HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-23, Page 44 • T XX W I 'GIIAM ADVANCE, T ITTRSDAY, APRIL 23, 1908, New Spring Goods. We've just opened Out Our New Goods for Spring and Summer. To say they are the nicest range ever shown beret is putting it pretty strong. 73ut really, the Suitings are beautiful, both in design and material. The prevailing colors are elephant grays and browns, in stripes and plaids. Of course, bloke and blues are always cor- rect, and we have a large range of these goods. HATS.—A. choice stock of Hats for the Spring and Summer in all the newest styles. FURNISUINGS.—A good new stock in all Lines of Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Fancy Vests, &c. Colne in 1 Come in ! . Robt. M Tailor & Men's Furnishers I, FLOU combines the flavor of pure white winter wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hare Manitoba spring wheat, Jewel Flour is a blended flour. It is a sweet, wholesome flour that makes that delicious, flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making Jewel Flour for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for -Jewel Brand the next time you want flour. Manufactured by PFEFFER BROS. Milverton, Ont. Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge or Association Funds should at once open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these Trust Funds. We specially invite this class of Accounts and pay highest current interest. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P SMITU - AG -ENT ` v T ,wren z y6 e rz4u Theo. Bali - Proprietor. bitoriat —The Manitoba Government is of- fering farmers exceptional induce- ments to encourage the extension of rural phones. THE CANADIAN ANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALES. LAIRD, d'eneral Manager A. B. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches ESTAIILISIIED 1887 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 11.3,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES, $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents q "" $10 " " $30 10 cents • 87 " $30 " " $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at any otlice in Canada of a Chartered Dank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable al'$4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and May be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank WINGHAM BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. • • • —Toronto Saturday Night has this to say ;—"The redistribution bill is before the public, and notwithstand- ing the complaints made by the Lib- erals, the general view will be that the redistribution was conceived in a spirit of unusual fairness, No doubt the bill fails to equalize conditions in some districts where they stand in need of adjustment, but such changes as have been made are made with some respect for the principles of fair play. Those who criticize the bill mast look far and wide for an example of anything better in the same line." —Last week in the Commons, Bon, Geo, P. Graham, minister of railways, gave a summary of conditions relating to the National Transcontinental Rail- way. From Moncton to the Rocky Mountains the present cost of the trunk line is over $85,000,000, made up as follows ; Under contract $14,880.393 Not under ogntract. , ... , , 17,93o,17a Grand Trunk Pacific, prairie section 21,872,200 • —The net Federal debt of Canada is about :02 per head, or $210 per every family of five, That of the United States is $11.30. Our per capita ex- penditure at Ottawa is considerably in excess of that at Washington, though for various reasons it is difficult to make a precise comparison ; our Pro- vincial debts are greater by far than their State debts, and our municipal debts than their municipal debts ; in fact we have been going at such a pace for, some time back, inflated outlays at Ottawa moving the Provincial and Municipal administrations to greater and greater extravagance, that we are certain to feel the pinch now that we have entered on a period of depres- sion. .•.444••••4f1N•,li... •N• **4411.4114•4041•11,11,••••••••14 E Coal Coal We are sole agents for the celebrated Serantbn Coal, which ]las no equal. Also the beet grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do - !nestle Coal and Wood of all Made, always ot1 band" ileeidttucr Phone, No. 55 Oftlee " y No. 64 Mill " No. 44 We carry a fall stock of Lumber (dressed or tlndres sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, 3arrels, etc. Highest Price Paid' for all kinds of Logs. J. A. MoLEAN *•* Total•........ .... ,. $85,291,700 These figures are estimated upon which contracts have been or will be let. In the West, the Grand Trunk 1'aciflc has 1,011 miles under contract, of which 415 miles aro returned as completed. The Grand Trunk Pacific authorities have completed a prelimin- ary survey of the mountain section to ascertain what grades can be secured, and are revising the results with a view to the final location. It will be noticed that the estimated cost of 1,227 miles under contract on the east- ern division is $44,000,000, over $30,- 000 per mile. • —Of the 27 banks reporting business in Canada 40 years ago, 11 have disap- peared, some going out of business, and some being merged with other institutions, or having changed their names. The total assets of these 27 banks in October, 1808, were $82,754,- 960, 82,754;960, an amount barely 9 per cent. of the aggregate total assets of the 35 chartered Canadian banks reporting last month, and which amount was $901,500,000. The total amount of notes and bills discounted in October, 1868, was $53,500,000; in October, last year, $580,000,000. The financial busi- ness of the community serves as an excellent index to our progress. Canadians have reason to be proud of the showing. * * —The Weekly Sun .thinks that Leader McKay failed where lie might 'have scored, and says :—" When the Whitney Government proposed to grant 5,000 acres per anile for 115 miles to the Ontario, Hudson Bay, and Western Railway, and to guarantee the bonds of the Canadian Northern to the extent of $2,500,000, Mr. Mc- ICay had an opportunity which comes to few men. Another opportunity of almost equal value was presented when Mr. Clarke demanded the yeas and nays on amendments to the auto- mobile law. It was open to Mr. Mc- Kay to speak strongly and clearly on all these points, and to compel a divi- sion of the House on each of the ques- tions involved. He failed to seize the opportunities offered, and by that fail- ure showed an utter lack of the genius required of one in the position he oc- cupies." *** THE CIVIL, SERVICE. -Canmdi:af lair Restorer --Statistics show that Andrew Car- negie has given nearly fifty million dollars for libraries in the United States, Canada and elsewhere. —At Mount Forest the spring flood carried away about forty feet of Mar- tin's mill dam, including the flood gates. Considerable other damage was also done around the town. —The Dundas Banner notes that in the sixties better lumber could be bought for $8 a thousand than now for $20, Best clear pine sold for $20 then ; it is now worth 1$40, or even more, Here is what the Windsor Record, a staunch Liberal paper says of the Civil Service of Canada :— "Everyone knows what the customs branch of the civil service is, but the condition of the inland revenue de- partment will bring a shock to such as were not on the inside." "The inland revenue service is a costly farce, but it is as good as the country deserves. Partisans lacking the first business qualification, and frequently lacking even natural apti- tude, are pitchforked into jobs to please the machine, while the real duties are loaded on a regularly quali- fied and devoted few. One has no 'need to go beyond Windsor to find flagrant examples of this wretched system or lack of system in a depart- ment that maintains the pretence of impartial examination for admission." "Theyank exposure made by the Commissioner's report has brought great joy to the small circle of quali- fied though underpaid drudges who keep the doors of the departments open. As a result of the revelations, .many of the barnacles will have to qualify or let go. The housecleaning should be thorough—another Aegean stable job." "The day should be hastened, too, when men entering the customs de- partment shall have to undergo an ex- amination worthy of the name." —The.export trade of the United States halmost doubled since 1806. Great Britain buys more than any other country. Germany is second, and Canada is third. Last year Can- ada bought five and one-half million dollars' worth of corn froin the United States, and nearly all the anthracite and bituminous coal consumed in the Dominion. Canada prefers the Amer- ican make of builders' hardware to British -made hardware, but it buys largely of the class of goods that is manufactured in Canada. Canada is also a large purchaser fropi the United States of all kinds of machinery, books; automobiles, twine, tobacco manufactures, paints, soap, clocks and watches. During the year 1907 Can- ada imported from the United States $5,800,000 worth of lumber. India is the largest purchaser of British manu- factures ; Germany comes next, and the United States third, Canada stands down seventh on the•list. **0 --In the past flee,. years there has been an increase of 10 per cent. in the number of foreigners admitted to Ontario asylums, the cost of maintain- ing them having increased in the same period from $21,613.20 to $51,- 744.30. It is estimated that, taking into consideration the probable length of life of these patients, the cost to the province of maintaining only those admitted daring 1907 fivi11 be $1,4$7,038, without including any proportion for capital expenditure, Foreign 'stipula- tion in the province Is about 20 per cent, of the whole, and JMI commit- ments show 88 per cent. are Of foreign birth, the east of providing for them being $21,1 . These authenticated figures should give the people cense for serious thought. It is evident that the Dominion immigration laws are either not strict enough Or are badly enforced. Clearly not every immigrant coming to Canada is an added aesot. The records allow that too many are an increased liability upon the people. HURON'S POPULATION. --Exeter ratepayers .carried two by- laws on Friday by good majorities. The Gibb by-law was to grant a free site to the Gibb Evaporator Co., and the Connor by-Iaw to grant a free site and fix the taxation for ton years to the Connor Machine Company. The vote resulted : For the Gibb by-law, 332; against, 52. For the Connor by- law, 338; against, 46. County Clerk Lane has completed his returns of the population of Hur- on county, which is required by the Educational Department. The popu- lation, as shown by last year's returns from the minor municipalities, was 54,372. This is a decrease from the year 1906 of 1,529 and comparing the figures for the year with the figures for the year 1897 a decrease during the decade of 6,356 is showy No doubt the exodus to the Weit is largely responsible for the loss, The popula- tion of Huron in 1897 was 61,228; in 1905 it was 56,381 ; in 1906, 56,401, and in 1007, 54,872. The figures for the various minor municipalities within the county for the years 1907 and 1906 are given below for comparison. TowNsmes. —A by-law was passed in havelock on February 21, raising the hotel license fee to $750. At first the liquor party tried to quash the by-law. ,They then said they would not pay the high fee, but would shut up their houses,•but the hotelkeepers in town, three in number, have made applica- tion for licenses at the high rate. The former rate was $250, ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's.Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, —Colborne Tp. will erect several new bridges this year. The township has decided on a new method in the construction of these bridges for in- stead of inviting tenders from the builders for the abutments, they will hire a mixer with his outfit at so mach a day. They will also have an over- seer, who will be held responsible and is also expected to take off his co. and go to work like the rest of the men on duty. The council will fur- nish the material. —The managers of Attwood cement mill are busy these days making many changes in the mill, which will mean a great advantage in every way. A new engine is being installed for pur- pose of keeping the kilns going steady, also a clam is being put in the marl - beds so the cars can be loaded far quicker. The road -bed is being bal- lasted, so as the road will be in excel- lent shape for fast time. Another time-saver will be built this summer, a coal -chute being erected on the south side of the coal mill, The first marl train consisting of five cars of marl and one car of clay, • was pulled into the yards on Friday of last week. 1997 1906 West Wawanosh 1858 1883 Ashfield 2706 Colborne 1541 Goderieh 2054 Grey 3084 May8175 Ho wick 3543 Hullett 2396 Morris 2251 McKillop 2343 Stanley 1838 Stephen 3578 Tuckersmith 2008 Turnberry 1844 Usborne . 2008 East Wawanosh 1664 Tows AND VILLAGES. Bayfield . 538 Blyth .. 815 Brussels ...................1099 Clinton • 2423 Exeter 1648 4508 963 2276 2277 431 Goderich. Hensall . Seafortb Wingham Wroxeter Total 2781 1605 2491 8121 3443 8675 2577 2272 2330 1946 3797 2121 1990 2050 1600 467 94.3 1072 2.135 1578 4416- 823 2206 2247 421 54,872 56,101 ( Do you know that bright barley brought Soc, a bushel (48 pounds) last year ?---and the de- mand was never quite' filled, i( This year will be even better for barley growers — this year for profit sow barley 'eon can raise 35 bushels an acre on average land—. get a spot - cash price --w have the valuable straw as well .... and the land will be the better for 1,t. ,,Try a crop of bares ley this year find it will pay well. e Will restore gray hair to its Datura► color. Stops falling hair, causes to grow or; baht heads, Cureadanclrufr, itching, scalp diseases. " 13y its use thin hair grows luxuriantly, Contains Ito oily or greasy 1ngeodtonta. Is entirely unlike any Other hair prepara. tion ever offered for sale, A. good, reliable Canadian preparation. Unsolicited TCsftInonlats, Edith A, Barko, Missionary Ir, M. Church Akhinlhu Egypt, and friends, greatly pleaseci with results after two years using. L. A. Ropes, Wither, Montana. My hair and whiskers restored to natural color, Bark brown, by usingCanadian Hair Restorer. stgtIcesellar H air Restorer ithe nest hat ver Canadian John Gt.'Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton. Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders. My head is nearly all covered with think growth blank stair, original color, Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. Mailed to any address in the civilized world on receipt of price, Mo. Manufactured by TILE B1LIt\YIN CO,, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Wingham by—J. Walton McKibben, A. L. Hamilton,lr, H. Walley, Druggists. ENGLISIH SPAVIN LINIMENT remove all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- ful Blemish Cure ever known. 'Sold by A. L. Hamilton. PROPERTIES FOR SALE W. J. PRICE B,S,A., L.D,S,, D.D,S. Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OrsICE IN BEAVER BLOCK — WINGHAM Frame Cottage Minnie St. Frame Cottage Patrick St. Frame Cottage North St. Frame Cottage Frances St. Frame.1?r Story Victoria St. Frame 11, Story....tEdward St. Frame 1?r Story Scott St. Frame 2 Story Minnie St.. Brick 11 Story......... Victoria St. Brick 1 Story John St. Brick 2 Story (new)...Victoria St. Brick 1 Story Josephine St. Brick 2 Story (modern) Minnie St. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. Properties in Pleasant Valley, Lower Town, Town Plot, Greenville, Ohis- hoimtown and in the contra! -parts of the town. CALL AND SEE US. WE CAN SUIT YOU. DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE. Choice Farms at right prices and On easy terms, INSURANCE—A11 kinds. FARM LOANS—Low rates. Ritchie 8c Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - WINGHAM HOM ESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS t Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA • GOING OATES April 11, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4,13 May 12, 28 July 7, 21 8ept.1,15, 29 'rtokete daod to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES from all points in Ontario. Banging f Winnipeg and return 232.00 between 1 Edtnonton and return $42.50 Tickets issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited Honcho. of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, oto. Bertha should be secured and paid for through local ttgrnt at least six days before evasion leaves, Rates and full information tnntained in free 1tn,nesoekers' Patti 'ilia, Ask near- ed C.1',It, agent for a copy, or Write to C, d.1'03TEN,1isttlatPam, ,IQ1., CP.lt., ?auto f , If. Bomar Local Agent ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.s. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Wilco in Macdonald Block Miss Elizabeth Ee Grant Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta- tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams. Studio in Macdonald Block -- 2nd Floor. Terms on application. WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished, Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing) -53.50 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS KATHRINE STEVENSON, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Prepare For Positions Paying from $35 to $100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT / TORONTO, ONT. This school is noted far and near for the superior education given to the students and for the remarkable succuss of its graduates. College open the entire year. Begin now. Our training will make you Independent. Write to -day for catalogue W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the first Friday in caoh month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- dates for cheap, -reliable insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates from any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men. REV. T. 8. BOYLE G. H. COOPMAN Leader Ree. Secretary W. 3, WYLES - Fin. Secretary CENTRAL STBATFORD„ ONT. Is the loading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a• thor- ough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Operating. Each depart- ment is in the hands of experienced in- structors. We assist students to posi- tions. Our graduate§ always succeed, for our courses are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn moro about us. You may enter now. ELLIOTT &. MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS Protection and Safe Investment ARI2 COMBINICD IN The Endowment Policies --Or-- The Dominion Life A sound, 'well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1906— 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent ••- Wingham. .60 YEARS'v XPERIENGi:"s PATENTS TRADEMARKS DESIGNS OPHC.. Anyone sending n stetob CandYdeserRIGleDTttnS n&nut? gntoklyf weasel enr opinion tiree wrhetbor an Iavonilnn 1e probably ateptnble CommnnlcM tioneet.rlet1ls[ ow:Montt'a1,.1 a ISSonratentl .ont free. VI est aSenefe fe ecu ne stents. speata1no Lttoe,,wllbest bnrge,11rethee0ireaoite scIcntIf JJmncrtcan. • k Unmet ate. 1 net weekly. ra os A enaena,e y Illustrated od t+ r is �7dininatter f nu> ee,opouset ionmei. Terme ren +t A e e 71etM1' ytliet postage prapatil. 8014 b" The Pcople's Popular Store WINGHAM, ONT. JNO. KERR tr#NN♦4f.0..........4•4f, ******N,N►s•4,A******•• Big Store Full of New Spring Goods. Grocery Bargains. Rod Bell Tea, reg. 50c--for...25c (Only. about 50 lbs, left) Another lot of Rio Coffee to hand. It will go at same price 138 last lot. Roasted or Green, per lb. only 15o Peach and Raspberry Jam, Regular 60o pails for 50a Dates in packages. Old Fruit. Regular 10o package for ....Oc " So .I " ....sc Figs in packages. New Frui• Choke Layer Figs, regalar 10o; Special for 10 days, 4 packages for 25o (Only about 100 pkgs. left) PRUNES.—Largo, new Fruit. The best Prunes ever offered for sale in Wingham ;' 15c a lb., or 2 lbs. for 25c LEAP YEAR BISCUITS.— Latest unique novelty, and suitable for all occasions, but especially for Leap Year parties and social gather- ings. Por lb 15o Try our Home Made Orange Marmalade. It is strictly first-class and cheaper than you can make it 20o & 25o Pure Home Made Maple Syrup. Pure Eastern Maple Syrup. Pure Maple Sugar. Canned Tomatoes 10o Clothes Pius, 4 doz. for bo Lan'ern Glasses, each 5o Nail Brushes, two for 50 Pie Peaches, 3.1b. tin for 15o Try our Cream Cheese Carpet Bargains. We're offering all Carpets and Carpet .Squares as reduced prices —NOW is your time to buy. - $1 20 Carpet...Special at 00c yd. 1.00 "" ... ". " 75o "" .80 ,75 .00 .50 .40 1, 11 .4 u It 1, 11 11 It " 60e .t " 66o "' " 45o " 1. 889 11 " 30o " At Reduced Prices. Ladies' and Misses' Coats. Ladies' Rain Coats. Men's Rain Coats, Men's and Boys' Clothing. We Have It'I Peri Lnstra, or Lnstered Cot- ton, for fancy embroidery work. 3 bunches for 10o. See our New Spring Dress Goods. The very newest styles and colors in Wool Goads, blue - line, Ginghams, Zephyrs, &o. For Newest Styles and Fash- ions in Ladies' Wear" consult "The Ladies' Home Journal" and Style Books. May Style Books are here. They are free. Come and get one. Keep right up to date by using the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. New Styles for May are hero; Another lot of Unbreakable Combe just, to hand. Regular 20o Comb. Our special price is 150, or 2 for 25o. Safety Pins 2 dozen for 5c Attar SEEDS FOR 1908 We have all kinds of Grain in stock for seed— the purest strain of Manchuria Barley—Goose Wheat for seed—Seed Peas—Silver Hull and Black Buck- wheat for seeding—Millet—Hungarian Red Clover—. Alsike—Mamrnoth Lucerne and Timothy --all govern- ment standard—White Clover—Evergreen Lawn Grass --Kentucky Blue Grass—Meadow Fescue—Red Top —Orchard Grass—Italian Rye Grass—Fall Oat Grass and Essex Sowing Rape—Flax for seed, pure ground flax—ground Oil Cake—National Molasses Stock Food —Bibby's Cream Equivalent for, calves, to take the place of the cream taken out by the Separators. SEED CORN. This is going to be a hard year to get good Seed Corn but I have secured a quantity of Early Learning, Bailey, White Cap Dent, of the best germinating quali- ties, also Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota. Calf and get your corn early as you can keep a bag better than we can a hundred, as corn heats in a• pile, and you can test it before planting. JUST ARRIVED. A carload of Stock Feed, composed of Wheat, Corn, Oats and Barley, also Shorts, Bran and. Flour. Before ordering your Seeds for this Spring, you are respectfully invited to call and inspect our stock, T. A. Mills WIN EA