HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-06-18, Page 3)
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lookln,g towards King street -wa.s damag. --- - 11 -_ - I -
I e4 at all, arid that very Slightly. . . I'll. . �.. ,
f(EWS FROM THE OLD LAND. lit Psliti the building was thoroughly , I '001
I . rebtored, arivatirely 11ow oal,.� roof living. I IL I I
I .11 L. L' erected, such its one socs to -day. The j
I;A�o giant figures of Gog And Alago . I :. IL I ___
were put .111) Ill 17708, and were, the worft .. I. L 1. -111,
Plany Interesting Mippeuings Reported, From -of one Richard Saunders. The Guildliall , ... -1 I I 1. __ , ,,, "L, L I .. 11, 'L - �
0 . I has been the stene of many Celebrated IN ow xor St
I Great Britain. trials, that, for lustance, of Lady Julie
ROMANTIC ELOPEMENT. I (Irey and her husband 14 1503, and Anne . I Sbredd
Mrs. Livingstone Learmouth lives at Askew in 1047, who was condenined and ; I .
(London !)ally Mall,) URnfor4a House, whitah is not far from burnedo tit bmithfield. Ifere also Charlea Nature'n pnrest ,arid bes
The one topic of Conversation in Lei- Viscount llortniau'a Porsetshiro seat, 1. came after Ills attempt to arrest tile aird'healthy body.
re hunting circless Is the roulan- Unriford House is a fine ruan8loti. of five members in.the Rouse, arid demand,
tile elopement of Mr. John Detirden, A Stolle in the 14"Ilzabothall Style, arid Was ed that tile .1layor should hand thei 0
, .� Is Trivig rating IN
wealth landowner, with Miss Uortio. erected lit 1004, It is situat�-d tit grounds over to Min, Should flicy tal�c refuge in - 'Pill, it. 801�
AS11117 the daughtor of a village farm ,.of about 200 Itere& the city,' To -day Guilt!lhall is given lip I . I I I I
labomr. ' _____ to vIty courts anit b4uquets, ii.1; -which 11L.1�16A. 11
51r. Dearden, Who is married And has NEW ATLANTIO "WIRELESS." bitter the old custoln Is still kept lip of
live childrou,.bolougs to one of the old- having the "baron of'beef" arid the lov- ... T T a
est lauded families in tile country. Until Work is to be commenced shortly oil Ing CLIP, .
a few (lays Ago lie resided , at R vington tile now Poulson wireless telvgrapli sta- "I I .. .
Ii011se, llearLelceater, a mansion stand- tion In Nova Scotia, arid If the plans CLERGYMEN'S NOVEL METHOD$. ,
ing Ili forty acres of grounds. He has es- of tliq company operaUng this system of the chief probl . 1 41
tates at Holmstead, ne4r orawiey, Sits. Can be Carried out, another Transatlantic Uric I cilia that CQII.
6 r before frort the modern clorgyniati. is the need - ,
Sex,, and at the Hollins, near Halifax, ervice will be lit worldrig orde . I � L .
'the end of the year. for discovering Some meawi of attra"'
He is a first cousin of Lord. Mashain, his Ing those Who are usually, non-churoh- M;ilmrajah without tile eulogist!c epith,
allut 114VIlIgL married the first baron, lie A complete station bas been recently L . I of "Aderaj," w . hich Is confined to tl
is . erected oil this side, at Tralee Btly, lit 9001'a- royal figurehead. .
1111,47 years old. He was a well-known .ry. - Ali early morning service for the .bone.
ember of the Quorn And Mr, Feride's County Kel It is anticipated that it
Vie Will be possible to send messages at the fit of c,yel4ts, golfers, Iwokey players, Sir Chandra Sluirrisher-Jung, rempleiii
Hunts, and was the Ar ' a warden tit . i oule of the latest ideas, It Ilaa out with magnificomt gems, drove frol
Ebington. The laborer lived With his rate of 100 words a minute between the etc, **
Children In a cottage on two. -At each end the inessages will be, been Started by the Aev, J. C, MQI)6R- Ills Official residence at Alortinier I -lolls
, the estate. itell, curate of St. Andrew's 0burch, Sur- 130gravo �(luare; to the Palace. A brigi
6'ertie Ashby, who is about 27 years retransmitted by the ordinary method. sun shone and crQwd5 ]!tied tile tho
old, was employed at a factory Ili Lel- The POIJISCIL system is different from bitoll. '
- work . palace, eager to obtain it glillip,jo of tIl
cester. and used to walk to heit other wireless telegraph Systems inas- UnnSuriday, in St, Andrew's Ohuroh at olighfares in the rleighborhuu�t of tit
111 . � . '%Vice
Ntr. Dearden. Over- ,, ttlo was held. ,Alr. MoDonitell, officiated, all Dewan's Rtmous jewels, They Avere 110
every day. Sometimes . uch as it depends oil corithitious and 0.44 .1 in., the first "sportsmert's" ser"
took hei in Iris dogear& and gave hot- a ' undamped" electric waves, while d disappointed, The Dewan. W6
,',lift," but no notice was taken of this, Marconi arid others depend on intermit. the service, wh!oh included a tert,mirintes' re "I" a
tent arid "damped." aadrew, lasted just half an hour. A re- did head tire$,$ of golus. As lie b,we'(1ei
as it is not unusual in this country. 'the preaeutative gadwring of golfers, cy- response to Salutations the rubies all
girl is pretty, and like many of the . cliats, etc., formed the congregation. emeralds wi tit wb !ell it is stud e Call r
, , gh
Leicester factory operatives she dressed EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATIONS. �Thero were some fifty people present, the glint of the sunlight and azi led th
Well. . Empire D Lily Will be celebrated this and it was uotloeable that. nearly all tite " eye, - . I ,
She left houre on April l5th, telling month oil a scale never before known men carried tweed calm And. tile ladle Jewelled orders glearued upon Ili
her sister she would return in the even- Ili the United Kingdom. Falling oil a ),Vore motor or golfing hats. Three In a , breasL kind jewels flashed front the fin
* on
Ing, and on the Searle day Mr, Dearden Sunda.v this )-eat,, the Celebrations Will sitting at the back of the church were � dark green uIf9-.ms of the members o
drove to the railway station at Leicester take iface, elthor on the Saturday rQ- conspicuous figures. They vrore whito Ills suite. Upon the Persons of the 1
and took train to London, At first noth. Vlouso May 23, or the Monday folf, w- flannels and colored blazers. A' harge dark-skinned occupants of the three cai
Ing was thought of the girl's disappear. Ing Alay 25. percentage of the worallippel'S* were cy- riages whieb. Approached, the grand ei
rates, As it Was believed she had gone Partial returns Already received show . clists, and Stored by the � vestry door - trance of the palace were goins of a to
to stay with friends lit Leicester, but more than 0,000,000 obildrim in the wore nearly twerity bicycles. tal value of between X500,000 all
'when it was learned that she had not United Xingdom,arid !it the Empire over- "These servioeB for sportsmen will 'lie - ;e7OO,OOO. .
visited theta her parents became anxi. seas will ]�articipate Ili the celebrations continued until the exid of July," Mr. The Dowan was received with grea0118. Ul's year. lt is estimatcd that 15,000,000 McDonuell said in Art Interview. "TbAy coreillony. As his carriage draw up be
The mystery was solved by the receipt British men lit the Motherland and over- have been formed for the benefit of tile fore . the palace a guard of,honor of I
of the following letter from Mr. Dear. eeas'will colebrato the day against 10,_ ilard-worked city mau, who needs recrn� men of the Coldstream Guards Salute
don by tire girl's father: 000,000 in 1907, and the firm idea Of tion. oil Sundays, It litis been complained HISL Own officers, ]!;led up as lie alight&
EvIngton House, Leicester, the great Strides the movement has that the time of the ordinary morning arid bowed low as lie passed through th
Telegranis-Thurn6y. inade in the United Kin,t,rdom recently service is inconvenient to plon who wish. palace doors and was oscorted7 to tit
Mr. Asbby,-1 can OL111V imagine N411&t n1AT be gathered from the foll"*1119 to spend A, day in open-air recreation, audience chamber. L
You think of me now. NVFhatever you do, tab a giving approximate number of his early service has been instituted, Ifere the Kiiiig welcomed him, Lor
choolLchildren in the 'United. XingrdOlu t erefore, so that men call a,ttend o the
Please do not blame Gertle, she has a X , Morley.performing the introduction, Hi
tried her utmost to prevent ray carr who will take part this year And the Way to tile golf links or tile xiv-er�l Mttiesty greeted tile Dowan eordiall;
I Y_ mber who participated it the t' and chatted With hint for nearly half a
Ing out my wishes. We have loved each `V!1 I wo pro- Original methods for'attrAeti, w,r-
other for ages, and I again Ask you not vlous -years. shippers to church sexvices' are afso be- hour. 'The Xing wore it field marshal'
to throw the blame upon Gertie, as I 1906, ... ... I... ..... 1.11000,000 Ing adopted by the Rev. Fra,nk Swaillsoll, uniform and many Indian orders all
am wholly responsible and to blame for 1907 ... ... ... .......... 1,750,000 vicar of St. Barnabas, Holloway. The decorations.
what we have done, 1908 (eatimated) ... . ... 2,250.000 current"I'St. Barriabas' Monthly 2NIaga- The Dewan subsequently visited th
Anyhow, In the event of anyihing hap. The day will be generally observed Prince of Wales at Marlborough House
Suing to me, I have made full and am this Year by every school department - zinc" contains the following notice:
p - under ,the London Education Committee, Notice to men who walk up Ifornsay '
ple Provision for hero and I hope and Which metals that inore than 1,000,000 road oll. Sunday ' Afternoons with bird- TOWNS ON NEW PLANS.
pray, that at some not very distant time cages done up it rehief;3;
� YOuthful Itup'41-lalists in London otlone also tain eatly in handke Mr. John Burns' housing and tow
you may see your way to grariting her ! will participate, to cer fieree-looki ugentlemeit
your fall forgiveness, -Yours truly, ,with equally fierce-looking"g dogs: planning bill, which empowers local an
J. Dearden, ' Your birdeages And bulldogs dan be thorities,, under certair, eqnditions, t
lie letter was posted in London) and "OUR NATURAL ENEMY." carefully looked After by the stewards in Require land for the buildin- of house
is the only communication that has General Baden-Powell, addressing tile the,porclx while their owners got inside and cottages, arid also to tak� land I .
been r4eived. from Mr. Dearden. It has officers and no-n-commission&LI officers uc a ght tall, the neighborhood of growing commum
been learned since their departure that of the Territorial Ariny at Noweastle from thr Vicar. ties And to lay it out for'building 2
- '
Mr. Dearden and the girl met frequently recently, said that.tbis . country wae; in on Su.1day jast ,many men availed. pface of Allowing towns to spread in
in a plantation on his estate. dall,",I* Of invasion fl,om Germa,ny, themselvea ,of the vicar's Invitation, tile haphazard And unlicalthy way, was rea
Which. was now our natural enemy, as birdeages and bulldogs being carefully a second time without a division in th
TO FIG - HT SLEEPING SiOKNESS. Wo stopped its colonial expansion. guarded hi'the porch during the service. House of Comr-rions on Tuesday.
The decision of the Government -aa. Germany 'kilas Ili the same Position to In the ne& future the same enterpris- "The 'bill," declared Mr. Burns,"hope
nouneed in the .House of Commons On us as Rome WAS to ancient C ing vicar will visit all the public -houses to secure the home healthy, the hous
arbage. At beautiful, the town pleasant, the cit
11011day-to establish a national bureau Hamburg, which was Only four hl�ridred !a his parish, on Sunday-jasc before 3 p. , .
�Olr the study of sle4ing sickness will Miles from Nelvenstle, there was,on-oualt m., closing time. He will bring out as dignified, Data The suburbs salutrious.
be weloomed by All who have knowledge shipping to embark 302o,000 men In many men as possibid to join in a pro- Members cheered tile phrases. - " Tit
of that dread disease. The bureau, which thirty hours. Even tile fleet 'wovild not cession to the church, which will be pre- bill asks the House of Commons t
will be managed by a strong and repre. avail, for the German Navy was strong ceded by 9, braid. efface the Ghettoes of meanness and th
eneugh to block the Straits of Dover. 'file fallowing notice has been insertod Alsatlas of scivalor that Can be foun
sentetive committee, will be dupported . .
by grants made by the British and Sea- 'rho Army could do nothing to meet in the parish magazine: In many parts of the United Kingdom.
daroese Governments. A convention also tins invasion unleas well t Notice to frequenters of pubs within The British people were becoming in
rained, for a .
has been concluded between Germany. commanding officer could -not ad -opt or. a mile of St. 13arnabas? Church: The crenalngly a tow -11 people. Thirty-fiv
pr'veati r population -were fivin
.and Great Britain for the on of dinary methods of strategy unless he pubs close at 3.00 13. lit. on Sunday after- per cent, of oik
the malady-ia Uganda and Gerinall East knew what Iris men could do. The Boers noon. Our service starts at 3.15 p. tit. In town having a population of eve
Africa. I were good marksmen, but something else Any man who is Anywhere near seller 100,000, But, bad as was the over
Science has accepted the theory that 1. was needed. call walk a mile fit fifteen minutes crowding in'the to -,vii, -the condition o
To be useful, the Territnrialisttt must "This parish is composed mostiy of things in the country Was relatively n
�be disease is due to a vaxiety of the have organization, disci.pli,16 of the working people, and in order t6'got in better. Of 4,000 cottages in over sevent
tsetse fly -the Glos,sina palpalis-which type
infests the shores of the Victoria, Nyart- shown when the Birkenbead. went down, touch with them, one must adopt novel villages 60 per'cent. had no fireplaces
za and the borders Of some of the lakes and �m knowledge of tac"ties and strategy. methods," says.Mr. Swainson, A serious thing from the point of vie
L'alnd r1yers of.Ugaaida, Its habitat is In other irords, they must bave cour- . of veritilatr6n. Apart from this, cot
ited to a narrow belt of forest growth age, cull"Ing, and common sense, for BAREFOOTED SOLDIERS, tages,wbre very scarce. Of 122 rura
adjoining wa.ter, the latter -was all there -was ill tactics areas fifty-four wero deficient in cot
arid it is generally be. And strategy. One hundred sets of the whitest teeth tags, .
lieved that the infection can be trans. ever seen in London were displayed to He eulotrized the achievements of pub
mitted only during a period of forty. admiring gaze at Waterloo Station on lie bodir- ' ,fl individuals in town plan
eight hours after the tsetse fly has fed HISTORIC HOUSES IN LONDON. Monday. The owners were one hundred ning I *1�', bad been (lone by them It
on a diseased person. The date ,when this historic building men of the West African Regiment, IVIIO had 'not - 4er,zz oqualled fit .lily part o
The exte-I'millatiOn Of tile fly is fin. was erected is 'very undecided. There have come front Sierra Leone to take the world. The bill aimed to make gen
practicatle, and it has lately been fonaa is -little doubt, however, that it was a part in the Military Tournament. oral the benefits now confined to 'par
necessary to remove the surviving popli- great feature of the city as far back as They reached the South -Western ter- bicular areas. "Our bill provides th
lation-100,000 of 300,00(�-frorn the the. t'%velftli -century. Of the original minus sliFtly After ndon, and dressed in n!edium. of agreement first; failing that
iihorea of the Victoria Nyanza arid tile house nothing now Whiallis but the their 'sm-art knickerbocker k1kald uhi- conference; and, as a last resource, com
Islands in the great lake. Drugs only crypt ftnd the outside walls. It was in forms, with 'wide scarlet. Sashes and red pulsion. imposed by a Central- body tha
Alle'viatd the torments of the sufferers 1411 that the rebuilding was taken in Pez caps, and -,with their bare feet And will do its best to pursue'the line o
&nano cure has been effected. I hand. The .Mayor of London, the alder- legs, they made a picturesque scene as least resistance,"
uteri and a host of rich citizens all,con- ,they formed tip for inspection by Lord Half a million houses had been adde
SIX-YEAR-OLD HERO. tributed towards the expense, Unlike Stanhope, -who Was there to meet the to London in twenty-five years. Yh it
Hextlepool has a six-year-old hero in most buildings in the city, the Guildliall officer commanding the regiment, Col. solto of the demand for dwellittl4s 50,00
Loonaird. Wolkeriberg, the S,on of the escaped the great fire, for only t4e front Montanaro. houses were, empty. V or olitt thing, peWl
#eV. R. L. 'Wolkenberg, trarate, of the . . . One stalward, black boy, whose name -would not 'live In basement houses
parish of Holy Trinity Who has distin. sounded like,v, long-drawn-out guttural Under a town planning bill many of th
-&shed himself by sa;Ang his baby sis- - ejaculation, talked Jil Iris limited Bilg- houses built in London during the his
ter Marjorie from being burned to death e . I I lish of the journey. "Me Vol please,come, forty years -would not have been allowed
Marjorie, aged Seventeen mont,lis, ha� L I I % sare," he said. ".Ile Vol inuch sick oil to come into existence.
been ut to Wd Ili the Afternoon. Mr. F ood sea, and vel much cold. And"tri-ain, tile As -recorded above, the bill. was read
durt like$ t1'raill go n)uCh fast, Me like Lon- & second time without a division.
and 11n. Wolkeriberg Were out, and 'T-11-0 " 5
Leonard and a Servant were downstairs. don; vel big place," Asked about his
Yes . N family fit far -away Sierra Leone, this S D N
;rin the baby cry, the servant ran : HISTORIC HOU ES OF LON 0
. ' to find the baby's cot on fire . Peerless black Soldier of tho King held lip four
and the bedroom full of smoke. She re- fingers, meaning he had four wives, MARLBOROUGH HOUSE. -
turned downstairs for cloths to put . . 91h " adding -with a Smile. ".N'o Conte." As the name Suggests, here lived John
round her head before catering the . - 1p J U 't The regimental 'pets have come to Churchill, Duke of Maxiboro"li. one of
room, but in the meantime Loonard ran � ir e, Bee' , all wit terrien. Theyare a the most noted court -weatherp-oZks' that
to the bedroom, lifted his little sister . ripe, bush cat And P, pat -rot, owned -by ever Walked. Sit- Christopher Wren de -
from her cot, and carried her safely -- Unlike the oidinary driect , the black dr i- ajorl The parrot has signed the lion,", the ground upon
downstairs. I been brough ill) to the sound of the which it was built having been lensed
The little hero is quite unconcerned beef—that sold in bulh— - drum and fife ro its earliest youth. by Queen Anne to the Duchess of Marl -
over the incident. "I was jaut going for Libby's Peerless Dried Beef � , and in its most social inoments is deelkr- borough for the retiring of pheasants Arid
Marjo -tie," he said. "I was not going to say "Billy beat the big drum. Bll- guinea fowl,
leave baby. By some means tho little corneS. in a sealed glass jar ed t� " Originally the walls of the great Strait -
girl found some matchesi and waa play. )yHel.11doti'lly their band, the barefooted - ea,se, and hall wore decorated,with paint-
ing with them Ili her cot, - in which- it is pac soldiers marched from the station ings of the Duke's most fa -mous battles.
morilentitis , through tho West, E nd to Olylrlpht� The artist Wits Laquerre-, But whether
I SHOUT OF 260,000 WOMEN. sliced into those I Since their arxiial at Southampton ' or )to his work failed to Appeal to the
The WOmen'ff Social and Political ; delicious thin waters; . Docks, the black ve,;erans, most of whom, taste of the later occupants of Alarlbor-
Union finds itself confronted with the - have seen hard fighting in Africa, have ough Hong-- is not known. At any rate,
problem of feeding p, considerable number . None of the rich natural i' n1celved a series of shock -s. nNrst of all -the mural decorations all disappeared,
of the 250,000 suffragettes -who, the , � tile huge cowt-horses they saw at tile And it was not, until the Year 1861) in
union expects, ,will take part in the great flavoi,or goodness escapes ! dodks amazed them, then tho rail -may ,the course of alterations, that they Were
I train caused them trouble, and when Ili discovered beneath many coats of paint.
demonstration 11, Hyde Park on Sunday, -1 or dries OUL It reaches You I (lie course of the journey fli� trAin,,with Here the great Duke lay in state pro -
June 21. ; i
""An of the demonstrators Will be - frei;h and with all the nuta, 11 a shriek, &8116(1 into a,tUnliel, the men vions to his interment in the Abboy,
Unao,oars, but at each of the railway ,, huddled tog -ther in the corners of their 'And here, too, twenty-two years after-
tarmini, Where special trains will bring Merit retained. � unlighted ettriliagos and proparod for wards, died his Wife. 'As olle passes tile
contingents from the Country, meals Are I tile worst, They expinined to &,ilgealit. house by the roa.d. that separates it
to� I be provided. Libby's Peerless bried Major Alontrote, lit whoserare thoy tra- front St, James' palace, a block-od-up
. There will be twenty platforms tit the velled, that they thought that the sun' Archway may be seen which Was intend.
demonstration, And eighty speakers,)) - Beef is only one of a Grettt .- had gone out. ed As the principal lcutrialee, that in PAll
Mabel Tuke, the secretary, I number of high-gradO, ready �� Two of the detachment Were moat per. Mall being consiaoroa by the Duchess as
a - Rid Mrs. I _
yeste dayl ItAt 5 o'clock, AS. the resolu. .- turbed. They act its servants to, tile dold, very ill-phleed. lit 1817 Prince Leopold,
tion Y .
Is Pitt from the twenty PlAtforina,, A, to ijerVe, Pura food produe I ta ! - nol of the regiment, And it is their duty aftenvards King of the B 'Igians lived
, L
united blast Will be blown on twerity ,� to go Ahead of tile troops whert luarch, herb and 4ter oil it waa tile home of
trumpets and the quarter of a million I that are prepared in Libby"s i Ing Arid, visit tile local pot(.!ylt Que4ft Adelaide, Wife of William IV.,
12 ate lit
demonstrators will shout, 'Voteit for (ireat Wfi-iie Kitch _; Aeat-ell of clifekens and eggs until her death.
. ell. Z .for their
women, in unison." I . - ulaster- Both Of thege men were tinder After tbig Marlborough House beearrie
- the firin Impression oil 'Moriday that - ' ' '_ ' - . " ' I ' ' ' ' ' _. " I r �
PEER To WED IN 19TH YEAR. Just try a package of any .- , their first duty upon their Arrival tit; . � IL . �. . I .
It is announced that Viscount Port. ofthose, such tia Ox Tongue, 4 i "I nipirt would be to go arid seek out I . . I
man, Who IS in his seventy-ninth .year, !,- they Xing AMA 80cute front hint chick(Alls I I I
will shortly JAL married , Vienna Sauga&, Pickles, : for their Ma-lter'a dintinev. To goo, tile .
to Mrs' LiVirig. �L J 011VeS% ett I I
stone-Learmouth, Of Hartford House, i _ ,." and See bow - Xing is - the anibitidii of ,every lural Of .
Ulandford, Dorsetshire. - tile detachintlit.. ,
'Viscount Portman wits born on July I delightfully cht. IL _�. I L
12, 1820, and Is the second holder of the I - - - : DV_WAN OF NEPAL THE NATION'S . I .
, I
iltle, In 1865 her married I I forent they Arb L .
a dau literof I � I . a U EST: a
the l&t6 VfscOuftt Milton, find �Iio died 1 , from . others - The Iting r"elved in antliefteo, At
In 180-1, lervVing hint ,#fght clilldren-five I .
, 11tiekitighani 'palace Oft monaay tile 71A. 1 1 1
jolla and tIlreoL daughters -of whom.the I you have oaten. ti(m,s guest, tile Y)ow,u of Nepal, prime
ildest is tile Iron. Edward William Port. ) , Alilligter-and ruler of the ilidepetillont 4 .
inan, who wits born in 1850. 1 . 1 "4j' . I
. Ate
Libby, MeNeill& _ J , Olt tile flortheiLgi; 'frontier of India .
I who. , L
Ito is well known in the hunting ficid I 'n �,allarlj $C(;t#At
l . ,f% rle'raj, ' kinle,
itving been ftla, .
atet of the Portman .
Nut for fifty Years, Weently �e wa.q Libby, Chicago " "I'll "Lord of tit(! Earth" ig, in 440ord- P "
� I - I alio, Nvith Gurkha custom, no moV6 thk%fk 0 fj�
preselitoa by follolVerff Of the hunt with ,1 "Con 0
A te9timOlihtl Itl recognition of his jubilee _., � It splendid poll4ioner Of I& bubj"to. Tile 41 Pill 5 - 101 i "s 41
. .. (alptitin of the Xoptilpso Alip of st0a is L lit [IN
I , ,".....- .� &, _.,_.-_ L 4 i .
Ito 4#.V- -'--
JA the field, ., " , .. I *6 Daw*li, wko is 'Soluotimes 0111ba ths, L'
.� 1, .k- . , ''.:Vil !, , ,, � -, - I . .. V, - I 11, 0
low'. I I .l I . - ..""'.Aw ," f � , , , � , , # I No, j1A j . .-
, .. , , . , ,_ I ; 0 , " A A Z 0-o".Y., . ,-,,:_�,. I- . 1p,�. I I 1. .11� ' L' , 1711L� .1, - �- - - I
I I . � —'— - �L , b - L I L 1, � �_— - _ — �, " ". ' _� . _� _%Z. ____-_ll,-. . , I , � l , , , �'r I. � , , . .,.,W_."
__ 4� , ;1 . . I . , b , , ,,, , . .� W,
-- L .
- "I , I - � ''. - . � 11 � Ill type, alillost t4 it lorial mask of Tar- I 1. . � - . I - '.
� � I - 14 U!, I
, ` i � 41111,111 hinl8v I POOR BLOOD 0 1/,L 4 �
1 ,� I q pupa of Spalgis, w1lich Ilails , AAQ 41 11 I
I 0 0 � '* �
_b " . � I ;
I � I.
� I b I I I , ('111111panzea, - MISMA(Y . ., �
A frow West Africa, mirtiles the face .()f it BRINGS I 11 �
I :,[ Why bliould tile larva � �� , I .1 1 -IN,
a]--- __ Of tile Cranc-fly, w1lich lives in wet, 4 � I oktr.�.
. ;: " ,.:,�. [ __ .. .1 I.. �_ , rotten wood or undergrouild, benefit . I � I 11 I �� Lil".' I—, � JJ114-
by loohing exactly like an octopuo? P41e Film W Pinchgtl Cook*
I ,h I
7awberries and . Tile pupa � '14 Q, N91
' I e of bombyolds aro 111ja show ThAt Or, Willi4m' Pin Paw, what i's tile whito slare trar.
� ulurrinly cases, Face,; of French . 14 fle*.,
ed Wheat Poodles are on the wings of tile or, jsit,vin,,,r and soung batiewnplilyers,
ange-wifiged Colia, Pills. Are Nve4ed.,
t food, insuring, a clear ilead all(,! itiost boys, I � a Tollully.11
. have been counnas and tile like oil Ailtieniii, is written on tile fe tures of � ___
Illotim' wings, A tree-boppor and its ithiety women All
. �d gb+i out of every
ad ] . .
I Ounk, are exactly like a group of tiny hundred, I'milistaimble are tile isigu46f Anotilor Trust.
ithout Being ReaJing, Kirds, With long necks, swelling "'no little blood," Eva (],ending u(lVvI)---8Jl;A rivett'd her
by till grocers. 951 breasts and drooping tailal Tile rieck The weakdr sex is assailed A I (44,
I � � - I ) Of the cobxa is adorned with. spoe. by tile evils resulting ir ,t all ages ('Y Mek-YOu (IP111 SA�' sO?
. l. 11*1 I � �1.� 1111� IOWA& t4clOs. That the aphenoid, bone of l � out bloodless- Eva ---And thmi,siiv dtopp,�,d theln-,_
" a lietie;, from the girl whQ., is weak And
__ __ L rabbit is like a fox's )lead has long lauguld, with dull eyes, pale, placl ed Dh.k.NIyf My ,Just like a woman.
. I been kiiown, but inany nlay� not have (4beeka, fitful a ! Sho can julver ii -til or ri
- in . theL . , p�p*etfte ,I,nd palpittiting , VOt alo).4bblo 80-
I reCO,",Ji7Qd eurelv.-Chivago Nows. ,
] sced�pods of ,tile heart, to tllft WUJIULlt who Set -is itever . . __
%-.8napdrarnl the sRulls Olt pole$, tile ivell, with g4awhig ptolls in the back,
. i., - - ", l., —, .W . 411110die'lle" Ornaments Of Savage aching limbs, ailtl nervous Ilwidaches, One He'd Gladly Fboot�
. I - .1 . tribes. . Dr, Willianial,PInk J,I)hi are specially Mother--NILI. dear. I'm Afraid your
. .. .. � � I �,.� 11 � . ., I I These and numerous other in, Valuable to women of all Ages, for they 010jef Of NA1111-1111 I's A, flance doesn't
I Stances lead -Professor Dean to warli posee8B the power of inaking in abluld-, ilulte "I'let your father'a app
ot a. sort of lailsevilli Paid school of lt us 4gainst too readily accepting eve , rorai�
10 at Un- ry ance �he rich, red blood without WbIell Daughter- -Well, Inn .Vol I I knew holy
t"i tile YeAl- 1881, when, having lb apparent histance of tile protective lie wt warl call hAye perfect health. They Ind objeel.4 to illy Bills
0-311 doctrine, , - ( oil principle,—
. thoroughly remodelled anti repaired, it fill the starved vehis with new blood floston Transcript. I
becalkle tile London re4lden it . . ,; "I i so that enfeebled bodies Are Strength. _
11 1)"InCe of Wales. The Servant Problem, Cued, weak, nervous systerns are forti-
e, . I _ . 11ashimura To,ro tile Illimitable Ja fled and robust health restored. As to a Friend.
it i q I I P. "Nvlt)Lal� his faults W hvid
r- AUSTPALIA16 FLAG. . ariese sLuoolboy, whose letters appear in Aliss Rose D'Aragon, lVaterloo, Que,, able public spirit," , consider.
0 , bollier's gives, 01116 Interesting expert. follows tile profes4iou of teaching,
The Confusion which, has for sortie euces this weeke "I nover,heartl anything about that."
c One Past existed as to the correct coat with t lit telling of his 4tru ",les - which brings more than ordinary strain "Ile Nrws no boastor. But lie never
he Servant problem, . to all Who follow this Calling. Albis
t of arws of the (,cmulonweAlth of Atus- � ,lit part )lie says; D'Aragon says, "It seemed as though I inadO �t Practice Of getting Ills hair cut
" tralla has now been overcome. By a "Have you got sortie good referenebs Was gradually going into R decline. I On Saturday afterrtooll.2�—Xausas City
a Royal Warrant d , the mmend to Show you could hold lost all lily strength; my appetite was JournaL ,
d Xing bas granted a-rin s for' tile Common. situation- of Servant Problem else- very pool,; I was pale and suffered from
t =14acOf Which the following is the of. wbere2l' he say it. � frequent headaches, I was Often dizzy, One Way.
e f4 ,aerlptlorf, or "blazon".. "Of sure I havdill I degrade, so I arid thegleast exertion Would leave me I I
, 1 know % 1-0111 9 lliall, very ambitious,
.Azure on an 11108outchoon Argent took front, lily inward vest following re- breathless. I doctored for a time, but who is allxio'�lq
a upon the Cross of ,St. George � . to lilaku It record for
, cottise4 commend of illy Intelligence which A with little or no benefit. One (lay I billiaelf. Could you suggest a W,oy?
0) 0 the field five six -pointed stexs of the wrote myself: . � read in the Waterloo Journal the par- "Rure. Why doesn't I I to get A. job with
' second (representing tile (!Orlstellatioll 1 --Mrs, C, W, O'Brien, honorable lady, ticulars of a case similar to mine cured A
2 ra Phonograpli CC-1llPRrjy.'�-DetrOit Free
. of the Sullthe * Cross*) All within an where I do table wu4t & terrible. ordeel by Dr, Willialus' Pink Pills, and I de- Press. 11 I
orle of bieseatoheons of the second, each front fresh American gentleman Who say terinined to try them. In a few weeks
I- charged with a Chevron gule.3,, Crest, "Jap boyll' -with voice so I am very sor- there was a decitied improvement in my
d Oil 0, Wrea,th of' the colors, -A Seven, ry when IW't so'dp drown him at'collax & condition, and by the time I had taken Badly Rattled,
pointed Star, Or.11 Supporters: "On a I alit ,text irritate to race -riot ,with seven or eight boxes I was again in the - The timid young woul�
compartment of grass to the dexter a . n, who had let.
t X( � LllgArOo, to tile 8,11,4ff r -,r an Man, both Whang So, China boy of dogly face &� best of health, And able to enjy illyself tel's ot introduction to the groat man,
. terminate there by hanging him by tile as- well as any of my young friends." had ventured to call.
0 P"OPer." Motto: "Advance, Australift." tall of his ]lead to lion. do.or-knob. Sold by all medicine dealers or by "You. are .so bully, judge", all,- said,
1. The colors are those of the Union flag, good-bye, Mrs. 0. IV. O'Brieril Time mail at Boo a be-< or six boxes for "that 1-1 )UNSitate-A about dliturbia"
and the six sinaller shields or "Ine-3out. there Was 3 week, . $2.50 from the ,Dr. Williams' Medicine you. How rually---pr—days in the worrc
I cheous" stand for tile six States of which 2—IIon.'-NIIss.Uaizie Jones, young lady_ CO., Brockville, Ont. do you week?" '
L the Coninion,wealth I-, Composed. A haud- of considerable antiquity & largeoaver- -: - U - I
a some carving Of .the 'shield of arms will age weigbt, promise pay ins 10e hr. teach BIRTH' STONES AND FLOWERS. A (101TER-OUS OriruR.
d in due course Appear upon Ulf) Victorian her bisicle ridc� , I teach her gently fly Hicks -Lend Lao five dollar,4, W411 You, Old
memorial at Buckinallam 1.1al - Tho birth stones are its follows: MALL" �
a m US. . uphill; but by downhill teaching become - Jan -
I nary, garnet;. February, amethyst; lWoks—Vin PoTry to Pay I liavn�t it Jurt
_; - .'., deliciously rapid because of nervousness March, bloodst4ne; ADril, diainond; now, but I'll lend that tive I lent to Joha-
n BRIGHT LITTLE ONES - I enjoyed by lion. machinery. Japanese May, emerald; June, pedrl; July, ruby; o9a a few years ago it you can collect. it,
a boy is earnest to stop it & call not do August, moonstone; September, sap- I
d MAKE BRIGHT HOMES til Baker Wagon onsue & leave Hon. plilre', October, dpal; November, topaz; Only Then,
. BaLies-fliat Are we]l sleep W I Malzie broke among. machinery. I alit December, turquoise. � "Little boy, do Von ever Swear?"
ell) eat Hospital Corps for help; but Ron, Mat- Following are the flowers and their No, rna'tim, 'c�pffil, when it's nec'.
e well and WAY well.' A child that is 'lot zie become loudly thankless. Time there months: January, snowdrop, expressive -sary And I gotta do it."
. TOSY-cheeked and playful needs inintedi- ,was JJ hr. And no pay. of fidelity, hope, purity, February, print. "When is it lipeassary to swear?"
ate attention and in all the world there 3�Boartl House of Mrs. Van Horn. rose, sincerity, youth; March, violet, "W'eit do empire calls- ye out oil. two
Is no modicile can equal Baby's Own There I am guaranteed for experienced strikes tin' a ball,"
Tablets for ouring indigestio faithfulness, love, modesty; April, daisy
u, constipa- . ; .
n tion, afarrhoea, teething troubles window -wash. This Is a high task of cen m lienee, peace; April, daisy, ' ,
the other disorders from .11 I ' P1 happy domestic life, June,
. I and scrubbing arid I am serious about it un- I ... 10 , hope, . rlvrllty TIMIR.
0 Which 'Young til suds -bucket overapill 3 stories to top thol yera.k fidelity, love, devotion; ,arnwr 11 .9 -Avhat
children suffer. The mother Who uses lion _1" r .� e do you (1W the hard-
ily, purity of heart, faith; e0 to raisQ?
ftriner 'Maek.q-The Interest to pay off tim
n -antee of a Hashimura, Togo depaFt, with fire -alarm, August, poppy, consolation; September, rnoptgage on the fa,l,rn,
8 this medicine has the gu;u of Episcopal Clergyman who notice it. ,
Tilly, Water I
� government analyst that It is absolute. Thne there was 2 days, 15 minite. morning glory, affection, equanimity;
ly safe. Mrs. J� L. "Jamelle, St. Sylvere, 4--Goldeii West Garage, -where T am October, lie 9, hope; November, chrys- Getting Close to Nature.
u Que., says. "I find Bally's Own Tablets manicure for automobiles. "Are you ne- aliLbemum, fidelit)
4 the most satisfactory medicine I have quitinted to do?" say Hon. Boss, !'O, y, love, December, hol- "Wiiglev. what ev-er becanie of that
d ever used for Constipation, teething gladlyl" I bereft. I try, but Hon. Gas- ly, dornestic, bapi6ess, foresight. little 11-14; , Goodsolet" -
e troubles and breaking up colds. Livery � I - f "She turrip(l sociologist and married a
. mother iihould keep this medicine in the oline object by explosio;, I do n House flies spread contagious diseases. t,AlllP..,, a �
0 for this place, Time there was 6 minite, such as typhoid fever, scarlet fever, "Whs, T heard lif,r-%av onee"hint You
home." Sold by medicine dealers or 5-1 am nurse -maiden for delighted smallpox and consumption. Wilson's Fly ' be - an.11
e by mail at 26 cents ti'box from The Dr. home of Duglas Willkins, Sausalito. I Pads kill the flies and the disease germs were li�lr -.in ideal of a in
Y,; Williams' Ifedicine Co., Brockville, Out. am req . "Did you'l Well, .she passed rue tip
.; � I I nest to perambulate Hon. God- too. . were her bean ideal of a m&n.11 .
fre which is a b -b -4 n -
", �'. 8011te
fresh air which hd enjov breathing it.
� - ,
0 Has It Come Down Since the Panic
d '
There I meet IT. Wand�, Japanese social -
'ist, who discourse with me about Prl-
yp of 1907, or Not?
vate Ownership. While this important
. The Lohdoil. Economist figures a de-
talk is doing Ilon. Baky get himself de -
o cline in average cost of commodities
taclied from buggy -ride by one method
g during the first four months of 1908, oil
or another, I am conrersing too much
- .
r 7 per cent., and a decline from the high
to notice t1)Js until Iron. Mrs. Willkills
- Point of last year to May of 15 1-2 per
approach to say with Irvaterick., "IVIlere
f Owist. BradstreeVs index number of.
is them BabvO I shouid like to answer.
0 NOW York prices shows a fall here of
By search for it I discover Ron. Baby
Y 123-4 per cent. front ,the high level of
efumbering amongst potafti-bush by
ree that staple prices
road.- She do not thank me at depar-
v.,�re now the lowest in three years.
ture. �Timt, there was 3 days. -Collier's,
But this coricl fell is likely to h- A ;-.
May '10- 3908- �
� - - -1
puted by any housellaider. Ills jiv�ing - - -
- expenses have nut decreased, except
t1rough buying less; the average citizen CANADA'S GREAT
- Will SaY it now costs more to live thnn
- before the, panic. And lie is righi, if CELEBRATION.
o necessaxies OX life are considered, Isread
f and meat, which enter first into actual
. .
. dally.cosh of living, show in tile one
There are now subscriptions &it -
case an advance of just 25 per cent. tver
nounced to the extent of about $600,000
e March, 1007, and for tile Other, a do-
for the great Tercentenary celebration
, cline of 2 Per cent. -this latter being in
At Quebec, and nearly a million dollars
. WhOle sale pliws arid probably not reach.'
Will Ile forthcoming for it.
t Ing the Consumer.
raom an hisi7rical point of.vieW it
f Bradsfreet's figures sholi tilat, ...
will be the greatest denionstration this
of packed provisions are do),ya per
oontirvent has ever witnessed. From it
cent. from last year, fruit 30 per cent,,
spectaoulax standp"Offit it Will be 011e of
and leather, textiles, drugs, coal and oil
the most dazzling combination$ Of
0 something like 10 per cent. But they do
picturesque events ever seen lit ally
0 not reckon in the price of canned vege-
country- There will be thousands of.
. tables, which, as IvitIt flout-, are higher,
Characters in the processions, all dress.
e I)ecaatse of the bad growing weather of
ed to tite very life. The tableaux,
t 1007, or the numerous preserves into
Olt the Plains of Abraltmill, where the
whose composition enters sugar, which
historic battles were fought, -will em -
has advanced Ili prif-4. ' Instead, the
brace all the transcendent epoch-mak-
Bradstreets' table includes Metals like
1119 events Of Call"[0s romantic his -
iron, tin and cOPP0r, Which have fallen
tory, including Mrblfelis work up to ills
30 to 50 per cent. from 9. year ago, but
death. Tit,, street pagearits wlII be of
which cut an altogether minor figure in
wondrous beauty, the naval demotistra-
I current expenses.
tions of an impressiveness not hereto.
The best sign of reduction in
fore realized. Quebec Will be filled
cost of living is tho promise of good
to repletion by thousands from England
Crops ill 1008; tile Wol%st is the reviving
and the United States, and terts of
tendency to speculative rise in yrices.
thousands from Canada, but fully ten
The most perplexing consideration is,
million of people will Wish to be present,
who.got or is getting the benefit Of th0
and cannot find hotel Accommodation.
fall in meat and cotton goods at first
. One of the greatest matters of anx-
hand? Not the corl"Orl Apparently.
iety to those organizing the celebra,
� -
� I -
tion bas been the question, low' t' r0i
I o
Your druggist, grocer, or general store-
vide the millions of people who OR ,
keeper Will supply you With Wilson's
Soo the celebration with illustrations
Fly Pads, and you eannot Afford to be
and descriptions, to give the Scenes of
'without, them, Avoid unsatisfactory sub.
grandeur to the world in their entirety.
stitutes. .
.2 -1 U .
Arrangentents have been completed
by the Standard, Montreal,
of now re�
cOgnized as the national illustrated
paper of Oanada, to issue what will be
Curlous Likeness Between Animal and
known as "The Standard Tercentenary
Vogetablo Forms. .
Number," published by George Mur-
.The Natural History Museum has fa.
ray Publishing Compa,uy, Montreal,
We have had the Privilege of examin-
milidrized Most people with the .deal
of mimicry and adaptive plienortionti;
Ing the proofs of some of the gorgeous
of many kinds, says Tile Westminatf
supplements to go With the St,%ndard.
They eclipse in interest, in fidelity of
Gazette. As Professor I)ean, of Col-
umbfa University, has recently re-
detail, lit beauty of color and execti.
Marked, wo have reached the stage at
which the is buttar-
tion, anything over attempted in Can -
ada, and will bring the Toreententar y
public Shown a
fly mounted on a. twig So as to all -) �v
celebration -right into the homes of
the protective reserriblaxwe betw"n
those lucky enough to P, .40oure a copy.
tile insect arid tire leaves. But the
To connoisseur.% the Statidard*Ttrceu. .
leaves rnity be thote of it beach -tree
toilary Number Is one that expert judges
from the Patherland, and the but.
would think could not be sold under
terfly may have been born and brai
9)"'50, And yet it is to lie published tit
in far Cathay. I
50 dents. It will bo Praedeally the only
There ate many cases of plan rf
Tercentenary Souvenir. The publishers
coloration which seem to be of no
am'Ou at orders are being itow
use, and even may appear to be dan�
booked, and All orliers mailed on or be.
gerous to the aninial, Arid theta are
fore June 125 will lie certain to be filled.
resemblances ,wbich Aorn to have 110
After that date the public inust tAko
Ineaning whatever, and of thew Pro. -their
chance, fivit, come first served.
. fessot Dealt gives rilany instances.
Where orders reinittod for c,gmot 411
1apatieso tiadition relates that after
filled, remittance will Ile refunded,
a naval battle it was noticed that the
The pubuabers of tile standard, i7i
caraPaCao of a certaki crab bore the
St, JaInts street, Montreal, 'have gain-
inipross of ,a buirian face, the filee of
ed. a continental reputation for their
a Taira warrior, to whieh llfaet?' the
publication. The Coming Issue, tO
evustaceart now owea Its 11AM6, Squash
Illustrate the T,eretntenary e6lebratioll,
seeds, whan drying, acquire during
will eerfainly be file most Interesting
the so, of unequal eontraetion cer.
thing of tire, kind ever produced on
� taln*iorregultir depressions on their
tills tontinent. We prodlet that Ili
Surface. These Often take tile form
one niolith. after the celebration it will
Of ZAV411080 cb-'tr40t6fff- Professor
Ile lit demand at even ten dollars a
ralfta stholat
pu2216 oVer them for several. winutog
1,116� ftuilot begin ill, isqllq (,,rlough to
lit tht§ endotwor to rftd thoill, On
the CllrYaalis of Rie butterfly Ponisax,
pulet U demand that will be pli�noiueit&l,
it 1.3 ft, to t-stiN to the Value
tarquinius is a relliarkablo tdobln-
. blance to a IlUnlgln f4ce$ og,lle"Ioft
of it tit ng of surprsih�g xrt�rl
I z! - 1:
The Department of Physics at the
Ontario Agricultural College desires
to announce the continuance of Its
previous, offer of assistance to farme-9
in matters pertaining to drainage.'For
the past three year� we have been
authorized by the Minister of Agri-
culture to go out and assist any far.,
mers in taking the levels of his lands
for drainage purposes, in, planning the
sizes of tile for the different drains.
and in calettlating the grades and
sizes of tile for the difefrent drains,
A finished iiiap bearing all the in-
formation is sent to the owner. This
serves two purposes: First, It Is used
a,j a
d, guide in constructing drains, See.
on it inay be preserved as a record
of the exact location of every drain,
SOL that if for any reason it should
be necessary in years to come to had
,any drain it could -be done accurately
at a moment's notice. .
The number of applications for as-
sistance has increased very rapidly,
so that last year We had many more
than we could attend to. To enable
us to meet this �Increased d&mand
the Minister of Agriculture has this
year given us a special appropriatiah
whereby we have been enabled to
double our staff for this work.
A new feature is being added. We
have found in the past that frequeut,
ly the neighbors in7 the vlcinl�y of
the farm being stirveyel were uxter-
ested and %.i..hed to observe the op.
ertttiOILS. This suggested the desira.
bility of inak-Ing. these denionatra.
tion public, iiiid this will be done
,ever possible. Anyone inter.
ested will be welcome on all occasions
By � this means we shall be able to
instruct a much larger number In
matters pertaining to drainage pro.
Anyone wishing drainage survey.
Ing done shall applil to Win. H Da -
Department of P ysics, 0J. X. 9:
Guelph. The only outlay connected
with -the work is the travelling ex-
penses of one man, including meals,
cartage of instruments and railway
fare at one cent a nille each way,
The department has just isaudd a
pamphlet on "Farni Drainage Opera.
tions," which may be had on applica.
Im H. DAY,
Lecturer In Physics.
� I , I .
Cloaning Fluid.
. .
. . �! .. .. I ��' .
I . , , , ,
� "
I,kT1IDST INVIDNTIO�*,;�-,'�-.'---,> .-,
' " " ' "
Parnlor-Oan't you read- rnJqWr�.-,'1nQ 1,slin
EaYa "No Shooting Allowed." - " ',' '-, - *
Nuater-i'm not oboottag rdQudi,,th-t�ad, a
n0fiWlerS gun. .. i:,.�,�:pz i. . .-j,
- ,� . '�'.` ,
. � , �:. -, -
Nothing. Doing. . . .., " .
Diogtlne,s ]Ind Libandolved th't soarell.
"It'. a waizito of tiiil(-.,'$ Ile s(tiJ. ,",%v(li-y
time I Lhhlk ('re found ',in houu;t hiall ,
he turim out to Ile a bliviiig (if 8oine
P1,11 ry trust." �
11�11`.111:lhino at tire. by'Standers, lie cxtbl-
gribilled. 1, is lantprn.
. Something Saved.
-"Was everything in Your hou-1, de-
Btroyed by the fire?" ' �
"EveryChing but the gas meter. When
we got down to that -we found I(. c;irk.
Ing away, apparoritky unin,itiroAl."
An Assignment.
"How do you feel?" asked the mana-
grille, editor-. .
"Fit for a fight or A. frolic," answered
tht, reporter. I
"That's hicky. I think you'll got n.
chancti at both. T want you to look af-
'ter it "" ddino in the coal regious.'l-
C1,rier-Journ k1l.
Not Necessary.
'Afrs. Noseigh�lane, you haven't
wnslied the front windows in over a
we(k., .
Jane-Nolm. I didn't Viink it neces-
gary since the neighbors -Across the
street moved away.-Bolkernian,
. ,
'Nlagegr-llve put 'one poor chap Ou his
feet, anyway. %
Mrq. Nagre;Wharn have you been foollog
your money On now? .
Nagger -Your next hubband, m,ad,am! I've
lind my life Jusaured.
Objectively Considered.
Ruggles-Wbat horse power is your
new automobile?
Rarnage-Two, I guess;� That's the
horse power it took to haul it to tire re-
pair shop when it broke down on a
country r6ad the other day.
Getting Ready.
First. Office Doy-Geo! Swipesey, do
TV "
mes"n(yer's A luckv t
Secou'd Office 11ily-11ow's dat?
F. 0. B.-Ilis grati'mudder's liable to
die any minit.11 I
Buy 6 cents' worth of borax and 10
oents' worth of eAmplior gum. Put
A Mean Trick.
them into it large bowl, breaking the
Camphor guru first into small piece&
'IT think H,Isie Brown is tlic meanest
Pour over thi.q one quart of boiliffig
,. "r*"
What'.4 tltt� matter?"
water, stiriling to divsolve the borax. All
tile camphor will not dissolve. After it
,,Would You believe it of her? I
Is cool put it into a bottle arid cork
tightly. When Wishing to use it pour
allowed her- lily new Widow hat
, ,
and .,the ivent light out an(! bought it
' �
it portion into a basin, diluting It with
bl-rger one."
halt the quantity of cold water. Wet a,
black Stocking ,%v*%;, this and sponge
The Wise Minister.
your black goods, "pressing afterwavas,
" have jil"t bought, Iny wife a new
This will remove all spots arid grease and
dre4q. A now cont, Arid a .1ferry Widow
restore the black.,
hat," exelailliod the vr4trvirmn,
�. 1� . I
"Ali," replietl tile vahPtitt�r, ar,avely,
Asking Too Muth.
I*tli.,n T Presume I Miall spe, lit
At last One of the ushers spoke to her.
ehurch llvxt 81111d.kv,"
. "Portion me, madam," lie said, "but I
must ask you to Comply with our rules.
I His Reason,
Everybody back of yen Is complaininq of
Slwday Rehool Stiperinteridont-Vow,
your fiat. Will you kindly remove it?"
who (%ill toll nit, why tile dly I% ralleil
,"I'll 'remove it., air," sl�c snapped, As -
aond Vlitlav?"
sho tool, dnt the hatphi-3, lifted the gor-
SInAll llo� Alotiall-4.1 tll� ba'At'loll qtkn-
geous Creation front her head, And laid It
in her lap; "but I Want you to undbr.
S 'I ponq t . hat day.
') 1, __ - .
� nd'I 'Ir'l "it ' ('On't do it. kirralyl
" A 0 1!'if'
- �O�
`pill-* Ar.k.1mv.
Thailyk0you-sir," fervently 0301114t6d
Vi.,kor-If your ,villap-3 1.4 (,,!) tortitty *try
do %ou have ,o, inany dnir ,,,;
Ftor(, ?
all in tile ae,
the in .it 'lirectly back of -
-�mam �i
14-11la-r-ne ,,e this Is a probibl. -
Ron dia
]ter, as the eurtah, wf,nt lit).
, .
trWt. .
vagetab]6 Dow" Pillowt.
aright Gi 0. .
Thistle and dandeliovi down mix,ea
ITe wA4 holding llowu tho p&rlor Aofa
with slislider strips tif fine tigaue papr
while �.qlle wa,q doing a lihillo stunt.
make aft excellent filling ro I
., r sof"t,
-��I�iiy. i,;. it that yon itlay only r ligi.
Iowa, 1 !Iittvp tile 01111(11,6 gather I b 1111
� Ill e( .4,
onq " '"
salt bags, allowing thern ft picille �A to-
. "N%.t. I .Noil stic, ON is an uprigtht pi-
"no.*, Ate explainod.-Chitlago News,
. - 11 � � I I 4 , I . . I
I - (�&%:# �', I I I
,-.A__,06� ,&_ I . . . 1� _r- 11�1 "I'll, I I a
- . -A ,'",-�k- . - . . - - - - "I'll, ....... � AiLi&-_-,_,_,-,_t � -1_1-- 114.,I,�11 - - IMIL& - - - - .;i��A6L..&.,��L_