HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-06-11, Page 7V A L T Y Go where you will in any part of Canada, you will hear 20th 'Century Clothing spoken of most favorably. They're worn by good dresser's everywhere. You get full value for your money. McGeeCampbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers 4 An Appeal To Common Sense. For one suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Palpitation, Flatulence, Headche. Biliousness, Sour Stomach, to., there can be only one natural course to pursue, namely: FIRST -Strengthening the Stomach, making it take out of food the valuable properties which go to build up the body, SECOND—The correct working of liver and bowels to carry away the useless properties and waste matter. This is the designed purpose of NATIONAL DYSPEPSIA TA13LET S This treatment is complete. The larger tablets act on the stomach and digestive organs, the small tablets on the liver and bowels. Both kinds of tablets in each box, also complete directions. PRICE PER BOX, 50 CENTS, 6 FOR $2,50. For Sale by F, H. WALLEY, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. r.411111111.11 MO IIIMMENIO Specials This Week. Best Galvanized Pails 45 per cent. off regular price. Clothes' Pins, 5 dozen for 5 cents. Graniteware at great reductions—get our prices. For Screen Doors and Windows we can't be beat. ` Garden Rakes, Hoes, Spades and Shovels, Lawn Rakes, etc., at lowest prices. Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Whips, Mops, etc., for house- cleaning. We also carry a large assortment of the best Paints in the market, including— THE CELEBRATED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ROBERTSON'S TORONTO LEAD & COLOR CO.'S CHURCH'S ALABASTINE, for walls, in 20c and 40c pkg. If you intend building it will pay you to get our prices. COIL SPRING WIRE Oenuitie Frost, BEST PORTLAND CEMENT. 'YOUNG Big Hardware 1,10011100111111000 � 'Vfi'INGHAM ONTARIO THE WINGII.A.Y1 .. DV.& TIMM. DAIRY COW. Building up a, dairy herd ,is not so easy to the ratan Who has not the things ready made to his hands, A cow ♦nay be better than she looks; the Only way to tell one is to live with her, Get rid of the poor ones—they take the bread out of our mouths but the more promising ones may surprise you, with judicious feeding. Put thein to th e test; shel- ter them from storms, be kind to them ; don't try to half starve them on a half dry pasture but give them the full round year ration. Send your scrub bull to the butcher and get the best bull of your breed that you can buy. The dairy cow is a wonder - fed creature. From the food she eats she must maintain her physical well being, nourish her young and furnish milk for her master, There is a broad look in that sen- tence, which if the farther will take it, will help wonderfully in indicating to him how he should treat his cows. It ought to sink deep into the mind of every farmer. We will repeat it : "From the food she eats „elle must maintain her physical well being, nourish her young, and furnish milk for her master." t '.l l' Tree • A's Unexpected As Burglars, That's the way cramps comes, strike without warning. Nothing so sure to instantly relieve as Nerviline, just a few drops in sweetened water is all that's required to stop the pain. Pol- son's Nerviline is a sure comfort to every family, for a stomach and bowel derangement it is an absolute specific. Guaranteed to have at least five times the strength of any other relieving medicine, perfectly safe, pleasant, an useful for external pains too. For a reliable household medicine Nerviline supplies all that's necessary. Large 25c bottle sold everywhere. ,., Clinton. The Citizens' Band rendered their first open air concert on Thursday evening of last week, and the variety of the program was certainly a creditable one. The band turned out nineteen strong,'and showed the result of their winter's practice. Mr. Whittier, an elderly man from Brucefield, who entered the House of .refuge on the 11th of May, retired on Friday evening, apparently in his usual health, but was found dead in bed next morning, He was the last patient who had entered the House. Mr, W. Wheatley of town .has sold his farm on the 10th con, of Goderich Tp., known as the Richardson farm, to Mr. I1. J. Thompson for a sum in the neighborhood of $4,000. This gives the Thompson family four excellent and well -kept farms all close together, and shows what thrift and industry can accomplish. The contract for supplies for the House of Refuge was let by the com- mitte last week : Fitzsimons & Son were awarded the contract for meat; H. Bartliff the contract for bread, and W. Linder the contract for groceries, this store having had the contract, with the exception of one term, since the opening of the House. During her residence of eight years in town, with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Townsend, one of the most popular young ladies of town was Miss Jennie Jones, who figured in musical enter- tainments and social circles. Recent- ly she has been living at St. Thomas, Dakota, and on the 17th of this month she will be married to Mr. Chas. Boyer, of Wetaskewin, Alberta, a young man well-known as a former Clintonian. The corner stone of St, Joseph's church, was well and truly laid on Sunday, May 31, at 3.80 p.m, by the Right Reverend Monsignor Meunier, Administrator of the Diocese of Lon- don. Notwithstanding the disagree- able weather, an immense crowd assembled to witness this imposing ceremony according to the beautiful and impressive ritual of the Catholic church, During the services an offer- ing was taken up which was generous- ly responded to. His Grace, the Archbishop of Toronto sent a cheque for $100. The visiting priests were: Rev. Father Corcoran, Seaforth ; Rev. Father McRae, Goderich and Rev. Father Laurendeau of Wingham. Mi-on'.a Means Stomach Corn« fort. its of Special Value to Many Here in Wingham, ' A notable discovery and one that appeals especially to many people in Win ham tn is the combination of sto- ach help in the Mi -on -a treatment. This preparation works wonders in ease of irltligestion or weak stomach. It acts dire0tly upon the walls of the stomach and bowels, strengthening and stimulating them so that they readily take care of the food that is eaten Without distress or suffering. So positive are the good effeets fol- lowifig the use of 111 •no- ecute sold r a that the is gtl i y by J. W. blcli:i}tbott ander an absolute guarantee to refund the money i it fails to cure. A q0 cent box o Aft-qn•:t. wilt de the good stor itch needs Which is siirtpiy to melte it do fte city+n work, 'TOE, 'TT U #+S AY, JUNE I1, 1908. MAIWWWWWWWWANAMAMWAWANVA6Miq Teesvvater4 The Election Is Over And many good men have fallen by the way, as is usual in severe battles. But our country, under the benign influence of sunshine and seasonable rains, gives promise of a bountiful harvest. Anticipatil,g, in consequence of such pros- pects, a larger trade, we are sparing no efforts to be .,prepared with the best that the trade can offer for the benefit of our daily increasing cus- tomers, Our stock, of new, seasonable and fash- ionable goods is complete, and prices lower than usual in all departments. Please watch our windows for new ideas, and step in and look over our great Bargain Tables, They will pay for a look, M. CORDON WILLIS & co. Important Announcernent I N O. 6. Tan and Chocolate Shoes are all the rage. We have just passed into stock a MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF ALL THE LATEST AND NEWEST IN TANS AND CHOCOLATE colored Shoes for Ladies, Gentle- men, Girls, Boys and Children. Without any doubt the most complete assortment is to be found, WILLIS & CO. Directly opposite the new Bank of Commerce, and at Robt, Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. Store closes at 7 each evening excepting Saturday and evenings before, holidays 111.1111111M1111•1111111110 MOM 1111.11111111M II I,NI I ON I I I I KINCARDINE --TO-- Detroit and Return $ 1 .50 Steel Steamer King Edward ALGOMA, CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE. TICKETS GOOD GOING JUNE I7th, 4 A, M. Arrive Detroit 4.45 p. m. RETURN JUNE 19th AND 26th. Leave Detroit 9 a. m. Central Time. MEALS AND BERTHS EXTRA. 11, T. ISUItDON T. J. KENNEDY Local Agent Traffic Manager Turnberry. Council met in the clerk's* office, Bluevale, on Saturday, May 30th, 1008. Members of Council all present ; the reeve in the chair. The minutes of lag and special meetings were read and adopted. Several communications were read and filed ; also one from Independent Telephone Co., re Township tele- phones. The clerk was instructed to reply what action has been taken in municipality, re local telephones. McMichael --Moffatt. That Herbert Henning be appointed to operate and care for road machine for the year at $200 per day, and that the motion of last regular meeting, making appoint- ment, be reseinded—carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued r -eras. Showers rep, road machine, $1.80; laugh Mc- Itinnon gravel, $37.78; Henry Wolfe inspecting gravel, $1.50; Rich, Palmer cleaning oulvert, $L00 ; John McBur- ney rep, culvert, 75c ; S. Ring repair- ing culvert and tile, $3.75, ritlltrt cit Hien adjourned, to meet its the clerk's orifice, Bluevale, June 2Zrid next, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Court of Revision of assessment roll was held rf e d ,tet con c ! n r meeting i l# t Reeve Musgrove watt pltairtnan. ltuglr Tucker's easesszttetzt rednce4 11001 14. ?owell's real estate assessment reduced f$10Q and income $250; Mrs, #i, Moffatt reduced $300, Mrs. U. King, Goderich, was assessed for NI, lits 5 D. S., Bluevale and J. C. John- ston struck off same lots ; Chris Skinn was assessed tenant for lots 5, 0, 7, con. 1, and Mrs. Thomson, Teeswater, as owner; Elijah Jacklin assessed ten- ant lot 00 con. 1 and pt. 1 con. A and Mrs. R. Moffatt as owner; Thos. Simpson assessed tenant C e lot 20, con. C. and Mrs. W. Wright as owner ; Walter Huggan assessed ten- ant part lot 0, con, 2, 10 acres and Angus Stewart as owner ; David Mar- shall, George Marshall and Samuel Marshall assessed as tenante, lots 2, 3, con. 10 at $7000 and John Marshall as owner; Fred Dawson,.,Wirt. Dawson, Alex, Forsythe and Thos. Goy put on roll as M. F., W. II. Elliott struck oil` and. Wm. Elliott ptit on as owner lot 11, con. 12 ; Rev. W. S. West was as- sessed for lots 15, 10, 27, 28, D, S-, Bluevale at $150 and Wm. Stewart struck off, The +court then closed, and the roll as eorreeted was declated to bo the Roll for 1008. ge,o,.. John R ur sg 1c,tk . BcwgrN Ot Sttlistitiltes (h cetly dealers endeavor to pan off a substitute for Putnatn's Corn Ex- traotote Insist on Putnam's only, it cnres corns and thorougly. The inti- ation may at A joint meeting of the Band and Base, ball Chub ryas held on Tuesday oveni;ng wi!h a view to making pre- parations for a Dominion Bay celebra- tion The Presbyterian and Methodist congregations will hold union services next Sunday; in Ifnox church in the morning and. the Methodist church at night, Conductor Ed, McCreary, who one time served on the Toronto•Teeswater line, was a victim of the recent disas- trous railway accidesit near Osven Sound, Re is suffering from a broken arm. A car in the way -freight train from here to Toronto got off the track when nearing the city, last Friday. The result was that 14 ears following were piled ht the ditch. The engine and tender remained on the track and no one was hurt. At the caution meeting last week the greater part of the evening was taken up in discussion with W. 11. Green regarding the street lighting and the erection of a smokestack at the power house. The council bad of- fered $175 in aid of the building of a brick stack and Mr. Green wanted $200, They finally compromised on Tuesday of last week was the date of an event in Teeswater's social life that excited much pleasant interest. This was the marriage of Miss Gladys Irene Macpherson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Macpherson of town, to 1Glidford H. Gillies, M,D„ one of our practicing physicians. The ceremony was conducted in Knox church at 11.30 a.m, -The disastrous railway wreck which occurred. on the C. P. R. at Owen Sound late last Friday night had a sad sequel for a number of residents of our town. One of the two men now dead as a result of the accident is Robert E. (better known as Bert) Cur- ran who had lived here almost all his life, who married a Teeswater girl, and whose mother is still in the vil- lage. + r Y-: z Anaemia or Poor Blood. Don't Wait too Long to Correct it-. As it Often Leads to Something Worse. Anaemia is a defective state of the blood in which there is a lack either in quantity or quality of the little red corpuscles. It may result from any cause that serves to deplete the general system and is recognized by a pale and hag- gard face—colorless lips, poor circula- tion and shortbreath, and the system is at such a low ebb that more serious diseases are easily contracted. Anaemia people should eat plenty of fruit, eggs, milk, meat, vegetables, good butter and cream and whole wheat bread, and as for a medicine nothing excels our delicious cod liver preparation, Vinof, which is made by a scientific extractive and concentrat- ing process from fresh cods' livers, combining with peptonate-of-iron, which. is a needful constituent for the blood, all the medicinal, healing, body-building elements of cod liver oil, but no oil. Vinol is not a patent medicine, you know what you are tak- ing as all it contains is named on the label. Any anaemic or run-down person in Wingham who will follow the above suggestions is sure to be restored to health and strength in a short time. We will return your money if Vinol fails to give satisfaction. J. Walton McRibbon, druggist, Wingham, Ont. 2.00 TRIP GODERICHGODERICH to DETROIT Saturday, June 2Oth Returning Monday, June 22nd STEAN.ER GREYHOUND E. 11. Aran, Excursion Agent CHILDREN MEALS BAGGAGE HALF FARE 500 FREE FOR GODERICH Leave Detroit for Goderich 8.00 a. m. (Leave Port Huron 12 boon,) GODERICH 33A N D MOONLIGHT 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19th FOR DETROIT Loave Wingham 6.40 a. m. Connect at Clinton for Goderich. RETURN TO G0Derneel Leave Detroit for Goderieh 1 00 p. m., Monda y, Juno 22nr1 Central time. Artive Goderioh 9,30 p. m. Special train leave Gederich for Wingham on arrival of steamer. RETURN '1"O OEtPOlr teats +'e "Goderinit• for Detroit 8 30 a. lite Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada time, WHITE STAR LINE Bargains is WAISTS. The Leading Store -11 Bargains is S i RTIS. Whitewear Sale. You will find our stock urge and complete in Ladies' and Children's Ready-to•wear Skirts, Waists, Dresses, Drawers, Corset Covers, ecc, Come in and have a look through this department. No trouble to show the goods. CHILDREN'S DRESSES, --Very pretty white Muslin Dresses for children, in sizes from 6 months to 12 years, excellent work on every garment, trimmings are of Fine Lace and Embroidery, Prices $1,00, $1,25, $1.50, $1,75, $2,00 and $2.50 LADIES' WAISTS. -10 doz, Ladies' Shirt Waists in all the leading styles, long or short sleeves, buttoned in front or back, Al value in all styles. Prices range from 75o to $2,50, See our leader at $1.00 LADIES' CORSET 'COVERS. Special value in Corset Covers and Corset Cover Embroidery—at 25c, 350 and 50o TOP SKIRTS. Nicely made and trimmed with embroidery insertion, fixe rivality muslin, full width. Prices begin at $1.50 DRAWERS.—Five doz. Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, made of very fine Lonsdale. Would sell in regular way at 600, they go on sale at 350 LADIES' GOWNS. A large range of Ladies' Ready-to-wear .Night Gowns, made of Fine Cambric or Plain Pink or White Flannelette, Prices begin at 75o. See our dollar Gown—it's a Big Bargain. UNDERSKIRTS. Special value in Fine Underskirts, nicely made and trimmed. You save money buying your Skirts ready - made. See our leader at $i.00 asasrratmmeaseeeyaameersssene FARMERS 1 We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs and Potatoes, Highest prices paid. H. E. Isard & Co. er ,smasstmsarremelx • • • • • m m g ilaril ip+�1►w+►n.wwwwwwww*wwww,��ww �� � a Great Bargains a F a a 4 For Next 30 Days to Those 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Who Intend Building. Best Wire Nails, per keg, only ... - $2.20 Cut Shingle Nails, the kind that holds, per lb.. lie Cut Spikes, per lb Lock ,Sets, complete, only 35c Other Hardware greatly reduced. lie Big stock of Galvanized Pails to be cleared at a sacrifice. See our window. Carload of Best Portland Cement at lowest Prices. 1 Headquarters For Bicycles and i Bicycle Repairs. ! 1a la 410 Fa i? 4 4 fla a V. H I Coitra1 Hardare >;• *OM #4414.444r4 4* Of *44*.****'W.' : 0 ', i