HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-05-28, Page 7____.- — ---.�, .-- ___ -.--. ________ — - �-WIT77---TV, -, _.— _____;W -wA T` — - - -_ --..".Iqlllplp..,--"Irv"wl - .74 . �,_'1111 1, ... � I � I I . I
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_ . �_ I — ': A"O."'.X. , . 7� "I! 1 , (luffli's. Cold uputralit , R114 %cout his.
, , tally may C -Luse Infloululation 01
tunato cliquoll to roocuo All Wo belong- t BROKE RIEXCORD, I thf) otolnAoh 4n4 convulsiono, 4nd fro. WIDOW SLAIN,
%tion. 'They 4ocaro, tbitt nothing .
nnrD - Ings, ITO sjal,4 thatthle, aleep w WELCOME FOR 1421101V1141 a 4olinite pledge to Intro4we a _� itly death, The Poison lit trAus-
Itell b the shout a 4, NVOM11611P 0-91' womenle iluffrage measure will. satisfy �er%od also. in milk and meat."
flig escape inight Ilave blaell ICS'S
�U I Wise, . Ith. un, ons Body of Mrs. Carri Show vouoi
GUILTY OF M MiX11% 0 - thew. The leaders announce w M44o the Fastest Trip of Any Stoom The familiar and to Many Pori 0
y Or -nalght not have been effected o compromising fierceness. "We shall ilow " disagreeable sirlell. ,of Mutton I% bo as-
' . ,',Is, , 'JACK TARS conduct & More vigorous campaign that' � ' sort:3, A distinctly cancerous smoll, He In Pond at Hortonvi.110, w1s,
. at 4111, eir Across. the Ocean,
TU Prowler Whitney this morning stated' policy of opposing Govern- I states that lie has produced conditions ---
0 that the c1lovernment would hold an !n- - ()ur I shollar to those. of cancer by rublil .
eVer in
, ME VERDIC"111 GIV EN , U S. Sailors t 'Invilt notilinces Ill t1lo4y.electiolls will healthy flesh with butteroupa, and da! Ap lotoll, W$s., Il[ay 20,—Tile body of
VeStigation Into the fatal fire at Tillsou. Australia to Give . . L . he bo vigorously pursued. Now Lost In the MisL Somewhere P
burg, particularly with regard to tile L Time, of Their ,Lives, - There will probably be plenty of thric' cl4res that in all probability the d1H. Urs. Canie Miaw, a wealthy young wl-
L .. I I . PI) of provision for escape. � . Near 5;audy' Hook, ease has Ito origin in'the meat or .
— ., , _ � - _ . __ � � ., it arent lack, 4 �A - � I for the filifilment of tbeso-threats, Mr. . 111111C of anillials which eat the flow- dew of Ilortonville, Was. found lit 4
: I - At;qulth rejuarked that every inorlient ers, Ife urges the destruction of the Millpond Ili that village to -day, all the
Effort to Save Guiseppe The court roota was crowd(4 all ,at- es$ions, Receptions, Trolley of tile (11overnineut's time Avas already illdivatious pointing to 4%, brutal murder.
I ternoon by an eager audience, and it GIRL SFAAVT I.NG. Proc pledged to measures whieli could not --be New York, .May 21 --Somewhere, out I)IO0111. I - - . LL. Part of )ter t-lothing was found oil tile
I was thought at one tinin that the jury Rides, Etc., at Sydney. abandoned, mua spoke of introducing all near tile ,,Sandy Hook lightII tile . .- � -1 anks and later ber body, badly muti-
From Gallowsa I . 1*
. wouU not brIn electoral reform bill "before tile close Of douse fog bank, -wbich has been banging latI?d,'W08 found 'Ili, twelve feet of water,
6! in its verdict lost even- .
Jug at all, At 401he verdict was given. 1 Pi�tsburg Women Chase Escorts - the.present Parliament." . OV 14PAR 50 KILLED .
it wits announced this morning that ' over the oepan. since yesierday, the big I Charles Abrams, of New London, wila
be brought tip for oil lklelbourne,.Afay 25.- -The offIcial pro- 4 -� �. , liner Lusitania Is swinging tit anchor to. 1148 been keeping compaily witil Mrs.
, .
4 Great Surpr# e atL th Greco, would not From Roof t� Roof. graiume. for the reception of the United Shaw, is under itrrest. Ile is known to
is e � tence until the end of the court, Viol day, probably once More the unrivalled And a Hu
will be about noon to-worrow. . 14tates warships line not been completed: BURNED LETTERSO ,udre4 Hart In. 4 Railway
I . queen of the seas. When the giant tur. I I have been Ili ]ter eoulpikily as late as, 9
Murder Verdict. X, C.. counsel for It is understood. that on landing Sydney Wreck In Belgium. O'clock last ilight,
I G,nieseppe, said lie did not know lit J?Ittsburg, May 25.-Wonicu crusaders 'es will ro- biner shot past Fire Island at 1.04 a. lit. � — Abrams gave a detailed account of Ilia
ould of tile NV. 0. T. U, under tile protte. the Commonwealth authoritl -dO, lit a sliced of 30 miles tin hour visit to 41ortonville yesterday,. and said
tile ulom�llt just whet course lie IV )let 0 fi- . n . I . Autwo,r), I'TaY 25. -The worst railroad he left -Alto. 8haw at file depot last
(From Priday's DiVily ,rimes.) pursue, but lie thought lie Would ap. tion of special police officers who have eelve Admiral Sperry and Ills 0 f Plates so, opHis Fathees ,Behalf to
, .
4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0+4�-#-,O-*+-*41+.+"-,�-t-4-4-41* ply to the Minister of Justice for a caused considerable excitement in pro- cers. Tito party will theit be recelypil In M40 WOOA'S Suit (niore than 23 Jujots) an4 wits. lost in catastroplie ever recorded Ili Belgium ulggllt�
, . the mist, she was carqlng.a record of - took place near Contich, six miles South. ... �ly mother and Mrs. Shaw's mother
commutation. minclif down town oaf ca in the qlMt Of by the State authorities, and later by — , hours Caste east of Antwerp, this morning, whon.
Gulseppe Greco, found guilty of . .r than eVerL made before by a were great frionlis," said Abrams, "and �
murder, To be sentenced At close No Bill Against Prime, strmy girls had a, tUrilling experience tyie civic authorities fit the Town 1-1411, - York, Ifity 25. -Frank IT, Platt, ' , because Of a Misplaced switch, the Ant. lied known Mrs, ffluliv nearly 411 my life,
�; , . New .a 0. Platt, ship On tile long trans-Atlautic high: .
The Grand Jury this moruing broughle last night, 111he women, and off icers Col. Ali extensive procession has Wen ar- son of U. ii. Senator TlI I worp express, running tit 50 miles all . although I had not, seen ]ter Am Nov.
In "No hill" against Brullo (Areco,-bi�- , 0
of present couft. A lowed a young girl and Upanese escort r4nged In, which tile visitora will be in- ,g to*d, in the sult. for divorce 800b thilt, Moment $lie has been as oni ltoiir, crailied into a train loaded with , muber until I met )ter on Tuesday In
/ Bruno Greco, brother of Gut- ther of Quiseppe. The count was "deces- froul a. cafe to & Fifth avenue office viLed to take part and a circuitous routs 'I' ' li�mj ly tho Senator by Mad O. pletely lost to view as if in wid. .Ocean,. pilgrims on a aiding. Hortonvillie, WO correapotided, at
te� !,.
i"O" e� 'I e� t I
seppe, discharged, grand jury .41olly after tile fact." Tito Crown did not building. Gaining access to the Mice by ,%Vill be followed, ill order to affor(I all vvo,lil'I that lia believed tione Of but the wireless has told that she con. E very car of the pilgrims' train, QX- though it cannot be said that we were"
. tile letter I
, a ititi 4 by 1.14
biluging,in no bill, have, enough -evidence to warrant putting the fire escape they arrested tile girl, opportunity to as many of the citizens lodu,e $8 Wood as '. litted ]ter flight over fit least most of 0(lpt tile foremost one, was telescoped. keeping company with.cach. other.
Iiiin oil trial except tot- 00111111011, assault but the Japanese escaped to the roof, as possible to welcome tile Americans, evidence in her suit, were true copies of P) Ther cars were literally ground to pieces "Yesterday 1 we
- -I,- : _+ J4,+-*4-*-+_-0-�*" me 8 ,eye e 0 in 0 ark lie had ex- the 27 oilles which separated her front and practically all lit to I-rortonville to
++, :,I � againtA 3VlQIxlO la, W110111 it IS alleged that After ha o r ill ro f tb III - A reception will follow at Centennial . those writtoil by his. father. . the passengers were tack up solue signs, About 4,40 o'clock
A Hamilton despatell SaYS: lie strilel; with P, pick handle, when the tiess from building to building the of- Park. It is suggested.tbat delegations ainined, carefully the original co�les 'Of )ter goal.
latter tried to assist Rieszo Ili resising Cicero also captured the foreigner, In from other States should visit Melbourne letters wr . itten by tbe 8cuator o Miss Just where all(, was when the either killed oi- badly injured, About I was leaving the Rvory flear the Ailing -
It was -svith a' gasp -of surprise and . 0 l wireless Nytts sent even those oil board flay dead people filready have been re- ton Hotel find inet Mrs. Shaw, Site
(41111seppe, the Tneahtinte the theatre cro-wd.9 Ili al�d Sydney, these to include military Wood which were turned over to hini by tile steamer did not know, J)ut on shore moved from the w-reelc and succor is be told me she bad something to tell me,
incredulity, Viat the Nyliolo court receiv. Ouisoppe �Vvlll be sentenced to-luorrOfl Fifth avenue witnessed the sensational dctac,huielIC;, so that the military dis- Abraham II. Hummel; upolk payment of it !a taken for granted that Captain hig extended to more than 100 injured We met another girl later in the overt -
ed the verdlet of "Guilty -of I-Curder,l), morniug tit 9 o'clock, and it is understood citu'so, and almost tied up traf fie A short play wiJI be ,all impressive one. $10,000, lie said, and thoke were no such AV.atts made certain that lie, lie(! ed Surgeons, doptors, and nurses afrived Ing.
, pass
yesterday afternoon, from the jury Ill lie will to aelitelleet.1 to lie. lilinged on time later the women trI another After the first day only one-third of communications among them Lis tile a)- the record line off the lightship before early from Antwerp at the scene of tile "About 8.30 o'clock I called up Mrs,
Aug. 21. That will give Mr. O'Reilly Fifth avenue building and using the fire. the crewl; will be allowed ashore. A toged copies produced in coutt. letting down his anchors. %Nlierover site - wreck. Shrieking and helpless wounded Shaw and asked )ter if I could see )ter.
tile Greco trial. After the favorable ad- till opportunity to enter all appeal to escapes again caused the arrest of two rpecial feature of the programme will Mr. Platt also testified that none of is, there site must remain until tile fog POrsons are still pinned under the de Sho said Rhis w6ultl be ready Ili a few *
dress given by His Lordship, Chief ,Tile. tile � 8 a I o touples Ili a third floor office. lin an entertainment exclusively for tile a lifts Sufficiently to Qormit her to work bris, and tlte scene is one of horror that minutes. I then met ]ter and- we talked
. 111lister aj �!Il ties, III it is xpeot. the. letter' received froill Rummel coil-
tice, Mulock-, there was not one in the ed that tile CAlet Justice will ask for - - - tained any reference to a martinge lbe- I L Way cautiously lip through the nar. - beggars description.
eltecutive clemency, thus sending Gul. , sailors. . tweeit ,Senator Platt and Miss Wood. Ile ter . ,lbout various things, I asked to meet
t room expected that the jury would re- Some difficulties have been encoun- now channels to the harbor and her The station at Contich has been con- )ter as I wanted to know what it was
seppe-to the peulterI CHURCH SQUABBLEf tered Ili arraligging naval reviews, owing said that after reading tile lettPre lie (look. .- . verted Into a temporary morgue and
turn a verdict -of murder against the pri- racrially destroyed them by burning site bad to tell me,
There ,was. no disagreement on the to tile inadequacy of the harbors for ')o I 0 Ito$ ital, and is rapidly filling up with '
soner. The feeling of the lawyers was . th May Win SUbsidy, p My mother died about two weeks
. , part of the jury !.it the murder trial. 0 manoeuvring purposes, em. in ,a grate in bis, OTC lee. the dead and woundea. The ,work of a '
ally tbl� The,Tramwity Company in , it , — -4�- s 0 - Now York, May 25,-Traiis-Atlantic go and Mrs. ffliawL talked to Me About
. that itmfould bring inverdletof -attemp- c, it being, ascertained that the this el y - rescue is being admirably handled, and
ted murder, and the crown prosecutor reason it ]jail talcen so long m Minister Defies Conference and the will give free passes to .ill the American rL',eords for average speed find for the- everything nossible bding done to it. She expressed ]ter sympathy s�veral
. Mr. Eminerson. Coatsworth, X, C., ; it decision was that the jurors -went very sailors throughout their stay. An � CARBLOWN UP. shortest -trip over the louly'coi]Irs i l�ff I alle. times. Site talked of going awat, and
gave Church Is Locked Up. . . broken 'by the Ounard Lionor Lusitaiiia, eriugs of the illjur�d, All finally we walked toward the depot,
a slight gasp of surprise whon t1io ver- darefully over tile evid(,neer to see if there sive scheme is afoot for the Illumine, Lion . . which arrived ,liere to -day, Thebig ship the clergy and physicians of Contieli when a freight train came in. This was
0 was it loophole by whip �
,,It they could let of Sydney barbor,. tile lighting'Of' tile and the soldiers from the neighboring about 1.30 o'clock, and a couple. of min-
di�t was received. the prisoner down easier, but they could A Windsor, Ont., des atch., Rev. 0. IT. headlands to be the chief feature. It (of an,ohored off tile Sand�r Hook,, lightshil? barracks are taking p , ,art in We work. In utes later Mrs. Shaw said site guessed L
. The jut�y deliberated for five hours find none. 'There was no balloting, the p I - t� . .. ,Dynamite Cars While Se - Itlemen ill alienvy fog at 2.55 this morning, just addition to the surgeons who have hur. ,
McGowan, pastor of tile -Colored Metbo- . four days, 20 hours. and 22 minutes after she would go up, town again. This was
find, 20 rainutes before reaching the jury being of one mind oil the subject* ag ii n t . rou. Strike Is Discussed. ried down front Antwerp, an ambulance tile blat I saw of he,.,,
di is a I. 1 site passed Daunt's Rack. This beato the corps fr � . .
fruin the start. One of the jury'llou said "at U'P*09ml 01111'rell, MAE WOOD IN CELLO' I best previuus titite for tile long, course om Amiens, td�o is on the scene. I Abrains is about 26 years old, and -
above decision, and Jahn f8ager, Bever- -as suggested, life. After having trouble With ;ill cle. . 'appi . It now appears that the locomotive of
. that it pleft for mercy IV Cleveland, Mmay 25. -The near -oach. made by ;]ter sister ship, the Mauretari'm tbo express train jumped the track. carne to this city March lat.
ly-township, was the forellinn who alls. but ,was also found impossible. melIL of Ills congregation litat summer, I! of paace in the local street car war did by three hounq and 37 rnintites, end 'is' . Miss Hattie Joequot, -it chum of Mrs.
I Ayerid the question put to lihn by the Mr. S. F. Washill-crton, X. U., the as- plunged into and completely wrecked
i In . lie was ordered to go to Brantford. Ile Still Pehists That Sbe Is the Wife not prevent dynamiters from following only one holly and 42 niinutm longer H,haw, stcys Mrs. Abrams, ipother of
court clerk, Mr. T. IT. A. Begue, a to sistant Crown Prosecutor' -will receive refused and later was expelled fdr iniub- . out their usual operations last night than tile Lusitanil0a xecor*d bf 4 days, 18 tile last three passengers conches of the Charles Abrams, and tile motherA tile
9 !ice for the Crown, Mr. Coats- 0 1 ' hou'r8 and 40. minittes, over the short train on tit& siding, This train was car- _
. whether the jurors had a do tile sente rdination. fie lins been. orderpd to it of Senator Platt. not less than half 0�, dozen cars being rying an excursion of pilgrims to a L (lead woman were Intimate friender be.
. '
cisiou. Sager replied in,.a firm voice that worth being .unable to be present to- pear for trial on June 3, but refuses � . damaged, while several persons received course. . fore. the dentli of.Mrs. Shaw's mother, -
morrow morning. ru at as be already 1p ex . I ed for local shrine.
the jury hvId found Greco guilty of mur- Br . d.,' Will Keep Up the Fight—But Will bijuries. The Litisitania�s average spe - -' Miss Joequot says Mrs. Shaw's mother
� der. His Lordship seemed very much ufto Took Release Badly. )olled, the conference has no Juris I The most serious outrage was the - the vo�age was 54.83 knots, and this expressed it desire before )ter death,
I 3fr. O'Reilly too].; the Order for the Eon over him and lie will not appear. be Prosecuted. . blowing lip of a car carrying ton pas- time goes far t6ward securing'for ]ter WRECKED HOUSE. that her daughter marry Abrams and
suzi,lsed, ' announced that he would discharge of Bruno down to the jail Tile ,church bas been locked aince last songers at the corner of lehicloid avenue owners the British :mail subsidy of that tile daughter resented the wish.
11� nor'..Re"ItolrilliTile prisoner then, and did about 11.30 this morning, and it was July on account of .legal proceedings by and Hast 116th street. I 'I ' $750,000, iwoutised when tile Lusitania. � - :: _- F_
Id be delighted to the.conference, which are still Traliging � to c a,ri, ,V,�, : 1 and Mhurittania each shall have avordig. '
not indicate wit New York, May 25,11fte 0. Wbod, wrecked and two of the tell pass Ig -
ether it Nvould be to-dily expected that lie won 0
-lie sittings of the court, get Ills freedo.m. When he learned, how. fire. McGowan remains in charge and is -son' yesterday oil it were b'adly hurt. A section of tile 11-.�aek I ed 24.50 knots per* 'hour or better for. eneva Residence Suffers From BRAVE STRUGGLE.
. �
or at the end of L ever, that lie would not see his brother holding services in private ,houses. who was sent to pri und trip passage. � . -
when lie would pass tbe decree of death. clia e of perjury after her divorce suit a foot long was blown to atouls. Five 11, 110 .
. RgiLill, Ile begall pounding ilia head with �: I I - Irg . other cars were dynamifed lit various I . -1 : I I Bomb Explosion. . -
. The prisoner was riot informed offi against Unitqd Statlas Senator Thomas . I
cially of the verdict, but lie intimated bis fists, ill ]its cell, and seemed to go 0 sections of the city during the 1`9 - NURSE FOUGHT DELIRIOUS MAN ON
before the jury was brouglit in, to Ills out of his mind for a while. It took the QUEBEC BRIDGE 0. Platt lied been dismissed, was still in but no one was seriously injured. sinec' FRANCIS JOSEPH. Geneva, N.Y., May 25. -Tho residenco of TORONTO HOSPITAL VERANDAH.
jail authorities some time to get hini — - . it cell to-fday. Apparently no effort lied d glit thh) morning no disorder of any
lawyer, that he was prepared for any- i Igli has been reported. . I -
thing. The prisoner made the statement quieted, but It was with tears ill Ills Secretaq of Humber Bridge Co. to been made to pr9cure the $5,000 bail, al- I . Fillipo, Lanasa in this city, was partl3 Miss Bateman Risked Life to Save
9irough an interpr6ter, and was smil- eyes that lie left the jail. The hard L though Iv.liss'Wood had said immediate- Tile modi�tors who are trying to bring - 85,000 Children Sang Hymns In demolished last night by the explosion I
ing, as if nothing had happened. Sbnrt- part of it was that there was no intor- Appear Before Committee. ly after her arrest yesterday that she about a settlement Of the strike again of a, boVib. A large tbole was torw in Arthur Savage, Who Was Going to,
ly after the jary'canie in the room and preter present AN'lien. lie was given Ilia re- __ resumed their labors tp-day. It is said . Honor of Aged King. the front of the house and the interior Throw Himself From Balcony at St.
made known its decision, but Greco was lease to explain to. him the positions J was sure influqn-tial friends it% Wilshing- they are deadlocked on the choice of , IL . . was, badly wrecked. Houses in the ne Wgh- Michael's Hospital. '
I kept in ignorance, and wits hurried from that lie and his brother -iVere Ili, 6�nd lie Otta-wa, Ont., 1161 25,The special ton would come to her assistance. She a third arbibrator. Two ar-bitraturs Vienna, May 25�Over 85
the court room by the county constables could not be made to understand why it committee of the Commons appointed to have already been named. 1000 V'cuna borhood were also considerably (Iftin.
. has'taken her imprisonment as plillo, . I school children gathered early to -day in k,
and taken from Hie building to the jail ivits that he.was let go and his brother inquire into the conditions under which ally as she did the damuging at- L .. 4 - I , L ark of Schooeribritrin Castle, aged. Lanas is a prominent Italian fruit. A Toronto desp'atch - Taking a ]leader
. I I kept in. . to Government paid money to the Que- . 80"llicupon Iter eviden during the trial MARSH the 1) the dealer. Ile said last night that he 1,ad 'through a large plate glass window at
where lie remained over niait. talks ce WAS A CANADIAN.
. '
0 I ti .1 suburban residence of Emperor F rancia riot received any threatening letters nor
'__ .---.---- ___ _ itself. ruler, -hur Savage,
. bee Bridge Company or guaranteed their - of Joseph, to pay homage to the aged had lie made any enemies to his know. St. MichaePs Hospital, Art
. bonds, and ineasures .taken to ensure It is likely that ]ter case will be called Victim of Hydrophobia a Native who this year celebrates 'the sixtieth ledge. It.is supposed the bomb was set aged 28, 1798 Queen ALreet, east, a de,
GOOD NEWLS. WAKED GUESTS. to the attent,ion of the grand jury to- Consecon. of ilia ace9ssion. to
r, , . proper plans for construction of the (lily, and in thq, event of oil indictment anniversary , tb(i off by a fuse. No one wits injured. lirious patient, would infallibly have
.� . - . — . bridge, field their first meeting to -day. being found ajainst her the District New York, Ifay. 25. -Dr. Ire. Van throne. The Empgroi appeared at a I : fL . .
, . . Mr. A. X. Maclean, Luneriburg, was ap. J Meson, expert on hydrophobia fdr the balcony of the palace and was greeted R I thrown- himself off the verandah on
I RAN THROUGH BURNING HOTEL Attorney has said that lie will move DYNAMITE IN THE RIVE: . . which be landed if Nurse Bateman had
Parailites 1"hat Kill Bugs, Flies and pointed chairman. On motion of Mr. . ' ard of Health, was inoeu- with great enthusiasm. After the chil-
. AND FAINTED ON TOP FLOOR. Monk it was agreed to summon. Mr. with all possible speed in her pros,0011- Now York Bo o -day while dren sung a number of bymns, his ma- . I
Fruit Pests. Ul.tric Batfic, secretary of tile Humber t!On- , lated with hydrophobia t, not thrown herself upon him and held -
I "This case is one of a viciolm type not Making an autopsy on the body of Will. jesty came down from the balcony and New York, May 25. -That an ,,it- him. till assistance caine.
I I Miss Cornell, Cook in 111 -Fated Hotel at Bridge Company, to appear at the )text if. Marsh, the Brooklyn manufacturer, talked with them. . . tempt ivas made- last night to blow Savage, who was in a critical condi-
� I .. Meeting with. the company's book of dr1countion in this city," said Mr. Jerome bliat disease yesterday. Dr. 77 : � I up the neiv bridge of the New York, tion with pneumonia, had just been left
I San Francisco, May ZI.-,Mter a Ke- Tillsonburg, Was the Means of 'juininte4 me -counts, contracts. with re- tO-dRY- "It will be presented to the who died of I New Haven & Hartford Railroad over by the night janitor at 12.30 o'clock. .
. markabler quest in ,,he far east for nat- Rousing Sleepers to Sense of Danger gard to.work of construction, contracts grand jury as speedily as possible, and Van Giesen scratcWd his arm with one , FIFTEEN- HURTS the Harlem River at Weatfarms.road
L - woman is indicted site will be of the bones of Mr. Marah's body. became known -to -day when a valise lie then appeared sane and collected.
placed on trial in t -)r. Van Giesen. I
. ural enemies of posts that infest Ameri- --,5aved SeveKal Lives. for loans and advances, and 'all papers' If the ,he hope that her con- I said lie hq,a been in- . Die attendant had barely got out of .
. . . . containing ten sticks of dynamite was V
. can Orchards, George Coulpere, ontolliol- I - .--. relating to matter referred to the com- 16 warning that such oculated before, and -lie expressed only found floating in the river. An in. the semi-pri ate ward oil the second
. . . Wittee for consideration. It was also vietiOu will foruisfi Serious Collision of Trolley Cars where Savage 'was in bed, whet).
. . ogist, arrived here ov. the liner China, , Tillsonbufg despatch: The physicians agrded to obtain before the next, sitting offences. cannot go unwhipped by jus. annoyance at the accident. He -went vestigation followed the finding of floor, .
1. I lagb night succeashil. Ile left in Nvest- report that III the patients, who were all the papers in possession of the GeV- tice.11 � vl to the laboratory of the Board of Realtli Near Brooklyn Bridge. the valise, and the police learned that lie heard a loud crash. Savage had
ern. Australia a parasite that Was Te- 'Miss Wood seemed riot at all disturb-* for treatment, and ,%Vill go to the Pas- the wdtcbmaii on the bridge had be3n slitting out of bed and had dashed him-
. . .fL,- I ducing the ravages of the fruit fly to a injured yesterday a,t the Quo�au's Totel erpluent relating to .tile bridge company. . . set upon by live men during a
. The tonimitteo adjourned until Tuesday, ed by the prospect of a quick proseett. tour institute later. The allI Show- L . last self frenziedly through the heavy pl te
. noticeable degree. This parasite Nye's bro are somewhat lmp�ov.ad. X1 1 a s J,M, 2, Lion held oixt by District Attorney Jer- 'ed that Marsh died of hydrophobia. ' L glass wiiidow. He fell with a thind on
� lit Brooklyn NoNv Yor1c, May 25. -Fifteen persons night, when he caught them in the the verandah outside the window of tile
I discovered five years ago in India, but oine. "I suppose I shall have to swallow Tile , feeling of alarm . - act of placing a charge of dynamite first floor, bleeding pi-ofuselY from the
. previolls attempts to introduce it into Dunbar, who was ' regardetf'ms die most : - �_ any medicine they prescribe for me, for which followed the news of Mr. MaTsll!s onr probably fatally, to under the structure. The watchman .
- .
Australia failed oil aectitulL of tile OPTIO, . critical, regil4ned consciuu*nuss after A BLACKMAILER AT WORK. "But you may death was intensified this afternoon day in a collision of trolley cars at tile succeeded in driving off the men, cuts he had received from the broken
� r,weaty-four. hour,%, and ill[ Syfllp�UIIIS aid she. I e glass. Ile lied only his night shirt On
site seasons. Ily putting the bugs to aow indicil.te improved conditions.' Mrs. Prominent People. of the Capital 'a say this for me, as long its I live and' when a mad dog dashed through the Marthatt-lin end of tile Brooklyn Bridge. who dropped the dynamite into th Il. wits fearfully cut all over the body,
sleep Ili India ,with Ice, Compere got -john INI,eru, who sustalued a collipoulid `1` there is a Pfatt alive I shall fight', and -streets and bit three persons. The dog ArI Webb, Win. F. Hagge, Geo. lie- river. It was picked up by.a barge au It
'' 100,000 of them to Australia alive. He . . Victims. fight hard, for my rights." -was finally shot afid killed by a police, 'Guinness and Geo. Smith, all Of BrOOk- Captain, who turned it over to the face a d legs. Miss Bateman, 'who wits
. � tracture of the leg, is r,3-,(.Illg quictly . . ,.Do you still claim you are Senator man, and the three men who had been lyn, ,were taken to a bospilal and may police. oil night duty on the first floor, grasped
. I . woke them up Ili the Aust-ralift -wintler. �r recovery is now expolned. �Nlh,b - - Nobwitbstand- 1�, Inial were rushed to a die. Three' - !:%- :� Inning out
I Tito parasite apparently thinking they and Ili Ottawa, May 25. lmtt's wife?" . . bitten by the ,am cars were wrecked, one be I tile situation at once, and ry
were still in India 'went to work with 'A .iiiunie Illero it; restless, and it, will III bw Vie severe example made some "I certainly do,". she replied, "and I hospital. There their wounds were ing telescoped, through the breaking of TRANSFER OF PRISONERS'. grappled with the man, who had risen
I . Will. ,.Three generations of native boril sollic Lillys be10-j*o tile ic.imi;s likely to inoonths. ago Ili the case of an anolly- would have proved it if they had riot cailterized, after which they were taken a rod which controls the brakos, of one Lo throw himself over tile low stone
1. .ongs saw Lne'light, before Compore left 101low tue blioek Nvia lit,- defluitclv as- nicus letter writer. It appears -as robbed ind of all in - y papers. I did not, to the Pasteur Institute. of the cars. Because of the heavy rain Treaty Between U. S. and British Con- coping into the paved court below. The
� . certained. Aiiss Canlpb�kl I,' gradItally though some one is tit, the game again .
i . tile Antipodes. expect to win. 1. feared that the it Rainsey Afal-sli, the 21-yemr-old son, all cars on the bridge were ininsually cerni7ig Canada Reported. - patient4 saw tile two struggling for sev-
I I ite recovering from tlI,3 sh".1c, alla hill' ill- lit Ottawa. From -what can be as- Bu he rushbours to -day. * oral minutes out'in the moonlight, the
, . � He also took to Australia, ft Pal'As thuate recovery is believod 1() be 10111 certained in police circles, tile Sam.- Would be dismissed, and I had counted and Alias Edua Thompson, bookkeeper crowded in t Washington, May 25. -Tho itian bleeding from a dozen
! which swept aWay like fire the cabblige' . . oil being permitted to go illy WRY -1 for Mr. Marsh, are taking the Pasteur —.000, -- Senate frantic
. . aphis. Mr. I Compere has brought to a. (lu4L$tlOu Of tIlUO. a class of people as -were Made the recip. old Platt after treati-nolit in an effort to ,ward'off itu . N, Committee oli Foreign Relations. Voted gashes, and -the white uniforined nurse.
i � , ille 'j.hat oile lone and terrified wont it ients q;f the last periman's epistles are would notlitive bothered o GAF -LIC IN DETROIT. to -day to report favorably it convoti- Id not break
I California, a parasite to destroy vriter that, I did not expect this," she added, attack.of the rabies. The young mail Savage, feeling that lie (!Oil
, I I , . mealy bug, a pest that causes groat rushing through. tile corridors of a blitz- again being favored -by Ole liew I . to glanced around at the narrow does not recall being bitten, - tion with Great Britain relating to ' loose, -strove with all his might to take
*1 0 0 %Nreekage and salvage and the transfer N with him into the court
o the orange grower. 1-11 6A(ov- 111"' 11"L aid waking the sleeping guests Naturally the people Nvilio receive the Ets- a] but Alias Aged Bruce County Couple Found Wan , , urse Bittemall
grief t to If letters do riot care to complain to tile cell. Thompson wits attacked by the dog the dering in Street.
cred this friendly bug in Japan. 1wis the iiiiiiiiis of saying tile must, i - :- . aay after Mr. Marsh contracted the dis- I aC prisoners ill Canadian waters. A below, and so tIveY sAva,7ed for wine
not all, OIL', lives Of those who c-scapod police, and while the latter are aware .. 1. -1.11 - -bitration treaty with Den- ,\1,
. I T Minutes. ,hen tile janitor appeared,
- - 1: . . from destruction. lit the burning Of 1,112 of the fact that fresh blackmailing DOCTOR TAKES OVERDOSE. ease$ and sustained a bad bite on her ' Detroit, Alich., May 25.--.'LNfr. ind Alt*. gelict at . 'Ile
� ! TREED BY WOLVES. Queen's RoLel Wednesday morning, and scheme is under way. they have not chin. McLean, aged u1noLy and eighty years, inark wa,; favorably reported, a� were and.Sava,"e was dragged back into t
� - attending tile. respectiVely, who left their ]ionic ' Ill also two treaties ;vith. .Japan for the ward, Iliss' RittelI '%VRS almost ex.
. Aaaw & Suits, il,cclares Dna-L )I,. owes been officially requested to take ul� tile Holland' Landing Xedico Had Hard While the physicians
! young man an�l Miss Thompson feel Bruce county, Outarlo,-to visit their protection of American trade marks, hausted and could not have kept up the
� I Western Man's Adventures Near Canora, life Ili, doing as sit,-- did, is alipti,reilit case.' Fight for Life. - has passed daughter Ili Mount 01011'ells', Mich., patents and copyrights it, Mi'llebur!" struggle much longer. The patient Was
. � Saskatchewan. I front tile stories told 1)y thow who The letters fire, it is stated, coucheil , confidonto that *all dangei �, were found wandering aimlessly around and Corea, and japittlese trade mark4, taken back to bed alit, ilia cuts washed ,
� . in Practically -the same terms via obar- Toronto, May 25.-Sittiiig Ili a ebair they will watch the two'Vith great III ,
I " oscaped from the blazing, hou-1. To I 'rosvenor House for the ilext three weeks. tile streets ,here this morning. The patents and copyrights Ili the Unitotl unit dressed.
- Carlora, Sask., May 25.-Jolin Good- ,%liss Cornell, who for years was Look acterized th; old epistles and are ad- in the vestibule of the G S� police turned them over to the pool, 8tates. At oil executive session 1mtqr I ,40`_ I
w, rich has returned from tin exploring , � - dressed both to men and 'women of last night, Dr� Lapp,'a visitor from Hol- Brockville, May 21�.Hayor C. I -tot-, who have in the dity the treaties were ratified Ity
iles north, it the Queens, Many of the inore,ftir high social or political standing. Ili land T.aiidind� told a neighbor that lie Cossitt, of this town, receivea word this commission, and the Imt
.� � trip to Ilia' ranch some 75 mi cunate, guests attribute their escape, dealt successfully with for- tile Senate. I SIX- MURDERED.
. for years - III- I
� during which lie lied an unusually try- and one nian, Mr. R. 41. ovi.rholt,, of ninny cases the wrltdr shows 0oft- had takensoine strychnine mixture, and morning of tlic death at,Nlew York of -
. . ing experience. About a month ago , eigners of all tongues, Inever failing to - 11
Xoronto, rept"ell-ting .1\1e,ssrs. Brad. aiderable, knowledge of the private r,f- wanted some belladonna, and, almost im- IV. I -T. Marsh, it ,wealthy manufacturer secure all. ititai-preter, are now baffled THE, LUSITANIAIS SPE, ED, .
. ]II Goodrich left Wre for Ilia rauch *11aw & Sons, declares tll.i lie OWN' fit'" of the person addressed, and the modiately stiffened and collapsed. Drs. there. ITV wits, a native of CorI by the G h couple, who - JAMES BRImMINGSTALL CHARGED
. with sixty head of cattle, During a ilia life to her courage. Fron, ,what letters are evidently the work of Graham and Teskey were hurriedly sent and niarried Iliss Cossit, of Brockville. can speak vory little English. Average Rate of Over Twenty-five Knots WITH SERIES OF CRIMES.
snowstorm ,that intervened the cattle ql- somebody who his, resided in the for, and for all hour and a half fought Ile ,%vent to New York 25 years ago, and .
� can be joarn,L4 of the awf ill awakL They cannot explain how they retteltiFil on Westward Voyage. —
: scattered around tile country in capital for.some time. I to counteract the effects of the doze of became Presidelib of the Standard
� to ten, To make ing of tho slumbering llotol it was due Detroit instead of - ,
bunches of frOMI . -_Y:*� Or- .Mt. Clemens. They 25, --Tho Curaid. Vein- - ilia Wif a HIS
Vornall, who ran all through poison Ito, had taken. Recovery wits de- Witter Ileter Company, which, lie ' C Attempted to
! le bo this N l 0 are -being cared for by the Poor Iom- London AIR Make
k tliing� worse he lost 46 temill. Whi , RVANTS' APPEAL laye(l, some time, as no anaestlictics ganived. He was it brother of Alvin . . b deci%re tTmt lip to noon of 11ILY
I _I� from the kitulten to tile top 11118sloll, un, Seventh Victim -She Appealed to
� - t-th, tile house CIVIL Sr ft, tit - their relatives call Ile Pally -�
. . crossing a bog about fifty miles noi of floor, screaming no she 'an the 0110 I could be- administered, but; finally about Marsh, formerly Mayor of Denver, who reached. .00 20 tlw liner Lusitania, which left Daunt' `e Killed Mall
L I the animals suddenly dropping out errible word firel firel until she faillt. Taxati6ii of Incomes Before Supreme 11 o1cloofc Dr. Lapp was pilt to bed, and (lied two years ago. I - ". - Rock last Sunday at 11.33 a, In. for Ne polic -At Sixteen lie
. � right, and lie was unable to rescue , t I at tile a,,,
� ed at the end of her mission on the . Court. wits resting quietly last night. I -F, York, had covered 1,808 knots? Against Whom He Had Grudge. -
. them. med building. lit )lie room upstairs two bottles ]a- THE PLATT CASE'DISMISSiD. SANCTIFYING A CRIME. crago speed of 25.02 knots an -hour.
'1 During the search for his stock he ,was third floor of the doo . Ottawa, despatch: The Supreme Court belled poison were found. one contained Tt is understood that the present trip
� one night attacked by a large pack of U4very Person interview,:d by tho rt'. to day heard argument of counsel in - Night Riders Held Prayer Meeting at -,a being ruli under the observation of ,South llend, Ind., 11.1I 20- James
a case of Abbott vs, the city of St. the other arsenio. Dr. TApp had just Barn -Burning. . the builders of the vessel 'With tile view BrillImingstall, aged forty, is under
; wolves and forced to spend tile night in porter Ili telling of -Ills or her esoftli�! tit six ounces of strychnine mixture and Miss Wood, Who Sued for Divorce, Com- . I
i I ix tree, Ilia clothing was wet and froze stated that they were first awakened John, The question raised on this ap- been out of the hotel before he collaps- mitted for Perjury.: Itwenty-
f St. lIkeenter, JCy,. Hay 25.-Knealing oil of conforming tq the sliced sPecificati011s arrest at Dowagiac, Mich-,
of the Government.
I to his body, and lie was in all exhausted by the sereauls of the woniall. peal is whether the municipality o ea, and as the bottle of strychnine had Na -,v York, May 0 -1 -The case of tile ground in the moonlight with their .- I - seven miles iron, South i3end, Indi. .
condition by tile time the wolves dis- "I Owe illy life bi tile first place to j'ohn had power, under Provincial legis- but 0110 . _ I
� tile cook Ot the hotel, ,%jiss Gornell,�, dose taken out of it, It is sur- Mile 0. Wood, tile Omaha, 19I and ana, chargcd with six murder$. The
. peraed in the morningy. lation, to assess the income of tin offl, nlised that lie went Out to get the d'I newspaper woulall, who was , suin"g, )leads bowed, while their leader, his MRS. MARSTRAUD18 DEA ty he hits alread? confessed
, . . police sc
� . I': :� I declared Mr. It. .M. OverholL. I'LL was clal of the Dominion ilovernment. Ito is a man of abotit 60 years, has III United States Senator Thomas O., Platt masked fitee'txtrne(I toward heaven, of- His arrest followed, till 111'
t e'lle, who roused ble, sleePI119 RA I W,ls This question has heretofore been set-
� tROXF, INTO A CHURCH. ticed medicine -.it Rolland TAtudilIg, and for divorce, ,ealue to a sudilen end this fered prayer, it band of "night Aders" Eflough gichioriae of Mercury to Kill to two' to make Ilia Wife his
oil the third 8torvy, just lit tinl,o- You tied ill Canada againsi; the mitulcipali- - leged attempt
., ice, I bad & room. up oil the toIi flat, ties but tile Judicial committee of tile has been staying at the G .roavenor House afternoon when Justice 0`01ornian Ill Tuesday night destroyed the big to- iso People. seventh viI She eseape(l and ap,
! Woodstock Lad Confesses Also to Out -, and I was sound nalcep NOW" hot, ptl�'y Council, in a case from Australia, but a few days, �, . the, Supreme -Court dismissed the coal- bacon bara of 11. (I. Iladdox, riot far � � y 25.�Mi% Jogophino pealed to tile Police. The police S&Y
I glarizing a School, e S a 0 0 C . I 1-4— plaint and directed that the complain- (rain this place. . 'V ancouver, Ma. 9 old, wife of J. L, Brimmingstall confessed to killing it
. screams waked me. For abOut R s"' decided lit 1000 that tit t t t f Vi - - FRANCHISE FOR WOMEN. ant be committed to the city prison The spectacle was witnessed by Flint Marstraud, 'A"i year . ,,whom lie had
Idn't tell what was tile ffl-it- torfa c6uld tax the salary of all official of a Wealthy man in 1(unsits age.ilAt
. Woodstock, Ont., despatch, Asixteon- ond I cou rhell , of t I Com on e 00 bail Oil a charge of III anjall find ilia% Maggie Tate) two 1[ttrAraild, tile Sol' 4 He wits given ten yewrs in
I . -Old lad named William Jones ,,vm ter. I wastift fully awake, but AN le in w alth. * The ,Supreme tinder $5,11) 1.1 0 y ,slin. a grudge.
I . Year rest this afternoon by I smelled the silloke I juit grabbed Court of New Brunswick followed that Will Not 'ge' Opposed by British jury. II Wood was thken ab once young people, returning front it party, I)v(,-w(-r of Vancouver, died car) the penitentiatV for this, and on com-
q placed under ar '(,'to and rail 11110 -the decision Ili tile present ease, and hold . Government, to tlio Tanibs. . who were captured. by tile raiders and (lay, and to -day till in(llles't I',('Id found im, out killed 'it companion, and wag
I th, b 0
. chief Thompson of' tile elltI Of sonic of Any effL Seliator Platt denied absolutely that . at tile woluall ht,id taken. enoliff gi ell. three years More- The first
I breaking ifito the Virst Baptist Church 'corridor. Nlv'lwn I got thcre, there WdS that the Dominion attlarY Could be taxed. forced to.at-company thein to the pray-
. % London, May 25.--Vir, Asquith took lie had ever married the woman, and I dissolved blehloride of mereury to Oil V orninitted When the 111I
after that, Into tile cupboard where .%liss Cornell exhaubted tiIIJ just ready Judgment was reserved. a long step this aftern9on in the diree- �l Inecting and barn, burning. ',plle jury crime Wits C
And other evidence went to allow that file 4, d the -1, 1111116ed and fifty people. � old, In
; f1c eareraunlon wine is Rept. There to faint, The court adjourned until 1.1'U04day, tion of encouraging the claims of women After tile torch had been applie, . uly,, sixteen years
wits no wine in tko cupboard at tile her to a balcony lit t1w tit(, d to form of Illarringe certificate produceil. o distanw, JOcided ilint it was prob,ably arei- de'!OT wits oJ je two, the police claim
, 2(;tli of May, fot tile, purpose of for enfranclulp.litelit whell lie rePI10 l,ilfillb, and whIell she tes. young people were led sent fact,
: "I dragge(l . 0 t, A the Ontario ))At. ,tit important delegation of Medical Illelft- by thc, co"11A a,way, with, instructions to go )'()Inc. As d0lital death, but tile , are to be addition to thei ad two unknown
_ 'who were a ' men ill it tent, Ill Missouri, Dav
time, Tile same night 011e of the -Will- rear will another illan joined "A &I'd hParing app als 0 - , � tified boie the Senator's sigliatilre, bed they left they heard the attains of forwarded to th4l Attorney-Veneral. 11rininihigstilll, kill' id Huff
I c _-a-**-. Ina ill julle pf last year, and
dows of tile �Dctale street school was front that point she and this mail got - bers of the House of Commons -
; fore, 4 and tile building entered, Four down by a ladder. I couldn't wait 1 DEBATE ON* PREFERENCE. deputed to obtain Ilia views oil this Mat. *hot been issuedlintil tlivee months. after "Nemor, Ity God to 1110c," to'the oc- OR WHOLE FAMILY. 'it Dowag lace 11-i
e tile marriage was said to have faken. corapaniniell't of `cwt4cling timbers and ONE TICKET P ,qnlitll I-lortium at lito saline 1)
III. dollars In Money slid a quantity of for the ladder, though, mud after try- - . __ .ter. Re, declared that the Government .
- , Ives Ana punitive StTaPs 'Weve 0 to get down frolli'muother balcany -A Change Coming Ovby Feeling in intended before the close of -the present Place- I I " . - flailles. — 1.-'ebruary last.
,mek kill - ilia . ': A.11. . tile roar of the I North llqy. ont., MAY 2;1).--A train David Ituff, rA aged citi7en ot
Jakell - � - a c"011iprellonalve '. I _______4_*_*._
. I 111) the raill , Ipe oil to Lho Britain. I Parliament to' pass 11% WEST IS 8MILING. T11E I%ADLY BIJTTgi RCM -I of Douklinbors Ari'lVO(I b(I to- DOwnglac, welit to the Drininifilgatall
I elfulbed. I)' - T livc. a year and it hall ago.
- My roof, and by grettfilg front one roof to luemiure of electoral "' __ home to
predationfi, and Implicatod an" the other finally was able to 914 With' TA)n(loll, 111ity 25.-Thp preference de- Ivas. nob himself all JI his I)roperty Oil their
J'be d. -, groillid. .1 bate, NVAR concludeil in the Itouse Of t reform. ITO, said lie Wheat aroving At 4 Oreat Rate atia CAnt6t in It, Says A Phill1dellibla seven could "`�Ilrca', One ...... illy 0, He deeded tliel for the
confessed that he wits :911, lo,
of botl ,ad advocate of woman — .---. - ,light f rolil
I �ae ill fourteen feet of tit, suffrage, bot having yet been convinced I port him
I I other III W))O 'Vill mlsc he avroste jillilpt S 4(r of its desirability, but lie had all open Everything Favors It. Physician. when ellecked only produce one -f e'let Proposition to- SuP]
,.&__-0-i,,�— A then, Y011 )[lay Itilalble." Lords to -day. Lord �t. Aldwyn (t . 11 remainder of Ilia life. one night last
% .A"'
RAZOR. , the williner, wbog., Michael Ilieks-1100,011) AdIllitt litilld, anil if ,in amell(Inlent Were Intre- till),�,141,11pielli)(1�i'll,e�l�SSWol(illit3lI __1�1-
SLASURD THROAT WITIP Alias INful"ellan .Upavy Mine are phligapiphial Itay 25. -Dr. W. W, Oil to dot . julle it scuffle was hoard Ili all UPPet
141 chauge was coming over tim feeling in, dueplI to ill(%. projected t0forin. hill favor. mlinitireg, May 25).- . rlingetnent.
. roonis Were oil the third floor, to" tiling 11 Alpfiltoba, and ille 'weather ant. -,vll().qe (Jeolgration that None of tile imukh rooln of tllc 110118C. Huff WAR found
Xalden TdWriship Farmpr Att,tffipt6d prattically the sIini-e story of bi,ing, the county Lord LansIdowne. said the ing wornall suffrage oil democratic lilies ft min elsewhere, Temperatur�s' live (']half (load in bed with the, bedelothing very
,14h,, (Joyernmeny" attlinile at tile imperial j -he uloveyninent would lint Oppose it. if; S of n it word of Englialt. ,and An attefflPt to I
;iwakened by a WoMall"i !WW"Arn, t a tit ITIATly oftf,'(" 10'asles fire (lu(y to , stall sidd
sulelde Ili Baril, , - . ig blunder. Tho ' low, with Irost irl several districts, b 11 reillove the (Ruilly threatened. to PTQ* ; 1111161 dbitutbe(l. 11rinuning,
-f Sn.--In a fit 'of do- it Boeing, hatt a, knowledge of the iii.in � conference bad boon it bi Suffrdgettts Dissati6fied. 110 dftul, 1(r I to r, riot, Tile situation 'was WV- that Huff had some sort of violent Ill.
. ' could have Ieft, Ito legacy age to report,ed. ri,litilusiaitie )OiHoll contained ill- the eontivion fie (
Ainherstbur9t 1111Y cau,. of tl)r,. hotel, and grop d Iter way to 11 (,'overn"1011t who are Eutterculy.; attracted considerable at. I elpita -. or something like it, alld
spondeneY, suPPOS(la to Nave. been uterestig of tit(- Tile merabcra of the 1101186 reports come front the IV -11010 Ivest, ju out With aliotber statenlellt ed by sidetracking the car pending' In- 1MR, COB(
e .
till, Abrahaill Boyle, a fire ervape, franc wbi0t she eventually more detriln.011tal tO the 1 lating 'idelitifeil with the worklan , 13 slif f rago Tilt crop report to -day gives allell ft tentioll. accident-allY choked hilliself to .death
p(I I)y poor hem ty. 'mr, W, (;, 11alliday, 1,111pire. lip, 0111phasived tile Ili gnillont of the flower. striAlOng froul lleadquartens.
. reached aafe, on by generally gratified. They fine summary of prospects that anyolle ill arraip 4414— with tho be(I clothilig.
jlp, Iliv, 1, road. in Malden. Probable fillitatio movement (ire jeuses it of being the. cause - - --A6 -616—
farmer on t er for It, W. Nelion & Coln. effect, and tile. as not decidedlYhOliefIll Of tbA Te8tllt Inuit Ite now a( VhN loo'ks like tt horse Oil Ino", To.
Townshilf, stepped into )'is 11ftTT1 and travell others of the coloules of Canada's 00111. Iregard 111r. AsquithIq alluoulleement rlyied Tiesl5linisb. All along of caneer. "Tile active poisons ill the N"011-Njautle hears her Borrow Ivith
A pany, toia of efinibing down. it III .stop forward, allo its farldsl I)V. C
at With, -1 razor., fflations. Lord Oreive, iin,cf, be a colifi ..; up and Making , buttereup 1, nava qlalra,ut, .,aeo 1u..1rL,v(I the I)ftytender a4 the follofw Alhil rable fortitild(1- lielle--Yes, erying
mi,tslied hN thro. of his Afoll bV luerejal net"( pportulkity . the 11116 the Wheat I
p(l to after Will'Y TollR4P,d olit : tget"t'i"It, , to achieve their itims 4 willell Produce illiltillillia- Ii.q(I ortI a pony *f brandy vrent Out "I'dilli
i1eighi)0r, John (411ilt, who happen 1. Cololliql 'S'k,ew (It, whilo it 'A' ulways 'Ves, her mtell 4 red lloteq
! hiq , tile crio ,,tary, rqffiod that it was the Ruitragotteq themAIII . vigorous gTO)v oaking vilill suhritfl,net! gi
A Of Mi44 (,*()fll*%Ill �lr- T" 1 Not Ao, tit tonta.04 and when taken In- without paying for It,
b(# ppott, wrmited 00 T-1vor front wIll ,Taekinan. Of th(k J. J. Taylor '1411fi. imm, filyle to divorce pTefeTcllee front IIIII 110 pAtienco With Mr. AR. Is doing fin i0111161184 Amount. of good, tioll
fiatia. it is tilought that lloyle JV'OrkS t!ompfilly, Was ("it, of those for. proteetion. they .
yeeovtr. � I � .
I I 0
� I
J_a_ .� I * , 1 1-11- .. 11 . % , ,Ai,-_,�& _,...&A#,&L . ..... &_ - . - ".. - � ,� .- , .
11 11,�"_ — ALL— .�" �111� � Atl_..Aft___� — ----#, - I � . � � - — , ___,;IIIIIIIIIIII;,A ,:,�� �,_ - - - .—,,-____, - .. . _.
L2 , - ,,, � I N&WO&W _- "1411I , ."'. �,_,_ i;_._�__�*I&A.i&� . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,likkililmllko& - I'll - -