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The Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 4
li I 4 THE WINCIIAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JUDY .91 1008+ A STAR im P opt p Maxlw F (1 _ R 1 _V A. 'i 11b Dh�iD1NQ VQl h. W INV )jAM _ General Hospital, In a recent issuo of Rvel' bod •'s (liarnilton tipectator,) tea .. FROM y S What still cornu decisively in the (Under 0overnment ja,speotlop.) Alugitztue is a fully illustrated article Y Zeduction Sale by P=erson ]lough entitled " The laotninion elaotion i3 the vote of that 14eaaantir situated, Beautlfnliy furnished, Slaughter of the Trees," hi which the great anti ever-growing niajoriky of opi.0 to pau regutarl llcooaod phyalclans. author in most scatliiiig terms, cls• the electors of Canada ivliich, kliotigli ilurtalogt)-1150 o $0.11` reroleoox, a000rdinu nounces the sinful and reckless. de. it Inches slowly and without glaring to cation we room, 1+or liurthor Into �� �� �Sto Btruction of the forests is the Uaited display, moves Hong the loss surety, MISS J. E, �VZT40XI JULY *7 States. „ and always in the direction of the Superintendent, The same conditions practically ob- best interests of the confederation, Hole 223, Wingliam, Oat. tain in Canada, and here as in the This majority, made tip of men of all ♦00v�♦�O��+i4�#®�®��ii`��0♦ States very little ,if anything has shades of politics, sloes in elections been done towards re•forestratlon, what it believes to be the right thing. t you i erre upens sept. ist Mr, Ilough's prophecy is its follows; It is not easily stanipedpcl by party Those who know best the merits of this Everything' in our Furnishing Department at greatly reduced prices. Now "in fifty years we shall have whole loyalty cries, and, while it Would prc- sohool are its staunchest aupportors, T . States its bare as China. The Appala- for to be with its own party in eat h is your chance to get values. L' e want money, and in order to get it, we ahians Will be stripped to bed -reale. Dasa, itrofnse;tosiiorificecoiuitry for ELLIOTT are going to sacrifice our profits. Here are some` of the prices : - The rookies. will send down vast PLAY, It slay be fooled -has been i floods, which cannot be controlled. fooled as a matter of. fact more than The Canadian forests north of the onea-brit in the end it will have its TORONTO, ONT. Great Lakes will be swept away. Our way, which in its sober judgment, is This college stands First in Popularity, Thoroughness and Genuine Merit. Uo Middle 'Vest will be bare. The Yazoo Canada's hest Way, ' where you. will, you'll tinct our graduates Hats Wash Ties Underwear Delta will be ripped apart, because no The political leaders who are foolish puahiug to the front. Their superior train. log enables them to (let and Hold first• levee will be able to stand the floods of enough to play fast and loose -with olasa positions. Colloge open all summer. Regular $3,00 and $2.50, All 60c Ties now ...... ......;..35c The Ellis Spring Needle, fin- Tenter any time. Write for catalogue. those days. '4Ve shall be living in this great majority, must sooner or hard or soft felt............$1.75 All 25c Ties now•••.•. •........190 est made, in Lisle, F1II0 Wool crowded concrete houses, and at litter reap a whirlwind harvest of de- w•• J. ELLIOTT - PRIliCIPAL Reg. $2, hard or soft felt ... $1.25 Wash Ties, -Ascots, reg. 500..35e and Balbriggan, double Elie rent we no�v pay. �Ye strnction, 7`hose leaders �vho fail to Cor. Yonge tv Alexander Ste, Reg. $1,ti0, lei is $1,C0 Reg. 15o Strings._. Regular $1.25 garment at ... 89c shall make vehicles of steel, use no present to this great majority such a fl ,t .75 ...54c wood on our farms, '4Z e shall pay program. of principles as will appeal to Sept. it .50 is ...38C ten centsfora newspaper, fifty cents its good judgment, coupled with some alp Ti op@nS Sept. Straws ws Collars it .25 ii ...19C for a magazine, as much for a lead- reasonable evidence of abilityto make 1 $2.00 Sailor or Boater ...... $1.40 Rubber Collars anystyle, pencil. Cotton will be immensely those principles effective if returned ������� 1,25 " " 75 Linen Cullers, lin style, Pants higher. Beef will be the privilege twice to power, gantlet hope for of slow J , $1.76 $1.25 regular 26c ....................19C n the few. Clothing will cost twice lieu.. The great majority is not slow cc << i_ Y y, convinced; neither is /� .50 lei ii (boys') .30 regular 20e.....,.,,.•..........14c what it does to da Like Chinamen to sat when it is c Tweed Worsted, and our or To aildren will e for food. ke the We shallil for sl shiver i peal tto its comm cult to Ince when rho ato he RATFORD.u co ONT. • �_g ^ IOe ' • g p on sense' and not to The snorter you complete a course in c. c, Y,1I18[t end Cc'illl'SiS �AtS 15 Regular "`. ,""""""""" "" ' a cold, and barn in a heat, never be art emotion. ihI9 school the sooner you may expect Reg. $3.50, cream flannel party hold a position of trust. Our courses are 5p0 with teen stripes- fore felt in this temperature zone; This is the lesson of fire Ontario thorough anti praotioaL our students Regular 750 ................... � USe g p . "I" a3•s sucreed. wo assist graduates to It fiOC..................... 3 C Re $2.25 Pants .....:....•.$1.75 meant by God as a comfortable grow- election, which resulted in the over- pposiEiona,. Wehave three departments - 5 g• Commercial, Shorthand tt: 'lolegraphie. 5e ' Regular 50c black and fano Reg. $1.65 and ,$1•.50........$1.25 tug place for splendid human betngs�- whelming defeat bf the opposition and Ivo employ experienced instructors. l; Y _ unless we wake up. triumphant victory 'of the govern- Catalogue free. 35c ............... 2 Cashmere and Silkmixed.•38e OVERALLS ment, It was the undemonstrative Reg. 25c Cashmere, Lisle or et none the less positive voice of the ELLIOTT d. IPALBMcLHt AN Caps Fancy Cotton ................. 19c Reg $1.25, black or blue.....98c y PflINCIPAL; Re 200 .................150 Re $1.00, with or without great majority declaring for the lead- ...,,3 g• c� g'' er whose policy seemed to it the best Regular ,$1,00 extra quality Re 15C i" loc bib••••••............•••- "•••••75o a,nd whose guarantee of ability to l;• • • • • • • • • • • • SUh1E7'itiNO ABOUT SALT. y Tweed or Cravenette, at ... 65C .' Children's, Misses' and Youths' Reg. 75C, with or without make good was satisfying. And the CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Reg. 75c Re 50c ii i` 35C 6 to 10, extra cod weareas, stearin GOe Dominion leaders may as well snake Reg. 250, alltstales nd Golf..... 19e 6 to 10, extra in all sizes from bib.......................'....... Dr. J. H, Kellogg of Battle Creek is up their minds at once that this same these out at and below bottom Y _ an expert on food values and this is iindemonstrativo et positive voice t prices. Sweaters, Work Shirts, Belts, what Ile has to say about Salt y P Winghana Chicle, No. 3 Fancy Vests Gloves, Jewelry, Umbrellas, y will speak the word that will mark c. ,................ - Shirts Armlets, Garters, Night Shirts, "It is a general supposition that their fate in the nest general election. A4cota the sat Thursday In each month, y Handkerchiefs etc. Ever - salt is indispensable as an article of The electors of Canada are coming d the Chisholm Ilan, l s s rm.a Candi- , Y dates for chew reliable Insurance are thin at great reduction for diet, litany people suppose that life more into consciousness of the fact solicited. Ask to see our rates from any W. G. R., the best made. g g of the officers. Ladies' risks aocepted at Extra quality and make. Cash. cannot be sustained without it. that they are better oft' when they do the same rate as men. , Reg. "$1.75 and $1.50 Regat- - Nevertheless, there are numerous facts their own thinking. Events at Otta- ...��. Ray. T. S. BOYI.E T. E. GOBI\6oN to or Negligee Coat or Regular $3.00 at ............$1.95 which indicate that this popular sup-wa are forcingthein to do some most Leade le t .. s s positiony p p g g` now, and l y.w. J. WyLus - Fin. Secretary cry Reg. $1.25 and $1.00......$1.85 ii $1.75 and $1.50.•.$1.X9 are afew of the man that he following, orrunconsc oust the politicians ans at the s �Recret Reg. 75e and 85c ............ .49 ii $1.25 .........•....... .84 Tailoring a Specialty. presented:- capital are by their acts determining It s n well. political futures ���>it �l��NNN�M►�N I "1. Salt is a mineral i oli al utur s for Canada The established fact that animal life C. Harty in power, after the next general N N: not be sustained by the use of inor- election, as was the case in Ontario, We're going out of Children's Wear. Come, we'll almost give them away. ganic or mineral substances as food. will be that party whose policy and I You ,Make I 4. It is an antiseptic. And when so fast as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They taken in any considerable quantities tone up the whale digestive system, it read interferes with digestion. regulate and strengthen the stomach, greatly ' g absolutely cure dyspepsia. Simple to ''S Ti. ' of s to n sort take and sure to cure, better try Dr. + r is n Hees sary s• pl rj l�!lY�� animal Iife, as shown by the fact that Flamilton's Pills. o its use is confined to a very small = Record p Theo. Hall - Pro rietor. minority of the animal kingdom. .p -Breaking Ppifignes Proprietor. 0. It is not necessary to sustain Alma Has es crier human life., as is conclusively shown advantages i Protection and Safe by several facts : Scores of people Ladies Music, Fine j�{��• r who have been accustomed to its use Art, Elocution 1nyestment f0bitortal have wholly discarded it, not only and Physical Cul- jjj �j11 jj(UU1llj College { u r e, Domestic �,,.,,�,..,,Z- without detriment to their health, ARE aoimrNan' iN New Spring Dress Goods. Special value' from but with positive im rovement. 11111- Science, Business College Courses, -Canada has paid, during the years p P . I cents t0 I.00 per yard. All colors. lions of human beings in Central and Literary and Scientific Courses, al- } 5 1� ) that the bounties -on iron and steel g so Public School Classes for young The Endowment Policies A large assortment of beautiful dress Muslins have been in existence,$ 5,108,223 as Southern Africa, in Siberia, and in girls. Cheerful, wholesome, home--�pF._, from 10 cents to o cents per yard. bountyon i iron, on steel ingots other parts of the world, subsist _ pig g like. for Catalogue, address : New English Prints extra wide. $4,450,525; on articles manufactured entirety without salt. Tliis is not alto- m. , n 6 • gather because salt,dannot be obtain- "The Rei; rar,"ALMACOIIEG)r`, The Dominion Life American and Canadian Frints, from 7 to IO from steel,, such as rolled angles, 1 St. Thoma., Ont. o ed; for in Southern Africa where salt cents per yard, New Gin Elms Persian Lawn plates and wit© rods, $1,1,473. The A sound g p Y Ginghams, ' ' Large or small sums may bounty upon lead amounting to $7.12,- able nds, nefther human beings nor , well managed India Lawn Organdies etc. lower animals make an use of it Canadian Life Assurance Company. : r, be deposited or withdrawn h s. During the last four years there y b J. I {�7 �T A large assortment of new Lawn and Mulle p has been paid out in bounties on the whale -•ver." ARTgUR J. IRWIN I11 _ Average rate of Interest Waists as desired. production of crude petroleum a stun D.D.S.,L,D.S. earned in 1906- Shirt tri aists for ladies ; very special value. of $1,204,135, 6.73 PER CENT. - Ladies' Whitewear, beautifully trimmed -cheap. * Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- y nsylvania College and Lteent ate of = -Signs continue to multiply that IT IS SAID. Dental Surgery of Ontario, WALTER T. HALL _..._.........,......, _ ._...._.,,. ..._... WiNGHAM BRANCH the commercial and industrial depres- -Office in Macdonald 'Block- Local Agent wingham. ] nn Hosiery, cion, beginning last November, (so far Special ! 11 C. P. SMITH - Agent a$ Canada at least is concerned,) is A stiff walk cures headache. nearing its end, and tbnt another era A good rhinoceros is worth $1500. AV. J. PRICE E of normal, if not abnormal, activity To keep the mouth closed is the g.s,A,, L.D,s., D.D.S. % Fine, pure Cashmere, reg. 35 to 5o cents -for will soon be upon us. Even in the best preventive of cold. a r P lienor Graduate et University et Toronto _ 25c per pair. See our line of the ��• I;ARNVI;LL Boys' United States, where the financial and Licentiate of Royal Collego of ]"i ase, double leg, guaranteed stainless and extra y Automobiling has caused both Dental Surgeons of ontario, stringency has been much more smoking and drinking to decline. IN B O acute than in Canada, there are Indi- cations hostrich is the swiftest runner. BEAVER BLOCK - Wlilalldai heavy. The , - of returning optimism. And Igo pairs of Ladies' and Children's Shoes to there is every reason why Canada It can do a mile a minute, be cleared out at 5o cents on the dollar. ��� �� �h '♦U�?►ti" NriS�l�iP��!!'N4A� should precede the United States in Suicide in the Austrian army aver. the upward movement. ages 12 in the 1000. This is thePROPERTIES *,r* retard. 3 Coal -Re itrdin the Western cropout- Batter perfumed with violet or o look, he Winnipeg Tribune s ys :- rose is sometimes served itt fashion- FOR AL Floor Coverings, •: able dinners, b Every condition at the present ; moment is favorable, and for that we holding the pen between the first 11'ratlie Cottage............Minnie St. i Linoleums 2 and yards wide, also Oil - are stock all dilly and deeply thankful. and second lingers -cures writer's Frame Cottage ............ Patrick St. the celebrated Scranton Coal, Lumber (dressed or undres- There does not seem to be a single cramp invariably, Frame Cottage.• . North St. cloths ; we are making special reductions on all s6d) Shingles, Lath Cedar + ` `• ' ". , ' 'which has no nal. g > > district in this great western wheat Frame Cotta e...... ..Frances St. these �llnes. 04 g As 3ott tale tip your cards in a g ' Posts, Barrela, eta. country of a thousand miles in lenggth, Frame 11 Story ., .Victoria St. � o pieces pf Carpet, 2 in, to 1 yard wide, to Also the best grades of where the signs are not favorable, game of bridge you hold one of 086;- a y •• 5 p P % Smithing, Cannel and Do- The aro i, if harvested without mis• 01:3,659,000 possible hands, wrAme 1 j Story.... ...Edward St, ` _ be sold at cost and under. mastic Coal and Wood of Highest Price Paid for all hap, will bring to the 'Vest snore The speed of transmission in over- Frame 1 J Story.... .,....Scott St. money per head of population than Franie 2 Story ...Minnie St, r all kindp always on hand. . kinds of Logo. trobabl has ever been distributed in head wires is 10,000 milesa second; itt .,,Victoria St. i ' g 1 y Brick i j Story America among it like number of poo- submarine wires, 6020 miles. _..... ,, le for a season's labots." trick 1 Story...............J'ohn St. ti ++ un The Wool season is now at hand and we are Residence Phone, No. 6i P Piano playing, a >'rench scientist Brick 2 Story (new)..."Victoria St. M1 IPERIAL - SHOES Y0 arpd far it with lite finest range of beau :. claims, is to be blamed for the ma'ori- - Y ot>ace Na. Oh 1 prepared Mill No. 44"MC� --Present indications show that the ty of nervous disorders fiote which Brick 1. Story,. ....Josephine St. J, >aEAN Fralne 1 Story,.,...,...Frances St.. - in all the years that we've been Blankets and all kinds of Yarn. great movement against the saloon young girls suffer. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. selling shoes we never remember Bring along your produce and secure some of 1 IN NAA �M1►UNM -- - + ►+►se,r in the United States i's not confined The owl cannot move its eye, bait, Properties in Isltsttsant Valley, Lower anythtn$to equal the value we're the bargains. especially to the great southern and by way of compensation, can turn its Town Town Plot, Greenville, Chis- - ., , glwng now,'in "imperial" Shoes Best Flour always on hand. �- - eastern areas. The cause of State head round in almost a complete Dir- holmtown and in the central Parts of • prohibition is advancing rapidly cle without moving Its body'. the town, for ladies and gentlemen., s 1 �i-�t •��• TT l throughout the Western States. The m.�r.-.�„• _ . .. ...,........... ,,,,, ...:.� ... ,. ...,,..........,, .....u........... ,..... STiBSC�. im, Fon •L� �}MIt .1LLVItON S' g A Nott or a tiger could outrun a man OATS , AND St Vs. We want you to see for your. llepubliean State convention for WH CLAN StJIT YOU. �^ for half a mile, but both animals tire self bevy odd the real] are. •� zJtrashingtoil recently declared For DONT A�1; SI?EAIC AT ONCR. ...«, ., 6 y.. Y 1_II.' ADIXG :P.APTIM- local Option. Following this, the short-winded, and in a three mile Choice Fi►rtns at right 1lrlesa and Eve" ry pair sold udder Ail itbs6lute Ifemocratic State Convention met and rano the roan would easily will, an alta terms. guaranteo,"�"W bleb shows.the doclared for submitting n State pt•ohl• y i bition law to the popular vote, This Where tiro whalebone product used 114Si.JRANYIP--Ail hinds, maker*s confjdenca in leather and - s ills plank of the platform was Adopted by to avornge 1;000,000 pounds a year, it y in ham Advance 1mARM LI -Low rates, workrrlanshi . The a roll'eall vote of 001 tfr OS There is a now averages less tlra,tz 200,000 pounds. ,��t !��__ �, large measure of 'public sentttnent ill The price has risen to $0 a potted. imperial" aes are •ln ;d,ClaSs the west, favorable to both local and ■M � . $1,00 PER ANNUM question be submitted the e Isl god wporilil is that of the Siellian sul hur by'themtelves. ; p The unhealthiest aces atititY In tiir3 .� ffi 9 reason to heli"ve soma temperance miners. Out of 40M of these Amen ` c vlototles would r'oatilt its rtm rkable dill 200 roved, on a recent oXailiAti• R POR SALLA RY {l* 5iltlUal' S� J. �� tut tliase stated tritely itt ettatotm terri- hALS'Z'�iTlti AND Oe 1 , tar%he, , ittlob, R� tot military sotvloo, INStMANCR `VV'1*011A>� tiI 6. (IRCE WYN(INAM t` j 4a.Y, L i:, z+-•, ,� .z.,. „�� n'fk t 'Pt .�:. 4A a a1 �. _ 6i-.,(c.r.�i,Y. ..,. - ....1.. •r•' .m....,.._ ..._..._ - ..:.. Vegetables subsist upon inorganic record approach most closely the ideal + Robt.' Maxlw matter, while animals require organiz- ed matter for their food. "2. Salt is an irritant. And when sot tip by the great silent majority c among the electors of Canada. 4 i taken into the it system produces Are You A Dyspeptic ? irritating effects. This is indicated by + > • Tailor and Mens Furnisher, to the men who care dryness of the throat, and acceleration Nine people out of ten suffer from 4 dyspepsia and don't know it. Halfthe , of the pulse. ale cheeks,appetiteor -_ �. "3. When taken into the system it Y else pass nights r©othe eef rest it P _.. .. .,.. .. .. :., i is not used, being expelled unchanged, of dyspepsia. The cause. lies in failure , liver, of the stomach and kidneys are clog- ged and unable to do their work. ' depurating organs, Nothing puts vigor into those organs 4. It is an antiseptic. And when so fast as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They taken in any considerable quantities tone up the whale digestive system, it read interferes with digestion. regulate and strengthen the stomach, greatly ' g absolutely cure dyspepsia. Simple to ''S Ti. ' of s to n sort take and sure to cure, better try Dr. + r is n Hees sary s• pl rj l�!lY�� animal Iife, as shown by the fact that Flamilton's Pills. o its use is confined to a very small = Record p Theo. Hall - Pro rietor. minority of the animal kingdom. .p -Breaking Ppifignes Proprietor. 0. It is not necessary to sustain Alma Has es crier human life., as is conclusively shown advantages i Protection and Safe by several facts : Scores of people Ladies Music, Fine j�{��• r who have been accustomed to its use Art, Elocution 1nyestment f0bitortal have wholly discarded it, not only and Physical Cul- jjj �j11 jj(UU1llj College { u r e, Domestic �,,.,,�,..,,Z- without detriment to their health, ARE aoimrNan' iN New Spring Dress Goods. Special value' from but with positive im rovement. 11111- Science, Business College Courses, -Canada has paid, during the years p P . I cents t0 I.00 per yard. All colors. lions of human beings in Central and Literary and Scientific Courses, al- } 5 1� ) that the bounties -on iron and steel g so Public School Classes for young The Endowment Policies A large assortment of beautiful dress Muslins have been in existence,$ 5,108,223 as Southern Africa, in Siberia, and in girls. Cheerful, wholesome, home--�pF._, from 10 cents to o cents per yard. bountyon i iron, on steel ingots other parts of the world, subsist _ pig g like. for Catalogue, address : New English Prints extra wide. $4,450,525; on articles manufactured entirety without salt. Tliis is not alto- m. , n 6 • gather because salt,dannot be obtain- "The Rei; rar,"ALMACOIIEG)r`, The Dominion Life American and Canadian Frints, from 7 to IO from steel,, such as rolled angles, 1 St. Thoma., Ont. o ed; for in Southern Africa where salt cents per yard, New Gin Elms Persian Lawn plates and wit© rods, $1,1,473. The A sound g p Y Ginghams, ' ' Large or small sums may bounty upon lead amounting to $7.12,- able nds, nefther human beings nor , well managed India Lawn Organdies etc. lower animals make an use of it Canadian Life Assurance Company. : r, be deposited or withdrawn h s. During the last four years there y b J. I {�7 �T A large assortment of new Lawn and Mulle p has been paid out in bounties on the whale -•ver." ARTgUR J. IRWIN I11 _ Average rate of Interest Waists as desired. production of crude petroleum a stun D.D.S.,L,D.S. earned in 1906- Shirt tri aists for ladies ; very special value. of $1,204,135, 6.73 PER CENT. - Ladies' Whitewear, beautifully trimmed -cheap. * Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- y nsylvania College and Lteent ate of = -Signs continue to multiply that IT IS SAID. Dental Surgery of Ontario, WALTER T. HALL _..._.........,......, _ ._...._.,,. ..._... WiNGHAM BRANCH the commercial and industrial depres- -Office in Macdonald 'Block- Local Agent wingham. ] nn Hosiery, cion, beginning last November, (so far Special ! 11 C. P. SMITH - Agent a$ Canada at least is concerned,) is A stiff walk cures headache. nearing its end, and tbnt another era A good rhinoceros is worth $1500. AV. J. PRICE E of normal, if not abnormal, activity To keep the mouth closed is the g.s,A,, L.D,s., D.D.S. % Fine, pure Cashmere, reg. 35 to 5o cents -for will soon be upon us. Even in the best preventive of cold. a r P lienor Graduate et University et Toronto _ 25c per pair. See our line of the ��• I;ARNVI;LL Boys' United States, where the financial and Licentiate of Royal Collego of ]"i ase, double leg, guaranteed stainless and extra y Automobiling has caused both Dental Surgeons of ontario, stringency has been much more smoking and drinking to decline. IN B O acute than in Canada, there are Indi- cations hostrich is the swiftest runner. BEAVER BLOCK - Wlilalldai heavy. The , - of returning optimism. And Igo pairs of Ladies' and Children's Shoes to there is every reason why Canada It can do a mile a minute, be cleared out at 5o cents on the dollar. ��� �� �h '♦U�?►ti" NriS�l�iP��!!'N4A� should precede the United States in Suicide in the Austrian army aver. the upward movement. ages 12 in the 1000. This is thePROPERTIES *,r* retard. 3 Coal -Re itrdin the Western cropout- Batter perfumed with violet or o look, he Winnipeg Tribune s ys :- rose is sometimes served itt fashion- FOR AL Floor Coverings, •: able dinners, b Every condition at the present ; moment is favorable, and for that we holding the pen between the first 11'ratlie Cottage............Minnie St. i Linoleums 2 and yards wide, also Oil - are stock all dilly and deeply thankful. and second lingers -cures writer's Frame Cottage ............ Patrick St. the celebrated Scranton Coal, Lumber (dressed or undres- There does not seem to be a single cramp invariably, Frame Cottage.• . North St. cloths ; we are making special reductions on all s6d) Shingles, Lath Cedar + ` `• ' ". , ' 'which has no nal. g > > district in this great western wheat Frame Cotta e...... ..Frances St. these �llnes. 04 g As 3ott tale tip your cards in a g ' Posts, Barrela, eta. country of a thousand miles in lenggth, Frame 11 Story ., .Victoria St. � o pieces pf Carpet, 2 in, to 1 yard wide, to Also the best grades of where the signs are not favorable, game of bridge you hold one of 086;- a y •• 5 p P % Smithing, Cannel and Do- The aro i, if harvested without mis• 01:3,659,000 possible hands, wrAme 1 j Story.... ...Edward St, ` _ be sold at cost and under. mastic Coal and Wood of Highest Price Paid for all hap, will bring to the 'Vest snore The speed of transmission in over- Frame 1 J Story.... .,....Scott St. money per head of population than Franie 2 Story ...Minnie St, r all kindp always on hand. . kinds of Logo. trobabl has ever been distributed in head wires is 10,000 milesa second; itt .,,Victoria St. i ' g 1 y Brick i j Story America among it like number of poo- submarine wires, 6020 miles. _..... ,, le for a season's labots." trick 1 Story...............J'ohn St. ti ++ un The Wool season is now at hand and we are Residence Phone, No. 6i P Piano playing, a >'rench scientist Brick 2 Story (new)..."Victoria St. M1 IPERIAL - SHOES Y0 arpd far it with lite finest range of beau :. claims, is to be blamed for the ma'ori- - Y ot>ace Na. Oh 1 prepared Mill No. 44"MC� --Present indications show that the ty of nervous disorders fiote which Brick 1. Story,. ....Josephine St. J, >aEAN Fralne 1 Story,.,...,...Frances St.. - in all the years that we've been Blankets and all kinds of Yarn. great movement against the saloon young girls suffer. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. selling shoes we never remember Bring along your produce and secure some of 1 IN NAA �M1►UNM -- - + ►+►se,r in the United States i's not confined The owl cannot move its eye, bait, Properties in Isltsttsant Valley, Lower anythtn$to equal the value we're the bargains. especially to the great southern and by way of compensation, can turn its Town Town Plot, Greenville, Chis- - ., , glwng now,'in "imperial" Shoes Best Flour always on hand. �- - eastern areas. The cause of State head round in almost a complete Dir- holmtown and in the central Parts of • prohibition is advancing rapidly cle without moving Its body'. the town, for ladies and gentlemen., s 1 �i-�t •��• TT l throughout the Western States. The m.�r.-.�„• _ . .. ...,........... ,,,,, ...:.� ... ,. ...,,..........,, .....u........... ,..... STiBSC�. im, Fon •L� �}MIt .1LLVItON S' g A Nott or a tiger could outrun a man OATS , AND St Vs. We want you to see for your. llepubliean State convention for WH CLAN StJIT YOU. �^ for half a mile, but both animals tire self bevy odd the real] are. •� zJtrashingtoil recently declared For DONT A�1; SI?EAIC AT ONCR. ...«, ., 6 y.. Y 1_II.' ADIXG :P.APTIM- local Option. Following this, the short-winded, and in a three mile Choice Fi►rtns at right 1lrlesa and Eve" ry pair sold udder Ail itbs6lute Ifemocratic State Convention met and rano the roan would easily will, an alta terms. guaranteo,"�"W bleb shows.the doclared for submitting n State pt•ohl• y i bition law to the popular vote, This Where tiro whalebone product used 114Si.JRANYIP--Ail hinds, maker*s confjdenca in leather and - s ills plank of the platform was Adopted by to avornge 1;000,000 pounds a year, it y in ham Advance 1mARM LI -Low rates, workrrlanshi . The a roll'eall vote of 001 tfr OS There is a now averages less tlra,tz 200,000 pounds. ,��t !��__ �, large measure of 'public sentttnent ill The price has risen to $0 a potted. imperial" aes are •ln ;d,ClaSs the west, favorable to both local and ■M � . $1,00 PER ANNUM question be submitted the e Isl god wporilil is that of the Siellian sul hur by'themtelves. ; p The unhealthiest aces atititY In tiir3 .� ffi 9 reason to heli"ve soma temperance miners. Out of 40M of these Amen ` c vlototles would r'oatilt its rtm rkable dill 200 roved, on a recent oXailiAti• R POR SALLA RY {l* 5iltlUal' S� J. �� tut tliase stated tritely itt ettatotm terri- hALS'Z'�iTlti AND Oe 1 , tar%he, , ittlob, R� tot military sotvloo, INStMANCR `VV'1*011A>� tiI 6. (IRCE WYN(INAM t` j 4a.Y, L i:, z+-•, ,� .z.,. „�� n'fk t 'Pt .�:. 4A a a1 �. _ 6i-.,(c.r.�i,Y. ..,. - ....1.. •r•' .m....,.._ ..._..._ - ..:..