HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1908-03-26, Page 41 1 4 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, 111A.R04 26, 1908. deliteeefteks*VaseetOotWAseoweArate gideeerneareaphelvtebertietWel New Spring Goods. We've just opened out our New Goods for Spring and Summer. To slay they are the nicest range ever shown here, is putting it pretty strong. But really,; the Suitiege are beautiful, both in design and material. The prevailing solos are elephant grays and browns, in stripes and plaids. Of course, blacks and blues are always cor rect, and we have a large range of these goods. HATS,—A choice stock of Hats for the Spring and Summer in all the newest styles. FURNISHINGS,—A. good new stock in all Iines of Shirts, Uncderwear, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Fancy Vests, &c. Come in ! Come in Robt. Maxwell Tailor & Men's Furnishers JEWEL FLOU combines the flavor of pure white winter, wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hard Manitoba spring wheat. Jewel Flour is a blended flour. It is a sweet, wholesome flour that makes that delicious, flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making Jewel Flour for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for Jewel e Brand the next time you want flour. Mannlectured by PFEFFER BROS. Milverton, Ont. •'45 4 S:�yajt?•J�3,' ='. 4. ji:St?:x(t'i §,A F.i :.�:r�,.':,�,r,: ri T1 -1H MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE INVEST- MENT OF SAVINGS 1S SECU Rrry Bank of Hamilton Capital r - $2,500,000 Reserve r r r 2,500,000 Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. WINGHAM BRANCH c. p. Smith Agent • • • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. 'WALKER, President ALES. LAIRD, General Manager, A. H. IRELAND, Superintendenttf Branches Paid-up Capital, $1 0,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 BANK MONEY' ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING HATES, $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $1O6 cents $10 41$30 10 cents 87 w a $30 SI $50 15 cents Th+ese'Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon ekcepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland: They form an excellent method of remittitrg small, sums of money with safety and at 'mall cost, and may be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank WINGHAM BRANCH - At E. SMITH, MANAGER. .0•40404144,41***40.11111411141411411,04*.!*!! Coal Goal We are sole agents for the celebrated Scranton Coal, which. has no egnal. Also the e grades of e bet Smithing, Cannel and Do. mettle Coal and 'Wood of all kinds, s1wayb on hand.. R si mice Phone, 55 Mill " No, 44 We carry a fall stook of Lttnibtn (dressed or nfldres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrelt;r, etc. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. J. A, MoLEAN lt WA+111,0 4m bbrnc Theo. Hall • Proprietor. ----Althoatgh there is no direct announcement to that effect, it Is czar- rent through the press, that the Ontario elections will be held in the leafy month of June, 4* --The report of the Provincial Board of Health for the month of Feb. has been subrnitted to the Govern- ment. It shows that in 753 divisions tuberculosis continues to carry off its many victims, causing 100 deaths more Ulan all the other infectious diseases combined. * * —Another extension will be granted by the Ontario Government on its guarantee to the million dollar "Soo" loan. The loan falls due on the first of April. It was originally two mil- lions, but half was paid off some years ago, and the balance has been extend- ed from time to time. u --It takes a great many foreigners:to be equal to one Canadian in adding to' the wealth of' this country. In pix months' the foreign population of Winnipeg alone sent $181,000 to Eur- ope. And still we are paying thou- sands of dollars to immigration agents to bring a foreign element into this country. Hon. Mr. Fisher has announced that the eastern slope of the Rockies, from the boundary line to its northerly limit is to be made a forest reserve for the' benefit of future generations in the west. It is to be hoped that this is but the beginning of a comprehensive for- estry policy for the whole Dominion, to include not only the setting apart original forest stretches, but the re- forestration of those sections that have been robbed of their virginal growth. The preservation of the forest wealth of the country is a debt we owe to pos- terity. —Dr. Thompson, M, P. for the Yukon, announced last week in the House, his withdrawal of support from the Laurier administration for the following reasons: .1st—The pre- valence of graft under the Govern- ment. 2nd—Improper division of resources of the. West, such as grant- ing of itnmense timber berths to favorites. 3rd—Huge addition to the debt and to the annual expenditure. ith—A bad immigration policy, pay- ing bonuses to immigrants to settle here. Mr. Thompson announced that in future he would support Mr. Bor- den and his platform. R** --Is the immigration of the Domin- ion wisely managed? The Weekly Sun calls attention to it in the follow- ing pointed paragraph :— "We are shutting our doors against the harmless and orderly Chinaman, Jap, and even against the Hindoo, who is our fellow -subject. We are at the same time opening it to Italians and Polish Jews. This is not an in- dustrial or economical question alone ; though even under that aspect at present it is serious enough. It is a question of national character. No national system, certainly not one from which the training of character must in great measure be excluded, can soon overtake the Social need. During the last decade there has been an influx of foreigners, now swollen, or rapidly swelling,, to a .flood. What has been the effect on the amount of crime and disorder? If there has been any increase of drunkenness, may not this in part be its source?" ««* --The Toronto News sees in recent political results, signs that the'electors are not so firmly bound by parties, as in days past. Let it be so ; for in that lies Canada's deliverance and safety. Whenever any political party becomes corr►ipt, or whenever a Government has out lived its usefulness to the body politic, it is well that there are men with backbone enough to cut' their party ties, and help to remove the wrong and establish the right. In this connection, the News remarks "Electors of independent mind are recognizing more clearly' the folly of pinning their faith to political labels. No one can look at the so-called Lib- eral Government of the Dominion without seeing that it is filled with the wreckage of all that the older and truer reform party of Canada held dear. Retribution lies at the door of those who to the cant, add the recant of political principle." .* —To get the book-keeping system of the Marine department at Ottawa re- ntodeled, cost the country about $42,- 000, In the Publ-►e Aeeounts commit- tee, witnesses were examined, and the truth came out. Falconer, the man who had the job, said he charged half- time for the tithe his inen were tr r aver ling to and from the plaee in question. Thus, half a day was charged for every elan on every trip. both ways, be- tween Ottawa and New York. Among the New Yorkers for Whom such charges were made were Richards at $75 per day; Dunn at $75, and Pen- cette a , 50 3e ld s h game t $ s e t is m of the r men boarded at houses where the board east theta from $3;00 to $4.00 a week, but the Government is said to have allowed them from three te, flee dollars a day for board. No Wonder It eost $42,000 to make the ehanga la book-keeping. Do the limiest eleetots of Canada approve Of Emelt reckless ear• podiums of their itnoney i' •-�Bel'e is wheat the Chielago Cana- dian-Aaterlcan has to say regarding Ontario : "Ontario ---now Balled"tl . garden of Canada'"-.-•wss a wilderness airhen Illinois was in her peltas, The other day students from the Ontario. Agricultural College captured the gold medals fur efficiency at a Chicago ex- hibition, lvery week prospectors are digging up fresh evidences of untold wealth in her Mineral districts, The prairies of Manitoba yield erops that stagger statisticians, and she is still only making a beginning. And then. there is what is called "the last West" —vast territories of pregnant soil that will some day enrich ;pillions and fill to overflowing the granaries of the world. Canada offers to -day more than awaited the new Comer in Illinois thirty years ago. She offers to the masses what only a few can secure in these congested states—homes of their own, healthy surroundings in which to raise their families and the prospect of a comfortable old age. .,. « —The Ontario Government's liberal- ity to the cause of education, and its efforts to raise the standing of the public schools in ramal localities are commendable. The Toronto' Star (Liberal) commends this policy of the Whitney Government, and says ;— "The one question to consider was whether the making of provision for this advance should have been left to the several localities or assumed by the province as a whole. Expet•ient,e justifies the fear that local ratepayers would not have risen to the occasion. People will accept with comparative equanimity an addition of $10 to the outlay from a general fund who would raise a small revolution, over an in- crease of one dollar in the amount levied by direct taxation on their own property. It was, therefore, simply a question between increasing the con- tribution from the provincial treasury and allowing the public Schools to lag behind ; and the provincial govern- ment could hardly help assuming a burden the various localities were not ready to accept. A high standard of intelligence is absolutely essential to the. proper working of democratic in- stitutions, and this standard cannot be maintained without an efficient public school system." .4.. —The Postol53ce revenue of Canada continues to increase. Hon. Mr. Fielding in his budget speech called attention to the fact that for nine months the revenue was $5,001,728, and the expenditure $3,979,557,leaving a surplus of $1,082,171. This was most gratifying in view of the fact that the operation of the department up to and including 1902 resulted year after year in deficits. In 1903 there was the small surplus of $292,051, and each year had shown a larger increase, reaching the splendid figures be had given for the nine months of the last fiscal year. It was to be remembered, of course, that this change in post - office administration from a period of deficits to one of surpluses had been coincident with a material reduction in the postal rates and a continual expansion of the department and its work, In the last nine months there had, been an increase in the number of postoffIces of 220, in postal note offices of 355, in money order offices of 115, and in savings banks of 32, to say nothing of the increase in mileage of the mail' service. *r* —The bill for a re -distribution of the Provincial constituencies is now before the Legislature., Fair-minded people, who recognize in Premier Whitney, a courageous leader, will be pleased to note that the Bill is not to be a gerry- mander. The Government has a ma- jority in the Legislature large enough to carve out the constituencies in any way it saw fit. It is therefore to its credit it scorns to do this in the way of a gerrymander. A committee of both sides of the House will arrange• the ridings. Of this committee, the Leader of the Opposition will be a member' This, it seems to us is emin- ently air, nd shows that the Govern- ment does not desire by an unfair ar- rangement of the constituencies to sustain itself in power. It will make a fair redistribution and then trust the people. It is understood that under this bill additional representation will bo given to Toronto, and districts in new Ontario. The present member- ship of the House is 98, and while some constitueneies will be consolidat- ed, there will undoubtedly, be an in- crease in the total membership, on accoatnt partly of the development of New Ontario, and increase in popula- tion of Toronto. ** • —The Provincial Treasurer, Lion. Col. Matheson, presenteda very clear budget speech to the Ontario Legisla- tore, The receipts for the year were $8,320,419, and the expenditure, $7,714,245, leaving a cash surplus of $000,000. In three years, the debt of the,. province has been reduced, $352,000. The revenue has been buoyant, and there has been consider- able increase in expenditure. The Toronto Globe says :—"The province has liabilities on capital account of $14,4184,563, and contingent liabilities Of a considerable total, Which, how., ever, will assuredly never be called Op. Against this there are oaslt assets or other satisfactory securities to the amount of $1,800,333, and Provincial trust funds in the keeping of the Dominion to the amount of $3,800,079. The total liquid assets of Ontario are, therefore, $0,230,402, The Province also owns a railway worth Over $11,500,000, a publicly operated -sliver mine that will produce $100,000 in profits this year, and Forests, Lands and serines generally that will praduce ht dues and royalties $8,00,000, inolud- tug half a ttrilliOrt in arrears or dues front 1007. These figures prove that if Oatarlo at last has a' real debt, she has also wonderful resources, and is one bf the most prosperous of States." ,tow It Really Stanch. Surely the ordinary reader was puzzled as he read the headlines in the daily papers of Wednesday, 18th inst, In the .globe he saw—„'The greatest surplus Canada ever saw," In the Mall -Empire it was—".A deficit of twelve millions." The News told the same story as the !hail: The World announced $12,000,000 444'4 10 the public debt during the last year. It seems a pity that some politicians and the daily papers that support them, will not give the facts so that the common people can understand them, If there leas been such a wonderful surplus as the Globe states, then the Government took that much more from the people in the way of taxa- tion than was really required, Besides, if it is really true that there is, as the Globe says, the "greatest surplus Canada has ever seen," then why not apply this to the reduction of the public debt at once. Instead of that Mr. Fielding, the Finance Minis- ter, announced that $12,000,000 must be at once. added to the debt. Now, dear reader, suppose you are a farmer. Your income' from the farm- yeas. $2,000 ; you spent $1,000. But you borrowed $3,000; this added to your income gave you $5,000, and after you had paid your debts you of course had $1,000 left. Would you boast of your surplus, when in order to obtain it, you had encumbered your farm to the amount of $3,000. That seems to be just what Hon. Mr. Field- ing has done. During the past year, he increased the public debt $12,000,- 000, and then the GIobe boasts of the "greatest surplus that Canada has ever seen." Dear reader, that surplus is a myth, a misnomer. It is a fact, however, that during the Liberal regime, the expenditure has increased from 41 millions to 110 millions in thirteen years. This too in face of the fact that in 1890, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir Richard Cart• weight stated fourteen years ago, that if the Liberals were returned to pow- er, they would reduce the expenditure yearly from two to three million dol- lars. Instead, it has climbed from 41 millions to 110 millions. Worse than all, we gather from the budget speech, that a still larger deft. cit may be expected Next year. Can it be otherwise, when the expenditure is rising yearly by the millions ? Mr. Fielding estimates that the revenue will be less next year, and as the ex- penditure is to be greater (see esti, mates) there must be a huge deficit, or else it must be covered up and hidden away, by increasing the public debt, on which the country must pay in- terest for years to come. It Was once stated on the floor of Parliament, that the Transcontinental railway would not cost the country more than thirteen millions. Last year it cost twenty-six millions, and Mr, Fielding has placed thirty millions more in the estimates for it next year. What is the use of misleading the people? Many in Wingham remem- ber the statement from the Town Hall platform, that the G. T. P. would not cost the country more than sixteen millions. The facts are—$20,000,000 has already been paid, and $30,000,000 more are in the estimates for it, and the end is riot yet. Briefly, the estimates already issued allow for total disbursements of near- ly $120,000,000 ; supplementary esti- mates, railway subsidies, and bounties will bring this up to $135,000,000 or $140,000,000 ; anti, Mr. Fielding does not expect the revenue to exceed --if it reaches—$90,000,000. Any ordinary reader can figure out the shortage for himself, by the simple process of sub- traction. The Toronto News puts the matter concisely in the following three brief paragraphs :— Every dollar of revenue comes out of the pockets of the tax-. payers. When all has been said a heavy surplus means unnecessary, taxa- - tion. .. Under Liberal government taxa- tion seems to have increased 100 per cent, and population probably 25 per cent. WINUHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifuily furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and nursing► -13.50 to 1115.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS KATHRINE STEVENSON, Superintendent, Box 223. Wingham, Ont. Spring Term OPENS APRIL, 1st Canada's Greatest Chain of H igh• Iradp Business Colleges, located at riVrat lonou(p/ ;�#Wp�TNfItrAat ip 0 fi4Nl3 Y"114iv tlppi !{lett Oft � follows thetustont of business concerns and takes no vacation, Stenographers, Book • keepers and Telegraphers aro in great demand in July, August, 13epterubor and October, We train more roltng people than any Otho 'managAnant in ()Marie,rie . There must bo a rowan 1 write for it. MAIL, CounSES. BUSINESS�yCOLLEGE A. A. ftnaatt, lf,A, Ph.D., Vioc.Prinolpsl dee. Srorrrort, Prissiest. Mrattsraislrlrlsil 11 1 1 Canadian faire Restorer Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stops falling hair, causes to grave ea bald heads,. Cures palate) it', itching, scalp diseases. By its pso thin hair grows luxuriantly. Contains leo pity or greasy ingredients, Is entirely unlike any other hale prepare• tion over offered for sale. ; A good, reliable. Canadian preparation, nisQlteitcd. Testimonials,. Edith A. Burke, Missionary IL M. Church,. Akhhnhu. Lgyf>t, and tricnds, greatly pleased with results actor two years' using. L. A. Hopes, Wilner, Montana, My hair and whiskers restored to natural color, dart: brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer, M. Omni, Burgessville, Ont, Canadian Hair Restorer is the best T have ever used, John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton. Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders. My hoed is neatly all covered with thick growth black hair, original color. Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. Mailed to any address in the civilized world on receipt of price, 600. Manufactured by THE WERWJ(N CO,, Windsor, Ont., Canada, Bold in Wingham by—J, Walton McKibben, A. L. Hamilton, F. H. Walley, Druggists. W. J. PRICE L.D.S., D.D.S, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto and Licentiate of !Loyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OFFICE IN J3SATER BLOCS — WIN•onAnt RTIIUR J. IRWIN •• D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —Office in Macdonald Block -- Miss Elizabeth E. Grant Teacher of Piano, Theory, Interpreta- tion, Harmony. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams. Studio in Macdonald Block — 2nd Floor. Terms on application. CANADIAM ROME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets the first Friday in each month, in the Chisholm Hall, at 8 p. in. Candi- dates for cheap, reliable insurance are solicited. Ask to see our rates from any of the officers. Ladies' risks accepted at the same rate as men. RNv. T. 8, BOYLE G. H. roOrMAN Leader Rec. Secretary W. J. W1Lrs - FIn. Secretary SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL 1sT ��CEN�T�RAALL wl1G����c'i'e./ STRATFORD. ONT. Thoroughness is the key -note of this institution. Our school stands for what is HlOHBST and REST in business education. We have three departments —Commercial,' Shorthand and Telegra- phic. Our graduates always succeed. If interested, get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT &. MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS i l 1 1 no. Kerr WINO l -JAM, ONTARIO. ..•+►••••+H• ++►• •o4• roe 144'0.0..4+04441,44“440i. You're. Invited To The Spring Bargain n Feast in. House Furnishings At This Store You'll Soon . Be l-ousecleanin . What about a New Carpet ? We are having a Special Clearing Sale of Carpets. $1,20 all -wool Carpet for. , , .00o 750 Union Carpet for 500 1,10 " 4 " ....88o G5o " " ", 490 1,00 " " 11 • , .75o boo " . " " ..... 880 .80 " " " ....60o 40o ," ." " 80o 350 Union Carpet for 20o, and 85c for 20e, All Carpets and Carpet Squares at Clearing Sale Prices. NEW GROCERIES. 10 Cases more Tomatoes, to sell at 10e Another lot of Package Dates just in—Reg. 100 pkg., Ge -5c pkg.., 30 Fine, large fresh new Prunes—very best .on the market ; per lb... , 15c. Package Layer Figs, 3 for..25o. Cooking; rigs, large No, 1, 6 lbs, , 25o Try Kerr's Baking Posyder, quality guaranteed -2 oue-lb. tins for25c MORE NEW DRY GOODS. New Canadian & English Prints—Neto' Toweling, all kinds —New Wrapperettes and Flannelettes—New Gingham8 and Shirtings—New Persian and India Linen Lawns—New Floor and Table Oil Cloth—New Collars, felts and Fr•illiogs—New Gloves, Silk and Lisle Thread—New Apron Prints and Ging- hams—New Silk and Muslin Shirt Waists. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Curtain Poles, Oak and Mahogany finish, complete with brackets, ends and rings. Price, each 25c to 30c Brass Extension Rods, complete. Price, each lfic to GOc White Enamel Poles, complete 15c Roller Window Shades—we carry a very large stock of the newest styles in Window Shades. Prices np to .,.$1,00 Chenille and Damask Cnrtains—a splendid variety. We can supply you with new Rollers, best spring, also new Window Shade Linen by the yard. All Readyto=Wear Clothing Must Go Now. Men's and Boys' Suits and Pants. Men's and Boys' Overcoats. Women's and Misses' Coate. Men's and Women's Rain Coats. All MUST go regardless of cost. Also Men's and Boys' Winter Caps, and Men's and Boys' Felt Hats. 1 4 • MONTNLY STYLE BOOK FREE Leave your order early for the April Ladies' Home Journal. It will be here in good time. Monthly Style Books will be sent to any address free. Leave your- name and address. NEW PATTERNS EVERY WEEK. d4Llr,u,PIA li ids,,Im.Stl1St104'i-114.ual:In.i-, .t15IIii.1,,, OOMIflION BANK.H BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital (paid up) - $3,848,000 Reserve (na pr ga' - $5,068,000 Total Assets, over $48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed. on deposits of 11.00 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly. D. T. REPBUIUI, Manager R. Vanetone, Solicitor Protection and Safe IaQestment Ajit Pn INnp• iN The Endowment Policies • The Dominion Life A sound, well managed Canadian Life ,Assurance Company. Average rate of Interest earned in 1000-- 6.73 PER CENT. WALTER T. HALL Local Agent Winghant. ....44444.444.4,44.4... .4.444 • You Make Mistake 11 yon buy a Piano with. out seeing our stook, comparing ptirorices andquality of tithiptl}{� A intpstruiuaocomenntnt . All the beat • Makes airways in stack .. Ifointaman, Newcombe, Dominion, and others. Alio Organs, and the very best Sewing Machined. � it Bell stand --Opp, S sting stink •••••••••••4wt • 1 ...,.. -r ,...+v.. .....i..u.i...1..ann::uv:aa..,.noe.uaails. milli. !dui ••••r.. 703 1908 We have all kinds of Grain in stock for seed— the purest strain of Manchuria Barley—Goose Wheat for teed—Seed Peas --Silver Hull and Black Buck- wheat for seeding—Millet—Hungarian Red Clover— Alsike—Mammoth Lucerne and Tiniothy—all govern- ment standard—White Clover—Evergreen Lawn Grass —Kentucky Blue Grass—Meadow Fescue—Red Top --Orchard Grass—Italian Rye Grass --Fall Oat Grass and Essex Sowing Rape --Flax for seed, pure ground flax --ground Oil Cake—National Molasses Stock Food —Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves, to take the place of the cream taken out by the Separators. SEED CORN. This is going to be a, hard yeas.' to get good Seed Corn but I have secured a quantity of Early Learning, Bailey, White Cap Dent, of the best germinating quali- ties, also Compton's Early, Saber's North Dakota. Cali and get your corn early as you can keep a bag better than we can a hundred, as corn heats in a pile, and you can test it before planting.. JUST ARRIVED. A carload of Stock Feed, composed of Wheat, Corn, Oats and barley, also Shorts, Bran and Flour. Before ordering your Seeds for this Spring, you are respectfully invited to call and inspect dile stock. T. A. ffls WI ' HA.M 1