HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-26, Page 7Ar77( "BILLY" .ST1 FT tiquidatien. Some things witieh are ' - BRITISH PREIVI1F,R pm' 01,3y lurn out .x.b. Wino WihiOh PUNCHES SATAN. . ate now had may beware. goodh" , "Were any queations asked at the meeting 14 ' RAPIDLY "es . XN4ItlifER PUGILIST PREACHES SER- MON Oaf CHICAGO STREET. _ Amateer in His New Claes, nut Fighter Ilepes to Become Singing Evangelist Soon. .Chicago, Mandl 23..---,"14adies and fel. s, there'll be no more of tbe joyful jeice that lidos ft.r 11' L11sports look like 30 cone to Me 110W, 8114 trodn th18 day on 111 b4 strictly fr Abe Stift and Jesus, and- atiek tight to the elaireli as long as I live." This was part of a sermon delivered by $tiff; at Clark street and Sheffield aVelitte last night as a sot, of magnet. to attract people to the the Ciltirch of Providence, a block &eta. where "Mee" new manager, the Bev, J. E, Snyder, ie tenanting revival serviees, "BM's" ef- torts welled the elmrch atteodence• to bo of, a hundred, Nearly everybody knows Stife, or ought to. He has been more or lees "Prominently" mentioned in the news- papers for years -in some connectioa or other. A dozen. years ago he wee the amateur clutemien middleweight arize . fighter of Illinois, then broke into the professional clase, and for a few years ranked as a "topnoteher." He waa known then as ethe man with the fight- ing face," Bill fought whiskey with his other coatestants, and when he svea not in theprize ring he was at the blaeksmith's forge or else tending ber, Then "BM" developed into a aort of regular deputy constable, then a private detective and strike breaker. :But "Dill" is to the good, now morally, though down anaeout so far as finances anel. a jot are con - oersted. He was converted on Jan. 23-"twea- ty-third" and not "twenty-three," lte emphasizes, and claims he will stick to. the "amateur evangelist" class, though his s brothera "Matt," .w.ho himself lute been. a Christian for six -years, he says, expects him to develoe into e profee- stoma But that's getting away from "Bill's" sermon, for he also said; "The life of a prize fighter is simply Herm. You eannot eight other fellows without fighting ehiskey. 3.•have fought many a hard battle with both men autt whiekey, and, while 1 bested, thii men, the wbiskey floored ane. allobody de- vivee any good from the life 1 led. Pm P o evina the elean way now. • "A have quit the prize lighting game for a better game; 1 :mine lietg,er fight- ing for financial stakes, but ant now in the battle, Or .salvation, I weighed 158 for the professional prize fighting ring, but was never so •cotalitioued as I am to -day at 180 pounds, because .1 am fighting the fight of righteousness now. Coate to Jesus and be saved. It is the only happy life after all, ' -All you young fellows and girls oughe to come to tag Lord before it is „ too late. I •ani getting old from', awl one of •the worst .pengs of suffering is for pie to think I eadat more consideration for my lovely young daughter and. quit the .a.wful game before I did, "1 have accepted jeans as ma personal eavior'and there is hope for you as well. Insteitd of a. prize ring champion 1 hope tobe a champme in the battle for God." "Matt" said "you ought to hear sing, and that it •Brotber will now getan oppOrtnnity to .altend McCor- mick Theological Seminary at night to study for the ministr,y, he expects him to blossom forth as a singing evangel - it have great faith in 'Dili's' future," gum the Bev. Mr. Snyder. "eince I con- vertea him many temptations have been pigged. in ais way. Ile wilt bicome big help to me, at the Christ Chureh. Ilia wile is going to join my thumb in April. 'Bib' issmecre." • : SOVEREIGN BANK • Special InterVieale With Two of the Men at the Helm. Arr. A. Jarvis, Presidenta-Cenon Dee- oame in ,witile the intlentme was be. ing:resed, and was the fieet to mete a questioa-as to the Advisability of an investigation Of the baulta .affairs. Mr. AlOrnilius- Jarvis, President of the Sover- eign Bank, made -.this remark to the alonetary Timcs i11 the course of an in- terview. "Of course," he con:Unmet "wbeit a written resolution wee lianded in asking for e, Government investiga- tion Of the ale:ties of the Sovereign Dank ana other banks, 1eould. de noth- ing but, rule it out of ,ordea meta not pat to the meeting therefore, '9:N next (shareholder to •speale wanted to know Mr, Stateart's position; Oa Wes ex- plained, He evidently thought that Mr. Steweat's shaves were not paid for, but the .positien was made quite clear. have seen and bear -d melt repeal: - jig the -use of proxies by the direetors of the bank.. We did net use, neither did we intend to use any proxies at the Meeting. We jltSt desired: ithe sharehold- ers to deeide the eourse of action, 1 hold proxies for the Mester Dank, and J. P. Merge -ifs intereete. If the r•eeolatiotae- garding a Government commisseriat to in- quire ante the affaiirs of the govereigt and other banks butt been formal upon Us at the meetieg, natnrally e Aottla have exereised our voteng power by proxiee. We wao,ted, to give the fialiest publicity to everat,hieg. We emila not fliscuss individtial &taunts. at this Ow. 14014 the Shareholders they oonla bavo certain infmatttion privately." Regarding .ekseed &croak to the press, Mr. Jarseiss saki: "It Ives a alearehald- iere meeting, and the prase coned not be admitted. A eertatin section of the .theily riapor. hastried for mouthei to (air up dieeatiefacelon, told to ovate an 10 (hat faat those in Authority aro malts - frig their power."' Mrs Jarvis WaS asked regarding the Penman trans/action. '".11vat has been Misrepresented," he te- .pleed, "t was approached by the former mateger -of the Soverelem Bank, who neltea me, "Will you jobi a santlierite•of •eix te tolte o.vor the Pennenes bust nese?' I eaid that 1 wind t, nn eonai- Cott the betide were nuute ealealele in Ittiglana, put 1111 my share of the money and then foetid that the other five were aumeneee, anti .tlit Wilk woe taerying them." afr..C:reseele, .Amistant General Malta- . ger-"If -the bask Itad from out of lattel- hese in May, eve ebould not bave TC4IITZ- #ct like ulin.t e WOW 1101Ye mike." RAM Mr. Caee,ele to ilie% mese. tary 'Timee on. Monaley lovinue Iiis drottrture on busino.,61 in fehiengo, "in (bo iat nine manti..e," 1< eentinned, Niro lave liquideted 44.1x Million dollars, *blob, T think, iq good be4o09,. It ill ilnPfre4b10 td 'foresot the teeult 'of the , quite cumber. •1:17:.*y wanted to know something Inarding thoee ees reil;3le for the losses, and also con- ofraing, several loons. It was milieus that theY asked mainly the same flues- t•ione• as at the 'Meetinghi. May ittat."-- elonetary Tame& ROYAL SCANDAL, Suit on Behalf of Natural SOBS of Alfonso's Father. 1 Madrid, Mardi 23. --The judges in the Elenn, Selma trial ealled at the palace yesterday to take the evideme of the Queen mother. Elena, Sansa was a Span- ish netress by whom King Alfelleo X1-1. had two natural sons. These children are now suing the heirs of Alfoeso XII, for an annuity, whieb they claim was left to their mother by the King and which was to revext, after her death, to them The Queen deposed that a few days later the death of Alfonso XII, Sen. or Salmeron creme to Senor Abbella'who was then attester of the household, arta toed him that Elena Salm had in her possession eertein letters from the late Xing, the publication of whioli would cense a great scandal. She would give them up for $15,000, ana in addition elaimea $1,000 for his services in the matter. Trusting to ,the integrity, of Salmeron, the qeeen paid over these two sums, and was assured by him that sailtxthe be question h -. ad been de to The present suit of the Sanza heirs, 'however' is basea entirely upon. letters identicalwith those which the Queen paid to have burned. The Same: mat- ter is to come up before, the Supreme Court, that tribunal having declared it- self competent to try the ease, a : - - MUST GET OUT. Thousands of Foreigners to be Deported From Pitts!Jurg. Pittsburg, 'March „investiga- tion is ia progress • here which will, it is, said, result in tie deportation ef thou - •sands of undesirable foreigners from the Pittsburs district within the next few months. °John. T. Ihumer, agent at large foe the immigration bureau .01 the De- partment of Commerce and Labor, is in Pittsburg now gathering statistics inci- &Mel to commencing deportetioe. While lie &mad not give an estimate as Lo the number of foreigners who will be taken out of the Pittsburg district, he said it "would. run into .thousands." 1 -.r AFTER ANNA. Prince Helia de Sagan Follows the Countess Here, New York, March 23. -Prince Helie de Sagan, who is a suitor for the hand of IVIrne,, Anne, Gould, 'is believed -.to have arrived in New York within a few &Int with the object of renewing his atten- tions to the American heiress. The man who is believed to be Prince Helie regis- tered at a New York hotel as "W, H. Thomson,". and gave no address. , • The via; of Prince de Sagan here at this time was unexpected, at least by Chaim who know something of the affairs of the prince and. of Mrs. Gould, IMITATED MOVING PICTURE. Ten -Year -Old Montreal Boy Victim of Peculiar Accident. Montreal, March 22. -David 11ligicov- slay, a ten-year-old•lad, came near end- ing his life Saturday at his home while trying to imitate a scene hehad wit- nessed ie a moving picture show. The little fellow fastened it cord around his neck, and tying the other eml of it to the top rung of a bannister, started to slide down the rail. Instead. of sliding as he inteaded, he fell off the rail, and a few moments leter Ms young restore while going down the stairway, found Itext hanging. uncon- scious. He was removed just m time and restored to doneciousnese. • The lad: explained to his parents that he was trying to practice an act for a show be had intended to give in the cellar of his home with some other obye of the neighborhood, and he did. not think that there was any danger, as he bad seen a boy doing something like that he a moving picture show. OLD BRITISH SOLDIERS. -- Protests From British Press Against Deportation of Hinaus, Loodon, Mar& 22.-T1ta Saturday Review says Canada, id tis bad as the Transvaal, or worse, in deporting intlia.na who are something more than British subjects, 1 .any of them, as the medals they ware proclaimed, hav- attually fought in British battles. • TIM Aberdeen Advertiser says many Hindus deporbea from Dribielt Colum - have served, in the Soudan and other campaigns, and this gratulteme- ly harelt treatment meted otte to thein will be angrily resented by the uttlive troops in India, The Agent -General of 13ritisit Colum- bia has informed the London correspon- dent of the Miriam Aavertiser that the Labor party througbout Canada. has come into lint with British Columbia on chc Asiatie iinmigration queetion. 4 04, IVIAY YET LOSE ARM. 'Amputation May Be Necessary fot Xing Manuel. Madrid, March lefundo says that it learned on good authority that the wetted Prince elanuel---now nig of Portugal -received in the nue .ote Feb, I, when Xing Carlos And the Crown Prime were Assassinated, ltaa not healed, end reeeetly has 'Wool& very much worse. , The attending pbysician, saye the paper, declares that amputation is im- perative, • DAMNABLE INTERFERENCE, Premier of Cape ColOny Uses att.:sag Leto:lege. London, afarcit 22. -At Durban, South Africa, Premier Moor, defending the call- ing eout of the troops in December, Baia that eertain members of the House ef Commons litel thrown diseredit and dis- honor on pnbUe iiistitutioee in the colony Nattal was hearing the white manes burden, Whielt With not. mode lighter by their &Maud& interferenee. ' VERY' TATTLE ENCOURAGEMENT T DE• DERIVED PROM BULLETINS, prwilineel by the itetimt of the unieelee. The lite* of heart, fur install*, ietho flexure of the four fingers, 1.1lio Ihto s life it the rostra of the aettou o the thumb, AR these iinea tamt have been, dven agronourkal mimes by paimiste 0 Lixt ehauteterletie flexures. You 'Mil fbut tbe Raille lines on the palm of the Bethatey ape. Hunietatty la daily gulled through its extraordatery ignoranee of a elemeittal Leek of ,prysiology," 0 „ e Mr. la414,eue MentiOned AS Ilrebabl SUccessor to Mr, Aemath in th • cheque -Winston Churchill ent • Llo*George Accused of Tryin to Feria a New Party, New York, IVfarele 22.-T1ie Hera< has received. the iollowiug eable des patch from tondon:-ItTembers al -all shades of polities are becoming more and more concerned every day over th,, declining strength of the Prime Afinieter, The Peince of Walee is a constant visitor to Downing street, plug there every (Tay. But ao artessaa,es of sym- pathy or meadows inquiry- are more welcome to the suffering Premier then those personally sent upstairs by his greatest political opponent, adr, Bl - fou; who, though in connuon with all visitors is excluded from the sick room, calls every day and eornetintea twice a day at the Premier's resi- dence. It is reeognizec.1 in the lobby of. the Haase of Commons that Sir Hemet's health is rapidly (Imitating, Sir Thomas 13arlow spends considerable time with his patient, but very little eaeouragement is to be derived from the bulletin& The chaaces of his be- ing able to resume the aetive dutiea of the Premiership, indeed, are abso- lutely nil. Within tbe Liberal party wire -pull- ers are hard at. work arranging tor a reehuffle in the Liberal Cabinet. Mr, John Morley would like to go to the Exchequer, but it is not believed he has the knowledge of financial affairs requisite in that position. It is new suggested that Mr. Haldane would make an admirable Chancellor of the Exchequer, and his friends declare that he is the only member 01 the Ministry who understands the Asquith budget and scheme for old -age pen- sions. Mr. Haldane is also keen on getting his promotion, for the Chan- cellorship is a more important post than his present one. But who is lo fill Mr, Haldane's shoos? It Is eLfficalt to think of anyone who could carry. through his army scheme, for truth to tell, hardly any- other Min- ister understate& it, Unpleasant 'allegations ho„ve been made against Mr. Lloyd -George and Mr. Winston Churchill, both exceed- ingly clever young members of the Liberal Ministry. It is hinted that they have both been intriguing with a view to the formation of a new party. It is well known that all is not hae- mony within the Liberal rank. Mr. Winston Churchill wants to get into the Cabinet. but he does not know the way. If he takes Cabinet rank he will, according to constitutional rules. have to face the storm and stress of re-election. To judge from the' results of the recent by-elections ,his re-election as the member for Manchester is doubtful. It is under- stood that he is in favor of an early dissolution, so that he catt choose a safer seat and demand a higher position in the new Ministry. The young politician is gifted with a good-humored, self -complacency which never fails, and a belief in his own genius as a statesman which so far has never wavered. He thinks himsblf a man born to set the world right through an entire generation, and he had a superb contempt for the arosaic steps by which. ordinary peo- ple- arrive at aeconolusioa. He was of great use to Campbell -Bannerman, but it is doubtful whether- ho would get on so well with the astute lawyer, Mr. Asquith, if that gentleman were called upon to take the reins of of- fice as Premier. And what ar,e the misgivings abott Mr. Lloyd -George? Since he. became President of the Board of Trade the little Welshman has shown a very open disregard for the teachings of the Cobden Club. Indeed, he has been tearfully wrftten down by The Speotator as at heart . a protectionist. One allegation against him is that he is prepared to formulate some posi- tive tariff proposals to meet a great national evil. t • HARD TIMES. DEARTH OF SPENDING MONEY IN WEST END OF LONDON. A Serious Blow to the Brokers -LA Dozen Dealers ana Not,Enough Busi- ness for One -Hundreds Will Not Renew Their Subscril7tions. • • London, March 29.-Do1efu1 tales of aterd times are being told in London just, now, and while they are palpable eXaggerations in some respects, there is no gainsaying the feet that in re- spect to one set of LOndon's business men they are aairly truthful, There is no doubt that the Stock Exchange is euffering grievously front the stag - tuition prevalent for some time past. It has been stated that as many as 500 members of the Stock Exchange will not renew their subscriptions. Whether this statement be true or not cannot be verified before the erld of Mardi, The deplorable shrinkage in business', however, is shown by the cutting down of offiee staffs. Nearly :00 clerks employed in the "House" have been. withdrawn. There are some 5,800 members of the Stock Exchange at present, and at 'least a dozen tlealere where there is allot enough Wiliness for oae. A member of the Stock EXcharige said yesterday that many of his lel- lowartembees had barely enoagle money in their pockets to pay their train fares. This dearth of spOndimg money is the basis of many tales of woe in the west end. The timee Are almost 138 bad, According to Ono authority, as just after the Doer war, e . PALIVIISTItY f8 ABSURD. It is Beneath Conterept, Saye Ptoa .Stfr;iii f Menclatetet. London., Match 22,---"Pa11m4leite7 14 art ab.eolette athettrelity; the whole thing • is- beneath esontempt," &elated Prof. Stirling, dean of the mettieta faculty ona profess:or 1 physiology at Vietorin, • ITtivereity, Aranoltesater, the mute* et' a yeeture at the Ravel Inseetation tine week. . "Look at your palms," he 'eentinued, '."-aint you 33111 4184 etita'n elassieel name lineeesebite eneeallea of life., heart.. and heads eta the girdle of Valets, anti the inacelete of life. Mama alaaat 1,tt4fOta4--vie4011 do you map- poeo they really ere? They are noth- ing more nor lese than creases or folds U. S. LEET., JAPS .Delighted That the Yankees Are to Visit Teem, Tokio, Mar& 23. ---The press, without exception, la euthusiaatie over the an- nonneement of the visit of the ;United States fleet, mai the Governmenb is re- ceiving considerable praise for mama- ing the invitatiou, The consensus of • _newepaper opinion Is that the prompt ecceptance .01 .4 -.ie invitee:ion shows the friendship of America for Japan, while the visit of the fleet will suffice to eltow the world the impossibility of .11 breach of the friendship existing between the two countriee, . t 44-•-4-444-41÷44-444-4-e-e^+-.+4-4-4444' Many Drowned Tokio, -March 23. --The Man 4 Marie an Soo ton coasting steam,er belonging to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha line, was sunk in collision with the Hiaoyshi Mura, 6g5 tons, at 2.30 this morning two miles from Todoholdso, near Hakodate, The captain of the Mutsu IVIaru, a majotity of her 244 passengers and 44 of the crew perished. The Ilifuosji Manu and another steamer rescued the survivors. ; SHOT BYCOREANSO . DIPLOMATIC ADVISER TO COREAN GOVERNMENT ATTA.CXED. Knocked Down by Four Coreaes Last Night, Who Whnted to gill Him- Attec3red Again This Morning and Shot Three Times -He Shot One of the Coreans. • San Francisco, March 23,--D. W. Ste- vens, diplornatie adviser to Che Comm C'onueil of State, who arrived on Friday from Corea, ivas. attacked and, knocked down by a committee of four angry Oor- dans last night in. the lobby of the hotel. Only the prompt arrival of guests and employees pf the hotel, in, response to his loud cries for help, saved his life, for the.Ocireams declared later that they would have killed him, • Stevens eves severely bruised, bq not dangerously 'injured, The Coreans took offence at an inter- view by Stevens. upon his arrival here, in -which he seal. the Corean people have been greatly benefited by Japanese pro- tection, and that -they are begimein,g to look more favorably upon it. D. W. Stevens, adviser to the Corean Couneil of State, who was attacked by a committee of Coreans itt the Fairmont Hotel last night, for fivorino, the comae of Japan in Corea, was shot three times by tWO COrenne nt the 'Union Ferry building tide morning. Stevens drew a pistol and shot one of the °means. The extent of Mr. Ste- vens', injuries es not yet known. ; THE TERCENTENARY. &ter to Command With Four Divi- sion Officers. Ottawa, One., March 23.---(Speciala- General Otter evekeommand.the army corps that Will be present at ethe tercen- tenary eelebration at Quebec next July. The corps will be made up of fout divi- sions, commanded by the following offi- cers: Brigadier -General Cotton, western Ontario; 0. W. D. Gordon, eastern On- harie; Brigadier -General Buchan, Quebec, and Brigadier -General Drury, Maritime Provinces. There will probably be a, com- posite regiment from the west. : • ATE NAILS AND NEEDLES. ' Girl Had Store of Hardware in He Interior. 111.arch 22. --The German .utell. fag wurla js Aghast at, the revelation • made through an .aperation pet pet - formed at Iliersoliberg by a Silesian sur- geon Upon a shoteen-yeav.old ghl \vim was„,,suffering frotmt a strange internal growth. 'The opening of this growth eevealed the premium of over three pouitas of iron:, eonsisting ee 1,410 -one-inch nails, 160 :beat pins, 70 double.p.oinbed needles, and SeVen aneadq, For variety's sake, there were /our splinters of glass. The girl came put of, the opera,tion splendidly, No explanation likes been published to ehow how it came about thee this large stock of lutedware got together in the young womanr's interior and: became en- oyetere there, 1 • 1VIA1K11AM IVIAN KILLED, Struck by Falling Limb in Woods Near Markham. 11farkham, "Altteeh 22.--M1. John Eby, of the eighbh eoueeeslon of Markham, W1138 killed hi Mr. Tiltnan Iteeson'a busb yesterday. 11 anal Mr, Albert Wide - nett went foe It INIA1 311 WOO1 • In fell. me', a tree It lodged, and they It:Molted bile here:Pato it to poll it &awn, wlien. a limb :broke, eiaileing Mr. Me, on the head and malting the ektal.' He lived • conple of holies After the arc:Rent. , Ito eetevee a wife onfl two atepeltild- ten to mature Ibis entimely lase, Ile be. longed be 1.40 Mennonite Obureh, and assis a good Minn he every mlay. f GOVERNOR FAILING. Doetot, March 23,----11e following 'huh letin oat the emadition of Gov, Guild was issuca be Dr, Wihslow at 0.20 at, 311. to - (law: "The 'Governor hes failed HOMO. What doting the night. His eondition et eat so good this morning, ' ' TEN DROWNED. Lubeck, Germany, March 23. --Ten members of n pleasure party were drown- throngli the emdetting of a motor ferry boat on ilia Lake of liatzeburger • lost 'evening. 'The four other octet/Ards were saved. MURDER TRIAL Woodville Boy Charged With Killing Detroit Woman. Detroit, afar& 20. ---The trial of Percy Bowl% the 18-year-ol3, Indian boy eharg- ed with the murder of Mrs, Welsh, who was beaten to death in her home on eight early last January, began this morning. Dowhes parents, who reside near Wo0tI3'ille,a0nterlo, will be Keeton later on. Asetstent Prosecutor Grose will handle the case for tap people, and Attorney Edwarde IX, Kennedy will re - Lament Dowels Afore then 50 witnessee will he called. 311 34/05 claimed by the police doling the preliminary examina- tion of Bowel teat the youth had made a full coefeseion ofethe murder, hie mo- tive being to get the am WOInen'S moTheY, so that he might fellow a woman considerably older thee, himself, with whom he had become infatuated, to DO - fake ' A NOGGIN OF IRISH. PURCHASES BY QUEEN AT UNION JACK CLUB. • Her Majesty Insiited on Paying Tup- pence for the Liquor Like an Or - (Unary Club Member ---Dowager Em- - press IVfarie Preferred Scotch. London, .Marelt Alex- andre. .liste' been unusually in, evidence this week, end scarcely a tiq has pass- ed without the doings of Iler Majesty providing 'big headlines . for the news- papers, Lin St. Patrick's Day elm Queen the lempreses Afarie, and Brim -se,/ Vietoria paid la visit to the Union. Jetek Club, founded .by publie euteetiption a. couple of years ago for eoldeers ana eailors. lite visitors were conaucted ale over the :building, And there were shown to them the entail sealed noggine. in • whleh el»lekey is sold to the members. 'The ruge of the elub is that a eeal must be beoleeu 113 Um purchaser's peesenee as at ,..,enitraotee Of the mutlity014110 whis- key: "Oh, .wilittt,.a good. ideal" - exelaimed the Queen. "I must buy one of theme Her Maj -sty was naked to a:cos a noggin, 'but insisted on paying ler two- pence exactly like au ordinary- •••ainli member. The Empress and. Prmeess Vietoria entered in11o. the epirit of the thing, and a noggin was pueehased by each •of the three, the Queen ehoosiog Irish vies:key and her companions laughingly proclaiming theisr preference for Seoteli. V 7 1 FOUND DEAD. MYSTERY OF CLUBKEEPEWS DEATH IN LAMBTON COUNTY SOLVED. Shot Himself On the Lounge -Suffered - Last Summer From Sunstroke, and Had Been Acting Strangely Ever Since. • Chatham, (Mt., elarcb 22. -The mys- tery surrounding the death 'of e'red Munday, the keeper of St. Anne's CM nt Miteliell's Baty, WhO Wee f01111(1 dead in the kitchen of his home on St. Anne's Island on Friday morning last, has been eleared up to the satisfaction of the authorities, and the conclusion of those who conducted the investigation is that it was a case of suicide. Monday, according th his wife's story, got up' on Friday morning' about 3 o'clock to light the fire. Upon being asked by his wife why he was getting U p so early, he gave as an excuse that lie wanted to go to the bay to post Some letters and to get hiamail. After light- ing the fire lie got back into bed again, but. when his wife woke up at 6 o'clock he was gone. Shortly , after this his wife, upon going to the kitchen, found him lying On tee lounge. lie luta shot himself throngh the breast, ana the re- volver lay on the floor beside him. Last summer Munday suffered a sun- stroke, and he has beeu acting strangely at times ever since, lie leaves a widow and two eons. The remains ,were taken to Wallace - buil; and will be shipped front there to Toronto tenighte - APPEALS TO OLD POE. Boer General Wants British Protection . Now: New York, March 22. ---General Fran- cois joubert-Pienaar, Who fought in the Boer army against Great Britain, and whois now in the United Stales, urging that efforbe be made to bring about lite suppression of slavery in • Portuggese West .Africa., hue appealed to Sir Ed - weed Grey, the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs, to save his family, from alleged unjust treatment at, the hands o•fficials .of the Portuguese govern- ment in Angokr. Gen. doutert-Pleimar, in his conadu- nrioation to air Edward Grey, states that his second son hes written from Angola declarina; that the Portuguese authorities induced hint to leave British Lervit,ory in the interior to come to itt- gnhi, whore he was ordered to •embark at once. ' The 344112)1311 113 allot:bee communication to Sir Edward Grey states. Neat he lists 1-f0314'ed word that iris son was taken away front Angola and he fears he bas been killed, - - INSPECTOR STRICKLAND DEAD, •••••••...0.4 Was WellsKnown Member of Northwest Mounted Police. Ottawa, 'March 21. -Col, Fred White, Comptroller of the It al 'Northwest Afonnted Police, received a, telegram yesterday announcing the death at Veit Saskatchewaa Tai speetor Stridden& for many years a capable officer of the fovea' Deeetteed wag a, membet ot tint well- known StrieklAnd family, of talrefield. Ont, .--teteasa, COAL OIL AND GASOLINE, Iwo/area1 woirisn sod child Burned to Death. 4A. afontreal, March 22,-13Irs, Oyrille Thomas, aged 23, and her lifteereniontits- old daughter. Albin, were fatally burn- ' 84 to -day- at their home, Beaudry street, while her husband Cyrille Thomas, Mad Mr. anal Mrs. ,loeeplt Croteate, wlio sided in the $allie hOUSO, Were burned about the, heeds end erten in their en- deiwors to *we Mrs. 'Amino and her fl'he num, wornen end ettila Were taken to the Notre Deane Itaalaitai in lin antleilanee, but with the exception, Of Aire. Thomas anal the ehild the others were able to leetve after baying taeie in - Pries Wended tree The burning wee the result of trying to hurry a wood, and coal fire by pour- ing 11 mixture of nal oil anal gaeoline in- to the eteree, although it 34/05 11011 known at the time thet there eves ay gasoline la the can .frem whieh the oil Wee lielug pollrea. - - ITALIAN HANGED. Murdered Sweetheart-Freadent Refused to Canunute Sentence. ..1••••••••••,11. Washington, Meech 23 -Joseph Pao - Med, an Italian, wavi banged here to- day for the murder of hie sweetheart, Elizabeth V. Dodge, in September, 1900. The Italian ambassador intervened in Peolucei's behalf on the elaien that the trial had not been an, impertha one, but the President refused to commute the sentence. -I 4 Their Sad End Milwaukee, March 24.-34ti8s Nettie Plasehek, aged re- years, daughter of Mrs. Ida Plaschek, 766 Tenth avenue, died early to -day from strychnine, administered by her sweetheart, Leo Wojinski. The drug was milled with some ice cream. When Wojinski learned of the death of the girl he immediate ly took a dose himself, dying an hour later, The crime was prcib- ably inspired because the man's parents had objected to a pro- posed marriage to the young girl.- + -re -es -4,0+1-4 A SAD STORY. St. Thomas Boy on the Tramp- .' *Father and Mother Dead. Detroit, Mich., Alarch 23.--1ootsore and half starved, Henry Cave, an or- phan, 15 years old, walked into Will Allen's mission !met night nnil asked for a night's lodging, lle 80.131 )340 left bis hOlne in St. 'Phonies on Thursday morn- ing, and walked all the way co Detroit, and that he intended to walk to Rm... mett, Mich., where an aunt lives on a fitrm. The boy says itis father 14/0.8 killed by lightning last summer, ane one nuinth ago his- mother died from con- sumption, tie managed to beg enough food to keep him alive, and at night he slept in a farmer's barn. 4 PAY -AS -YOU -ENTER CARS. Iso of Them Are Set in Operation in New York. New York, Maroh 22. -New York, a city where taansit conditions and facilities haat been a constant vexing nrunitipaul piablem, was introdueed to a novelty in surface car transperta- tion eo-day, when pay -as -you -enter ears were pIacea in operation an, Matti - eon avenue -line from Haelene 40 Deook- Ian Bridge. The pubfic eervice own- miesion lms ordered that ..no more than 75 passengers may lbe .carriecl in a oar tvb <me time, so that there will .be no ormeding. Seats are, provided for 38 passengers, and 37 passengers can be amain/nada:tied etaading. The oars are eo arranged that the peseetger makes this entrance by the ono door and his exit by oue of the two doom at either end of the ear. Passengers are supposed to give the conductor the exaet fare an entering the car. Thoee not having the Retinal Fare step inside on the large platform until change ie. made, when they are permitted to pass into the ear. One hundred itred fifty of the new ears were in operation to -day, an31 railroad l•ffi- (11.11A p,ron.ounomt them t success. SEED OATS ON,IIIE WAY. Fine Quality GrainFroin Old Land for Western Partners. Fort William, March 22. -Three hun- dred thousand bualiels of seed oats from Scotland, England and Belgium arenow passing through Fore William for use in the Northwest. It was at first in- tertded to stop all the ears off here and .have .the oats eleanedr but on inspection it • was found that the oats were per- fectly dean, s6 they will go eight through. Grain men who lave inspected tlte grain say tlutt 111 18 the finest that has over been men 'here, and with the ma- jority of farmers using it this spring for seed, next fall's crop of oats should be fox an excess of any hitherto har- vested. 1:1 • FIRE IN BAKE SHOP'. Cannington, :March t./. -Fire was dis- eovered in Mr. II. BrentIon's bakeelam almut 2 o'clock on Sunday morning, and within one hour the bakeshop and flour house, which latter conteined over 300 bags of flour, were totally destroyed. The loss is about 03000, with an instir- lino, of $500.. v FATALLY HURT, Sarnia„ _March 21-Tel1ord Adams, em. plo3red in fitting out the steamer Ilarou- le, missed his footing arid fell into the hold of the boat. Two ribs were broken and other internal injuries stietained. Adams was removed to the hospital, where slight hopes are held for his re covety, • -a GOT $47,000. Mao, Nev., 23. -Three bandits, heavily arreed, oVereame laward lioff. man And a companion o23 a road two miles from Rawhide late yesterday, threw them to the grotuid, end made off with the vietims' two -horse rig, taking with them bank notes Amount to about art,000. The money wee eonsignea to the Coalition Mining Co, at Rawhide, DYNAMITED OFFICE, Itock /eland, Ile, March 23, -The Daily Mara office was dynamited early to.day. The pleas room wits badly denutged. The paper /MS been attaekieg the gamblers tont Advocating load license. No one 'Wtta injured. :44 - VPSSEL ASIIORE molonc, :Aria I.1. -An unknown Rtemship went ashore early to.dny 3533 natter/is Betteft,.-near Thirritfit'S life-lutV- ing attrition. The maw hatve reftima to tette Ilea KILLED II Croshed Her Skull With 'Jammer And Slashed Her With Knife. te”. arlderson. Ind., Mercer 23.--netureing to. lee home le tele city at a late hma eon Meta WJlllnin hf, Make, a ;stock buyer, found 111c wife dead on the floor of the ItitChen pantrY, lier elothing saturated with Woe IWO 004/50 fraceuree in bee Wain, two or ;Men 9reShiPS throUah (be siodi and expos)ag the brain. On a table near by was a hemmer comae wait blood ape to wtieh adeered tette ot her hair Under her body wee it hatcher knife, vvitli whiali oho had probably tried to defend her. self. Greyer Blake, son of the nanrclered man, wae arreetee to.day and contested teat he elle murdered Ws mother. A n examteation Of the ,hody of the :mime showee teat she was terribly eruised in PianY Mecca and that every blow on the head 444 crushed her skull. Orem Make was under indictment for for. sery Ana his trial was to he held in a few dela, 1 TORONTO LICENSES. I I COUNCIL EXCEEDED POWERS IX TEMPERANCE LEGISLATION, Chief Justice Decides --City Will Likely Appeal Against Judgment- ilaree Controllers 'Confirmed in Their Seats. Termite, karate 23..-T40 license re- duction bylaw waa qua:lilted by Mei Natio Meredith. on Saturday. His Gordship also gave judgment confirm- ing Controllers Harrison, Hosken mid epence in their seats, The deeision is the cam of the by-law was given oe the application of Mr. William lammed, of the Cadillac Hotel, to quash the by. law. passed by Council. on Jan. 27 to unlit the number of tavern licenses to 110. lie held that'll's by-law was im valid Incense thn City Council had ex-. cceded its authority 10 passing ft, The 'Chief Justice's decision pot only - quashes the reoent by-law, but it caste. 1004 on the validity of the .by-law of 1904 limiting , the licensee to 160, tiowever, the Provincial Statutes are said to cover this point, so that no mere than 150 licenses may be issued in any case in Toronto. The by-law reducing the licenses to 110 was quashed on the ground that it amited the number of licenses to be 11. stied in the attendee year instead of he license year. The city legal de- partment, which is responsible for the drafting of the quashed by-law, .has not yet given, an opinion on the matter, but will likely report to the Board. of Control to-morrew, 'There is a pos- sibility that an appeal will be taken from the judgtnent of the Chief Jus- tice. This is the only hope de the temperance members of Council, as it :s too le;te now to pass another by- atw this year. The opinion is being freely expressed that, no matter what the ,outeeme of the by-law may be, there will be a stirring contest nest January between the temperance twit !Ivor forces for poseession of the aity Council. HER SWEETHEART Alleged to Have Paid Fortune Teller to Get Him Back. Windsor, out., Afar. 23. (Special.) -Police Information may be led against Kra. Carrie Becker, of this city, wto is charged with witchcraft and sorcery. Lizzie Baetien, said to have paid fifty dollars to have the vett of the future Bite% la one who claims she con- tributed liberally to have her sweetheart re- turn to her. I I ROYAL WEDDING. Prince Wilhelm of Sweden to Marry a Grand Duchess. St. Petersburg, March 23. -The wed- ding of Prince Wilhelm of Sweden to Grand Duchess Marie Pavlona lies been fixed for May a. Prince Wilhelm is the emend eon of Crown Prince Gustav of Sweden, He visited America- last suriuner. The Grand Duchess whom he is to marry is a daughter of Grand Duke Paul Alexan- drovitch. : , gROSSING FATALITY. 4.1.141. Miss Smith Instantly Killed When Train Struck Cutter. Stratford. March g2.--1t11se aged about 50, who tiVed with bar deaf anti dumb brother two smiles mat of teleekespetereawas instantly killedat the messing near her home on Saturday eventi-ng. She \vas driving theme, and Was almost at her desti..ation, when the fatality o83 - marred, The cutter was struck squarely, tile occupant thrown out and her neck broken, whide the horse camped unin. imed. Coroner Devline attjourned the inqueet until Monday night. Deceasea wAs a eater of Mr. smith, M. P.- for Orford. ,• NEWSPAPER STRIKE. Mechanical Staffs of Two t. John PaPars Are Out. St. loin'', 11, 13., March 82. -As a, re- sult' of ifhe refusal of t,ho management to discharge three printerw who had been expelled from the union owing to non-payntent of opeitli Auwe, ills entire meellaniael staff of The Mottling Tele- graph and The Evening Tlmes went: out on etrike. to -eight. Tim matter has been muter diactiesion for .aaveral weeke, end notiee luta boon aiven by tlys Indere :that Ma demands were not, granted it waula call: all the men not to -night, A small paper is bring issued. to -night, • HURLED INTO MUD RIVER, Aged Matatobe Woinint Killed and Hut- . boa Patany mimed, Westboitrito, 1,fan., &tarok 21 -Mrs. Wm. Morrison, 711 'pare of Age, was instantly and her hosbana fa- tally injured While ottt driving ilia aftertoon, The Male swerved to ote side, told, Slipping On the bridge creas- ing the Med River, meshed through the it31ing and dragolover ihe sleigh and its menpeette. leire, 31333e14033 wan the mether-in. am of Edwina LemelaM. V. V, fee IlAstboutne, LON6C'IN Suing Her linshand'a Bondsmen For Alimony In Buffalo. Marelt Dr, Archibald Frederick Marshall Bismark Beatty is art elusive gentleman, as his wife, Ida B. Beatty, and her lawyer, Char. le 8 Blaneliard, have learned, within the past two years, IIIS dilatoriness in, paying alimony ordered by. the court when his wife secured a judg- ment of separation from him in April, 1900, and hie persistenee in keeping oat, of sighthave been the cause of ortgalrawraout mart proceedings. Mr. Beatty 18 now thought to be en. New York. I•te 14 a brotb.er al the Bev, Arthur 1.1, Beatty, pastor of St, Peter's Ilpiscopal Church in Lovejoy street. I13is wife spends part Of her time in Buffalo And part in, Iter old home 431 London, Ont. Dr, Beatty bee had other troubles besides those with bis wife, Re hae lived he many places. IVO, wife, when she decided to sue for a separation, came to Buffalo to enlist the aid of her husband's brother, the Rev. Ur, Scatty, She did not meet with the soception, she had expected, and some time after her arrivel she brought suit against Itira for slander, alleging that he had said defamatory things about her in the neighborhood of the Ben - zinger Street Church.. The clergyman was victor in the sit alter much tes. timeny bad been taken from members of the church. Mrs. Beatty is now suing tae bonds- men of her husband, who was arrest- ed it. New York for non-payment of alimony and disappeared after being admitted to bail, Charles 0. Schae- fer is one of the bondsmen and is beirtg sued separately by Mrs. Beatty, The case name up in Special Term of Supreme Court ytsterday when jus- tice Wheeler sustained the defendalet's demurrer to the form ol a complaint. Schaefer declares he believes he can find Beatty. SACRIFICED LIFE. Canadian Nurse the Victim of De- votion to Duty. Chicago, March 23,-Devotio11 to duty in the care of a patient cost Miss .Agnes Meagher,a trained nurse, her life. She died yesterday at the Nurses' Home. Her patient recovered. Miss IVIeagher was sent to Crevor, Wise several weeks ago by Dr. .A. IL Edwards to take charge of one of this cases, a man stricken with pneumonia. So assiduous was her eare that he rap- idly mended, but exhaustion from con- stant watchfulness left the nurse an easy prey to the same disease, and she was stricken a day after her charge was pronounced out of danger. he was bur- ried to Chicago, bit every effort to save Iter life failed. The home of the de- ceased Was formerly in Waterdown, Can - oda, and her body will be taken there for interment. Miss Meagher was 27 years of age. . LABOR MEN AT WAR, International Body Expels National Re- presentative at Ottawa. Ottawa despatch: A bitter struggle is on between the international and na- tional labor bodies at Ottawa. At a meeting called last night for the ,pur- pose, of organizing a building trades council local branches of both the na- tional and international unions gather- ed. The international men, being m the Majority, decided to debar the national unionists frem membership he the pro- posed council, and, after turning them out, proceeded to organize the council as a thoroughly international. bday. The nationalists went into another room of the hall, where their own Trades and Labor Commit was meeting, • and tbere told their grievances, The national. body decided to make :Amnia ous efforts ,to form a national bleed ing council, or at lea-st to "kill the rt vaI organization." EMIGRATIONi±CHINERY. The London 'Telegraph's Expert Advises an Overhauling. London, March 23. -The Telegraph's expert, referring to Mr. Bruce Walker's report to the Alinister of the Interior, says: .that such a, sweeping indictment of 'philanthropic and charitable institu- tions ealls for action on the part of the Imperial Clovernment to overhaul the ma- chinery of these institutions in Canedn, and urges the appointment of a royal commission whieh would probably advise the British Go-vernment to place all emigration, under the control of an °mi. (nation board. Editorially the Telegraph. says Ct. towels restrictive ukase is on the de. plorable Bees laid down some years ago by the Australian states. It points out • that the emigrants will nOW go to the United States and thus be lost to the empire., and adds that ,the idea that soeietica like the Chureh Army are likely to send out numbers of unemployable is entirely unjustifiable. I 'THEY SWORE THE HINDUS. How C. P. IL Lawyers Overcame Dn. culties in British Columbia. VOmeouvm 11, C., March 23,-A curl- ous incident illustrating the eagerness of the C. P. IL lawyers to get eviaence ,which would justify 'the Company?* refusal to deport the 155 Hindus noW in the detention shed has dome to light. The legal men visited the shed intend- ing to consult the Hindus. It it against the rule to allow anyone in- side exeept immigration offieiels, an? the lawyers were refused admittance 13M, mot to be beaten, they reed an af fidavit to the interpretei, who shouter to the Hindus through n window, In title way they tulinhustered the oath at well. The libidos here are aissatislied. -with the trehtment accorded them, and ate planning a 'general exodus to Paneme. A thousand Dandies are said to be en. gaged in construetion work on the Panama Canal. MITCHELL'S PAREWELL. __- President of lVfine Workers PresideS at His Last Cenvention, Indianapolis, Ind., larch P.3. -The 43- 41013111 Coaventiott of the United Miners of Anita:lea toellay 'completed fte dis- mission of the report al title &labs Com- mittee by sections, and eillonent3 eine die, An Asmeement of fifty tents a mouth on ell membere of 4110 argativa- tion was authorized. "11118 is for the pnispose of nekling to the fund for 1140 nesistatee of members of the union, who by failure to Sieente r.mitracts on April lst nmy be foreta to 'ialemee. Preeelent Mife1411 'bade tho deottakos farewell on his retirensent tne loader,