HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-26, Page 540- 11111 lag 101.110011 .11111.11,11p . el. le, .1 I. 1 .11, 1.01114111.1.111191.6016111 jelliirdililanglii4ZINCINIVIONION101141114111010111111/1111kall,10111111taillia.1...i1 ...II .1 1 1 II I I - s Th ,; For 3 Classes of Men • ; FIRST.—For those who know and insist upon latest styles, perfect fit and good tailoring. , SECOND.—For men who have no time to study style, but who know its value. THIRD.—For men who want to get their moneys worth of wear, and who do not object to having sty le and fit thrown in to the bargain. 11 McGee (R. Campbell TUE WINGRAII ADVANCE, THURSDAY, MA.11011: II {1..g 1 II NMI 1 11 1 F. 1, Clinton. • „....„ ,„,, it is proposed to how a powle meet. lug in the near future and. invite Hon. Adatn Beck to speak ou the power ; question. is Brand of Clothing Mad • e We can show you cloth the exact shade, pattern and that you want. Clothiers and Men's Furnishers 1 L11,11..1. . It. 1.1 ... II 1. • or/ A .0 611 Jo. .1,61.. ' 1 • ..... 11 ... 1' .... .0 1 0 n 1 .1 I, 1111.... Alm J.' .100. m• 1., I 1 .1 1•0 .! 34.dia was max. 11 IF YOU ARE "ALWAYS TAKING COLD" it shows that the throat is sensitive and bronchial tubes • weak. Make them well and stroug with. Bole's Preparation of Friar's\Cough Balsam . It heals irritation and inflammation—strengthens the membrane of throat and lungs—and not only cures coughs, but also protects you against catchin5 another cold. 25 cents a bottle. At druggists. NATIONAL. DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED • - . • . . TELL 1 , V; 2 your friends and neighbors that for $1.35 Cash, they can .get the WING- - - - HAM ADVANCE along with the WEEKLY MAIL–EMPIRE for a whole year. Its too big a snap to miss. r. MEM ems einmemis STOVE At COST For 30 Davs YOUNG'S' WINGHAVI ONTARIO Big Hardware 0111011110 Mil II 111111101111111110 The contract for the stonework in Connection with the new Catholic church has been sub -let to Mr. Birent Hill, and the contract for the brick work to Mr. D, Prior, The Dominick Reynolds farm, in Hullett ; the Dodsworth farm, in Hal- lett, and the Auburn Hotel, were all offered for sale by auction on Satur- day, but none et them were sold, The property owners of Clinton pro- nounced emphatically in favor of the factory by-law on Monday, To ensure a two-thieds majority 315 votes were necessary but 318 were obtained. The hotel property at Auburn wits put up at auction on Saturday bat there wasn't a bidder. Shortly before Local Option came into force the late owner refused $3,500 for the hotel but now it will not bring half that atnount. Fire broke out in the building re- cently vacated by Mr, A. R, Smith on Tuesday at about 11.45 a.m. The fire was in the flooring, near a small stove towara the back of the store. When discovered it was but an incipient blaze and was easily extinguished. How the fire started is a mystery. Fifty years ago on Tuesday Council- lor Jas. L. Hearn was sworn in as a special constable and remained on duty for three consecutive days. That was a stirring period, for the L. H. &. B. was then under construction and on.pay days the navies were in the habit of painting the town a very bright red. Mr. 0. Hoare, who has one of the best -yielding fruit farms in the coun- try, has disposed of it at a price in ex- cess of $10,000. The property consists of seventeen acres upon which there are 3,500 trees, 800 apple, 2,000 plum and the balance cherry and pear trees. The purchaser is Mr. Ralph Isher- wood. of London, who gets possession in April. Mr. Peets, of Petrolia, who put down the new well at Stapleton, was in town this week, and met several members of the council and others in reference to putting down. a test well for a water works system. He gave thein a lot of valuable as well as inter- esting information, and is thoroughly informed on all the minutia in refer- ence to deep well problems. • AT SUFFERERS' SERINE. Thousands, of Pilgrims Almost Mime- ulously Healed by South Am- erican Nervine. "For years I was distressed with dyspepsia, and indigestion, physicians and remedies could give me but tem- norary relief until South American Nervine was recommended to me. procured a bottle and got great relief from the first few closes. The swell- ing and soreness In my stomach rapid- ly disappeared, and in a very short time I was absolutely cured. It huts brought robust health." Thomas Sullivan, Arnprior, Ont. (28) South American Rheumatic Cure re- lieves in six hours. For Sale by A. L. IlAwt.TON. A BACHELOR'S LAMENT. A. bachelor sat in his cabin door, As the shades of evening fell, The sunbeams fell on the dirty floor, Of the room he knew so well. Weary and sad and lonely, • Heavy in heart and brain, Be hung his hat on his threadbare knee, And chanted a sad refrain : Oh, little 1 thought it would be like this, When first I came to the West, I thought the sod would disappear, And soon I would have a farm. [ thought that some sweet maiden Gladly would be my wife, To soothe iny sorrows and share my 103's, And comfort me all my life: But look at me now, and the life I lead, It would try an angel's soul, To toil all day and return at night, To a dark and dirty hole. They say I keep things tidy, They say my cooking is good.'" But somehow it isn't like mother's was, Nor done as a good wife should. I wonder if ever my lonely lot, Will change for a better state ; And if some sweet, compassionate maid,• Will pity my cheerless fate. Oh for a woman's presence! 011 Inc a woman's bread 1 Oh could. I sell my potatoe patch, And purchase a wife instead. Sometimes when asleep in my bed I dream, That I am coming home at night, To find my wife with the table set, And the house with warmth alight. There are my rosy children, Climbing upon my kned, Kissing and calling me papa dear,— Oh sad that it cannot boA Now I wonder it I should go back East, Could I find a partner there. They used to call me a handsome chap, l'in sure I'd be good to her. Life i8 beyond endurance, He said with a Savage face, have a. woman before next fall, Or I'll quit the blooming place. —W. Ge accept a good posit ea in the summer or ..e.ttesal '411 I; 7. 0 5.11! • „ 0ONTO$ ONV. Canada's nigh Class School. This college has llevritaoutsets, bytTicn leaolurs, BETTER equipment. lturTsit (sonnies for plitol»g students in positions then tho average business college. Open • entire rear, Ail graduates get position, - Handsome Catalogue tree. /. BLUOTT Cur. 'Venue Ahocanclor Ste. 4 .."0•40~..•‘04.4.0LA.0%.4..A.I4Ah.• WWWW•IiiN ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. 44444444•4444444444.4 For the largest and finest seleotions of the following brand new pods, D. M. GORDON is always in the lead. Yes, always in the lead—in Styles, Qualities and Prices. Why? Because we understand where to buy and when to buy, so that we can give customers the very hest values obtainable in the country, viz., Dress Goods in all shades, designs and textures ; special attractions in Black Silks ; beautiful and. eztensiyeL range of Blouses, in Silk, Muslins and fine Lawns. See our immense stock of fine Laces, In- sertions, Embroideries, &c. The largest and most complete range of Window Curtains in Lace, and charming shades and designs in Madras Muslins. Very pretty Prints—the prices will please you. Please come in and see the goods; our description of them fails to do them justice. Groceries—Pure and Fresh. Great Values. Eighest Prices For Good Trade. M. GORDON Man 11 Win 1 Furniture 1 MONEY! The balmy days of Spring are here, and along with them come housecleaning time. If you are in need of a piece of Furniture of any description, this is the time of year to renew. Our stock is so large and prices so reasonable, that you can't pass us by without doing.. yourself an injustice. We need money, which is another reason why we are so anxious to turn some of our elegant Furni- ture into cash. Giveus a call. SPRING PiED S. We have the best, guaranteed for five years, worth $3.50—Our Price, $3.00. Buy one and have the best. Extension Tables. • Our stock in this line is certainly complete, and you can't afford to pass us by if you need any- thing in this line. Baby Carriages and Go -Carts. Our 'stock this season is larger than ever. Do not fail to see them. The goods and the prices will satisfy you in every re: spect. MP JAS. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Undertaker A Painless Corn Cure. Easily applied—costs but a quarter, Canada's Oldest Nurseries. that's Putnam's Corn Extractor, fifty years in use.. Jnsist on Patnain's only. INTENETNG PLANTERS of Nursery WORTH REMEMBERM Stook and Seed Potatoes should either write direct to ns, or see our nearest agent, before placing their order. We guarantee satisfaction; prices right; 50 Set a pitcher of 'tinder in the room years experience; extra heavy stock of and in a few hours it will have ab- theAdIgNagi". sorbed all the gases in the room, the part time: WANTED, — Whole or salary or liberal commis - air will be pure and the water utterly sloe; outfit free; send for terms. filthy. The colder the water is the greater the capacity to hold these gases. Impure water is more injuri- ous than itnpure air. This demon- strates the fact that any water for drinking purposes et:Levied into the sleeping room shoold be bottled or woll covered and placed in the open WiticloW When poSsible. Catarrh Cured or Money Back Tho rause of Catarrh is a germ, It Multiplies in the lining ofthe nose and throat, spreads tO the bronchial tubes and nanny readies the longs. Cough syrup can't follow to the lungs, it goes Lo the storattch, and fails to cure, Ca- tarrhozone is inhaled. It goes every- where, gets right after the germs, kills them, heals the eoreness, stops dis- charge and hacking, cares every trace of Catarrh, You're absolutely 'certain Of cure -Inc Catarrh, throat irritation, colds or bronehitis, if you Catar- rhozone. 25e and $1 sold every- where. THE THOMAS W. BOWMAN 80 SON Limited RIDGEVII1E, .60 If t/466° EXPERIENCE 'AT ENTS TRADC Mans OtatONs ColiVnialiTS &C. Anyeno sending 5sketch and description roes, quickly ascertain our opinion tnteree whether an invention Is prObably pataretaP e4ommurt. ttonantrIttlyeontidontlat,HAND OU on Patents Se_nt tree., okiest agener for aoeuring,isatents. rewrite talon through Alarm ,t co. receive eseciat notice, without charge, 113. Ltd sciostific Jittitrican. A bandeemon, Mataratad weekly. Largest air. uoll• ittatIlos.tisoltarayroaaer potisetage jeoarapoaplkid4TersMorttfbq sw newNle lent. MUNti CozoterosawAY,Newityk .10 St.rtiesollitiston. 20, 1908. THE NEW ELECTION DILL. Hon. Mr, ikylesworth has intro - (Irma a Bill Into Parliament, that some good points in It. It is intended to amend the Dominion Election Act, In examining the present act the min- ister of justiee said he was unable to suggest any silbStAritial betterment whatever. Complaints that had been _ heard had to do with the atiministrae tion of the law. The minister of jus- tiee said he had examined the bill of hlr. Alcorn and that introduced in the • Ontario legislature by the attorney - general and bad received from each some important suggestions. The measure he was introducing was one • he had drawn np four or five months ago, and it had, therefore, received due consideration. The principal clause had to do with election fund contributions, He pro- posed that all contributions be made to and through the statutory agent, who. will be required to make returns to the returning officer of the amount and source of all contributions. Any other contributions will be illegal. It was proposed to prohibit contribution by any company. Another clause deals with the circu- lation of &Ise statements regarding the personal character of a candidate, adequate punishment in such cases being provided. Handbills and other matter regard- ing election matters must show the name of the printing office. The ,in- tervention of aliens in election mat- ters is prohibited. There is provision for publication of polling booths and nomination papers will be required to contain an address for service of per- • son nominated. Other amendments deal with the forin of oath and proper preparation of the voters' lists. ‘A.nother provision which ho had taken from Mr. Alcorn's bill was that no mark which a deputy or official may make on a ballot twty void the ballot. Mr. Ayleswortli cited the . Wentworth case, when a polling division was thrown out because the D. R. 0. had placed a mark on each ballot. The man who pays money or takes money as a bribe will be dis- franchised and disqualified from hold- ing office for a period of eight years. This is in addition to punishment pro- vided by the present law. There is also a strong penalty for the man who tampers with the ballot. A "DEMON" DISEASE. Doctors' prescriptions and strongest Liniments had no effect on Mr. ITumpbrcy's Rheumatism—Two bot- tles of South American Rheumatic Cure cured what he is pleased to call "this Demon from the Lower Regions." Henry Humphrey, of London, Ont., , expresses himself very strongly:—" I , think Rheumatism is a demon from ' the lower regions, judging by rny suf- a ferings before I began using South NI, American Rheumatic Cure. Doctors , prescribed the strongest liniments with • \ no more effect than water, but this - great remedy had me up and about my work, and as well as ever, after taking only a couple of bottles." . (2?) - New Idea Patterns 10c The Leading Store +MN Ladies' New Spring Coats* We are now ready to serve you promptly with' anything in LADIES' NEW SPRING COATS and SKIRTS Now Displayed on SECOND FLOOR. Every Garment Correct in STYLE and PRICE Each garment is perfectly designed and made specially for us, and the workmanship is of the highest standard. This DEPARTMENT has shown great progress and is now one of the most IMPORTANT in our BUSINESS, and we feel confident that the display we are making this sea- son will lead to still greater success. We extend a cordial invitation to all our friends to call and see the full collection. • CIP 1111.1. . . 1.d., 1. ard & Co 1.01 For Sale by A. L. HAnnuroN. • • . - Acting, no doubt, on the theory that matches are made in heaven, the bis- hop of Buffalo has issued a circular urging all unmarried women of mar- riageable age in his diocese to pray for - guidance in the selection of husbands. The idea is probably a good one, and might be adopted in Wingham. At the same time, such a proceeding would not debar any of our young ladies from taking advantage of Leap year privileges. -1 - Di. Hamilton Follows Nature's -Plan. No physician was more successful in treating stomach and liver troubles than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh niedicines and produced a won- derful pill of vegetable composition that always cnres. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are noted for promptly curing billiousness,. sick headaches, constipa- tion and ptomach trouble. They work like a charm, very mild, yet searching and health -giving. No where can a better tonic laxative be found than in Dr: Ilamilton't Pills. Try them and he convinced. Twenty-five cents at all dealers. ok‘ "IMPERIAL" SHOES In all the, years that we've been selling shoes we never remember anything to equal the value we're giving now In "Imperial" Shoes for ladies and gentlemen. We want you to see for your» self how good they really are. Every pair sold undet an absolute guarantte, which shows the maker's confidence in leather and workmanship. "Imperial" hoes are in a class by themselves. 4 4, 4 4 4- 4 4 SEEDS ! SEEDS ID - 4 • is • Seeding time will soon be here. t • Get the Seeds that will grow -1: • for sure. We sell • • r* 1p Timothy, Red Clover, • • • 4, Alsik Flax i . 4 e, 4 . • • • 4 AND A FULL LINE OF ID. • Field, Garden & Rower. Seeds. 1 sorx 13V Geo. It Green. - Winghani All Clean, Fresh Goods. -• -• 4. • 4. 3 AT CENTRAL HARDWARE THE OLD SEED HOUSE HILL 4 Vol ti mt4rm.413440.4444# 1