HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 2__ -4- 77' ' " `:''. ," .11, 1�.-,, I 0"', ,,.,,.�....,-"��..r,n,lTvmwpr,w"""
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� dilve Is Conking forward well and I offered, no evidence, but made a, plea, Df% I
- IIIII-Saulsii diatiagillfAi4d, - , Pr I
�, ... I . I Qes for louiency.on tile ground th4t a . IVOR* 611110
--', 1� I ,, urk'ali('j. great strengtll belpV4 1011011 i I - _ are ateady. -MUR R _ MINE HOR Tkl 001M Adv I
\� I ti'll. see yo I I DE, ED all
%, ,
_11-� . I
.�%,J .,' (11' - to rt.eOnlulell I Ilint tit titp pe.4ple. Thom - , I I
�' . , �� " , " 1 S 4 .. i , London: General trade here cQutblues ' - - . capable of committlog Buell a
.. ;�, I of.appLAr. npub to Ilitilrovo all along tile line. =ig crime and thea confessing .
-..-I,- I 0 1111111 !It nIAj('StN' I
11 /I - IV __ 1j.1 N . ,J1 - . was 110110 lik '0 .11 . Ottawa. Rptall trade has. Shown It to, the Same must be the victim of 214 Bodies, Foisnd-10 Men Poor.-
I I t I * I , popular at ollee. Mwkiv U .11 good tolle during tile past iveek, it id IN CHICAGO m ncontrollable mania. He urged , .
I � Alice, (Ilia bo llockIr I TH110, NALLo FrOP60"
--I '� a t1w Loril, hath 0108`111-I�Llt (10a 1111,41 in. . I that sentence be suspended in order ed to Death,
, Ik11,;, y1cl(led ,to their delliands a,fP0llsl' . . 1_1-va�l -ro is it better movement of wholesale
. , 0 1 1 �1%1.1_�_L.0101 I tit( 1i I . I �
I LC I 05. ruaimel - - �1? sorting lines. - than the prisoner might be examined .1 � 11 .
0 14. ONVII will find wisdoill. 2 I . - - Particulars of the Killing of Former by the medical authorities at Berlin. '
of tile kint-dolu--The coll4titliti011. W14 , 4 - - I
ILIMSON it. -JULY %2, xgctll,� low government wit I tile � - TORONTO MARKETS ' Toronto WQulan, I Magistrate Blak.e said that the pri. Shock Kills 7hroe, Women and Dr. Agnew
, laws of the I I I 0 to- J-'1A4XrN1S1 MARKET, MAD DOG SCARE. . Soner had been, previously found gall- * .
. .
i4ul Cilosell lCinf.-i, Saut. 9: I-XQ'. 27# 1 respective.diltil's of Idag 1111 to 'oil. . . I tY Of tampering With allimll'18,.And Oil Drives Others Mad.
vil otber' And tOAv rd, U Tile recell)tp of country Produce wom very I
ward m ea a e.1pall to tho Wet ,r that occasion ]lad been. committed to pbpslowa, Surgelon, Alo"0940"r
, p this co . tttU. _duy, morning bolus the
,; all I aidtl Samuel Ivrote lt�'Tbo charter chl��t reason, Ono load of barley sold, &t 1. . X$0216
Coulmontarv.-I. I -1. I V. 0 C We and Swine In Norfolk Coun * The Victim- Was Formerly Fanny Ila asylum, from ,hiob, he )lad been.
)t (9: 1-124). Things trivial in them, tiqlu'll luollnrchy Avail I r c 4 , de. a . ty -ged as curen. In imposing the YusovA, Russia, July G. -Tho bodies agaw-UpAw" 44 a.* measpossM I
000 ll'busitel. dischai . �
Me( 0 SpJo,)a.1 JW.13119 q9otu 4T) 1111AV 2uolu ;Uutter %toil eggs Were firm to-dar, with Gilmore.. 'full sentence of fourteen years tha of 214 persons rccov�ied from tile
selves oittlil lead tile WA)r to 91,00e0 , , - tile demand good. Dairy Witter, sold at 20 Died of Hydrophobia. - I � . Ri I Iftu Oak "WeNle" a4 stow
asses -loci Saul to, �ike lialloll. -,T., V. 4 13. -To Ill - to 94o per 11), anti esp at 23 to 23o per 40z- Magistrate Said that if the man were Lovsky mine, iviiiell yvaterdAy -was I � � �, 0
. . I 1. . 1. - .., -
and honor. $traY II Id. not find I 01110 5 fit ell. the scene of un explosion of gas,. were ,.
I 0 C�on '44111 al"O wout I" I
his kingdom, Whet 20. k sire I insane be would be sent to an aBylum.
tIlt,, li.4spi; lie had boen sent by Ilia theris lluu,v. Saul bad no do . to rule' Ilay quiet and -steady, with sales of 32 Her Brother-ldcatifies, the Body of If lie was sarle fourteen years' im, buried to -day,
. Uel. au(, 101, t, ixt sl2 to , su pet, Villa Nova, July Q, -An epidemic of - . v prisonment ,was altogether Inadequate To -day the borror of the situation J. P, KENNEDY, 0.010, viluxA.
.10 present 1119fieStly IQ(t tile I I Calls ton, one load of Sister, .
. �
fathor to seuk, tie Went to %k3aut . - Dressed Doze are quiet, with Prices firm: as a punishment for the brutal of- was added to by firol, IvIlich, pelletraL.
Tile ,�,bllte affairs for Sailluel to manage. straw sold at sill per toil. hydrophobift, w1i;ch is killing off tile .
. the propliet, for instructions- I ;N, and
: Lord told garfluel that he should Avith. bilu-Not the Ayhole eolu" Choice ligiltwelghts it Norfo)k, County, is causing fellce of which he. baci been found Ing the inuer gttllerieLi, where there 0,keaw 4d %* UrItish, WNW
. sold at $9.00 to $9 . . Ass"b"IN4
i g, Sainue, 1 ited pally, but a few select friends, perhaps., heavy at $8.76, Isoned, made tile ,pf- saw WMAMM W usiownw
Illy , . guilty. are 160 mail Impt
. anoint Saul hill wheat, white, burth. I ... . ... 1; 0 70 s 0 80 consternation amongst tile farmers Ili Chicago, July 0, -Mrs, Mary Thornp- Bunyan tooli; Ills sentence coolly, forts of the rescue parties almost use -
Saul to (line with hint and inforined or ihose Who regarded it as -'a collsdell. I)o,. red, bush. ... .. - 0 79 0 SQ this district. tion, ,wife of A St. Paul school Lonelier, a I ftid" slaww" %Ipau, to Dis-010 of
I I fle Lions duty to escort their 'law Icing to eo , bush. .. .. - 0 79 0 80 lid appeared to z be f, unconcerned. lose. . we
'ttl , " - ]love lost cattle and and formerly Miss Fanny 01buore, of _- I Behind Me heaps of f0lon 46bris . d Gllflft,416.
,:, =a
him that tile asses Ayere found. lue, lleavt, .... toualled---suct, AS . .... . I .. .. ..... 048 000 Many firmers ifeas m
also gtt-,,e him all intilldatiOn that "a Ilia hO 0,00 0 00 pigs, and tit(. danger is so serious that
13arlLy. blish. ... " " " :: ::: 075 0 00
0 do their duty mild 1�e42,. .
1vas to be kina. were moved by 11111, t ' L L .. buou. ". . .. - - . - .,1100 13 00 Dr. Pfirt, a veterinary surgeou, of Sim- Toronto, Out., was found strangled to could be heard OR day cries for lielp.- ON," jigum-& to, 4 W off. I I ** 9 & 14
I,, Saul anointed And given three recognize. tile Authority Of Saul, These Ruy. ton . 11. .. CHILD DROWNEDG n4ifty-three bodies were taken out to- I
, . * "":: .. -.1000 12-04 C..)Q, )IRS telegraphed to Ottawa for ills death, gagged. and bound hand and foot I . I I . -A
. 10). 11, tilt) morning Avert - 875 9 25 ' - I day, all terribly mutilated, some of tile *
signs (9: 25-10; , A tile Subjects who would help to straw, Per ton ..; ... 11
Samuel privately anoint,ed Saul tu be 11, le reigi,l) find would be 2 0, 24 ASSISU1110e Of All export In fighting tile With a Clothesline, Ili liar apartments !a to death, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND
'lye 1), p,eaccab Drec-sed hags ... ... ... ... ....
, litittar, dalry ... .. .. L " " ' " '010 nlen having been burned
captain over the Lord's inheritance joyn! Subjects. 2i Children of Bellal � Do., creamery ... .. .. .. .. : 025 0 28 disease a rooming house at 1242 Michigair- 4v- Avidle the heads and limbs of others 1.
- ell gave him instrue- Irll()Sc wl%o wcrk, wielced, profli�.Ite mild Oggo. dozen ", .. -.'� .. ..... 0 22 0 2.4 Tile trouble was started by a dog Fell Into Open Cistern While Its OL 7- CL L Ofto)
. (10.: 1). He tit I tokens. year old, 111. ... .. .. 0 12 0 13 belongirig to Valdo Olmstead, a farm- enue yesterday afternoon. Mother Was Washing. ]lad been torn off by tile force of the 46 IL (L 1P. qAftQ
. not disposed to be controlled. Despised Oil .. 11 .11 010 Oil r I - explosion. Seventy-five wounded also I
tiolls concerning his return lion,(, "I Fcpwi� per Ill . ... .. .. .. ..... 2 Do 4 50 er, living a mile east of this vilage. .Ilia police believe tile woman was . PHY9101AIld AWDSUR0901116 i
also gave him three signs ',a a Coll' bilil-Did. not recognize 111111P but Only Apples, per barrel .. . . - _. were taken out and removed tg.., boq- . �
I to him that lie WAS now ills Inaliller And- doubted Ilia ability. No. otaous, pet, bag : . .. ..... I V5 1 40 The dog suddenly ivent Inad, bit three killed Sunday afternoon, but it was not -
firmation. I 15 1 26 pitals. Of these ten succumbed day- a" with pr. chisholot-1 . J,
under tile inillnediate guidance of tile prosents-They gt%ve Ito proots that Pota-toes, Per bag ... .. .. .... - oo ot tile cows aild started towards Slin, until yesterday 'that Ivirs, Mary Ver. Woodstock, Ont, July O.- A sad ing the day and many others . . ... . .. I �
. . Beer, hindquarters ... .. .. a,- 9 50 11 I
111811 - Do,, forequarters ... .. .. .. 0 00 .7 50 LOC. this ,ions condition,
who . would tell .3 autll( 6 so 7 60 Three women who stood at '
Lord I. lie would meet two they acknowledged either the divine tip brugge, the owner of Life building) droAVning accident occurred here a preew
him that tile asses -Ion, I Do.. choice, carcass ... .. .. 9 00 10 (10 0juisten.0,t cows died, as did three . Edwards WAS
� Poj�tlnent or Ili, wity. Hold ills -case - :: liclonping to a neighbor named Greig, found the bruised And mangled body morning, Mrs. Alfred tile moutli I I
wIliall lie Aveut to seek were found peace. Having Ill, alubit ,ind thus. MD'- "" lum, eat :: ,.:.. . of the pit And recognized the bodies of I
utton. per owt� .. 00 -tilt . washing at the home "re reported (lead from
, , 6 ' " "
;�). % He AAould meet three men fOr ILP1`OftX8- 80. Veal. prime, per cwt I 7 00 a ,,lilt fl,rce pigs belonging to Willi. lying upon the floor of the IvOul,%Wa of J. D. McKenzie,
. (v. � Of prevents all occasion , fei .. . *.*. � '.'..:. 15 00 . 17 00 11-lontly. . At Tyrell find farther South their husbands a MANstsorm Am SOLWMR
lo would give hilll two loaves rout Saul _ I
wl far from resenting this aff .2�b_ ,per Owl - - - - . t. bedroom, " accompanied by liar only daughter, Flor- shook. A number of otbers have gone mmw to k" at Yowest rates. Office -
Gild (vs. 3, 4). 8. He would lifeet a ; - I IVE. ST001C. ,0wards Flincoi the ravages of the dis- That the ivoniall made a torrifie strug. cliCe, aged four years. Tho'cistern from inall.
In Spirit .leems ilot to notice it. There are many L I
. company of Prophets and the ,fellildreli of Bella? living to -day who Receipts of live stock at tbO City market, eige tire wor"; it is feared that other glo for liar life when Attacked by the which tile Vgter' was being drawn was 11 :1 1MV= 301001=_ .
of the Lord would come upon film, do not"ni6knowledge the kingship of a" reported DA, .ne ..11WAys, werd 67 car dog,, have been infected. 0 it left open, and tile child in playbigarovind
and lie would be turned into another I loads, COIDPOCti, Of SN cattle, 1,279 ho.13, I,Q'XJ So far no omi, has been able to cap- Strangler wits sliawn by tho a udItto * n. She was not missea for some HIGH AND WIDE HATS. WIM11AX
Christ, leelo), q1u8VI Calves aud 25 hollses. Ily 'Was not ture or kill tile' dog which started I tile of tile room where the bouy waLfomid. ,ell 4
� man and prophesy with them (vs. I), ,h Lilly of fat cattle genera I Chairs had been overturned; the Cover- til.4 find when search was instituted the Placed Under the Ban by Paris Then.
6). The signs All came to Pass Us PRACTICAL .APPLICATIONS. a,i rood aff on Tuesday's market. trouble, alit' the community is in -a .
Sam at ]lad predicted, And' Saul Trde Was BICAV, with prices lower for the Onto (it terror for fear of the child. 11198 were torn from the bed and scut7 dead body was recovered from the water. tre Commission. � DICKINSON & HOLUS
n 1. Lessons Wom tile Prophet. tered around the room, a t had The child wits exceptionally briAht,and .
I bulk of offerings, export. VI4, -oAvel Lite sad tragedy-lins cast a gloo, . in over Paris July 5,-Tbe Theatre Commis.
"prophesied among tile Prophets" (vs- NO straight loads of been forced into the woman's, month f Paris, beaded by .11, Lepine, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ere,
9-13). 1. Unselfishness, "Samuel called the ro..porters :: : 1, sion o'
. - cattle were on sale, A few steers Picked and then liar head wrapped in, a Sheet, the entire city. - -drawn lip All egngs-Weipw B) Ok. Wingh&m.
III . Israel called togethe- tit Miz people topther unto the Lord!' (v. 17.) out of loads of butchers, Sold at *6 to $6.251. 1 .1 I 11 Prefect of Police, has 0
: . a -t bulls, $4.76 to $5.26. WANTS A WIFE, And )l,er body was covered with bruises ordinance which deals summarily with
. . pelt (Ar. 17). A feudal iiobloman who, in a great lava. exput sold
17 Samuel -"In this lesson the DuLchet-p-The best loads of-butchors' and scratches. FARMERS' METHODS ABROAD, two evils -the -ticket speculator and Ill ' 3L 16 DWUOoa. DudI4 UelmoL
. . , siont ]lad taken possession of an estate, - r to $5.50; medium, $4.16 to $5.10*.
rophet-judge a )pears Ill It. unique at- said: "If the Icing does not grant front $5,25 - Robbery ivas the motive for the crime, hats. . 9 I
Ile common, $4.25 to $4.00; COWS. $1.50 to $4.40 I
ptitude, as'Zine Avilo assists in the revol- this castle I Avill burn it; no other sitiall por OWL. according to the police. Mrs. Thompson President Creolman Returns From an The new ordiiiaiice goes into effect
I ution wllie4 it to take from himself Ilave it.,, Such was not tile spirit of recders sad stookors--rifere is little do- Toronto Man Looking for One In %vas known to hay I .
maud for poor quailtyafeal-irs and stookersi � . ,a possessed a cousid- Observation Tour. on September 1. It provided that the J6'A. MORTON
I the supreme power and bestow it upon Samuel. Ile did not say, "If I cannot uo there is little else being offered, Trade Trentom, N, J. - arable Amount of jewelry, principally ' price of, places at each performance
-This as- at . . , . July .L4--Presideut Creel -man,
another." Called the people be yOIIr Tlller,'llo One else sliall." He set Was dull. Stockers, Boo to 700 lbs.. sold diamonds. These are missing from Lite Guelph sbaill be Rnnounced in advertisements, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR .
V.,..iG to ,$3.25; . fooders, No to 1,000 Ills.. sold' - ltousl�. Recently slid ]lad made valuable of tile ,Ontario AgricultWal College, .
sembly was evidently partly TOPTIBSell- himself ,aside, helped the people in their i,j 43,25 , , feeders, 80(l to 1,00e the., - and when once announced cannot be
tative, made up of elders and heads choice, Ivas Saul's best friend and coun- at $2.73 , loaa of ohort-keep Detroit, '.Nkficb, July 0�-A Trenton, X. purchases of jewels at Mariliall Fichl. & returned to -day after a three months' MONEY TO LOAN
lit at $3.25 to $4 find 1 changed by the ticket office or any I
of tribes; and partly popular, many gelor, and did 411 lie possibly could to 8reeders, 1,000 lbs,, wx,re ool(r'bY A. W, hlw.- J., despatch says Mayor Madden has Co's. and Lite 0. D. Peacock Co. Stile tour of the iinpqrto,nt agricultural t �
I of the people being present, � bee at $4.25 per owt. � Supply of received a letter from James D. Kott, cheques for these purchases Avera found countries of the old ,world in tile in- ftgency, Managers of theatre.-; canno 4maso-varton Block, Wifigham.
I , enctli" P- make the Q.xPe;ilnellt It success. II& � Milkers and sinlingers-A fail sell tickets fit reduced prices unless I
ad, and to ,some extent arined,-Hurl- dreAv tile people unto Clio Lord, not III'- makers and springers sold at ;30 to $50, with of Toronto Ontario, who si.ys that fie lit her room. terests. of Ontario agriculture, During
but. It was very important for the to himself. It was tile Same nnselfish four or five lit it little more money. would 'Ide��a it a great favor to receive According to Mrs. Verbrugge, a man Ills visit lie was all interested visitor the entire house at a enlrWin perform- - -
brijerests of Sani, as ivell as to SaIll- Veal calves -Trade about steady; about 200 gonulne leap year pro auto is sold out at tile reduced rate. I
ness tilat made John tile Baptist Say, ' � .posals of marriage whb gave Ilia name as J. 11. Raymond/ At nearly all,the prominent agricul- The co-minisIftiop is less brutal lit its Wellindton Mutual ;
, at sa. to $5 per OWL from bona fide Nvealthy ladies only-" brought Life Nyomau to tile house over tural colleges and experimental farms 1_ 11
net and the people, that his advance- .,Ile must increase, bilt I must de- "v"Iwe'v 'a"Tdf lambs�113xport I awes sold at $170
. ment te the head of tile nation be crease." ta $,I: rams, st, to S3,59 Per ewt,; Itunbs. OVAe He gives as reference James Bryce., the a week ago, and introduced her,as 'ills lit France, ItaLy, Switzerland, England, decision oil iyomen?s hats. It expresses
.. a, matter of public notoriety. Already II.Faitliftilness. "Samuel ... I said .... to v?1c per pound. 13ritish Allibassaodr. The writer, be- wife, Ile has.not. been seen since Sun- and Scotland, as well as a keen ob- itself politely, saying -that no spectator Fire Ins. Co. I
abroad thit he was 'rhus saith the Lord" (Y. JSJ firop-PrIces unchanged at $G.40 for celects. ,'.'idea giving a description of himself, day, when lie went to the room, with server Of tile general methods� of tile shall . be allowed to prevent anoilier
. it was noised ) Though and F6,16 for lights. � . -wing him with. tile Mrs. Thompson. farmers o the different ecliln from',seeing Qj- henjiug, After Septent- CEirtablishad :1840.1 i ' I
� , �
Among the prophets, but that remark- the people had rejected God, lie di,4 not SUGAR M-�]RXET- sends a ature, slio f tTies. He 41 .
� . � I able fact was.not sufficient reason for , thom. God remembers when men uniform IV a British army officer. Kott - Besides Thompson, the police also left London a weel;. ago., tlieTe parting bet, I ally rilgla Nybo finds tile difficulty Za#A OMOaoUr,LPR, ONT.
their � , 5'. -30 years, old. Ile selected Troll, looked for Mrs:Mary Morton, the house- I IVIIA �ejvk# the stage from behind a' )fat njpha taken on sit ciuzoo ot Insurable pro�
, title people to recOgnizO him as not St. Lawrence sugara are quoted as follow. is about with Professor Ila"09.10, Ito
11 , li'll;eItt. God is good when. men [ire ,ud No. I gdld� .,a . via:- Of SC I
. king. lierefore Samuel. to whom All- grateful. God.le faltljul when Tnen Are, granulateld, $5.00 In barrels, 9 are for de- ton its the place to hunt a rich wifg, keeper at tIke Michigan avenue house, ited Germany and otl;ey pouptries in the has only to oall an usher, who notifies pwfw *a the cash or vronlum, .note 674t,0116
. still looked for judgment, assembled- .. , on s-1.60 in barrels. Thcee prices' because lie heard of the beauty of Tren- and liar husband, who has It interests of ;h(-mistr'yas connected with the owner.of the o(fending beadgOar to ll,li� OMD11A. CHAS DAVIDSON,
I the people at Afizpeth, and there, by wilful. It men will, not follow God, lie 0ery: car lots Be less. een employ- I
will follow them, J.-Tio falthfulliess is a " � . ton girls. lie goes into detail in de- ed as a 'solicitor by a down town photb- a _111ture. . remove I t. presiderA Secretmv,
tile casting of jots, Saul was publicly scribing just the sort of wife that graph concern. Both had been missing �rrilew Ituropean agriculturist, lie aays� The ordinance also touches on other
I . a 'whom the Lord proof of his love. Our commission is, OTHER MARKETS. 'Suit him, and is most 0 theatre matters. For example, no child JOHN v2r=IA
. .. designated as the on - .- would particular ter two days, but tile woman was found is allead of tile Canadian in that; Ile
., . Samuel and Saul boti) "VTO� ..... teaching .... fill things 'what I � that tile young lady who consents to be A& -L' Winghami . Oi4
. )-lad chosen." was ioever I have commanded you" .tMatt. late in the evening At tile )ionic of liar has a better understanding of the sail tinder bhir�,een is allowed to nppenr at I I I
. knew who had been chosen, E40 it -wiN.NIPEO IMPAT MARKET. s . Ills bride is Avell supplied Avith money. so that a music hall or at it, regular tbentre - ___
. not for'their sake, but for the people's -28, 20.) God Says, "Speak my 'Avord rioupwing are the closing quotatIOIS Of' mother, Sangamon and West Harrison and artficial fertilization,
� - faithfully" (Jer, 2.3; 28) -the word that winal-peg grain futures: In accordance %vItb lCott's request May- ,,treats. Her ieal name, site -said, was every inch of tile ground is uaed, and except by Me permission of 'Lite Mriiister
. 'hake, that this. assembly was collven or 07c bld,.Dec. or Madden placed the Advertisement in ilton, .Site denied all knowl- -
. he condemns as Nvell AS the word that com- Wheat -July $1.02 bid, Octob Alice Ham the earth Is kept rich even in some of Public Instructi.n. .
� ad at ' Mizpeb.-Tery Unto t forts- . .1 1. - . 85o bid. the local papers. edge of the murder, but Avas held At districts 'where crops of different va- I - � ,
.. - .. -J Le bid, Oct. 34c, bid. - .,-
Lord ,rhis assembly was in God's . Oats uiy 38% . " - - che Harrison street station annex. Mor' rieties are grown all athe year round, AN AERIAL OMNIBUS.
iesence III. Loyatlt7. "Samuel ... cansed all, 4 :
I Prese,inice,,cIand probably that P of tile BRITIS11 CATTLU brARRMTs- A FAT4kL RUNAWXY. I
. was d by the presence the tribes. to colne near" (vs. 20, 21). .- - . ton left 4ltonday mornin& the ',VOman but tire so well chosen as to not n-
. , d to d the Samuel would not Choose the Icing )lit - I Loodom-London cables " for cattle are '.. said. 0 , lure the earth. This, too, is riecessar.. .It is Being. Planned by a Frerich In.
high priest with the 'Urim an 11 q
. Av- self;'he found out ll� lot whorn t steady at Me to 141ho per lb, dressed weight; R,ising of Victim's Umbrella Fright- Mrii. Thompson wits identified at Rol- in Ebigland on. account of tile high rates. venter. - . TLY SEECURE01
Thummim. It would be Avell if no ile 'effigerutor beet is quoted "Lt. lOY40 to 10%6 I -ened Horses. stoiVs morgue by liar brother, Walter . Then the Canadians, Mr. Creelman says, I for our Interesting bookS " IfiV401H..
!Ldaja we met God oftener at our pol- Lord bad chosen. The pro�het loved the per ib.* ,_ I I avell Avho is a Paris, July 5. -One of the most ex- P11 and 11 How you are 9wludJe4. i
� itical gatheringa. To Mizpeh-.0he To- will of G(M. "Choose thou our changes A, TAE 01-M, IDSE -MARKETS. St. Catharines, July B. -A fatal runa, Uilmore, 2094 Wilcox lie, have the Advantage in the use of ma- traordinary flying machines ever %can, � a mush sketch or model of your In '
i! cation is uncertain, but is supposed to for us," it saintly father usc-1 to pray of. Canton, N. Y. -To -day fIfteen,411und;ed tu'bs way accident occurred lit this city yea- 64i'll-foreman of the Western Union Tele- chinery. In England and the other coun-. even in France, hns just completed a ct mprovernent and vewfUtellyQ
terday, -whereby Alvina, Rofund lost tier "' , Rejected applicatiorts bavL Often
. -i's inoxes cheese, 10%c. optroafe'd by the telegraph company for ch0ry is very little used in mally see- grounds at lssy. This is tIto Malecot ,fully prosecuted by us, We.
be a high hill not far from Ramah, tell At tbe,family altar, and long, yea outter sold at 22%0; thirty-two hundred LpIl Company.' Gilmore has been am- tries, of course, labor is cheap and ma- successful trial on the army mancleuvre Ion as to whether It Is probablyA
�1. I I Samuel's home. Several other im- afterward. tire memory of the prii.Nqr London, ont.-Iro-day twelve factories of- life. With ll -r father, W. D. Roland, Of "early �-
ings were held at returning home 20 years. fully equipped offices ill Montreal -
portant meeir Miz- kept Vie.ditifigiliter happy ill the will of fered 655 White and 1,441 colored; Sales, 566 Rockaway, site Avas tions. In Italy the president saw one "Aeroneff,11 a pepulip,T 111l.NtuTQ Of bal-
� poll. God. The prophet was not Only loyal to uolored at ill/ac; i0o colored at It 7-lUc. front tile market in the afternoon, when "Yea, it is Fanny," tried Gilmore as tell -acre field -which was being prepared -loon and ikey(liplallo, . _111111, bNagton -, thisquallfies us to Prompt-
. uaiance unsold. . ,- Pat Wo and quickly secure Patents
. JV. Samuel reproveth the people (vs- God, but also to the king. "Samuel sent -1111-PrIce, offered was ll%c mud the horses were frightened by tile de- lie viewed the body of the murdered for the seed with spades, and there tile �Tljo ,"Iq . `1
.: . Vabkieek I cro, to think -it should have . jil pa# of tho inaobitto front . brox4gethe ventl6n. Highestreferences:.
L, t8, 19). all the peciple away. every man to Ids at this figure all was sold an board, 'rhora 'ceased, who ane, woman. I workers -received little pay. which the appar-atus is controlled is A 1041L
esent, Wilegar, Holeau, relia to shield I 1-1. procurea through WIRrion & Ma -
18. Thus saith the Lord -The wordg were six buyers or taisffig liar umb h : , 7 canvas plane mounted i reftive special notice without charge In:
house" (v. 25). He 41.4 not let orie,le- code: Prasel', Arthurs and 1 -lodge.
I ken were not ,Samuel's , ard was the ,,,,. The horses dashed down the Gilmore And his wife sollbed as they 0 ovkf Igo I
about to be spo main to commiserate with him a, -. Llstowel,-The best bid on the bo KEEP ON FIGHTING. fram e triangular ill for.m and 60 feet tewspapers distributed throughout
. lcr the - long, I ith a base of 12 feet. In tile th C; WWII.
11 but God?s. The prophet allows 1101N, God new Administration; would nbt- nlloxv ll%c, but no busitiesS was dolle. On the steep lilt] leading to the Grand Trunk were led from.l.'lle undertaking estab w, !k% i -Patent business uf Manufac-
the I h the street afterwards, 11%O Was bid by solue Station at a furious rate. At the bend lislinient and hurri-ed to the City Hall - Contra of the plane is the car, contaill- t-, UYX u
t liad always done for them exactly wlint one of the disaffected one to velW - . London Butchers Demand the Remov � _ 6 n Rugiuecr&
� -a expe � I. . of the buyers, and one factory man, liawkes - ill tile hill the wagon was overturned in an automobile. An effort Avas made ing the motor and other mechanism. 6
p they ivei eting a Icing would do. displeasure in his presence. '' , villo. old at that figure.. others were hold .,,MON & MARION
I ceep the identification secret. ai of the Embargo.
. He ]lad delivered them frony the bands.bf ,)of -Ing for ll%C, and there was little Prospect and Mr. find )diss Roland were thrown to I ' The car also .provides a place for a Falent Experts and Solicitorlit.
. -Ilia deliveranct' tile Lord further" (Ar. 22). , ' -of further business being done. Next fair Tile inurdered woman's. maiden name 'London, July 5. -The London -ew of hree. A
: their oppressors. "But t IV. Prayerfulness. "They inquiretF, to the roadway. . but- Pi t The mot*r drives . Now York Life BlIdIF, flontralill
'Prayer is July 17. lived in To- 90MI I ,�.tl..t!5.�l _
, - after- Assistance wati quickly secured, and was Fanny Gilmore, and site - ten -foot propeller at A speed of I , 00 dg,Wash.nSton.D.
]lad been made to depend upon their O%Vll the preface to the book of Christian liv. Navanee-At the olieese board this chers met yesterday to demand all ell 2 - -
. noon, i6 white and 1,447 colored boarded- Dr. Macdonald was soon on the spot, and rolito, Canada. In New York -she mar- _. .
, conduct; they were Always. required to ing; the text of Che life serilloq; the b at did everything necessary for the girl, but ried a school teacher named Edward quiry into tile doing of t1le American revolutiolls a mintite, The ,plane is, . I .
. . reliant of sin and purge . the -land from girf4ng on the Armor for bxttle�- Sales 966, at 111/2o; balitaw Said on out' l3v0,1. 01' V,O. placed close below a cigar -shaped ba(- I
tile prica. . lqpn 100 feet long, with rL diameter of
idolatry before vietpry could be tbeirs. ;Ufffrim's preparation for Ills journey.0 "nine 20 white and 785 ICTIONVilig that She was fatally injured he Lrborlipson, afterward going with lihil meat trust, and tile roin. �
� , Kent,otyllio-Thero were 1 6 Hosp t1a,, to Fargo, N. D., then to '11inneapolis, ' *Of VA MISS MANNERING
What they wanted now was national in- "'Pabs Lord answered!' (v. 22) their - colored cheese registered at to -night's meet- liad liar removed t the City I striations on tile imPO1%tatiOA - u- 23 feet, . -
. earn ing orthe icem�ptvme cheese Board. The bid- k0icre, despite the best of treatment, shr Ifinn., and finally to St. Paul. The cou- adian live cattle. This AveeWs experiments showed that
dependence, freed from this condition, eat, definite prayer. Is there any record ding- stood at li 9-16C for either, but 110
and secured by an organization of their of an unansivered prftyeT? God Answered rates were made. ' -,died shortly before O'cilclock. ple separated about .% year ago, and the A resolution was, passed calling for tile i(AcT.Queff" could easily sail Away I
. I military resourot,0-Hurlbut. Perth -There were i,650 boxes of cheese I - I woman came to Chicago, living in A tile appointment of a conlinittep Ily with A dead weight of almost half a ton, Asks For Divorce From Her Hasband
.1 David, thouggli he did not grant his peti- to -day -1,300 white and Lr5O A19SAULTED BY A TRAMP. * house oil Wabash avenue. tile House of Commons. Another rising and descending tit the will and
', boarded here :
�, I 19 * Ye bave..rejected your God- tiou (2 Sam. 12. 15-18). Jesus answered colored, All Were sold at liyac, about the I Mrs. Eid. Johnson, an acquaintance Of resolution demanded tile_remoVal of with little sacrifice of ballast, J. K. Hackett.
.1 Samuel's style is vigorous. Ile charged John the Baptist, thougli He permitted usual number of buyers present. � .
iyladoe�At the cheese board here to -day, 'k Middlemarch Girl Attacked on Perg .he Woman, Who lives tit Lake street the embargo oil Canadian store eat- AJ. �Ljalecot is now completing plans
thein. with ingratitude and unfaithful- him to die a martyr's death, 11--aut lie Nere ortered. All sold at 11 7-1110. _ ae said Mrs. Thoinp- tie and the removal of the restric- . .
8,20) boxes w Marquette Railway. tnd Harle'll 'Yen' ,, for An aerial orfirilbug, ,B'e Is confident
I , ness, its express l nd for a might li,tve forever tba overcomer's -At the cheese board to -day, 20 fae- - ,with liar sister -in- tio' a upon the, importation of all oat- that all the heavier aerial vehicles of tile New York, July 6.--Thitt Mary 'Man-
,. Pialon son had a child living 11
I king. God, lit the character of king, had crown (Matt. 11. 1-0). God always nus. torlt;s boarded 2,195 boxes colored, Highest St. Thomas, July fi.-%Vld1e walking law, and also had a sister who Was an tie for immediate slaughter from f tiering bas brought suit for divoret, front
go erned tile Israelites for four h ll%c. . . future will be modelled on tile plan o .
v andred wers the heart cry of every dh9d. If . along the Pere Ifarquatte Railway .
' 0 actress !it New York. Site claimed ]NIrs. countries officially declared free from arlied to
. years. He ruled on term,.; Arbich Ile Him- we Avould pray well we must pray much NEW YORK BUG-klt MARICVr- track yesterda the twelve -year-old . , rhompson. had been keeping company disease. '. Ilia machine. -I James K. Hackett, was le. -day
! Sug w firm; fail, refining, 3-890 to L I [_ ,
self, through the agency of Mo.iaa, I ad (Luke 18. 1; I Thess. h 17). To "have 0", ra' - M Webb, residing ricar 0 - from Miss Mannering's counsel. Among
V, 3.92: .tritugal, 96 Leat, 4.29c, to 4.42i:;11101- (IMU'VIltel of wit], a chauffeur niii;ed Nelson, and re- .
I proposed to them, iz., Unit if they ob- the petitions we desire" Ave must ns'k- �asses sugar. 3.640 to 3.67ci refined, stelidY, X10dietn'ttreb, was attacked by, an un- ,,UNF; FIVQ FLEW A MILE. theatrical folk rumors of such a suit
. caord,u., ;�ently had gone with Mr. Johnson to � PENNY -A -WORD QAE)496. ,ionic months. The
-ace 4y "a , D.AN-Ir_ OLD-ARINGS. . known -utally assaulted. - Curtiss Aerodrome Won Scientific have been current for ,
. served their allegi to bim, tit, , to His will" (I John 5. 14, tramp and lit see an attorney abolit securing a di
should be prosperous; if not, adversity 15). When we ask Recording to ITi.q summons in the divorce suit was Served
� M New York $1,440,160,000, decrease 12-7. i;llie says she noticed a dark object voree. John Hpr1n1k#r 0,entgn Comfidlint of
and inisery Should be the consequence word we ask according to Dis will. We Citicago $2g8,110,000. decrease 4.9. 1 lying in .it ditch near the track and. Harry Gralvberg, A salesman i Success in Hit Quest. American Medal. on xfr. Hackett early lit June, three day.%
� ,a do this when we abide in Chi Boston $151, iu,000, decrease 5.2. bor's dog.' call.
We learn from the whole book of Judge Ist and Ills philudel-phia. $123, 467, 000, decrease 19-2. thinking it was a neigh dowh town department store, wIJO 1415, Buffalo, July 4�A. special to Tl�e before lie sailed for Europe. Miss Alan -
I and from the first eiglit chapters of %vords abide in us (Jobii 15. 7). iVben St. Louis $57,463,000, luereasi 9.2. ad. 'Tile tranip arose, Went lip the ant- tile room Adjoining that lit which Mrs. London, July 5. -John Henniker Times from Bath, N. Y., says: Glenn nering engagold counsel about A year ago,
I Samuel, )low exactly Me result, from we ask in His natzie (John 14. 13, 14 Pittsburg $42,696,OW, decrease 23.1. bankment arid grabbed ,her. In the ;old.the police be Heaton, wh wtm the first to announce H. Curtiss, of Hammondsport, to -day but tile Suit was not begun until it wa-.4
Joshua to Sainuel. agreed witli fliese -ind in bhe power of tile Spirit 0 1. sanfrauclow $3%G52,000, decrease I 15-1. itruggle which ensued tile girl's clothes rhompson was found, t I
. I Dominion of Canada.- never had heard 02 slightest disturb- the conclus n uf a penny postal ar- successfully contested for tit(.- silver cup apparent that there was 110 further bolle
� conditions. God had aiways ftlitlifully i. 26, 27) every such prayer .a a. a at.. Montreal $22.652.060 decrease 24.3. were torn, but she managed to free , I rangement bet�veen Great Britain and offered several months Ago by The Scion, of reconciliation. It is understood that
: a ' ance in the bObse.
kept the promises made them. ',get ..I ed literally. God "cannot den I self" lrwonta�$15,692,011)0, decrease 34.2. herself, and ran Away. "The murder could not have been com- the United States, made a significant tific American fqr tile lontyest flight the complaint %vifl name more thall one
, -1 8,037,000, decrease '3C.D. statement last evening at the dinner. . a 3N I iss
king Moil fault coiu%iated n6t in tbr (2 Tint. 2. 13). Every prayer Is answered W1111119eg $ Her assailant throw first it dirk and initted at night or I Nvt,old 'have been la(ie Ity Ally heavier-than-air flying Ilia- co-respondent. Mr. Ilaekett all4l
I SimPT . Vancouver $2,949,000 decreaso 9.3. - ,1.1 , 11 Tbe flight to -day was made by Malinerintr worQ inairied May 2, 1892,
a dL�
. t I a for A Icing but in tile con. "in kind or in kindnem'; Ottawa $2,348,000 decrease 9.3. tben a stone after her, the latter strik- Lwakened," said Grawberg� ,,It ,nust of the American Society witIl Tea Ott vlAiiie.
emilit they Jeliovab. V. Courtesy. "Sanniel Said .... see 'yo, Qudbee $1,695.R decrease 23.7. ina her on the foot And leaving a in -tl-w .4 ca'hift riAto 4prct -until
� inanif"ted for )e1lily f: Wi a but t,he i"arriage was kept s6vt
� 1 168,000: decrease 20.3. . ark liave occurred Sunday Afternoon while to Ot I . as the "June Bug," upon which Mr. Curti 11
Tbey were not satisfied'with God, bill lijill" (v. 24). ITeartilly lie honored tile 11031flix $101.08,1,0W, decrease 39-6. I oil liar Shoe. So far the man has not i was Away." The condition of the 110y Atlaril"', ' a saicl:---�tWe will and Professor Alexander Graham .Bell th(� follmying January. For .,_,veral sea-
namilton s I t"a y 1,a ,a pertuy-a-word cable- hay, been working for a year. bir. sons Air, Hackett awl bill wife Aveib
desired a visible king, clothed lit plirpip rine "iArboin Life Lord bad chose.n." Vor. Calgary 023.10W decrease 26-7. been located, Although searching parties -arries out this belief. short' I , ve t Ay'th tile Curtiss operated the machine, Ilia first joint stars. I
I robe% with his guards and officers, wilp lially lie commanded the one wh 6t jobu, N. U., $034,000, decrease 11).G. . -ire at -work. One party only iniised I- grain. in confident, tha I
. 0 Wit$ . Assistance of - feet of the distance I
i should rule ivith great pOmp like ille to supplant him. No mail ever res filed E�ndoi�, sud,00ll decrease 32A. . him by twenty minutes at Shedden last great electricians AvhOT flight lacked a few - a *.*,
. victorta W10,000, decreaze 8.2. . L.
I nations around them. Pre,gent vourselves the first power of tile state Ivi ecrease 20-1. night, but it is now thought lie i - bu we have interested Ili tile matter it .test,
I 910 U�dufonton$6,64,000. it a fat, RE, V. A. B. SIMPL"'N soon will be successfully accomplish- prescribed by t1io 1-pleg of the coil STOLE HIS GOLD TEETH. -
. . abou� a60Q feet, Wt the second flight
I -Arrange yourselves in systematic, or. mrieb courto,sy,tenderness, dipi . and WLI,L ,sTRz,ET N2 -WS- from the scene of Ilia crime. ad. extende(j, gve ' a
, . der for the Casting of tilt-. ioh 131, Vol,,, ,,rrneell (I f9am. 9; 22-24). "Hiin Nvboin Spot Copper in mudon Is unolioused, He is described by the girl as 45 years I I : L _ . I . I a mile, which was covered Omaha Brakeman Thinks the Tramps
104 tribes -Represented by the twol�e �rilfc. the Lord bath chosen!" not "lie Avilom lower to -day, and futures 2s Gd lower- of age, five and a.limlf feet high Nvitli . in A minute &lid a fraction,
es, Your thousaiida---�Tbiq nicans the vou unrigbteously denianded," Blant re- secretary Taft will be notified July 28 Of I i'vhisk. Again Successful as a Collector of BODY FOUND 114 A WELL. In former flights witli this Acre- Are Going Too Far.
his nomination for President Oil Republican three weeks' growth of Ireyisl .
same as families. The number of Ile buice is tinnecessary. 1111ain d I drome difficulty has lipen ex;erienced New Yor'... July (1-A (I.Q.41)."Ich. to tile
ft(I a AvOr S nla3' ticket. . erg, and wearing a soft hat. . Monty. Unpleasant Surprise for Gloucester it, in
�, of houses in the severall. families of a be spoken eourtaou�ly. Evcs.-. rebuke may Democratic delegates at lienver are pre 0
Paring, ta row Over the resolution ,eulogizing �_. - � . Township Farmer. " alihig % s%(e ileRcent, but this did Tributic from Onialin, .says: Tramps
I I tribe W! I .. not av�ur to -day. The machine de.
. t'flrfge� gl t easily Teach a thotisand. - be tender. the late President CIevoland. * - WINNIPEG TERROR CAUGHT. . -_ % . -lie will of the , with foreeps anit % knaelc for dentistry
: Ir. Lessons from 6 thern receivers .have dis __ . Toronto, Inly 6.-Ivioney is not at Ottawa, J -V scended gracefully at t
V te Prince. isforfolk land Soul - *91ile 4rawill
� I publicly chosen king (vs. 20 . oensed wltbe -the services at all prominent 'eved to be Assail. ply 4. 9 operator. Tile experiment was wit. caphired T. C. Roberts, a bral�vuion of
. . ,ul - Man in Jail is Bell ull scarce says Rev. A. B.'Simpson.. water from a well on his farin in
: I. lHodesty. Saul ")lid Iiitnaelf and they officials of tho com,'Paliy-
� 27). of ferries so that z- nessed by it large number ot scientific a freight trftiik entering tilt, Omaha
� ran and fetched him thence" (v. 23), Plans to combine Broold-Y People a'r' of their so- Gloucester township last week Henry .
rzist River service maY 13V . lie hi% strug-
. 0 20. trib"..,come near -We are not t be interrupted. e only doubtful men And others interoqte�l it% neronan.- yards list piplit, all(], desp
ThaC this was real modesty we know, Indlallo,"lla union millm of Alabama Will Winnipeg, Sul� 5. -The police have curities; when they are confident of Parent was horrified to see A matilf, ties. 1�les, oxtracted tight of hill teeth,
I . told expressly by what process t 0 called ,y to be head emergin,g-,as the bucket came to �
I . he se. because God. said to him afterwaird, not accept walse reduction and will b - * � 0-
: lection was made, but it was probably ord-ing to formal made Avhat will kobably prove to be these there is plenty of mone, the surface, He At once ran to tell Roberts, who had a litrildlig display
I "When. you Avast little ill thine Own out oil strike next week. see a very Important arrest in a man BuP- had. In proof of this he talked for TOUGH ON MUSIC. of gold fillings in biA nioiiih, )lad
� by casting lots. Tit(, lotwas In common sight, Avast tbou not made tho, head of decision Of National nxecutive Board of Unit, ied to be the perpetrator of a an hour and a halt before the Chris- his neighbors of the discovery, and they att(.nlptp.(1 to put tile tramps, Nvho were
I I v.1 ?,gitio 'workers of America. pos seties
use nniong all nations of antiquity. it the tribes?" ne of pulled from the well tile body of an
�_ is rogarded lit ,Scripture, not as a clianee 11. Prudence. "Ho'beld Ills peace" (VI , Bradstroet's Trade Review. of attempted outrages, at least o tian Missionary Alliance at Zion unknown man. An inquest was hel(l Fills London Streeb% With Idlers and ,ioveral lit imillber, troll, Ills train.
I deoisiou, but RS & legitimate Metbod of 27). "Silence is sometimes the inos 11ontrofth (jeneral business has a which was accomplished, on Women Church yeaterjay Afternoon, with a esterday, and jury brought in ,a vet- % 0,roatos Boy lAurglars. After thell, dental work they Carefully
I *� itweertaining tilt divine Will, --Cam. Bill. t ulas- o here. The volume of summer in the neighborhood of Welfington� . I aced tile teoth ill their pockots Awl
terly thing coneehrable. It is streac,t), in steady toll result of getting pledges for $23,235.67. Y, evident�y Lon4oll, July S. --At A' ineethig of PI
I Tile names of the tribes were probably 0 and fall trtiOe allows further slight lift- crescent, one of the best residential 0- this $166 was in paid pledges and die that the drowned ntan had leaped. froill. tile train, disappearing in
I Avritten oil slips of parchment very ,gi-andaur. It is like a reginZt or- t, illore particularly In dry districts in thni city. $i7.67 In ealib collection. fallen into tile well, Nvltioh is (in open the London County Councills 16111-..I-� tile darkne,qs.
and dered to stand still lit the mild fury of ' ' The police refuse to divulge :Iiili --------. - �- . . one, ivbil6 endeavoring to get it dritilc tion Committee, tile Appointment of T %it
"place(I in the saered bag of the high 'rov"I'Lit .
: goods lines. Crop reprts from all see- . . . . lie ease was repartod to tile 0m, nt
priest's broastplate, in the presonce of , the battle. 'I* plunge lit were,twice As C L-110 country continue of tile name, but lie is said to be the brother. I of water. Tho'body litis not yet beon a musical iiftspector foi- flit-, sehoils police. to-dity by Roberts. and all tile
l tile -he a as, a a tons of of a civic official and the case will YAN. I weittified. wits discussed. It was contended that tho, A in tG el v hoing rounded up
princom and elders. easy." If brother comes )lot ro n BAD BUN traltip. I ity nt
. Then the high . brightest description, and there In a 1`13- Probably be heard in alarriera, to -mor- :: - - I . teaching of music in elementary Rchool'i it, all effc,rc to Capture tite. guilty men.
. �
� priv - is band wrongly accuse,s yen of Indifference, neg, - row morning when the women lie has .- . fitted the children for clettipationq in
at seems to have tbrust in Ili ligence or nlikinaness, hold your peace, . .Jultant optimistic 'tond regarding future BOY Is VICTIM OF MAE) DOG. I'll Tho Police �Voilwidt% in tile view of
i� and drawn -one forth." The first one business. Monty is fairly free And quoted . assaulted will be Asked to identify HOA8E.KILLING PAANIAC GETS After life. To this was attributt-d 41; oberts that [Pprodations by 11holicies"
drawn out was tile one chosen. 21, if you are bitterly er maliciously op- unchanged. hilh. ittdri by Animal Whic "It% it (I .
� . -
. -
� ,Saul .... was taken -In this way, posed in your efforts to do what yon be- Toroilto, Thord continues A general I I . - - f - _� . . FOURTEEN YEARS. . . B h Has Created fltct that tile 111*09 W03-6 filli'll --vith Are going altagothvr ton fair.
throilgh succiessive steps, the lot finally lieve to be right, )told your peace. You Ines 6f 131141- Scard in Norfolk. itilerp, (inil that there was it grPar %- 4
fell I(I of 1�isll will calm .your friendly oitponea, yon Improvement in toile to tilt It ADIVSE6 CANADA TO WA I T. crease in, iho nuinbor of Loy borgi.ir%. ' ROYALTY IN AIRSHIP.
upon 111"aul of tile 11011.9f)101 I nes% bore. While sorting orders R" gell' - His Crimes Were of a Mott fifivolting Villa Nova, July 5. -Tilt litfl.� scri ............... �1� I I -
I could not be found-Smul was timid and Nvill draw nearer to your loyod ones w 110 or a fairly London Standard Deprecates dom. has fallen a Vic-
of a humble spirit and felt that he are only tired and'irritated, you imly Prally for sinall lotso they cOv Nature, arid the ComAunity iii of Valdo Olmstead BL9ECH8RS COLLAPS901
_ wide rallc,e, atid, considerable, satisfacLion King and Queen or Wurternburg Sail.
could not poligillily aecept tilia great turit a lot into a friend, ., , m6rc;al Tre,ity, With Germbiny. Relieved That He is Under LocI4 tim to the epidemic of hydrophobia
'a which has brought havoc -among 010 'Store Injured at Ball 'Game In New
� truAt, Benjamin was Clio smallisst tribe, 1. exili-PAed with tile outlook for fa I London, July O.- Tb� Standard, 're- rid Kby, ed the Air.
and his fatitor'fi fa, . niily, ac-cordin Ilt. A Lesson Prom the Peoew. , trade. Travellers report airk excellent (-It. ferring to the belief tliftt Germany Ims a cattle find swiiie of this part of Nor- Bedford, 11rietIrich4hafen, JulAr Q.- For the
. statome 9 to Ills God's Avay is beat . A good t1dag quiry for the better lines of g40(18, ' "
, L - al;pronelled tile Imperial (lovernment . folk County. The lad was bitten by first tinle in histol
own tin. 7 a reigning King
lit, wno tho least of tall the wrongly obtaintit dopi; not satisfy. The `flVinnipeg- Business conditions icon NOW 1104ford, .',Nrass., July 5. -Nearly a a "
. family of thd tribe of Benjamin; how )) - with regard to obtaining a eomillere al Galt, July 4.-Defor:! Magistrate Ills father's dog, which wits Attacked '%I . red, one prob- .And Queen to -any made, lilt seellaioll
_. Maple said, "We will have it ki rc, and, PINORY %Veil fill score of persoilA were in.1 a 0 -
E� -e Xing wilhollil of Wurtellif.
tficy got him; thoy desirett a mail of , through this Itatt of tIll0 eou�try, Tile 'tit V oniarks n Blake here to -day James 110riyan, of with rabies It short time ago and has ih A steer.bl. balloon. Tho royal iffir
flien eoulit he stand before Israel as . Ingo all(I Ito unchange(I lid arrangement wi anacia, remarks til*. Ably fatally, 'whell tile fileftellers ftt'tll('
ture, and lip. 1val give , ,ellief feature I.% the steady increaaa in I I Roseville wag b 9 I " local ball grounds of the. New Ungland -
I their Magi 118 may also have been Lite danger of tile. policy Of fill imperial DUnd guilty Of killin spread the kpidemill throughout sonages Wet
i alarmed at Samuel',; declaration that C. gigantic sta .11, preforence being reversod, and argucit it two horses belonging to Thos. Riddle, countryside.. berg And QuQcili Charitote, who are staA.-
the p"ple were rejecting God in libooll. they desired it military leader, and (�(xi tho volume of tradd Indvirig and tile. fur- I iq Thomson, ol League 0011apsed Oil Saturday, carrying
,I sent thilyk, blit tht" *1111dren Of BL,Iial 11i,les- ther impl-ovement, in PtOspc(lt for the'.. . to Cantid,eg Advantage to wait before of Rookton, all(! J. if. O four. The lad baA bon ruslied to tho '&Ni R - .1 down 1,300 spectators. Five were taken Ing in their OaAlle oil thp shorts of T'afto
it king. 88, enquired of tho Lord- negotiating Any Turther eolumttreial Sheffiold. lie was sentenoed. t tonr Tristituto ill X6w York for Itent. to a hospital and fourtoort otber-.4 wcte Vongtanee, alill, who accepted Count Veil-
ir pised. blml� (V. 27). Altliongli the Lord fAll trade. Ceop reports eoutinud splen- . that teen years in the Xingston Petliton-
11 ire high prieat probably enquired by treaties, n.4 ap�rt from the fact inent and hope is entertalliml t1fat Ills removed to their homes in eal"ringos, pelin's offer to * make a trip in Ili.,; Alit -
.,4 of the Urlin and ;thummim li�t - I irections. -irmall, of Galt, with Ilie inny bA savell. while ninny more austitintid slight Ili- '%hill-
Ine"Ill grall6ll tbeir request, yet they jIlifferod did from flit (If ,Opinion lit Britain oil the queAtion Ili flaty. Ohio! Go Ills Nfajci.qty wits the firAt to aq.
ot kno;N. ,-q becaua� of their folly. Vancouver And Victoria, Tralk gonor- tariff roforin hAft nildergone & ebftngt,, Ito clue to start with, had 4 io 6 - vend, And sailed for lialt .,lit Itour ovor
�, how this was done we do n , - . -1 - r. - filly continues to allow improvement 'Ittaft rolfttious can no longer be re- strong caso of eircurristan- browned From eanbib. . JuT10A. 0 i is ,tile waters of tile, Inko, and found t1lo
I tberf. yet a man (It. V.) They onquir- t, lu� 111 16tt I U11 4 I I y '
_. rd wit here. circles buallifi, tial evilletee, An(I to rqtp this was the DAY _`CANAL, experience so flelightrul that -he reqll(.4-
otbor 1`4111 was Pre"MIllb Or WAR to 0. P...11. Op6rator brownild, .,,, garded im apart Ce;�n a world policy." t11111 14'e,114, Jilly r).-I,Tatry York, GEORGIAN
Q'Ilelive., th wholesale coin. Wnfelision Of Bullyftil himself Inade Sin,
- it, I The * StAndar(I polfits Out that rL ag(41 22 yoarfti, NVAS orowiled hord to -day Ant (.101111t ) return to thit float.
bts mouglit (4cwh4-re. Itillot"Ift, the stuff Ottitiva, Jtil*r 5.-3olnu Lary, a 0. 11. 11 me With two Ottawa, 01A., July d. -The Georgian ing ,
I -Tile baggage qLTF1 Of a . is; ffluell (lbout tile MrAv its the pKeeet'llik � find in tile prosenoe of two,eonst,ibles aftev I , I I le (1, � I �1* lle Irl " 1i I 11 It, 11 ailoa 01
I . ,n. rAn, efei---Thero ap, opprtjtor�, twAhty.fivp Vo re!Al trvaty h4weeft Ooirkltill� , prov. I Quo(."
. 90y W,vl ordt,rA atc pretty riluely for ininat- baving been warned that nilvChing lie by tit(-, (11111sizing Of ft ft`1100- ,�_
��_ ---
i I I
- L ,
, " "
*U I
� 11
0 11
\1 n4
"�r "-'
" hill
kk-Rt fitl
t. "
dels=l P
n AV
t 19,
.1 Valia(la would Phielfly profit the former . DAY Caital report giveR the time of
t pear -,4 to have Won 1131teh TIASIA ATIA e'T- drownril In t1w Rifieffill 111vor to-d.lv IV tilt Wil . nation, which, if her publipiRts anions narne(l Loavor and RAbb lia . paq. hN place oil tile plat.
vitement. bighpr fliAll ftily-SAIll WAS AvIdle ding. Ile �VAA selsw(l %*fill (Il�at`;" W'Allts, find collectiom tire to Ito might say Avould be uqed against him. QnnlP on the Tiver "It9c, Rib TO hollm or two dayA Itim than form for Ali nothil oxvill-sioll. The
� tall anit eoninianding in pertion'. . %tvinir belleved, fumot an Engintul a prVd(,atinpc1 The evidence of tile vetorinary ourgeon Ittarted out ,'or a paddle any routo, from4iikPA to Ocean. lTow(.v4?r
: baekwaril. � I Oncell filljol-041 her trip fully as littlell a'4.
I It 19 crampll And isittilc lmfom itAlfiffitaned cosild Iranjilton, A fairly good wlvoh-40P 0,113 M-110 inado the post-Illortein, oxantill. abont rooyt. A gagoline yneltt wits COM- ,
f4up r4ed that lilt wail At IONIC .44 foe to 'florniall ox 11"ll tlIpm, wllpn one of tbo three it 1% mtrited that it' the 18t. Lawrenee ber hits A
! evOn reaelf him. pansim. Ittion was to 010, PffOCt that tit(* 110yelle , W, , b, y;d.
f J... 0 .. ,R. .q , -4 d* , -- ----4-**- - -
. ei �o ,tall bufffiv 4 is itow moving. Order .;0- 6 - fat M, it 0,0111d bo luddo a'A fait It U riglit ill 11(i Iftlight, evell. by an
in hoight. It U144 fill age whon I rk t = cittrial wore deerptiod to 2.�fe(t And tho
: Tit,, botly of all infitnt waq founil inif : for fail lines tire pi-cinitsing mill lood Thoro we bre alitio.'s beforo hall beell talllporp4l Ivith In a "lost quitikiv in call to il
; loodom Fitood in Ole forofro yttqt., man"factilror,* roport introalgod activity. . - hoon in New York amoug the "Pourth" brutal and itiliuman mannor. the latin(.11, anti in ,doing go tll(., frail I loek,i redile . GootgIrm Day route. en(4lny.--0%*l.
liat,t1p, Anil & gin -fit wolild .4drike forror bot lit R Torouto gforis Itiv0o,ey S 0alintry trAde b4a a gotid toft-t. V& 04ebtAnts- Mr. J. 11. Dakell, for the defon(!ie, ,oraft WaS ripset. aq tbe ,propoRed
I to his foeA, * flay "Inrol"g, � .
... I . ,,"I'll " . � .1 I I 1, I ..�Ik - - ...... I 7, .. . �_&__t� � . 4 � _ . . . I - - - - - _-,
- I .�,*,. * _ik . ��� "Offsaa-Al-AN& �,�IAAWLJL� _. ���� �� 11 � �� - -ILMAL -------- __ --,-,- s__.hAAdk6.0_6W1 . I Is. , . IL .- .... &�&__; __