HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-26, Page 88 THE WINGHAU ADVANCE, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1908, Iiolyrood. Will. and Michael Forltan left for the '1'V'est last Monday. Our native birds are appearing again and spring is a welcome guest. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Davison spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. T. henry's, Rev. Mr. Watson preached hero last flnnday morning in the Methodist flhurch.. Miss N. Palmer of Kincardine spent a few days with her sister on the 8th con, 'Will. Hemingway of Brussels spent a couple of days with his sister, slim. Robt. Elicit, Jahn Johnston of Belfast and Will. Erwin of Lucknow spent Sunday in the village.. A. number of people have been laid up, with la grippe this spring in the neighborhood. Mrs, Samuel Parker of Teeswater spent a few days last week with her mother. Mrs. Haines. Mr. Jack Johnston gave it number of his friends a party last Wednesday night, before leaving for the West, Rev, Mr. J. Wilson of Teeewater will preach a missionary sermon in the Methodist Church here next Su* day morning. sOLiD FOOD MEANT AGONI.. Dr.. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets cured her Indigestion« -made her Stomach strong and well. To -clay she eats 'anything she wishes, en- joys it and suffers xio pain. Mrs. Ellen Butler, 37 Collahie street, Toronto, suffered so from Indigestion that for years to put a bit of solid food in her stomach meant agony for hours. She had tried many remedies without any permanent relief, but when she commenced using Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets she immediately im- proved. After taking three boxes she was able to eat anything' without the slightest distress. Sixty tablets, 35 cents. (2 ti ) For SaIe by A,. L. HAHIt.TON. ( s It Q yd r -, rr.''d ONE WAY Colonist Excursions TO THE WEST Commencing Feb'y. 29th and continuing daily until April 29, 1908, to following points :— VANCOUVER, 13.0 o SPOKANE, wash PRATTLE_ Wash PORTLAND, Ore SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, Cal `p47.80 MEXICO CITY $47.80 Tickets also sold to other cer- tain points in proportion. 47.75 For tickets and full information, can on W. HENRY, Town Agent, or write. J. D. McDonald , District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Does It Pay To make your own Biscuits. You WILL BAY NO when you read . this—:You WILL SAY IT AaAnT when you see them— and YOU'LL COME BACK IFR MORE when you try them. albs. For - 25e. SWEET MIRED GINGER SNAPS FRUIT CURRANT CAKE LEMON SQUARE VANILLA SNAP . . LEMON SNAP FRUIT GINGER COCOA SNAP VANILLA FINGER ICED CAFES SWEET SQUARES The Tea and Coffee Store J. Henry Christie East Wawanosh« Miss Garr is spending a few weeks with friends in Blyth, Miss Annie Densmore is nursing Mie. Tabb in Uoderfch at present, Miss Annie Taylor, Oth line, is still a sufferer from an Attack of tonsilltls. Jas. Nethery, gravel road, is sui'fer- ing front an attack of sciaticain his. back. Mr. Hardisty and family, 41-11 line, have got nicely settled in their new home. Some of the farmers in this locality have tapped their maple trees and report a good run. Miss Phoebe Densmore spent a few days last week with her friend, .miss Morton, 0th, line, Mr, E. Snell is engaged, with as. Gresby, near Sunshine, for the spring and summer months, Wesley Stackhouse has suffered severely for the past two months with a ringworm On his neck. J. J. ritason, 4th line, purchased a fine mare last week at a fancy figure from B, H. Taylor, Oth line. Mrs. Join Solar, Oth line, spent a few days last week in Gioderich with her sister, Mrs. Tabb, who is seriously John Rodger and family have moved into the house recently vacated by Wm. Mc/tarty on the Westfield line. ' Marvin .McDowell, Oth line, disposed of his driver to Mr, L. Williams, hard- ware merchant, of Belgrave, last week. Cook Bros. of Westfield purchased a fine horse from Geo. Fothergil.. They now have secured a select team to go with their threshing outfit next sum- mer, Talk About Your annual sales, clearing sales,• slaughter sales, going- out-of-businesssales, stock - reduction sales, and your stoek-taking sales, but we can meet them all. Just a few quotations :--- Tomatoes, per can. loo 8 ostia (torn for............ 250 8 cats Peas for 25c 8 cans Pumpkin for....,25c 8 cans Wag Beans for, 25o 6 bars Sunlight Soap for,25o 20•1b. pails Goldenette Pure Cane Syrup 100 10-1b. pails Goldenette Pure Cate Syrup 50c And everything else aaeordingiy. ( tiality secondto none. W. Bone Pi/ONA 118 Opposite New Dank el! Go urnerae Wt etch if Albert McKellar and J, McDowell, jr., returned hone lest week from Michigan, where they were engaged chopping on the fauns which they recently purchased. The sale of Isaac Marwood, Donny- brook, was largely attended. Horses sold high, but cattle went low, owing no doubto the scarcity of money, and so many of the farmers having no feed. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes ail hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from, horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore or swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder- ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Brussels. Mrs, B. (lavvin is making favorable progress after her accident, Q. A, Deadman purchased a. there' bred Jersey cow last week from Mr. Barr of Luvlenow, On Tuesday evening the annual At Home of the Odd Fellows of Brussels will be held intheir lodge -xoom.. Mr. Crowley, inspector of Continu- ation Soho's. visited Brussels sebool last week and reports the work very Satisfactory. There is not much change in the condition of Mrs. David Ross,sr., although, some days elle shows con- siderable Improvement. Mrs, Gilpin is regaining the use somewhat of her right limb, the left one and left arta still bother her. She is confined to bee bed. A. load of Masonic brethren from tarn visited Wroxeter Lodge on Mon- day eveningand enjoyed a social time with their orthern craftinen, D. Ewan has disposed of 44 cutters during the winter now closing, clear- ing out every one he had. He ship- ped two luznber waggons to the West last week, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev, B. (a. Powell tied the matri- monial bow, at the parsonage. between Geo, F. Crooks, of Atwood, and Miss Ida, daughter, of Sohn bil- ling of Cranbrook. On Monday afternoon while Mr. J. Kerney's delivery boy ,was driving down town, the wheel of the light waggon canoe in contact with' a load of logs. The waggon was upset and the horse ran away. Five crates • of eggs were broken. Mrs. J, K. Richardson, who has been ill for about two years of a pulmonary affection, died at St. Marys on Tries - day morning, March 10th. The deceased, lady, whose maiden name` was Enphemia Richardson, was a native of Brussels and had been a resident of St. Marys for about three years. On \'Vednesclay afternoon, Ward , Buchanan and Garman Powell were at the river near the old flax -mill test- ing the ice along the margin, when theformer venturing too far broke through and had an unexpected bath. • By a vigorous effort he got out, not much the worse of his wetting, except that he was minus his cap. At the -home of the bride's mother, Annetta Funston, Seattle, Washing- ton, at 5 o'clock, on St. Patrick's Day, the matrimonial knot joining Clarence S. Gildersleeve and Miss Eleanor Rose I+ unston, formerly of Briissels, in a matrimonial alliance was tied by Rev. Dr. Rees, in the presence of near rela- tives and intiinate friends. Do You Lack Self -Control ? If you are constantly keyed up, nervous, perhaps depressed, look to your over-worked nerves for the cause. They are starving for the nourishment that Ferrozone so quick- ly supplies. Besides its tonic action on the nervous system, Ferrozone has marvelous blood -forming properties. It thus supplies strengthening ma- terials to every nook and corner of the body and brings the system to a condition of perfect health. To be strong, to eat well, and work long without fatigue, use Ferrozone; it is the best nerve system t4nic known. Sold at all dealers in 50c boxes. - Fordwich. Miss Dulmage of Harriston was the guest of Miss Maggie McKee over Sun- day. Mr, Anderson . of Gowanstown was the guest of his sister, Mrs, J. Sother- an, jr., last week. Mr. Rudd of Alma was pressing hay in this vicinity last week ; the price paid was $12.00 per ton. Owing to the absence of Rev. Mr. Dobson on Sunday, his work was sup- plied by Rev. Dr. Hussar. Mr. John Sotheran has been ailing for some time ; we are sorry to state that he is hot gaining in strength. Mrs: Rowe, of Fordwich, Who under- went an operation at the Clinton hos- pital, is doing as well as can be expect- ed, Sugar -making is the order of the clay; those who have tapped report a good run. Itis hard getting through the woods owing to the great depth of snow. Mr. Thos. McLaughlin, who has been suffering withtuberculosis, left for the south some time ago, We are glad to report that he is feeling much better under the change. Mr. Ed. Reichard of the 2nd con. Howick, arrived home on Saturday last with bis bride. He was married on March 11th, to Miss Stobie of New- market. He has rented Mr. Road- house's farm on the 2nd con. of How - ick for a term of years. Mr. John J. Gregg has disposed of his 150 acre farm to Mr. L. Denierlipg for the sum of $11000; this is one of the best farms in Howick. Mr. Gregg intends moving to Fordwich about the middle of next month, to the honse lately vacated ` by Mr. Wm. Arm- strong. We understand Mr. Gregg intends going West this stun -met, and will probably settle there. Is Consumption Inherited? Opinion of a Prominent Bacteriologist Given at Recent Lecture at Her - yard College. Prof. H. C. Ernst in a recent lecture before Harvard Medical school discus- sed this theory at length. He claims that consumption is not an inherited disease, and that the children of par- ents who have had tuberculosis are as likely to grow up strong and health as children Of parents .who have not. Dr. Ernst further cairns that the car- dinal means for curing this dread dis- ease tr it' aro plenty of fresh air, siif'bolent E'luid . Extract Dandelion, one-half nutritious food, rest and exercise. ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; For centuries physicians everywhere Compound Syrup 'Sarsaparilla, three have recognized the value of cod livor ounces, Take n.teaspoonfiil after each oil in the treatment of consumption meal and at bedtime. and all wasting diseases, butunfortitn- A well-known druggist here in town ately few could take it with benefit on is authority that these ingredients are aecotint of the indigestible oil, all harmless and easily mixed at home `Viral has 6olved this prctttlem, It by shakhig well in a bottle. This is the modern cod liver reparation has it eculler healingand u l e bya s mixture p without oil, 0lentitie, ex - soothing effect upon the entire Kid• tractive and. concentrating process ney and 1J -riflery structure, and often front fresh cods' livers, combining overcomes. the worst forms of Ithett- with peptonato of iron, all the medi- matisrn in knit a little while, This oinal, healing and bodybuilding ele- mixture is said to remove all blood ments of cod liver oil, but no -oil or disorders and cure the T'thertniatism ggrease. As a epec6c• Wall throat and by forcing the Kidneys to filter and lung troubles and as a strength twee - strain from the blood and system ail tor and body builder Vinol is nnexeel• uric acid and foul, decomposed waste led. Try it 'Oh. our offer to roan% matter, which cause these aihEtietions, your Mon if it fall to give satisfito- Try it if you aren't tell, Save the tion. J. Walton McKibbort, druggist, presenlptlon, • Wltigham, Ont., Morris. Mrs, W. Robb and Mrs. D. McCut- cheon spent Sunday on the 2nd line. Mr. Robt, McMurray was a delegate to the Orange Grand Lodge meeting at Mount Forest, held recently, It is pleasing to hear that sugar making has.begun, as we need some- thing to sweeten us up after the stormy winter, We are sorry to hear that Mr. James Spair, while pruning trees in his orchard on Wednesday, fell from a tree and received a severe shaking. A sleigh -load of young people wish- ing to spend Bt. Patrick's evening in it jolly good .way, drove to the home of F. McOutcheon, 8th line, where their wishes were amply gratified.. The evening was spent in music and games to the satisfaction of all. The ladies, taking advantage of Leap year, wound up the evening's amusements by a Leap year hop. •a One' In Seven Called By Consumption. A dreadful plague indeed when you consider that in incipient stages it can be cured. Take care of the little cold before it becomes a big one. When` the throat . is sore and it hurts to expand ',your •chest, rub in Nerviline and itu mediately apply one of Poison's Ner4iine Porous Plasters. Pain and tightness are at once relieved. In- flammation and soreness gradually disappear and fatal illness xs thus avoided. Nerviltne Plasters act as a counter irritant over the seat of pain, and as an exterior application in cur- ing colds in the muscles, in pleurisy and headaches they have no equal. Keep these remedies right in your homes. Wroxeter. Mrs, Geo. Allen visited friends in Teeswater on Saturday last. Mr. Norman Harris left for the West on Wednesday of last week. Miss Mand Paul of Bluevale wet the guest of Mrs. Wm. Wilson from Fri- day till Sunday. Mr. W. S. McKercher returned from Wingham on Monday last. Mrs. T. TI. Miller of Toronto is Visit- ing here this week. Miss Nellie Black of Harriston was home over Sunday. Mr. W. II. Carr, editor • of the Wroxeter Star, has moved his house- hold effects into the residence of Mr. W. H. Reed. Mrs, 11. McLennan left for Brant- ford 6n. Friday last for an extended visit. ...__y SOB THIS ANYWAY,. Here is a simple home-made ture as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who i'riakes the statement in a New York daily news- paper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. He states that such symptoms as tame back,• pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, pain- ful and discolored urination, are read- ily overcome. Here is the recipe; Jiowick, Mrs, W. J'..Spottort and children are veryfll at presentwith scarlet fever, Mr. John. WVatters lost one 'of .his One agricultural team, of horses last week, The handsome flags supplied to the different schools are now in possession of the Secretaries, Mrs, Bert," Cooper, who recently underwent an operation in Fergus hospital is home again, and is rap idly improving in health. Mr. Bert King and family are mov- ing to. Mr. White's faun on the 13th con. Athos Willis of Gorrie will occupy the farm vacated by Mr. King. W. R. Belden, townline of liowick, near Molesworth, has 1100 trees tap- ped, He goes largely into the making of maple (syrup, and can handle 125 gallons of sap per hour. A. quiet wedding took place at 1 p.m., on Wednesday, March llth, at the on parsonage, con. 0, Wallace, when Mr. .Adam Zurbrigg, of Bewick, and Miss Emma A. Wenzel of the 2nd con. Wallace, were united as husband and wife. They will reside on the old homestead in Howick.. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart of Newbridge vicinity gave a party to the young people before leaving the faun for their future home. They will remove into Newbridge and locate in theresidence which he recently •purchased. from Jas. Roe of Newbridge. His son, Win. D. Stewart, has rented Geo. Bowers' farm on the 12th con. for one year and will get, immediate possession. We under- stand Mr. . and Mrs. /Tarry Dulmage will take possession of the farm which Mr. Stewart has had rented for two years. After an illness of several weeks' duration the death occurred on Sun- day, March 16th, of Catherine Mc- Tavish, dearly beloved wife of Wm. J. Mitchell, of Howick. The deceased was in her 50th year. Sincere sym- pathy is expressed for the husband and young daughter and other rela- Gives in their sad bereavement. The funeral took place to the Wroxeter cemetery. on Tuesday aftex'noon, ser- vice being conducted by Rev. L. Per- rin. aortic, Gorrie livery has changed hands Helton Ashton •is :the purchaser; price, $2,000. Rowick Connell met here oil Wed- nesday, lSth inst.; minutes in another column. G. W. Walker is in demand for auc- tion sales, ]le knows the people, and makes it successful anetioneer. Itobt. Wallace has purchased the store and residence south of the poet - office, from (leo. Kowloon, The con- sideration is said to be $000, Rowick Council examined the Gorrie bridge recently and decided to repair it for the present, A new bridge will soon be a necessity. It may bo deferred for while, int at substantial bridge is among the things that must be provided in- the near future. The new Methodist, parsonage here is a credit to the Church that provides so comfortable and modern a home for its pastor, and also a credit to the vil- lage. It cost abort $1,000, and is lighted with sleet+ leve gas. Services commemorative of its completion were held last Sunday. By the way, this is a new feature, having "opening ser- vices" for a parsonage.But perhaps it is all right, provided it helps to raise the funds. Rev, W. I3, Locke of Kin- cardine preached morning and even- ing. A successful teameeting was held on Monday evening followed by a good program of addresses, music,, ete. •Theparsonage was open for inspection during the day. Gorrie circuit now has a parsonage that is up-to.date, as well as a comfortable and substantial church in this village, T -- Fordyce: COUNCIL MINUTES. Council met on March 18th- in the Tp. hall, Gorrie ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. A deputation, consisting of Rev. Mr. McTavish and John Hamilton, Waited on the Council, asking the use of the Tp. hall free for meetings held in the interests of Local Option By-law. Moved by Messrs. Winter and Rain stock that a charge of $1.50 be made for the three meetings held, to cover" fuel and light expenses --carried. A communication from U. S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry, was read, asking the Council to refund thein the amount charged on their section as interest, as their section did not draw any money., Moved by Messrs, Downey and Winter that the matter be left over for consideration—carried. Moved by Messrs. Hainstock and Downey that the following accounts be paid :—John Zeigler, gravel, $3 ; G. W. Walker, express on Assessment Rolls and Auditors' Reports, 85c ; R. Baker, drawing gravel, $1; Jas. Arm- strong, gas for Tp. hall, $11.50 ; Jas. Mitchell, rep. culvert, lot 4, con. 0, $1.50; Blewett & Bray, solicitors, fees Rattan ditch appeal, $12 ; Thos. G. Shearer, telephone messages, 95c ; W. F. Wade, tlncollectable taxes, $66.20; W. F. Wade, salary, postage, etc., as collector. Council adjourned to meet on the third Wednesday in April in the For- esters' hall, Fordwich, when tenders will be received for operating the road machine. L. Walker, Clerk. PATi':TMASTERs. Con. 1—Samuel D. Martin, Wm J. Lynn, H. Deitz, Wm. Croft, S. Wen- zall. Con. 2-3—Wm. Doig, J. W. Edgar, A. Edgar, T. McClement, Hugh Hutchison, 1`l. Haase, E. Lambkin, Jno. McKnight, Jno. Williamson, Jno. Topham. Con. 4.5—Jno. Maguire, A. Toner, Win. Gamble, Jas. Edgar, A. Keil, P. Doig, Henry Schofer, A. Darcey, S. Hyndman. Jno, Spence, Wm. Leckie. Con..0-7—Jno. Young, Jno. Hynd: moan, Jas. Clark, D. Hicks, Geo. Ash- ton, Calvin Rogers, A. Cowan, Enos Donaghy, Ed. Armstrong. Con. 8-9—Wm. Montgomery, Fred Taylor. W. G. Strong, Wm. Pike, Jno. 13enueburg, Hugh Collins, W. Brown, Jno. Dickert. Con. 10.11—Chas, Sitninons, Win. Eagleson, Thos., Day, Amos. Willis, J. IKreoller, Chas. Irwin, R. Ferguson, Win. Strong, Wm. Wallace. R. Gra- ham, Wm. .Craig, Jno. Strong, John Porterfield, H. Demmerling.' Con 12,43--Robt. Baker, W. Finlay, Levi Galbraith,- W. Galbraith, W. Huth, Win. Jacques, Jno. Kreollor, J. Darroch, A. Wright, S. Augst, Geo. Henry, Allan Porterfield, F. Porter- field. Con. 14.10—Wm. Hays, Flugh Wy- lie, Geo. Wylie, H. Woods, Geo. Hub- bard, F. Mahood, H. 'farting, E. Phair, P. Milligan, H. Dickert, Jno. Kreuger, George Rusk. Con. 10-17—George Newton, Thomas Dou las, W. Lowish, Jas. Burns, Jas. Wright, L. Luish, 0. Wright, 0, Wolf, Jno. Dettunan, D. Campbell, C. Hooper, Tame Ba liss. -, Con. 18—Geo. Johnston, Jno. Has. kins, J', Munroe, A. Drummond, Wm. Fraser. Con. A.—Thos. Richardson, R. Stokes, Geo. Doubledee, Wm, ,Weir, 'D. Rea,. Wm.Casemore, Thos. Gibson. Con.'B.--Win. Bell, W. Sanderson, Thos. Trimble, R. Harris, Wm. Gray. R. McIntosh, Jas. Stott, Jas. Wrigght. Con, C. --A. McKercher, C. Max. well, Ben. Hyslop, T. Ritchie, Geo, Robertson. J. L. McKee, Wm. Dior+ ray. POUNDic rPnxoe. Levi Galbraith, Jas. Wright, A. Graham., 'Wm. Reis, P. Doig, Thos. Dobbs, O. Rogers, Alex. Edgar, Jas. Kirby. Wm. Ilastie, Jno. Spence and John Johnston. FaxterViarvans. A. Graham, O. Irwin, L. Galbraith, 1D. Phair, G. Rusk, R. (larding, David Wallter, Wzn. 'Gibson, Wm. Edgar, T. J ohnston, J. Maguire, E. Sperling, W. Woir, R. Barris, David Rae. Bluevale; A sttbscnriber from here Wrote to the Toronto News An follows :—Please togive the recipe for mixingcal ashes Writ as Waif given last ear. Ansa --Thee were several methods The 'most common was the dissolving of a cupful of common salt in a pailful of Water and Wetting the ashes. The scheme has been abandoned every where as useless, and the 4ttoona co Meet formula, which f twas. Oben claimed was worth hundreds of thou- sands of dollars, probably could not n ow be sold for a hundred Oath-. C. W. Taylor is planning a farm auction sale .about April 15th. Sugar making has begun; another sign that the winter is passing and spring at hand. C. W. Taylor has recovered from his illness, and is grateful to his neigh - bore for the many kindnesses shown to him during that time. 1:. ITOS, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every forth of con- tagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani. tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. HERE'S A HEART POINTER. No beating about the bush for Aaron Nichola—he believes Dr. Agnew's Cure for. the Mart cured his wife, aud he says so straight. "This is to certify that I bought two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart for my wife who has been for twenty years a great sufferer from Heart Disease. She had more benefit from it than frepi all the' doctors that have attended her, and -I am pleased to give this certificate of its wonderful curative powers." Aaron Nichols, Peterboro P.O., Ont. It relieves in thirty minutes. (26) For Sale by A. L. l3AnrlLTox. Royal Grocery .I . . I. 1.14 Pickles ! • ickles !- This is the place to get them to suit all tastes and at all .prices. Have some of our bulk Pickles --Sour, 200 per qt.; Sweet, 25c per qt.; also a good line of Bottled Pickles, at 10e, 15c, 25e, 30e and 35e. Try our Bread — Home- made,, Baker's and Brown ; it is good. • PRODUCE WANTED. A. J. MALCOLM Successor to 0. N. Griffin L RITCHIE & COSP.iNS Iasuranee and Real Estate Telephone No. 128 Changes in Insurance properly made Handle the best Companies Investments made Equitable insurance rates Attend promptly tO bfisitiess leTeglect no details Devote Our time to, our own business Correspondence solicited Our aim—everybody satisfied ;Schedules arranged for manuf'g, risks Experience of over twenty years 7'o unsettled olahne in,that time See us before yott do business We can make it pay you to do so jnfornation freely given Now is the time to insure Give us a call Honest dealing With buyer and Seiler A lot of 1808 Oalendets; oall for one 1:enio books and blotters given away Office 1st stairway south Bk. Hamilton /low list of propertied --right prices The time to invest is NOW All business confidential /teal Estate in Wingham is all right xnsurande is a necessity Own yonr own novae. Ritchie & Cosens- 1EAJ, ESTATIC AND tNSU1tAI CE ,. "WINDHAM liIt6t1iank of ct1Ittoat the he Little Eaton SVI...LL, VIILLINERY OPE-N!N-GS WILL, BE Thursday - 2 r th Friday th Saturday - 2't Q00000000000c 000000d000000©QQof.r'3oota000000m 0000 t* oocx o One Hundred Trimmed Hats Together with the beautiful range of READY-TO- WEAR, will be ample selection to please the most critical buyers. The • Styles are Clean, Smart and Sty- lish. The Quality is only the best. ••++ N+•••+•N+4+++41.4••+++ •++ •+.N.N•NN,,s•••••o0•4•+Oso/0.0.4♦ Come Along, Vou and Vour Friends. Vou'ro Welcome. HANNA Wingham, QnL .1