The Wingham Advance, 1908-05-28, Page 5Men's Cfothiln$ TAIWRED BY TORONTO This Brand of Clothing • is becoming more popular every ,day, There is a reason for it. Come in and find it out. Summer Novelties. NEW FANCY VESTS—In light, medium and dark shades, NEW SHIRTS—Exclusive novelties in the famous Star and Regal Shirts. NEW TIES—Tlle latest in narrow Tour -in -hands, Batwings, Bows, Strings, Windsors, &c.. NEW • COLLARS—The Iatest in a Collar is the close -fitting double Collar. We have it. NEW HATS --A shipment of up-to-date shapes just in. Our new Straw I-Iats are here. NEW OXFORD SHOES—In tans and patent leathers. NEW FANCY HOSIERY — In Cashmere and Lisle thread. Everything up -.to -the -minute: McGee Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers Spo Per year is the subscription price of the WINGHAM ADVANCE. It is money well invested, for you receive full value for over. I f you invite you to your money many times are not a subscriber, we become one. hookkaftwovocooptipm Best Galvanized Pails 45 per cent. off regular price. Clothes' Pins, 5 dozen for 5 cents. Graniteware at great reductions—get our prices. For Screen Doors and Windows we can't be beat. Garden Rakes, floes, Spades and Shovels, Lawn Rakes, etc., at lowest prices. Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Whips, Mops, etc., for house. cleaning. We also carry a large assortment of the best Paints in the market, including— THE CELEBRATED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ROBERTSON'S TORONTO LEAD & COLOR CO.'S CHURCIVS ALABASTINE, for walls, in 20c and 440 pkg. If you intend building it will pay you to get our prices. SPRING WIRE Genuine Frost. BEST PORTLAND CEMENT. Big ardware wINGIIA- ON TARIONIP 41111110111111110 WOO MOO 011011111,11110 THE WINGITAIV1 ADVANCE, THURSDAY RSDA Y Goderich. lrriloa►dilig a big steamer, and load- ing cars on both the G. T, .li. and C. P. R. at the one time is what could have been seen any day at the dock the past week, Norman McDougall, of Port'er's Hill, pulled in second fit the ten mile race at the Olympic trial test held in Lon- don on Saturday, out of a field of eight, his time being a7 minutes. Probably the largest funeral which over took place in Bayfield was that of Thos, H, Brownlee, principal of the Bayfield public school, on May 19. He was 34 years of age and had held the position ofprincipal of the. Bay- field school for about three years and a half, IIe was ill only a very short tune, being at his work at the school the Thursday previous and attending lodge meeting in theevening, and his. death occurring on Saturday evening about 5 o'clock, as the result of pleuro- pneumonia, which affected the heart. Dir, 13rownlee was an exemplary man and was connected with alnioat all activities of the village. lin was people's warden and Sunday .,School superintendent in Trinity Chureh. He was waster of Bayfield lodge, L,O. L„ and scribe of Stanley Scarlet Chapter The details of the Goderich camp, including provisional staffs and bri- gades, are announced in to -day's militia orders. No 1, Brigade, consisting of the 26t1t, 27th and 28th Regiment, Composite Battalion, City Corps (4 companies) will be commanded by Lieut. -Col. J. Munro, with Lieut. -Col. McEwen as brigade major. No. 2 Bri- gade, consisting of 29th, 30th, 32nd and 33rd Regiments, will be command- ed by Lieut. -Col. Acheson, with Lieut, -Col. Weir as brigade major. Col. Peters will be camp com- mandant, with the following staff :— Chief staff officer, Col, McDougall ; deputy assistant adjutant general, mujon.;Shannon; senior army service corps officer, Lieut. -Col. White ; medi- cal officer, Col. Benton ; pay master, Captain Layborne ; musketry instruc- tor, Capt. McOrimmon ; assistant in- structor, Lieut. W. P. Gibson ; sani- tary officer, Capt. J. T. Clarke; intel- ligence officer, Major Lamb, signaling officer, Lieut. Talbot Hennessy. r r -r Prominent Physicians. Endorse Our Cod Liver Oil Prepara- tion, Vinol, Many of the most eminent physi- cians are now prescribing Vinol as the most satisfactory cod liver prepara- tion. Thus it is fast superseding other forms of cod liver oil and emulsions. W. N. Rana, M. D., of Evans Mills, N, Y•, writes : "From personal experi- ence, I am able to appreciate the value of your cod liver preparation, Vinol. I have used it,and prescribed it large- ly during the past eighteen months, and I want to say that Vinol is all you claire for it and more," Dr. Bonchelle of Thomasville, Ga., a physician well known in the South; writes :—"I used Vinol in my family and in my general practice with most excellent results for bronchial and pul- monary troubles and to create strength," Another physician writes : "I arn. satisfied that Vinol derives its Won- derful live -giving and strength -creat- ing power from the medicinal curative elements found in the cod's liver. It is the most satisfactory strength cre- ator and vitalizer for old people, weak worsen and delicate. children which. it .has ever been my pleasure to pre- scribe." The reason that Vinol has such remarkable curative and strength cre- ating power is because it is made by a scientific, extractive and concentrat- ing process from fresh cods' livers, combining with peptonate . of iron (which is a needful constituent for the blood) all the rnedibinal, healing and body-building elements of cod liver oil, but no oil. We ask every person in Winghatn who is in need of such a medicine to try Vinol on our guarantee to return money if it fails to give satisfaction. 3. Walton McKibbon, druggist, Wing - ham, " Walkerton, May 24th.—Fred. Clark, aged 21., son of Mrs. Forbes Clark of this town, and two girls, Gerty rind Bertha Obrecht, daughters of Mr. An- thony Obrecht, aged 10 and 22, were drowned last night in the Saugeen river, below the darn, through the up- setting of their canoe. The bodies were not recovered until half -past two this morning. A NEW SUIT trill give you much pleasure if it is correct in style, fit and finish.., THE SUITS WE MAKE are the acne of perfection in "loring. Our stock of new Spr and. Summer Suitings sure- ly contains something that will please you. Come in and look overlin fabrics. abrrCs" C1,011/41110 CL7tANED Agb PRESSED PROMPTLY. C'MCI ver Wilson Black, Winghatm. ria6644. MAMY1h+W House -Meaning Bargains. Why so much worry about Curtains ? Come in tend allow us to lightenyour burden by assisting you in choos- ing some of the daintiest and most inducible materials on the "Market, We have DQTTED MUSLIN from 15c a yard, nothing nicer for Curtains. LACE CURTAIN$ from 25c. a pair, and MADRAS in all colors and at most reasonable prices. Do you require Art Draperies, Art Sateen, or Puirni.. ture Covering ? Here, again, we can suit you, as we have a complete line in all shades and different qualities. DRESS GOODS, In this department, we ask you to come and inspect our goods before purchasing elsewhere. We have a most up-to-date stock, the very latest shades are shown and the prices will suit a11. GROCERIES,—Fresh Groceries always in stock. Highest prices paid for trade. D. M. CORDON Y 28, 1908, "VICTORIA" THIS IS THE NAME OF THE BEST SHOE FOR LADIES MADE IN CANADA, We are pleased to state that we have been appointed SOLE AGENTS IN WINGHAM FOR THIS EXCELLENT LINE; have just opened up a big shipment comprising the VERY LATEST, NEWEST AND BEST, THAT MEN, MONEY AND BRAINS CAN PRODUCE. Wo extend an invitation to you to take a look at these excellent Shoes the first time you can make it convenient. You are under no obligation to buy whatever, and we simply ask you the favor of Iooking at the "VICTORIA." WILLIS •& CO. Sole agents for "VICTORIA" SHOES FOR LADIES Directly opposite the new Bank of Commerce, and at Robt. Johnston's old stand. 'Phone 129. P. S.—We wish to draw your attention to our repairing department. We claim to repair your Shoes equal to the best city work. We each eveiaing excepting Saturdays and will call for repairs if youwill let us know. Store closes at 7 evenings before holidays. ____1' 11011111111111111111111110, Teeswater. Mr. J. J. Hiscocks, who was on the sick lisp for a tirne, is again attending to bust ess. Mullet ig said to be more plentiful in the rivers this year than they have been for seine time. The postoflice authorities have put up a letter box at the C. P. R. station here within the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 11IcKague, Mr. R. E. Little and Mrs. John Arm- strong left on Saturday to sail to Glas- gow. Jas. Tolton of Walkerton has the appointment of Returning Officer for South Bruce at the election of June 8th, The deputies for Teeswater will be J. J. St pbens, Esq., and Mr. J. J. Hiscocks, It caused,* scarcely any surprise when on Saturday evening Last it was reported about town that Alexander Mckenzie (known as "Smiddy") had passed away. He had reached the advanced age of 88 years and to all who saw him of late 'it was evident that he had not long to live as the whole constitution seemed worn out. The meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland and of the Women's Pres- byterial Association held here on Tuesday afternoon brought to town a great number of church workers, the women being in the majority. Brief- ly, the program of the day consisted of three meetings :—A meeting of the Presbytery held in the Methodist Church in the afternoon ; a meeting of the ,W. P. M, S. delegates in Knox Church in the evening. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church furnished tea for the visitors in the lecture -room of the church, HOM ESEEKERS' t} ,ft6vx 2ND CLASS 4 Round-'ipip Excursions tH�rl+� MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 28 Juno 9, 23 • Aug. 4, 18 Nay 12, 26 July '1, 21 Sept.1,16, 2A Tickets stood to rettrra within 60 dayrc VERY LOW RATES from en points in Ontario, Ranging /Winnipeg and return $32.00 between Io ton and return $42.r 0. Tickets issued to all Ngrt,s-'tVoatpointa, TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited +--� number of Tourist filceping Cars Van be run on each exoureion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured and a id for through lora! agent at least aixdaYd before excursion lehves. Rates and full information n Contained in free 1Jome.ackers' patroldet Aok near, bet C.T'.R, agent fat i ropy, ar write to C. fl, FOSTER, Dtatrictf'aan,A[h,r 0.1'.11., Toronto . Deemer 0011 Agent GRAND TRUNK AT FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION, LONDON, ENG. It is a well known fact that all the World's Fairs and International Ex- hibitions, held in the past decade, the Grand Trunk has been most promin- ently represented with attractive dis- plays, and in each case gold medals and diplomas have been their award. At the Franco -British Exhibition which is to be held at Shepherd's Bush,. London, May to October, this year, the Grand Trunk are not behind in their progressiveness and have erected a beautiful pavilion covering about 2,000 square feet of space in a picturesque spot known as the French Court. This structure follows in design the Renaissance style of architecture with an artistic pillared entrnce. Over the entrance rises a group of statuary representing the Grand Trnnk Rail- way System as "speed" with an elec- tric star surmounting the head of the central figure emblematic of the "Star of Empire," and on each side of this figure is represented in smaller figures the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the central figure joining their hands representing the spanning ,of the en': tiniest by the new Transcontinental Railway. This allegorical , group is a very imposing one and the idea is appropriate. The interior of the, building is arranged in a combination of color harmony of olive green and reel. Tho scenic views of the Grand Trunk Rail- way, as well as views of the summer tourists districts and fishing and hunt- ing, resorts in Canada are beautifully portrayed by a series of bromide enlargements finished in a sepia tint and framed in a dull quartered oak. The photographic work has been exe- cuted by Mr, J. W. Swan, the well known landscape photographer, who has excelled himself, if possible, in this Collection. These pietuees cover the walls to a distance of two feet from the ceiling, and the entire interior has been set off by a beautiful frieze made up of grains and grasses from Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan end the West. In this frieze are embed- ded specimens of Canadian fish and game mounted in an attractive way, the whole forming a unique and pleas- ing effect. In the centre of the robin a pyramid has been erected, on which is shown samples of the cereals of the Province of Ontario, as well as natural samples of frait from the "Garden of Ca- nada," Animated moving picture machines, projecting fishing. hunting and rail- road seirnes, are other features on the -floor space. Interesting and instruc- tive literature has been specially pre - pitted for distribution, and it is esti- mated that from fifteen to twenty million people will visit this exhibition during its lifetime, Canada and the Grand 'Trunk Railway System will secure a tremendous amount of pub- licity through this'medium. • Among the special -features on dis- play in this building will be two excep- tionally fine rimose heads, one the record head taken from the Province m£ (1 ,tt . ttt rta and.li the other n, freak that will altratot a great Ileal of atteia tion, Mr. S. W. Cummings, who until recently was General Passenger Agent Clilntot. The corner stone of Clinton Roman Catholic Church will be Iaid on May Hist by lfight Reverend Bishop Mc- Evay, The government has authorized the erection of a balcony to the Post Ofllce,for the convenience of the care- taker's family. A, new telephone directory was issued to customers here last week ; there are 158 of these instruments in use in town, J, E. Hovey has a Passenger (or wild) Pigeon stuffed, on exhibition in his store. The bird was given to Mr, Hovey by Mr, Jas, Smith, who has had it for some forty years. There are very few birds of this species to - clay, they being supposedly extinct. People of town were shocked on Wednesday, when a report reached here that Thos. Wheately, son of Mr, Joseph Wheately, Chief of Police, had met his death by the burning of the Queen's Hotel, Tilsonburg, where he was employed. The very greatest sympathy is manifested for Chief Wheately and his family in this sad bereavement. The people of this town and vicinity will learn with deep regret that Dr. T, T. McRae, who bas been a partner with Dr. Gunn, has decided to leave town and start a practice in Brussels. He is a young man of recognized abil- ity and skill, with. a courteous and gentlemanly bearing that has made many friends, and his contemplated removal will leave a vacancy not eas- ily filled. On Friday night a would-be burglar forced up a window at the back of Counter's jewellery store, pried off the iron bars, and got inside, intending, no doubt, to rob the store, but in order to reach the store, it would be necessary to go through another door, against which Ray Rumball, who at- tends to the night telephone service, had his bed, and was lying.. on it asleep, there not being sufficient noise to awaken him. Death came with startling sudden- ness to Mr. Henry Stevens of town, on Wednesday afternoon, he expiring without a moment's warning. He has been in more or less enfeebled health for some time, but his death was en- tirely unlooked for. He was one of the oldest residents of town, and one who has done as much, perhaps, in the building up of the town as any moan who has lived here. He was a man in whom implicit confidence could always be placed. He was in his 75th year. The Strenuous Life Pulls So Hard On The Stomach It Must Have Help. The stress and strain of the strenu- ous life in both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five peo- ple sutler to -day where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizzi- ness, flatulence, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating, ner- vousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indigestion. All who are suffering with stomach troubles, and that means at least two out of three in Wingham and other towns, should use Mi-o-na stomach tablets. Nothing else is as safe, yet effective; nothing else can he so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o-na. So reliable is Mi-o-na that J. W. McICibbon with every 50c box he sells, gives a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. RO"N 2.00 TO D IP GODERICH to ROIT Saturday, June 20th Returning Monday, June 22nd STEA ICER GREYHOUND E. 11. ANEn, Rxoursion Agent CHILDREN ORDINARY HALF FARE BAGCAt`.,E FREE FOR GODERiCH Leave Detroit. for Goderich 8.00 a. m (Leave Port Huron 12 noon.) FfflbAY,'JUNE 19TH Oentro1 time, arrive in Goderich at 0 00 p. m, GODERICII 13A. N D A/10 0 NIAGIIT 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19th FOR ttETROIT Leave Godetioir fur Detroit 8110 a. illi, Saturday, June 20t11, Canada time, arrive in Detroit 4 00 In' m, RETURN TO GODERION Leave Detroit for Goderich 1 00 11, in Monday, June 22nd, Central time. (2.00 p, rri., Canadrt thno,) RETURN O T G E 1;101 T T Leave Goderich for Detroit 8 30 a, tn., Tuesday, Jnno 23rd, Canada time. of the Central V errrmnt Railway, has WHITE STAR L t N t been ati;rpointetl to the position of Director of this exhibit. lila 11I I NJ1I 6 Boys'The Leading Store Election Campaign Is Now On—So Is Isads Big Clothing Sale See For Yourself. We're not buying and selling at random, not even accepting all that's told us about qualities. We investigate and compare—and we want you to do the same," It's easy to say such values were never known in Wingham before, but you can't begin to grasp all we mean, without coming to see,. BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS. -12 Suits, Norfolk style, nicely made' well lined, small pattern Tweeds, sizes 22 to 28. Regular $2,50 value—Sale $2.00 YOUTHS' SUITS. ---Made of good, strong, dark Tweed, coat, vest and pants. Our special cut price $3,95 PANTS. --Soya' strong Tweed Pants, lined 50e VESTS. --Men's Tweed Vests, with strong linings, sizes 36 to 44. A bargain, only $1.00, MEN'S TOPPER COATS.—Made of fine Oravenette, well tailored; colors, olive or gray. Special price $6.95 MEN'S SUITS. --10 Men's Suits to clear, latest cut, small dark patterns Tweed, strong linings, prices up to $8.00. Our sale price $6.75 MEN'S RAIN COATS.—A good, strong, wearing Coat, good valve et $4.00. On sale at $3.00 PANTS.—Men's strong wearing Pants, $1.25 for $1.00 MEN'S SUITS. -15 Suits, fine Tweeds and Worsteds, neat stripes and checks, good buying at $12.00. Sale $10.00 MEN'S PANTS.—Fine striped Worsted and Tweed Pants, all sizes, good value at $2.50. Out price $2.00 OVERALLS.—Good strong Black or Blue Overalls, well made, riveted seams. Our special price 69e ORAVENETTE COATS.—See our special Coat, full sizes, dark gray, cheap at $12.00. On sale at $10.00 NNewHats You'll find all\he latest styles of Hard and ew i7 Soft Hats here. Why pay FANCY Prams for your NEW SPRING HAT when you can buy at a BIG SAVING at ISARD'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE. The same valve given for your BUTTER and EGGS at this store as for CASH. H. E. Isard & Co. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 'd 43 4 4 4i 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 reat rgams For Next 30 Days to Those Who Intend Building. Best Wire Nails, per keg, only $2.20 Cut` Shingle Nails, the kind that holds, per lblice Cut Spikes, per lb 1/c Lock Sets, complete, only 35c Other Hardware greatly reduced. ig stock of Galvanized Pails to be cleared ' at a sacrifice. See our wit dow. Carload of Best Portland Cement at lowest Prices. Headquarters For Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs. ILL Central Hardware 9. 0 2" i~ 2" 9. tF 444444 *************** -#4***** '