HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-02, Page 79 9 t A I M1 .,41 . _ 14f 111 k I , ! I I ( . . I I 0. 0 , , V --f I I , 11 .- I I __ ,;,. " ,'W;41,. '' ,, k, ,,," ) q ,., ;' -,,,N7MF "I I , .. , I . '11,10"40 I I . '. . - - . . I . I . - . - - . .." . , 1. 1 I . I I . . ­ I , ­ I 1. ­ , I I .. I I - ­ I . . 11 . . , - - - - - ­ ­_ . , . -11 1. . ,:.. - . I.. .­ - , , ., I ­ . 11 I 1. , %W"--': . 11- ­... .­­...'... ., I—- I'll 7_-1-_.--..-. _­ ­­. .1 I''...-- I . I . - I I., " . : I. I 1. .. 1. . .. I - 1. .. I I . ­­ . I . - . : _", * , , . . , : . . . :- I . I . . " rVid Ill'('%Vlllg COlupittly. N"LlItAlItIlIG , MEDDING OFF's ' there kivai3ket a man lenveR AUTUMN SITTINGS. AND COSSACv 0 GET "' "at 'man atit liable, lo4V109 thVill : MVRDER OF (lottenreid Iii lt nictuber of the Uottop- C41WVT IL WAR A0 it - b4ttle of 11 "I ukod"'" In j or, who was; caretaker lit chargo of Ulu , * I lgl I " Ito willi'lltly".11111U1119vailld drinka It (110tteary It I )OI 8 use, alla it el id home daring, tile fanilly'd 1, 19Q$.,9, NuPtiolo luterruplod Aft" All Ar. 11 t UVIC09 .. I and (live. Is tile mu not liable? Or %Wcum, wA* found (14%4 On. ,the base. FREE HAND muppose I want to get Ad of -A dog, and APxAARIS ]BANKER. went floor, and the police bild beell lit IN MrAA WINTER ASSIZES r4opments Ara,0*4e. , leave polaoned, invat about where other doubt wilethog Ito comiultied. auWda or 13OYD, C. I I — flogs Ilia , Perth (jury slid non -jury), Aloudq, Cly Berlin. (jury), Tuesday, S treat It. Anx I not llable,V wa8 murdored.. Q t. 29, Nov. Ia.. wxi,ghi, also Ikol(I that it was Arrost of Outloy Leads to $4rdiRg The confession of Ifosters 4 - ,Ocas To Deal With the PopulAlion of Mr. .-harges it FiAto at Town of Los V - IkR4 London (jury), Monday, Wet. 0. NaPative (nau-jary), Xond%y, Nov, . Ann, Arbor, Mich, Julie 29.- %1.K it, tiv.spase for it vendor of medirilles to . I man, named 0. L. 8julth with tile shoot- . . Sandwich (jury), Monday, Oct. 1 - 13,0. Tehera wo Revelations, viesca, . Wboditock (non -jury), Monday, Dec. wedding of Misv Mary Ascher, Of Yino. , a. ,go to arkyollv% tl . r ituveoluosted aud, , of Heiser. SuAth, accoriling to tho Brantford (jury), Monday, Oct 20, - "I'll .- T. wood avollue, and vila Jenson, of 641t I __ leave Samples of Ills Illedicilles tl% I-Q. 11iftsbur authoritick litid been traced owell Bound (11oll-Jury), Monday, "Alld)" he added, "for the evil come- to Buffafl, N. Y, A watch and ring, said About 40 Killed In One Baltle and Nov- 0, , . London Winter Assizes, MQuilay, Jan. 1,kiko City, whieh wits to have been sol. R04u,t of Britaws Inactivity aud ( itelices that may follow Snob An net Ike The Mau Had Recomo Cor4plote to have belouge,ji to. Heiser, were, found . -y) 'ou), A-104- l, . . . . , _ - Toronto (non-jui (I I tit we ., '1000. , , einnized yestor4ity afternoon, has been 1 4 clearly li%bl%" in ib(, posseasion of Ilo.iters, who said Three In the, Other. (lit AXr,141111 J. 'i !"definitely postponed '$because of beat Russiw Activity. - I 1, Matter of Household. - 43 Nov. 93. I I I 0 0 6; ! . . . lie had received theuk frout Smith, Ingstoll (lion -jury), Monday, Dec ,7. prostration Suffered by the brido.11 I .1 . . ..— (loderich (jury) Tuesday, Sept. 2',14, 1 . J . C E41 Paso, Texas, June 20r-Iu. all en- MEREDITH, 0, J. Napance (jury), Monday, Sept. 28. noullcoment, as to tile cause How IT WOR'S 5 Toronto (slon-jury), 4th weeki Mon- Of tile delay lit the marriage Force of Coswks svirli,ound. the. NiN - N*Phew Break Down and T10113 Ottawa (jury), Monday, Uot. 5. ceremony, no I HANGING IN CELL, counter betwoon revolutionists and Toronto, civil (jury) (41% week), Mou- day, Oct, 0, mention is )lk.lkolo of tile fact that tl e I Awful, Story. d. Pletoll (jury And 11011-jtlTYs 140114R72 91-00111 W46 'lot in Ann. Arbor on tile *itish Lepti9r. NEW PATENT LAW IN BRITAIN . - troops of the Mexican Government 10, , . I 1. . BRINGING IN MONEY, ISTRATFORD MAN'S ATTEMPT AT at the town of Los Vacas. iii, Cobuila, 11S 4(1)11111 (nork-jury), (100i. weck), Moll- Oct, 19, appointed day. yet, to -night, . ,arl ,Ton. . London) Juac, 20c --TUG Times' Teheran, Paris, Julie 20r --Tho arrest lit this city SUICIDE IN DETROIT, Mexico, near the bor(lor tLeross from tla , Nov. IQ, Ottawit (non -jury), Monday, Nov, IQ, son amittell that he had. not renbed this 1141.1,10 (noll-flully), Mouday, Nov, So. lValkorton inon-jury), Xonday, NOV. ,city at the hour set for the wedding. . ' 4L-orr(,spOadcl1t says that tile ShalVa pro- Foreigners Must Manufacture Patent- of tile butler, Renard, charged with com- Del Rio, Tax., early yeatorday between Berlin (nowjury7, Thursday, Dec. 3-, 23. . All arrangements for tbe wedding bad -lami Persia, to have been , 0 40 and 50 were, killed and the coln- North Bay. (41011-jor-y), .10,148, -jury), Monday, Nov, IlPeu Perfected. Bven Mr. Ifitil, of Cousin v-1dination dec ed Goods on British Soil -Scores plicity in the murder of August Italkly J hn Hosarth, Arrested for Stealing A Y, Dec. Chatham. (non under martial law from June 1 12ud, and of Am6ricary atid, derman Firms a Ay'ealthy retired banker, who was Stab- Engine -Belts, Hanged Himself niandant of the Mqxlcan troops was 14, 30, & Hall, florists, had gone to tile Ilou8o i it U badly injured, according to a dea- 11aluilton Winter Aa.ijzes, Aloliday, Toronto (tion -jury), 150t week, M011- witit flOWer8 and greenery for the decora. that it gives General Liakholil 00111- Opening Branches - $125,001009 bed to death on. June 0 lit lib Ito I lit With ;t - Strop-Soys He Sold tho l , day, Dee. 91, tions, when, after being hold at the mander of the Cobuacks, a free hand to ' Capital Invested, Parls, lilts revealed the existence of all Belts He Stole to Buy Morphine. patch received h-)ro Itiat night. The J1111- 11, 19011- Cornwall Atinter Assizes, Tuesday, door for Some thile, lie Was 1. Info . rme4 story of the battle as received bore- FALCONBRIDC-14-, C, J. Ces would not be needed. deal soverely, with the People, The as- , astounding state of affairs in the ba'14- Jail. 12, 1900. that his Beryl , aembling of the People and, the carrying - London, Julie 2N --Tho pas.stigo of or's household prior to tile aswisslit4tion. is as follows., - Whitby (jury), Tuesday, Sopt 15, XAOER, 10 Miss Ascher had planned an elaborate . 0 1 A Detroit despatch. Julut Hogarth, "Tile quarters of tho Mweioari of- - Ilembroke (jury and 11011 -jury), Tues. , wedding and it most beautiful trousseau vi arms tire probibited, on pain of doath, the now patent law, which goes late 01- '11to banker's nephow, lia-ilied 11ango, arge , d 30 years, eon of a proialuent day, Sqt. 22, Potorboro (jury), Tacofty, $opt, 15, a rded. Tito couple were to , I 15s , ficors and barracks were fired upon Tbroilto, civil (jury) (4th %vock), Mon- Toronto, civil (jury), 2ad week, Moll- have toured T!Wrope on their honeymoon,, Neveral members of the . embly are fKt on July 28tb, s4pulatlog that after a severe examination, told tho, Stratford, Out., Iiian, isow decoascil, at- by the attacking band and the %B_ day, Oct. 12, . day' Sept. 2s, . Miss Ascher refiised to receive inter. in chaine In tile royal carap. The others foreigners who miq Obtain BXIti8l1 Magistrate that Renard had killed Ills tempted -to hang liinwt4f this morning Sault ,100-11tred upon the federal, ous. week, Moil- viewers, it being said that the heat had must manufacture the Pat- ' toirk house. Forty troops were finally L'Orignal (jury and non -jury), Moll- Toronto, chril (jury), 3rd ure scattered.and their whereabouts are patelits uncle, Thon, breaking down completely, in the Ilulit 'street police station, day, Oct. 20. . - affected lier. However, it was stated Unknown. '.Lito number ot prisoners in, ented goods on British soil, lifts tit, assembled. In the disorder follow- flay, Oct. 0. ' tit after years of ser- where lie )yea locked up 1r,oronto (gon-jury) (0th Woekj, Moll- Wellhand (juty), Monday, Oct. 12. at her home that no physician had been tho camp Is increasing hourly, Those do. ready mhown most satisfying results. Ita"90 explained tit , . _ on it clittrge of 'lim the initial attack upoll, the bar. tallied are being stlbjeot04 to tile WOrst Uormau and Americall firms are 0itlier vice In Ills ultclO's house Itertard. had be. stvaling, and after 11114VI 11 (y n . 0 been wound- racks and the discovery .that the quar- day, NOV, 0, Toronto, civil (jui'Yb QUI Wccki M01' suillmoned. ordca)?3, Messages from the provinces opening faAorles in Great Britain or art, Collie qonipleo,a 111cwtor of the Lst4blisli- ed while resiAting arres Ilogart'll's spo- ter6 of the Soldiers wore burning, tile . Bronkvillo (noi -.jury), ',Hunday, Nov, day, Oct. 20. Jenson is a J'10 law student, and are being censored, thus severing the overcoming tile difficulty by meaus of ments gailihig ascendancy over the balliz. cialty Nvas engine belte, sovelUL UI willich rovolistionists captured about Sixty IG, I Woodstock Qury), Tuesday, Nov. 3- Miss Ascher is.a 'pupil In tile. University. I keya have beon inissed lately from faCbOrIN liorsos-'bolonging to tile Mexiev X - 10 School of 1VTusle, . es.froin, communication with tile agreements ,%Ath British firms, by tile er's wife to 4uch; a point that the I ,hil cay. 11'etorboro' klion-jin,y), Monday, Nov. (luelph (jur;). Tuesday, Nov al. ill different inris of the city. The Pl- 23. y .1 ao* — I Simeoe (non -jury), 'Monday,, Nov. 21. — 11rovillc alf7l. y (non -jury), Monday, eallitel. torms of which the latter manufacture to her money and jewel boxes were I Nov. 30. It is difficult to pass ludglient as yet tile goods oil a system of royalties, ways Ill Ilia possessioll. (joatinuing ilia gins Sons' Plant lost three valuable, bel't,43 ' At the cuEttom house the troops Lindsay (uon-jury), Nonday, Voe. 7. Sudbur, tile Thiles' correispondeim adds, but ; ) The law is hitting tile Uermans. so revelation, tile yoilllg plan then confc*-j. in ats lnatiy weeks. made a determined stand and tho Ottji,wa, 'Wlut6i Assizes, Monday, Jan. XlRon (jury and non -jury), Monday, KIDNAPPED TWICE 44oubtedly tile popular feeling is that hard that the Union of Industrialists- cd that lie and Reattrol. had'lield rela- They then Stationed -,vatollitiell, lit the light lasted all morning without In- II. 1009. Dcc 7. . 1. . %4 !, is laQl)r petitioning tile German Govern- tions similar to those which created tile favtory at night, but found more were tormission, It is said that five thous. . XULOCk, d, I. ' Tntoilto Winter A'Ssizcsi Ist week, what is regarded here as the inactivity ment to -e - ay. Jan. 11, 1909, MRS, KELLER RECOVER$ HIER of Great Dritain and tile activity of adopt retaliatory measures, recent so-called "rounil table" Scandals stolen .Nvithin as many days after th and shots were exchanged, Bracebridge (jury and lion -jury), Mon- Mond, es, ath week, I horities on such mat- in Gerinally. Arattlinic 0 fly 2 Tororkto Winter Assiz DAUGHTER IN NAPANEE. .1tussia, probably will restore the Shah's Several English aut it had left tilt plant at dity. "The revolutionists out all t is- d , =d 1. Monday, Feb. 15, 1009, ters are convinced thttt the law will coil. M. Remy often e - phone and tolegraph wires leading St (jury), Monday, Sept 2 nut,ocracy. omplaiued of Itenard's break. UA night Piggins and Ills as . .5 81 is for greater benefits upon Great Britain growi to LaE Vaqas and thus prevent,ol the , CtUTE, J. - The correspondent also Bays that it ng, ookinatiolt ill IdS household, but sistants caught Hogarth red-handed. On ,.r;oront.o. orAminal ,list week), Mon- The Little Girl, ft is Alleged, Was 'reported fronx Tabriz that tile governor than any law that has been. passed in his wife defended the butler. -being called upon to surrender lie rerlls- besieged town from moncling for ro, day, Oct. 19. Sarnia, (jury), Monday, Sept. 21. First Kidnapped by ,Her Father N he Nvateln inforcements. After heavy firing un. intimil (2nd. 'week), Mon- Torout ) of tile city lilts taken refuge in the Rus- the last half century. It has resulted Tito cliniax, came,the day before the ed and ru4ted rut t Alan with a . Toronto, cr 0 (non -jury)' 3rd ,week, 11013- sian Consulate there. lit the amployntont of many thousand assassination. Ho then informed his Ig kni% One of the men fired a shot- til stbout noon ilia attacking party Cleveland, and Taken to Napanea I day, Oct. 26, . day, Sept. 28. British workpoople and the introduction wife that he would no longer endure the uu at ogArth, and a number of the was repulsed and communication was T6muto (noti-jury) (8th week), lion- day, Oct, 0. -Mother Follows Promptly. Surround British Legation, of an endrinous amount of capital from situation, and that lie intended. to setill shot entered his body, JIG still fought .established out or ,as Vaoas. Troopg day Nov. 2. Brockville (jury), Tues, I were rushed to'tbe place and were ex, Barrio, (jury), Monday, Oct. 19. . Berlin, Julie 29. -The Lokal Anzeiger foreign countries, his neplimy to a. disciplinary school and capture, until beaten into inisensibility. pected to arrive there late last okling;-uille (jury and non -jury), Mon, Corrt-.vall (non -jury), Monday, Nov. 2. . to-(1ay priatib it despatch from Teheran Sir Alfred. Jones, President of tile thut lie -svits.,going to discharge the but- He was turned over to the police. and night 4,13". Nov, I.6, Cobourg (tion -jury), Monday, Nov. 23. Kingb,ton despatch.. xidnapp-ea twice ' Silying that among tile refugees in followed this'antiounce- two bours hiter was found lia;nging in bitt advices from Del Rio say that Welland Inon-jury), 3-londay, Nov, 23. within (L week's time has been tile ex. tile Li-vorpool Chamber of Oommorce, ler. High words a second outbreak wan feared before I . 11amilton (non -jury), Mondoy, Nov Britialt cgatlon there is Takizadeh, of csthnate4 that the new law has so- tuent; ,Aiadamo Remy refused to believe Ilia cell -by a strap he had Nmrn as u the arrival of assistance. Belleville (noii-jury) Monday, Nov. .30. PerielleG Of Josio, the three-year-old Tabriz, Ono of the beat and most odu- cured, the inve4tinent of .no less than the stories told her, and finally, in com- bellt and -waa revived by the officers with "'The Sheriff of Valverd ,e county, 30 , Toronto (non -jury), 14th week, M011- daughter of Mrs, Chino Keller, of Cleve. rcattd speakers of Parliament, whom the $UZ,000,000 for the'nianufacture iii pany with her maid, she left tile house. difficulty, Irogarth is a .morplillie fiend this 6tielph (non,jury), Monday, Dec. 14. day, Dec. 14. land, formerly of Kingston, according 'Shall. desires officially to arrest, State, telegraphed Governor I , Dec. t 'Clio England of articles previously malle That same night, Range has Acclarod, wid isays lie sold -the belt to get money Campbell, of Texas, that the revol- . MACKARON, J. St . Thoinas (nou-jury), Monday to reports. The father, a week as - abroad. Anicrican firms which. are -.11. Remy and Ronard quarreled during I to buy the drug. He wits not Seriously in- utionists had been iopulsed and that Cornwall, (jury), Tuesday, Sept. 15. 21. it wits stated in press reports, !6hah therefore has caused the Legation Ni do,' P I to be surrounded by a company of Cos- opening English branches include, tile dinner, Lind Renard killed' tile banker jured by We obot nor by Ills attempt a number of them were .rl ing to the Toronto, civil (jury) (Ist week), Mon- - Toronto Winter Asisizes, ,9,nd .week, ped the child in Cleveland, and fledato sticks. Yesterday a, patrol of Cossacks Gillette Safety Razor Company and tile by stabbing him with a dessert knife. Af- at esulcide. - I 7 United States. dt.y Sopf, 91, Monday, Jan. 18, 1900- . Napanee. Now the mother has secured exaniliked carefully every person who United States Shoo Company. tor killing the old maii the butler ar- Stories of Rovehition, Parry Sound (jury and non -jury), RIDDBLL, J. ' tile child, and ma& off. . I tried to leave the Legation. The British The petition to the (Forman Govern- ranged the house arld dining room in . . Minister, who, previously had assured - such it manner as. to give sit d 0 WAS i HERO. City of Mexico, Julie 21),_Wfla stok- Ifonddy, Oct. . Kingston (jury), Tuesday, Sept. 15- A sPecdal from Napance -says: .';The the Shah that the right of asylum ment by the Union of Industrialists pro pport to I fes conem-ning a fortuidable and serious `J:oronto nvii-jury) (6th week), Mon- Toronto (110.11 -jury), 2nd -week, Mon, little child kidnaTped from Cleveland would be granted only lit cases of ex- poses that Germany negotiate 'with theory that the crime had been commit- . revolutionary outbreak in the northern day, get. 10. day, Sopt. 21- by its father, and brought to Napance treme danger to life*, sent his Govern- Great Britain,with the object of placing tod by. burglars, . part of Mexico -were wholly discredited T Cayuga (jury and non -jury), Tuesday, Owen Sound (jury)j Tuesday, Sept. last, week, and in the care of relatives the inhabitants of both -countries upon Another arrest in the case is expected Brakeman Saves Special Train and yesterday by tolegraphic reports reeciv- '-Nov- 3- .. 29. here, has been kidnapped again, this luent?s protest against suo.b. surveillance an equal footing. The present Gernlan momentarily. ' ed from G;vernor i London (non -jury), Monday, Nov. 9. time by its mother, Mrs. Cities ,X tate of Co. .. Hamilton (jury)., Monday, Oct. 12, . eller. as -tit unprecedented hisult, And de- law requires Englishmen who take Out R . rd (non -fury), Alonday, ."Nov. week, inanded the witlidrawal of the Gossacks C - , Loses Ifis . Own Life. S alluila. Stratfo Toronto Wititer AsgRes, 3rd Mrs. Kelhr took also with her-Emmu. patent in Germany to manufacture the . — According to the telegraphic adviens IQ- Carr, a little crippled girl, about fifteen by 0 o'clock thi# lovening, patented article. there. ATHLETES ARE . whieli were, received by Vice-Presidelit Goderich (non -jury), Tuesday, Dec. Monday, Jail. 25, 1900- - Nveck. years of age. Site hired a horse and All of the Ltmgl tions, with the excep- I -: -."- Toronto Whiter Assizc§, 5th . t, 14 Paris, Ill., Julie 20 Maiiglcd beneath Corral, Ono f tile boldest bandit cype- 1. Monday, Feb. 8s 1909 tion of tho German and the American, I 0 buggy from Hamilton's livery, saying have rovol-ved refuaees. munPHY,S MASTER. - REf USIED LEAVEs the'-tyllecis of,thb Knickerbbeker sPcc'ial ditions ever attempted in the hist.ry -Brantford (non-jilry), lklariday, Dec. BrttraPtbll (Itiry and hon -jury), Tues. she was going to Deseronto. Instead I ­ . yesterday, Lawrence Friend, aged 23 of Mexico was successfully carried out 14. day, 1-Tov. 17. she went to Kingston, and left the horse A Warning From Britain. The Militia Authoritiet Mbrh Puissant ), 13th week, Mon- and rig at t),P Windsor Hotel, saying I W YORK POLICE CANNOT GO years, it brakeman, gave his life Ill pre- whelk the town of Viosta wits assaulted BRITTON, J. Tol!Orito (TIOilAtItY she was going to the station to. meet a -Tile Forei, - . a3 i. - London, June 29. orti Secre Than Hohio Ouard. NE and looted T).ursth r. Sudbury (jury), Monday, Sept. 21. (lay. Dec. frloiihl, She then. bought tickets for tary, Sir Edward Grey, speaking in the TO OLYMPIC GAMES venting tile fast Big F our passeuger train Tito bandith, numbering fifty, all well Lindsay (jury), Monday, Sept. 28. LATCHFORD, 1. ,&'Guelph despatch: Whether to Serve . . I 0 Buffalo, A warrant is out for her ar- I-rouse of Comments this afternoon, com- is from crashing ii,to a row of freight cars, armed and mounted, swooped down up - h, wifo or his country ,was the predicit- . North Bay (Jury), Monday, Oct. 12. Toronto (noli-jury), ist we6k, Tues- rest for the Ahef t of the horse and municated the gist Of tile information mont in which Gunner James Murphy, Unless Mayor .McClellan Interferes- licad-on, -and tile loss of scores Of lives on the towrt without,warnirij." A feeble Toronto (uo i-jury) (7th week), Mon- 15. buggy." . cabled by the British Charge d'Affaires . that ))light have followed the collision. rosi.3tance ivas made by the police of day, Oct. 26. . . P (jury), Monda, lit Teheran on the subject of the dis Olympic Trials at Port Dalhousie in, day' 8-%' of the first brigade, found himself, when * C'ob,,i r, Sept. 29 The Kingston police received word . - he finally decided in favor of the pow- Friend was working on R freight tra the place, but after three of them were Port Arthur (jury and non -jury), Walkerton (jury), Tuc dxy, Oct. b. last night that Mrs, Keller had come turbances in that city, The latest mas ore of family government, and do- To -day. I . I which was blocking the line, when tile killed and throic more wou,nded, t1to Monday. Nov. 0. - y .sit e fro the Ciargo sa s everything passeng, marauders practically had things their ,,ault Ste. Mario (jury and uon-jur )j, to Kingston but the news came too serted the brigade in camp at Hood's . ,er came along at forty miles all (jury and non -jury), Monday, - I r1l. Xcnora Oct. 12. a is iiiet at 'oheran, and that no dan- hour. The brakeman In to a, switch own way. They at first proceeded to _. Almday, 0. late to take ction. The woman arrived . farm here. 11urphy had been married t in time to throw lie all, releasing all of the inmates, Nov. Ia. Chatham (jury)) Monday, Oct. 2 from Napanec, on Wednesday inorning) ger to foreigners I-, antic' ate . Thirty but two weeks, and did not consult his New York, June 20,-Ilollce Commis- and turned it Jus the j on -jury), 13til week, Moll - of the prominent embers of the Oppa- rer train on a side track, but not some of whom joined the robbers. The Fort Frances (jury and n Toronto (non-itiry), . and upon arrival at the hotel had the . - ,sition have been arrested at the orders wife with regard to going to camp, sinner Bingham has refused leave of ab- Passe -119 enough to avoid being struck bandits next beaded for the Bank of Ifo day, Nov. 23. . day, Nov. 30. . hol-se put lit the stable, She said that with the result that when lie arrived sonce to Ma,,tiii J. Sheridan, Matt. Ml- quickly Whitby (nou-jury), Monday, Dec. 7. ury), Monday, Dec. 7. of t1le, Sliall. down and crushed by the.Xilickerbooker Nueva Loon, overpowered the employees Sandwich Ofo-j 'ghe had to meet a friend at the Grand The Foreign Secretary added that the home in the afternoon in his uniform Grath and John Flanagan, the three Po- . . I . there, and robbed the bank of all of the TRETZEL, J. St Catharines (non -jury), Monday, Dec. Trunk station, and left with the two his better half stood on her rights as a engine. - . . stating that site would return 33ritish and Russian Governments had licemen who have been selected members ­ I . money they could get, Belleville oury), Tuesday, Oct. G. 21. ' hildron, wife and ordered that Jthe uniform, be . ­ . . routo Winter Assizes 4th week, c I instructed their representatives to warn taken off, and in no uncertain language of the American tmnl that is o compete DEER ON HIS BARNROOF 4.- I - , . Toronto (libli-jury), INIonday, Oct. 19. To 2 to the hotel ,with her friends. Zilles-Sultan against intriguing against - . . Simcoc (jury), 1-Nionday, Nov. 9. Monday, Feb. 1, 1009- . She did not return, and so when the - ordered "hubby" to got to work oil his in the Olympic games lit London next using Great 'Trouble to Con- - : police were notified they at once came the tbrone and to inform the Shah that' job -with i ty Y. month. It:was stated last night at the Are Ca necticut .Farmer. . I THE DAY SET. ' I . _. __ - ____ - - ns axe to the conclusion that tile ,woman had 310 hostile action against Parliament Ira therefore took off theamuniform, and frish-American. Athletic Club.that May- . and wounded. Peace negOtiatiO vernor- left tile city, inquiry at the G. T. R. and the constitational party would re- - or lb1colollan would be &ppealcd to in New York, June 29 -A despatch to T Id 011,, The Go, ticket office elicited tile information .colve any support from thein. I when lie failed to report at camp a do e Helie a d Mme. Gould to SHAH9.S REIIENGE, now being efl,rki( that the woman had purchased tickets The correspondent of .in afternoon scription was, given out, and it was not the matter. I the Herald from South Norwalk, Coam, Frinc n 11 General has left tile city for . Tifl . is. paper says the life of the Sh long before Murphy was in the hands of . Port Dalhousie, Ont., Julie 26.-(,gpc- Salley: officials of Norwalk received a Wed on July 7th. . I A - for Buffalo, and left on the early morn - all is ill . the police, who placed him in the cells. ONE HOUSE A DAY TO 1312 90M' ing train, instead of going back to the great danger, insomu cial)-The Olympic boat race trials be- unique complaint front E,dward Schoon- 1, I POURED OIL ON MEAT, u- Considering tile eircumAtances of the gan here this morning, -svith' a crowd of over, a -vVinnipauk farmer, who appeared . BAROM I hotel. I tionists have dPaided upon his assassina- case, the. matter was finally Smoothed fine and bright weather and this mornhig and wanted permission to . WOM46n Fought Butchers In a SectiOn I -_ I . tion. Paris, June 29. -The Matin's Loridbil . --I- -1 -I 1__ ' over, it being shown that Tyrurphy bad =1 generally fail-. The results, shoot tile deer thai were running up and correspondent tolegraphs an interview Preacher and Editor Hanged In the of Brooklyn. NOR 100 a 1, never been formally s,worn. in. . North star -won first heat by a short down the roof of his barn, wearing the BIRTHDAY HO '. ' 10LEVELAND DIED POOR. - . U Ing the weather with Prince I-Telie do Sag,lu, in which the Capital -Many Other. Persons Sov- XeNv York, June. 20.-A band of deter - 11,r ... quarter lcngtli Thae 8.283-5. ' shingles out and Idek , . uropeans Indig- mined women, ttrined with. calls of — DAVE OUNNINGHAM'S NERVE. Argonauts won second libat by three vane off. * prince said that ilia marriage to lime. evely Flogged -E 'The Stories of His Wealth Were n1iita . lengths. Tinic 8,25'. St. Mary's finialiod ,Schoonover's barn is an old-fashioned Gould will take place about July 7, and nant at the Atrocities They Have kerosone- 014, marched through t1i, CHIEF JUSTICE FALOONBRIDGE . one an 'I A KNIGHT BACHELOR. Untrue. How"a Yukon Miner -Rescued -a Dif- outside the course. d. backs up against -it hill from will consist of a religious and it cly, Witnessed,. streets of the Brownsville section of I Ing Comrade. Scholes woll. tile first beat lit the Sin- which tile deer jump to the roof. The ceremony. Only Iclur witnesses will be (1, ivalking bold- . New York, Julie 204 --Ur. Grover - Its 3 J a- police officials referred the faritler to present -two Oannaiis lor the prince and - Brooklyn yesterday, all Cleveland, contrary to general belief, gles in a paddle,by several lengtl ur F. S1111th, game ,,varden, who has two Americans for tile bride. Teheran, Julie 20. -Looting and clis- y in upon tile k164her beef Sellers walo Same Honor for Chief Justice Tasch- Vancouver, Julie 20.-A Dowson. de- cobs second. Time 9.43 Two-tbirds NN"111) I Charles died a pool- mail. Tll-_ opinion wa-, limself k c! ced, that schoonover has no right to When questioned on, the subject of hia order are not yet at an end ill Teheran, had taken a sta,not ag-aill9t t;110,111 in ereau of Montreal -Sir enerally held that he was possessed of SP&tch tell'$ Of tile M"ReWL1,1011 Of -1 down the course 011STall steered I I or s they cat his crops. conversion to Protes tism, Prince . their fight for Idwow meat prices, daisli Fitzpatrick an Imperial Privy young miner, who was to all appear- off tile course and htopped a length be. kill the deer union tail and NvIrile the city is more orderly to- ronsiderable estate, and tbat his fanMy (t. is .Schoonover's intention to remove Helie, according to tile correspondent, ed tho.de6troying fluicls; over Me meat Counciilor-C.M.G. for Mr. W. F. auce asphyxiated by natural gas at the Idlid. Jacobs as the latter finished, - day, further street encounters are hour- lit the Stores. King. -,trtiuld be well provided for. Inquiry dC- bottom of a shaft on No. .3 A, below Dis. Bowler -,You the second licat by a ' tile lightning rod from the barn. and asked him wliy lie should become it Pro - scWrs, Isatte Sned. . 'veldped the fact, however, that he Iia6 on Laat Chance. Incidentally length and a half, Cosgrove second, Time make of it a fence at the edge of tile testant. . . ly expected. The Shah has appointed One of the meat Kin -'s birth - left his willow and ch1hiren practically "Ov the Russian colonel of Cossacks Gov- zor, of No. 1,783 ProsPect PIRcG Was London, June 29.­Tbo m tllc Z-Ilurrencc serveAl for P, display of 9,50, roof witle a barbed wire at tile top. 4 I for Chief nothing except the house at PritieLtoll great heroism by Alva Cunningham, a - - __ — I , , , A NOVEL RESERVATION. ' ornor of Teheran, and has issued orders roughly beaten -wheal. lie resented the daylionors include knighthoods and the place at Buzzard's Bay. ininor well known in the north, , SMALUS. FLYING LEAP. I/ - that one house belonging to persons op- wonienI& actions, 11his brauglit, on P Justice W. G. Falconbridge, of the Whon Mr. Cleveland left the White Nick Zinckil, a sturdy young Slavon- LOSES BOTH HANDS. __ Posed to him -be bombarded each day. free fight between friendig of t5le Ir'llig's Beach, Ontario, and Chief Jus - House after his second term it is Said ian, was overcome. His partner funked, An Unintended Sensational aTurn" Along 'the Canadian Border' As a'consequencle high-born. Persians are butcher and Pei'sons W110 sytinpat3lized . tice If. T. Tasellercau, of the King's he and his wife bad an incOule 1) WWII but hurried for Cunningham, who works It is Thirty Feet Wide and Extends in e`;tistaut fear that their houses may ,and Fookk a illob of two tliotisaiid per. Bench, Quebec. Both are inade Knights them Of $10,000 a YMY. His iucOlnC on the same claim. As soon. as tile . by a Chauffeur. A Mrashington, Julto 29. -By proclania- be destroyed and pillaged at ally me- d in front of tilt, Bachelor, 10vir Charles Fitzpatrick, Chief Unfortunate Accideni to Young Man A' Niagara -an -the -Lake olospatch Lion of tile president it series oif long, inctit. plilce. ileservees were hurried to tt1le justice of tile Supreme Court of the Do - was added 'to by $3,000 a year when windbies, ,wiliell -waS unshipped, could , to Shall has also given inst; one scene. but it IveS on4v ,% ter ben mi.n. million, is lit Me' forty borse-power Peerless car belong- ructi ade a member of the Im- . - sing to Gait. ing to William. L. POran, Niagara . that tile chancellery of Parliament.be ut.es 'of wieldin- lti,,b .Vi,icks that tile perial Privy C lie became a trustee for the J,,quita be rigged Dave lowered himself down Belon but extremely narrow, reservations of J:I ouncil. W. I-,. Xing"Chief Life Assurance Society. When he the shaft and made the rope fast about. land, have been made along the . is made a 0. M, G. ' Falls, went over the foTtY-loot 0111- spublic. bombarded again, and that new I'larlia- ' 'Four women ,and Dominion astronomer, Nvas made head of the Association of the prostrate man. When the body was bankment mb tile ( ared. it, Now Brunswick,, John Life Insurance Presidents lie received a brought to tile Surface it was A Galt despli.tch: Mr. Harry Foster, 2110011's Royal 1-iOtcl boundary line between the 'United mentary elections be held, Workmen ; one mail were arrested. Tit the IlleAll, G, X Babbi or-Goneral, and A. G. D. I M In _ this afternoon, and with all Ilinglish 11110 Praser, Audit, salaiy of *25,000, but he held that office th-e man seemed beyond all 11=1 11tid, States and Canada. The reservation is are .tit present engaged in demolishing L. every particle of beef ht Snedmi-It, Only one year. 1p,. IV. Stelle, with many ready assist- Son of Mr. Peter Foster, Bond street, chauffeur, Thomas Small, plunged into only thirty feet ,wide, and Clio length is the remains of tile Parliamentary * th re o, Taylor, journals clerk, have been nornin- ants, turned to the work of Tesuscita- Mot with a serious acoldont yesterday . the lake. The ladles of Mr. Doran's limited only by tile amount of unap- buildings proper. sklany-of the deputies . store and Lud,Wig Sn.yd,er's 9tore, I Service Order. Mr. Cleveland had some money in the doors away. at No. 1,780 Prospect Plit0e. 6tod 'or the luiperla as a result party had just left the automobile propriated public land along the bound. are sopking refuge in the British Loga- : . d by oil. Snydrr (W Sir NITIlliam C,. rialconbridge 'was Knickerbocker 'Ernst Company, but if Lion, treating tile Slavanian as one at the Art Metal Works, . nilt- i bad been ridw born at Drummondville, Out. inot ro- when the brake jammed and the tioll. . i . I lie had any lit addition it vas it trifling would treat a, parson appareittly of which, he will lose both hands. , ary line. n,ot Nvait to be beat,cn. n at Berrie Gram- anloulit, It is believed lie held some drowned. . The young fellow ,was operating a chino went slowly,throu4b. the 'PrIc"' Tile reason for tile establishment Of The members of the European colony In Brownsville there are more that, ceived 'his aducatio fty of To- - mar School and tile Univer. ,in, -It will ,go to Ills wif,3 red hopeless, down tile emball _nt, and turning this are indignant or ,r kosher butelier shoVs. It . novel re6ervej its stated in the pre. tile atroeities occur life insuranoo., whit For a time the t"k appoit corrugating machine, -when in some rtlo, at the brea twater, fell into tit'! proclalittotionj ring before ,their eyes, although they five hundreol ronto, his course in the latter institu- luld fallilly. but after three hours' -*York respiration tit . amble of the ProsidenVa is deelgred that rienrly it hundred of -- manner his hands were drawn in be- I'tke. I . that tile cwtoms and immigration themselves remain unhill3ned. * I tion being one of unusual distinction. h was fully restored. The case line excit- twoon the rollers, and boforo the ma- is these ]lave been closed by the Nvoineiis Sinall. remained in tile cat until laws of tile United Sta,tes tali be better New York, June 25,-A cable despatch Sir Henrl T, Taschereau is a son Of TALLY -HO CAME TO GRIEF. ed inuelt attention, and is regarded 05 chino could be stol)ped he had. suf- . to remainder have yielded, furnishing an excellent example to all fored terrible injurle& Both hands throiVii out and was hurt. A company of I ad the 'public welfare thcr0bY to the Herald from. Teheran Says: Twen- crusa-de. TJ tile late Judge J. T. Taschereau, of tile to north, for troo,tillent, in Toronto onginecia wore--&Iled out, and enforced ni cd wholl ilia F ty men have been arrested since yeater- . --------.*: : . Canadian Supreme Court, and a grand - And With it a Dozen Delegates to lumers !IT tl were drawn in as f ar as the palms. ill fifty-five minutes had the car UP tile better advanc aderal Gov, I ., El Motakelloininj a STRANDED IN NEW YORK. soil of the famous Taschereatt who ernment bas- complete control Of tile day, and 11elel e - :1 I . k-ment. wf use and ocellp cacher, and Djaug'r Khan, the editor fought, for constitutional liberty in the Women's Club Convention. similar circumstances. Dr. Wardlaw was suilinioned and bit only all axle twisted. 'I took charge of the case. Ito says that crabAll P - . ation, of lands abutting on a paper. were hanged this mot - ieut.-Colonal Dan' 1. f ning in Toronto Boy, Without Work and With- Parliament of Lower Canada, Find was Newport, It. I., June 20,Two, women CANADIAN OFFICER DEAD. the lof 6 hand is entirely gone, as far General Cotton and L international boundary lines. delegates to the Federation of Wo. as the palm, while there is somd sons chief of staff, were interested sp"ta- T : ': . the Sbale camp, and many others So- out Money, Imprisoned in 1810. inall's Clubs convention in Boston slight hope of saving the thumb and I tors. Mr. Doran is ,it commissioner for SWAM THE DEVIL'S HOLE. verely flogged. Neiv York, Julie 20.-Ifeycr Fine, a 0.60 were dangerously hurt and ton others Was Wounded in Fight With Khoda part, of one finger oil the right hand, Victoria Park Niagara Falls. Said Abdullah, President of tIl0 Par- AILED. 4 more or less seriously injured here to. Khol on Indian Frontier. Mr, Foster has been pattioulaTly un- I A, . t I ­- I I Daring Deed of a One -Armed Buffalor liament, was insulted, spat upon and youth, of Toronto, Canada, received a day when a tally -bo coavh lit wbich t,. Waiter fortunate with machinery, June one -beaten by tile populace yesterday whilc letter Several months ago fron, his attilt, Guests at Marriage Ceremony Were they were riding capsized to -day oil a London, June 20.- Lieu 'ear ago his left hand was drawn into D,. Man. lie was conducting to che Daghsah Mrs. Sarah Weinberg, requesting him to Disappointed. Young, 67th. Putimbig. attnebed to 57th y I spatch: With about thirty prisollorsi Among Av'himl come to New York and' promising . hini veddhig feast steep hill on Bath road. - a,machine at the Same wotks, and all - It Ran Away Prom the ,Zoo at; Niagara Falls, X. Y , do yho had Winnipeg, June 29.-A N Rifloa, was woundeil in ,be fightingwith fingers amputated. He is a popular . 0 protect flip '% I tit -pe the Khoda %hel on May 20 and died tile d . nothing t .1 but a cork life was TAghi Zadeh, a deputy, position. lie came t irce weeks which ,tile groom failed to AP ',it Ambulance calls were sent to Vie . ell, a One-armed taken -refuge in the British Legation. '%gol1odt cannot find Ills awit, 110 doesll t here last night, and his police, but by the tinic tile ainbuilanmi followlIng day. Tho.young officer, who young follow about town, and his George Pow The Cbssacks of the wits Spread still Like inanv friends, rogrot extremely this London, June 20.- Sonic unexpected preserver, Stationed in ,front know her adtirv s% except that she lives 'erious disappearance I$ reached the scene all of Via twelve this afternoon $want "'711, tiou. The was 25 years of age, was the son of tile latest miSfortlano, . incidents attended - tile work Of unpack' 13111111"o "'all, Legation do not know whether to pro. 'in t -be vicinity or Moore street, Prook- topic 0j general conversit women had been taken to Vie Xc%v- lat( r 'Rev. Richard Young, D. D., - ..- - I I thrp ds slid Oil teet or forbid any persons trying to I Is. Wood- . virtill; - - I I I . - Ing akid housing the AwAraliall collec- to Ligh the ])evil,$ !role 114pi lyn. J'kbere are several familiee of the victill, of tile cruel affair is I It L .port Hospital in private antoinobiles. Bish p ;f Athabasca, and'of Mrs. Young, ticn of animals at tile Zoological Gar- 'wistoll. Ito covered tile two and enter, - name of Weinberg in tile immediate le.y, a prepossessing, young widOW, WhO The delegates were oil tilt excursion to ,9t. Micitael'A re-etory, Gloucester, Eng. FReE RIDE, THEN JAIL. on6.11alf miles .In thirty.tive Ininutea. The Shah haS R18811red tile foreign 11ill- nvighborbood, but nono know ilia boylo has been in. charge of the lullell IYO0111 'a city tit 'St. * Andrew's par- dons- the other day. While the kangaroos Tills is it feat which has Lsen Pdriormpil N of can- aunt, whose husband is a spealto ill Entons, Store. tit' - The identity of the lit. I -To.. was bom - tit of their boxes a 1, Lem that he lilts, no Intention r on So- She was engaged jured and the attire of their injur. sonage-, Manitoba, and joined the Royal Fake Murderer's Fake Confession Has were being taken 0 escape. . - PO'Well ento-roa tile (elling the - . ld it distaOt rela- to be married to a YoUll- 0- P- X n large one Managed to only twlee before constitution !or the priest cialisin. The boy locate 0 les Is withheld, by 'lie hospitol auth. Alarine Light Infantry' as 'gpeolld 121011- Been Accepted. It tall away tit full speed, clearing, war i tile Plitt Rodk) just below the ' This morning lie sent i riends had critics. tenaint oil Sept, 1. 1900i Ining promoted . Whiripool, and qwmm. directly td 00 poop,(. AJ told tive, '.Nfts. Jacobson, of NTO- 0 Stit"IeV clerk nanted, A. Leitch, V ad be 11 - 'i i.0 — Alontreal; June. 20,­Williani. Sangster, tile obstacles at tile end of the broad Illiddlos of the river, At the turrt below And goveral influential lo,,blon street, BrooUlYli, front Who"' 110 rteel;' all been 111vittd, a house h e to lieutenant oil July 1, 1001, and only thO I'llall U7110 94VO hiluscIf 'up to tJ'c patb,' and go across the bridge, into..the em to take steps for it, ne-AV e e,I food and Shelter. rented and furnished, and -the ,briae- two months ago waH gazetted liputenant Now York police as the murderer of 130- Itere it luntor-eft Inkle for 11ouske and .1 He has relilairivd, with her for a few cleet lind Moved iler chattels into it. THREW PILLS IN DOORWAY the Whirlpool Powell ]'ad R desperate th ;ehate, 7,tibir IP(I-Dow- in the 07th Punjabis, with. effect front outer circle, Struggle to koep abolvo Wittdf, lellys house Wag filialled. title otftornoovi. lorine on the Baek River road, and thus t-haso, but lit Vail', tile k,angaroo welit )0ared for slAy but its who is poor she t011110t at- ,yho guests gathered tit the appointed At. one time lie disapt There ate ITIA11Y versions eoncerhing the da to I interestvd being there And Theee-Year-Old Soy Ate Thdow -Tune 1, 100-1- ' gob free ttansportntlim to Montreal is across the Park in excellent Style- f ok!;S1 koep Iiiin any longer. Vine i'4 hour, everybody All Up. ., Ito niet Ills death in all attotelt on a "unplinished, ,Tile In MIMI& Passing tlie lower trolley jail who yesterday morillug throw it , r, and Mrs. Jitcob Fine, 270 Wel. 1,1t t),LA groom. Ito. lia,d procured two Str6lighol(I of the Xhoda, Khol. In the E'velititally tile alilmal was foulid. lie wag tossed about like a cork. 11 Shah's camps killing six son of 'M - - ,(led to accept Ilia eolifc's- all Area. ill Baker street, so clitirely' Out lie bomb into the He lins atell. Because tile coat. Bohai Dag. (Irown haa (lei bril"', had Something rhe porpetilat0l* Was arrested iii)gton street West Torouto. 1xv4ses from the Q. P. Ift. to VA110-011- Toronto desr vowl", in MOM at t - . I .- , - - ,. - slon, and lie ling been colnillitttol to of bi-e,ath that It wits easily scelirctl I ilous trip, .tIle sioldlers. - -L 91;iployment but with- . v'er with tile inten'tioll of taking A trip, Ing of little I obert AfarAlits gtomaeh is - On(. of tile Port afid T0,11.6hed and then sent to the tried 'hard to go P trial in the court of Xing's Tiench At and br6ught lt,lclit to the gardens, lout difficulty'. a"(1 confessed, Smoot, and bes 110 nioney to return 1111j) tlli,..;o have not beevi. uscit. No cx- st1l. to be destroyed througli tho little WOULD PROM HANGING. __.___,".0_ - dock tit Lewiston witl house of 7'ahir 11M.Dowlell, whero Ills out . planation eall he Offered. the Neptember Sessions. In the- interim - — Ill ware. home. three-year-old chap (levouring a Packet . alleged, fleeompliec,11 sti ___ 0, — . ------#I*,-- - PRINCESS TO WE 0 E U 58 PRIE , ABOLISH THE BAR, of sawn 16 lilts wbidi it distributor threw Galician Sentenced at Winnipeg to lie wial Temalik in t"'.' , - - D AUTO AGENT. BIR I S I -_" ST. .rhe ,o,llith sevit CoAmteks aud Shelled into M oorway (if his home, at 100 I wd HELLO GIRL I.N TROUBLE. - Oxford Street, Idst father is asking the. Twenty Years' Imprisonment, SAW A MAN _MUROIER913, momb6rs of Her Parnily Havii With- tile house. Two ilaged. __ Winnipeg, ,Tune, 20.-A. Andreeazuk Utid t ,Wit, IT. Y., June 21--Mr.,4. Per- thit 'holite Wa.q VI 5, and for every IM08t 191anche CAMpbell, ,of Toronto, At, Now PolleY Ihnugurated by the 0. courts to give him it judgmont for $3,- langhter yes ., 06htd8illon of J. 9., Hosters, Und6r drawn Their Opposition- thil, IG uff , - Is 8 I tho .Rev, Father If 'this routintles tboro is dMigOt tompta 8wicide. . at M6638 JAW. NO for bilikSolf and. .1.5,000 for the, bov who W&S c0llvictt'd Of MAM Mary Mog- P. R I terday, although evoryorki Violin: ill of William J. ,It% raid, of St. I d foreigu- - it Julie 20.-Prillee )oil It, houso ii bombartled, tigaimt tile World% 1)1,9 usary '11redleiii ') vxpecte i n Aprest ot Pittsburg. and tho "I il it ille, for Slander. fok, evei,yone, both nativi's (ill P. Ilegillft, 14118k.. 111111P 20--_'VVb0 t"' p- 't' As oolation. of tuffal I t ­ P et6loycrs of vordlet of movic - r, wile to -day menteneed Fuersteft etg-XOCnJgsIlof ot, Or daleria'a hurdl, i New York. Jutte Po. -11411101(` ("All) 1(1- - I Pe 0 11 I to twenty yeAIS in the ptnitentiary, 0ileago, Junc, 20o --The fact that k members of Vint fantilY ilave withdrawn 81140 A610 - I , d I a ('14- IIer em. It ,.0stprd.1y ,officially declared Its olpp(igi- tho rMin who throw ti Q Pilli there. 'Pile tit br)z, WrAhi, ,little 25­!rht fighting bell, who told. thO Police She AVAS to' pill firm yemtetatty t I( ill -days ago lit Pir opposition to ilia Marriage Of Mrs. Giuf r Iroteetant. I'll$, , , Ad. pbontN operator lately eOuto, irbit, ,roron- iion to ille liquor trftf(it, when it with - T -d to have eertain 116 plefulpd. piteov.%ly for the dekth fien. urder waa committed ton atholle. They Were bPtw0eft tilt, revolutlolIIIS94 and tilt )PIleatiall for it license fo'f thd .4 mtruck out of th6 stiLtetlikslit tow,e instead, anil arter heartrendhig the basement of the honio of 0, At, Princess Amelie, sister of Prince !,',mile, huRbittid, 'OhYl, is tt), Nvilere, 'her parellt,4 live on Queen drew its al paragraph, agent of,a, Germall iunrried reeentl . 1110 Ilition was bit- 110'rents of tile nottetionarly- Party which lit Moose Jmv. Tht ton'- Alwder in ebambors, ref(s.relierm regarding provision for Ills Gottenreid, 33 Cedar street, near tile to (Instay KoeZifin, -'ather Fittgetald, Who (.0mititileod in this city .voliterety mqn- street, but 10111 lost ber p"ItIon And. 'Otivilpaliv's hotel of Anim, but thim I So to, while faBlilonal)Ic TAke Shor drive, wag es. ,automobile firmf With whom the Prindess terly oppo'sod by I 4 ill 14i'arelt (if ("lliploy- Itilty will )lot 11%vo bara III its hotels at Mr. J. S. (,14trtwflpbt, X. V., would leid go ing Inl3ted 11ittli ilay day. The callio to ROW Y00 I 'p not * ' n attompted , o . Ilftik to. . i permit this to ho done. - to tho rells. lPlrst I,(,, on. . tablished to -day, whe i Information lately , histl . I pital, tinder '"'I"y' Xi(' , lulpit in term$ -M suleldo by &Owft, the t6filPt4ti0h All h'elng toik I :t wai impom1ble to Pro- latit Spfi(lq do"oltno0d. the "it"rift ' ney ISIFOld 1105 t iv,4ttttlol 4 11prearteri proferflug to Ice( v 're oloppol. I ing, froni Ills T which Mrm. Wo,ro defoo4tt,p(l anij dTISMI t11011t) I$ in Cd far as possiblil Irbin "Suppo'sing", "Id the IfastAtr, "that de'a o a to straligle himielf, and later 'reached the police that J. D. Rosters, Wilt the 11rificem' marriti. #, she bd . positiong, Tli(i 10980*4 aTreat for att( .tilig a in sobiebody"d tried to dash out his Ilrdlils on tho under avrest In Pittsburg, had. eon. I of ftgt and, tite postexaor ofati ItideploAk, I piuffm claima w#ro 4"anwous and =Ir vinelpid n ill killod Ing bA at, I S lqy " its emplo.yaes- it UMV leavele, ean& 510,11,616rous", on both 12A toiwhoa 100 me d4ori j,lia x child eatit them sma diod, waus, femia thit bil mw tho murdw, mr, init lottilue.