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The Wingham Advance, 1908-03-19, Page 8
8 " CURED TO STAN" Te the tuzivereel testimony. for South American Nervine, and whet It did for Metra, Armstrong It will do for any woman living. "For one who has suffered as I have ter aver six years from nervous pros- tration, and having spent nearly all I possessed in doctor bills without any permanent relict you can imagine what a Geo -sent blessing 1 feel South .American Nervine hasbeen to me. The first few doses gave me great relief. It took six bottles in all to cure else, but 1 feel I am cure to stay cured."^ Mfrs, Geo, Armstrong, Orillia, Ont, (21 For Sale by A. L, HAntrLvorl. .nrINIZSrwry Spring Term OPENS APRIL 1st Canada's Greatest Chain of High- Grade Business Colleges, located at TIDTERnottOL'Oti Wrwau Aft CLINTON WALKER/VW .ORANGEVII.LEv GgniiSIOfi tollowt the custom of business concerns and takes no vacation. Stenographers, Book - keepers and Telegraphers aro in great demand in July, August, September and October. We train more young people than any other management in Ontario, There must be a reason ; write for it• s MAIL COURSES. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A. HimInn, M.A., Ph,D., Vice -Principal GED. SPOTTON, Principal. ONE WAY Colonist Excursions TO THE WEST Commencing Feb'y. 29th and continuing daily until April 29, 1908, to following points :— VANCOUVER, B.0 IS, 47.75 SPOKANE, Wash SEATTL,T4. Waxh PORTLAND, Ore.... . SAN FRANCISCO, Cal...)I $47.80 LOS ANGELES, Cal MEXICO CITY S47.80 Tickets also sold to other cer- tain points in proportion. For tickets and full information, call on W. HENRY, Town Agent, or write J. • D. McDonald District Passenger Agent, Toronto. if You're looking for Dishes, Dome to where you'll get both CHOICE AND PRICE RIGHT There's a few lots taking up room here, and while they last they go at White and gold Cups and San- cers, per dozen 80o White and gold Plates, from, per _dozen 50c White and gold Nappies, per dozen 30o . Also At Same Price : The old Willow Pa"ern—Peacock Green, etc. Don't Forget to Drink Christie's TEAS & COFFEES. They're just right. J. Henry Christie • Talk About Your annual sales,, clearing sales, slaughter Sales, going - out -of -business sales, stock - reduction sales, and your stock -taking bales, but we can meet them all. .lust a few quotations t .. Tomatoes, per can, 100 8 cans Corn for 2So 8 cans Pees for ,..,......,, 25o 8 cans Pumpkin for . , 25o 8 cant Wag Beans for 25o 6 bare Sttnlight Soap for..., 25o 20-1b. pails Goldenette Pero Cane Syrup ..... ....,.,1.00 10-1b. pails Goldenette Pure Cane Sy: np .. 50o And everything else aocerdingly. Quality second to none, W. Bone dolt 118 iipliosite New Bank of Commerce WINGIli#A143; Whitechtiirch., Robt, lleutlersou announces an nue- tion sale of his farm stock, on Sitters day, March 28, on lots :u ,11, "boundary_ line, Hi -aloes, near this village. Mr, Fred. Champion, Who was so ill that his life was despaired of, is now able to sit up. Ilis many friends are very pleased to hear of his recovery. Miss Mabel Morrisonis laid up with a very severe attack of mumps, and Mrs, Morrison is lain up with la grippe. Airs. Winfield is, also laid up with la grippe, Young Win, Champion, son of Fred. Champion, had the misfurtune to inflict an ugly gash in his leg theother day with tin axe,, which will lay hini up for some time. Mrs, Jos. Nixon, sister of �I 1, Fred, Champion, got so run down waiting on her brother that she came very L but nearly contracting pneumonia, nrF i o , b the trouble has been checked before it reached that stage, She is now doing Inicely. Mr. T. Henderson is able to be . around again after his illness, also is ' J, T. Holmes, whowas laidup with the mumps. This is the most popular disease in Whitechurch at present. You simply ails t in it, if you haven't the mumps. Mr. Henry Patterson, who .early in the winter, had the misfortune to get one leg broken while trying to control his teiun at Lucknow station, and was just able to get around nicely, had the . misfortune to get his other leg broken - on Tuesday, by the kick of a steer. Mr. Jos. Nixon purchased a horse at W. G. Welwood's sale and took it home. In a eouple of days after on - going into the stable he found his horse with its leg broken, On examination it was found that he had to be shot. This is a dead loss to Mr. Nixon. One of those social upheavals popularly known around White- church as an "earthquake" is expect- ed to take place a short distance west of Whitechurch on Wednesday, Mar, _ 25th. Watch your seismograph close- ly on that date, for this is going to be a very unusual quake. • THE. WINGIJAJ.1"L ADVANCE, THURSDAY,. ARC RIuevale, Miss Irene MoBwen le recovering from tt serious illness, W. II, Eraser has been doing duty at Femme' Institute meetings. Miss. Nettie McNaughton, who has been very ill, is now convalescent. Jack eardiuer, who hes been vieit- ing his parents, has returned to 4e - true, formerly known as Rat Portage. Doff & Stewart have quite a number of loge in their mill•yard, considering the scarcity of timber, and the condi- tion of the roads. We are pleased, to report Rev. Geo. Baker has so far recovered as to be able to take his evening appointment at Johnston's. on Sunday evening. 44 Uncle" alltle s- �Ve are glad to see Uac Ter eph Leeh back again to his old hone village. He has been spending, the vwetrittoenr. with Rev,E. T. Oaten k Mil- What snow blockades can't do in hamperiug a. ooininunity, la grippe is quite able to accomplish. Between the two, they can discoinbobberate anything, from a prayer -meeting to the commerce of a railway. Toronto Saturday Night has the picture of the first, spring robin, that made the mistake of corning too early. He is clothed in 'a garment down to his feet, and looks• decidedly icy and uncomfortable. The picture is from a drawing by Clayton Duff of this village. Belmore. Mr. Win. Baker lost a very valuable horse last week. Mr. R. Bryans was visiting friends in Corrie over Sunday. Miss Lottie Kirby is visiting friends in Mildmay and Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Lemonby of Wingham were visiting friends in town last week. - Mrs. .W. J. Ohittick, who has been visiting friends in Harriston, has. returned home. Have A Good Complexion. First of all you need plenty of blood =the red kind. Have it pure, er otherwise blotches and pimples will render your natural charms unavail- ing. Nothing can equal Ferrozone, either as a former of rich red blood' or a skin purifier. By driving out • humors, Ferrozone cleanses inside just as water does outside. Because of the nourishment and the building pro- perties it contains, Ferrozone brings rhe system to a high point of vigor, from which shines vim, ambition and good spirits. For good spirits, good looks, good health, take Ferrozone. Sold at all dealers in 50c boxes. Others have found Watson -Foster wall papers to be best. You see them. Saunders' book store. Salem. Mr, Alex. Ross has 125 trees tapped and made the first syrup this Week. Mr. Peter McDougall is drawing wood to Wingham, when the roads are passable. By all appearances, Leap year must certainly have taken effect on the 6th of Turnberry. . Mr. and Mrs. McBurney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Breen on Friday afternoon last. Mr. Gavin Wilson has taken posses- sion of bis farm here ; we wish him success in his new home. Mr.and Mrs.- and David Halliday Stanley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross on Saturday. We are sorry to say Mr. John Wylie has not been feeling well lately ; we hope he will soon be in good health again. , Mr. John Fyfe and family have moved to Wingham, where they in- tend staying some months before go- ing West. Mr. and Mrs. Bush entertained a number of their friends on Monday evening; a most enjoyable time was pronounced. Maple syrup making will now be the' order of the day. The bright warm days and frosty nights will make the sap run well. Rumor has it that Mr. James Wray, will build an addition to his house in the spring. He will then have a good substantial residence. Miss Aleatha Srnith had a birthday party on Saturday. All her school companions were present; they report having had a very pleasant afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bolt, sen., made a fly- ing visit to Wingham on Thursday last ; we are pleased to see them able to be out again, after their recent ill- ness. There was quite a large turnout at the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on Tuesday afternoon, showing the es- teem the deceased lady bad been held in by her many friends, On Tuesday of last week, a.. Mr. Smith was drawing a load of wood to Wingham, his team not being sharp - shod, got stuck on the C.P.R. cross- ing. Had it not been for the sharp lookout of the engineer, a serious acci- dent would have no doubt been the re- sult. TELLS HOW TO MIX IT. A well-known authority on Rhetia matism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless pre- scription, which any one can easily prepare at home. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; (:ompond Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and take a teaspoonful afters, each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip- tion pharmacy at small cost, and, be- fog of vegetable extraction, are harm- less to take, This pleasant mixture, if taken reg- ularly for a 'few days, is said to over cotyle almost anyease of Rhettinat]sm The pain and swelling, if any, ctitnin- ishes with each dose, until permanent 'results are obtained, and without in= juring the stomach, While there are malty so-ealled ttheuniatisni remedies, patent medicines, etc. Some of which (10 give relief, few really ive porno. tient results, and the above vrill, no doubt, be greatly a preeiated by many sufferers here at this time, .Inquiry at the drug stores of tette neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are harnrlese and can be bought separately, or the drngg]ats hero will 'mix the prescription for our readers 1! asked to, .,1.,,.r.. r.:ee'.t Mr. W. J. McGrogan has a new clerk on. He has been doing a rush- ing business lately. Miss Mabel Edwards of Gorrie has been visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Edwards this last week. Miss Mary Jane King of White- church has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. McGrogan for the last week`; The sympathy of this community is n • exte dedto Mr. Jno. Marshall, 11 a , who is very ill at present. "We hope to see a speedy recovery. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Barber's Itch, and every form of con- tagious Itch on Firman or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sani- tary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 1 Jamestown. Mr. Richard Miller sold a young horse last week at a good figure. It pays to raise the right kind. Mr. Samuel Burke is suffering from blood -poisoning in his hand; we trust he will soon be all right again. Mr. Thos. Strachan officiated Sun- day night in the absence of Mr.` Mason, who was hindered by the bad roads. , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hoover, con. 9, Grey, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Pollock last Saturday. Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Pollock are cousins. A good many are drawing hay and straw before the roads break up, as feed is scarce with some. An early spring would be welcomed by a good many. A public debate will be held on Thursday, March 19th, in the aHali here. Topic—"Resolved that the East has been benefitted by ythe opening up of the West." The affirmative will be upheld by Jas. Simpson and. Miss Marjory Strachan ; the negative by Leonard Ruttan and Miss Maggie Snell. A musical program will be furnished. Blyth. Mr. Jos. Stalker is confined to his home with an attack of Ia grippe. Mr. Cuilins, Y. M. C. A. Secretary, addressed a meeting in the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening. Messrs. John Wilford, R. McCom- mins and G. Robinson attended the Grand Orange Lodge in Mount Forest last week. . Mr. Thos. Jones has started in the butchering trade again and will occupy the vacant shop one door west of the egg emporium. , Mr. Stackhouse of Westfield has moved bis fancily into town, and is comfortably settled in their new home on Drummond St. At the Press Association held in Toronto last week, our former towns- man Mr. A. E. Bradwin, was elected to the Executive committee of the Association. At the spring session of the High Court of Justice held in Goderich last week, Mrs. Jos. Tainan (formerly. of Blyth) was awarded judgment. for $050 against the Empire Accident & Surety Co., in which company her husband held a policy. Morris. Township Council on Monday, 30th inst. This week Daniel McCallum and family moved to their newly acquired farnr property on the Oth of Morrie, near Walton. The 100 -acre -farm: of Wm. Robb, SI lot 23, con. 6, has beet purchased by Sag: Maxwell, Brussels, for the sum of $4,000, Possession will be given on April 10th. Mr, Robb has resided on the farm for the past 16 years. Walter "3i'uill has purchased the 110 - acre faun on the north gravel road, known as the Fralick property, from Adam. Reid, of Langdon, North Dakota, formerly of Brussels, Wm. Riley has been the tenant for several years, The price is said to be $2,850. Possession will be given on April 1st, This will give Mr, Yut11.210 acres. w LgCzi.Istt S ��Avrx�r hI I�rtT removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sere or swollen throat, con hs, 010. Save $I50 by use of one bete. Warranted the most der - till Blenijsh nitre ever known, Sold by A. L. ani -titan, Grey, Tuesday of this, week Walter Mc- Kay, Oth con„ left for the \Vest, accompanying a car of settlers' effects.. Mrs, J. B, White, who has been i11 with nervous trouble, is somewhat in►proved we are glad to say, and we. hope the irnproveinent continues, The Irish social under the auspices of Roe's ohoir and league, took place on Tuesday of this week, A good Irish programme was given,causing many a good laugh. Miss Iiannah Grainger purposes leaving for Manitoba shortly, where she will make her home with her- brothers, who are extensive far- mers in theprah Tie' province. We are sorry to hear that, , Wm. Satlldon, Sandusky, Mich., formerly of this township, isin the Detroit Hospital where be underwent an operation on one of his limbs, The auction sale of farm stock, be- longing to Elijah Jacklio took place on Tuesday of this week. Mr,.Tack- lin has rented his farm to his sons and is now going to live a retired life, The 100 -acre -farm of Walter Pen- nington, 13th con., has been sold to John Stevenson, of the sante line, for the stun of $4,000, the ,purchaser to get possession of the land at once, Samuel Burke is hawing quite a hard time with blood -poisoning in his right hand and arm. The left, hand was attacked first. It is four weeks since he was first off duty, but we hope he will soon be all right. The funeral of the late Alex. Robert- son took place on Thursday last to Molesworth cemetery. The many friends of the bereaved family extend their deepest sympathy to -them, in this their hour of trial; Rev. Wallace Johnston and sister, Miss Tena, of Fordwich, called on friends on the 2nd con, on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Johnston left on Sat- urday for Alberta, where he will again take up his work among the Indians. Wroxeter, Miss Bessie O. Lovell: of Wingbam. was hone over Sunday, Mr. A. W. Morrison left for Dun- gannon on Saturday last. Dr, J,. P, Mitchell returned from Toroeto on Saturday last. Messrs.. A. II, Rae and U. Smith returned from Toronto on Friday last. Miss:, Perrin., Detroit, Midi., ie the guest of her brother, Rev. L. Perrin, • B.A., this week. Mrs. Russell and Miss- Jennie Russell were visitors in Foi'dwich for a few days last week. - Miss Lulu Rutherford of Brussels rt spent t Sand y with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. V` .A.. Rutherford. Mr. Geo. Simpson arrived on Friday to take charge of the new store he is opening in N. J. Robinson's old stand. Mr, Oswin Smith. of Radisson, Sask., who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. t Oliver Smith of town, returned )ionic on Tuesday. Medical Science Advancing Fast. Formerly doctors prescribed stom- ach treatment for catarrh and bron- chitis. They seldom cure and catarrh has become a national disease. To- day the advanced physician fights Ca- tarrh by medicated air. He fills the lungs, nose and throat with the anti- septic vapor of Catarrhozone. Cure then is certain. Easy for Catarrho- zone to cure. It contains the essences of pure pine balsams, reaches all the germs and destroys the disease. Every case of Catarrh, Bronchitis, and sore Throat can be cured by Catarrho- zone. 25c and $1 sizes, Sold every- where. Get it to -day. Newick. Mr. Jos. Hainstock has rented Mrs. Young's 'farm on the Oth con. for a term of. years. The Assessor is doing his work lay- ing the foundation for the Collectors. to do theirs later on. Some people don't welcome either of these gents, as cordially as they night. Mr. Geo. Bowes of the 12th con. has rented his farm to Wm. Stewart and will have an auction sale some time this month. Mr. Chas. Caudle is also about rentiug his farm and purposes moving to Gorrio. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, who have been spending the winter with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hood of the 12th con., returned to their home in Dakota last week. Miss A. Herod accompanied them home. • Howick's treasury is this year re- plenished by $331.20, received lately from the Ontario Government, as our share of the railway tax. This is bet- ter than none, but still railways do not bear their share of taxation, on a par with the, farther; 'not by any means. ,1, Lakelet. Sand has been drawn for the improvements in our academy of learning. Wi. Hubbard will improve his domicile this summer, and is, prepar- ing material. Alex. Ole g's sale went off nicely. G. W. Walker wielded the hammer, and got good prices. Miss Bushfleld attended the millin- ery openings in Toronto, and we expect to see our young ladies come out with handsome head -gear. Poles are being gotten out for the telephone line between Lakelet and Clifford. Oh no, you can't keep Lake - let back ; we must be in the front. Fordyce: Ono of our sports shot two coons last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Webster -and Dorothy visited at Auburn on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bell visited friends at Teeswater lately. • Mr. S. Thomson passes through here hauling brick for his new residence. Taffy parties are the order of the day and seem to be enjoyed among the young. A number of robins were seen in the neighborhood. They are welcomed back again. A LONG LIFE. flow to Conserve Energy and Prolong Life. The time cornea 'to every one when the life forces begin to fail. It is tL little harder to climb a hill or walk _up stairs, Exercise is taken less vig- 1 orously or abandoned, and we feel that the end of active service is draw- ing near. It is more than probable that we have been overdriving the machine of the body Which will give out like any machine if overtaxed, and we . should immediately take steps to change the gear, build up the strep th and restore the life forces. To this end nothing equals cur delicious cod. liver and iron preparation, Vinol, which is far superior to all other tonics and cod liver preparations be- cause it is Made by a scientific, ex- tractive, concentrating process from fresh cods' livers, cornbin%nggwith peptonate of iron all the medicinal, healing, body-building elements of cod. "liver oil but no trip. As a` body builder and strength creator for old people, delicate chil- dren, weak, run-down persons, after alokness, and for chronic Coughs,, colds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, Vinol is nneYtcellett Trur moneytiffs faiis,offer. Walton Mol i ben, ruggist, Wingliens, Ont. St. Helens. Mr. William Todd has returned to Cargill. The roads are not in a very good condition now, Mrs. James Aitchison is home from a visit to Durham. Miss Mina Rutherford spent -Sunday - at the home of her parents, Mrs. R. K. Miller is home from visiting friends at Goderich. Miss Annie McKay- is visiting her friend, Miss Marian McPherson. Miss Mary Murray bas been staying at Mrs. R. K. Miller's during her ab- sence. YOUR I'AITH WANTED FOR 20 MINUTES. We will positively cure you of ner- vousness, sleeplessness, indigestion and heart disease if you will only have sumelent faith to take one dose of Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure. The benefit you can derive from l'ts use will surprise and delight you. This remedy is the greatest agent that medical science has discovered for weak hearts, weak blood, weak nerves. A few doses will positively convince you. To believe in this instance means health to you. It will relieve every term of heart dis- ease in 30 minutes. It strengthens the nerves byfeeding them through the heart. (22) Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures Eczema, 35 cants. For Sale by A. L. HAMILTON, Notice To Contractors. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 20th of March, 1908, for the erection of a new School Building in S. S. No. 7, East Wawauosh, six miles froin Belgrave. Material in old building to be used in new one. Plans and specifications can be obtained from the undersigned. The lowest or•any tender not neces- sarily accepted. WM. ROBINSON, Marnoch P. 0. len Royal Grocery To Please You Is our principal Object. The better you are satisfied with our goods, the oftener you will come and bring your friends with you. One trial of our TEA. and COFFEE will convince you that we handle the best in the market. . Also a full line of fresh Groceries. Produce Wanted • —PHONE 54— A. J. MALCOLM Successor to O. N. Griffin L RITCHIE & COSENS Insurance and Real Estate Telephone No. 123 Changes in Insurance properly made Handle the beat Companies Investments made ,Equitable insurance rates Attend promptly to business Neglect no details Devote our time to our own business Correspondence solicited Our aim—everybody satisfied Schedules arranged for tnannf'g. risks ]yilperienoe of over twenty years No ixnsettled claims in that time See us before you do business We can make it pay you to do so Information freely given Noss is the time to insure Give us a call tTonest dealing with buyer and seller A lot of 190$ Calendars; call -for one Memo books and blotters given away g Office 1st stairway south Bk. Hamilton Now list of properties—right price's The time to invest is NOW All baseness confidential Real Estate in %ingham is all right 'bantam* is a necessity Ov*n your own home. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND iINSURANCE. WINGHAM ihfi86Ilmpk wOaHaaU ltoni the t 19, 1908, se The Little Eaton The Bear Is R, eat What Does This Mean ? r4-- SPRING ••♦••••••••♦♦NN♦••♦♦♦•o••♦•••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦oo,►*♦♦♦♦e♦o♦o♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*o® The Little Baton Is also out forour Sri chucked full Y Spring Business, of the newest, smartest and best values to be obtained for money in each and every department. •e are large Buyers — we get better Prices in g quantities—therefore our Customers get the Benefits thus we save you Money. Try us for your Spring Purchases. We ;I will try our utmost to give • you for every dollar invested. entire satisfaction ♦♦ 00000 l00OOCdoE3flaCk300000000000000000000 n oaamiiii.166G600©©©f306 G0OO:k30o00:'20 •• I 1 Dress Fabrics Por Ladies' Wear, One Dress for each customer, sold only in Dress ends, is a special feature which makes it possible for you to get an exclusive cloth of your own—tbiuk ,it over. We are authority on styles, shades and cloths because we keep up to the minute with New York news. When you want it new, try The Little Eaton Dress Goods Department. Corsets. Belts, Collars and Lace Etons• We show a raft of the above just out from New York, Toronto and Montreal. Come in, look them over. Not the ordinary out. Corsets with smart points which are made especially to beautify a lady's figure. Get wise. Where ? At The Little Eaton. Kid. Gloves. LONG, in all shades. MEDIUM, black and white. _ SHORT, all colors, all guaranteed; if anything goes . wrong, you get a new pair at once. Agents for - P.ERRINS'. Celebrated French Gloves, 1000 Pairs Of Swell Lace Curtains. Tho top is certainly our place when it .comes to this lino. 60 patterns, ranging from 250 to $$7.50 per pair. Wall Paper. Our fresh new stock will refresh the mind and please the eye. 98 patterns, ranging from So to 850. Wo do this line at Wholesale Pease. Great values and varieties. Suitings For Men, Our Social Order Department is again ver active. We want yon to give us your Spring Suit order. Suit ends in Worsteds, fancy and plain. Tho cut is 50% of your Suit. The Little Eaton shoulder and collar will make you stop. Spring Shirts, We control the famous CRESCENT MANUFAC- TURERS' goods in Wingham. 60 dozen Shirts of the new cloths, in stylish colors and styles. Every shirt guaranteed to wash without fading and Tnxr FIT. Headgear For Men. The world-renowned Christy Hat is another strong addition to The Little Eaton furnishing stook. For wear, style and smartness, Christy has them all trimmed. Ready To Put On Clothing. Here we mean just what we say and are proud of this department because our Fit is where we shine. Cloths, patterns, etc.. is a secondary consideration. Special attention paid to your particular build. We have Snits made in proportion and to suit your shape. The largest stook of Raincoats, in plains and faneys, ever shown in town. Our odd tailored Trousers, ready to put on. Well, yon'll buy them if you see them. They're swell. Carpets. Tapestry, Velvet, Rugs and Squares. Standard sizes, made free of charge to special sizes. New de- signs, swell . shades,, harmonizing effects. When in need, we can help some. Come in and bring your friends to see our store. FARMERS, we want anything you've got and we'll pay you well for it. • 'ou're the salt of Wingham. De ye mind. ♦t♦A♦*NNN** ******♦N**♦♦N*****♦♦♦♦**♦♦*♦ *♦♦t►b**♦♦♦♦*♦*1tM*4*** ►♦♦ HANNA :ROS: Wingham, Ont. O • ees 6 e mq o4, ea4� co. tt 4p 4� ♦, 0, e@ 4,4 4,0 5.