to the candle p I Who 'met his death fearlessly, smiling, Philippirlos Gossip. . � I I ir . -1 . .. �
� ..
. . .
Jordan could see nothing behind the found I could hear every word. What OYes I and folding his arm, waile his lips moved - � - -1 - I . -..-- _ ------,--- - - _ _
of the Shadow of Death, and they With fiefoe itroam, of light, "d stood pant- - was it I heard, Slr,lordan?" ,Jordan started forward as If lie inewit - - . . I � ..
us thaaglni our dark valley, We know , to silence the speaker with a, blow, then - as it in prayer." It thus appears that � .1. I Miserable All The Time?
t 0 Ing and trembling, longing to springand 1ordan's lips twitched. Mr. Soott-TvIoncriolf held it hid Para- I
God ly When Ile is our companion . yot too torror-strickOn t4 move. I "Yell could have heard very little," lie fell back and laughed hoarsely. 11 11 0 I Dull healdaches--back aches—low sphited—litte
In our tears; w1ion we see Ilini in the at "Hold on," said LoNaricit. ""or, at ThJA woman may# Lydia IL mount dufy 'to endeavor to effect a �
The awful silence as broken last. r's voice was weak—" 111titkham's Vegetable Compo=4 settleirievirt by Pacific means. Mr. Scott. I the sight of food—doblt sleep well --all. tired out in
darkness, whea He is with us in tile far "Given :Von a start, Ohl Sir Jordan?" "So It was,10 assented Lavarick, "but that rooment there came a knock at the 11 .,. the morning—no heart fot vi6rk?
naft of fire. "As one whom Ili.% Mothee -seAd a, dry, harsh voice behind the light, my cars are -sharp- Law bless You, A, door, You were flurried—whieli was only ettred her.-JEi&d her lettei-. Aloncrelff, Who was only twelity-four I � I
eomfortath, so -Will I elIlnfort thoe'll says 'Tidn't expect to see me, I imagino." man'shoarIng ge!;,cuto when helsspent natural—and you rushed to the door, Urg.1, A. Laliberte, Of 84 Artillelie years a' Ago, worthily upliold a noble I GIN PILLS
,Tchnvab. Did you ever notice )low it Jordan started, and put his trembling manths listening to the step of the wo,rd- waistatiat, atif Quebec, Vrites to Afts. Phikham - tradition, and has conferred fresh als- -
shoving the will Inside your o tiliction �
as YOU thought -0 Oil an honored naine.
mother comforts her sobbing child? The hand to his lips. or outside his oell. I can hear a mouse 11 Par six years 1 have been-dootorimir d . t � � . I . �
Jordan's lips Writhed. TA-varick, as It I . . .
father Ataii(Is by him side, brushes off "Banks. Yloull, he exclaimed huskily. scampering floro" the floor; I 4%h, heav , for female weakness, heart and nerves, The Land of Banwt. I q . will Mahe -you well
_ '
tile dirt which bai come upon Ilia clothes The nian chuckled at the baronet's the tick of a watch in a man's pocket warming to Iiis work, wofit on with on liver and kidney trouble,but in Lydia At the intating of the ministers of, Vrout kidney# are affected,—either through ever.
from the fail, and counsel,; Mill to be oofifaslon,*and set the lantern oft the r lid a it Irl' 'E Plinkhmn's Vagetable, Compound I .. work, exposure or disease. It is the Xidneya that
under a couple at thick coats. I can 0.1, P ess"I o'"itemaritl a Yet c re u the Methodist Church at, Wealoy 11411 .
most hear your heart beating m6wg S1 auto dett"r, Z� spifely s�y X hive found a cure. . are mildig you feel $to Wretched, Gin Pills cure tick
brave. 1lie mother picks him tip, holils table. A49 he did so the light fell upon r and guardedly, as if no ml t recently, says the Philadelphia Tele. . .� �
)let breast, stills bla sobbing by his face. Jordan," an dho grinned. "I hear(! -eve of .tile terrible scene should be lost. 11 was wtilotually bothered with the ill I kidneya—mak6 you well and strank—give you all
I -
her strange, hy r3r "It was the nurso. You v 1 � hy r1litre'al-g liticksiches, headaches, graph, one of the brethren who had re- 'I . your old time energy and vitality. C.heer U —_ itid
' I
. imotie power, pourg he� It was the face of Lavarick, With its word iie old wait gold, and this is pretty coutly visited Jamaica told some wort- I iake Gin Pills. 5oe� a box -6 for $I.So. Tent OIL
own life into 'Itiq, nnd in 4 moment or thin lips twitted into a sneer of insoloilt nearly tho sense of it. Ile wits telling for R minute or twol kept her onto Bout a ' All b"t-Ang-lia" pains, and I kept derful Utles of that Plaland of lovely 11 . receipt of price if your dealer does tot handle them,
two lie in looking lip into her sympry contempt ,as be looked sideways At the you about his NOI-11 har for something, I suppose, and, look- gT,O,*i I more and JnOra 1161-VOUL it �- . -
tlietie faeo with a, tImile through Ilia shrinking aordati. Ing the door, wout back 0 the bod, The .. � L %& E. X,lftkh&m,8 Veg6t4ble 0am. plimato and monstrous tarantulas. Tli(i WOL19- OK04 406. - WINNIP90. MAN, 96
tear's. She IIA,4 given to him strength to Hip., ware tt broad,brimmed bat whiali tjords,u staxted alightly, and alliftedbis OW), , "fib L men ate of 110 accoutit; lie said, and I
ly J�id his unpropOSSOseft , atid made its a well ." - . .
near Ig eountell. p6sitton. 60 that the light should not fall old wail raised libligelf on big Ob I'Alleved bals all theme dlstre"� . .1 11 _11 -1 I L . . . I . 1. .1 1. � � . 1. I -1
JAptamaL the women do, all the work. Within a, � ---... .__.___. _ ... .
OIL tried, to Alicak, pointed tit you, then At' Y I . I . .. I . L. . ......''. . . . I -_ - ' � . L I
meet his trouble. so, ("ad conifortl Ills � upon him, bua. Lavariek, with it turn wom"a. I would advise All ijulTerint short digtarted of Port Antopio ate 30'. 1�
, t,tke8 Us to Himself, avd: wo anco, and. *slt dressed in the sty)* of A adrealbod Out and Went off—dead.') __ — -
ehild, Ile moohnnie, Hd itat on the small table and tile lantern, 'brought Jordan into focua .1 *OV*131 yoting or old, to tad L dia X, 000 nords of land devoted to ba,114W L I
never see 11iii so plainlj* ,)r under-ftlid �gfiin, Land wato'bod his face as elosely as He stopped to take b,toath. I pinklIAMIS W"tablo Compou-A 11 growing, slid on them were grown laol. �
%als llinigolf folded his arms as if he desirea t6 an- 0 "In came the nurse and doctor, mia the , _ . I �, I ALWAYSO _
Him so well its When He te,VL Jortlah Watched Ilia. ick wom Year 11,000,(M bunches, valued at more L , '
to Us in the Owlill,ter of sorrow.—Dr. 1, the tight of Sit JordaWs diseoraft. ,,ne oia gentleman 'was terribly -eat re'At of them, and ther() NVM A oolifuslon, IFAC" FOR 8 9W th in $4,000,000. The waluen put those
ture tit loloure. as usual. You Were terribly out up, , =
Lyman J. Abbott. � a little up about things he bad done during his Vor tbltty� ywig Lydia Z � nrik. ballanas on the toa,ts of tile company _ EVERYWH f R1 1: -IN CANADA,
Jordan had recovered liftntsoll quitt the affectionate son -61%, vory to#- bain's Veeetable Cow ound, Made which, toritrols tho trade front Sunday . '
by this time and usumed an Indignant Wo, and ho was going over t1lem- and 'Ing and heartbroken, mia all that. Quite ASK rOk
Welght Of 10haradfat. I and haughty air. fretting about them. and the only thing touching it wasl Aiia you've got 'orn -.-- - r Ras b6exx tho to Thurtda, and work night and' day. ' I .� . � . . 11. V"'i im
til gb t, lid alone, ' C ,
The weight of a maii'm word iq4 josb i1ft ill 13
Irse. , '0 11 rath. bs,d tried to IWO . 10 , L M H. r ,%)
.dy 0j fer4ale Ills They earn rola # to $4 it week, which i I..
"What do, you Mehit by tore' Y,Our tbat Conatiled him was the fact that be taridard ve f fr
L out of the room that Von mi dadb4apo Sol they rejularly apoita during the tomain. EDDY S- AT
VA -V Into the bousat" he said, 0 sitivelyouredthougazid ,
Proportion to tbes welglit of bif( elif Put Some of the things: And the very first Aing you did wh6n der of t it week on finery, Ile thoy. .1. '. . L' L .. � � '' . . 1. . L, I I.. 11 . 1. I ". 11 .111. --I_-- I :, "". f, "'
ter. To Utter wor,18 Ia -not tile main 1dr huskily. I litrillgh In this Will Of bi&--" . you were alono Was to put your hand womeft vvho h"s been troubled with will wear a pink silk shirt = iind . I . I ... . , . I
Uvarltk smiled iwlently. Jordan opened his lips, but stopped �
votation of lite,, Tile first half of a in vour waiateoAt and find that the will � is'PIVAMOlit�'nflt'Mn't�t'o'n'UloorA;- & Avlifto skirt, but insist nit going baro. I . I 1. #,,�o,OW4.-.04.4.0%.,#O%O,.,�e-l��#441,0.1,-.044� I
'to moms to be but a propar- 0 'N f , .
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a on a PI
.41ng Tobacco
I for Quality. . ,
- -Vit"
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minister's Il ,Thought I'd give ZOU a Pleasant little before a wora had, been said, wit'sn't therell, . V40111 Abrold. lumors ' � , 1l'ld*'4 , footed and b4raheAded. They are teople, 15ddy's Matichts h0a Hailed Irow 111111 itloco 1851—t%nd
surptio, Sir JordaA, ho sa,ld. "BoAliles, "I'lor one thl, , theto was tho trouble 1M,L ba%llilt
ition for the second balf. If humility. ,Tordan drew A long bremthi, baid iWo ve M Z t bw. ,of color and a.11 z�aaos of negro iooa,
Servants, , about Mr. Xeyll e, yonr half,broth r 11 . 'a ' .
opennoss. aptriess, re�qponqlvonomq, Pft. It's too IM4 to dfaturb the lwi o a folded his onis and looked at Livaziok Ig-c'WWUfA,81,ilig,:B&ttll6fidYtindiqC,S, those 87 ytitts, of 06fistmit t6tttrulelit himn robultod th
fleylee, Avve'etinvwxIi of fi,mper. quicknosit Dcolt kfiow that I should b4ve dropped utoa to bb the tomorite son, but th� old 'On Ito say$ thict groaft 1*naftits are just fig , fddy's Nlsitchft r6i%ohlag A Height 6f Pdrtlotloft ILU11,1116d
to learn, It,montlill lemptons ,�liaractorigo fit thisi evening, but I bappenea to b4' gentlewlttn bad qu&rreloa with him nntl , defiantly, ti-O�ltdiftiU6MOrilOVOUZVrOgtt4tI - good after they fipoLft iltre if they ate
g and saw thiN light up In th6 , eot him *drift, and IftoW hA W01 RAVIng ('r6L bo eontitu6P Wh don, ou try It? In the k6 box, and that the . I
thp firlit, in the ,.kf,00nd bA wit be, a, inan P" 'lot WA rh .. I . � [ fiqw hwittut all 916k Uy No, 0 L
a I 1whyt pick them oft fot their
(1, VV110AP roolu ,ara, and I felt rAth6r eurkimi to. It W -* 64 feel queer. I hosrd. hlii�IAV � " . A �Is ly', to, It I - 4", I ,I L thges.
of Witt, thorouglily vilulp 6 fta,�go of W# oWho,s your plumbert,, "Ob V&Wt � I*otdoil to ,wrlto Iter for advid6i own use. An atte of Infirwill istoduto , 'Sold itud, U66d wry*hv% In VAilids.
t 'What was Iring Loll in th# too -m that 7ould bevn in U th .
:ol .-;� - - � - - - ""S0So.^.^,.-.^.0-,P,A
- A t row-4wM om, Sir as aftla I rrh Dot go. OWn hIMr) ila O*ng lnii."_�W " . I - _. 11
Ing effilet, W . '114 .
btosidlikideA will Mine with t York,, job llifts 1&, 44 th001141144 tO banstnas of n nutritive value equa,l to 40 1 1. ,4.%,00k^.-_0.�^A. , ,
and bis bArvo,st will makot lin A,Ag(.l tbM Sir Jordrn "ps shut up to elov- -1 --- . 404:4utif Atasso twires of *WAt. .1 L----_-- __'__ __ __ _ _...___ . - I
gliki. ly. It *-&s ta,th-ov ii�wkwarJ getting up, Ing to %ittor a wora 00 4n't true) ProAs. — . I I � -----------
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