HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-09, Page 1=
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35TH MR, N0. 45, WING$AM, OTT., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1908. �vssoRzl'Tz�rl t• 7�I.tiO To F3uaSoizisU>�a zXU, �,.
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~4"WhitechurC�7 —haln• Batteries* 11arriston-••Fisher
S'^^ Towel Coancl, The electric Light. Sunday School Excursion. Waded Qa .�uty�t. BIg�ave.
.,,,� 2 � � and b1cf,�,uibban ; Wingham--Dunlop
versonal8 ------ Thursday, July 30, will'be the date A marriage ceremony was the event Miss Staples of Seaforth visited at Aiapleview school report will appear and Barret, Following this ame, the
A regular meeting of the Town "Ponderous bodies move slowly," . for the annual anion excursion (to at the Presbyterian Manse, on July Xr,. and Mrs. hill's last week• in the next issue, 5 -mild Marathon was run o4. There
Council was. held on Monday evening. y, Kincardine) of the Sunday Schools of Ist, when Rev. D. Perrie united in Mrs, Simone of Tilsonburg was a An address, illustrated with lime. were seven entries but only, three men
John Mowat of Acton spent Sunda All the members were resent. Possibly that )a the reason why our finished, The winner's time was 25
P Y P Town Council (in which there are Wingliam. As is customary, 'no matrimonial bonds, Mr, Joseph E. holiday visitor at Mrs, Wiley's, light views, 'will. be delivered by Rev, min., 30 sec. Those who won were ---
Geo, H. Purchase, student cum-
in town. The Finance committee submitted some real heavy -weights) is so slow doubt that day will be proclaimed Mutch and Miss Emnia, Aitchison, Mr, and Mrs. McCool of Wingham paigner, in the interests of Missionary 1st, Abner (drills, .Harriston, $20 gold
Miss Mabel Ross is home from City- file following report :- tackling the Electric light. problem Civic holiday. See bills and. enjoy the both of town. May their future be spent Dominion day in Belgrave, and Educational work, in White watch , 2nd --Eldon Henning, Wro?~e-
uga for the holidays. T, J. McLean, oil . . . . . ...... . .. . $ 3.40 P ter, $7 runnels in ; 3rd, Mari
Miss Lillie'McCool is visiting at her Y g day` bright and prosperous. bliss Bella McCrea leaves this week clrurelr Methodist church, on the even- y
R. Awde refund trader's fee.., ,, 16.03. Is the town to weir Alan with the � P P Drage, Brussels, $5 runners medal.
g ,, for Winnipeg. Portage+ and Dauphin, ing of Wednesday, July 22, opening at The Acrobatic and Clown Comedy
U. Dennis. teaming ............. I.p5 old outfit with the risk of its failure 8 m. An exhibit of missionary liter-
home in Londesboro. Bell Tel. Co., service..... , ..... , o ' Captured The Prizes, Former Wingham girl Murdered. At the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wilt, p' Y Act by enjoyed.
Bros. of Toronto tc was
7...5U again, in the dark nights of the attire will be open from 7 o'clock. A
Mrs, Alvin Fleming is spending, a W, Gray, teaming ... . .. . . . . .. . 50 g $ .Misses Mabel and Flora, daughters of Saturday's Mall -Empire had' the Corbett, a little baby girl has arrived, silver collection will be taken. All much enjoyed. Miss Eva Cuthbert
when most needed? or- ave a excellent exhibition
_ few weeks in' Walker 5V. Guest, ns lary..... ... . .... 2.00 autumn, n mo d +' I' .Mr. and Airs. D. B• McDonald of town, ortrait of Miss Tann Gilmour of Mr• Edmonds dru ist, of London, are invited. g n
AIT, Adam Walker of Toronto is 64 salary, ... , . , , , ,, ... 10.00 daps some night, there may be a sud• P ` y ' land dancing. A number of small
W. Holmes, repairs . 10.05 dent crash scored another success in Durham Chicago, a former resident of this was the guest of Mr� and Mrs. Bates On Wednesday evening the senior races were then run off, including a
visiting friends in town. �. • • • • • • • ,the lights may go put, the Caledonian aures on Jul 1st. last week. football bo s from St. Augustine fat man's race in which And Currie
P. Deans, teaming.. , , • , , , , , , . L75 g + Y town. On 'pages Etas and seven of y $ y
Miss Lillie Field of London visited g• , , ; . machinery drop into the hole beneath, t
T. Smale, teantin 11,00 Mabel took first prize for Shauntruse, this issue will be found full accounts Wm. hopper spent his holidays ret came over a Whitechurch to play of Brussels won first, and Geo. Allan,
relatives in tower last weds. J. A McLean, lumber teams. 70 02 and take with it its faithful attendant, Sword dance, Sailor's Horn -pipe, Irish of the awful tragedy. Tlie nun Rornby, in Halton Co., among old with the Wbitechurch team, '.Fire our genial station agent, a very close
Miss Mary Agnew sant the Ist R, Iia les, bal. on work, ....... 1,75 Mr. Bradwin. Of course, it may not,young acquaintances. game resulted in 2 to 0 in favor of St. second. The one -mile race had a largo
y p Jig and feat race; also second for lady and her relatives were well Augustine. In a, game at St. Augus- number of entries but most of them.
with friends -at Londesbora P. Lin later, coal oil..... , , _. •. 18 but then again, it may happen, and an Misses Ida and Clara Loveless of a
J. B. Fer;;nsan, sal. &postage.. 55,50 .,aance of prevention is Vetter than a .Highland Fling. flora captured first known in this vicinity. London are nests of AIT. ai}d IVIra. tine a week earlier, the figures were dropped out. Robt.. Wood won the
Harr Dore is visiting his friend, G. Allen, salary .. 45.i1n p' for Highland Fling, and second for $ just reversed, so the boys at'e• now a first prize of $2, and Inglis Sanderson
"' Pound of cure. John Scandrett.
Willie ilgrim in Hamilton. E. Lewis, salat•y..... , ..'. , ... , .. ZU.QO P Shauntruse Sword dunce and Sailors LOST. -Between Wingham � and tie. They are very evenly matched the 2nd prize of $1, The closing event.
atch be,
Aii's. ATci1IulIen of Virden, Man„ is R, Rankin • " 7.00 1s the Town not losing money right Horn -pipe. Brussels on Monday last, a boy's fawn Mr, and Mrs. Tisdale of Belgrave fife a nd both sidesidplendid woorlc,band h tween the of the ttneoriQulsmBrussels
J. Latrkin - work... , .. , . 3.00coat.-Reward, Hurndall, Orangeville. attended'a picnic at St. Augustine on r wasindividual playing . n , o d ,
visiting relatives in Wingltatl'' ' • •' 10.00 along. Are we so buried in wealth Dominion da sides which was certainly a credit to and Mildmay. After a very even game
T. C. Graham, flowers,,,...... • .y` the 1 Brussels won by a score of 1 to 0. The
Miss Muir of Qlenannan was the P. Morden, work . ............. 3.20 that we can eiloid to do that? Miss Houghton's Concert. Orangemen's Service. Payers,
o r rA number of the young men of Bel- Wingham Citizens Bated rendered
guest of Miss Carrick this week. SawyerD. BuMtLsseitpCo1e supplies....' "'�7 otttd it not be wise to tackle the On Thursday evening, July;l6th, in , Win Ilam, and grave attended the games at Westfield On Friday evenin- last, the Young
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Toronto visit- Y +8-50 problem, put the thin into L. O. L, Na. 7411 g sweet music on the grounds during
p p g good the Opera House, under! the manage- the Young Britons, will attend service on Dominion dap.. Peoples Guild of the Presbyterian the day, and was much enjoyed b all.
Firemen ...... ... . .. ......... 65.00 $ Church held their Garden Party on
ed friends in town over Sunday. Fire Chief, sal, 6 months..,.. „ 25.00 shape, now, before the evil day mens of Mise Houghton, there will bePaul's ` Little Miss Isabella Watson of Bel• In the oveninr, a grand concert was
+ in St, church, next Sunda the. manse Lawn, The weather was
Miss Eva Gracey spent Dominion C. Barber, work on grader...... 20.00 comes? .• rendered the Cantata "The jolly Pic- , Y grave is spending a couple of weeks Ideal and the gathering given in the Town Hall and was well
Drti with friends at Leamington. A. Sanderson work, , ... , ..... evening, July 12th, at 7 o'clock The g g was in pro- patronized. The ate receipts for the
Day g ro-
<< 23.45 There is perhaps 300 horse -power nic Party." A large number of with her aunt, Mrs. Smith of Turn- portion. After a supper which defies P t; P
Airs. Bloomfield and sou o£ Detroit „ watering streets., 10.20 Possible, and it is questionable if 200 children and nun people will take brethren are requested to meet in the berry. - description, an excellent program was deeds werwere e�$fl1 40 n The Sports the tCom-
W, W, Cont.,.., 5125 P q young P P Lodge room at quarter past six, in
are visiting at Mr. Rich. Porters. FI. Saint, teaming. ... 50 horse -power is harnessed for work, art in this. There will also be the Mr. Stonehouse, who bad his large rendered consisting of speeches by the mitten deserve great credit for such
P order to :parch to the church. Visit- 7 toe amptitated a month or more ago, chairman, A. H. Musgrove, M.P.P.,
Phil. Wade of Toronto spent Do- li. Paterson, cement work .. , , . 4,00 and perhaps touch less really avail- pretty drill -"The Mountain Maid's p a successful outcome of their large
minion Da at his home in town. T. Hall, advt. and printing 2 25 able for steam must be employed to ++ Ing brethren will be welcomed. Rev. through some trouble of the foot is Rev's. Findlay and Mcls enroll, inter- undertaking.
Y ,Revel, by nineteen young ladies. T. S. Boyle of Chatham, will -preach not getting better, but rather worse. spersed with singing by the Lucknow
D. C. McDonald, work....... , .. 34.47 g Miss Houghton's concerts are always ed a quartette and music by the Lucknow •
Mrs. and MI- Buchanan. of Toronto Electric Light accounts (about). 52;5.00 help out, while water that might do the sermon. Chas, McClelland, sen., sbipp
are visitors at Mr. 0. N. Griffin's. g ( ) g, car of cattle to'Toronto last week, and Pipe Band, which stirred the blood in Married.
W. J. Boyce, waterworks sup- the work flows by unused, in other entertaining, and thi's one is not like- , P- the sans and daughters of Old Scotia,
Harry Hessian of Toronto spent plies ... , ...... .. .. 13.055 words, positively wasted. Can Wing- ly to be Jess attractive. Thursday Lucknow vs Wingham, while there he combined business with who no doubt were taken back in In Wingham, on Dominion day, by
Dominion Day at his home in town. W. J. Boyce, tapping mains.... 8.10 ham afford to waste its water supply, evening, next week. Popular admix- Those teams of the Lakeside League pleasure, visiting a few of his old fancy to the rugged hills and purple Rev. W. G. Howson, Mr. Robt. Geo.
g friends. heather of their native land as the
Miss Ena McRnne of Toronto was The report was tidopted. and then buy coal to do what the sion prices. met on the ark here on Friday. Tho Y seri to Miss Isabella Agnes McDott-
the guest of Miss Mabel Orr this week, Spotton-Gregory-That this Coun- water wasted would have done ? We P r y` Thomas Proctor has put tip a new listened to the strains of the Cock ' gall, both of East Wawanosh. May
1 p yet with a leaking One Leg Crushed. , game was one of the best. Batter- building to be used for pig -house, ben- the North, the Campbells are comm
Alias M. Reynolds of St. Thomas cil show its appreciation of the adinir- think not and les-Wingham, Dunlop and Barrett; house and various other purposes, and other old Scotch ballads. The their troubles be few and joys many.
spent Dominion Day at her home able music furnished by the S. A. flume, old-fashioned wheel (with bro- Mr. Geo. Cruikshank met with an Lucknow, Johnston McCoy.The fol- Mr. Proctor is a tasty farmer and speakers and singers were well receiv-
here. Band, by granting them $25. ken gates too Win ham mono in i ed and the Band was hearth applaud- Mrs. J. Hanna is commencing the
Amendment U Irwin and Nicholson g ) g Y ( accident on Dominion Day, that will lowing is the score likes things handy. Y PP
y ed, The net proceeds amounted to erection o£ a house on Josephine street
Airs, H, H. Wightmau of Winnipeg• _•••That on account of the heavythe form of water wasted) is running lay him a for some time, He had A baseball match between the bo s
Alan., is renewing acquaintances in ea enditure on roads and bridges, thidown the Maitland ever da Can p 0 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 of Belgrave school and S. S. No. 13, about $ o
-�C town, Y y hitched one of his horses to the stone- Lucknow 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0-4 W 5. north.
rant be left over.for this year. ' The we afford it? • boat to draw some water for building Wingham 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-5 East, awanosh, was played last It is our sad task this week to
Mrs. Hughes of St. Helens spent a Yeas and Nays being taken, the week in Belgrave, park, the former record the death of Miss Carrie Moore,
few days this week with Mrs. Robt. amendment carried -5 to 3. Do the ratepayers of Wingbam purposes, when something frightened Wingham so for, has seven wins, proving victorious, who died on Saturdayy morning in the
Allen. know, that the money paid. for fuel the horse, causing it to run away. and only one loss, very prime of life. It is long since a . ��
$200 was placed to the credit of the The Methodist S. S. picnic came off death has cast so profound a shadow
, Miss Sisterson of Tnronto was a High School Board and $300 to the each year would pay the :interest and Mr. Cruikshank sprang to catch the fine ; the children enjoyed themselves
g You'll find some very enticing Shoeover this neighborhood, for Miss
visitor at Mr. J. J. Mitchells over credit of the Public School Board. debentures for the money that would horse, and he was caught between the prices at our store' these days. We to their full capacity, tinder the reran- Moore was beloved and respected by
Sunday. Mr. Dulma a int duced a de uta- install a good plant? Do they know, stoneboat and a post. One of his legs invite your inspection. -W. J. Greer, agement of. their superintendent, Air. all who knew her, and since she Kodak
B P that if such a sant was installed, it was bads crushed near the ankle, and Harry hopper, became a follower of the lowly
Alias Jennie Smmle came up from To- tion of the Local Option Association, . P y
Tonto on the excursion to visit her consisting of himself, Rev. H. E. would furnish power enough during it is thought fractured. It will be a Mr. and Mrs. Corley and Master Nazarene (which was in early life) : ,
parents. + I Allen and Ar E, Llovd. Tbey asked the day, to run all the factories in few weeks before Mr. Cruikshank will ... Fred. have returned from a pleasant her life was one which might be
for a reduction of the price charged two weeks trip through Michigan, copied by many to their own advant-
Mr, Richard Madigan and Master for the Town Hall for Temperance town? That would be a money- be able to move around much. calling on friends in Bay City, age. She was identified with the I KEEP A KODAK RECORD OF
Erule of Toronto is visiting relatives meetings, inasmuch as the effort was maker.. Does Win ham not need f 4Ga ie Detroit, Saginaw, Cairo and Port Methodist Church here and took an
In •town, for the moral benefit of the. town as a mons to reduce its tax rate? Did Bamboo Shades (-urft. widths,
for veran- �' Huron, active part in all its institutions. League
Messrs. T. A. Mills and J. J, Cull- whole• and all the expense bad to be Y dohs, in 5, 6, S and -U) ft, widths, with. "Y"'""" " the Sunday School, choir and League
ningham left on Monday for a trip •to met by private contributions of not the purchase of the upper dam cord and pulleys, all ready to hang up. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Mr. and Miss Owens of Bruce Mines she will be greatly missed. Tjre Sun- I
Prove a money-maker for'the town ? Cheaper than you can buy the goods are visiting friends and relatives in day School and League placed a I, -the West. friends of the cense. No action was to make shades. See them at S. Gra- Work began this week at the new the vicinity of Belgrave; it is their beautiful wreath on the casket as a Anybody Can Kodak
taken, the By-law covering the case. So would the installation of a first- t first visit to this section of country,
Mrs. J. D. Burns has returned home class sant at the electric light o cey's Furniture store. bridge north of the G.T.R. tracks• token of their love and sympathy.
after a few weeks visit with friends in Coun. Spotton asked for information . plant, g t p war- notwithstanding their parents were �
g P Not only in the church, but at targe, .�
Chatham. as to the duties of Council regarding house. Geo. E. Ding's cleating sale is now born at Belgrave. her amiable disposition and -thorough It is easier to go -r
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Groves of To- the enforcement of the License law, as property -owners of this town Joseph Thompson Deceased. on ; see advertisement on page S. , Ze
be had been informed that the law Do theP g Every Canadian citizen should not unselfishness made her the friend of � right than Sarong.
ionto are visiting relatives in town was broken on Sunday. The resole• realize that when Niagara power Word from W. C: Thompson, form- fail to read the first column on the all. Her death, which was not death,
this week. Miss Millie Harris, who has been a
tion of 1897 (by Nicholson aad. McDon-• reaches .towns in central Ontario den de Wingham' announces the sud- first page in the Wingham Advance but simply the act of a tired child
Mrs. Martin and dau titer ,of To- ald was read and answered Mr. Spot- Win ham may be left out 'of the don death of his' father, Mr. Joseph Patient in the Hospital here for nearly fast week, entitled "Canada's Mirth- quietly falling asleep, took place in KODAIi;S - $5.00 to $35.00
ionto visited at Air, F Iiuchanan's tons en uir The members 'of P be g Y Thompson, who a few years ago was a three months, returned to her home day." Do not only read it once, but' her 27th,year. The funeral on Mon- _
Council mere . the o inion that en_ power. zone, and ' unless we can P g in. Wroxeter an Monday, fully recov- read it many times, so as to commit it day was very largely attended, which BROWNIE CAMERAS
over Sunday. -° P g resident of Brussels. About' a week to memor was an evidence of the hi h esteem in _ _ _
erally speaking In few places was the furnish electric power, our chances of y q - $> .Oo t0 $9,00
Mr, and Mrs. Reid of Toronto have law better observed than in Wing- hole°ng our own in the factory line, or Previous to his death be was working eyed. - which she was held. The remains
been guests at Mayor Holipes' during ham. Chief Allen said that so far as at a piece of wood when it slipped and $3.00 shoes of first-class quality for - - were interred in'the Wingham ceme- ou Q stomers disposal our��'
file past week. securing new industries will vanish. tery.
he knew, the law was observed. struck him on the stomach. How- men. Read ad. on page 5,"`Willis .C, 'Here's great shoe saving -20 pairs'
.Mrs. Wm. Ward and son Harold of Do the people consider ? Does our ever, he was getting better and was Co Ladies' Don Oxfords ; regular On Tuesday afternoon, June 30th, ......,........,............. % V
Campbellford, are visiting the Misses s Council fully grasp the situation? Or, able to go out, On July Ist, he came Robt. Maxwell announces this week price $1.40, clearing sale price 05c a the their tols.of ch 10 school, together
Ward of town. are we fast asleep, or, what is worse, pair, All. sizes from 3 to 7.-�V. J, with their teacher, Miss Troy' held . t n j' (�tt
.T' Orange Celebration. in and asked. for a drink ; he then laid for reduced prices on all lines o£ stock, picnic in W. J. 1FicClenagiran s bush. J. �al4�ll �c�ibbE111
Miss Marjory Smye of Hamilton is g deliberately careless? Greer.
spending her vacation the guest of Wingham L. O. L., the' Young Bri- down and apparently went to sleep. during the month of July. See his A very pleasant afternoon was
. One more question. Can Wingham In a little while, Mrs. Thompson larger advertisement for particulars, $10 500—Fine 200 -acre Farm. $2000 spent. The most interesting feature,
Miss R. Cornyn. tons and the ?rue Blues will celebrate afford=to a 50 a month or 600 a tie 4 and take advantage of the • ' cash. Balance at 4%. A however, was the presentation by the I DRUGGIST V
Mrs. R. A. Maguire of Bruce Mines, the 12th in. Ripley, accompanied by pay $- $ spoke, and receiving no answer shook page g
year rent for an old -out-of-date ma- him, but found that the life spatk had prices, bargain for .quick sale. -Ritchie Ss Pupils to their teacher of a , which
A] oma, is visiting her parents, Mr. the Citizens' Band and the Fife and Cosens. gold mounted fountain pen, which' M A G D 0 R A L D BLOC $
chine{ when it would be immensely fled. He was 65 ears of a e, and was an event wholly unexpected e
an Mrs. L. Fyfe. Druiri Band. Excursion train leaves Y g The Sunday School and Congrega- r , ----•j,� , .�-., far as Miss Troywas concerned. The
cheaper to buy a first-class one, and leaves a widow two sons and two +
f S P l Ch h 'll h aJ'u�
Mr, Chas. Peake and son of Toronto at 10 a.m., returning at O.p.m. Ripley + tion o V. au s pre wi ave n . following address was read by Alaster•
visited at Mr, H. Davis' during the is making great preparations for an run no risks , daughters. Further particulars are ,,old time picnic" on the Lower Town Bllaevale. Wallace Duncan, and at the proper
R.O.B. excursion. immense crowd. I These are questions that should re- not available. Their Brussels and flats, on the 14th inst. Rev. T. S.Miss Myrtle Denman is visiting in moment Master Robbie Harrison .
LEADIN 1 to the teacher :- THE SHOE STORE
AIT. and Mrs. Alf. Mitchell and two ceive attention, without delay. Or, Wingham friends extend sympathy to Boyle is expected to remain for the Kincardine. handed the gift �'
children, of Aespeler, visited at Mr, S. the slimmer will be past, bearing us them in their sorrow. occasion. DE:Lit TrACHER i -We the pupils of
Mitchell's on the 1st. Successful Garden Party. Miss Alrnatta Hall visited friends in No, 10, of which you have been an _ ... _-._ _
all the time nearer the danger point, Southampton last week. ■' _
The gathering on the lawn of St. A successful meeting of the Wo- P esteemed teacher, feel that we cannot -
Mr. Jas. Walker and daughter, An- of being left in darkness. A Turnberry Boy. leave school for our summer vacation rw
nie, sent Dominion Da with Mr. :Andrews church on. Tuesday evening - • ' man's Institute was held on Monday. Miss Lizzie Pocock is spending a cou-
p Y Besides -IT SwxL1 PAY. The Holland (Manitoba) Observer le of months in Toronto. without giving you some expression r r
Wesley Walker of Clinton. of last week was most successful. T hiss Rose of Guelph and Miss Elliott P of our esteem. As our teacher you
Miss Cora Beckwith came a on the There was a large attendance, and all rep its the death of Nelson Thomp- y P P< have h1wa s been zealous and earnest
p g $ of Hamilton were present and did ex- Several in this vicinity are prepar- y r -/
excursion from Toronto to spend a seemed to enjoy themselves. The son, who was born and raised not far cellent service, giving many helpful -Ing for wet weather, by re -shingling to advance our interests, and by your � a
couple of days at her home. tables for refreshments were well pa- Wingham Horses. from Wingham, it! Turnberry town- suggestions. roofs+. able work and untiring interest tend- , J'%
+ she His parents were amore the Jas. Masters, G. T. R. a ent, is on ed to lead and encourage us in our 16'•x'"
Miss Al. Sidey, Miss D. Gauley and tronized, and the Pipers Band from At Stratford, on July Is$ Darkey p• P g ���..
Harry Cluff, of Toronto, were visitors Lucknow furnished excellent music. gal, owned b John Swarts took first Pioneers of the settlement at Holland. Steel Wire l3ammocks for $3.50- the sick list ; we hope for his speedy studies, and your influence will long \ �� ;, �� -
at Mr. H. Kerr s over Sunda Y The cheapest and strongest, at S. recovery. be felt among us. We are very sorry '� ¢ ^-�{{ ., ,� a
The proceeds were about $L10, money in the "free for ail" race. The About nineteen y s ago Nelson Gracey's. that you leave us as our teacher, and 44,
Messrs, F, W, Mertens and Fred purse was $500. In the 2.20 pace, went to South Af d took an Rev. Mr. Andrews began..his labors ask you to accept this pen as a slight � a'� `� •.
Itush of Toronto were visitors at Air. , active part in 'the lement of the More for tine money than you cari on this circuit on Sunday.' We wish • token of our esteem and regard. . i `�~,11
D. Rushis Burin excursion time. Gager Beet' in 4orrie. Robf. Beattie s Bourbon B. took find elsewhere, in Boots and Shoes -at him success, t ' s�`+ . �.•
g colony in Rhodesia. Ile teas connect- Miss Troy re lied ex Tessin her s m r;,; ,
P Mr. Geo. Kin of Toronto visited Y P P g y • ` . t
Mrs. 14Iar area Bell, Mrs. W. J. Pat Constable Phippen bad word last second.; the purse for this rase W. J. Greer s, g path with tike scholars and her ;;,;.+,;, ,+ ;,;•," .(+F,u: �,%"
tison of town and Airs, Will, Mitchell week that there was liquor for sale in was $•100• ed with the police of the colony, tired friends in this vicinit , with theY forced to leave t em ,v',' •i '�''� ••ur,,, ' "'
on the outbreak of the Boer War The editor appreciates kind words Y Yregret regret rete egbel eve is felt by the ��,�'y:�,,;L\!��%%`�," I , `ii.
of. Tarnberry spent July 1st in Alit- Gotrie, where tin licenses are in force. ry . Huron Old Boys. g ►r
chell. Lie went over, and his search was Complaints are Made, received a lieutenants commission in perhaps more than many imagine, Alias Stella Nethery, who has been entiresectidn.
Bethune's Mounted Infantry. He and thanks the Belgrave correspon- teaching school near Shelburne, is
Air. and Mrs. Woodhill, and laugh- rewarded by finding the liquor on the Citizens complain of young men The .�ruits ®f
ter, Gertie, of Melton, facie visitors at fought through the relief of Lady- dent for his kindly notice this week of home for the vacation. � � ��' '`
premises of Mr. R: White. The latter bathing, in broad daylight, entirely
Mr. Will. Wellwood s during the past smith with Butler's army and was our editorial on Dominion Day in last Mr. John McTavish is home from
acknowledged the char *e, and came nude and Makin unnecessary expos- 8 his trip to the west; he purchased a Wroxeter.
week. g b ' g Y p anon the first to reach the town on week s issue,
over on Tuesday night, and submitted tire of their persons. There is a B ®U 1 .�'.t'fo r is •
Dr. Gen. Ball and son Beverley, and p Y- its relief, after which he engaged. in Cement walks gra being laid from far►n while out there. On June 2,1th, Rt. W. Bro. Brown,
to the fine of 30 and costs, imposed law, which "governs this, and if the Lord Roberts' advance. on Pretoria D. D. G. M. of the 5th Masonic district,
Messrs. John and Lu7her .Ball, of To- $ , the sidewalk on Josephine street to Roy Patten left test week to occupy _ '
ronto, spent Sunday with their sisters by Police Magistrate Morton. Con- case comes before the. Police Magis- and guided the a,pedition that made the front door of. the Presbyterian hip, position as station agent at Pink- installs she folio AgI,'�nds in For -
supply y
M. -.-
in town. stable Phippeu went over later in the trate, the full. penalty will he imposed. erton ; we wish him success, est Lodge To su I you with the Best
AIT, and Mrs. J. G. Stanley, Master week, and destroyed the liquor, which its way along the east coast to church. They are being laid by Air. I, P. M -R, B. Harris ; W. M, -J. R. Footwear are found in our
Y q Young t)4eo shoulil 1e4d clause 17, of Dela oa Ba On the close of the war Robt. Thomas of Toronto is spend -
and Miss Reta, of Toronto, g Y• �ryfogle, which means that the work � Wendt; S. W. -C. Reis; J. 6V. -G. present display of SUMMER
consists$ of several dort t} bottles of the consolidated liY-tatvs of this town, he became interested in mining in ing a couple of weeks at his home Davidson; Chaplain -R. B. Harris; . SHJLS. They're the smartest
are visiting Airs. Stanley's sister, Mrs. lager beer, which strictly prohibits such conduct g will be well done, here, He came tip with the Huron Treas,-J. Davidson ; See'y-J. Booth; ; in style, the best in fit the
�. Galbraith. Rhodesia where he was at the time S. y '
}miss Maud Madigan of Toronto has as is complained of by several citizens. he was stricken with blood -poisoning The Clinton New Era was 43 years old boys. Black; Ct Edwards, obt, greatest in comfort of any
been visiting lrer friends and relatives old last week, and its present editor, Mr. Dan. McTavish, who had aTyler-
Q Friday, .[uly >wp, which amused his death. Mr, Holmes, helped to get out the hots killed a short time ago by light- Jas. Stewart, e
of town. Sl}e carte up on the Clld FI;FS�NTATI - --. ping, had a cow killed on Saturday, A large number of our Citizens took Shoes We've EYer Shawn
Boy's a ret}r8iion, This will be an important date for first paper, as well its the greater nu)n- b the electric fluid, iin the .Erin excursion on Tuesday. Come and see them and you'll
P injured At Raising. Y y y '
Aliss Davis, I1.K., of the staff of To- Qn Monday afternoon, dune 20th, . Wingham Baseball team• In the ber of issues since. The New Era is a Amon those who went were Mr. and
°£ usic as the the Pupils of V. S. S, No. 18, Howick Three leen were injured at a barn.Mrs. Goo. r Yeo of the 2nd con. Turn- g sures want ,it least one Pair.
rclnto Clogservatoryy + �` Rud urnUerr resented l r, W, J, afternoon, Teeawater will playa game raisin at Air. Jno. Ireland's, on the bright, newsy paper, and the Advance'berg has returned home ficin a visit Airs. C, D. Simpson, R. J. Laing, Mise y
guest of her uncle, Ct}stottzs ofTiCot T y, P 1 g+ - to Lucknow and Kincardine, and re- Adams, A. Stott, Miss Smith, M. When you learn the ptices, you
avis, last week. Perrin, the teacher, With a very hand- with them on the Town Park ; game wishes it continued success.
some of filled chain and address. second concession of Culross, on Dinner Setts free tit Isard's. Read ports that the lake -side is a pleasant Hemmphill... Miss Misses Nellie and Agnes hlan see that
hPair the cost mwilt
its. Davison of dalln, ebras a, gold • tailed at b o'clock, lin We arty on Thursday last. The work 'teas neArly plane to visit.
'� town. a ti form. AIT. Perrins who is leaving in order to there will be a grand (lArden Party on completed, and the man were putting how to get them, in their advt, on t of Win ham voting leo le Blackvisited
Toronto is not be an obstacle to the fiii-
spent unday in t w lie ente college in the fall, was coti4plete. , p f,, A patty $ g 4 P Somerville Hamilton ing of your needs.
pr resi ent and ryas the first Chief of ly tti1 en by surprise, but 14.&, few well - the park, Tile Citizens Band will be 4 urline plata into place, when one of page drove out to Mr. Rol IN on Freda
lr• p 3' visiting his parents, her. and Mrs.
police it} wings Oro, choson words, thanked the puppils for presegti and two valtiablo prizes will the braces slipped out, and the weight BRING along your shoes; we do re- evening and a good time is reported. John Hamilton... , .John Sanderson,
v. n Ars, lies wore 110 inion their kind. reMernbrat}ce. Hollowing be awt4rdecl to the holder's of two a Caine on the other tenons, Pairing and wrr Do IT IcatlUZ Lowest The evening was fine for it drive, and jr,, of 'Toronto, is spending a few gee us for Trunks and valises.
Ro and l H m of the plat
B y Visitors at iar..Ijedillond's. _ Mr, is the t4ddress nutnberett ticRets. 111aytlr IlotInes prices, W, J. Greer. Air. Rolph and family made it pleas- weeks Yet the home of his father....
lies}as Meer} stationed at Bay$eld Air. Wlliatl} ilerri will draw the nixinbez+a at 10 , tit, breaking them ofYi so chat the plate ant for the visitors. Miss Mabel Edwards of I,'ordwich teas
o is on erence ear., Dedr riond,-'-+�. e threw ears you tl d P swung round and fell down. Three Rev. T. S. Boyce of Chatham will the nest of her brother, C. F. IOU-
tb. (J .f y haves spent i out school page endear- Sae poAort♦, and help the boys by of the men JfShn In lis, Messrs, Ii;elly preach in St, Prittl's church next Sun- The annual report of the Methodist q
p it u , g . Church on the Bhtevale circuit, for wards, over Sunday, ...A:[r, and Mrs. * J. Greer
Mrs, Arthur Reynolds qnd laugh= ed you to ua Ylot oill T4s a teacher, but your atton,lanoe, los they require your and McDonald were thrown off the day, July 12th, morning and evening, the year ending May :10th, has been Cook of Hens:t.il visited with the lat-
ter, who tore on 4 visit to relatives also tis a personal friend, The tIrAe assistanep,
ere from Iluluth Minn., ares end- building, Mr. Inglis was the most The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Issued,, Tire Official Board consists tees
l • f m + P yeti have spent, with us has been to • 1 that one twill be administered in the morning, of: The pastor, local Preachers T,
ink a ootipi0 of w ee -i in Toronto, many of ,us crgaial. .Our futgre is seriously hurt. It is thongs t for
• BUs1gGA9 Chan "e, le In tine evenin . Mr.•Boyle will. preach Jowett, R. Shaw; leaders --T. Higgins, John Ra Gibson left for o all extended �.�-i -A �� - � .µ }
Messrs. J. x, Homath, 14ltltoh Hon4- largely dotertrauted b what pop have J► g J. Leech, T. Jenkins, R. Shaw, 1.. A.
th an Charles pnitrth of Toronto enabled tis to do, and to be, Most of atm and one le wore broken by tl 8 ,
u d h R d A change has taken plane in the plate felling on hitt), He than fill to to the Orangeirlen, Keys, A. Shaw, I,`, (i,arnfss, it. Johns- trip to Winnipeg, Souris and other ttiars - 1. h
toolt Advant4ge of the Huron Old us will aim higher and get nearer the business of Mr. Jun. 'Rorr. Mr. E. If, round '21 feet falling across a ton Mit,, Baker; Stewatds--T. Hi points west ole Tuesday. r 130oltTtE1 _
Boys, excursion to visit friends And mark, than we Could have done, with- - the g ' g A hot weatlior sertnotlettr, tin + -
y es to out our Influence And kind and wise Bird of Woodstock has botiome a part stick of timber, and was Injured Inter- "Peace," tna, J. Leech, H. Johnston, t Robb, Dotttxxo� D.i'v CnL i3it.ixtov, STENOGRAPHERS
relatives ill town, Y .. �. Penne, will be given in the 1lietlip- �, rI, 'Bosman, ,
W. J. Soarh It. John- � � 0 �.�n _
counsel, When in the ooming y+oars, nor, talking halt Interest in the busi- pally. Xelly fall to the floor, broke dist church, by the pastor, nest Sun- stork (Recording Steward). Re resen. Right royally dict the village of
....•%t • some of us shall rise to positions of in- nese, Mr. Kerr has had yeara of through tate Inch boards on the floor, 111, G. Wroxetor celebrate the 41st auniver- TRLRGRAPHLRS
fluence In church or state, we shall g day oyening. Service over in an hour tatives -i,. H. Bosman, S. RNA, _
'BIRTHS, experience,. anti is redognited, its tin up and, fell into the bAsdment, Elis or less. No weariness. Come. The gathers, S. Johnston, It. yMusgrove, eery of Confederation, Tile Wing- '
look back over the past, and seem to H. Mathers, Trustees Re s.•�•J. Pe ham contin tint of visitors -inti the "11x11611 by our nts, raditlas mo,. -
Hope. on June `20th, your finger pointing tis in that di- r3glit, conscientious citizen. Mu. Bird shoulder woe dislocated, and he was „ + , g I1:, nertenco Special 11tad)ttLtes moot
Davis --In Port p , see g p g r Morning suliject»-- Tho pastors klrtd clod, A. Wheeler, W. � Johnson. Citizens Band arrived an tlta 7,�0 suee6e4ful,. �pcciol course for Teanh•
to Mr. and Mrs, Chester DAV1s, a reetintr, is a young matt, ivitTt excellent busi- badly bruised. Tho oilier' man was 1 talk to his eongregatlo», in the S. S. Supe itlteiAt'leuts .-it. A. Reye. A, trail), and tit 10.M) file Salem Shaln- 6a.t ulsr� coiirn6s. send postai for
son, We wish you the hi hest and ntsb- ness educktion, and comes hi 111 y ." ,: : l,,s Totwitt Bl� I g _
, q g y not so sorlously hurt, At last iia- o Bunn of the new church year Sh, bw, . .eR ue i�'resi- rocks and the Irnnstdes of the •L>ac1 I p r io
DZA'1H8, test forms of success in your future recotninended. lie hili hAva char o s •ate not expected to P g dont-0. klif Ing,, VAT
raised tion. of Turnberry looked hor.rs in a .•
g counts, r. Inglis w P y y �Bj
life, kind thatyoumay remember its hi 8 Visitors -always tvelaorzle; $3,15.21 for solar and $1211 fill- funds hott contested footliall n1rdeil, which till Opens Sept. jet ff
OArr•->In Blyth, an Monday., Sand 20, In till tlit� coming yeArg, of the oflleo work Chiefly, leaving Mr. recover,
v Ifs of AIr.:A:.. B. _. , _ '� a re tl tylkin ru specialty of fine of file church ; I.tsaitezer, �S21L0') for rntlyd Int a victory for the Ironsides . .�-�-•
Une, beloved ed w We oak you to arae t teom your Derr frog for the other departments of _ Y 1
And 9 . o - s Yae e i 'ln grins its the next re• salary a.»cl $10.•20 far fundw ; ,7ahn• by ti sore of to 1. The hest event -
f err, aged. ESO yeAra, O months GYnt a 'CW`ik rift). 'Cor work on P , • , 1. # 1#r} l g �#
friends In title schools t is chain fig a the bustedss, The Advtince welcomes � rs nt lta.ve rad aro sure 'ewe Call stops $IWL,M for salary r and $21.00 for tears dinner vt as a gated Of baseball Nv11tg11�1i# �3ti9iClCSS CfJ1IegC
days, slight rnenlexlto, Mr. Bitd to our town and swishes the ar machthes In knitting trill or Oh rife poi y of -Willis do Ca., sole A eats funds. The Circuit raised $174.40 'l;or between the Ilarrnston and Wingllatu -
-- Myth, lift Jitl is Si ed Ott behAlf' isf the !schools work, Glean, st wdik anti �too lease y 4 fY T.I.W.t.11.'0, SPOTTO?t, Pittlgetmm
'4Vilsan In y , . Y Bre tlriti of Kdrrr •Nc BiXci u very snccossfal ft ps, �► tc Jia SViittson Difg. �n Wingham for the Victoria Shoe for rrtlsslond' %.indica Alds, �t187,00, Ftoarrrs. It ivAs an even genie, .the
Sttstirina ]fell dVllspn, aged John J. WAIT . . ., fapd', toe L3oarrc{s, i�.t7,00 ,. in iklls ,1k�,�1, servo being 12x1 121 i*avot< ai tiVrng- �it�i4
Harry 'piaatlakey bixslnet►s otireseb. i5d,; Llchi , •nrie�Otnt, Svoirlelt,
y0artr, . ,