HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-05-21, Page 44 THE M1" INGTIAM ADVANCE, T 1.,1 BSDA.Y, MAY 21, 1908,. New Spring Goods. 04•••N4441•*••0•• We've just opened out our New Goods for Spring and slimmer. To say they are the nicest range ever shown here, is putting it pretty strong. But really, the Suitings are beautiful, both in design and material, The prevailing colors are elephant grays and browns, in stripes and plaids. Of course, blacks and bines are always cor- rect, and we have a large range of these goods, 1 in IIA.TS.—A choice stock of Hats for the Spring and Summer in all the newest styles. FURNISIIINGS.----A good new stook in all lines of Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Fancy Vests, &c. Come in 1 Come in 1 Robt Maxwell Tailor & Men's Furnishers • No formality or delay in opening Large or srfiall sums may be deposied or withdrawn as desired. WINOHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH - Agent THE CANADIAN ANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, 5,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. • COLLECTIONS made in. all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,. Great Britain and, other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 WiNGHAM BRANCH - A. E. SMiTH, MANAGER. E13.t ingbai ` h ran c Theo, Hall - Proprietor. tbitorfat —The method of the Roes Govern- tnent for collecting of taxes from rail- ways, turned all the revenue into the provincial Treasury, Mr. Whitney gives half to the municipality, and half goes to the Treasury. Hero is what the municipalities h a e re- ceived from the railway tax 1001—Ross Government Nothing 1900 --Whitney " $ 80,820 1907—Whitney " „ $1,547 Total, $102,307 subsequent Government would f' el that public) honesty was llnproitable,, that there was no gratitude in the masses of the voters, that corrupt electoral methods and secret financial alliances were necessary. to continu- ance fn office, and that sharpn'essrand crookedness constituted the science of government in Ontario. It is there- fore of the first importance from. every consideration pf justice and fair dealing, and for the great and per- manent significance which the result will carry, that Mr. Whitney should be strongly supported, and that the Government's victory should be abso- lutely decisive. „ * . .. —The grants which aid the people in building roads, in supporting their schools, in providing for the sick and i in municipal the poor, and in reducing g p taxation, have been increased thus. since the Whitney Government took office : From railway taxes Nothing to $81,517 From license fees $928,781 389,579 For the schools 286,815 915,881 For roads 97,0.91 115, 09 For colonization roads 166,532 335,155 For hospitals and charities235,966 385,713 Total grants $1,015,128 $1,923,824 Difference $908,696 The Whitney Goyernment has re- turned to the people $908,000 more per annual than the late Government did, so no wonder the Opposition can talk about increased expenditure. —Speaking of Premier Whitney, the , Montreal Gazette says :—"He has given.the people three years of decent administration, marred by no gross scandals and little weakened by mis- takes, He has been courageous in his dealing with public matters, and has not sought to dodge unpleasant issues nor to speak words of two meanings, when threatened by men who boasted they carried 'votes' rot d in their mental gripsacks. He teas also as Ministerial colleagues men of respec- tability and strength, and in Messrs. Foy and Hanna especially, two aides whose capacity is making them known outside of their own province, and gaining them a place_among the notable public men of Canada." ...............................•••••••••••••••••••••• IGo,,,l Goal Wo are sole agents for We carry a fall stock of the celebrated Scranton Coal, Lumber (dressed or tindres- which baa no equal, sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posta, Barrels, eta. Also the beet grades of ommoomMeOpmeassilmilamo ,0..101 Smithing, Cannel and Lo- Highest Price paid for all 'nestle Coal and Wood of I; Ail kinds, always on hand. kinds of Logs. eodaenee PhoneOffis I., Noo. 55 Mill t' No. 44 J. 9, MoLEAN —Enquiries -have*been made as to the qualifications required for regis- tration as a voter under the Manhood Suffrage Act. The Statute says that every male person of the full age of 21 years and a British subject, not dis- qualified from voting under the Ont- ario Election Act or,otherwise prohib- ited by law from v6ting, is entitled to have his name entered on the List. There is a proviso in regardeto resi- dence. The applicant for registration must have resided in Canada for twelve months preceding the day on wl-ich the first sitting of the Registra- tion Court is held; he must have lived three months prior to the first day of registration in the municipality on whose list he seeks to be inscribed, and in case of a city divided into sev- eral electoral districts, he must have been domiciled for thirty day's prior to the first sitting of the court in the constituency in which he wishes to vote. .„ —The shorter the campaign, the better for Mr. McKay, the Liberal. From every platform form ie makes prac- tically the same attack, and the audi- ences who listen to it are not more tired .of ii than he is lzimnglf, It is, however, the best he can do. Not that Mr. McKay is an antagonist without energy or resourcefulness, put he, is disabled by his political past. He was a member of the old currupt administration. 11e winked at all their misdeeds ; ho condoned all the ballot outrages ; he was part and par- cel of the rotten affair, and though he may be clever, he can never lift his party. His own election was corrupt, and he was unseated, and afterwards got in by four little crosses made on ballots after the election was over. Be he ever so clever a speaker, he is up against the good, clean record of the Whitney Government. The Globe referred to the bad men of the Ross outfit, as "barnacles" that ought to be scraped off. Whitney has scrap- ed them off. Graft has vanished, There will now be no finding out how this man voted, and punish him for it, for the numbered ballot has gone. Cap. Sullivan is out of business, and Ontario electors can vote with the assurance that their ballots will be counted as they intended them to be, without being switched or spoiled with pencils under the thumb nail of any official. No Minnie M. trips will disgrace this election. —It is no wonder that the expendi- ture of this Dominion is 'increasing at such a rapid rate. Both the people and the Government are to blame, in many cases. The people demand it, and Government fears to resist the pressure brought upon them. Many of these expenditures might be avoid- ed, and ought to be refused. Take Huron county alone, and a recent return brought down in the Commons shows, that in the last eleven years $14,217 has been expended on the Bay- field harbor, $28,053 at Grand Bend and $15,701 at St. Joseph, all on Lake Huron. St. Joseph is well remembered as the point at which N. M. Cantin `proposed to create a city, a scheme which ultimately came to nought, for the reason that the location of St. Joseph ,posses'sed no advantages to make it a city, although nearly $10,000 was expended there. The money was thrown away, and never should have been spent there. —In its management of elections, the Government has been beyond re- proach. There was a bye -election in Kingston, but the Government would make no attempt to commercialize the constituency. At Hamilton the other day Mr. Whitney made the blunt deo - laration that the ,attitude of the Ad- ministration towards the city would not be favorably affected by the elec- tion of Conservative candidates, nor unfavorably influenced by election of Liberal candidates. This looks to the ,practical politician of the ~familiar type like sheer stupidity. It is, how- ever, just simple honesty rooted in simple decenoy. There has been no systematic organization, as in other days, for the direct bribery of electors. The numbered ballot has been abolish- ed. The ballot boxes have not been rifled by corrupt agents of Govern- ment. There have been no secret alli- ances with corporations. There has been no improper bargaining with fin- ancial interests, * 0 —The Whitney Go'verninetit has been remarkably faithful to the inter- ests of Ontario. It is not preteiided k s or that id mists e that it has made , all of its legislation is finally perfect. But it has hot been corrupt, it has not been servile, and it has not been a mere lnetrlitnent of party. Xf such a Government should be defeated, any A FEW POINTS. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE. While the Ontario Government has been able to ,give more money for the municipalities, it has also begun the reduction of the debt. The liabilities On account of railway subsidies, which stood at $0,718,057 when the Ross Gov- ernment overnmont went out, have been reduced by $223,700 per annum. The result is the following showing; 1904 debt 1908 debt 0,713.057 0,042,475 Reduction $071,280 At the same time there has been an annual surplus. The comparison of revenue, with expenditure, under the Whitney regime, is as follows Revenue Expeud'ro Surp'us 100,rr 010 $020,160 .$0,010,170. 539 0 1900 7,149,478 0,7.20,170 429,220 1007 8,320,419 7,714,245 000,171 ^ Three years' surplus $1,055,503 After increasing the expenditures upon education, agriculture, roads, and charities by over a million, and wiping out $071,280 of the public debt, the Government has a cash surplus of $1,055,563, A notable feature of the policy of the Governinent has been its effort o fort to reduce municipal taxation by allowing the municipalities to derive larger grants from the provincial chest. In conformity with this idea the people have been given a share of the taxa- tion laid upon railway companies and a larger share of the revenue from licenses. More liberal grants have been made to schools, to roads, and to hospitals and charities. Here are a feel 'indispensable FACTS, for the independent, fair-minded elec- tor to ponder over :— A. G. McKay and the Ross Govern- ment gave 525,000 acres, of Ontario land to the Grand Trunk Pacific, for nothing. Mr, Whitney recovered all that for the people of Ontario. Mr. McKay and the Ross adminis- tration gave away pulp limits to To- ronto lawyers. Whitney took them back and one of those limits has been sold for $300,000, and the money de- voted to the best interests of the peo- ple of Ontario. A. G. McKay sold Peterson Lake for $750. The Whitney Government sold Cobalt Lake (34 acres) for over one million dollars, or ($1,085,000) and expended it in educational and other purposes. The highest price A. G.' 111cKay could get for timber, when he was a member of theJ oss Government was $31,500 per square mile. Mr. Whit- ney has been able to secure $00,000 per square mile. - Not only did the Whitney Govern- ment secure $1,085,000 for Cobalt Lake, but they got $172,000 for Kerr Lake and a ten per cent royalty on the silver mined. Besides, the right- of-way on the T. & 0. railway and Co- balt town site brought in during 1900 and 1407, $201,042.46. The Whitney Government secured these large sums for the people, by businesslike ' administration. Under the—old regime, they were given to favorites of the Government. Why vote against a Government that has done so much to conserve the resources of Ontario for the people? A GOOD TIME TO STAY (Live Stock World.) Getting out of the hog business at this juncture will prole poor policy. It is the logical time to stay in. Tho average producer with a pen- chant for jumping out when prices are low and getting in on ever boom, invariably misses the mark at which he shoots. "Jim" Hill, the railroad magnate, owes much of his success to reversing the methods of the average railroad developer. It took nerve to do it, but results count and Hill can show them. Hill built across the continent dur- ing a period of financial and com- mercial stagnation. Wise ones pre- dicted. that he was headed toward bankruptcy, but he had peered into the future and realized that the road he was building would be taxed to its fall capacity when prosperity in its turn, came along. He built that 'road 40 per cent. cheaper than if construction had been delayed five years, and had it ready for operation When it was needed. The Man who 'sticks to the hog - breeding proposition now will haat° porkers to market at good prices when the fickle ones are deploring their bad Irick which diverted ever. gies in other channels. They are the will -of -the -wisp chasers. The people of this country will eon - sumo more hog product next year than this, Some will quit breeding and an over -supply is impossible. Stick to the game, use only good breeding stock, house and treat your herd intelligently and yon will not regret 1t, —Tile Windsor Record is a staunch Liberal newspaper. Yet this is the kind compliment it pays the Whitney School policy :— Mr. Whitney's remarks on Public School education in his Hamilton speech were sound. For many years the Record has maintained, as the premier does now, that the Public School should be treated as Public School, and not as a link in any ' fanciful educational chain such as was woven by Mr. Ross. The Public School to reach its highest usefulness, must be treat- ed as a self-contained entity and only incidentally a feeder for the schools above. This the Whitney Government apparently has reali- zed and ,seeins to be making an honest endeavor to give the school where 95 per cent. of all pupils begin and end their scholastic training its proper educational importance and place. These remarks from a Liberal paper, show that the school policy of the Government has been a good one. Even Mr. McKay has practically ceas- ed denouncing it, for he has found that many of his own followers approve of the Public School being improved as far as possible. Tenders For CbaI, 1908. Canadian Hai lw' Restorer Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stops falling hair, causes to grow on bald steads. Cures dandruft,itching', scalp diseases. By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara- tion ever offered for sale. 8. good, reliable Canadian preparation. iinsoileltetl Testimonials. Edith A. Burke, Missionary II. M. Church .Akhlinhn, Egypt, and friends, greatlypleused with results after two years' using. L. A. Hopes, Wilner, Montana. My hair and whiskers restored to natural color, dant brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. M. Orttm, Bur essvillo, Ont. Canadian Hair Restorer is the best I have ever used. ' John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton, Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders. My head is nearly all cove red with Mel; growth look hair, original oolor. Sold byait wholesale and retail druggists. Mailed to any address in tho civilized world on receipt of price, 50o, Manufactured by TUE MEIIWIN CO„ Windsor, Ont., Canada, Sold is Wingham by—J. Walton McKibben, A, L, Hamilton, le. II. Walley, Druggists. W. J. PRICE BSA., L.D,S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFIOE IN BEAVER BLOCK — WINOIIAM ARTIIUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Of lco in Macdonald Block— Sealed tenders, addressed to the Pro- vincial Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, marked "Tenders for .Coal," will be received up to noon on Satur- day, May 30th, for the delivery of coal in the sheds of the following provincial institutions, on. or before the 80th day of July next, viz. :—Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brock- ville, Cobourg, Orillia, Penetang, Wood- stock Hospitals for the Insane; also the Central Prison and Mercer Reforma tory. Specifications of , the qualities and quantities of coal required and.forms of application may be obtained on applica- tion to the Department or from the Bursars of the respective institutions. Tenderers are to specify the mine of origin and the quality of respective kinds of coal, and to furnish evidence on delivery that the coal is of origin specified, fresh mined and up to the standard pf trade grades. Delivery subject to satisfaction of officers of Department of the Provincial Secretary, who may require additional deliveries, not exceeding 20 per cent., up to the 15th July, 1909. Tenders will be received for the whole quantity specified, or for the quantities required 'in each institution. Au ac- cepted cheque for $500, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer, and two sufficient sureties will be required for *the due fulfilment of each contract. The lowest or any ten - 'der not necessarily accepted. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without written authority from' the Department will not be paid for it. W. J. HANNA, Provincial Secretary Parliament Buildings, Toronto, May llth, 1908. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Frame Cottage Minnie St. Frame Cottage Patrick St. Frame Cottage ..North `St. Frame Cottage...........Frances 81. Frame 1 Story Victoria St. Frame 1 Story Edward St. Frame Story Scott St. Frame 2 Story Minnie St. Brick I e Story Victoria St. Brick 1 Story John St. Brick 2 Story (new)..,Victoria St. Brick 1 Story Josephine St. Brick 2 Story (modern) Minnie St. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. Properties in Pleasant Valley, Lower Town, Town Plot, Greenville, Chis- holmtown and in the central parts of the town. OALt AND SEE US. WE CAN SUIT YOU. DON'T ALL SPEAK AT 0110131. Choice Parra at right prices and on easy terms. INSURANCE --Ail kinds. rAlIM LOANS -Low rates. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WXNCHAM WING HAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS KATHRINE STEVENSON, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Prepare For Posies do Paying from $35 to $100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT 1 TORONTO, ONT. This school is noted far and near for the superior education given to the students and for the remarkable success of its graduates. College open the entire year. Begin now. Our training will make you independent. Write today for catalogue W. J. ELLIOTT - FRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. Wo give a thor- ough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitn.an's Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Operating. Each depart- ment is in the hands of experienced in- structors. We assist students to posi- tions. Our graduates always succeed, for our courses are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more about us. You may enter how. The People's Popular Store WING HAM, ONT. Ladies' Horne Journal Patterns 10o and 150 NO. KERor Agent LADIES' HOME JOURNAL ♦OOOOONN00000000000000040•m00•0000N•O0NON0 Money Saving Opportunities [0 Every Department. See our large stock of New Goods for Spring and Summer Wear. We can supply you with the very Newest Fabrics for Skirts, Waists, Suits, etc. No trouble to show goods. $1.50 Pants For $1.19. 25 Pairs Men's Pants bought last week at reduced price. They are good material, well made, correct style. On sale for ton days at $1.19. Every pair worth $1.50. Flannelette. Shirts, 25c. 5 Doz. Dark Flannelette Shirts on sale for ten days at only 25c each. When you get a Shirt for 25e, all you pay for is the making of the Shirt. ' Everything, else is thrown in. 75c Shirts For 32c. A quantity of good Summer Shirts, white cotton body, fancy Went. Regular price 750 each, Special to clear quick, 32c each. Something New. Cameo Sash Pins ; get one. They are the newest thing on the market, very fashionable, Three designs. Prices 25o to 350. White Metal Brooches. A large quantity of White Metal Brooches, assorted designs. Have always been sold at 250 each. We succeeded in getting a quantity at a very low price and will sell them at 10e each. 10c Elastic 5c. A quantity of colored Elastin, regular price 10o yd., special to clear quick, 5o yard. $1.50 Tan Oxfords $1.19. Here's a bargain in Shoes that you cannot afford to pass. Ladies' Tan or Chocolate Oxford Shoes, sixes 2-& to 7, regular price $1.50, special to clear quick, $1.19. Paper and Envelopes. Wo are just in receipt of about 30 thousand Envelopes, all of which we are offering at very low prices. Dutch Fabric Envelope, pkg..100 No. 6, Ladies' Dainty " " .. 6c Good XXX Square " " .. 5o No. 7, splendid quality " . 5c No. 8, large, Linen Paper En- velope, per pkg 5c No. 7, medium quality Enve- lope, 3 pkgs 10c No. 7, faire quality Envelope, 4 pkgs 103 Note Paper, Dutch Fabric, splendid quality, 24 sheets. 10o Note Paper, medium, 24 " 50 Real Irish Linen Paper in Pads, regular price 15c each, our special price only 90 Large size Linen Paper in Pads, regular each 20c for150 Combs. Another lot of Combs bought at a 19w price. The saving is yours. Wo offer 10 dozen Toilet Combs, black or white. regular 20c Comb, our special price 2 for 25 cts. 13 doz. Combs, regular price 15 ats., unbreakable quality, our special price, 10 cts. each. ELLIOTT di. MCLACHLANSEEDS FOR 4908 PRINCIPAIt ICANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the 1st Thursday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance aro solicited. Ask to see oltr rates front any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men, REV. T. S. BOYLE ' T. E. ROBINSON Leader Roc. Secretary W. J. WYL>Ls - Fin. Secretary Protection and Safe Investment ARE COMBINED IN The Endowment Policies ---OF � The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1900- 6.73 PER CENT. 'WALTER T, HALL Local Agent — Wingham, llOINION BANK. HEAD' OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital u (paid$3,848,000 P Reserve (aoa ;4 41- • $5,068,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WING/1AM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and 1i,ilropo. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 anti upwards, and added to principal quarterly, D. T. REPBHIIN tanager aa tofe, eo loltet We have all kinds of Grain in stock for seed— the purest strain of Manchuria Barley—Goose Wheat for seed—Seed Peas—Silver Hull and Black Buck- wheat for seeding—Millet—Hungarian Red Clover— Alsike—Mammoth Lucerne and Timothy—all govern- ment standard—White Clover—Evergreen Lawn Grass —Kentucky Blue Grass—Meadow Fescue—Red Top —Orchard Grass—Italian Rye Grass—Fall Oat Grass and Essex Sowing Rape—Flax for seed, pure ground flax—ground Oil Cake—National Molasses Stock Food —Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves, to take the place of the cream taken out by the Separators. SEED CORN. This is going to be a hard year to get good Seed Corn but I have secured a quantity of Early Leaming, Bailey, White Cap Dent, of the best germinating quali- ties, also Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota: Call and get your corn early as you can keep a bag better than we can a hundred, as corn heats in a pile, ' and you can test it before planting. JUST .ARRIVED. A carload of Stock Feed, composed of Wheat, Corn, Oats and. Barley, also Shorts, Bran and Flour. Before ordering your Seeds for this Springy, you are respectfully invited to call and inspect o Ur stock. A. Mills WINGHAM JEWEL FLOUR combines the flavor of pure flaky pastry, those creamy white winter wheat with biscuits and appetizing the body-building qualities bread.' We have been of the best„ "lard Manitoba making spring wheat. Jewel Flour Jewel Flour for years and guarantee it. is a blended flour. It is Ask your grocer for Jewel a sweet, wholesome flour Brand the next time you that makes that delicious, want flour. Manufactured by PFEFFER BROS. Milverton, Ont. - • No formality or delay in opening Large or srfiall sums may be deposied or withdrawn as desired. WINOHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH - Agent THE CANADIAN ANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, 5,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. • COLLECTIONS made in. all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,. Great Britain and, other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 WiNGHAM BRANCH - A. E. SMiTH, MANAGER. E13.t ingbai ` h ran c Theo, Hall - Proprietor. tbitorfat —The method of the Roes Govern- tnent for collecting of taxes from rail- ways, turned all the revenue into the provincial Treasury, Mr. Whitney gives half to the municipality, and half goes to the Treasury. Hero is what the municipalities h a e re- ceived from the railway tax 1001—Ross Government Nothing 1900 --Whitney " $ 80,820 1907—Whitney " „ $1,547 Total, $102,307 subsequent Government would f' el that public) honesty was llnproitable,, that there was no gratitude in the masses of the voters, that corrupt electoral methods and secret financial alliances were necessary. to continu- ance fn office, and that sharpn'essrand crookedness constituted the science of government in Ontario. It is there- fore of the first importance from. every consideration pf justice and fair dealing, and for the great and per- manent significance which the result will carry, that Mr. Whitney should be strongly supported, and that the Government's victory should be abso- lutely decisive. „ * . .. —The grants which aid the people in building roads, in supporting their schools, in providing for the sick and i in municipal the poor, and in reducing g p taxation, have been increased thus. since the Whitney Government took office : From railway taxes Nothing to $81,517 From license fees $928,781 389,579 For the schools 286,815 915,881 For roads 97,0.91 115, 09 For colonization roads 166,532 335,155 For hospitals and charities235,966 385,713 Total grants $1,015,128 $1,923,824 Difference $908,696 The Whitney Goyernment has re- turned to the people $908,000 more per annual than the late Government did, so no wonder the Opposition can talk about increased expenditure. —Speaking of Premier Whitney, the , Montreal Gazette says :—"He has given.the people three years of decent administration, marred by no gross scandals and little weakened by mis- takes, He has been courageous in his dealing with public matters, and has not sought to dodge unpleasant issues nor to speak words of two meanings, when threatened by men who boasted they carried 'votes' rot d in their mental gripsacks. He teas also as Ministerial colleagues men of respec- tability and strength, and in Messrs. Foy and Hanna especially, two aides whose capacity is making them known outside of their own province, and gaining them a place_among the notable public men of Canada." ...............................•••••••••••••••••••••• IGo,,,l Goal Wo are sole agents for We carry a fall stock of the celebrated Scranton Coal, Lumber (dressed or tindres- which baa no equal, sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posta, Barrels, eta. Also the beet grades of ommoomMeOpmeassilmilamo ,0..101 Smithing, Cannel and Lo- Highest Price paid for all 'nestle Coal and Wood of I; Ail kinds, always on hand. kinds of Logs. eodaenee PhoneOffis I., Noo. 55 Mill t' No. 44 J. 9, MoLEAN —Enquiries -have*been made as to the qualifications required for regis- tration as a voter under the Manhood Suffrage Act. The Statute says that every male person of the full age of 21 years and a British subject, not dis- qualified from voting under the Ont- ario Election Act or,otherwise prohib- ited by law from v6ting, is entitled to have his name entered on the List. There is a proviso in regardeto resi- dence. The applicant for registration must have resided in Canada for twelve months preceding the day on wl-ich the first sitting of the Registra- tion Court is held; he must have lived three months prior to the first day of registration in the municipality on whose list he seeks to be inscribed, and in case of a city divided into sev- eral electoral districts, he must have been domiciled for thirty day's prior to the first sitting of the court in the constituency in which he wishes to vote. .„ —The shorter the campaign, the better for Mr. McKay, the Liberal. From every platform form ie makes prac- tically the same attack, and the audi- ences who listen to it are not more tired .of ii than he is lzimnglf, It is, however, the best he can do. Not that Mr. McKay is an antagonist without energy or resourcefulness, put he, is disabled by his political past. He was a member of the old currupt administration. 11e winked at all their misdeeds ; ho condoned all the ballot outrages ; he was part and par- cel of the rotten affair, and though he may be clever, he can never lift his party. His own election was corrupt, and he was unseated, and afterwards got in by four little crosses made on ballots after the election was over. Be he ever so clever a speaker, he is up against the good, clean record of the Whitney Government. The Globe referred to the bad men of the Ross outfit, as "barnacles" that ought to be scraped off. Whitney has scrap- ed them off. Graft has vanished, There will now be no finding out how this man voted, and punish him for it, for the numbered ballot has gone. Cap. Sullivan is out of business, and Ontario electors can vote with the assurance that their ballots will be counted as they intended them to be, without being switched or spoiled with pencils under the thumb nail of any official. No Minnie M. trips will disgrace this election. —It is no wonder that the expendi- ture of this Dominion is 'increasing at such a rapid rate. Both the people and the Government are to blame, in many cases. The people demand it, and Government fears to resist the pressure brought upon them. Many of these expenditures might be avoid- ed, and ought to be refused. Take Huron county alone, and a recent return brought down in the Commons shows, that in the last eleven years $14,217 has been expended on the Bay- field harbor, $28,053 at Grand Bend and $15,701 at St. Joseph, all on Lake Huron. St. Joseph is well remembered as the point at which N. M. Cantin `proposed to create a city, a scheme which ultimately came to nought, for the reason that the location of St. Joseph ,posses'sed no advantages to make it a city, although nearly $10,000 was expended there. The money was thrown away, and never should have been spent there. —In its management of elections, the Government has been beyond re- proach. There was a bye -election in Kingston, but the Government would make no attempt to commercialize the constituency. At Hamilton the other day Mr. Whitney made the blunt deo - laration that the ,attitude of the Ad- ministration towards the city would not be favorably affected by the elec- tion of Conservative candidates, nor unfavorably influenced by election of Liberal candidates. This looks to the ,practical politician of the ~familiar type like sheer stupidity. It is, how- ever, just simple honesty rooted in simple decenoy. There has been no systematic organization, as in other days, for the direct bribery of electors. The numbered ballot has been abolish- ed. The ballot boxes have not been rifled by corrupt agents of Govern- ment. There have been no secret alli- ances with corporations. There has been no improper bargaining with fin- ancial interests, * 0 —The Whitney Go'verninetit has been remarkably faithful to the inter- ests of Ontario. It is not preteiided k s or that id mists e that it has made , all of its legislation is finally perfect. But it has hot been corrupt, it has not been servile, and it has not been a mere lnetrlitnent of party. Xf such a Government should be defeated, any A FEW POINTS. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE. While the Ontario Government has been able to ,give more money for the municipalities, it has also begun the reduction of the debt. The liabilities On account of railway subsidies, which stood at $0,718,057 when the Ross Gov- ernment overnmont went out, have been reduced by $223,700 per annum. The result is the following showing; 1904 debt 1908 debt 0,713.057 0,042,475 Reduction $071,280 At the same time there has been an annual surplus. The comparison of revenue, with expenditure, under the Whitney regime, is as follows Revenue Expeud'ro Surp'us 100,rr 010 $020,160 .$0,010,170. 539 0 1900 7,149,478 0,7.20,170 429,220 1007 8,320,419 7,714,245 000,171 ^ Three years' surplus $1,055,503 After increasing the expenditures upon education, agriculture, roads, and charities by over a million, and wiping out $071,280 of the public debt, the Government has a cash surplus of $1,055,563, A notable feature of the policy of the Governinent has been its effort o fort to reduce municipal taxation by allowing the municipalities to derive larger grants from the provincial chest. In conformity with this idea the people have been given a share of the taxa- tion laid upon railway companies and a larger share of the revenue from licenses. More liberal grants have been made to schools, to roads, and to hospitals and charities. Here are a feel 'indispensable FACTS, for the independent, fair-minded elec- tor to ponder over :— A. G. McKay and the Ross Govern- ment gave 525,000 acres, of Ontario land to the Grand Trunk Pacific, for nothing. Mr, Whitney recovered all that for the people of Ontario. Mr. McKay and the Ross adminis- tration gave away pulp limits to To- ronto lawyers. Whitney took them back and one of those limits has been sold for $300,000, and the money de- voted to the best interests of the peo- ple of Ontario. A. G. McKay sold Peterson Lake for $750. The Whitney Government sold Cobalt Lake (34 acres) for over one million dollars, or ($1,085,000) and expended it in educational and other purposes. The highest price A. G.' 111cKay could get for timber, when he was a member of theJ oss Government was $31,500 per square mile. Mr. Whit- ney has been able to secure $00,000 per square mile. - Not only did the Whitney Govern- ment secure $1,085,000 for Cobalt Lake, but they got $172,000 for Kerr Lake and a ten per cent royalty on the silver mined. Besides, the right- of-way on the T. & 0. railway and Co- balt town site brought in during 1900 and 1407, $201,042.46. The Whitney Government secured these large sums for the people, by businesslike ' administration. Under the—old regime, they were given to favorites of the Government. Why vote against a Government that has done so much to conserve the resources of Ontario for the people? A GOOD TIME TO STAY (Live Stock World.) Getting out of the hog business at this juncture will prole poor policy. It is the logical time to stay in. Tho average producer with a pen- chant for jumping out when prices are low and getting in on ever boom, invariably misses the mark at which he shoots. "Jim" Hill, the railroad magnate, owes much of his success to reversing the methods of the average railroad developer. It took nerve to do it, but results count and Hill can show them. Hill built across the continent dur- ing a period of financial and com- mercial stagnation. Wise ones pre- dicted. that he was headed toward bankruptcy, but he had peered into the future and realized that the road he was building would be taxed to its fall capacity when prosperity in its turn, came along. He built that 'road 40 per cent. cheaper than if construction had been delayed five years, and had it ready for operation When it was needed. The Man who 'sticks to the hog - breeding proposition now will haat° porkers to market at good prices when the fickle ones are deploring their bad Irick which diverted ever. gies in other channels. They are the will -of -the -wisp chasers. The people of this country will eon - sumo more hog product next year than this, Some will quit breeding and an over -supply is impossible. Stick to the game, use only good breeding stock, house and treat your herd intelligently and yon will not regret 1t, —Tile Windsor Record is a staunch Liberal newspaper. Yet this is the kind compliment it pays the Whitney School policy :— Mr. Whitney's remarks on Public School education in his Hamilton speech were sound. For many years the Record has maintained, as the premier does now, that the Public School should be treated as Public School, and not as a link in any ' fanciful educational chain such as was woven by Mr. Ross. The Public School to reach its highest usefulness, must be treat- ed as a self-contained entity and only incidentally a feeder for the schools above. This the Whitney Government apparently has reali- zed and ,seeins to be making an honest endeavor to give the school where 95 per cent. of all pupils begin and end their scholastic training its proper educational importance and place. These remarks from a Liberal paper, show that the school policy of the Government has been a good one. Even Mr. McKay has practically ceas- ed denouncing it, for he has found that many of his own followers approve of the Public School being improved as far as possible. Tenders For CbaI, 1908. Canadian Hai lw' Restorer Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stops falling hair, causes to grow on bald steads. Cures dandruft,itching', scalp diseases. By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara- tion ever offered for sale. 8. good, reliable Canadian preparation. iinsoileltetl Testimonials. Edith A. Burke, Missionary II. M. Church .Akhlinhn, Egypt, and friends, greatlypleused with results after two years' using. L. A. Hopes, Wilner, Montana. My hair and whiskers restored to natural color, dant brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. M. Orttm, Bur essvillo, Ont. Canadian Hair Restorer is the best I have ever used. ' John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton, Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders. My head is nearly all cove red with Mel; growth look hair, original oolor. Sold byait wholesale and retail druggists. Mailed to any address in tho civilized world on receipt of price, 50o, Manufactured by TUE MEIIWIN CO„ Windsor, Ont., Canada, Sold is Wingham by—J. Walton McKibben, A, L, Hamilton, le. II. Walley, Druggists. W. J. PRICE BSA., L.D,S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFIOE IN BEAVER BLOCK — WINOIIAM ARTIIUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Of lco in Macdonald Block— Sealed tenders, addressed to the Pro- vincial Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, marked "Tenders for .Coal," will be received up to noon on Satur- day, May 30th, for the delivery of coal in the sheds of the following provincial institutions, on. or before the 80th day of July next, viz. :—Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brock- ville, Cobourg, Orillia, Penetang, Wood- stock Hospitals for the Insane; also the Central Prison and Mercer Reforma tory. Specifications of , the qualities and quantities of coal required and.forms of application may be obtained on applica- tion to the Department or from the Bursars of the respective institutions. Tenderers are to specify the mine of origin and the quality of respective kinds of coal, and to furnish evidence on delivery that the coal is of origin specified, fresh mined and up to the standard pf trade grades. Delivery subject to satisfaction of officers of Department of the Provincial Secretary, who may require additional deliveries, not exceeding 20 per cent., up to the 15th July, 1909. Tenders will be received for the whole quantity specified, or for the quantities required 'in each institution. Au ac- cepted cheque for $500, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer, and two sufficient sureties will be required for *the due fulfilment of each contract. The lowest or any ten - 'der not necessarily accepted. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without written authority from' the Department will not be paid for it. W. J. HANNA, Provincial Secretary Parliament Buildings, Toronto, May llth, 1908. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Frame Cottage Minnie St. Frame Cottage Patrick St. Frame Cottage ..North `St. Frame Cottage...........Frances 81. Frame 1 Story Victoria St. Frame 1 Story Edward St. Frame Story Scott St. Frame 2 Story Minnie St. Brick I e Story Victoria St. Brick 1 Story John St. Brick 2 Story (new)..,Victoria St. Brick 1 Story Josephine St. Brick 2 Story (modern) Minnie St. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. Properties in Pleasant Valley, Lower Town, Town Plot, Greenville, Chis- holmtown and in the central parts of the town. OALt AND SEE US. WE CAN SUIT YOU. DON'T ALL SPEAK AT 0110131. Choice Parra at right prices and on easy terms. INSURANCE --Ail kinds. rAlIM LOANS -Low rates. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WXNCHAM WING HAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS KATHRINE STEVENSON, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Prepare For Posies do Paying from $35 to $100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT 1 TORONTO, ONT. This school is noted far and near for the superior education given to the students and for the remarkable success of its graduates. College open the entire year. Begin now. Our training will make you independent. Write today for catalogue W. J. ELLIOTT - FRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. Wo give a thor- ough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitn.an's Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Operating. Each depart- ment is in the hands of experienced in- structors. We assist students to posi- tions. Our graduates always succeed, for our courses are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more about us. You may enter how. The People's Popular Store WING HAM, ONT. Ladies' Horne Journal Patterns 10o and 150 NO. KERor Agent LADIES' HOME JOURNAL ♦OOOOONN00000000000000040•m00•0000N•O0NON0 Money Saving Opportunities [0 Every Department. See our large stock of New Goods for Spring and Summer Wear. We can supply you with the very Newest Fabrics for Skirts, Waists, Suits, etc. No trouble to show goods. $1.50 Pants For $1.19. 25 Pairs Men's Pants bought last week at reduced price. They are good material, well made, correct style. On sale for ton days at $1.19. Every pair worth $1.50. Flannelette. Shirts, 25c. 5 Doz. Dark Flannelette Shirts on sale for ten days at only 25c each. When you get a Shirt for 25e, all you pay for is the making of the Shirt. ' Everything, else is thrown in. 75c Shirts For 32c. A quantity of good Summer Shirts, white cotton body, fancy Went. Regular price 750 each, Special to clear quick, 32c each. Something New. Cameo Sash Pins ; get one. They are the newest thing on the market, very fashionable, Three designs. Prices 25o to 350. White Metal Brooches. A large quantity of White Metal Brooches, assorted designs. Have always been sold at 250 each. We succeeded in getting a quantity at a very low price and will sell them at 10e each. 10c Elastic 5c. A quantity of colored Elastin, regular price 10o yd., special to clear quick, 5o yard. $1.50 Tan Oxfords $1.19. Here's a bargain in Shoes that you cannot afford to pass. Ladies' Tan or Chocolate Oxford Shoes, sixes 2-& to 7, regular price $1.50, special to clear quick, $1.19. Paper and Envelopes. Wo are just in receipt of about 30 thousand Envelopes, all of which we are offering at very low prices. Dutch Fabric Envelope, pkg..100 No. 6, Ladies' Dainty " " .. 6c Good XXX Square " " .. 5o No. 7, splendid quality " . 5c No. 8, large, Linen Paper En- velope, per pkg 5c No. 7, medium quality Enve- lope, 3 pkgs 10c No. 7, faire quality Envelope, 4 pkgs 103 Note Paper, Dutch Fabric, splendid quality, 24 sheets. 10o Note Paper, medium, 24 " 50 Real Irish Linen Paper in Pads, regular price 15c each, our special price only 90 Large size Linen Paper in Pads, regular each 20c for150 Combs. Another lot of Combs bought at a 19w price. The saving is yours. Wo offer 10 dozen Toilet Combs, black or white. regular 20c Comb, our special price 2 for 25 cts. 13 doz. Combs, regular price 15 ats., unbreakable quality, our special price, 10 cts. each. ELLIOTT di. MCLACHLANSEEDS FOR 4908 PRINCIPAIt ICANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the 1st Thursday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance aro solicited. Ask to see oltr rates front any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men, REV. T. S. BOYLE ' T. E. ROBINSON Leader Roc. Secretary W. J. WYL>Ls - Fin. Secretary Protection and Safe Investment ARE COMBINED IN The Endowment Policies ---OF � The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1900- 6.73 PER CENT. 'WALTER T, HALL Local Agent — Wingham, llOINION BANK. HEAD' OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital u (paid$3,848,000 P Reserve (aoa ;4 41- • $5,068,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WING/1AM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and 1i,ilropo. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 anti upwards, and added to principal quarterly, D. T. REPBHIIN tanager aa tofe, eo loltet We have all kinds of Grain in stock for seed— the purest strain of Manchuria Barley—Goose Wheat for seed—Seed Peas—Silver Hull and Black Buck- wheat for seeding—Millet—Hungarian Red Clover— Alsike—Mammoth Lucerne and Timothy—all govern- ment standard—White Clover—Evergreen Lawn Grass —Kentucky Blue Grass—Meadow Fescue—Red Top —Orchard Grass—Italian Rye Grass—Fall Oat Grass and Essex Sowing Rape—Flax for seed, pure ground flax—ground Oil Cake—National Molasses Stock Food —Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves, to take the place of the cream taken out by the Separators. SEED CORN. This is going to be a hard year to get good Seed Corn but I have secured a quantity of Early Leaming, Bailey, White Cap Dent, of the best germinating quali- ties, also Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota: Call and get your corn early as you can keep a bag better than we can a hundred, as corn heats in a pile, ' and you can test it before planting. JUST .ARRIVED. A carload of Stock Feed, composed of Wheat, Corn, Oats and. Barley, also Shorts, Bran and Flour. Before ordering your Seeds for this Springy, you are respectfully invited to call and inspect o Ur stock. A. Mills WINGHAM