The Wingham Advance, 1908-06-25, Page 88
ettatfl ratuatouriattlrrwnlrt,tr•
SUMMER sck ooL. 1
--Andrew Martin and John Buckley
f Kingsbridge had barn raisings last
Our management trains morn young
people titan any other in Ontario.
There must be a reason --write for it.
*pedal course for Teachers,
mei Courses,
age. speaseN, PR INC IPA4.
Bull For Sale.
The Undersigned has for sale on lot
con. 2, Kinloss, a pure-bred Aber-
Angus Bull aged ono year, Par-
intending buying should see him,
he is a choice animal.
To Creditors.
R. r
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to
0, 181)7. chap, 129, Sec. 38, that all person8
claims against the estate of William
late of the Township of Morris in the
of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who
on or about the 20th day of April, A.D.
are required to send by post prepaid
.deliver to It. Vanstone, Solicitor for the
of the said deceased. on or before
24th day of June, A. D, 1908,, their names,
and descriptions and a full state-
of particulars of their claims and the
of the security (if any) held by them
certified, and that atter the said day the
will proceed to distribute the assets
the deceased among the parties entitled
having regard only to the claims
he shall then have notice.
this 23rd day of May, A. D. 1908.
R. YANSTONE, Wingham P.
Solicitor for Executors.
Notice To Creditors.
the matter of the Estate of Roy 10. Saun-
ders, of the Town of Wingham, in the
County of Huron, Merchant, an Insolvent.
NOTICE is hereby given that the above
insolvent has executed an assignment
all his estate and effects to me for the
of all his creditors, they are hereby
to file their claims with me, fully
on or before the Oth day of July 1908,
the vouchers attached thereto, after
date I will proceed to distribute the
of the estate having regard only to the
of which I shall then have notice.
A meeting of the insolvent's creditors will
held at the Solicitor's office; in the Town
Wingham, on the Oth day of July next,
o'clock in the afternoon, to appoint in-
and give instructions for the dis-
of the estate.
Blackley, Dudley Holmes
Toronto, Assignee. Assignee's Solicitor
June 23rd, 1908.
Picnic Cakes.
The good housewife need
not worry about her currants,
raisins, peels, spines and flavors.
We will do all that and make
a better cake than she can, be-
cause made from au old well
tried recipe, but baked by
modern methods. They are our
own manufacture and we guar-
antee them pure.
Do you eat Lackie's Bread 7
If not, just try a loaf. You'll
be delighted.eseesseesesse
Fruits, -&c.
The pick from reliable
sources. LEAVE US
. The best that money can
They're unequalled. We
please others. LET US
There's nothing like the best,
and when that is reasonable in
price you might as well have it.
Come Here
r' r
Jr Henry Christie
o al Grocery
We handle nothing but
the best Strawberries, and
will 111l orders for preserv-
ing at lowest prices for No.
1 Berries. Leave your 'or-
der early. A. fresh supply
every day.
See our seleotiotl of bine
nerware, Fanny China and
Toilet Sets before buying,
Highest Priem > Md
for i'rodtmee.
A. Ir
Mr. Buckley 'moved hfs barn.
back farther.
The Mitchell Advocate reports the
allowing :--"Mr. John Jordan is own -
is of a cow which gave birth to a calf
ort Sunday right last. Tuesday she.
gave birth to another, and they are so
xluch alike that it is next to intros,
ible to tell them apart.
—It, is with regret that we have to
nnouncc the death of Mrs, Robt. 13ea-
om of Goderich township wlmioh took
lace on Saturday, June ].3th. She
gad been in poor health for some
nonths and the end was not unex-
eeted. A. Jdnd and motherly woman,
he was much resppected in the corn,
in which she had lived for so
nany years.
—The Rowan Catholic Church at
St. Augustine was the scene of a very
pretty wedding on Tuesdayof last
week, when Miss Mary Leddy and D,
Phalen were united in marriage..
The bride wore a pretty dark bhle
broadcloth skirt and white satin waist
with hat to match. Iler cousin, Miss
Mary Ada Brophy, acted as brides-
maid, while J. Phalen, of Goderich,
ftlled the groomsman..
—At its recent session the County
Council refused to take action in the
matter of rebuilding what is known
as Rathwoll's Bridge, on the bound-
ary between Stanley and Goderich
townships, There has been a bridge
at this point for fifty years or more,
long before the bridge on the 2nd con.
of Stanley was built and leading up to
it the township of Stanley is now con-
structing three bridges at a cost of
over � 004 naturall amongthe
people of that municipality thre is
I indignation.
—The Durham cement mill ceased
burning last week, and that depart-
ment will likely remain closed till
railway connection is made with the
marl beds at Hanover. It is reported
I marl in Wilder's Lake cannot
I be procured in paying quantities
and of a paying quality. In the
meantime grinding and shipping is
being attended to. The prevalence of
large boulders in the bottom of Wil-
cler's lake was assigned as one reason
why the marl could not be obtained.
—All the indications point to the
largest fruit cropthis province has'
'ver seen. -Both Mr. Sherrington and
Mr. Dippel of Walkerton, gentlemen
who make fruit a speciality, agree
:hat the conditions for a full crop
were never better. And so it is with.
•sports from outside points. A des-
atch frpm St. Catharines says that
;his is a wonderful fruit year. The
rees never looked so promising.
Phe blossoms have been exceptionally
tbunclant and the fruit now already
orrned, fairly loads down the peach
and other trees.
Shelburne, June 19.—While assist-
ing•in jacking up his barn for the pur-
pose of having a stone foundation
I under it, James Torrance, farm-
r,eAmaranth township, five miles
I here, was accidentally killed yes-
terday afternoon. One end of the
barn had been raised' to the required
heighth, and preparations were under
way for raisin' the other end, when
the building shifted from the timbers.
laIr. Torrance, who was inside under
the granary, attempted to get out un-
der a beam, but was caught under-
neath it and squeezed to death.
—On June the Oth, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Donnley of Kingsbridge celebrat-
ecl the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding day, and the day was a most
notable one. At 10 o'clock grand high
mass was held in St. Joseph's church,
their son, Rev. Father Donnley,
officiating, assisted by Rev, Father
Ford as deacon, Rev. Father Lauren -
eau as sob -deacon, and by Rev. Fath-
er MacOorniack. Miss Noble played
the wedding march as the honored
couple marched up the aisle of the
church. Afterwards dinner was serv-
ed on the lawn at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Donnley, the grounds being pret
tily decorated with cedars, bunting
and flowers. About one hundred
guests were present to pay their
respect to the aged couple; and con-
gratulations upon having reached the
golden wedding day and good wishes
for the future were showered upon the
venerable pair,
E. G. Moffat has the cellar dug out
for a new house.
Mr. J. A. Taylor, of Alberta, is
renewing old acquaintance here.
Miss Norma Hessian, 1Vingham, has
been visiting at Mr. Thos. Hill's.
Mr. T. Ross is having his barn
re -modeled, and when completed Will
have a barn 00x60.
Mt'. McKee of Toronto is at present
visiting his parents in town.,
Mr, Norman Clegg of Molesworth,
spent Sunday with his parents in.
Mrs. Rifer, son and daughter, of
Walkerton, called on friends in. town
en Saturday last,
Mr. Hilton Ashton, liveryman of
town, made .a business tiip to Listo-
wel on Friday last.
Miss Laura Andrew and Miss Mao
McTavish of town were Listowel vial,
tors on Tuesday last,
Miss Brisbin of Holden, Alberta,
has been the guest of her cousin, Miss
Mice McLaughlin for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, A, McGill and
two children of Wingham, spent Sun-
day with the former's parents in
Mr. Robb. McLaughlin of the Mc-
Laughlin Carriage Co., Oshawa, is the
guest of his cousin, Mr, T. R.. Me -
Laughlin, in town.
Quite a number from town attended
the Belmore Lawn Social on Wednes-
day evening last. All report having a
splendid tune. Gorrie Orchestra was
The many friends of Mr. J. 5,
Found, O,P,R. agent, are surprised to
hear of his removal to Harriston.
Mr. Found will be missed,' as he was a
favorite among our townspeople, who
are very sorry to see him leave. We
have not heard'who will take his place
The League of Gorrie Methodist
church and the Presbyterian Guild,
have decided to run an excursion to
to Stanley Park, Erin, Ont., on Tues-
day, July 7th. The entertainment
will be furnished the proprietor of
y P P
the park. Don't miss this excursion
as it will be a pleasant outing.
1 Brussels.
Entrance examinations are in pro-
gress here this week,
Rev. E. G. Powell returns to Brus-
sels for another Conference year.
The Brussels Company in camp at
Goderich was 37 strong; the 33rd regi-
ment numbers 350.
Will. Ament has purchased the
gray Kaplan driver from Samuel Wil-
ton of town, paying $225 for her,
The little son of Section Boss
Thompson, who had his foot crushed,
is doing as well as could be expected.
A two-storey red brick block will be
built by Ewan & Co., Brussels, on the
corner adjoining the present Carriage
Friday afternoon of this week a
baseball match will take place on Vic-
toria park, commencing at four
o'clock, between the married and
single men.
Jno. H. Sharpe, grocer of St.
Thomas, and bride (Miss Jennie Dun-
can, of Ottumwa, Iowa) were visitors
at the former's parental home, Brus-
sels, this week.
Principal Cameron has been ap-
pointed on the Examination Board by
the Education Department and will
spend a couple of weeks at Toronto
attending to his duties as soon as the
examinations are over next month.
Arrangements are being made for
the painting and decorating of the in-
terior of the Methodist'' church and
varnishingthe seats, etc. The outside
woodwork will also receive a dress of
Mr. J. McDonald of Montreal
attended the funeral of her late broth-
er-in-law, Mr. E. W. Taylor.
It is our sad duty this week to
report the death of the late E. W.
Taylor, which took place on Wednes-
day, the, 10th inst, Mr. Taylor had
been sick with lung trouble for nearly
two years. He was a member of
Court Langside 0. 0. F. and the fun-
eral services were conducted by the
members of his Court together with
members of neighboring Courts, who
marched in a body to the grave. The
procession was one of the largest seen
in, this community. Great sympathy
is extended to the bereaved widow
and little children.
After a long struggle with cons'Untp-
tion, Mr. Robt, D, Fetish, a highly
esteemed young man whose home was
near Langside, died on Tuesday, 10th
inst. Mr. Parish was aged 30 years
and 7 months, and was an only son.
Ile contracted consumption several
years ago and after taking treatment
at a Muskoka sanitarium had partial-
ly recovered, T7ntil about six months,
ago he had been enjoying good health
and had. taken up the work of the
farm again. Ile caught a cold during
the winter, the former trouble return-
ed and since that time he has been
rapidly sinking. The bereaved meth-
er and sisters have the syinpathy of a
large tittle of friends, Interment
tock place on the 18th,
The Ailments Of Women
If the girls and women who suffer
With what they think is female trou-
ble would look to their kidneys,
they'll soon find the toured of their
ill -health, The kidneys are closely
a tmd if
allied withthe female organs a
the vitality f the kidney is interfered
with great suffering oecurs, There is
no better medicine than Dr, Hamil-
ton's Pills, they stimulate and
strengthene silt other
thekidneys, s
organto do
ki Nature's wassist
the system and thereby' maintain per.
feet health. Great benefit and certain
sure is guaranteed for1sli women who
use Dh. Hamilton's P1IY
Jno. Galbraith has sold his livery
barn and business here to John Oliver,
0th con., Grey, taking Mr. Oliver's 100
acre farm in the deal, with crop. The
price of the farm is said to be $5,000.
Possession given and taken on July
the 1st.
Arthur Craig is home front Toronto
for a few days,.
Mrs. H. Pattersonvisited friends in
Galt last Friday.
Garden Party at the parsonage an
Thursday oventng.
Mrs. Gibson of Galt is the guest of
her brother, Mr. J. Campbell.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Beecroft took in
the excursion to Detroit on the 20th,
J. Campbell of Brantford isspend-
ing a few weeks under the parental.
About 21 from Whitechurch attend-
ed the Model farm excursion on Fri-
day last.
Mrs. Jas. McOlenaghan and son,
Harry, returned a few days ago from.
an extended visit to Cleveland,
Jas. Wilson of Culross had the mis-
fortune to cut his hand on Tuesday ;.
it came in contact with a circular saw,
John "Walters of Culross had his
windmill blown down on Monday.
Robt, McOlenaghan's windmill was
also blown down.
Reports from the Whitchurch Vol-
unteers at Goderich slay that they are
getting on nicely. There will he an
excursion on Thursday to Qoderich to
witness the sham, battle,
J. A. Taylor of Edmonton, Alta„
who came east to be present at the
death of his brother, the late E. W.
Taylor, was making a few friendly calls
among old acquaintances in and
around Whitechurch. He started for
the West on' Wednesday. He reports
prospects out there as very favorable,
Another of the old pioneers of Turn-
berry passed away on Monday, in the
person of Mrs. Wm. Baird in her 89th
year, at the home of Mr, Allan Fra -
lick, Wingham. The remains' were
brought to Whitechurch on Monday
evening, to the home of her son, Robt.
Baird, The funeral on Wednesday
wa_s well attended. The bereaved
ones have the sympathy of all.
Township Council will meet on
Monday, 29th inst.
Mr. Robt. Youill * and Miss Aggie
took in the excursion to Detroit this
Quite a few Morris young people at-
tended the excursion to Guelph last
Miss Aggie Knight visited at the
home of John Watson, fourth line,
this week.
Mr. James Shurrie was at London
this week, visiting his sister, Miss Re-
becca, who is in the St. Joseph Hospi-
tal there.
The people of the Pith line are sorry
to lose Mrs. Keys and ,family owing to.
their removal from the farm to Brus-
sels, but hope they will enjoy life in
the town.
Last week Miss Rebecca Shurrie,
4th line, underwent a successful medi-
cal operation at London and her many
friends trust she will soon be fully
restored to first-class health.
Next Sunday afternoon, 28th inst.,
Rev. S. Anderson of Blyth will preach
the closing sermon of his pastorate in
Jackson's church. He will remove to
London leaving many warm friends
in Morris. Rev, Mr. Cooper will be
his succesor.
A very pleasant time was enjoyed
at the Riverside social on the farm of
James Russell, 5111 line, Tuesday
of last week. There was a good
attendance. The Salvation Army
Band from Wingham supplied the
large share of the program.
Owing to increasing years and
inability to properly work the farm
Peter Cantelon 7th lm will not
rebuild the barn, destroyed by light-
ning, but will sell the farni if a pur-
chaser offers. He had $600 insurance
on the barn and $200 on contents,
Mrs. Cantelon and t
heours lad who
y g
received so aev ere a shock are getting
along all right after their close call,.
sas-saar-,*-a... s...
Breathe Help For Catarrh:
Druggist McKibben is having Splen.
did Reports from liyomei Uses.
Tt's the poison germs in the air you
breathe that creates and feeds catarrh.
Hyomei simply catches these germs
on their Way to work and destroys
thein. The first" breath of Hyomei air
kills all catarrhal poison.
This makes the air you are breath-
ing inward helpful, it goes on its way
through the air passages, bronchial
tubes and longs charged with germ
destroying in power that cannota re-
er b
sisted it soothes almd heals the wound-
ed and inflamed membrane.
That is why Hyomei is so instantly
helpful for any distress of the
in organs, cods, eroup,bio chitin,
asthma or dreaded pneumonia,
are theerm life that l-lyonlei kills,
Complete naranteed outfit $1,00,
Sold by J', Walton McKibben, talk to
him about it,
Crops are looking well, and the re-
cent frost did but little damage,
Work is' in progress at Councillor
McFadzean's new barn, 16th con.
Orchard spraying has been engag-
ing the attention of some. Grey farm-
Mrs. (Dr.) Feild of Brussels spent a
few days of last week at the home of
E. Bryans.
Miss Scott of Morrisbank, who was
visiting at John McEwen's, returned
to her home last Thursday. a
Miss Maggie Grant is at Berlin
where she is taking a special course of
medical treatment with beneficial ef-
Among those who talk of going
West on Tuesday are. Wm. and Mrs.
Telfer, Wm. McGavin, Mrs. J. M.
Moore and children. •
Mrs. Eekmier, ar., is visiting her son,
Geo., at present.
Mrs, Ilamilton of Ethel is visiting
her son, Robt, Hamilton.
A heavy thunder storm passed over
this part on Monday evening,
Mr. Robe, Shaw of Bluevale took
the service in the Hall on Sunday
S. S. No. 3, both Sabbath School
and public school, will picnic in A.
Bishop's grove, 8th con., on Friday
afternoon, June 26th.
Jas. Pearson of Victoria College as-
sisted. Rev. Henderson on the Ethel
circuit last Sunday. His discourse
was much appreciated.
S0rveyor S. R. Crerar left last week
for Winnipeg. He will spend the
next few months laying. out work for
the Grand Trunk Pacific.
Miss McNeil of Cranbrook is home
on furlough from her missionary la-
bors among the Indians in British
Columbia. She is a welcome visitor.
It is 4 years since she was here.
The lawn social, under the auspices
of Roe's Church, held at John Jack-
son's last Wednesday, was a decided
success. The proceeds amounted to
$24, .which will be used for church
Last Wednesday evening was the
scene of a very happy gathering at
the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. McDonald, 2nd con., the occasion
being the fifth anniversary of their
wedding. After all had enjoyed the
hospitality of the host and hostess in
the dining -room, they repaired to the
lawn, where Piper McDonald and two
daughters of Wingham entertained
them. The rest of the evening was
spent in social chat, various kinds of
music, and dancing. Some very cost-
ly presents in wood were presented to
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.
Quite a number front Ibis place took
in. the excursion to the Model Farm
last Friday,
Mr, and Mrs, Duncan McDonald
spent Sunday with Mr. David Rae of
Rev, Mr. "%'Yishart of Brussels will
dpresideay tateveningthe prayermeeting on Fri-
Miss Nellie Miller went to Listowel
last Saturday, after spending a few
=weeks under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrd. A. Bryons and Miss
Ina took in the barn -raising at Albert
Gallaher's, Salem, last Wednesday.
Mrs.. Joseph Coombes is still linger-
ing, but in a Very low condition ; she
is at her son George's at Moles-
Our burg was well represented at
Brussels Thursday evening to hear
the Musical Eckardts. The trustees;
of Victoria Hall are trying to get
them to come to Jamestown.
Mrs. Reid and family have returned
home to Elderslie.
Miss Carrick of Wingham spent
Sunday at the'Glen,
Mr. Reuben Stokes is having the
rad-usedbeat this
o =oder on his
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moffatt and fami-
ly of Hannah, N. Dakota, are visiting
at Robt. Muir's this week.
Robt. Muir is having the cement
work for his new drive -shed and pig-
pen erected this week ; Mr. Sharpen is
engineering the work.
On Thursday night of last week, a
very successful garden party was hold
on Mr. H. Young's lawn. The even -
in was all that could be desired, and
a large crowd was present. .A good
Wing -
was rendered and the Citizens' Band furnished an
unstinted supply of choice music in
their usual excellent way. Abont
$117 was received, which goes to
Eadie's Church.
1 l' VT'7
Mr. Stewart Gillies of Wiarton visit-
ed friends in the village last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken of
Bluevale visited at the manse on Sun-
' Mr. Henry Sanderson of Muskoka is
visiting friends in and around the
Miss Bessie Lovell -left on Saturday
for an extended visit in Toronto, New
York and other points. •
Miss E, Henry, who has been in
charge of the Junior Department of
our Public School for the past three
years and a half, was presented with
a handsome clock by her pupils on
Friday last. We understand Miss
Henry intends leaving for the West in
the near future.
One of the heaviest electrical storms
ever experienced in this locality pass-
ed over the village on Monday even-
ing. There were many close dis-
charges, but the new town hall is the
only building we have heard of being
struck. The ball was knocked off the
flag -pole and a number of shingles
torn off.
Proved Beyond Doubt.
The disappointed victims of poor
Catarrh remedies should read the
statement of J. R. Smith, of Lake
Stream, N. B. In Catarrhozone he
found an absolute cure and says :—
"Last summer my little daughter of
eight year caught cold which lodged.
in her ears in. the form of°catarrh.
She became sick and deaf and nothing
helped. By inhaling Catarrhozone
she got relief and gradually the dis-
charge went away. She was cured
perfectly of Catarrh. Personally 1
can recommend, Catarrhozone for
coughs and throat irritation ; its a
wonderful medicine. Sold everywhere
itt 25c and $1.
Albert Gallaher hail a very success-
ful barn -raising last Thursday after-
Mr, and. Mrs. John Lennox of 'Wing -
ham visited in this vicinity on Tues-
day last.
Miss Abram of Morris is at present
visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm. Abram,
of this plate.
Mr. Wm, Weir and A. Gemmill has.
warned out their nentodo road work
this week, and they are all at it.
We are pleased to learn that George
Dane, who has been very i11 for the
past two weeks, is now on the
The Sabbath School, which is being
held in the brick schoolhouse, will
hold the annual picnic in Mr. Long-
ley's grove, ort Tuesday of next
Last Sunday evening Itev, Mr. Per-
rin of Wroxeter took charge of Mi',
Russell's service in that plate, as Mr,
Russell was suffering front the effects
of a cold,
Iiev. Mr. Russell gave a very
impressive sermon last Sunday after-
noon. Ills .text was "Pray without
ceasing." The church was eo well
filled that bemires had to be taken
While Dan McTavish was driving
m 't
home froroxeter on Monday
night hi the'toren one
of his best
horses that he was driving was killed
by the lightning and Mr. McTavish
was thrown out on the horse. Ile had
a close call of being killed with his
ors. tea; r -ars
You Feel Blue As Indigo.
You are sleepless—no energy—bad
digestion, irritable nerves, everything
seems wrong. You're getting worse.
Stop it to -day, end your misery by
building up with Ferrozone. It's a
food tonic—supplies nutriment and
building material—give weak organs
and exhausted nerves the strength
they require. With Ferrozone you
eat more, digest more,, get fatter.
Vitality courses through your veins,
the feeling of youth predominates,
vim, strength and health return for
good. Nothing rejuvenates and re-
stores so quickly and permanently as
Ferrozone. You'll try it to -clay, 50c
at all dealers.
Lost Or Strayed.
From Belmore on May 20th, one bay
mare, weighing about 1200 pounds.
Any person giving such information
of her whereabouts, as will lead to her
recovery, will be suitably rewarded.
Belmore P. 0,
Though our mill was destroyed
by fire, we have still a large stock
of Lumber and Shingles on hand,
and can fill orders as usual.
ales) on hand for sale,
From Wingham Via Chicago
and' St. Paul
To 1st Class 2nd Class
Brandon, Matt
tvtnnipegg, Mair °3281'.3:.03-
2831,." 3 $2123.0006
Portage J.a Prairie 29 30 i6 2185
Regina, Bask 16.45 27.50
Moosejaw, Sask 10 45 - 28 38
Saskatoon Sask 9285 3085
Prince Albert, Sask.., 44.35 31.85
Edmonton, Alta 52,9E 37,53
Rod 1!001, Alta", 52!10 37.55
Proportionate rates to other points in
Canadian Northwest. Trains now operat-
ed through St. Clair tunhol by elootrioity.
Choice of seven lines from "Chicago to St.
Patti and three beyond St, Paul.
lantern tickets at Single Fare between
IsD0 reit and
nil to lona to Canada,rel o to t
s t
r iron coli. 13uCak3
fBlack Reek
and tbuusp' onsl n Bridge, N.Y. Gond going
July 30 dt July 1, Return titbit, July 2,
tor tiokete and tell interruatien, cull on
W. isENltY, Town Agent. or Write
J. D. McDonald
Dtririai PsWPiksr Agent tfirorsto.
7 Free Trips To
Toronto Fair.
Every day the ' contest grows keener. No doubt
there are many checks here and there that would not
be used, so we are going to start next week to
Report the Standing of Competitors.
Bring in all your checks at once and have your stand-
ing announced next week. Your friends will help you.
In future see that your checks are reported each week.
balance of the month to get extra low
prices on 15o TRIMMED HATS, all
new, up-to-date styles. We propose con-
tinuing this CUT PRICE SALE until
July 1st. If you have bought one you
can afford to buy another. The low
prices will surprise you:
Our entire stock on SALE. 98c for
any one up to $2.00, and $ r.98 for any
one up to $3.75. A great chance so
early in the season.
Regular $5.00 light Tweed Skirts,
beautifully tailored, suitable for a Shirt-
waist Skirt for $2.99. Don't miss get -
'ting one.
lVI E N !
Straw Hats
Are ketching it. We have hundreds of
the newest Sailors, Boaters and Crush.
Prices reduced to push the sale. Come
in, our large assortment is sure to please.
Wash Vests.
Have you one ? If not, now is your
golden opportunity. For 98c you can
buy any one up to $1.75, and for $ 1.98
any one up to $4.5o. A cinch—get
wise—there right.
SPECIAL PRICES on our two-piece
Suits, swell cloths, beautiful designs and
well tailored. Our shoulders and collar
have them all trimmed. City -like --and
now even ordinary town prices. St y
counts—fit counts—price counts.
WASH' SKIRTS—Regular tap to $3.50, for $1.99. Come while they last—they're a cinch.
SUMMER PARASOLS—Fancy, white trimmed with insertion, also plain. Prices away down
COTTON HOSE—We have the best 15c Ladies' Fast Black COTTON HOSE in town. A
Special—worth 25 cents anywhere.
NEGLIGE SHIRTS FOR MEN — Sizes from 14 to 11) ; all new goods ; regular 75c and
$1.00 lines for 49c. See window display.
' MEN'S STRAW HATS --Big cut in swell shapes, all new.
Regular $2.50 Hats for $1.69.
MEN'S BLACK SOX --A special 25 dozen lot to run off at 15 eta. a pair. Get a pair—
they're as good as our 25c ones.
Regular $1.00 to $1,50, for 69c.
Wingham, Ont.