HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-23, Page 5Tne new Suits and Overcoats that we are prepared to show you, are the finest tailored garments ever shown in this town. We would appreciate an opportunity to demonstrate their quality McGee Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers r-oaroar WW1 Watch a This Space EEKLY If Vou' ro Looking For Bargains This Week's Specials. ILantern Globes, regular 10c, at .. 5c Axle Grease, regular 10c a box, at .. 5c Coal Oil, per gallon 15c a'nd 18c Clothes' Pins, 5. dozen for 5c Bull Dog Shovels, long handle, solid shank, reg $1.00 and $1.25, at .... ......65c III Galvanized Iron Water Pails, regular 40c, at....30c : Beaver Ready-1Vlixed Paint, first-class quality - Quarts, regular 45c, now 30c Pints, regular 25c, now 18o Half Pints, regular 15c, now.. 10c Graniteware Reductions : Federal Pots, Granite, regular $1.00, at... ......70c Granite Stove Pots, regular 75c and 85e, at......50c Granite Stew Kettles, regular G5c• and 75c, at...45c Granite Pudding Dishes, reg. 15c and 18c, at....10c - All Graniteware at great reductions. 1 Carload Coil Spring Wire Genuine Frost. Get our Prices -they are the best. Sherwin=Williams Ready Mixed Paints Complete stock. The Paint that has no equal. When wanting anything in our line it will pay you to call and get our prices. A pleasure to show goods, even if you don't buy. IYOUNG's IBig Hardware WINGHAM ONTARIO 0111111111110110 • MIMS 101111111011111 THE WINGTIAM ADV"ANCA, THURSDAY, APIC 23, 1908., Easter Examinations.. The following is the result of the uniform protnotions held in the Public &boot at the Close of the winter term. The clatestlone were prepared by the County Inspectors, and the answers were read and valued by the members of the staff. The results were quite satisfactory,all who wrote having passed. Parents are requested to send .pupils on the opening day of school, so that the work in the several classes may be taken up at once, A, H. lliius- grOve, Principal. Fctltui II TO I-Sa. Sita TO tat. Total, 800; to pass, 400. O. Irwin 737 T. Holmes 726 E. Armour 720 W. Pugh 710 L. Bowman 092 J. VanNorman,.,... ,.•690 V. Scott , .073 F. Manuel 007 13', Iieerner 11. Hinscliffe G. Cruikshank L. Lutton G. 111eLean COUNTY TEMPERANCE WORKERS, Clinton, April 17. -An gathering of temperance workers front the several districts of Huron County met in the Ontario Street Methodist Church here yesterday and formed an association to be known as the Huron Branch of the Ontario Pro- hibitory Alliance. The changes in the ridings necessitated recognization of existing branches and the committee on organization reported in favor of ono set of officers to the county, With vice-presidents for each of the three ridings.. Delegates were present front Gode- rich, Wingitatn, Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Blyt • Londesboro, Gerrie, Benmiller, Nile, Auburn, Varna, Col- borne, Brussels, Thames Road and other places, G. M. Elliott, Goderich, acted ° as chairman until the election of the new 046 president, Mr, F. Buchanan, of Wing- 627 ltam, 022 The committee on local option 621 reported as follows a -- M. Patterson 020 C. McLean.- ......... -608 .608 H. Drummond... ........ .008 N. Butcher 605 G. Schaefer 598 A. Lloyd 506 A. Taylor 503 E. Diamond 58.1 S. McManus 579 O. Angus 577 N. Reid 574 L. Atcheson 574 M. Isard 571 F. Galbraith 560 L. McCool 506 G. Rowson 561 M. Reid 563 R. Kinsman 558 F. McLean 549 A. Walker 542 J. Stapleton 541 R. Walker 525 M. Allan 511 M. Kargus 500 D. Miller .503 H. Elliott 466 M. Walker 4134 FORM III TO II-JIt. San TO SR. 3RD. Pass, 315. Nora Smith 578 Hilda Buchanan 573 Millie Nicholls 536 Annie Wilson 529 Meths McPherson 526 Bessie Kennedy 525 Annie Plater 521 Abraham Brown 521 Laura Davidson 510•' Reta Uuffman 513 Gladys Nicholson 512 Fred. Maguire 508 Lucy Bowers 508 Elsie Gillespie 504 Olive McPherson 491 Florence Barber 480 Het tie Matthews 475 Weir Elliott . 472 Lottie Maddison .. , 461 John Anderson 453 Susan Brown 448 Meredith Rogers 426 Fonar IV TO IH--Sn. 2ND To JR.,3RD, Pam, 350. • Flora Gannett \ 576 Della Haugh570 553 Annie Williamson 550 John Holmes Hazel Moore 510 Edith Pugh , 522 515 Gordon Buchanan 'Walter Haines 511 Herman Hall 502 Edith Jones • 471 Harry Dear 470 435 Alice Beckwith 455 Roy Manuel 440 Alice Simmons Rachel Rintoul 428 . Vance Sanderson 422 James Taylor 416 Nelson Kargus 414 Bert. Isard 400 John Angus 302 Frank Wiley 300 FORM V TO IV-Ja. 2ND TO SR. 2ND. Pass, 325. Greta Robinson 569 Nora Gracey 557 Clarence Knechtel 555 Harvey Niergarth ..... :532 Willie Hinscliffe 529 Ada Knechtel 524 Harold Maguire 505 • Howard Gray 480 Alec Anderson " 479 Leonard Robinson 466 Phoebe Bloomfield 464 Willie McCool 403 Arthur Adams 457 Helen Jones 455 Ezra Pocock ' 453 Earl Anderson 452 Clarence Brooks 452 Paul Gillespie 4.45 Verna McDonald 444 Willie Kinsman 439 Currie Wilson 428 John McNevin 419 Nellie Bennett 408 Alma Cooke 301 Willie Stapleton 301 Sterling Reading 386 Mamie Kinsman 347 "That we are of the opinion regard- ing local option that it is advisable to get as many municipalities as possible to enter on a campaign at the same time, and would recommend that steps be taken by this organization to secure concerted action on the part of adjoining municipalities to have the by-law take effect at the same time." The discussion which followed show- ed that local option was the leading question of the day, and gratification was expressed at the progress already made, as there are now nine "dry" municipalities in the county, and Goderich and Wingbam are already into a campaign. Other places will follow and it should not be long before Huron, with perhaps only a few exceptions, will be free from the licensed bar -room. A strong resolution was introduced and passed, complaining of the lack of the proper enforcement of the Liquor Act in East and West Huron, and the Government will be asked to put in new officers, who will do their duty. A resolution was also passed con- demming the three-fifths clause, and asking for its repeal. Another resolution dealt with the attitude of the voters in the coming elections, and it is expected that the temperance people will not support a candidate who does not favor the repeal of the three-fifths clause, Rev: H. S. Magee, assistant secre- tary of temperance and moral reform, was present and conducted an open conference in the afternoon and addressed a mass meeting at night. NINETY DEATHS Bear Silent Witness to the Ravages of Kidney Disease. An . alarming fact -but statistics show that in post mortem examina- tions as to death from all cases, that in over 90 per cent. of such cases kidney disease is present. This almost incredible statement is borne out by' years of comparison by most eminent medical Yuen. A warning to humanity that the percentage of those not cur- sed with kidney taint is very small. South Amerlcan Kidney Cure relieves in six hours -is nature's,preventive- clears the clogged parts -heals and permanently cures. (8) For Sale by A, L. HAMILTON. llOINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) $3,848,000 Reserve (and ;Igo- - $5,068,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States an. Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed' on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly. D. T. HEPBURR, Manager It. 'Pen tone, Solicitor Clinton. Cantelon Bros„ the enterprising produce dealers, are shipping eggs at tho rate of eight thousand dozen a week. The house of Refuge received two now inmates this week,, one from Lucknow and one from Exeter, bring- ing the total number of inmates up to 81. Parents who intend starting chlld- ren to school after Easter must com- ply with the regulations in reference to vaccination. Tho Canadian Order pf Foresters at e erecting a new hall at Constance, to be two stories high, brick veneer, the ,pontrect having been let some time ago to Mr, S. S, Cooper. 'An operation was performed on an inmate of the House of Refuge, on Friday last, a sore on his right hand making it necessary that the hand be amputated. The wife of Mr. A, 0, Pattison, who went to Toronto a couple of weeps ago to attend the funeral of her mother- in-law, was taken ill while there, and has not yet been able to return home. Some amusement was created in town on Tuesday by the fact that cir- culars from the Corby Distillery, of- fering bargains in liquors, fell into the hands of a number of Methodists, as well as those of other denominations, Mr. Cross, of Clarkson & Cross, ac- countant, Toronto, is here auditing the books of the Doherty Organ Co., and preparing a statetnent for submis. sion, preparatory to the business be- ing taken over by the Joint Stock Company. 1. THAT AWFUL DEPRESSION Which Mrs. Grenery experienced is but the story that thousands could tell of their.sufferings from Dyspep- sia. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab- lets is the Panacea. "I have proved Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets to be the only effective remedy for my dyspepsia. I have used most everything I could hear of, but these tablets "touch the spot" and take away the awful depression and distress in almost quicker time than it take.,lto tell it. You may publish this that all sufferers from Indigestion and Dyspepsia may find the relief I did. Mrs. M. Grenery, 51 Alice St., Toronto. Sixty tablets, 35 cents. (7) For Sale by A. L, HA'rTTiroN. Tho Postal Department has consent- ed to establish a postoifice at Walker - burn, on the 12th con. of Hullett. Ob- jection was taken to the name Walk- er'burn owing to the possibility of con- fusion with Walkerton, so it will take the name of the postmaster, B. Wit- mer, who will also carry the mall to Auburn and back, • Eminent Pharmacists Everywhere Acknowledge the Superi- ority of Vinol. If one person more than another should know t.be value of a medicine it is the retail pharmacist. . For this reason such testimony as the following should be convincing. 0. A. Patterson, the leading drug- gist of Charleston, W. Va., writes : "I have used Vinol for every member of my family, and have never been die: appointed in the results. It is a pleas- ure to sell a remedy that gives such universal satisfaction," Mr. Chas, E. Rogers, druggist, of Elkton, Ky'., writes : ' I considt r Vinol one of the best remedies in my store, and sell more of it than any one medicine. I have also used Vinol in my family with excellent results." Mr. J. F. Bradley of New Bruns- wick, N.J., writes : "It is a pleasure to recommend the cod liver prepara- tion, Vinol, as it gives such splendid satisfaction. As I have used it in my family, Dcan recommend it from ex- perience." reason Vinci is so far superior to old-fashioned cod liver oil and emul- sions is because it contains all the medicinal, body building elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fi e.th cods' livers with all the useless oil eliminated and peptonate-of-iron ad- ded. As a body builder and strength cre- ator for old people, weak women, del- icate children, after sickness and for all pulmonary troubles, Vinol is re- commended by over 5000 of the lead- ing druggists of the United States. Your money back if it fails. J. Wal- ton McItibbon, druggist, Wingham, Ont. arn11111111st• , SONO •yestbtloele r ttsd11111i111160111111e1Met� FORM VI TO V -PT. 2ND To JR.'2N1). Pass, 200. Look Out 'Sq.ualls. 1 Clara Isard 371 Edith Jarvis 369 . Pat. Holmes 368 Jack Maxwell 305 Kent Smith 355• Eileen Dore 352 Vera Webb 351 Miriam Smith .............340 Sara Hamilton 340 Nellie Vanalstine .....337 Eugene Madigan 831 Rachel BottrelL 330 Lily Showers 308 Nina Haugh 306 Mark Cassels 303 Winnie Walker 300 , John Reid 298 May Reading 206 Jean Currie 295 Olive Rintoul 201 Sara McLean 289 Irene Hewer 270 Charlie Graham ... ......242 202 Pearl Morden Lila Bell • ....... , 257_ FoItdf VII TO V1 -PT, I To II. Pass, 175. Neil McLean 883 Heloise Kennedy 382 Archie 'Williamson - 325 Phyllis Johns 323 Dorothy Hollister ...... , 32.3 Charlie Smith.... , . , 810 Lottie Zut•brigg , .....80S George Allen 305 Vera Stricker 803 Howard McDonald 801 Oalrnady Kerslake . , .. , 800 Stanley Bell 200 Ruby Heiner 200 Ella Rintoul ............ 299 Cosa Wyld 207 Willie Dear 280 Jean Christie 281 Dorothy Clark ..... ..... 280 Rya Myles. 270 Harold Mann 208 Mae Passmore 207 Prank Robinson ,.205 Alice Imlay.. - . , .......... 205 Elvin Moore 26L Charlie 13e11• ..... • 246 Reggie Stnith 214 Toddy Ninth 214 Morellos Ilinseliffe .. 218 No matter how big the advt., how big the stock, or how strong the poverty point is pressed, if it's low prices that make the sales, we'll meet the very lowest price offered anywhere -right down to rock bottom. A large i cut oak Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces, swell front dre 'ser, top 44x20, plate mirror 80x24, bed- stead 6 t. 3 in, high, regular $37,00, for . $26.00 A large Sid board, - cut oak, polished, reg. $37 for ... 30.00 Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet, regular 20.50 Sideboard, oak, regular $19.00, for 14.75 ,..,,,,11.00 • 6.75 Common Chairs, double rungs, for each .35 Nice high back Diners, brace arms .72 Parlor Suites, 4 pieces, .silk plush bound 14.75 $27.00 for Sideboard, regular $13,50, for Sideboard, regular $8.00, for.... Parlor Suites, Couches, Parlor Chairs, Tables, Springs, Mattresses, iron Beds, etc., etc., at special cut` prices. Nice line of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts just in. Anything you want that we have in stock S'ou'il get at prises that will astonish you. Don for ybursolves where the best bargains are. 111111 't buy till you see Furniture Dealer Si Brussels„ Tho Eckhardt Bell ringers are to be here on Thursday, June 18th, under r t 1 Agricultural the auspices of the Aga tit 1 Society. Repairs to the water run -ways at the mill dam, necessary after the sub- siding of the spring freshet, were in order this week. Miss Jessie Kerr has been appointed Librarian for the Public Library as successor to Miss Minnie McNaughton,. whose term expires on May lst, N. B. Gerry of Blyth was in town on Saturday, He intends removing to Fort William to follow the hard- ware business in the course of a month. Relieving agent H, Smith is in charge of the G. `1'.. R, depot at present, Agent O'Neil not haying sufficiently recovered from his rheumatism yet to attend to the work, Last week Barrister A. B. McDon- ald, who purposes removing to Oran - brook, B, C„ to follow his profession, disposed of his law practice here to Barrister A. H. Monteith, Stratford, who will assume the work on May 1st. Mr. McDonald has spent the past four years here and has not only enjoyed a lucrative practice, but has made hosts of friends who will regret to hear of his decision to remove from Brus- sels. SHAKE IN BOTTLE. Now is the time when the doctor gets busy, and the patent medicine manufacturers reap the harvest, un- less great care is taken to dress warm- ly and keep the feet dry., This is the advice of an old eminent authority, who says that Rheumatism and kid- ney trouble weather is here, and also tells what to do in case of an attack. Get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex- tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful" after meals and at bedtime, Just try this simple home-made mix- ture at the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not actingust right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one ,can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. Druggists in this toren and vicinity, when shown the prescription, stated that they can either supply these in- gredients, or, if our readers prefer, they will coznpound the mixture for them. The Goderich Signal tells of. a lady living in that town who has victim- ized several people in the business community by borrowing money frotn thein, promising to pay it back in a few, days. Her favorite story seems to be that her mother is dying at Whitechurch and that she needs two ear three dollars right away to go and see the dying woman and that she will return the money as soon as she comes back from the trip. She tells the story quietly and plausibly -but she doesn't come back with the money. 1 - 1 Vi' it 1 1 To Stop a Crying Baby, It may be cramps, perhaps colic, pain or gas on the stomach, -but in any case a few drops of Nerviline soothes the pain and allows the child to sleep peacefully. Nerviline cures minor ills such as colds, headache, in- ternal and external pains as well as any doctor, -safe to use because a small dose is required. Mothers, yon will find Nerviline an invaluable aid in preventing and curing sickness. Keep a bottle right at hand, some day yon will need it badly. Sold everywhere at 25c. 4 1, -The Postmaster -General has decid- ed to include a provision in all future contracts which will prevent mail -car- riers from carrying intoxicating liquor, If anyone violates this part of the contract, it will be cancelled forth- with by the department, npAprii and Undertaker � Ii IMi�w llbeil Mltal l L. •O••••O•••••O••••••••••••• 1 "THIS Year PLANT' I PEASI Field P. as have sold high for several years, -85 and 87 ca nts a bushel last year. This yeas's ex- port demand' will be keen -profit there for shrewd farmers. P P P Two profits in a pea crop, -the Teas and the vines -rich cow -fod- der, valuable green manure, high in nitrogen. Now that the pea - bug has quit business in Canada, peas PAY and Pay BIG. P PP Easy 'crop to handle--quick-grow- ing,-does well even on 'tired' laud-anda SURE MARKET at profitable prices for all you can raise. Plant peas early, -April and early May is best. S O w S OME S OON 4.44.+4♦ N4HN4i•44eo 2 2 2 4 SLIM C�+rr , lit PRICES The Leading Store STOUT. iQUT VALUES HOUSE CI,ERNING TIME IS HERE And we are ready for the rush with the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs, Curtains, Blinds, &c. Carpets We carry . only the best makes L. in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool Union and Hemp. Carpet Department on the Second Floor. Curtains We are importers of our 1. Lace Curtains, thereby doing away with the middleman's profit. You get the benefit when you buy at our Close Cut Price. Rugs A large assortment to choose from 35 of all kinds and makes. All sizes in stock. Prices moderate. E. Isard & Co. 44•••••••••••••••••••••• M••••••'•O•••••• ••••000_' You Make A Mistake If yon btty a Piano with- out seeing bur stook, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the int;trntnent. All the beat makes always in stook --- Ileintzrnan, Newoonibe, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sowing Machines. David Dell Stand•- Opp. Skating Mink • 4 4 EE S! SEEIS Seeding time will soon be' here. Get the Seeds that will grow for sure. We sell Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Hax AND A FULL LINE OF Field, Garden & Fiowor Seeds. All Clean, Fresh Goods, Also a car of Best Portland Cement. Lowest Prices. AT CENTRAL HARDWARE THE OLD SEED HOUSE 4 J.v. ILL ! ! !