HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 3KI C IFA , * *( -k. 1, r;TWW,_4 , .-,-,z, . r 1- , , "K' _ ' j� I I � 11 11 I . � , . . �� -----. - ______ .- - - . � . . .. 11 I AAA011, 100PIM 04 ;. 0 I A_ � ,*, . , . , . . �. . . ' ' ' ' ' ' I . � I I b .------.— - '!�!�!�!'��!! 1". , � . . . -1 . -_1-_,__..i"7!: !-,,' ___,!!!!�-­!i1'"0"'— - '. �b. 'k I i 141 A ,, A PQ , :,*,*"Aft*- b ,440�A-w' /, - , , F4010, ­ ­ . I � 11 -1, J L�l I I � ­ .. - I ­ : L - I—' I I . 1, . I I �­_.__ '_ . , " � . � � I I 1. M. , ::�!! "7 lr-!�t'o` 0. , . �.. . I - . � — � I � I � I .11 I . I " : , 11 !_�J.l 1! Owl ,� _ �': . AW � , , '. , ' "' . , - �-- —, , I t: rw!7!t!:::��"; � ��,4-�,�ttt"' - , �� �,- �`­ . - , __ _�, I 0 , 'P, All 4, \ ,,,, __ , , , , ,,# I * In beAutiful order, and keel her tempar� . '_� . ­ I - , rQ iiinluch of tile 41)JIllal even intuo **�-- �"oLm.opl* Stilphate, AvIllch haig k=cAlir tile *;ame, � $1160gettes Plead for Plank tot Republican National -Platform, in Favor ,the- CAUtt4i, ­ I .1. � *,P,0�,�r�014 offoct. ,*W"*" 4V#,4ov,,,#,,*i,ig,14k04A"" , ., , 0hristlan w4n. � 0 LV 1� . Itm ii "Lot her alwayo be zoat and sulart : - "In Addition to tills, it IV advi4able to 1 ;, U A4 I I � of Eqaal Po 1, Rights for Wome � 11. Don't, preter14 to he f 100 the blood evoll re.fl,111111lig froul tx- - 4�1 A00A -_ 4 I . 114ca ,a when alone with her husband, And not, . - qF1 orelle) wh1ohi hogt;j'And Indnees. por8l-ir,k. � . . - Z R F C >_ I - I I . . ffritton before the convention by Ada I woinen delega0a will mako, aildressea Retard, the istopa of tboso who nobly, merely whou entertaining company. lie Richer Than You A . tion, whilo tile rollion 10 III tile gyhtelm 1 :� AMONG THE JEWS ­ 111*&14 �Vb I I � ' � .. I 1. . I 7 X i � :Ii - - "_�r L. k I have seen a mild case. of pt)i , 7. � Ilues to see his wife well turiloct-out, And . re . _ __ I ioulv Am. . I XAy greaRer.) pointing to the benefit% derived frpm pray. It 14 tier buslueor, to be pleasing in bar 0 graN. - I , NEWS NOW, APINT THUN FROMA. - . womaulis vote in t1w states, lyllere site I transform floods of tears to rainbow .eyes. So many women dreilli to I , tj�� *******_ '*,* L.J atod by beated blood untit Perhaps It Is because, Prosideut Reioiao- O 0 If" . � � � . I . ­.. I . I I � I � � I 1!� * 4� frightfully pAinfill, and it bec.lula . I Followed Instructions, LL tj . casts A, ballot, bile, ... actually serjous,, , AL MR, T111 WOUP "Do ,you know,", said j._,olly, q gevor velt favors woman suffrAgo and urges Its. � ' better than ot)ier womeul, Let a woman By rraox J, Brown, In iohlps,go Sunday ... �Vroading Into, purtif of tile 1),)4y whict, , I&I'l playllcl ll, Rallip of golf III illy life, i � 41)04tloo to qeoura oatother suffrage __ .17rallauluto tile sigbo to precious dr,ops. dress to be pleasing Always In the eyes � � State. Perhqpo it to be4quoo Liiwa Women HAVO Was, of dewi of tier husband, and It TrIbuDe. 1144 not beell exposed to culitact, 0110 � - 3114 whi'll 1 481it4l. the old Scotchilldil, 1: � S�oretttry I b Ill not be o a F&WQ Pride 444 tho dosipil to appoor rleii- 31141), WIIQ (1411le to file, had )Its 411k�,s ,so , *iIl"1QS*"* -; tbi% first 011119 full tile to � do lie . ,S*Opt � what iva; � . . The noiseless noise of wind that tills in a wilt her sod,t),r". or WW giorq i4n&xm4at u�,w ogo u,,"quily iii olvollea by blisters that tie couId not, ",tim (worge ."CAlloic-i'a"r liriyo for ta - - i look"111 at nle just lll�e thig Anil � Iy 0114 when other mQn Are , 4"S40044 ", , ft, a favorite 4014111" for tile Pros- Some of the laws wlik,h have been $all, Never offel� A, inall excuses" and do n said. � lilene of the volulng national Itembli- , Ot axe the causal or numoroum la,tle w4valw _ - .tL CA , 4 woman $ill P"Be'd by,the aid Of the f"'Ifill Vote Urge the oternal hope to pierce tl%Q yell, 1, .0 U)40 a -cid wo;Iiiau. Wine- $11008, They were twice their VAACOMent of the knowledge of (lerinall, 11vot. ilsaill", . r ir ke6P 11114 waiting white you put on your f`4 i'llc lives ot th W11111, 0 .A oonvoutiou, fa,vo ago Arot Nia� � 4118 natlirl-11110811M, 11114 0-0crusted thick with language And literature Among tile 4 u- I I an Ili car ,in. that it will colue, Verlialis Wife's earnings find pn,solvtl property T. put lin edge of pity In in) r ye , things. 14160 V1400 10A04 one b`044'44 U40 t -. "Thea lyllat did You (lot" . I bar.; Ar luiving turroa vaoiltiCs Vith wiriva the Irritating little pimples. I found, 1!0 cle"to of tile I'lliversity of pennsyls'an1% , 'I booted, of course," It. is merely )xwAusa the sufffragette,i , P a r "To tile wife I ,say, 'Never vag, never W keep up the vwtl4n. *oiguamw the tia,i:w h(ka been riding 4 hicycle a gre ,-.-.--. not received froin hughand iii tier sole Life's ultimate is calm a-nd free from B - . 3t dQal� %�'114 Awarded this, vP.;I` to �)IIJ$S 4thel themselves tire botli zeA cold, never cryl I These tricks of wo. P4440 14 We 'Young womwi NY01 liola;l T,o 10A :C ,Iful and oont!" control. Wyllming, Colorado, Utati, � Ill, re, t, divoAve cour�-Zqi will drivei -tbu 14*a tti� drInkA - Audi Instead Df 010 poison passing away 0104011,81cl, of P)104401,pllta� $Ida . , - dent that, the National AnlflriCall Woman ahQ. 04 men often bring them, what they wan It galto pride on two pial,t of t � Light on .History, ' Suffrage Association h4s prepared to Subdued Ili spirit all desires unshod, but the , lie wliv A44 Ill a QOUPIO Of Wftkii, it had grown yeryl By far tile ,upilt important worl. ever 11 � Spouse"o, interest equill Ili caoh other's My Prayers Are ended Ili the, mount of Juan IV y kill their husband's love, No lituband dQ03 got go Thwt f'Ar R gollorally much worse., un&rttlken Israel I'lutualn. had shot the wolf. flinit, � . ased­p 4 t4vu, ILYw 'AWW" h blication .1 be presented to tile Resolutions Cot al estate, W,voilillig, Colorado, Ute'll, ants to be te, eyon by his 90" far 04"Ou0i t4o in us '"ne ITIOM tiling worth remembering twcie.ty 'il lladl�'t PrIVIlik"d 011 tile neighboll'a .� too, of the, NationAl Republican Couvell, 1`40% coal Wife., TrY to loot; like the flowers, even able lit their 1104014 0414 %UrA tb*r "heaven" . I I is tile proposed trausl4tioll, Ili pgtli for nothbig,', lie said, lookinI, I tioa A resolution 'whIQ11, If as Idaho, I When ther, 14 lie, sllnsllllla,� i4to An Wargo, is when bile ))as t�e least suspicion lie tile Ilebrew ilrolmil, . i _Aed, .%vould "I belilevo to one kilowl4l 131410 illto English- '4110 * from fo Equal pay foil equAl Nvork, regardless Daniel -saw visions, and you L � I I . ; fits 1ImItat1o;i%#" ]IRS been exposed to ivy, not to toil Central irce of habit, for a place w1wre � . .1 .;, .;, .Balif 4 colgirl , I _AISSIQU Lou" -omployce. , be oil commit the grand old parfy, to the on- 0 ­ I Q,I: . his fam with his ]land 0011ferelloo of American Rabbis Ile, could bury the animal. in drealut dreRms, Visions Are 11,12 'Ile source of aft Intestinal t PeNo that a mug Should C01141 -dor aW R � 8 until he has Wilt ass st irk tills undertaking, of Sex. Wyonijug, Utah (by,custm ko bal! The I , dorasuleat and oupport of feminine on- COI TQ"Ies shod thoroughly, Tile skill Around Yet lie didn't forgol; to Apply toi- 4 . l 1. orado And Idaho), loolis, they rise above the clouds but is tho common house fly, blRbuzz is the I flog And We AfXe of )Its J�Qckett,DQJC ONO WR� fra I emont. I - I Uabbt David, 1,11111lisoll, of Cincinnati, bounty oil the wolfis $04 �. rich. $ 61101111a not he 10 to adAvt otifuuitulda of liv- the,, eyes hi very sensitive to poison, and . Ill a sel,11.011 at Olualla , , Iii, Be tile reason what it will, the roso- Professions aut), All public offices open let 4,11 roinember that ballast And' all, first symptom of typhoid, Wilson?,s Fly . Ing'wIllob. are above. his Income. it you Are it if; not_vory. I Nob., Interpreted �* lution is . ran.4, and Is to be Commenilocl to Nvomen. Wyoming, Colorado, 'UtAth, cbor are necessary for these -voyages, - Pad is tile only tiling that kills than, earniag *12,uli per do It bol I, up V - . �Ieaanllt to, ))five hot , . a , W a Us top . I b eyes tile lui§sloij of tile I and Idaho. Joel saw armies, the caterpillar, tile all pearlagloo _o g John W. autw. out ,Out yoolar shut lip b,y tills I'Alueloss 'And Jew. I -le asserted . QOTJ141DN'T IJIT H141, 1. to the consideration of the gentlemen of 4 . . AIIWISO and omnipotent 4tr. I)oult look as weed.11 . - noxious, that reformed Judil,lain. discarded tile' Vivitor-To what do you a,ttribute, � A . � the Republican 1 Jury service opiev to women. Utalinnd cankerworm, the pallnerworm. 'My, . I :1 - Z� . it You Vora going, to t4mble cut a dozen , idea of rebuilding tile Temple, your � I )arty by a, committee, of 1. � �: � I , - 11-1 I , tile re- faaR lit&, de$PltQ the' Illness you've had. .. . Idaho. No prohibition Ill WyOuiing and great arlity," saitb God, Ili the prize, Sugar Cane Now U%ed to Make Paper. XWIvOrVI#es And threq fsoolv ),Ibrarlos from , cstauliallmeI _' BrQacho Pota-Ba . , ,d mioemanwillp principal- :,, half a dozen chosen suffrage orators and , it of tile Priesthood and the , ;.r, , leaders, andwill. be endowed. -with aepen- Colorado ",d women t�liera Act no jur. ring there Are lightweig'lits and heavy- your sleeve, Leave that 0 Cargo* =4 . FARM HORSES, return' to Jorustileili forever, . .� I weights, and these must be matched. Sugar paper is the nowest kind It ROCLO1,011,0r. Try to aippour ;what you 4otup,11 I The dis. ­ i , tuated weight by 'the courtesies And ors. When God fighta with Inall, He fight is 4 product of the Island of Trinjilad ly Are, no "oft, no lass. — � perslon of tile Jewf4 all over the, faqe of As to Oklahomp, I . civic honors accorded t1lo delegates. to R quall ty in inheritance for both -W - all � IM1131, WITRIN YOUR MEANS, � �Poking. After Them In a Rationid the earth, lie declared , . � .1th worms and lice anabugs and frogst d the Inverition*ot a sugar planter, � wao not a curse, : the Republican National Convention And "X09. Mr 1441110, a the iltalks "This. waxuiag I would i*poaaiiy malco b Manner in Summer. but a call to service in all national' Speaking �Pf tornadoes," observed tile I . .�O`Mfilg, QOIOrAd0, Utah, Small things are great things wItl - V110 has found how to us to There is rpQ aigre iMVprtaut agl,ng on t,1113: bo'll, 1.1 their wives by 100 represent0ive women Divorce for kame causes to. husband I 004, of wigar can oasing Bear- 11144a 400 woman JWt before they 9,0 to The Jowish rder with tIAO high forehead, ,,If the U, of One that visitccl Oklaholua the othor day . and great things in in ' 149teen ro a swro W buy oamewling, Ar you arq Only farui vt,gja Vile horao� ho Ilaul 10 OL-4",P104e St. Petersburg, issued a. circular in which - -of Chicago and Illinois At the roonis of and to�,%vife, t1lough wife ,call ale � .An S I a . . e, The iner . 1�241igrfttiou, Assoclatio 0 murc city of spruce, whicli Is the wood most &blt; ,w buy a, suit i0%, $10 404' no for bQ ution. r iltK the OWN) W40AO QuIL11"LO it I$. Stated that th small, Wpl;uout thow. I �� used for paper maldrig, Is. well known. 1% ellAWY bwAuse Y�ou am At Auler- 'a Xk4jtbij oni� W a Joiyjah emigrAtioll Oner . .1 Active search is being Made in Many urza volli thillic you -ellisap,* clon't lurmw really 4110�yd Lhell, vaig or 0 '! to other c" �. 'Ovision, In the : the Qhloago Woman's Club through the separate maintoommeor divorce for non- Isalah saw God and dreaded death, ,r I I" ,"y . had bappenod along a fe1v Inolitha go . entire session of the vast political Assam- support. Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and AV n , lilt', hNuo ',,,l"%VgI, ,,',,'4 , ountries there IVOU14 ]lava 4ee bly, . � I ill , , to [$01lerally . I Assumed. tromendQuo - ,St.ate 0 u a P, . IdWio. "Min@ eyes b a see the King, ,and yet , t') buy it. Don't go beyond your uleana 1,11 or- 1"1 Is vw causcd OF too 144a, 1)"91)(irtious, and Oustitltti011 abolishing torliadoes, . I live, parts of the world for mater der to keep up airs. 'a PbArge, ".4 In w4uy cases b that it is unablo to Tbatis a out the� nly thin(, ", . I., talm the place of pulp wood, 13nor- -The I%t<)I,o is reialix the plaw wilwo tho, XrMlilllt of ti'as nefflope, I us owner 113 render A b Women privileged to Witka 8, Will fit J � ny� finaucial assistance, unless P ., they ov c- .. . . .. � eembers, of Resolutions, Committee, is years of age, Sailic four States. Pnrer the pavement of the temple court Mons quantities of ground sugar cane Uvubles or nloist mail and NvomLn poiln. A � -U'XtM'IuO hot ;Wolyww 4rin looked.11 Than this niy weary heart, these hands go more or less - tile 4ews the world Over Are, coming to - b to w te at the sugar factories, "I goes into 4 oulf'ortug to 14 ij�raq.' 11440 animal � R .1 4 th"t. had A 8 Ric - It asks, that - The Committee oil Resolutions for the Free sohools from primary grade and tongul" 'In store to buy a, spriau suit. UQt A'aceived t L � . � . . ,.� his heart Ile NyWhce for C01416 'ellainicill .he. propol, =0 and anyone In sympa. 11 _ go . , ornis of " it is used for fuel under t which, would eipble blm to gOt a I'At .1 I . ne. , , ional. through state university epen to Wo- 'Tis thy felt presence saves me from the , yWX'B Is V",y apc to be W-1 0, vlotilli Or a"o"Q` 1, thy with them mliall elirol himself a I s a - Not a Profess . ilwat Ox- b . .� National Republican Convention will I ,a large i,)art is left to rot, suit tea, ;10. He romembotro t at a year age Iiam%johl momber. - The due g4ven AS two 'Warchaill Loug-Dif jevver 'ati-end a I .1 lven� Same States. despair, ­ " � I s are * American flag on schoolhouses, Same I '01 """ t,ln 0 he got just that land of a suk, for Jus,t that Pow nutrition And a badly yeatilatod and'- roubles a year. � probably Include Senator A, J. Hopkins, . Fr.M. th."." to xporlinents hAve - h I . of 1111nola; John Edward Addloks, of prico, The ,tile was, not 'the latest, but W.ar- IIILIlY r0ole w114 brLag ywout a I>lo,)dIeA,s, 11yent oil'? Delaware, Powell Clayton, of ArkauSas; states, I press my willing ear to lips di . been Marjo to convert the bagasse or filtAced Condition; I'lle selection of C rsfv . Tuffotc I ly so. The goods, too, were of a cheap qpal- gcQ . While 9vorfeacling and . olumbiA Unive L 4411tt'-wo� YO blame fool. I vIlle, cane refuse into paper, but with lim- Ily. but the ot,rjve xcwauliled the PQ suits, luck of proper regular Work, WIJI PIIWUCO A of Prof. Felix Adler, I I Want to forfeit me amillycLure I , i Babcock consin; John It', Hill, of . I Chained, 0 got something 11 . vulred alrouia,tion Ann lea im- . b of New York, AS -4 thaty Williaiii L. Ward, of Now York; J. W, it he Could ke W- g uow it i"'to of 0064Y, NYrCh MDDy 111114C this year's Theodore Roosevelt professor. Stanidin' by doin! a tiling lll� No children under 14 to work in mines, Absorbed, revived, -equipped, compelled, ited 11takoll -Same states. on , succesa comilleraWly unless th would suit him f1rat rate. I � .� I �, of Wis Trinidad planter's. claims are well lie needs the Qx- are. upe,.gutgolently excretory 01,Lggo "fell I . . , Maine; A. M. Steven Indecent exhibitions, pictures, or ex- � Give to my tQn.gue to sound Thy higii foulad tra, $10 or $16 w4y. apti've, I I 0 the University of Berlin,. promises to .. � ! son, of Colorado; ad. He is confident -that lie has "Wbell he eaters the vtocv, however, the During hot ivoather ObVQ01411Y the stable attract unusual attention, because it will . Chicken I posure and the sale or gift of indecent ballast, n , I 0. Al. Cade, of Oklahoma; John G. Heid, . made a valuable discovery and has clork, begina to cOavInce him that a chea,p JlbusL be kept clean, ad it must O6 . Broth. . . literature forbidden. Same states. : And re -enthrone the orring in Thy joy, built im $85,000 paRer mill as an Ad- lated without dxQug-igi. I wall vOa'ti- Offer Germany the'spectacle of a Jewish I ,of Alaska; A. G. M. Robertson, of Rono- . suit is really the more oVenelve. suit, So . .Tho horse should scholar from a . ((At,leago Nfjiva,) . 11 olin saw glory In to, his sugar factory, he Intght JaA as Vol% giK a good one wlAlo, lulu, and other equally representative Gambling forbiddem. Same states. Peter, James and J * He has be Is getting it, Aw be ViN.0a pure, 6001 water and &IIQwud to . broad receiving honors ' Mistress (all illyalid)-jalle, I thought . . � j,11 wear, longor. it ,wilt drinit && trequent inteiv,als. His food shoul,1 And attentions fro .1 Age of consent 18 to 21 yea the night. It was unearthly, divine-, it "I'll" out paper worth $24 a ton. give better &Ntigraertion au round. The clork nutritiou, . s, but shiould be com, . 0 . � leaders among the Republicans. re. Same turned in tile. Emperor and I told �,ou to muke C�hlCke� br tlt� ' the intellectual lid to which, Germa : And this is the letter which each of stateel . was from Millself! He came to show About it ton atid a quarter of can03 takes Lt for granted that the mail oa,n pa,v =1O.0411.171.1i material as Will have a cool, wo n New Cook"q1ture, fill' 01 did, ma'ani, I I . Father and mother share in guardian . , lac mther the Tal"Ish scliolars aspire in vain ; these and all the other gentlemen of the - the Father plainlyl "Blessed are the makes a ton of pulp� It is reported the priee or at leaet flatters his eu LoLner by n a ,hoating etteez, nis. iakAti. " . . Mistress-AN?0JI whore is it? : ,,, g . convention will receive: sbip of Children, Survivor sole gual,dian. I pure in heart, for tbay shall see God," that the process of manufacturing i taking this for granted aad then tha oustOm- Illust 'bt kept healthy and the poree opog At -Akron, 0,, Ili the %bsence of Rabbi New CoOk7-O �o fed it to tle -0ilick-ens, . I I by pro= g1voming. . � � . � at I .3 or if% generally foolish e1nough to try to a4- A 4r= mash tNVI0O a week wil I MA'AM. 1 , "Dear 8ir,--�Since you attended the. game stRte,s IL ,T, Miller. comparatively inexpeAsive, and th t Wally ke ti rn n at the clerk 3 Assist In J1. I , Abselon, the sermon at the service I . . I � ,National Repit4blican 0onvelidjoa ,fol4r These la-tys prevail in, the states where ip , will pay to grow cane for paper alone about his pockot book He -buys the higher keQP1119 the fXetem cool, and Ja oaae'al over, in the sybagogue. was preached by his . I I i . * I Priced sult and thon. ll -I go on oeonomdz. fat, a dram or pulvorIze4.s&kDetxe a4ded to - I I I 4 years ago in Chicago many countries women vote on the same terins as man, SUMMER COMPNAINTS leaving the sugar as clear profit, W -A' for VCekS. I w the mash IV411 be bagetiolel. I wife, AfrEi. Allna G. Abelson, who acquit. Leap Year, Incident, ,� , . hay,o been moving towards the extension Mrs. Me0raloell, who has gmthedo,dbliem. - I . : ,� 1. . ,When the weather is very hot it is better ted herself most creditably. (1-Wegencle Blqtter.) : � I . , of a dinner I � . � Of full suffrage rights to women. together as a monument to woman 4iif. KILL LITTLE ONES Was It, Or Was it Not? STATE "YOUR PRI01% GO NO MQ1110R. to allow the tew,-aa two hours Dr. Albert Loewy, of London, who RIderly, Aunt -I suppose i-� . "I have been In Wet game Ux ni�;olz many la'slead of one, And theiy sh*u14 not ))a fed You Wonder - "Finland and Norway have completed frage, challenges the discovery of four At the first signs of illubso during lie was never J-Perstitivilax he would "Pooll- LL time, But now I have gooen Over it. uaJI they 4r8 W-Whatt cooled off, It will died recently at the advanced age of III ad, dvar little Ham Why I left YOU So '' womenal enfranchisement. Sweden, Dan- man suffrage st4t;tes or countries w4wre the hot weather In Doob,"k as to stone, When I enter a sitore w got a suit ox over- Always be best to take oWthe harness whila years, was the first minister of the Re. Abruptly Ill tile laile-1, I smv 2 man, and . . I . � gins to tell me what I ouvilt'-to buy I frank- 'I , ontlis give the little And a black cat might cz�roeii across his Coat I Imow Jus,t how maDh I gan ,able to tile homes are, eating their d,luner, aiats ex- form Synagogue established in that city oil, ]low I ran, I � =rk, Natal in South Africa, Russia women And children are equally jro- pnes Baby's Own Tablets, or in a few path, sipead and look for the goods whloh I mu tra, labor to the Attendant is grea,tLy offset I in the early forties. He remained in this Halls- � Did you get him? . .1 Queensland, Cape Colony, find Oklahom�' tooted. I . hours the child may be beyond curi, But it lieverBet him sighing in a lot or fear- got at such 0. mice. When the Salesman ba- by the comfort given the au-iinabs. have extended important suffrage rights Thalia Tablets will prevent summer com- some whines. Feed lightly of 'bay at noon, during hot position foil fifty years. Dr. Loewy was . . As foretelling an impending day of wrath; . I . I to. women. E ven before this women had ; ' plaints if g4ven occasionally to well chil- if when dressing in the morning he put by tell hini,my pocketbook kmows better whalt wealther, and green grass that has been cut a competent scholar, and,in the days of . The Lack. . enjoyed full suffrage in WZoming, Colo Taft's Views. Recalled to Himo on I ougght mud what I ought not to buy. I tell and Allowed to &visa in the hemps should not bis activity exercised a strong and ben Xiiiekor-The,re are pleuty of books , I - . dren; and will promptly cillro these trou- big left &hoe first, . b given. � - a - 'V t4e,olerk at the outwt that I wa-M a suit e I . - When Secretary TAII,canie home from - bles if they come unexpectedly, lie �Ould net take it off and don the for About " mudh and So muob, I.pJx, blgh- COMIFOILT IS AN IMPORTANIT FALOTOR, ficlent irill � . _, .rado, Utah, Idaho, New Zealand, Tes Baby's est I will 90 is SO aud so Much mud he bad It ur important that the collar fits the holes England. nonce .on Jewish affair,% 1)2 bellill" how to save life while walting for mallia, Isle of Man, and throughout the the Philippines lie said that if a share Own Tablets should alwa,ys be kept in 'But rllfh�twaut right on dressing and dared ly. An Aggravate 111041. tile Actor. I L' I of self-government were to be gn I better �not look for Anything which Is out V'ro90r d muse of ex- The Emma Farm Association - most of Australia; niunicipal suffrage I anted every home where there Are young chil- luck to do Its worst 1, of my flneu,cial horizon. haustion Is Often traced to collars that tit hits been Boe4r--Yes. . I"I there the womenshould by all means be dren. . There Is no other medicine so of- nd bade fortune be as dlemal as it might 'lot Course, sometimes I have to ,leave ill* � o-luror.i is 4139 formed Ili Plitaburg for the purpose of 11,,hat -%ye, ,lead � - the British Toles, Kansas, Sweden, Ice. A too tightly. Considerable, 0 is one . telling the � oil ner doctor ]low tc)--save If . " allowed to vote, as lie thought the Vili- factive And the mother has the guaran- Held begin a task on Friday, and he argue� Store without buying anything. But I don't. of the head, vided, of course, that it is while waid, 0 To . land, and British America, and smaller Riven W providdaW,a sunshade for the crown conducting Lt movement made possible by things went Vol let that worry mo In the least, I am thero so arraugod 111ro' 1119 foil the ipatient,'�--Ifar­ L. I . fragments of suffrage in some thirty Pine woule-A were better fitted for it, tea of a Government anal�st that the I to M 4 Certain Price for a Wrtaill kind of that the air can freely circulate the generosity Of Messrs. Isaac, Henry Per's linzal% . . 1. other States and countries. than the Filipino nien. Regarding the . Tablets are absolutely safe, Mrs. E. Le it begun then, ff, one hustled as be, should; goods. �enoath it. 1,rb4a. plan ot isatening A sponge and -Morris Kaufmann, who have given I ' . And when circumstances blocked hind or un- if -that particular house dow not on the Poll or Crown N the head is iAot A., 40 acres of beautifully ituated ground - . L � 11 , - "This movement in ,the United States women of ,the Vnited States in inter- Brun) Carillon, Qua., says; "Baby's Own , toward Wings befell have that kind of goods It is not m7 fault, good one. in fa0k it Is InJurioua unless kept near Harmarsville, , 7 � . � I Sometimes gueh a procedure is unpl,eastavt. HIS Ambition. * for the enfranehisement of women would views off and oil during the last fow Tablets Are the best medicine I Imow lie would Bay such things Could not be Th" Is practically impossible.' � . .. . .11 and how u,dc , , who clerk in got to look down upon you mud wet and cool, WhWrh Pa., And 'will area I . 1 be helped greatlyif the -National Repub- years he has declared himself at differ- of for regulating the stomac _ rst ad gaper behind "or ba4k as you axe leav- in a three-borse team, the iniddle horse upon it' suitable buildings, for the pur- "What do ron-rxiieft to be�when you I _ He would Scorn a loux-loar clever, nail a in IS in -ore liable to hent exhausti n than the come of age, illy little 11 .1 - ]loan ConViltibn would pass A xesolittion ent times in favor of woman suffrage. els, I think no mother should be with. barscaltoe .upside down, - g the sitore that You We a Cheap BpOlIt. rest, 04 acOurit of the addLtj 0 Pose of giving Outings during the sum- lan?" asked the , �� But alter his prominence as rp candi- out this medicine 11 Sold by medici , as say odd numbe�v had no influenoo, on But never mind that. The olerk who will do , On"I a0IOunt Of mer to childr.en froin alum and tenement Visitor, I 11 . something like, the one noted below. 'May I s than you airo. beat radliwted froul the horse on elther side d4 1 chance- . . of1ilm. It therefore is advisable to so change districts, I nventy-one", was tile. little mail's re� �. . Aad it lis manages to dives wr,ty I '' I we depend upon your help in securing date for the presidency became apparent dealers or by mail At 25 cents ti, box And oncevening be met wlas=a Miss Alilra ,�"u can horsii.i that on will not ba Compelled to be --'Ilie Ilerald And Prpsbyt�r, "', I I ,� the passage of such a tesolution if you his reiteration of his suffrage views had from the Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., Gladys Brown " be sum that ha does We at the wvonao of III the middleolngre than lialt a day itt a The forty-eighth annual meeting of the , _y� � I . . � believe the women of e,he -UuItod States added weight. He not only favors the Brockville, Out. . 'Who bewitched him with her -aalci slance. other sod better things. It you Inquire clase� WM6, .11 I 'United Hebrew Benevolent Association — � I �.." I I should be honored as are the women of cufrInellimera I ent of women, but, ob- I I I - I . � . I ly you may find that this lleporbs:Manlikell Short reate In a ,�hadgr place, It possible, of Boston was )laid recently. Superin- Why Worry? . I n� clerk who taunts you vtbh being *ohe&p is . those otkor countriesT Yours truly, I Thirteen weeks he paid court to ber---a for from being 1�oportsmoalnce" tO the wo- should be allowed at frequent Intervals, whet tnedent Mitchell reported that $17,739.25 (Excliallge.) I o . TH E PASSING O`F LAT I N. . I At times viewed the moon man who does his washlag, or be may be be, the team is doing continuous work wbilma ex- I He I 'Ellen X. Henrotin, "It is evident enough women are . � . .1 I . In Its newness o!er the should0' that Is hind In - his reat. . Posed to this direct rayo of the hot sun. A lad been expended, a much larger sum -who finds himself.persistently out. I . I vyo�h � "I was in the loop disbict the other. day few Xw*4lOwS of cool water should be given than ever before, owing to the financial- 0I Joint with his surroundings will do ,. "Gertrude B. Blackwelder, . working for civic betterment, And that Surrendered Its Supremacy Only. by And It a , but on those evenings he would As often as Convenient.. "Catharine Waugh McCulloch, their interest in affairs of the kind is ' when I found that I had toot my handker- depression And the consequent want of well to ponder tile language of tile Chl. I constantly increasing. I believe that Shear Force of Circumstances. b!� of -her the booa Should it be seen that the awmal lage, _ : 'Tor the National American Woman . 'Of * '--A -,d heart In pleadings love chief, I went Into A. haberdasher'n to buy droops his hoad, pants hard or ceases to per- 0371PIOYment, and AlsO to tho disastrous 111-0 Plli1O9OPIIe­ I . 1� . Woulai ' vinde strong . "o, sc spire. he sliould at once be unhitched and fire at Chelsea The legs of the gto � i - Suffrage Association," a suffrage will come eventually. Five hundred years. ,ago, a thousand But l,_ . .., %, told him ,4.wo, air,,, in Cents, The clerk informed me, with an aiT . rk are long, tile � . Under a repxesentative form of govern- the harnwo removed, Then'with a hose or The Independent Order Brith .1 lep's of the (luck- I I � I ment years ago, fifteen hundred years ago, . a firm And even.tone flat he thougbt would &wo me, that they &Pon cold watbir should be appliedto Abraliarn . ate, short; you cannot . I the interests of'any particular Bat every man of education could talk free- Arid suggested that his sister Could be; did not handle Any htuaciterth-lefs which the Crown of the head, atter whiab continues its gu lm�kp tile legs of the stork short, neith- .� But he vowed that he would ra ,wore below 26 cents woh. He thought thdot rprising growth. At the I I Equal Suffrage�With Mon Askea.' of people are morelikely to be advanced ly and easily with every other Impress me In6o pulling out my be should be alloWed to stand In a shady Convention held last week In New York or can T 1� -ther axe ex , oil llial4:e, the lag of the i - mail of Idence out alone - this wo,om place Outdoors. I - . p d Ick � 1:03 d lug' But Lt did notli.Ing of it was reported that the organize, o : 11 "Resolved, that we favor the extension when represented by one of themselves education in Latin. It was perhaps Ili& Xf he could not have a help mate such as quarter an pay It, however, the exhaustion bai�omes more tion 10TI", Why iforry? . of the elective franchise to the wonien than by one of another class, no matter native speech, Or 110 might have had to she. . . the saxt. I turned WoUnd And left the Store. Dronounced, And the eyes of the horse are now has 475 lodges, with An Aggregate of — , . , , I JnIted States, by the states, upon how altruistic 11 . learn It - but he was tot hold to be an Wall. Proposal number thirteon happened on boas when X ask hdm for a miss and he re- bloodshot, the nos�rila fiery red and the pulso, 113.000 members. This is nearly ten per Blessing' Free, � . .. .� of the T ' "I did not feel A bit cher:iper than does my . 4 I bounding, strong and fast, give, in sedition . I � the qame qualifications upon -which it Before tue Republican National Can- educated' mall until he had*acquired it, a PrIday might, fuses to give it. 31 my emsdoyer ilo" not to the above treatment, 4 Ounces' of good cent. of the Jewish population of the - "A Ild'will volt OIA-e us your blessing?" : � is now Accorded -to men." vention Xarie Addams -will. argue to the Liven after Latin had ceased to be a on the thfrteouth of the month to be. ex- thdak It chea-D to pay more then he can or act - . is willing to pay for the work he gate out Whdake,y In a plat of vubt.w, or i ounce of United States. The order attends strict- 11',ked tile elch)hig bride, returning to tile , , A . In the absence of Mrs, McCulloch from - effect that women living in a city �oan nlDther-tongue and'whan it was spoken I &TOZ4tIO spirits of aaamon,la. and 2 Ounces ly to the object for Nvhich it was are. parental roof. , il I And he ;aIker beneath a. ladder with a heart of i:io I Ought not to think Lt obAitap not to of e4grits of ni-trous other in, a. quart of water, I I ., I Chicago to attend the International We- no longer, by their individual tffoits, by those who ]lad achieved it by whose boats were light, be ivoluced to buy thi;ags wbACIA we beyond repe,oting the dose overy hour until the pulse atod Arid must be doing. it, astisfactorily "Freely," replied the old man. "No , I a " nl� labor, it was still the language Willis a amble eat acrose big rmhvay track- ray pocketbook, which are too high for me. becomes normal, and the horse Stops panting judging by the continuous boom that has' brouble about tile.blessing, but board " man's Suffrage Alliance meeting in Am- safeguard their homes from i1irt, impur . ZI ad- I .11 do not for A. ralrouto mean to say that I and hokle up his head. Then give him a t . I . aterdam Almost shnultaneously with the food, and Lite danger from fire. These used in di�lomacy, in the churall, by Now, Itlis not for us to answer It luck was am net aniAtled to a B6 ceat hummilikerohlef or hall vallful of water, to which I oun,ce of been going on for some years. ' uid lodging will be at,regular rates,'�- .� Republican party in Chicago, Mrs. Hell- things Are now done by the City collec- men of letters and by philosophers And, good or bad, to a suit tor.W. These things Axe Intanded pul,verlzed ealtpotre has been disse,iNvu.. 112W In (L scholarly volume entitled " Race Lbe United PresbAeriall. - - . I I . Totin is general of- the resolution cam- tively-11. a,,- the government. So that scientific Investigators.- Out of the Or If he Achieved a failure, or success, ..for me an much as for Anybody else. But 10- no . I . i I paign And has summoned to her aid Miss the women, to deal with them 6ftective- fragments of the Roman, Empire now But the tbirtsonth time he asked. Alfira sjm3oly be,ven't the price, and I might as xt day give one-third at an Ounce of the and Immigrants in Anlerica," John R,. . I . � Brown to make him glad 'Well adantt- amd "it for Cheaper goods rather ealtvatro in the drinking water, three times. Commons, professor of Political econ Couldn't See. . Harriet Stanton Blatch, auditor of the ly, must have c, vote. � nations had'eompactod themselv prettify and softly told h_Im then keep up my raputallon " "' ey's of In if, after all this treatment, the horse lupaeo Omy 11 ,. . as Slow- IWO blushed to a condition of Sealf-ocitisolousness, which in the University of Wisconsin, makes Aunty-Toninly, I Pitt three pie$ ill , National American Suffrage Associa- "WO "!list be contemporaneous if Iva ly) each with its own tongue, they as- ,4yes"? the tlerk and than try to freeze off a cent . , ... . 04!0 go. Evening post. from the woloan who does my washing or can be, told by a Sleepy look, the eyes halt .'the following statement: , lele YeQterdfty ftlid 1101v there is only :: tion; Miss Grim, of -the University of tire to be useful," says Miss Addanils. sorted their Independence; they -warred A - - a . go for weeks without the paper or magazine closed, forgetting to chew the food taken Into "A high birth ,rate, a low death rate, one. '31ow is tilat? . Illinois, who won the oratorical contest The suffragettet4 Vefore the antion with one another; and yet the Latin ,the mouth, And staggering whon. atte-pting L % � conv I am accustomed ta hum I Tolirmy-Please, it waa so dark, � on woinan`i� suffrage at Galesburg, Ill., will point to the suffrage gains all the language, to longer native -to aily one , The Next MeaL ' 4GGREWIVE SALESMAN RMSPONSIBLI11. to walk-. be should be given 2 dimms of Iodide a long life, place the Jew as far above ,� of pot4oh, three times daily, in the drink- Mility, I didn't see that alr4el-Paliell. I Ili May, anaseauved the Elmine, Springer world over and appeal to tile pride of of thom, was the sole means by which "Can't -you help me, Sir?' lasked the Aggrowiveneea of oatesonen. Is perhaps as Ing water. The food should be Composed of the - Average as the nogto is below the - . 14 � prize, Rev. Gertrude Bartlett Crane,',who the American man in keeping abreast of they communicated with one another. 11 beggar on the street to the passerby; "I much responsible forl this keeping up of the ' soft maa*hw and fresh grow "AS's, and the average, These two taces are two ex. . — , I r�))resents the professional women, and current pro_aress, don't know where illy next, meal is com- tal" St'0334W'dis an'tho wehkneas of the Cue- head kept cool by applying cold water (but troines of American race vitality. Poor John'rilo. . .11 I IAtin long sufficed 'e'veli for their men . . . tolner. it Is the galesman's'busluess to soll not fee packs, as that is opt to produce soft- I I I Miss Jane Addams, who, AS Mrs. Hell- i:: : y of letters, as Lowell reminds 1 -IB ,,Till inq from. William Jennings Bryan has recom- 110 ffic-r-Johnniej I ani surprised th,�t I . , and he tribes his bestl using eved available , acing of (be brain), . I rotin phrased It, "we put oil 'all com- What Mon Have Seen. Dante's time the Italian poets t' 'Neither do V' said the man Address. moans. Sometimes this, aggressive pouay of ,It is dangerous to bloed. a horse for beat, m6nded to the Democratic National you dare to dispitte. with your luoth - I he, I . Or. . igh mittees?, . no, language good enough to put ir ad, passing oil; "our girl left this morn. the mtesman leads W bile and big boss' de- exhaustion or sunstroke, And eQually baxm. Committee the itppointment of Rabbi Johnny -But you are wroa Ina. � ! . struction. It simply drives oustoInard away. ful to does him with tilaoture of aconite. g, .1 '�VIIO Ilixth Be n afflic- not1ings into but Latin -and indeed a � 1-ThereXa& a grocery store in our neigh- owners of teams Should. give special In- Nathan Krags, of Lafayette, Ind. As ith in 0 , fiig� too"---_-Youker M,otber-That has nothtlig I _t After an introductory address by Mrs "I am the all . s Statesman. L . - to buy/4 Mid a siructione to thogrL &fvQrZ - . . Ifenrotin, each of these women wili tion." These are the words of the dead tongue was the best for dead I�orhood *bero *a all liked about the,, Care Chaplain of thlf� Democratic Co��e�tjon it. YOU may just as well learn, once for . speak in favor of the resolution before weeping prophet, hbd they have had a � I women on the south side, "It was a clean, of the. animals during. hot weather, and such I bhought-a-but Dante found the common I .1 1. . njoe PULOO and the -- bad good ta-ado. trietruotions Carefully carried out will be the at Denver. I all, that when a woman says a tiling ,Is I � the members of the Republican conven- large circulation. How often are they speech of Florence, in wbiah-lu�n bar- 4 . . Th -on he got In a new sa,W4man, a salesman saving of many valuable beasts. . Tha Governoll-Geeural of Beirut, Fal - $03 it is so, whether it is or not. . tion. And their direct efforts toward twisted and ,jerked out of their �I`AcG by gained and molded and mado love good I � 0 - from a dolwatoWn store, The Waa knew fits . . I I - I .1 estine, to encouraging the study of lie- . .1 1, � morbid persons. wbo put oil their spea- enough for him, And out of the'worl ' I L .business. But be knew a little too much. The Child and the Rattlesnake. I- I influencing the passage, of the _ d ' ]F00 Thing a woman who came In to buy a, soup brow. He exprossed his opinion to the The Value of Experience.. . I taoles to look ,q o - bano went out wi-th two DOrte,6*uso Stoaks 11- "I� it 11.1rd to prapos,, to A. girl I tion indorsing the enfranchisement of It their �r-.-ief. Let us around him made a poem tiuch as no Ro I �Thd child saw the Beautiful Death Jewish coln"iqLq fl�at*be thinks it u I _ ?J9 � ,,,Ro . I . simply because It would look cheap not to that � lay in the sunshine on the dge Of , -wim And I.in,patriotic to have their child- "Depends on the givl," I women will be aided and Abetted by the learn a lesson from the Fre6chman, who, man ever sang." .k little later, Cha car- - - a Indirect methods, characteristically feno- when eating Cherries, Pitt Oil his glasses choso the Common speech of London for I take the porterhouse steaks after the Work c i I lulne, of the cominittee of one bull to make them look big. How often when . ­ Iro. U -_ had beea kind enough to run to, bile too box the­ilending grass; he' had never been ren. study the French language. Hebrew 'How so?" . I dred , the telling of his tale. And yet After. and to show -theIn to hor without her ask. . air&.d of anything; lie was not afraid and. Aratle sboupld be the only two lan. "If she haa been out g�-­%ral aeasona it i Chicago and Illinois women lea by Miss WOM011 meet do- they talk about their Mrite had descended into hell, and Libby's Cooked Ing. I of the aniLkC. He stretched out his lit. guages''a Jew should know in the Turk- is hard not to."-1-1biladelphis Inquirt,r. � Jane Addama, Mrs, Charles Henrotin 4'eceut illness, jVh;ir`,r op A the Canterbury pilgrims had gone . After a while, however, the Customers be;. tie rosy arias toward it andIaligbadand !all, Empire. A knowledge of French, in ,., weary. How often do me U -S ;Can to got tired of his too peoA officlousueso. i Mrs. Charles S. Disilcon, Mrs, Blael n raise 1XIOnil" forth, Bacon put his great book into Their bills wore Increseed by 20 and '30 per gurgled. The snake shortened his colly his opinion, only encourages emigration THERE ARE ovirs.Rs. I water, Mrs. Frederick X. Tracey, Miss ments to grief. We inserlbe.our miseries Latin, and Milton wroto not A' few Corned Beef - cent. The rseult was that they ceased to and in his hiss now there was menace. and depopulates the country. WIlf,er-Theso are hard times, r heard ,ijt �, Ellen Ii. Poster, and Mrs. Iro, G. Worden, : on marble, and write our mercies oil the poema in tha�b dead tongue. For a Call- . . W from that place. Beforlo leag the prom The last rays of the sun sholle on tile A novel feature' introduced At the an. , man the other day who coalt!1vt raise .. I ur, secretary. The members of Ae Commit- - yy � a, 'tr dWbargod the clerk. Ile hardly had Ile; they seemed to, light- ) money evien an goVeramont bonds. Band tury After "Paxa,d:m Lost' Latin IV" I The're"s a big differw . U busine,A� to tend to himself, But It !lead of the repti . tee tire recruitea from the most prom- i&es'aaw the pattarn of the taber. still held to be the oiil� fit and proper . . was too late. The oustomeirs had been driven 1 his evil features, They, showed nual -meeting. of the Federation of Jew- What was the reason? . s , q away by the sIdtiful salesman and w6ulid tot U AI 18h Charities in Philadelphia, wag mov- - IN'lifor-AVell, you see, lie didn't have the ., Inent of workers In clubs, civic affairs, nacle Ili the inoutit, even to the most vehicle for the systems of the pinio -o- ence between just tiplat his eyes .had A touch of red In ,, . t . b*nds. I : And educationa'I matterg. . minute particular. Noah worked on A pliers And for the discoveries of tile ad!. , come back, A rbar later the mail moved. Into them aild were lustful; tifey showed a ing pie ures depicting the work done at . . I corned beef—the kind . a, different nelg%borho&d. tile beneficiary institutions. .L -,veil thought out plan, aull for longtb, outlets. The language o : ' 'I - � fleck'of dried blood, not his own, on the Rasy-. . -s have fol- Ila t -,Ile ,Most convenient nloarls of e0m. so d i IVY POISONING. - - cruel curve of the lip; they allowed the Herr Dnianual Baumgarten, for ma ' . . Keep Open House for Visitors, depth find boam shipbuildei I n bulh—a,nd - . TIT I - lowed the same lines with signal, succe 98. munleation. for the educated men.of all . spreading nostrils And the laws of iron. years an active Worker In Vienna Jewish ! . "llow -could you distinguish Achilles I : from the girls?" ' asked the Greeks. They Will entertain informally at the What patterns have we of the tabor, countries, and yet tit last the,forcee of Libby's .Cooked Corned K600 Zinc Ointment on Hand, ai But the child could see none of these communal affairs, died there In his ,, rooms of the Chicago Woman's Club: naele, the Ark, of the ages, of the Nvoria nationality And race were too strong fo I t eighty-first year. The deceased was also . How eould'-vou see that lie was a inall ­ 4 every day of the convention, keeping in surA total, of mail in individual par- it I .r beef. "I"he' difference . This Season.. ,h hild now nothin "' In w0niall's iarb?" I - And now for more thft two centur- . 4 . a scholar of note, and his translation of It "Evoi a plan of ,c' 'ye didn't drop- his handkerchief," ex- i is I lity of mined Ulyssus, "every time he turned ' ' n $ * 'Or' t 4 0 , k glad , open house to the delegates and 4heir ticulArl -Y. ly man's life )lava evpressed them- "Tills is the season," said the phyal- 'Lt I � Of crue Y, 0 Moodi "a lot I Bv,'hyo's "Duties of the Heart'i Is great- . tl'o' At 4 God," biit wherels the,Pilot over thii g men of letters A the taste, qua a o grass pulled dmmlf play- ly admired by scholars. . i wives morning And. afternoon. selves lit their mother tongue And incif . clan, "when I do businiss with,the small " �v. a the S ' ak � ' Ile touched "I 'versal ovean? 0,VOr* V" - tb� 1 t " - itrouud.'�--W�tsldngton Herald. . I . eclock tea will be seilved"' On Tuesday uni Are these moving CO V US meat and natUral fi . . f Ily to I lie ' wit ' . T 1. of scien ha a ed eftell �Is native Monster 8 cold ad h his I ttle wat - . I 1. boy or the small girl, who is suffering j. � Afternoon there will be a reception to bipadg it rabble. without order, (10816 language to act forth his contributions , - l4gers. And not even, then did the Collapsible. Baskets. inn Thought. I � or Towton, Banded Death. strike -the chiliPs touch, The four -aided collapsible work and - the women delegates, who are, Mr estiny? Give us a Dawn, ft N I from ivy polsorang, 1,t is A, fiendishly it- sole Susie Youngi and Mrs. Lucy Clark, s * to -tile sum of human knowledge. For , Every fiber of the , , 1 oi to take ;ill in tow, Steam tugs wanted more than fifteen centuries Latin has Pensively the soubrette who was tour - Utah, and Mrs, 11eldit Gronfell, of Colo. lidilt for 8urel I 1110, aPPRIled, I Aln at been, truly a Nyorld language, only in Mocat of Libby's Cooked , ritating, although seldom a serious ail. was c. caress; in the ehil&s face and waste paper baskets, covered with : l . I I . alas, was neither hatred nor fear, crepe paper and tied together with lug tile provinces Applied tile coloring ra(lo, and othem, if contested elections aea, my brain beels"I ftm on lily beams. the end to surrender its inout, but if people would follow a little v Then the rattlespake glided slowly out ribbon are useful for summer travel. Inixturt, to her hair ill Oia solitude of, , "I Supremacy, Corimed Ned is eVeni , common sense advice they could save ; end, yet t aut afloat, and I gropo for through, no fault of its own, but by, I I . . y of his coil And disappears(! in the grass ers, since they told flat and Make an � 110r Own TOOM4 On Wednesday the oft-te Officials and compass And helm, I shoor force of eircumatancol-Prorn fajnA milaly 'cured., wany doctors' bills, . I by tbr fence. And the mother, coming attractive ttnd lisisfal addition to n ! "llow Md it is)" 810 Inlillintiveil, "to - , their wivta will be tendered a reception T Aart my grapnel to remotest star, Dradner Matthew's 'it, n9lish As- it World , "Ivy poison is like it 'cold -it . eo,Wt be her little boy talking faithful- roorn when opened *Into shape. pzor - dye so fir front b�maill I and on Thursday till the delegates ana Altil aAk for towage ill the regions far, Language" in the July Cloat'dry. cooled scient'fically Sleepily to his t6es, them, there is paper ppinted witli lifN - , It I U 1, cured in a day, but It will yield more Or - :: le I I in less to proper treatment, and that treat. - the, child had been Aike black-eyed Susaus, Sune roses, their wives will be of lionor at What untold wonaerig great my earnost, ll��Iclt,1111-11 the latgoa 9110,111, and Carefully pl.q'aked i ly thouglight, aftei STR&N,nilf. .i I t and Inclat important of the gate, -MARRIAGE MAXIMS. , luent, may be given as well at home a tucked in lit's erill, the motheir and fath. *ViOlAts, daisies, oto, . SucIA&-lilow do You nmoutit for the fact � . S. Untrodden. pathg beyond the aull-time. � t S e — ­­ . ­ - titat tho man's watuli was found in your,, three functions. On one Afternoon IkIr There was a crowded ,congregation . Libby's'dreall While Xitchen almost no expense as by a physiclaii. .No at at on the porch by t . Kate Wiamer MdCluskey iwill read froin -haxe. I I . and pleinned for their boylt future. Than. Pie. voilloet? "The Modern Madonna" one of the ne-,v A r hch, Mayfair, on - , doctor knows of vwy ,specific for ivy poi- she told Min of Tier afternoon Arip, of C4 0 PrIgoiler-Your I-loijoi-, Ifte Is i"de up at i ) r - 1. 'Sunclay'r to bear Pather Bernard Vaugh- I It forins an apPetiZo * son. , Cases differ -In severity, just ,like Why do you tefor to Government lue,vDiloalble myktorloe. Anil I trust Your y 104 � American suffrage novels, and eve Order, beauty, (11glifty, I find, IIONV -good the )lIttle boy had boen,- of off] As Pie 21, Ilonor will Be instruct the jury. afternoon there will be musie under find preach the first of it series of Bar- I ing Aish; rich in food, cases of unythlug else, And there Are, ag it . . the V loweta And fragrance for immottal mons, on 11MArriAge.), many Ways of doctoring -It -If you haten tile quiet safety of thd green fields, of Because 11 answered getlatot Sorghum, , direction of Mi4a -Tenote Johnson, special mind.. "To the huftbai%4,11 liathor Vaughan ob- - VOLIU6,and rnakOis a Sum- to what your rtien e e e pi'des. And tit tier "It"o-somet'hing that nearly evqybody Five Good Things. songstrem to Auffragetten. Xor cares. lior nooda, the trifles, of 0, sotvod, "I would MY) be clear And sweet . . as tell you --as there love for their child find for hint thrilled liket himself, Although lit thinks Aet-ording to Lora ,,Wobury ,tha most . . . ­ � Bear with � are of doctoring a cold, Some people. it's baa * It is also ext)oeted that some of tho day, Mer Meal thdt seLeisfies.' in her voice lid bout near And kissed bar for nearly everybody else�,-Nvashlligtot Ortit"A thillgi ill Out world are go�)J � , . .. ­ I � � � 11 I � And: thoughtful of the wife, . 11 , claim to have found witch hazol offica- "I 1. I -1 .. -1 � _ I . mderly, for this re lovers. for fill Staf.� li,l!!` good water, grood food, good health . . - I I . I I her. Never att6mpt to elleclit the 110 in cialls. Most Cases I have seen have yield. ti� T . I- WI 9 , '. a . I F, .­ � -I � , oot call, -- ti do of her talk. Lot her talk i5n, while, ' 1110— ' ' ad to witch haxel. about as much As they � th"* Alta .nOI16 Y '1v . --- I For Quick Serv' 0, Tom, not even the I'lld it g . selollev; ant thpy are not I to , . you posmss Your 80111 In peace. Rlemoul- . Death haa pamed, . That 110i will toon-1),o caught , L ��ibbj's Cooked Copi. would have yielded to water. It is o1wel, child, -ever kr1mv ]low near the Baftaod ble t ever. b it that n1b. ooBtly. bar it woman ticeds hially safety valves 8 a V a .-Ttarlah, - I ; Allaying tolliporatily ­ _111 1-1 - - I . . ' the Awful, burning itch of A, severe At. I I I ,0. 'an" however' 'or , -r i IL i I ;A I - aud outlo,ts for lior tompetament. Be ff cut lato thin � That 'night, -far up, fix iiie clim. -and sit. 11 ­ 11, I An Unnote-ary Quostlon, , I patient with hell. Most women have a ,rrangL . tack of poison, tnb -pine wooas, ther tattler found h;* i ld L . Dorri-Now, Irving, where I% the ole. � — 'L I., I . � I I %rp. (4iVa her slices, A e On a "Zie, .one thing which wIll Almos it - den and his mate. Why hail lit not, )TIaM found? . L . I passion for jeWelryLr#nd fine _ t M struck the child? it is it wystorv.- . livinu ­NN'by, Dora, he N tot) big to *bat you eiLtn' $Ind lot her feel. It is from p1duer 4nd garnish with .1 woys do some good is zinc Ointment, flyaL I Atchibald Autl(�dge. in Th . I I 'I I . I , I . I . you Ae has got It, even It It hits cost Cents worth of which obtiduea At any a Outing J g� ..'et hwt. Children Like it. yoll some sacriffoo. Ubby"s Chow Chow.' I drug store Nvill tufftee for a long ,time.. , azine for 'Ittly. I— I Children Thkive ()n It.. "Forget not that,-wornot thirst for 5 1 . I Rub it ,on th6 Partil -affedtad, And keop I ­­ -6 4 6 - � I AVONTI)IN.Wt1l. I I I BylApathy, (is flowerm for guniiiihio. . if A tempting dish.for IN CIAL AT UTOX, I . . . Children Or6w On IL i you i, I them we ittid you believe lit lookV 0 1 vprgc Of ncirvowii pilw.ktrati�llv till throlkgh I tire alwa,vil, At -.your olub, it you Are it greasea with, it. it it,) ear# I I Dr."Pilli—Yes, olkl Milyllill was Oil tho . hinch- eon.dioner,supper to ]lava the effent of drying up the I "Do I -1 8fir-Mded 'Wheat regal4tes the S;yator 11 I ii ,an(I lcdepg never thnikG; of 'tier, if you do tiot water blisters, which Are the extiirnal � Aometinics. 'Sod thal; fAt. woman , , a � W01-I'VITIV about h1q. Illonol'. 11 . thO StOmhch sWoot And tlmn. I send sweet llotet4�otllevq 1�fty eome to - .1 .1., .-, _... . Tlyrittv '01. A ad I evidence of poisoning, � with the tea hat over there? ; � I I lv�. Klilills,­41ow (lid yoa pliv- IIIIII? off6r thoir sympAthy 1111fis houtidA like, And ig ,an cagy and L #)ttS " . _ . , auct who, is to ?i 0 6 k I if C-11 Totif 'TrY 11t. Sold by fill gvciors. ". � to Yaka I I Air, Villa -1 removed tile cotus.� of the I Ist blAiliet, I AIW4ya. put 411 06 blanle, If . I 71angs io IRAN : , iimple thing to do. Viat in tho troubld 1TWO'Pty-t 6 yftrs Ago Bh'a refuSdd t& ' � I * � I (roubte, I , ,- , , A I t, I 1, I J I I I - 1" I I , .1 , I I J, , , - , � � � in I I I I I — . 1. I ­­ ..." 11.1 I . . Whrthing got's wrong Ili warried life. on I ! wit I it. It Is so easy and cheap thilt fithrry me.,, . I . ­_­ _____ --- --- ­ i'the rdan, 'boe.6,0o Im i,q the strongo%. It ., lostO ot , I ulost People Will bolieve they can get . -1 . . # " , t I I I I I . . 1A the n1aft who Ahould overeomit hilit- � , Libby's Al I fluicker relief by hunting tip A A Logfdal Andwee, I Ile Was xoft�'a, 0 ,� 11 . y4of difoldirs. I doctor I I . I XO(I'A'.4 rmmt hurry boyn(l ostfly tills $. . RAf. And. protett, tile wife 0 bil heArt.11 011y 1pilying hfilt good money for apre. Ifty' illovia a waier ,,over ioo hid I * I I 'Mitti, looking roullcl on flio,- hunilreld,; ; .: Lill]) ; serlptiou to be filled tit a, drag 9 held in battle?" Asked the teltoh6r. I � Afternoon and, took dier the bally. I . � -1111 I Of � welmou whn ernwi3pil tfift A-iif%, Pith. , 'it $10*111 A I tom, 70t I ­ Todd -Where Is hin4 nume? %, - . Llb yi Wage out of 1W d0ttorA who. might lie rebort. 10-augro 11,014 hav", )aOthing to lliky%g ,,,.,� -un I . * . 1. - -1 � , ­ � . � or Vhngtati sadi -To ilrd woman I � At -i � it to A grftt majority womlit give aithor hil mp, on If h# did," Answart'd Amon � k, I 1`4 10 , Nodd,14bo got off to-dety and left him �� �_ � .1. ­ __ - wolalra 047 thot she most. keep ktr lionle - I d Oil !Y lit his motbor's ebitrge,-BoliemiAn 81AK:- I,— W ft% 0 zinc ointmeAt or * treatiA,ent of oopper 1[&r*I4,, I � __ 4HII& , �'. _ .1 ­ �w � �.11 � % I 1- ­L_.r,.&-,, , � -,, � . I . . .1 � I I . e % I 'I,? , , �,. - :Z&_ �.� _a6L%ik1