HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-02, Page 30 I* ... / � C A, ._� �_ � �^ _� , �� - � —1 P% -W . , " . . - -1 . I VP _Trw � I P_ ,.Iq;--- -1 , I I ­ .,4� -% T77: I , .-: I . i . , I... . . 7WIMPPIM . I - * '' -f , �: I . , I I "k -!k '*,�'- , �;" . 0 - X., ... , . , , , , '. I �. .1 . 4 . ", . , f. , .: ..;, 11 . , % k11 . , . , , I I I .. . 1% . I 4 , . . 11 � I . � . I I I " � . . . I , "., - ­. . IV. - -117__ - __ - _ , . , " " I � � I " , - , .A,-,. . ". � 11 "-_-% . � �, :, - , ,,, . '. ".. ., ... , . ''.. _-___ _1,1 , " '. I � WNW �, �,, * , I I -111. . I � !.. . .4 . ,-�l '. . .. __ - �_ _-, _01'0*0, � ,. I . .. I - I.. 1. 1. . I � d. o 1, '' . �i ii Nil 0.4. 4�14�rowp�_W� : , , __, .. , � � , . . .6 I - ­ I .d - I I ... ­ . V, - � , ,. , ­ - . 1-1 , . I ­ . I ­ I f, I �­�, �r. . ..... �'. � 1. —,-------- �.. __�17�!�!=11! pwlmo! I'do , — __ .___--1._ 11 I- _. __­­ - __ __ .-- ­­ —;:T!o 0! � �0, � I I . . . ", �� ­ �__ . � " I � I TAZ-*�,,6A , Alto And It# ­­`­ ­`­,ri-ml, tAt I_t_WM"*_1_W4iWiW21,"*�1A9 , - �the mrqo tr to know ly to 0i 14W S4 , MQUA 0441na to 18 its app, ; th�%�X W. , I 1 11 - & -.O�� .,*., 'r I Zo W, I . � 0 . I)rivIlegad persons, But i1tt 10inkslowa that I d. .1d. P"""O."W"o , . . .'A power of abacirptlov. . - I 10, 0 IT'S A PITY ABOUT MR -0 GNAGG 0o" ittril 6& Jio�,"` t:0,94,1,*_,!� XONA Wrw",t w ��t I I voo"o ,,,,, I I in round figures cAch vessel ooniumei # . A Gorman scientist receutly kept a : .. d . ot vala 'inucli. 4,000 tons,..dr 9,000,000 pollads, of coal Canag under obt3ervatlon Jov a riont)i . - - . 1� . It. ow"t-44 "'NGR U , 11 t A,,,4 - A,��* I The Bet 10VIO xkl,*Nlly %Ai AT LATED RECIPES 011 1 4F .- �,__ __ J�l I.. . I � . I-- I - r . doublo Cagle Will (19itwon be mom i . I each twenty-four bours. lit each Ship tile I ttlo creative weighed only sl.t 4� .�� . . ^ -1 prolial,ly made. It will QWX �" "Wily ^"=,) 0 � teerit graim, bVi 1U tile course of 11W ; , � I ...... W "I'd . . I aj,-oi twou -five boilers, each with its ­'" -- -7w, as It vill cVet1d, Bad we oliall thou have At ,ty % Illonth it Inallaged to eat , 01., , . - , , " d This Is the Mod of Reception lie Gets lea5t one will of the rva,lAX that 110 900 DY TUX '� ICEP,OY OF I-XI)I,k � A . '' 4LN yawning fire -boy, Underneath seething I bla gra-tia, I ,l) , � f ollyViey und good rat. Tile thOU144114.1a who, 011der jurve(t draft. This mmils that into REPLIES. , weight of food, that is, about thir-w- Liberty. or Q@Ath. . pre4d�lj�t item,ovelt urglu ., &QRD XTTCiKVNJXR, I. I . . Ilavo written to each of these furnaces 80,000 pounds of . 0 two times its Own Weight The, bit'! Harold ---Vapa, 41d Solomon blivo -,Oo �jal to put all vild to the tul'thO Q . — " a N 'Dinage I& at nome. tile late6t gold pie,oh, ., e't R."'t to Towtore , coal must be fed every- tNventy-Soilr hours 1,1410-%W-%W�W Aftl'%� NNW�6& -*� -4��,V* must tberoloro have, eaten ita 7wrl wives T the pbrasa, "In Q0d we '114mot", do U-14 ! PeAce on Ole 'rtoutiQr—Dritloh QfficOr —the capoicity,, virtually', of tile greatest - .1 .- . .1 I � � d I . `- weight in food every da . Papa ­1 believe Ile did, Illy son . I -11 I toll -Ay that 00 ilro:,aldollt jv.w no Power ODW � . _ � 10 VAll 4sparaguit--tiLlect huoWs Ili Its- An ordinary nian witri, 4 can4r,r's .- . �baudolk III() 'low 'R�igll Ovell th . Xillod in the least, P Ight. coal car In railway Rol -vice. pgragu,a all pertect as posdible im every appetite would consume 150 ,pounds Little liarold --Was be tile 11141i who battle OuC0 h! Q i�hlle-(;r in whatever 0 P -0 oJo. 01WO aC0111 ' I said "(11ve lite liberty Or give uia, Mr. Guagg upon arriviog 08tue from f1hould Strongly dID411`0 to 41 . . 14'ach pound, of coal should develop 11111ti way... Wilted vegotablea will not call of f apology be's gat for a houle. bau brem approved and its imilanco. ordore4e pounds at steant, ThIs gives 1,814,000 ood a, day. 'leath T" the offlee spoke in part as follows. ob, yes, b it Caullot be L4hallged for a period of twollty- The VIcoroX has telegrap,liet! to Gou. ,pounds of 15tvarn which passed every Ilitiely. IA fact, the difficulties of can- But the canary is an extreme case, egilt that n live ye.11-3 oxtopt by a In) aot 91 corlgreaa. ning vegotables like Asuparagus AVe SO The ordinary bird, in good healtij, now that Thtr� Is the ka'w Of t il'94 to'4L'%1` � -ocks, Iwartily con- twouty-four hours through ths allip's great it Scarcely pays- for the tr6able. will be satisfied with one,fif Myl What a Jolt. 11ellol How's thatt Vorgot to kiss I ' " " al nice people, I k i rtil The st. , eral Sir James NVIlle youl Oil, bother, 'there, then. Pretty r .olit of jail Anil pit �ir bills. GaV14-0001 collie )Vill colitinve In circula, n turbines. This Steam its generated and . , ill 0 - 'boy'r� i' Y the for the neXt quarter i -Y unt"a Qougre$3 grattilating hill% upou"the dugewiti a( tile It rArOly Keeps well and is harol to do. its weight g, day by way of food. - ."Ly,gander. (swkketly), do you know they k�olo a Ittlyn got a oute bust of .mvtul held for power stxads at a pressure of . , warm, it sectudi to me, for that kind. tit lit,) be all r doutgns.-F ron, ciinipaign against tile Mohniandis wb1cli Trim and prepare tile asparagus. PIA00 'Answers.-' nonsense. Womier how matiy more B,.tijo,�ell on the mantelpiece and lilt J1kG Or"i"8 tile uso of Rt(1,14elm*th10by P,errtton Mu- d I 1400 poimda to the Square 111011, At tbl'i it uncouic-oa, in the cans, filling as evenly what day this b,?" I "Thc Coin Of tb-0 1 had beer% brought so rapidl , . ,d 0 P "o"i'llro! Our 11311001'sary, Margaret, yeam you'll be expft-tilig me to keel) till that, But iii that. any reason. Vvhy I volt, in ,riro liolimilm, Magazirle for JAIY- . y to au end. pressure a pound of Steam occupies as possible, ,steam Constantly for four ; _- - .1 . that lollygaggiug busimms, anXivayy should be harried mr)jl haragsool.otit, Of . I "I 110 Specially 2rientious Utjor D.. D. Bla4e- abolit ,two cubic fect of boiler space, Itoars. Fill tile gaud with. boiling witer. A KIND DEEDS drar (1)"Ptelldlug to have. remembered Huh? Illy owl, 1101,80 when 1,,U doe, tired to I way, poll0cal o0leur Of the Northwest wlilelt indicates 1,080,000 cubic feet of 'it aII tile time)." 04, that's right. Begin to dal) at your Ay cards A-vith 'eta? . IN THE HOMES , , Frontier krovince, and conveys to, �110 steam through the engines, every hour, Serow ou tile Covers. its tightl - "No elleh thing (frigidly). It's tile, eyes. Doret iiiiail. me.- DISS01yo into a I riling to your troops his wartu appreciation of thoir Six hundred And twenty-five thousand lite and Stand away to cool, bQi'lg very , d Maybe 104 a reason, area: careful not to put them in A draft Of Qyleomi AleX . � eadeade if yowre so crazy Over A that way of looking fit things, -bat.-W01, OF FAIR CANADA splendid. success, pounds of wALter a inlaitte 4re itececoary , an4ra Visits Dyin; Girl day YoU pl-on"Bed to na" the l"g all I manen air. When cold, tighten the covers Alid � that old k1tvilen tablOo-unknown. stuff, DWA the luck, caletyOu gly`Lk 1110 tbat0s different. YOU ext""t I so Lard Kitt -honer has also telegraphed to sIttko the thirst of tile great boilers* keep.. whore it is dark and cool. In Hospital. a chance to got my hat off before you Q,njoyment from tile brand Of B.Nilabub- t qeueral willcooks exprosslag Ill% This is 450,00.0 toul, of water in twenty- � . . � . -�--W_ NO'r A WORD. I warm four hours, or 100,800,000 gallons a dity. 11 . $be--Tb(q,e',8 one tbing I admire about tile begin to whimper all over the place? .It you lienr tit 0 avprg�clmtion of his Bervices. and -Four quarts of tile blah. chipper-cluIpper tit, nev an iams' Pink Pi Is A:re Bringw Dandelion. Wille I)on't You suppose I have enough to the C.liI)I)ittso.s,_­.vner,e, there's er Dr. Will. 1 Sign 4 The average consumption of water IA, the TOV, Air- lit'l4f0ith- 110 always SMYS Whilt I behaviour of the trooj)s, yellow flowers, four quarts of water, the The Queen, accompanied by Princess - ha mone, I idea expressAl a -and bA- ing Health to Weak, Despondent a' the casualties Ili the last fight of tile cities is thirty-five gilllous it day for d rijid of tu,o oraliges, . "t. li()� h worry me all day without Stacking up in 10,009 year . , Tile . grate tile gr4ted Victoria, paid a surprise visit Olt Tues- 110-0 .0 docon't! Whea be misses against this ,whining pro,position,and all .,on Ilko, It wily iif course I've got . : campaign woro one officer killed. and each inluAbItant, so that the Deeds Of rind of one lemon. Boil .411 together 20 � tho bull lie �gonerally Just grita his. teeth. i callse I , afternooil to St. Luka's House, 14 about nothing, the nilnutil I set foot ill 'to be ligrecablo. '.,and hill for it. People. thirteen. rauk and file wounded, The those passenger ships is equal to the � minutes; then strain and add. four lay.tbrIdge square, Baysivater, . and Spent me? lwy? Great hoille, 1 call.1t. Ob, I've got to-dreBs, have I? Oil, cer� Thexe is not a nook or corner in Can- dend officer is Lieutenant W. young, of needs of a city of alluost 3,000,000 1),Ol)u- pounds of sugar. When, cooled until b, I Tho Prolosr,or, In . . 11yowla d1ye suppose I spend my days tainlyl ()b, no, I _.vouldret go there ill a ad,�I, III tile cillps, towns, village.% and the 07th .11unjabid, attached to tile d4th. iation. lukewitria add and thoroughly stir .If nit hour with tile patients. The doetor­,Klie is a go,Dd nVitilivilre, downtown, anyhowl Vicking -wild flow- business Silit,when all, the other Men will ILD was fatally wounded In the furnaces twenty pounds of air I It appears that $,,,me days SgQ Miss * be in evening clothes -certainly rotl farina where -Dr. Williaills' Pink rills 8"48' , in tile are required to consume a pound of coal. through threa--cluarters of a teacup a M,irtha Massey, one of the patients in but I doll t V.ee ailything of the goddess eral Listening to violoncello solos? And abdomen. Nine of the rank ,%rid file yen to it, first about her. LVI; soon a% I open the door, why, you have not been used, slid front OnG end ' Rt., Slice the, oranges in the house, which receives cases of mor . But I'll bet a SO* .that not olip of the they have wourided were of the Mth Sikhs And 'Vitus twenty toils a! air must be driven having removed the thick rind And Seeds. tal The professor -You daret? Isret site I pull the teax vaIve and begin to scatter bunch thitell be there over v.,ard of of the country to the other through tire grates of the furnaces every illileas In their last phases, wrote a let- tile divii,ity that shapes our ends? . brought back to breadwilluers their IOU" of the Guide.s. day. With the temperature at 100 de* Let it stand in an open vessel three or ter to tire Queen, saying liow mueb. she - (A I salt water and gloom ar . ,vc,llln& Clothes 111) to five years agol wives and families tho splendid trea . four days; then strain, battle &lid cork sh'ti --- ourld the dump ,Sure A Famous Family. cubic Id like to see her Majesty before 131allied tilvaOU14 gag, thays what I eWl It grees, this viettlis that 20,100,W0 ti - � Say,"if welve got to go -thrOugh with Qf ue,oy health and i4ew' strength. YO Few famillea. have done more solid, and . Ightly. Bile went abroad. 'Rhe girl exl;lainetl Ili The Retort Discourte4us, . it. . this thing to -night. for heavereR sake . Iye only to ask your neighbori and enduring work for the Erupiro than tit feet of air enters the furnaces every the letter that sho had been unable to Whatelia blubbering about, anyhow? ni and put your oluds, on Ill , 0 hour. A pipe tell feet square supplying "Well," sald the gooLl old doctor, smil. get a Move ( y can tell you of some lierve-shat- famous Willcooks broMers, Otte of whinlip . Strawberry Wine--Clioose very ripe .. Oh, I'm not chivalrous any more, he$? BOIS we Nyoult have to be fooling around tbe . this amount of air would develop gal . See the Queen whenever she was driving ingly i-tibbing Ills hands together as lie Say, wait it minute. What Century is tills, here all night, I want to get out there tered Dian, Buff eying woman, alliNk, Youth c as just Urought to conditions with wind blowing at lift; berries, put them into a tub or jar; COV" r through London owing to her -Illness, - entered the room, "how do we find our - we're living in, artylluly? Hully The all as or Unhappy annemic girl who oNves pro- so successful a colielusioll the opermtlous� ,. er with'boiling water; lot 16 stand 911 Her only satisfaction was !what the selves tills morning, Mr, Basco?" and rid myself o,f the business its 60 I . illialus ) which he has been directing art thol In- miles all hour, nurses told her and what she wits 1.1,10 "By chaslu- ourselves!" Snapped the twentieth? IUglatl The twentieth. And sent health and streligth, to Dr. W ' - -_ ' nightj then mash. with a wooden spool" I gart. Pink Pills. Their wonderful Success is dlan frontier. I Strain into a cask and allow ferments- n from the newspapers. Would how long after he's married, in this 9 rill ready, you say, and 90VQGGG0aG"0ZQC=QCr0^ZCM tion , for two weeks; then to every gallon crotchety t0d irritable patient . "I've twentieth century, is a mail supposed to - Your lutir t, �p an your due to the fact that Dr. Williams' Pink All have served tba British Govern- ttoheglautLeen gratify her dying desire by decided, not to be sick- enough to need . wool Lit and Spoon around with Ithi all you've got to do is to 811 Pills go right to the rout of the disease ment, #lid all have Nvoin distinction. One . of juice add two pounds of granulated coming to see I her before going abroad� a,V7 0, I all Mg a blo � * sugar. . use she was afraid she would not be _ all to-d4y, doe.', . wife after a hard day's workY . dress? Vye nleall to Bay You're gal , in th ad, and by making the vital is a Soldier, two are engineers, another A SLIDING SCALE becit . to dot Fiz-yl,,, out on a )vaxrn night like this with fit- rielt, and red, strengthen every is a dpetor, and another is I I I 'tomato Salad--Cut'five round tomm-. living when her Majesty roturned? What 41ye want ute 0 �te.erl or twenty pourids of excelsior ill&-- I 'lit" I . a the church. toes of Uniform size in lialves, Scoop � With Those Restrictions, organ and every nerve, thus driving out Every Otte of them I's remark4lo.in his vr' ,F6uehed!-;by;41%e aiucerity of tile I.Ater, "Ilother, may I go ride downtown?" &round like a dancing mastar as soon as OF MILK PRICES the Queen decided to visit Miss Yvi,see'yo ed under your real hair? 011, It's the 11t' out the pulp. withont breaking the skiii5_ir I break lit, kisis your huad, place both if ii�s tile latest disease and pain, way, and till a,re very much itli.l,ce in face, It "Why, yes, nly little Nell; , est golf, is it? All Tig,ht; Mr. Joseph Lacombe, Quebec City, figure, and temperament. The best . To a half cupful of cold diced tongtie,l aid arrived, at' St, Lukeps He Be at a But shun the croirtle-d surface cars, mitts on. my heart and tell you that go ahead, weigh about forty known Is, of course, Major-General Sir - add the tomato pulp and juice, one-'Aluirter to five, driving from Bucking - 9 are adorable, and that your Says "To-olmy I '. year ago, James Willcooks, and it is an odd thing. 1Z*6Cd660Q6CCQQQG*G4___ , fourth saltspoonful salt, enough to'etiver -bilm Politics in her -white motor car, And doll't go near the 'E,1 11 your eye, Why don't, you carry a box of kinditn' poia-hols more than I did it , w '"� I inareel. wave is the candy, trill you a lit- -wood on top of that store hemp? ThPA'a . ounder that in his youth lip was regarded As , Nature has decreed that (",ows, Sliall the tip of the spition. of, cayentie, tea- The Queen inquired at once '418 X15% tie lilt or two about tile loveliness of ,boil) a lot.'It'a the latest thing for wo- and am In every way in lough 8 put varying percentages of fat And no - spoon . ful olive oil and juice of half a Massey in?" The iria . . your eyebrows with i'llagillary ulk"IdOlin health. For -upwards lot t'�O 'Years I east promising of them. all.. , , lilt Solids into -their urilk, according'to lemon. Fill the toniato skins and set do id who 4ened the Still Bearish. accompatilment, and a -It that fool 010m. been studying hard to pass my "'a 1 or instantly recognized her Majesty, "Spigella," said the ardent young ni,.in, men to look like pilOP30 Out Of a ' nut A a boy be ran. away to Sea. He thch, breeds, their feeds, thei on ice. Serve oil crisp lettuce leaves. and informed the matron of her arrival. what do you suppose your fltth�r will factory, and you ought to keep up with had " Nes, " micking around? . hiations and my -health had coin- failed twice for the first exalainaXion their lactation dates, their wo its, t1li. ta �ir extim be Strawberry and Rice Pudding -Boil The Queen, who Nvas carryinj a 10vcly Ray whert I Speak to Wrii about it?" - tile parade. Sure. der the Strain. I for the ariny, and then he; wandered ',conditions and their environmo . � is that ,year ideal Bectutse you know Say, what makes you look 50 Pale? pletely given Wily Un , on, ono -fourth cup of rice till thoroughly bouquet of orchids, lilies of t e valley, I my appetite was gone about in trump stea,mer' "lle'll probably say 'Shucks!' But -.you eat arouria lost flesh rapidly, a and had a natural range of butter fat is from 1 r) done, while warm put .through a p`ota- carnations and asparagus fern, explain- � . if it is you'll hame, to wake up sooner or A nerveS, Were greatly weakened. rough and. bitter experietroa. When at * mustn't mind that, Alfred, dear. He w.18 1 get enough to law to ricer And into one cup of this rice ed her mission to lkiss Brooke-Alderp tile 01, 1 b0!'Sdy0,V you-cvpeciall I was obliged to abandon my studies length lid-'rfiturned to Britain lie landed lliakers of N the wrong side-ofthat eorit deal, an,l later, and a*w's just as good a time for here lit fiandy for ordy with the rid my per cent. up to 10 per cent. The stir one cup of Strawberry juice. Whip matron, and was conducted to the ward it that waking up thing as any other. . el.ing? Ho;v,s to exbaus- mt ew York, through some Un- still crops out in everything he says." Forget all that stuff about chivalry 4elephone So I that,$. too and was,in a State of Col Ae Nowhaven with only .wopenca in his explained and Inexplicable becloutillfbitt that? Not feeling well? Wel, ulted a It at � a , but as I pocket. His fa.ther persuaded him to ' one-half pint of hexvy creani. Dissolve In whiph Martha Massey. was. lying, Sur . d � . and rot that you absorb from the cerise bad, of course, but if we've 9011 to 90 tion. I cons of their intellectuals, bmve decreed that a teaspoonful of gelathie over the Stearn prise mhd jgy combined for the moment . backed best Rollers. They tell you that W daily growing weaker I decided to try again for the aiiny, This tint, ',a tile cows A . Of the Period.' - to this place3 wity don't you 81.11p POITIO W' �7 in its, which 1 managed to enter Sandhurst, a ' . vhork they put less than. 3 per a mari with a roll of fat on his neck, no try Dr. Willialn ud on , .1 of the kettle, raid- add, -with one-half cup overcame ihe patient, but the Mildly ' cent of butter fat into their milk ate h -beaten. whites of words of sympathy from her Majkstj it Mrs. Jyme.i, vou will do well to cut - matter flow hard he works for his livingi dope oil your checks? had often heard very highly spoken of. passing out creditably lie was gazetted I,W_Lreakera and Iladulteratt?l their pro- down ),Out* ))era(' inn) 'expenses." or how lie makes good as a provider, iA Color 'era up. Don't try to spring that The beneficial effects were indeed Te- .to the Leinster Re,,rimertt. . . three eggs, to the rice and berry juice. soon. ditpelled her nervousness.- She "W4iy c I pallid stuff for the purpose of. -making m& 'Very soon afterwards lie saw sor�fe : duct. Thr Sarno law makes the owner Stir in the whipped cream and pant into thit,lakeff the girl for her letter and ex- so, Nfr. Jymes?" a slob that don't belong. And you -wom- J rkable, for I had not used more than q of the cow the adulterator if lie offers '93�,catise. inaltain, some day yet, will ent Clink that you're abas couple of boxes when I could feel an in the Afghan ,,vat-, and Ill really'seei' wetted mould and put on ice for -at pressed her pleasure at being able to .1 en that havelet anything to do but loll a thait isn't a "' their milk for Bald just as they give it. 'I expect to, live an your alNiony, and it around -your flats all day and rem& that maxtyr, and all that. I hop improvement, and hope returned, I con- to have been, fighting ever airice-oll the 'To adulterate means to put in foreign least six hours before serving, Serve as gratify her desire. a assure ' your idea ill looking as pale " you do, r some weeks Indian frontier, in Egypt, Ili West At- Substances. Nothing in that -way is done it is or turn on a platter and heap fresh - Miss Masaey could not find wor,Ls to Will bP It good deal 10 a, I call kimd of truck believe it and that's how t that rab- tiniied using the pills to you, 'than your present allowance." you fall into the habi; of pulling the but wbether It is or 'lot, 90 longer, with the result that ruy strength rica, nad at the Capi,. '11.%7ber er it Brit- by either the cow or lier owner. of strawberries around it and serve with express her heartfelt thanks, but the bit's foot working and dope ill) your . .0T or without cream. . . tears in her eyes indicated the fulness I — weeps On 0, man as soon as he ciompa increased. daily .and I wits soon able to igh force has taken the field, there Sit, ,course, if milk, as tile cows gly, it w � Inge a little bit. . ny studies and ,work with as James Willoocks hits Almost,invariably q ,ith Fried Chickeir-Cleart and joint tw a of' bar heart. When the Queen handed ShQ Would -Do. into the place that ought to be mado How'A that? You +-brew the Tabbit's take over r done. To- been to . und. His relief of X' less than 3 per cent, of butt& fat is small "fryers." 'Pat two tablespoons the bouquet to,lWas 11itsisey and told her 11r. Stubbs. (af ter engaging cook) - into art imitrition of a home, anyhow. foot away when I made a row about much energy as 'I had ever I ammsi was ,adulterated by ,analogy, all milk with Maybe yuu, think you make a hit when day I am . in perfect healtli. and I attri- only One Stirring episode in aliie full of moic than 3 per c9rt. of butter fat is each of butter and lard in a baking Pan it was specially for her, and that the ' There's one other thing I supposeyon your Using a little youge? Well, what tely to Dr. Williams' adventures, His breast is-cover4d with adulterated. Tile "state standard" should and melt. -Rill the chicken in flour that flowers were cut from the palace gar- should know, Miss Flalinlgall��nly wife your eyes are all reddened up that Way. bute my recovery 80 . � .I eyes dimmed with is it chronic invalid, confined to Ixer room. Maybe I ought to stop on t,he way home Wye think a, that?. I never said a word Pink rills." . medals, and lie is still in tile prime of work both ways, but in this ease it does had been well seasoned with salt and delta, the girl, wit) and get you four or tive dozen orchidR in all my life abopt -your touching up Yon . call .get these Pula, from any life. I not.' The stairdard has only forbearance, popper and lay in tIto pan, making only tears of joy, could� only stammer her Miss Flannigaii---That's fine! I war and a couple of . powurts of candied angal occasionally with 0, little rouge aaa you inedieine de�f�r or by inail itt 50c a A Soldier Of Fortune. comfort, profit and legal Safeguarding one layer- Place the pan in the oven tbanks. - ofeard she miglit be wait iv thim chronic � - mt. know it. I like to see women rouged box, or six boxes for $2,50 from The Those who an that influence is the for middlemen, who, because of ,the and when the chicken is brown on one Tha�Queen then passed to other pa kickers that dr-ri confined t' tie . kitchen, kisses, and all like th Broekville, 0 Bide turn it over., When done remove tionits, gave roses to each, and spoke begobs I -Puck. How's that? I used to We glad to kiss if they're artlatie, about it and don't Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., illy thing thY gounts in tile EL My standard, are at perfect liberty to insist Slap it on like as it they w - . r a platter, garnish with parsley and words of sympathy to all- ' you when I came in't course I did? Do Out. * should consider the career of Sir James that the milk producers shall hand over to 'hen bidding farewell to -the matron I I'm in ar per- lug tilic keel of it man -o' -war. 'I I �_ Willeocks. He had -no money and no to. thaw at 2 or 3 cents a quart,..niilk seive with gravy made in the pan. This 'W Cajesty heard sorneonQ HAD SEEN RUR. now. Tickled to death. -your idea lit putting on your " LJONS. savbs the discomfort of trying in it Skil- in the hall her X -,What do you think of Daphaway's mar - feet frenzy of exciteirient until I get What's TREED BY THREE help and no powerful friends. He fought that contains from 4 tp 6 per cent. of let and also insures a �tell-cooked chick- coughing. "Who is that Coughing?" she riare to* that rich Bullion girl?" I home. can hardly wmit for tIA elevaior hat before yov put on your waist? Olt, . — his way to the front by his oft sterling butter fat, which they, the middle'ritell, Miss to get up here. All tit us fellows that BON You 'woret, tear the sleeves. Ofeat. � Dry Season Makes Savage African qital!tles and his unquenchable zeal,and are pe�nritted to standalize, that 'I-$ to en- asked. Being informed that 1twas "I tbink ho earned the money-." out oil the street Massey, She ordered her cough lozenges have been married savell. or eight Ykulrs And so I've got to 90 � e I? Tf - Beasts, More Daring Than Ever. persistence, and ,it forty-four hq was Skim down to the standard of 3 per be brought to her. . in company ,with that lint )lay receiving the freedom -ofthe city of Lon. cent., and then sell it ELt 8 to 12 cents St wberry Cake -Cream one 11 Quite Natural. are just like that. Sure I Wily shouldn't fre; to sav that Livingston, '11bodesia.-I'Vitli the ad- She then returned to the girl's bedside i we be? yotere asking me I am don and a award of honor. lie has I)cerx It quart, while the removed butter fat and one-half cups of sugar with one-half and placed one of the lozenges between Crusty Cent --171 slier, caret Yalu Stop -mind. I'm sorry. I think a woman ought to be arrested on lions have be- - No :'adultcra- cup of butter, and one-half cup of milk esty then that doot? He is annoying every one Ob, well, their, never r tbat'd wLmr it hat like that. .. Collie very dAr1ILg,,mua I I lave come in clog- li. veritable soldier of forturie in tile tru- is sold at cream prices. is ladillterm- two and one-half cups of flour siftea' the patient's lips. Her Maj with his violent applause. ,enis to me that my est arld most honorable sense of the tiorel there of course. It ber of the lozenges to the Vm always sorry. Se, But go abend. Spring that 011e agaill er to the town than e'�br- While G- term, with nothi but )its sword to aid tion" when the producer's cows give with tivo teaspoons of baking powder, handed a num Usher -No, sir. Yoti-er-see, lie is whole life haa cows to be one, continuous I on me about W6 being tile latest tllillg, ,rhoulasine, a boat builder, was out ,.it- 79 . matron, reoiaesting her to Live them to tile ttutlior of the plaY.-IlidgO. performance squaring Ili) 911-9 With YOU. 11111. . � .milk below tile staifolard. It Ia not and two wall -beaten eggs, reserving tile the girl when she was seizedwith severe There, now. buiet shake Yourself to That lets volt women out for everything ter wild duck oil the Zailibeil within a 1 Another brother, Sir William Will- tradulteration" when the middlentan white of one for frosting. Flavor with . that lat6t thing rave. mile of tile yivtoria. Falls, three lions ca- I tits of.. coughing. Tho Queen again The Necessary. . pieces. Everything's all right. Rent's - � cocks, 1K. C. M. G., is the famoAts Irrigm- siding out i to 3 per cent. of butter fat one teaspoon nf vanilla and bake in a shook:hands with the girl and left tile , Hum. SO i've got to put in a call-ple pied.hint and gave chase. He took Tef� tion engineer, -who has 'done so much to and sells the skim milk at full -milli 10119pall. Beat the white of an egf( add . "Olt doctor" exclaimed the nervous d load yoWre not going to ba turned ' . house. "' , pal 'eks, bl 'lig you up the back, uge, in a tree, and was compelled to ro- , ypt. - one cup of pulverized sugar, color and When sbi had gone three cheers were young wife, 'as the einineut surgeon en - into the street, Pit send you up tell or, of WO ittoll' "t , t$ the lions reirainhig help forward the prosperity of, Rg prices. Was there ever m Mqre man r -%viih a little strawbeiry, juice and fifteen more beat 'sellers to-niorrow, have I? Pm gravy over .his job. I don't main there all nigh . His Share in ,onceiving and"creating the strong Absurdity than the "standard for flavo r. of tile eAe,, do given for Miss Massey, wbo was the her- tered the sickroom, "if an operation is ' li Vur milk?" It robs the producer. It.igngres spread over the to, tting mild you can go right ahead mild rt.W get exercise enough down town, moi .. on the watch. It WiLS not till '%Volt into great dam at Assuan is it matter of his- Olive of the occasion. necessary we want you to operate !in - and read and read miki read. and toiling 1111 day, T s'POPO- the next day that he was discoyer�d Ity tory. When he wit-% up at Aghtlan work- nature. It outrages common sense. It with flue lat-ge berries. Out In squares The girl whom the Queen - thus honor- triediatelyi ft,pellse is no object at all." S l'L ' C r b ' - �� y, wilt you stand still for a fif - a, search party, -which quiet ly outedA a Ing out1lis selielue, it literally possessed protectar the middle,.amu in his exactions and eat Awith a fork. 11 s,pose yotell gitanis it chance to -rid so's I call hook these lions and released him. . .11 . irsurner. The r�tddlemart can , ed has had a life of trouble and sorrow. "We will operate at once," replied the take about three draws on a cigar before teerith of a seco bis mjiM 'That is the'Wifleocks way. from the co Born in London of poor parents, she erninent surgebir, without looking at fool things? Stop fiddling arourld ivith Another exciting adventure befell a - Gooseberry Sauce-33oil one quart Of nticnL'�-Hertz ger" . -woret You? � . Now he is studying the question of pro test the producer's milk, find it below had, at the age of eleven, to nurse her bli c p bey a Weekly. you yank its out of herot xho outsparined II)r the enough water fat- the perennial ]r- the standard, accuse him of a crime and gooseberries with one-half cu -P of water oll, thanks, reallil 11anks a, bull lot. your arms and let that idiotic hat alow, 'fransport; Ader 1 abegi, near, X%zellgrulil, ido!14 . mother, a victim of consumption, and So good of you, yl know. Have I got for a. minnte, will You? night, on the'Zar rigation of the whole of Egypt. To that have him,. punished. Tfie middleman can until tender, Strain, add three table - I i, over the irf Northwest Rhodesia. ;Uout '�Did- to look after the younger. children of She Didn't Crack. any clean dress Shirts? Olt, you olojet Where does t1fis hap got 01 end he ]iota made a thorough inspection take milk ab d and rob qpo�nfuls of sugar and four tablespoon- ilie family. When only fourteen she "Johnnie," said a tea�her Ili a physiol- i know, hey? I didn't expect YOU Nv?)uld , shoulder, hey? I thought I had to fasten night a troop of eight Hong attdicked tile of the Nile to its nurce. . it down to the standard, and Sell it as fuls of freshly grated horseradish. Serve woXked in a factory, earning a few Bhill- Irry class, "can you give a familiar ex - my dear, jo.at asked to make a little at- it to Your Shoe at- something. I ouglit to ctimp� and &fter killing two oxen and a He dreming of restoring the vast Baby. -whole milk, to the consumer, and neither hot. . ,ft ings per week. She was always frail, "' le of the human bad), as it adopts get a job at tbis kind a' thing. T'd be a horse,"liesiags, wounding five other oxen, Ionian irrigation works in the Ruphrat;s the pr�ducer nor the consumer carthave Veal Cutlets With Ham -Purchase alla was soon stricken by her mother's allip ter dinner persiflage, that's $Ill. knockout. stampeded tile remainder. Valley, of making Clialdem I once more the middleman punished, because he two veal cutlets; on one place aslice of disease. � itself to changeil conditions?" How about the eats? I'm as hungry m Stand still! Whoc! I love this job, lot lite lions were only beaten off by fire, one of the granaries of the world. Whert keeps in line with tile unjust and,abBurd liam; cover witfi the second eutlet. Place Finally, her father also developed call- "Yes-silln!l said Johnnie; "my aunt a wall. Say, my deal-, cut that crying gainM fifty pounds lit a year, and her . you, and gittiino me repeat. I could (lie hookin' ,volt up. arid this with considermble difficultly, lie went to Mesopotamia he refused to standard which simply Sets the lln�it far In a roasting pan and, cook until tender gumption, and tile girl secured his ad- busiriess out, valet Oh, no-, I haven't the slightest desdre in while it took severat hours to round up look at it single ruined temple or buried the middleman's yt�ongftirrg and pro- .in all 'oven, hot at first, to sear the I . 'she is skin never cracked." somethin- to eat. Rat9t. That's whaVs . . mission to the institution where I I the -world to take a, pull or two at that the iright.ned oxen - . I 1, city. He would not suffer his mind to � tects him in the injustice he practices meat, but lownred to moderate heat. now lying, There her parent died, and bothcrWme now. Food. Vittles. cigar. I bate cigars. This for ill(-. How be diverted from the 'mighty scheme he daily. It ,would be interesting to see The gravy will be delicious. some time ago site herself wits admitted. PLIZZled. , Huh! Where Nye get these lamb I love my teacher, Teacher, can I stay Your druggist, grocer, or .,general store- had conceived. When he lins i6igated some expert attempt to justify tile milk Chinese Balls-TvIelt one pound of -1 : - I "Nature makes nothing in vain," said chopet They'd make good shoestrings. lit after.school and button your shoes? iteeper will supply You 'with Wilson's Chaldea his .last great task will have Standard. The Stm,to can regulate tlie cheese in a Saucepan, and balf-table- the philosopher. where did they coin$ from? 011b of Come on, now. Wipe that dab of pow. Fly Pads, and you cannot afford to be been accomplished; and -though there are sale of mill,-. on its percentage of fat spoon butter and lialf-6up cream; when KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL. ,,�g Perhaps answered Col. Stillwell. those carts on Delancey street? Huh? der -there's a peck of it -out of your without the,,,. ,kvoia unsatisfactory sub- diplomatic difficulties be will prolIably and other solid contents. This method thoroughly mixed add one clip English if yon want to keep Your- childrou ]tough I can't quite explain.the pres- Oh, from our regular batcher, hey? Did left ear. Conic oil. Ain't 'you ready yet? stitutes. ­ do it. That also is the Willcocks wo�. - would mean a gliding scale. of prices, walnut ineats, blanched and chopped, healthy, rosy and full of life during the criee of a vreat big belklitifill rnint bed in . you pick 'era out your , own self I Come on. Yes, I've turned cIrf the'likEs. -- - L- . ouch as a price for skim milk, other . and a aasit of limprika. Pour Into M - hot weather nivnihi g've them an Oe- a local o,)tion. coull,ty.,,�_- Washington .1 Oh. no, of course you .01-ldn't I You just How d'ye look? Wily, like all the M rest ' Sport Among the Ladies. As Tluilders of Railroads, . 'prices for I per cent. up to 6 Pay cent dish and when partly hard form into ,,a�ioruii oo,o Of Baby's Own Tablets. S ' Yet anot4ier brother, John Willeodks, . , tar. telephoned for some lamb ,hope -hd'the of ,em that it fellow rueets. -) r - fat', contents, of from 10 per cent to 15 little balls with. butt;r paddies. Pre- This medicine prevents deadly summer _ robber slid these along,, and this is tile (Detroit Free Press is in the Indian Public Works Depa 1; er cent. total solids in the milk. r1hen pare them the day bet ore they are to be ,complaints by cleansing tile stomach A Transformation. first time yoleve seen eint Buret Great Oh, yoleve got new drop pearl car. ,phey Rat mt the breakfast table. ment. The Government of India thought p� would got exactly 'what he Served, and howels, The mother vArho keeps this I . rings, have you? Yes, tbev$re grmk. Levey *had his nose buried in the sport theywould like to have a, sp6cial archl- the consumer .1 Knicker-Do -.�ou think hooliskirts wilt System. that. Alak, you look like a inalA in Jersey it wishes and would pay for ivhat he gets. Medicine on. hand may feel as (Ate as ever return? , Kind ol tired these days, aren't you, � p ge� . tect, and sent him to South KeiVaington the house. �The my dear? Sad, sad, the way you're Turkish ciprete idvcrth�-tuent- Well, "Listen," said. lie, "isn't tJiis i Then the producer,would get the real Boiled Sauerkraut -Put pork spare if ,Ito- Ix -ad it doctor in Bocker-_-The women are wearing them . 3u8 to be trained. On his return be built market value of their milk. Then the rib, in boiler, boll slowly three hours- Tablets are equally lisgood for the new overworked. You have to take the tele- come On. D'Ve expect me to stand great?" reading all excerpt from lob the Aujilman-i-Islain at Boinbay, still re- hild. Mrs. oil their heads tills year,_lYew York phone receiver down all of four or five around here 'on one leg like, a penguin Jackson's baseball dope: . cognized fxt the most beautiful building middleman would have to deal honestly. After boiling one hour add Sauerkraut; born baby its the well grown'e Sun. all night? Darn it all, are you coming On a 10 -New York Farmer. slice potiftos and boll with the rest W, a. Switzer, Ekfrid, Out., Says: "I . times a day, ordering tb'Ags from the "The loeals filled the socks , h. in tbat city of palaces, Then, after t) 1.1 - : I about three-quitrters of air hour. Tf the Ifave used Baby's oNvn Tablets for my tradesmen that send any old also ran .. 4 I I. - pair' of pas,goeg witli an error sarldwic' ' fashion of the Government of India, hay. 'Town -Crier of Tennessee. Sauerkraut is extremely sour wash be- children and have always found then! A Dlprinnniil;,P HAUL. junk they find, and ther� Soak me first- ed, "d they emptied bhern, 4.11d thell ing proved himself a brilliant, architect, ig I)o Vere means The Adventures of a Paid Coin. y is at to bulIA railway "I tliougb� this country had outgrown foreboiling. Ten minutes before taking just ,%Vllt,Lt ,was needed to keel) them She -r wondkr what you': class prices for the Same. sonio more On— I a Whell ho &paxks of lite ancestral halls? - the. town crier until I struck the towu from the stove add a few dumplings. well." Sold by medicine dealers or by ne-lie ixob.mbly means his aric'215trOLI hauts- )[ep-ee, you sure are overburdened. AG a vork of arr, h minktture me(Wilon "But what's it all about-tennia,prize embankments. but even at that task he I Paris, Tenn., last week," said tlio mail aC25 cents n box from the Dr. Wil. His rather used to be a vax driver. fla 9, shame, I'll bet that there isn't a in hdgh toliet, tile st, ftuderw $20 gold coin, , football or horse ragingl" 4114 , found an opportunity for distinction, for 0 33 t - I travelling solicitor of a New York* Rail- , Bran Gem -t -Butter size of an egg, lime .Medicine Co., Melville, Ont- - liftberjack in British Columbia at this Is extremely bc&uttrul, but lit Its first &,iato, 1`911`111�1 frowned naid w`aa ultdOubtedlY he has Just built the longest railway lino . I � - I A Timely Objection. ' � �he camp, cook after less than eight thousaud of theinhail Mil -A . I aver,constructo-ol by a single engineer ill way Company- three-fourths cup brown Sugar or one- hour you wouldiet kill t pu"IL. 1-1 went there to see it man about [I, half cup white sugar, one cup Sour milk, Haven't You often Wondered. "I nut afraid we ),just part, Pred, dear. that hurled lamb chops like these at boon struck off, there never was a coin I( A__a pretty single by Ty Cobb and India. , Now he has been placed in con. since the daya of Porlitity and Sextus oo Int- contract, but failed to find him in his one cup flour, two cups bran. A little Why a rubber plant makes such a hit ' My father gave ine strict injunctions not him. I)MCLI*Rble for Sefteral Circulation as this the swelleat sort of a stnash for blireo trol of the tailwaYs Of Burma. Another � . fill Soda, dissolved in with the woulan. It took you four yearm to,let you Call on ine.", sacks that Davy J able work In the Office. . sult. Teaspoon , Bit , What's thp matter with this coffee? thick, unwaildly dist of Sold. onea credited himself brother has done admir It t Ethel, I am mul Iterably- opposed Tastes like stewed onions or a monkey W&obh.or Intentional or riot a qualytity of w,ith.) ), . Indian Medital Servi4e.' 'Want to see 'him mighty bad?' ask- warnt water, nue cup currants. .Bake to win? lit by injune. the market, hey? thwe twenty -dollar curioe p,&. Into activo I'Ty OoUb, Ty 0-obbl" she murmured, But the most rentarkable m6mb-ot Of ad a mail who wag warniffig his feet about two . nty minutes. Why the man behind tile polished �nlx- to Submitting to gevcvll"U� cage Best coffee in usa. and Wall Stroot, over on the qulvlvo f againat un old-fashioned stove. . . V "Ginger beer?" tion.01-Baltintore American. It's a cinch thoLt I pay the beat in the for a soneatterl and a obanze to turn it into 'haven't I heard that name before? It ihe family is. really the: one who ontdred quart clean bran, IVIO"'I'VY always ask� gonlething Soft?" L � lit it this stuff profit, VMMIAly k;orlt the faea Value of the 1. Let me think- yes, the Church, who is least known to the 441 Said, my time was very valuable, Bran 1�read-One i %] �en you say "Gimme .. market price for it, b ne-W coin so%ring preinlum-ward WI-th it ma world. For twenty,years It(, Aervta as a anol I should like, to meet the person 01101 pint -white floiir, one 'pint Sweet Vill you caret tie a four4li-hand so only Three Dangers. doesn't, taste like vegetable compound story that in maklut; the, lwosavelt�St. now I have its?' I saos, s worth 0overnment cbmillain In Indii, and Incl- Mentioned as Soon as f conveniently. milk, Six bUilcog WONY OtIOMPaAnOlk I it looks. Ake anything but it used bath English Tourist-Tbis 'climate is very hair grower then Iwas born in old'N'ew Gaudeng' double-eaglos thIpty doll-ar ,,He,s tile chap w -ho kn6oked. the block I . Apoons bicarbonate Hampshire, where tile typress lilies grow. I of gold had bfwm run Into tLe.m. DesrAto the Of I . t.bat borrid. Englisbrami and �1111,ea dontally beemmo famous as a big game, O-Ould do SO. Otte egg, two, tow towell healthy, isn't it?" - Id Instant denial of the UnlIol Ekato3 Tro%sury r r." e has taken Iiis pension "'Better go Over to the Court Nbuse Boda. Bake in geni tins. I What that dinky little loop On the NArcsi;L�rner­Ob, yes. That a what. officlaids,the story that 41le f4ot of the worit- th4ir legs over there good and P ope shot. Now It I band of your biled. Shirt things 'How's that? We're going to play cards =all who ludled out tile gold for the nci 'loll shad6q of Burns," growled Levey, arid has actually turned engineer, and is then and al the sheriff. He'll git for i � I - I .- back of the neck 10,11gligh. Tourist --Whitt arc tile Ilippittaos'? Oh the coin had suppea at 4,ho critieta ,moment of ,,how I lVauld onjoy YOUr 001upfilly At M buildIn railways through the heart V YOU lively., Thd Appetite of a Bird. is for? to avoi(I out here if one wishes to keel) this evening mt tile 0 the oa,Alug, making him Valli, an egm^L3.1 of -the . I a"' he at the collar batten you .r.ald we were? Olt: the Irldlaii forests from Sheer 1010) of ti � R went to the court House ill tile Why it is tit in pork,ot health? ate, hey? Who jimclous motAl Into tile crucible, opread up baseball P -me." q1tro of a square, and finding the slier- The average nian. If lie had a, bird's bust oil Sunday is always tile fast one Westerner --Bullets, knives and roPet-- war �, last Week, W113 Itt nnd down the stmet ond agigatad the Curb "Will :Yon ]really- take nie?" site .said work. I � 1. c( . engagement , madi ,h. Maybe I (lid. NH-ket in a way 01st 'Was strange to we. to jugly, "you ktio,w I just doite 0,11 � _,_ - .. I I iff 0 made khown. my mission, I wondered ap etite, would. devout from thirty to in the house? - TIlustrated Bits, Front twenty-two to twelity-eight to thirty as I did so how the sheriff would know. th rty-one pounds of food a day, whiell Why it is that everybody'seems . and I made it? ye-� P\ ?v to - _ But I must have taken about half it dollars the double eagle soared. Coin not- baseball.11 ,How Big Ocean Linbog Vat. While I wits wouderilig,tKer sheriff raised would be a taX On the larder. 11AV13 his rent paid and money In the H ow She Know. pound of sleeping powders before I leeitow, too, bought up liupdreAs of the View curw1% . . (By Irwin V ills.) I the whidow of )its room, and Sticking out Recent expeflinerits have proved bank except yourself? ptecce and to -day tile original itsue to about _044P.— ' ,am ,,1%faw, wilat's paw doing (10%vt ill tile made It, a., Pearce at tlio silver doiktv of igad, known , 0 ill% -ho his head lie called the name Of the man that the average bird manages to eat Wily V -c fr as tile G?3,bre,,,1lt plce&, wlit4ch now brings a With the Eyo of- Pal vrisions of t n a, very lusty basement I rate have to go, Thorol% ith, Wonderment at th _ on will walk anywhon bing lip the ice box?" Oh, of course. we'll. . . two great, liners, Lusitittilm &!lot Mauve, I wanted three tinies i about one-fifth of his own weight daily four to ;ine miles around a billiard ta- 4 n* way out of it, as long as you will per- stAndard prelallun of fiftum dollars, Th!Lt it -was (lark as pitell abd it ll,'ftvY)Al1I . toiniiij hag subsi(led,i It is taken for manner. Then pulling down tits window , with easo, if lie oaa Let so much food, his when you're so tired that you'd hot- 'No, dear; 11011 litting new wire gauze gist in roping me in for these melanch .... I ,00ln could not be btacked A I ng is too great in give he said *how lip � Iret'll door ." Oly the 8" "" y "."� ,,, to me' 'if 'he d011't 'B An and in the wild statOA though the lor like P, loon if yoUr wife asked you to On tile HL 'r., and 1"ylllg�t#Merst 4vas falling. - granted that nothi occasions. TVs a wonder a man couldn't I' t1i't , , wrin not milled, "fietitIMI" to Iloilt the Atlantic, and that thd limit- five min: Wier bird Ilatr to liunt for his daily Prov. go to the drug store and get a stamp? "TTOw do voll know?" _,J�.J � i"14 ates, I'll gall lilt" from the t -- 1)r"L 'it town ylly it is that you,ii sit I a a read -Illy the lui in '�!' Ih't I t l!"J. lotters around tile I laugunge lit, iq uAlig, dpnr.,� I 'it I ._ w th '. .., be allowed to Rpond a few minutes tit biq , . .rl �Mb.d­­ � .t . ­ . � . :'Yes, miumna.J ationn of speed of tire filter of the future side of the Court vougo� If he's i. onder, lie in eating it largo part of ' N ter an �� I I . ­ 1. � I I 1. . . 11 - I I - _.1_----.. ­­­ ___----_1--_ ill)) et .. the titne during tile day and managed tilts fool stuff when You've got Shakes- Chictigo TrIbulle. . I I ­­ .�.-----.--..--..,---.-----�,-��,----.._,,� .1 I � 'Wheiv tire *yO 'easily mity be that of the limited rail- he's bourt , . . - -1 I.. .1 I I ... __ I "Out here on the front pomb." road train. "Tile, man I wanted Showed up in leg -9 to got his full rations. � peare, Goldsmith, Kiplilig arld Elinor - _..--. * — 9INVIlati for?# 'But lil the period of.intereat in th�se Lhgn live minutes. I had never Been him I The arnaller, th6 birld,tIllie mord vota- Glyn luoldering oil your book Shelves? I t W -as No " Joko. "Mr. Lovell, is ,heve, in�nvxio," I two great sister ships somer at the. most before. As lie Mile ihtO the room lie , , � - - � ­ - ___�� Thev met on tilt' b1t4rhers. ** 4 I I I I "But why stay Out Vlore? UPS cold startlisig of facts concerning them were sitid to tile 'sheriff, 'Did YOU holler?' .1 I I - Ancient tnstahcO, "T thought Von got off to 'go, to 41. , -4-- and d1mP.10 . not accessible to tile public. The stit. $Yes,' replied the sheriff. It hollered . � Alexander the Great ,ovas weeping bd- fluittral?" Bllpe . I 'I didtvti,�smr you holler I I , , "Olt, no, Intiffinut, not at mi. wa do, pellacus figures concerning coal)-Ut4m, thr,ed timed., . (.altse there were 110 nlove worlds to con- ;,Well, wbof 410 you eAll - till,40" to. lightful. 'We1rt--iv&ra looking at the mila water consumed by Otte of thosa levi. but twice,' said the man. . 11thd the bookkeeper, act throe More . g to me the sheriff Said: tTIVIa I I I 11 qtary ITI Stars." athans only recently irob l"'king out for '4111uriffil . � "But what would Ile the Ilse?" RAM vi-AitorL, qvOrod on errarti by tho home .- L You WoWt Mind Warm Weatheie - - W., t:. .._ , tire wonderment of tho world, That such is tile 111411 ,vou wtait. When they hear his adviciets. "Sonlo day Mr. Harriman +eftnT.__X"ll8As ( - , I t,.V Journal. , if you oat Shte4decl Wheat. It does not clog the, . NpotopplAte Color. . giant vesagIs could be, propelled through tie hollier ibey coliftcl"-XiMv York 'I , 9 would ,Corne Itiotig 4nd take them frout ' - - I ­­ � I f . system orftx the Algestivomaeltinery. B"Very Play- 1"ditor-410're is -an article Xroul our tile water,rd t�vonty­flvo miles an hour World. - ­­ .- ­ . :: you, Expert Evidenta. tiole of Shredded Whopt is easily and quickly . young lady eontributor. and itiorer day after day hinted mt till A Lesson Ili Anatomy. . .... sp . NIAI-yaat lie Smiled through his tears . Assistitnt- -And, is it tied with, b1no .,enormous consumption Of COAL 11erO are A teacher in tile public Adlool mka . I an(! asked ,the court astronomer If Mars Tolunly (agoll lo) -Dad, wIl-Ab '14 tile cligeated bY the Most delicate stornaoll, . . some of the tougreto figuro. , I wits still t lug to signal the earth. borw (it ronlentlori? Try it withfmh fruitq for A wee* alid nota ribboti, ftA usual? one of her ridlioTtirs to give & definition 1 � rY _ _____ 'awbone.-4111ts- Editor--Xo, this is tied with Yellow Ili tire bunkers of ,one of theO VOWA I . ­ - I Mr. Uplllwek--The .1 of tbo word 11,anatorny," She itnawered, � A - I.tr led 11itq. I resultm . riblibo, It Ia an artiele ov rigam. 7,000 tons of goal are� Stared for the At- , � " An Optimistic Lover. 11 Soltl'by All groom. _44-0— lanUo trip. Thia Means that 146 goal Anatomy is tile 1111113011 lAdy, 't0bleh , I I Towi*-Yon look happy to,day. I -1- . 0.11 cent 1-1 I . 4 . �t�� 4 �, > 0 1"� �, W I 1 1114 el Pi . 't.6�thar From Fetig Skins. ea,ts of 100,000 pounds oapl%city 16agh gl.sts o.1 tbr#e parts, th45 'h&A ,+& .. I Browna­l feel that w�y. I propoAed All the Time. ... . . 1.1-1.1-.1. ­­ I . .- 1__- 11 . would be rewiivod to load the" bunket's 6109t; Arlol 9,,u stomach. Thd hftA ftd- . - . , I � � . 1, , �, ­ .- I . Thore ig sorne leather uAndn frorn is tile eyes itlid brains, if any. Tile, 1� I b R I W � to Miss Gid,ditt last night. ITorapi­184olut 1110ii 11vt like ,mrfeet frog Oinst In this country, nrit! -ity, This ,Would requb-o) tall rid a, pieeo of 3 - . i - man. She% very f,101A whou lbe1v are In lovft. I Aniari., to their elpc . Towyw-� ,easy, old ean novf,itlea r locomotives alid the erow ,Cbftt contains the 111119h W 4 on , �to Changeable. . .1 niade 1Df thi4i leather In. fivO IT101180 am(, load. flie. liv(-r, Tbe storAnch In dovoted to th6 I i, h a I I vivmyn-yes, ava At preat umny more for fiva irltills to delivey this _�p olude poek(Ab000ks. eaTtl eatv%a And . -6, 4 I P . Browne—ThittlK Nfliv tIm 1w 'hopeful. , All) not wait c�vu for tll;tt v.s.crtso,-Iilck- I % k.5. ;11 bowels, of WhIvIl tlwrt Ate fiyoi *, a S., ., I ."Id. "Noy last night. ,Mmilar tbingsr * In Pr,atlee storly, rhil. iog of enal nt the dot , , - She l'... ­ - dtWo I;hoa.� litto motdo of thia leathoir. Ilow much of this coal is b)lra&d an. 0"u'. "a sollietimes 7, . Afe-Up. . I � . . � . - " - ,. 4P .: . I 1K. . � I I Al,f,IVW6� I&., _ , . . ., - I � : . . �� I I . &&�kM.J6J&"�aA"_A. , ., - I . . . " 11 .... * ,*461,u�l:­ .1.:___ - . � — . .A&4,AL�,,.Alrdwm.&�,ubidiii�i",;!.",".-- _��:,�n;'� A I I .A I __ i. i� kr,�ek"�J.,:,�&-.�,,e,i_.J�- "_XL_!__-t.l.��, � ;i