HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-05-07, Page 7-.� -)e I 1161. Ch 4 , - , "" , I .I - .., I I . � I . I . I. I "", - �-,--�-�, ­—,,�-­­­-, ­ - ­ �� �­­ -, I" � A - - . 11 I .1m. � , — � �­ , � . ­-, ­­ 1. I 1- 1. 11 11 11.1 , I .11. I , I . —­­-­-- ,--- , - " 11. � -- —., NIff Ir HARR"I THAW'S I—- I I . I—- I Thoy havo be0l knigagi'A 8111L.0 (1110111i mas. Thm, will go to Lftodeli to vis, Jlergh'o old lion)o oil their. wedding INVASION -4 I 11.1 Doot. 4y Tmmps W4 Were IN tmir. , Aftl�Jvwarkl thtky will 11VO !11 CIOV0144.41 Men vote tq Walk Out ' . p1tiladellillia. . ff -a I F`1(J`Hmr' FOR LIBERTY. Miv�fi Irolawl. Haid "Vadge" wholl nske(l about the romance coullecte(l. rged voul)011s. ,at the Maluilleiiii. Paill BY AFGHAN, with her ongagoillout. early tit April tho dotectivvs at last "it( H04 Griev44cell A11114 wout Two 1110; just. likq aqy other engagement -I------- . I Imagine'" slid fulded, "only thilt, the ­­ - partitis, to it mia lituoli motio irltox�estqd I . ""' Asks Court to Release - I 'ill this* than in anyone's else. My - p1lotogr , apliv OnrB lim uot been ail - ----­—­-­----­---­,­ . Ila le watomunrk that has nevor bi�vu eq I courts ana tile UuAslaii graita au4es and illustrated ongagoment and there will Him From Asyluni. ; due 9'r,T`ii`!� not be an illustrat I ed woddinc." — ,. I ­". P. - - . impe'imi'ites- guests Were received , "T. , : JIL th(t Chal)el doors' by tile AletrOp011- 4-4-0-f-+-++-++++4-+++.-+***+++**-" � — ' ' ' Evelyn Thavi Willifing to Can of the court and a number of lb) lr(ll (4� s4 t si L- After. the. Ejoporor had, been mprinkled with. holy water 4 Emma's Friend I Help Himh and lie conducted the, brldftl pair to the (tills, before tile great golden gates, of . � San Francisco, X117 4-111, the - capsized yesterday near by Kipoff, : tbe high altar, The Ivedding rings - riort r4ason guard-hQuse is Pte. Aiu",r of _kfall,tubiton. A desI)atch 0 were brought frout tile altar oil golden , : � Buwalda, of Company A, First 114 Jerome Must Prove H'... gero Of "1"r8 Allittu'd1actil'I "Poll tile fill' (110 bride bridegroom by the :� Battlion of Engineers,. . Buw4Ida , , I Suiperor's conrossor, The Aletropo Iltall :: had been identified as the soldier dl-% to he Cra.z. Y. Own completed the rites of the Rus- look hands with Emm.a Gold - �, Who 81 , . . . Aian. niarriage services, two of the " man at it meeting of Anarchists, I I bride.; iipare8t relativea holding gowns ]ter and pledged his assistance. The I 11oughltti�psio, N.Y�, May 4,—Horry ?ver tile heads of the bridal pair dur- Ing the ceremolly. Whilo the To Douill identification was made by detec- I . I<. T)14wls fight for liberty, Which was being clianiki. ail Imperial Salute tives of the police force, and he )1.%8 been Ili progress almost every me- of 101 gains was fired. Tho procession � wa� placed. under arrest. BuwaIdA - I ,111olit since lie shot down Stanford then returned to one of the anto salons, will\be brought before a court White on the vtowded Mailh;on Square where the Lutheran marriage ceremony was performed by the Swedish Bishop of Ill artiaL Pool gardea lbeatre nearly two years Lillid. - ­. +44 -1 �t I 1, t, I I I .�,�. -+-+-++ 0 41111 , ligo, wan eontinued Ili the supreme At a late hour III the ovelling tile I X - 11 (!ourt here to -day. Twice tried for bridal pall, took a speolial. traiii for t3t. Petersburg, the houvyinoon will. I T WIT ELVE PERISHIIED, tnwder, tile second thae, acquittsd where . . + billy to be sent to the Matte -wall be passed tit the palace of tb� late Arch- duke SeToe. I state hospital for the uritainal insane, During the day there were services Ili GUESTS MET DEATH 'I N OLD Thaw now *ill endeavor to prove his all the churches of the enipirlp� MU4 ill BUILDING AT FORT WAYNE, sallity and Ills right 'to freedom. St. Petersburg cItA!h, bells pealed — The proceedings, -which began to- , (lay, were based upon a writ of ha- throughout the entire afternoon. ----­�-- I ' Six Moro Lives Lost in Brooklyn, beaa corpus taken out at the Instance rr HE TERCENTENARY. Brick Tenement—Whole Family of the prisoner to procure his rolea . so A Wlp�c[ Out—Caught by Flamos trom. the asylum. The writ was is- sued by Justice Morsinlialiser at White ' I in Upper Storey, Plains on April 22,, on a7pplioation of British Rule and . Sames, G, Gralialft, a Newburgh. at. . torney. the Queboc Celebration. Fort Wayne, Ind., May 3, --At leaht It ums, made returnable before Jus- already atrived Ili Laudikotal witli a twelve persons la4 their lives in a fire, Itice M-orschauser in this city to�day, Ali Interesting � Quebec, Alay 3—The coming Quebec, which, Idestroyed the new Avelino Hotel 'I'lie sidelight oil' Tha a Inatrimonial affairs, which have at- tercentenary got a big bo`oal; to -day I � "I early to -day. � entire interior of the building is a sillouldering Ileap of ruills, traeLed much attention since Ilia re- moval to tile asylum, was containud tile shape of papul decree, which waB read in the Roman Catholic 0hurches, and how many . dead are concealed by ill It -stateniont given out by Russell Peabody, one of Thaltv's counsel, b"' highly cillogis,ti e of both Samuel DV the, debris can onty be conjectilred. The hotel register was consumed by the fire, lore tho Opening uf 0,;rLiTt to -day. Unimplain and.lilgr. De 1,aval. , The Pope's encyclical is addressed and there is -no accurate means of deter. ' )7oalig Mrs. Tlii�w, N%lio has begioi -�,Iilt for the annulment of their ixlar� to Archbishop Bel"In 'and the other archbishops and bis%op�s tile Calla_ miniligy who iB missing. , U.11 known dead are: R. S, Johnson, , 0 riage, has not seen her husband in more than two months. Mr. Peaboli, of dian Church. The Pope declares that b , e 0111cago Hirsch, Now York- H. 13. , P N 6110� 3 filler, oygan, wja.; J. R. ni Ilia, said, however, that Mrs. Thaw has 'offered cause of his special ffe ion fo 0, et r Can- ada and of the close relatiolle Chicago; J. )17� Pitcher, Fort Wayne; herself as a witness in her husband's behalf should her testi- existing between theill, be could not .permit ]its J. 1.11. Devine Philadelphia; three uni. d entified men' itiony be lieccss�ary to obtain 'i's free' Hia -whether voice to be absent for tile the general 01 orus of joy Ili duxint!ction with , I the The known inissin are: Afax Was - -9 <10111. did not ];now it Would be iloccesary to Vall her t(. eo I"In Plate& � Nor sem, a wrestlep,,, Fort 11"hyne.; Frank l3axter, Auburn, Ind.; 11 B A!ty, of Poughkeepsie, lie said, but if lie ba� 1!��ing a tribute to -the fi�elity ­ ­­ , ­­ -- ,�- - - , ­ " Washiliarton. Ind-- Chas. Beniantin. De- -- -- - -- - ­ ---- - VOlop � a slie-ivill-�-6e�suiiinioned.---- -- generally, the decree says Chat; the ' Thaw himself undoubtedly will go church�in Canada. enjoys a greater 11b, 0 oil the stand in his owit, behalf, IVIT. erty than perhaps anywhere else, tind Peabody said. Ile declared that the for this be pays a tribute to the juist in - prisoner is 'vd1ling to Submit to a fluence of British rule. weatilination tile court or the distriT11C Sainuel Do Chadhplain, , says the attorney tilay desire its proof of his Fope, appears upon the carliest; Scenes , Ili the history of Canada. French by mult:'. I Ur. Peabody said he and Afr. ('Arahaiii birth, remarkable for both genius find -,v)II oppose any att(-nipt to have tile courage, 'but Much more for 01tristiall vnse tranhforrod. to New York vounty, wisdoin, Ilia 1101i"Oss culogizes both 'while it was reportvd Assistant Nstri(t Champlain and the. early Jesuit and Attorney Glarvan would make -the open- other Freneh missionaries in Canada, Ing of tile hearing. as Well as, Algr. De Laval, enjobis the "We want tit(% case tried in Duelies.s duty of thankfulness to God for the Cou0V' said Air. Peabody, "Thaw's prosperity which Ile has sliowined upon place of confinement is here, r1h, writ Canada, and. invokes an ab-andatice of WaS Inade TOturnable here and we believ- celestial gifts for assuring the 'u seful- ed that the crowds of curiosity �cckeri " e5s "' 'Ile coll'i try - of the"coming feter Nvould be avoided Ili Poughkeepsie. .1 - ' "We hold that the burden of proof rest,4 upon Ali-.' Jerome to show that THE BIG STRIKE. Shaw h; insane. -.-\fr. Jerome's comment . - -- iii the first trial adjudged him salle. Tile jury Ili tile second trial deemed blin ill- The Cotton Operatives' Strike Will sano at the time lie killed Stanford WhItc." . I Involve 7,000 Persons. . Tha-w took a seat .at the minsel, table )between Afessrs. Graliani and Peabody, ��Joxxtroal, Ilay 4.—The big strike of and at once entered into carilest conver- Canadian cotton operatives, which will sation with 1fr. Graham, who 19 in . . charge of the habeas corpus proceedings, ovelitually involve some 7,000 Persons, The opening of thehearing -,vita delay- was inaugurated as a protest against the ed by a conference between District At- 10 per cent. cut in. wages ordered by tile torucy A -lack, of Dueliess county, and Dominion Textile, all([ Alontreal Cotton Amistant Districh Attonivy Uarvan, of .Comparies last week. The mulo Spinners New York, -%vlio was P;�drvvoriug to tit Valleyfield, Iloolielaga, and St. Henri 0 transfer the ca8e to N(uv York eounty. illifis have astruck, and as their work is Dr. 'Baker, tile veting Superintendent W the basis for that of most all the others the Afatteawan Asylum, wnp; called into it is only ,it illatter of time when (ill the the. conforence. I departments, will have to C'ose-. 11711fred 11r. Garvan and District Atbtorney Paquette, the busitiess agent of the Fod- *.NVtxvk appeared in court beforc, noon, ,Ile- eration of Textile Workers, declares that voinpanied by Assistant JXF;triet, Attor- tile qpIlillers,will. not accept a out $0 long )Icy, johnstoll, Afr. (�,,.Illfllli fol-mally as the companies are able to pay good . filed Ilia writ and received from tile Di;. sized dividends to their shareholders.. trict Attorney his return to it, District " ' �' Attorney Mack then addressed the vourt and moved that the proceeding.4 I FOR QUEBEC10 be sent to New York county. - . . Thaw looked ru-red and well and Ili% I "Z o- positeRegimentFromWinnipeg, color indicated tha ht�, It -is had plenty C M of outdoor life at Al'atteawan, . 4 - I. Calgary and -Victoria. SWEDEN'S PRINC�. I Ottawa, Out., 2NElly 4. --About 170 LEADS -'GRAND DUCHESS MARIE ' offieav� and men will constitute & com- ' - pos[to regiment for the Quebec. tercen- TO RUISMAN ALTAR. tenary celebratiou. to come from the ' I three western military Jistriets with Royal Alliance is Consummatod Amid headquarters at Winnipeg, Calgary and Great Pomp and Ceromany Char. Victoria, respectively. Owing to the acterlstic of Statelio:t Court in great cost Of transportation, etc., the Europe ... m0atinoris Thunder � Out Militia Department has found it inadvis- able to bring a large contingent from the Paean While Solemn Te DeLIM is Winnipeg distrieL The force Will be Chanted. about 110 men, while from the other two districts about 30 men each will 6t. Petev+burg, Alay 3- -Prince Wit- come, �j : 1, . b0in of 8%veden, second oun of King I DYING IN OPIUM DEN. Ou-itave. the popular s dior prlim! I . , ' ­ I Due do Chaulnes Found by High who visited America !it li.107s was iliar. 'rand Duchess ! ried this piterailon to G Police Official. Paris, May 3.—Tt now trauspites that ;Ilarle rovlovila. it cousill of tile ],Pill- ! the death ol th6 Due de Chaulnes fol- peror of Russia, ,and daughter of i lowed immediately a visit by the un- GTaud Duko Paul Alexitadrovitch. fortunate young inan to ail opium den. lho. ecrentony took- pl,-tve at tha T-;ar- ! ,1,110 I , natt.cr was variofully k,ept Secret okoo Selo, and was nevo III pauir-tt by alt I by the pollee, an official of u'lloin, help- thu point) tuld brilliaut di,ipfily 'of - Pd to remove tile Duke in a 6,yilig con- " I color charticteristic of tbo l"o-1L '3tat-c'N' �dllion. to the Hotel Langhtim, but tile court ht E'urol%!. i face was inade known by a wentbef of � , To -night it great state bancluet iva-3 . the Chaulnes family. served, .at which toasts were drunk to ! The story is one of the iiaddest Ill tit,' the good untler,standing betwe 2,xi ' history Of Paris society. '4w-eden find Russia, rez(m1ly reaelrnl : The Duchess knew ]ter husband was in tile Baltic agreenlent to which to- � III when ilie was put to ,bad, hut A -lie was day's, w6diling, the fir*t in inodeTu ,. 'it it danger6ua tGes between the rolin ry llnu,3es Of � not aware that he Wag J the two eountrics. puts th"i, seal. ,;, eondition'llixtil ib was too late for any The robing of the bride Wits per- ! medical treatment to 'be effective. Tt forilled ftec"Ordilig to eolat cu..Stoln, Ill I will not until aftcr his dVath that the 'f Duellesi know tile immed R,te cauic of title private apartlIXCIA4 of tile 15,111ilves-4. ' . , her huisband1% illness. ' - , 0ia was dressed by the I-ouprQss and � I- I � I .. 0— the Dow4ger Empress, assi.,ited. by their - I . nudds of honor and ladle,i-in-waith%tv-, I NuRaF, WEDS MILLIONAIRE. .1 salute of twenty-ouc ,gruns 4id it � Toronto Lady to 86tome WIft of -Coal blare of trumpets announced the start i . of tha procession. At tile head emne , Oporatdr. tile Dowager Ralpt'vs,4, oa the arill of I New York, May 3.—Mabol Irelftni� King (4ubt..xve; thV. Eanperor of It"' . i 110"d'Aftilt to � tile ;Uperintendont of ille Slit- oscorti'v ("', ,11 Olga of Grreeev, the I prit-site bospital ofs,I)rs. Bull , and Empress "seorte hy the (Iraild. D111w Wall�,% V7ill bA. 1111ITTiOd i(I (1,114710 (If Iret;....x" croll,it 1.111ove Verdilla?l-1 and ., 11crAfll, It %vt,,Iltllv I'll fladelp!) ill coal Crown Printem Mnl?c of Rouill'blawl, I operajor, ,tit. the TAttlo Chu'reh Atou,fte attended by tile tourt ushers and mar" , ,tile (.,,Or1Icr ixt. I 0�10100k 1).M. on ,Tunc ! shaI3 and other funetionarles, I 3. Thti 11conse was obtained tit th( , . I v T1. Then arm ill alln valkle tile bridal . (1) .111 hore oil Saturday. I plir and beliiml thmn ularelled Pritive � ' p,Ii,.j 11-(,1,llltl it, it ll.,ilivt) of Toronto Nipholl-4 nild 111,11wo Altdlt�w of ("ree(!V �'t .1. . Sho h, 4 b4i'll villowt-tod with 0le, 1141,4� 111111 Ellpir wivVs, Prillve I'll 1.1 itophel, Of , pit'll f0tIr 1,1(-,IJ`.4, Hli(i moL Dr. I-"(,rgl Ireece and IJril1e(,. Carl of swodon find , t,, . 'go through it NvollI611 frioili 1, %yo yt-arfi a Iiis, wile and tho gu(-.4s frowilt, foreign wilt) was a patient �ht the sallitaflain ...... --- ­­­ -------J', '"IsbAMW11. ,va, Ir,T. ,, unkno-svIt. woman, compaition. of Airs, Hathaway, " ' The complete (restruction of .the in. terlor of the hotel makes the work of recovering bodies a difficult task, as bricks and twi-aked girders piled up be- tween the walls to beyond the second story must Vo removed piece by piece before the foll, of -the dead. call be com- pleted. Some of the bodies taken out tire nian, , gled ,and charred beyond recog- . ilition, The hotel was oreeted balf .% century ag,O, and the woodwork was as dry as tinder. Jt burned fike nialchwood, and within a few minutes from the timethe fi.re was discovered the wholg interior Of the lwtel was a mass of fGxics ill).(] the only means of escape left was by the window, I I , Fire Chief Anckenbruck places ]its cs- timato of the dead -yet in ilie rinis as high ,is twenty, The New Avellne Hotel ' was a- six -storey building of brick. The hotel 4nd its furnishings were -valued tit $80,000. The Stocks of other occu- pants of the hotel block Were valued at about $35,000. Six Dead. in Brooklyn. . Now Yory, Afay 3—An early morning fire in the four -storey brick tenement ill .Humboldt street, Brooklyn, caused the death of six persons and the serious in- jury of four others. Every member of one family, a mother and four children, are among tile dead. There were many thrilling rescues by police and firemen, and it was clue to -their brave work that . the death list was not larger. A balf dozoli-'or more 'persons who were ,trap- ped in the upper storeyi were saved by jumping into life nets. The financial loss caused by the fire is estimated at $10,000, The dead are Mrs. Jennie Cohen and N -Mrs, Dorm Abrailis and her four Phil. dren, Sadie, Carr � to, Annie and Charles. I The fire started ill the cellar of the building at about half -past 2 this morn - i, , when the people lcomposing the 11:1it families living in the liouso, wero asleep. When the firemen arrived the fire had extended through. the entire remr'por- tion of the house, NvIlere the fire escapes were located, and the terror-stricken inmates of the up -per floors bad been driven to the front rooms, Where they were hanging from wilidows sIltkeking for help. Ladders and life nets were quickly brought into use and most of the iinperilled people thus -were res- cued. � The Abrams family lived oil, the third floor. For some reason, probably the opening of several doors and -windows -,vhIch caused a quk-,k draught, the flames Swept through their apartment, so thab the only way to escape death Ili the flames Was by jumping from the windows. Chas. A. Abrams and his sis- ter Anna clicac this Way of escape, Both struck ail iron railing and were dead when picked tip. Mrs. Abranis mlid hev other children, Sallie and Carrie wore burned to deatb� clasped in each *O'tlAcr's arms. Porb Whyne, Ind., May 4.—At 8 o'clock tills morning the death roll re- sultant front yesterday's Now Avelino Ilotel. stood at eleven known dead with several persons Still unnecollinted for. Just at daylight tI)e body of it mail was uncovered.frolli. the ruins, the first to be, pxhumed front thii IlValis Of debris since , Sunday evening, The bodv 'vita Mviltified as' that of ("Ila& llexlja�ixl) Of Detroit, � A reviied. list Of dead 1011'01"' T� T" Itillet, �Sheboygall! Wis.. J. U. E'lliS, Chicago, Isafte Hirlell, Chicago; WITI, Pitcher, Duluth '. 11. 8, Johnson, I'ana, 111b." Jos. IV, Deviney, 15111IM101011111 Charles Benjamin, Detroit; unidentified woman, "pposed to .have been Aliss -Afary Burkette, Allssmvaka-, 1111; Inli. . .. deixiiiied womitiA, supposed to have beef, � J;Jisa, Skrall Hathaway, Afismwa " . unidentified main, supposed to Ila hilirk(le', it hotel Porter; ullidontifiml body of a filaft, . � All of the, dozen I)OVS011A 90,61131Y Ill- jured-by b1ling or J)y leaping from tile inivilinj hotel ItTe doing Nvell tit the lies. ?Jf_all C, .�Qcpt I,, " A 11. Mitthe - . ,wS, Ot Colixill, ) )116 Ohio., whose defah is hourly V%, , The total number of deaths eftlilloi bo dotormillod lintil tit(* (10I)VIS Ilan boor voulpletely Aoarellod. — -- Ton tbousam fNlilfollowm held tilell . 11 aillinal Waile nt WImilpog yoiderday I Ton balid-9 waft V14, - I 1 ­ - $ 14. I 4-4110 - , - -, .1. I..'', . I I . I I I . I I I 0. , " -� , . ­ --------- 1 .111.1-0. I . M�� - -1 I, I I - I . . - ­. .-... - , , - - - , I � , ,� , , , , 'L �, . - ­­ .. � ., I ­.. � I �. . ­ I �, �,' �, , � � vol tAREET'CAR 0011"RIKUL It is Ipitherea rrom. the foregoing de- lielliAl deteetlym during Clio ploit 51: INVASION -4 I 11.1 Doot. 4y Tmmps W4 Were IN luoliths, CIOV0144.41 Men vote tq Walk Out Off the Train# As 4 result of the pxv�loittatlou v I mmids have failed, despite tile activity of the Afghan niollabs, wany of wlioni rged voul)011s. ,at the Maluilleiiii. Paill BY AFGHAN, � Engmeer Missing 4"d 0 Nullihe r of early tit April tho dotectivvs at last "it( H04 Griev44cell A11114 wout Two Men. jnjure4. ('.'t'!Qd�ed tit truelng tho spurious pill)(, -,— here, with the re -4111t Chat Hill wati ,it — Twenty Thousand Troops. Attack . .i's to" at (41raveueud, whVre lie oitvmlbl� lmrrled ail the butiluess, of a civil Of the Dyber Pass. . glooer, . Itt, Ili 1� Ineluded tit tile Outfit f0tuld - possession was a Plate for prodiwillf British S; ll;geod In Holaing,rhen, In, Ila le watomunrk that has nevor bi�vu eq I , .1 lbigtou train No. 0 was dylitunited licar by counterfeiters, and forl',ed coupon check fit olochhouse. witli, face values of $75,001), . ­". P. - - . . — .. Gen. Willocks Hurrying Tf9ops to * +r+ � , -*++++4'+'*44'+++++'*� -�"-*�: t If the Aitack. . . he $ceu.e L 0 , I � 120 Persons Drownied. . I I - I I I . . . . 1. I "----., j,olldoll, N, ay 3,—The lucreashIV rgraly. I � St. Petersburg, KAY 4-4 Pas' ' ily of tlie Itelix's from tbO "OrtlMost : � senger boat on the River Dneiper : frontier of India, points to tile like]!- - capsized yesterday near by Kipoff, : hood of serious cQuip)1eatiOns with the , " In the Government of Nobileff, , L , Aiu",r of _kfall,tubiton. A desI)atch 0 - . god i2o persons were 0owned. � / rroill 811111a, tile symnier capital of The boat Was filled with peasants India, aun,).auqes that it body of Af- and their wives and children, re- I gliatts, between thirteen and twenty turning'from church, It was over - .thousand btrinly, crossed the border III- croWded and became unmanageable to India Friday night and divided in. i In the middle of the stream e to two liartles, Tile larger aild better a L passengers lost their !leads and anued p4rty went lo,Laiullkotal, which turned the boat over by crowding gi�tards the Afghan end. of the Khyber 1 Pa"s, and tile other luider ('0111TIland, to 040 side. of SuKi &%Ilib, went tQ the Upper Ba- Milian Valley, 8aturday evening tlle3' .i,+4 -+-+*4-* 4, 0 +-+*-*-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-4- - - delivered their niqla atta& upon tile Alieliikandacli blot-khouse, which is I ' RACE F I GH T. held by it detachment of the Khyber . Rifles. The Afghans mado detertitined 111"11.11 "We have all Pur plans ready for A strike, therd AvIll be no,tio-up and lit- efforts to cLipture the blockhouse Etna I 12 le and F0 0, Italians Clash and Twi heavy firing conti tilled until 8 o'clool; hurried to. the hospital, E'xpr�ss Messenger J, (1. Valentine this morning. Ille attlielz failed, tile . Fatally Hurt. garrison inflicting soille loss upon the .admit tell t I L the jinimy found in ]its possei Afghans. The garrison was also able ' L I ,ko defeat the Afghans' repeated at* - . I " Wilkesbarre, Pit,., Alay 4�-Poles at tem.pta to Captill-O tile Catavansexies I ticar the blockhouse. The enemy with- - Italians engaged !it it bloody riob i drew to the Southward, attacking the . Hudson, ton miles from here to -day, tM Loargai 811i nwariB, who repelled them. Poles, being fatally wounded, two, othel Despittelles front other points state badly hurt, while many were injured ar t4lat Major -Gen. Sir James Willeocks, were carried away by their coulpailion who coulmands the expedition sent Ili- Tile police are now searching for thei to the Bilru Valley to punisli tile , and expect to make arrests to -day. Zakkakhels, ali A60 tribe, directly There has been it feud between tl Ila received the news. of the. lin1jending Poles and Itillians for sonic, time o%v4r attack made s%vIft .dispositions to meet to tile fact that it.number of Poles toc 'Strildiur the new- emergency. The British the places of the Italians i ' forces, which were' concentra ting for near -by coal witics. To -day Italians lai the purpose of ad'vancing against the in anibush for a party of the Poles all Molunands, who became troublesome attaeked them wit], stilettos, JOsef after the Zakkakliels wore -subdued, Wisordt wits stabbed ,seven times; Ale, have now been diverted to other direc. tinder lVilkowski four times, and hot t' its. Gqn. Willcocks, who has himself 10 are dying. John Darboaki and Jose I � taken v,harge, of the Operations, jilt% Verdetti were badly 1voluided ,and already atrived Ili Laudikotal witli a .number of others were hurt., - bri of infantry, a squadyOn of . - � --- . 'Fa(fe , Ca ,,try a Ild eight gl�ns, A f ew Of tile ROSE ACCTTSEP.� client), we're seQn in the ]tills during police etation. Among the articles which Clio wareli and a few allots were fired. I 1. I . � - - ­ -----.--- -1 I . " . I! � Is I ... 1: 11 I I . I., I.i I.. , ''. � ".. I— 11-1... �� .11-1 1 I I � I - I ' I TRAIN DYNAMITED4 � - - - ­ - : ­ , , - , , 7 - : - ­­ " J - I liluit, of J'Vives0r, running a good. dry �­'$ atore, Clime oil w0ek ilays, kind - ­­ .. � ., I ­.. � I �. . ­ I �, �,' �, , � � vol tAREET'CAR 0011"RIKUL It is Ipitherea rrom. the foregoing de- goods, teachilig, IN. large Sunday school class of . % -4 I 11.1 Doot. 4y Tmmps W4 Were IN hopi And girl" oil 4.41ind ity, 110 attended 111(wtillgrd of ellarity orgailizatiolls, gikyo CIOV0144.41 Men vote tq Walk Out Off the Train# I liberallY ill the pool" and Ivaii pi'lRoll. ally aciptainted NvIth illmly of tit(-, lis'st This Evoning, * mmids have failed, despite tile activity of the Afghan niollabs, wany of wlioni people i)f TACICC60r, Ill fact, 80 0;- 11.1.1"'.1— I � Engmeer Missing 4"d 0 Nullihe r of elliplary Avila his life lbat lie ,wou. the 10041 --0140 known As -Tile ITONva J11111- H04 Griev44cell A11114 wout Two Men. jnjure4. dro(I'll Cents an flow, Exim. Ameer's border people hiLve been Swarming into British territory with , . This collglf,its of 100 pounds sterling, I fraudulent practices, bilt Ile loved OVI." — . or IT1500, IvIll0l 1,4 advalleed for twelve . 1-0" I Butte, Mont"Alay 2.—Salitbotilld Dur- , , Years witholit interest; for capeolally ;-vorthy joulig luelt to olighle, them to Cleveland, O., Alay 4.—Voting oil the , I , .1 lbigtou train No. 0 was dylitunited licar I start in bushieso, WIken several bur. qucst,1911 of ,a strike by pulployVes of" I the Nortliorn Paolflo station, here, tit gluriett Ili. the lielgliborhood of his own , (lie Afulli0pal, 7'ra,etiou Company 005ed . i 11.37 O'clock )ABC night, The explosion 110110", tOOlk ,100 Spencer called it, Public - P 'a morning. at 3 o'clock thi a caused the first, or belper englue, to meeting, which, he addVossed himself, and, protested eloquently against the Ili- Tho golieral sentiment expressed by - leave the rails, but It plowed along fox, efficiency of tile pollee protectioli of Clio won after the C19se of tho. polls, wits ti few hundred feet without Writing ptopettyo infavorofiluitting work, Ili order, they ovor. The scconkl engine crashed into At ""At be Was 4lWaYs 1174000110tv ,sald, to onforo tile demanils of the wo. ' Clio bil,uh, south of the track, a few ear missing; and it now develop$ that) armed with a set of burglars, Cools (ortaiia and conductors. of that so . ction of . longt4s front where the explosion o-- I , and with opiates and pols.ous Avith the local consolidation formerly known , curre4l, and hirneil over. U'very person which, lie quieted sleepers find ],filed . � t1le Cleveland EIC444 for an increase a" In the WAgR6 Of 2 cents. All bOlAr And, on. the train has been accounted for ex, troublesome dogs, lie was robbillginallY other prlyfle � go$, cept Engineer Bussy, of the second ell- . of the persons whose acquaintance hV International Vice.�l1resident Beliner, glile, Nillio, is supposed to be buried na- der the -locomotive. I'llade ill business and Ili church, He was finally captured by the rnerost acci- � of the Street car invil's union, oalif. "Not Carl Afatige, who was viding Ott the dent, the polleelliall, into Whose arms five Per cent. of the men voted against the strike resolution, The counting of blind baggage, was taken, from the mass of timbers under ivIlich lie was buried, Ile ran all but refusing to believe bi-, eyes whon lie tore the xilask fronx, Spell- the ballots to-aay will be merely for - His itrill, and leg were broken, , Fireman Geo, Able, of the second on- cer's face, Over forty burglaries, in wbich the 111"11.11 "We have all Pur plans ready for A strike, therd AvIll be no,tio-up and lit- gille, was, severely scalde(l, Both were booty is valued at several hundreds of tle disorder," said Gen, Superintendent hurried to. the hospital, E'xpr�ss Messenger J, (1. Valentine thousands of dollars, are now 1,04 at "'I'lls"MI!, a door, and he has just Cook, of tile municipal company. 'The it be Was 801.1011 sly cut by it flylugr grenade. , .admit tell t I L the jinimy found in ]its possei tilue of the strike Should called, will be Set by" the exevutive board ' Sheriff Charter, Renders on an4 Lbe police have bogun an investigation of slon is the saine wif.1i ,which entrance , was gained to Capt. Beatty's residence. Of the union at noon or hit%, to -day af- , . the affair, The dynamiting is believed Not a single article of all the valuables ter the count of t1he ballots, It will pro - btibly be midnight to-ilig,lit or early f3uxl- -- to be the work of some tramps seeking lie Stole, however, has yet been located day morning. rcvenge for being ejected from the tittlit. . - I or recovered. Vice-Presidelit Beliner explained the �, THE RICH LIAR, — ­16.04� ' I ARM90 WITH BOMBS. ition's grievances as follows. "Disagree - inent With the company's 4brogatloy., . . � of the agreement; it feeling that the low . � A Fourth Afghan War Possible, . . "'file Calcutta Authorities Make Important fare Will drive out the men, and dis- John Rockefeller, Jan., on Use and Seizure. . Oolitenti with the systool of charging the transportation I ,. Abuse tif Money. Calcutta, Aray 3�—Tlie 'Beizure. by the *shop, men for which may ml�- out to as llig� Ila 24 cents a day, vVert I � Police, in it native of a number when a man is not wor king," . — I of bombs and cartridges shows the I �l : 1. f I ITew York, May 4.1:�Obn D. Rockefel- ter, 'juu,, addressing tile Bible class of length to which the disaffected natives are prepared to go in their hostility to - - DOG AIDED SUICIDE. .tile Fifth Avenue Baptist Churoh. yester- British rule. The bombs were of tho latest Patton, with electric batterie.9' . day, arraigned the rielt mail who told for oxilloding theiti. It took a long line . I lies, 'destroyed men's reputations, and of carts to convey the Seizure to ilia BULr,, TERRIER HS,LPED HIS took advanta,go -of those wqaker that] police etation. Among the articles which MASTSR,T,0 DROWN HIMSELF. himself, tit order to achieve wealth and foil tat,) tile hands of the police were a 8earching for two men, named Eddy, power, . . I � Ito warned the young nica of Clio clasq library uf up-to-dato books on the mauu- . ractilre of ekIllosives, and a collection or � - Henry P. Turpin Dragged Twice From to, refrain from oaqhig slich ,it intin lurld Anarchist literature and seditiol-18 . Water of Old Pennsylvania Can4l, . and Ilia wealth-, 1-10 tOOk Ilia text fro"! pamphlets. Over thirty arrests have But Returned a Third Ti me�Hiw file fifty-second'Psalin, IN-I'lercill juk sluch It rich mail is described and Ilia been made. Everything points to the existence of it car;fully managed organ- , Dog Attacked Rescuers. . eloquent, Straight from-the-shoul&l' hAll ization, With wide varnifleations and ' I . on tainted money seemed to astonish bit; cousideraDle finatteint bqeking. HarrisburM Pa., Mity 4.—After mak- audience. . Rev. 3)r. Aked, pastor of the "I'llyell- . 'rho news of tile arrest has created a sensation tbrolighout the length and Ing two' unsuccessful attempts, Henry also seemed astonished when Aft- rWok- breadth of Indfro. . P. Tu'Till, aged 32 years, succeeded Ili . Zeller began his subject Ili such yigyorous � — 14---*-- - himself Ili tile old PelinsYl- drowning, fashion, butAie nodded his lx -ml approv . � ­ - ­­-- — ­ .1 ­­ ' WANTED FOR DEATH OF W I FE, vallia Canal at Steelton, near here, to- Alinlasjid this etalling. is a 3a or a rormer nalnuton ward assured Mr. RocRereller that It 1 It is Ipitherea rrom. the foregoing de- 161 , Policeman. was one of the best talks oil the subject spatelics that the Afghan attempts to lie had ever heard, , secur6 the co-operation or tile moh- I . - — , . "There is no sin," Said PN)0�4�01-,­ " mmids have failed, despite tile activity of the Afghan niollabs, wany of wlioni 11, 0110ilto, Xtay 4.--Ily tbu arv!st this 11colullulating-wealth in all honest and legitimate Ingillior and lising tlltlt were rceently tit tho, Alueer's cutploy. - '1101,11ing of Alexander 11").i.." tile polie( wellth rightfully. Bill' this 1,111til the For weeks past thousands of tile believe they have ill their ball,,I,j th, psalinist speaka of, had taken advalit- line of other.4. Not only wits Ile given to Ameer's border people hiLve been Swarming into British territory with lilqu, who lia,3, leven guilty of mitnerou, I fraudulent practices, bilt Ile loved OVI." supplies of arnis and alliltillilitioll, and hold-ups with violenve in TorOLItO M- .\�Ir. Iloek(� eller then drew a picture of f tralus of provisions, led by mollah.4., L*lltly. Rw­ is IL 8011 of 01,11.1c.3 ROSQ� �tbe, pruai,eutur (it Vito Ale,dical Outuicil, aud need for men who 'wd--c little 'nOil- cy bnt. lead righteous livVS; Int'll Who They move forward, raishig the fiery eret�s among tile restive Atollimands, waa axre�-A,od oil the chargo of ftsi�,iultiny ' P,thf,l Wellwood';s fruit eali always be trusted to do the doWit I Lhing matter AvItat Itappells. . . who, however, rvniain (luiescent awl Xlis,s Skittli ill itore oil Friday night. Nlk,ii Skitch wit� 0 no , ­ . ............... 8.,* -41—. — turned it deaf ear to tit(-- fanatical ap- peak dc. ould seem --io badly beaten silo. inay itme liar sight 0 T a DIED' IN WANT ' that Afghans, failing to secure the ,It t'lle police a, b y hiell-ti. ily she pu,,Itivel help of either the Afridis or 31xlolimands, fi-ed it photograph Ot Ito-io. as that of, the nian wbo had cominitted. tile a.v . � I entered upoil. a CRIllptlig1l. Of their OMM Sault, Allan G. Duncan, it grocer, was I I Former Grimsby Woman Found Their raid points to one of two things: either the Anteer. is evilly disposed also held tit) alid, assaultcd, by It Ilitil' Deatitute at Detroit. towards (Ireat BritainJ or lie is power- %vlio lie has identified as- Rose. A re. volvk�r, dropped Ili Daucaut'id placo, tile . — . lose to keep Ilia I�vies in Order. It is �illll(*8iV�111 t, tat lie should be ilynoraur police say, they (-ail show h4d been pur. dless and Detrol t, Afity 2�--Left frien , 11 t ,vas c% of tile d, Inasmuch as I - I , Tried ehased by 11,0�,.c, 31rs, Max leillberg, 36h Yange street, was held ILI) in ber st,o,rc ' penniless by the death of t1to- man, for - out by regularly recruited and armed . 1. and assaulted on April 3, and she sayr, '. ' whoin she had Ixpt house fifteen years, soldiers. . the Ameer's rece Durin . ,lit visit to Lile nian answers to tile general descrill Nliqs Angeline Lrouse, aged 76 years, .g Tudin; Ilia absence gave bis'brother ail tion of Rose. The latter makes a gen. denial to tile charges against hini. died In (,1raeo Hospital thia morning. Opportunity for undermining his an. eral - -Q-0-01- , Ix'rief over the il,oatli of her ouiployei - � . thority. Oil his return. the Anicer was characd with abandoning the true . I RAILWAY RASH e -housc, following . . day -j', starvation, caused IM faith P Schundt Mali ontinedlinisin. ' A wish , . ieveral death. - to r ehabilitktLe himself in the eyes of V Tht nVigrllboys do Ilut lvaow thilt she ]its subjects is suggested as -a possible , ., Alleged to Have Been Caused by haa food or fire since 'lei- employer died C,­,thiva�tioxi of his attitude, but a - L%vo wvek.i aao, "iftturday tile. people .1.0 likel answer is found Ili bUt IV - One of the Passengers. roke tit to find her ill wid next door I)' I irritat-14511 over the recently signed 11 holpless, Site refused all food, and it Anglo-Rugsialf convention. It is kixo*n . wits Nvitli difficalty thaL tlwy pers-iiaded that lie refusell to give assent to the � ' * Guelph, Ojit., .11ay 4.- �('Aralid Truiik h;r to g� to the -hospital, Little is known Afghanistan clause contained therein and the convention was ratified without passion r train No. 10, raitiling north -94 . j history, eXeepit tlI%b She cattle 0 be ' from Grimsby, Out., where one brother his donsent. I iroin G itelph, on t!i�.' .-m-day evViiing crash- is supposed to be living, !xnd Chat she A Fourth Afghan War Possible, . . "'file ed into it freight a t �'Joorefleld. The ell* 9'no was badly smashed, its well as sev- had another brother in California. Tho Daily Mail says- Amcor permi .its army 'of ]its .subjects to itted it eral freight cars, and Firentan Smith and Neither has been located. 1: - 6 I onter' British tevritory. His conduct Conductor Cox were injured, but not seriously, No Nvere Illirt, atia STRUCK ON HEAD. became graver when we reflect that passengers 'Clio the Shinw -%vlxo nialle the inroad. 11'rial . 'No the engineer escap6da freight ivm on this siding.ftnd overran the switch. I I are Afgball soldiers. power, lie ever pacifie, could allow ,4uch bcIiavt"- ter rhe, si""'lials wer'e, Set agmill".'t tile passen� � A ed Nerritton Man Accuses Two 9. to poss without tile filliesb exphilla- ger, tat. the brakes failed to work, and it is said that a, colore�d po*,.+cngcr biter , Brothers of Theft. tion and satisfaction, and it is nil- forhanatoly unceRain whother the fered with thd valves, *0 as to ell-itaf � Ameer is !it it mood. to give either ex- the trouble., - I I � - t4t. Catharines, Wlky &—High Con- planations or satisfaction, His failure to sign the Anglo -Russian agreement, . HE RESIGNS. stable Boyle spent all. afternoon whiell- Was forwarded to Win some . 8earching for two men, named Eddy, weeks ago, had already'provoked com. who are said 'to ,have assaulted a:nd ment, and when ]tie, failure is studied in the light of this frontier outrage, it . I - Western Head of the Salvimon Army I robbed I Patrick Steep, at )its home Ili Ac beeomes of Sinister aspect. Tho, In- I Not Well. Alerritton early this morning. - I cording' to Steep's story, lie had had dian Government cannot permit him some transactions with the EAtilys, who to play fast and loose -with his en- called at Ilia house about 4 o'clock, gagenients, slid if' he will not compV1 - Chicago, Alay* 4�10earing Physical Saying. t1loy came to settle for some Ilia ct for Brit. 1, 3h C= to show respe y coercion will have to be, I loner Oeorge - breakdown, Cominissi A. Xil , cliic�-ons thev had purchased. . Steep is an old mail t them who 'anide - applied to him, however much ,vo inmy . Sit bey the western head of the 8 Iyation In, produced a $10 bill, as tile The ,, deplore tile policy of a fourth Afghan Army, )ilia requested General Booth to . old litan wits about to draw it roll of War.1) relievo hill% of his colinnand. A puIllie bills front )its trouser'$ pocket, 110 re - No Effort to Check Invaders. filrelvV)l dell, ollstration oil a lilt -go scale ceived R lic.avy blow oil the head, Tit(, Xabul, Aftiv 3.—The Government will be tendered the commissioner and -Gorn. men t1ion took the money, Which total - led $8 $0, and departed. The Bddys has Illade 114 it single offorb to cheek the fanatical hordes who have invad. his Wife next Wednesday illt,lit. I inissioner Xillicy has bc�u ilki command or 'live oil Lineolli aven ue just outside of ed British teiritory. "toy openly Of all 183alvation Army operations ex- I the city, limits. . marched 'to T,andikotal, in tile Daza� Valley, by the main routes. tendurg over two,thirds of the'United 'itates foi- the past �Ilrco Year& 1 -lis ! -- �, STRANGE DUALITY. l Unofficial War Begun. territory extends westword to tII4 Pact- fie con�t front a line itorth wid South T,ondou, Itay 4.—The' Sintia corres. betwafin Dulut,h and Now Orletins. A MEIICHANT BY DAY AND A BUR- poudent. of the Tintes Say,% under Still- , I - i — GLAR BY NIGHT. "' y a' " date, that lin unomotat War with ATTACKED 13Y D5RVISHeS. . Af�li'anlsfan has practieally been Pro. � coeding Sines%, the attack oil tandikotal, ' Governor of Blue Nile Prov'fi)co Curious Double Character Of Thief Tile 0110131v Comprise militill, 'evios, Wounded. I Captured at Lelcestdr—John Spen- whieli form� the first -reserve of the At' regular army. , - Cairo, Egypt,, Alay '3.--A British sub- . ter, Sunday School Teacher And glian Stori�s of P�oelanlatiolls b the J, ;ct, Scott Monerieff, Deputy Inspector I'tobbilt—Pr6tebted Against Inef. rby Anicer. or 1,4Lartillall Xhan, fo idilding Of the Blue Nile! .provillee"Fuld it ]tit. ficiency of Police Protection. the Afghalla to undertake 1108tilitics. tive offleial have been afl,sassluelted tit the instance of a Joftl who pro- Are absolutely falso, go quelt proclau � la. - tion lifts been l9qued. offlelills Of ,sbeik, 01alined, himself prophot tit blesalixinich, C�oiidou, Ua 3.—The solution of y varioiw grado..,4- are known to have ac- about one hundred and fifty miles front. tile mystery of the theft in Deceniber tiVekly ASAiStVd tile A�follftba in tho or- Xhartoltim. A small puxiitive forco, IaSt of $,25,00a worth of diallionds fro") - . . gartived invtWmi of territory undet Brie. led by the Governor of tho province, was attacked by a intivAerous hand of f the Wife of Capt. David tile bearooln 0 . tall control. 1.� � � � � ­ - . Ing ItIto ip f,ing tit(. detvislies. Dun , It 11. Boatty, of Brocks)y Ilall is promised L � - - - A IdASTWE MUNTPDRFUITUR. , I . Governor wits wound.ed and tW 0 )tit* , tive officers wore killed, I I with. the arrest of John Vredevicb' �4,peucer, it remarkable Jokyll and liydc � Scotlapil Yard Arrests L�aadr of all I � 10 � ' . HOUSES IN FLOOD —.81tudily school teaeller and biti-91,111. Tho (Cirviil, of Speuccv wits tile ellhililt, 9Xpert 0019. Of 8"'Va to 08 Ski lfull� . TAnilou, Atily 4. ----Tu Ilarry' 11111, NA141 ottawn, 'May 4.—TwenfY houses ftrO , L by it, dopth of Water at t"�'tton` '!I of tl M t I .5 In thj,, fas tonabit �OVIII,VA 1),jirgi Ii, le, �Tii WaS (JirrVSttd )tore With �a Coluplo,te ont. fit for counterfeiting FreneIr reuteS in surrolluded good . Natilleall. Voint to -,day. owing to the Milton 'Alowbray 'tild Tio-im'ster districtf . Vver perpntrat�(l t in vilgland. tk'kcotlall� his po,empsaion and toniiindo,d, by file proat rise of the ottl�wa, Ilivor. Tile Yard 'tqVlf all b"t adlulttVd defeat 11 ; � , Mg,441-40 ill tile Bow 11"tro.ot Police etwed 1:111lindlere Falls lio,vt abnost disapp j q1travelling the mystery. Thuts affin . Court to-dity, .'�he OlAotlaud Yard doteV- ill tho volklino of water. � time (Ietoeth,fs nuttlo an arrest, only t( tiveFf beliovo illov ftvp the leod(w of ill(% haud' of forg�rg that obtained lilln I ---­44.�� � I 6141f Ow 1N). , t jA officially announced � ) t1w prisoner fo I I te. Volill,pilpil i(I releast I .1vi-diA of tbouRmul,4 of tloilaT,t fvoll; forged coupolial, and wIllell 11R.q bo err, liffillon ruld White, Star MnP4 will (-out- I hl(k of vViAPlwt-. lutticc, a joint Service to C,Illada next I ,suspit-.4on iusker Vote foll oil stivilv(.1 I . e Clio deApair of the M00 rtqtutt 0110- - ng 'Apt, - \vlto was regarded as it luodel bilsints ­ -- Scenic Artist Suspected of Murder in - Saskatchewan. lVinnipeg, Alan., Alay 3—The police of New Yorl,, Boston, Chicago, Cincin- nati and Toronto lia,ve been hist-pucted by the Northwest Mounted Police to ar- rest and retain Henry 8tqinburg, for- morly a ivell known Scenic artist trad clay modeler of Boston, oil the aliarge of ilturdering, his wile near Fieldin`�. 0. Sask.., a year ago. I Steinlourg Ieft mysteriously Shortly after the woman's death, and is said to be living Ili Cincinnati, where lie bas Married. lie is said to have gone to tile Xortbwest originally for his health unit to do soule scenie work of wild ive,A scones. He was at one time connected %vith the Boston City Hospiltal. The case, which is declared to be one !'PPIctc with sensational details occurred tit a remote section which accounts for Clio slow developments of the crime. � ....................... . . < . V � NOW IN HIS STOMACH, .- , / I Caradoc Farnidf Nearly Choked by His Artificial Teeth. London, Ont., May, 9.—Mv. John Stephenson, a Cavadoe farmer, wliilq eating a meal, allowed his artificial teeth to Slip, end the plate to vhich they were attached lodged in his throat. Ile waa,tTeated at St. Joseph's 1-Tospital., whoro the teeth were ulti- mately dislodged and went into tbo stomach. He recovered sufficiently to go liome yesterday, but may undergo ail operation to remove the teeth front the stonlach. ' . ------ &�$­ A,40-FOOT CHANNEL TO SEA, . Recommendations of Chairman of Montreal Harbor Board. Montreal, May 3,—Major G. 'A 1. Stephens, chairman of the Montreal aarbor Commission, who has just re- turned from a four months' tour of the seaports of Great Britain and tile Coa- tinelit, IiRs prepared ail et6borate r6 - port for presentation to the Govern- . ment. Tile report will recommend A forty-foQt channel from Montroal. to the sea, to be completed in sect -ions. . -3 - - . � D E TRAOK. I Was Playing in Front of Father's I Homoe at North Bay. , North Bay, May 3.—Seven—tr-old Willie Featherly, son of George Fea- therly, a T. & N, 0, Railway em- ploye, while 'playing on the 0. P. R' tracks in froxi,t of his tat-her's resiw deuce to -day, Was knocked down by li, freight engine and both loge wore niangled, requiring amputation bolow the knees. ----&-0-0— LIKE OLD THMES. London, Alay 4.—,k,great crowd gatti- .ored !it 11-Torthumberlitild avenue 'tills morning to Nvittless Alfred G. Vander- bilt's star� oil the coach Venture front tile 'VirtoTia. ROW, Oil its first busilles'.4 trip to Brighton. The coach was heart- ily cheered .is it passed down the ave - nae. . I'll , Vanderbilt and Craig W. IvIa'91AIV110"IrIt'll, second Secretary of the Em- bassy in London, wero anionoty tile pas- 8011gors. .1 - 4 - r DROPPED DEAD. . . Ottawa, Ont., Ably 4.-4.1obert Clarke, (j,00per street, district- inanager for Vrost'& Woods, died of apill)1exy ye%- terdily. Ile leitves thre,6 qiaters, two broillerti. a widon, suld three A:Iu�llleri, . mostly Ottitwitils. lIP wits I. 111cluber of the A, 0. 1". IV., Llin I. 0. F., and other bodies. A I I: — . . � WANT WAR,, � c(Irthlignia, Coloillbo. MAV 4- '1111 (lovevinlielit , olaillbo ha; reason t( , of c belleve that tile (10verlIll)(9140f 11aluml, is Intriguing with Wn",111-lit to (10clArl war tll�1,1111. this Vount,-y. one,. (if Scere fory Iraft's ehiet missions to Pallaffill, il - te, iry to adjust the lllatter� � , , ­*-�— -...*t%� I 'MUst Pay Fiio td Fish, ' � 1. Icingston, Mqwv 'I , .­11orefifter it ft, of I% for Alugle ill%1`3011% OT �$10 for (11111 i ifleg Nvill be impol4etl oil Alliel'i"111-4 fiAll - I Ing On the -canadiftil Iddit of tile St. 1.,%�) � Tolve Diver. . (lay. tx vicious, lmil Lerrier. veivugn% w Turplu did its- best to prevent rescuers from pulling the would-be suicide from 0 the water. Turpin spent the night drinking, and . early !it the Yaoruin,g, accompanied by his bull terrier, ivent; to the cantil' and plunged headlelig into the stream, . which is'very deep at Chat place. Ed, ward .3deCord and Frank Magnellia. ,iaiv "irp'Ili the Water and made an at- tNo reach ,him, but the dog sprang t , at them, biting a piece of flesh from the wrist, of 11agnellia. The dog was throWrl aside and held by another wan who appeared oil the seene, while MoCotd alid Alamnellin swain to. the side of Tur- pin aW dragged him to Shore. Turpla appeared very angry because the men -would not permit iiiia to commit Bni- � cide. * - Shortly after 0 o'clock lie returned to the canal and again jumped Ili. An - 0 other attempt to reach the Iliall ,'%Vita made by the two men, but the dog at- tacked them and bit McCord oil the ocok Once more Taipill was rescued, and tile ,non telephollea for a polleet mail. Before the police arrived, however, Turphi, with. the assistance of -his faith- ful dog, got away froin' ]its rescuers � - , and made a thi�A and successful at tempt to end his life. The men followed him, but tile dog, inore vicious than ' avef, chased them from the edge of the water. Whell tile do,,-, was finally fright- * cited off Turpin was found l,o be dead. - I 4,11 . I � FEELING THE BOYCOTT. Japan Anxious to End Its Tiouble With China. Pekin, AEfty 4.—Japan. is facing a scrif- ous situation as a result of the -boycott arising from the T­tsa Marti iwident. Tills, was the Steamship tliat was seized by tile Chinese autli6rities last Febrit- oil the ground that she was carry - "I y Chinese 1119 arms and annhuylitiOn to Toyolutionists. Japan forced Chilla, to ' vivo tip the ship and salute the Japa- 0 nese flag, and this crystallized tile in - feeling against Japan in China, and re - stilted !it it boycott of Japanese goodS. Admiral 1julli of the Japanese llavY* Whose cruiser squadron is TIONV axlello�- ed off Taku, was received in audience by the Emperor and Empross-dowa,ger to -day. Coincident ;vith this occur- rence Japa)i is seeking tile support Of Great Britain to put & stop to the ,boy- cott by joint representAtions. The boy- cott is increasing, and Japan is. riot y satisfied with Ohnieso efforts to stop it- Chhia� -by mearis of a cal"Pitign Ill the ,foreign and native piresso IS making -'ill intelligent dud consistent effort to bring western influence to bear oil Japan, but Japan, it is, said here, reggards, tills cour.0 k3 41.1 hostile, and connects it With � what the Japanese call the American ellampioutlig of China's ilideliclidOncc and the action Of Englishmen In tile far least against the AngIO-JAPRIMS0 41ii- Ace, I I � -, - " - - THE SEA WOLPIS FIND. �— He Has Discovered it job That is Ith- ticingly Dafterous. I Vtlilcouver, .May 4,c.opt A16\an- der "MC)"Wall, the Somewhat fierce -look - I Ing nian who "01 , 10IM90in the very w"r- like sobriquet, "'SOR Vvolf,�, wq%l who , made Jack London faluoug, lla'4 been " ell"agell by AIr. J. W. ,Stowltrt, (if Foley. iFelell & 8tcwftrt� to 1!1111 '�"'Meq ;f gelignito. and blkick powder front Prince tile Skeetta Itiver to Grand k,li�llillill'i'l�-11�,,,p4L.ifie construction cani.ps dur- ing the' eonling, sul-Allier, Captain 'lle- I"t'all, -,010 NN -as tlie hero of 11, adore, of eneoullters With glutholits looking for pvidelwt, of pivatleal TaMs, And, Waa, the l bete noir of tho patrol b(oltA Ili th-M i - nations, 1111.4 been livill." quietly Ill vall. I couver ever silleo tllV sVizIIr0 IIII'l 'Coll' � th,nitiation of the VaTint'llPifil, tlil� -4`�tlt'i` � I which,hoperated oil tile w,al rook(wiVs - until e 1), ,ttrols beetline toil inpiAtive. Air. 8towitrVS contract To"llwil d)ttiger- I oils, and tile captaia WAS 1111111(i to llw- sist.' During the night wateh-m 1-1 illo � sullinle'r HVilsoll, lie will pilot 1114 floating . ,lulne through tlip 111XV11M, eliallnoN 149 . laid"tv tile wblllill�,? lilo,(.w, vallill'y * 41 . rhauk*41 llpltwt fluatilig logt aft'l M11"i, lliellates, I - I . 1 I .::,:. I ­ t