HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-07-02, Page 211-1-11--- '' , ­ - 1. ..lea wk. -o* iiiirff -"0mq,j0i�W41MtW I— I I , I" . 1. I � , , .-r."r1%%,AVRrW#27,W.k. I . I I . I � � V7 qW7TW- I � I I � , , _ , , . . _T . I . I , ''I'll- . ­% .-­.�­111­ ­­ ... 1. I—— ­11�., "..''.1 ­­­­ .'...'".. 1.11 .1 I ­ I .1 ­ 111. .: 'I �� ­ ­ .1-1 - ----- -- I " ­ . I I . - � .- __1__k.._.,i__,__ __:-_.__,,7,. ._,�-,t.;, ,�:'.-_'.#_,�I_ ...... ", " '�". m 1� I . .. I . . .- I I . %-%y"4_.,_ tilit decision of tile Lord. lie stood eota- I 11 V . ... R%'J 's witted to do whittvver God iialol� Ida I 0 - . will was accordilig to,0404's will. .. -- . . � ' � i I I - � . , — � I D t - " ,22. Hoarkon Unto Their Voice I I � Qod sit! lets people have their ow I 1 AMY W W ,. ".. . � i . I , -, LE.... I 'aw I . . �vay and I eriniti them to lean to their "LI& .. I �. . I '. 1. own understanding, but not until 110 - =0 1�� . . I I . 1618 faithfully warned theirt of tile great I L9SSQX I."-J,UX,y $I 19.90, danger of taking such tv course, "This TORONTO MARKII I , 1 -22. history exhibits tit(-. relation of the hit- Farmers' Morket., .1 Israel - I , � , Asks for 4, King. -i Sam, 8*-,* I . luall wIll to tile divine will when tile I I Comitientary.-I. Tito Israelites a8l; a former sttAilds sinfully opposed to the Tito receipts of .grain to -day )Vote : . Mug (vs. 1-9). There wol'o several rCA" hitter, (Jok) never destroys. the free- sillpil, Wheat Unchanged, with 's"Ales of I s . ons for making this request, I. Samuel dont of, tile lunliall. will, - Ile permits 100 bushel$. Of fall at lio to 820- Qats ull. , , - reject )its I gutdauen, changed, 300 bushels selling tit 00o it , was growing old and could not well lead men to choose ox - ., . their atinics in battle. z Samuel's 30113 Ito will linvo none but voluntary pitb- Inl8bel, of couf id , .- I I lltw offered to the .extent of 30 loads, had proved to. be Unworthy . ence; jects.11 Alake, them a IcIng-The history t , %lid there was no one to take his. place, of tile world cannot produce another In. And. it sold tit $19 to $14 P. toll, 0110 IQad � a. The connuollWealth wat lireaking UP statice, in which a public determination of straw sold tit $1',>, a toll. into fragments, and a inoiiarcliy seemed was formed to appoint a Icing, anil. yet Dressed liogs are'quict, with Prices � tile only bleau$ of collibining tile tribes no one proposed either himself or ally firlil; choice light, weights sold at 8. 705, 1 into one nation, 4. The nations around other person to be Icing, but referred ilia and heavy ;it '$825 to $8,35. � then% appeared to be preparing to invade watter entirely to God. Ambition for Wheat, white, bushel ... $ 0 80. $ 0 84 their territory, and they needed a king royal authority certainly was. not tile , D9., red, bushel ­ _-, 0 80 0 82 who would be it . tile to inect, them it, iu;tivo fit tho icading m4i who support- Do"'aprill"', bushel ... . 0 79 0 80 o battle and overcome them. 5. (,)tli,,.r cd this measure. They seem to, be fully Do., goose, ,bushel - - - - 0 78 0 00 . nations bad kings and courts , which eonvincc4 that God's directions must Oats, bushel ... ... . ­ 0 00 0.00 seemed to make them great, and Israel be observed.--&ott. 00 yet etc,-Sftlll- Barley, bushel ... ... . 0 50 0 00 desired to be like them, Samuel 'VA$ uel sorrowfully dismissed them to thoir PCIts,' bushel ... ... ... 0 `$0 0 00 greatly displeased because they had homes, that lie miglit, have time to take Hay, timothy, ton , - .. 1'.� 00 14 * � asked for it king (Y. 0). I. It Was 41 the necessary measures for effecting this Do., clover, toil ... ­ 0 04 10 00 rejection of the divine government, 2., It gri,at change.. With wise and nobI9 pat- Straw, per ton, . .. .., - � - 11 00 12 OD was an Affront to Samuel, their aged riotisin it was henceforth Ilia purpose, Dressed hogs ... ... ... 8 25 8 75 leader, who )lad spent'his IW in uu- while- accomplishing their wishe , s, to Butter, dairy ... ... ... 0 20 0911 tiring devotion to their interests, . 3, It savo them, as far as possible, from the _ FOWIS, Par Ill- , � - . - - - 0 00 0 10 was a disappointment to Sanilial that consequences they declared themselvon 41ppl0s, per barrel . ., .... 1 00 3 00 the people should reject God and choose wil to 111cur-Kitto, Onions, par bag , .. .. - - 1 25 1 40 another leader, "The dealand for a king IT111�11ielflngs,-Tlw most godly parents 1194itoes, per bag ,. .. 0 00 I 10 . was the direct outcome of faithlessness, cannot transmit their godliness to their Beef, hindquarters . ,. - . - 0 It was a defection front God," Samuel children. Alen generally prefer the Do,, forequarters . .. , 0 00' 7 50 took tile 1,natter to Clod, and the Lord visible to the invisible-ilie material to, Do., choice, carease , _ 9 00 10 00 told hitti to -rant their request. But be- the spiritual, and thus Are easily led to Do,, Inedinin, oftrease 6 50 7 50 fore he granted it lie was to�Mprotasl; 11 forget God. God never interfoies with MUtt011, Ile" cWt, ­ - solemnly" (v. 9) and show them what maills free-will. Veal, prime, Per cwt. . .. 7 00 0 00 they inight, expect front an earthly king Lamb, per owt. ... .. , , 14 00 13,00 If they persisted ill their rebellious PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, � � , ,Sugar Market, course they must do so ,with their eyes "Make its a Icing to judge us" (v. 5.) St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol- -wide open to the consequences. CA04 "A poor prophet in a mantle, though lows. still warns sinners, but they have it .-Granulated, .$5,00 in barrels, ,and in conversant with the visions of the At- -No, I golden, $4.0 lit barrels. These their power to persist in their wicked- mighty, looked men in the eyes of thow. . I ness and go to destruction. who judged by the outward appearalicee; prices are for delivery; car lots be less.. 11. Samuel shows them the rights of but it king in it purple robe With guards. . Live Stock. a Icing (vs. 10-18). 10, SaIllual-Samuel and officers of state, wou1 look great, On Tuesday 14t the recelpto of uva stock was both a prophet and a judge in Israel. w� the city market wore 61 oar loa*i oom- and such it ona�.;�.F_4qiey must, ]'live- '1112y posed of 867 cattle, 1,05i hogs, 921 Wil��p and Ile was brought to tile tabernacle NVIlen knew it wits vain tb court Samuel to 196 calves, We glv,) these figures as on Tues - .very young and put tinder the care of take oil ilia title .and court of a kill,,, day night, on account of Wo Morm, we could' Eiji, the high priest. Samucl was the but lie must appoint them one. Thu", not get the com, 5 ,plete returns ;or that ol',IYo There were a few good otibile-fed cattle, last -and best of the Ilebre�v judges, foolishly did they forsake their own but the bulk wore grassers or stoblo-ccol and "When he assumed charge of Israel the mercies," and declare, ""'a will have a finished oil grass, twelve tribes were lit A, low condition rhere was it fair -trade, but tile grass-fed le in- king" (v. 10.) They inaisted upon having cattle sold at lower quotations 10111,0 the both morally and politically. I it king even after the sad result has been stali,red animals wore firm Z� unchanged duced them to abandon their idolatry ; foretold them. So worldlings do to -Any, prlce�:. Too many cattle that are really not fit to kill are being marketed. frecol them froin the Philistine yokc,, ad- The young girl. is warned of the ovil. re. ters were of - ministered justica,with vigor and impar- sults 0 ,,, , ri.xporters--Not many ol�por . . f dtilicitig, but she declares, "I w fered, and the highest quotation given was tiallty, Promoted education and true re- dance," and goes down the way to death. $6.40 for steers. Expert bulls- Sold at $1.75 to liglon (2 Chron. 35 18), United the tribes ;5.2.5 per cwt. I . The lad is told of the injurious effect$ Buteliers-A few prime picked butchers and raised them higher in the scale of of cigarette smoking, but lie says, "' I sold at $5.80 to $6, and two FQ11od-AlIgur, civilization." Ilia age has been placed will smoke" and logos his scholarship, cattle were bought by Alexander Lovack at all the way front fifty-four to seventy his health 'and his life. $6.15per cwt.; loads lo-f.g*Dd to choice cattle old at $5.60 -to S5.80; medium, $5.105 to $5-50, "Tito thin- wits evil in tile e3 res 11 years. He was probably not far from of common to medium, *4.50 to $5; good 0OWS, sixty years old at the time, Words of Samuel" (Y.06, margin.) "He could see," .$4.00 ,to $5; medium cows, $3.85 to $4.3b; cQm- , -the Lord—Sainual did not speak his own 111011 ,cows, $3 to V.60. , ve declined. , told as Joseph R, Smith says, "that it was . Stockers and feeders --Prices It 11 words, or give ]its own opinion. H not according to the divine pattern. Do The Messrs. Murby report haylrll� -bought 250 the people plainly what they inight a,,- might feel it as a personal rejection of Pd the week 'it following quotations: , lie""; r I DD ibs. each, s3.25 to $4; pact if they persisted in their deter- e.d - .0 himself and his bouse. Samuel was a .t_. '_ 8 �. 5. 10, ktir�.$030ia 3 2 Prices are likely to 9P mination to ]lave a king similar to the pure mail, and a pure man is always .r. d ricers having plenty of grass nations around them. Unto tile People grieved -when it Christian or a church would do wnll to held their cattle. —Front V. 4 we see that it was the Milkers and .t7pringers,-Receiptri wore equal goes after the world. This is one of tG the demated, and the market we$ easy At (I elders of Israel" )Vito canto to Samuel. the griefs of the spiritually minded Drices ranging from $30 to $�7 each, with one '�Before the exodus Israel possessed all which others do not share. Christ weeps extra quality 00w at W - organization of elders to whom Moses over selfish Jerusalem and Paul has colt- Veal, calves--T-he market for Veal calves was directed to deliver his niessitnac of good quality was firm. Prices ranged (Exod. 3- 16). . The title gradually Re- tinumi heaviness because of Israel. Right front $3.50 to ;5.75,' ,and a few extra quali-ty here we are exposed to the chalwo of sold at $6 ber c -t. quired an official significance; lit the 0 Sheep and lambs -Receipts were liberal, I pointed -a council of censoriousness and in danger of denso'rt- nearly, 1,700. Prices were easier all around', venty to represent the whole body. ousliess itself.' But the worldly -minded owes, $4 to $4,25; rams, $3 to $3.50'. lambs, church and ministry will defend 'them. 7e to 8o per lb., or �3 to $5 cech. ... .ilia occupation of Caftitan -we find Ilogs-Recelpts of 2,0D0 hogs were reported, After selves on the plea of progress, enter mention of (1) elders of cities, who acted - by the railways. Prices ranged at $6.30 for ribes, priso, etc., whereas the humble mind of fed and watered and $6.05 for lights. Dvctv- tits civil magistrates, (2) elders of t the spiritual saint fecI,9 with acuiest ers report $6.25 as bellig a onlilmon price at or districts; (3) the elders of Israel, or pain that ilia world has encroached country points, and as high as 06.40 was Paid United body of the elders of the tribes." . . UP' tit one point. - .. 7- +1,.4- T,v 1 , r IA -Cam. Bib. Asked of him it king -lb Was a higl0tribute of esteem and eonfi- olence that tfieso�_eldcrs paid to Samuel in asking him to choose a king and re - Organize their government. But this action seems to have been attended with a clamorOU6 and mandatory spirit which was displeasing in, the sight of God and of Samuel. I I 1. He said I Verses 11-17 are a. vivid picture of the tyranny of -an Oriental despot; whose subjects are at his disposal, and wdio'as- sallies the right to arbitrarily seize and appropriate as lie sees fit, at least it tenth of all they possessed. The mil.nnor of the King—This %Vill be what the king will oladm As his prerogative and right. *. 0 . "T'be items of this claim, which extend both to tle persons and property or � Ids subjects, iney be classified thus, 7. Over their peersons. to seize them arbi- . trarily for Ins court servatilts an4l at- tendants (Y. 11) and appoint them to his I military, agricultural, mechanical or I domestic service (vs. 122 13). 2. Over their property, whother it consis,ts lit lands, harvest -s, slayes, or beasts (vs. 14.- 17). Here are presented the main fail - tures of an absolute monarchy; but, ob- serve, they are set forth as ilia possible manner or judgment of ilia Idng bimtelf, 0 not as divine or God-given rigglibs w1iieh every Icing must claim. In Deut. 17 16- 20 we Imirn that the Icing of Jaho�abl, � choice must in divers ways lic,Jimited lit . )its power.11—Torry. 12. to car—An old I Ionglish word meaning plow as in Ri V, . 13. to be confectiouaries—Those %vflo make confo�etions that is comitound4 of spioes and perfumes perfumers. - 17. Ye oball be his servauts—Briefly , sumnled up the people would be slaye;. Under such a despotism there would be all end of political social and religlow.; freedom. 18. Ye shall cry.,ou,t— Snuille.1 makes the picture dark in hopes that the people -%Vill still Nvit,bdTaW their re- quest for a king. Will not bear you — 'Will -not answer you" -R. V. Self-will often brings, us into distress. This dis- ,distress makes its cry unto the Lord, Such eries. ilia Lord does 'lot promi-t I to hear.—Lange. These words s1lould cause its to tremble. When wo walk itl our own -waye Iva may carry to Ood for help but lit will nothear us Ufalegs our cries Are the fruit of true repen. taftec. I 1. The People Persist In their request (vs. 10-22.) 10, Re. fused to obey—They were golf -willed and Ltubborn. They were'deternilUed to be ,like the nations around them and wevi willing to submit to the olksmands wld(b a king nii�ht make 'upon thein regard. I"s R tile' consequences'. We will )lave it Icing. —The passions of the,people alle- blind to the future. Tdlils the sialle .r will have his desirb though it iMpel�il ill's soul forever, The avariciotts will hil,%-c gold thOlIgh it beec,1[1110 Ids 3401 and Ids immortal spirit worship the golden ealf. The inebriate will have his ilrink itioll,fly lie degrade his being bWt Ids elutracteor, beggar his family and rain his out.-- f4teol. 20� Like �11 tile nationa—But,Goil ]lad cautioned them agninst, followhig the ekataple of other nations, and flils u" a bold stco In tbo. wrong direotion. This should bil-m warning to thecillirch ttt the pre'sout time. Whon Goals peo- ple inWrtake to blend witli worlditio.,4 arA thus lose their distinetivt clhara�t�,�- ­ 54ticA M true. Christitills tll(,,.V will lit- vAtiably Ime their mpiritnof life and Power. W1116 the effort with us thoulol not be to lx,. Unlike otherm lnort,Ty for the mko, of being peculiar. yot flio. Aftint of (Iod liveA 0, t4eparft(Al lifo, Unlike tII0 world. formking Its emftnim tn A gront oxfobt and oppoedog its Mliful and sel. fish praotlApt. The 01ifle,fiftit eonfornut big lift to tb(i lito of (Ilitilt. Xirg fflftV Judo us-ThIA I's realiv it rej"tion 4f Samuel tie] Jitilgo. 21, kolicars,ftl ;bbettl, etco-Stimuo was willitl to Abide by ; , -..11.111 I.. .1-1-111 .. . ­-, �. - ----'-._1_111....-.._ . 1-11 .1 ­ � 11 .1 1.1- I I—— � ,� I "....-I-1- ­­_ 111_�11 I I I � � _. " I'll.., .11 - -1 -1 --__11-1-1.... . I 111. ..".., - I - �. " , , . I ­­­ . .1.1. .. � I 1. � -1 I . . " - - , ­ � _ �. 1. ` 11 I .--:.,-,I, ___ ____� ­ _=, ,�w .''. . - 1. I � .... .. n vather lit lielpin the demand lot, ge _ ml lilies at rotal kind tile sorting aomand for butte r is activ,q. Collectioll'i 3, I Ile fair to good, , ' Wells, it brother of one of the victims, N thirtiterit', Who 1111(ii-11104 t1alill that tho , I Arreot of it dalivoroula royQ14001144"y Intil I CAPTURE TOWN0 WOMEN APT IN MTRONOMY. , i now fairly active. X110 wv"WAVA ilia dock -lit a skiff equipped , a half - with to bo offeetva, And that they 111tilit bis — . Many Members of the fox HAVIO kroligbout this Part of tile country, as i tile West, it3 exceedingly favorable, to ST. LAWRENCE for an arnlea, resistance, Ile 11 drove off with theill to tile hous fil,'e""O' 0 ,_ "Un4reo X911"jeA MONA TWO jtgc�k Achieved WOPId-W144 001,01irtty, . � 114s, and rettviters are luelined to oil, hulsol. regarding fall business. Ordors (;Iaytqn, and occupied by himself .and of Dr. Bucluitab, .4, prostwrous younfy Physician, which they entered in thoo View, la Noxiever One of the #lost roalluent of to-alky1m , scientists is Lady Vuj%�tlns-fllo wife Q( Ilacod, however, tire not generally equitl 0 those of last yet"., Money is fairly Skiff Run Down and �ut ,In Two. u3me of the Ilkw. 0111Y the 409LOr's int"Liker "Al, the 6or* ' Laredo) Testis, June io.-Two Ituodred tile lit 0.1delit of the I oyal Soclot�, - whQ30 work lit astronomy will 40ooW roe, but tile 40IIIAIVd for it is not pill,- ioularly active. Tito fallure of La, by Motor Boat. vantg were in tile bollse, and tile cap. h lady to hand ,over I mounted mail to.dq. attacked 4114 calP . to posterity with, that of Carolina Rom, Chet and Mary � Poincr011e. Both -theso . 3anquo St. Jean title little inore LURIA effect. 1"cilerally fail,. Produce is coining for, �, ward well and prices are firm in tone, all tile monoy, ill her'lloomesslon, lit- for] ating her at the same !time that she tared tile tolVA Of VIesQO, State of Coa. ,fee. Three persons. were kill- bidla, '.N -Ter lit4les received, us some sliglit appreolsk. - tion of their work, election as honoTary, Qcal Toronto-113tisluess conditions have , �llavgcot but little dul-ilig tile Past week. Y u g Mika and Young Woman On. Melat De4th lit Wattir, : would be arrested in 4110 morning. 110 0 then ordered the 1) 11,0111011 to 1114kc 4 . ad and several wourded In the fighting. Telegral )It w1res were, out and the rall- members of ill() Royal Astrotiontiol , So,� clety, 'ilia till" yeur__$'xty`_cl9bt , ear* Y , 'lie doutand for wholosaic lines Is increas. 11g, but it is doill � g. so slowly. Buyers Ottawn-Excellent crop conditions in tile surrounding distrlut are much II,Ap. careful search for howlis, No boulb-i were found, and tile captain ordered road lilies torn, up, and P, bridge burned. Thr" train loads of troops left tile after-4he Royal Astronomical 60010ty' has seen fit to honor lit atiallax faW I ou kro generally taking just NvIiat they need . . ter present it, I ade. Buying for full li , I Other T*9 O;gupants Saved. -In- - . lie four detectives. back to. their Bill- t � I Lion, Ile then drove away, taking with, city and of Mexico to -night. for the scene, one 'train load of 'soldiers also l,i yet two other women -Lady Ifugginov . _ and Miss Agnes Marko. 'Vito fOrMbes fame will inevitably be linked vrith 001, , oil and, it promis The 'O � ­ es to*be better. . Neck ]tits bm-n a good one for crops lit vestigatio to be Made, � 10, � him over X100. Next morning it .was discovered that I leavin" itepot-6 Salti I k1o, the capital of tile State. received here are to the effect of bar huolivotd, whose work includes tho ' ill parts of ilia country, and the cheerf tit English, domestic, aged 19, could not the w4olo affair was a fraud, and that had to that tile Government believes the attack foundation of a scielice-that of %stre" Physics, Oil tile problem-$ of which hun� �oiio regarding ilia fature Is growing noro .pronounced. I Tit I e ary goods trade .. )ATatertown, X. Y,, despatch- A special to ilia Standard froin Ulm ton, N, Y., y tile police given Assistance a new 0aptainlioepeoick, I dent wits made by bandits. The Vice-Preal, of tile rQp4blie and the Secretary of dreds of earnest inquirers are atprosoint �qk�vts till excellent voldine of business, rravellors out with fail lines are sending says: Edward Wells, aged 18, of Round At- I :� I P, I 11 I I , ANOTHER FOOL COMING, the - War and Interior, it is said, daily that trouble has any Political significance.. intent, As a, mere child, LWay Hu'ggins, Who 10. I IrIsh birth,, became to thef in good reports, Tito building trade colt. island, -and Miss Lulu Carillon, of �i 'a 'It"' laboratory of the Board or 10 ' $onto renorts received here sav tile out. of tlevoted � I I- 4. 1 lit tinUes oil ilia quiet side. While all lilies I bany,,woro drowned in the St, Lawrence Df Country produce are condogr forward about 11 o'clock last night, Opposite tile fairly Avell, prices are firm, The packing 4 depot dock here, Ili company with Will. . aomand for butte r is activ,q. Collectioll'i 3, I Ile fair to good, , ' Wells, it brother of one of the victims, generally Winnipeg -lit, this part of, the country and Aliss Emilia McGraw, aged 2.3, of everything depends Upon crop conditions, Auburn, tho young people !lad just left' that is to.sa- e f . I ,,,,, tile g neral volume o ilia dock -lit a skiff equipped , a half - with trade here is rapidly assuming its normal horso power motor, for a ride on ilia activity, Crops never looked bottor. at this time of the year and'a record yield river I They had $carccly gotten under - peents to be assured. way when they were run down by a fast, I Vancouver and Victorin-Du4ness all motor bout, owned by George Alillor, of along the Pacific coast conthmes to show (;Iaytqn, and occupied by himself .and further improvement. The ' interior do- Goo. Boynton, of Watertown, The craft n1and tot, wholesale stocks is more. active and retail trade is rather brisket-. . I Is suld to have beoiiii going %t a 20-nille Quebet-Tlic holidays during, tile early clip, and struck th4 light craft, squarely fix ilia centre, cutting it Ili time as clean ptirt of the week somewhat late,fe.r,ed with wholesale trade, as with it cleaver, and hurling its accu- 1-fainitton-Business holds a thirty Pants into tile water. It, is said that tile Skiff was equipped with tile proper , "(led tone, There has been some inerettie .P in sorting orders and the outlook. for full lights, but that the motor boat carried trade continues bright. Collections tire none, William %Veils succeeded in kccP- hT, himself and Miss McGraw afloat uil- 1"cilerally fail,. Produce is coining for, �, ward well and prices are firm in tone, it rescued by the motor bout, but III," London-13tisiness is fairly. active lit brother, E'dward, and Tviiss Carmen went down before their rescue could ])a of - nearly. all Iiii6s. Crops proiniso exceef !Italy wall and the demand (or sorting fected. Both of tile young men bujiled � . lines shows, it, better tone. Business ii, front Clayton and the young WOUlell were einl;loyed at tile Hotel Frontenae, Aill behind that of it year ago. Round island. Ottawn-Excellent crop conditions in tile surrounding distrlut are much II,Ap. 'Ilia bodies, of tile victims were recov- Pred tit 12,30 this morning, ill 40 feet of lug Life volatile of business here. � water, The coroner is investigating. I - F I - V . KEPT HER TRUNK. . DEATH OF THE RATS. I - Now Orleans is Starting a Novel She Set Fire to BUilding—Got Off Crusade. . On SlilspendedSentence. Now York, June 29.--A despatch to Tile Herald from. .New Orleans says; � I i Preparations for a wbolestule extermlail. Ottawa, June 20�Leiut Goss, tin tion of ilia rats of New Orleans -%vas be, gun to -day by the City Health Board. English, domestic, aged 19, could not T'he plan is to inoculate a number of get her trunk from William Payne3, tile rodents with virus thitt will Produce Albert street, where s1lo boarded. Im- a fatal disease and then turn thein. least mediately she went up in the air, , to infect other rats with it. Tba City got wood alcohol, poured it on a win- dow sill and set fire to it. Some boys . Board of Health to -day advertised for fifty rats, to be -in the experiment with. put it out. Detective Ityan incident- ally arrested Lena and to -day site, 0 It will pay five ceirts a head for them. pleaded guilty to an arson charge. It also ordered a large wire cage ill wbich the the animals will be confined She was allowed to go on suspended sentence.' whilo being inoculated. ./ I - ,.!� The cage will be placed Ili the ba.a. CONFESSED TO MURDER. �i 'a 'It"' laboratory of the Board or 10 ' — ,� . ,te I 'Ile virus, which causes 11 Ith, and t � Italian Manslayer, Arrested in To. disease that kills in eight or tell days will be administered -to the rats, whicli ronto Yesterday. - �ylll then be placed lit it. com Par title" t Toronto despatch: Arrested for mur. with healthy specimens. If the experi. . ... 1.1 1�: , 4-� ffective as it is ex- ; ae s orsa ng God to be like all ilia nations." . � OTHER MARKETS. . der I a g a P oil Mutual street. yesterday afternoon, '%nd Samuel Prayed I New York Sugar Market. Vito Antonio Massio, an Italian laborer, unto the Lord" (v. 6). It is it good thin- to talk first with the Lord I Sugar -Raw quiet, fair refining, 3.73c; 0 111goidously inquired of City Detootives Xmyton and Tipton if it was -not for two wl an " "' we are grieved, ratb,w than first to centrifugal, 00 test, 4.025; molasses sugar, . niurders lie was wanted. "I thought I .3.50c; those who have grlc�ved us, Christ is refined steady. . . killed two of them," lie said, in explana- our burden bearer. When people grieve , Winnipeg Wheat Market. . tion af terwards, and remained uncon- its with untruthful insinuations, unkind Following are the closing quotations vinced even after the detectives toldidia changes and imprudent demands, let Us on Winnipeg grain futures,: that the charge ,was only for the shoot take it till to the heavenly rather. In Wheat -June $1.01 1-8 bid. July $1.01 Jili of Vito Turinello. , some parts of India, there are provided, 1-8 bid. October 811-4c b1di I , h l knocked down along the road reating places th Oats -June 40c bid. July 41a asked. with a lump of lead. I'm sure lie must who carry heavy loads oil their ]leads. Thi Cheese Markets. be dead., I hit him oil ilia forchead, Such a resting place is called a Suma. tanga. 'lliese rests ]lave a shelf where Brantford --- �Offered, 1,325; sold, 245 at . and I'm sure I killed him," he said. III ' ,2 .know I kiIldd Turinalld' he continued. the traveller can easilv drop his bur- 11-3-4c. Next market Frlday,.july 10. Alexandra,--wTo-day 1,142 boxes white "He tiried to kill me, so I killed him. if den. `33citeath is a shady, recessed seat where lie can quietly test until Ilia cheese sold -here at 12 1-2c. they ,,ant to hung me. they ,call hang me, but I wouldn't lot 17urinello kill strength is renewed, Nyliere he can casil y readjust his burden and go on. Refer. Perth -There were 1,700 boxes of cheese boarded here to -day 1 ' y .Inc." . :The crime for which 11assio is ar- ring to one of these a native Christian and 300 colored. All were sold tit 126. robted, and for which hp admits his said "Christ is my Sumatanga." Yes ) ' Buyers present were: Webster, Paton, guilt, occurred in,Newark, N. J., on ill(! Iva m n the Lord "a and Laing. I ' -""'"b I . �ydtdtt of November l8th, 1906, and the (Psa. 37:7) ,and sit down under his " ilnec--To-day 2,612, ClIces(I 'were )' P hXmiation calling tot* his arrest has shadow -with great delight (S. of 5, boarded. 2,112 of which sold for 12c. been with the Tor'o�iito police since Dec - 2:3). . Napailgo-This afternoon- 845 i0ite. ember. 1906. q . and 176 colored boarded;. sales, 2,17-2 . I : I 110 Christ, ,whal; burdens bow thy ]load! white and colored at l2c; -bithlaice, sold ; - CANADIANS RELIGIOUS. our load was laid on thee, on curb at above price, I - ;Vhou stoodest in the sinner's stand, . British Cattle Markets. I London, June 29�At, the Intereolonial Bearing all ill for me, A victim led, thy blood was abed, London. -London cables for cattle ar9.. . *Pound Missionary 'Conference, lit discussira NTOW there's no load for met" . steady at 13 to 14 1,2c Pat- tires's r q ed weight, refrigerate beef is ' uOted - al.Tessunistio paper on the state of ­ Hailaybury, June 20. -The coroner's at � 10 1-2 to 10 3-4c per pound. . religion in Now Zealand, Mr. Vill-liers "That We May Also . of Ontario, isaid that lit his town of Ile like till the nations" (v. 20). Ifere Cahadian Produce Abroad. � . . I 20,000 people only 145, according to is it rock where many are wrecked. God Special London cables to -Tie Montreal the religious census, did net belong to calls his chosen to be a peculiar people .Trade Bulletin under dn'to,of June 25th Soille'religiong dell onlin a Unit. Rev. F, unlike the world. DO says: "Come out are: . 1. Day, superintendent Of ilia finnil- from among them, and be ye separatell Flbur-Market is quiet and 3d lower. 'gration department, strongly resented at parate, as Moses was Canadian spring patents, 2Ds to -30ci the action of certain persons in tire old who left a royal home' and .1L life of. seconds 26s 9d to 28s. Wild in endeavoring to make the Do. luxilry 11chousing rather to suffer af. NVIteat-Tho market is weak and low- million it repository for all ilia rascal- flictio�l with the people of God than to er owing to liberal arrivals of Argentitte ity in the mother country. Ile Idnied enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season" wheat. .The decline is fully Od per quar- , At the possibility of CAmoda's adopt- . (1-leb. 11:25, 26). Separate, its Daniel ter ad the week, . . i Jug stronger restrictive measurs. was -%Vito refused to defile himself with Qats-Market has declined 3d, but I - I . I . the king's mcat and win- (Dan. 11:8). 0 there is it good demand at tile lower . FROM 100,000 UPWARDS. �a I Paul was who loved his rate, Se as price, . I I . — I 'o, d better than lie loved ilia life. Sep - Butter-11to market is strong at an C6rdon of Suffragettes to Surround 11 as John ftoward Was %Vito gave advance of 4s, with an active demand: British House of Commons. - h:1111'et'ime, energies, fortune and life, to Canadian, 112s to 114s, . revokod its doolslob. The commission ire- alleviate tile sufferings of Id$ fellew Choese-Ilic market is firmer at Is ad. tondon, June 2Z.-Tbo screaming section men, Vallee, %vith good demand.' New choose I �of tile -Suffragettes announce their intention "And the Lord said to Samuell' (V. western, 58 to Ms. � : not June so to surround the !louse of Oom- 22). The Lord will speak to us if We Bacon��Ilio market is firm .it an ad- melts ,,with a cordon of men and women consult him lit our exigencies, speak to Vance of 48, Arrivals from the continent turniberfil-9 anything from a hundred then - Us by bis Holy Spirit in our lidarts; to -day and to-niorrow lighter than last � .,sand and upwards." Their declared object speak to us out of his holy word; speak week. ti to being nearer homo, to Premier Asquith to us by his providences. � . Ilay-The market is quiet and lower. than the Hyde, Park meeting that Me 111-learken Unto their voice!' (V. 22). Canadian clever, mixed, is quoted down atrensth of the meeting �f,or votes fol, women. if we will not have God's way, he sof- to 65S for good qualities, .They do not propose to force an entry Into fers its to go our own way, if we say I parliament or to commit other deeds of -stubbornly, "I will," be does not hinder Wall Street News. 41016nolo. 1 its and we must suffer tile consequences, Iii ,%Vill be my own pilot,ll It boy said', Now York banks gained $4,140,000 A, party Of 19111frogobtes Vainly -tried to In - ade the Stock tixotiange to-daY, some of vthem and lie drifted on the ro"eks to destrue- through sub -Treasury operations flio, made speech" on tho steps of the on, tion. 111 will nuirry whom I eliocisif P, a young girl 0aid, and as the deserte&1vifie past Week, According to ilia data, iiow� available . U�andes, I .:-�, -_ . of a drunkard site repented in dus� and Atchison promises to earn a fraction , BETTER LET HIM STAY, ashes. "I will be rieb," .% young mail mote than 7 Pat- cent, -oil common stock, � - — said, tin(! Ili place of imprisonment, for , compared with is ) Pat- cent. last .year. I Englishman Who -Shows a Decided defalcation lid chose ilia death of a sill- French Senate givos Clemenceau Alln- - Preference for Canada. 6de. God permits what he cannot api ' iitry a majority of three in favor of pro. ' prove. Ile has made us free agents and , position't6, biiy and operato by the �;ttttoe Montreal, ,June 20. -An Etiolibsinan F gives us our choice of our way or Ids. * tile Western Railway. I named Roe juni-ped from it tram near 111111cy ]lave not rejoiced thee, brit J. 11. Morgan optinlistic as to financial 11,41tavott to-dity while the train was go - they have rejected nl�" N. 7). It. A, situation allot outlook- for business. hig forty nAlte an hour, Ile was bein" Torrey says, "004 was their king. It, Sherman much itillirtivea, and now out -brought cast for the purpot" 'of b;hil'r Itilkilig it humaili, viAblo king they had of danger. � deported, but pr6fered to remain. lipe rejected tho divine, invisible King,' The Aftilibers of Trunk Line Assoeiatiou was uninjured ,whe tured, �. 0.11 reAl.root, of their ,error was tWentially interested in ,grain: traffio from Like � - I - thd gains its in malking tile golden ealf , portf; decided not to roduee irates On - PENSION FOR AMERICAN. In that, oft -so. they weto not satisfied grain frold Aliffalo east; think �suah ac- witIt Jehovah, an invisible Wt none tlit . tion would fail to Wrinflate business. London, June W. -The list of pensions less real Icing." A. C.* M. AR . j�99 4i6_1_ � � The t1ireetom of 'the Penns�lvmda Colt )tiny, ilia ol*rating cobilIdity for granted by ilia Governillent, In the, past lie Still 14ourna ger )Lots. I "Tito 'of is here " the ;ennsylvanin lines we.4 of 'Pitts- burg, have ileclared a semi-itnnual divi. year for services to scleneo find litera- ture inehideg $1250yearly to Profesior RdWill ROY 1A ik"ter, ofireetor of the spirit your wife y said ,lend of �, pq cept.; pwvabio'juno goth. . , N $230 yC "is luacian, and , ,at. the medium, In sepulchral t&ieg. 11hat I Tbi.s is it reduction of I p6t 0ent. from six 111011till 11*4-'). ,zlit.tural � , , I �101*1111 - ly to I all, I ol I tAin, sill Ampfleall tra�v Act Well, jUst, ask )lot where �h�r and writer, the latter "in couAd- sle. T'lut Clip feelpi. for ilia 11hillnent, I tub. : Illy AbOuldt.r with", , , 8midtfeeetIg Tpa& Review. orAtion of his contributions to literature and hi,.4 strained eireunistallee'l." Ilipro wit.q nothing doing, Atiorther Motitroal-The, tone, of ge"rid bylsl- , '' test of profound psycholo�jieal phimoift- ,ens had iltu"ed..�-Phllade philit Ledger, , best here ooptiffitei to rshow mt,oady but very gradual jmptovdbielit, "Saitsons,ble, tifillcth not"-: jl!;b X*iv'�,%, 34rowfi stout -A fait Villphilo, pected to be thousands of rats will be inoculated and turned ],case in variou,q Parts of the city. : - C I THE JUNE BUG'S FLIGHT. Successful Test of the Curtis Flying Machine. I Haniniondsport, N. Y., June 29. -The acrodrome June Bug this morning made a .most successful flight, going 2,175 feet in 41 seconds, This is tivice the dristance heretofore made by the mach - Inc. It was kept about 45 feet above the ground. A heavy -whid blow -dur- ing the trial, the airship; going -tvitli tile -wind. The descc.,tt, Nvas made with' out accident, and the trial was pronounc. ad a marked succesi. 'Ilia Juna Bug is ilia third of the fly- " tes constructed by ilia Aerial 11 11" J'�._P=k Asociation, of ,which Dr. Alexander Giviiiiin Bell is Chairman. It is an acrodrome, built aecording to the plans of G. H. Curtis of Hum- mondisport, and equipped with it forty- five horsepo-wer motor.' Its -welfght is 145 pounds. It differs from the two �rcvioue machines. . Lieut. Scilfridgels Red Wing and Casey 0 Baldwin's White Wings, in that its ivings operate like the ivings of a beette, and not like those of it bird. 1jellee it's name. Like the other machines, it gets its start by being run alouf oil bicycle wheels. * THREE DROWNING ACCIDENTS At Fort Willaim, Pierson, Man., and Pearce, Alberta. Fort William despatch: William Me- 11ae, )vho wits working oil tile Grand Trunk Pacific bridge at West Fort William, fell off the bridge this morn- in,g anol was drowned. 1-10 was Im- married. Pierson, Afan., June 26,-Thotnai Bright, it bachelor farnter, who )tits el lived here tot- twenty-five years, waA found drowned lit it, pc,;d near his home last night. Pearce, Alta, June 2G. -Bernard Laing, fifteen years of age, was drown - ad in Bcl'.v hiver about 1.30 to -day while batfiing, His seven-year-old brother, who was with him, wits un� able to render tiny assistance. � I T - - EPIDEMIC OF BALDNESS. -_ Berlin School CWtTdren Attacked li�, Strange Hair Disease. Berlin, Juno 20.- Ri I 'a$, tires have been taken byMtjt0."s`m,'3o1',ca1 authorities to Stallip oil , Strang( hair disease epidemic which has at. tacked the school children lit Berlin',, fashionablo district of Schienoborg. Mak, - ing its appearance 0, week ago, tile mal. ady has spread until hundredEr of child. ran have become affected. , 'Mysterious whito blotches appeal on tile scalp, from which hair begin, falling, Until lit two or three dayg ill( child I% entirely bald. Shoilar ept derides appeared gollie time ago in 11arit and Pnslej but the diseaso has so fat been Unknown in Germany. Tito authori ties have decided to isolate till who re- veal symptoms of Infection. I . 1 � "I " BURGLAR PHONED FOR'AID* He Oallod police to 7�it Assistance ;r Odessa. St. Petersburg, ,little 20o -An audit, � cious burglary in which four policeltior were unwittingly implicattil took plat( tit Odesse. it few daya ago. JuA befory midnight the police atatlob in this, Al. t1woultovski diAtriet reecived a t0ppliolu 111101SAge to send four detectives to tile hollso of the Governor-General, � 1 Oft their arrivill thay word Met out- side the door by a oaptaln: of tho .--- Russian to Skim Niagara Whirlpool With a. "Pneumatic Boat," No,iv York, June 20.,-Vassily Robl- koff, Ivilo has 4 "pneumatic beat" that lie believes can . navigato the most turbu- 0 . lent waters lit the world, and who )I(%$ . been experimenting with it lit roaring 0 streams fit Europe, arrived yesterday by the White. Stur titter Majestic, Thd boat, which will come, on Saturday by Lim French titter Lit Lorraine, 16 1�2, fed 10111013 3 feet begin and draws only t1iroe,(laur- tors. of an inch, It is propelled by it tuotor, and insLead of going through the water skips over it, Air, Robikoff says that while lie was demonstrating wlint tile boat could do fit . Gerniany somebody said lie linew a bit of water that Rebl- koff -would not venture in, and that wits the -whirlpool rapids at Niagara. . Rellikoff straightway began, to paek his things tot, America. His friend the Baron Bonkorwin, of the Avstrian ariny, who, like Mr. Rellikoff, is, all ex- pert acron-aut, met ,him at tile pier. Mr. Rebikoff has invented a, tor- pedo that. lie thought tic could con- trol by wirclegs. He wits unwilling to talk about that subjact� But Ito surely is going to try to sklin the.whirlpool. . 0 � I : 11 . I . . A WELL-KNOWN TH I EF. . I ' Pickpocket Arrested at Guelph is , Prominent Across ,the Lihe., A Guelph despatch: Frank Jefferson, the ,Pickpocket arrested by tile Guelph . police and giving his address as Ter - onto, has been identified by photo- graphs by .GOieral Superintendent Welsh, of the Canadian Detective Bureau, as Frank Smith, alias Frank \W -son, alias Big Smithy, one of'the most clever thieves who has ever oper- ated in the United States� , Mr. Welsh is sure of his mail, from Rersonal ex- perience and from I;lsL appearance and . the description giveii,�ilthough, so far as call be.learned, lie hit$ operated but lit- tle lit Canada. z, Smith, or Jefferson, has been seldom convicted. but he.has worked with the cleverest gungs in tile States. In October, 1900, lie was arrested in Helena, Montana, , for picking pockets and was accompanied by one of tile worst crowds of thieves existing Lit tile time. Ili 1903 he was arrested in Kan- sas City, and in 1905 at Wheeling, W. Va,, where be. was with a gang that in- claoles big Ed. Taylor, supposed to be his 'companion in Guelph, who escaped by 'I ... rly changing .his 'disguise. ' : - '�� . WINNIPEG RIGHTS VICE. ' Will Prosecute Owners of Improper . Houses. . AlTinnipeg, ,Tune 29.—The most import - .%tit step triat -%Vill be talre,ii in the near future towards the stam�.ijlg out of the social evil will be the su*m1noning- to ownefs who have ro�uted their premises' to disorderly wo- . . men. ' . Tito climax of tba campaign against tile evil was reached to-aily, -whon many representatives of the'deraftnoride ap- peared in the police eburt.and pleaded guilty. They were all given it short time to leave tile cl 9�. I I . . I 1� - - I I "NEW PROTECTION" INVALID. % 4 A - Australia Must Not -Enforce Wage . Conditions by Excise Act. I , Melbourne Australia,, June . 20.— The Federal Higit C7ourt has-ryled that the (friew protection" established by the ex- cise net is invalid. %1is act provides that duties may be levied on Austra. lian-inade goodst, whenever it slimil be proven that fair wages have not been pald in tho manufacture of, them. The court holds that the Commonwealth has Ito power to enforce wage conditions by an excise act, and algo that iiiielt'legisla- 0 Lion is tin invasion of'tllc rights of tile several States. Sie Williant Lyne, Com.- monwealth Treasurer, suggests a refer- enduin with a view to tile a'ToIndment of the constitution I . I - - I - - MAD DOG BIT. PARIS BOY. , is tile Aarting of a rev;lutlon- break , BL,Uuy Q& 1,410 S1,1118, go Ug OU 11, AA 5 ' with a dark lantern and star atlas to, I � I �J _. C I HUNDRED DOLLARS f� KISS. 1. learil, tile story of thi hea,vens. Durixig - the day, too, she was no less indefatigil* I Rockefeller's Doctor Raised $5,000 In ble, examining the still with her own in- genlous , ly made � appartus And working , Half -Hour. at chemical experiments -and all this in Now York, June 29.--Irlie Herald has, spite of no encouragement. The young oirl )lad then some knowledge and skill, received tile following despatch from . 11 when lit 187,15, slu, marded Dr. Huggins, Kansas City: An offer by Dr, 11411111- . A ,part of Sir Williani's brillittat later ton Fisk Biggar, John 1). Rockefeller's sucicess has been due to the 414 Of Ilia "ysiciall, to kiss any woman who would , clever wife, The home at Tillso )till has 00 to tile Opropaganda, fund" this give ,% , the addition of nit important obsorv4- "'Ornitig created the merriest time of a. 0_ 0, at- tory, -which is entirely it priv t on the Homeopathists' National'Convointioll though tile telescopes therein luivo been in Casino Hall, Tile film continued for loaned by the Royal Society, Divided in - thirty minutes, and in all $5,000 was to physical and Photographic lilborator- P Enough of this amount -was ics al�d fitted tip with electrical iirrangp. , I � P= by women doctors to keep mclits of latest pattern,. the building is I Dr. Biggar busy trotting up and down eminently adapted to research purposes, I the aisle trying to catch the givers and -London News. I fulfil Ilia part of the contract, . : -_.: . I I Dr, Biggar was put in charge of the RECIPES. . movement to create a fund to advance Rhubarb Radish - Wash carofullY homeopathy, He started the list at $100 froni his"oNvii pocket, and then three poundii of rhub,irb and cut into made tile )Yemen delegates, take inter- squares. Put into it double boiler with est by announcing that, respectfully and three pounds of -�ranuhltcd sugar moist- 0 I Pheerfully front the bottom of his heart, . � ened with ilia juice of six lemons, Than he would kiss the first woman -%Vito gave add a half pound of blanched abliondl, tile saine amilimt. Dr. Alabelle Spencer, of ,Ttinction City. minced not too flne. Let boil Until quite Krtn,, promptly bilt blusbingly rose and stiff, and sent. A most excellent relish said she would contribute $100. to serve with roast ilikats- "One moment, please", tile White- Good Fruit Balls --Grind �through a haired physician front Cleveland cried; food grinder till equal amount Of' f1gs, 0olle moln�6t- I'm coining." 3 I dates, and nuts. Alix into a paste with Dr. Spencer put forward one hand, melted currant jelly. Form Wto balls and Dr. Bi.-gftr, bending. low, gall"IltlY and roll ill powdered sugar. I touched his lips to it, while the conven- Cucumber Pickleg-lo, one gallon Of tion cheered. Pickles add one gallon Vinegar, one clip, . 1 7 -4�- of Inustard, one cup salt, and two cups IS THIS MURDER? sugar. They. will keep two years, and — can be used its soon as prepared. Unknown Circus Employee Killed at . Delicious 11aked Cucumbers - The Latchford. I cl,eaper cit4utubers, that have the large . . sends, are tile bcst to use.. Slice the cu- Hailaybury, June 20. -The coroner's cumber fit half 101161tilWise. With a. spoon j"Zi %ylilcli investigated the death of the 40rape out as illuell of ilia cucumber as -,I, town mail found oil tile T. & N. 0. pissible, but do not leave the shells too Lracks brought lit tile following sweepilla" thin. .41'dd oile egg", stilt and pepper to , verdict: � � taste. . Use enouggh cracker crumbs to "11at the said mail, unknown, was make a thick MAI, Fill shells heaping found dead oil the track of. the T. & (till and put thiji strips of Wcon on toll. �NT. 0. Railway tit mileage 87 1-2 on Put in pai- aud b4te ill moderate oven Tuesday nlorlflu,,;r,. June 23, 190& about Lwenty to thirty minutes Until "Ihat the said mail, unknown, met nice alld brown. &rva ill tile sliells. his death by falling or being thrown. 01,13, the. inside N to be eaten. The off WIL Bros.' circus train. We �nialler euctualiprs make a dainty dish ,strongly recoutinend that investigration %.,he,, served individually. be made by Provincial autbclritie�, as San Preserved 8 trinv berries - Take evidence given by two employees Of any quantity of b-i-rics you ,%Visit to the circus gives good ground for sus- preserve I-Itclit, wash, and (Iritin thor- picion that deceased was thrown off oughly, then sug,ar, using About one cup . 0 the train. granulated sufffti, to it quait of berri.es, 7hat evidence goes to show that unless extremely tart, then use more su- an employee was ill-treated at Wo,od. gar.. Let stand over idilit; place in pre-. land ,Station oil the T. & N. 0. R61- serving kettle, and1et come to a hard wily. by mail in authority. boil; skim. rince while hot in shallow "that -tit I—es who asked for nans 1granito) or platters, with flat He. -Has Gone to Nev� York For Expert ' Treatment. , - . � . . A Paris, Ont., ol��'pixtcli: Mr. Fred Mines left for New Fork� with his tell - year -old son Trit. this oiciiing to have him treated tit tio PastoUr Institute. Ira was bitten by a dog last week. Tito, dog was thought to be inad, and the 0 1 licad wits sient to ilia Pfovincial Board of Health for examlixfation. Dr. Amyott reports that there is lit- tle doubt the dog had: rabies, and advis- ed that the child be sent away at once. The dog had bitten 9everal other dogs t6d it, horse. Consequently ilia 'Mayor will issue a-proolamation calling for till dogs to be niumied, or chained. I t - r . � . RELIEF FOR, THE JEWS. A Measure foe Ame . liorating Condi- tions in Russia Contemplated. I Lonaoil, ,little 120, -At tile Reval meet- . It between King E'dward and the a/ar) . the Jewish Chrobible under- mation - ,v�as conveyed that a measure for alneliorAting tile con. dition of tile Jews III the AllssiAn Em' pire had boon for sonto time in contain- -plation, "We bellevoill Adds the Chroni- cle, ,'that Premier Stolypin is 011gage Upon ilia active coniidoriftiilb�of such it illeasure, which will probably take thd ' for -in of aeollsideritblere'llisdioll Of pro - sent laws regarding tile Jewish rald set- � I tloi-aelit. � - I . .­qj,;&.. _-, ARCHBISHOP MATHESON, Universities of Camb,olagd -and bur. harn Hbnot�Cakioiclldn Prelate. Winnipeg, June 90."A cable has been re(knve(I here stating that the University of CallibridgA has honored Archbishop 111ratlieson, wilt) is Attending the PAII-Anglicau Cnogre.qs, 'with tile degr,oe of doctor of divinity. The VIA- ver'Aty of Drullfull fit n brilliant ,.%lid iinposing function Ili the ,court rooln of DuThrun citstle conferred tho do - rep of dootor of 414vil Ili* oil the Atgh' Chop. . PF"7-,7 ., 11 I - I , PRO W.11111110�llllk W, ",11K I—. - 111"%W I wl�,_ISW 1?TW11WWW1W,TAWW1Zq1r1.9W wwqqrw!� ,-,W4W­X7"V 1 71 ... 17'""Mr, I 17�r ­� , __ " _ , , , -.1 I � I I - - ___1. �- . .­­ ­_­­ ...... .. . ,111-1-1 11 wages tit Hailoybury were refused, and ) ,kimilicr; then pour ,I sufficient amount w.ere afra�ld to go further, fearing that of the esirup Over theni. Place in sun for they also would be ill-used. a three days, Or until thick. Place glass "file above evidence warrants tinmi re. over palls, lonxing a sinall. corner free for commendina that Cole Bros.' circus be 0 ventilation. Alust 'lot be left Out at detained.until further investigation into night. When thick they should be the causes of the aforesaid unknown whole and of it (iolicious flavor. inan's death be made by proper author- Steamed Browit Bread --Take three- ities., I quarters of a cup of New Orleans molds - Murder is a Myth. ses, two cups of sour milk, one-half Lea - spoon of mit, two cups of graliam. flour, 0 North Bay, Ont., Jw%l, 29. --The selisa- one clip of comment and one level Lea- tibnal stories resulting from the inquest spooll Of 1),lkill,v soda; a few seeded ral- at Haileybury oil the body of the mail sins may be added if desired. killed by tile Cole Bros ' .1 circus train, After ),oil have all ingredients toge- indicating murder, do not seein to be ther except soda, dissolve that in a lit- -lots borne out by the f, - . The circus I)Oili._ ,water, and add the raisins tl - _ - tualiagehlent, int-rvlowed to -day, stilt(- dl�. a g , a 'Vith flour. Steam for two that all their men are accounted for, hours; do not remove cover of steaulor and that the dead mail wits. not an am- Until � done. ployee. , They also stato that nothing Poppet- Relish---Takc fifteen red pep - wits. heard of tiny one being run over pers, eighteen onions, three pints of cid- until their circus reachod'Haileyburyi er' ' ,vinegar, two cups of qugar, twi) table- una to say that the nutit was clubbed spqonful of salt. Boil twcr.tywfive niiii- and thrown off is rubbish, � ilia$. Seal while hot. -1 - t- . . . - . . IS SENT TO ENGLAND. Cream Sorpris6—An almost perfrat : . ___ - ,e, substitute for sweet cream for cof-L Romance of Mabelle Webb and Fran- wl.lell creant is suakee or suddenly qoilo . cis Taggert is Over. sour: Tito yolk. of all egg wall tw1,1-tt-11 tuld gradually thinned with milk 0 Detroit, MiCIL, June 29�Tlio illicit the proper consistency, then. stirred into romance of Mabefle Webb and Francis the cup of coffee. Taggoirt, who eloped front Wilsonville, � . . I -1 I Ont., was closed last !light, so far iis About Trimmings. I the United States authorities here can closd iL Taggert has been removed - All -sorts of trimmings this season tire from the jail to the Detroit Hotise at fashionable, Buttons, frogs, loops and Correction to serve his sentence of 8, - ix bralding tire to be -noted oil ,ill cents and I months at, hard labor, and the young there iso really a wontlerful variety of woman, accompanied by Immigration .ohoice, 'file bands of tiny, ]land tucts Inspector Frick and a matron, left over and shirrings or pairings tire decidedly ilia danadian Pacific Railroad last mid. novel &lid cannot well be %irried out in night for .Montreal, where she will be inferior work, The passenicitterle arnit- placed aboard a steamer for England. ments serve if machine made, but it i o Miss Webb has not changed bar mind self-respecting coat made to Order is � dbout Avitnting to � come back and live trim-med iNdtli the ornaments until ilia with Taggerti the husband of her aunt. ornaments have _ been so completely I - F_ 176 -arranged that they have been virttial. I ROOM FOR MERRY WIDOWS. !y rd-madc. An ivory whito is perinittod Ili theso trimmings, but when they ex. w. New York Hotel. Man Placing ' Fewer actly match the sbade of -.e coat they are far smarter, nud if white be needed Tables in Dining Room� to make the color becoming tile Inca ja- Now York, June 99�-Waltcr E,. Hit- hot or tic at tile )lack of the walst will dreth, proprietor ot the Hotel Breslin,, prove ibli-suffleient. Such small -details . who is supervising improvements in ld It of the a t as buttons and ilia fi is an various parts of tile hotel, finds that, about the neck must uot be nealeeted. . "' to the prevailing style of rant- 211 gliettol !tied, rhinestone tin hinarnel, 3cw< ,� cut ,nine gear ,it is Ito longer possible to steel buttons ar a all fil'shiollable wad provide ZN'.ty tables in the large reA- ninny are extremely handsome. The - taurnat, lle is therefore ordering lit eolo� of the endniel ones must liatilloll- forty-five tables and is giving to cach of them it greaRr amount of elb6W room Ize ivith tho color of the coat, ntid there is such a variety Of choice that it -ori rather, litad room. is tot difficult to select what matches . � � ; I THE GUILLOTINE TO REMAIN. and harnionizog. Lace at the neck and in the sleeves qoftens the rather )laid lines and %akes it more bocw�ihig, but Parliamentary Commission Reports in In certain t-t�ies of coats tile severe fin - Favor of its 'Maintenance. Ish ii§ better -196in a inalittr to be do- [ Paris, ,Tune 29. -Owing. to the re- 'cided by thei individuAl. - I I I - I . rant great- increase in the nuluber of , murders lit France the Parliamentary . Lawn JUM0617d. commission, 'which originally, reported ill They tire ,cheap. ,,, � favor of the GoverinnenVa bill Abolish- They areprotty, . I ing the death penall; s rt-considerod YvIlin, "S"olue are lovely� its action aud,_by a. of 8 to Z, has A beauty col8tp but $4. revokod its doolslob. The commission ire- Dotoittod fa,btles 00 obiployed. solved to recorinnend tha maintenance of Enibroiderloa trim bleby of,the blolls. capital Putilabluent. _ OR. — 1046 o ,, I Stripes, (lots and rings adorn the tab- New- engines; for O. P. R, Ties. Montreal, June 20, -Ail orolor tot ' Via jaulity liftlo skirts life either twenty neW freight engines was placed plaited or gote'd. ` with tile Locomotive & Maeldne Com. Tito blowits ate but skeletons, ititend- pany by the 0, P. 111, to-tle,y. Tito 0on- bd to, b'd worn over golnipm or blips., triiA ralls for delivery by' fSeptombor .— I 61 � a,. � .. 15 Ilext, kind it 1.4 ptomi4d that fill will Illobbg-A woninn over ii) pave 'Ili, be rt�ady well within that time. The birth to qtiAdrUpI*t the 0 lill, �111� o 1 - I % �, bilgla" Are lop tile western division of . , slobbit-ves the stak dopi.tAlints 1111ti,41 the toad, it aboad of Itimsolf, 01 �+ ". -4 N a . I I . I . . I; y . �11