HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-16, Page 5THE WINGHATVI ADVANCE, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1908. We carry a full- range of these fine garments and can satisfy you in style, fit, quality and • price. May .we supply you with your new Easter outfit ? McGee Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers resinous WED S 1 Yatch This Space WEEKLY i If You're Looking For Bargains This Week's Specials. ILantern Globes, regular 10c, at .. 5c Axle Grease, regular 10c a box, at ... 5c Coal Oil, per gallon . 15c and 18c Clothes' Pins, 5 dozen for 5c Bull Dog Shovels, long handle, solid shank, reg $1.00 and $1.25, at .. . .....65c Galvanized Iron Water Pails, regular 40c, at....300 • 8 Beaver Ready -Mixed Paint, first-class quality— i Quarts, regular 45c, now 30o Pints, regular 25c, now 18c Half Pints, regular 15e, now.. 10c Graniteware Reductions Federal Pots, Granite, regular $1.00, at,.. ......70c Granite Stove Pots, regular 75c and 85c, at........50o Granite Stew IKeitles, regular 65c and 75c, a...45c Granite Pudding Dishes, reg. 15c and 18c, at....10c "All Graniteware at - great reductions. 1 Carload Coil Spring Wire Genuine Frost. Get our Prices—they are the best. Sherwin=Williams Ready Mixed Paints Complete stock. The Paint that has no equal. When wanting anything in our line it will pay you to call and get our prices. A pleasure to show goods, even if you don't buy. i EiwitcIns1 --A favorite in the shape of a 33• year old horse passed otf the stage of action on March Oth, frown, an attack of paralysis, on the farm of Lide 0, Jacklin, llowick boundary, --As a testimony of regard for Jas. Jenkins, who for twenty years has been secretary and treasurer of S. S. No. 2, Colborne, the ratepayers of this. section recently presented him with a $20 gold piece. --The Bishop of Chicoutimi, Quebec, who sometime ago, refused to obey the mandate of the presiding judge, claiming that he owed allegiance to a higher tribunal than any of earthly creation, has sent a letter to the judge apologizing for his conduct. —An incorrigible office -seeker died a few days ago, and his friends asked a well-known editor for an epitaph for his tombstone. The editor suggested the following :— Here lies John Jones, In the Only Place for 'Which He Never Applied. St. Paul, Minn,, April 8.—ICnute Olmstead died here to -day from star- vation, after an attempt to fast for forty days in order to demonstrate his theory that mind is mightier than matter. Olmstead's fast lasted thirty- one days, according to those in the house. —It is reported at Winnipeg that the C.P.R. contemplate the building of another railroad, almost transcon- tinental in character, and practically paralleling the G.T.P. to Hardy Bay, B.C., thus gaining all the advantages which the latter's road would gain in shorter haulage. Orillia, April 8.—Joseph McDonald, originally of Alexandria, drifted into town Saturday evening and on Mon- day committed assaults on three child- ren 'under five years of age. He was promptly arrested, and yesterday afternoon sentenced by Magistrate Clark to eighteen months in Central Prison, and to receive twenty lashes, ten upon entry, and ten one month before leaving. 11 9O A Vegetable Constipation Cure. Because they contain mercury and mineral salts, many pills are harsh. The easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. They clean the stomach, intestines and bowels, drive out waste matter, tone the kidneys and forever cure constipation; As a general tonic and system cleanser nothing is so mild and efficient as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. TUG NEW SNOW PLOW. The Ideal Snow Plow built In Kin- cardine recently has been tested. It was taken to the Proton branch of the 0. P. It., which had been cloned all winter and offered an exceptionally severe test. Tho snow was all the way from font' to twelve feet deep and packed so hard that a shovel would make no impression on it, It was really more like ice than snow, One morning recently, in the presence of a number of representatives of the rail- roads the plow started to open the line,; Driven by two locomotives it went into a ten -foot bank and steadily ate its way in until the engines skid- ded on the icy rails. Again it went at the bank and was doing good work when a slight accident, due tau dry bearing, brought the test to an end for the time. Repairs being made they went at it again. This time they had only one light engine behind the plow, but even with this small power it Clinton. The water in the Maitland and Bay- field rivers was never known to rise and fall so rapidly as recently, three feet of a rise and fall in six hours be- ing observed and noted, 'On Wednesday afternoon the house of Mrs. Agnew, near the railroad, was broken into during her absence, and ransacked from top to bottom, *- ulariy; the only articles missed were a summer coat and vest. Mr. Brown, section foreman on the. L. H. & B., saw four men on railway track last Tuesday, whom he ordered away. He afterwards saw two of them again walking on the track ; these two tallied exactly with .the men supposed to have been concerned in the robbery of McMurcbie's bank at Blyth on "'Wednesday night. The other two were seen here on Thurs- day. IYOUNG SI Big llard.ware WINGHAM - ONTARIO likaaor r00.0000.r carved its way through twelve 'feet of snow and tee at a. good speed and with seemingly perfect ease. Photographs show that thesnow was thrown 40 or GO feet 'from the track. One of the big rotary plows was put at the bank for purposes of comparison. The results were much. to the advantage of the new plow. Two locomotives were used with the rotary, but the now plow plainly showed its superiority. .t111 who witnessed the test axe highly pleased with the Ideal, A Wonderful Cold Cure. Just think of it, a cold cured in ten minutes—that's what happens when you uss,..'()ataahozone." You inhale bks soothing balsams and otic goes the cold --sniffles are cured, headache is cured, symptoms of catarrh and grip- pe disappear at once, It's the healing - pine essences and powerful antiseptics bn Catarrhozone that enables it to act quickly, In diseases of the nose, for irritable throat, bronchitis, coughs and catarrh, it's a marvel, Safe even for children.. - 25c and $1.00 sizes at all cleaiors, 1 1 The work of pulling down the frame of St. Joseph's Church, to make way for the new edifice, commenced on Monday last. This building is one o£ the oldest in town, having been erect- ed originally about the year 185,k and used for a number of years by Willis congregation as a place of worship, before the erection of the present church. Afterwards it was used for a short time as a wagon shop, eventual- ly coming into possession of the mem- bers of St. Joseph's congregation, and •by them refitted for church purposes. It will lie replaced by a handsome brick edifick The first year the old church was pu up it was blown down, and re -erected next year, the timbers are yet sound. ?: 7 i COLDS, HEli.DAUii i, CATARRH Relieved in 10 Minutes by Dr. bgnew'9 Catarrhal Powder. 1 1 1 Rev. W. H. Main, pastor of the Bap- tist -Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strong testimony for and is a firm be. Bever in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der. He has tried many kinds of remedies without avail, "After using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I was benefited at once" are his words. It is a wonderfui remedy and will relieve any form of head pain in ten minutes and eradicate Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure helps the overworked heart. (3) For Fele by A. L. HAMIL'r0N. Look Out For Squalls. avormalmu No matter how big the advt., how big the stock, or how strong the poverty, point is pressed, if it's low prices that make the sales, we'll meet the very lowest price offered anywhere—right down to rock bottom. A large - cut oak Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces, swell front dresser, top 44x20, plate mirror 30x24, bed- stead 6 ft. 3 in. high, regular $37.00, for 826.00 A. large Sideboard, I cut oak, polished, reg. $37 for ... 30.00 Combiaiation Sideboard and China Cabinet, regular $27.00 for Sideboard, oak, regular $19.00, for Sideboard, regular $1,3.50, for Sideboard, regular 88.00, for Common Chairs, double rungs, for each Nice high back Diners, brace arms Parlor Suites, 4 pieces, silk plush bound 20.50 14.75 11.00 6.75 .35 .72 14.75 Parlor Suites, Couches, Parlor Chairs, Tables, Springs, Mattresses, Iron Beds, etc., etc., at special cut prices. Nice line of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts just in. Anything yon want that we have in stock you'll get at prices that will astonish you. Don't buy till you see for yourselves where the best bargains are. S. GRACEY Furniture Dealer. and. Undertaker ��� water re a e» wear 01111111111111111111111 COO 1 1 1 994199 •••••••9•1599•999944-94 'You- Make A Mistake y y i d 1,tii If en bu a Piano with- out seeing our stook, comparing fir ces an to kng nto account the quality of i the natruinent. All t1,r beat est ata]t es always in stook -�-• Heintzinan, N"ewoombe, Dominion, and ofh ers, Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell Stand 0pt'• Skating I'ttnk i'h4♦4i4'N4N••4A44•14i1/41144 • i Spring ! Furniture MONEY! The balmy days of Spring are here, and along with them come housecleaning time. If you are in need of a piece of Furniture of any description, this is the time of year to renew. Our stock is so large and prices so reasonable, that you can't pass us by without doing yourself an injustice. We need money, which is another reason why we are so anxious to turn some of our elegant Furni- ture into cash. Give us a call. NV/r, y /����������Y'r r (%/ 1,d/ ;ow flr SPRING BEDS. We have the best, guaranteed for five years, worth $3.50 --Our Price, $3.00. Buy one and have the best. Ifs tc'tk,''' • Baby Carriages and Go -Carts. Our stock this season is larger than ever. Do not fail to see them. The goods and the prices will satisfy you in every re- • spect. Extension Tables. Our stock in this line is Certainly complete, and you can't afford to pass us by if you treed any- thing in this line. JAS. WALKE Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Teeswater A number of the high chiefs .of 'the C, P. Ii„ Management visited Toes - water an a tour of inspection of the road Monday afternoon. P. II. McKenzie, M. P., has been looking into train connections at Wingltatn and Ilarriston, and reports that the only change there was any likelihood of getting is to have tke Toeswater morning train which leaves at 0,40 set back to 0 o'clock, thus en- abling passengers to catch south bound G. T. It. trains at,Wingham and Ilarriston. The subject was dis- cussed at considerable length, but no agreement was arrived at. Tho Electric Light question is still unsettled, Tho Council and Mr. Green have been discussing this sub- ject a great deal during the past, month and Monday evening Mr. Green in a letter to the council made a definite proposition, it is to the effect that he would keep on serving the cor- poration as at present for $800 per year ancl the use of the boiler and that part of the lighting plant building which belonged to the town. This is an increase of $300 on what has been paid. 11Ir. Green thinks the first of May a suitable time to enter upon a new contract and offers to keep on at the old rate until that date: His let- ter contains no offer to sell the plant.. We understand, however, that this has been discussed. The offer was not accepted by the council but a counter proposition was made to buy out the plant at $5,000 or to renew the present contract at $550 per year, and to give Mr. Green $175 for the erection of a brick smokestack. , t ] :.:1 It Prevents Sore Throat. No simpler way to kill a cold and stamp out sore throat than by apply- ing Nerviline, rub it in freely, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plas- ter on the .chest. These remedies hunt out pain, destroy every' -trace of congestion, cure the cold and tendency to bronchitis. Thousands.find Nervi - line inestimably the best remedy for pains, aches, bruises, neuralgia, sol- atica, colds and winter ills. Not only is it penetrating and powerful, but it is sate and economical, All dealers sell Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for 25e, the plaster same price. Beware of substitutes. Cream of tartar will usually remove iron rust from white linen, most suc- cessfully, without injury. Mix it with water to a paste, wet the spot then spread on tile paste. Hang the article in the sun, and as fast as it dries, wet again. After a `few wettings, if the spot has not disappeared, dust off the dry powder and repeat. .: _--�-. A Reliable Spring Medicine Recommended to People of Wiagham. At this season of the year thereis hardly a, man, woman or clfild in . ingham who does not need a inedi- cine to purify and enrich the blood, to induce an appetite, to promote di- gestion and create strength, and we are safe in saying we have never sold anything in our store equal to the cod liver preparation Vinol for this pur- pose. The reason Vinol is so far superior to old-fashioned cocl liver oil and em- ulsions is because it is made by a scientific, extractive and concentrat- ing process from fresh cods' livers, combining with peptonate-of-iron all the medicinal, healing and body build- ing elements of cocl liver oil, but no oil. As a spring medicine and a body builder and strength creator for -old people, delicate children, weak, run- down persons, and after sickness Vi- nol is unexcelled, and you know w1Jat you are taking. Mrs. Rose Lavigne, of Burlington, Vt., writes : "Vinol is the best spring medicine I have ever used ; it creates an appetite, purifies the blood and takes away all feeling of lassitude." ' We could go on quoting from hun- dreds of such letters, hut simply ask the people of Wingharn to try Vinol this spring on our guarantee to return money if they are not benefitted.— J. Walton McKibbon, druggist, Wing - ham. t, HIS PARABLE. SLIM PRICES The Leading Store STOUT VALUES EASTER BARGAINS: We are showing a Iargo col. lection of Novelties bought spe- cially for EASTER TRADE. Take advantage of our large and well assorted stook of BELTS, COLLARS, GLOVES, EMBROI- DERIES, LACES, VEILINGS, RIBBONS, WAISTS, SKIRTS, COATS, etc. KIP BELTS. Just received, one gross Ladies' Kid Belts, bought specially for EASTER SELLING — it's a BIG BARGAIN at 50" Cents See them in our window. Colors are—Navy, Gray, Tan, Black, White •and Brown, finished with Gilt, Silver and Leather covered Buckles. These Belts are sold on King St., Toronto, at COC 75c.—ISARD'S PRICE a7 NEW WASH BELTS.—Very pretty Wash Belts, just in. Prices are 15o, 20o, 25o SILK COLLARS.—Silk Turnovers and Silk Ties at special, prices. See our Leader 25o WAISTS,—Great variety of Ladies' Shirt Waists in Silk Lawn and Net. A pretty Lawn Waist, Easter Bargain $1.00 SKIRTS.—New top Skirts in Panama, Vicuna and Venetian Cloths, made in latest styles. See our Leader at $5.00 DRESS GOODS.—Sale of Dress Goods still going on. Don't buy until you visit this Department. We can save you money. LADIES' COATS. Extensive Showing of NEW TAILORED COATS on the Second Floor. Pretty styles in Fawn Covert Cloth, Fancy Tweeds and Black Broadcloths. Special Easter bargain, Ladies' tight or semi - fitted Coats, only $5.00 H. E. Isard & Co. An old ducky, anxious to be a min- ister, went to be ordained. He was questioned thus : "Can you write?" "No, sah 1" "Kead ?" "No, sah 1" "How do you know about the Bible ?" "Ma niece reads it to me 1" "Know about the Ten Command- ments ?" "No, sah 1" "The twenty-third psalm?" "Nebber heard of him, sah 1" "Know the Beatitudes, Ps "No; sub 1" "Well, what part of the Bible do yon like best?" "Par'bles, sah 1" "Can you give as one ?" "'Deed, yes, sah 1" "Let us have it, then." "Once we'en the Qneen of Sheba was gwine down to Jerusalem, she fell among thieves. First they passed her by on the oddah side, den dey come oval). and dey say unto her, 'Fro down JezabeIl' hut she wouldn't fro' her down ; and again dey say unto her, `Fro down Jezabel l' but she wouldn't fro' her down ; and again dey say unto her for de find and last time, for I ain't gine to ax you no mo', 'Fro' down Jezebel!' and dey fro'd her down for seventy times and seven, till de re- mains were 'leven baskets; and I say unto yo,' whose wife was she at de resurrection ?"--Bystander. • CTTRES ECZEMAf br. Agnew's Ointment can connt its cured patients by the thousands. `But hi no one skin disease has it so. many almost marvellous euros as in cases of Lczetna--this tenacious skin disorder which has baffled many a physician in seeking after a cure. One application puts out the fire, takes away rho itching, stinging sensation, and after a few applications the erup- tions begin to dry up, diminish, and eventually disappear entirely. The beauty of the treatment is, it leaves no scar or trace of the trouble ---but a skin as soft as baby's. Cures piles in Cour to six nights. 85 ets. Use Dr. Agnew'S Pills, 10 cents, (1) Pot Sale by A. L. liA1sn)toy. 4 4 4 4 4 2 4d E S ! Seeding time will soon be here. Get the ` Seeds that will grow for sure, We sell T!mOtIiY, !ed Clover, Alsike, Flax AND A FULL LINE OF Field. harden & Flower Seeds. All Clean, Fresh Goods. 5' 4 Also a car of Best Portland 4 Cement, Lowest Prices, 4 4 4 s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t AT CENTRAL HARDWARE THE OLD SEED HOUSE I 5' 5. 40 3 4 34"..' 0 0*' �' ' 4