The Wingham Advance, 1908-05-28, Page 2I . - ­ -, . ­.. .. "...- . - . I - 1. � � .J1J I 116x'w� 06r­q�,.�14J � I I I jil 1, ,,, I I I " I , � '' . 1W ;, - 11 � '.. I ;M 16 4 � I � � . 0 N . I I � , .1 - . 9 . . I . , .. Z, L 4 1.1 . W� I I , �­- � . I A" .1 . - I I- �� I I'4 � I , 11, , �, NNFOONAM'davilamplfam.A.. " , , . . " . .. .- ­­­­ --11-- . I ' - i 0 ! , - I I 1 , . � , 0 'R . 1 6. , .. i 1011.0" 11 - I �. .. I 1'.� �, ,,e - I . I 1 4 9L I . . — , --I - 1, .. I I q, . � 9 1 . � I 1 9 1 - W0"'11!!�1.1!:!=1==1!0` 1 � 9 �! "�;!* '.. - i tvt::!z,:l 0 1 , � � I , ­ I � - ­ . -- ­.- -7-1- L ;�9 1 01 i i 9, 1 � I L � 1"�- .. e I � . I" � - I' ' 1 ' ! l" b I' !,�!I! !� � ! I I . : � . .. .. . L !== , I I �—, q� I I 1 ,,,,,,"4.N, . Ifl;...# 411.4 4 01V4. Ohio it) Innitil HAI.: . I I ..dml Tor'll Whilo wakl .400hor 444 tl Xil 10l th It I I 0 W.J -L Ad , 6 we A " " " X a M, 00 I - - til,011114011 P004 to Im — holped I'll tratia lit most, 49PAOilabip COLONYOFAMAZ50N l O'kn" it in b bov "vart d A 1*1 DL 4 U I � the provalen.0,il Qf rallit has, PI.A. S org N uO I'll ,A r .. � - ,- 9 9 - 9 ­ ' � . or wbio r 01rovi 0 ho wilm Vogl" r , Z 1, a 1 11114014 tile improvement that had UNII in n I 'r outIaor to b: � w, DYNAMITE IT " . �01, rRAOTIOAT4 APPLIO.VrIONS, ., - r\11 ventv . It 0 � 04t p r4ploacl,t for tivel,4 1; , expected, 4114 which has only Partly AFTER TTIXUTY YEARS OP XXIST- ` BRID6E. 4 T . � 4 17 9 9 little 4,4 t that at lsa� , I (luAry $00 .. '. weeplug" (v 11 I it, , R L a �,4 vo dilice'. ;y totub And bellovok showill forth. There is, however, tented women carl found to take care Blu ,John saw tile culpi I - 14011110, ZXC4 XAX-H ,. xt rroprjo . I , ATE - "no., mt. , *r , ..R$ ,ARE HAPPY, . L350 . . 110 and Voter went away, but Unry Mutt less complaint to be heard about , of tile U50,000 404 keep the oonlul . . . and . . � L . stay ed, She 'Who waited Itist saw Jesus 9 . . 9 1 ,9 tile voluttle of gellerat bulsiae*s, Vurther — wealth alive. � -.1 ... 1. 9 . 4 1,ESSW 1X,-XAY 3.1. 19o.8. firkit. "Blessed are they that wait for TORONTO MARKETS. f4voll Pro# repo L As frovia tile iVest, Marriage . RegAll as $iji-ftt� the Of the women now there twelve )lave v fty Powlils of Explosure Used to I - I . L - ­ L 9 L ­ 11 .. � . . . hint" (1811, 30% 18). Alftryl* tears were ­ I ­ .9 " . . , And frout most parts Vt Ontario, have Colony Ilas H4d Six Elopernevil been irl alid five are old InAids. Al- , 1, i . I a fulfillneut of Jesus, proplivey (Joint 'Iriiiii4ii, 9 'Mirlref.� , one , oil . raged citeell And, tile outlook , � though tile colony is built Oil & basis of Wreck Structure.. , Dr. Agnew - . Jesus kaeu From tile De4d.-John im: to., 2o.422), But had Alary believed, She 'rite receipts of gralit were a little ts fairly bright. Coutltr,y uterchants are Though Each Has Am of a "Com. hats, there is nothing to Jd4leato it Ili L 9 ll had not wept.. Je . st I is had sold, "After more liberal. I One load. of white will reported to have light stocks lit al.nost mi;n1ty Child." . the atmosphere of the place, Whatever �- fteloOn, Sur0000, Ae"11116b9110 * .. thrpe ja ,a I will rise again" (Alatt. 27; sold At 07c, Ono load of gooso at 93c, one all Ilum I 7 the. ]into wA4 time boa effliceil it, It " - . I* , 03 i' c: Bridge,%s Over R4ilroad 4t Bay . "After 1 ain risen again, -one load of bar- Whinipeg; Crop prospects cotil c - Inalus Only i'a theory, bub the theory . . ""so.-Vos"M * 40 Xiawlesial 0*04 - , Mar� Commentall The evil tomb (vs- � $31). load of oats At 54c, and X -f e Sisiera spe4 of . 1-10). 1. First day of the weeii��The re. I will go before you Into Galilee" (Matt. ley lit 550. eeedingly bright, and tttere is a, resultant IYR8111119tou, D. Or-Whell R, FrAnkliv � nalits, The Sanctifl d ,c es d Sho believe Ill ,h ter, N. Y-,. 08*4 Oak Ap"Wo 04 000116 * � she 'llay In f ' � surrection occurred very early on Snvv* ao'. 3:.,)), Ila .d itir recelpt And firms with, improvoin4at Ill. Almost all lilies of trade. 110OVer, A PhilAdelplIJOAlotel clerk, brol;o men witita, acorn they have forgotten to I 4 , day morning. Alary Magdalene­][Aike vo- w�uld nut have looked for WILL in the sales of 3o loads at $17 to $18 a toll Buyers are inclitted to order more freOlys into tile Aniazon colony lit WAAhingtoll feel. Emotion has died from the Avill . . . L )­ fers to her first lilt 14tike 3, 14 lit such a "rave, but In (4401lee; Rite would, 'lot Straw easier, two loads of bundled sell: paiticulafly since retailers have been ons' liveo and from their faces, Their New York, May 25.-A now bridge lilt, , xuanuer as to clearly show that Bile ia Flave said ,,they" when it was tile .Lord Ing At $14 a toll, And two loads of loops earrying light Atocks for $01110 time. - & few 44YR 090 %II4 stole ANY" AT!% OYOS are Walla Al)d untroubled by hit- der construction on the 1-farlem branch i P. KENNEDY9 M-010 uspxel not the $auto as the sinful woman Of (v,_Is), Usually the tears Nye weep for a t ,,49, 'L . Vancouver and Victoria: General busi. Adah Pratt, Ono of its daughters, lie 111411, poalone of love or jealousy. Hav- of the N. Y,, Now Haven arid Ilarford .* . . . clally de- . Ing illy one to dress for they wear the 411140-1111 . i tk.-ill swilw *w*4AWe4 Luke T% 06-50, $he was 0P0 ourselves flow because Of unbelief, We . Dil hogs Are unchanged.- Light ness coatinues to improve all Moog" tile throw the vilan haters into Constell r u � lothes and a 9 I. RallrQua, was wrecked by dynatulters 0011l UMPAUff ZR MMUMM voted to Christ because of Ills great tire only hidden, to weep tears of sym- sold at $s,%5 to $8.40, and heavy at.$$. coast. 'rhore is A fair demand for whole, tiou which has aroused tile entire sect . 0) 0 0 lioes most convelt to -day, A charge of.bO pounds .of tbe . mercy Ili delivering ]let, froill SONTI, evil. p4thy (Roull 12: 15). Out, privilege is to �Nqjvat, - . cut for farm work, They are boaltli,y . , spirit - ,Vllite, bushlol, ... $ 0 07 $ 0 QQ sale linesi a4d, prices keep about stoady, 00"w *0131ti*11k 9144 0 Xib"ll '09 '"* . women ". rfare on the'OPPQsite sex, avd, bappy with their flowers and their explosive was discharged under the first 4. Luke mentions several be glad avid rejoice (Cant. 1: 4., )Rev. Do., red, bushel ­ .... 0 07 o0o .The beat isign, is tile resuitiption of activ to renewed wn le"lle, "A allia-s. , (including Mary Mag -400110), -who Ill to: 7), to rejoice overmore (I. Thess. 5: UffGrts to guard the rerrialiling till -cc birds in the bare but cheerful home III span, twisting the huge girders Avid prAe- istered to Christ of their slibstaill in 10); to, sing (Li'pl . 1. 0; 19) ; to praise Do., spring, bushel .... 0 93 094 ity Ili Aiast industries. 11e, to marriAgeable "sanctified slaters", As tile tile hills, 'I'lley bayo the look of women Do" goose, bushel .... 0 03 0 00 Quebec. The weather is favorab tileally wrecking the whole structure. moes *ouft-4 to 4 il view V to I V- 104 ' " suggest t1hat they Were women (Ileb. 13-. 10); to rejoice !it tile Lord trade And reports arp generally satista.c. Man 1111tters dall. thelvisolvQ8, have been .Who have "given UP�the struggle-" , . I . wealt,11 and ellaracter." Unto oats, bushel ..­ ­... 0 54 0 00 To -day's outrage followed an, unsaccess- .9 1 . . . . . I L ­­ . -4 11 "Iff redoubled, No wait is allowed a sight . Of rnn�ko , 11. 4. 4), whether there Is Anything Barley, bushel .; ... ... O 50 0�90 tory. - the sopulel 170-4118 tomb was �iit Ill tile (PI, It the OR, ROOT, C. REDMON19 And *was large else to rejoice in or not (flab, 13-. 15). Peas, bushel .A.. ..., ., 0 90 0 00 liamilton -. Wbolmvlo�, and retail trade of the inarringeaUe,ones, OP ful attempt, to ,wrock a, bridge o r1ock like 4 cave . Love and Hay, tinvothy, to ,..,,,. America, ',tile paradise of woulell TRAIN WRECKER. same rgilroad ever the 1-farlout Rivet . ' side of a . Love alone call never do this. n 17 00 IS 00 has taken Olt a rather better toite during enough tot, several to enter. Tile stone . OL It, A 0, MOW) taken aWXY.r'-A large stone, like a, luill- faith Aholiki never go separated. Love Do., mixed, toll 11, .. 15 00 16 00 the past week. Demands Are better dis. possesses the oiily kno4wIl'. clony of All . 1. 1. early yesterday. tu A. A P. OA24) stone protected tile entrance. V. She without 51101 call be ullstak,ell. 9C Hence St'.aw, per toil ... ..... b manufactiners report some zOns In the world to -day. A eonvulluitity The bridge was a itiodern steel stnic. � the twice repeated question' Woman, Dressed hogs �sliglvt Increase Of activity lit Litany Rum of wonletv, twenty-two in number, lilts Express Messenger Killed and Sev che IONYSIOIAN ANO SU111149001 . . � . . runuotli-In lior excitement site runs to wily weepest thou?" (Va. 13, I 15), That 8 00 8 40 . existed ill the heart of Maryland tot, the ture which had been erected over putoe with Dr. oblith") . Eggg, il Jai dozen ., . ilive, chief apostles, Peter -Arid John must (ill* , , "" 0 IS 0 20 Oollections are lau'lined to W slow, but - traekis near the Baycliester SA-ItJolt f Or I was really no time, nor. place for tears, * ,, last thirty years, and is increasing in ell Persons Injured, I I I have been at no great distance froin the I Butter, dairy .. .. .... 0 24 . 027 the oublo k f f It t ado is bright. numbers every yeaj% During that time � . foot and. vehicle traffic And for many Xesuit was not lo I a 1 e�als I I L'I's a . r I moviblis had been the scene of Almost tomb arid apart frotiv. the other disciples. Ili the grave waiting for Do,, creamery .. .... 0 27 0 30 Country quiet tone. these Aniazorl have ffired t6gether hap - love's feeble Arms to bear his b '(1, i Tile ,other disc; pie.-Tobil, tile aubholl . ovly� to a Chickens, year old, lb. , , 0 17 02o London: Ue ieral business conthilies to Oakland, Cdl., Afay 25, -The second constant, labor troubles. It' is. alleged place, of safety (v. 15), but "standing" 9 ily And at peace, like the wouiall Ill of t1lis gospel, refers to himself 48 the . Fowl, pet- Ili. . .. ., 0 13 0 14 show slight improvement, Although or. P section of Southern Pacifie train No. 10 that striking workmen ]lave made fre. O'disciple whom Jot's loved," We know Ili the attitude of comfort And blessing AQ,Ilea, p,.r bbl' " 1 50 2 50 ders for sorting lines are .still light, Tennyson's 'Wie Princess," Thoy have $ quent threats to blow up the bridge till, SAVAUMMIAM X0LX,TWA (v, 14), Tears obscure our vision. %"o 5o Ottawa; Buying at wholesale is not not exchanged one word of personal com. ,known as the Oregon expressi WAR less their grievances ivei-e irdJusted, And �a . )lot where. Ake. -She had 110 ldca 01' a rO- Cabbage, Pei, d�ze'� ': :: 0 40 , . . a il to ban at lowest, rates. Ofil � Rtirrectioni neither did she think 110 had "Touch me not" (v. 17). Formerly lie .0 . 0 `Ihe wa.rtt' ,- I lxo d munication with any tual Not one or wrecked. at Pinole last night, One man as a result, two watchmen ]lave beeit oil been stolen l 13). 4. They, ra -They was. tile Man, going -hither'and thither, 1, Ill Per ]lag .. .... 1 25 1 40 heavy, , ner weather has It the women who joined tile coinniililiky was killed arid four injured. guard at the bridge every night. Yes- � U147M MAWK, , and e 11 sitting at Sinion's table, eating , and B otatoes, per bill ... .... I 10 1 15 the retail movement arid Orders: on*fdIt voluntarily has deserted. Alias Pratt is . were eagger . xelted. Did ontrun cat, hindquarters ... ­ 9 00 11 00. lilies Are Increasing. . Tile 11enit: Express Messenger Call terday, when the futile "tempt was WINOHA1110� Petk�r­Jobn Nvas you.,Ser and more no* drinking with Sinners (Luke 15, 2); now Do., forequ I arters . , . . 0 00 7 50 . -- , � . the sixth 'Community child" to elope. Ming$. made to destroy thb other bridge, an- ; 9 1 . tive than Peter. 5, Went lie not In - lit' is the risen Lord. - Now we see the . The creed of this "Woman's; Com- other watchman was added to, the force, force of 111onceforth. know we . no may% Do., choice, carcass .... 8 50 10 00 nionwealth" is that for 'lien and women -Injured. Fireman Cody and X J, and all three were on duty last iiiglit, DICKINSON & HOLMES I War'd enalinear fatally; Express Mos. I Probably because of a feeling of awe o Do., medium, carease .. 0 50 7 50 FELL TO DEATH. to live tog . "? am 4nd IV, W. Rodebor- Just It � arid reverence. after the flesh, yea, tbou I -.vs )lave Mutton, Pei, cwt . .... .. 9 00 10 r)O gother Is Bill, e�en under tile sevvge�' BhQngIL t dawn there came a flasli nevir . 6. We . . — marriage tie. tile first span, followed by it terrific re- DARRISTURS, SOLICITOR$ S. rCA ,ut into tile se,puleltre-Pelter known Christ after the flesh, yet now- veal, prime, Pei- cwt. ­ 0 00 it 00 I sit helper, were less seriously injured. . 9 . iesitating. 7. henceforth know we him no moro (11. I "Ile that solveth to tile 119sh 811,01 of 11.r . r and tearing of tile 01111111116s'-werw B1001116 win . � was naturally bold find itill orderly ar- Cor. 15: 10). Mary kept at a distane Litrub, .per cwt . .... .... 14 00) that lie wreck, it is said, was caused by a port, and the grindiiiF 41111alva- . And tlhq napkin, eto,-The .91 15 00 Balloon Drops Three Thousand Feet th6 flesh reap corruption, but lie broken rail, No passengers were injured. great steel girders. Two of the .wateh- rangement of the clothes clearly show- This leads me to words dear to mo in Toronto Supr Market. / s4QNveth. to the spirit shall of the a,lirit I �;_: men, who were At the end of tile bridge, a U ummom Dudlor 3fohnes. ell that lie bad not been stolen and that this connection, 'Surely I have stilled St. Lawrence sugars Are quoted its fol- and Officer Killell. real) life eternal," quoted one of tlie were thrown to the ground. Hundreds . I vacated in and quicted lily souji,liell to A, the tomb had not been L'ke a weaned lows: Granulated, $5, lit barrels, And No. sweet faced women. of the colony r 0 SUNK ON VOYAGE. of windows. in tile vicinity were broken haste. S. Ile saw, And believed-Tbat i"; child with its mother; ITY, soui is with I golden, $4.00 in barrels. '.Chose prices porter yesterday. "Our ideas a a t o , . - - As the watchmen scrambled to their feei J. Ae MORTON � Rio Janeiro, Ma.y 215�,A fatal balloon re � I Joilin saw and-befieved. But what did lite- like a, 'weaned child" (Pan. 131, 2, tire for delivery, car lots 5c less. pretty to talk about," she went oll. . — �. they saw two. men da-shing away � Joba believe? From V, 9 it seems clear R. V.) It it dreadful moment for the ascension was made here yesterday by ,'They must 1v lived. Life and bealt) �� . i dark-n"s. A fusillade that he believed that Jesus had risen babe oil the mother's breast when ho'has Live Stock. on *4rtli and peace in heaven are to 1xi StgaMor Latona In Collision Off ,of abots ivaki sell after them, but none BARRISHR AND SOLICITOR - ad. Ile speaks ouly of him- to be weaned for ever! Mttry had to be . 4,kitt..,ri Ouse(:%, of the Brazilian army. Tile gained only by purifying the body And � . ,eacbed the mark. . _ front the de . ; . auc�d. Has not the Lord to teach, us Receipts of live stook at the city inar- lientellint caul out from France Te- subduing the lusts of tile flesh. Thal - British Coist. - I MONEY TO LOAN . self, saying nothing of Peters im . Railroad expbrts who viewed the work preq. we ket, as reported by tire railways, for . . I 4ons. 9. ICIIGW ,lot tile scripture -W4 also the same lesson, until we also ]lave %Nrediies.day And Thursday, were 04 cAr cently-1vith a military balloon and this is wily we gave up the sin of men, . � of the wreckers, are unanimous Ili de, eales-Iftrton ll WInvill cattle, 2,014 rning lie completed his preparations l( . I -, faitli as yet rested only on What he had learned to say, "Thou. ]last stilled and loads, composed of 1,31L . mo . This great truth was revealed in a 'List' claring -tbab at least fifty poiinds ot - I seen. The scriptures referred to ll quieted -lily 'soul"? He would wean us, hogs, 254 sheep and 542 calves, for his first ascension before tile will- vision to Mrs. If aeffltirter, out- foundei% Falmouth, May 25," The Brl dynamite must have been placed under bave ))can Psa. 2. 7; le, s-io, -,vhiob weN detach us front this emotional life, that I . tary school. thirty -.years Ago.' All of its who li*e' steamer Latora, of thk Thompson Line, tlie abutment vork on the south end of 'file quality of fat cattle was reported . \ Wellindton Mutual , applied to the resurrection by Paul in his spiritual life may Possess �us More - The minister of, war and a large gath- seen tit; light have left all to follow her. the bridge.- It . is believed that it will Acts 13.33-35. Compare also Acts 2. 24- abundantlyl In the spiritual life we h n kquito tip to ring of officers had'assembled to w1t* Since then we have lived without sin, Capt.' Aillo, 2,709 tons, from Morl take two months to repair the damage I the standard of those offered on Tues. el May 8th, for- London, f oundered west- 1612- -eta Pea. 16. 10 As learn to walk by naked faith, in closest . viess - the experiment. Fonseca, entered We have bpen well and happy, with tit) done. .0 ir ire Ins. Co. i 27 where Peter interpi daF. I � ward of the Lizard this morning, after t - I 1 9 referring to the risurrection. communion with God, never tivinvivig back Ther4 was a fair trade at a little the car and was completing Ill final pre- nian, to tempt, Avid God lia.a� prospired I . 11. Mary and the angels (vs. 11.43.) to tile life of feeling for a moment. Faith. parn, - tiolis ,when a strohg gust of wind via, We expect to live al Ion- its nin colliding with tha British steamer Ja- * (Matablish*4 1W.), , ' ' ' ' 11 alone Its lativiches out on the bare word of God; stronger quotations for the mediuneto obliged tile men who were 'holding the o I v(, -s panic, Capt. Thompson, 2.296 tons, from -,�, 11. Stood without --She Was good classes of mttle, some commission fleshly trials gain foothold ill out' I THE LAUGH ON THEM -� Head Offloo--OURLPH, bXT. she supposecL Weeping -Christ had done separated forever from the emotional dealers reporting sales of cattle to -day ga4b 0 let do. The balloon shot lip to destroy our soula." . Newport foi, Modevideo: Risks taken on oll clamon of Insurable pro - much for her, and she bad great love Sol' life As the ,water Above were separated l into lao' air breaking the last rope that 'file commul officially calkil the All the passengers 'and, crew of the portir on the c"h or promium nota 07fitco I .- tit 15 and 20c per cwt. more than waa , Latona were saved by the Japanie And Lazy Ain KA1111111:11118 GOLDIE, her Lord� Stooped down -Tri order to from those beneath. The creation, is a held it to ,tile ground, It rose to an. �Voll ituated Wins' Wife and CHAS DAVIDSON. , olAnirl a view of tile interior Of the figure of the "new creation." "'The love offered for theAo sarne cAtle- on Tues- Lau's Commorl is a . I i t not still - )r 5,14- day, Several dealers were on the mar altitude of three thousand feet, when near Colesvillo, Mont,94011lerY County, have been landed here. The Japituic - Pr�stdvvA. SeoretaM tomb, wondering it Bile migll of Christ constraineth us" (11. 0( - P auddenly it collapsed arid fell down to _Nld:. twenty-five miles from Washing. was barely damaged. Ranch. ket front outside.points. Montreall May 2O. -The steamer I#t. % JOHN UrT101111316 be raistakell 14-17). - " Exporters -'Export steers sold at $51,j the earth with unchecked rapidity. 'Vile toll, It has 121 acres of farm, orchard . — WInll OUL 1 12. Two anvels-roter and John did end unto my Father, and your ' h tona, Runk by collision with Qie Japanic, AS -4. - In "I age lieutenant was crush _ (Now York Globe.) not see the an&elB, Matthew- Says there yatbe,,t (v. 17), The word "Fitber" is to $6.15; two loads.being sold by Durin and woodland, with a big ]louse, three I 0 4 It is supposed 4'al the accident was lv�trivs, wini,imills, cattle and horses, add carried a fair cargo and but two passen- "Jim" Lawrence, -who was evil -11 '.V, ", I -ter price. Export in ,h ­ r--/).rn &- Levack 94 the IM , ) 9, "YO111`9 the first Avid ]a caused by a false in& oeuvre on his part. the latest farming implements. Here tile gers, not being engaged in the passenger I W was one arW Mark say,% .at sentence from the lips 1 �ju; 1 1 man," while '. Luke says Iftwo vill it of Jesus (Luke 2, . 49; 213, 46). The placo ,bulls sold at $4.25 to $5.25. I - v: celibate woman live and work together, service. Site was iL modern cargo boat, lit the commissary depdrtivient on rMlis I I is evident that sometimes one aPPaill-ed tile divine Son won for Himself in the Butcherg-Prinve picked 'lots of butch They till the sivil themselves and vil fully equipped for tlie St. Lawrence ser- Island, was so lazy thalt lie never i And sometimes two. and they spoke dif. Father's hojart He won for us also. All ers' cattle sold at 0,60 to $5.80; loads �NO STORM DOORS . the business Of their estaite. No Inan is vice. She will be a big loss, as the boat ed -because of the exertion; fie wore ollp- I ,a to different persons. In I God of good, $5.40 to $3.00; medium, $5.10 � . ferent thin, the Son of God enjoys the sons o I I I . . ,Militia- luable one, and the cargo was per -like shoes so that he would aiave no I unhite-This' was an emblem of purity Inlay elaint. -its their birthright (I. John to $5.30; comm $4.75 to $4.90; coWs, � allowed on the grounds, In W was a Va I oil' - nwealth owns and ofilTi- valued at about $240,000. lacing or buttoning to do, lie never (see Rev. 19.$), 13. Why weepest the" 4, 17). "Father" is a key word of Job.p. $3.50 to $4.7 n a very few ill- ton the commo = : �7, � --PATe -you quite sure that this eul It is found there more than. sixty-three stances $5 was paid for extra choice Paris Chief of Police- Orders-T.hat a,tes a bigN two-storey boarding house, owned an overcoat -because lie would ' TLY S-ECUREG, a, . . .from -whiell M gets a fat profit. In all, INDIFFERENT E0 PATE, have had to put it oil and, take i b of f, . I oil ought to . co%vs; canners, $z.50 to $9. . I rite for ouSinterestin . ,jo s " Inven - Gospels com- . k, . ­ . tomb does not show that Y times and in all the other They he Abolished. th' community is said to be worth.$25.0,r Ada it is rumored that he, never went - il ant "How y r IndAle . rejoice?" . bined twenty-fqur times. We are God's Feeders aad Stocketa--4'hcre.,waa a . e Put Tearse, the Condemned Matt, Prefers it rpugh all o a f out n -i I ift. jeaus appears to Mary ('vs. 14-16.) ill the far-off ground of light trade in stockers , and feedeis, and 000, all of ivhich the women have itiade to bed because lie would have liad to ­ or intproyeluent an e Ill let .on . ­ < .- . . . act up again. He was known on tho is. pial6h. hip to whe ' r it Is to A "weppilig, site turned childriull not c prices relvialned steally'at following (1110- Paris, *Alfay 25�X Lepinep prefect or con�rlbuted themselves. DeAth to, �ife Imprisonment. * 14. Turned -Still creation, nor -the legal ground of adop- ' Of these !'sanctified sisters" there are -John David land as "Lazy Jiull He earned the title 4. Reflected evil one violte .Is. 15. wily weep- tations.- Good ateers,'1,000-to 1;100 lbs. of Police, has issued an ordnance for- Brampton, MAY 25. a m My prosecuted by ul. We away frout the ange fort her in tion, but the loving ground of the divine- each, at $4.76 to $5 per cwt.; good bidding title use of revolving doors in at present twenty-two; uiwteen Are old- Tearse, the young English iturnigrani, and four months ago accumulated ell- - fully *qut fed offices in Montreal . (,at thou -1 -le sec��s to com nature imparted to us. There is great erly women who have bad real or intag. who is In jail here im&�� sentence to be ough counts for tardiness to he "fill �' hington, tUs qualifies us to prorul . her great grief. Gardener -And there- eonifort Ili contemplating the fact that' stee , rs, J 900 to 1,000 lbs. each, at $4.Y6 to restaurants, hotels and Wier buildings ined grievances Against men -their hus- hanged June 11, spends his time reading EverybdIly on ,the island laug,lied. Laz . . . . . .... '­ spe,tols work and quickly secure Patents ut of Joseph of AllimMuthae, God is our Vather I (James 1, 17i 1, Pet. $4.7'3; good steers, SW to 000 Ills. each, capable of holding more than a hundred bands mostly. Mrs. MacWhirter ness was ge,fting its own re ibr6adaitheinventi6n. Highest references ,who owned the tomb, and who, of . at $3.00 to $4.25; good steers 600 to 'a vis- British history, and Appears wholly itil i w Crillitivel. I course, ,would be friendly. No other 1, 3). As a Father, God, 1. Loves us (I. 000 lbs. each, a.t $3.25 to $3.9' persons, oil the ground thmt thi-,y are ion is said to have sprung fron? a quar* different to his possible fate. . time has changed .the laugh A,n4 it is Patents procured through Marloli & Us - John -3, 1).. *T!be Father I? tender witli 0; light dangerous lit the event of fire or panic. rel Over the Insignificant sum of $1.50'. having any re&rence to ' don "lye special notice without charge in 1 1 Daily PZperS . new oil the other workers -in tile depart- ll Wspapers distributed throughout person would be likely to be there at so , little childreft (John. 13, 33), avid doe', stockers, 400 to 600 lbs. each, at $3 to Tile storm door In lat;� years has She died sonic years ago and was sue- him are di meat, because a moonth before Lawrence , Zoll. early ,in hour.33nme, him Ilence-Think. not demand much. of "little born ones." $3.1.15. . . screctly denied the prison- invitation to quit the is. P I -Patent busiuess ul Manufal . become very Popular here, and, nitut- ceded by Miss Fanny Holzolaw, who is er. The only reference -lie, makes to his � Ing that perhaps Joseph had ordered ]its 2, Wovide's for its (Jaines 1, 17). 3. Milkers and Springers -A fairly Ilb- bers of them Itave been erected. These said to be even more rigid in her views sentence is that lie would prefer ex- ,,land, he quietl.y slipped one ,of -)Ila. cards � Anxineers. body taken to sonic other Place ' i I 'will Clothes us (Luke 12, 28; Isa 01, 10). 4. ell supply of good to choice milkers must now all be removed. 'file Order of men than the founder. cution to a lite commit inito one of,blie lunch boxes which are &MAMON tak; him a-,va;7-­Sli6 -would sed that it pities ,a (Psa. 103, 13). 5. Hears our and springers me& a atrong market, . tal to prison. � - fia's aroused tile indignation of those There remain but three of the young Tearse displays A, very -erratic tem- sold to Immigrants at $1 on4cli, and ad. POtent Experts and Sollalt4ire. was done. Sb� would be responsible for petitions (Alatt. 7, 9-11). 6. Fellowships Prices ranged for the bulk 'of the best who, ]lave installed them at great ex- women whose mothers - brought them lit. ,,. , vised the finder to communicate with Now York il 511l Montreal " )roper place. Love $60 each, and several of the . p . When in his quarrelsomd moods 9l - � �1..l 8ldU.W&.1vlvvzt..�2& his removal Cc a .1 Lis (t. J�hn 1, 3). 7. Corrects and ohas� 'It $'15 to pense. If. Lepine's aetion was prompted to ,the community fis children. Once he will grumble about the food lie gets him, if she wanted A. "fine, bright, will. ---I - � . ' -Jeatio tises us (Prov. 3, 12, Hell. 12, 7-11). He tops by two or three Instances of the door th4re iiere nine. And there is one small and it ip Raid lie has told marl petty Ing, American husband." . knows no * difficulties. 16, Mary sold at $05, $70 and one All Lazy Jim now has A. wife, a 1,arl and . ; 1-k stirred tit at f ections Of tile Weeping Wo' discipliaes because He loves (Rev, 3 19 Common to medluin cows sold at $30 to jamming and Imprisoning 'the inniates boy of ten. What his excuse,for exist- lies to his jaller about the turnkey . � I . 8 on h. L man At I a side by littering her O`wu R. N,). 8. Is our exxinple (Matt. 5,'4 -' $40 c . . 'I y of the buildings fc�r.n�.long time. ence is, or what is to be done with him having stolen. his sugar or portions of some money To spend. lit Arizona, Ile FORTUNE IN ATTIC. ­ . 0 . name in tones that thrilled her lo the Luke O, 86). Veal Calves­I�pceipts of calves were - - when he grows tip, is a subject for specill his ineals. His appetite is' hearty, ,nd -wrote this, information to A"istarit � - heart and created the new, sublime con- "To illy God , and your God." "This i� Jarge, 'vAtit prices easy at $3 to $5 pet, EARTHQUAKE CAUSED FIRE. lation. Thus far he is treated wit" all if his rations have not altother ruet Manager Frank Ainsworth, and really - yierion that be lind risen as he had said. 9. message of the Asen Lord to men. Ile `%vt. for the bulkc, Although an extra kindness. He is the only child on the his fancy, sometimes throws the dishes his letter laughed all over Itaelf. STRANGE DISCOVERY OF A NEW -pul. Com. Let it be remarked that It" become the link between us and all choice now milk -fed calf sold for a little Insurance Companies Win Suit ,Over place at present. He has no playmates, tipol 0hich they 'nave been served .Lawrence applied to Hal-ry Balfe, JXRSZ Y BARBER. , Mary sought 3'esvis more fervently, and that,is highest And best. We know that More . money. - � so lie just works on the farm with the chief otf the department qu Ellis Island, ­ -- .. con6nued rivoire affectionately attached He. has overcome all evil and left it Sheep arid Lambs-Iteceipts w�re a Kingston Disaster, old women. . around his cell. about a year ago fol: a job selling Itinch J0 behind, we 'know that He I% Worthy of little larger, and the prospects are that Coun-ty Crown Attorney Morm4den boxes to Oie Immigrants, His, Appearance Was Cleaning Up an Old Desk- to Sell to him, than any of the rest; therefore * London, May 25. -The question whe- Forget Their Teachings. ' s&ys lie ]Ins had no intima,tion tip to, to her first, Jesus is pleased to allow the highest place. that by His righteous- from this time forward sheep Lind larnbs Bler the fire which partially destroyed was good. His laziness did nil allow un. When He Discovered a Secret himself, and she is made the first herald will be more 441antifu), at lower quota- the city of Kings The girls brought up in tile cormituril the present front tile authorities as to tij)e bad been working about a month. ness and love Ile merits the highe-A ton, Jaml in Janu- ty are, taught to believe that to live in Lite convict's fatc,-but the general im, Drawer- Railroad Bonds Worth of the gospel of a risen Savlour.--aarke. place. \Ve know that, if such- a one as tions.. To -day they Soild its follows:' ary of 1907 broke but before or after ,,unholy" matrimony ,with man would I pil is; that Tear wil not go to Ire- was changed from one position to Rabborl Mastef.' F16 cannot go boldly to the highest hen- $5.75; .ranis, .0 to - $4.50; the earthquake was decided in the Another in an endeavor to find out if Ike $175,000 in It- I "A whole world 2hres, $5 to I be like the prodigal among his a,wine and the scaffold. - as I of ernotion and devotion in a word?) As yeadindg, $0.60 to $7.50, -spring Inutile, King's Derich division, to-niglit in favor 4iad any special vocation. in the feeding ven anti claim God as His God and Fa- - -1 : I a -Alnry uttered the word sliCnivist have ther, there is no such thing as inomi .$3.50 to $6.7b each. of the insurance companies interested husks. It only. means misery and re- . line. . New York, 'Alfty 26.-A despatch to . f,Lil(-.n down at'the fcqt of Jesus, em- 0 -3 -t 1,600 !it the losses incurred. The earthquake pentarl in Qie end. Six. of these girls, . BATTERED WITH A CLUB. The day before lie Wit the island lie tile Herald from Alillville, !I,. J., says: worth, and all effort, conscience, hope, Hogs Ur. �farris bought &Lou like Tevvrvysoiv�s Princess, I Ave found - 11 Q bracing them. I responsibillfty, faith, are vain and futile, at unchanged quotations, selects $4 au��- caused the fires, -and that tonsequently I confid d to one of his friends thait be Albert Kendall, the village barber of IV. Jesus Commissions Mary (vs. 17, We know that Christ must aseend to liaghts at N5.75. . I they were protected from tile claims woman's instinct and wouvall's curiosity Hired Man Assaults - Farmer , Near had put his card lit one of the boxes New,field, arid lits two sisters, who 18.) 17. Touch me not ---!'Cling not to the highest, and yet we kuow Also that . . . for damages under the earthquake et- too great ,to be edurated out by the ex- . Brockville. I and, witli a wink, lie had received a,re- have for years been. .struggling for a me,,, -Clarke. I nin not yet ascAded IT, .will not enter where we cannot fol- einiltion �Iavvl in their policies. perionce of others, And have run away Robert '§tew.rt, ply that looked very good to him, He livelihood, this morning, di,icovered . OTHER MARKETS.* to learn for themselves if men were all Brockville despatch: ' --j'Jeaus says in effect: Spend no long- A R I Tile present -test case -was brought by ,, . SAM a -b the time that the box with his willit is believeil'to be a fortune in . low. We know t1v t His love -bind-s'Hit . �e ers.11 an elderly farvllcr� residivvgr� two miles "I � er time with ins now, I am not going to its as strongly as His rights carry . New York Sugar'Xarket. a-Mamellester firm against the London tr`% north of the town, was the victim of ca;d n h by a girl named an old desk which .had been stored in imvvvediat�iy to heaven, you will have Him to God, We calli as little believe Sugar, raw, qi4et5 fair refining, 3.74c; & Lancashire .Fire Insurance Co. It 'An they have, made good wives," Levill Keiger, who came here oil Me the attie for years. several opportunities of seeing me again find occupied the Attention of the court member of 'the commonwealth an a&sault with ovinihial intent, About French line ateamer Provence karly Ili The desk wit.i vart't-�l down into tile ; that He will abandon us and leave tip 'centrifugal, 96 test, 4.24cli,inolasses 2u" 11.f a n.1, rl "They have never conic back 8 o'clock this irvorning,,and is lying Ili A 1 tell lily disciples that I ant, out of His eternal enjoyment, as wi� c;:Ln gpix, 3.49c; refined, quiet; No. 6, 5.000, for the best part of it month. they were so -it. Vincent de Pitit] Aospital ivith his 'Tanuary. Lena left tile island for St. barbor sliol) to ItletIlve. it C.Iat, of var- 0 al'i'd _glad to but g by.' to 'ascend to my Fathir and witnesses were brought from Jarl to Ill I SUPPORO Louis, where she had ,friends. From h And believe .that God would reful to own 'No. 7, 4.95o; Xo. 8) 4.00c; No. 9, 4.85(3%, anyl leading counsel were ei find nice men, after tilt they had been head badly battered, al the doctors In nish prepmatury t.) il-i bving hold to , wit, 1 ur Father and God Also; Hill, as Son) and it is thii,whiol )gagcd by there lie. said she went to Winalow. , ,1,..Iler of alltjqtlj�. ftl,. it .. Kell- C7O d a yo a ChrisL No. 10, 4.75e; NO. 11, 4.70; No. 12,.4.05; � . Itaught about the general run of men attendance unable to tell ,whether lie 11 urt" hr hem take courage."- puts in the forefront of His trill as No. 13, 4.60, No. 14, 4.550; confection- b6th sides. * - - - I oo happy to try to do' not. Ariz., where ehe entered the employ (If dall was sandpalwrillff it whQ11 lie, was Clarke. Cc to lily brethron-Mrst ser, risci. and ascending; 'I ascend itill my- ers' A, 5.20c;� mould A 5.75c; cut -loaf, a A, w1dow named Airs. Sall Farnsworth. surprketi to liack a ll ti�-(-tet draw. vants, then di cipi,es., then friends; itow Father, and ,your Father, and to lily 0.20e,. crushed, 0.10c; powdered, 5.50e; SAVED THE CHILDREN. serve them." Steivart, with his hired man, Jtt,mes NOW you may think Lena Keiger Cr. FOVOng tit, dVaW,I' k-llell Ile W11', es: "Are mail all despised as inferior to Young, aged 24 years, of tWs town, 1v 0 k after the r tree ,on, brethreu.--J.j 11. God, and your Gbd.'.Tlie joy that awalti granulated, 5.40c; culles, 5,65c. . r to ,me � to LawretvM bivi silo didn3t, aniazed to discover doeuntenr-, believ- & 13, Thig involves in itself eternal in- me with God awaits you also, the power . Mr. Robert Ouitival of Ottawa, Lott His women?" she was Raked. went out to a field to do some seoding, Slie. couldn't read English, so bavii.a Winnipeg Wheat Markets. C4No, not exactly," she replied hesitat- Stewart stooped over to Adjust Z nut r ed to b,�. worth s,"j-5,1100 and a deeil, for . heriUvvee�-Ptll- Com, I ascend -I am r , to exercise is the powe. of . Life iravelY. ' i on the machine, when Young ,struck tucked the car4 awfty, As showed ft -to it large faria situawd mmr J(eadhigr, your Following at-,-- tile closing quotations ngly; "bilt you know we have all the Mirs. Farnsworth. What Ali--.;. F arii,A J.,consXt tX, la� clothing invaelf with my eternal form; GOT , The hOlitil the Power, the Vid- I him over the head %vith a ptided club, � V it I have lalla, down illy lip that I lilight, tory I have achieved and now -enjo3i, are Olt IVirl ,,l futures: Ottawa despatch, Front injimles re. latest daily papers, and every timethere worth said to the girl Lawrence did not 'Vile papers were ratilroad boa& ruado /2- 7-- is art account of a divorce scaudal or a which lie , ))ad socrete4 iind6r his take it again And use it for the blessed- yours; wilat I claim, I claim for you." Wheat -,-.May $1.11 bid, July $1.1.21( ceived ,yesterday' when .he Was run will clothes. Seven or eigilt blmvs were relate, but Mrs. Fiftril had writ. in tile nallic, of the Into dolin Rell- ' ress of my bretbrevv�Pul. Com. Illy I A: C. M. bid. . . over by a heavy wagon in the attempt broken tip household the older ones � ten to him and pictures Iliad been ex. etc. --4 ather of Christ by nature � - I, .. to save some children from being rtin say, 'There is some more of the married ill before Chas. Ri ork- dall, father of Albeit, who diod Laid - Oats -T ,-\lily. 44%o bid, July'46%e bid. . changed. �Tis listener gave lifin the mer. denly fifteen bliss you beltr about."' . Ing in another -field, sawng 90' ry, nierry ,he, Ila, md did not even Te- 'Ir Father, - . - "Ittilwa: years ago. Tp,�, bolld.4 and of men by grace.-Westaott. 18- . NEED MORE MISSIONARIES. . British Cattle Markets. over, Robert Dunti, of the firm of R. are dated IN11d; Jolla Kenditit was re- Afary .... told the disciples -"Art a,pos- -London cables for cattle are' & G. Dunn, Ottawa, died early this- "But the younger ones?" ing oil, and ran to his neighbor's as. pent the tale until io-day when ,Ains. Lorl eased morning at his home. 'IN-Vell, they don't say much. You see, listante. wort -It -told a -bout the )otter lie had rt,.- ptill to be at the time of 116 delith, tle to the apostles." Mary was the first Presbytirians Reqaire Fourteen for steady at 13 to 1414c per Ili., dri At noon yesterday Mr. Dunn ivas many of the older once had quite a lot Young took to his heels and has ceived from Lawrence, dn'ted Winslow, One of t1to wellithi".4 men Ill tha see - to see Jesus and the first to proolailm weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at hey had some eluded capture, though the countryside ,� I., and *a-,; knowit to hold many Foreign Fields, � driving ],is wagon honve, when the of 'married bliss' before t k N, and which told of the inarrilve 1i his resurrection. St. Mark tells us Torovito,- May i5. -A review of 'the Ile to lljfze per lb. I bit in his horse's nioul broke, and quarrele'Alid joined the commonwealth." is out on a search, That the robbety And how It came about, concludiII& wkil 1w!e`111t Jersey Railroad bonds. After (Chap. 16; 11) that the Apostles could The Cheese XarketS. the Animal plunged madly forward. ent of the ]louse was the motive of Young "Corl out on my ranch and yovil the funfral it searob. was made for hI.4 not believe what slid said. fields under the care of the VoreignAlls- . Mrs. Pratt, th . Nia,panee.-This Afternoon 1,145 whitA En front of the horse several little chi] eloper, is one of the charter members of is eortitin. So carefully w it ' k either." I Will �Lrld Valuable Impors. To tlu� Thoughts. -I. Chriat's death establish. slon Committee of the Presbyterian rtnd'205 colorad boarded. Sales: Dieke�, dren well playing. To save them the.colony. VVhen asked it she would' that Stewart's dog was cM,inod P,ip and Mr. Balfe, who rims the comvill surprise of the faindy tlwy catild not ,P(I. This is important or doubt will be Church, which began its spring meeting, 2r)o white; .Ins. Alexander, 300 White; Mr. butin jumped down and caught forgive Airs, Hoover, she replied 111 do -,lot found until some time later. departmetit on Ellis Island, is in Panama Ile found, anti Albert and, hi. -I sistela thrown on the resurrection. (1) The cell. tile first of Lite three regular nvl Thompson, 300 white.; Vaultivev, 100 the horse, by the neck. not know any Mrs, Hoover," Ang )yould Young when kyouth had a bad ctim. just now as a food expert for the gov- have been lit alrao,,t destituto ch-cunt.- turion assured Pilate of His desall of the year, yesterday morning, arid white at 11%e; 11 to Mfie offered for go succeeded in turning the horse not say anything more on the subil trial record, at one time serving it term ernment, and upless he liurries -back fit,, stan(.wd, �J - It. . (Mark 15. 44, 45). (2) 13looil and'water continues in seselon this morning Ill the colored. No colared sold. Balance of. aside and saved the children but Students Ili Washington, and indeed, for attempting to wreck a train oil department will be turved into a 3nat- - I flowed front His ,side (John 10. 3-4, 35) . I the New Y6rk Central. - rinvorrial bureau by blie I%clit-lors all th, CHOKED AND Rl * Confederation' Life board room, itidi- fered, 11 to 11346c. he was thrown to the ground Za tha all over th6 world, have td,ken,a great -464-4� . --a proof of death. (3) His friends wrap. wagon Passed over his back. Hia in- interest in the comuloilmdalth, Avid have island. ' ped Him in astees for burial. (,4) Tit,, t At least fourteen ' Liktowel.--Sevon lots set(! - oif'tlk(, 11 Moses Wolfr a Toronto Fish Dealer, Had Inoremissionaries are needed immediatq- boartl at 11 .16 cents, arid two lots at juries were of a severe internal chill discussed the possibility ,of making it . ONLY A JOKE. When Mr. Ainsworth was asketl torub was s#a od awl -nrded. (5) The di6d ht 4 o'clock this,rilorri- permanent. Mrs. MacWII' ter received Lawrence was really 0. lazy -worthlet;p a Baa Time. Astonishment of His (IiAciples on ti.e. re- IF to man the work in India, China ll�j cents. moter. Ile It fellow, lie attid "Well I don't want to . atl Corea. The feeling of the cornn 0 ttawa.-To-day' tb Pro were boarded ivil , ­ � 1. a series of commendatory letters from A. W. Staples Isn't Dying, But Very , An Orangeville dospatch.- 'Mo%ea Wolf, surrection morning allows that they Illit1rce is that they call get the ITIOnOy' 154 boxes whitk'. 120 boyp's gold at I% J : :: count Leo Tolst6i, which, it published, do the man an ivil I won't go so A, fish deaF�r of Toronto, had a terrible ),new that he had (lied. 9. The proofs Much Alive. of lite resurreition. T&ey Are fibund if they have tile men. '1110 deficit of conts pet pound. London Policeman's Escape. would probably be of great Value AS A. . far to say he's lazy, but if it required OX once Oil Wednesday night tit the - key to tbe,character and,ideas of the cc- Chatham, May 25.-Souvo days. ago A I voluntary work Oil ])is part to fit- t�,1,111r,ildp of 'Mclanotb(III, Ile is it arl (1) The reautrection crime in, no. last i6r, alviounting to $13,000, is not Wirehester.--To-night 323 white and A L'ondoit despatch- R. J. Robertson, �-11118116 IctUAIA lit' wOtild have di'21 dealer lit bull Anil o�Lgy% and has, beell entirely wilied out, yet the prospects are 80 colored were regisUred, 11 3-16a of for. . - �Iltrio Russian vioveliit.- These lettercl) oorkod bottle was found on the farm of his Y' cordalice with two classe O T I ono of the recently Appointed policemen, evith, rvvarvy�others from noted socialist$, %Vesloy Roseborough, near Itentbridge, for Ifit'k, of nourishment fifteen, 7ell r A doing blWiless NVIth favinors at their ment prophecy, "one representing Christ exceedingly bright,,, et -for white and ll%a for colored-, About had PL marvellous, escape from dea,th last fully preserved in tile ola white farm- eont'Mulng a note to thim effect tl at one 096", . hoilles. for some time, nittking file resi. as suffering and dying, its Im.' 53, and I t - t I _ Chalmers Church, Toronto, )lag lilt- 100 boxes white sold oil bollird. night, Robertson was standing cloae to house. A� NIT. Staples w119 ailikAlng fast, arid con. dence of Mrs. Thomas Afournahatit. bis tho other as ti; trillill halit, everlasting dertakell to Support Rev, A, P. Leding- Perth.-Owhig to the late spring there the G. 'T. R, tracks at the Tecumseh . I tain Stopping Place for the nigI]l ()n thk1t king of A, kingdom WITh shall never be ham, Al. A, of Albow, Central India. were only about 940, all white. All sold Colony Likely to Utidute. of i,ng Instructions as to tile disposal * ZAROSSI ARRESTED. _ ,destroyed, its Isa. 0. 7; Dan. 2. 44, 45- Itev, Dll - IL P- MadICAY, having at 11�6v. House, on Richmond street, bidding That Tolstol esteelvied, tile collul jig body. - Chief a Police 11011nes . OVellInT Off tile 20111 WOlf allPgft that to . * ;;'. 00oa-bye to a friend, d'hd did not notice, Wp lins receiveA a letter front Mr,, Staples, XtAgan ftlikor, Wlinted at Montreal fat 4ftef ettred James Atournalvaill 7, 13, 14; Psa. 72, 7) which only the , just returned fvoi*a tho west, reported RemptAllo.-Offerings to-itight of 940 'No 144r approach of tit# eastern fl ,alth highly is shown lit tills long tot, - 'to - In tit(! boxog, 70 colored and 170 white. All 01' r6p ice. lit approved of the idert; of SAl be is very filudi, Alive, allit that Swirl round in Mexico. Felix Mournalmm and Slim Ilate,t (,atilt-. surroetiott could Tecolvel eN TAIn it enthusiastically on tbe*otttlopk , I k oW , Arid, - Before Robertson hnew, ,,vilat k.tTIC . (2) The testimony of the npoatl(,�s wl�o Synods of Albortit arid British Coluffl- elteese sold oil the board lit Ile for him 110 wit,;. Josse(i over ten feet away celibacy All of the fAA that Vie WOT11011 some one 1166ped by ibe to 1.tia boarooln, julapett Olt Lind (1hoked In : 'te'and eol�red. ' worked as laborers an their Own toil and it 'oke on I iii)t. The Avenrotact to 'play Montreal, Ality 2&--.A, telegram nd through liis packetR, Ali - had such. Absolute faith I tit(, fact thnt blit. both wbi turving a complete son, ora-tult Ili his , lJe wile Wards - A very Interesting report was if Own clot -lies nild Ide'. . vil .rei 16 calamity was alleged retel"d tit detective liell4quarters thiR straieting $140 whioh,ho )I. d t bit. 1) - the based their prea4iing and theft re- - To the great astonishment of macto that 0 ,4, It -1 0 v ro , Tiradstrtet'a Trade Review. flight. I lave te�ufr bo of -eternal life vil it, irl ecivolil froni tile Gotlotal Aisenil of . those who aaw tile ftecldmt, Robertson, Little did Mr, JWkviWhirtor kil to ed, ig liboat Wading niorniiig frorli lrovfoo City stating duce with, Alul threatened to kift him. �Ple Montren]: There, has been considerable Ill's lady. that paltry dqPtll. . - Another brothertialned Bryan. 'Atourvill. thint, the Presbyterian CAW& lit I'Adial stat. whou lie refuted wands to beliove in it, and, Ill huprovetil In firil conditioua here picited Mineelf up arid continued on Auty (1,011l and a half in Will ToXA4, 111 .-� ­ .1-1 I 11 that Sequilit Zarossi, an Italian bankor, ham Anil the inothm of tile bov.q jill the fact by their don'th. (31 After Ills bat -begotlatiorill were pkod�edlvl dIlring the past \V400k 01' t%va. its it nothing had happened. who was arrested here it couple of tett further ill 111-1y hopefully looking toward uffion . , Money i4 1677, what 0, arl lie had got roll,111A, . months ago oft it charge of theft, nild Jury to re!zuril Christ Appeal iiiany- Illost:t �omiug forward inore easilf) part.leillarly I ... I 490 ­� down tho hill of discontent'. IG follmd . ME!) OF BURNS. who junil his �4aij of $TD.000, wos Wolf, who escaped fron) the Ill at witnemoq­fivo qiu%idrtkd at one time. (4) of all the churches of India in th6 near. 0 , future. from Wtt0vill Call art(, Ontario pay. Ives And gatb- -The death: took - oil sdiil niornhig, 111te. works Christ lias Won doing lit thp . How Pigs Helped the Yaxpliyar, plenty of discontented wi Montreal, Afay Mr. arreitod in tilat city livat %light. When a o'clock Till . o.v it sluftivil. place this morning iffider pathetic eir- C, pl� Nvorld for twarly two illOnsand yearl ,. Information was received that the Inputs, ate generally well. till to th Six weeki ago the Ttadring Guat- ,l ull no wreck a of ufitlly ftrossi was doing blisiness bore nit St. NV411011t breakfast, 110 Walked to SI' "r f I" t'rife fjoille lilies of . -home an(I ev deritly Mo still - l street be rer 'lit( o 'it year. It is distia ,decidecl to Iteep pigs And to foe(l ca up V11 Olt it� curriatanceiv of MIAg Nellie Wilson, daugh 'Jam, ,r burne, and swort, out a AvArrant for hi. -4 tho evistell of tho (Airistinu cilurell, Young Woulch's Clirialtian. Absociation - of the late Thorl Wilson, who in e �cso -41 himself as asq -(\ 'Abbaill day, nip of (lopolthagen lilts appointed a lady Ade report oolleetioi rk- Ilion. tot .01. . ,ailantq, who W01 OTTORtoll arill . - Mill thd change fill tile R . ti [is A.4 atilt Slow, but thern on the waste from theF ,wo Path. For the *own of the coal -ember all agent for tit , of Xftple-c% It Jiftlilght to thftt vIllogre.. They, till (imilea all f4trong prools of 01irlat's iv;tir,-Pe. Tni,mi6nary to assist In the work airl others say they Are. bettor titan they ,loll At tIte ineeting yeaterday it wealth Are euttiog lumber 'oil tit(- north lils life thue wwi a wo.11 kil in Is alleged that lie swindled fellow. tion. 3, The Joy of tho w*urreetion- (11 tilt,, BlAls of Central India, . hill for years, lite domiand tot- wtm announced tji&t tile prolit jr0ril wood lot tio buil(I Ali Addition to t1leir of the Atontreal Stock Pmeliange. Last eouttilyanen Out of large sums of the ehirge It the 1;i�llinlnary lwaringtf loans 'is not M 10avy As a year o., I r the accommoantion of rl(�Av Sunday, while 'visiting Mrs. 11(medoneef, Ill who were in tile habit of giving Wit Iliglit. Wolf told hiq story on ondi "'T � I I t - I We V 9 0 It revived th�, lopes of tilt) (HaVIPIPS anti ' Arn6vig t1lose in att6lidance ato 90y's, 9"'I'le, - flit.. at -16 of tlia 'Pigs Arriourited to 965. hOul to ultile stroot'.1,11sa Wilson act fire to her him drafts to their relativos lit the olll I Arid the vano was Adloull 'until to. _ to Ietsell I ctivity. At thl - i)raughl joy, *dth, eoul and victory. W. A. X Martlin (Drantford, Convener), ed itilustrial A -T,6n.don Starl I Wrill . risured tit('. elothc-s white oxtilliguiallifig a lamp. Her torntry, Rottrtillition p.,tivers are riow Ilight at 840, it behl" (2) The fear of (tenth And Ille g1l 'is 1). It. Drummorld, (144miltolf). presetit thilegen"Al buidrl is moving ­ . - 4 - - Mrs. AftioWhlrtor cleverly i re(I fafnI to -day. Allas Wil. being pfcp4l."d. Ifill 'Ovido,041t), ,#I foo lato fo 'hear rcluovotl. (311. It brings tho hopo of im- 6 0 0 ', ­ towards. betim, eonditiom, Ail nAverse Tbq til '00it,iii,the Sue? caftill covitiftlitl of tile 00minolm-alth by irifutles pro, "ll lite And giv#4 ap,411-11let, of our Nell-Ifitill Is stildying painting. reactive 4.4 tho contivil woll weat M*- - P .1 her, Wan $120,1150.000. ptoviding that As long ,As ill , ,�Mlliln ilon wnr4 erl to be niftrrilerl. ftftd Phe VRAA is oxciting great inforeq1t, own resurrection with spiribillil boilloq nP1lv.--TVx nbout time' Judeing from which itt thin pnrt of ,tile eoulitry N aet- Au.Aralla'll only beast of prey %,I -- �A*,44'foi'4 oi dough With. Crown Attotney MeK,vly \vIll ,progpetil two p"Ablis who earil tho, Meng at t1il teroul was to have taken place Ili - few like ITis 9101-10119 body. (4)� Obtist Is her conil tile Against crops. the (lingo, or wild dog. , th6 eornmAm it sitait .be considered in a short 'time, out being \Vell bred. t1vil loqalr.y. . I I . I . .. . i. I . 1. . -1 ­ . . - I& . . ,:!. . . f,,�., ­ .. - . .1 . ­-­.&±­,.��,.e� , X&W&1%iWft.&-- — — .--..-.-, - ­ . - � - - I