HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-02, Page 5*I! Ir IF III IS s ,1,-. Fig Ian-. 11.1 I,IIII , 1141 PPOPPIWIPWW! 11 110101111411110.111.1.1111. Come In To -day And take your choice. Dori't wait until the Neatest and Nattiest Patterns in our big stock have all been sold, loth Century Brand of Clothing hold their shape, be- cause that shape is put inwitil the needle and not put on with the de, flat iron. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS McGee & Campbell Clothiers and Men's Furnishers • ue • 1 1 J ' 1 Y .a i N J 7 -4 Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs Stops them right off. The first teaspoonful y✓ does good. In a few hours you notice that - " tight feeling " disappear—the coughing spe;is 1 grow farther and farther apart—the throat is easier—and the soreness gone. Cure yourself at home—for eec—with Boles's Preparation of Friar's Cough Belsanr. Sold by all druggists. - as NATIONAL DRUG A. CHEMICAL CO., LIMITEO - LONDON, Orr. r T L your frds neighbors that ol j $L35 Cash ientheyand can get the WINfG- HAM ADVANCE along with the WEEKLY MAIL–EMPIRE for a whole year. Its too big a snap to miss. GEM CD CO Gain 4A6latiskimaktua ave eceived: 1 Carload Coil Springy Wire. Genuine Frost. 1 Car fest Portland Cement. Get Our Prices. Large Assortment Of !Sherwin -Williams Paint The Paint that can't be beat. Also Robertson 6 Beaver Ready Mixed Paints, IY1 7:S Big Hardware WTNGITAM - ONTARIO %/1 111111111. SI MO 011111=1011. 0 THE WTNGTJAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. ( 'Pews items A. McPherson, the well- known Kincardine lawyer., attended da funeral near Tiverton the other clay, and when lie had mad() au entry in his. • notebook, be discovered that that rnede 2,500 funerals which he had " attended since going to Kincardine, That means he has attended more. than one funeral a week during all these years, —hers, W. Doidge, sr„ of Galt, holds in her possession a jar of canned fruit, (red raspberries), which were pick- ed 20 years ago next July, in the coun- ty of Halton, near Milton, Ont, They have been moved several times but the longest jpurney was to Brandon, Man., and return and they still have a good color, Ates. Doidge prides her- self in canning fruit ; also in keeping therm this number of years without an accident. —Wile. Sweet, a well-known resi- dent of Woodstock, who celebrated his 9lst birthday on March 10, had the unique experience of sitting in the British coronation chair.', a short time before ib was used for the coronation of Queen Victoria. He was employed by the firm of contractors who were decorating Westininster Abbey for the ceremony, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit in the his- toric chair and hold in his hand the royal sceptre. Mr, Sweet remembers the first steam train- that was operat- ed in England. —Mr. Donovan, M. P. P. for Brock- ville, recently in the Legislature cora- pared the management of Ontario by G. W. Ross and Premier Whitney, under the figure of banquet menus. He said that the Ross Government menu contained such delicacies as "Minnie M.. Consomme, barnacle sauce, switch ballot pudding stuffed with switched ballots, numbered bal- lot ice cream," etc By comparison a Whitney Government Menu was sub- anitted. The entrees included, "Cheap school books, baked white fish with truthful sauce, business Government salad, clean and secret ballot pudding stuffed with political character," etc. Mr. Donovate's comparisons caused considerable Laughter. —Owing to the storms on our inland lakes during the past six weeks, na- vigation will open earlier this year than usual. Open water is in sight from shore along the Georgian Bay. Below Harbor Beech, Lake Huron is reported open and the West end of Lake Superior is comparatively free front ice. Lake Erie is covered with ice as far as the eye can reach from the shore, but the U. S. Weather Bur- eau report that the central portion of the lake is broken 'up. On Lake On- tario the ice is reported solid in the harbors, but in the body of the lake there are few ice fields. It only re- quires a few more warm days and a south wind to even things up a bit. Already a despatch from Sault Ste. Marie says ice in the St. Mary's river is breaking up, the earliest in years. .1 Why Cough Syrups Fail. They slip quickly over the sore irri- tated membranes, drop into the stom- ach and do little else but harm diges- tion. It's different with Cata.rrhozone —you inhale it. Every breath sends healing balsams to the inflamed tis- sues, Tightness, soreness and inflam- mation are cured by healing pine es- sences. The cough goes away, throat is strengthened, huskiness is cured. Nothing so simple, so convenient, so certain to cure as Catarrhozone, Try it. 25c and $1.00 sizes. Sold every- wher e. Teeswater. There have been no new cases of smallpox, and only the Kelp family is affected. Mr. Alex. Cameron, .4th line, has rented his farm to his sons, Alex. and Miles, and will himself take a trip West during the summer, Mr. Geo. Stother, wlio for a time owned the bakery here, and for the last two years has been in Walkerton has sold out. He has bought a farm near Dungannon and will move onto it right away. After being for more than three years a helpless invalid, airs. Absalom Hardly passed away about eleven o'clock, Tuesday morning at the home of her son, W. J. Hardy, Elora St. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis which carne on Monday evening. This was the second or third stroke suffered by the deceased. At the annual meeting of Knox church congregation a committee was appointed to take into -consideration the matter of repairing or altering the construction of the church building. Knox Church was built over thirty years ago and at that time was an up- to•date structure. But with the flight of time ithas dropped somewhat be- hind the times, at least so think many of the mpre liberal and enterprising members of the congregation, and for some time the making of extensive alterations has been under considera- tion. . A THOUSAND -PITIES. That everybody whose skin is on fire with some one form or another of Skin Eruptions, should not know of Dr. Agnew's Ointarcnt. Ono applica- tion controls the flame—la few ap- plications cure. Its a wonderful treatment in cases of blind, bleeding, itching and ulcerating Piles, Tetter, Salt 1theum, Scald -head, Ring -worm, Eczema, Itch, Skin Blotches, Pimples, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots. Dr. Agnew's Ointment is specially efficacious ds a Pilo Cure, Apply it before retiring for from 3 to 5 nights and a cure is assured. (31) For Sale by A, L, I-IAMILTON. 44444444444444444444444444 You Make A - Mistake If yott buy a Piano with- out seeing our stock, comparing prices and taking into account the quality of the instrument. Al! the best makes always in stook — Heintzrnan, Newoombo, Dominion, and others. Also Organs, and the very best Sewing Machines. David Bell gt4t1 --Opp. 9kittleif limit 4444444444444444444444444 40IW1+WW ALWAYS IN THE LEAD 444444444444.4••444, For the largest and finest selections of the following brand new goods, D. M. GORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the lead—in Styles, Qualities and Prices, Why 2 Because we understtind where to buy and when to buy, so that we can give customers the very best values obtainable in the country, viz,,, Dress Goods in all shades, designs and textures ; special attractions in Black Silks ; beautiful and extensive range of Blouses, in Silk, Muslins and fine Lawns. See our immense stock of fine Laces, In- sertions, Embroideries, Sze. The largest and most complete range of Window Curtains in Lace, and charming shades and designs in Madras Muslins. Very pretty Prints—the prices will please you. Please come in and see the goods ; our description of them fails to do them justice. Groceries—Pure and Fresh. Great Values. Highest Prices For Good Trade. D. M. CORDON mlywwwm h[,11,Aimi6 Sorin.! Furniture MONEYI The balmy days of Spring are here, and along with thele come housecleaning time. If you are in need of a piece of Furniture of any description, this is the time of year to renew. Our stock is so large and prices so reasonable, that you can't pass us by without doing yourself an injustice. We need money, which is another reason why we are so anxious to turn some of our elegant Furni- ture into cash. Give us a call. SPRING BEDS. We have the best, guaranteed for five years, worth $3.50—Our Price, $3.00. Buy one and. have the best. Extension Tables. Our stock in this line is certainly complete, and you can't afford to pass us by if you need any- thing in this line. Baby Carriages and Go -Carts. Our stock this season is larger than ever. Do not fail to see them. The goods and the prices will satisfy you in every re- spect. 4 A Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ,111 al • , . 11 1 . 61111110i11 0 s., 1 ... OF) ,Ilea, . 1 1 i , i .b lie , GRACE Furniture Dealer Watch This Space Every Week There is going to be some doings in Furniture prices, if big Ads. count for anything. Don't get exeited. We will meet the biggest cut prices, right down to cost if neeessary. 1 never plead poverty in order to catch sales, nor can 1 boast of riches. Have always paid my aecoa:rnts when asked, and hope I always will be able to do so. T don't intend to be 'undersold ; so if it's big bargains you are after, it's your privilege to see which store has the biggest stock and gives the best priees, Will give some special prices later. S. GRAGEN tirnitare Dealer and Undertaker .ui Wli u- Eli I....i 6.l.n erirts aiiia rr> Ir iinAeieeia>rre Ole Clinton, 1:(1)1t)..04::::$1,1111 of tha Base Lille he4 a hose ghed Upen the town scales onTuesday which tipped the beam at Mt'. W. L. Lindsay, of town, bas bought the Farr grocery stock In God• eriob, and will move to the, county town at once, Mr. J. B. Hoover was elected to the Board of Management of the Wood, even of the World, at the annual meet, ing in London last week, Dr,. Shaw, M. D. 11,IoTaggar't, and R. Holmes, were in Ottawa last week to interview the Minister of Militia, eon, cerning the military celebration at Quebec. Mr, 5, Kemp has shown a number of receipts which are considerably over one hundred years old. They are in manuscript and though the writing is somewhat faded it is still quite legi- ble, Dame Rumor has it that there is to be a new band organized here, called Clinton's White Dyke Band, and we understand that the instruments are ordered, and will be here in a few days. A meeting of the Local Option Asso dates for Last and West uron will he held in Ontario St. Church on Thursday, April 10th, at 10 a.m. Rev. Mr. Spence of Toronto will be present to address the gathering. The Clinton and Baso Line Baptist churches have extended a call to Rev. J. P. Charlesworth of London who has the matter now under considera- tion, Mr. Charlesworth is an English- man, but has been in this country about fifteen years. Horses are not by any mentis in as keen demand this season as a year ago, and, in consequence, prices have fallen from fifteen to twenty per cent. Some shipments are, however, being made to the West and Montreal and it is hoped that with a favorable spring the prospects will improve, The Fair farm of 214 acree which was offered on Wednesday, March 25th, was sold to Mr. W. Wheatley for $10,125. The faun is about as well situated and convenient to Clinton, as any farm could be ; it is worth a couple thousand dollars more than it sold for and was a good bargain at the price paid. Manager Mutch must be taking exceptionally good care of the inmates of the House of Refuge for though they are mostly of an advanced age and number eighty-four, there bas not been a death in four months, or to be more exact since the 27th of Novem- ber last. The following will show what a good old age many of them have reached :-12 are between 70 and 75 years, 15 are between 75 and 80, 0 are between 80 and 85,'1 are between 85 and 90, 5 between 90 and 95, and 1 over the century mark. To care for so many old people is a task that is trying, but Manager Mutch and his good. wife are winning theolden opinions of the inmates and all con- cerned in the management. to - - TIRED LIVING. Ten Years of Rheumatic Torture Had Sapped all Joy from Life, but South American Rheumatic Cure Proved the Life Nectar. "For over ten years I was a great sufferer from rheumatism. I tried many remedies and was under treat- ment of best medical men, but noth- ing gave me any hope of a cure. 1 procured a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure; its effects on me were truly wonderful, for when I had taken but one bottle every pain and symptom of rheumatism had left me. I heartily recommend it." — W. H. Sherman, Morrisburg, Ont. (32) For Sale by A. L. HAMrLTON. —Here is something many perhaps never heard before and will doubtless find hard to believe when you do hear it, although it is true. The spider's web is so light that if you were to take a pound of it and unravel it it would be long enough to reach all the way round tie world, with a sufficient quantity left to reach from New York to San Francisco. •3, • Are Yen Drowsy After Meals ? Is there a fulness in your stomach— a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep—this isn't natural in healthy folks and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need a stimulating tonic—need Dr. Hamilton's Pills to stir your liver and put life into sleepy organs. You'll. feel brisk and lively—you'll eat, digest and sleep well after regilating with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, No medicine so universally used, so mild, so sure to benefit as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers in '25e boxes, —Wild horses by the thousands are overrunning the United States Gov- ernment forest reserves of Nevada and neighboring States, and the au- thorities in Washington are besieged with petitions froni stockmen and farmers begging then) to put a stop to the nuisance. A recent despatch from Reno conveyed the intelligence that, there are fifteen thousand of the un- tamed beasts upon the Toiyabe, To - quina, and Monitor forest reserves in Landor County alone, and that orders have been received by the forest rang- ers to begin a systematic war of exter- mination upon them. 40, 44N I3xceptional Va lu . In Dress Goods Each Season Brings Increased Business In Our DRESS GOODS and SILK Department, 3 REASONS Broadcloth Finished Venetians. All -wool French Cloth of unusually attraotive quality, all French dyed, new shades �. of Navys, Greens, Browns, Cardinals and Wines, all par- ticularly rich. 50c, 75c and $1.00. WE WE WE HAVE THE GOODS. HAVE THE STYLES HAVE THE VALUES New Spring Tweed Suitings. A large range of half -dollar imported Tweeds in NEW Ombra STRIPES and CHECKS in very pretty colorings. Special Price, 50c, NEW WEAVE.. BLACK MIRROR POPLIN.—Very fine weavewith silk cord effect, looks like silk, will wear better than dollar silk, double width, our Special Price only—$1.00. OTTAMAN CORD.—Six pieces new Ottaman Cord Dress Goods, very fine, hard finish, all -wool goods, very wide, shades are blue, brown, black, green. Price -50c. VOILES.—Very pretty weaves in new shades, com- prising navys, browns, cream, black and green, very wide. Prices -50c, 75c, $1.00. We are showing extra value at 50 cents. • PANAMAS.—All that's new in Panamas are in stock, all shades. Prices begin at 50c. PONGEE,—Rough, soft, silk fabric, woven from the natural uncolored silk. This is a very popular dress material and makes up very pretty and serviceable Snits. Ask to see it. Price per yard, 65c to 90c. SPUN GLASS LINING.—To match all shadee of Dress Goods. Our price, only -20c. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Draw Braids in all shades, Silk Sautache Braids, fancy Dresden, Appliques in Alice Blue and all new shades, shaded Sequins, Gimps, Oriental, Silk, Gipure over Laces. Compare our Prices with city catalogues and see if we don't beat them. We will match values and prices with. any concern in Canada. H. E. ISARD CO. „*. 1 4f- 41 4 4 4 4 Q 4 4 SAYE THiS ANYWAY. a Here is a simple home-made mix- ture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the d, statement in a New York daily news- 4 - 'paper, that it will relieve alinost any C case of Kidney trouble if taken before 4 the stage of Bright's disease, He states that such symptoms as lame - a' hack, pain in the side, frequent desire 1 to urinate, especially at night, pain- ful and discolored urination, are read- ily overcome. .Here is the recipe ; try it : lu d k ExtraDan lin -,a r xf c deo ,one 1 if ounce ; Compound Largon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces, Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. , A well-known druggist here in town is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily .nixed at home by shaking well in a bottle, This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothingeffect upon the entire Ritd- ney arr'tlr•inary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Mieu- nratisrrt in just it; little while, This mixture is said to remove alt blood disorders and cure the Il.henmatism by forcing the I{fclneys to filter and strain from the blood and system an uric taeld and foul, decomposed waste matter, which rause these afflictions, Try it if you aren't well. Save the preserlptlon. 41 a 4 4 4 4 IF Il: -Pi- DS Y 14 4, Seeding . time will soon be here. Get the Seeds that will grow h for sure. We sell Timothy, 94, Alsike, Flax AND A FULL LINE OF Field, Garden & Flower Seeds. All Clean, Fresh Goods. AT CENTRA. HARDWARE THE OLD SEED HOUSE IL 4, 4 4 4 4• r, tf 4