HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-02, Page 44 New Spring Goods. 4l1Tl�l�t1l�l�t+►OAP�b We've just opened out our New Goons for Spring and Summer. To say they are the nicest range 'ever shown here, is putting it pretty strong. But really, the Battings are beautiful, both in design and material. The prevailing oolkrs are elephant grays and browns, in stripes and plaids. Of courser blacks and blues are always cor- rect, and we have a large range of these goods. HATS,—A choice stook of fiats for the Spring and Summer in all the newest styles. FURNISIIINGS.--A. good new stock in all lines of Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Fancy 'Vests, &c. Come in ! Come in 1 Robt. Maxwell Tailor & Men's Furnishers IS A BLEN It is made from a choice selection of the best Man- itoba hard wheat and the pure white winter wheat of this Province. The expert care in the milling and blending makes JEWEL FLOUR give such splendid results that it quickly be - ED FLOUR comes the housewife's favorite. For pastry, biscuits or bread it is highly recom- mended, and our many years' experience insures uniformity of quality. In- sist on JEWEL BRAND. Your grocer can get it, Manufactured by PFEFFER BROS. Milverton, Ont. No formality or delay in opening Large or small sums may be deposited or withdrawn as desired. WiNUHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH - Agent THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ,ALEX. LAIRD, General elenager A. H. (=ELAND, Superintendent of Branches WIN RA11 ADVANCE, ,THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1.90S. 044.4444 .inZi)nm Abb ante TbMo, hCall Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 1801 Paid-up. Capital; $1 c000mia Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Ungland' A GENERAL BANKING EUSINESS 'TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL ANb FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED) 84 SAVINGS, BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever i t thewithdrawal of the whole orrany portion of the deposit. Ebitotf at --Japan has put $250,000,000 into the nationalization of railways, Canada also has put tnlllions into railways, The difference is that Japan to -day owns her own railroads, while the pri- Vate corporations own Canada's rail, ways, with On exception or two, WINGHAM BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. *** The Redistrikntion Hili. Educational Changes. The Redistribution Bill for Ontario lin 413111 now before the Legisletere, constituencies: is n* before the COM e number of changes are outlined. Mittee of the Legislature. It is too Jit l utero then '1\1;117.01r ill be no Catrtinua- much to expect that itis: provisions tion schools and l;1170i c1asse:, at dis: would be satisfactory to every riding. ticttobeing dbettw I''urtirer, it would he difficult to pre- grades n of what wi'oreatvi1tliti et:toween ter•metio vent the ery of "gerrymander" from euneeeenately Continuation classes. solea Liberal papers, unless the con- The Continuation school will impart stituencies were , so arranged AS to instruction in advance of and incite give their party a supremo advantage sive of thn,t prescribed for the Fifth at every point of the compass, class of the Public school, and inay That no gerrymander of the pro- employ one, two or three teachers. vince bas been attempted is evident The Continuation schools will be to from the ° fact, that taking the last all np, rural h3tlli provincial election as a basis, only schools,intents andna, unddpurer theosesnew classffica- three constituencies have been Chang- tion, (already number over 100. The three so as to give a gain to Conservative abject of the Government is to de- representation. ie- r so atio . Of these, of tlieln rep a nt se ole n a. , 3 velop these schools so that before long (Brocicvllle) has since gone Conserve -there will be one in every township in hive, so that the Conservative gain bY the province. The other so-called the Redistribution Bili affecting the Continuation classes, exceeding 300 in —Speaking of Ontario finances, the (Weekly Sun says :—"Tho Province is in an infinitely better position finan- cially than is tbe Dominion. The per capita expenditure for Ontario is less than one-fourth that of the Dominion, and our net Provincial indebtedness is less than one-seventh per head that standing against Confederation. But. if our position is maintained Mr, Matheson must sit a little more tightly on the lid of the Ontario strong bon.}, * —About three hundred thousand bushels of oats which were shipped front points in Europe for seeding pur- poses in Manitoba and the North-west have arrived at Fort William. It was intended to stop the shipment there to be recleaned, in order to insure its being free from weeds, but it was found on inspection to be so clean and absolutely free from all kind of dirt or weeds that this was dispensed with. Grainmen say that it is the finest sam. ple they have ever seen. = It was grown principally in Scotland, Eng- land, and Belgiutri. ** —The census returns of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, taken last year, are to hand. Between 1001 and 100¢ the population of Manitoba in- creased from 255,211 to 305,688 ; Sas- katchewan from 91,279 to 257,703, and Alberta from 73,022 to 185,412. These three provinces almost doubled their population in five years. In twenty years from now the. West will have more representation in the House of Commons than Quebec, and sturdy Western members will hold the bal- ance of power in Canada. It will per- haps be a 'good thing for Canada on the whole, if this should' be the case. 444.4144.411441144.444********** •••••••4444.11444....•••••• 'I Coal Coal i We are solo agelits for the celebrated Scranton Goal, wliloh has 110 equal, ,Also the beat grades of L th1ng,• launch and Do. medic cioal and Wood of kinds, always on hand, stdefiloe Phone, +• N 44 r! rti1, 55 i t .. No. 04 Mil We carry a hill Steck of Lumber (dressed or ttndces' feed)! Shingles, Lath, Cedar It'oSte Larrela etc. ttigheot Price Paid for all kinds of Logo. J. A. I[oLEAN 4 * present constituencies has only been two seats, and one of those seats went Liberal by so (narrow a majority that it might properly be called doubtful, By no stretch of the imagination then, can the Bill be distorted into a geri'y- mender. —The Western Fair Association has deckled to hold an Athletic Day, on Monday, Sept. 14, ier connection with the London Fair, putting on the following events : 1 -100 -Yard Dash. 2 -220 -Yard Dash. 3—Half-mile Dash. 4—One-Mile Dash. 5 --County Relay Race ; team of fonr ; one mile ; open to counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford, Kent, Essex, Huron, Lamb - ton, Perth, Bruce, Waterloo' and Wellington. 0—Y. M. C. A. Relay Race ; team of four ; one mile ; open to Canada. Townships Relay Race ; one mile ; team of four ; open to town- ships of Middlesex, including Indian Reserve. Medals and trophies will be given as prizes. —In closing the debate on the bud- get, in the Legislature, on Thursday last, Hon, Mr. McKay accused the Government of introducing the spoils system. Premier Whitney said, in reply, that he had a story to tell :— Up in North Grey (Mr. McKay's con- stituency) some time ago four ballots were improperly taken from the bal- lot box and were found in the posses- sion of a certain man, wi' h crosses put in on them. "That man," said Mr. Whitney "was Mr. McKnight, regis- trar and returning officer for North Grey, and I here and now apologize to the people of Ontario for not hav- ing had that man horsewhipped out of office and the public employ long ago." One of the evidences that Premier Whitney has endeavored to be fair is seen in the fact that in some cases both parties are dissatisfied. Take (trey county for instance. 'At the last rearrangement of seats by Liberals., the county was so arranged, that Leader McKay was returned. North Grey Conservatives declare that Hon. Mr. 111c1Cay's seat is the result of a Liberal gerrymander, and that it does not conform either to geographical or municipal lines, or to the census, which determine the general character of the redistribution. They naturally expected that the unfair arrangement would be rectified. But Mr. Whitney has declined to interfere, and thus dis- turb the opposition Leader, and per- haps cause his defeat. The result is, North Grey Conservatives are up in protest. (:Huron county seems to be another storm centre. At the last election, South Huron was strongly Conserva- tive, East Huron strongly Liberal, and the West riding so close, that the Liberal majority was only two, and hence that riding might be regarded as extremely "doubtful." By the pro- posed arrangement, the South would be Conservative, the North good fight- ing ground with chances in favor of the Conservative (though Mr. Proud - foot, the Liberal nominee, is said to claim that he could win it), and the Centre a Liberal hive. Regarding the Centre riding, it is saki that Goderich Conservatives strongly object to being placed in a riding where their votes, will be swal- lowed up, and we can scarcely blame them. —In dealing with the Dominion's in- debtedness the Finance Minister says that while there has been an increase in the total, there has been an actual reduction per head. Owing to the ad- dition made to population in the inter- val the per capita debt of Canada stood at $12.81 in 1907, or nearly $8 less than in 1800. The Weekly Sun however, points out that the per capi- ta indebtedness is still alarmingly high, amounting as it does to over four tittles that of the United States. Moreover, the Americans are rapidly reducing their indebtedness per head, the amount to -day being only about one-sixth what it we.s in 1870. 13e - sides our neighbors are aceoinplishing this with en expenditure for all par- poses of $7 per heart of their popula- tion, while one national expenditure is equal to $14 per head. ** —A, paper recently presented at a meeting of the i3reneh Biological So- ciety by Dt. L. 13, Xiobinoeiteh has caused a sensation. The author, who is a lady physician, mato the start- ling claim that she has discovered a method of restoring to life persons who have been killed by eleetrieity. tier Method. is ,to give the patient a series of rhythmic electrical impulses, thus re-establishing respiration and cardiac reaction and restoring sensi- bility. The carne treatment has been. successfully applied where the subject bad been suffering from a syncope produced by ehloroform. She propos• es to cotyle to New York and obtain permission to try her remedy on the next murderer electrocuted in prison, If she obtains permission end succeeds in restoring en executed murderer, the courts would be pu led about his standing. Ho might demand to be set free having submitted once to the • punishment tireserlbed, number, have been really doing Fifth class work. These will now be termed Giftli classes, and financial induce- ments to extend and improve their courses, will, it is hoped, cause them to multiply rapidly. The design is to secure to the rural parts and to the small urban centres better facilities for secondary education. With the object of supplying teach- ers, having the special qualification in elementary agriculture and horticul- ture and in workshop training needed in rural schools and in snna11 industrial centres, courses will be provided at the Ontario Agricultural College, sup- plementary to the Normal school training, Each course will be one of three months and the travelling ex- penses and board of the candidates will be paid. The amendments also give the Min- ister of Education power to establish Model schools, the intention being to assume control and financial support of such Model schools as are to be re- tained, these being situated in such parts of the province as require, for finanoial reasons, teachers with the new third class certificates, which wilt take the place of tbe present district certificates, but of a higher grade. The Model school examinations will, therefore, in future be conducted by the department, its are ' the Normal school examinations, and all certifi- cates of qualification will hereafter be issued by the minister. Another important amendment pro- vides for the payment of the new ad- ditional grant to urban schools (to be voted this. session) on the basis of the grade of the teacher's certificate and the length of his successful experience. The experience of the teacher will also be a factor in paying the grant to the rural schools. Personally, the editor of this paper does not approve of "hiving," but per- haps it cannot be avoided in some cases. To make a Liberal hive of Centre Huron (or any other constitu-' ency) is to discourage all spirit and life in the local Conservative associa- tions. They are apt to conclude, it is no use to fight, and so lay their armor by. On the other hand, the opposite party, seeing this, is apt to become arrogant and overbearing. This is perhaps only human. A good fight- ing chance in such ridings tends to keep alive the spirit in both political parties. Big Surplus, Yet Borrowing. A couple of weeks ago, the Toronto Globe came out with the following glaring headlines— GREATEST SURPLUS CANADA EVER SAW. Now, the truth begins to be seen, The Government is near the close of a financial year, and has no money. Hon. Mr. Fielding has iesited a call for funds, and so over fifteen million dol. lars was placed at his disposal. Or- dinary people will wonder how two weeks ago there was the "greatest .sur- plus Canada ever had," and yet within a few days the Government was "hard up." Here 19 a despatch to an inde- pendent daily paper, that "tells the tale. Ottawa, March 21—To-day has been devoted almost entirely to the voting of money. We are getting very close to the beginning of a new finan- cial year, and unless a supply bill steps through very soon, the Govern- ment will find itself with empty poc- kets, for appropriations lapse at the end of a fiscal year. Indeed, there are signs besides that the heel of the year finds the Government hard up, and in need of a bit of relief hese and there. Here is another point worthy of notice :-'--if this "biggest surplus that Canada ever saw" is really a fact, is it not strange that Finance Minister Fielding should have had to borrow so much recently, and still be "hard up." Here is a at of tnoney he has borrow- ed within the past few months :— In August last Mr. Fielding .bor- r;owed $2,500,000 for It year at four and a half per cent. Tn Deeereber last lie borrowed $7,500,000 for five years at four per cent, la January he borrowed $5,000,000 for a year at four and a half per cent. Last month he borrowed $2,000,000 in x3'i'anee for a year at four per cent. Ile has completed, negotiatiotle for 1t $15,000,000 loon for forty'two years at three and It half per cent. During part of last year Mr. Field. Ing was paying ,is high es site per cent to the flank of Kngland on oyer drafts amounting to $1,500,000, Meanwhile the Canadian depositors in the savings bank, from tvlaon the ' ov'ernu ettt lute $0'J,000,000 borrowed, are reeelving only three per Dent. We Sell 1 t1ErORe AND AFTER TREATMENT. Canadian Tettearine is an absolute, certain'care for Eczema, Acne Hosea, Tetter, Pini les, Blackheads, Riug8wwarm, rlarbers'l:teh Scald rread,Itchiug Pt1es, Ulcera, Sores, and ai( cutaneous and faeiul bleinisiica. Has been thoroughly and successfully tested to hundreds of so called iucurabie cases. Itis entirely unlike an other prep1aration,. mixture or oiut,nent that flus been sold or pre- scribed. A few applications will convince that is has wondetful utcdieal virtue and intrinsic merit. It is etude in Canada. A good honest Cala. dian preparation; Price one box Fifty Cents, or five boxes Two Dollars. ronliled to any address on receipt of price, Sold and recoinutended by all leading Drug- gists in Canticle. Pamphlet free to any address. Manufactured and sold by the so -e proprie- tors. The Tettering Chemical Co. Windsor. Ontario. Sold in Wingham by—J. Walton McKibben, A. L. Hans ton, Lr, 11. Walley, Druggists. W. J. PRICE B.S.A, L,D.S., D.D.S, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and I,iceetiato of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OrrIcs Ix HEAVER BLociC — WiNotrot on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis- faction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We mean this— and ask all those who are sick and need strength to try it with this understanding. J. Walton McKibbon, Druggist. Spring Term OPENS APRIL 1st Canada's Greatest Chain of High - Grade 13ustness Colleges, located at Prcm,sanoaouorl CLINTON Oiu soaVIL.LE Wir o Loss WAL :ERTON' Goons -nen follows tho custom of business concerns and takes no vacation. Stenographers, Book - keepers and Telegraphers aro in great demand in July, August, September and October. We train more young people than any other management in Ontario, There must bo a reason ; write for it. MAIL COURSES. WJNGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A. Hrn.trea, M.A., Ph,D., Vine.1'rineipal GEo. Srorrort, Principal. ARTIIUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.A.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Oflloo in Macdonald Block— Miss Elizabeth E. Grant Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta- tion, Harrnony. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams. Studio in Macdonald Block — 2nd Floor. Terme. on application. DOMINION BANK. HEAD D OFFICE, TORONTO, Capital paid up) $3,848,000 ,00. Reserve ori, pxv 1t i` ' - $5,068,000 4000000 A Total sets Assets, Oi'ef 8 $ y s WINGHA11i 131LANOI1. EdrrnbrA Notes discounted. Dolts sold. on all points in Can. oda, the United: State* and I1urope. SAVDNDS DEPARTMENT. Iuterost allowed ou depotes of 'IA and 110Wardn, and added to erin0101 quarterly, D. T. II I ER RR, lattagcr . voiaetone, 13ollaltor W INGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspeotion.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address ' MISS ICATHRINE STEVENSON, • Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. SPRING TERM From April 1st. Enter now and bo ready to accept a good position in the summer or fall. Attend ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONx. Canada's High Class School. This college has Ba'rrr:Ie courses, BrTTsR teachers, BiTTim equipment. fE•rTt a facilities for placing students in positions than the average business college. Open entire year, A11 graduates get positions, Handsome Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL Cor. Yonge R Alexander Sts. j CANADIAM HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the first Friday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. m. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates front any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men. REv. T. S. BovLE 0, H. COOPMAN Leader Rec. Secretary W. J. WVLEs - Fin, Secretary SPRING TERM OPENS APPAL isr CENTRAL Affiga STRATFORD. ONT. Thoroughness is the key -note of this institution. Our school stands for what is HIGHEST and BEST in business education. We have three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegra- phic. Our graduates always succeed. If interested, get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT 6, MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS Protection and Safe Inestment AItE COMMNED IN The Endowment Policies —Or -- The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest e earned in 1000 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local ,Agent — Wingham. 60 'hf EARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TIRADE MARK* DCSIaNS OtlimennaH're &c. Anyone sending A sketch and deeeriptMn MAY quickly axeorta,tn ow opinion roCer (ether an tionss�trict1tycc�entittdcntral tllAlio o I( ea Patent sent free. Oklo,t agency for Recur I ateate. ,Patents takers through Munn Co. reeeltre fiat'Jiotea8 wlth utOlir Sclentthlc jr,JiinerI a�1• 1 1 u kt t etr• lee ! i dtrAtocl ae oa A :<ndso Y Y �atr or � n Clantiae Ouraal 1 uuna to ciis yn . e O and .76 a 31144 0 a prepaid. So d Ci �A1glit oe. lI' IIi,alVt.eblutst, v l The People's Papular Store 5,. 11 1,..I ai.J. .. n1.,1)04I 1 , 6,,1 .fl.014., 0 1,1,1.1;4 JNO. WING HAM, CONT. tr i► P`i�+►i+►1► ► Oi01i8444+ 44" •iA04•eire eeeeesO44b#► Women's Now Shoes Dainty Dress Goods For Spring Wear For Sprung Wear Oxfords for Women's wear will be very fashionable this season, in fact your Spring wardrobe will not be complete without one or two pairs of Oxfords. Our stock is now complete, and it is be¢tcr to make your choice now when there is a full range of sizes in all styles, rather than wait till later ou and be unable to secure what you want. A,,k to see our Oxfords, Chocolate Bluoh. Oxfords, Patent Bluoh. Oxfords,. Dongola Kid Oxfords, Biuoh° and Bal. Women's Fine Boots For Spring Wear, ' Our stook is complete. We have all the newest shapes and styles from the best makers in Canada. They're honest goods— no shoddy. Firie Patent Leather Boots, kid top, Fine Dongola Kid Boots, Much. and Bal. New Lace Curtains. Imported direct from England. Good siz Newest designs and quality guaranteed. Prices from 2bo to 00.00 a pair. New Art Muslins and Art Sateens. Tho very newest styles and colorings. See them. Prices, from 10c to 25o a yard. Ladies' Home Journals April, 15c; regular price Get yours now. We have a very wide range of lovely Dress Goods for Spring and .Summer wear. All new styles • and newest weaves jest to hand a few days ago. The largest stock we have had for Spring,. In -Black Ooods. We have English Arinure, Cheviot, Mohair, Lustre, Henri- etta, Orepenne, ];Trench Natte, Taffeta, oto., etc. In Colored Goods. We have Venetian, Panama, Voile, Mohair, Cashmore, Lustre, Taffeta, Fancy Tweeds, etc. Dainty White Goods. Some are in sheer beautiful effects. Then there are slightly thicker effects for early Spring wear, some woven plain, others with neat, small figures, or over cheek. Some stripes and em- broidered spots and open em- broidered work in the newest and daintiest effects, New Table Linen, We aro just in receipt of a large shipment of fine Tabic Linen from Euglaud. We'll take pleasure in showing these goods. Fine Table Cloths with Napkins to match. Flue Table Linen by the yard. We have also received to o pieces of the old style "Loom Dice Table Linen," tho kind that wears longer than any other make. for Ladies' Home Journal Monthly 20c. - Style Books for April are here. Call and get one free. •IIiCI. Oa, e Illeallainn 1II4%Jii,W1i✓116611 i:l 1.Yi,L.11 Li 11( ]S � ISR 19(8 We have all kinds of Grain in stock for seed— the purest strain of Manchuria Barley—Goose Wheat for seed—Seed Peas—Silver Hull and Black Buck- wheat for seeding--Millet—Hungarian Red Clover— Alsike—Mammoth Lucerne and Timothy—all govern- ment standard—White Clover—Evergreen Lawn Grass —Kentucky Blue Grass—Meadow Fescue—Red Top —Orchard Grass—Italian Rye Grass—Fall Oat Grass and Essex Sowing Rape—Flax for seed, pure ground flax—ground Oil. Cake—National Molasses Stock Food —Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves, to take the place of the cream taken out by the Separators. SEED CORN. This is going to be a hard year to.get good. Seed Corn but I have secured a quantity of Early Learning, Bailey, White Cap Dent, of the best germinating quali- ties, also Compton's Early, Salzer's North Dakota. Call and get your corn early as you can keep a bag better than we can a hundred, as corn heats in a pile, and you can test it before planting. JUST ARRIVED. A carload of Stock Feed, composed of Wheat, Coal, Oats and Barley, also Shorts, Bran and Flour. Before ordering your Seeds for this Spring, you are respectfully invited to call and inspect our stock. a A. Mills WINGEAM