The Wingham Advance, 1908-05-21, Page 7I I I . ,� 11 I _T� —1 I " 7"INT I I r I I I - , � -1: 1plv.- .o, � 4: : va, , ", N; I ,� �, , *It .�;%i.19 I , . . ,% " '! - �.p " 0 ��' , ", A, � . ,4 JW..IL i. I - Y � s ,� . I � V k". ;., fo I �t*, 1 _A� [A 'k- ' -Yl . I �; - � I 1�1 - . I . I , " - I , I I ..- I I 1. . , �. - ... - .- � ­ � ­ ­ ' ' L - - ­ ' � -' ­ � ------- I -.1 ­ ...­ .­�.___., I ­ � . � ... - �_.. I # ' , . . . . .1 - .. . � ­ . ­ .1 1. . -1 . _. . � 11 . . I I -.1.1 � .. .1. ­_�_­ .. .. . ". .. ". ­ I ";; ; , - . . .4 - - ­ , - , , I . . - ".4�_ , , I . . _ __ , I : , . , I � � I � I - - . .1. � 1. ­ -1 --...-1- .- � .. . ­ , , ­­ ­.� , . , , � '' �' : - � - - - _- ­ � - 7 - --' "' " - ----- - t" """ 1_ � ' L . . '7�wl 1� � 1. . I Tw '"AT' 0A."' I - to Wlgth In favor of U111". If thm - "At the Lung Wung )41A(v A large . , " Ujou reaultid, Ile claimed Oat 21,000 'Junk was ready � to start ivith QveT tbir- � TOL$TO1 D . "S THE MAN, "' ""' THIRTY KILLED ' 1211, 1 -_ - ,I .tWOUROBS POETRY. DF4 0 V a 000 TROOPS* British COIUMMA Bushman W110 Y84IX64, I nistalm. could b ared' from Ali ty people on boavd when she was sunU 1� I THAW TELL , S Telle Uucilted Russla,A Peas.ant That It P ixud tile whola of them drownfil. At Zvemles. BOW%4 19*. , dehomili oils, lZ 06 wotk of the to silly Superstition. I . V` better for t1teir removal to Aod Two. ffuu&4 Hurl; 11.0 the tile Ta 314 Ton t1lero wev'A fifty rke . That NpMbor Said to N sO,Ure For Vilucouver, 94 i4. ---Not to every 1 6 St. Nomina,ted by Sotia ists *5 Prefl, tile Inission field, � bontil a4d nit went under. of their I ,. Voterslauvg, Alay 18.--CQuut ',Col- - Mira only thirteen ine . n cocalle I OF SYR100TING �1. A Toracentenary, antit, Is It givett to be able to gtfulil , "' � stali, writha *4184tat of detiltipil Cauaili4tek 40; Dt. Onutplabl), of Motitroal, lea L94104134 70134410, the litrain of' the Two Anil silout 4aya I .# to an educati�d I., . ' in boat with tile MAlialarin and tile simbrisk Government, iflio Asked tho.opposition, and ultimately the at-. -Alandal . . , _ ]ale family on board. w4s carried into the %lid th4 39-911ts, IIIW WHII WeIrd not",$ le Kill U1111 for advice It'speotilig his. literary UMent botwedu Man and Rev. 'Mr. , flow He Felt When H 64 Roo4ovelt Decl#col tb. he aDespic, ffeKay became go warin, tbu,b the Dootrqyd Three $M;111 TQ*wss IiI4 middle of the yarl 0, W140ra tile Waves ,Quebec, May M-4 careful census of In -the Britioll Columbia, bu4b. Tho . �d- atealuer Amur had i's 4 1411401k9er ON offorts) atattk tv a the Stanford White. 11001lerally speaung, 111014 that tilt, a Moderator hud to. call them toorder. ,4 . tail laountalit 109 A nal nothing has the ho4eos, roonis, etc., to let for ,wt trip froz t1te Aorth a man 40,111 - word, which is tile t%pression of . _hIQ CO3WArJ1,. 'IT thia 0. mapil Cr9ps" twell seen of the Jaundarlit or the boat tercontepary just completed. allows 40, her it , ­ . . Wboll tile Subject was rea'Aun. . . slace. A � junks ]lave been re- e�d Miller, who WAH found wanderrilic thought and the luatillest4tioll Of tile - I.., ! . ployllink 4 resolution ivas palsell urg. coluillodation ready for at least thirty AroUlad A little Cablia in t'he ivilderwmi . . Ilia th� Pre4yterlea to rQoJ'tVe fa F1, I t 0 1 11 r the � I Allenists Diffor as to Whether He ,spirit, is so Unportairt, that G eallifuie . v- Shrereport,La,, Mity 18, ­Thirty daia4 covered AtOct And I 0 le 9 ve fO , ,thousand, and ail ths. tent city with beyond Skiegate-7 1114 Method Of 100o - it for retteons of ilicaBtIre, thythrat it-lul Chicago, Ill, May I8.--TlId socialist& orably any suggestion or overtures and two hundred Injured is it cuna%1erVA, owners to come and claim them, but no incitation for six thousand, Ila I �ia peculiar. lie persistki ill , Is (�oxy or Not, I.Ilylale, And t,o 8aQrJfiW eleilrilfts J),Ild Ill national 011YOnt1011 Inst 411glit, Adopt-) from any other ovangelleal churches t,ive 05tiniate, of tho fatmllkie;i caivied by one line turited up." accoill. 10* motion, wo yards over the togs wid Amplielty for lWo contilderations, is ed it platfohn after a, long debate that for union in 111185 , ollary distriele. A fleet of boats ladett with casit In- Assured, not Illuji, Apprehension is felt Walking back) . Tile � � will meet tat . Like turnallo, which swelat through North- tended for the palrellaso of tell, lip, couw its, to. lack of housing room., L busli, and. could only with the ,greatest -ceps1c). May , I blaspheiny. , grow aekiniWimm a� tialies. As soon as broke, next I , I rent west Louisiana, last Wellateodity ovening, Into tliallan t1lat Ilight fearing Information just received from OLta;Ay4 difficulty Le persuadcA to ItialUo a few Wkighk 1(10-114M, X. "It is Ile though tltvi plown1411 11anced — - _., 1'. . .- "I Nothing relpaills of thelia, '1110 by lot -at military indicates that tit least steps $It tile nortand manner. Thaw% own story of thi) Impulse taint behilial his plow. If Ito Aid Be lie would the platform wao, adopted the convelt- . destroylurt three small towns .and loay- a ltolrlllu� I t All the Way down, Ili the ))Out Ile tion proceeded 4ftor nildulght to select vitine of tllo _Q0111. on bpard wits ilowards tel ,to welyo thousand troops will be - It Wa Ical. bim to murder �.'tanford Whito 811011 tile Stl3tightlIMS And rV`o,UInrit'Y Of, Ng wrecked hoinosand ruined crops lit it . of $100,000� . here, I leNhibited tile waille Vec4IIArItX- .1 , 404 144 description of tile senso,tiolls Ills furrow� it -,PAltdid4tb fol, President. The intinea � , path it Ilille wide and fifty Illilos lour" � 1:1 -� it, - . It is understood that Col. J. lIatibury tile ll'OrtO relhurkable'froln'the fact that , Poetry, evell whell it is 9004, if', In of Eugene V. Dells) of Indiana, and A. Al. Xho dead. at U111141111, which ilad about WMIluns, 0, Ar, VA., find '100cph Pope'. C. it alternated with brief spells of ordin- 44 looked down. the barrel y opinion, -_ f , 1r, _. , two hundred in -habitants, number 13, 'IVE MEN*. ST. G., )lave been appointed to make all ftY Walking, Which WOUld 01431#0 into that vrowded oil hlia tit* 1111nuto Owt an a very *;Illy superstition." ,91mons,, of Chicago, were placed before , of his ra- .1. the delegates. 111hil Calgary, of Missouri Question In p4rliarAent W to U411 while at Bolinger the known dead list I SAVED F the necessary Arrangements for the pro- die bnokwaril, thotion in 0, luQuielit, AL14 . volver at the body of tile archlt,eetf I .f. , 0 towns Are About filfi .... per reception And entertainment at so continue for some time, . . l, before the cotut of law for OTTAWA COLLISION ' , I $tore$ In -Britain" Si x1leaso tw - wits found. In the bush )I,.)- - b of Dabb in a apec0l tmit, miles apart, dad nothing has been ga�hoone poUUdillt 0 -1, It. 1-1. the Prince of W_41e4 After be . . AssalillIng President Roosevelt for Ills , r 'a par and Wil Quebec of I was sent. for inedicill 1p:knmin%tIon, And the first time ,yesterala.y. Dr. Amos T. ­;. .­., . leartiod of the work of the, s t l . and suite during the tercentenary, as , well as to look after the comfort of the oil the Aniur lie was liaml in clinrga "Undesirable criticisms" roularks and do-, London, Afay 18,_C,has. 11", Bowerman, country between them, At Elmore, it he a Totat Wroe.k. . -Raker, msistairt superintendent of vile Ono Man )LOW, V our Injured, When . clared the President to. be "That most 11 I other invited guests of the nati nai of A keeper. AlI efforfs to draw front � or AO - stnte Asylum for the ev wl represents the raieRt itiarket district illitill towil. near Gillinill, several hollsys ,onainission, including the represen 0 � of his previous exporl- blatteawatt despicable coward the world has . , tatives hill' =01"AtS Criminal Insane, cAled by the Stitte Collier Struck Liner. known," lie denounced Secretary . of Wu,r in tho Ilouse of Commons, has notified were destroyed, and it Is not known phlindc1phill, 3raty IS, -The schooner of France, that United States 'and the slices fulled. Ile r0fusa!4 to say r- NVOT � . . I how many people perished. Several of - of (I ,8K . durin . he on LQ tl�stlfy in the liaben's corpus pro- I . Taft for having dxuitk the health ofthe IT.Inattort ChUrC111111 , r0olilcilt AQf the the dead were brought to Shreveport on William M(,Coe, Capt. Ilearsol, from lVest sister colonies Australia an , � tit .,g t -tire trip, and took not the aspersions . , goth Czar of Russia, 1le Also cast Board of Trade. of 16 intention to quos, tile relief train front Gilliam, this morn. Point, Virgiiiia,.for Now York, -svith a - Africa. slighter.* ao of those -who qufttioned (.L�cdiqgs brought by Tlilkw be0ro J110. A Montrintl despatch; Wheat the S, S. tit IV. J. Bryan, John 8 Parge, of N, it, the House oil A-fily 18 regard- ing, and the liospitals %lid Bai)ltario. are 'rite French Government has decided him, -ept up nit almost endless tioca Morschaaser in the $uprettlo Court Ottawa, of the Dominion Line, steam- Y seconded the nomin4tion of Dells. tion him load of plate boards, is apparently water- �o send iin official representative to tile All xl%y he 1% I . -1 injured , _ ot Dn,cit,ca county, ,read this storY ed into this port to-niFlit . it was 9�'�nioux Stodannia, of Chiefr9o, present- ing -what steps, legislative or otherwise, 'I'DIviled wit I .., several of whom eck, with Ilia pecullar, .1 will dip, - logged And flying signials 'of distress, soy:' ftte$ In accordance witIl the invitation 3.,ovild of the il ed the name of Simons, declaring Dells Ito proposed to take to prevent tile Ar- front the commission, and one is also ,ex- shuffling, uneasy, backward walk, psylat'g, taia inovaling frow it diary whervill be learned tliat one of tile crew was I I I --- � A.-, I- , � , . eral wiles off Sea Isle City- . physicai.71y unfit to make the race, This niours, of Chicago, front establishing in pected from-Bourage, the birthplace of 110 attention to obstacles alliniate or lal� Iliad kept records of Weeks of coliver- fatally injured, nud fQitr others bad- re,nia�lc caused the supporters of Delas this country retail) stores for tile Purpose , - In res'ponse to signals file crew of Lite , life-siving station went out in a life-' Cliathplain, Tile Afarquis DoXfoattealm anitilatz. He Was taken to New West, u-ttlon, with thla Inall iio.v .iuulohig re- ly hurt Ili tile collision w4h the coal to burst forth iii a pandonionlotun, of of supplying meat direct �to. the Con- KS. boat and brought the crew or five men and, tile Marquis DeLevis, the oldest whisfer Asylum. -: -- A I Icase frona the asylatill. boat Trold, in the Oillf, last Sunday ahouts and hisses, Aluch clamorous do- Sumer. I , It I generals, . ashore. .The. schooner is pounding on 'ving connections. to the former ­­ � . � "! hit like it nimn who had suildelaly Ilight- bate 'and many riecrimations followed. This query Is based oil tile statement SAU BRITAIN NEVER WAS Towndaudl4 Inlet bar, and will be a 70tal have been invited. It is feared that ill foun(t himself standing oil the brinic A large crowd awaillid the Arrival Debs reedi'Val 152 votes, The poll of the L)Iab the Arinours are calling up, $5,000,- health may prevent the 'attendance of" BILLION DOLLARS. - of tile vessel, which steamod into port votes had proceeded until* 19-1 had beerk 000 of new, capital for tile purpose of PROUDER OF CANADA THAN NOW. wreck. , .farqlals rclsfoiitcalar� but tit I ,of a precipice," Was the, way Thaw . - The 'witilaill McGoe Was built in 18(55, the � . aa Mar. I I uharactorized tile murder imptilso that With A gdsh Ill 1101- b0V fttIlY thirt y I ('011liteil, Aull oil tile showing it wag �totthig London -,lull the provinces with . and was of Ice# tliati 100 tons burden. quis DeLovis is confidamtly expected, — __. feet lit length, and teaching almost moved by Vibtor Botger, of Milwaukee, their civil retail stores, the idea being : , i. - *I,-- Lord Stratheoula, Canadian High Coill, � (j ca-Ille to lihit oil the roof of Madison. I la 'on �o MA(a unanimous. to avoid tile tolls, find charges levied at Exchange of Great Men. Should Xeep . missioner in London, has heen invited. 3 Congress Appropriations Will ,urden, to the �vatetlftle. The steel plates that tit. itominati . , I I k . ;Squitre C "There sat Whitalo 11 (I Clanadit'and United States Friends- KINa's IrUNDItIg'ti 610INEAS. 4 ating . t, lite, and I felt like that 14 It also .laten ripped off, admittillo The mWon we '011911 Vith A dt4fell- Lite Smithfield, market, Mr Bowerman � and an acceptance of the invitation sent Leave 'a DeficiL . I a � i6il lit tit' Wrshout. ]Benjamin Hanford, of Now claillis that tile putting into effect of Annual Banquet of New York Caua- Itim has been received from Ireland from . ull, the edge, of the precipice." daylight to both the upper and Jowe't Ilia Rio Majesty's Subscription. Towards . . . holds, � . k, was nominated for Vice -President. this scheme ,will destroy the business of 41an Club at New York. , I Air, George Wolfe, the nearest living — "azing Stories. . Five men sleeping in the lower hold - . - � : g- . � . tile y,aglish, butchers Rudilleat salesmen, ' Wolfe and Xontcubn Memorial. I This w s only one of tile amazing in the vessellubow %Vben the c , ollision o will not be able to compete if tile � I � . .. . . representative of the family of the faut, Washington, May 18�--Tlle sjxtieth a . London, May 18. -The, Lord Mayor ous general, - - I congress will have earned the title of thingaa th took place wera hurled in steel plates. LUITECK'S SLAYER* A'vi' orichn prta�lcers tire permitted to trade - . at came out of W, .Baker,$ JU . 11 NOW York, May. 1B. -Standing be, presided at a representg,tivo meeting , .6 ,httlu note -book to -day. Away from, the John TRY101', the second baker on the oil such terms. -:. 0. acatit intertwined. Citgadjan and United at the Mansion 15,duse to support the 9, billion, d0lar congress" lit its first � testraiat and eircullispection of big at- vessel, was frightfully niangled, and )roposal to preseiit a 111ritish memorial , JEALOUS MAN. session before adjournment is taken tat - died without regaining consciousness, CORONER'S JURY VERDICT IN THE OUS CHANGE. - States flags, with a full-length portrait I . - toriteys and urged by his charaoterls . .. of President Roosevelt On Ills right And of Wolfe and Montcalin to Canada ka I , the end of this week. It is estimated, tie luildness for seli-revomtion, Earry It took some time, to ,releasal the BRINDALE MURDER. connection with the conversion Of the I � that -tile total Appropriations Will reae) , I I '111law had told tile Alatteawall, doct,or other men from the twisted pieces of Itaiser Has Altered Out of Ills Warlike one of King Edward on Ills left, his Plains of Abriham, into a national ST. X ITTS' W014AN WOUNDED IN the enormous ouln of $I,0.6,0o0,00Q which latimate thillp.3 that � steel which enveloped them, and they I Excellency tile Riglat lion; Jaaics tile ca.11palglis of . . Moustache. - as pa& Prind6 A-2thut of Connaught,. FIGHT AT CONEY ISLAND. is ailid. to be the largest amount ever Ills aLrorueys lit their light tea- his re. were all badly injured. Albert Weir, a C. P, R. V iremon . 13rycp, British Ambo wador at Wnsh- Lord Robefts, t1ld 1?%ri of Crewe and I lip1ropriated lit a single session. I , Gave � Aease failect to disciuse. lie refuted A panic ail board was only pkevollt- Sensational BvIdence-Claimed He Ilerfin, -Alay 18.-Tlid Kaiser has, at- Iligtoill to�lligllt paid it loyal trilluto the Bishop of. tondon wer among tile .� Those approrrintions for the fiscal I 1 7 ed by the presence qJ inind of tile tered Ilia style of wearing his mousm to tile Canadians, and declared Ili$ *be. speakers, Thosd .prdseint included A Singer in One of the Music Halls year begins, Ju y 1, 1909. It is too ,carly testinlony LIlltt 11.1a olwo booll given I'l SaW Pri4ofier Washing Blood From . . . his WWII, behalf, lie Llleu made a con- ship,; officers. tach6. Thirty million loyal Teutqns, def that tile colony would always re- Lord Strathooran, and Count Lastours, Pere -Went to New York to Study to ve anything like. an. accutate esti- � V I � I falids 4nd Face on. Good Friday. tile estimated litale . population of the maia loyal to the mother couutr ' - - . i -volentivus effort tit, the Analysis of Ills . � � � Hig I yo reiiresenting the FTeach Binbassy. Opera -Louis Pogei� jealous of Her, Wate of the revenues of the Government 'Dwit. itaind, E,mpire, are directly affected, for to d,8,,l Alessages were read from the Premier, . during that period of twelve months, but . . tico J� tile prealletion'of lion. Air, Jae Killed Her Two Companions. "It 1 have ever ocen Insane in, my MILITIA CAMP - Brinditle, May Is. --ill Will contradict trim one's moutache in tho martial IV. Louglay, of Halifax, that at Lord Lansdowne, Mr. Balfour atid the members of the appropriation committee life," said Thaw 'Ili one of his confl. ­­ . �_- . manner immortalized by the Emperit: some timerla the future Canada would Liouterlant-Governor of Quebec. think- they Will riiii somewhere between . May witness you bring forward who ,Will has become -,in un,writtert law of mas. be au.independent factor lit the world Amongst the subsetiptions annoulic, XeNv York, May 18.--!rlie $850,000,000 find $900,000,000. This ittential cliats with jJr. .13akor, "it was ' I (ath- of iations. . crowd Ili olte minuto before the shooting, and it May he H61d at GoJedch Instead say this is not Lite man I saw washing cilliae patriotism throughout the r I ell is one of one hundred guineas from tile South Brooklyn Hotel at Occutile %vowd mean it deficit of between. $125x- - blood off Ilia hands and face and after- orland. . Five hundred Canadians tind son-- of ale King, fifty I, I n egas OOO)OOO aud S175.000,000. Chakiliall Taw- -naled half it iiiinute afteiward?' I owery, Con Warned Upoa the que-itioning of District At- of at London. wards walkinR towards Toronto on It is stated that the Kaiser has that e' have ,"'AdO thJ Prince of Wale a gu c� s ouch frow Walk .and the B � ey Island, OuntrY who 8, T I ne,y of -the House Committee M , -% ay -% ar, 'Ord ntsteph. - that the &ficit Qrla-. a local torney ti,:,unio tho ivati,e;tW(in sup , Good Friday." NVith this decisive state. decided to do, A v vith the famill United States the ]ionic of their adop- Lord Strallicona. Tnod Mo which opened to -day, heard three pistol the house last Areek . Ced,dwit itad hom the 1"tvea of his . � inent Arthur Weir, a 0. p. R. firemsil, bristling, upward-polating effect Which tion assembled at the Hot,.,l Astor to. ou. It was decided to fr)rm shots, followed by the screams of a would reach $150,000,000 and if this pre- Qttawa, May-Ifi,.-The town of God- of Toronto, concluded his testimony lilts so long-g'ven Ilia countenance an aight for their annuitl dlll�.ior. committee to support the influential %yoman about 8.30 o'clock to -night, and diction is fulfilled, the surplus now Ili (tiary the full stoiy he ones had from t it the treasury Will ,be wiped out .by June Its prisoner's lips of the night on tile . ericli has made an offer of a large site, this Afternoon Ili the investigation by aspect of fierceness, and will hence- "Great Britain -was never Incti,ler of lie, d col: mittee, an Instant later two men staggered in. , Coroner Statton, of Cooksville, -into the forth wear his, Inoutacho -%vith the Canada tilnu alle is t,o_day,!1 mid 4\lr. Referring to the Mansion House 30, 1009, inasinuelt as at the 4nd, of this 1-11, gard0th. %ho score of -,valintin in with free water and light, and it is piob.. 'rG . to the barroom bleeding from bullet . 12 dqath of 011ick Luiteck, the new arrival ends long drawn out and with only Bryce. kreat Britnin Wlieves. ill =ng, Tho ,'rimes sayr,: "Canadians ounals, in the head and toppled over fiscal 3,ear there -will be. & deficit of be. IJ10 f-ourt room and the men sat in able that the militia authdrities w _ tile remotest suggestion of porpell they learn that we Ili England w I "I from Austria, found nturdered oil the di011- 0anada and alwayi wants hev to re- . tween $60,000,600 and $05,00G,000. auff attention, Illaw, With Ill$ eyes accept and hold future camps there lit- ity. . are 8.11 of orio mind in this matter ,lead. * 11 : I to 0, 0 farm of Samuel Fasken, near here. The ]at - Illain a part of the. Britis,h Empire, But rt I lull thd w1r,"es-4, eWistalitlY tafil,ed auld s ad of at London, The na tt,r has not . evidence given by Weir Was rather dam- This revolutionary chatige, NAlich it is not of relations between. Canada cannot but feel that the he& of the Outside a crowd gathered, and twiddled iu lits. fingers it rublaor cra. been finally dealt with, but it is expect. 0 aturists .of the through. it ditshod a woman and man A FLYING CONTEST. *Qrl . aging to the prisoner, Stephen r,wy,d,, will callsO Ols' id'Ic . .Laid Great Britain that 1 would spmtk. motherland beats Ia unison with their 'They .— . . cal that a decision will be reach6d this A111101n. Ito positively Identified its the, world of the Imperial physiognomy, bet me say it word aboaL the relations own, and that their followsliip in the holding a revolver Ili his hand. "As I wen -t out onto tile roof gill -do" week. It is stated here that the camp B ji,ish Empire is, as yILr. Bryce said disapplelaTed around the corner into the Henry Farman Issues Challenge to White that fatal night ther main lie saw oil Good -Friday washing his appears to have been forded upon between Carla,da, and the United r . , 13olvery. The woman fell unconscious . e Was Illy Y.Ifll ground at London has been found In. hands and face in a a5ulvert between tile Empotor, rather than chosen by 'States. at Xelv York, established and conse. iii the doorway of a little Italian re- Brothers. , atid there Ili tile same buililltig was a . -h - crated forever." -man, the conveniently situated for the growing Clarkabna and Lorne Pitrk,.,aril latbr him It is related that w Ile his Mai "The Uilited States land Canwila, li.tvc staurant. Site W.As shot through the Paris, May 17�--Heatri Far t1w rootat, where istarif6rd White Iliul militia corps, which have to be acoom- esty recently -was lighting a cigarette cortatin aims lit common. Most notable . . :L - 11 ruined her. And there on tile st-1810 modated. there each year. The proposal making his way into the city along the the left end of his inouaitache was I U. S. LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE. :Cft shoulder: present European record holder -in the was it ,girl 'whoin lie was idwr land of tile town of Goderilch offers a solution railway tracks, "Wheat I saw thd Inall singed and half burnt off. This neces- Among these isr the protectlo I of na,tit- - , In the hospital the woman regained inatter of flight ]a (in' air -ship heavier taro a lim a ith so much 'blood oil him I conclualtal ral resources. There is nAv gaing oil Ili she was Carroll - who Was likely to fall into hIa liaii,is. for the western On I ul or militi w sitated the catting off of the other end One Will Be Organized Along Canadian consciousness and sald than. all-, yesterday -issued a challenge too. I got up and walked arottud the training problem, lie must bave been lilt by at tritin.of bedn to make the nioutache again symmet, �Vashlngton , a conference of va.it hii� rerry, a singer lit the Imperial Aluale to iii; Wright brothers, tile Americans, root) but did not Bee Whito then. - 4 'O I in an lballan row tind kiiifedi" said Weir, rical. The new formation evoking the Portance to tlits end, which wa$ 111sti- Lines. � gull at the Bowery and Thompsonli %%,he have achieved such wonderful re - We did not like the play And got up T . Who went on And described ho'V# the mtM anted by President Roosevelt, Who ILIS r She said she did not know the GUILTY ON ONE COUNT, lively adr,niration of the Empress, the rorouto, Atay iS.-The annual session Walk. lad ac- aults in their tests. for a contest in to leave. As ,we went out I sa,v 6tau- 1. had thrown himself face downwa�ds on Kaiser determined to retain it. � Zile natural resources of tile Qualatry of'the exccutl�e of the ri edur-itioii of the men who had beell killed, but I France. Tile time.the machines remain - ford white sitting itt a l,able lit iront But Dr. E. M. Cook Not Guilty an �he embankment, nAd l0bil while -0y'alk- The barber, Herr Haby, who is greatly at heart.. I refer to the treatty Sunday Rest Associations of America .oepted their invitati-on to have a drink, ed Ili the air and the speed would be and glaring at lite. I puiled otir my . I ing to the cilby. coiered up his face from, given the credit in contemporary Ger- affmthig tilt- fisheries Ili the great Likes, Was concluded last night. ind av .inner in the restaur- considerea in making the Award, revolver and shot hila three itinei. , Second Count. the eyes down. Weir was on his train man history for 6signing the Kaiser's the delimitation of the boundario-i I)i A resolution was passed ul creby steps ant. . Mr. F armaii offers to stake $5,OOD of : Toronto despatch, "Guilty, on the so- running to 11amilton. and saw the waa tween the 'United States and Canada, Will - be -taken to form anI American "it Was Louis Pogei,who allot me "' the "I was almost immediately takeii to perpendicular moutachb, became his own money oil the result,, and says the police station." cona count,.namely, unlawfully operat- in the culvert at 9.52 a. in, Tile man wealthy and famous in consequence and, most important of all, the arbitm- Lord's Day Alliaiiee oil the lines of the p'olice ,guy the. -woman said, "and it was that Iiii friends would double thA'sum. Dr, Baker -mid th-xt after Thawy inty for an unlawful purpose," was the was six and one-half miles from ths of it. Herr Haby placed Ali in tion treaty between the United Sult,es Canadian organization, whieh will fader- lie who killed my companions. He was s a . arge again vention and Great Britain, -which matzes it sa.Ltle- [it addition some priye probably ,would it verdict of the jury Ili the ell st city when Weir passed him at 1.03 on u alled the "Kaiser b ... ,TcApiantal ol rite s -tooting he aske, bpon the market c -+o the present fifteen societies liuder jealous of me. I met him -three yeare ion the return trip. and, ment of controversies that callilial: ,- a to New York .)e offered by enthusiasts Ili aeronautics. ' Dy Edogur INI. Cook, ,who has been. " to be worn across the mouth one head. Rcsolutions'along the usual ago After I land rona rm ,, Thmi, what cause lie la . td for shooting tri 40 - I On ,Nir. rin an says lie is able no%� to keep White. . it, � the Sessions befort Judge Wla- Mrs. Atina Vasilina, and her husband for a certain period each day, until OvOrc011ie by negotiation possible lit a lines of Lord's Day observance wor6 jrtlol illy home in St. Catlittrines, 'It' his machine in the air for twenty-five , several days, St�plien, Wilt conduct the lodging the moustache became trained to peac -Lu to Ili -# . cable munner rather th, .%-, assed, I to study for the opera still. had fi "I anza,ot accovilt for my twit act, was renewed and.arguitient house at 139 Adelaide street West, agai bristle upward at an angle of 45 d ith at pos- p nalli minutes, maintaining a speed of fifty Thawc' replied, "and I haxa� been ad- The bail - 11 le� long-coittialie,il bickering, w These officers were elected; Honorary drifted to the Bowery for lack of funds. miles ail hour. vised by illy counsel not to attempt to for a reserved case Will be heard '-O- recalled how the victim came to 'their grees, exactly liko the Kaiser's. 3111- sible resort to arms.11 I day. president-, Hou. John Wanamaker, Plilla- We lived together since then until re- �: - I oxpla4u IQ, . home and afterwards left lit company lions of "Kaiser bands" are in daily Concluding his address, Mr. Illrya� delphia; president, Reir. T. T. Mutchler, 2ently, wheal. I Went away to Western � Gives Detai . Is. . 1 -lis Honor's 611arge to tile jury wits with tile prisoner on the evening before use in Germany and are among the called 'attention to the gralat goo". D; D., Pbiladelpliia; first vice,president, I\rew *York. I returned a week ago slid CURED BY BEE STINGS. . strouggly against the defence. ")'oll Good Friday. They .claimed the man proudest possessions of many a bud. done by such clubs -.is the 6ne Ills was Rev. T.'Albert 1(foore, Toronto; second got P, place in a music hall, Pogo! found ' In tile couree of Ills testi, I naolay .Dy. must consider the motives," he SAM, returned at I o'clock on Good Friday, ding youth. � . addressing. "'.rite friendship of tin- vice,presidelat, Rev. 31. D. Kneeland, D. ine there, but I woVId'not. have any- HOW a scho - ' 'Baker gave some details of several "and you have heard the evidence 01 and in this statement they contradict I . - - J__ tions is based oil the friendAiip % D., Boston; third vice-president, Rev. J. Lhink to do with him, and he got [in- Rheumatism. - Ila e'could Elie "" ') 11 linusual occurrences at .1latteawan in Miss Reed'. XOW IV t 1110tiv Albert weir, who says lie saw the '*.* 14WEIRE SINXING FAST110 individuals I he said. "And the, fos- B. Davison, Milwaukee, recording secre- gry. I Nlay 17, -There is a prevalent - When 'Illaw at .1 I -1 � 1, London, ' , -whiell. Thaw figured. -have be s%vear to falsehoods to convt-. prisoner six 'miles from Toronto a few boring of these friendships ineans tile - I caine to the asylum lie told Dr. 11-th-er this mail, whom she says she never saw minutes at -ter -L o'clock. The .Couple, Is . tary, Rev. W. G. Hanna, Toronto; cor- belief in many cotintries that the stings . This Appeal the Concoction of g continued friondship. of nations. This . th-at lie did not want tiny -,,lvors, land before she went to Mrs. Johns'?" His however, think they may be mistaken. as . . friendship is bound to continue, even rosionding secretary, Rev. V. J. Stanley, TORONTO MAN ROBBED OF $60o. of bees. not both protectively and as al, the next day lie asked th.tt lie be ho return. Tile Fakir? D. Dr, New York; treasurer, Henry J. . - . otre for, rheumatism. Honor commented p6intedly upon i. to the time of the inan?s th-ough there is no unity in fact be. knoll, Philadelphia. He Causes Two Friends' Arrest in New Dr. �NTewton Friend, a reputable Suf- given a drink of whiskey thi-ce times A. statement of Mrs., Johns that Dr. Cook prisoner's habits, the sending of the A Chatham despatch: Chief of PQ1 tween the two nations, for 0ttia4at will . was her laudlord and be told the jury � ice ) The executive -will Include all officers York. . folk physician, contributes to the cur - day, a requvit which wits refused, railroad ticket to Ills wife lit Rochester [ believe, Always be ail intogral. part . p. rent i"ue of Nature an. account of 11, . ' . T.Acr, lie begun to do solue things on to draw their own conclusions as To before Good Friday, and, tile wailing of Joliti Holines received a letter from of tho,British Anpire.1 and representatives of the various socia- William what blild might indicate. "Why aid Iliaster Wesley Itiseborougli, of Kent Bridge, __ . l ties, New York, May 18.- aeo-sting cure which came under his per - his own initialitive whicli rall coitnter the money oil Saturday before - ­ . I': 1"valingla, a stenographer, of 34 West ich lie st,Ates that, A VAINGLORIOUS BOAST. LABOR IS DRAWIN CANADA. 37th street, and Joseph IkIaloneY, a book - to the rules of the institution. not the doctor ask the girl about bar Sunday, and the purchases made for the this morning, in w1ii -ional observation. Thaw Will talce. the stand lit his own taptomaj As it is proved lie did riot? woman were all given in detaih The Two or three years ago, lie says, & By' y NvIdle plowing on ': his farm near the . — maker, -Who gave hiff residence as the hoolm,aster ,lyho suffered severely behalf before the preselit hearing is Wh did be tall Mrs. Johns that th,ay clothing found by tbalfboall) And -it piece - off- 4' � - liable to get into 6olible? tell bank of. the river,. he found a large 'Utterances of Mr. justice Longley Canadi-in Paper Manufacturers Submit . Gilsey House, were arrgsted at tile H ism in the back deliber closed, aecording.to a statement itiade w'or" both . of a valise Were identl y Air%. Vasi- " man House to -night on charges of grand fl'On' rhournat by Ills counsel ; i%-uight. Why did he make this statement if lina as having been the property of the 9170CIV bottle. Which hall evidently been - Criticised. . Evidence to That Effect. l9rceny. I . ,,tely exposed Ilia arms to the stings of . ,d.' The hot. . Dr. MacDonald stud: "Paranoilles there Was nothing improper? Why till . � 4 washed ill) by the rep.ent'hon bees. By the time his arnir, Were well go . . prisoner. Lonslon, May 18.- The Financial Illritshingtoll, D, C., Ailly IS.- When 0. V. Hall, of Toronto, came to Ne%v about from one place or porson seeking the secrecy allont asimple exMillination, Samuel Fasken also tbld of the find- tle was sealed, and, upon. openingy it, Nows, referring t -o Air. Justice Long- the wood pulp land print paper Ilives- : oil Monday to try'to dispose of ag,ju Ills rheumatism land completely . as the dolience contends it was? Yorh disappeared, and, lie lilts never hall an - redress. from inittgainative kvrorgs and :! " �17 'ing of a number of articles In tile bush. lie found tile following note: ley's 'hileech at tI.Le Canadian Club bail- tigating committee Of tile House met ionic N, ipissing? stock. H; met 1<avanagb. ler atta6c. When .they fail to find it they talw Malt- � Uis hired man. Themas Brooks, u;iscover- "We are shaking fast. TC11 the Old ,itact in New.York, s%ys:`It`is not the to-daly, John Norris,- the representative wholl, lie had Itnown ill Toronto. On Otl BOMB IN CALCUTTA, er Publishers' invita- The gentleman Who took this heroic ters in their own hands and re(fr'ess the I ed tile vjctin�s valise, but afterwards . foll-s wo Wore drowned lit the river.- first thii-o would-be politicians have of the American Nowspag Cuesday night. tat Kavallagh's close t6 ou years of IMnary wrongs, frequently by 3101111- destroyed it, fearing the presence of ,f, � measure is uOW , o* - _____ IV. Stliples,117ardsvilic," . lWide ydinglorlous boasti of the Inde- Association, placed Ili evidence a talc- tioll, tile pair'had dinner With Maloney Exploited on One of the Main Streets of 00111 disease gerius. I'll. �'.)',-if you find illy body, put it pendence of the colon5ri which air.(- re- grain. from Air. George Claillo'llai jull,, at Sherry',-,, and then repaired to a house age- -,I - 31 I . I - ,1 Resurning re -direct examinatimi by Indian Quarter. Dr. Bowie, j bell ",vl by the tree it;' tIfe churebyard. Whoever rded its quito the propor thing, some general nianager of the LattrenUalo Pit- in West oist street foy a (Juiet bottle. " j, Hall tells Ili-' CHOIX RA WORSE THAN TRIBESMEN. Calcutta, Alay IS. -A bonib -that )tall death was due to oneor itiore liloWd bn finds this will please follow directions, I :_ Jerome ,it 4 o'clock, Dr. AlitclJonald Of tile siling little towns of the Do- por Mills, of Canada, and a letter from After the first glass said thab while Evelyn Nesbit Thaw been place.a.1 oil the car-Amck of one tile ]lead with it bca­%,y club or stick, the (�o,d-byc. 'We $are sinking faab.-A. IV. ,lilit-ion forgotting What the country Mr, Carl Riordon$ general manager of ' McCafferty, the world Slipped trh 8. the pri I I pov Al,lills, of Ontario, "O' oil, bibi, ITo Was taken to Ills An Outbreak Among Troops on the wits testifying lit the homicide I of liCipal strects Ili the Indian skull being fractoted. S., IVArdsville, March 8?1 owes to British capital tl,.,Id enterprise, the Riordon. Pal "pep i1va"y I the expression of Tha is quarter wal:4 exploded thN morning The jury after it short deliberation . . - - and what it ulay Ili the future have tO r,),oN%,iilg that laboio per ton of produe- bo,rdinor house at 34 West 25th street Indian Frontier. . ' bearing Were, Ili the Opinion Of the t- by a carb pasidlig over it. Four per- the followin;r verdict- "We . tioll, is its high. lit Canadian Mills as in by Ilia two friends- .'L\"cxt day ho di's- returned . London, May 17.-De�pltclltl, from , a ,,ATE ST AIRSHIP. DWO to BritiAl WilangiliPs," 'Ila, and in some., lit- e;vered that Ile had lost tile Indiau frontier report. tbat the liesso erson of tins Ill d sells Were injured, one of them criti- find that deceased e tile to Ilia death b� WORLD'S GR . r .1 I The Standard attys: "It is probable tiLe United States nit not only the mind. I cidly�_ The cart was blown to siniW* being struck oil the bead with a club . AV 4.15 p. Ili. .11r. Joroino 111111,01111CO(I artactor Count Zeppelin's New Machine to Cost thatt Mr. Justice Longley knows it, good stances higher, according to Mr, Rlor- .$300 in Iiis clothes, but had also signed LWoliamand tribesmen lit i,11 -1 1111ter- creens. or other weapon. of a similar ell . deal inore about IRIZW than about tile don.. .. I note. for $300 to Maloney. anined attack oil tho Britt-sh pickets Unit the respondent rested. The miscreants who placed the bomb one Steplion,Sivyida, who did there- $100,000. 1 ___.-6-#.0- ____ " two men began to hunt him for but I were repulsed, ' political idettIs of the, Caamallans. At Tffe id that at Dawn, Zazai, The first Witness called by Air. Gra- evidently intended thwt. it should blow b; kill and. murder . the said 011ick Berlin, May I'S. ---Count Zepprolin's new any. rate lie ought to kitow more about TO BE DECIDED -BY COURT- . tile $30o.. Ile made up Ills Ina' leaving many dead. The British post barta in rebuttal ivais, Dr. Vuldemar up a car containing white people. Lultoack.11 Airship No. 4, -whiall. is almost completed, - it to idequately fill- his position oil the he had been done, aiid made a com. lost two liative officers and seven Silo, physician atin surgeon of Now Pamphlets ,were circulated last "vock Detective John Miller, 'WhOse good gned 1 will hit;ve�cost $100i000. It is 444 feet Ill Bench." Case of Oki Indiana Against SerdivarY plaint. The prisoner$ Will'be arrat men killed and 23 wounded. York, who said, that lie saw Thaw four. warning Bengalis not to ride In first- work on the case cleared UP thal-MYs' length, the diameter of the balloon. is While the Press ,(,lives the speech it, Jefferson Market Court to,morrow. A reportissued by the Indian Office teen times in the TorAs and at I 'agos lit which Eilro- toty which thr,eatetled at first to remain in Quebec Province. . , __ - *----.L- s that the enemy '1111t' class or other caTrI 50 feet, and it will be driven by three some promineated,- there is little eom- - M0114 this evening show teawAn. He sold that oil 'all those oc- peans were travelling, tan#01ved, agal'sted tile crown attorney' Daintler motors, each of 140, horse. * Illent. Qfficial Canadian cii-eles ]tore do- treal May 18. -The long-standing UI41TED DANISH EMPIRE. most to be feared in the campaign is casions -Thaw imprmsed bitif as being - , - 11 I I I Mr. Aferladden. The preliminary hearing power. I precate, Any tendency to exiaggerate its dispute botwcefi tile Oka Indiana and cholera, an outbreak of which among ' rational. ARAB TOWN BOMBARDED. takes place next WeduesdaY at Cocks' - Couill; Zeppelin hopes that the now the sominary of St. Sulpice concerning - for Federal Union of Iceland aiia tile British has claimed 27 victims. Tile next witness, in rebuttnt 14fi Importance. I , I Elie respectAve rights of the parties- on Plan Denmark. 4. 0, , Ville. I � I - _. � I ... � . I balloon will attain u speed of 47 miles I r — . do of the locality Will . Rev. Luke P. Evers, Ontbolie cliaplaity French Fought Two All -Day Battles in - - per hour, and calculates that it will be TWO LEGS AND ONE ARM, the reserve lwn millittee FOUND DYING kESIDV TRACK. of tbo Tombs, who said be saw 111inw BRITI,911 1313TCHBIZS TROUBLED. Low definitely come for hearin; boforo Coporillagell MAY 18. -The co — . Algeria. a-ble to travel without landing for about . -_ 11 R k, � inarly times in that prison and talkod 1,430 miles, I I mr, McPhail, of.Avuelph, Run Over Near tile Superior Court, The Alintster of having tile 111"Itter lit hand tl)-alay 111'e- . inea by a Train at with him on it great variety Of, topica, Algiers, 31hy 18.-lilho It'rench force -o Under. Justice after serlou�)y considering gented to King Freocrick a report Con- St. Thomas Xan X The Scheme Of A U- & COlic6ral t It will be provided with searchlights . SmitWsa Falls, for tht. . Ills conversations Were quite rational. 1111(lar Geaoriil Vigy lost thittee-ft Mon. sell Them. for night travelling, and A complete ap- 6 whether the inatter could not be inside its reconiiiielidations Fort William. 1piscopal 611411- killed and eine. Court, for of tile future relations be - Rev. ,161M A. Wade, E ebtty-five. wounded during F, tus for sending and YeAciving wiro- A StIlith'S Falls despatch: Ail accident a reference, to the SUPT �1101g`111i,11119tion Fort William, Ont., May II.-Goorge * lain ol the Tom&%, testified that lie liad a fierce ongag6m4llt yesterday With 140 10 -The 15ritish lueat collared this morn vy council, rk and lochaid. 3110 ItrInstfolIg, a newcomer' to this city . . ra, ,it May 18. fesrantelogrnplua messages. 0 ing oil the Prescott ultimate docisloft by the 11A tween. D011-111ft talks with Thaw. Ito was rdwavv% tile fanatical Arabs. Tile engagement especin1l) itional question, report is accolil-pailled by a draft est the from St. Thomas, died in the local dealers, y those lit London, are - .- . t : I ­ divisloft Of th(3 0, F� R, at 6 Place Call- als invowng ii colistitl . = courteous, coherent and tile wlt� lusted the 'greator part of the day, grently portilrb;a by' the Armours' ed Saboutilf, wheft all employee n4filed Come to 4 -Ale conclusion that It was 0, new law to govern. these rellitions. Tha hospital YestOtdftY afternoon hai the ne8s never detected tiny diflasialtial idea. and Boudqnib, the stronghold of Mulai scheme to compete W1111 tile ment trade TWO MILES UNDER WATER. McPhail fell from a work trLtiu to the egase to be settled between the partleg. hill to brilig this ILIAv into ballige, whiell result of injuries which he received, John J. 11400Y, ]lead k(lefler of the Hasson, was bombarded. Three offie, here, Air.. C. w, 1)(svVerman, Laborite, i The Route of Transoontintntul. Mq 10 , truck and two ears passed over him. As 0, consZq%terace, &I, action has now must be approved by both 1".0itnit"Itel it is believed, by being struck by a F, V Chiefs An. utonomous . He was found Tombs, said he -never isaw 11taw acting 'ers are timong the French killed. The will, on behalf of tile trAders) questiOli Ono leg Wits cut off at the hip and tile boon entered in the name Of con,,titut,ca Iceland -a. free, a ttoin, the night before. a bad - Ili any but a -normal. rational tatunner. Arab losses are described tie heavy. . Air. Churchill, President of the Board of Change& , other terribly Mangled from tile kn80 lala coriatile, Baptiste Gaspe and Peter and indvendent e.ountry, united to Den- lying 4101198idd tile track. with -6014L It, algainst the seminary of St. SulPiec, nattrk by a eomilion King and co"I'llOn ly shattered 11 Ili to. t4�11 how 6fby was called by � This engagement was acod,oq on Trade, in tile House Of Coln' * next Montreal, Afay -0wing to tile high down, aTid One arm Was crushed. lie , ead, and never regained v acirlity . 18. � And itatportalit pleadings will Polito 'Lip interest, wid forining with DO'lliftrIc ft colisciousnes8 long 6110119 Mr. Graliam and District Attornej� Alay 13th by a battle in Pt'he I w a eoronor's Monday as to whether lie purpose& talc' atter ill St. Mattridd River the con' was brought to th6 hospital here Ana Jel,oftio conceded hi's e6Mpetelkd,)t as tilt of 13eni OGiitn, which also katoCall ing steps to prevellt' tile Arniollis from - tractors -,jrbo have clicirgo of the build- the physiciall.q wlio wore called found before tho court In due tlu% ,gtato federation-tIm (31111t0d Oft -111811 he received Ilia injurie , A uok by a expert. He eitainined Thaw in lfattc4- day, The French for,ce ivas. composed carrying out their proposal to open in ing ogf the Tran%dontillontal Railwmy it necessary to ttroplitttte the three , i -,i - Rmillre.)) , �._ ­ , " ecided that lid IV" str - I Ir Ayau ou February 10th and 13tit, Ili the ofinfantry, cavalry L19XELLIS COMET, �� , - - tra,V The body has been sent east , and artillery, atift- Loration. Awl elsewhere retail shops to will lose litrgo sinus of money, and tile linib"g. It is not thought lie call recov- MAY BE, . Poughkeepsie jail on May 130) and Ili drove the Arabs, iti'the direction of supply ineat direct to consumers) Rvoid- route for several Iniles 1leAr Lit Taqual oil, .'1NJcPhRiI'8 IfOrde 19 at GUAII111- 10 NO REVOLT IN AUSTRALIA. to St. Thomas. etatirt tooility. . . 13ouldenib. ­ �­ :7 - " Ing the Smithijold tnarket tolls,, 119 this may be clill,nged. At ,present over t%VO is it Inarried Illan, Ivith it family of two, Doubt Cost Upon Discovery -of Eighth _' would dostroy tho miles of the roatl is Alibmerged under children, . . Satellite of Jupiter, Pronlier DtAkill Deftics Statement Attri- Ilia montal catilition lie regarded as , busiale,gs of Valglish STILL THEY COME. good. .GOES DON�x F on LIFE. - butchers, who could not compete With t1va feet of water, und the entire r6ad. I A . ­ 0 1 ,May V I R. butod to Cardinal Logue. Budapest, MaY 18,-Thd recent WArft- 'r If 014 I' Y. PEWAADS FOR CORPSES,, .. IS. -Goo. Forbes, 4om bid examittations of Thaw ana " AmprimTt packers I utter Wert 91- bed will bco, washed awn, � London, - - ts, issued by the iftelt terms. � I I.. , 1.4114011, . Ia.. the documents in evidenco., Dr. .Taooby Xaft Who Conimitted BWutal Assault on lowed to trade 'On 8 T-110 enalneers wild surveyed the lite I S., formerly pialfessor of untrival. philo *,Ajay I-Iteplyhag to a ques- !ng to inteliffingernigtall � 51 Rop. ministor of the Interior) that tile ,etc. Said that. 116 regarded T%aw as stme Mrs. rli2a Davis, __+_40-_ failed to' Allow lor high. Nvater levels. Hortlb!6 Scenta AI'0119 the Yang Tse sophy at Andersen's College, Glasgow) Lion hi Ilia Coralmo'dWealill 1101180 I itt preAeylt. . . � I 0 . I Xiitilg River. whose publications include ,,The Tr&u. rescutatives to -day, re a statetra6lit that yLomie situntion Ili Atherica - had ,lot t CHURCH UNION DEDATSD� Shown Dr. Graome 11tummon,cl Ave$ the nex-L Toronto de.&patelu Oworge Block, the - - . Cardinal Logue WAS reported, to have . inlP.17001lent Sufficient to 4'Ve nifth ,Who was convicted on x charge of - . � � 'et of obtaining Work, lilts fiWeall P'.q.4-tt for the relator. As a. specialist LOCUST SWARMS 19 ITALY. Victoria, U. 0.5 May 18.-Ilurther ad- sit Of Viatilds;, I-atses tho question Wheth- I ,,,,,, , Ili Alnqlea, to the off ,V front this, country. sald front the I tivoly Discussion In, Synod of Xoftttcd1 ees of tile disast& at Hankow, in 'or tile eighth satellite Of Jull'tory An- iddiace of absolute robellioll to upon Mr, tj _ t the outflo, comblitting a btatal Astault ' IOT check I� 0 �V4 lit mental disease -o, he VI , a ov that onli. latiotig of Thaw it Uliztt Davis in a store at 001 Yonge I& itad tile The Alftilster 1101V announces re.sult of ble extimin aftne� street on tile everaing of March 20th, atid Ottawa. Peasants in Mattiggio Ond Mansur' Re' wbielh.10,900 Chines4� were, arowntahave nouneca to have bAell d%coVerta a few I ill Australia, Prenlicir Deakin a Lilts Wild 11ANO 90110- to America since is Ilia opffilort that Thaw, ig 11ow � move Tons, of Ifidects. boen received here by mail, Tile lack of I tell statement ,was meorrept. 011. thO, Col" rf ft tile mid safe to be at Iskrgo. Ile saiv, tontreAl. idesplat,ch - The SyAod Of da TAX(Ill's tonletrwhich I F'olf-gove.Trament j.jl(s was Actlibneed YeaterdAY by Mr. tTuittl0d A A les, Afgy 18,.-,rll(5 (4i(>rno gtaics warning was due to the alltenct iof an - Obs,1�5r1vLag0to1r)yy, tflalotl,oattaff of the Gtoeftw Avas drawing mlalluitry I last will not be give priaotier on February 60, April 14J,, Anglin, Ile goes to penitentiary for Xontr*al find 0 tawn, of Vie Proby* Xup )Iturinn observers ift 1770. trarY, 'it at - I privilege of raltUrI11119 to llullPry gratis' , official to who,al tile warning. telegrAYA was lost to Te ad the InOtherlaud eloser to life. . torian Church in 041110%, 1hold it con- that 'swarrns of locusts have dovas- wits -sent arlat the rivdr craft wore over- Ito- 110ints Out that Jupiter has often I Auotrtili uttitude of Australia WAS __40+� , I ,a tl ! W11 0 11 -do, I vVith tile path, ' 11114, to Siten by a reporter, Slar,k'oald, he had ferelleo Oil ChUlth union tit Lachuti. to,t,ed the c6untry around Mtaruggi3 N . �f I gether. The y (,,reat Britain, itilltd in a Xilakt, At 0 o'clock at %djournintalt wit$ Ifto dipciassion wits opened by 11M jind Mansufiit in the litst fow (lays, whelmed. Shanghai telvf`1159,Pets buv0 "I'1011sly Intorfor ; illay have divert,t,d thoroughly understood 1) takeu until to-yhorrow. � notilitig to la,yj exapt tlmt 110, WAS Ifino. � St. Aildrew's , Weit- The - .4 of terrible scones wit. ('01riets, ftlial that it I — 4 i Ill. — pralik, ,Xltm, 'Alay 17.-UrftrAt LOV- ____*-*_b-_ t.ont Of tht elittrpe laid agRilist him. W. J. 01,avlk, of ,, eaaanU4 hi tbR40 diAttictA cleAt lengthy Account, %do t�exelps eom(.t into alft orl)lt around it- 1110, A young 14"t"eliclifflAttf wa,4 inAtant. ' t,linric spoko strong1v , p oked niolig tile liver bankat. Itutiare adia'a. !arpno Aliliolif, tin ItAllalli WAS nlourVt, ,Ntr. , ., in ,d 4.3,000 kilogramyries (about forty npe I t Stlgtar Anil rullt %Vill both preaerve of' . li coal The oittft,h farming indrafty of '-\'it,',) . being recov(1TV4,4VWfkl`(1'k '401f f"M t110 01111it'"ll Arl" Nvil'011 ly Idliod'ill the Call. Aluerim - .4i'l-thing A ).Ming woma" favor of (linrch union, ftnd p(;bIted tolls) Of jimetq front III(At fiel(Im. Of boallos wort, i�- . Southern ("Aliforain r0pfcaelltm �11 ill. ��('Illtllleell fol I e it a for each cotpate wits aloseribing 11rollnit the Still ill 17,jo, yllo.jt, bocallse tbey absorb tliO 3110 Is inine vestertlay by . � Out. llailled Millillo TAppelo, with fittent to out th%t the 96110VAI trend of caPinl)h The appoataride Of SWAV11115 Of 16011816 b0ing PaIld by t 1 - offlal 1 1 itadtion of tbe- neNv ture Ili it, And SO WOV011%, dGCOWPOSt' & 'co 0, comparty, � vesttilent $7150,000, and the Annual The fatet that the fallill;g off a roof. tilt of feathers is wotth about $100,. .Murder her. He 900 to X1114001i for WOO In that ditalalti'014, Ia also re orted from the allatillets ot, brought abhoroi � satellitoil fetrograiIii favors tills theory, tion, bib. 1 hyll y"ta, Rev, W, D. PAIA of Montiettli 41*kfj Taranto, 84111poli ,and Posta. . The mard Ara full Of notes like . . I 1� .j - �,. Zwol �LLA,.6