HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-04-02, Page 2•,•••-•*••• •
LESSON 1, --APRIL 5, eee8.
Jesus the Good Shepherd-4On to: e-rtt.
Commentary.-- -1. The parable stated
(use. lei). In theee vereve desue }aye the
tumult/Alton for the diluent mu width is to
follow. 1. Verily, verily--Thie emplia-
Owe the importance of what he is about
to !my. I say unto you-"deeus Wes
talkies directly to the men who lied
exeonunitnitattel the former blint man
i"o chap. 9), and the application of
Ilis words was to them as epiritual
thieve e and robbers who hail 'leaped
ttuthority over the flock, of God, as hart
hireling shepherds, and who had aban-
doned the sheep to wolves, The ease in
hand illustrated the way they dealt,
with the flock. They had reviled a poor
until instead of protecting him. They
professed to be sheplierde, but they were
pilferers and plunderere, it vas e, fear -
fin indictment." lfiv the doorelit this
lesson Jesus preseks Himself as the
Door and the Good Shepherd. With
great tenderness and 'twenty of expree-
elm Ile speaks of His relatioue to us
as His followets. The sheep -folds of the
East are not coetured like out stables,
but are mere enclosures surrounded by a " Butter, dairy ... . ,. . 0 28 0 32
in eny of lus inantfold disguises, sue
wall of Immo steam with thorn -bushes Do., ereaniery ... 0'32 0 3$
upon the top, but ueualy an effectual Persecution, heresy, worldly limmg, or a
low stendard of nuorale-Sadler, 13. Geese, dressed, lb, .„ 0 10 0 12
barrier against the wolvee."-Van Len- the hireling... .careth not -To him the Chickens. per lb„ . , a 14 0.10
imp, There ia only one door to Orientel Ducks, d'ressed, lb. .. 0 12 0 15
sheepfold. Sheepfotd-In the applica-
chiefly solicitous for hie own safety, his
welfaec of the sheep is nothing; he is
Turkeys, per lb. ...e., . 00 0.23
tion. the sheepfold represents the true
, Aples, per bbl, ... ... . 1 50 3 00
church of Christ. lygief,, ereshee.....ee atm gain and worldly honor.
ge, per dozen. 0 40 0,50
thief endeavors to gain his booty' slyly In v. 16 Jesus speaks .of •'other sheep' °abbe
Onions, per bag ... 1 25 1 40
and avoid detection; a robber is a brie- e ---the Gentiles. These, he says, lie "must
Potatoes, per bag ... 0 95 1 00
and prepared to do vielence, 2. By taTt. bring," "and they shall become one _
Beef, hindquarters ... 8 50 10 00
door -Openly and boldly, with no need flee]." It. V.). The Gentiles were soon .
o., totequarters
to conceal his purpose, to be brought into his church. 'The D . ,
3. The porter openeth-The Holy Spir good. Shepherd sweeps the world with '
Do. medium d 9'
ii 130 0 50
Do., ehoice, carcase 8 50 9 00
• 1 d • t the his thought. Here is the universal re- carcase -a 7 00
lotion of Jesus to sinners of all nations
and tongues." . They would. become one
flock not in creed, or name, but in what
is far more essential -one in Christ, "One
in heart, one in purpose, one in the ser-
vice of God aud man."
QUESTIONS. -Whom was Jesus ad-
dressing in this lesson? How did. his
words apply to the Pharisees?, In what
sense is Christ the Soor? What is meant
by the sheepfold? The • porter? The
sheep? Who were the thieves and rob-
bers? Who was the wolf? What are
some of the elements in the "abundant"
life? Why was. Christ's death necessary?
What is meant by "ether sheep"? In
what sense are all true Christians
TEACIIINGS-We never can get to
heaven by deception. All real Christians
obey the -vales of their Master. Hire-
lings (sinners) get their -wages-the
wages of sin -death. All true Christians
follow the same Shepherd---jesus Christ.
Christiana trust in. the Lord and lean
not unto their own understanding. They
know it is always safe to follow where,
•he leads. •
. .
ather. Ati the Father kuowa the Sou, so'
dos the Shepherd kuoie the Atom; eal
the Son knows- the Father, ee- do the
sheep know the Shoptiera. Ae hiS Vather
read hie heart, so did he read the heart
of man and. recognize Lie owe." -'Bob
ortson, Cheistai sheep. 1. Know the -
Shepherd's voice. it They bear --or boa
liver a temperouce leeturo at the Mete
eopolitua Methodist Episcorl Church,.
two negro resengers, one a whom
the not of taking it drink from. a bote
Upon boardina the car 0 observed
woe Thomas ounby, atnd who WAS ht PrOMOted to Rank of Brigodier
tle of whiskey. There were a iturne General of 'Militia,.
bei of otlier passions, including SOY -
with Lumby, and. Asked him to stop Ottawa, March 30„ -Militia oraers au -
Farmers' Market. drinking. The negro replied with vile notinee the wowing,
rho way may seem dark and alffieult,
and even dangeroue, but where He leads The receipte of grata to.day were nil eP,I,t„befoi, , Colnoel Buchan 0 M command -
they follow, 4. They ItilOW OWIn4 to bad roads end the anfavorithle .1'4ten tao melt became eogagoa in ' M.
His voice. is one of the surest in'al ladies. air. 1 eflin remonstrated
marks of a eheep. 1 They follow Hen.
%%doe of "otrOugara" and will 11" fa* • moral% Pi.ices rt6 neminal at quota lug Quebec command, is granted the
. aesperato struggle, And as the ear came
low them. Straegers talk glibly, mid ' Lions. to a e'top the negro was thrown off, As temporary rank ofBrigadier-Geoeral in
he rose from tbo ground he made a the Collodion olllitua from APril 3 -
meaty professed Christione will go hiter Dairy produce in feir supply, Butter
diem, but the sheep will not. U. On the slightly easier, with sales at 28 to 32e 'notion as if to draw a revolver, It was Ool. T. Benson is appointed Vonuntend-
god Shepherd, 1. Knows his sheep. 2. Is dozen retail. Insrctor of Artillery, vice Colonel It, W.
aim- through th.e ear window. His first
contrary the sheep flee from them. The per no Eggs weaker at 18 to goo per then that the Congressman fired, taking ant of the Royal ii400l. of ,Artillery and
known by Ma olleoP, 3, Roo Pers"41 Day dull, with receipts of only two or Wit missed lamby and hit MoCreary, herford, aopoint,ed Master-0mm). of
pewee loads, which old at $19 a ton, but the secon4. or third shot bit Lumby Ordnance.
Interest in His sheep. 4. Gives them. lib- e,
erty. 5. Gives them soul satisfaction. G. Straw oominal at $10.50 to $17 a, ton, Major P. Jr, V. Eaton, Royal Canadian
In the- head.
t Artillery, is promoted to be director of
Cereth for the sheen. Givetil' Ma II"- Dressed hogs ere in limited supply,
Oriental shepherd must foe° storms,
with prices firm. Light sold at $7.75 to
lsaips and dialers for his sheep; he
• f '
$8 ana heav,y at $7,50.
Wheat, white,
training on the headquarters staff from
believed to eootraet it through devour. ,
ing these aninuele. Thie freedera from
the 416000 hits never been questioned
by the Government inepeetore, conse-
quently microseopto examinatione of the
pork are never matle.
Oa course, it le possible that some pigs
brought in by Amer/eon settlere may
WINO been affected, and. these may loonl
found their way to Fort William, but the
officiate bere ore inclined to the opinion
_that if the truth were knowu the tufect-
ed pork was raised in_ the vielnItY of
Fort 1Villiam,
. t
Coeple of Crooks in Paris Created a
Canadian Youth Accused of Murder
at Detreit told an Oshawa Girl
That He Had Not Committed the
Crime, but That the Police Were
Making Him Confess.
Detroit, March .24L -Men, women and
• KENNEDY, 114.0.
even chilaren fought for e chance to pi(
get into the courtrooM yesterday to •
hear the trial of Percy Bowin for the aftukber the 101444 NOW 044001401014
warder of Mrs, Catherine Welelo The Woes atigagaTer *1100-11%.
'renter part of the day was taken up. witesiten eh! ta MN*. Wqmo
The Winaham Advance
T 14 EON HA14.4.1 ProPriiitor
Dr. Agnew
04,0101001 Illuegegsfel A9,010.9111040s
500.41-opogis elm WSW* Stride,
$0004 erreared Odra
assistant direetor of operations and etaff Dernanti for Their Goods and 1°
with the testimony of abandoned wo- • mos earl Ohnetere.
• duties. Then Satisfied it -Did an Excel -
must IMO them W len lost aud must o
men, who detailed the story of the lads
wasted -life, A limiter of witnesees
from Buffalo, ineluding a hotel cierk,
polio offioes and jewellers, demon-
strated to, the jary that Bonin had
stopped in .11uffielo just after the ranr.
der, and while on his way to his
parents' home in Woodville, Out,, and
thee he had sold to a Buffalo jowellee
for $30 diamonds stolen from the mur-
derea worneu and worth severe,' times
the amount lee realized. His former
sweetheart, a good girl from Oshawa,
Ont., who' sought to reform him, told
of iter efforts to Iced 14m to a religious
life after hie. arrest and confession of
the murder. Bowin now seeks to show
that the confession was wrung from
leim by the !bullying methods of the
police. That the defence is making an
impression on the jury was menifeeted
when a juror interrupted the cross-ex-
amination of Frank Rosner to ask
several pointed questions regarding the
hresepee a•t the 'Welch house of the
mon who bad quarrelled with Mrs.
Welch over money the night before the
murder. The witnese did not reveal
anything more than he testified to Fri-
Myrtle Millon, who had been an in-
mate of the Welch place, said she had
given Percy Bowin same of • money
varyin gfrom fifty lents to $2 while -
she was at Mrs, Welch's, and since
then Bowin called on the witness often
when he was out of work. and asked for
money and she gave it to him.
Florence Gibbons, who let Percy in-
to the Welch house about midnight of
Friday, Amery 3rd, heard him bid the
landlady good-bye, saying he was go-
ing away with Marie Hall, who, be
said, had plenty of money. Miss Ella
Stnith stria she had met Bowin at Cele
awa, Ont., last October. After his ar-
rest eho said she had brought him a
Biblein Mise Smith said that
when she asked Bowin if he had com-
mitted the murder he responded, "No,
but Police Superintendent Downey is
making me 'say I'm the murderer." Miss
Smith said she gave up Boevin after
trying to make something of him. She
collapsed into a fit of hyeterical weep-
ing as she left the stand.
e 7
tett -fight with beasts and robbers
Poe red, bushel .. 0 04 0 93
First Military Brigade --The period of
lent Pay's Business.
,in protectiog them, Oar -shepherd gives Po, spring, bushel .., . 0 92 0 00 New York Firemen flurt in Fighting tenure of command of Vont-Col, J.
•••,••••••.; 1,49.•,..../. 0 I • • • • 0 54 0 00 • • — r aittueo, R. 0., is exeended to May. 1,
up Iiis life for us (John 3. 101 Titus 2t il„.. hee-,...,o
Barley, bushel ... ..., .. $ 00 0 00 • the Flames. 1900, The period of tenure of appoint- -
Perla March 29. -Over 500 Paris
14; 1 John 4; 10). Christ's death was, 1.
Voluntary, 2 Vicarioue,
12. an iiireling-The hireling is the one Straw, per ton ... ... 10 50
day, timothy, ton 10 00 20 00
— M. lelawan, R. 0., is extended to May 1, druggisbe were victims this week to the
ulloomort. as Brigade Major of aeout,_ao) n. . . ,
extent of $2 each of an ingenious" And
no love or concern for the work, Such
2 • 17 00
who labors simply tor his wages, with seeas-Buyers- . New York, -March 30.-loire on the
Alsike, No. 1 bushel 10 50 0 00 Joy Line pier in East River and an ad- TolOtbli.s. i(TAeourotnetool). clonmfannul Brigade- very amusing swindle. in each. eastran
a person seeks his own interests and Do„ Na. 2, bashel ;. 0 25 9 75 joining pier early to -day resulted in the ding; Lieut.- individual entered the &hop with a pre -
happiness, and negleete and destroys the Red clover, No, 1. lO 50 12 75 • • . Col, William Campbell Maedonekl, front
self, and not himself for the sheep." the Drosed Lon ., , .. 7 50 0 00 loseaef $150,000, and for a time seriously reserve of officers, vice J. 1, Davidsen, . hosiPtion ealling for a bottle of 'Dr,
Henry's Mixture,4 the central depoei-
flock, "He sacrifices the sheep for him- Timothy, 100 lbs.. . 7 45 8 00 injury of several &amen and caused a
wolf -The wolf is the enemy of settle gas, i
. sew ?aid, 'dozen 0 18 0 20 threatened. the eteamer Edgemoat and
t4litied;ecatfolding of tbe new Manbattan
• The steamer was removed to a place
of eitfety in the harbor and a big bat-
tery of fire boats proteeted the bridge
from danger,
Of the loss, $100,000 falls upon the
Joy Line and $50,000 upon the Terry &
Tench 0o., contractors who are at work
ou Alto new Manhattian bridge. Their
headquarters were located on the pier
next to the Joy pier, and much stock
and valuable maeltinery was damaged.
The fire started along the piles under
the flooring of the pier, and, fed by the
coating of pitch which covered the
heavy timher, made rapid headway. The
difficulty of the firemen was greatly in•
oreeeed by the feet of the pier
being covered with asplitelt, and the fire'
fighters were obliged to work from
small boats in the river until the fire
boats ea -rived. Even then there was a
herd fight before the :Immo were sub-
dued. Both piers were destroyed.
1 -: t '• -
It is one
shepherds; bee frequent uses of this
symbolism by the apostles. Acts 11, 27;
1. Coe 10, 0; IL Cole 2, 12; Col, 4, 3. -
Alford. The Holy Spirit recogaizes true
shepherds by especially anointing and
qualifying them for the work of rescu7
lug lost men. The sheep -True Chris-
ti:ties. Those who like sheep, are "inno
cent, trustful, who,
Hear his voice -His voice is a pleasant
one. It sometimes some severe, but it is
always in love. By name -In the Best in
a. flock of hundreds each sheep would
have its own name. It is said that
Cyrus and Caesar could repeat the
names of the men of their greet armies.
When General 'Grant was colonel of a
regiment he knew every man of his com-
mand by name. "Wonderful would be
• the effect of, such enduring and separate
remembrance." ehriet knows us and
loves us as individuals. Ieadeth them
out -Pea. 23. When we trust ourselves
to the leadership of our great Shepherd,
He will. lead us out of our trials and
difficulties, into "grew, pastures" of
joy and. blessing and heavenly sunshine.
4. The sheep follow hiin-We must fol-
low where Christ lead& "Sometimes
the ,best pastures and the waters of -rest
lie beyond deserts and. mciuntains, and
rough ways lead to them; still, Jesus
leade His chosen. ones there. Ile guides
them to the best things in:life, to what-
ever will enlarge their souls, ennoble
their lives, develop their capacities, ia-
crease their usefuthess."
5. A stranger will they not follow -
This is true among the sheep in the
eastern countries, and it is equally true
among God's people. Shrewd men may
deceive for a thue, but some day the
mask will be tern off by Christians
6. Understood not -Aware that these
deseriptiens were levelled at themselves
(Matt. 21: 45; Luke 20: 10), they did
net see the exact hinge on which the "ap-
plication turned. -'Connor. They did
not wieh to understand him. The blind
leeggar found. no trouble in knowing
what he -meant.
IT. Ohrisb' the door (vs. 7-9).. Jesus
now proceeds to explein the parable he
had made use, of.
7. I am the door -The door is an em-
blem of protection and. hospitality. The
church, works, ordinances, a good char-
acter ase not the door. Christ alone is
the door (Eple 2: 18). Ile has made on
atonement for sin and perfected the
great salvation. Faith in Christ is the
only entrance into spiritual and eternal
life. 8. Before me -Those who came pre-
tending to be pastors or guides to the
people. The Scribes and Pharisees claim-
ed to be instructors of the people; claim-
ed the right to regulate the affairs of
religion; whose only aim was to promote
themselves and oppress the people. -
Barnes. Thieves and robbers- These
false teachers, who rejected Christ and
who were devouring the sheep from a
purely -mercenary standpoint, were the
thieves and robbers. The application was
easy. Did not hear -Many did hear and
follow these false prophets, but "the
eheep"-fhis with true spiritual insight
-detected their hypocrisy.
9. Enter in -Through faith in Christ
we outer into the fold -the visible
chureh. What benefits are to be received
by entering in? 1. Salvation -"shall be
saved!' 2. Liberty of soul -"go in and
out." 3. Soul satisfaction -"find pas-
ture" (Isa. 58: 11). 4. Protection and
care. Shall be saved -"Safe frone the
robbers that seek to destroy; safe from
false. teachers; safe front the sine that
would ruin; safe from the troubles, dan-
gers and temptations of life." "The
Pharisees had fed themselves itstead of
feeding the flock, They had scattered
them instead of folding them. They had
slaughtered the flock, arid yet held them-
selves not guilty." --Pentecost. GO in
and, out -We must "go in" to trust, to
rest, to think, to pray, before we can
"go out" to do effective work for the
Lord. Find pasture-"Satisfitetion for
every need of the soul, sustenance that followers of Met whieli is good?" (I.
is pleasant and that brings heelth and Pet. 3; 13). "For as many tut areled by Hamilton -Spring trade shows tt bet -
growth to the spiritual life." the Spirit of God, they are the sons ot - ter tone as the season opens out. There
III. Christ the good Shepherd (vs. 10. Gov, (Rom, 8, le), is a fair sorting trade in some wholesale
18). V. The good Shepherd makes antple Eno and retail trade is reported to be
10. Thief -Any opposer of the gos- rather brisker. Local industries are be
provision to supply every legitimate ginning to shoiv more activity and the
pd. To steal, ete.--Felse teachers steal requiremenb of His people (vs. 0, 10).
the hearts and affections from Christ. See Pea. 23, 'Life abundantly," "-He number of memployed is lessening. Col -
IT save.e and shall o in arid out' lections are geeerally fait.
Runt life, Those they eannot get. into - ' „ g London -While business is not yet Fedeeation To-mortow.
their possession they slander and dos- -movies -with the vim of this tinie a year
tout find pasture.' Um maketh Inc to
lie down in green pastures; He leneleth indianopolis, Inde March 20. -After
troy in the estimation of others. Life ago, there is still some improvement be.
beside the still waters," etc. This is ten years' leadership of the United Mine
abunclantly--See R. 'V. Christ is able to hig shown. The teodency is toward im-
give ins people abundant me, ereey surely language Ositt is oa-Publo, of a pavement in the volume of Witness 'Workers of America, John Mitchell on
very wide an4 gratious application to moven, Tuesday will retire from the head of
Is "life" -the Christ life, the abuetaant a°d's P,"'Ple• 4 - that orgaiazetion, and will be suceeeded
are /melting "more" life; what such need
life. "By this is meant, 1. Moils of VI. The .good Shepherd stands by His
CONGRESSMAN IN FIGHT. ' diet will devote his time to regaining
by Thomas L. Lewis, of Ohio. Mr. Mit-
Mutton, per cwt. ... 8 oa 9 90
Vete), prime, per cwt. ... 7 00 ft 00
Lamb, per ewS. . 12 00 13 50
Live Stock Receipts, • .
Receipts of live stook at the city
and Junction Cattle Markets hare been
extremely light during *he past two
weeks, and especially during this week.
Only 175 ears came in to both trinkets
this week, and 203 last week, The Mute -
her ef cattle was 2,747, slightly more
than last week, but little mere- than half
of last year's receipts. The reason 6f ,the
advance in the price of hogs is apparent
when it is noted that only 1,975 hogs.
were received this week, compared with
8,248 last week, and last week's receipts
were small compared with those or A
year ago.
The Jews, to whom the parable was
spoken, were in an early day largely a
pastoral people. They were familiar
with the nature and habits of sheep,
and the dangers to which they •uvere ex-
posed in that country. They, no doubt,
were somewhat •conversant With the re-
lation the shepherd, sustained to his flock
and the duties and responsibilities of
his position. In both the Old and New
Testanients divine inspiration very beau-
tifully and effectively uses sheep to rep-
resent the various characteristics and re-
lations of God's people, and also their
it:aural inability to defend, themselves
against their enemies that prey upon
them and We, many dangers to which
they are exposed. It also uses the faith-
ful shepherd to set forth in an inimitable
way the relation God holds to his people,
with his disposition and ability to, save
and protect them from their enemies,
and also to abundantly provide for their
every requirement. In the lesson before
us Jesus represents himself in a very
eMphatic and comprehensive way as "The
-Good Shepherd."
L The go6a 'Shepherd has the. gretttest
measure of love for His . people. (a)
"The.,good Shepherd giveth His life for
the sheep" (v. 11). See I. John 3,. 16,
and John 15, 13. (b) He died for them,
or made an atoaement for their sine
(v. 15). See John 3, 16; Heb. 2, 9. (eh
His love and the atonement He lute
made are in their nature and provi-
sions applicable to all mankind (v. 16;
John 3, 16; 12, 32; Bone 5, 18; 8,•32;
Ifeb. 2, 9; L John 2, 2).
IL. The good Shepherd brings His peo-
ple into a state of salvation and perfect.
security (vs. 0, f3,, 29; Ilex 7, 25).
HI. The good Shepherd is intimately
acquaintea with His people (vs. 3, 27).
Re knows their dispositions end habits,
diseases and circumstances, and has a
perfect knowledge of their every re-
IV. The good Shepherd. "goeth before"
and "leadeth" His people. -How signifi-
cant, whether considered front a nega.
Cleo or an affirmative point of view!
Jesus says, "Follow me" (John 21,10),
Paul says, 'Be ye ther,efore followers of
Sugar Market,
St. Lawrence sagars are quoted as fol-
lows: Granulated, $4.90 in barrels, end
No. 1 golden, $4.50 in barrels. These
prices are for delivery; car lots 5c less.
British Cattle Markets.
London. -London cables are steady at
10%0 to 12,Sic per lb., 'dressed. weight;
refrigerator beef is quoted at 93s to
0%c pee lb.
John Rogers & Co. Live:m.0ot, caide
to-daye United Stailes steers, 12c ,to
12S4e; Caruadian, 12s; cows,.11%celiells,
104e; market is firm and tra,de
Canadian Bacon.
London. -Bacon is 42s tea 409; hams,
long cut axe 59s to 61s; chesse, finest
eolored, 65e to 66s; finest white, 638 to
64s, and a shilling less for under grades.
Winnipeg Wheat Market.
Gueheh Police Raid the House of Alex.
• Cudnoy, Near Marden.
Gnelph March 29. -As a result of a
raid . mile by the pollee on Friday
tight. a large venount of stolen goods
was ea -el -eh -4 the spoils of the 13e1 -
wood burglary of Feb. 13th, and of se"
Following are the closing quotations
on Winnipeg grain futures:
. Wheat -March $1.07% bid, Slay
$1.09% bid, July $1.12% bid.
Oats -March 44c bid. Alay 46Yee ask-
New York Metal Market.
Pig iron -Nominal. Copper -Wet.
Lead -Quiet, Tin -Quiet; spelter quiet.
New York Sugar Market. .
Sugar -Raw firm; fair 'refining, 3.86c;
centrifugal, 06 test, 4.36e; molasses su-
gar, 3.61a; refined steody.
Bradstreet's Trade Review.
Montreal -There has been little Metal
change in the volume of business here
during the past week. Travellers are out
and report fair to good prospects but
orders are for immediate use and are
not large. Outside work is becoming
more general and the demand for hard-
ware is showing improvement. Stocks cif
general lines are reported light and.good
orders are looked for. The movement of
groceries shows a better tone. Teas cen-
time firm. 'Wholesalers are making an
effort to -cut out the sale of 25e thick -
age teas on account of the advance. in
foreign markets. Industrial concerns
here aro reported to be showing. more
satisfaction at the outlook and _there
has been some decrease he the number
of unemployed.
Toronto -Cool weather has held back
the spring trade in drygoods and*.the
volume of business is behind- that
of a year ago. A good sorting • trade,
however, is expected to sprang- up as
Goa, es dear children" (Eph. 5, 1). The soon as warm weather really sets 121.
Apostle John affirms in regard to the Stocks in retailers' Vends are light and
relation Christians hold to the Lord, some letter orders are already coining
'Me that smith he abideth in Him ought forward. There has bon increased., himself also also so to walk, even as He
walked" (I. John 2, 6). The Psahnist tivity in building operations here and
declares of "the good Shepherd"e "He in most parts of the -province and as a
consequence the demand for buiklers'
leadeth. ine beside the still waters. He
restoreth soul; guideth me hardware is improving.
Winnipeg -The general 'outlook for
the paths of righteousness for His
name s sake. Yea, though .1 walk trade here continues to show -improve-
through the valley of the shadow of ment. Wholesale spring goods ate mov
death, 1 will fear no evil; for Thou art leg well and there is already some 'bus.
with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they loess in sorting lines,
comfort me" (Pea. 23, 2.4, R. V.). "And Vancouver and Vieteria-Trade gen-
who is he that will harm yott, if ye be molly continues to improve all alien
the coast
Royal Canadian Regiment -Lieut,
N, Denison ise• granted brevet milk of
e0th Halton Regiment (Lorne Rifles)
-To be honorary lieutemtnt, Mr, 0, D.
Mann. Corps reserve - Captain 31.
Ford is transferred to the 95th Regi-
ment with rank of provisional major.
38th -Regiment Dufferin Rifle -To
he captain, Captain George Sends Mat-
thews, from the reserve of ()Biters. •
44th. Lincoln and Welland Regiment -
To be eaptaie, Lieut. W. Andrews, vice
Capt. J. G. Cline, wlio is transferred to
the corps reserve,
40th NorthumberlanO Regiment -
Meier and honorary Lieut.-Uol, Eon.
W. A. Willoughby is retired, aud is
permitted to retain honorary inek of
Lientenant-Colonel on retirement.
eral other robberies near the city,
whieh have been puzzling the police for
sorne Vette. The goods stolen tram
Pnett's store at Belwood we valued at
alkali $200 and. consisted of several fur
coats, fur ruffs, boots, shoes, and gen-
mal-merchaudise, while 600 pounds of
peek stole!, from several farmers was
The raid eves made at the -house of
Alex. Cudney, at one time the Junction
Hotel, neer harden, a few miles frorn
the city, following a Visit of Ondney to
theecity, when be offered. a fin coat for
sale to a second-hand dealer for $2.50.
Cudney himself was not to he found,
ouSee- his wife being in the house when
the. officers made their search, but he.
WaS arrested this morning.
Since he disappeared a -watch had been
kept 'at his • place near harden, and he
VMS, nabbed. on his return to -day. He
will, appear et court in the morning.
Graduate of Queen's Gives $10,000
to Mining School. •
Kingston, Ont., March 30. -(Special.)
---De. Goodwin of the School of Mines,
has just been 'informed that Dr. James
Douglas, of New York, a graduate of
Queen's University, has subscribed NO.;
OW to the Mining School. Th -is is to
foien part of the half minion endoWneent
-fund the Board of Governors Inc rale-
Express Messenger Killed•on the Santa
.. Fe Road.
Newton, Kansas, Mareh 29. -Two reb-
ore to -day killed 0. A. Bailey, of Kansas
City, an express n-essenger of the Wells -
Vargo Express Company, in the express
car of a westbound Atchison, Topeka &
Santa. Fe between Florence and Newton,
Kenos, robbed both the local and
through safe of at least $1,000 and some
jewelry and. escaped.
The body of Messenger Bailey was
found when the train reached Newton.
It was stretched on the floor of the car
lying iit a pool of- blood. The back of
the skull was crushed. There was no
evidence of any struggle. The indications
aro' that the murder was committed
while- the messenger was asleep.
Prefects Ordered to Refuse Passports to
Known Criminals -Many, However,
Sail Frone Non -Italian Ports -Prey
on New World Italians.
tory Of which:was given as at 129 Rue
Montmartre. None of the druggists
ever hued heard of "Dr. henry% :Alia-
tare,' but meet of them sent around a!
buy it, end. these who bought. It receiv-
ed email A. large bottle of eolerless
the "Wholesale piiee of which. Was $2,
In no ease -did the man with the
prescription return to the shop in
witioli had left it, and tide. led to
a complaint being made to the police.
The police discovered that. the "dgetisi-
[tory" in Rue Montmartre was oper-
ated by two swindlers, and an analysis
of "Dr. Henry's Mixeure" diselpsed that
it was nothing but cold water.
The swindleses at the "de,pository"
enjoy,ed e diey of roaring trade, and
then dieoppeared. Next meriting, the
arentses ibeing besieged by a fresh
crowd eager to purcheee the mixture,
ths landlord opened up the shop. He
was nob aware thathis tenants had
taken flight, and was actuated by a
desire to cafe. for their interosts. He
sold bottle after bottle of the mixture
before the pollee, accompanied by an
angry douggist, put in their appear-
Rome, March 30. -Reports whicri have
reached here about the war 011 An-
teechists in Americo have produced the
greatest satisfaction 111 all quarters
from the Government to the lower
classes, the latter haying many rea-
latives and friends among the emigraots
to America, whose reputation for being
sober, honest, and laborious workmen
is compromised by the reckless acts of
a few countryleas desperadoes who have
already been repudiated by their own
fatherland and have sought refuge in
America, thus hoping to escape justice.
The Government authorities here will
co-operate in every way in the cam-
paign by preventing the departure of
any who have the least stain on their
record by refusing passports. A. Govern-
ment circular to all the Prefects in the
kingdom has given most stringent or-
ders on the subject. The trouble is that
the undesirable emigrants manage to
sail from non-Italiah ports.
Information received here states that
once in America these criminals are es-
pecially dangerous to other Italians, who
often apply to the home Government
for protection, but Italy cannot possibly
interfere. But it is hoped that President
Roosevelt's proverbial energy will be
successful in standing off the gang of
international malefactors who are try-
ing to give their crimes a political
character by calling, themselves pro-
pagators of new doctrines.
Nobody here forgets that Paterson, N.
J., is the den from which Bressi was in-
tigated to murder King Humburt. The
blow to "La Question Sociale," the pa-
per of those so-cetied Anarchists, is,
therefore, heartily"applauded. This, be-
sides ridding the country of its worst
element, will render it great service to
a laege number of Italians who are their
direct victims, and who only desire to
be loyal, quiet and. hardworking citizens.
It is a curious fact that the King and
the Pope are equhlly interested in Ital-
ian emigration, and are convinced that
Italians will make splendid colonists if
the bad elements are only weeded out.
Frederick Kaiser Dies From Injuries
'at Montreal.
Montreal, Mardi 20. - Frederick
Kaiser died to -night from injuries re-
ceived in a peculiar manner. He and
Onother young man named Louis La-
flamme got on e street ear and began
it quarrel. Laflamme„ who was threat-
ened, raised' his umbrella, to strike
Kaiser, bat in the scuffle the steel
poiut was thrust into Kaiser's eye and'
renelied the brain. Kaiser fell un-
conscious, and died a fete hours litter
in it hospital, Laflamme was arrested
on it. charge of manslaughter.
HI Lays Down Leadership of Miners'
life. 2Overflowing life." Sueli o life PeoP 0 In I ao 0 angel, au e
i$ a g.
rowieg inereasing life. In the Moonmake any sacrifice to protect, and to tAt Alabenta Representatiee II sed Re-
peaes dant lifff ittirift. I. An r al•mulartee of save them from the elements thee war
psa. 37 11 72, 7 pen 4 7) * upon them and the enemies that \stolid . 'Velvet in a Car, •
An abundance of joy (Psa. le, 11; 2 Cote - make of them a prey (ve. 045). "No 'Washington, Match :00. -In n deepe7-
8. 2; John 15. 111..3. An ablindariee of - one ehall snatelt them out of my hotel? ate affray. on it Pennsylvania avenue
eimplaerd-"Jesus, As the good Shepherd, (vs. 28, 20, R. V.). David was aii exam- were eliot -bydongreseMart Thotnas J.
. Feetteh Government Peetpones Their
AL-ao—F -0-4-4"--20LAis
grace (Rom 5 17; 2 Cor, 0. 8; 12. 0), 4. saye jeans, "and no one is able to , • REMOV REMAINS,
Abundance of glory. 11. I am the good snatch them out of the Father's band" ear to-nigot a "SIT Oxid it Alto nut`t•
was foretold by God inJim propliete. pie of a faithful and courageous eltepo. Heflin, of Alablunn, Thomas- Lumby,
Itis diameter evait that Of at divinely ate herd When he elm the lion atul bear - the negro, Was that in the head, atnd
pointed shepherd. Me purposes, Mei (T. Sam. 17, 34-37). is lit it _critleal totalition end Thomas
tottehings, llis works, His nitrate& The 1 VIL The goo4 Shepherd sympathizes afeCreary, it XAW York 'horse tvaiiier,
methods of work, tll were those WW1 l withear«1 itdapts IIhnself to the various Is Buffering from a wound' hi the leg,
nitwit belong to a good shepherd. of ' conditione and circunisteneee of lIle pee. The ellooting of MeCreitry Was asei•
God'eople." In v. 14 Jesuit raid% "and ple, Ire eluill feed IBe I ode like a dstitnl. btr. Thf1ifl was arretM and
lower too Sheep Awl am known of mine." ellerdierdi dle shall gather the lambs taken to n pollee 'station, where the
"There is a mutual affeetion between, with Ms Arm, and earry them in Me allege of assault to kill was plated
the mbepherd and the sheep. There le bosom. and Anil gently letta tame that afotinet him. Letter he Wftfl relealea
ft mottle affeetion between the Father are with yoling" (Ise. 40, 11), Reed • orl 0,000 boll.
and the Son; 0115 18 parallel with the trek. 414. Mr, Eeflin Wee 011 hie wity to de.
his health,. whieli has given wAj under
1,116 strain of office, Mid will undertake
no Volt until his health improves. It is
reported that President Itoosevelt has
offered hint it mission to Pertatait.
Transfeeente to the Pantheon.
• Patio, March 29. -The Government
teemsready to take advantage of ittq'
excuse to delay the transfer of Zolit's re:
' Moine from Pete Ia. Chao Cemetery to
the Pantheon. Although the transfer
vim voted it year and a half ago, and
the ceremony was fixed for April 2t14, it
has now been postponed to Jure 4t1i, on
the pretext that Senote has toe yet ap-
propriated the $7.900 needed,
• St. John, N. B., March 29.-A mild
A Charge of Smuggling Against a C.
sensation has been caused here by the
news of the arrest of Peter D. Lefebvre,
a C. P. R. conductor, by a United States
marshal on the charge of esmeggling
clothing and other things across the bor-
der into the United States. Lefebvre
was a conductor on the Montreal train.
He left here in charge of his train on
Friday evening last,end ateialattawam-
keag station, in Maine, Was placed. un-
der arrest.'
The train proceeded in charge of an-
other conductor; who was on board, And
one story is that the company had been
notified that the arrest was to. be made
and had the extra conductor on the
train. Lefebvre was taken to Augusta,
and admitted to bail until Tuesday next,
when he will be given a heaving: He has
been 25,rears in the C. P. It. employ and
is 'widely known.
There is a story that a St. John firm
is involved in the case, and it is also
said the United States authorities have
been on the look -out 'for some time for
the developments which led to Fridny'a
Aetion at Winnipeg Against Stefan
Ludkofsky, Defaulting Treasurer.
Winnipeg, March 29. -The Czar of all
the nussias has to bow to British
law in an action brought by hint to
recover through the Court of King's
Bench it portion of the money eln-
beztled by Stefan Ludkofsky evhile
Treasurer of Turkestan. The Czar's
legal representatives here had issued a
writ attaching the goods and chattele
of Ludkofsky, valued at about $25,000,
butt have been unable to locate him.
Yesterday' Judge Mathers set the writ
aside on the ground that the court had
no jurisdiction, both parties being
aliens, and the crime having been com-
mitted on foreign soil. The Czar must
pay all the costs. .An appeal will be
entered, and the Judge . has made nn
order for the detention of the goods in
the menntime.
Illinois Man Has Been Releiteed From
Winniptg jail,
Winnipeg, Man., Muth 30.-Adeltud
E. LaFonde has been released, from the
provineial jail by the Attorney -General's
department, and can go where lie pleaees.
The prisonet, Who has made good his
claim that he was kidnapped . from Ot-
tawa, Ill., wile in fine spirits.
Ile has decided to go back to Ottawa,
III., and will make things worm for the -
officials at that WI. In addition, he
says he will bring a heavy damage RIM
at Ottawa. An investigatiott of the eagle
may be heli here later. The insurance
company lets dropped its charges agithist
• •
A Winnipeg Shipinent Held flp at Fort
Winnipeg, lferch 30.-Iteports from
Port Arthur and Fort William of the
condennottiolt of western meat caused it
email sensation here, where the head-
quartere of the inaustey are. ItiOestigo-
tion Was begun at once te astertain the
correetneee of the alarming reports of
the prevolenee of trichina in the pork,
which had passed Government, hispection
here. No trace of that dimeitee has beim
found in western pigs, tor te it ever
knewn to exist Where tats and other
roderite are 1101 foaled, as the pigs are
Rumors of Courtseitp of Madame
Gould Denied by Prince.
New York, March OA -Asserting that
he is much discouraged because the
publicity that has followed his move-
ments since his arrival here has inter-
fered with his via% Prince 'Helie de
Sagan stated to -night that he was seri-
ously considering an immediate return to
"I find I 'cannot live in this city,"
said the prince. . "And I presume the
best thing for me to do is to. go away.
"Certain newspapers have contended
ceaselessly that I am here as. ail
avowed. suitor for the hand of Mme.
Gould* They have ruined ray visit.
Mme. Gould and I are good . friends,
and fr'endship is all there has been
between us."
t - - -
Agecl Telegraph Operator Suicides
When Young Girl. Jilts Him.
• Vancouver March 29.-Itornitntie in-
deed is the ;tory of the death Of William
Hotel, a Yukon telegraph operator,
whose body was found at Burns Lake,
several weeks ago.
Months ago Heinz became infatuated
in Vancouver with it girl of the under
world, Flora Franklin. She is very
young, and, professing affeetion for
Heinz, who was fifty, he sent her to Win-
oipeg to be educated, but recently she
went to Los Angeles, where she is now
iii a convent. Before leaving Vancouver
he declared he -would end his life if the
girl -went back on him.
He took a large quantity of morphine
into the northern wilds, and °tram.
stances point to suleide, His will was
made several days before his death, and
a note added the day before, instructing
that his money, willed her, be forwarded
to her. rfe left her $2,000 cash and
property in the east.
They Have Not Sold the Hamilton
Montreal-, March 30. -The Richelieu &
Ontario Navigation Company manage-
ment deny most emphatically the tale
that they have sad their Hemiltoo lino.
• "We have," said Goma Manager
Swath, "had ander consideration the re•
organieation and possible sale of the
Hamilton line, but we have no dealings
with the promoters of the Hamilton
- merger, and so far as our service to the
• Bay of Quints, Toronto ina Hamilton is
eoncereed, it will be nittintained by tth
the miming season."
f I
Have Right to Vote,
Toronto, Marna 30e--Ittstiee Clute has
cleated diet in a vote oo total oation
the deputy returning offieers and poll
clerks- have the same right to vote as in
it nundeitial eleetion.
Ile lute, therefore, refueed nimbi
the Jettal option byelew of Pate urg,
near ltinplon, width WWI C011tefttra oft
the ground that the returning ()Meer
bad not the right to vote,
Foreigner in New York Attempted
Destruction of Squad of Police,
but Was Fatally Injured in Ex-
plosion -His Companion Killed.
feL R. C. IL glues)
(1. R. cs. P. 43.4114.)
(Onto with Pr, Chisholm)
DAMBINMEM !WO aouorron
Mawr to loan at lowest rasa. Office-.
Offlea-Meyer Block. Winglam,
Dioldnson, Dudley WAWA.
New York. March 29. -Selig Silver-
stein WU'S fatally injurein Union
Square yesterday anernoon by the ex-
plosion of a bouvb whiel he was just
about. to tout aeter a seemed of police,
oilverstein's companloo, ig•nata iiikte-
Mundt, was killed and. four policemen
wore slightly injured, Bomb -throwing
in the toreign, settlements of the east
sale is a nether comment occurrence, but
this is the first time that an moque
of destruttion has been openly atiti
directed againse any of the
city pollee,
A meeting of the unemployed with-
out police sanction had been advertise.d
to be held in the park in the alter -
noon., In the ten thousand or more
that, gathered were many of the riotous
disposition -' a large number wore led
hats, and here :end there a red flag
was displayed. The police were order-
ed to clear the park, and succeeded in
(hiving the hooting, jeering crowd back
to the streets of the square Rummel-
ing the park. The park heel been clear-
ed of ell but a few apparently harm-
less 'men, who were occupying benches,
when Captain Reilly's squad of twenty
men started aorose toward. the west
side, two abreast. •
As the squad neared the fountain in
the centre two men ikertea out from the
shadow of the Washington momment.
When•within twenty.yards of the police
the smaller 1111111 raised his hand to
throw something at the police. As he
drew back hie arm his weapon exploded.
The aseassin and his companion fell, tlie
latter dead with his breast torn out.
The bom,latbrower still lived, but, his
eight hand had been shot off, both of
Ins eyes were gouged out and his skull
and a shoulder were fractured. A dozen
other persons were thrown to the
lthe exploe.on occurred the tnob
again crowded into the square, but waS
driven off by the mounted police. The
assassin, et first; uneomeious, on re-
gaining hie senses doctored that he
hind been commissioned to kill the
police, They had beet hint, he said. At
first he had insisted that he acted alone.
Later, however, he said that his aet
was inspired, but refueed to inerimin.
atO anyone. He made the bomb; he
freoln directions he had foetid In
an encyclopedia.
Its Backwardness Attributed to Cler-
ical Control.
Montreal, Bleach. 20. -At a banquet
giv!en by the Reform Club on Satur-
day night Messrs, Godfrey Langlois,
M. P. Pe and J. Deoaire, M. P. P., were
the guests of honor,
Mr. Langlois made it remarkable Ad-
dress, dealing with educational metiers
of the Province of ,Quebec. lIe show-
ed how ver- backward edttetttieill Wass
0,11kitaribilted it to °Wield oontrol and
lack of uniformity In text•books, To
the Provieee there are seventeen gram-
mars used, Revert geographies ami
tight Canadian histories. In Qaebee
the minimu81 coat of textobooks is
$L08, and bit Ontario 40 cente. He
praised Ontario's educationitl eystem
and declared emphatically for a like
system for Quebee,
°alleged WIth Extensive Robberies.
Davidson, Sask., Mn -eh 29, --Charles
Araime is under arrest here tharged
with being ono of a gang who'llave per.
sietently robbed settlers' sharks and
granaries and stolen cattle mid poultly
for eeveral menthe past. Other arrests
are peadiag.
Office -Morton Block, Wingham.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Ins. Co.
()Jlstablished 18400
Head Office -GUELPH, Or
Risks taken on all classet Insurable prc-
petty on the cash or prk•tallurn notseeearoytaart:
Agent. Wingham,.. Ont.
Write for our interesting boolcs "Invent -
ora Help" and Mow you are swindled."
8424 us a rough sketch or model of your hi-
yention or improvement and we will tell you
free our opinion as to whether it is probably
Patentable. Refected applications have often
L' successfully prosecuted by us. -We
'conduct fully equipped offices in MOntreal
' and Washington; this qualifies us tts pr�ntVt-
ly work and quickly secure Patents
as broad as the invention. Highest references
1 aPnlatischnetds 'procured through Marion tk Me-
rlon receive special Flottce without charge in
O'er too uewapapers diatributed throughout
5 silty 1 -Patent busteess 1/4:1 Manufac-
u and lt ;winters.
Mont Experts and Sailuittirsi.
New York Life 13151g, Maltreat
°I114" • Atianti4BLdg,Washisigton 126
Catherine Rooks, Masquerading in Her
Uncle's Clothing, Captured by Men
Looking for Negro Wife -Murderer -
Was Beating Her Way to Chicago.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 30. -Catherine
Rooks, twenty-theee years old, was to-
day returned to her parents' home at
0 Bedford street by the authorities of
Lawrence county after a most exciting
experience ISIS:, in -ening. Miss nooks
while in man's attire was chased by a
sheriff's posse in- • Lawrence county
which was in search ot a negro who •
had ftally etiamed his wife. - In the
darknees -the gill was mistaken for the
much -wanted negro antl she narrowly
escaped lynching. Her voice saved her
as she was about to be hoisted on a,
rope by Inc mob.
The girl. ti hose family is poor, has
a brother sick in Chicago, and a few
days since she got the idea that she
might beat her way on freight trains to
Chicago to help him had she but boy's
attire. Being or large frame, he eeeret.
ly tried on the clothing of her 'uncle,
and. finding it fitted well she left a note
In the house and started for Chicago,
By last eveniee she had gotten as far
as Newcastle. •In the dusk aroun'l the
railway station she was noticed by ono
who had been exit with the sheriff all
day looking for Robert Washington,
whose wife is dying frov. knife wotunts
inflicted by him.
The word Scion passed that there was
a "strange nigger man" about, and the
posse was soon in full cry after Cather -
/no, who, unhampered by skirts, fled
like the wind. At the end of a mile site
was brought to earth, exhaustea and
frightened almost to death, but she man-
aged to screant it few times so lustily
that the posse found it had no man to
deal with. Mise Rooks was taken to
Youngstown, Ohio, for the night, and
brought back to Pittsburg to -day.
• -
Lightning Euters Buildings Among the.
Wirese-Persons Injuted.
! A Chatimin, Ont., despatch: This City
was visited by a severe electrical storm
thia morning, the worst that has ever
been experienced here. One partictilorlet
brilliant flash of ligliteing was followed
by a emelt of thunder which ehook
every building iti tho eity. Several pen.
= ple, ineluding clerks in Manes, receive 1
severe elioeks through the lightning t -
- tering the bUildinge via telephone, wines
. Amu% those injured were Willitun
. Maim, Mr, relay, Miss Patersott and
luias realm
The lightning struck it freight train
whieh was just leaving the city, and
played atom; the tops of the ears. M
struck the overheat) trolley wire of tho
. C. W & to E. Railway, on St. Clair
street, and the wire melted mid fell to.
the pavement. In NIA ease, when the
lightning entered it Wilding .0.1mig tha
wires, it egploded,