HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 5M
THE WI,I,.l. l.Jl TIAN ADVANCE, TR UJF. SDA -ih , ATLY 9, 1908, ,
Lakelet. A HANDY DEVICE. ,�r r , rrw�w►."�
- ('Pea late for lash week,) rw"""Wm�
Mrs. 13ttshaeiti is Suffering from ap, "fir Western Contrivanoa For Lifting
pendlcitis, BARGAINU
� Heavy objects, Such As Crated
Mrs. F, 0. Mahood visited her bro• .'A Hogs, Oarrels of Salt, iTtc.
klxor In Iglurfston over Sunday. •.m- ' So , ti too a few hours spent in ISARD'S 010 jULY SALE
had some device will Save muchMr, Win. Hubbard expects to raise
Table T�faeu, regular price 40o per yard-••r►ots"• . , • ..• , • , • • , • , • .. 200 hard X�fting that falls to, the lot of
STRAW his house and build A stogie wall, every farmer. Such a device is found ,.. � . , � .., , , ., x. a �•� �,,
30 Pieces of flue q!rality colored Muslin, polka dots and figures, on a weavers} farce. It is a contrivance
Misr, Dobson, our teacher, - has re. regular prigas trete 15o to 25o --to dear ... . ....... . ......... 1,20 ;.
turned to her Logue in Porciwi0h, ! DINNER
8 Dozen Ladies Blouse.s, nice quality lawn, tucked, hemstitched
.n'iessrs. Ferguson and Wolfe are and embroidery trimmed, long and short sl@eves, regular
86—now 00 to $1
prices. .,.,..,..,.,•...............
making Preparations to .raise their � , .750
new learns,
0 Pieces. Corset Cover Embroidery, flue lawn, with pretty open w'
We ox est John Wolfe will ilea _ work patterns, some with one and some with two rows of � sp #leading—to clear at, . , .. ,240Fice
hnsy roan during the suniinor tnontlxs;•�pf."
he is issuer of marriage licenses, 20 Pieces of good quality Canadian Print, light and dark pat- •� '" , �..
Mrs. Baker of Tara died at the home .o. t us Price
terns—Sale Sale . , . ,
You can buyStraw liats at this of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon, on the
Besides the irresistible price savings for tlxis, �
store this weep at less than 18th, Mrs, Baker lived with her son S H Q E S .....week in various parts of the store, we have _ This Beautiful' Imported Semi -Porcelain Dlnner�
in '.Cara anti lead been visiting her a table of SHOES, all sizes, regular (�
wholesale prices, We Want to daughter since April, Shortly after prices from $1,00 to $5,00, which we are clearing at, . , . 99C ware given away, piece by piece, ill any
her,,arrival she contracted a, call f Remnants which are bolo sold tti$"• really
Straw 11at in the house, Through the influence of Dr, Chis- quantity, t4 our cash Customers,
make a Clean sweep of every which developed into neunlonlaw
Also tL table O g
me bas been induced to took Lake Abk to see our Nash Belts.. 1+'iyR after $ilg +$L1Sltle
_ holm, 11l„i'„ the Provincial Govern- reduced prices.
..„..�... „.... ,..,• merit a s ss for the month
Sailor StratvS
. this year's Lakelet with 40,000 salmon trout.. , , , , of J l7LY, and in order to make this
Had it not been for the influence of one of the Largest and Best Sales
goods, clean, fresh stock,. our member with .the Provincial 1VIin- HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS.
]ster of Fisheries, we would not have 11]. the history Of this siOre, we Offer Special
Regular $2, $2.25 and 2.50 received this es,favor, The followingI'D*
•.. Inducements to those Who buy for Cash or
m• DON for Butter and E s In ever De artmentreduced t0 .,...,......... $i,5G notices. have ween tacked.'tti epnspicu- --� �g y p,,�
Regular $I 5o reduced to„ 1.00 o ous places:� � prices Will be amazingly low, and in addition to
Regular $1 °ou reduced to, . , .7 5 STt)OXEI7 S'V:Iruits.--Notice is here- � , Cut Prices, ,you'll receive a Coupon With every by given that Lake Lakelet, in the
purchase of Twenty-five Cents two Coupons with
Crush Straw Township o£ part co county of P F Y' 1
. _ ....:.. ears RAISING A °R1lTit.
Huron, is set apart for the Natural a ifty-cent purchase, and so on. Hold Coupons
Alen's alga Boys' S S • and artificial propugatian of Fish, for for loading and unloading crated hogs
y and during a period of two years from or other heavy objects, as barrels of lentil the 1st Of August then brie them in and
,and Crash hats Children's Sail- the first day of April, 1908, and fish- f a salt, molasses, etc. g
in herein in an manneris prohibited The illustration shows a crate about get Dishes for then]. This is a Very easy way
n Y p store closes at to be raised from the lto house door, of getting a nice Tea. or Dinner Set of imported
Ors EtC, lust a few left In each for the said period under penalties EXCLUSIVE 7 p.m. except g b g � -
r provided by section 30 of the (lame SHOE WILLIS Nl COnSaturdays and As soon as it is high enough the wagon b e is backed under and the work is done, p ) Y idays,The beam overhead is braced with a
VI1 e.i�0Sets30.E EpUorder, kaTina- DiCALIuRS` _.. OTCelain Ware. +avon'ga etorline. E1.11 will be swe t out athog rod and on the inside of house. It
greatly reduced prices. lay' should be a 2 by 6. For heavy lifting Coupons divan on purchases is Mena and Boys' Cloth,
”" Dr. Chisholm's sole object since he a small windlass may be used, which Ing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes,
_ went to Ottawa is the betterment of will make it still easier to elevate the Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Blinds,. Curtains, Dress (foods,
-4 the constituency which he represents, load.—Iowa Homestead. Silks, Waists, Wrappers, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Para-
_' Mr. Hislop was our local member for a sols, Corsets, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Belts, Collars, Rib -
number of ears and we have failed to $3.00o>t/s For ` ADULTER"ATED MILK. bans, Laees and all merohandisa excepting in the Grocery
y.�_ Department.
see or yet hear of anything he has Some Facts Shown by Latest Report REMEMBER, all our Customers will share alike and
Mus -
�� done for (except discover a new _ = have the same chance aY getting these beautiful Dishes,
see county of Cardwell,) of Inland Revenue Department, Purchases from one dollar up will start you on the dishes.
p g secures one Fruit Saucer.
We keep constantly On hand exec tioLall
Department, dealing with the mels
B , p y p y Dsuppliedartme t, a CanadiaThe report of the n Inland Rumors, evenue our Coupons
Glothlers and Men's Furnishers Never cry Quits.
You may be weak, sleepless, ner good Shoes for Men at $3.00 per air. Shoes shows a ,slight Increase s the pro r
vows, digestion may b8 poor, but don't "p P p portion of questionable samples as Start t RI To Buy
- dis air. g Never say die you have compared with the reports of earlier ,
p y y which are solei in most stores for. $3.50. We inspections. In 1895 the proportion �♦ c i9 °°%�
FerrozonP, the most wonderful classed as genuine was 70.8 per cent. /�ll Thursday, ,Illy ftlld
body "builder, the best nerve and sys- have them. in Patent Colt, Dopgola and Box Calf, with 22.3 cent. doubtful, and 6,9 per • '
tear tonic known, Ferrozone gives cent, adulterated, the latter class in-
tone and vigor to the whole body; and our guarantee stands back Of every pair. eluding watered and skimmed milk
it makes you eat, consequently it pro- sold as genuine. Down to 1903 the COME EARLY AND OFTEN AND
vides increased nourishment. Day by Samples in South window. proportion of genuine samples varied
An Appeal To Common Sense, day you go in strength—weakness, from 73 to 65 per cent., the doubtful YOU WILL BE WELL SATISFIED =
loss of sleep, apprehension all pass
For one Suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Palpitation, away You get well, stay well. Do l 18.8 per 11 ono _
ranging from 29,3 to
try Ferrozone, Its sure to benefit. '"" ' '� ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' � " ` "' "" " and the adulterated
Flatulence, Headache. Biliousness, Sour Stomach, eta., there can be only one Y • 4 per cent. The latest report,
natural course to persue, namely: FrrsT—Strepgthening the Stomach, making Sold by all dealers in 50c boxes. P p MUSLTNS.-10 pieces fancy flowered and spot Muslins, values
dated in June o4 the past year, up to 15c, Sale Price........... Spc
it take out of food the valuable properties w',litch go to build up the body. '
SEcom)—The correct working of liver and bowels to carry away the useless shows only .7 per cent. gen- WAISTS.—Ladies' White Lawn Shirtwaists, nicely made, sizes
Wnine, with 26.7 per cent. doubtful
properties and waste matter, This Is the designed purpose ofLLSC 0• _ up to 38, July Sale .......... ........ , ...�..... . ..... . ....... 980 =
BOIL IT DOWN, and 14.1 per cent. adulterated. To
NATIONAL DYSPEPSIA Z'AI3L1, TS make the inspection, 367 samples DRAPERS, -5 doz. Ladies' Cambric Drawers, fine mrike of =
At Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. were collected, the department Cover- - Cambric, value up to 500, our Out Price.......... , . .. 350
This treatment is complete. The larger tablets act on the stomach and An amateur journalist once wired a tis ing the entire ground from Nova Sco-
digestive organs, the small tablets' on the liver and bowels. Both kinds of city editors Repairing done equal to the best city work, tia and Prince Edward Island to Brit- TABLE LINEN. -40c Bleached Linen, wide, on Sale ....... ... 280
tablets in each box, also complete directions, "Column story on Shall I .All rips on Shoos bought from us sewed free of charge, ish Columbia. Of these, 332 were of LADIES' VESTS.—Special line on sale, only...... • ............. 100 =
PRIOE PER BOX, 50 CENTS, G FOR $2.50: send?" whole milk, the remainder being made HOSE. -5 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, all wool, Sale .... 25c ' -
For Sale by F. 1r1:. WALLEY, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Out. "Send 600 words." mi of skim milk sold as such, butter- PARASOLS,—A line of White Parasols $1,25 value for...
mills, and cream. In every case dup- ,
"Cannot be told in less than 1200." licate samples were prepared, the one MEN'S TIES. -250 Hook -on -Ties on sale, your choice ...... ... 190
- To this the editor replied : "Look at for local analysis and the other for, LONG GLOVES. —Special volae in black or white long Gloves
Genesis ; first chapter, story of ere- official analysis at Ottawa. in Lace or Lisle . ............. . . .4.0c, 50c and 75e '
orlon; told in 600 words. Try it."% ' According to the classification es- !' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
p r • tablished by experience and adopted No .room here to quote more prices. The store
Very few ever acquire they art of ' _ _ ._. by the department, the term watered is full of s o see f self -
_ . ..... _ i . J Bargains. Come and or your ,
putting things so graphically, concise- is used where the other of non fatty
ly, briefly, and transparently that � ,' ��� �� � solids of a sample are under 8 per _ .....:,... - - i a
any one can comprehend them easily+1�{,t� ,j�(� a cent. and the butter fat ercentage
4 r - 8, _ is below the average 3.75 per cent„ '
and be interested in them,Rc or at least not above it.
A recent report of a western Gover- "& � S 4 When the other solids show the nor- -
' ! -
,. nor to the Secretary of the Interior �, r- ; _—;„-�, i � �� mal percentage—not under 8.5 per
h- * r cent. and a lower fat than 3 per cent. '. 7 = 3
contained 2.35,000 words, which mould _ F F �� -n' Y li i
be equal in volume to two large
—it is characterized as party skim- ■ a
1 g med. When such a sample fulls below
novels. Its real length deflated the � ., i� _ � �, `��' W 2 ercent. butterfat the word skim- o „. ,,.•-..., „„..�„.-... .,,•,.�,._ .._ _.._,��,�,r,, .�___._ -�,
very object for whichgit teas intended=i2¢i 'lil4 p rued would be justified, The expres- .. .. �_.__._�� - .._�•. , ._
8 i ti e, 9
No one world read it through. The _. p Sion "under average" has been used
= Governor even took the trouble to i? for the purpose of indicating those
ih samples whose adulteration cannot be
print a primary school lesson byp pronounced upon with certainty,but Elam Livingston, rock elm
including in the report a description ' hich are in point of qualityinferior Morris. laws, , ; Ta
of the geographical situation of hisRo'of OUE to those marled "genuine." plank, $,18, i, For gravel—Jamas
„ t CoviaciL it'I�I;TINCi. Nichol $6,18, Jac. Thyro $3:18, Jas,
/ State. The essential idea of this •, p Under average in total st.-ids' is
wordy do'e6nent could be put into s, p the expression used *hen these fall The Court of Revision xnet accord- Peacock $7.77, Thos. Healy $6,70, D.
The Paint $rtasb o>id Itn xhlet without an loss and with p -below 12 per cent., and the sample Agar $6.22, E. iPard $5.21, Jas. Nie-
pamphlet Y , e 0 p cannot positively be termed "water- zn� to adjournment ;members all pre- ry T
The Scrubbing Brush, the enormous advantage of making p a Litton $1,88, Jas, Kerney $3.76, Win.
„ sent; minutes of last meeting con-
,� ed. When the butterfat rendes be- Little $3,12, S. Irvine $6,53, Thos. 111•
theyeport simple, clear, concise, read- bu
p tween 3 and 3.5 per cent, the non -fatty firmed. able, available, and much more 1 1 p solids being normal, the sample is Mr. Jas. Parish was entered owner Call $15.1], Ii. Kirkby $x.56, tiVm.
Which? i effective than in its present form. ` Y p said/to be under average in cream," of N?, lot 27, con. 8; James Nethery Knox $6.05.
p and "when the non -fatty solids fall By-law No. 7 authorizing the Reeve
The day, of the dusty carpet,tbo dirty floor and scrubbing The President twice returned to (f p below 8.25 per Cent„ the sample is entered owner of N. I) }lot 2, con. G ;
brush istVnning, A rug can bo shaLon in it minute—a painteQ ♦ WITH THE FAMO `•' S b said to be "under average" so Yar as Robt. Taylor as owner of north part and Treasurer to borrow money to
ODP sh I be cleaned with c duster. - Congress, for condensation, the I3ri- s meet the current expenditure was
stow report on the postal frauds. It S retards the latter constituents. S.E, lot 3, con, 9. On motion of assed.
contained 100,000 words, and was • 'p It is evident fcom this that in a Campbell and Taylor the Court of p
THE p lsirge number of cases the actual ques- Revision was then closed and the Roll On ell, Mr. , 1octer as a and
_ _ involved and intricate. Seventy-eight p tion of adulteration cannot be posi- Campbell, Iter, R, Procter was appoirit-
thousand words were final] cut out, GalvpizedMaple, LedShingle. p declared the A§sessment Roll for theS'HFRf�Y/N- II�ILLlAAl Y �tively decided. The quality o£ m]lIr ed Collector for the current yearat :i
reducing it to a pamphlet of 12,000 ai as it comes from the cote varies of current year.
words, course considerably, and it is just Council business was then proceed- salary S of $85 an furnishing sat ante
SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT Clear thinkers, clean-cut writers, and necessary to allow a margin that ed with. The engineer's reports on tory security for the ane performance
Guaranteed to be rust and lightning -proof. � avoids all possibility of doubt in pro- the Johnston and McDonald drains of the work,
Is eepOoIallpq prepared for Soars.. It dries quickly. It tvsm a hard, tvho Dan condense theft thoughts, are i nouneing any sample adulterates]. The Council Hien adjourned to meet
glossy nnish. It represents the dlQaronce between the flight and so rare that they are in great demand. �'he simplest Shingle t0 put 017y and W 111 Out of 319 samples of "whole milk" were presented and accepted.
the dark ride of hoaao•keeping. - , Shaw—Taylor—'that the report on again an July 11th, at 1U a.m.
Everything is covered tip with words, * collected, 8a had to be classed as W. Clark, Cleik.
words, words. The whole tendency lost & Century. * doubtful and there were 45 adulter- the Johnston drain be read at two
ated. o'clock p.m., and the report on the
of modern life [s toward diffusion. IcI)on t - '
Rhetorical Condensation is becoming a _.. p We have a complete report as to the 1 Cyd drain at 3 o'clock p, m„ on `Y
men and firms responsible for the 5attrrda , July 11th ---carried.
lost art. ! adulterated mills, but the matter
ALSO A BIG STOCI: OF (s instr etedO o ask for
Clair, Hoy To Proton Life.
o �! should not be allowed to rest there. �
0 The fact that previous publications was xnstrnct.td to ask for tenders for
Tarred aid Rubber Rudy Ree g 0 of similar reports have been followed the construction of the Mason Gras-
Burnt lits Toes BzYdly, p by an increase in the percentage of by drains up to Saturday, July 11th, i Advice Of Out
Beloved Poef, Dr.
But he will never again use a cheap `� adulteration, shows that more recti- l
corn cure containingacids. The truly 'p p tit 3 o'clock p.m. Grasby drain may Oliver Wendell Holmes.
► cal measures are necessary to prevent be tendered for in two parcels.
safe and painless ura is Putnamis from 1.50 a Square -CT wards. p
tl p b the spread 61 -fraudulent and possibly
Corn Extractor. It Haver burns, al- The Court of Revision on the Grits- TF there is one desire more strongly
ways auras, buyPutnam's, '
dangerous practices. Tit every case , than
p by, Was made the Another aa ellreuehxn at rO1�tyeatra,
where adulteration has been proved in. was opened n in
p beyond the possibility of doubt prose- per notice, aii appeal Y that desire we
to prolong life. 'Dr-
! euteon should follow, and the guilty G. T, R, Co, against their assessment Oliver Wendell Volutes when asked
t should be made to pay the penalty. on said druin, 111r. Sinclair of I3rus- how Io live long replied --"0 et a fatal
Headquarters For * This is necessary to prevent the de -
, p velapment of adulteration into afirm- sols was lmesetlt oil behalf of the. ilise�isct laud then take cera of yoltr-
* ly entrenched, commenoial interact,- Gampa.ny, l.ngweerl2agit trot, being tt`t, tvlttt tit sI�* to tltiti" people of.
� , p✓ Bicycles and p 1. A. M., of Ottawa, in Board's Thiry- present, it was tntrVed by, '1`;x7lttr rind � �i�ittSh,ttrt tillt1 ,trt� t t� tt'hing msutaii
Ar HEAD AT) OI+'F+'ICTi, 'X'OItONTO. man,
-_ ��, . �-�. ! Ueconded by Shrllt--•tb;tt t11o. Court t t7f, I
`t ar, tf ;rtt!t tr r l 1 ttu are uixt :I9 wtr � },
ftevisiott be adJ0111,1161 until S,tttttcltty, is ttse.i ria tie, V,tu nrrtlltilt get a fatal
Y 0r
Repairs t The Wood Supply, distNw;o try proloug lirkN, lint Letp tithe
U 'S
1D� i[\
Now is the very best time we shall July 11th of 10 t't,rxu- e tt'rit�tl. r3)i;t•stivty itr� ns in goo l condition,
Capital {paid Up} � ,$48,Q0() p have to out wood. Other tvorlt does Accoultt8 went ordrrttl to 6,' p:titt w4 l ki,%Q Ow bttiltly ttAsuo's; "front wasting:
► not press, and frozen ground and show follott s J;ts, fi,itvthrttit, sltavrllin�; p by tal'ing titre' tlt�hi'ittus rood livor' and
`eSCI'`V8 face n o�i � " $5,068,000 _ i► help about skidding the icgs, iavc�l, $1p, ; ,.ltt8, I`rlly. platy 1tt°til tin iltvtt4 1uv1ixtretutll, �i"into,
p on road $3 ; has. ].t, m ell, barer+ ]rout ot1 � ttletl i� hitt to pattt�nt medictnP, lett
Total As8et9l over $48,000,000 1 1� tit�lll`ltlua nwilern tett] liver lmeparrt-
Are Dour Joints .Lathe ? " grader $:5 ; tlt;ts, 1' mfr Itvr, ilrzt�I1lig ktttn without %Nil, tnatie by a scientific
W Nt T AM BTtANtiII, p lIaven't you tt wettk spot, a til:tep gravel ml sitIvrtutd, ;1: " kit. ' ` N „ • ' . '
Hardware, t gulf 11, Q f��ttt tit.ttic .it1t1 ctltteelttl tttng process
where cold and inflatri.tti+ttton always , �Vm, ` Lao M f'r=cru rn"ah tons' livers. Combining
tt lc rntlix tttttct, Mil ;
f settles ? Whether sit
is in the neje, lftraCltsttligtlt's r1rt txrtrlt tilt gt^ itlt�r, A* tt], � n hIl tt�ltttttt tttt•of•trcxu rr:il for met11-
Tlarmers Notice dtseountad. ► side, joints of lrmh„ tit cu s p t�itlal, ti�tllillg unity-brtitditig i lettterits
- -s olid rob with Nervtline Sita them llxtes ,.0 `lay lot, Wolk on wt.st btlutni. , aC ethi .liver' oil, but uo oil.
Drafts gold on all tlolnta In flail• • + w
WINGHAWw a the Molted: plates cad Faroe p appy Nervilftta Porous Plagtrr. Thev. iaty, $hilt] 1 Jiro. Clrtsoiloro, wNpalvittg Mr. Jol,'01% I3AAk of Decatur, rel„
great tubefaelants lnvamra(rly, cure ,Ilrlaraacll to bridge, $;, ,fax hellyr, in 1118 rt+tlt yetlr stays that otviilg to
strain, stvallinrC, 1vealcness rand nnt8• - lz 'Cinol hit feels stronger and younger
SAVINGS 1J 1'A» iW1 lJT, cular• pain. There is no tttyster) "ngtne hti'd tour] wood fat i; tits, thattt tit+ ha,s fol' to+r.tty ya trs.
about fluty, Netvillne is tho I1tos1 $i]•rr; W111, 13itrnr.-ti ulltlrrbtaxs11tt1fC There' ere 11t111dreda of ,old proplo
tnterost, allotted oft deposits of $1.00 And � ,
uvwsrda, and added to prinolpal quartotli, Hard are �► parlotratint# lintntent krfotvn�cona !Ind tllgging drteitt, tfilt],tt] Il, el $1,) • ttt 0119 len i y who nerd last sitar aCentral to t.rattbl real- •I. 8tret7 "then 1n:Iktr told iis8na btrtldt~r
"gttolltly' it gats tyl re t11e a ray, rlftilta{te5 hanitrlg gtrtt et, $W , .g
►' ly IN, Norvlllne I'clroui PlAetere are (� err & Walker, cement, $141. fU ; its V instil, awl 'eve :1sk thetll to try it
D, T. WHA 14911,9'6]' ' 11 great hoalors and draw atilt colt{�c!a• y oil our ofter to retut'n nl0ttt_+�yy if it ?:Ills
- � flet], Be euro you' et tial grttu3na, k'hos, ilflltety, lnttkittg r"alnent tile, tc1 the satisi'aCtiorl. J. 1 Velton Mc -
1`i. *6*4anb, flollalto
t�,�#-•�►�r�ii�i �}+���iri�, sutnrtttuten otan't cls t�o rw'arlt. tliul,t�; "CV, N.1f�rrt, t3ras'by'tlrraitr By- l�,ib an,IVlrlghant, (int.
rw. .u:W=: ,.�_�. .sea <.. �. rue......k'I.h,.7Y'.:._y'�.,rwirJry'::L:�M.x..r., i ., � ,'. .. L.?wk. � A._..
�:��.`.',:.�S �S,.•i:+w.a.�._Y;..,�... •r Sea•... i . •.,._ L:. ... 3,r'ir7. . .-�_..