HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-02, Page 3__ ___ . , I . , — llklihil�� — - __ Wft&U-f; ...... .1 . . . . . . . �� jam; — — — �& __ , Awift; Akkmki,* 1 -4- — 1 I '. 1. I % — f—, is � 11 " jz_�__I_ , I , �.,,,.,ILW ,� - Q � It V I 1. M. 4:. LtAL _A­L.�dfig - I — — m��­ � — .� '.. ,, '. I I I ,*,��_*__ " . I ., § I . I lw_"V,�'.. I � I * I . - - A�V, K7, ­71"7VII, r, T -VI , I "I - I . ,0 , '�_ , "'. .. I , . � . I 11 ". . I I � . I . , 11 � . I'll e�"_��, I . I I .11. . . 4 . ..�=04:490=10 . -*,, _­� ---"--, I . ­— -�_- ­ _,­.�­ .__ . . . - i 4, 1 1 1 .1 � I" 001 I - . ­ - - � �, 11 - 11 .. I I - - � .. I I I ,l , . I- 0. _­__ � I � \ -#,- . 1110000, . to -it Court Are iniowor w"mr,U*n tibey. liarl an -a sollie pou", or toilltarl., official, � J...% 41 .�..1.,.1,4,.._,..,,_. ...# _.._#.. - I 4 . - .. — '-f _�Twqft . I ;0, I.. I I - k , A A, ...,.,,4 ul,oul be tsught every branall 01 . ,.V , . . e.l,�... ..+., . L ,,e. . bovil beeti. for it mi-tury or ni-orv. A re Wlif In this loading la y of all __ I . .. . . . holiaoigooping, And Should J* to , ey T , olaw , 4 - lxxly of iloexiliployed have bfta tuni,44 SPRING BLOOD zru'g t a boatitiful wife of their ov. #. 11 _ 11 I # 0 0 ; Olt to clean out the mild, 4414 for tit' ;, to, acquire all the knowled - Ib , � ; : " -1 . go, " - 10 ral, Unlika Duke sorgius Alex. J* The Young Woman N in this department. They 6 ,uul.d: 4110 . I . - I � b, JiAAQuod to tell him About be taught Ole m.re of th4 ptroon, 04 , - rso. '4' IS BAD BLOOD. lot=` I � - I " "a o the w0or luts; bevii. lowored to � � I . Doings and Sayin"r Illeer It. $0011 be ivs$ Ili Ills boxx 4litl a tow�: T 0 A4 . I$ q, - 11 I . � 11 1 tit beitutify the battle, &W to . 1,; ­­_.... I - A x1luni;er of tbe nit -it are working: seconds later Olt the staWt,, s%-bote, gee. ,I, 001. the, Fairm gather a few beitma at Ilappin4es 4ta . - I I ­ ­ .. ­_ - -.1 . : Imm hdiallou- punts. 14%sk week it, koop- ing him qudtlelil�� pie . graild I � they tread. 41030 the tough vond ewled I I . ' � . I . er in his walIKI01-Illp found AIIA It, HAW loo GO Nvw Herdth 4n, - P . n oma Ing, sj,w , I , , _- ,.e fis' I . �. id d4beso. fainted, tim"'pe"" i . ­ . , . curtaill, NY44L life. . !, � . not ituprobably Ono of the ohimL an!- . vo ."e4-,%.,...,..i..��K.$,O.lsi.4q�ol,le4-.w.-,.,..,A.4*1.1"�i - , Engicind, down, And his royal higbnes4 re4ar"All" I - I ; Ther 1111vt tit. the luiash, S&U314i . xia.48. ill It"llglaild, Tlie curl) lives..fqr all , . . Strength in .tb� Spring., riot act both to his spotwe gu(I tile, Ira (AtW ,lielph k.,On- . � I. '41 ", - 11111,1101VII JH-Tioijl�-A hundreil, years of � , It. . ress Iq Dr. Bavitui at cz The girl with tile fluffy hfA.ir hxa, #1 , agov who IIA4, ullowea her ,to Appear In vention.). I ABOUT GARDENING. I 0,11 ive rroant (.4ke, Olot-olate Pudding Aalcf - � .. -1 - ago i -i vollch to it, and, the IwIl very T110 winter months Are trying to the illoat emphatic toring, Tbat'night tit tile . � '_ Prealli puffs: . I �104000010# . T � I. 040000004"0400" . I pos.,sibli waW ono of th,ose t�alvpd front 0 0 tile most robust. Confine- '414140 there Was 411 utirellearsod dome4. a Soas "For thit 1,,indls gaL-p, Illellep, exelaitalid, - OT . fing liell.1th, Of v 11 ('rho Iloule Journal.) How to Assmro Qn-Long Bloom - (London Daily Mail.) -11sggina, by natue. approached the gr " tile water 130 years ago, whell ill 0 ilient, indoor in overheated and xi�arly Lie drAunx of a ebaraeter not dowil on. The part, the youtig woulall plays in of Flowers -in st, Garden, the gill with t1ho pictilro list, olfow call The construction of on artificial 14ke and without A surplice read a psallit And Wativ was la�t elo.wed� T11's Awh 'NVAK Always badly ventilated, foolus-11i the tlle programme, f4rill life is of luore importance than of nine .And a half square, miles of, all 4 few prayers. The crowd'were muoli In.' certainly of great age, As tould W. tol4 , � ,-# On an.0thol, Account than that, Of .111, get 41VILY with 4)1 tl:at f4tllff.49 I., 110,110, lit the shop and lit the scliool­ . .. J. - I � . W01114 Appear At fir,it thought, while the bfl'ty to th g r , 'a to .4 "011. (Uetiug," free , zingly an%werf-41 the . censed, and told the vitrate that lie was front the greylleas of the seldes-s. $111-0 . 44008, .% 0 4 tl�ca pag il1wres'T, wLc t , 'aPhy, girl wItIt tho flurry Inill..' face and no less than fifty ralles round taxe's the vititlity of even the strongest. LAZY ANGLERS. Altes in the affair' Of the the favorite flowers of tile gardener Are A*- burying the irl Ulu- A. dog," Aind that ' Slign lit tbov�arp. A fiAl. of 14 lb4- 'Wa* The blood becomes thin .and watt,ry, or f4rin adds to her happirlosu 4114 the hAP- Wt x.1%V'A,V.s to be plullW in the largest __ I . . " I vaughtt on Tuesday. clogged with impurities, the liver slug- Big Trout Caught In 0.;lIlf9rni4 by 011"", a' tl"O box"- numbers, I.Phe flol.o6r* otigist to be chos- I tile top wator lize-twelve hours' steady lie "deserved intigbig.tj . . How Ono Helps the Other. and continuous w4king to walk rouittl,- . — 918b, the kidneys wealconed. Sometimes Men in Wagons or on Burros. '4110 most fortu.nate t1dog for a, girl on 0, that there shall be A, conotitua , sounds a. big undertakingl Yet the Lon- ARMY CAPTAIN'S SUICIDE, MARTYR TO X,RAY$. � you. get till. lit the niorning just as tired Is to bavo been barn and to have marclk of 41100,cediug blooin At , 1J'W-'1JJe 4alIQ Alnibitioll (Af the, Avtq,ago , season il-kin, 1,j -0 91-0 suplioa. )&Pont )let- early life oil a farm. 'liters 1,01, . p 1, W � � to illake 011-011es., - don Water Board will have, to face such Ali Inquest was )told oil Saturday all Dr. Hall IWwards, wlitiso left fQre%riu, " Wholl, You went to. bed. 8031W people e4l`:a4vlt��t, val.-­,.gulglel . g 0 Ilistailea it s, ga-rden cout4ha: -illa, )lave headaches, others tire loly spiriteil;' I 0 wo Pl*tX 4414 as A gencral . is nothing ill the world fitli young . I 114111--AlAt the one 4xiLitiou (if tbo or. , 'roeuses, tulips,, Peonies, llues, the Yap- � vrago 1VOIll.,111 !'I tu opend it. An undertaking ere long, the body of Captain Gerald Russell AS Already reported lit these Collin "* C Wing," �iuid 0410' of tilt guild, Olt tile Mel' Atli! young man 40 welt for the CA fi o t , I 1Ix 411 probalillity the huge now stor. Sowray, of the lat Shropshire Light In- had to be aniputiat,ed ten days Ago as 80WO h4ve PIMPleS And fild" erulAitn', 11 -1-All, ,xi aaA and ruil-beelcias. (omrtge - I . Age reservoir for the metropolis -will be fautry, Aillo was found shot dead at the result of the torrible disease can. These Are all spring symptoms that the PtIvelt of 0, flOdlig 00 lit) 41 tile Sierra, Voyage of life 4k; chlitillood. lit the daisy), tilese, In their ox-(Wr, will be ill ' situated some ten miles sogthweit of NArbittingtoil. Barracks, 1.1clifield, the tracted thraugh Ilia Investigations in tlie blood !a out of contlition. You can't cure 'Ma4re, "but IaPA- rsummer I *truck settle COlIlltT;r, It 144-a becoint Altogether bloom, from The Unpleasant Kind., , Rewling, a mile or so from the little X,ray tre4talent, had oil r . .rikesal 'ere of tile other killid. , 0119tOul, of � day . S crocus time In �Iiay to, rud- I ky re. these troubles with purgative, medicines, Angle too niltCh, t4q , A16�,i rulk-.S-1 SUPIX), ,tv " previous day. In the early fall, As a mat� ,io .Votl 3lev � village of Brimpton,L lit Berk%, Evidence showe�l lie was recently covered sufficiently to permit of all whiell merely gallop through tile systeln, -1 had hea.rd of *untc fixto fishing 1wav try- fur tile SAk.0 Of tile Children to ter I fact nearly 4.11 the flower -0 blooni (Ilreani Of murrAnXT 8eas , hat you need off -oval, tile divi4e Iteor .NeVadA aWil nwve into town In order that sollo.014 b 0 Tito embankment or dam, which At . 'h ." _"bv­4)Il * 19GIn0tiUl*4%-­Aft4ar a Is.to transferred front the disbanded battol- Over Daily 31ail represelita,tive 11111vill" you still weaker, NV y t -0 Cod of July, but Is-ith wofill I" -1 - f . -engtb lit spring is u, tallic, 'eut, but there uWaagentoilt t, . ..r -, *gestibJe sjlppvr� first will be erected to A height of some ion of the Manchester Ilegimenti and Ili sPe'llding ail ho�v with. hilli, to girl You gti went tllero� When I Atcrivod tho utt,tives may be more convord and artli.,11111TI'v IA41 . 50 feet, Is to black the -vallery of the consequence of au�cideut lmd, been Dr, Hall L,'dwardo Is"Inisk aud oliaer. ,and tile one always reliable tonle, And and ti, fo wreal unglers came out to �ize Are other things niore convenient- still, be garden �may be filled .1 . with flowers summer -long. Ora - Ruborne, a tributary of tile fill. Ifis remaining hand is biml builder is Dr. Williams, Fink pills. like up� On tbo elile of tale houso Ilan gild it Is those other things N01101L , lips. . Muses, tu. . Kennet granted a mouth's sick leay. lie wont .1 in such A , , I'd.ut, , 9 , 4affo-00, na -�qi . PoorBoyl ay just more than counterbalaxim tile 4dyall- are pre-eni-Inently the flowers of early Tilm '"fill)" 31(lal- � (which itself flows into the Thames), At to Dichfield with Ilia wife last Wedlics- painful Condition that it Ili inipo"ssible These pilla )lot only banish spring ills, elubt or ton. t I ii on't s _ . I rei, 1, and hyacinths I a point where that river traverses a -a. Cu ainst the more serioni how big they )Vero" but tho�y mil, looked tage. of being convellictit to the &prin�, to Vf illo neiv King of � �a7 and Colonel Dawidlis, th(? contiattuil- . for him to close his fingoi dously, from viel .. . . . AS $call as they fatte tale buii�, Portugal !a F,,,Ija to be liantlei, 41, ri,l deep,, narrow ravine. ing officer, remarked that lie looked Ill, enough, tile 44"PlItAtion has not altered Ailments tbat follow, such its Ana-emia, lit to 0�%,Ilty potuid�,Apleoe, and schools. �, 1,18 sensation of t . location t4tkell, with. p, " mind )!Ott. , � . i Initial, height of tile dam -50 fee I Firet at all, our �ovllg people should a" o taken up, And the 4ds inAy be filled .e0i,i,.,1,p.c CA4,)s Anjqlj,.t I.Wz .�A ig.11 e Ph t His wife stayed ill tile colovol,s house lie presence of t nervous debility, rheumatisto, ind - '. . $1,) 1 with fO, get-ine-liats and. dxisles,. the ,11-ow,,m(livi .Xarler pra . . .1 be 1'aft; 0 i zill not going to take yet% into iuy be' grounded lt� the love of home. r neisco tl'Asojs�! J�u. of 15,000,000,000 hand. The band which has been, remov- and kidney. trouble, Every 40SO of Dr. � betwd,a Aid M0111111139 iris, annual 9!0*9� Duke of -will cause a volume . , � Anti the captain slept in his quarters. Confidence And t.t,li you exactly whero There rihould be an affection for every phlox, tiger I.i� gather Above it, forming About nine 4'clouk on. Thursday night lie ed is ]low placed Ili tbo Birminglizin, f -ill. Willianis' Pink Pills makes now, rich red � g, do 1 e I Belu. And it nrust ixal, a a , Ille �poit is, but, I wIll gols-0 yen this t1p; hole, ,every tree, overy brook, every pansles, Iles a i H 0 Cannes) "' 4O`,yO`tt4 -It -that J4 hes, other troubjes, 'a"" 0 blood -which streug0lens every ligi-ve, � lv'a"ge res'ervoir sufficient, it is computed; sent Ills servant with a note to Ills wife, versity as a specimen. . Columbine. And, June4ong, gild in .111w",.ti(nl.--�Wiltill-ii,gto..I 1>09t. to supply . -y part of the body, It is oil the right sida going from Los hillside, lit And. a,bout the home farm. Iav,I,J,Iy into ,Tuly, th,aro will, of cotkrs,e.� - . I the needs of London to the but she tied then retired to rest. Next . 'For the Wit two pars," lie amid "I every orRan. and evei ,�.xigava to Portland, Ore., a4ia You tee , P � Asp . I 'Ble Voice of tile song -birds should be I have suffered agony front X-ray rma- ' 1111C Pills is - I year 1941, when the populatiOfi will, it morning when the reveille sounded lie _ .Vhiq �s why Dr. WOiams P to tho right. unti! jou come to the lit -ad sweeter than eboirs or orchestras. The be thei r,ses. Tableau. is estimated, be 0)600,(100. shot himself through, the head with a title. The day has been mostly occupied the favorite spring nieCicine with thou- � . Later In the suinatter there may come "Oyrtxg, jild you n1aall 'flkaxt, jetua I I � I 01 naligatiVII at A PL1UCe calleil'Huiubug knowledge of our own domostle a i , I Not content, however, with making British "bull -dog" revols-eic-, which the in Attending to my professional duties, sands and tholusamas throughout Canada. - in" to the flower beds in which th; early . V 41.0w, ,way up mals, their peculiarities and habits --of h4witt"I YOU tbm worning just �efore for 1941, the instructions Of , Arta At night tile paill line beco Try this modichie. tbla spring and you . Aaa6y 1 it OPOS"s tile summor flowera hAve ceased to bloom I 11 adjutant found lying by his side. me so un- in tile Adr, but gee YOU iltart,ed .kom Ipcintito �hr:vill,lilz,,ka and Stores Committee Q A verdict of suiclod while of Linsound" bearable that it has become neeedsary will have energy And strength to xesist ,. whizzi it pays, more $utcre4t th-an. the 11shut,lix crt.-R- coleva, gerandume, scarlat salvia,. dah- dr engineer were mind NrAs returned. - to admixilStor opitim. "There the torrid heat of the coining summer, ,;,rho second day aftei .I arrlve4'thore tures,of the Zoo.41 � Send the girls to Ilfts� plild.v, 9&Tden. thy I "' (1'.d, X11141Y. Y(Al l"Ad 9!11111�1)&Al it, I October ,28, 1907, to tb( , Is � no , me, surif olvers prtt.,,i.nI1.1v, - to fli.rther ascertain the cost And Capp" . doubt," he said Calmly, 1,that wkt4iu .AIrs. Jas. Haskel, Port Maitland, N. S, I vtxrtod out to c6t tho littlojiver that 6Chool. by itIt means, but keep them in and o0ratiqw,etr,4, 11MIly, no. I exi1c,"t,pil you to do city needful up to 1001 the coming year my remaining bai-d 5AYs, "I was troubled with headaches, flowed down train A big glaefer not toil line with the farm home. T,ot I the , , I by TAxiah time 99,000,000 CAPITAL. to Ili my mout4i my tongue milesa-way. I had, walked about a mile, Friday nighVs return be one of rejoic- And in the fail the, flome, of color need I ths:t.ft , I (though the point is one on which there must be removed.', . had A bad tas I hardly Abate, ior there is the f1dwer of "Widl I diti,i'tP) is coh.siderablo .difference of opinion) The thirteenth annual meeting of tho, Asked whether Ile intended was coated, and I waw easily tired Anil flY. fialling, and had picked up foiir or Ing And tile, Saturday's tramip over all flowere, the ChTysauthealuxii-though . R . . . . to tau- fiva beauties w Vhere don will hMV6 British South Africa Company was beld tinue lite professional duties, 31-hell,well suffered from a,feeling of depression. I .lien I rall into a 4lible L the farm, through the barns and y . --- . ills 'population of Lou tal of 16,500,000. at the Cannou-street Hotel on Thursday. got a supply of 1Dr. Williwns� Pink Pills, horse team. . not, t, . he happiest event of tale week. not aq =Any as people think, since but Uncle Allen, . reached the endrmaus to enough to do so, Dr, Hall E dwardis said few varieties will bloom out of d* I persons. Mr, Roolifort Uaguire, the vice-president that he hail no option, .'What movey he And it was not long before they began "One man wAs. driving and Olere were Do nut bring the youlig woulell I O0TsJ "Tt isn't tile hit -t t'hat thapaivas pub, lip there are the parennial Asters, the Japs. To meet this requirement the dank is in the courge of a long au4 interes. had earned lind been' spout Ili expert- to help mc., and I was soon feeling as twP men with, rods, and t1ioy were cast. ivitjt the Idea that there is something lith lli:) 1111,1011 1.)L�1%,,q -114�,.11t ex�ixu,L. I 1, Sajd , m t- , Ing froal. thil xrugov. lt beat all the Or- vulgar and unwomanly about taking liese aneauxones, tile second blossoming Una"a Allen .9 1 pw'ks, "'Olat malwa 111L. to be raised. from time to time, till At A ing speech, made the following I port- menta. well its ever I bad been." Yoix can get . I sit Interest Ili the stock oil the farni. of the larkspurs, the star -grass, taie Col. have iny doubta 11,6011t, the -world gr(r.v. height of 100 feet (the estimated finished, ant statements: I _w I ;� . these pills from any medicine dealer or ed anglere, I ev,cr saw, and not bein a. I Soittliern 11bodesla is no � sure tlixt I -%vasn?t seeing V, .ogy I ored berries of the Shrubs, as the ..o height) the capacity of the storage r Nqslork .Chia is a maudlin. sentiment altogether Cor' lo" 444t-fr 11�3 tliv fact I'llat that" I ,w fourth in by wall at 50 cents n box or six boxes ImAian cherry, 'the buall erfln'bea , I.I.-C , . WONDERFUL MOVING LINE. : for $;'>,,50 from the Dr. Williams' INredicine, sQlnethlog that 4klmlt,existA, I stopped too prevalent in this Country, I board common, bArberry, wiijd there is . 011d of 6"��Ifff tho pt,,ilplo 11m.111 to want the- list of British gold -producing poli- - Try, "ho servoir will be no, loss than 55)000,000,0()O o e till Col - gallons. I - I sessions. Co., Brockville, Ont, behind a lu.rge w4flow And watolied on Of out- greatest professors say, "I. to read." Such I arm a huge lake Our great object must be to secure Ono of the Most Interesting of Ant . � �: __ U , thera, do not kxiow' whst is the matter with chilounk or autumn crosus, the Jeruea- . I - operations will f are miles AM; that every settler who arrive% in Rhod- Phenomena on Record. . ... Dlie dzirer doove tit-, team lip to with- the women of Ontario -they. take no lom-artichoke, aziil if one boa a wEd . The Wrong Fruit, . of nine and a half squ I . KINGS WHO COULD EARN A ixi twenty feet of the imiter,'and Wien interest lit the domestic animals on earlier of garden, the fire -wood, and bit- He Moll- 1101' 4L lx?,1411, Whelt, lie pro. . having a top watel, line all round Of esia, sliall succeet], there., - �, Near the bank of the Guadalupe River, LIVING. - tho'so dead pine sports it,auld toes th-cir the farm, as if­thero were so torsweet and goldenrod and the Pasture �61t. i more than fifty miles. We propo I so to . with the I saw something green upon the I . I mebbing ljcuad ervoir the In- ground, flift in --,and gi-eat Soottl -waint oaatera vulgar about IL" And lie added, sr1f pink, musbroonis and A few pale eVelling 'But kiber 4. when t1ey wore wed 00 . 'To fill this euorn:140118 Tee Salvation Army ann"el-irtab", any . other and hurrying forward, founa-a lovely If All the crowned heads of Huroll bhose Jads werel You we in that theT ould liave seen our great Queen primroses. -From "How to Make & dar- . ( � - don," by Zen& Gale, Ili The Outing Mag- Ho fcl,1111' tU h4d elarrow, ailus? that h -e flow of the 19liborne alone 'Will, Of competent organization that Cali Procure ' ' abonld be dethroned most of them, opuritrythere -svere.lot(s of grasell-o-ppe.ra Vie OTIA, selecting from her own berd . 11WI-I -Imired with A le -mon. ink�tewl. course, be quite inadequate, and water for us the class of settleis we require. vine with leaves smaller then those of riot all of them could inake a liviii-g in arine, for Marell. ' 1, from the Thames or tributaries will l'U've We believe that General Booth Oak, be the smilax, of a pale, tender green. The some other purouit, and as You moved along they jumiled, the animula for breeding Irposes, . I :1 :' I - - . y, who is the and. fIcAv onb of this wuy, ,and a lot of wailking about In their 91t, and Ain't Sayin' a Word. X-1 to be pumped In. of very great service to us, and we hope vine'llad its root about five feet from ' The emperor of German them fell Ill the ,imtet. The Minute Lbey When from age she was no loiiger able TO CURE A COLD IN 01E, DAY '. The estillittica cost of storing the wa- to secure hil assistance. the trunk of a towering cotton -wood proprietor of a illost Important porce- struck, bingi -%vextt, a trout. � to walk about, having them fed before - Dad an' me went nuttin', see? ' . ter in the first Instance (the 16,000,000,- The natives are now more Prosperous Tlko t,AX,kT1VZ '21kOX0 Quinine T-Ablets. � tree, and spread out on the ground four lain factory at Wiener, from which, It ".kill that was, necessary to do was to ]ter, surely they would see that our in, , Druggists refund money if it ftils to cure. A. J il- or five Inches wide, becoming it little Is said, lie derives a yearly profit of use a yehlow t4tekle and cast Ro tnat it terest lit these creatures is neither uu- Dad gave a, yell -slipped all! fell - 000 gallons scheme) will lit 00 Per in than they have ever been. In 1001 the kn' dsul ellinbod a great big tree. I ' lion gallons -but in the supplementary native population was 487,200, in 1907 narrower as it approached the tree. 1 $60,000. * ­ would drop ileaa� the edge of the water.' wmianly nor ilubeconeftig." W. GROVS's signature -is on each box, X0. But what It(- smid I dassn)t tell, I . And InTgor scheme this .cost will be re- it was 030,500. rn 1901 -the natives pos- could see no .stems nor tendrils *so thick King Edward V11. of MmArand Is a Tale m$lluto dw yellow flies dropped" M !& mothers see to it that our NTING TREES � duxed to ;e3o per million gallonso Moil- sessed, only 43,850 cattle; in 1007 their waB the growth; And as I drew) close to shrowdfaTine,r,and If he had not been , bang! bangi z-o�eop-1 went tiLe line, and young wont . en go forth from the lionto � Adjustment. . Ing the cost Of the loke wb,ork completed herds nuilibered 104,000. the tree I saw that the vine branched born to the royal purple could bave those tAyo ,,ohm,)$ aft,ting 31, ch'ars fteiii t na all a arts of housekeepin I . . g t ai e in th 1, Done at Night It Works No Injury I e . � I First Correspondeiit-,Seiiator,LQtsmun ;ei,650,000. The issue of now capital to the Am- just above the ground and went climb- made a living as a famous stook bioad- the st4team. 1voWd play them) yelling but above all let them endeavor to a d , to Foliage. . . ount of 43,000,000 was aulohorized. This Ing up the great trunk and:* the or. He has the reputation of being tlie like Comamelles alk -the time, an Interest ,JO rfarm life by, creating a says the country is suffering from too BRITONS POISONED. makes the company's total capital ;eo,- branches. It grew more and more slen- best judge of ,pigs and one of the beet "Iften they got the fish to near the love for the domestic Animals. In Revue tJniverselle, according to an. Much properity; and, hAN a mail thAt . The BAtish GoVM-M11011t, i's d'emanding 000,000. � der; until, far lip, I could distinguish judges of poultry in all Englaill. Ilia bank a boy stopped out With It Ion g*- if life on the. farni is to be made tile other foreign contemporary, there is A always 'weiglis )Ile words. campexxwtja�n froin tale negT-0 B)epublle I — 11 . only a thread like line of green. * rofits from Ili%. produce is. reckoned at lbxxlalL�d ne't ma netted bil-em, And tbeill happlest And -most lively life in the Practical article of general interest on Seezind Correspondent. Then therePs - a Liberia from the (1ea,ths Of two Dri- FATAL SLEEPING DRAUGHT. ` As I stood intently watching tile dell- Z00,000 a year. � all world, the young women must 'not be - transplanting plante in full foliage at something wrong ,with his atlalft Ills ,� . the biggest man, After they had night. The results of some experiments words doii!t weigh is much as he thinks tana W111D, it is Alleged, were SIONVIly pol- � cate, graceful vine, I became Aware that . The reigning prince of Lippe. Detni old oheared and weighed take ii�h, took out taught to b000m(� a domestic drudge, � Mrs. Elizabeth .Xate Shelley Meade, it was pervaded by a curious, tremulous hey ;9 had 'o -kin thinking only of feeding the men, but r I sorted Uy Liberiama At CaPe Palmas. the. youngest daughter of Viscount Sel� I deals in butter and. egg,,s, while a, pi -os- a flask s., +, a ( .k. The by Rotlault would make unnecessary the they do. The viotdints were 2dr. E. A. Ditchfiold, by, who its Sir, AN7. Court .motion. Thcii'� saw that the Individual 'porous brick factory increases his year* boy -would pull a handful of clever for ,t,h,,,,,,, should learn liow to make the Customary transplanting of decaduous . . agent for Ditchfield, Limited-, of Liver- Gully Was -leaves were not stationary, Picking up 13r profits. .. t1w liorses for their treat, , a joyous place.* - There is no trees in the fall or winter. He has foum,d A Real One, Speaker of the House of Commons, died and then the pool, and the iliiptrlob Agent for .Ll.oyft Brighton on JVednesda, a twig from the ground, I touched one The lUng of Wlittemborg is the pro- outfit moved ilawn stream, Some fifty home In the world so 'homelike as the that trees may be transplanted in full ('Afy I'licle, Hiram," remarked little ait Cape Pdmas, ead Mr. John Vionkin- al� . y Ili tragie cir� of the letwes and found to my amaze� I 'Y . , d Of foliage In A -lay or June, with littlo . curnsta-lices. . . prietor of two hotels in his kingdom, f6et or so, atiopped and .began to c"t One in, the 0011-1t) . Here, inetea . or one of his assistaftbe. . ment. that there was a brown ant under which net .him iieaaqy $50,000 a Year, again. each. member of the fautily going away no Injury, providing the process Ill Car- Beiiny, 1%iys the only Yeller peril lie has &Opp Mrs. Meade took a room at the Grand . Ally dread of is tile newsboy witAt . As Lloyd,Aq agent, --q.r. Dit,eMleldruede Hotel, Brighton, 'oil Saturd - i;y night. it about as long as ray little finger nail. while King Peter of Servia, rdus A bar- "At -Almost every oast they bagged , In the evening, each on his own way, Tied on At night, This has been Aezii6- alwa,Ys wakes him up at 0 o'clock reg'- ,ertain coulpWilts against a, local firm Each leaf was held in the mandibles of lier shop, owns a patent medicine fae- 6rout. You aft they keipt .away from the the evenings ,are upent together �Aroulid strated to the entire satisfaction Of *Next morning a chambermaid found her an ant in such a way as to conceal the ler, an' spiles. his inarniW nAp.)) . of timber merch&nts at CaPe F11,1111" re- tory, and 'conducts a motor ear ageAcy edge and tile trout; lying there fAi,olight the firoside. . . some of the most prominent hortioultur- . gard'ilig a shiplixont of ma-biogany logs. unconscious, slid she died on WednesdaY. body of the insect, and the ants were In his capital. � I it Nme a gtxv.whoplier, and�wedl� r lie got Are tlio presen'li conditions of the Ists of Prance, . I � In game mAnner a Vopy of these com.- without recovering consciousness. coming down the tree. The discovery it is said that King Victor Emanuel Wt. � young women on the farm all we cofild ' t _ $ Unexpected Ostacle. I I - plaints, waim, Mr. Ditohlield ha,d for- At tits inquest at the hotel yesterday came upon me with u. shock. I had atum- H. of Italy lit so passionately fand of "It struck ran as a eort of low down wish for 7 In game cases yes, and Ili THE INUAND WATERWAYS. � Rcparter�ls, Mrs. Gadboy's suit; for waa,ded to the British 00will gut Mon-l'o- Dr. Baines, who was called in, stated ble'd on a nest of umbrella ants. Books . di via fell into the, bawls ,of the firya in ath was due to ati. overdose of a had told me that such ants wzrj found the automobile that were it necessary ti'jok At fiX%t, but tale Mol'e I thatight'Of many others to. Our Country homes are r (OhIcago Tribune.) vorce likely to Ile resisted. $ drug known as eacholia of trional, a carried bits he could readily earn his living as a It tile more it struck -me, as a sensible not idW. 'The mother, with her many Irl Leesem (divorce Irtwyer)-1 have . quesiton. in, the tropics, where they chauffeur. PropOtsitftl- Plobbig Jan't work; it,s cares, does not always consider that her Entirely apart from the recommend&. already encountered much more resist. . drug which, lie said, was taken to induce ,E le%ves over their heads as if to pro- I daughters should. be gb.rext some respon, R . V . 0 than I exp6eted. lit raet,,it,s going Fired at Every Emperor Owns China Fa�tory. . -e. If so. why should a man walk tions of President, case elt oil the In \N Ight. sleep. . easui mat to . teat themselves from the sun; but hero, �1 be all I call do to Persuade ]ter to A libel action reau ' -a, 'T Emperor Franci's Joseph of Austria, 'as legs 01 Up` a etreaut -Aten he Can sibility, or should also have an ouportun. ter of development of the inland water. . lbed, and Mr. Ditch- . . The coroner said that Afa Mekle ovi. on. the banks of ai Texas river, I had, use some wther legal . . ity to develop their Individuality. Lot bring Suit. . ally r . . field was or,dered to p�,y ;e3,000 damages taken an over� found a colony of them, shading them, owns, a chinaware factory in Vienna, "11118 next day I hired, an ad b . room, a I ways his emphasis of the possibilitlep of � this aniouid being afterwa ug. "You will retUrIL.& COM_, L ,VVbl, ch. is one of the Most favious in the Urro the young woman have her own , . Appeail Court to ze2,000. selves where there w . as no sup, and d work- fro& it man, got a big Mexican saddle place ,whereLsho can be Alone at times; the future Is Calculated to awaken Economic Waste. *_ by tale Mr- vex -diet of death from, misadventure," pletely hidden by their covering at world, and employs 1,000 skille on bilm and started 6ilit. I -had nyy reel let her fit it up after ber own Ideas, And thouglit. , Ditchfield placed the mWttcT �-n the he said, "and, I am sure we must e,,,-. gr a 0 n. . I . men; And the ki n s lot A, Study Of the geography of the Uw "BY gad, atilil" exclAimed Col. Hank- . )mnds of the Consul Of Monrovia, and. press sympathy with. Captain -Meade in Ch . armed at the sight, I turned back a pimilar 'business, though, of course, fastened to the port side of My $xddle, her feel that this room is her very ited States is always, suggestive of what thunder, "unless, this prohibition move - demanded an Investigation by the Brdt- his misfortune." � in a much smaller scale. - r my Irunch and net to the pommel, alul own. Nothing makes for coutoutment might be done in this directli6n. The or- Mont is checked, still, I shall advocate . . I to call my companions, who were fishing when I reached a good, I just more than. this. the plowing tip of every blankety blank ish Government. A verdict in accordance with the core- in the river. Within A few yards, I met 1CIiij. Leopola of Belgrium, whatever I I 01-0 ation of the map is far more in! .owing this libel Action, both M, mrung my leg ovor the pommel, If we'stop to consider, we will'read- all'in mint bed in my native sitittel of. whAt . FOU I r, ner's direction was returned. my husband coining to lool� for Inc. - 'He may be said of him because of tho'Coil- _ facing ily see that there is no greater influ- teresting when a few significant state , Ditehli4d anA Mr. Blenkineop were sub- . � � � go rubber trade notoriety, wits astute the stream, and. cast, and I've been fish- ' use, by gad, suit, is the inint without the . jected, U) epay Conceivable Insult by the . was even more excited over the pheliam- . Ing that way ever since, Of Course there once for joy in the home them. can be ments -by a public Official axe taken into julep?" . . Th,eir dwell- SUICIDE BY CANON. exion, than I ,was, and shouted .for the enough financier to see mone,l in the ore places where & burro ovaet reach spread by the.'girl there. The gladness Account. r r Liberanner at CA" Paknias .1 ) � come quickly. Oil Investigation proposition before v - ise had The report of the wstorwa�% com- ing was fired into overy night, and On A Norwkoh baa-eksmith no,med Robert others tt bQb they am mighty few. . and happiness which can. ber scattered . several Occasions they ,narro-,vily esmp- 11nami; was found dead. it, bed at his we found that the spot ,where the vine sense enough to invest in the Congo "r might as well confose, n Continued by one bright, Cheerful young Woma,n mission, says that there are 25,9W miles Cost of Fatted Calves. ed being Oxot. house in Eusex street, Wk -Ing apparontly seemed to have its root was xeally the Iands. It has been. stated that Leopold the fishoommix, "that tile burro scheme will fill the house with delight. of navigable rivers In the country. An "I Waxtt to tell you %ir, that -his Mx. Dionkinsop -as �akcn 114, and. he Committed Pulcido by means of a hoillo- opening of the ant . nest, The tiny ere&- sunk $25,000,000 ofilis private fortune in WILgialt, oligirtal with live. I diseovered. it Among the Advantages possessed by equal amount may be made a,vailable panic don't affect the I'triners " . . turea had by some instinct learned thot the Congo, but his profits therefrom by improvement. "Don't, ch? Well, voa le -3b oilg!lter ilied oil August 11th. It is a.11leged that made cannon. . the tOPInoS ottonwood after the first year amounted to Almost UP onrL of the can,0114 four or five years the country girl over the Ono in the . . he was ,PoisorwA � . A loud report ,was heard, and neig.b.- bit t branches of the c Ago. . . . atiy are: Living near to nature And In Addition there are 2,500 miles of see the prodlgal sons thal;'.1 been thrown MT. Ditc,blield, whohad a, long expeiri- bore who rushed im found the bedTooin I d put out their first small leaves. r a milliqll dollars perannum. . " I vus riding up Uie traid"llouild, for learning by ' direct observation tile navigable canals land more than 2,00 back on us.11-Judge, . � !hoy had climbed the immense distance Queen Amalie. widow of the recently ' miles of sounds, ba.ye and bayous. By elm on the coast, and A close acquMut- filled Nvill, smoke and noticed a, strong and liad cut off all(! brought down their assassinat,ed King Omflbs, is- the olily A meadow here I knew there was gain* great fundamental methods of nature, building 1,000 miles more of Callao a Ance wfth dealger, Ignored tli,t ou-brages vinell of gunpowder, Want lay dead in leaves-to*.feea- their young I royal if. 1). Ili the world, And stories are good omniping. Iliad to wade the abream the freedom of countrj, life With the great water highway along the Atlantic The Vanity of Women. sgojmst bam, The On,pe Po4mas offieiaas bed, witli one side of his loco blown ones, -we , ,raeticing the profession Of twenty time$ III tv,o miles, and At one health -giving outdoor ankusements, its Dismal Davo--Wonder why 'tia dat _ . awreated him and relear,ed hiall . they SA'V*kV. r � supposed. The Ants vhIch issued empty- told of her -T the poorer classes Of of tale fords I came upon an old Chap pure air, the early hours, wholesome coast and thei Oulf of Mexico- might be wiminell is most allors better lookin, dan kcs,VW, his busixtem premises with of- At the toot of the bed was a piece of jawed fromthe nest made a long circuit medicine Among . sitting on a -burro dhozing in midebreew food an -d simplicity of enjoymonts. The Constructed its an ilkland route. us mon is 7 P and "gratis.." She is These figures relate to navigation fen,Avo meces, yet lit refused to, leame gas-pipimg, 18 inclift long, which had to the farther side of the tree and Mabon "hicogifito" In tite bed of a,'Siorra Madi,s, sxroya. City girl, in turn, has the advantages of climbed up where they would not Inter- : only ilown. among her patients as "the I alone. They do Lazy Luke-Dat's a easy one. A we - the country. boon made into it cannon. Ove end had fore with the leaf -bearing thousands good hidy doctor," She is also an expert "The man httA his knee ,00lled about becoming familiar with social usages And not take Into, aftoliat mail wnqheixr her face 'ma3t; every day . � � boon weAded up and a tt;u.--h,hole, bored. b the pommel of a Alexioam, waildle and of acquiring dignity and confidence of the possibilities of vast wealth from irri, " - Gunboat to the Rescue. coming down. ­."Nature and Science , ' In at the millineri trade, and In the roy4l had just out a gaudy fly down the mariner, The latest ilays, lectures, muldo Ption A I tl�l creation of Power for Jisf fer d( looks uv AY Wcmt must 11.0,ve filled the tube mith I * COM xior,� purpofiest. I V I residence a room In the seclu- stremin ,Mteli t I 1 . . .k eAters went from bad to vvorse, and February St. INTicholas, there is I went m1briskimg beneath and fiction are all at the hand of the finalay Mr. Ditdifield sent an urgemjt gunporsvdex a n:d as he lay, I It bed hem tile 1. " - ­ sion of the queen's quarters where hate, . When the Commission declares that What the Fan Was For, telegTaiii to Sierra Loone for as-sistamoo- Weapon* in one hand, witile lie put a light - . � .. Bonnets, ,and toques ... r fashion'.d wid the blishes. Tben the,split bainboo bent city yoting wommil. But the songs of went The- lkitish gunboait Dwarf was dis- be the toucli-hole with the other, 'lite WHEN BABY 13 SICK modeled after her own exclusive designs, double as A. rainbow trout shol out of our feathered Choristers should be sweet- the starage, of flood watoro In the Ire (at the ball) -I )visit yott. wouldn't the Tilt and vent ricocho,bUng Aorbas the er than any orchestra, and the glory of has Put 10,000,00 acres under Irrigation, flutter your fan continuously. . necoil tau-* the Cannon out of his hund TABLETS King . oDatched under full 6teant to Cape Pal- to the foot of the bed. I GIVEDABY'S OWN . Carlos hiluself .was much. Interdst- . stream. Tho merry song of the real our landscap,ge more beautiful than hol put 250,000 homes, And has given She -Why not, pray? . I iia", stopping it monrovio, to pick V . od Ili music, interested.in both grand and _ wake the I>un-*, who skook: his long ears pointed pictures, while the "sermons in hundreds of millions of morer wealth to Ile --lb produces a, Coolness, between us. the British Consul. She onane Into taw The little ills of Childhood Often comio opera, And somewhat of a must- the country, it indicates the opportunt- 1 hazibor at Cape Palmas on the moriing DOCTOR'S 00,000 GIF'r.. come very suddelilly and oftenthey cal.camposer. . . I amd glanced a."und to see th sport; stonWl And the "books in the running . then noting Viat thii trout hoA boon brooks" should be as Interesting its fie. ties for liational growth resulting from . What it's.Coming To. of April lat.. .& gHt of zC30,0001 offered by Dr. Hem. 'Provo serious if not treated. prompt- Queen Carmen Sylva, is the only work- . ' biought to net -he Instantly dropped to r tiqn. voilkent of waterways. The offiolals fled. into the Country, but ry *AiAudwl-ey, of 12 Queen a.tivet, ,4,Nlv,y. ly. The wise mother Nvill k:ee g Jour is 41110 a _ "ME "Have you known 111m. long?" . . . li� of uro sleep aft.1n. - power idea Is a newer one, But the Consul told the superintendient, theA fair, the w,ell-known specialist in mcnt�,l Baby's Own Tablets always at It e, but she It recently gone in- "I ,Voke to 1 -hie fisherman aliout his - To improve the conditions in the� otiqu, familiar illustrations have Already -made "Olt, yes; we were millionaires to - the British Goverrinerit would not tol- dleea4as, ivas on Tuesdtay accepted by and give her little ones ail occasional usin a, as, to has opened a book try home, pormit the young women to -this a subject for thought Ott the part gether.11 eirate any pomwoution. of Etiropeame. the Caun4 which ptissett a T"olu+Aon dose to prevent sickness or to treat store lit uchareat alid also one in Paris. method of fishing and, he replied that It have something to say about the at- of the people.. All over the country the Ili the circle in which they moved, lit October Mr. Ditchfield becama ill, Of thculks, to Dr. MAudsley. It promptl�, if it comes vilexpected- ' ulde almost this p4rfeotion of comfort - rAngement of the home. Let her put . latest possibilities of the water course anything under A billion was compara- . - and he died in gKolit agony on Deceniher Dr. Molidt"ey stated in am 1.n&-rvje%r ly. . Baby 9 Own Tablets cure all -the . Queen Has Private Theatre. And that if be Could train 1xis burro to away the Ikor *wreaths. and tissue paper ,We beingr studied -with care frow, thi: tive poverty.-Chicinnati Miquirer. I lith. "t lie had offered t1ta money so that minor ailments of children and Avo Queen Willielrabla of Holland ,could not the trout I 6 would 'be perfect. I flowers, it she likse, And. replace them point, of view. - It is Alleged. that both Mr, D - living As an actress, for her suggesteol that he zrAght boW, up the 06 with nat,traj � It. itehfield, Lonclon might have a hospit,11 wbich absolutely' sale. Mrs, A. H. Bcxxny� wake hor et His burro . kick them off, but he flowers. Let her use the The TJWtod States bas not needed to Forgot His Lines. and Mr. Blenkinsop, -%%To polsoned A thief hob,by has always been the stage "d I paxior whouever she pleases to entertain look to Its -hatural resources up to the "ITo understands everything we say to could be devoted to three spociv,l uses.. man, Mftttftl),� X. S., SAYS.' "I 11MV6 ( il. wA.1 hic �%%,s too laty for tha.6.11 . the instigation of oe.rtafu Liberizm,, whK) (1) TIve oAwly treztAnolit of illsallIty used. Baby's Own Tablets for treth- and acting. Afeir years -ago Queen W . ­ - V . boar frlolkUi In fact, if =Oro Of the present time because of the enorillouA ; Itim,,, said the proud young mother, ax - judged it to be Ili their beat interests And menW diseases, to prevcxlt�, if pos. Tng, constipation and other ills of helinina. haci a. snaill. theatre built for � evenings were spent together in a. social ,, wealth of Hils character It has Possoss� hibiting the baby. "Diti-Iffig, tell the that these tw,o Britons should divaTpear. r found thera A her Own use at her residents at Ilet ' Mother's Almanac. way it. would Add. to the happiness, help red. The trend of thought In recent q Able, the necessity ad sending coscs to childhood, and have - the good mannera and, Polish the wit of � . itty lady, won't you, who smokes that , asy-lums, . %ale and excellent med ,901(j. Loa) ithere playp often are performed (Lippincott's Magazine.)- months Indicates that more and more - t ,,, IncerselI&IIII, Pi pe on, tlte mantel- . SCENE IN A OEMATIIRY. (2) RoseuircIt -work inbo, tilt co-ilge Ana by 411 i%edleifte dealers or by Mail under her direction, with herself and . I tell you, *han it cohies to dates, � all, � I attention will he ,&Ivan to the coftearv- piece?" I A deplorable scene was witnessed at , PrON'0114(ni 0-1 insanity. . at 26 cents a box from the 3:h% -�Vll. friends Ili tile leading role$. r Afy mother's- just the boast The country girl should have some Ing of what remains a"d the develop- . "Naln-mal" Inped baby. WeHizigborough Cemetery on Wednes- (3) Educational work, & medical liams Modieme, Co., Vrockville, Oat. Another royal alliateur actress contoa Slic tells rho all I Want to kiiow f income. Th4 chickens, illent of the unmeasured. possibilities ag , * day afternoon, wh000l for the training, of s�q,aiemta In .1 .1 Q06 , � from Ruasle, Grata Duchess $ergo, lor. 'Thout ever gottin' oross. the .garden$ Clio cows, any of these yet nnrealized. . 'Sometinies lie gl�,ts Ilia answor'; It lit- . . . . tle mixed " explained the proud yoting, the treatment of Insanity. I Princess Elizabeth of Hesso� the might .bd plaoW in hor charge, 6 Ur- f - - j o on Saturday n young laundress tanx. morl . mother. , ed Smith, whose mind bad been upset ."Tqle hospital Nvill not bo all asylum," - Donald's independence. ' olacrysistor of the czarina. She is 4 beatt- Y6u'd think she'd got raixod up stizue. tCi-n .portion fro-irt their income, being I The Harp Without the Crown, . by being taxed with a theft of money, said the dootoor. I'luouravlale , A Highlander who had been aff- tiful womam, with delicately out ICA- tinids; - here to. do With as she will. This would (Mantreol Herald,) . Gilded 'her life by throwing heraelf into trarlsfeaa*d be Ono ,Of the " 'V -ill "a Ing for some, was advised by gonle tures, a, graceful Carriage, And. A, Oom- At school -1 know I do� help in developing self-reliance and the Seemed Most in Demand. '111� P. lums. vicre will only be acoom Y Asy- friends to visit- 0. profeasor. He he, MAllaing. presence that with the power 'Bout Washington andr PlyWouth - knowledge, of the value of money. Tlxe The 9611hat captaill, who, Insisted upon - the River'.Nexte. The jury returned a vor- mod..,- Caller -I set, -%,oil keep thickens. What diet of Suicide, bat added that there tAOu for 100, Patients in tile now hospl,% pon6d to be in Glasgow And Called of minticry lar above the average, would Rock' :tustoin; of sending the boyo to college, flyitig the Irish flag above Ole .8,bars And - breed do ,.pou �oxisidpr tho boatl, on one there, who gave hini direction8 bring her in a, fortune ail any stage. -And 1492. 1 and giving them fw'rns, And sending -tile Strip6s, )we ovialently a keent sense of Suburbanite -It's bard to tell. I no - was not sufficient evidence to show the tAiv 60 the't CAC11 WAO can be a'"i"tely thus---J'Y1o,d must stop dvinkinq, amok. Foreign actots, singqrs ,and artists of girls out into the world ivith a new hot hitiodr, in addition -to very Nqvid robal- tic,) though, that more n V t 4e&t f rny - A Id 6 state Of her mincL treated. The st4ona of a lunatle asy- llxxg� anuffin $ as little DcOf as both aeles Are welcotild guests, of the 'Buf mother ittyay "The welt with Axd clothes,, at with a feather bed and leot4ons of his birthplace. In certain . IV3,andotte$ are stoleh their itity other .+#**" � , I I, I . � . I . . , 1- - I I 00"0 I Large numbers of people attended the luml %VjI.I )lot, in ony 'W*6y, 1".t upon p'l. possible, ang work bard durin the gr,tu,t. duchess, Spain I . two pillows as their share froxxx_tho es. quart'et't a' Ulster's ok-Pat"Ll, Ono sees t1to kind " funeral, but A delay occurred owing to i4ohts Who haxo t,6ork in the hosipital. jt,y to keel) yollTaelf in ardet." Wop Thili fondness. of the duchess for adt- Was fought in '08, tAte, it As discouraging to young women green oinblom more frequelitly side by . . no clergy being present. 'Ultimately tht IINY6 kaoAv now that ln%nity is opint- _ . t; a got this length Doriald had got his � , I And the kago'produced a groat Atan. The Yost You all had chicken poxi (is It is unjutt, and Is thc cause of bull. sid6 with the tri -color iftiiii "Old Glory." eurate of the parish church wo found OA by t0ldw or .C."ns In tile blood, mp and was waking for the door. In star Exteptit, sister Xate. : dtadA of our country, girligoing to woi-k In filet, a, Vnion, Jack or "Red RnMill" Remembered Him. In the Cemetery, but oil being Approach. and efforta 'Vilt Intido to diec)vor "Tust one inlhuto," eriod the . ofes- dal 6, few winters. ago� A famous I #d he said that be was unable as aleo . Anli-toxills for t" of Im-imity.1) Bar. "I rnuAt have, 96 At a po'e, . lor actrese with wholit -the duchess, hW been "Tho Boar war in Africa- - In shops, factories and ,where not, be. In the pk,* ollutled 'to would ,likely litad - Vellftire (formorly Ilusty Itufuq.).- " was the vicar, to officiate, owing to the ray advice," "She'll :ftol oft evaed", ' terms Wim taken That wig a t1rdadful thing- . sides forcing them Int4 undmirtLbla to a breach of t4i.4 pcdre. . W-01, what (10 yOu Ivant? . ,, Do takfill suddenly 111110y4o"111112911 Y before the begin_ mArriagos for the sake, of homes. 4irls ­..... I - 11 . . - Tuffold Kiiu&�Yxlu vvuz kind Inough girl havljig committed suicide. loo. -YEAR-OLD CARP. oily 01 Ybr advieb, atild 110116,14, 1 . 0 an In '09, I.know ,/� I 1- . I 1. .. _. I. 11 r 11.1 . .r 11 'r . . TTlf4,iiA,FAl,t .+. +1h. 1-11A.1- -;'4-%� .­ "Vk,,- ---I -3 ­ , -1,-L ­ ­-, A I . 1. 1. nlog of it perflormance in.1010h, eho was )4e T..,& ,.,A- T-_ )41,a4l -At -A , ___ , , Aim MAA hs e1n^_ witwit, mister, to. give me it dollar an� a. I .1 . � .