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The Wingham Advance, 1908-04-02, Page 8
8 Salem. Mrs. A.. lkic:llichael, sr„ returned to Mt'. 1). L. Weir's on Saturday lust. M. Robt, ikie1flebael delivered two fine cattle in Oorrle en. Monday last. Mr. Hawthorne is at present at work hewing the timber for A. Gallaher's barn. Mr. Alien Fralick gave a dancing party to a number of his friends one evening last week, ]kir. Robt. McLaughlin left for Toronto on Monday ; he expects to Visit his daughter Lillie there.. The sudden rise of the water in the liver on 14riclay night compelled c number to walk to church on, Sun- t. dty last. Mrs. John McBurney entertained a . number of young people one evening last week ; dancing was the evening's enjoyment. Reports are that another wedding will take place in the near future. Salem will furnish the groom, and Gorrie the bride.. We are sorry to learn of the death of the late ]lir. Wm. Wright, who lately moved on to the faro' he pur- chased from Mrs. Geo. Harris of Wroxeter, Mrs. Wright and family have the sympathy of ail it their sad trial. Dn. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS. The bent by test—and making them- selves a household word because they live out their promises to the letter, give instant relief in all Stomach troubles, and absolutely cure Dyspepsia and Nervous dis- rases. No long tedious treatment, with possible disappointment in the end, but•improvement from the first dose— and many a stomach sufferer has proved them so. Ono who has tested, thein says: "They're a delightful and positive cure and are filling a long -felt want." They're handy to carry. Take one before and after eating or et any time you feel a symptom of distress in the stomach. Sixty tablets, 85e. (29) For Sale by A. L. 1'IA2.tILTON. Ilii r ONE WAY . Colonist Excursions TO THE WEST Commencing Feb'y. 29th and continuing daily until April 29, 1908, to following points :-- ll VANCOUVER, .o....... ��.�� . SPOKANE, Wash SBATTL1S. Wroth PORTLAND, Oro....... SAN FRANCISCO, drrl...11 LOS ANGELES, Cal MEXICO CITY $47.80 Tickets also sold to other cer- tain points in proportion. For tickets and full information, call on W. HENRY, Town Agent, or writs J.' D. McDonald Dietriob Passenger Agent. Toronto. THE WTNGILAM ADVANCE, TRUBSDA.Y, APRIL 2, 1908.. �..r...,�.,...� ....,..-�--,, - Fordwich,Brussels, lust Wawanosh. BonN--On Friday, March 27th to Although .anetton: sales have Mutt 11. Densmore is Ill with la grippe.. Mr. and hers. Noah Whitmore, a son. numerous, prices of stock range high, w. T. Noble, 5th line, is ca sufferer 4otm soles running as high as $2,0)., of her cousin, Mrs, Geo, Dane, 10th Brussels A. O. U. 'W. Lodge was res Albert McKellar is hired with Robt. Cott. presented by Postmaster Farrow at McDowell for the sutnmer. and 4ndge held at -circ Diss Maggie J. McKee is the guest froYti elle grippe this week. Does It Pa The water was the bigltest in town"" "" " „ to Charlie Snell, -0th line, is engaged on Saturday,that it "has been for with. S. i1IQBorne •, 10th line, for the M Pier 1V1'1'ntosh of Gre Town- �' years. rs, . t 4 , . oowzn , sutnrner, ship,, sassed away onl'aesday and was 8 buries] here Thursday. She loris anal DI.'4val�lt, Fav Mr', and Mrs. Geo. Walker of liar. y p gravel .road, spent a few ristan spent Sunday with friends. in 70 yearn old, days, last week with his daughter, and around town. Upwards. of $100 have been sub - Posters Stewart of Belgrave. Posters are out for John J. Gregg's scribed toward the $1,800 desired for I3enj. Whitmer disposed of his farm sale on April 7th. W. U. Newton is the engagementof a county secretary on the sideroad near Westfield church,. to wield the Irani:ners in connection with the Y. M. C. A. to Jos. Johnston, last week, . To make your own Biscnits. You WILL SAY NO when you - read this—lou WILL SAy IT AGAIN when you see them— and Yor'LL Coate Ba.ox. FOR MORE when you try them. SWEET MIXED Lbs. SNAPS 3LbS.FRUIT CURRANT CAKE ' LEMON SQUARE EamVANILLASNAP' SNAP - LEMON FRUIT GINGER 25c VANILLANF NGER ICED CAKES SWEET SQUARES The Tea and Coffee Store J. Henry Christie 11110111091111111111/21011111111111111111111111 Struck With Surprise 1very person who visits our store is struck with sur- prise at the high quality and low price of Groceries. Have you tried our Teas or Coffee ? Tf not, try a Ib. and you will be convinced that they ate unexcelled for flavor and strength. W. Hoie Pawls 113 Oppettta Row Dank Of Cbmmerse wiNtS>tot There were a lot of eattie And 11°P,8 The annual "at bore" of the Odd. The serviee in Westfield church on shipped from bore on Monday, by our fellows was a decided success. There Sunday was but poorly attended, ow- hustling drover, ll'ir. Chas. Shaefer, WAS a large company, a good program ing to the poor condition of the roads. z' McKee,wlto has been of vocal and instrumental .music, and Finlay Andrew I''niay Walsh is. hired with J. B. ailing with asthmatic bronchitis, is a flue address on Addfeltowship by lklcClintan for the summer, and has 13ro. Powfey, of Toronto' Moved his family to the vacant. house Quito a number of people in this. on Mr, McQlinton's fart% locality etre en the sick list. Mrs, Council met March 23, pursuant to Thos. id nne and Mrs. 'Edward Garvin adjournment: ikMarch 2s all present; are laid from rnjuries received by minutes of last meeting read incl falling, Mrs. Gilpin is confined to passe& not gaining as fast as we would like to sec, Miss Muriel Spinks is suffering at present with a very severe attack of neuralgia.; we hope she will soon be better, Miss Mabel Dobson, who is teaching at Lakelet, spent Saturday and Sun- day with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Dobson. 31r. Wm. Brown of the flth ecu. de- livered in Harriston 80 tons of bay last week. Hay does not seem to be very scarce in these parts, Mrs. S. G. Gregg returned home on Saturday night last, after a ten days visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Penhall of Monckton. Miss Viola Failis obtained first-class honors in music on her recent examin- ation in Toronto, She was a pupil of iliiss Robertson of Harriston. • Mr. Richard Carson of Gorrie had rather a wet walk on Friday night last. Although he is a, good moaner. he missed the train by about ten paces. - He was not daunted by hi* failure,and took up the track in hot pursuit and reached bore shortly be- fore midnight. "There's no place like home," Dick. r Contains No Caustic Acids. It's healing and drawing—that's why Putnani's Corn Extractor fs bet- ter than cheap acid 'substitutes. In- sist on Putnam's only. Wroxeter; Miss E. Henry spent Sunday at the home of her parents near White- church. Rev. John and Mrs. Radford of Bel - more visited at the Manse on Wednes- day of last week. Mr. Wm. Wright of Fleming, Man., is home from the West owing to the death of his father, Mrs. Bevington & Mrs. McIntyre of Cleveland, Ohio, attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs. N. Allen. There was no service in the Presby- terian Church on Sunday evening last as the pastor was in Jamestown. Mrs. Perrin and 'daughter May, visited friends in and around Wing- hain on Wednesday of last week. A. number of Masonic brethren from Brussels were the guests of Forest Lodge A. F. & A. M, on Monday -even- ing last.. We regret to report the death' of Mrs. N. Allen, who has been very low for some time. The end came on Sun- day, March 29th. A falter notice will appear next week. The Maitland live] is very 1igh here t thegates at present. All g t s have been lifted, and the rink, power -house and grist -mill are surrounded by the flow- ing waters. The flood is said to be the highest since the carrying away of the dam a few years ago. There passed to his reward_ on Saturday March 28th Mr. William her bed from an attack of nerve rhe following Paatlrmastere, L'ouud- paralysis, keepers and l+enceviewers were ap. Friday afternoon Mrs. David Ross, pointed for the current year :— sr., was carried to the toinb. Diabetes Pathmasters--David, Lockhart, Jno. was the cause of her demise, She Pfeffer, Jno, W. Somers, Thos. l3tad- passed away Tuesday morning, aged nock, Alex. Patterson, Jno, Doerr,. 78 years. Mr. Ross and an adult fami- ly survive, Mrs. Ross enjoyed the friendship of all who knew her, The Ladies' Quartette from town, consisting of Misses Gerry. Hingston, Sharpe and Mrs. W. JJeatlrerdale, drove to Gorrie to. the "at home" in. connection with the opening of the new Methodist parsonage. A choice program was rendered by the ladies.. 'ednesday at high noon, P. A. McArthur, a well-to-do and popular young bachelor of Grey Township, and Miss Maggie McArthur of Brus- sels, entered the benedictine army by the assistance of Rev. Mr. Wishart, B,A. There were about 50 guests. The bride was a popular young lads* and received numerous valuable gifts.. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur will reside on the groom's fine 200 -acre farm. Mrs, Duncan McLaughlin, whose husband predeceased her a few years ago, was called away from time Thurs- day morning, She had outlived the threescore and ten. The funeral was on Saturday afternoon. The Mc- Laughlin family were among the early settlers of this section. There were five brothers. in the family. Mrs. Mc- Laughlin died from a cancer: All the children were home for the funeral. Her demise is regretted. There were four interments in Brus- sels cemetery during the past week. Thursday afternoon Jas. Ferguson, who was 77 years of age and a resident of this locality for over fifty years, died on Sunday from a stroke of para- lysis received a week previous, was buried. leaving a widow and grown-np family. He was a fine man and wide- ly respected. For fifteen years he was president of the East Huron Agricul- tural Society. John Ferguson, one of our Brussels merchants, is a son of the deceased. DR. OVENS, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at McKibbon's drug store, on Monday, April 27th. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight, nasal catarrh, deafness, head noises treated and glasses properly fitted. Hours -12 a. nt. to 8 p, m. 1,; . , Lakelet. Rev. A. 0. Eddy bas been visiting in and around the'burg this week. Mrs. Darcey, who has bean visiting at Mrs. W. H. Hubbard's .for a few days, returned home on Friday. Quite a number from here attended the opening of the new Parsonage in Corrie, Sunday and Monday. All report having a good time. Wright, sr. The end came at his new Mr. Henry Dettman, who has been home near the village, the former suffering from cancer of the lip, for residence of Mrs. Geo. Harris. Mr. this Inst month or two, bas gone to Wright was an old Turnberry settler the hospital to have it removed. and was in his 65th year. The funeral Syrup -making is the order of the took place on Monday afternoon to day. John Montgomery is around the Wroxeter cemetery. A large these days taking orders. We hope family and a widow are left to mourn he will call when taffy time conies: the loss of a kind and loving father and a devoted husband. Mr. Jos. 1=`ieinbacher, s sale, which was heli] on Friday, was attended. by - T a large crowd considering the state of,. roads. Stock and poultry sold at - Women's. Period Of 'Pain. very high prices. Wm. Ruddy, Jno. Hoare, Wrn. Dobie, Wm. Toll, Geo. A, Henderson, R. G. McGowan, D. McGill, sr., Jas. B. Mar- shall, Jnn. J. Mason, Jas. Tanney, Wm. J. Rodger, Jas. liickingbottoin, Jan,, B. Redmond, Newton J. Camp- bell, Robt. Tanney, Thos. W. Noble,. Fred J. Rath, Wnr. rothorgill, James E. Noble, A. C. Hardisty, Thos. Black, Fred W. Cook, David A. Dunbar, Win. Wightman, Jiro. S. Scott, Cyrus W. Scott, Robert Owens. Dan') Geddes, Jas. McCallum, sr., Jas. W. Bone, Jas. Cunningham, Nntb. RRolt, Robt. Henry, Chas. H, King, Pat. Gibbons, Hy. Deacon, Jas. Al Bran- don, Percy R. Scandrett, Wm. G. Salter, Jno. Cochrane, Geo. E. Fitz- patrick, Geo. T. Robertson, Inn. Reid, Johnathan Pattison, Geo, M. Robert- son, Robt.•H. Scott, Andrew McDou- gall, Win. Arbuckle, sr., Wm. M. An- derson, Theo. Finnen, Chas. J. Rin - tour Jno. Norman, Jno. Le ate, Fred J. Davidson, David. Olow, Wm. Par- don, Jos, Smeltzer, Win. Beecroft, Jas. Martin, sr., Jno. Gibbons, Jno. Jamieson, lieu,—O. Naylor. Jno. Bee- croft Andrew Jamieson, Wm. James.. Jos. Chimney, Geo.. Wallace and Francis Deveraux. Poundkeepers—Jno. Hoare, Alex. McGowan, Ben H. Taylor, Esaias Pearen, Harry F. McGee, David Clow, Thos. Robinson, Jno. Campbell, Jno. Cochrane and Alpert C. Rintoul. Fenceviewers--David McGill, sr., in place of James T. Bell, Jno, McDowell, Geo. Fothergill, Wesley, Pattison, Samuel McBurney, and Geo. T. Rob- ertson, A scale for the performance of Statute Labor for 1908 was adopted days a follows :—Assessed up to $500, work ; from $500 to $1.000, 2 days work; from $1,000 to $2.200, 3 days work ; from $2,200 to $3.400, 1 days work; from $3,400 to $4,600 5 days work; and for every other $1,200 as- sessment, or any fractional part there- of, one additional day. The amount to be charged. for un- performed Statute labor was set at 81,00 per day. Alt Statute labor due on each lot within the bounds of the municipality to be fully performed or as near as possible, in the various road division in which such property is situated. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr, Gillespie, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay to order of school boards' such sums as they may require for the payment of teachers salaries quarterly—carried. . r order - The followingaccounts were MunicipalWorld ed to be paid:—The 'assessment rolls and other supplies, $12.05; Geo. Phippen, Wingham, con- stable fees under Local Option Act, $2.50 ; W. K. Whaley, rent of hall for council meetings, $20.00. . .The council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Apr. 7th, when the Engineer's report on the Grasby and Hallahan drains will be read and con- sidered. Alex. .Porterfield, clerk, Fordyce; We are sorry to hear of 0. Taylor's indisposal again. Miss Lily JClnstuan has gone to Ash- field for sk length. of ttrne. A fere from. here wore entertained at the home of D. B. Murray's last sveek, .14r. and Mrs. 3', Martin, Cobalt, spent a few days visiting their parents. Mr. Robt. Moore, Lneknow, deli'vor- ed to Mason & nisch piano to 3, Web- ster recently. Mr. Arch. Martin leas sold his fano to John Martin and intends having a sale in the near future. yup giving fann- ing W, Taylor is fan- ing and has announced by posters annr auction sole of his farm stock and i- pteinente, to take place on. his preYni- ises, lot 25, Oon. 11, West Wawanosh, ori April 15th. The community will regret: losing Mr. and Mrs, Taylor. Regularity of the system can only Mr. L. Murray, a citizen of the burg be secured by maintaining strong is again trying his hand at farming healthy circulation. If feeble, run- after a year of retired life. He has down, nervous, be sure that circuits- traded his house and lots on a farm tion is poor. The natural result is owned by Mr. Chas, Caudle, and in congestion that exacts so severe a. pen- addition to the house and lots, he has alty. Besidesbeing a blood fot•.iner to, pay $1,400. Chas. will move into and nerve tonic, Ferrozone adds addi- the burg, and be the retired gentle- tional vigor to the heart and ensures man. strong blood circulation. This is the By the Redistribution Bill which only means ofpreventing congestions added Howick to West Huron, we that cause pain, headache and nerve think Mr. Kerr'8 visit to the opening weakness. The whole system is re- of the new Parsonage Gorrie last newel and fortified, with strength, Monday evening will be in vain. We vigor and endurance. For girls and think he would-be more at home if he women nothing equals Ferrozone, 50c would follow his profession as editor. at all dealers. Morris. Howick will not hold out inducements any longer. EN6iLISII SPAVIN LIytWI1 tT removes Mr. and. Mrs, F. 0. Taylor, Gerrie, all hard, soft or calloused lumps and were the guests of Mn and Mrs.• blemishes from horses, blood spavin, McOtttcheon on Wednesday of last curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, week, stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat, coughs, etre. Save $50,most inn of one Mr. W. Robb, 6th line, held a very bottle Warranted the wonder - successful auction sale on Thursday of fol BI'emish onve ever known. Sold last week. The receipts amounting in by A. L. Hamilton. the neighborhood of 2,000. Mrs. John Johnston of British Columbia, who has been visiting her parents, 6th line, for the past two months left for home on Tuesday. Tuesday evening of last week n number of young people were well entertained at the Monte of Jas, Speir, 6th line. Dancing being the chief amusement. - Mr. F. 1vlcOuteheon is going into farming sit a. large scale this year. He has rented the Johnston faun for the next two years. This will make him "overseers' of two hundred. and fifty acres. Beimoree Mr. Jos. Lynet left for Detroit last Wednesday, - Many" of the farmers itt this vicinity are busy making maple syrup. Philip Baeker• has left far Toronto. Tis intends working on the railroad, Mrs, .las. Gallagher has left to visit her sister, Mrs. JGohnson, in Wing- harn. The roads are in a very- had non= dition at present, and our trail -driver has a hard t.tnie getting thrbugh, Miss Maggie Hithy and her niece, Miss l Irby, Left for Detroit last week. Miss Kirby Intends ataarting a dretss- titaker's amp. Whitechurch-. Mrs. J. T. 11olmes 18 111 with la grippe, Mr, Cottle is busy sawing his stook of logs. Spring 18 gradually drawling on, but the roads are in a very bad condition, The farmers don't ask for clover seed Chia spring ; they ask for a little gold dust. . . Mrs. Petrel, who is housekeeping for Mr. I3. Pettypiece, is dinars with prima monis, but is recovering. Mr, 1.1 McGee is going to do .some extensive improvements to his barn, Wideningit and adding a straw shed. Peter Leaver is preparing*to_con- tinue his .yew house, which when fin- ished will be second to none in this neighborhood. On Monday morning, Mr. Mire. house's horse ran away from the sta. tiott, but was stopped on the road ; na harm was done. A. Clow took home it fine 2•fttrrow plow on Tuesday, which he purchased. front Me.Intosh & Fox. 1%fr. S, Theinp• son of Donnybrook also took hone a waggon a few days ago. These Mon are busy tendingg out implements everyday now. no handle the kind that Bells. ITOH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. The death occurred on Tuesday of last week, of Finlay Stuart Anderson, rho 14 -year-old son of Mr. Archie Anderson, West Wawaanosh, Deceas- ed had been ill but a few days with an abscess on the brain. An operation was performed Sunday, but the patient being in a critical condition expired that evening. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon, 26th - hist., to Sts Helens cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to those bereaved, Deceas- ed had passed, the entrance and was doing fifth class work, The word about his death was a great shock to. his many friends and companions, as he was at school on the Thursday before. Stuart was.a lad whose kind- ly spirit and pleasant manner made hini a favorite among his young friends, while the interest shown in his work at home and school gave promise of future success, Grey. Mr. Andrew Hislop, 14th con., beld a very successful auction sale on Fri- day,March 27th. F. S. Scott, the auctioneer, reports it the largest sale he ever had, the proceeds amounting to over $3,000. (Too late for last week.) Mrs. (De.) Field of Brussels visited with friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Wm. White of Mitchell i$ spending a few weeks with J. E. White, 1st con. Get your buckets ready, the sap sea- son is here. Quite a • number have tapped already and taffy -pulls are the next on the topic. • Miss Ethel Musgrove of Winghamn, who has spent the past week with her cousin, Miss 'Susie Pearson, returned to her home on .Monday, Ed. Jacklin had a very successful wood -bee on Friday of last week and in the evening treated the young people to the light fantastic. We are sorry to hear R. McAllister has been rather indisposed for the past week, having a severe attack of la grippe. At dine of writing he is a ttle improved. The Trish social at hoe's League last Tuesday evening was a decided sue - COM A good program was rendered and the few impromptu speeches add- ed to the merriment of all. Lunch was served and after singing "God save the Ding," the enjoyable evening was brought to a closet proceeds amounted to over $8, which will be put into the treasury at present. OItGANIC! 131Oi.ART DISEASE, Nervousness and Indigestion Relieved in 30 Minutes. Tito IIev. rather Lord, Sr„ Mont* .real, Canada, says: "1 have been a sufferer' for 20 .years front organic heart disease, nervousness and days- bsib d have yy stn 1 e doctored both In Preece and America, with not tem' porary relief. I tried Dr. Agnew's Ileart Curti and was indeed surprised at the ltnntodiate relief I obtained. I am firmly convinced that it will, cure a any case of heart disease and will strengthen the nerves and stotriaeb," Atteiv'a Llvbt )hells 06 the best. only 10o for 40 dosoe. (30) F'or Sale by A. X . trAktrAtifi 1 Jamestown: Mr. Janes Wright had a wood -bee last Friday, Rev. Mr. Perrin of 'Wroxeter gave us a stirring address Sunday night. A. F. McDonald of this place left for Brandon, Man., Thursday of last week; we wish biro success in the West. • Mr, Thos. McEwen, hotelkeeper of this place, had the misfortune on Mon- day to slip and fall on the bank of the river, breaking his thigh bone in two places. Dr. McKelvey of Brussels is attending him. We trust be will soon get around again, 1. Which Liniment Is Best.. For muscular pails and aches a thick oily preparation can't penetrate —that's why Nerviline beats them all —it sinks right in. "I would'nt live without Nerviline in my house," writes J. B. Oottam, of Mastown, N.S. "If you have rhetrmatisn'or soreness in the muscles or in fact any need of an honest liniment, Nerviline fills the bill. I can recommend it highly be- cause I have proved that in one appli- cation of Poison's Nerviline there is more virtue than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment," Try one of the large 25c bottles. mai Royal Grocery Pickles Pickles ! Thid_is the place to get them to suit all tastes and - at all prices. Have some of = our bulk Pickles—Sour, 20e per qt.; Sweet, 25e per qt.; also a good line of Bottled Pickles, at 10e, 15e, 25o, 30c and 35c. Try our Bread --- Home- made, Baker's and Brown ; ,' it is good. PRODUCE WANTED. A. J. MALCOLM Successor to 0, N. Griffin PROPERTIES FOR SALE Frame Cottage..:•,...i...Minnie St. Frame Cottage Patrick St. Frame Cottage .North St. Frame CottagePrances St. Frame -1 Story Victoria St. Frame 1fr Story... =Edward. St. Frame 1 Story... Scott St. Frame 2w Story . Minnie St. Brick 1-- Story.........Victotia St. Brick 1 Story... John St, Brick 2 Story (new)...Victoria St. Brick 1 Story...,.....Josephine St. Brick 1 Story (modern) Minnie St. Brick 2 Story (new) Catharine St. Properties in Pleasant Valley, Lower Town, Town Piot, Greenville, Chis• holmtown end in the central parts of the town. CALL AND SEE US. WE OAN SUIT YOU. DON'T ALL SPEAK. AT MOD. Chalet Farms at right prices and on easy terms. llk ds. U ' N(IE A kinds. INS its • FARM LOANS—Low rates, Ritchie & Cosens REAXr ESTATE AND INSURANCE 'i ►IN NAM e Little Eaton The IT'S CATCIIING: prin alaStff 1 •40•••44.44404-44.00+411.40.4.44 When you have it, try us for a CURE, You're sure to rid It In one of our - many Departments, 000OO0000000000000004Ji3 6000ci0o o . ,• ooQ©^�C!'.' CDbQ'.l' OCi©G3o©Clod© CC�QOC+t30©fJd+Cet30fl6® Some Trade Winners Boys' Suits. 16 Boys' Suits, two-piece Norfolk and three- piece single-breasted and double-breasted, sizes from 27 :o 38 -- on sale this week $3.89 LadiesSkirts. 18 Ladies' Skirts, in light and clark Tweeds and Venetians, new spring goods, stylish and well -made, regular up to $5.50—on sale this week $3. 49 Boys' Knickers. 40 pairs of Boys' Tweed Pants, double seat and knee, regular 50e and 65c— on sale this week 0 9 C Ladies' Furs. • 14 Scarfs and Throws, Muffs, &c., in Isabella Sable, Marnot, Mink and real Sable, regii- lar up to $12.50—on sale this week $4.99 Men's Raincoats. 12 Dark Grey Cravenette Overcoats, suitable for a good stylish spring Overcoat. The 7 regular price was $10.00 — on sale this week $6.99 Dress Goods. Pieces Fancy Brilliant Mohairs in Brown, Green, Navy, - Black, &c., new goods just arrived, regular 50 cents—on sale this week 29c Ladies' Spring coats. ]These SPECIALS are money 10 Short Covert and Whipcord Coats, loose ` `makers for YOU. Come in, as early and tight -fitting, regular $7.60, to $10.00—on sale this week ,.. 4p5.49 as convenient. • Kindly accept our sincere thanks for your liberal attendance at our Millinery Openings last week. As it was our first, we feel assured that success will reward our new Department. We feel grateful to all those who have entrusted us with their spring orders, and would kindly ask others to try a "Little Eaton" Hat this spring. OUR MOTTO : GOOD GOODS" ' "FAIR PROFITS" ♦4N4N414wAA4y4,MA4♦Oil,wo44.4.4440*OS.4oO'110Ao0..140e•t•OOOONId•0i01isbii.00 NNA- Wngham,